Leader: Bramblestar- A dark brown tabby tom with a white chest and hazel eyes.
Deputy: Sandtail- A yellow and white she-cat with blue eyes.
Apprentice: Swiftpaw
Medicine cat: Oakpelt- A dark brown tom with white paws and amber eyes.
Medicine apprentice: Flowerpaw- A long-haired grey she-cat with green eyes.
Tigerpelt- A long-haired dark brown tabby tom with black stripes and amber eyes.
Apprentice- Clawedpaw
Brokenheart- A small black she-cat with a white muzzle, white tipped ears and blue eyes.
Rabbitleap- A light brown tabby tom with a darker brown chest and hazel eyes.
Apprentice- Chickenpaw
Otterswim- A handsome dark brown tom with yellow eyes.
Apprentice- Leopardpaw
Pebblestep- A silver she-cat with white paws and blue eyes.
Lionclaw- A golden tabby tom with long claws and amber eyes.
Apprentice- Featherpaw
Eagletalon- A gold and white long-haired tom with green eyes.
Pigeonwing- A pretty grey tabby with pale white patches and yellow eyes.
Echopath- A pretty silver tabby she-cat with blue eyes.
Flamesnake- A fiery ginger tom with green eyes.
Spottedlark- A tortiseshell she-cat with yellow eyes.
Pinewhisker- A handsome long-haired brown tom with white tipped ears and green eyes.
Apprentice- Moonpaw
Barleyfoot- A black and white tom with yellow eyes.
Apprentice- Rainpaw
Snakebite- A dark brown tabby tom with some of his fur missing on his ears and amber eyes.
Spiderleg- A tall black tom with long legs and blue eyes.
Icebound- A pretty white she-cat with green eyes.
Twistpelt- A golden tabby she-cat with white paws and yellow eyes.
Floatingcloud- A small white she-cat with amber eyes.
Runningbreeze- A tall, handsome ginger tabby tom with a white chest, white paws and yellow eyes.
Leapthroat- A small brown tom with two white paws and hazel eyes.
Ghostfire- A white she-cat with black paws and black eyes, former loner.
Foxtooth- A firey ginger tom with amber eyes, former loner.
Swiftpaw- A black and white tom with yellow eyes.
Chickenpaw- A long-haired yellow and white tom with yellow eyes.
Featherpaw- A small white and brown she-cat with pale blue eyes.
Rainpaw- A pretty blue tabby she-cat with green eyes.
Leopardpaw- A golden tom with darker spots and amber eyes.
Moonpaw- A white she-cat with yellow eyes.
Clawedpaw- A dark ginger tabby tom with lighter ginger stripes and yellow eyes.
Frostear- A small white tabby with a silver muzzle and green eyes, mother to Heatherkit and Gorgekit. (Flamesnake's kits)
Poppyfoot- A redish brown she-cat with hazel eyes, mother to Morningkit, Fernkit, Blazekit and Toadkit. (Rabbitleap's kits)
Specklenose- A dapple grey she-cat with a white chest and blue eyes, mother to Secretkit, Cloudkit and Mysterykit. (Tigerpelt's kits)
Silverleaf- A pretty silver tabby with white paws, a white muzzle and blue eyes, expecting Bramblestar's kits.
Dawnsong- A light grey tabby she-cat with darker grey flecks, a white chest and blue eyes, expecting Noblespirit's kits.
Longstripe- A small grey tabby tom with faint black stripes and amber eyes.
Cloudeye- A pretty white she-cat with green eyes.
Leader: Bravestar- A pretty black she-cat with white paws, white tipped ears and blue eyes.
Apprentice: Littlepaw
Deputy: Clawedear- A tall golden tabby tom with slit ears and yellow eyes.
Medicine cat: Hazelfoot- A brown tom with black paws and hazel eyes.
Treasureheart- A golden tabby she-cat with amber eyes.
Apprentice: Sandpaw
Hawkfrost- A golden tabby tom with faint white paws and amber eyes.
Lifesong- A pretty light brown tabby with darker brown flecks and green eyes.
Apprentice: Boulderpaw
Lightingstripe- A small ginger tabby she-cat with white stripes and yellow eyes.
Rockfall- A tall silvery grey tom with one black paw, one white paw and blue eyes.
Wildleap- A handsome golden tabby tom with black spots, white paws and amber eyes.
Noblespirit- A handsome golden tabby tom with a white muzzle, a white chest, a slit ear and green eyes.
Apprentice: Thunderpaw
Ivypool- A pretty brown she-cat with white paws and blue eyes.
Adderfang- A dark brown tabby tom with a black chest, white paws and green eyes.
Sappphiresky- A blue she-cat with white paws and blue eyes.
Apprentice: Blackpaw
Diamondfur- A small white she-cat with green eyes.
Peacerain- A black and white she-cat with half of her whiskers missing and blue eyes.
Apprentice: Hollypaw
Crowpelt- A long-haired black tom with blue eyes.
Ashheart- A light grey tabby with white paws, mother to Rosekit, Swoopkit and Thistlekit (Clawedear's kits)
Brightpatch- A pretty white she-cat with ginger patches and yellow eyes, expecting Rockfall's kits.
Scatterdust- A dusty grey tom with a twisted jaw and blue eyes.
Mudfang- A dark brown tabby tom with a white muzzle and yellow eyes.
Marigold- A small, old yellow she-cat with white tipped ears and blue eyes, former loner.
Leader: Fishstar- A handsome white and silver tom with green eyes.
Deputy: Applewhisker- A small long-haired dark brown tom with amber eyes.
Medicine cat: Grassnose- A light brown tabby she-cat with a white muzzle and green eyes.
Medicine apprentice: Sootpaw- A black tom with blue eyes.
Puffinfeather- A pretty black she-cat with a white chest and yellow eyes.
Apprentice: Barkpaw
Minnowtail- A grey tabby she-cat with silver stripes and blue eyes.
Apprentice: Branchpaw
Seaview- A handsome blue tabby tom with green eyes.
Hurricanefire- A tall grey tom with yellow eyes.
Bearclaw- A long-haired dark brown tabby tom with long claws and yellow eyes.
Lizardtail- A long-haired grey tom with yellow eyes.
Apprentice: Sleetpaw
Swanfeather- A pretty long-haired white she-cat with yellow eyes.
Apprentice: Yellowpaw
Duckfur- A handsome yellow tom with blue eyes.
Mossheart- A pretty long-haired grey tabby she-cat with a white muzzle and green eyes.
Antpelt- A small redish-brown tom with black paws and yellow eyes.
Apprentice: Sharkpaw
Ripplingwater- A tall grey tabby tom with darker grey flecks and blue eyes.
Cinderfoot- A dapple grey tabby she-cat with green eyes.
Oceanwind- A pretty blue tabby with green eyes, mother to Bubblekit, Snowkit and Shadowkit (Seaview's kits)
Lovewater- A redish brown tabby with a white chest and blue eyes, mother to Skykit and Streamkit (Applewhisker's kits)
Bigfur- A long-haired black tom with blue eyes.
The Outcasts:
Joy - A large white she-cat with a black tipped tail, black spots going up her legs and yellow eyes.
Alpha - A large dark grey tom with black stripes, white paws and green eyes.
Arrow - A tall, slender white tortoiseshell she-cat with blue eyes.
Vulture - A huge black tom with a white bushy tail and amber eyes.
Whisper - A large white and silver she-cat with a torn ear and green eyes.
Captain - A tall dark brown tom with a white chest, a white muzzle, unusual long claws and amber eyes.
Wolf - A huge, stunning silver she-cat with dark grey paws, long claws and blue eyes.
Bear - A massive long-haired dark brown tom with long claws and yellow eyes.
Faith - A tall, pretty light grey she-cat with darker grey flecks, a white tipped tail and hazel eyes.
Legend - A huge dark grey tabby tom with green eyes.
Future - A large white she-cat with black paws, black stripes and amber eyes.
Copper - A massive dusky brown tom with amber eyes.
The forest remained still and silent, as it was earlier. Patches of blood still covered the clearing and tufts of fur remained clean or covered in blood. Nothing moved.
In the midist of this, a small group of cats sat close by, chatting. They had welcomed a new cat to their ranks: A loyal she-cat who suffered a painful and terrible death at the claws of a unloyal warrior.
"I can't believe this." One she-cat complained. "That cat didn't deserve to die like that."
"No one predicted this, Flashpaw." Another she-cat told her softly. "As the wise ancestors of the sky, we must expect the unexpected." Flashpaw flicked her ear. "StarClan never meant for your death, Lostsong. They had great things planned for you."
"Yes, little one." A tall dark brown tabby tom meowed. "You would have made a fine young leader." Lostsong dipped her head. "Thank you, Thistlestar. But Bramblestar couldn't have done a better job as deputy when he was Bramblefoot." She then looked at her paws. "But now, about this prophecy..."
"What?" The three cats jumped when a new voice echoed. Another cat then stumbled over to them. "What's all of this about a prophecy? I've only just joined StarClan!"
"Welcome, Willowstream." Lostsong mewed, dipping her head again. "My name is Lostsong. I believe you were mates with my brother, Eagletalon." Willowstream nodded, and she touched noses with Flashpaw, who had been her old apprentice before the little apprentice was slaughtered.
"Have you not heard about the prophecy?" Another cat meowed. This time, it was a cream coloured she-cat with blue eyes. Her name was Lightleaf, a former warrior of ForestClan who was killed saving one of her clanmates from a dog. "You know, the one about the four who are meant to stop the fights once and for all?"
"I know nothing." Willowstream sighed. "The last thing I remember were those claws slashing at my pelt."
"Your death was unexpected and cruel." Thistlestar growled. "I don't see why that cat is still in the clan! They should be exiled, they've done enough!"
"I take your point." Willowstream replied. Lightleaf then motioned for the two cats to be quiet. "There will be four. One who repeated when other's spoke, one which ran fast, one which was a bird's best defence and the last cat sang at sunrise. These cats would stop the arguements that the clans have, and bring peace to the forest." She then took a deep breath. "That's the prophecy. 4 cats, 2 half-bloods and 2 pure ForestClan, will come together and stop this madness."
"Well, that sounds intresting." Willowstream responded. "So, these cats are living in ForestClan right now?" Lightleaf nodded her head, and Flashpaw looked up. "Do these cats know who they are?" She asked. Thistlestar shook his head. "No."
"Do the cats know who murdered you?" The apprentice asked Willowstream.
"Only the killer knows." Willowstream told her. "Any cat can be a suspect, but for now, we will let the cats use their common sense. That way, they can find out the truth themselves. Now is not the right time to name and shame my murderer. They will just live, feeling guilty."
Dawnsong felt sick. She couldn't concentrate on sleep at all, it felt as if lighting was attacking her belly. It was painful.
Oh great StarClan, it better not be what I think it is.
She thought anxiously, leaving the warrior den to see Oakpelt.
As she got in, the den was silent. Dawnsong called for the medicine cat, and a brown tom padded towards her. "How can I help you?"
"I feel a bit sick, like I've got stomachache." Dawnsong complained. Oakpelt looked over her quickly, but then he stopped. "You should be experiencing these pains." He meowed.
"Why?" The young warrior asked.
"It is plain obvious." Oakpelt said with a smile. "You are expecting kits." Dawnsong nodded and padded away into the moonlit camp, alone.
I'm expecting Noblespirit's kits! I must tell him!
She thought, excitment growing inside her heart. But as she started to leave, a cat started running towards her. Dawnsong crouched down and snarled, but she stood up when she realised it was only Runningbreeze. He was a close friend of Dawnsong.
"Hello!" The warrior chirped brightly. "Do you want to go hunting?"
"Actually, can you do me a favour?" Dawnsong asked quietly. Runningbreeze nodded. "What do you want?"
"I'm expecting kits, but the father is a CourageClan warrior. Could you pretend to be my mate until I tell the clan?" Dawnsong explained. "It would really help me out. And besides, your sister told me that you liked me." Runningbreeze blinked in suprise, but nodded. "Alright. So am I basicly pretending to be your mate?" He asked. Dawnsong nodded her head, and the big tom flicked his tail towards a tree. "Come on, we'll rest there." He said.
Dawnsong felt a bit anxious as she felt Runningbreeze lay down beside her. He had wrapped himself around her, but luckily fell asleep within a few moments.
I hope he won't actually ask to be my mate. Although he's nice, Noblespirit is my true mate and the father to my kits.
She thought before closing her eyes gently.
A little while later, there was a loud shout coming from the entrance into camp.
"Willowstream is dead!"
Dawnsong awoke with a start. She nudged Runningbreeze and stood up. "What happened?" She called to Brokenheart.
"I was out on patrol, and then I find Eagletalon. He told me that Willowstream had been slaughtered." Brokenheart explained quickly before rushing over to the highrock, where Bramblestar was gathering the clan. Dawnsong followed her over.
Who could have possibly killed Willowstream?
She thought anxiously, drawing a paw over her ear. She sat down between Spiderleg and Floatingcloud, while Runningbreeze sat with Leapthroat and Otterswim.
"As some of you already know, Willowstream has been killed." Bramblestar annonced. "She will be greatly missed by all of us." Some cats gave Eagletalon and his kits sympathetic looks, Dawnsong being one of them. No cat wanted to loose their mate, or their mother.
"She will be buried tonight." The leader continued. "Clan dismissed." Dawnsong took this chance to speak to Eagletalon. "I'm sorry about Willowstream. Do you know who killed her?"
"No." The tom replied slowly. "I think it was either a rogue or a loner straying in our territory, because Willowstream's fur was mixed with ForestClan scent and a scent I didn't reconise."
"Oh. Well, if you need help, you know where I am." Dawnsong meowed, flicking her tail towards the nursery. "I will be willing to help, even with kits on the way." Eagletalon shook his head. "You need to rest. I am greatful for your offer, but Bramblestar will not approve. Neither will Runningbreeze, if I'm correct, he's the father of your kits?" Dawnsong nodded quickly.
"You should get some rest." Runningbreeze mumbled to Dawnsong, touching his muzzle to her ear. "Otherwise you won't have any strength." The queen nodded, and padded away.
I will visit Noblespirit. He must know about the kits.
Echopath's eyes slid open as the dawn sun shone onto her silver pelt. She could already hear some cats awake, but they were speaking in quiet, fast mutters.
Beside her, Lionclaw slept peacefully still. He had admitted to have a nightmare yesterday which had stopped him sleeping, but now he was snoring away. The she-cat giggled quietly and left the den to see who was awake.
The elders had returned from burying Willowstream, but Eagletalon stood frozen, like ice. He was shaken and silent. Being her usual helpful self, Echopath went up to him. "Want to go hunting?" She asked brightly.
"If you want." The tom said silently, standing up. "I guess the clan need fresh-kill." Echopath's eyes glittered with amusement. "I'll race you to the forest!" She challenged playfully. Her ears drooped slightly when her friend shook his head. "I have been sitting vigil all night. I couldn't leave her side."
"We'll just walk along, one step at a time." Echopath told him, nudging him along. Eagletalon padded along beside her, not saying a single word until he looked at the she-cat. "Where were you when Pebblestep's patrol returned yesterday?" He asked.
"I was telling Poppyfoot's and Frostear's kits a story." Echopath said proudly. "They are a lovely bunch of kits, I'd love to mentor one of them. Why do you ask?"
"I just thought you might have... you know." Eagletalon mumbled. Echopath's fur shot up in fury. "You really thought I killed her?"
"N-No, it was only a gut feeling. I thought you killed her so you could have me." Eagletalon told her calmly.
Idiot! Mouse-brain! Fool! Fox-heart! Stupid furball!
Echopath thought of all the insults possible. She then screamed "I. Am. Not. A. Murderer!" Something inside her snapped, which made her pounce onto the tom and bite his ear.
"See? You are
a killer!" He hissed. "Leave me alone!"
"You!" Echopath retorted.
"No, you!" Eagletalon argued.
"Quiet." A voice said angrily. The two cats stood up and saw a cat with stars in it's pelt. "I am Sweetpetal, a former medicine cat of your clan. My brother was Longstripe's father, Ferretjaw."
"I'm Echopath, and that's Eagletalon." Echopath told her politely. "Why are you here?"
"To tell you two to learn some common sense!" Sweetpetal replied. "Eagletalon, you honestly know in your heart that the murderer was not Echopath. State me a proper reason why she would kill a clanmate."
"Erm..." Eagletalon shook his head, and Sweetpetal turned to the other warrior. "Echopath, you have no right to hurt him. What has he done to physically injure you? Only you have given him wounds. But luckily enough for you, wounds heal. Hence why Eagletalon has forgiven you, yet you have not told him that you are sorry properly." She then shook her head and sighed. "You are both like the clans bickering. But we have fortold a prophecy that this constant fighting will come to a end, but sacrifises must be made."
"What sacrifise?" Echopath asked lightly. Sweetpetal just shook her head, and faded away. Echopath jumped to her paws and yowled, waiting for the medicine cat to return. But it felt like she had died and disappeared into thin air.
"We should go." Eagletalon meowed, giving a slight dry cough. "Bramblestar wants some more border patrols, especially around ReedClan."
"I'm coming." Echopath stayed a distance behind, not saying a word.
How are Eagletalon and I compared to the arguements amongst the clans? They don't become friends after being told by a StarClan cat!
Swiftpaw sat beside the highrock, listening to Bramblestar discussing something about warriors with Sandtail. His mentor had told the leader about his progress in training, and Lionclaw had popped in a few times with Rabbitleap to praise their apprentices.
Is Bramblestar going to make us warriors?
The apprentice thought excitedly.
"Hey, Swiftpaw." Featherpaw greeted him brightly. "It's a nice day for hunting today." The tom smiled. "Agreed. It seems StarClan had blessed us with good weather."
Before Featherpaw could reply, Sandtail padded over. "Bramblestar had told me that you both and Chickenpaw must do your warrior assessments today, and you will become warriors soon." She annonced to them. "Get something to eat first, then find Chickenpaw and we'll get on with this."
"Ok." Swiftpaw jumped up onto his paws and followed Featherpaw towards the fresh-kill pile.
Luckily for the apprentices, a small hunting patrol had returned not long ago, so they had a nice selection of prey. Featherpaw went for a magpie, while Swiftpaw chose a small squirrel which was very thin.
"Not hungry?" The she-cat asked him. Swiftpaw shook his head. "Nope. But I don't really care."
"You should eat more." Featherpaw told her friend gently. "If you want the energy to pass your warrior assesment, you'll need food." She then quickly added "Oakpelt and Flowerpaw won't be happy to see young cats starving themselves."
Flowerpaw wouldn't care if you starved yourself.
Swiftpaw thought, remembering his fight with the medicine apprentice yesterday. The young grey cat had threatened to take Featherpaw's life, but Swiftpaw had not told her this yet. He didn't want Featherpaw to die without recieving her warrior name.
"Hi!" Chickenpaw chirped to the apprentices. "Are you ready?"
"Almost." Featherpaw told her brother. "Give me a moment, just finshing off this magpie." She finshed the bird in a couple of mouthfuls and joined the apprentices beside their mentors.
"Let's go." Sandtail meowed, padding into the forest.
In the forest, the mentors had set their apprentices off to find prey by themselves. They would have to use all the crouches taught to catch decent prey to feed the clan.
Swiftpaw caught the scent of prey close by. He quickly dropped to a crouch and started to stalk it, staying silent. When he was close enough, the apprentice sprang onto the mouse and killed it with a swift death blow.
"Nice catch, apprentice." A voice meowed from the bushes. Swiftpaw dropped the mouse in suprise and glanced around, startled by the voice. The tom then caught a CourageClan scent, and his gaze hardened as he crouched down, ready to pounce onto the intruder.
"Relax, I'm passing by." The voice said, padding out of the bushes. Swiftpaw stood up onto his paws, slightly embrassed. "Crowpelt." He greeted the warrior. "Sorry." Crowpelt nodded. "It's alright. You aren't used to seeing me on your territory anymore, Swiftpaw." He then looked at the mouse. "Are you doing your warrior assessment?"
"Yes." Swiftpaw told him. Crowpelt took a step back. "Sorry, I didn't mean to come here. I am only here to speak with Bramblestar and Dawnsong. How are they?"
"Bramblestar is fine, Silverleaf is expecting his kits soon." Swiftpaw meowed. "Dawnsong is expecting Runningbreeze's kits." Crowpelt tilted his head to the side in confusion. "Runningbreeze? Dawnsong has a mate that isn't him."
Crowpelt hesistated after Swiftpaw questioned him, but he did eventually speak. "I am about to tell you a secret that will threaten Dawnsong's place in ForestClan if it gets out. You must promise not to tell anyone!"
"I solemnly swear by StarClan." Swiftpaw declared.
"Good. Well, you know my old mentor Noblespirit? Him and Dawnsong met at the gathering, and kind of fell in love. They are mates secretly, and that means my sister is expecting his kits."
Swiftpaw could barely speak. Why would a senior warrior, who knew the warrior code well, take a she-cat from another clan as his mate? He dipped his head to Crowpelt. "Thank you for sharing that with me. I will not tell anyone, but you better go now."
"I still need to speak to your leader and my sister." Crowpelt reminded him. Swiftpaw let out a very irritated sigh. "Fine. I'll take you back to camp, but if my warrior ceremony is put back because of this, I'll rip your pelt off."
"I'm so hungry!" Gorgekit wailed, his jaws fastened tightly around a pinecone.
"Hush, little one." Frostear soothed, wrapping her tail around her son's body. "We'll eat soon, don't worry. Just wait for a patrol to return."
Eagletalon thought grumpily. Prey has been scarce lately. It's unlikely for any patrols to return with decent prey! To be honest, I won't be suprised if any kits die of starvation!
Since he had found the dead body of Willowstream yesterday, Eagletalon had been silent and furious. His mate's death had shaken him badly, especially as no one knew who was responsible.
To be honest though, I admire Frostear's courage and determaination.
Eagletalon scraped his claws down the side of a rock. I can see her spirit in Heatherkit, but Flamesnake's arrogant manner in Gorgekit. Hopefully I'll mentor one of them, or maybe Poppyfoot's kits. It would be great to have a apprentice.
A butterfly then landed on Eagletalon's nose, it's flame coloured wings shining in the warrior's eyes. He tried to bat it away, but it wouldn't move. Eagletalon noticed that the butterfly had two black spots on it's wings, like eyes. "Why won't it move?" He muttered in annoyence. The butterfly then took flight into the air, but magicly disappeared.
Was that a omen? Or the sun tricking me?
Eagletalon asked himself in his mind before padding over to Dawnsong, who was sunbathing with two little kits beside her. "Have you kitted already?"
"No." Dawnsong purred in amusement. "Crowpelt found these kits and reckons they're a sign from StarClan."
"I found a butterfly." Eagletalon meowed. "It sat on my nose for ages, but when it flew off, it disappeared into thin air. No joke." Dawnsong's eyes widened in suprise. "That's" She then sighed and shook her head. "I take it you are still grieving for Willowstream?"
"Of course." The warrior told her. "Who do you think killed her?"
"My suspects are Echopath and Tigerpelt." Dawnsong replied. "Echopath because she hates Willowstream, and Tigerpelt because, well, he hates everyone!"
"I spoke with Echopath about it earlier, she ripped my whiskers off." Eagletalon complained, drawing a paw over his ear. "She denies all knowledge of the murder. But remember that Spiderleg is a suspect too."
"And Ghostfire." Dawnsong added unhelpfully. "For some reason, I don't trust her." Eagletalon shook his head. "She's new. When do you see newcomers slaughtering their own clanmates? Anyone
could have done it."
"I don't think everyone is a suspect." Dawnsong pointed out. "Since when were kits and elders murderers?" There was a hint of amusement in her voice, but her face was serious.
The discussion was interrupted by a loud yowling. Eagletalon pricked his ears up and listened, trying to identify the cats. "I think some cats have wondered a bit too close to the gorge. CourageClan and ReedClan, but more of CourageClan I think."
"Well, let's go and help them!" Dawnsong said. "Get Echopath and Swiftpaw, they're quite strong and good trackers." Eagletalon chuckled mildly. "Runningbreeze will kill me if I take you out of camp. You're expecting his kits, after all."
"I heard my name?" Echopath's gentle mew could be heard behind Eagletalon. The tom spun round and saw she had Swiftpaw with her too. The apprentice sighed, shaking his head. "Cats down the gorge again? I thought that was no clan's territory, so why do cats go there?"
"We haven't got time for chit-chat." Eagletalon told them sharply. "Come along!"
After a couple of minutes, the ForestClan cats arrived at the gorge. The ground was now hard, unstable and rocky, making the cats struggle to walk when their pads got stones stuck in them.
"Dawnsong and I will see who needs help." Eagletalon meowed. "Echopath and Swiftpaw and can find some long branches which will be able to pull the cats out." The cats nodded, and Eagletalon went with Dawnsong towards the edge. He looked down and saw several cats hanging or resting on small ledges. "What happened? Why are you all down here?"
"There were some foxes in our territory." Cinderfoot explained. "We chased them out, but CourageClan were having the same problem. So we all chased them out and over the gorge, but we toppled over the edge with them. The foxes are dead, luckily for us we are all alive."
"But we're completely stuck down here. The gorge is too steep to climb up, and also the ledges can't support our weight for long." Crowpelt continued. "Thank StarClan you two showed up!"
"Correction, that's four
of us." Echopath purred in amusement. "We'll get you all out before you can say 'mouse'." Eagletalon smiled at her as she nudged some huge branches over. "I tested these with Swiftpaw, they hold him fine. Start with the closer cats first, and keep going down until we reach the two cats on the bottom."
"There's three of us, actually." Puffinfeather corrected. "Noblespirit is here too, but he is quite badly injured. Swanfeather and I have been looking after him, although he is CourageClan and we are ReedClan." Eagletalon nodded and grabbed one of the branches in his jaws, hanging it down to Hollypaw, Barkpaw, Clawedear and Minnowtail.
Within a few minutes, most of the cats were up. Only Noblespirit and Swanfeather remained, but Eagletalon was having trouble getting them to cling onto the branch.
"Send me down there." Dawnsong told the older warrior. "I'll talk to them." Eagletalon nodded and let her climb onto the branch, lowering her down. "Be careful." He warned, remembering that he was letting a queen down there. Despite the fact Dawnsong was expecting kits, she was willing to risk her life to save any cat.
Please StarClan, keep Dawnsong safe. She is a real credit to the clan, and none of us would be helping these cats without her.
Dawnsong landed gracefully onto the ledge, despite her paws ached from hanging onto the branch. Nothing would stop her from saving innocent cats, especially as one was Noblespirit. She cared dearly for his safety, as he did for her's.
Beside her mate, Swanfeather greeted the grey she-cat. "Thanks for coming down here to help us, but it will be hopeless. Noblespirit is so weak he can barely move."
"I'll help him." Dawnsong offered. "You get up there and I'll sort this out. Stay with your clanmates until we're sorted." Swanfeather nodded, and dipped her head respectfully. "Good luck, Dawnsong. All of us are behind you." She meowed before grabbing the branch and watching as Eagletalon heaved her up.
The little grey she-cat then slowly approached the last cat and sat beside him. "Don't worry, I'm here to get you out of here." She comforted him. Noblespirit gazed up at Dawnsong, his green eyes shining. He then realised that she looked a bit fatter from when he had last seen her. "Why are you a lot plumper than your clanmates?" He mumbled.
"I haven't told you, have I?" Dawnsong murmmered, her blue eyes sparkling. "You'll be a father in a couple of moons, because I'm expecting your kits." Noblespirit's eyes widened in suprise. "Do they know who the father is? Because we'll be crowfood if our leaders find out."
"No, Runningbreeze is pretending for me." Dawnsong told him. "I will show you them when they are old enough to travel." Noblespirit purred quietly. "I just want to yowl how proud I am, but we've got company. So you'd better help me up."
The two cats grabbed the branch, and watched as Eagletalon pulled them up to safety. However, Dawnsong could see that he was having trouble, which frightened her. What if Eagletalon can't pull us up, and he drops the branch?
Suddenly, the young she-cat felt the branch crack. The cats above her head were silent, but Eagletalon showed determaination in his green eyes. Noblespirit clung onto the branch with his claws.
"Hang on, there's no way you can lift a fully grown warrior and a queen by yourself." Echopath growled sternly, grabbing the branch in her jaws. Along with Eagletalon, they pulled the branch up and the two cats to safety. Dawnsong laid down on the hard ground, thanking StarClan that she survived rescuing Noblespirit.
She then watched Eagletalon slowly approach Echopath, who was cleaning her dust-covered pelt. "Thanks for your help. Dawnsong and Noblespirit would have died." He mumbled, embrassment in his tone.
"No problem." Echopath replied brightly. "We make a good team." Eagletalon ducked his head, embrassed still. Dawnsong laughed softly, but rose to her paws. "I suspect some of you need help with injuries?"
"That is a very generous offer, Dawnsong." Clawedear replied, flicking his tail towards the forest. "But I think my clanmates will be alright, despite their injuries."
"So will mine." Minnowtail said coldly. "Grassnose and Sootpaw are gifted medicine cats, we do not need aid from another clan to assist us."
It was only a offer.
Dawnsong thought grumpily. No need to act all high-mighty.
She then turned around to follow her clanmates, but Crowpelt ran after her and licked her cheek. "Travel well." He murmmered, admiration shining in his eyes. "I'm glad you're my sister." Dawnsong smiled at him warmly, and gave him a swift lick on the ear before dashing off with her friends. She was delighted to see that she and Crowpelt's friendship wasn't broken, despite being in seperate clans now.
Sunset came by rather quickly. The clan were starving, as the patrols brought back barely anything. Of course, queens, kits and elders got most of the share. So Dawnsong got lucky with prey.
"What is it like, raising a family?" She asked the other queens. Specklenose let out a small yawn and turned to the younger grey she-cat. "It's tiring, but a very rewarding job." She meowed with another yawn. "First litters are a challenge, but once you get another one, then it is a lot easier." Her tail then flicked towards her sleeping kits. "These three aren't too demanding, much to my delight."
"Are they your first kits with Tigerpelt?" Dawnsong questioned. Specklenose nodded her head quickly. "My old mate was killed in a battle with rogues. We had Pigeonwing first, then Pinewhisker and Snakebite. Tigerpelt became my mate and obviously, we had Secretkit, Cloudkit and Mysterykit."
"Have any other queens had more than one litter?" Dawnsong asked.
"Well, Frostear had Leapthroat before Gorgekit and Heatherkit. Poppyfoot's only had one litter, and Silverleaf had one kit, but he died in a snowstorm at the age of 2 moons." Specklenose yawned again. "I think I'll get some rest. You look after those foster kits of your's."
I don't remember Bramblestar having one son.
Dawnsong realised. Perhaps Silverleaf will tell me if I ask nicely.
"Dawnsong?" Bramblestar appeared at the entrance of the den with Galekit and Flashkit. "I think these two escaped your sight and into my den."
"Sorry, Bramblestar. I'll keep an eye on them." Dawnsong meowed, feeling a bit embrassed and guilty. The leader padded over to Silverleaf and murmmered some words in her ear. She sighed and turned away, her eyes filled with tears.
"Could I ask about your first son, Silverleaf?" Dawnsong meowed calmly. Silverleaf turned to the little grey she-cat. "He was called Gorsekit, born in at the end of leaf-bare. And I tell you know, he was the liveliest, bravest and brightest kit you'd ever meet. The clan adored him." She started slowly.
"What did he look like?" Dawnsong questioned.
"He was a litte scrap of dark brown with a white splash on his chest and blue eyes." Silverleaf told her. Dawnsong nodded, and she let the silver queen continue. "The snowstorm came not long after Bramblestar became leader. Prey left the forest, leaving us thin and starving. We lost two elders before I realised that Gorsekit had caught a fever. I asked Oakpelt to check on him, and he concluded that he was ill."
"Go on."
"I prayed to StarClan that they would guide Gorsekit away from death, but the snowstorm got worse. A blizzard came one morning while the kits were out playing. Gorsekit didn't get back inside, and when I found him later, StarClan had already claimed him." Dawnsong could see that Silverleaf's words were full of pain and sorrow for her lost kit, so she gave her a comforting lick on the ear. "I'm sure your kits will pull through this time round."
As Dawnsong was about to settle down for a nap, Oakpelt appeared at the entrance of the nursery. A worried look crossed his face as he padded in. "Has anyone seen the apprentices and Brokenheart?" He asked.
"Nope. Why do you ask?" Frostear replied sleepily.
"It's because they went on patrol and haven't returned!"
"I see that not a lot of prey is here anymore?"
"No, Bramblestar." Echopath reported. She had been chosen to lead a small hunting patrol, consisting of Spottedlark, Ghostfire and Runningbreeze. "Prey is scarce is the forest. Ghostfire only managed to catch a skinny rabbit."
"Thank StarClan I found it." The young she-cat added. "Cloudeye is looking very frail at the moment." Echopath nodded her head, and nudged the rabbit at Ghostfire's paws. "I think the elders need this. I'll go and check on the warriors, just to see who also needs prey."
"Well, Tigerpelt doesn't seem to need any." Spottedlark chuckled, flicking her tail towards the senior warrior. "He's the plumpest of all of the warriors!"
How could that be? He hasn't been hunting for a while, and he constantly complains about feeding the clan first!
Echopath thought privatly. This strange case smelt fishy to her.
She decided to take her mind off Tigerpelt and check up on her denmates.
In the warrior den, about half of the wariors were resting in here. Echopath could see that some cats were still recovering from the ReedClan attack a few nights ago, but many of them were very thin. Lionclaw happened to be one of them.
"Great StarClan!" Echopath murmmered to herself in horror, padding over to the tom. He greeted her warmly, like a leader welcoming a new warrior to the clan.
"You're so thin." The silver she-cat told him, twitching her whiskers. "You'll only be a pile of bones if you don't eat up."
"The clan comes first." Lionclaw meowed, locking his gaze upon Echopath's pelt. "The hard-working warriors like you need prey, but the queens and elders come first." Echopath let out a loud sigh and drew a paw over her ear. "The whole clan needs prey. You don't need to go on hunger strike to let your clanmates survive. It seems like the right thing to do, but you're not doing yourself a favour."
As Lionclaw was about to reply, Echopath felt little teeth nipping at her tail. She swiftly turned around. Nothing.
"I think you're looking for this little one here." Lionclaw purred in amusement, picking up a little scrap of fur in his jaws. Echopath could now see that it was Flashkit, one of the kits Dawnsong had brought back yesterday. She stared at him, her eyes gentle. "Yes?"
"I was fighting a enemy warrior!" Flashkit gasped, her little tail twitching. Echopath chuckled a bit. "Well, you've certainly made a enemy of my tail. Why don't you play-fight with one of the younger apprentices, or one of the other kits?" She let out a loud yawn. "I'm going to get some rest."
"Ok." Flashkit looked disappointed, but she disappeared into the nursery, her tail still twitching. Echopath hadn't realised until now that Lionclaw had pressed his massive body against her silver pelt. Her brain was telling her to go, but her heart told her to stay and enjoy the tom's company. So she decided to listen to her heart, and rest her head on his shoulder.
"Are you two mates?" A little voice asked from behind them. Echopath quickly dislodged herself away and turned round. It was Galekit, Flashkit's brother. The silver she-cat spoke swiftly. "No."
"Really?" Galekit rolled his eyes sarcasticly. "The clan has been spreading rumors about you two. And Lionclaw does have emotion for you in his eyes, whenever any cat speaks of your name, Echopath." He then giggled. "I bet you'll be having his kits within a few moons!"
The warrior blinked in suprise at the thought of the clan talking about her behind her back. She knew that she couldn't be angry with the kit, so she just sighed. "Dream on, Galekit. The only cat I have ever loved is Eagletalon."
"Then why are you going around with his brother?" Galekit questioned, flicking his ear. Echopath was about to open her mouth when Lionclaw walked in front and brushed his tail against her muzzle for silence. "I am helping Echopath train Featherpaw and Chickenpaw, seeing as I mentor one of them." He meowed quickly. "Why don't you go and find them?"
"Actually, Oakpelt told me that all of the apprentices and Brokenheart have disappeared." Galekit announced smartly. Echopath's jaw dropped in horror as the kit spoke. She
was meant to be caring for her niece and nephew, but now they had vanished!
This is my fault!
The silver she-cat thought, feeling dreadful. I promised to look after them! Have I been too close to Lionclaw to let them slip away, just like that? I should have been watching them!
"Lionclaw," A voice called from the leader's den. "can we speak to you please?"
The golden tabby tom gently brushed his pelt against Echopath before rushing off to Bramblestar's den, leaving Echopath alone. "I'm going for a walk." She mumbled to herself.
The cool breeze ruffled Echopath's fur as she treked through the forest. Nothing stirred, the only sounds were the wind and the warrior's own heartbeat.
She then stopped and sat down, looking up at the dark sky. Moonhigh was coming soon, and the apprentices were nowhere to be found.
"StarClan, help me!" Echopath yowled. "What should I do?"
The wind got up, making the she-cat shiver, but she stopped when she caught a strange, yet comforting scent from the bushes. Echopath stumbled up to her paws as a starry figure appeared. It was a StarClan warrior who the silver she-cat couldn't reconise, but her eyes were friendly. "I will not hurt you, little warrior. My name is Lightleaf. I was a former warrior of your clan." She explained.
"I'm Echopath. Are you here to tell me of the apprentices?" Echopath asked hopefully. The StarClan cat shook her head. "I am here to help you." She spoke softly. "You are torn between looking after those two apprentices, and your feelings for Lionclaw. Do not deny this, for StarClan can see into every cat's heart. We know that you care deeply for him."
"My problem exactly." Echopath sighed. "Featherpaw and Chickenpaw are great young cats who had a terrible start in life. They need my care to guide them, despite Featherpaw also relies on Swiftpaw for help. Lionclaw is different." Her voice trembled with guilt as she told Lightleaf of her troubles. "He is all I have left. He is the last cat I can really love. But I don't want to hurt him, or neglet Featherpaw and Chickenpaw's training."
"You must decide soon." Lightleaf told her. "Time is running out. You have something besides your promises to forfill. But for now, little warrior, go and rest. Sleep will help you."
Swiftpaw felt dizzy and afraid. His head was spinning with what had happened. He couldn't remember everything, let alone where he actually was.
It then came back to him. He was doing a training session with the other apprentices and Brokenheart. There was a strange cat watching, so they chased him away. Swiftpaw couldn't remember the rest, but it didn't matter, because he couldn't see Featherpaw, the she-cat who was his best friend and devoted companion. He needed to know that she was safe.
A bump then startled him, and Swiftpaw realised that he was in a cage by himself. Desperate to escape, he started clawing at the bars and biting hard on them, trying to break them. But his teeth ached after a few seconds. It was hopeless!
"StarClan help us!" A voice rasped from above. Swiftpaw looked up and saw a small scrap of yellow and white fur. He reconised this as Chickenpaw, Featherpaw's brother.
"Chickenpaw!" He called. "It's me, Swiftpaw! Are you alright?"
"I'm tired, but I'm good!" Chickenpaw replied with a cough. "Brokenheart's here too, and all of our denmates."
"And Featherpaw?" Swiftpaw pressed. There was a tense silence and a couple of murmers until Brokenheart piped up. "I really don't know how to exactly tell you Swiftpaw, but when she tried to protect you from the Twoleg that tried to set it's dog on you, she got wounded really badly. She fainted due to blood loss and hasn't woken up since. I'm really sorry Swiftpaw, I think she's gone."
No! That's not true!
The black and white apprentice then found a catch on the cage. Quickly, he figured out that if he undid the catch, he would be free. So, although it took a fustrating few minutes, he was out of the torture trap and trying to find Featherpaw. He eventually found her lying down in a smaller cage, blood gushing out of her shoulder, back and face.
Terrified of loosing her, Swiftpaw undid the catch and crawled in. He dipped his muzzle in her blood stained fur before remembering everything else.
When they had chased the loner away, a Twoleg had come out and shouted at them. The cats had attacked it, and unfortuantly a dog found them and started to attack. Swiftpaw managed to scratch the Twoleg's face, leaving a bleeding cut. The Twoleg, in pain and anger, set the dog to kill him. Featherpaw had seen this, and when Swiftpaw had been knocked over, she dashed to his rescue and attacked the dog. The tom had blacked out and didn't see the extent of this attack, but he now knew that the Twoleg had captured them all.
Remembering his injured friend, Swiftpaw crouched down beside her and licked her ears, trying to wake her. The apprentice didn't twitch.
"Come on Featherpaw, wake up!" Swiftpaw urged desperatly. "We can fight this! Please, for me, wake up!"
He could has sworn that Featherpaw twitched her tail, but perhaps it was a vision. Her eyes slowly slid open, raising Swiftpaw's hopes. "Swiftpaw?"
"Featherpaw!" The tom nearly fainted in relief. "Look, we can help you! Just fight your injuries, and we'll still be together! Nothing will seperate us, remember?"
Mouse dung! I think I might have made Chickenpaw jealous.
Swiftpaw turned round and saw his friend's brother bristling with anger. Well, his loss. He isn't helping his sister, I am because I care.
"I take your point." The white and brown she-cat croaked. "But I can't feel my paws. I feel dead."
"But you're not dead." Swiftpaw pointed out unhelpfully. "You're still here, which is all that matters. Anyway, I owe you my life. Thank you, and sorry for almost killing you."
"I am just returning the favour." Featherpaw smiled at this point. Swiftpaw had saved her from a ReedClan warrior when they invaded, and hadn't stopped looking out for since.
will return my
favour soon." Swiftpaw purred quietly, rasping his tongue over her cheek.
"Would you two lovebirds like to help the rest of us?" Clawedpaw called out sourly. Swiftpaw whipped round and shuddered. Since Eagletalon's youngest son had become a apprentice, he was starting to cause trouble. His siblings were very different to him, but Swiftpaw didn't understand why.
With a quick lick on Featherpaw's ear, the black and white apprentice leapt up onto the cage and tried to help Brokenheart escape. He was using logic and letting the older, more expreineced cats out first so they could help. Luckily, the cage opened within seconds.
"Thanks, Swiftpaw." The senior warrior purred. "I'll help to free these apprentices while you get Featherpaw up here."
Swiftpaw rushed back into Featherpaw's cage and gazed at her face. Blood was still trickling out and her face was a look of terror. She was petrified, and Swiftpaw could sense it. So, he grabbed her scuff quickly and carefully dragged her out.
However, as the apprentices came out, Swiftpaw could feel Chickenpaw's icy gaze resting on his pelt, which didn't comfort him, as Chickenpaw was Featherpaw's brother.
"I have a idea for escaping." Rainpaw muttered. "If someone distracts the dog, then the Twoleg will stop and try and silence us. Then, we can jump out and we're free."
"That sounds like a plan. Good thinking, Rainpaw." Brokenheart started to take responeblity of the apprentices. "Clawedpaw, Moonpaw and Chickenpaw, distract the dog. Rainpaw and Leopardpaw, if the Twoleg tries to get us back into our cages, attack it. Featherpaw and Swiftpaw, you can come with me and keep watch."
The plan got into action shortly afterwards. Swiftpaw sat on a long, grey beam with Featherpaw nested beside him, her injuries bleeding still. The young tom apprentice licked them slowly. She's still my friend, I need to look after her, like a little sister.
Swiftpaw then heard some loud yapping sounds, and some angry snarls. The dog was furious. He could now hear the monster screeching to a halt.
"It's working!" Brokenheart whispered in delight, getting ready to spring. The Twoleg swung the door open and the ForestClan cats jumped out, but Swiftpaw was nudging Featherpaw along. He was determained not to let his friend die.
"Just leave her behind, or you'll never escape!" Clawedpaw yowled. "She's dying, StarClan are calling!"
"I will not leave her." Swiftpaw growled. "You will have to kill me first."
"And what will Poppyfoot think? And Chickenpaw?" Clawedpaw hissed, lashing his tail. "If you may not have noticed, Featherpaw is his sister. He thinks you both are too close, and he doesn't approve."
Eagletalon felt like he was floating.
Perhaps he was dreaming, or it was just a feeling. The tom opened his eyes and realised that he was surrounded by thick woodland, with moonlight shining through the few gaps in the trees.
He then heard breathing, perhaps made up of four things. Eagletalon crouched down and snarled, his fur bristling. "Come out! I am not afraid of you!"
Four starry figures appeared, their paws like liquid fire. One of them, a young she-cat with ginger fur, stepped towards Eagletalon and touched noses with him. "Welcome, young one." She purred gently. "Do not be alarmed, you are in safe paws. We have fortold something that you need to know."
"Come back now, Willowstream." A cream coloured she-cat meowed. "The other cats are here who need to hear this."
Eagletalon's lost love had found him, and she had now joined the shining ranks of StarClan.
"Come out, young ones." The cream she-cat meowed. "Do not be afraid."
Eagletalon watched as two small she-cats padded out from the trees. He turned his attention to a pretty silver tabby, who's eyes shone in the dim moonlight. Echopath!
"Hi." Echopath said awkardly. "I didn't expect to see you here."
"Me neither." Eagletalon admitted. "Who is the other cat with you?"
"Dawnsong." Echopath replied, nudging the young queen forward. She quickly dipped her head to the gold and white warrior, and he nodded.
"There should be four of you." Willowstream said, her eyes narrowed. "Where is the final cat?"
"Tonight, we are unable to reach Swiftpaw." A dark brown tom meowed with a sigh. "So we will be able to find him another night." The cream cat who had spoken earlier nodded, and padded forward. "Do not be startled, youngsters. I am Lightleaf, a former warrior of your clan." She turned to Eagletalon. "Your arrival came a few days after my death. That is why none of you have never met me. But you should know Willowstream, who only died a few nights ago. You do not know these cats, however." She flicked her tail towards a huge dark brown tabby with emerald green eyes. "This is Thistlestar, leader of ForestClan before Bramblestar. His sons were Tigerpelt, Otterswim and Rabbitleap, and his mate was Stoneheart. She walks these skies too."
"I have been watching all of you as you progress in clanlife." Thistlestar gave a rusty purr. "Your lives have taken dramatic measures, yet you continue to try and become the best warriors you can be. On behalf of your deceased clanmates, I thank you."
Eagletalon watched as Lightleaf turned to the other dark brown tom, who he thought he reconised somewhere before.
"This is Galewind, one of the ancient warriors of ForestClan. He was a deputy, but bravely killed protecting the nursery from foxes."
"I am honoured to meet you all." Galewind meowed. "You have brought great things to my old clan."
Echopath then jumped forward so she was face to face with Lightleaf. "Do you know where the apprentices are?" She demanded. "I need
to know that Chickenpaw and Featherpaw are safe!"
That was a bad move to make.
Eagletalon thought anxiously. He turned his attention to Willowstream, who had now stepped forward to speak. "We are unable to reach any of the apprentices, but we know that they are safe. You will find them sooner than you think."
"Why are we here, can I ask?" Dawnsong questioned, flicking her tail towards the forest they had come from. "It looked like Echopath and I came out of the Dark Forest." Thistlestar chuckled in amusement, and looked up at the sky. "You are not posessed by evil, do not be afraid. But a evilness lies within every cat, even in cats that you trust."
At this point, Echopath's cold glare turned onto Eagletalon's pelt.
StarClan are helping us, surely? I would rather not having a friend turn against me because a former leader suggested it.
"A great danger has frightened all of you." Thistlestar continued. "Dawnsong, your loyalty has been doubted because of your bloodlines, and they still are. There is something you are keeping. But we'll leave that." He turned to the other silver she-cat. "Echopath, you want to keep Roseheart's promise and look after her two kits. But you are afraid that Lionclaw is affecting their training."
Eagletalon sprang to his paws instantly and growled. "How is my brother interfering with apprentice training?" He spat at his friend.
He watched as Echopath shuffled her paws in embrassment. "I would rather not bring that up, thank you." She muttered bitterly.
"And you, Eagletalon. You are the wisest of the four, yet Echopath has been in the clan longer." Thistlestar meowed. "We know your's, Lionclaw's and Lostsong's back story from when you were loners. You still fear for your brother, in case he dies like Lostsong."
"What about this prophecy then you have gathered us for?" Dawnsong asked.
"There will be four. One is a-"
Lightleaf's voice was droned out by a blood-curdling cry, then a blackness fell apon the three ForestClan warriors. Eagletalon couldn't see or hear a thing.
He had been plunged into a neverendering darkness.
"The kits are coming!"
Dawnsong awoke to hear Silverleaf's yowl. She had been midway through finding out a prophecy before being disturbed by a strange, uncomfortable blackness.
"What is going on?" Flashkit squeaked, snuggling up against the young she-cat's pelt.
"Silverleaf is giving birth, so you'll get some new friends." Dawnsong explained, wrapping her tail around both kits. "It will be alright."
Oakpelt and Flowerpaw dashed in, herbs dangling from their jaws. They stood beside the queen and laid the herbs down close by.
"First one coming." Oakpelt meowed. "Bite down on this stick while you push."
Dawnsong watched as her friend pushed with all of her might, until a small bundle of white and silver appeared beside Silverleaf. Flowerpaw started swiftly licking the kit.
"Last one now." The brown medicine cat meowed. "Keep going, you're doing great."
After a minute or so, two small kits were suckling Silverleaf. Oakpelt stood up properly and smiled. "Two beautiful daughters!"
Bramblestar was instantly inside, beaming. "What will call them?" He purred. Silverleaf flicked her tail towards the first kit. "The silver and white one can be Dewkit. You can decide the last one."
"The light brown one with one white paw can be Willowkit." Bramblestar meowed with a smile. "We now have two beautiful daughters: Dewkit and Willowkit."
Dawnsong smiled as Galekit crouched down and sniffed the two she-kits. His yellow eyes sparkled with excitement. "Yay! New friends for us!"
"Hush, you can't play with them until they open their eyes." Specklenose pointed out. "Why don't you go outside and play with my kits? It will do you some good."
"Have they opened their eyes?" Dawnsong asked. The older queen nodded, and flicked her tail towards her three kits. Secretkit and Cloudkit had blue eyes, while their brother Mysterykit had yellow eyes, almost like their father. Dawnsong couldn't help feeling that these kits could bring something bad to the clan, but she had been told not to judge others by their family history.
She watched as Galekit and Flashkit went off with the three kits. She knew that she had made a promise to Crowpelt to look after them, but they were already becoming a pawful of mischef and trouble.
I cannot care for them all the time.
Dawnsong realised. I have greater things to achive at this time. And I need to think about my own kits.
"Are you quite alright, Dawnsong?" Frostear asked, flicking the younger queen's ear with her tail. Her eyes was full of pride and joy. "My kits are becoming apprentices today!"
Dawnsong padded out into the sunlight, and glanced around at her clanmates. Many of them were gathered under the highrock, waiting for Bramblestar to speak. Flamesnake was ushering his kits out of the nursery, while Frostear cleaned them so they looked acceptable to be presented in front of the rest of the clan.
"Stop it!" Gorgekit wailed, crawling away from his mother. "I'm clean enough!" Dawnsong purred in amusement as she sat down beside Echopath and Runningbreeze.
"Today, ForestClan are weloming two new apprentices. Can Gorgekit and Heatherkit come up here please?" Bramblestar called. The two little kits scurried away from their proud parents and rushed up to the highrock, eager to recieve their mentors.
"Until this cat has recieved his warrior name, he shall be known as Gorgepaw. May StarClan guide his paws down the right path as he becomes a full warrior. Eagletalon will be your mentor." Bramblestar then turned to the gold and white tom. "Eagletalon, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You had received excellent training from Brokenheart, and you have shown yourself to be brave and willing. You will be the mentor of Gorgepaw, and I expect you to pass on all you know to Gorgepaw."
"I will." Eagletalon meowed, touching noses with the apprentice. Bramblestar turned to the final kit.
"From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Heatherpaw. Your mentor will be Spiderleg." The leader turned to the young black tom. "Spiderleg, you are ready to take on your first apprentice. You recieved excellent training from Specklenose, and you have shown yourself to be a skilled hunter and swift. You will be mentor of Heatherpaw, and I expect you to pass all you know to Heatherpaw. Clan dismissed!"
By sunhigh, the kits were asleep, to Dawnsong's relief. She had been thinking about the prophecy. StarClan had made no more attempts to contact her, so perhaps it was a false dream?
Her head was spinning with the events that happened over the past few days. Too much had gone on, and far too soon. The apprentices disappearing and Willowstream's death had shaken the whole clan. But not just that was a concern.
The other clans were still not hostile enough for Dawnsong's liking, and they could attack at any time. She really didn't hope that CourageClan didn't attack, or she would be fighting her brother, her mate and her mother.
Her track of thought was disturbed when she heard quiet mumbles from above. She quickly rose to her paws and stepped outside. There were three pairs of eyes in the bushes above the gorge where ForestClan's camp sat.
Dawnsong crouched down, growling. One of the pairs of eyes stumbled out, and the young queen realised that it was Thunderpaw, the grey CourageClan apprentice. Dawnsong stood up, but more of her clanmates were coming over. Bramblestar was among them, glaring. "Show yourselves!" He snarled.
The other two cats appeared. One of them was Peacerain, and the other was a very defeated-looking Hollypaw.
"What happened?" Sandtail asked calmly.
The ForestClan cats watched as Peacerain gently nudged Hollypaw up onto her paws. The apprentice coughed, and then spoke.
"ReedClan have attacked our camp!"
Echopath watched as her leader glanced anxiously around at his own clanmates. He was going to help CourageClan, it was obvious by the look in his eyes.
"I want 8 cats left behind to guard camp." Bramblestar meowed. "Rabbitleap, can you round up some cats to help you with that?"
"Of course." The senior warrior replied. "I'll take Floatingcloud, Leapthroat, Spiderleg, Icebound, Snakebite, Twistpelt and Frostear." Bramblestar nodded, and signalled for his clan to come forward.
"Follow us." Peacerain mewed, nudging the apprentices along.
As the cats entered the entrance to CourageClan camp, they were greeted by a ear-splitting cry piercing the air. It sounded like Fishstar, ReedClan's leader.
"Now!" Bramblestar yowled.
Echopath raced into action with her clanmates, hissing and snarling. She pounced onto Lizardtail and bit down into his scuff, her teeth digging in. The tom yowled in pain and slashed the ForestClan warrior's muzzle.
Another cat cannoned into Lizardtail and dug their claws into his flank, causing a puddle of blood to appear. Lizardtail yelped and dragged himself away from the battlefield, coughing. Echopath chuckled cruelly and leapt onto a small ReedClan apprentice, who she reconised to be Sharkpaw. She tore at his dark grey fur, ignoring his desperate cries for help.
"Leave him alone!" Antpelt, the apprentice's mentor, sprung at Echopath and pinned her down, choking her. The she-cat dug her claws into his leg, but it didn't do much as he pushed down harder.
A blur of brown sped across the battlefield and hurled itself into Antpelt. Echopath reconised it as Ivypool, one of the young CourageClan warriors. She sent him running out of her clan's camp within a few seconds.
"Thank you." Echopath mummured softly, giving the young she-cat a quick lick on the shoulder. "You saved my life."
"I owe your clan my thanks for coming this way to help us. And you would do the same for me." Ivypool replied with a small smile. "Now, you'd better go and help that apprentice of your's over there before he gets slaughtered."
Echopath spun round in horror and realised that Gorgepaw was being pinned down by Hurricanefire. With a angry roar, she charged at the ReedClan tom and sliced his leg. Blood trickled out very quickly, so Echopath let the warrior limp away. He wasn't worth her time.
Her ears pricked up when she heard a screech. She turned round and saw Eagletalon at the claws of Applewhisker. The she-cat pounced onto the deputy and slashed his muzzle. He yelped in pain and bit down into her scuff.
Echopath instantly felt the blood trickling down. It was painful, especially as Applewhisker then dragged his claws across her flank. She let out a loud gurgling cry and balanced unsteadily on her paws, trying to get away from the battle. But she couldn't move at all.
She then felt someone usher her away from the crowd of fighting cats. Echopath turned her head round and saw Lionclaw. He had a cut just above his eye, two small wounds on his neck and a gash on his leg which reduced him to a limp. Echopath gently licked his ear, but then turned her head away as she let out a spluttering cough.
"Are you alright?" Lionclaw inquired. Echopath quickly nodded. "Why wouldn't I be alright?"
"You've lost a lot of blood." The tom pointed out, running his tail across the wound on her flank. His eyes then hardened. "You know that Applewhisker is too strong for you to handle. That wound he inflicted could have killed you. Why did you attack him?"
"He would have killed your brother." Echopath coughed again. "Applewhisker attacked Eagletalon, and he was about to give him a death blow."
Lionclaw no longer looked angry. Instead, he was suprised. Despite there still was a battle going on, he was quite happy to stop walking. "You nearly sacrificed yourself to save my brother, who hasn't been the nicest cat to you?"
"Yes." Echopath told him. "He is still my friend, and I will give my life to save any of my clanmates."
"Would you two like to sit there while we all get slaughtered?" Tigerpelt growled. "Get a move on!"
The two injured cats didn't need to be told twice as they rushed back into battle. They fought side by side, despite their injuries.
A ear-splitting cry pierced the air, but then it was cut off. Echopath spun round and saw a dark brown tom pinning down Bramblestar. The ForestClan leader was gasping for breath, and then he fell motionless. The cat attacking him chuckled and dashed off in a blur.
"Nooooo!" Echopath cried, running over towards her clan leader. Lionclaw followed after her, along with Oakpelt, Bravestar and Sandtail.
"Find me some cobwebs." Oakpelt snapped to Echopath. "Quickly!"
"I'll do it." Bravestar sighed. "She does not know where we find all of our herbs are kept." She was about to rush off when Bramblestar coughed. His usual, calm hazel eyes were clouded with fear and terror.
"Are you alright?" Sandtail asked, sounding concerned. The leader gave a quick nod and stumbled up to his paws. "Are we winning?"
Before the deputy could reply, a screech of terror rang out. Echopath turned round and saw another body on the ground. It was a large bundle of gold fur, stained with blood.
Eagletalon padded over to the silver she-cat and muttered in her ear. "Willowstream looked like that when I found her dead."
A light grey tabby she-cat rushed out of the nursery and let out a loud wail of grief. Echopath noticed it was Ashheart, but she didn't understand who she was grieving for. Then it became clear as she yelled out one name.
"You're a mouse-brain!"
"Chickenpaw, why are you being so horrid to me?"
"You know why!"
Swiftpaw woke up to hear Chickenpaw and Featherpaw fighting. This was very uncommon, as they were very close siblings, so he didn't quite understand why they were fighting.
Perhaps Brokenheart has gone to sort them out.
But when Swiftpaw opened his eyes fully, he could see that Brokenheart was sleeping soundly beside a tree, where they had set up temporary camp while they were still hopelessly lost. So, the apprentice decided to go and spy on his two friends and find out why they were fighting.
Swiftpaw eventually found the two apprentices behind a large bush, so he swiftly ran up a tree and hid in the branches, trying not to get spotted.
"Why did you choose that.. cat?" Chickenpaw hissed, his eyes wild with rage. "I can't tell what you see in him!"
Featherpaw shuffled her paws anxiously, but then she lifted her head up high and spoke. "Swiftpaw respects me. He treats me like a normal cat, not like everyone else. They treat us diffrently because we lost both our parents, and Echopath is the only cat we are close to."
They're arguing about me!
Swiftpaw felt a pang of guilt. Clawedpaw was right, Chickenpaw doesn't approve of Featherpaw being friends with me!
He watched as the yellow apprentice flexed his claws out. "Correction, the only cat you
are close to is Swiftpaw. We were once typical brother and sister, looking out for eachother. But you've gone off with your future mate and ruined it all!" His eyes hardened again. "Perhaps I should stop taking pity on you, and we can be like Eagletalon and Lionclaw!"
"Please don't put it that way!" Featherpaw begged, her eyes brimming with tears. "I am still your
"Not a very good one." Chickenpaw snarled.
That was the final straw. Chickenpaw's last remark had offended Featherpaw greatly, Swiftpaw could sense it. Instead of harsh words, a silence surrounded the two siblings.
"You know what, I think you're jealous." Featherpaw decided, breaking the silence. "You don't like me making friends."
"I don't like it when I am left out." Chickenpaw replied coldly. "Think about how you would feel."
He then stalked off, leaving his sister behind. Swiftpaw wanted to go and comfort her, but he decided not to, just in case that she didn't want to be disturbed.
I could go and confront Chickenpaw instead.
Swiftpaw realised. I could straighten their relationship out and make it right.
"Swiftpaw!" A loud voice called. "We're going!"
The black and white tom climbed down the tree carefully and made his way back to his friends.
"Come on." Brokenheart exclaimed, flicking her tail towards the trees. "Let's go home."
As they were about to set off, there was a loud yapping noise close by. Swiftpaw pricked his ears up and listened. His eyes were then clouded with terror, and his claws were sheathed, ready to strike.
"What is it?" Rainpaw asked, trembling.
"D-D-Dog!" Swiftpaw panted, his eyes wide with fear. Brokenheart then raised her tail for silence as she listened to the yapping. It was then cut off, and instead a desperate whimper filled the air.
"I can smell other cats." The senior warrior hissed. "Keep down and follow me."
The young cats started to follow Brokenheart as she led them through the forest and towards a large clearing. Here, four massive cats sat, growling at the dog, which was now tied up in wire.
I haven't seen these cats before. How did they manage to defeat the dog that easily?
Swiftpaw wondered.
"Stay away from us, pooch." One of the cats spat, flexing her long claws. Another cat, a tall tortoiseshell she-cat, flicked the other she-cat's ear with her tail. "That will do, Wolf. The dog has been dealt with, it is no longer a threat. Leave it be for now."
"It still has it's bite." Wolf replied. "You can't take that away, Arrow, dogs will be dogs."
"I know that." Arrow hissed, cuffing the she-cat around the head.
Before the heated discussion could turn into a proper argument, a large long-haired brown tom padded over. "Stop it now!"
"Sorry, Bear." Wolf sighed, dipping her head. "Arrow and I will stop our constant fights."
"You'd better." Bear told the two she-cats. His ears then pricked up, and his gaze hardened. "We're being spied on."
"Legend, find the intruders." Arrow meowed to another tom, flicking her tail towards the bush where the ForestClan cats were hiding. "We can deal with another battle."
Brokenheart signalled for the apprentices not to move as the mysterious cats came closer and closer. She then flicked her tail forward. "Keep your wits alive and your mouths shut." She hissed, padding out.
Swiftpaw felt a little anxious as he walked beside Featherpaw. He could sense that she was afraid of these cats, but they hadn't attacked yet.
"State your names." Wolf snarled, circling the group of cats. Brokenheart stepped forward and spoke. "My name is Brokenheart. I am a ForestClan senior warrior, and my clan live far away from this place. While I was on a training mission, I was captured by Twolegs. Without these apprentices, I would have got nowhere."
"Go on." Arrow meowed coldly, glaring at the apprentices. "Who are these cats?"
"These are ForestClan's apprentices: Swiftpaw, Chickenpaw, Featherpaw, Rainpaw, Leopardpaw, Moonpaw and Clawedpaw. They are some of the youngest cats of the clan, but they are brave and spirited." Brokenheart explained. "We do you no harm, we pass through peacefully."
"Who are you?" Swiftpaw suddenly blurted out. He instantly thought it was a foolish thing to ask, but Arrow didn't seem bothered. "You are right to question us, for seeing as you are newcomers, you wouldn't understand our ways, or who we are." She then sat down while her friends watched over the dog. "I am Arrow. The cats guarding the dog are Wolf, Legend and Bear. We are part of a small band of cats known as The Outcasts."
"Outcasts?" Swiftpaw repeated, taking over Brokenheart as the talker. "Were you exiles or something?"
"No, not at all." Arrow gave a rusty purr before continuing. "We don't have a proper home or a family to rely on. We took the choice to leave our families and start a fresh new life. Instead, we rely on our fellow Outcasts to look after us."
"We're a bit bigger than the other cats such as you, and we have learnt different skills from eachother." Legend told them. "Joy taught us how to deal with wire safely, and also how to use it do defeat dogs."
"Who is Joy?" Swiftpaw questioned. Bear glanced at them. "Perhaps you should come back with us. You can meet the rest of the Outcasts, and get something to eat."
The ForestClan cats couldn't say no, as they desperately needed food and shelter.
"We accept your offer." Swiftpaw replied, dipping his head. The four cats nodded and led the clan cats away.
Eagletalon sat down and gazed at the sunset. The sun was almost down, but camp was silent. They had returned from the battle, but despite winning it was a tragic day for all three clans.
CourageClan had lost their deputy, Clawedear. He had been killed by a ReedClan cat, but no one actually knew who it was. No ReedClan cats had come forward, but Eagletalon wasn't suprised.
Of course, ReedClan lost the battle and they were all injured. Grassnose and Sootpaw had their work cut out for them.
ForestClan suffered too. Bramblestar lost his fourth life due to battle wounds, but more cats lost their lives. Flamesnake had his neck sliced open and Icebound had been killed when Hurricanefire got away from the battle and suprised the defence group. She had given her life to protect Spiderleg.
As for Echopath, she was still alive, despite her wounds. She was being treated for her injuries in the medicine den. Eagletalon had been informed that she had saved Ivypool and Gorgepaw from ReedClan cats, so he was thankful that his friend had saved his apprentice.
The battle could have been lost due to the missing apprentices, but somehow Eagletalon felt that they were close by. After all, Lightleaf and the other StarClan cats had told him that the apprentices were safe, and so was Brokenheart.
The Gathering is tonight!
Eagletalon remembered instantly. I wonder if Bravestar will pick her deputy before then!
"May all cats old enough to catch their own prey join beneath the highrock for a clan meeting!" Bramblestar yowled. Eagletalon quickly got up and joined his clanmates, who were tired. He sat between Gorgepaw and Spiderleg.
"As you know, Icebound and Flamesnake will not be with us tonight, but they are alive in our hearts." Bramblestar meowed gravely. "They gave their lives to protect their clanmates, and I hope that you will honor them. Their vigil will take place after we have returned from the Gathering."
Eagletalon then felt Gorgepaw stiffen beside him. He had lost his father in his first battle, and he hadn't been an apprentice long either.
"Sandtail, Tigerpelt, Eagletalon, Frostear, Leapthroat, Foxtooth, Echopath, Otterswim, Spiderleg, Lionclaw and Foxtooth are coming to the Gathering tonight." Bramblestar announced. He then jumped down from the highrock and signalled for his clanmates to follow.
Eagletalon padded along beside Spiderleg, who was looking depressed. "Are you alright?" He asked. He then added in a quieter voice. "Icebound did what she had to, it wasn't your fault."
"But I never had a chance to say goodbye!" Spiderleg wailed. "I wanted to keep her safe because... because.."
"You loved her." Eagletalon finshed the sentence for him. "Yes, I know that you and Icebound were close, hence why this is hard on you. But there are other cats who have lost family and friends in the past, and today as well."
Before Spiderleg could reply, Tigerpelt barged past and stopped the two cats. "Foolish cat!" He snarled.
"What do you mean?" Spiderleg asked, stepping forward. "Eagletalon and I have left you alone."
"Not you, mouse-brain." Tigerpelt hissed. "I was refering to your friend."
Eagletalon blinked in suprise. He didn't know what the senior warrior meant, but this was normal. Tigerpelt was always grumpy.
"It's your fault that the apprentices are missing!" Tigerpelt spat in fury. "My apprentice is among them, and he's your son!"
"My fault?" Eagletalon repeated, suprised. "I was on border patrol when they went out training! And yes, I know that Clawedpaw is my son, his disappearence and Willowstream's death has shaken me..."
"Don't you dare
mention that wretched she-cat!" Tigerpelt growled. He then stalked off in front, muttering some words to Sandtail.
"Hey, ignore that grumpy furball." Eagletalon whipped round and saw Echopath. "He must have a thorn stuck in him somewhere."
"He always
has a thorn stuck in his pelt." Eagletalon pointed out with a sigh. "I must be a hopeless father to let my kits get away."
"No, wrong. Featherpaw and Chickenpaw are gone too, remember." Echopath said gently. "I made a faithful promise to Roseheart, and so far I haven't done very well. However, you lost your mate and continued to care for your kits. Don't worry about it. It's no one's fault."
"Thanks." Eagletalon gave her a quick lick on the shoulder, and she nodded. "I'm still your friend."
"Keep up." Tigerpelt snapped. Echopath pulled a face behind his back and padded back over to Lionclaw. Eagletalon let out a loud sigh. He couldn't understand why the pretty she-cat was going after his brother, who was not the cheeriest or the happiest of all cats.
Perhaps they are trying to get revenge on me.
Eagletalon realised, frowning.
ForestClan then arrived at the sacred Gathering place. CourageClan were already there, so Eagletalon went over to Crowpelt and Noblespirit. "How are you?"
"Just because you helped us doesn't make you our ally." Noblespirit snarled. "Go back to your own clanmates!"
"Hush, Noblespirit. Eagletalon is Dawnsong's friend." Crowpelt meowed. He then turned to Eagletalon. "Sorry about that, Noblespirit has been a bit techy since Clawedear died."
"I wouldn't blame him." Eagletalon told the young warrior. "Brokenheart told me that Clawedear and Noblespirit were good friends when they were younger, before you and Dawnsong were born."
ReedClan arrived before Crowpelt could answer. Fishstar jumped up onto his rock.
"Let the Gathering begin!" Bramblestar yowled. "ForestClan are not at our best. Prey has been scarce, and our apprentices and a senior warrior have disappeared into thin air. No one has seen them since dawn, but only StarClan knows their whereabouts."
A instant buzz of chatter came from the cats below. Noblespirit glanced at Eagletalon, sympathy in his eyes. "Your kits are apprentices now, aren't they? I'm sorry to hear about that."
"However, that is not the only thing we have lost." Bramblestar continued. "Flamesnake and Icebound were killed in the battle earlier today. Willowstream was found dead in the forest a few nights ago."
More cats cranked their heads round to look at Eagletalon. Noblespirit dipped his head in respect to the warrior. "I am sorry about your losses. Willowstream was some special cat." He muttered silently. Eagletalon nodded his head and continued to listen to his leader.
"But we aren't just filled with bad news." Bramblestar meowed. "StarClan has blessed us with many kits. Specklenose gave birth to three kits, and Silverleaf gave birth to two kits. Dawnsong is expecting kits. Frostear's kits have become apprentices, Eagletalon mentoring Gorgepaw while Spiderleg mentoring Heatherpaw."
"Heatherpaw! Gorgepaw!" The clans chanted below.
"Also, we have welcomed a new warrior, Leapthroat!" Bramblestar announced.
"Leapthroat! Leapthroat!" The clans chanted again.
"And to finish off, we have welcomed two loners to our clan. They have taken the names of Ghostfire and Foxtooth." Bramblestar said. "What news do you have, Fishstar?"
"Thank you, Bramblestar." Fishstar meowed coldly. "ReedClan are doing well, we have had no deaths and no births. However, we are still scenting ForestClan on our territory. Stay away from our fish."
Several snarls went up from the ForestClan warriors, including Eagletalon. He hadn't known any cats to steal ReedClan's fish.
"One of our patrols scented a fox on our territory earlier today." Fishstar continued. "That is all. Bravestar?"
"Thank you, Fishstar. CourageClan are not at our best either. Like ForestClan, we have lost cats. Streamkit died of greencough yesterday, Mudfang died peacefully in his sleep three nights ago and our deputy, Clawedear, was killed by a unknown ReedClan warrior. CourageClan's new deputy is Noblespirit!" Bravestar yowled.
"Noblespirit! Noblespirit!" The clans chanted below, especially the CourageClan cats. Eagletalon smiled at the golden tabby tom. "Congratulations. You'll make a great deputy."
"Thank you." Noblespirit replied, dipping his head in respect. "I hope to serve my clan well."
"The Gathering is at a end!" Bramblestar yowled, jumping down from Three Rocks. He signalled for his clan to come over, and they left the Gathering place in silence.
Dawnsong woke up hearing a twig snap as the Gathering cats returned. She rushed out of the nursery and greeted Eagletalon and Echopath. "What's the new gossip from the other clans?"
"Not much." Eagletalon mewed. "We seemed to have the most news." Dawnsong was about to reply when Echopath added "Noblespirit is a deputy now since Clawedear died in the battle earlier."
Dawnsong wanted to act delighted that her mate was now CourageClan's deputy, but she knew that she would give her secret away. So she just nodded. "He should do well, being a popular cat within the clans."
"Your brother sends his best wishes." Eagletalon said with a yawn. "I'm going to get some rest."
"Wait for me, then." Echopath told him. "I'll get us some prey. You haven't eaten since sunhigh!"
"Prey is scarce, leave it." The warrior sighed. "You need your sleep if you want to get better, Echopath. ForestClan need you, being one of our best hunters."
Dawnsong watched as the two cats continued to speak. She felt a bit left out, but she didn't say anything about it. There was no point.
"Hey, Dawnsong, do you want to join us?" Echopath asked, her blue eyes sparkling in the moonlight. "If your kits are asleep, anyway."
"They are." The young queen replied. "I hope my kits come soon, Runningbreeze is desperate now." There was a hint of amusement in her voice, which made Eagletalon chuckle slightly. "Typical impaitent cat. I never even knew you two were close!" He streched a bit and yawned. "I think I'll get some rest, actually. Good night."
He then padded off towards the warrior den, not looking back at the two she-cats. Echopath sighed. "He's still upset by Willowstream's death, and his kits disappearing doesn't make it any better."
"I know." Dawnsong replied. "Poppyfoot is terribly upset about Swiftpaw, being his sister and all. She thinks that they'll never come back."
"They have
to come back!" Echopath cried. "My kin are among them, and I promised Roseheart that I would look after them!"
"Yes, we know." Dawnsong sighed, giving the she-cat a comforting lick. "Anyway, moving on, some cats have been saying that you and Lionclaw are mates. Is this true?"
Echopath looked a little startled at Dawnsong's question, which made her regret asking now. But the silver she-cat gave her a answer.
"No. Although I think he might be rather fond of me."
Dawnsong snorted, then gave a little giggle. "Mouse-brain! He's been padding after you for a season or so, and you haven't even noticed!" Echopath ducked her head in embrassment, and plodded over to the fresh-kill pile to get a small sparrow. She then went back over to Dawnsong and dropped it at her paws. "For you." She said. "You will need your strength if you want healthy kits."
"Thanks." The queen meowed, picking it up in her jaws. "You seriously need to get some sleep, Oakpelt will rip your whiskers off otherwise!"
"Alright, alright, I'm going." Echopath told her brightly, padding off. "Good night!"
Dawnsong pretended to go back to the nursery, but she instantly rushed across the clearing and poked her head into the warrior's den. Echopath was already in her nest, with Lionclaw beside her. Eagletalon slept away from everyone, facing the wall of the den.
The young grey queen padded in quietly and prodded Eagletalon's shoulder with her claw.
"Stop it." The warrior grumbled in his sleep, twitching his tail. Dawnsong decided to stop and go away.
She sat down in her nest, her tail wrapped around Galekit and Flashkit. They had been asleep for a long time, to Dawnsong's great relief. She curled up beside them and slowly dozed off into her sleep.
Bright rays of sunlight shone through the walls of nursery and onto Dawnsong's pelt as her eyes fluttered open and she stumbled sleepily to her paws. She had a uneventful sleep, but she was expecting for StarClan to try and make contact again.
Maybe they spoke to Echopath or Eagletalon instead.
She thought, licking her paws.
Runningbreeze then padded in, with Galekit swinging from his jaws. He then placed the young kit down. "This little one is turning into a pawful of trouble already. I found him in the medicine den, playing with Flowerpaw." He sighed.
"Sorry." Dawnsong sighed, nudging Galekit over. "I didn't get much sleep." Runningbreeze nodded and went back out, seeming a bit miserable.
I think he's sad because he can never be my true mate.
Dawnsong realised, feeling a bit guilty. I could have lied, but that wouldn't make it any better. I've already lied to the rest of the clan, I don't need to lie to Runningbreeze. Anyway, he's been really sweet to me. He would make a great father if I wasn't already mates with Noblespirit.
Dawnsong then heard a terrified scream. She rushed out and saw Ghostfire dashing down the gorge carrying a small bundle of black and grey fur.
"What happened?" She asked anxiously.
"I-I came across this in the forest." Ghostfire shuddered, placing the bundle down. "I think he's d-dead."
The grey queen sniffed at the fur. Ghostfire was right, it was laying limp on the ground. But that was not the thing that had shocked her.
The motionless bundle of fur was Blazekit, Poppyfoot's son.
The Outcasts had led the ForestClan cats through the forest and into a massive cave, made of rocks. A curtain of lichen hung over the entrance and moss grew on the rocks.
Near to the rock, there was a moderate size lake surrounded by long grass and wild flowers. Prey was plentiful here, especially with the forest behind the main camp. No wonder why The Outcasts were so strong, with the amount of food to feed them.
Swiftpaw did get a decent sleep, and the next day he was out hunting with Featherpaw at dawn. The two young friends hadn't had much time alone since they had been captured, so this was the only time they had before everyone else woke up.
"I wish we lived here." Featherpaw sighed. "Our clan wouldn't starve, and they could easily raise a family here." She let out another sigh. "I can't imagine how happy everyone would be living in this wonderful place."
"We wouldn't have to worry about CourageClan or ReedClan, that's one advantage." Swiftpaw pointed out. He then caught the delicious scent of rabbit, which made his mouth water as he took it in. The young rabbit hopped beside the lake, so Swiftpaw quickly dropped to a crouch and started to stalk his prey. When he got close enough, he waited and then pounced, giving a swift death blow to the rabbit's neck. It shortly laid limp on the ground. Proudly, Swiftpaw picked up the dead rabbit in his jaws and trotted back over to Featherpaw.
"Nice catch." She complimented. Swiftpaw nodded his head and dropped the rabbit on the ground.
"Do The Outcasts have any kits?" Featherpaw suddenly asked, changing the subject. Swiftpaw shook his head. "I think I heard Legend telling Brokenheart about their lack of kits. We'll find out when we meet the rest of them today."
"Chickenpaw told me yesterday that you liked Rainpaw. Is this true?" Featherpaw questioned, lowering her voice. Swiftpaw shook his head again, looking rather angry. "Chickenpaw has bees in his brain. I was fond of her as a younger apprentice, but Leapthroat likes her."
"Oh." Featherpaw shuffled her paws, embrassed. "Sorry. It's just my brother has been difficult."
"I know." Swiftpaw comforted her. "I heard what he said to you yesterday, I felt awful when I heard that you were arguing about me."
"It's not your fault." Featherpaw murmured gently. Her ears then pricked up. "I can hear pawsteps."
Swiftpaw instantly jumped in front of Featherpaw, snarling. "Come out, coward!"
The grass rustled as the pawsteps got closer and closer, louder and louder. Swiftpaw could feel Featherpaw shivering behind him, which made him shiver too. They didn't know what was out there, and if it was friendly.
"What are you doing?" A voice asked curiously. Before Swiftpaw could reply, a young cat appeared. She was defintely one of The Outcasts, but it wasn't a cat Swiftpaw or Featherpaw had met before. The young she-cat was massive, which was perfectly normal for any Outcast cat, with white fur, black paws, black stripes and bright amber eyes which shone in the early sunlight.
"Are you of ForestClan?" She questioned, her voice soft and gentle.
"Yes, we are." Swiftpaw told her. "Who are you?"
He watched as the young she-cat sat down and lifted her head slightly. "My name is Future. I am the youngest member of The Outcasts."
"I'm Featherpaw, and this is Swiftpaw." Featherpaw said, sitting down beside Swiftpaw. "We've been hunting for a bit."
"Ooh, I love hunting!" Future exclaimed, her eyes sparkling. "Can I come?"
Well, there goes my time with Featherpaw.
Swiftpaw thought grumpily.
"Of course you can." Featherpaw meowed, smiling. "Come on."
After a while, the three cats were back in the cave. They had brought back plenty of prey, but Swiftpaw got attacked by an owl because he had accidently woken it up. He had a couple of minor scratches. However, Future knew how to hunt owls, so she managed to kill it with a couple of blows to it's neck.
"Thank you." Arrow told them when we got back. "Once all of your friends have woken up and eaten, you can meet the rest of The Outcasts."
"Cool." Swiftpaw mumbled.
"Hey," Featherpaw nudged her friend with her paw playfully. "don't be such a grumpy furball!"
Who said I was grumpy?
Swiftpaw thought to himself. He picked up a mouse and sat down on a smooth, small rock, away from everyone else. He needed some well-deserved food to keep his belly happy.
In complete silence, the black and white apprentice tucked into his mouse, enjoying each taste as more juices flowed into his jaws. It felt as if he was back at camp, surrounded by cats he knew and trusted. Swiftpaw had hated every moment since being captured and attacked, despite he still felt guilty about Featherpaw's injuries which had been his own fault.
He was then joined by Brokenheart and Rainpaw, who were possibly the smartest cats in the little group that had been captured. They had sharp ears, yet sharper tongues.
"I want to thank you for looking after Featherpaw while she is still weak and injured from the attack." Brokenheart told Swiftpaw. "She is very thankful for what you did." Swiftpaw just nodded, seeing as he was halfway through eating his mouse at the time.
Two cats stalked across the cave, their pelts dripping wet with water. One of them Swiftpaw reconised as Legend, but the other cat was a tom with a black pelt, a white bushy tail and piercing amber eyes. Legend instantly reconised Swiftpaw and flicked his tail over, signalling for the apprentice to join him.
"This is Vulture." Legend meowed. "He is a talented hunter and taught the rest of us how to hunt owls and other birds of prey."
"Your skills saved my life earlier. Thank you." Swiftpaw said to the older Outcast, remembering his incident with the owl. Vulture just snorted. "You outsiders should learn how to protect yourselves."
He's grumpier than Tigerpelt!
Swiftpaw realised, trying his best not to snigger. If they had a contest, Vulture would win!
"Vulture is not fond of outsiders like you." Legend murmured once the grumpy tom had stalked off. "He likes it when it just Outcasts here, not strangers. Don't get on the wrong side of him or you will regret it."
"Alright." Swiftpaw nodded, turning away. "Would it hurt if you showed me and Featherpaw around, and introduce us to the rest of your Outcast friends?" Legend gave a little nod, but he looked uncertain. "Make it only
you two. I am breaking the strict orders I was given, if I'm found out then there will be trouble. Understand?"
"Of course, Legend. You can trust me."
Echopath awoke to the sound of loud wails of grief and despair. With a soft groan, she rose to her paws and plodded over to the entrance of the warrior den, taking care to not wake Spiderleg, who had stayed up all night greiving for Icebound. He couldn't sleep long, seeing as he took on Heatherpaw as an apprentice not long ago now.
Remembering the wails she had heard, Echopath stepped out of the den and drew her attention to a small group of her clanmates, Dawnsong being among them. Her eyes were clouded with sympathy.
"What happened?" Echopath asked, the sunlight warming her pelt up. Dawnsong just shook her head and sighed. "Blazekit is dead. Poppyfoot is terrified of loosing any more of her kits."
Echopath gently pushed past her friend and gave a little gasp when she saw Blazekit's motionless body on the ground, covered in scratches and bites. Poppyfoot was wailing in grief, while her mate Rabbitleap just looked at his son with terror in his eyes.
This must be really hard on Poppyfoot, loosing her brother and then her own son. I just hope that Featherpaw and Chickenpaw return safely.
Since the apprentices going missing, most of the clan had been terrified of loosing any more cats. Bramblestar had been one of those cats, as the clan had never been so close to destruction before. He blamed himself for everything that had gone on, making the rest of the clan terrified for the future.
"Echopath?" A voice called from the leader's den. "Can I have a word?"
The silver she-cat turned away from Poppyfoot and bounded across the clearing. She skidded to a stop at Bramblestar's den and calmed herself before padding into the den.
"Welcome, little one." Bramblestar meowed, sitting up. He was sitting on a ledge. The leader's den was underneath a tree, with the roots acting as the walls. A curtain of ivy vines dangled down in the entrance.
"Why have you summoned me?" Echopath questioned, dipping her head respectfully.
"I have sent for you for a simple reason." Bramblestar told her, jumping down from the ledge. "You are friends with Dawnsong, correct?" Echopath nodded her head, and Bramblestar let out a soft sigh. "I am a little worried about her. Silverleaf told me that she was having nightmares. Has she told you anything?"
"No, I was unaware of this." Echopath said, sounding suprised. "Was this last night?"
"Yes, but it has been going on since she was told about her kits." Bramblestar's eyes narrowed. "Was she shocked knowing?"
"Not that I am aware of." Echopath meowed truthfully. Bramblestar sighed. "I would like you to keep a close on her, please. Inform me if anything odd happens." He then flicked his tail towards the entrance of the den. "You may leave. Sandtail is organising patrols, so you should be out there."
Echopath left the den swiftly and joined her clanmates, who were gathered in front of their deputy.
"I want Tigerpelt to lead a border patrol around ReedClan. Take Floatingcloud, Spiderleg, Foxtooth and Pebblestep." Sandtail meowed. "I also want a border patrol around CourageClan. Lionclaw, can you lead that?"
"Of course." The golden tabby replied. "I'll take Runningbreeze, Frostear and Spottedlark."
"Thanks. Rabbitleap, you can lead a hunting patrol. I will lead another, and Eagletalon can lead the last one. Gather up some cats, both of you. I will take Otterswim, Echopath, Ghostfire, Twistpelt and Leapthroat."
The patrol trekked through the forest, Sandtail and Otterswim in front. Echopath walked along side Twistpelt, who had been her old apprentice.
"Do you think Otterswim and Sandtail are keeping a secret?" Twistpelt suddenly asked the silver she-cat. "I mean, there might be a lot of kits in the nursery soon!"
"What makes you think that?" Echopath inquired, narrowing her eyes.
"Have you not seen them sharing tongues?" Twistpelt said, her eyes wide in shock. She then stopped and smiled at Echopath. "So many cats will end up with a family within a few moons. Dawnsong with Runningbreeze, Sandtail with Otterswim, Spottedlark with Barleyfoot, Featherpaw with Swiftpaw, Rainpaw with Leapthroat, you with Lionclaw-"
"There is nothing going on between us!" Echopath insisted angrily, her pelt prickling with embrassment. "Why does all of the clan think that?!"
"Oh, sorry." Twistpelt apologised, walking on. Echopath caught up with her, but didn't say a word.
I think when Galekit said the whole clan were talking about me, I think he meant it.
She thought to herself.
She then switched her mind to catching prey when she caught the scent of mouse close by. This was important to the clan, because the lack of prey was causing cats to starve.
The silver she-cat dropped to a crouch, stalking the mouse. She wanted to catch it and show that despite her injuries, she could still hunt as well as any other cat. When she got close enough, Echopath pounced and caught the mouse.
I caught it!
She told her head in pride, cocking her head down to snatch up the dead mouse.
"Well done!" Twistpelt called, swiping her tongue around her jaws. "StarClan has blessed us with much prey!"
"What do you mean?" Echopath asked, dropping the mouse. Twistpelt flicked her tail over to the other cats in the patrol. "Otterswim caught a starling, Ghostfire caught two squirrels and Leapthroat killed a shrew. All the prey is skinny though, apart from your mouse."
Looks like I've got some compeition from Ghostfire.
Echopath though to herself. She is a talented hunter, we need more cats like her so our clan doesn't starve.
Remembering that they were still on patrol, Echopath picked up her mouse and continued to search for prey.
Eagletalon's hunting patrol had returned. They hadn't caught much, apart from a shrew by Pigeonwing and a very skinny rabbit which Eagletalon had caught himself. He was quite proud of it, but he had promised to find something for the elders.
The warrior padded over towards the elder's den and stuck his head in.
"Finally!" Longstripe rasped, gazing at the rabbit hungrily. "I'm starving!"
"Well, that's good then." Eagletalon told him. "But don't scoff your face with it all, Cloudeye needs some too. She's older than you."
"Fine." Longstripe grumbled, motioning for Cloudeye to come over. "Eagletalon's brought us some decent prey."
Eagletalon watched as the old she-cat struggled over. Everyone knew that she was very frail because of the recent lack of prey, so most of the time she slept.
"Thank you, youngster." Cloudeye croaked, cocking her head down to tear at the rabbit. "Thank StarClan that you found something."
"Yeah." Eagletalon meowed, sitting down to give his ruffled fur a couple of licks. "So, was prey this hard to find when you were warriors?"
"Not all of the time." Longstripe replied. "There weren't so many battles around, but I remember my first battle as a warrior. We were against CourageClan, I managed to kill off some she-cat who tried to kill my father, Ferretjaw."
Eagletalon had heard that name before. He instantly remembered his argument with Echopath about Willowstream's death, and how Sweetpetal had come from StarClan...
"Wait a moment!" Eagletalon interuppted. "Was Ferretjaw's littermate Sweetpetal?" Longstripe nodded his head. "She was a gifted medicine cat, very pretty. Poor thing died of a broken heart."
"What do you mean?" The white and gold warrior asked.
"She killed her brother's mate, that's what happened." Cloudeye growled. "The mouse-brainned excuse of a medicine cat spent too long collecting herbs to let Goldsky die. The clan began to no longer trust Sweetpetal, so she fed herself deathberries. She joined StarClan later, Ferretjaw following after two seasons."
"That's not true!" Longstripe argued. "My mother died of her wounds from fighting that badger!"
"No! You just can't take the truth!" Cloudeye snapped, lashing her tail.
Eagletalon decided to leave the den quietly while the two elders continued bickering, and sit outside in the clearing. Some of his clanmates were now returning from patrols, his brother among them. He decided to confront him.
"How was your patrol?" Eagletalon asked, sitting down beside Lionclaw.
"Fine, fine." Lionclaw grumbled. "Is Echopath back yet?"
"No, she's still on hunting patrol." Eagletalon replied. "I imagine that she'll be back soon, my hunting patrol returned not long ago." Lionclaw nodded, shuffling his paws in embrassment. "Do you think that she's alright? I mean, her injuries from the battle yesterday could have killed her."
"Echopath is a strong cat." Eagletalon pointed out. "She is very likely to recover quickly."
"I just hope she will be okay." Lionclaw sighed, padding away. He then added with a sharp tone "Haven't you got something else to do rather than bothering me?"
"I only wanted to know if you were well!" Eagletalon protested, looking hurt. But as usual, his brother ignored him.
Lionclaw's been a mouse-brain since Lostsong's death, but he's been worse since he took a liking to Echopath.
Eagletalon thought anxiously. I understand that he is worried about her injuries, but they haven't been bothering her today. I'll talk to Oakpelt.
The gold and white tom pushed through his clanmates and poked his head into the medicine den, picking up the sweet scent of herbs. Flowerpaw, Oakpelt's young apprentice, was busy sorting out the different herbs, sepearating coltsfoot from marigold. She pricked her ears up on hearing Eagletalon's arrival. "Hi, Eagletalon. How can I help?" She asked shyly.
"Actually, I'm looking for Oakpelt." Eagletalon replied, trying to pick up the dark brown tom's scent. "Is he here?" Flowerpaw shook her head in dismay. "He is out collecting feverfew for Cloudkit. She's got a chill, poor thing."
Eagletalon then remembered the pretty grey tabby with blue eyes. Of Specklenose's kits, she was the sweet, caring one who was interested in herbs. She was rather sensitive about injuried cats, but Eagletalon knew that she couldn't become her desired rank: A medicine apprentice.
"Are you going to sit there and stare all day?" Flowerpaw's teasing mew startled Eagletalon.
"Do you like being a medicine apprentice?" Eagletalon blurted out. The young she-cat hesitated for a moment, but she smiled. "I like knowing that I'm helping my clanmates when they come for herbs. Oakpelt is a great mentor."
"Yeah, but I mean, do you actually find your duty boring?" Eagletalon pressed on. "Only because I noticed that Cloudkit is very interested-"
He never got a chance to finsh, as the young grey she-cat stormed out of the den, her green eyes blazing with fury. Eagletalon realised that he had made a mistake in saying that, but why was she so angry?
"Swiftpaw, pay attention!"
The black and white apprentice stopped daydreaming and stood up straight, looking Brokenheart in the eye.
Although they were away from their usual camp, the senior warrior was determained to continue apprentice training, especially with the three newest apprentices. So far, Eagletalon's and Willowstream's young kits had recieved barely any training.
"I don't know what's got into you, Swiftpaw." Brokenheart growled. "I know that we're in a unfamilar territory, but that doesn't mean that you can get distracted while training. Even Featherpaw's coping with the new surroundings, and she's only a half moon younger than you!"
Swiftpaw had to admit that the small she-cat had already gotten used to the different territory, listening to every word Brokenheart said and listening to the stories of the Outcast members. It was rather annoying that he couldn't concentrate here, but truthfully, he desperately wanted to get home.
"I'll help him." Featherpaw offered. "We can do battle moves and perhaps some hunting afterwards." She then added with a cheeky tone directed at Swiftpaw "If
I don't tire you out."
"I don't think so." Swiftpaw hissed playfully, extending his claws.
He wasn't expecting his friend's attack as she lunged at him. She batted at him, but Swiftpaw, using his hind legs, pushed her off and into the grass.
"Now who's tired out?" Swiftpaw joked.
The black and white tom expected her to spring to her paws and attack him again, but she didn't move. Had he really hurt her that badly?
Remembering her previous injuries, he instantly bounded over to her side and started nudging her, trying to see signs of movement. She was still breathing, to Swiftpaw's great relief, but he couldn't understand why she wasn't flinching.
Suddenly, Featherpaw lunged at Swiftpaw, pinning him down to the ground within a few moments.
"Well done, Featherpaw!" Brokenheart praised the white and brown she-cat. "You are turning into a talented warrior!"
And where's my praise?
Swiftpaw thought angrily. Yes, Featherpaw performed a clever trick and I'm happy for her, but surely I deserve some good feedback once in a while?!
Featherpaw released her paw from Swiftpaw's throat and let him crawl free. "It was nothing, really. I didn't expect Swiftpaw to throw me off like that. Playing dead was my last option." She admitted, her eyes showing admiration for Swiftpaw. "He did really well."
"Attack me again, then." The black and white tom replied, crouching down to prepare for any impact.
Sunhigh came by rather quickly. The apprentices were taking a break from training, including Swiftpaw and Featherpaw, who were progressing in battle training well. Of course, Brokenheart was full of praise for Featherpaw, but she did give Swiftpaw some decent comments.
"I would have been running silly if you were invaders." Arrow complimented. "The Outcasts and I have been watching your training with great interest. I reckon you could take on any of us any day and win."
"Thanks, Arrow." Swiftpaw replied, feeling proud. "But some cats in our clan our much fiercer, much stronger than us. My mentor Sandtail is deputy of the clan, and she's a really good fighter."
"But you're quicker." Featherpaw added, pressing herself against him. "Even Sandtail knows that. That's what makes you a good hunter."
"Your friend makes a point, Swiftpaw." Arrow meowed with a smile. "But us Outcasts know four things that makes a cat. One cat taught us that, you will find him over there." She waved her tail towards a dark brown tom with a white chest, who was talking with another she-cat that Swiftpaw reconised to be Whisper. Legend had journeyed with her to find The Outcasts several moons ago.
"The brown cat is called Captain." Arrow explained. "Like the others, he possed a important skill: The ability to identify what makes a true cat. If you talk to him, he'll explain."
Swiftpaw followed Arrow's instructions and padded over to Captain, who greeted him with a small nod. "Can I help?"
"Arrow told me that you knew four things that a cat had. Will you share this with me? It might be a lesson to teach my clanmates back at camp." Swiftpaw asked.
"Of course you may hear them, little one." Captain gave a rusty purr. "There are four things that a true cat has: Strength, faith, stealth and love." He motioned for Swiftpaw to sit down before continuing. "A cat must have strength to excell in life. You will need strength to have the courage to attack enemies, hunt well and defend your friends and family. A cat without strength will never survive in this world of fear and bloodshed. With danger at every turn, you will easily get slaughted without the strength to fight back and regain your honour."
"Go on." Swiftpaw meowed.
"Then comes faith. You will need faith in yourself, faith in your ancestors, to succsed. When all hope is lost and you think that you can't go on, have a little faith in yourself. When others fail, have faith in them. Faith is not a weakness, it is your greatest friend in battle. Wherever you may go, even if it is to the edge of the world, faith is always with you, waiting to comfort you." Captain meowed. "I now come onto the third thing, which is stealth. You will need stealth to sneak up on your enemies and your prey. Without stealth, you are simply a noisy, clumsy thing that will soon die because you can't feed yourself."
"What about love?" Swiftpaw pressed on, wanting to know more.
"Ah, you seem rather interested in this one." Captain purred in amusement, twitching his whiskers. "Saving it for a special cat?" He angled his ears over to Featherpaw, which made Swiftpaw go hot with embrassment under his pelt.
"Anyway, coming away from your life, I'll continue. You will need love for your clanmates and your family, so that you will be determained to protect them. Like faith, love is seen as a weakness, but feeling loved makes you desperate to win. It is the heart that makes you a warrior, after all. It's not always about your ability to fight and hunt. Love gives you a feeling of warmth and joy, yet it can also bring the worst." Captain finshed his words with a quick strech. "That, my friend, is what I told the other Outcasts when I came here. They've taken my words to heart and used it to teach the younger cats who join."
Swiftpaw then heard cats at the entrance of the large den. He spun his head round and saw two she-cats called Joy and Faith, Future, Clawedpaw and Rainpaw. They had returned from hunting, and by the looks of things, they had found a lot. Clawedpaw was dragging a huge barn owl back.
"My first bird." He annoucned proudly, placing it down on the pile.
"You did very well." Future purred, touching her nose to the apprentice's ear. "You're turning into a fine young hunter, Clawedpaw." Swiftpaw smiled at his clanmate, despite he hadn't been the easiest cat to get along with.
"Did you
catch that?" Moonpaw cried in awe. "That's an amazing catch, Clawedpaw!" She rushed over to her brother and purred. "I wish I could hunt that well!"
Moonpaw is very supportive of her brothers.
Swiftpaw told himself with a smile. I can see that she's Willowstream's daughter, always encouraging.
"Hey, Rainpaw," Featherpaw called. "did you catch anything?" The young blue tabby she-cat nodded her head. "I caught two mice and a squirrel." She replied. "I only wish Barleyfoot could see me now!"
"Any problems?" Captain asked the remaining patrol members.
"Yes, just one." Joy sighed, her black tipped tail twitching anxiously. "Young Clawedpaw here found a scent that we haven't noticed for many, many moons."
"Go on." Whisper meowed curiously.
"There's a huge pack of dogs loose from the Twolegplace," Faith continued, her eyes wide with fear. "They're heading this way!"
Dawnsong rested on her side in the glorious sunshine, her fur rustling in the cool breeze. She loved days like these, but the young she-cat missed bounding through the forest on patrol with her friends and clanmates. She would be stuck in the nursery for a few more seasons, but not for long. She had been informed that her kits would be here any day soon, to her relief. But she did feel a small prick of disappointment and guilt.
I've lied to the whole clan. Runningbreeze only knows half the story, that I've broken the warrior code and taken a cat from another clan as a mate, like my parents. The kits will think that they're pure ForestClan, they'll see Runningbreeze as their father rather than Noblespirit. But they don't know the truth.
"Your kits will be here soon." Spottedlark meowed, sitting down beside the young queen. "Oh, you and Runningbreeze are such a great couple!"
"Erm, thanks?" Dawnsong replied awkardly, licking her paw. "So are you and Barleyfoot."
"Oh, we're not mates." Spottedlark told her quickly. "Although he would be a great father. I'd love some kits of my own, even better if Barleyfoot was their father."
"Yeah, I guess so." Dawnsong meowed. She let out a loud sigh as she watched Lionclaw and Echopath sharing tongues nearby. "Those two will have a family within the next few seasons, I bet." She chuckled, flicking her tail towards the two clanmates. "They're more than friends."
"The whole clan knows." Spottedlark pointed out. "Yet I find it amusing how they don't know it."
Before Dawnsong could reply, Runningbreeze padded over with Eagletalon. They weren't carrying prey, but that didn't really matter.
"We checked for any signs of the missing apprentices." Runningbreeze sighed. "We picked up a trail, but it stopped at the edge of our territory. Their scent was mingled with a cat outside our clan and we caught a stale trace of dog. Probably from a few days ago."
"Do you think that they were killed?" Spottedlark asked, her voice trembling. Eagletalon shook his head. "I scented a Twoleg. My guess is that they were taken, so they must be safe." He then flicked his tail towards Dawnsong. "I need to speak to you a moment."
"Okay." The grey queen rose to her paws and followed the older tom towards a patch of grass away from everyone else. She glanced behind her shoulder as the tom's eyes slid back and fourth, making sure no one was listening in.
"Has StarClan spoken to you?" Eagletalon soon asked, sitting down in the grass. Dawnsong shook her head with a sigh. "Perhaps they've stopped bothering, because Swiftpaw is still missing."
"Actually, I've just had a idea!" Eagletalon chirped, his eyes suddenly lighting up in delight. "Maybe StarClan could help us find the apprentices!"
They could. But I thought they said that they were unable to find them.
Dawnsong realised. It wouldn't work.
Eagletalon had gone before she could reply, so she just sat there in thought. The warrior's idea was worth a try, but the only problem was the rest of the clan. Would they agree with his idea?
"Attack me."
Echopath crouched down, her eyes fixed on Lionclaw, who had challenged her in the first place. She growled at him playfully before lunging at him, dodging any blows he gave her. She batted him with her paws, but Lionclaw was much taller and muscular than she was, so he he managed to land more powerful blows on her.
"I give up!" Echopath groaned, flopping to the ground. "You're huge compared to me!"
"You're not trying." Lionclaw told her calmly, pinning her down. "Being smaller means you can get out of my grasp quicker. If I was a enemy warrior, I would have torn you apart, fur and all."
"Yay." Echopath mumbled sarcasticly. "Off to StarClan I go, then."
"Look, you really need to take this seriously." Lionclaw sighed. "If this was a real battle, the clan will loose a valueable warrior and I'll loose you. I don't want that to happen."
"You could do me a favour and let me go." Echopath grumbled. The golden tabby lifted his paw and let the silver she-cat scramble away.
Bramblestar wanted every single cat to sharpen up on their battle moves, as now all the clans knew about the missing apprentices, it would be a good time for ForestClan to be attacked. He wanted Gorgepaw and Heatherpaw to be put on a battle training program, luckily Eagletalon and Spiderleg were exprienced warriors, so they were progressing well in training. Echopath didn't want to be in a group of warriors, so she went off with Lionclaw in the forest, while many other cats went to the training hollow or stayed in camp.
"Try attacking me now." Echopath told her friend. "I'm concentrating."
Lionclaw instantly sprang at her, but Echopath ran to the other side and sent the golden tabby crashing down into the dirt. She let out a purr of amusement. "Bramblestar should have named you Dustface, because your face is covered in dust and dirt!"
"Charming." Lionclaw joked, shaking the dust off his pelt. "But you did well then. That might have not sent a fierce rogue running for their life, yet it might work with a clan cat. Well done."
"Thanks." Echopath purred. "You did better though. No wonder why Featherpaw is turning into a fine warrior!"
Oh wait, the apprentices aren't here.
The she-cat suddenly realised. Her sister's kits and the other apprentices were still missing, with no trace of them found. Lionclaw had tried his best to keep Echopath's mind of their disappearence, but every conversation ended up with mentioning the young cats.
"Echopath," Lionclaw meowed. "I need to ask you a question."
"Ask away, unless you're asking nicely to attack me." The silver warrior joked, her blue eyes sparkling mischeviously. "Then it isn't happening."
"Well, I know these past few seasons have been tough." Lionclaw started. "There is a possible murderer within our ranks and fewer kits are surviving leafbare and leaffall. The apprentices are still missing and more cats are dying, despite Oakpelt is doing his best. More attacks have occured than ever, with more cats getting injured and joining StarClan."
"Go on." Echopath mewed, sitting down.
"Life is still difficult and Bramblestar thinks the clan needs more cats. Ghostfire and Foxtooth have been good additions, but younger cats are needed." Lionclaw continued, his voice wobbling a bit as he spoke. "I know that you lost your sister and you promised to look after Featherpaw and Chickenpaw, but I was wondering if you were interested in having kits with me. I know you liked my brother and he asked Willowstream rather than you, but I have become rather fond of you, Echopath. You're a great hunter and very caring towards your kin and clanmates, which is why I like you best out of all the cats in this clan."
"But Lionclaw..." Echopath was a bit lost for words. She had not expected Lionclaw to ask her such a huge question at a time of crisis. Finally, she managed to summon the courage to reply. "The clan needs me more than ever, with prey becoming scarce. If the apprentices return, they will need encouragement to continue. I have so many things to do, with raising a family being one of the last things to do." She stepped forward and touched her muzzle towards Lionclaw's. "I know you love me, the whole clan knows. I care about you a lot. You've been really sweet to me and I have enjoyed your company. But I cannot raise a litter of kits at this time. Kits are more likely to survive in newleaf and greenleaf, anyway."
"Please." Lionclaw pleaded, his eyes clouded with emotion. "I would give anything to have the feeling of becoming a parent."
"And so would I." Echopath told him gently. "But not yet. The clan are in a difficult situation. This does not mean that I will not stop caring for you, I still will until death creeps up on us. We have plenty of time."
"I understand." Lionclaw mumbled, turning his head away. "I thought you would refuse."
"Don't put it like that!" Echopath cried, shocked. "You're sounding like Eagletalon!"
"Then it must be good that I am, seeing as you loved him so much!" Lionclaw snapped, rushing off into the bushes.
"Lionclaw..." Echopath's voice could only choke out his name once, nothing else. Her heart felt like it had snapped in half.
What has happened to the friend I knew?
Dawnsong felt a little kick from a kit. She instantly suspected that it was Galekit or Flashkit, but when she opened her eyes, the two kits weren't in her nest. The other kits were either asleep or outside, so Dawnsong came to one conclusion. She could sense it too.
"The kits are coming!" She screamed.
Oakpelt was over instantly, herbs swinging in his jaws. He placed them down and held his paw on Dawnsong's swollen stomach. "Yes, they are." He agreed, picking up a stick and handing it over. "Bite on this when you feel pain, it will help." The young grey queen obeyed him and bit down on the stick, her teeth digging in.
"First one coming." The medicine cat observed. "Push."
The grey she-cat pushed with all her might before she felt a small body beside her. My kit!
She thought excitedly.
"Poppyfoot, please lick this kit's fur the wrong way. It will get the breathing starting." Oakpelt asked the other queen. She nodded and started grooming the firstborn kit.
"There's a few more coming. Keep going." The medicine cat urged. "You're doing great, Dawnsong."
Despite it was painful, the birthing finshed quickly.
"Three beautiful she-kits and one very handsome looking tom!" Oakpelt concluded. "Congrautlations!"
"Thank you." Dawnsong breathed weakly.
"I'll fetch Runningbreeze." Specklenose offered, padding out of the den. She returned a little while later with the young ginger tabby tom. He beamed in delight and purred. "How are they?"
"All fine." Dawnsong told him with a smile. "I've got a few ideas for names." Runningbreeze nodded, and the young queen flicked her tail towards a light ginger she-kit with darker ginger stripes. "Honeykit." She then flicked her tail again towards a slender tortoiseshell and white she-kit. "I like Maplekit for this one."
"The light grey tom with darker grey stripes looks like you." Runningbreeze purred. "What about Stormkit for him?"
"Great name." Dawnsong flicked her tail at the final kit, a small light ginger she-kit with one white paw. "What shall we name this one?"
"Brightkit?" Runningbreeze suggested. "It looks like my mother Brighteyes. She had almost that exact same colour fur, apart from she had white paws and blue eyes. I would love to honour her."
"Of course." Dawnsong purred, wrapping her tail around the four kits. "So we have Honeykit, Maplekit, Stormkit and Brightkit."
Well, not us, but Noblespirit and me.
Dawnsong told herself privately. Strange none of them match their father. Honeykit, Maplekit and Stormkit have strong hauches like Noblespirit, yet Brightkit is very small and has a thick pelt. She is the odd one out. I'll love her all the same, like all of the kits. I have fulfilled Crowpelt's promise, and now it is time to think of my future and the future of my kits.
"Yay! New friends!" Galekit exclaimed, bouncing around. "When can we play with them?"
"As soon as their eyes open." Dawnsong told him. "It will be soon, don't worry." Galekit nodded and rushed out, announcing at the top of his voice about the new kits. Dawnsong pulled the kits closer to her gently, watching as they suckled.
"I heard about ForestClan's newest members." Sandtail exclaimed with a purr, poking her head in. "Congratulations, Dawnsong. I think you'll make a wonderful mother."
"Thank you, Sandtail." The grey queen meowed, dipping her head respectfully.
News about the kits had spread quickly. Many more cats came in and congratulated Dawnsong, as she was popular within the clan, despite the whole clan was unaware of her mate.
I'm going to raise these kits as pure ForestClan.
Dawnsong decided in her mind. News about being half-clan crushes any cat, it hurt me a bit to find out the truth about my parents. I want my kits to be loyal to their clan without knowing about their CourageClan bloodlines.
A silence surrounded all cats, ForestClan and Outcast alike.
After the news of the wild dogs rampaging near the territory, Joy decided that they had no choice but to fight the dogs. Swiftpaw had been shocked to hear the news, so he decided to spend the last moments of his time with his friends and a few Outcast members.
"Have you ever had trouble like this before?" Featherpaw asked, settling down beside Swiftpaw and breaking the silence.
"Not for a while, no." Future told her. "I've been a Outcast for a little while, not had much trouble because we are stronger than most cats."
"It would be great if we had Outcast cats within our clan." Clawedpaw suggested. "Then no ReedClan or CourageClan cat would dare set one paw over our border!" Future chuckled mildly in amusement. "There is more to life than defending your friends, little one."
"Future is right." Legend added, giving his fur a quick groom. "Bloodshed brings nothing but trouble."
Joy then padded over, her eyes clouded with anxiety and fear. "It is time to leave." She announced gravely. "I would like each Outcast to be assigned to an apprentice from ForestClan. These cats will have never seen a battle like this before, and they will need guidence."
"I'll take Clawedpaw!" Future declared, but then she shrunk down. Swiftpaw instantly realised that the Outcast she-cat had taken a liking to the young dark ginger tabby. He tried not to blurt it out, but it was getting to him.
"I will go with Leopardpaw." Legend offered.
"I'll pick the rest." Joy decided with a sigh. "Arrow with Featherpaw, Wolf with Moonpaw, Faith with Rainpaw, Vulture with Swiftpaw and if you don't mind Brokenheart, I'll put you with Whisper. Everyone else will help me attack in front. If a apprentice needs help, go to them."
The cats then started to leave, Joy in front.
I've got Vulture!
Swiftpaw thought, trying not to moan. He despises of me!
"Hey," Swiftpaw lost track of thought when Arrow nudged him with her paw. "Don't worry about Vulture. He can be a bit of a grump sometimes, but he's very loyal and an excellent fighter. I saw your expression when Joy mentioned that he would be looking after you."
"I guess so." Swiftpaw mumbled.
"Also, don't worry about Featherpaw." Arrow added. "I'll look after her well."
"Thank you." Swiftpaw meowed, quickly dipping his head to the older she-cat.
Joy then raised her tail for silence, her yellow eyes full of guilt. "I will go on ahead with the other Outcasts who were not assigned to a ForestClan cat. The rest of you will be our backup. Good luck to you all." She announced. She led the other cats away into the bushes, while the others waited paitently. Swiftpaw decided to eavesdrop on Future and Clawedpaw's conversation to see if any signs of affection were noticable.
"Have you been in a battle yet?" The white she-cat asked. Clawedpaw shook his head. "I haven't been an apprentice very long." He admitted with a sigh. "I'm one of the youngest apprentices."
"Well, just follow my lead. Have you learnt any battle moves yet?" Future questioned, her eyes now serious.
"Tigerpelt has taught me a bit, more than hunting. He wants me to become the best warrior the clans have ever seen!" The apprentice boasted.
He hasn't seen the ambitious side to Tigerpelt.
Swiftpaw realised. Clawedpaw is just a inoccent apprentice with only his father to look after him. And Tigerpelt is a senior warrior with a ambition to rule. He doesn't like Eagletalon much, so maybe this is his revenge: Making Eagletalon's son into a killer.
"I'm sure one day, your clan will be proud of you." Future reassured him with a gentle purr. "Your sister commented the other day that you are a talented hunter, especially with that owl." She then stepped forward and touched her nose to his ear. "I bet you'll become a mighty warrior soon."
"They're worse than Echopath and Lionclaw!" Featherpaw hissed to Swiftpaw with a groan. "Clawedpaw is younger than us, yet the Outcasts are treating him like leader!"
"That's only because he's in love with Future!" Swiftpaw hissed back.
Before Featherpaw could reply, Vulture flicked Swiftpaw's ear with his long, bushy tail. "Pay attention!" He snapped. "Or do you want to die?"
"Sorry." Swiftpaw grumbled.
I'm sick of him!
The black and white appentice decided in fury.
Everyone was silenced when a chorus of yaps, howls, growls and yowls pierced the air. Swiftpaw's fur was bristling and his claws were out, ready to rip out a dog's throat.
"You'll follow my lead now." Vulture told the apprentice, guiding him towards a bush. "If you know your battle moves well, you'll get away with minor injuries."
"I'm the fastest and the strongest apprentice in the clan." Swiftpaw insisted. "I'll be able to get away, easy peasy."
"That's good then." Vulture replied. "Speed and tatics are your greatest allies in battle."
"I already knew that." Swiftpaw mewed through gritted teeth.
"Attack, Outcasts and ForestClan cats!" Arrow commanded, charging through the bushes. The other cats followed, claws poised to strike and fangs glinting with saliva. Swiftpaw hurled himself at a small brown dog and sank his teeth into the dog's scuff, instantly tasting blood. The dog yelped in pain, but then it was cut off. Swiftpaw quickly leapt off as the dog collasped, revealing Vulture with his long claws coated with blood. "All you've got to do is a simple blow to the belly. Having long claws gave me the advantage of taking the dog out easily. Learn that lesson, because the way you're going, you'll be wasting almost all of your energy on one enemy." He explained.
Swiftpaw was about to reply when a high-pitched shriek deafened his ears. He spun round and his face became an expression of pure horror as he saw a familar friend, fur clotted in blood.
"Wolf!" Bear yowled, rushing to her side. The young silver she-cat had blood gushing out of her neck where a dog had obviously struck her. She looked Bear in the eyes and gave him a faint smile. "Joy did say there would be conquences to this attack. The price is high, we all knew that."
"Look, I'll find a cat who can heal you." Bear promised. "I'm not going to let you die."
"It is too late." Wolf spluttered a cough before continuing. "Before I go, I'm sorry for fighting so much with Arrow. I know how much you hated it, I could tell. But thank you for being such a good friend. Please continue these ways without me. I will always watch over you, Bear."
Her chest rose slowly once more, and then she went limp. Wolf was dead.
"No!" Bear roared in grief and anger, dipping his muzzle into Wolf's bloodstained pelt. "Why did you let his happen! She was too young!"
How many more cats will we loose today?
Swiftpaw thought with a shiver. The Outcasts are much stronger than us and they've lost one cat already. If the dogs are that powerful, maybe none of us will make it home to ForestClan.
Swiftpaw's thought was interupted when he saw Future wrestling with a dog double her size. Seeing no one was helping her, he dashed over and raked his claws down the dog's side like Vulture had done. It didn't do much effect, so he sank his jaws into the dog's scuff. The dog yelped in pain, and then Swiftpaw raked his claws across it's eyes, causing the dog to throw Swiftpaw off.
"Swiftpaw!" The black and white apprentice rose up to his paws and realised there was a starry cat in front of him. It took a while to try and figure out who it was, but then Swiftpaw realised who it was. "Lightleaf?"
"Yes, it is me, little one." The cream she-cat told him gently. "It took me a while to get to you as you are currently in the paws of new ancestors."
"What, do the Outcasts have a StarClan?" Swiftpaw asked, confused. "They never mentioned it."
"StarClan and these new ancestors walk different skies." Lightleaf meowed. "But that does not mean that you are alone. StarClan are watching over you, young Swiftpaw."
"Do the clans know where we are?" Swiftpaw questioned. Lightleaf shook her head. Swiftpaw wasn't sure if she believed her, but the only thing that changed his mind was the wisdom and understanding in her eyes. He knew that the StarClan warrior was well-respected by all before her death. She'd had a hard life that Swiftpaw only knew bits and pieces about, while other cats knew more.
"Seek for the light upon water." Lightleaf whispered, her voice like leaves in the breeze. "You will know when you see it, little Swiftpaw. StarClan are always
with you, even when times are hard. Have a little faith in your warrior ancestors and you'll survive."
"What do you mean?" Swiftpaw whimpered, now afraid. "Help me, please!"
"You don't need help, little one." Lightleaf purred gently, resting her chin on Swiftpaw's head. "Seek for the light upon water, that is all you need to know."
The black and white apprentice was about to reply, but the cream she-cat had vanished into thin air.
Lightleaf must be right.
Swiftpaw told himself. We'll be safe if we believe in StarClan. But what does she mean about the 'light on water'?
The quest for home isn't over for Swiftpaw yet, and neither is the prophecy. So there will be a third book, which will be called 'A Moonlit Path'. This third installment will be released at the end of October or the start of November.
The questions that remain unanswered in this book will all be revealed in A Moonlit Path. For example:
What ancestors do the Outcasts follow?
Who is Willowstream's murderer?
Who or what killed Blazekit?
Will the apprentices return home to ForestClan?
What is Lightleaf's backstory?
Will any ForestClan cats stay behind with the Outcasts?
When will the four fulfill the prophecy?
StarClan play a large part in A Moonlit Path, especially Lightleaf. Galewind will play a rather large part and a brand new StarClan warrior will come into play. It's a she-cat and she is related to Noblespirit, which means she is related to Dawnsong's kits! She's got a pretty interesting history, it will all be revealed soon enough.
Text: Warrior Cats belongs to Erin Hunter, most of the names belong to me (apart from a few), clan names belong to me. Do not copy unless you have been given permission by the author.
Publication Date: 05-15-2012
All Rights Reserved