I’m sitting in the park, on a bench, wondering where Jackson and I are going to sleep tonight. It’s been a week since we’ve ran away from the foster home, and I don’t plan on getting caught and getting sent back. Our foster parents aren’t good people, they just put up with us for the check they get at the first of the month. They drink it all up within the first couple of weeks though, making our lives a living hell.
I see Jacks come walking through the park and I take a second to look at the boy that I’ve become so close with these past few years. He’s taller than me by a few inches, his dark brown hair is constantly getting in his eyes, and his muscular body only adds to my appeal.
He has his arms inside his jacket, probably hiding the food he went and stole from the local grocery store or gas station.
“Oh god” I say running up to him giving him a hug. “I thought something happened, what took so long?”
He hands me a bag of chips and a bottle of water before sitting down on the bench taking another bottle of water, chips, and a couple of candy bars out of his jacket.
“Ran into a little mishap, but everything went fine.” He said smiling at me.
He looks so grown now that I can’t help but stare. We are both only 17 but growing up like we did can make you seem older than you really are.
“What?” He asks grinning at me.
I blush and turn away opening my bag of chips, stuffing some into my mouth. He does the same and we sit in silence as we eat.
Once we are finished we throw our trash in the trashcan beside the bench and start walking towards town.
“Where are we going?” I ask curiously having to jog to catch up to him.
He grabs my hand in his and I blush at the sudden contact.
“I have a job to do tonight so you are going to be staying with a friend I met.” He said a worried expression on his face.
I stopped walking making him turn and face me, “Whats wrong Jacks?” I peer up at him. I know there is something wrong because he never makes me stay with someone if he has a job to do which is every couple of days. Whenever I ask him what kind of job he does, he evades the question.
He cups my hand in his face, “Nothing is wrong baby.” He uses my nickname making me blush. We are not a couple, but we act like it anyway, only we don’t kiss or do other intimate things.
“You promise?” I ask him giving him my pinkie, another ritual that we do every so often. When the pinkie is involved we always keep our promises to each other, no matter what. He hesitates but then encircles his pinkie with mine.
“Promise.” He repeats putting his forehead against mine closing his eyes with a sigh, “I will always take care of you Jules.”
I nod my head against his. Then he straightens back up, grabs my hand and once again we are walking towards town again.
“How far away are we?” I whine. I know I sound like a baby but we had been walking for about an hour and my feet were screaming at me.
Jacks suddenly came to a stop making me bump into him.
“Sorry.” I say rubbing my nose.
“We’re here.” He says and walks towards a rundown house that looks as if it will collapse any second.
We walk up to the porch and Jacks knocks. A few seconds later a middle aged man appears and opens the door to let us in.
“Jackson.” The man nods and leads us into the living room motioning us to take a seat. “I didn’t think you were going to show.”
I’m feeling very nervous, especially since the man keeps glancing over at me. I can tell he likes what he sees making my heart gallop frantically.
“The package is over on the kitchen table.” The man says and Jackson nods and leaves me to go get it.
“Have a seat.” The man says looking at me. As I sit I can feel the man looking me over.
Jackson appears with a package in his hands, “Come on Julia, let’s go.”
“Hold up.” The man says standing up quickly making me flinch. “I need a little insurance here, the girl stays until you get back from delivering the package.”
I tense up and I look at Jackson. He is shaking his head and I let out a breath of air, “She goes with me.”
The man looks disappointed but quickly moves onto his next scheme, “If the girl doesn’t stay then you don’t get the package and you don’t get paid. The girl will not be harmed…” He pauses thinking, “Unless of course you don’t come back with what’s rightfully mine, then I will keep whats yours.”
I feel Jackson tense, “Then keep your package.” He says through his teeth laying the package on the floor, “Come one Jules.” He pulls me towards the front door.
“50,000 dollars.” The man says making us come to a sudden halt.
50,000 dollars just to deliver a package? What the hell was in that package anyways. Jacks looks at me and shakes his head and continues to pull me out the door.
“Jacks, that’s a lot of money, think of what we could do. No more sleeping outside in the park, or stealing from the store just to eat.” I plead with him. How long could it take to deliver a package anyways?
“I can’t risk you Jules, I won’t” He shakes his head.
I put my hands on either side of his face, “I’ll be fine, we need this. Please?” I beg.
I see the turmoil in his eyes, he wondering what the right decision is.
“Just hurry and deliver the package and we’ll be set.” I plead again.
Even though I’m scared of the man in the living room, this is just too much to pass up.
“I’ll only do it if you want me to, I don’t mind stealing from the stores and sleeping in the park, as long as I’m with you Jules.” He pulls me into his embrace and I hug him tightly.
“Just hurry and get back.” I tell say, pulling away from him and go back into the living room to take a seat on the couch.
Jacks picks up the package and turns to the man, “I’ll be back, if you so much as lay a hand on her, I’ll kill you.” He says his voice menacing.
The man only smiles, as if he is amused, “You have my word, the girl will not be harmed as long as you come back with what’s rightfully mine.”
I didn’t understand why the man kept saying that but before I could think about the double meaning in his words Jackson turned back to me and gave me a light kiss on the lips.
“I’ll be back.” He says and quickly turns and walks out the door.
What he doesn’t know, is that was my first kiss. What I found out, was that he didn’t come back.
Chapter 2
I was screaming, “Mason! Mace!” They were taking my brother away and I didn’t know why. I didn’t know a lot of things and all I could do was sit there and cry as they took my brother away. I was 10 years old and Mace was 13 when our parents died. Well it was more my mom died and his dad died, since we were step siblings, but I still didn’t understand at the time why they were taking Mace away and separating us. I later found out that our parents had died in a car accident. I was put into a foster home on the outskirts of Kansas. I never knew what happened to Mace or where he ended up, but I always thought about him.
I was laying in bed at my foster home deeply asleep when the sound of a door opening woke me. I lay very still pretending to be asleep hoping he would go away. I knew who it was without having to turn around to see for myself. My foster dad walked over to the bed, I could hear his heavy breathing as he brought his face close to mine. I could smell his putrid breath as he came closer. His hand snaked up and ripped the covers off of me causing me to scream.
I awoke with a start rubbing my eyes, thank god it was just a dream. I looked around the room and noticed that I was in the living room where Jacks had left me. I glanced at the clock and my heart plummeted when I noticed that it had been over two hours. Where was Jacks? Was he already here, waiting for me to wake up?
“Well looky who’s awake?” A voice boomed and I jumped startled to see the man who had given Jacks the package to deliver.
“Where’s Jacks?” I asked warily.
The man laughed, “Well I would like to know the same thing, since it’s in your best interest that he comes back.”
I shook my head, “Something must have happened to him.”
“You know what I think?” He asked me his voice dropping, “I think he looked what was in my package and he ran off leaving you. What I had in that package was much more valuable than 50 grand.”
I shook my head, “Jacks wouldn’t leave me.”
The man tilted his head, “Not even for a million dollars?” The man looked amused.
I thought about it, would Jacks leave me here for a million dollars?
I shook my head, he wouldn’t do that.
The man laughed again, “Do you know what happens when he doesn’t come back?”
I turned my head slowly to look at him my pulse spiking.
“Well let’s just hope you don’t have to find out.” The man finishes.
The time flies by quickly and with every hour that passes the more anxious I become. Jackson and I had been through so much together for him to just abandon me. Every time our drunk foster father would try to do something to me Jacks was always there pulling him off of me. I would have been raped, beaten, or worse if it wouldn’t have been for Jacks. Could Jacks really leave me for a million dollars, just like that?
After Jacks had been gone for six hours the front door of the house opened and I jumped up smiling. Only the guy who came through the door wasn’t Jacks.
He was tall and had shaggy dark brown hair that hid his eyes. He was very built, but not enough to come out as brute or stocky, but you could tell he had an eight pack going on under that black shirt of his.
“Mac!” The guy yelled through the house never taking his eyes off of me. So that was the man’s name.
Mac came through the living room, “Gavin? What are you doing here?” He asked surprised.
“Where is the money Mac? You were supposed to deliver it two hours ago.” Gavin said his voice cold making me shiver.
Mac looked uncomfortable then glanced at me, “I had a delivery boy leave with the package six hours ago but he never showed back up.”
If looks could kill Mac would have been killed right there on the spot, then he turned his attention to me, “Who is that?” He asked Mac.
“The boys girlfriend, I kept her for… insurance purposes.”
Gavin looked at Mac with a look of disgust on his face, “Why would you need her for insurance purposes Mac? Unless you knew the boy wouldn’t come back so you could have your way with her.” He stated making my heart race.
Mac glanced between us his cheeks turning red, “I… I didn’t…”
“You better get that package Mac.” Gavin said cutting him off, then he turned and looked at me, “You. Come on, you’re coming with me.”
He turned to walk out the door and when I didn’t follow he looked back at me a smirk on his face, “Of course, you don’t have to, you can stay here with Mac.”
I glanced at Mac who had a hopeful look on his face. I shook my head and hurried after him. Once we were outside Gavin called someone on his phone and I stood there not really knowing if I could go or if I had to stay with him.
“Has the package been delivered yet.” He said into the phone.
I could hear an exasperated voice on the other end but Gavin cut them off, “I don’t care if you have to look for the rest of your life, find it!!!” He screamed making me flinch. He shut the phone a little harder than he should have and spun around to face me.
“What’s your name?” He asked his voice hard.
“Um… Julia.” I said softly.
He nodded, “Well Julia, you are coming with me. You are going to help me find your boyfriend.”
“He’s not my boyfriend.” I said before I could stop myself and I blushed.
“He could be a fuck buddy for all I care, I really don’t give a shit.” He said his voice hard. “Now, I have to keep an eye on you so I have to take you to my house. However, my roommates don’t know about my… extracurricular activities.” He said glancing back at the house, “So if you know what’s good for you, you will keep your mouth shut. If you can do that then I’ll consider letting you go. If you slip up, I’ll kill you.” His voice had gone cold making the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.
“Are we clear?” He asked swiping the hair out of his face to reveal icy blue eyes.
I nodded not able to say anything, I was just told that if I slipped up I was going to be killed, I was scared shitless.
He looked at me for a moment longer and motioned for me to follow him to his car which was a newer model mustang. I slipped in the passenger seat and we drove silently to Gavin’s house. I wondered that once I got there if I could just slip out unnoticed or once Gavin went to sleep. Obviously he wouldn’t tie me up since he didn’t want his buddies knowing what he really did. I relaxed back in my seat my thoughts wandering to Jacks hoping he was alright.
Chapter 3
Before I know it we are pulling up to a two story house in the middle of the suburbs. I glance around the neighborhood, definitely a rich part of town, one that I’d never been to. Gavin parked in the driveway and shut the ignition off and turned to me a scowl on his face.
“Here’s how this is going to go…” He paused glancing up at the house, “Since it’s late my roommates are probably asleep, but if they are not… you are just a friend needing a place to stay for a while.”
I nodded keeping my mouth shut. I was becoming very nervous but I held myself together.
Gavin opened the door and slammed it shut making me jump. Why was I so jumpy? I had to get a hold of myself.
I quickly stepped out of the car and joined Gavin who was now unlocking the door. He stepped in and we were greeted with a very dark house. I heard a t.v. in the house but I couldn’t figure out where it was coming from. Gavin laid his keys on a table in the foyer and started up the steps grabbing my wrist to pull me with him. While we were walking down the hallway a door in the middle opened and out stepped a lanky guy with red hair a sleepy look on his face.
“Gav, why are you home so late?” He asked then his eyes widened as he looked at me, “Who is this?” His surprised look turned to a smile as he started to flirt.
“Just a friend, Paul, go back to bed.” Gavin said and pulling me after him to the last door at the end of the hallway.
He turned on the light and I had to squint at the sudden brightness. I quickly glanced around the room which was a very good size. Big enough to fit a king size bed, a desk and chair, on one side, and a couch and television on the other. There were two doors separating the couch and bed, I guessed one was a closet and the other a bathroom. I stared at Gavin who had sat down on the bed and started taking off his shoes.
“You can make yourself at home.” Gavin said glancing up at me, “It’s not like you are going anywhere soon.”
I nodded but didn’t move, I was just too scared. What were his intentions with me?
Gavin moved off the bed and over to the dresser, making me flinch at his sudden movements. He smirked at me and pulled out a pair of sweatpants and a roomy t-shirt. He turned and handed them to me, “Bathroom is the door on the right.”
I nodded and without a word walked to the bathroom shutting and locking the door. I looked at the mirror and gasped as I took in my reflection. My long black hair was tangled, making it look like a rat’s nest. My make-up was smeared making my eyes blood shot, hiding the color of my blue eyes. I stared at my reflection taking in my high cheek bones and bunny slope of a nose. In a way I almost looked exotic with my tanned skin and slender figure.
I let out a sigh and turned on the bath water to take a quick shower. I couldn’t wait to let the warm water rush over me. I stripped out of my dirty torn clothes and stepped swiftly in the shower. My muscles relaxed under the hot water as I started washing my hair with shampoo. I found a razor in the tub, and decided to shave my legs while I was at it. It had been such a long time since I had had enough time to actually groom myself in a bathroom. I was usually rushed, or washed in a lake or a bathroom somewhere. Once I was as clean as I was going to get I dried my body off and wrapped a towel around my head. I put on the sweatpants having to pull the drawl strings tightly to keep them from falling down. I pulled the t-shirt over my head and couldn’t help but smell Gavin’s cologne that was caked on it. I found a comb in a drawer and combed my hair getting out all of tangles making my hair come right above my butt.
There was a sudden knock at the door and I jumped, “Y..Yes?” I stuttered.
“I have a toothbrush for you.” Gavin’s voice sounded from the other side of the door.
I opened the door to see Gavin with his head turned holding a toothbrush out. I couldn’t help but smile at him as I took the tooth brush, muttering a quick thanks and closing the door again.
I brushed my teeth, making sure to give them a good scrubbing. After I was finished I smiled at myself in the mirror liking the way my white teeth gleamed back at me. After taking a couple deep breaths trying to calm myself, I opened the bathroom door and walked out stopping when Gavin sat up quickly on the couch; he had been reading a book laying down. I looked down at the floor letting my hair fall in my face, “Thank you for the clothes.” I said looking down at the floor not able to meet his eyes.
“um… Your welcome?” He said but it sounded more like a question. I raised my eyes to him and noticed that he was staring at me wide-eyed. He seemed to realize what he was doing and looked away.
“you can sleep in the bed, I’ll take the couch.” He said at last grabbing a pillow and blanket and going to the couch.
“I don’t… I mean… I can sleep on the couch.” I said glancing at the enormous bed.
He smirked at me, “Afraid I might try to join you in the middle of the night?”
I blushed looking back down at the floor, “No, it’s just… it’s your bed… and…”
“It’s ok, you have the bed.” He said cutting me off in a voice that said the argument was over.
I nodded and climbed up on the bed laying on one side and pulling the covers up to my chin, as Gavin switched off the light. I laid there as a million thoughts went into my mind. Where was Jackson? What was in the package? What was Gavin going to do with me? I didn’t know how long I had laid there but I heard a rustling and Gavin sighed, obviously not able to get any sleep either. He quietly got up and walked over to the bed. I held my breath as he came closer trying to calm myself. He sit on the edge of the bed and my heart started beating frantically. He raised a hand and I waited for him to pull back the covers roughly. His hand came closer and closer until he gently swept the hair that had fallen in my face away. I stayed very still willing my ears to listen to any kind of movement, but he didn’t move. I tried hard not to blush at the thought that he was just sitting there staring at me. Before I knew it sleep was succumbing and I could no longer fight it. I let the darkness take me and I welcomed it.
“Good night Jules.” I heard Gavin whisper as I feel into a deep sleep.
Laying in that bed with Gavin watching over me, was the best night’s sleep I had had in a while.
Chapter 4
I was crying again, but this time I didn’t know why. I was sitting in a dark closet looking out a hole that was at the bottom of the door. I was scared, and shaking, and cold. The door to the closet suddenly swung open and I gazed into the black eyes of the devil, but in reality, he was my foster dad. I started screaming and kicking as the stuffed animal I was holding was pulled away from me and thrown across the room.
“Shut up!” He screamed at me backhanding me across the face. Completely in shock I raised my hand to my now burning cheek seeing starts. He yanked me up by my hair twisting his hand making a better grip for him. I yelped in pain again causing him to slap me and throw me on the bed. He stalked closer as I pulled my knees up to my chest wrapping my arms around them closing my eyes. I looked up at him just in time to see him grab me by the waist and pull me towards him.
“So pretty.” He whispered in my hair stroking it lightly, his breath smelled of liquor and cigarettes.
I tried to pull away making him hit me again but this time the blow stunned me for a second making me see spots around my vision. My vision cleared just in time to see him pull my pants off roughly. Silent tears dripped down my face and I screamed again only to be punched harder in the face, and everything went black.
I gasped sitting straight up in bed looking around wildly.
“What is it?”
I heard someone say and I glanced down to see Gavin laying beside me in bed. Then everything that happened yesterday came crashing back.
Before I could answer, Paul came barging in the room with a wide smile on his face. He glanced at us back and forth his smile growing bigger. I blushed looking down at the blankets that were wrapped around my body from struggling in my sleep. Guess Gavin was a heavy sleeper, which I mentally took note of.
“Paul! Get Out!” Gavin screamed taking a pillow and throwing it at him.
Pauls face fell, making him look like a lost puppy, “Oh, man I was hoping to walk in on some action.”
I blushed even harder knowing my face was flaming red.
“I’m going to kill you Paul!” Gavin said throwing another pillow, “Get out!”
Paul put his hands up in surrender, “Okay, okay, geesh don’t have a cow.” Then he looked at me grinning, “If you want a real man, I’ll be downstairs.” With that he turned quickly and left just missing another pillow that Gavin had thrown at him and hit the wall instead.
I turned to Gavin sheepishly who put his hands over his face sighing loudly.
“um…” I said not really sure what to say, yet wondering why he was sleeping in the same bed as me.
He pulled his hands down and glanced at me, suddenly realizing that we were in bed together.
“Sorry,” He said getting out of bed, “I wouldn’t have got into bed with you but…” he paused looking worriedly at me.
“What?” I asked totally confused, what would be so bad that he would have to get in bed with me.
“You started screaming.” He peered at me a troubled expression on his face.
I blanched and glanced back at the covers nervously, “Did I… Did I say anything?”
“No, just, you kept saying no and stop a lot though.” He paused as I glanced at him.
“I’m sorry, I have vivid nightmares.”
He nodded, “I see that, and that’s why I got into bed with you. You calmed down when I pulled you to me.” He said nonchalantly like it wasn’t a big deal.
I however, thought it was a big deal, sleeping in the arms of a man I had just met, a man that was keeping me as a prisoner.
“Well I’m going to take a shower, then I’ll go see if Emily stayed the night.” He peered at me, “You are smaller than her, but maybe she will have something that will fit you.” He walked into the bathroom and shut the door and a second later I heard the water running. I sighed falling back down on the pillows, he had a lot of pillows. My thoughts raced as I thought about everything that was happening. My mind kept coming back to the dream and I wondered exactly what Gavin heard. I could tell he was lying when he told me I just kept saying two words, otherwise he wouldn’t have looked so concerned. Why would he be concerned anyways? My kidnapper concerned? Yeah right. The bathroom door opened and Gavin came out in only a towel. I blushed as I averted my gaze and he went to his closet looking for clothes.
He glanced at me and smirked, “Like what you see?” He asked making me glance at him. His body was tan and he had an eight pack, water ran down his chest making me want to go over to him and lick it off with my tongue. I shook my head, what in the hell was I thinking?
He smirked harder and I turned my head away and quickly got out of bed and went into the bathroom and shut the door leaning against it with a sigh.
I could hear Gavin laughing through the door, making me blush once again. I had to stop doing that.
I looked at myself in the mirror and noticed that my dreams are not good for my hair. I grabbed a comb and quickly brushed out all the tangles and brushed my teeth. Once I was finished there was a knock at the door.
“I’ve got you some clothes to wear.” I heard Gavin say.
I opened the door and took the clothes from Gavin, quickly closing the door shut again.
I unfolded the clothes to see a pair of jeans, a button up shirt with a white shirt to go underneath, and a bra that looked a little small for me but was glad to have something either way. I quickly put the clothes on, the jeans fit loosely and the bra too tight but was content to be out of baggy clothes. I opened the bathroom door and walked right into Gavin.
“Sorry.” I murmured rubbing my nose.
He smiled down at me, “hungry?”
“Starved.” I said a small smile on my face.
He nodded, “The guys made breakfast, so I’m sorry if anything tastes weird.”
He was being very nice and I was instantly becoming suspicious at his polite behavior.
We walked down the steps and through the living room into the kitchen. Everyone was sitting around the table talking but they all stopped as we came in through the walk way.
“Guys, this is Julia.” Gavin said taking my hand in his which instantly made me feel better, kidnapper or not.
A girl about my age, probably older smiled at me. She was pretty with bright blonde hair and a curvy figure.
“Hey, glad to see my clothes fit.”
I look down and a blush creeps onto my face, “Yea, thank you.” I say softly.
Gavin pulled me to the table and we sat in empty chairs. I quickly found out I was sitting beside Silas, he had blonde curly hair and a stocky build. He was very nice and charming, and he could hold a nice conversation. Paul kept trying to flirt with me even as he sat across the table from Gavin and I.
“Shut up Paul!” Gavin yelled, making Emily roll her eyes at me.
“You’ll get used to all this chaos eventually, but you still haven’t met Mason yet have you?” She asked smiling.
The name brought back painful memories but I quickly pushed them aside and smiled, “No I haven’t”
Before she could get up and go after him and guy with brown hair came into the kitchen holding a coffee mug. He looked vaguely familiar, yet I couldn’t place where I had seen him before.
“Hey baby,” Emily said getting up and giving him a hug, “I was about to come get you. Gavin brought a friend over last night.” She turned to me and his eyes fell on mine, “Mace, this is Julia.” As she was saying this the coffee cup seemed to slip from his fingers and crashed in the floor. I stared wide eyed at Mason, because I realized where I had seen him before. He was my stepbrother.
Chapter 5
Everything seemed to happen in slow motion. Everyone had stopped talking and were now staring at Mace. Which was surprising because even Paul had become quiet who know looked up at Mace with a worried expression.
Mace looked like he had seen a ghost and he came to me cautiously.
“Jules?” He asked stopping inches from me. I glanced around the table my eyes landing on Gavin. He looked at me in confusion.
“Is it really you Jules?” He asked bending down to eye level with me.
I was so shocked that I couldn’t seem to move, let alone speak, so I nodded.
He laughed, tears gleaming in his eyes, pulled me into an embrace. I didn’t know when I had started crying but when he pulled away he wiped the tears from my cheeks.
“I can’ t believe it’s you.” He said staring into my eyes. He had the grayest eyes that sparkled as he looked around at everyone who was now staring at us.
“This is my sister, well…” He paused looking at me, “Would we even be siblings anymore?” He asked.
I looked up at him and shrugged, “You will always be my brother no matter what happens.” I say and he pulls me into another hug.
I notice how tall he has grown since he pulled me up to hug me tighter. I laid my head on his muscular chest as his arms held me close. It felt so good to feel safe again, and I did.
He pulled away again and looked at everyone who was still staring with looks of shock on their faces, except Gavin. His face was turned into a scowl and he was glaring at me.
“This is my sister.” He told everyone.
Paul jumped up, “Glad to welcome you to the family.” He said checking me out once more, he waggled his eyebrows at me, “You have one major hot sister Mace, and here I thought she was just another one of Gav’s many girlfriends.”
Mace snapped his head towards Gavin, “What?” He asked his voice had a tinge of coldness to it.
Gavin sat frozen like deer in headlights.
“Actually…” I said making everyone turn to look at me, “Gavin and I are not dating… he…” I paused and glanced at Gavin who was looking at me intently, “He’s just helping me out, giving me a place to stay for a while, until I get back on my feet.” I finished hastily.
“Yea, well if sleeping in the same bed with you is just a friendly thing, I’m next.” Paul said once more making the tension in the room rise.
“If you don’t shut up I’m going to kill you, Paul.” Gavin said through clinched teeth.
Mace glared at Gavin, “You slept with her?”
Gavin scoffed, “No of course not, I wouldn’t… I mean, I didn’t…”
“I’m right here, ya know?” I said holding up my hand making everyone turn again towards me. “I had a nightmare is all, he just slept beside me, that’s it, nothing happened.”
“So your single?” Paul asked hopeful.
“Paul, Shut it!” This came from Silas who had been quiet through the whole exchange until now.
Paul’s face dropped, he looked like a puppy that had just been scolded with his tail between his legs.
“Well, you can stay here for as long as you want.” Mace said making me look back at him, “I want you to live here, permanently.”
I glanced at Gavin who was staring at me intently, I didn’t know how this was going to work. How did the gangster who was keeping me prisoner happen to be best friends with my brother? Now to make matters worse, I had just been asked to live in the same house with him.
“Ok.” I said softly, “For now, until I get back on my feet.”
Mace nodded and gave me another hug, “It’s so good to see you Jules. I’ve missed you.”
I smiled, “I’ve missed you too.” My voice cracked.
He pulled back and looked at everyone, “I’ve got to go to work, but I take it you guys can manage to make her feel at home.” He glared at Paul when he said this making Paul smile sheepishly at him. Then he turned his glare on Gavin, “And since you know her so well already, you can take her shopping to get her some clothes, you can take my check book, get her whatever she wants.”
“Mace, I can’t…” I started but he put a finger to my lips hushing me.
“Money is not a problem here, besides, I doubt you want to wear that outfit everyday. Go get some clothes, make sure you get a couple of dresses too.”
I blanched, “Dresses?” I asked and I knew my face had gone completely white.
It had been forever since I’d worn a dress, my every day attire consisted of jeans, t-shirts, and sweatshirts.
He smiled at me amused, “Of course, you need to look your best, especially for the community ball coming up.”
I stood there confused, what the hell was a community ball? Before I could ask he pulled me into another quick hug, kissed me on the cheek, and was out the door with Emily right behind him.
As soon as they went out the door Paul came over to me stopping inches away from my face. I blushed as I glanced up at him.
“It’s ok, you can kiss me if you want.” He said a big grin on his face.
Before I could say anything, Gavin pulled Paul back by the neck of the shirt, “Stay away from her Paul, or else.” He said his voice taking on an edge of a threat, but still managed to keep it friendly.
“ohhhh, What are you gonna do Gav? Kill me?” He said mocking.
Gavin glared at him and I flinched because I knew Gavin would do just that, but these were his friends. He wouldn’t do that to his friends would he?
Chapter 6
We were at the mall, I had been to about 50 different stores, all of them Gavin picked out. I of course would have been content on going to Hot Topic, or one of the discount stores.
Right now at the moment I was in the dressing room looking at myself in this black dress that Gavin had helped me pick out.
“Let me see.” I heard Gavin outside the dressing room.
“Julia, it can’t be that bad, just let me see.” He said annoyance in his voice.
I sighed and timidly opened the door sticking my head out.
“I can’t do this.” I said blushing as his icy blue eyes met mine.
He smirked and before I knew what was happening he pushed open the door pushing me back.
I quickly looked at the floor holding my hands in front of me. When he didn’t say anything I nervously looked up at him.
He was staring at me wide eyed, when he noticed I was looking at him he quickly changed his expression.
“You look…” He paused searching for the words, “It looks great.”
I smiled up at him, “Really?”
He nodded, “Get changed and bring the dress.” He exited the dressing area closing the door behind him.
After I changed my clothes I met him at the cashier, we paid for the clothes and walked to the car.
“You wanna stop and eat somewhere?” He glanced over at me. We were both carrying bags of clothes for me that consisted of; underwear, jeans, t-shirts, shorts, tank tops, and a couple of dresses.
I shrugged my shoulders, “You’ve done enough, we can go back to the house and eat.” I said not really wanting to call it home just yet.
“Come on, I know this great place.” He said leading me away from the parking garage.
We stopped in front of a small café in front of the mall. We quickly got a seat placing the bags at our feet.
The waiter came a few seconds later, “Hello, what can I get you?” She asked looking straight at Gavin, making sure to ignore me.
“I’ll have a coke,” He said not even paying attention to her. When she didn’t turn to me he smirked at me, “What would you like Jules?” He asked using my nickname making me blush.
“The same.” I whispered.
The waitress nodded and walked away with our order.
“Do you always get hit on when you go out?” As soon as the words left my mouth I regretted them because he smirked at me.
“Why, you jealous?”
I felt my cheeks get red so I looked down at the table, “No… I… well I…”
He started laughing cutting me off. I glanced up at him to see a twinkle in his eye, “You really are something.”
Before I could ask him what he meant by that the waitress came back with our drinks making sure that she gave Gavin a full frontal of her breasts as she leaned over.
“What can I get you to eat?” She asked making sure to ignore me once again.
“We’ll both have the special.” He said making sure to keep his eyes on me as he handed the menus to the waitress.
She walked away clearly disappointed that he wasn’t giving in to her seducing ways.
I started laughing as soon as she walked away, “That was comical.”
Gavin tilted his head at me, “What’s so funny?”
I shook my head taking a sip of my coke, “Nothing.”
I placed my coke back on the table, as silence engulfed us.
“Gav!” I heard someone yell and a petite girl with pixie brown hair came up to us practically gushing. “Where have you been?” She asked as she took a seat on his lap.
Gavin rolled his eyes obviously annoyed.
She pouted at him when she didn’t get an answer, “How come you never called me back?” She leered at me, “After that wonderful night we had in my hot tub…”
Before she could say anything else he pushed her off of him so she had to stand.
“Look, to tell you the truth I don’t even remember your name.” He said truthfully making her face blaze red, “And if you can’t tell, I’m here with my girlfriend, so I’d really appreciate it if you would leave us alone.”
After that was said she stood there for a second and the unexpected happened. She picked up my coke that I had been drinking and poured it in his lap causing him to jump up quickly.
“What the?...” Gavin yelled just as the girl walked away with a huff.
I sat there flabbergasted not sure what to do or say, so I just picked up a few napkins and handed them to him.
He snatched them from my hand and rapidly began dabbing at his pants.
“I’ll go tell the waitress we need the food to go.” I said quickly and walked towards the kitchen. After locating and telling the waitress I went back to the table to see Gavin sitting there once again, but still dabbing his pants with napkins.
“What a bitch.” He said vehemently as I took my seat.
When I didn’t agree or say anything he glanced up at me, an expectant look on his face. I glanced away and looked around the room at all the people were sitting at the other tables; a couple there, a family of four there, a single person there, and so on.
“What you don’t agree?” He asked making me whip my head back towards him.
“Well..I… I mean…” I stuttered.
“Just tell me what you think.” He snapped making me flinch, the Gavin I had met coming out to face me.
“Well,” I said sitting up straighter, I was going to tell him the truth, it wasn’t like he could do anything to me in a crowded room full of people anyways. “I think she had every right to do what she did.”
He opened his mouth to say something as he glared at me, but I held up a hand cutting him off, “That girl really liked you, and you had sex with her in her hot tub.” I blushed looking down at the table, we were getting into some really intimate things. After a second I look back up at him, making my eyes meet his. “Yet, you brush her off like she is nothing, and then tell her you don’t even remember her name?” I asked making sure he heard the disdain in my voice, “You threw her away like she was a piece of trash, used trash.”
Gavin seemed to process my words for a second, but before he could say anything the waitress came back with our to-go boxes.
Gavin paid for the meal and we walked to the car silently, but it wasn’t an awkward silence because I knew he was thinking about what I had said to him. Maybe there is a chance that Gavin will change, I thought to myself.
Well at least a small chance.
Wait, was it me? Or did he call me his girlfriend?
I groaned inwardly to myself, things were just getting more and more complicated. The worst part, you ask?
I'm starting to like my kidnapper.
Chapter 7
As we pulled up into the driveway there is an old beat up red truck in the drive way and I’m wondering who it could be when Gavin curses.
“How in the hell did he find out where I am?” He says to himself and I feel my pulse spike. Did this have to do with the package?
He gets out of the car and rushes to the front door. Forgetting the clothes and food I rush after him. When I finally catch up with Gavin he is already in the living room with a burly man who looks very upset.
“Why wasn’t it delivered?” The man’s voice booms through the house.
“We don’t know what happened exactly… Mac had this delivery boy…” Gavin started but the man cut him off.
“What do you mean, you don’t know what happened?” His voice menacing, making me jump.
Then the man looks at me, “And this is the girl?” He asks coming towards me.
I take a few steps back until I come to the wall, the man stopping inches from me.
“Well I guess one thing is certain, if I don’t get my money I can always sell this one.”
I glance at Gavin wide eyed who is frowning, “We’ll get your money Ice.” He says defeat in his voice.
I’m more along the lines of thinking Ice? What kind of name is Ice?
“Well you better! I’ll give you until the end of the month to come up with half, and I want it no later than midnight!” Ice yells making me flinch again. Then he turns back to me a leering smile on his face. I notice a scar that starts at the top right corner of his forehead and goes straight down the side of his face. He reaches up taking a strand of my hair in his hands rubbing it, “Such beauty.” He pauses looking back at Gavin, “I’m kind of hoping you don’t get the money, I wouldn’t mind having this one.” With that he strides out the door.
As soon as the door shuts I slide down to the floor trying to catch my breath, noticing that I had been holding it. Before I know it my whole body is shaking uncontrollably.
“Julia.” Gavin says appearing at my side, I didn’t even notice him walking towards me, “It’s ok, you need to calm down, you’re going into shock.”
I look up at him so scared, I would rather deal with Gavin any day then be with that man, if you would even call him a man. He’s more like an animal.
Before I know it, Gavin scoops me up in his arms and he runs up the stairs to his room. Passing the bed he heads to the bathroom, cuddling me in his chest while he runs some bath water.
“We need to get you in the water.” He says. I try to sit up but notice that I can’t.
He feels my head and a surprised gasp comes from his lips, “you’re freezing”.
I glance down and notice that my skin is turning a bit gray, how is this happening?
Gavin sits me down gently and starts to pull off my shirt. Unable to protest, I let him , while I try to control my breathing.
“You’re ok, You’ll be ok.” Gavin says over and over again while he is undressing me. Once I only have on bra and panties he picks me back up and places me in the warm water making me gasp at the sudden warmth. I’m able to find my voice and I scream out, as everything fades and darkness engulfs me.
I feel someone rubbing my face, I want to tell them to stop, that’s its annoying but I can’t seem to open my eyes.
“Jules?” I hear Mace say.
“She’s awake.” I hear someone else say but I can’t make out who it is.
“Julia. Can you open your eyes?” This comes from Gavin and I slowly open my eyes looking around. Gavin, Mace, and Silas are standing around me, watching me with worried expressions. I look around the room and notice that I’m laying in Gavin’s bed, and that someone tucked me in so tight that I can’t move.
“You scared us.” Mace said taking a seat next to me rubbing the side of my cheek.
“What happened?” I ask looking at Gavin.
“Gavin said you just went into shock.” Mace said glancing at Gavin as if he didn’t believe him, “Why did you go into shock Jules?” Mace asks his voice hard.
I glance at Gavin as memories of Ice came pouring back into my mind. I know Mace is asking me this because he doesn’t believe the story Gavin told him.
“I already told you Mason, we just came home, we were walking through the door and the next thing I know she starts breathing really hard and she just falls.” He said exasperated, glancing at me.
I look up at Mace, now would be the time to tell him the truth, to get everything out in the open. I glance at Gavin who has a murdering look in his eyes. A look that makes me want to run and hide. I look back down in my hands, “I don’t know what was wrong, I was just thinking about Jacks and…” I look back up at Mace who has a confused look on his face.
Why did I mention Jacks? I feel tears come to my eyes as I think about him now and I quickly blink them away.
“I’m fine now, thanks Gavin.” I say looking at him. He’s looking at me with a weird expression, and I don’t know what to think of it.
“Ok, guys, you heard her. Let’s let her get some rest.” Mace says at last ushering them out of the room. Before the door closes, Gavin turns around to look at me. I don’t know what he’s thinking, but for some reason I don’t want to know. I turn over giving him a view of my back and a second later, I hear the soft click of the door.
“Where are you Jacks?” I whisper to myself, tears streaming down my face. Something must have happened to him, he wouldn’t have just left me like he did. I think about all the things that could have gone wrong, and I have a mental picture of him laying in a ditch somewhere, cold and shivering. I start crying harder until my body is wracking with sobs. Tonight, I cry myself to sleep.
Chapter 8
I wake to the sun streaming in my eyes turning, over with a groan. My eyes are sore and swollen from crying myself to sleep. I look at the clock which reads 9am, and I'm wondering what the guys are doing today. I quickly get up and take a shower, letting the warm water loosen up my muscles. Once I'm as clean as I'm gonna get, I quickly dry myself off just to realize that all of my clothes are in Gavin's car. I swear to myself, wrapping a towel around me, I open the bathroom door and walk out going straight to Gavin's closet.
"See anything you like?"
A startled gasp escapes my mouth as I turn to face Gavin who is sitting on the couch watching me with an amused smile. I grab the towel and wrap it tighter around me blushing. Oh, god, not again.
"No.. I um... my clothes." I stutter.
He starts laughing making me glare at him, what is so funny?
He stands up and walks to the other side of the bed where my view is hidden and picks up my bags of clothes and places them on the bed.
I quickly grab the first outfit I can put together and run back to the bathroom.
I groan as I realize what I have grabbed. I quickly put on the short shorts and a tank top that shows off my belly ring. I huff to myself as I open the door and walk out of the bathroom keeping my head high. Gavin is laying on the bed hands behind his head looking relaxed. When he hears me come through he looks at me, eyes wide.
"I'm going to go get something to eat." I say and head for the door. Gavin suddenly jumps out of bed and as I'm opening the door he slams it shut, an untamed look in his eyes.
"We need to talk." He says through his teeth.
"About what?" I ask trying to act dumb, but he knows better.
A smile spreads across his face, only it doesn't reach his eyes making him seem hollow. I shiver and I'm suddenly being pushed up against the wall. My breath comes out in a whoosh and I stare at Gavin with fear in my eyes.
He seems to like my reaction cause he grins wider as he puts his hands on either side of my head against the wall.
He leans in closer to me, "Do you have any idea what those clothes make me want to do to you?"
He presses the torso of his body against mine and a sick feeling comes over me because I realize that I like the feel of his body against mine.
"What is that?" I say in a rushed whisper, trying to catch my breath.
He grabs the back of my neck and pulls me in as if he is going to kiss me, stopping centimeters from my lips, "Oh, I think you know." His voice tempting, yet dangerous.
He suddenly lets go of me and walks back across the room, raking a hand through his dark brown hair. He suddenly spins around and storms towards me, his mood suddenly changing from lust to something more violent. He grabs me by the shoulders squeezing tight enough that there will be bruising later.
I wince as his hands dig into me and I'm pushed harder against the wall.
"Let's stop playing these little games Julia." He says his voice hard and void of emotion.
I look at him wide eyed which only makes him more angry because he shakes me.
"Don't look at me like that, just tell me what I need to know." He says vehemently.
"I don't know what you are talking about." I say my voice shaky. I suddenly realize my body is shaking. He slams me against the wall making my head hit the back of the door, "I know you know where your boyfriend is." He spits at me, saying the word boyfriend like it's a dirty word.
I cower away from his rage and tears form in my eyes, I don't know what to tell him and I'm afraid of getting hurt. "I don't know where he is Gavin, he left me there. He took the bags and just left me there." As I say the words, reality sinks in. He left me there like a piece of trash to get rid of.
Gavin suddenly lets go of me taking a step back, "Well when I find your little boyfriend, I'm going to kill him." He says menacingly as he puts his face in mine, "And if I find out that you are lying to me, I'll kill you." I look into his eyes and can tell that he is not joking. There is no emotion there, it's like I'm staring into a big black hole. A hole I can't seem to dig myself out of, I'm drowning and there is no one there to save me.
He starts to walk out the door but turns back, "Oh, and I know that you almost told Mace the truth last night." He pauses a smile coming to his face, only there is no feeling to it. It's saying test me and you will see what I can do. "Keep your mouth shut, wouldn't want an "accident" to happen to Mason, would you?" He smile's wider, mocking me as he walks out of the room.
I glance around the room my mind spinning a hundred miles an hour. I grab a pair of jeans and change into them, and quickly put on my shoes.
I know exactly where Gavin keeps his keys, so I am extra careful as I go down the steps. I can hear Gavin talking on his cell phone in the kitchen, and I can see the keys lying on the table in the foyer. I pick them up and close my eyes when they jingle. When Gavin doesn't stop talking I let out a sigh, just noticing that I was holding my breath. I quietly open the front door and sneak out without being heard. I run to the car and start the car quickly, backing out of the drive way just as Gavin jumps off the porch and comes straight at me.
I know I will get it when I get back, but I'm running out of time. I get on the interstate and head back home.
Ready or not Jacks, here I come.
Chapter 9
I’m at the local pub, the place Jacks would do some business at. He didn’t really tell me much about what he did or what he delivered, but I thought this would be a good place to start.
The room is filled with pungent smoke and I wonder how people are able to breathe. I glance around the small space that consists of the bar, pool table, and a couple of booths. A group of men are playing around the pool table so I go and sit at the bar knowing I will attract their attention.
“What can I get ya, honey?” The bartender asks coming up to me. He has a beer gut and his hair is starting to go bald in a few spots.
I smile at him batting my eyelashes, hoping he won’t card me, “A long island ice tea.” I say glancing to the group of men behind me. They notice me now, but they are talking to each other. I know they are trying to rile each other up, getting the courage to come and talk to me.
The bartender hands me the drink and I start to give him some money, when a hand shoots out and hands him a 20 dollar bill.
I look over, my eyes wide, “Eric?” I ask jumping up and he pulls me into a hug.
“Hey Jules, where have you been?” He asks as I pull away from him and we sit beside each other at the bar. I notice that the men at the pool table are glaring at us, but I ignore it.
“I…um… moved in with my step brother.”
“I didn’t know you had a brother.” Eric says then turns to the bar tender, “Just a shot on the rocks.” The bartender nods and starts making the drink.
I nod taking a sip of my drink, “Well we were separated and sent to different foster homes, we just recently found each other.” I pause as the bartender puts Eric’s drink and change in front of him, “Have you seen Jacks?” I blurt out.
“You mean he wasn’t with you?” Eric asks, taking a drink of his scotch. He is hiding something, he was Jacks best friend, if anyone knew anything, it would be him.
I play along with this game, “No, he just kinda disappeared on me, I’ve been pretty worried about him.” I say taking another drink, “When I didn’t hear from him, I came back to see if he was alright.” Then I lean into Eric, giving him a pointed look, “He is alright isn’t he, Eric?”
Eric glances at me and shrugs nonchalantly, but I see something flicker in his eyes, fear? “How would I know, I haven’t seen him since the last time you guys crashed at my house.”
I open my mouth to ask another question when he jumps off the bar stool, “It was nice catching up with you Jules, but I gotta go.” With that he swiftly exits the pub making me more confused than when I first came in.
As I’m finishing my iced tea one of the men from the pool table staggers over to me, a goofy grin on his face. “Hey baby, whatcha drinking?”
“Nothing, I’m finished.” I say and stand to exit the pub when the guy grabs my arm. The guys’ eyes are blood shot from the alcohol and I can smell the liquor on his breath as he leans into me.
“Why don’t you let me buy you another?” He asks looking back at the bartender.
I shake my head plastering a smile on my face, “No, that’s alright, but I must really be going. Thanks anyways.” I try to walk away but his grip tightens on my arm.
“Now, there’s no need to be so rude baby, it’s just a drink.” He slurs stepping closer.
I put my hands on his chest and push him back, “No. I’m fine, now let go of me.” I’m surprised that I’m acting so brave right now.
He squeezes harder making me wince, “Now look b*tch, I saw the way you were looking at me and my buddies over there, so why don’t you just come ahead and join us.” He says as he starts pulling me towards his buddies. I feel fear seize in my gut as his buddies smile at me from afar.
“I don’t think so.” I hear a guy say as a fist lands on the drunk mans’ face making him let go of me and fall to the ground. I look up in surprise to see Gavin, and he is not happy.
He quickly grabs me by the arm and drags me out, not saying a word.
We get to the car and he holds out his hand, “Keys.” He demands.
I quickly dig them out of my pocket and hand them to him. He unlocks the car and pushes me in the passenger seat and stalks around to the driver side. Once he closes the car door he hits his hands on the dash board making the car rock.
“What the hell did you think you were doing!?” He asks in outrage, his face turning a nice shade of red.
I look down at my hands in my lap, “I… I was trying to find Jackson.” I glance up at him to see his features twist from; mad, jealousy, and then rage.
“Why were you going and looking for him? Did you forget that he left you!?” He screamed at me, making me flinch.
“It’s not like that, I talked to Eric and he says…” I start but Gavin cuts me off.
“Eric? Who is Eric? And last time I checked, Jackson was the one who left you on Mac’s couch!” He yelled grabbing my face to make me look at him, “If it wasn’t for me, he would have had his way with you.” His voice lowering, but still held hostility.
I feel tears come to my eyes and Gavin looks away from me sighing in frustration, grabbing the steering wheel making his knuckles turn white.
“Something happened to him, Gavin.” I say at last breaking the silence that had filled the car, “He loves me, he wouldn’t just leave me like that. He would come to me if he was able, but he can’t, something happened.” I plead with him.
“How do you know that, Julia? How do you know that he isn’t dead?” He asks trying to reason with me. “And how do you know he didn’t leave you? A million dollars is a lot of money.” He adds.
I hit my palms up against the dashboard, glaring at him, “Jacks isn’t like that, he would never pick money over me! When Mac said I had to stay with him while Jacks delivered the package, he told Mac no. He wasn’t going to leave me there, but I made him, we needed the money…” I trail off as more and more tears start falling down my face. I start to feel guilty; it was my fault that Jacks went that night and didn’t come back. I quickly wipe away the tears, “I just know something is wrong, I can feel it.”
Gavin shakes his head, “We can’t just go sticking our nose where it doesn’t belong Jules, and we could get killed… or worse.” He quickly adds, and I wonder what could be worse than death but quickly put it out of my mind.
“Eric knows something. I can tell, he kept trying to avoid me talking about Jacks.”
Gavin shakes his head, “That doesn’t mean anything.”
“Yes it does!” I yell at him for the second time that night. I need to reign in my temper before I end up making him mad. “Eric and Jacks were best friends, Gav. When has Mace gone days without knowing where you are?”
Gavin considers that for a moment, then nods in defeat, “Fine we will check it out, but only because my boss is breathing down my back. I could really care less about your little boyfriend.” He says, once again making the word boyfriend sound as if it is a bad word.
“He’s not my boyfriend.” I say and I can feel my face turn red as Gavin faces me.
“Then what would you call him? F*ck buddies? Friends with benefits? Because I wouldn’t mind either of those titles.” He says with a smirk.
I’m appalled that he would think I’m that kinda girl, but I can’t help but smile at him. “Actually we’re just friends, that’s it. Actually my first kiss was when he was leaving to deliver the package and ended up not coming back.”
Gavin looks at me taken aback, “You mean, you’re a…”
“Virgin?” I ask since he’s having such a hard time with the word. I smirk at him, “Yes, actually I am.”
He nods turning away from me as the car is overcome with silence.
“If we are going to try and find Jackson, then we do it may way.” He says changing the subject. I only nod at him and smile.
“This means that I’m going to have to do some planning. So I will work on it as fast as I can, but you have to promise me not to ever do a stunt like this again.” He scolds me.
I blush keeping my eyes on my hands, “Ok, I promise.”
I see him nod in satisfaction and he starts the car and we turn towards home.
“Where are we going?” I ask wondering why he isn’t going to try and find something out about Jacks now.
“Now we are going to a party that your brother is throwing. Tonight we have fun, and loosen up. Tomorrow, we’ll get to work.”
“But…” I start to complain but he quickly cuts me off.
“If you want me to help then I say we are going to this party.” He says sternly.
I nod, knowing that it is a helpless battle, so I put a fake smile on my face and think about how drunk I’m going to be getting tonight. They might have won the battle, but I will win the war. Whoever the hell “they” are.
Chapter 10
I was in my bedroom, well Gavin’s bedroom, getting ready for the party. I could already hear the boys laughing while they set everything up for the party. I took a shower, shaving my legs and brushing my teeth. I don’t know why, but I have a bad habit of brushing my teeth in the shower. Once I’m finished, I dry myself off and rapidly dry my hair and curl the ends in spirals. I put on the little black dress that Gavin had seemed to like me so much in and a pair of black flip flops with black beaded sequins. I put on a small layer of make-up consisting of; eye liner and shadow, blush, and lips gloss. After taking a quick look in the mirror satisfied with my appearance I can hear the party in full swing downstairs. The music is bumping and I can hear people screaming and laughing. I take a deep breath feeling as if I’m going to my first day of kindergarten all over again. I walk slowly down the hallway and pass a couple heading to one of the bedrooms. I make a mental note to myself to change the sheets before sleeping in Gavin’s bed tonight. I slowly make my way down the stairs and see people running around with drinks in their hand. I head to the kitchen to grab a drink, knowing that it will calm my nerves. I look around, noticing that the boys had went all out on the party including streamers, fog machines, disco lights, and even a tiki bar. I grab a wine cooler as I look for the bottle of liquor that I know is here somewhere. The kitchen cabinets are littered with food, plates, cups, and other dishes. When I finally spot the liquor I grab the whole bottle.
“What are you doing?” Someone whispers in my ear making me jump. I turn around to face Gavin, who has a smirk on his face. When he sees me his jaw drops a little and I can’t help but blush.
I hold up the bottle and put it to my lips taking a big swig and chasing it with my wine cooler. I know it doesn’t sound great, but I intend on getting drunk, and the faster the better.
He grabs the bottle from my hands, “You know it’s illegal for you to drink this.” He says taking a drink right out of the bottle as I had done.
I tilt my head to the side, “I know a couple of other things that are illegal too.” I say pointedly making him frown at me.
I turn around and see Silas coming to me a big grin on his face.
I smile back as he approaches, “Can I have this dance?” He asks holding out his hand and bowing a little. I flush and nod putting my hand in his. I give Gavin a quick glance leaving him behind as Silas leads me to the living room. Halo, by Beyonce is playing and he puts his hands on my wait as I put mine on his shoulders.
“You look beautiful tonight.” He says as we start swaying back and forth.
I beam at him, “Thank you.”
“I’m probably going to have to get the guys and make sure we keep an eye on you.” He continues.
I give him a frown, Why would they have to do that? “I don’t need a babysitter.” I say.
He smiled at my reaction; it’s different from Gavin’s usual smirk, “I know, it’s just to keep all the guys away that are staring at you right this minute.” He pulls me closer against his body making me blush once again.
I gaze around the room and notice that he is telling the truth. There are a lot of guys glancing at me or right out staring. I see Paul over by the stereo hitting on some girl with really blonde hair and plump lips. Mason and Emily are sitting on the couch cuddled next to each other and I can’t help but smile at them.
“See?” He asks making me look back up at him, “I wasn’t lying.”
I nod, “But I can take care of myself.” My voice coming defensive.
He bends down to whisper in my ear, “I never said you couldn’t.”
The song ends and a faster beat starts playing and we stand there nervously.
“I’m going to go get another drink.” I say loudly over the music.
He nods, “I’ll come with you.”
I don’t want him following me around so I shake my head, “I’ll be ok.”
I make my way to the kitchen to see Gavin leaning against the open door way, the liquor bottle in his hands.
He is staring at me intensely and as I get nearer I see that the liquor bottle is halfway empty.
“What do you think you are doing?” I snap at him.
He glares at me, “What are you talking about?” He slurs.
“Are you trying to give yourself alcohol poisoning?” I ask grabbing the bottle from him knocking him a little off balance.
He sneers at me, “I can take care of myself.”
Damn he sounds like me.
I smile at him teasing and raise the bottle to my lips taking a big long chug until he pulls the bottle from my lips.
“What do you think you are doing?” He seethes.
I bat my eyelashes at him, “Whatever do you mean?” I ask all innocent.
He groans pulling me against him in a rush, running his fingertips over the side of my face. He leans in about to kiss me and I hold my breath, a million thoughts running through my mind.
Before he can bring his mouth down on mine a girl wearing a mini skirt and tube top steps between us. “Where have you been, bad boy?” She asks running her hand down his chest. He grabs her hands and pushes her away, “Don’t touch me Gabby.” He says through clenched teeth.
“But baby, we had such a good night the other night.” She whines and I feel my chest constrict and I don’t even know why. Gavin glances at me and she makes another move distracting him. I slip away, liquor bottle in hand and make my way outside to the back yard. There are a few people out here, mostly couples making out in the shadows. I make my way closer to the woods, content to be by myself and away from the noise. I pick a nice quiet spot on a rock and take a seat. The moonlight shining over the trees making it look romantic. I am sipping on the bottle of liquor and am feeling a bit woozy when I hear crunching of foot steps behind me. I turn around quickly but no one is there and I glance around widely.
“Stop scaring yourself.” I whisper and take another swig just as a hand covers my mouth, muffling my scream.
Chapter 11
I’m being led farther and farther into the woods and there is nothing I can do. It feels like I have been walking for hours, even though it has probably been about 30 minutes. I haven’t actually got a good look at my kidnapper, but I do know enough that he is male. Every time I try to glance behind me to see his face, he grunts and pushes me roughly.
“What do you want with me?” I whine, trying to get some kind of answer out of him.
He just grunts and pushes me again, so much for getting answers.
We walk in silence, since I know that I will not get any answers, I better be on my best behavior. I’m thinking of how I can easily get away from him when I hear a freeway a little distance away. If I could only make a break for it, I can get help. Before I can do anything, he grabs me by the arm and pulls my back against him. I struggle as I realize he is trying to tie my hands around my back.
“No!!” I scream and buck trying to get away from him, but he is much stronger. He pushes me to the ground and gets on top of me to finish tying my hands. I’m crying in the dirt, and I can taste the texture in my mouth. Once my hands are tied securely, he picks me up, and immediately puts a gag in my mouth, which is the right name for it since I start gagging. I’m struggling even more once I see that he is trying to put a blind fold over my eyes. I start panicking and try to lunge away from him. He is quicker than me and snatches the back of my hair before I get too far, my cries muffled by the gag. He finishes with the blind fold and I’m wondering how I’m going to see to walk when he lifts me up over his shoulder like a bag of dog food. With every step he takes I can’t help but start getting motion sickness. When I swear I’m going to throw up if he doesn’t put me down, he tosses me off his shoulder and I grunt at the hard impact. I hear other footsteps and my breathing becomes more and more ragged.
“Is this the one?” I hear a gruff voice say and a grunt. I recognize the grunt from my kidnapper. I feel hands grip my chin and for my head up as I jerk away.
“Feisty one we have here, no wonder Jackson kept her around.” The man said gripping my chin again, but rougher this time. “Get her on the car, we’ll figure out what to do with her later. Lock her up in the cellar.” He adds and lets go of my face as another pair of hands pick me up and place me in a car slamming the door shut. Once the car starts and the seconds turn to minutes, I know my chances of being found diminish. I cry to myself, making sure that whoever is in the car with me doesn’t hear. I don’t want them to think that I’m just some helpless girl that can’t take care of herself. I swallow my tears and decide that I’m going to be tough and get through this. Instead I think about what the man said about Jackson. Does this mean that Jackson is a prisoner as well? Do they have him locked up somewhere and gagged too? My heart yearns to see his face and even though I’m scared, I’m also anxious. I want to see Jackson, I need to see him.
The car comes to a sudden halt and I’m pulled violently out of the car making me whimper in pain. I’m picked up and thrown over someone’s shoulder once again, my stomach aching from his shoulder digging in as he walks. I hear him unlock a door and open it with a screech. He puts me back on my feet and unties my hands, keeping the gag and blindfold in place. He pushes me and I stumble losing my balance, as I tumble down the steps, landing on the cold floor of cement. I hear the door shut with a bang and hear the lock click. I hastily pull off the blindfold and gag and look around at my surroundings. A single light illuminates the room with a soft glow. The room is empty except for a couple of blankets and a pillow in one of the corners on the far side of the room. Feeling the chill of the cold damp cellar I quickly go to the corner and cuddle in the blankets. Not knowing what else to do I weep, feeling hopeless, and let the darkness consume me.
It felt as if I had been down in this hole for days, but I really couldn’t tell. I lost track of my days and nights and all sense of time. The only time the door to the cellar was ever opened was when they threw me down a meal once a day. At first I spent my energy banging on the door, screaming for them to let me go. It did nothing but waste my energy and my voice. I had probably been here for a week and I wondered if Mason was worried about me. He probably thought I was just tired and ran away, poor Mace. Gavin was probably the opposite, angry that I had run. He most likely was scouring the area back home right now, the only problem, I wasn’t anywhere near home.
I was laying down on my make shift bed of blankets on the floor that smelled like moth balls when the door of the cellar opened. Thinking this was just a food run I stayed where I was, until I heard the footsteps on the stairs. My pulse spiking I quickly stood up, a little weak from being in this cellar. It drained me of energy and spirit. The first thing I saw were his black boots has he entered the small room. He was tall, he had to slouch so his head wouldn’t hit the ceiling. He had dark eyes and shoulder length black hair that hid most of his features.
“So, Julia.” His gruff voice said as he walked towards me, his fingers sliding against the cold cement wall beside him. I cowered in the corner, not knowing what to expect. “My name is Ian.” He was trying his hardest to be friendly, I could tell he wasn’t nice to a lot of people.
“No need to be afraid.” He said a small smirk on his face, “We just want some answers.”
I stared up at him, he had walked the length of the room within seconds of his speech and now hovered over me. “I… I don’t know anything.”
He smiled an evil smile, “Oh, but you do.” He grabbed me by the arm roughly, “Let me show you.” I yelped as he pulled me up the stairs and out the cellar door. It was pitch black outside and I glanced around at my surrounding area. It consisted of woods and a barn over to the side of the clear property. He was leading me to the barn and I could hear someone inside screaming. It made my ears hurt and my heart cringe.
“What are you doing?” I asked frightened.
He didn’t answer but kept tugging me violently.
Two guys in black leather jackets and sunglasses were standing by the barn door and opened it as we approached. Who sunglasses at night anyways?
The scene that folded before me made my eyes widen, I opened my mouth to scream but nothing came out. Hanging in the middle of the room was Gavin.
I took a step towards him when I was pulled back suddenly by my hair.
I didn’t give Ian the satisfaction of me crying out so he gripped my hair harder.
“Do you like what you see?” He asked me making me face towards Gavin again.
They had him bound by his hands hanging from a rope attached to a wooden beam above. They had stripped him of everything but his jeans, and blood dripped down his face and body. His head was hanging down, his body sagging. While I was wondering where all the blood was coming from since his face looked clear, a guy stepped out of the shadows and spun him around brutally.
I gasped at the sight of him; his back was covered in jagged cuts. His flesh was raw and swollen as blood dripped down his body onto the floor.
“Please!” I cried trying to go to him again, but I was still being held by the hair.
“Not so pretty now, is he?” Ian asked, whispering in my ear.
I could feel tears come to my eyes, and even though I promise not to cry in front of these people, they fell.
“Tell me what you know.” Ian said making me shake my head.
“I don’t know what you mean.” My voice sounded panicky even to my own ears.
The man standing by Gavin suddenly produced a long looking leash of some kind and I noticed that it was a whip, with something spike- like on the end of it.
Ian nodded to the guy and everything seemed to happen in slow motion after that.
The guy lashed the whip back with a crack making me close my eyes. Ian grabbed my face viciously, “You are going to watch this, or he will be whipped twice as much.” His voice was cruel and evil making me cry harder.
I opened my eyes just in time to see the whip lash out and strike Gavin on the back with a loudening snap.
Gavin jerked as a scream came out of his mouth. He lifted his head, gritting his teeth, his eyes met mine.
“Gav.” I whispered trying to go to him again, but this time Ian let me go and I ran to him. I stopped inches from not knowing what to do.
“I came looking for you.” He whispered making my head snap up to his. I couldn’t bear to look him in the eyes. He smiled a weak smile, “I thought you had ran away, I thought…” His voice broke off and I put my hands on either side of his face.
“Ssshhhh, It’s ok.” I said wanting to wrap my arms around him.
He hung his head down, “I’m so sorry Jules, so sorry.”
Ian started clapping behind me, “Touching, very touching. Two lovers reunited.” He said laughing.
I spun on him, “You bastard!” I screamed, all tears now turning to anger, I lunged at him. I hit him in the face one good time sending his head flying back. I struck out again, before I could make contact, he caught my fist in his hand.
His eyes bore into mine, “That wasn’t very smart Julia.” He said through clenched teeth slapping me across the face. I started to stumble back from the blow, but Ian still had a hold of my fist keeping me in place. He slapped me again making my head snap back.
“Stop!” I heard Gavin yell weakly.
Ian let go of me and I stumbled as another blow hit my face and I was sent spiraling to the ground. I lay there stunned for a second before I got up on all fours and spit out the blood that had collected in my mouth.
Ian bent down to look me in the eye, “Tell me what I want to know.” He said in his cruel voice again.
“I don’t know what you mean!” I spat at him, blood dripping down the corner of my mouth.
Ian nodded and swiftly stood up and nodded at the guy with the whip.
“Don’t look Jules.” Gavin whispered just as the whip connected with his back making him yell a blood curdling scream.
“Please stop!” I screamed, “Just tell me what you want to know!!!” I started to run over to Gavin when Ian grabbed me pulling me back.
“No, I want you to watch this.” He said evilly.
“Please.” I pleaded as he was whipped again and again, each time Gavin screamed in agony.
My knees gave out from under me and I hit the ground with a thud.
Everything went silent and I glanced up to see Ian hovered over me, “Are you ready to talk?”
“I’ll tell you whatever you want, I just don’t know what you are talking about!” I screamed at him, my voice shaky.
I looked at Gavin who was breathing in short panting gasps.
“Let him down first.” I said finding my courage.
Ian smiled, “I don’t think you are in the position to negotiate.”
I looked at him defiantly, and struggled to stand up. “You want to know what I know, so let him go and I’ll tell you.” I said once I was standing on my feet steadily.
Ian nodded, and the guy that had whipped him cut the rope binding his hands, making Gavin fall to the floor with a thud.
“Gavin!” I screamed running over to him as he lay face down in the dirt. I glanced over his wounds and glared back up at Ian. “He needs a hospital.”
Ian shook his head, “Tell me what I want to know.”
I stood up abruptly, “What do you want to know!?”
“Where is my money?” He asked suddenly.
That made my face red with anger, “You think we had it?” I asked my voice sounding hard.
Ian looked confused.
“Jackson is the one who had it!” I screamed, “He got a package from Mac and never came back! I don’t know what happened to him, or where he went, but he left me there and never came back!” I ended in a huff.
Ian strode over to me quickly grabbing me by the face, “Where is Jackson?”
“I… I don’t know” I stuttered, “I haven’t talked to him since that day he disappeared.”
Ian nodded, and turned around walking swiftly towards the door of the barn, his goon right on his heels. At the door, he turned to look back at me.
“I hope you are telling the truth Julia, because if you’re not I will come for you. Next time will be much, much worse.” He paused smiling evilly, “And if you happen to hear from Jackson… well let’s just say, I’ll keep in touch. Something tells me he’ll be coming for you soon.” He walked out of the barn slamming the door behind him.
I stood there for a second stunned; Jackson would be coming for me soon? What could that mean? Before I could think anything else about it, Gavin groaned.
I turned my attention to him, going into immediate action.
Publication Date: 12-19-2010
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