


Mayumi Swada, a girl who lived in Japan, Gifu and had the biggest love for everyone who was in trouble or who was crying but all that changed when a horrible tragedy hit her one night. She bared to let anyone see her face.

This took place in Japan,Gifu. March 1978....

How Many Things Happen in One Day…


“I have a confession to make… I love you,” a boy said to me who looked around my age but very young looks. “But why? I don’t even you” I panicked trying to look at something my eyes scanning around the ground. “But I know you very well” he said looking me straight in the eye “What do you know about me?” I asked the boy “Mayumi Swada, you’re on the track team, you hate studying… you joke around a lot, you live in a huge house. You have 2 older sisters. And … and… Everyone in detention idolizes you,” he said but then I interrupted him “The reason you love me?” I demanded him cause I didn’t have enough time for this, “I also think we have a lot in common” he said but again I interrupted him “You have some nerve!” I said but not too loud, he looked down “But I give you credit, so I won’t turn you down. I’ll just pretend this never happened,” I said patting his shoulder “Thank you” he said bowing his head “Ok. Now go!” I said smiling at him. He bowed his head and said, “Yes, Ma’am” he turned around to run to catch up with his friends “Better luck next time!” I yelled as he ran hopefully he’d hear me


“Why did you turn him, he’s a nice guy” Kaoto said to me “Because Mayumi likes the captain of the track team” Rienon said to Kaoto. “Really?” Kaoto said surprised I was scared that anyone might hear her “Hey! Keep it down!” I pushed Rienon’s shoulder. I glance at my track coach who was coaching some kids “What do you see in that Grease ball? Rienon asked me “He’s cool” I said smiling at myself “She goes for the slick-haired old-school type” Kaoto said “That’s him alright” I said smiling at him “No way!” Rienon said laughing at me “Yes it is!” I said to her “He’s going to college on Tokyo you know.” Rienon told me I was quickly shocked by this “What? Why Tokyo?” I asked her and she shrugged her shoulders “How should I know?” she said “A little bird told me” then she smiled. “Your little bird id usually wrong” Kaoto said laughing quietly “On your mark. Set go!” The coach said as we positioned. I smiled as I got in first place the breeze against my skin as the wind blows through my hair, I finished the line, I bent down breathing, trying to catch my breathe I took a glance at my crush who was cheering on some kids.


I sat on the bus with Kaoto and Junko, my other friend who is very close to me. We talked about girl stuff and laughed then my friends had to leave “Okay bye see you soon” they said and I smiled at them. I was alone on the bus but captain was on here with me. We ride the same bus home.

Lunch With The Family...


I ran inside as I got off the bus “I’m Home!” I yelled through the house as I walked inside “In here!” I heard a familiar voice I walked into the kitchen and seen my older sister Yukie “Yukie? You’re home?” I asked her as I sat down “ Of course, Sachiko’s getting married” she said fixing some plates on the table “ But that’s not until Sunday today’s Thursday” I said “I took a few day’s off work just to come here” she said smiling at me “Mayumi go change your clothes!” my mother told me but before I went I spotted something I enjoyed very much “I’m taking a sip of your coke” I said reaching over the table grabbing Yukie’s cup I took a drink but when I swallowed it, it was soy sauce “Oh my god it’s soy sauce” I said coughing “The soy sauce bottle broke” Sachiko said “Why didn’t you tell me?” I asked her coughing “Because you didn’t ask” Yukie said laughing at me.

“Yuck! I need some tea,” I said reaching over the table to grab the tea as I took a sip out of the tea then the horrible taste went away.

“I’m home!” we heard dad come in “Dad’s home, everyone get ready for dinner” mom said getting up from the table “Yes mom” everyone said.

We sat and ate at the table “Did you meet him already?” Yukie asked me smiling “Who?” I asked her “Sachiko’s fiancé” she said taking a bite of her fried rice. I smiled “Ah he came over to meet us” I said looking at Sachiko who was blushing. “What’s he like?” Yukie asked me. She didn’t have the chance to meet him cause how much she had to work at her new job. “His face looks like that uni-brown actor!” I said laughing, “I know which one!” Yukie said smiling at me “He looks like nothing like him” Sachiko said smiling at us “How’s work” mom asked Yukie “Mm we’re so busy, I barely have time to do laundry” she replied back to mom “Why don’t you come back home? You can’t be paid very much why did you have to move out?” dad asked Yukie two questions in one sentence ha! That’s what I love about dad “I want to be independent” she said then turning back to her food “What about you, Yukie?” mom asked her.

Everyone is just asking her tons of questions since she moved out “What?” she said “Any wedding prospects?” mom asked her “I have no interest right now, my job is my life” she said.

“What’s your type Mayumi?” Yukie asked me “Someone tall with good skin, maybe someone older” I said then everyone started to smile and laugh “Sounds good” Yukie said “I think I want…someone rich” she said then we laughed again “Just kidding” she said

Speaking to my Love


I listened to my history teacher as he talks to us about a man named Jonah of Arc. I felt a soft tap on my shoulder; I turned around to see Rienon holding a paper in front of me “Look at this” she said I grabbed the paper “What is this?” I asked scanning the paper “It’s a list of girls who are after your sweetheart” she said then I started to look at the names “What? There’s so many of them,” I said looking at her then at the paper “What do I do?” I asked her “Going to knock them down one by one?” she asked me, I didn’t know the answer to that “But I’m not the fighting type,” I said, “You don’t have to fight, bribe them my dear,” she said “Sawada, be quiet!” my history teacher said I stood up fast “Sorry” I said.

I rode the bus home alone looking and studying the paper; I put the paper down and turned around in my seat to look at him. His smile was marvelous and his hair always shiny. I have to say he was more than cute.

I took a deep breath as the next stop came and his friends were off the bus. I opened my eyes and walked over to him “Captain” I said bowing my head “Swada, I heard you set the new record at the preliminaries” he said smiling at me which made me blush bad. “Yes! It was a breeze,” I said which much power in my voice “That’s great” he said, “I just did what you told me,” I told him. At the beginning of the year, I joined the track team just to see him everyday, when I stepped out of the girl’s locker room I bumped into him. That was very known of me bumping into people. When I bumped into him I quickly said sorry to him as he laughed “Are you here to join the track team?” he asked me and I nodded “Here’s what I did that made me the greatest runner last year just keep running” he said then he patted me on the back.

I remembered this story by heart…

“Did I tell you to do something?” he asked me “When I joined track, you said, ‘Just keep on running’” I said to him. He chuckled a little “Did I really say that?” he asked me “I love it! He doesn’t even remember!” I said to myself out loud he began to laugh at me “I can’t tell if you’re serious or joking” he said looking at me “I’d never joke about something like that” I said waving my hand in front of me “Mm sit down” he said and he scooted over so there was room for me. I sat down next to him. We sat in silence, which he was okay with but for me it was awkward I took a glance at his face how his hair is always shiny. The bus stopped and beeped so that I know it’s my stop but I was so distracted his marvelous features “Oh isn’t this your stop?” he asked me snapping me out my daydreaming.

I gasped and ran towards the door “Captain! You’re graduating soon” I said, “Mm yeah, I am,” he said smiling at me. “May I…may I” I kept stuttering, he gave me a confusing look “Uh never mind,” I said bowing my head and waving him goodbye.

A few hours passed and Yukie was still home. She decided to give me a haircut “You’re getting really good at this” I said to her “Well I am a professional” she said.

“Remember when you used to give me haircuts when I was small, I looked like I was wearing a helmet” I said smiling “Yes, you wouldn’t forgive me for that” she said chucking softly. “How’s school, anyway? Studying hard?” she asked me “It’s OK, I guess” I replied back to her “Any plans after graduation?” she asked me “Not really” I said.

“There’s nothing you want to do?” she asked me with worried in her voice “Nope” I said “Any boys you like?” she asked me with excitement in her voice this time “Yeah” I said smiling “What’s he like?” she asked me. “He’s nice. The dependable type” I described him to her “He’s smart and cool, like old-school type” I said turning around smiling at her “What? Your teacher?” she asked me almost yelling, “No, he’s a senior” I said to her. She calmed down “You got weird taste in men” she said, “How come you’re being nice to me, anyways?” I asked her. “It gets lonely when you’re living alone, you start appreciating things… Any time you need to talk you can come to me OK?” she said I smiled “Thanks”

A Celebration for My Sister’s Wedding…




The phone ranged “Can someone get the phone?” mom asked whoever is near the phone “I will!” Sachiko said walking to the phone “Swada Residence” she said

“Hi. It’s me, how are you it’s been awhile” Mr. Suzuki said on the other line

“Yes it has” she replied

“I heard you’re getting married”



“Thank you”

“I hope you’ll be very happy”

“Thank you…”

“ I just called to tell you that, I wanted to tell you in person, but…”

“No…well…I have to go”

Then she hanged up. Mr. Suzuki was Sachiko’s ex-boyfriend, she broke up with him then he went crazy for her stalking her calling her constantly asking her why she broke up him. My sister was very scared she moved in with us and that’s when he stopped, now she’s getting married. And he came back once in a while.

Everyone was coming for the celebration of Sachiko’s wedding; she has a lot of friends and families. I wish I were popular like her.

I walked into a room where they were getting her ready; I walked up behind her while she was looking at herself through the mirror “Am I pretty?” she asked me nervous “Beautiful” I told her and she smiled at me. I sat down on her bed “Can I visit you sometimes?” I asked her “Of course, you can” she said smiling at me “You’re going to be the only one left, so take care of mom and dad, Ok?” she said. I smiled at her “I know” I said nodding my head once. “Can I ask you one more thing?” I asked her “What is it?” she asked me I turned around to look her room “Can I have your room?” I asked her smiling big. “Sure just keep it clean” she said giving me that little smile “Really? Yay!” I said bouncing on her bed. I walked into the living room where everyone is.

In front of the living room, Sachiko sits with her husband and his parents as everyone comes by saying that they are going to be very happy together. Mom and dad goes to everyone bowing their heads and being their waiter kind of. They wear this special wear that makes them Sachiko’s parents. I got to talk to some of Yukie friends and they are very funny, they know how to make you smile. Yukie tapped on my shoulder and pointed at Sachiko I smiled and waved at her, she waved back. I seen her eyes go big as she looks away but then got distracted by her husband.

“When are you coming home next?” I asked Yukie as we walked to the train stop “I’ll be back soon” she said giving me that innocent smile. We walked to a park and watched kids play and laugh as they ran around “You girls used to play here all the time” mom said “Ages ago” Yukie said smiling. I remembered a lot here. “You’d never come home before dark” mom said looking at me and I mostly remembered that too. “I can’t believe Sachiko’s gone” I said and mom and Yukie turned to me “It’s not like she’s gone forever” Yukie said to me “We can visit her anytime” she said. I nodded my head “I guess” I said smiling “I’ll be going then” she said we turned to her “I’ll walk you to the station” I said, “It’s alright” she said giving me a hug “Mayumi, tell him how you feel, OK?” she said I quickly snapped back “What?!” I said, “See ya,” she said walking away. I began to make gloves for him in the winter.


My Present to You…


Girls laugh as they talked to Captain saying their goodbyes before he leaves. “May I shake your hand?” A girl asked him and when he let her she squealed. “Go ask him for a keepsake” Junko said “A button from his uniform” Kaoru said I shook my head “He probably gave them all away” I said. “Give him your present” Kaoru said, I looked down at my creation I made for him last night. “You’re being so shy! I’ll bring him here” Junko said walking towards him. I quickly grabbed her arm “I’ll go” I said giving a nervous smile, I made my way through the girls that surrounded him “Captain, congratulations on your graduation” I said again with much power in my voice as I were screaming. I handed him the gloves I made for him. “Thanks, potholder? Wow” he said smiling at me. I smiled a little “Actually…they’re gloves, I didn’t have time to do the fingers” I told him. He smiled and glance at the gloves “They’re really nice” he said I smiled at him. Every time I am around him I can’t stop smiling no matter what. “I want to show you something” he said, “Will you come with me?” he asked me I nodded my head.


We walked for about 10 minutes to a place that I wasn’t familiar with, he stopped and sounded like he was out of breath “We used to train up here, I’m out of shape now that I quit” he said trying to catch his breath “Are you all right?” he asked me “Oh I’m fine” I said “I bet even Kaoru and Junko can outrun me now” he said panting “They’re kind of slacking off lately, you can beat them” I said. He looked up at me “You three are really close huh?” he asked me “We’ve been best friends since grade school” I told him “I envy you” he said, “I don’t have friends like that” he said then he looked at the big wide view of Japan, Gifu. I smiled at him as he wore the “Glove” I made for him. “I wanted to see this view one last time, with you” he said I walked up beside him looking and admiring that great view “Oh, yeah” he said reaching down into his pocket he smiled at me and pulled out his button “Here” he said giving it to me “This is…” I said looking him “A button from my uniform, I want you to have it” he said putting it into my hands. I smiled cause I thought he gave them all away to the girls; he quickly turned back to the amazing view.

We started to walk back home, I thought about how I came to be talking with this boy who only called me by my last name and now my real name. I stopped and waited till he turned around to look at me if he does it means that he wants to be with me forever. He realized I wasn’t by him “What is it?” he asked me when he turned around I smiled at him and shook my head. I ran up to him so that I was by his side. He looks so cute wearing my “Gloves”


It was night and I took a shower before I went to bed “I’m going to sleep, goodnight, Remember I’m sleeping in Sachiko’s room now” I said to mom and dad who were watching T.V. in the living room. I walked into Sachiko’s room, which was now my room ha! I grabbed Toshiyo’s button and studied it. Touching the gold linings of it. I fell asleep while it was in my hands. I was barely awake, I heard a noise outside my room I opened my eyes wide and I could sense the person walking into my room. I turned my head towards the person, but when I did I realized that it was Mr. Suzuki that was in my room. He splashed Sulfuric Acid all over my face I screamed in pain covering my face. I couldn’t see anything at all, everything was dark “IT BURNS” I yelled crying. I saw him walk out of my room and mom bump into him. I could hear screaming and “Where’s Sachiko?” then a thud I wanted to get up and see what he did to mom but I couldn’t when I can’t see. I started to hear crying then a huge shotgun. I think dad has his gun, things got quiet. I started to crawl out of bed slowly so that I could hear anything clearly.

Here’s what I heard so far.

“You…Mr. Suzuki” I could hear dad’s voice now

“Why didn’t she pick me?” Mr. Suzuki said loud and clear enough for me hear I started to hear crying “YOU MADE A FOOL OF ME!” Mr. Suzuki yelled.

I heard something then another loud gunshot and a thud. I could hear dad crying, I wanted to see if anyone was okay so I started to crawl out of my room, which hurt every moment I took hurt my face. I took a small glance at dad who was on the ground crying and mom dead… Mr. Suzuki dead as well.

Rumors And Bulling

"But it wasn't self defense right?"

"Still, he killed someone his daughter ex-boyfriend no less" 


"Supposedly what?"

"There was bad blood between them"

"So it wasn't self defense?"

 "I heard the mom was having affair with him so the dad went crazy and killed them both"

"No way!"

"I heard his head was blown off"

"Oh my god"


"Poor Sachiko. Losing her mother so soon after the wedding" 

"I hear they're living apart now"

"Why isn't she living with her husband?" 

"You know how it is. People talk"

"Sachiko used to date that guy right her dad's chicken farm lost a lot of busisness to that man's department store, right?"

"Poor Mayumi, He poured acid on her face thinking she was Sachiko"


These were the things poeple were saying about us "At this point this is the best we can do, the acid penatrated through most of her bone any further surgery could may jeoperize her life I am very sorry" the socter said to my dad. Everyone was here for.

"I'm sorry girls" I head Yukie say from my window. The door is right below my window "She's still not feeling well" 

" I see" Rienon said nodding her head "We'll come again" she said. "I'm really sorry" Yukie said closing the door. I feel loved by them cause they came to check if I was okay well at least try but I love these girls as if they are my sisters. I watched them leave and disappear behind a fence onto the sidewalk. 

I heard the phone rang and I was the closest to it so I walked over to it and asnwerd it...

"Hello?" I said 

"Sawada, it's me" I head Captain's voice on the other line 


I'm sorry about your mom..."

"Thank you...."

"How are you feeling?" 

"Ok...When are you leaving for Tokyo?" I asked him


"I see..."

"I'm right near your house...can I see you?" he asked me 


"I see...."

"Is it okay if I write letters to you?" 

"Of course, I'll write back too...cheer up sawada I always liked your smile" he said to me

"Thank you..." 



I hangd up the phone...he's not going to like my new smile I got...

I went visit my mom's belongings that were just in a room where all her stuff that mattered to her and given presents were in there with her...I sat there looking a beautiful picture of my mom who was once here with me.... I stood up and starting to remove my bangages letting her see the horrible scars on my face as if she were here.

I stood there for a while thought of looking for Sachiko so I can tell her something that I would enjoy very much, I walked through the hallways until I found her cleaning up the floor where the incident happened. 

She looked up at me and smiled "What is it?" she asked me kindly "I decieded to go to school..." I said to her "What?" she said with a shock taking over her face "Why not?" I asked her 

"But you're not completely healed yet" she said looking worried now. I mean she is right I'm not healed completely but I want to let Junko and Rienon to know that I'm okay "I can't stay cooped up forever you know" I told her and she looked at the ground. 

She choose her answer that she's going to let me go if there isnt' going to be no problems at school...after she said yes I went to my room and got bored of just sitting there so I started to make a doll of Captain. Yeah I'm weird in a way but who cares right?


I woke getting ready for school, I didn't want to ride the bus cause I knew no one on the bus I knew was going to be on there so I walked there with all the others. I felt happy when I stepped out of the door but when I started to walk with the kids, I felt unwanted around them like they think I am something they aviod at all times. I could feel eyes on me burning holes in me going right past me....


I walked to a corner and seen Junko and Reinon talking about something so I just walked up to them "Morning" I said to them, they quit talking and turned their heads on me "Mayumi? Junko said "You're well enough to come to school" Junko said and I stood a little taller and held tight onto my little bag "Yeah" I told her "Sorry I couldn't see you guys the other day when you came to see me" I said to them "Never mind that...are you you're okay?" Rienon asked me and I nodded touching my mask "Yeah so, what class are you in?" I asked them both and they smiled at me "Class F, same as you" Junko said. I smiled underneath my mask "That's great! we're altogether again" I said to them "Yeah" Rienon siad smiling at me "We better get to class before we get late" Junko said...


I got on the bus when it was after school but when I got on the bus everyone was staring at me like they didn't want me there on the same bus as them. Some girls were laughing at me probably making fun of me and the boys were just talking about me and some other people could just not stop staring at me.

I was eating dinner with Dad and Sachiko, Yukie was at work. It's been hard for us lately now that dad lost a lot of business due to Mr.Suzuki's death and Sachiko trying to get a job right now but nothing's working out for her. The only person helping us with the money is Yukie. She comes home and gives us half of her check.

We ate in silence until Sachiko asked me a question "How's school?" she asked me "It was ok" I said nodding "Oh" she said smiling at me a little. I walked to my room and sat down in a corner and started to look at a book that I enjoyed when mom was around us when I was little.


I returned back to school the next day and was walking down the hall to my class, I was okay but then some boy was pushed in front of me we almost ran into each other. I blinked twice just to see if I didn't get hurt but didn't then I turned my eyes on the boy. He looked famliar Hey! he was that boy that confessed to me that he lived me. He looked at me nervously I looked away and started to walk from him leaving him behind. I walked outside I took one step on the stairs steps but then heard some girls talking about my family but most of all dad. I ran back inside waiting for a sneak attack on whoever it is.

"I can't believe Mutant girl came to school" a girl said 

"Mutant girl?" another one asked

"Mayumi Sawada, in class F" the girl said 

"Oh her" the other girl said 

"I could never come to school looking like that" she said "Have you seen her without the mask?" she asked her friends 

"No way" her other friend said laughing "It's suppose to be hideous they can't do anymore surgery" then they laughed together "She'll never find a husband" she said and this made me so mad "How can anyone watch stand to watch her eat" she said and her friends laughed with her.

"Her dad killed somebody right?" her friend asked 

"I can't believe it!" a girl said 

"Her dad must be crazy, too" she siad and then they started to laugh at the rude remark. That was it I had enough, I popped out of my hiding sopt and started to pull her hair dragging her to a wall she screamed in pain. Everyone was watching even my two best friends, I was paying any attention to them. I pushed her and came back at her again hitting and slapping her repeatdly. I hit her face and pulling her hair each time I hit harder and harder. She begged me to stop but I didn't want to, she deserved this. 


I was sent home early for a phyical fight, Sachiko was the one who picked me up and we walked home in silence while she walked a few paces behind me "Aren't you going to tell me what happned?" Sachiko said to me "Is it difficult watch me eat?" I asked her not looking behind me "No" she said.

We turned to a corner which we were almost home only like 3 mintues away.

"I don't care what they say about me but they were talking about dad!" I told her "I know you'd do the same thing too" I said "I know how you feel...but don't bring anymore attetion to's for your own good" she said as I stopped walking. She doesn't know what I'm feeling I can tell by the tone of her voice, she knows what I'm what I'm going through but doesn't know how to help me...


After we got home I checked the mail and seen a letter from Captain, this made me smile underneath my mask I looked up and seen a woman in a red dress down the road just staring at me I got scared. I blinked my eyes and she was gone....


I read the letter he sent to me. It read.

How are you? College life is so busy. I'm studying hard everyday. My apartment is small and dirty, but I do my own laundry and even cook alittle. Your "gloves" are coming in handy. I saw scenes of our town on TV the other day. it reminded me of the veiw we saw together.



I started to smile and soon I wrote a letter during school lunch period.


Dear Captain,

I'm glad to hear that you're doing well. My burns are healing little by little. I'm going to school again. I had to quit track but thanks to you I taken up sewing class. I'm really getting into it. I'm currently making some cushions fro you to sit on while you study. I'll send them soon.

Sincerely, Mayumi


 I sent the letter off on my way home from school, I went into my room and found fabric and cotton. I started to make cushions for Captain as I told him so, I couldn't seem to anything right cause I kept messing up. A soft came on my door "Mayumi, it's me" I heard my dad and he opened the door "Hey dad" I said looking up at him 

He looked down at the fabric and cotton everywhere "What are these?" he asked me looking everywhere

"Cushions" I told him as he kneeled down in front of me. "Oh.." he said grabbing some cotton and fabric. 

"Why so many?" he asked me looking at the mess "I can't seem to get it right" I said trying to focus.

I looked up and seen him looking worried like he was thinking hard about something "What's wrong?" I asked him catching his gaze "Nothing's wrong" he said smiling at me. I nodded my head and went back to sewing the cushions for Captain. 

Dad leaned forward "How's school?" he asked me curiously "Its fun" I lied to him "I see" he said smiling.

"What do you want to do after you graduate?" he asked me "Well...I'd liked to go to Tokyo" I said to dad with excitement filling my voice. 

"Tokyo huh?" he said his mouth falling open he began to stand up "Don't stay up too late" he said walking to the door "I won't" I replied back to him. 

 He stopped midway at the door I looked up "What is it dad?" I asked him "Um I'm going to take drive, I need to clear up my mind for bit" he said smiling and nodding his head "Go ahead" I said I felt my eyes getting heavy "Are you sure it's okay to leave you and Sachiko home alone while Yukie is working late tonight?" he asked me laughing softly as he notices my eyes getting heavy. 

I smiled underneath my mask "Yeah dad" I said crawing in bed. He looked at me for a little bit and turned around walking to the living room.......

What do I do now?


The moon was shining bright and pretty, it was lovely although dad went out for a drive he said he needed to clear up his mind. I told him it was okay to leave me home alone with Sachiko. He smiled at me and took his keys I could hear his truck starting and backing out of the drive way and silence. I went to my room and went to sleep. I started to think about what I saw in dad’s eye before he left, I thought I seen a tear well up in his eyes but I thought I was just seeing things so I ignored it and slowly closed my eyes.


My two older sisters sat in front of two pictures of my parents. Mom and dad. Dad died last night the night I told him it was okay to leave me and Sachiko home alone, I should have said no to him and made me stay here with us. If I hadn’t said yes he would be here with us right now and not gone along with mom.

I sat outside on the swing set thinking about what happened was all my fault, I want dad here I need him here with us. I could hear Sachiko and Yukie talking about dad and us.

“It’s just us now” Sachiko said to Yukie

“Yeah” Yukie replied back

“Dad had life insurance? Sachiko asked

“ Yes”

“His will said to pay off the debts and the employees salaries… I’m sorry”

“Why should you be sorry?”

“It’s all my fault really… if I hadn’t broken up with that…and Mayumi…and dad…”

“It’s not your fault”

Then I heard footsteps

“I’m moving back home”

“What...but your job it’s so important to you”

“I can commute from home”

“We’ll have a lot to deal with there’ll be more rumors…”

“Don’t worry, I’m pretty thick-skinned”

They stopped talking then I just swinged there thinking about how we lost the two most important people to us. They gave us life and showed us the way but now I’m lost and need help.

I was just sitting there then I turned my head and seen the same woman I seen yesterday, I stood up scanning the area for any sight of her but she is always so fast that I can’t ever see her. I walked back in inside freaked out.  

We ate in silence with out dad and mom. Yukie spoke up breaking the silence “How’s school? Are you still writing to that guy?” She asked me smiling a little bit “Yeah. What about you?” I asked her “How’s work?” I asked her. “Great I’m practically managing the shop now, the owners really good to me” she said smiling “That’s nice” Sachiko said nodding her head “I’m thinking of getting a job too” she said “I can’t expect you to support us” she said to Yukie “I already applied for a part-time job at the supermarket” she said smiling at us “What about Kenji?” Yukie asked Sachiko. She laughed a little then sighed, “I don’t know what’s going to happen,” she said taking a bite of her rice “Are you getting a divorce?” I asked her and her smile went away then she smiled again “You guys don’t need to worry about it anyways…we have to stick together, right?” she said nodded at us “You’re right” Yukie said smiling at me. Then we all went back to our food.


The next day, Sachiko was at her new job at the supermarket where we get our food. I wonder how she’s doing even though the rumors are still going around, I don’t know if we could survive this horrible moment we’re having right now.

I heard some women talking about Sachiko’s job and seeing her working it’s like we’re famous to them but they continue to make rumors and names about me.


I returned to school, I didn’t want to do anything so I just walked straight to class but was distracted by the board that had my name “Mutant Girl” on the chalkboard and some how a picture of me with spikey teeth and a cut all the way to the ear. I walked to the board and started to slide my hand across it and caught everyone’s attention, the room grew quiet for a little bit. I sat down to a desk in front of the class and waited on Rienon and Junko when they entered the room, they looked at me then board. I looked at them with disappointment, Rienon grabbed Junko’s arm and walked away from me. I felt so alone; they ignored me after my dad died and after a bully scene.

It was after school almost, so I decided to take a little walk outside cause my class got to go outside and study the natural sky how blue it is. I thought it was boring so I sneaked away from them and went to visit the track team but didn’t want anyone seeing me. I seen Rienon and Junko talking to the new girl at our school now.

“I heard she on the track team” the new girl said “Was she really the fastest in the high school?” she asked Junko and Rienon. “Yeah, she was” Junko said. I had seen that they became captains wearing the pink suits and directing the runners.

“I heard a rumor… that her sister’s “ex” poured acid all over her face,” she said

“Yeah that’s the story” Rienon said “That must have been horrible!” she said gabbing her face “What does she look like underneath the mask?” she asked the girls “Don’t talk about stuff like that” Rienon snapped at her “I heard she had a boyfriend who went away to college in Tokyo” she said, that track suit looked big on her “I don’t think it was that serious” Junko said “Do they still keep in touch?” the girl asked one of them “Has he seen her face underneath the mask” this girl sure does talk a lot “Ask her yourself” Rienon said “I thought you guys were really close” she said rubbing her arm “I heard you guys were best friends”

“I wouldn’t say best friends, would you?” Rienon said to Junko, Junko sighed and said “You talk too much, you know?” she said and they turned back to directing the track runners.

I put my head down and started to walk away from them, I didn’t know why they were doing this to me. I walked away from the people who used to be my friends. I fell asleep well not really I was thinking a lot, how both my parents died and my friends turning their backs against me, Me having problems at school and anyone not helping me out with these problems.

Later I wrote back to Captain…

Dear Captain,

How are you? My sister Yukie moved back home recently. My sisters and I are all living together again. How did you like the cushions I sent you? I’ve joined sewing club and getting pretty good at it. I’ve made new friends in the club and we compete to see who sews the best. I can even make clothes now I am working on an outfit for you, I’ll send it soon. Change makes life more interesting. Do you feel the same way too? I’m discovering another side of myself. I hope to hear from you soon.



Sachiko went to take a visit with her fiancé at a restaurant so they can talk about their wedding and marriage. I don’t think they’re going to work with all this going on but we’ll have to wait and see…

Everything is really really different since things happened here at the house and dad committing suicide and mom getting murdered in a horrible way and me feeling the worst pain I have ever experienced. Acid being poured all over my face, not the thing I enjoyed.

I sat there in my room brushing my hair looking at myself in the mirror until I seen the woman again in my room. I turned around quickly but she wasn’t there, I wonder why she is so fast. I called Yukie seeing if she’s off work yet and that she should get home fast.

“Yukie, I’m scared I keep…seeing things and I just need you here Yukie!” I was crying now “Uh Mayumi hold on I’ll be there in a minute where’s Sachiko?” she asked me “She’s going to be late…that’s why” I said, “Okay I’ll be there just wait,” she said hanging up quickly.

I ran into the kitchen trying to open this door that was leading outside, I heard noise in the living I started to whimper and the footsteps came closer and closer, now I know that the woman was in the same room as me. I screamed as loud as I can but I noticed that it was Sachiko that came she looked at me worried “What is it?” she asked me running up to me and I tried not to cry. “What happened? Mayumi!” she said touching my hair. I started to calm and went to my room while Yukie was taking a shower and Sachiko drinking tea in the kitchen.

I think Sachiko is starting to notice something different about me and what’s going on at school. I don’t know maybe not.

We ate breakfast in the morning and the news came on. The newsman was talking about something two girls dying.


“Yesterday in Japan, Gifu two high school girls were stabbed to death by a woman wielding a pair of scissors. The woman is currently at large… the police are treating this as a homicide and a manhunt is underway. At about 5pm yesterday, in Gifu

Junko Muraoka and Rienon Yamamoto (17) were attacked on the way home from school by a woman wielding a pair of scissors the victims were rushed to the hospital, but died an hour later the woman was wearing a red dress”


“Mayumi, these girls went to your school” Yukie said to me but I ignored her


The next day I went to Junko and Rienon’s funeral service, I loved them even though they ignored me and turned their backs against me. They didn’t deserve this at all. Everyone was there the whole school.


I started to cry so I walked away but when I lifted up my head I seen captain standing there looking at me I began to wipe away my tears. This was his first time seeing me with my mask over my face he looked shock like he was speechless. I wanted to know what he thinks of me know.


“Are you Ok?” he asked me I nodded my head in response “Who would have thought... your letters sorry I haven’t written back” he said to me “I have heard you been through a lot with your dad and all” he said to me. I wasn’t barely talking to him he was the one that was talking. “How is…college?” I asked him finally speaking to him “Pretty good…I guess” he said, “When are you going back to Tokyo?” I asked him he looked at me with those enchanting eyes of his “Tomorrow, around noon” he said it got quiet for a little bit “Can I see you…tomorrow morning?” I asked him “I’d like to see that view again I’ve been through so much lately…it would help me to see that view with you” I said putting some power into my voice. He looked up at me “Ok” he said I looked down at my feet.

I walked in the rain to Yukie’s hair salon wondering of she can cut my hair for me so I can look good tomorrow morning. “Yukie!” I said from outside she looked worried “Mayumi! What happened?” she asked me “Can you cut my hair?” I asked her she looked like she didn’t want me at her work but at home. “Does it have to be today?” she asked me I nodded my head “It does” I told her she looked at a woman who was very pretty and she nodded at Yukie “But I’m all booked up” she said “Oh…that’s Ok, then” I said walking away from the shop and into the rain again heading another direction that’s a short cut to the house. I was about to turn a corner until Yukie came running outside “Wait!” she said

She started to talk to the woman that nodded to her; I was outside waiting for her seeing if I can have a haircut. They both looked at me and the woman nodded her head and Yukie smiled. Soon I was inside the hair salon getting a haircut from my sister. “Sorry to put you out like this” I said to her “Never mind, Are you going to see someone?” she asked me I could see her through the mirror smiling “The guy I told you about” I said to her and she raised her eyebrows “Your pen pal in Tokyo?” she said “He’s back in town now” I told her “Is everything all right?” she asked me “Like what?” I asked her. I think she knows what’s going on at school, and everywhere.

“Remember, we’re here for you,” she said smiling a little. I smiled underneath my mask “Thanks”

The Nice Walk With Captain…


“They don’t have any lead on that homicide, this can’t be happening not in a small town like this…how’s school?” he asked me looking at me in the eye “It’s Ok” I replied back to him

“Um…I was talking to everyone yesterday we…aren’t going out, are we?” he asked me and I looked at him mean a little and he looked like he was about to panic “There were rumors that we were seeing each other” he said quickly I felt unwanted around him “Does that bother you?” I asked him “No but I gave you my button because Junko asked me to…I always thought of you as a little sister” he said I guess which was suppose to cheer me up “I never thought of you as a brother” I said looking down at my feet bout to cry “Well…um” he said thinking of something to say “Is it because of my face?” I asked him “No! It’s not that…you’re pretty” he said quickly I felt as if he were lying. I slowly took off my mask “Even like this?” I let him look at my scar and his eyes widen “Am I…still pretty?” I asked him I could feel a lump in my throat he was starting to stutter “Um…I… I’m seeing someone,” he said and I just looked at him. Why…how could he do this to me after what I have been through I had enough of this.

We started to walk back home and I started to think about the time when I stopped walking left him walking by himself and he turned around letting me know that he wanted me by his side forever so I tried this once again. I stopped walking leaving him walking by himself but it took awhile for him to notice then I realized he didn’t want to be with me. I looked at the button he gave me as anger took over me. I felt strange like a whole different, everything went black. I opened my eyes and seen that I was holding scissors standing above Captain, he was dead covered in blood so was I even my mask was covered in blood. I washed the bloody scissors in the kitchen as little by little the memory came by on how I killed Captain.


I was running towards him wearing heels, which I don’t remember, and him turning around with a scared look taking over his face. I took the scissors with much force I stabbed him in the stomach repeatedly. Blood splashing all over my face, my mask, my dress and my face.


Even how Junko and Rienon died, I was the one who killed them. How can I not remember any of this? These memories were coming into my head little by little and why now? Why were they coming to me now? I don’t know why I killed Junko and Rienon maybe cause they ignored when I was getting bullied or when I needed them the most.

Captain, I killed him cause he was seeing someone while we were talking and seeing each other. He didn’t reply when I asked him if I was pretty with my new look.


Yukie was at work but I was watching the news and they reported Captain missing.


“A male college student was reported missing. The police have mobilized a search party in the area. Seiji Moriyama (18) of Teito University has been reported missing. He was last seen in Gifu attending a classmate’s funeral….”

I had enough so I turned off the TV and took a shower to get rest of the blood off of me. Captain’s missing went around school then they were starting to talk about him and me. This caused more rumors to go around; well at least he doesn’t have to deal with them anymore…


Missing flyers of him were handed out and people who cared for him went looking for him. Sachiko was at work doing her job as a cashier.


We ate dinner at home and everyone seemed to have a nice but me “They asked me to run the shop” Yukie said bragging, “Wow! That’s great” Sachiko said smiling at her “I can’t believe” she said I was eating my food being quiet most of the time. “Where is it?” Sachiko asked her “Near Unuma station” she said “That’s closer to home” Sachiko said with excitement in her voice. “Your dream is coming true” She said to Yukie “It’s going to be a lot of work, but I’ll be paid more” she said smiling “Wow” Sachiko said

The doorbell ranged and they stopped talking “Who is it!” Sachiko said then she got up “I wonder who it could be?” she said.

I watched her get leave the room, I knew who it was and they were going to be asking questions “Is Mayumi Sawada here?” I heard from the door.

“I have some questions regarding Mr.Moriyama,” the policeman said to me “I heard rumors that the two of you were dating” he said I just kept my eyes down the whole time then there was long silence “When did you last seen him?” he asked me “At Junko and Kaoru’s service” I told him “You haven’t seen him since?” he asked me writing some things on a yellow notepad “No, I haven’t” I said to him before he was about to turn around “And we weren’t dating. That was just a rumor,” I told him “I see…do you have any idea where he might be?” he asked me “I have no idea” I said.

I don’t even remember where I put his body. The man nodded “Moriyama was a senior on the track team right?” he asked me “Yes” I said, “Did you do things together? Go shopping maybe?” he said “We didn’t know each other that well,” I told the man “I see…” then they left.


I walked to my room and started to sew which I am an expert at it. While I was doing this Yukie came in and kneel down next to me “What is it?” I asked her not even making eye contact with her. “That guy, Moriyama…when you came to the shop, you said were going to see him,” she said “I didn’t…I didn’t go see him” I lied to her “We’re not going out” I told her “What do you mean?” she asked me “About what?” I asked her back.

“I think you know something” she said leaning forwards to me “I don’t know anything” I told her not looking up the whole time. “Really?” she asked me. I was getting annoyed by her “I told you, I don’t” I said making full eye contact that made her lean backwards. I looked at her for a long time then she got up and left my room. I could her footsteps run through the house then fade away.



I ran into the living room to talk to Sachiko about my conversation to Mayumi.

“Sachiko!” I said as I sat down next to her “Isn’t Mayumi acting weird?” I asked Sachiko “Like she’s hiding something?”

She looed at me like I was talking nonsense “Like what?” she asked and turned back to the TV “When she came to the shop, she said she was going to see Moriyama” I told her. She scoffed and turned to me “But she didn’t, right?” she said and took a sip of her juice “But…what if she did?” I told her and she stopped drinking her juice and looked at me “What if she’s lying…?” I asked her

“Why would she lie?” she said with a little laugh in her voice as she said it. I looked at her for a long time.



I really think Yukie is onto me now…I might have to no! I am not going to murder my own sister it’s going to get too noticeable that people I know are dying. Their attentions are turning to me and I will be soon put in jail. I’ll have to wait…


I sat in science class reading along with the class but really I was thinking about everyone I lost and killed…this would soon be all over…



I came home early from work so that I can search through Mayumi’s room; see if I can anything she knows that involves the murders and incidents. I saw a doll of Moriyama sitting on her desk. I wonder of she really did like this guy. I started to walk around room some more; I came back to the doll and studied it I looked up and my attentions went to the drawers so I ran to her drawers and starting looking through her clothes but I didn’t find nothing then I stood up and turned to her closet. I started to looked through her closet and noticed one of her dresses are bloody… I have to talk to Sachiko when Mayumi isn’t around and that’s going to be hard to do.



I met up my fiancé at a restaurant and told him the biggest news “I…think I’m pregnant” I told him and he raised his eyebrows “Really?” he said “Yes” I said, “Should I keep the baby?” I asked him “Of course!” he said leaning forward “No more living apart though” he said I thought about how his father is “But what will your father say…? I asked him “This is our life, not theirs” he said, “What can they say if we tell them you’re expecting?” he said folding his hands in front of him “But…” I said lean forward

“It’ll be a fresh start for us” he said, “You have to tell Yukie and Mayumi, too” he said to me. I sat there nodding my head.

I was in my room brushing my hair when Yukie came into the “Hey, you scared me” I said to her laughing, “I have to talk to you” she said holding a dress in her hands “I found this in Mayumi’s room” she said putting the bloody dress in front of me. I was shocked “What is this?” I asked her putting the brush down slowly “Blood stains” she said shaking the dress in front of me. I pulled my hands away from the bloody dress “She’s involved somehow…in those incidents” she said, “What are you saying?” I asked her trying to believe what I’m seeing. Yukie kneeled down in front of me “Look at this” she said putting it closer to me.

“We have to go to the police,” she said. I put the brush down and stood, walked over someplace else “Sachiko” she said as I sat down on the bed “We can’t” I said “What?” she said “Promise me, you won’t…do you know what will happen if we go to the police?” I asked her

“What do you mean…?” she asked me “Our names will be all over the news as if we don’t have enough problems already” I said “We won’t be able to live anywhere, it would ruin everything it’s a important thing for you too, right? If this gets around, you can forget about your career,” I told her.

“What should we do, then?” she asked me fiddling with the bloody dress in her hands “Just give me some little time…please…” I said. Sitting there looking Yukie was hard for me to think.



I went into my room and started to organize my room but when I looked up I noticed something different, my closet door was open. Someone has been in my room. I walked over to the door and opened it. I could not believe my eyes someone found the dress, the dress I was wearing when I killed Captain…


“The police and Local search parties are doing their best. His classmates and relatives have been so worried. If he’s alive, we want him back as soon as possible. Please call in with any information. Anything!” a girl on TV was crying about Captain.

Yukie looked at the TV then me “The tabloids are saying this could be another murder case” some people were saying on the TV. “Why…? He’s such a good kid why would anyone want to hurt him?”


I ate my food and I could feel Yukie and Sachiko eye’s on me as I ate.

“I feel so sorry for his mom”

“He’s probably dead already right Mayumi?” Sachiko told me. Yeah they know I killed him and the others. I knew this was going to come.

I looked up and started to eat again. I could see Yukie and Sachiko looking at me from the corners of their eyes. I feel different around them now… It was awkward.


I slowly grabbed my scissors from behind my back, I felt strong and powerful. I laid the scissors on my lap and took a sip of my juice, but my juice tasted different like it made me sick to my stomach. I was just about to reach the spoon to my rice until I started to cough up blood; it splattered everywhere on the table and some got on Sachiko’s face, Yukie got up and started to pat my back “Mayumi! What’s wrong!” she yelled as she came by my side “Are you ok?” she said I kept coughing up more blood and little by little I felt as if everything inside me was shutting down.

“I’m sorry, Mayumi…” I heard Sachiko say as I cough loudly “what?” Yukie said with a disappointment on her face “there was no other way…” she said calmly “What are you talking about, Sachiko?” she asked her.

“I put rat poison in Mayumi’s juice” she said looking and watching me die slowly.

“But Mayumi’s going to die!” Yukie yelled looking at me and the blood everywhere around me “CALL ANAMBUALNCE!” She yelled at Sachiko. “We have to kill her!” Sachiko said arguing with Yukie “It’s the only way!” she said looking at me.

I looked up at her 


I didn’t know this would come to an end so quickly… I felt weaker and coughed up more blood and my eyes closed and I fell backwards barely alive but dying. They looked at me and watched me die on their floor along with mom and dad. I didn’t want them to win so easily.

Sachiko leaned forward to see if I was dead but I could see her barely just when she was close enough, I opened my eyes and cut her arm then I went back down.

Buried along with mom and dad….




I can’t believe we killed our little sister things had gone easy if we hadn’t poisoned her. Oh we messed up bad. I looked at her body then at Sachiko.

“Sachiko…” I said and she looked at me rubbing her arm where Mayumi cut her. Sachiko got up and ran to where the cleaning supplies are and she grabbed out the tub and a wet rag and started to clean up the blood. “You got your career right?” she said to me “You want your own shop right?” she said cleaning up the blood, I can hear her voice like she’s about to cry. She grabbed a coat and covered Mayumi’s body with it. I just sat there looking at Mayumi who was gone now. “Hurry!” Sachiko said cleaning up the blood I looked at the table and grabbed a rag, and started to help Sachiko clean up the blood. We drove somewhere where nobody goes “Do you understand…?” Sachiko asked me “Yes…” I said and continued to drive somewhere far. “What are you going to say?” she asked me “Mayumi…went to a hospital in Tokyo” I told her like she told me to say if any asks questions about her “Right…that’s it” she said nodding her head. We pulled up to a spot where we nobody goes. It was dark and foggy I couldn’t see a thing. Sachiko got out of the car and looked at me, I sighed and got out. We opened the truck where we had Mayumi, when we opened that truck I wish Sachiko hadn’t had done this but I wanted my shop and my career.

We started to dig deep with the shovels we brought from dad’s warehouse.

We threw her body into the hole and just stood there looking at her dead body then Sachiko started to cover her up with dirt then later I joined her. Mayumi I’m sorry…



I feel like I’m going through a whole bunch of dimensions, I started to feel my own body sore and weak. I couldn’t breathe well and I couldn’t open my eyes, I had to get out of here. I started to dig my way out of the dirt and into the air. I took big breaths as I was out in the open. I started to walk back into Gifu. I was so mad at my two sisters that I decided to go Yukie first. I walked to her hair salon shop cause I know she’ll be working. I looked through the window and seen her cutting some woman’s hair. I was so mad at her I wanted to kill her right on the spot where she is standing right now. She looked up and seen me, her face went white as a sheet when she seen. I walked to the door and stood till someone came “Is it a customer?” I heard a woman say as she walked to the door where I was. When she opened the door for me I stuck the scissors in her stomach and twisted it so that it can do more damage in her organs that she’ll die quickly.

I made my way to Yukie when the woman fell. “Sorry…Mayumi…I” she said it looks like she can’t speak.

I started to open and close my scissors and was walking towards her “I didn’t know…” she said backing away from me “I didn’t know…I didn’t mean to…” she said begging me.

Her hand was bugging me as she held it out in front of her as if it was going to protect her so with my scissors I slashed them off and they fell to the ground. She looked at her hand was started to cry in pain, I smiled and she caught my gaze and I raised the scissors in the air and pushed it into her mouth. She feels to the ground and I took my scissors out of her mouth and left her there as if she was nothing to me.

Next was Sachiko

I walked to our home and spotted her car so I went inside and heard music playing so I walked to the sound and found her unpacking some of her stuff and her fiancé’s stuff. I was so mad, who does she is.

I scared her when she turned around “Mayumi…” I looked at her and opened my scissors “Why?” she asked me as she backed away from me she began to throw books at me like as if it was going to stop me.

I held my scissors above my head and cut her on the neck, she walked into the kitchen and grabbed a kitchen knife. She turned around and seen me, I could tell she didn’t know this was going to happen at all.

I raised my scissors high and was going straight to her face until she stabbed me. It went through my back; I leaned against her body for a minute and fell to the ground. She thinks this can stop me, it didn’t I got up slowly and took the knife out of my back. I could her begging for help, I ran as fast as I could to catch up with her. I know she couldn’t get away that fast, she’s losing too much blood right now and she’s too dizzy to run fast.

I seen her leaning against a wall and was trying to get to a populated area where she’s safe, not on my watch, with the knife she stabbed me with went through her multiple times. She was coughing up blood just like I was before. She turned around so she facing me, she slide down the wall so she was in a sitting position.

“Sachiko…. Am I…pretty?” I asked her when I asked her this she died. I stood there looking at her dead body and it started to rain. I looked up at the sky, I looked ahead of me and seen a little boy had been watching me kill Sachiko…he deserves a time out. I grabbed the little boy and disappeared with him.....


People Talking…


“Have you heard about the Slit-Mouthed Woman? The long haired woman wearing a mask and a red coat?”

“I thought it was beige”

“She’ll stop you on your way home from school and ask you if she’s pretty, if you say yes she’ll cut you just like her and if you say no she’ll kill you right on the spot, and if you say “hair gel” she cut you in half her boyfriend used to wear hair gel”

“That’s just a story kids made up so they wouldn’t have to go to school”

“It sounds pretty ridiculous"

“If you give her a lollipop she’ll go away”

“Why a lollipop?”

“I heard she runs 100 meters in 3 seconds flat”





On May 18, 1978, a serial killer claimed 13 lives and injured 52. Police found evidence linking them to murders of 2 other high school girls. A witness at Yoshizawa Hair Salon identified Mayumi Sawada as a suspect. A knife and large quantities of blood were discovered in the Sawada residence, prints on the knife matched those of Sachiko Sawada, but not the blood type. The blood type matched Mayumi Sawada but due to the lack of advanced DNA testing, conclusive links were never made and the case remains unsolved.

Seiji Moriyama’s body was never found.

Mayumi Sawada’s whereabouts are still unknown….

Her friends, her boyfriend...

 She killed her two friends, Junko and Rienon. She doesn't remember a thing it but they came by little as she kills her boyfriend while she was cleaning her knife she killed him with. Sometimes she'll stop you on your way home from school and ask you:

"Am I pretty?" and if you say yes she'll make a slit across your face on one side of the face....

And if you say "No" well we all know what will happen...she feels sad then mad, and then kills you right on the spot......

They say there two witness that they seen Mayumi Sawada kill Yukie is her Hair Salon business shop....


Publication Date: 01-28-2015

All Rights Reserved

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