When I was a little girl and heard the word Hell, tons of horrific things took over my mind. I would think of fire, demons, and darkness. I would imagine tons and thousands of dead bodies tossed on a pile next to a crack in dried up land, lava circling inside. I could practically hear all the screams and pleas of mercy, torture, and pain…never did I think that I’d actually get a chance to see if all my theories and wonders about the underworld where true, let alone live in a castle with Lucifer, the devil himself.
And that was just because to me, a fire burning pit of pain underground was the stereo-typical Hell. I never even really believed in Hell and the Devil or even God and Heaven when I was younger.
But now…?
It’s kind of hard to stay in denial about Hell really existing, when I’ve been stuck down here for a little over six years now. I can’t not believe when demons are walking by me in the halls, smiling because they know I’m helpless. They could jump me, suck me dry of life, and walk away without so much as a second glance from any witness. They probably would too, if it wasn’t for Lucifer.
Everyone here calls him so many different names; ‘My Lord’, ‘My Creator’, ‘Your Majesty’, ‘Your Highness’, all those fancy ones as if being ruler of the dead, mad, and even the undead was such an honor. Everyone here acted as if he were just as important as ‘the REAL Creator’, God.
Me and my one friend here, Agatha Salvati? We know who Lucifer really is!
Lucifer is a fallen angel, and lacks power besides fierceness and the ability to intimidate!
All of Lucifer’s “power” lives within, one thing…one person. And that’s his wife, Lilith—who was the first Eve. Long story short, Adam didn’t respect Lilith and so she went crazy; began fornicating with men and even women while they slept. She was banished to Hell with Lucifer and all his followers, after Lucifer massacred a huge handful of humans.
Lilith wasn’t only the first Eve, she was the first succubine.
But not only is she a seductive succubine that could easily lure in and kill a man with her looks, oh no! She has power! And a lot of it! She had made a bargain with a witch, when she first started to go mad. She traded her whole life as a servant to the witch, in exchange for…well…many different things.
She’s mostly known for her ability to send people to ‘the In-between’, which is what people down here call Earth, since it’s in between Heaven and Hell. She’s the one that sends Lucifer’s army of demons and creatures up to Earth, to do his bidding.
She’s also very talented in the ‘mind-control’ field. All she has to do is look you straight in the eye, and with a simple thought she can control you; she can plant and create thoughts and memories into your mind. She can take away thoughts and memories, as well...(hence, the reason I have barely any memory of my childhood)
All Lucifer’s capable of is giving you a brooding stare and yelling. He threatens, but never have I ever seen him actually hurt someone. He always has his guards and demons do all his dirty work.
So not only is Lucifer a lazy, powerless, fallen angel…he’s a pig! A horny, disgusting, selfish pig!
And how can I say this with 100% certainty?
It’s not just because I’ve seen him tackle Lilith to the ground, literally, tearing her clothes off in front of everyone, and it’s not because I’ve seen him dig into his dinner with both hands, ignoring the silverware next to his plate. It’s because Agatha Salvati and I are members of what Lucifer likes to call his ‘Daughters’ of the Night’.
We ‘the Daughters’ of the Night’ are pretty much a group of women of all ages, as young as ten to as old as forty, that do whatever we can to please the “lord”.
The older women, Jennifer, Hailey, and Monique, help the slaves and servants around the palace. All day they cook, clean, and pretty much anything Lucifer or Lilith asks of them.
The younger girls, Kelly, Lily, and Renee, have it the easiest here in the palace. They don’t have to do anything. All three of them aren’t even teenagers yet, so there isn’t really much they can do around here anyway.
The teenage and young adult girls, Whitney, Farah, Minnie, Agatha, and me, all please the lord in a different way.
The five of us are Lucifer’s Mistresses. It’s the worst for Agatha and Whitney, though. They’re both blonde, beyond beautiful, and young. They’re the kindest and most innocent girls I’ve ever known in my life…but they’re the ones that Lucifer targeted. Minnie, Farah, and I, we usually just watch the younger girls and sometimes help Jennifer, Hailey, and Monique around the castle.
I was lucky.
I owe a lot to Agatha. In a way, she’s unconsciously saved me…I don’t know how she does it. I know if I were her, I’d hate myself; even the thought of giving up something so special, my virginity, to Lucifer? A lying and conniving Devil? It makes me sick! It makes me want to cry non-stop…and that is what happened the first night…
I remember lying in my room, feeling so scared and anxious for Agatha. I remember how I feeling alone and helpless. My best friend was being tortured, harassed, and there was nothing I could do for her…I felt horrible...I can’t even imagine how she felt that night.
She was only sixteen.
The door creaked open slowly.
I watched in the shadows of mine and Agatha’s dark room as a short, yet curvy, figure slid through the door and into our room…I immediately knew it was her, Agatha.
She quickly tiptoed over to her bed, as if trying not to wake me, unaware that I had stayed up the whole night waiting for her, “Aggie!”I whispered to her, just as she began opening the covers to her bed.
She froze; the sound of her quite whimpers slowly getting louder as she hiccuped. She was holding her cries in.
“Aggie, come here.”
Agatha quickly turned and jumped on my bed next to me, sliding under the covers. I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her into an embrace that I hoped would comfort her.
I remember how badly she shook under me. Her skin was burning hot and she was sweating so much, her skin was sticky. She was out of breath and was sobbing into my neck; I could even feel her heart against my arm pounding very rough and fast.
“It’s okay to cry, Aggie. Let it all out.” I encouraged her as I rubbed her back, doing my best not to worsen her condition, but to help her…when honestly, I had no clue what to do or say. So I stayed quite as she sobbed louder and harder for a good hour or two till her pain overwhelmed her weak body. Her eyes closed and she faded into a deep sleep.
…today is my sixteenth birthday…
“Help! Help!” The little girl screamed as she ran through the forest.
Her dress kept catching on sharp twigs and bushes. It was like no one wanted to help her, and everything wanted her gone. Every stump she saw, she tripped over. Every person she yelled to, her parents, her sister, even Nick, ignored her yells.
She was heaving, debating whether to run, hide, or scream. So many things she could do, but which one would help? Which one would save her?
Screaming clearly wasn’t working, so she did her best to keep the cries for mercy and help inside…but she didn’t stop running. If she stopped they’d find her, snatch her up like the defenseless little girl she was. Whoever they were…
She hadn’t seen their faces, but she knew whoever they were, they weren’t pretty. They stuck to the shadows, stalking her as she walked through the park.
Stupid Nick had said he’d meet her here…so why isn’t he here? Is he playing a joke on her?
A creature with wrinkly peach skin jumped out in front of her, just as she was turning around a tree. She opened her mouth to scream, but the wind was knocked out of her when she jumped back, tripping over her own feet and falling on her butt.
“Please! Please! No!” The girl screamed as the wrinkly creature advanced on her, walking on all four of his skin ‘n’ bone arms and legs, like an ape. Its huge black eyes, blinked wildly, reminding her of the clichéd alien. But its mouth…its mouth was small; when it opened, you could see three different rows of small and sharp teeth. Its nasty breath overwhelmedher. It was so revolting, smelling of raw and decaying flesh, was enough all on its own to make her pass out. But she held on…she didn’t want to die…she’s only ten for Christ’s sake!
“Please! Please, don’t hurt me!” she screamed, heart racing, raping her chest the closer the eerie creature got to her.
She tried to stand up, or at least get onto her knees to crawl, but whenever she moved a sharp pain would erupt in her left ankle. It had hurt so bad, words can’t even describe how horrible she had felt.
Too young with too little experience and intelligence to realize she had broken her ankle.
Not only was she a little girl, alone in the woods next to the town park, with no way to get help or defend herself, she had broken her ankle!
The creature crawled over top of her, glaring down at her. His lips, cracked and pink, curled showing his teeth and growled.
The girl squeezed her eyes shut, tightening the muscles in her body, preparing for the worst, as the creature leaned down, his face only inches from hers. She was tempted, but wouldn’t let her eyes open.
She felt the creature’s boney fingers grab her arm, and she innately screamed, “Nick! HELP!”
* * *
“Naomi! Get your lazy ass up!” Agatha yelled as she tossed a pillow at my face. I jerked awake, more because of the nightmare then because of the pillow.
My eyes burst open, and I sighed, relieved that everything had been nothing but a dream, a memory; one of the very few memories I had of my childhood.
The reminder of that horrifying night, quickly blurred, finding its proper place in the back of my unconscious mind.
I turned off my stomach and onto my back, propping my upper body up with my elbows, “I don’t want to,” I whined, stifling a yawn.
Agatha, pulled her blonde locks of hair back into a tight ponytail as she stripped out of her white night gown and changed into ‘the Daughters’ of the Night’s’ uniform; the pure symbol of trash which screamed ‘Mistress/Whore’.
Agatha quickly tied the front of her corset, her boobs bulging over the top of the dress making them look larger than they really were.
Agatha slipped into her emerald green skirt, then tossed me my dress; the one I, like every other girl, had to wear every day, “Too bad. It’s your birthday! The girls wanna celebrate before they have to go to work.”
“They don’t have to do that…neither do you.”
“Oh shut up! I want to! Now get dressed or else!”
“Or else what?” I yelled after Agatha as she walked out of our bedchambers, “I’m already in Hell!”
* * *
“Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you!”
Hailey, Jennifer, Monique, Minnie, Farah, Agatha, Whitney, Kelly, Lily, and Renee all sang in unison, eyes wide and alive with huge overly excited smiles on their faces.
Why were they smiling? Why were they pretending?
Kelly, Lily, and Renee, I can understand their eagerness! But everyone else’s?
Kelly, Lily, and Renee? They don’t know what today means to me, what’ll one day mean for them. They have yet to realize that they won’t always be a child; pure and innocent, surrounded by protective sheets of white. They have yet to realize that they won’t be able to fall in love and give them self up to someone special. These naïve, oblivious, guiltless, little girls will have to bare their souls and body to the devil, but that’s a few years away. It’s not for me, though. The devil, he’s standing outside my protective white sheet, claws at the ready. At any moment he’ll slash through my innocence and consume me in his horrible dark world, and the old me? The naïve, oblivious, guiltless, little girl within me, will be completely gone.
Everyone, but these three little girls, has gone through it, yet here they all stand, pretending like they hadn’t the slightest clue. They wore big smiles, which on Earth would make my heart warm with compassion. Here, it made me want to scream!
Do they even care about me? Do they care about what’s going to happen to these little girls? Do they care about their own families?
All those questions are stupid to ask…because I already know the answer. Yes, they do care! Every single one…they’re just all better at hiding their emotions then me. It’s how they all keep their sanity. They pretend like nothing’s changed. You ask them about their families on Earth and they say that the fact that Lilith took their memories of life on Earth doesn’t bother them. They say that we ‘the Daughter’s of the Night’ are their new family…and in a way we are, but that’s not how I feel.
Every second of every day I wonder. Where are my parents? How have they changed over the years? How long did they look for me after I disappeared? Did they even look? What about my friends? Do they miss me? Do they even remember me? Did they look for me when I went missing? What about my teachers? My neighbors? Does anyone think of me, as much as I wonder about them?
I torture myself every day, but I can’t help it. The moment I stop caring about my family up on Earth, is the moment that Lucifer wins. The day I give up is the day he completely gains control over me and my life.
“Happy birthday, Naomi! Happy birthday to you!”
All the girls started yelling and cheering and clapping hands as they hugged each other, then hugged me. I put on my fake smile, limply returning the embraces which I received…
...that was it! That was my ‘Sweet Sixteen’!
Exciting right?
Monique, Hailey, and Jennifer each gave me a kiss on the cheek before running off to clean the house. Whitney, Farah, Minnie, Agatha, and I followed the younger girls into the green house.
The green house.
That was the one place in the castle, in the whole entire underworld, that I could breathe, that I felt semi-normal.
It was the one place that wasn’t draped with the depressing dark colors of black, blood-red, and maroon. The massive green house was completely alive and refreshing, compared to the dull tension that suffocated me everywhere else in this prison.
Minnie, Farah, Whitney, Agatha, and I sat on the cement bench next to the circular fountain in the middle of the house. Tons of different buds and flowers and shrubbery surrounded us. Small butterflies encircled us, and then landed on the butterfly bush all the way in the back corner of the house. Little rock paths swayed through the bushes and mini-trees, leading to nothing in particular. Just a small path that the girls loved to run on.
“Tag! You’re it!” Kelly yelled in Renee’s face, before taking off like a bullet, down one of the small rock paths and disappearing behind a nude statue of a woman without any arms. Kelly sighed and ran after her, oblivious to the giggling Lily who was hiding under another cement bench only a few feet away.
“What time is it?” I asked.
Farah and Minnie shrugged uncaring, but Whitney’s and Agatha’s uncaring features softened into understanding. They both understood what it was like; the anxious waiting, like listening to the ticking of a bomb strapped to your chest. Farah was only fifteen, so she had a year yet till she’d understand. Minnie, she’s nineteen, yet has managed to escape Lucifer’s clutches of needy pleasure.
Whitney flashed me a sad smile, “It’s around seven o’clock.”
I nodded, dreading what was to come. It was night, now. At any moment Harold, Lucifer’s right hand demon, would come through the green house doors and—“Naomi Thompson?”
I looked away from the girls and looked over my shoulder. Standing at the doors was a Buddha bellied man with thinning hair and black eyes. It was Harold.
“Ye-yes!” I yelped, my voice cracking. My heart was already pounding against my chest at inhuman speed; my breaths were catching in the back of my throat.
“Me lord would like to see you.”
I nodded, and slowly began to stand, but Agatha grasped onto my shoulder pushing me back down onto the bench. She quickly stood, straightened her skirt, and then with her chin held high looked Harold right in the eye, “Lucifer will not be able to be accompanied by Naomi tonight.”
I didn’t know what to do or say, but I also didn’t want to go with Harold to Lucifer’s bedchambers, so I stayed quite.
“And why is that?” Harold asked with a somewhat annoyed, somewhat amused look on his face as he crossed his arms over his bulging belly.
“You see, Harold, Naomi isn’t feeling very well tonight. Just look at her. She’s as pale as a ghost. I don’t think Lucifer would appreciate having to clean up chunks all night—“ Harold’s nose wrinkled in disgust at the thought “—I’d be more than happy to takeover for my sick friend.” She said with a faint curtsy, making me go agape.
“What? Aggie? What are you doing?” I whispered, lightly tugging on her skirt. She just stepped out of my grasp, never taking her eyes off Harold or wavering.
Farah, Whitney, and Minnie just watched with blank expressions.
“I’m sure you would,” Harold mumbled, with a low chuckle, as he walked forward to scowl down at Agatha, “I sure wouldn’t want to deal with that—“ Harold sneered as he gestured with a hand wave to me “—but Lucifer has sent for her
Agatha opened her mouth, but Harold cut her off with another glare, “and ONLY
her…but…if you’re so eager…maybe you would like to accompany ME
, tonight, Miss. Salvati.” He mumbled, the creepiest look in his eyes as he licked his lips and twirled his fingers in her straight blonde hair.
Agatha innately pulled away, immediately angering Harold, “No?” He then, abruptly and for no apparent, reason raised his hand, back handing Aggie over her right cheek. She yelped and fell to the ground, cupping her flushed cheek. Whitney gasped, Minnie shrugged. Farah leapt off the bench, to sit by Agatha, who wept quietly, almost inaudibly.
I jumped to my feet, “I'm feeling fine, Harold. Would you escort me to…to Lucifer’s bed chambers?” I quickly asked, my heart still racing.
Harold’s glaring gaze quickly turned from the crying Agatha to me, “Follow me, Miss. Thompson.” He growled before storming toward the doors.
Quickly, scared but not wanting Agatha or any of the others to get hurt simply because they cared about me, I scurried toward the door after Harold.
A small hand gripped my ankle, stopping me from moving. I looked over my shoulder at Agatha. Her blue eyes were dark and wild, full of so much emotion, the pure sight brought tears to my own eyes. I took in a shaky breath and growled, “Aggie! Let me go!”
She nodded, but didn’t let go of my leg, “Just…just remember what I taught you.”
I nodded, showing her that I understood and that I would indeed put what she had taught me to use. Her hand slowly loosened over my ankle, so I ran toward the doors where an impatient Harold stood waiting.
I looked back at the girls.
Renee, Lily, and Kelly all stood behind the fountain, hiding from sight of Harold. They were holding each other in comforting embarrasses. The looks in their big glassy eyes was enough to make me think…maybe they did understand? Maybe they understood what was happening all too well? They’re young, yes! But they’re not idiots!
I flashed Aggie, Whitney, and Farah a smile, trying to show them that I’d survive. I wouldn’t let this horrible and scary experience affect me. Minnie aimlessly looked at her nails, as if checking for a chipped nail...she was the one girl that I couldn’t stand. She didn’t care about anyone, but herself.
With a sad sigh, I turned and followed Harold upstairs.
* * *
Never had I ever liked Harold. He’s just like a mini-Lucifer. Just like Lucifer, he’s always horny and angry. He never smiles, only scowls…then again who would ever smile when always surrounded by death and darkness and hurt.
But now…I was relieved for Harold’s presence. He knocked on the door and a voice yelled to us on the other side that they’d be right there. My heart immediately started racing and I felt like I couldn’t breathe…but Harold? He actually helped me.
His grip around my arm tightened, pulling me close to his mouth, “Listen carefully and listen well. Don’t put up a fight, that’ll make him angry. Just let it happen, let him do whatever it isnhe wants and he won’t hurt you, got it.”
I nodded.
“Good. Don’t gasp when you see his scars, don’t even stare at them. Ignore them. That’ll make him angry. Try your best not to touch them either. Don’t pull on his hair either. He hates that as well. He likes to be the dominant one.”
I nodded.
“No calling him Lucifer, either. Either ‘Your Highness’ or ‘Your majesty’.”
I nodded.
“Are you going to say anything, ask questions, or are you going to nod at me as if everything I’ve just said went over your head?”
I shrugged, narrowing my eyes at him, “I don’t understand. Why are you telling me all this?”
Harold sighed and rolled his eyes, “Miss. Thompson, I’m a cruel, selfish man, but this? I don’t agree with this. Minnie…Minnie’s my daughter. I had to do and say a lot of things to convince Lucifer to leave my daughter be. All of this, that you have to go through--t hat all of you have to go through, it’s partially my fault.”
“But what you said to Agatha—“
“Nah. I was just saying that because I knew she was just protecting you. She’s not even my type. I prefer red-heads, not blondes.”
It was amazing how quickly my perspective of this man had changed. He might be cruel, but he has feelings. He cares for his daughter, “Because of my love for my daughter, you all have to deal with this and so…I just, don’t want to cause any more disarray then necessary.”
The door swung open, making both of us jump…Harold was indeed Lucifer’s most trusted guard. Who knows what he would do if he ever found out Harold actually had a heart.
“Harold, I thought I told you to—oh! Naomi!” Lucifer’s seductive voice mumbled as he stepped into the doorway.
Harold quickly let go of my arm and bowed in front of Lucifer before saying, “I’ll leave you two alone, your majesty,” and then walking down the hall and down the stairs.
I watched, desperately, as he hurried down the stairs, leaving me helpless and alone with Lucifer.
“Do you want to come in?”
I turned, looking at Lucifer, REALLY
looking at him for the first time. And I’m not going to lie...he’s a very attractive man...thing...angel...demon...thing
He stood bare chested, revealing to me his muscular chest and broad shoulders. He had a squared jaw, straight nose, high cheek bones, and bright, teal blue eyes. He looked no older than twenty-something…but I knew better, everyone here did.
Looks are deceiving, because Lucifer is over five hundred years old.
Looks are deceiving, because I was smiling on the outside with excitement and was crying and shaking with fear on the inside.
Lucifer began talking but I didn’t hear a word he said. I was too distracted by all the dark and eerie décor surrounding me.
Lucifer’s bed was in the middle of the room, pushed back against a wall. A fancy red and black silk canopy, that matched his silk covers and pillows, draped over the bed like a curtain. The carpet was a scarlet shade of red, like the skirt to my dress, but the walls were black, making the bloody and horrific pictures on the walls stand out. Pictures of war, torture, rape, all hung on his wall, making tears sting my eyes…what a sick fuck?
Quickly I blinked away my tears, but I kept my back to him, “I’m sorry, what is it you said…your highness?”
“I said, would you like something to drink? Water or something?”
I shrugged, “I’ll have whatever it is you’re having.”
“You’re not quite old enough for what I’m having.”
“I didn’t think rules from the in-between applied here.” I mumbled, letting my fingertips stroke the thin silk clothes that draped over the king sized mattress. It was soft, gentle…all the things I couldn’t imagine Lucifer being.
I still wasn’t looking at Lucifer, I was trying to avoid looking at him as much as possible, yet I could practically hear the smile on his face, “Touché.”
He was either too dumb or oblivious to realize that I wasn’t exactly referring to alcohol, but to statutory rape.
I listened to the faint sounds of clanking glass as I looked around the room. I had to find something to focus on, something to keep my mind off of what was happening. Agatha has done this multiple times, so I trusted her. I trusted her advice and what she’d taught me. If I didn’t take her advice who knew what would happen.
“Look for something, anything, that’ll keep you relaxed. Something that’ll lessen your fear and let you relax. The slightest bit of tension and Lucifer will think you’re up to something. He won’t tell you at first, but he’ll be thinking it.” Agatha had once said.
The only problem is, the more I looked around the more I panicked. Everything I saw made me think of something horrible and dark. Even the color scheme—red and black—immediately made me think…death!
My eyes darted left and right till I saw a mirror. It was hanging on the ceiling above the bed, and tears again threatened to overwhelm me.
Despite myself, tons of thoughts and images of Agatha came to mind. It was almost too easy to picture her, lying on his bed, scared and quietly crying as he moved over top of her. Touching her with harsh and desperate hands, taking away the one thing that she would have one day been able to give the man she loved…now that’s all gone…that’s going to be me in a little while…
And let’s face it! I looked fit for the part, the little desperate whore!
My blue eyes were outlined in a thick line of black. My eyelashes were coated with mascara making them twice their usual size. My lips, which were usually a natural plump pink, were now a bright red.
My skin tight dress, and even my hair, in the half up/half down due, was once, in medieval times, symbolism for a whore or mistress.
“You look beautiful.” Lucifer whispered in my ear, making me jump. He had moved so quickly, I hadn’t even heard him move. He chuckled at my jumpiness.
Slowly, he held a small glass of carbonized liquid in front of my face. I without hesitation or further encouragement tore the glass from his hands and chugged it down.
I didn’t like the taste at all; it was like effervescent rice wine. And rice wine is really REALLY
dry and strong, extremely bitter…but still, it relaxed me.
I let out a breath of relief, “I’m sure that’s what you say to all the girls.”
I felt his big strong arms snake around me, pulling my back against his chest, “Why can’t you just take a compliment?” he whispered, brushing his lips over my skin. A shiver shot up my back, not because I liked his touch. It was actually the exact opposite…but, like Aggie had once said, “You? Me? Whitney? We’re all actresses. You’re an actress! That’s all you’re doing when you’re up there! You’re acting, pretending!”
I left out a shaky breath, which to me was a breath of fear, but to Lucifer was out of nervousness.
He lightly kissed my neck. His scratchy and slimy tongue slid across my shoulder, pushing the strap to my dress over the tops of my arms.
I lifted my hand to run my fingers through the tips of his blonde hair, being careful not to pull. As a result, he sucked harder on my neck, pulling on my skin. It stung the slightest bit as he nibbled and pulled with his teeth.
I had always felt so stupid when practicing with Agatha, but now I couldn’t be any more thankful. I easily hid a whimper of dislike with a fake moan, which vibrated in the back of my throat sounding the slightest bit like a growl, just like Agatha had taught me.
Lucifer grabbed me tightly by my hips, and turned me, so that my back no longer was facing him.
“If you don’t feel you can look at him in the eyes with convincing lust, look at his lips. Study them; try to concentrate on the slightest details. It’ll make it seem like you want him, just as much as he’ll feel he wants you. He’ll want you more, and so he’ll get right to it. If you’re scared, that’s the way to go. Get it over and done with.”
I avoided Lucifer’s eyes and looked at his lips, like Agatha had once recommended for my first time. I studied the light brownish-pink shade of his lips. They were slightly chapped, yet looked soft. I innately reached out, brushing my thumb across his lips.
Carefully and gently I slid my finger down, revealing his teeth; pearly white, with two sharp canines.
He’s a vampire? What? I thought Lucifer was a fallen angel? How did he—his mouth crashed onto mine, stopping my thoughts, but not my heart. My heart was throbbing, pounding, banging, and so hard I thought it would burst.
A fallen angel—actually any angel is powerful! But they don’t have powers that help them hurt people. They are good with mind control, just like Lilith. Vampires? In real-life, they don’t sparkle! And they certainly don’t like humans! They’re killers. One bite! That’s all it would take for Lucifer to kill me with those fangs. Even his hands where dangerous weapons, ten times more than a marine’s. Being an angel AND the blood of a vampire running through his veins, he could practically kill me with a flick to the temple.
I did the best I could to keep those thoughts in the back of my mind, but it was almost impossible.
I close my eyes and tried to imagine my dream guy; long dark hair, but not like Justin Bieber’s—god I hate him! Light colored eyes, yet fluorescent. Strong hands, that’ll never let me go and will grip me even tighter when I fall. Sweet tasting lips that are as soft as velvet or silk.
But Lucifer’s tongue went back to my neck, his teeth brushing against one of the main arteries in the human body, and I reacted.
I harshly pushed Lucifer on his chest, forcing a good few inches of space between us.
Lucifer smiled, flashing his canines, “What’s wrong, Naomi?” he asked mockingly.
Knock, Knock
The door opened and in stormed Harold, a breath of extreme surprise and relief escaping my lungs.
Harold?! He had come for me! He had actually come to save me!
Lucifer quickly stepped away from me to grimace at Harold, “Harold! What have I told you about—" Lucifer growled taking intimidating steps toward Harold, but Harold didn’t tremble in fear. He just stood up straight, looking Lucifer in his cold icy eyes that mimicked his heart, “But sir! We’ve found him!”
“Found him? Who’s him?”
“We’ve found the shifter!”
I couldn’t see Lucifer’s face, since his back was to me, but just by the way his curved spine straightened made me think his attention had been captured. Who was this shifter, they were talking about?
“The shifter? The shape-shifter? You found him?”
“Yes sir, he’s waiting right outside.” Harold mumbled, vigorously nodding his head as he gripped his wrists behind his back.
Lucifer nodded, signaling Harold to yell, “Bring him in!”
Two buff men in tight black t-shirts and black slacks walked into the room, their hands harshly dragging a reluctant man into the room by his elbows, since his hands were tied behind his back with some kind of twine.
“C’mon guys, I thought we were past all this rough housing. I thought we were friends.” The brunette mumbled sarcastically as he attempted to yank out of the men’s grip on his arms. They only tightened their fists and threw him on the ground, face first, with one of Lucifer’s frowns on their lips.
I quickly scurried to Lucifer’s side to watch, as the brunette squirmed on the floor, face pressed into the rug, and wrists tightly woven together, “C’mon guys. Help a brother out.” He mumbled into the floor, flexing his hands and trying to get his knees under his body to pick himself off the floor. But it was a lost cause, one of the men pressed his boot into the brunette’s lower back making it impossible to move, “Ah,” he groaned in pain, the rug muffling the sound, “I’ll take that as a hell no.”
This man was in deep, did he not realize it. I could realize that just by the looks everyone was giving him, and I don’t even know exactly what this guy has done. Sassy sarcasm wasn’t going to help him; he’d only make things worse for himself.
The one man in black, pressed his boot harder into the guys back, “Goddamn, take it easy! I can’t exactly pleasure anyone with paralyzed legs can I now?” He yelped over his shoulder to the men in black. Then he turned and looked at me. He winked, his olive green eyes sparkling in the lack of light within Lucifer’s room, “Hey, sweet cheeks,” he said with a smirk.
I innately blushed, and my heart raced. The last thing I wanted to do was make things worse for this guy, cause he clearly didn’t give a shit about himself. I had to do something, but what?
“Pick him up!” Lucifer ordered, never taking his angry eyes off the brunette.
The brunette stuck his tongue out at Lucifer, making him narrow his eyes in surprise.
This brunette…? He couldn’t be any older than twenty, or any younger then eighteen, yet here he was, acting like a complete child! He was going to press Lucifer’s buttons! Get himself killed! Or worse, tortured!
The men in black both bent down. One lifted him from the ground by the twine around his hands yanking him onto his knees. The other grabbed a fistful of his shoulder length hair and yanked his head back aggressively.
The brunette bared his teeth and squeezed his eyes in dislike, “Okay! I’m really starting to get sick of this!” he growled through clenched teeth, making the guy yank harder.
“You boy, have some spirit.” Lucifer mumbled, with a big smile on his face. He was taking way too much joy in watching the men rip the brunettes hair out, “You ever hear the saying ‘bravery comes hand in hand with stupidity’?”
“Are you calling me stupid? Now that’s just rude.”
The brunette's never ending sarcasm seemed to amuse Lucifer, “Boy, don’t you know who I am?”
The brunette shrugged, uncaring.
“Boy! You are looking in the eyes of the brutal devil himself!”
The brunette gave me a sideways glance, then looked back to Lucifer, “Really? I imagined you…bigger.”
Lucifer’s eyes squinted in confusion, “Bigger?”
“Yeah! You know! Big, burly, buff, intimidating. Red with horns! Like Hellboy!”
“Hellboy? Who’s Hellboy?”
“The big red guy, with the horns and tail. Big left fist! Ring any bells?”
Lucifer stood up glaring at Harold, “Who is this Hellboy?”
“I don’t know sir.”
“Well go! Go find this boy and bring him to me at once!”
“Yes! Right away sir!” Harold mumbled with a faint bow before running out of the room.
The brunette started laughing.
Lucifer’s furious eyes snapped to him, but he didn’t stop laughing. Only laughed harder, louder.
“What’s so funny boy?”
“Oh nothing!”
“You know, I’ve had just about enough of your little retorts!” Lucifer whispered angrily, bending down to tightly grip the brunette’s jaw. He tried to pull away from Lucifer’s hand but that only made his fingers press harder into his cheeks, “I like your spirit, kid. But the constant sarcasm, it’s kind of annoying.”
The brunette didn’t say anything. Just stared blankly at Lucifer.
“What? Got nothing to say?”
At that, the brunette arched his neck, gargled, and then jerked his head forward. A white and foamy string of saliva smacked Lucifer on his cheek, making me gasp.
“That’s it! You fucking—“Lucifer mumbled wiping the spittle from his face and raising his hand to strike.
“Wait! Don’t!”
Lucifer sighed angrily and rolled his eyes turning to me, “What is it you want, Naomi?” He asked angrily.
The brunette’s eyes snapped to mine, eyes full of surprise and exposure. His eyes narrowed as he looked me up and down, and for a moment I thought I knew him. His eyes, there’s just something about them that’s so…familiar. NO! That’s impossible!
I quickly turned back to Lucifer, “I need to talk with you!”
“You! Escort Naomi to her room!” He yelled at the men in black. They looked from one to the other, then mentally decided for the one holding his wrists would escort me. The man began stalking my way and I panicked, “Wait! Please! Lucif—I mean! My Lord! I need to—“
“Will you shut her up!” Lucifer yelled, and the man listened.
Quickly, before I even realized what was happening, the man snaked one arm around my waist. His other free hand cupped over my mouth, muffling my screams.
With a rough jerk, which almost resulted in me tripping over my own feet, the man began dragging me to the door.
But I couldn’t just leave now? Lucifer, he was going to hurt him! He wasn’t going to show mercy to this man, and why? Does this man really want to die, all because he couldn’t keep his big mouth shut!
I bit down on the man’s hand as hard as I could, making him yelp and pull away from me.
“Ow! You bitch!” he yelled, grabbing me by my hair and tossing me onto the ground. I landed on the ground with a loud thud, but unlike mystery man, I was able to use my hands to break the abrupt fall.
Lucifer glared up at the man who had thrown me, and he surrendered throwing his hands up in the air, “She bit me!”
Lucifer’s glare turned to me, “I need to talk to you! About him!” I said, gesturing with my chin to the brunette on the floor by me. That peaked Lucifer’s interest enough to at least listen to what I had to say.
He let go of the brunette, ordering the men in black to hold on tight to him.
He then walked over to me, kneeling next to me, “What is it you want to say?”
“Don’t hurt him.”
“What? Why do you care—“
“Don’t hurt him, don’t threaten him, and don’t do anything to him or his family or friends.”
“And why would I take orders from you, a common whore?”
“Because if you don’t hurt him, threaten him, and be hospitable, unlike them.” I whispered gesturing to the men in black, “He’ll be more likely to cooperate with you. The nicer you are, he’ll realize that there’s no point in ‘biting the hand that feeds him’. If you show him, it doesn’t affect you, he’ll give up. He’ll be on your side.”
Lucifer listened to what I said, nodding, showing me that he understood me, “That’s actually a really good idea—“
“But,” I interrupted his out loud thoughts, “You can’t just apologize to him and expect him to surrender to you. It’s going to take some time for him to gain your trust, and you his. You’re going to have to be patient—“his nose wrinkled in dislike “—but in the end it’ll be easier than finding what makes the guy tick. And that means one less mess to clean up at the end of the day.” Lucifer smirked at that comment, “Alright! I’ll take your word for it, Naomi! Now, you may leave.”
I nodded, and stood, genuinely feeling like Lucifer trusted me on this. And it’s not like I was tricking him, I truly thought that what I had proposed to Lucifer would work. And I’ve never given a reason for Lucifer not to trust me. I’ve never tried to escape, never lied to him or Harold, and I’ve never dis-respected him—-at least aloud I haven’t, even with Aggie—-unlike some of the other girls.
I straightened out my skirt, and this time without reluctance, let the one man in black escort me to my room.
* * *
The moment I stepped through the door to mine and Agatha’s bedroom she was standing in front of me, eyes sleepy but ears ready to hear everything that happened tonight, “Are you okay? What happened? You can cry if you want to.”
I giggled. Agatha has always been good at giving advice and listening to my problems, but she’s very fast paced and blunt.
“I’m fine, really Aggie.”
“Really? I thought you’d be completely distraught. Now I feel like a wuss.”
“Aggie? Nothing happened.”
She froze, crossing her arms over her chest, “You expect me to believe that you’ve been up there for five hours and nothing happened?”
I rolled my eyes taking a seat on the end of my bed. Agatha followed me, and took a seat on the bed next to me, “Well no. A lot happened but nothing happened between me and Lucifer.”
“What do you mean?”
“Harold interrupted us, before anything went real far. He had a prisoner.”
“He interrupted Lucifer because of a prisoner?”
“Yeah! He didn’t even knock!”
“Huh! Must have done something really bad to have done that.”
“What? Who? Harold?”
“No! The prisoner must have done something really bad, to get Harold to just storm into Lucifer’s bedchambers.”
“What’s a shape shifter? You know a lot more about…the creatures of the underworld, I mean.”
“Well, it depends,” she said with a shrug, “There are plenty of types of shape shifters if you think about it. Werewolves, and werecats? They’re both shape shifters, but they’re not called that. When someone is strictly a ‘Shape Shifter’ they can transform into other people, as long as the person their changing into is alive.”
I nodded, “Oh, okay. Thanks.”
“Why you asking?”
“They were talking about it, in Lucifer’s room. I guess that’s what the prisoner is.”
Aggie's eyes went wide, “Stay away from him then.”
“Why? There’s something about him…he looked so familiar.”
“I don’t care if that guys your father, you stay away from him. Like I said, he must have done something really REALLY
bad to be here. And if he’s a shape shifter, he could disguise himself as anyone of us here. You need to be careful.”
I nodded to show that I was listening and understood, “Okay. But how am I going to know if he’s disguising himself or not. If I see you, and it’s really him, how will I know?”
“Easy. Look closely at the eyes. What color are his eyes?”
“Ummm, green.”
“Well then, for example, if he were disguised as me, my eyes would still be blue, but not completely. They would also have a bit of green swirling in them.”
I nodded, feeling really intrigued by this creature, ‘The Shape-Shifter’. I wanted to know more, but then Agatha yawned, and I suddenly felt guilty. She had stayed up all night; just like I had the night she turned sixteen, only she did it for nothing. She looked exhausted. I’d just have to talk to her about it some other time.
“Alright. I’ll definitely make sure to watch out for that. Thanks. Now go get some sleep!” I said, with a gentle slap on her bare thigh.
“Ouch!” she yelped, stifling another yawn, and then pulling the skirt to her white nightgown over her knees.
I giggled, “You are
a wuss.”
“Shut up!”
And at that note, we both went to sleep.
* * *
The little girl looked into the never ending black abyss of eyes the wrinkly creature had and screamed for help. But no one came for her! No one helped her! No one even so much as looked her way!
Wrinkly, boney, fingers tightened around her wrist, almost like nails digging into her pale flesh. The tight grip on her arm, stung, like the creatures hand was melting into her. She squeezed her eyes shut and squealed, silent tears rolling over her cheeks.
The creature opened its mouth, the smell of death suffocating her.
An annoying ring echoed in her eardrums when it screeched, its voice causing her whole body to shake at the sheer sound of its high pitch.
Then suddenly the gargled screeching of the wrinkly creature drowned out and was replaced by a high pitched scream that made my ears pop. The creatures scream was replaced with my own.
* * *
Quickly I jerked awake flailing my arms to ensure my safety. There were no wrinkly creatures that later in life I found out where called Wendigos—-cannibalistic creatures from Hell. Only Agatha, and unfortunately for her, she was slapped in the face.
“What! Oh my gosh! Agatha! I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to! I—“
“Yeah! Yeah! I know! You were dreaming! It’s okay! It doesn’t hurt that bad,” she mumbled through quite moans of pain as she removed her hands from her face, revealing an eye which she just couldn’t open. A natural reflex that I too had when poking myself in the eye, which to most people might be impossible but no! I poke myself in the eye about just as frequently as I trip up the stairs…which I do a lot!
“Aggie, I’m sorry!”
“Will you shut up already! I’m fine! I should know better anyway! It’s not the first time you’ve thrashed in your sleep…are you okay?”
“Yeah. Just a nightmare.”
“The wendigo?”
“I’ll go get you some water. Just relax, I’ll be back.”
“No! Aggie! I can get myself water, the least I could do for punching you in the eye!”
“It wasn’t a punch…it was a very hard slap.”
“Whatever,” I mumbled with a relieved smile, slowly standing on my wobbly legs.
Quietly I slid through the door and tiptoed my way down the barely lit halls and into the kitchen. I sifted through some cabinets till I found a glass cup and then sifted through another cabinet till I found a glass of wine. It was Monique’s stash. She was a bit of a drunk…okay, not really, but she likes her alcohol; wine, bourbon, rum, she had it all.
I stole a bottle of Japanese Cherry wine from the back and ran up stairs. Quickly I walked through the dark halls, trying my best not to wake up any of the other girls or any of Lucifer’s guards.
Just as I was rounding the corner, I collided into a hard chest falling on my butt and dropping both the wine glass and the bottle. Immediately glass shattered around me, red wine staining the tips of my white night gown.
My heart leapt into my throat making it hard to breathe as I looked at the stained rug and all the shards of sparkling clear glass.
“Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! Oh no!” I mumbled hurriedly, crouching on my knees and snaking my arms around the traumatized mess. I had to hurry. I had to clean this all up and get to my room before anyone noticed and just hope to god that no one heard me…wait? Who did I bump into?
The brunette from earlier today knelt down and began carefully picking up shards of glass, one by one. If he seriously wanted to help, the least he could do was hasten his pace. Like seriously? He might enjoy being tortured, but I’ve never EVER
angered Lucifer and for a good reason! I want to keep it that way!
“I’m sorry.”
“Whatever! Just go before anyone sees!” I mumbled, lifting the hem of my dress to make a small bowl like shape. With one hand I held the dress in place while with the other hand
I began to pick up more shards of glass and put them into the small bowl I’d made.
The brunette sighed, letting the glass pieces he collected fall into my lap, “I’m only trying to help. I’m repaying the favor.”
“What favor?” I asked with a glare, suddenly feeling anxious, angry, irritated. Not at him, but at myself, at the stupid bottle of wine and wineglass. Does the guy who created glass realize that because of his stupid invention I might be tied up and whipped? No! Of course not! Because no one ever thinks of those possibilities when they invent things! Stupid, stupid inventors!
"Today when my ass was about to get handed to me by our blonde friend?”
“Oh,” I mumbled suddenly remembering what he was talking about. I had convinced Lucifer not to bust open his…wait? He was a bit roughed up. Under his left green eye was a small bruise and there was a small cut on his bottom lip, “Doesn’t look like I helped you.”
“This?” he asked pointing to the shiner, I nodded, “Nah! That wasn’t you! I got this before I was brought here.”
“Ah,” I mumbled, then nodded, then thought, “Can I ask you something? What’s Hellboy?”
He let out a burst of amused breath as he ran a hand through his hair, “He’s a person in a movie.”
“Movie? What movie?”
“Well the movie’s called Hellboy.”
“I’ve never seen it.”
“Maybe that’s because you’ve been stuck down here most of your life.” That’s when my curiosity was peaked. It was one word, most
. If he had not said that one word, I’d shrug it off. But that one word meant something. It meant he knew I haven’t lived here my whole life, when everyone here but us ‘Daughters of the Night’ have.
I took that awkward moment of silence to take a good look at him. He too had a strong angled jaw line, like Lucifer’s yet somehow his seemed gentler, it was a softer angle. His hair was a faded chestnut brown and was a bit on the longer side, but not long enough to count it as that ‘Justin Bieber Bob’ that all the boys wore before I had started living down here. His hair was damp, suggesting that he either sweated a lot or had just gotten done taking a shower, and hanging in the way of his eyes. They were a light shade of olive green, which contrasted with his tan skin and dark hair, but didn’t make him look odd. Not at all! He was actually very cute…and familiar. There was just something about those goddamn eyes (sorry Lord) that made me immediately think that I knew him. But when I tried to put a name to his familiar features and I couldn’t.
A faint smile danced on his lips as he looked me up and down, “What?”
I shrugged, “I don’t know, I…I just keep thinking to myself that I know you…but that’s crazy. It’s not possible—“
“But you do.”
I froze, looking him in the eyes once more, “No!”
I quickly turned away from him and began to pick up the rest of the remaining shards of glass, “No! It’s not possible!”
“Yes it is!”
“No! No it’s-Ow!” I dropped the small shard the moment a small yet sharp pain stung the tip of bottom of my thumb. I turned my hand over, and looked at my thumb. There was a small cut on my finger, no larger than a ladybug or a fly. But it still hurt. No more than a bee sting, but it still hurt…I guess my mind can’t wander off insects…a single bead of blood dripped from the small battle wound.
“How is it I managed to cut myself with the smallest shard out of the whole entire freaking—“ I was interrupted, but this time not by pain. This time it was by mystery man’s mouth.
While I was talking he had grabbed my hand and actually stuck my thumb in between his lips. He sucked on it a quick moment, licking my wound, then removed my hand from his mouth and held it in front of me as if he were giving me a gift or returning a belonging of mine, which technically it was but…what the hell? (No pun intended)
“What…? What was that? What are you a vampire?”
The man shrugged as if he hadn’t literally just sucked on my thumb like it was a freakin pacifier, “No.”
"That’s disgusting,” I mumbled as I whiped my thumb on my dress and ran back downstairs to carefully and as quietly as possible throw away the broken glass.
I turned and wam! There was mystery man! Only inches from my face, making me yelp and wince, “Jesus, what is your problem? You’re going to scare me to death, or worse! You’ll get us caught!”
“Look, we need to talk!”
“No we don’t! And let go of me!” I whispered as harshly as I could, yanking my arm away from his hand. I slid past him and ran upstairs with a cloth that I had found in the kitchen.
I put the cloth over the stain of red wine on the red carpet. It both amazed and angered me how well the wine was actually showing up on the carpet...BOTH ARE THE SAME COLOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“You might want to actually apply pressure to the towel, and not just glare at it!” Mystery man mumbled from behind me making me jump, yet again. God, this guy was really starting to get annoying!
“Why thank you, Martha Stewart, for that very helpful domestic maintenance tip.”
“Nick.” He suddenly burst out confusing the crap out of me, “What?”
“My name’s not Martha Stewart. It’s Nick…well its Nicholas, most people call me Nicki, but you always called me Nick.”
I always called him…? And that’s when a flash of my nightmares hit me in the face, making me gasp.
The little girl—-me—-in my reoccurring dream? Every time she’d see that scary Wendigo, she’d call for help! Help me, Nick! Help me!
I looked at him, and glared, trying to remember this Nick kid. I tried to remember why I knew him, what he was like, but there was nothing…I could never be sure if this Nick, was the real Nick, that I knew. I mean really, Nick isn’t exactly a unique name. And even if it was him…he let me go…he let that thing, that creature take me here. He didn’t save me! He killed me! Killed me of my innocence, my childhood, my normal life! HE RUINED MY LIFE!
Tears stung my vision, infuriating my body with hot anger that burned to my core. I picked up the cloth—-the only weapon I could find—-and threw it, hitting him in the chest.
Nick didn’t move or even waver, just let it hit his chest and then fall to the ground, “Stay away from me!”
Without looking back, I stormed off into my room ignoring Agatha’s incessant questions.
“What happened? Are you okay? I heard a ruckus. There was a slight smash, and a few yelps! What’s a matter?”
“Nothing! Just go to bed!” I mumbled the best I could, trying to hide the tears.
Agatha nodded, and didn’t speak. Usually when I was upset, I’d talk to her…but she knew this time was different, so she didn’t bug and bug about it. She just climbed into bed next to me and did the best she could to comfort me like I had her, on her sixteenth birthday.
“Eeeeeeewwwww! Naomi, that’s gross! Did you even wash your hands?”
“Are you kidding? Of course not!” I mumbled with a giggle, as I stuck my pinky in the bowl of cake batter a second time.
“NAOMI!” Jennifer squealed with amused disgust, snatching the bowl from my hands just a little too late, “Double dipper!” she yelled accusingly. I just shrugged and leaned against the counter to the kitchen, watching her mix the slightly clumpy cake mix till it was almost smooth as glass—non-shattered glass that is.
“You better just hope you don’t get salmonella.” She said with a disapproving nod. I laughed.
“Jen, I think I’ll survive.”
Just then Monique yelped from the other side of the kitchen. Her hands were gripping the handle of a cabinet, face pale, “What the hell?”
“What’s wrong?” Jen and I asked as she sifted through the cabinet.
“Someone took my Japanese Cherry wine! It’s my favorite! Someone stole my booze!”
I blushed with guilt, more because I was caught then because I actually felt bad. It must have been obvious too, because Jen looked at me and immediately began giggling. She did her best to hide it from Monique—raising Monique’s curious eyebrows—yet she didn’t question either of us.
I turned around to see Harold standing in the hallway, out the kitchen door, “Yes, Harold?”
“I come bringing a message from Lucifer.”
The relaxed and humorous atmosphere immediately tensed. No one was laughing, everyone was quite and still. Jennifer had even dropped her mixer, the faint cracking whip of the spoon coming into contact with the bowl echoing in the quite kitchen. No exaggeration, you would have been able to hear a pin drop.
I gave a small nod of farewell to Jennifer and Monique and joined Harold outside in the hall. My heart was pounding, scared beyond belief. There were so many, too many, things that could be wrong. It could be anything from Lucifer being curious about my whereabouts last night to simply wanting me to join him in his bedchambers again tonight, since last night didn’t exactly work out…but I managed to stay calm on the outside, taking in a slow breath through my nose. Lifting my chin, to show whatever fragment of courage I had, I said, “You’ve come bringing a message?”
“Yes. Lucifer has asked me to tell you that your proposition on how to handle the situation with the shifter seems to be working.”
“That’s good…but somehow I can’t quite believe that Lucifer sent you to me to show his thanks.”
“Lucifer had offered all of his women to the shifter, expected to pick one out of them all to occupany him for as long as he stays here in the palace with us…”
He froze, as if unable to say anything else giving me my answer, but I asked anyway, “And…?”
“He picked you.”
I didn’t know what to do, but it wasn’t like I had a choice.
If I didn’t obey this man(supposed Nick)’s wishes, he might tell Lucifer, or even take matters into his own hands. He didn’t seem like the type of guy to hit a woman, but still! Like I’ve already said and proven on multiple occasions ‘looks deceive’.
At least my situation had lightened a bit. It was horrible, to Agatha that I was taking this so lightly, when just yesterday I was utterly frightened of even stepping foot into a bedchambers. Too me, I was relieved. Yes it was bad, what I had to do, but it still could be worse. At least, now I could give myself up to a normal—-well, semi-normal—-person. I mean this Nick guy? He’s very attractive, and yea! So is Lucifer, but—-for some reason, which I cannot or quite frankly want to understand-—Nick’s presence, despite myself, makes me feel like a normal teenage girl. Don’t ask me how or why, because I don’t know.
Anyways, the overall point is, I might be being forced to do this…yet it doesn’t feel that way. I’m a lot more relaxed and comfortable with this then I would have been with Lucifer, so I’m just going to be thankful…and try and enjoy it.
Harold walked me to a room down a back hallway on the first floor of the palace till we came to two big and closed pocket doors.
“Alrighty! This is it, you’ll be expected to occupany him for the night and any other night he requests your presence. You will—“
“Harold?” I asked, cutting him off with a gentle smile, “I might not be that experienced, but I understand a little too well how this works.”
Harold nodded, “Okay then, you…you have a good night.”
“You too.”
And with that, Harold took off down the hall, back the way we had come.
* * *
Nick's room was almost an exact replica of Lucifer's bedchamber complete with the same color-scheme, décor, and everything. A silky red and black canopy hung over the bed which took up most of the empty space in the room yet it was obviously smaller than Lucifer’s. I looked to my left, expecting to see a line of graphic pictures, like Lucifer. Only I was fortunately disappointed and instead, when turned, came face to face with a blank red wall. In the far corner of the room is where all the pictures now lay, on a disheveled pile…guess Nick didn’t find the eerily descriptive paintings of rape and murder romantic.
Only then, for a reason I’m not sure of, did I realize I no longer heard the soft pattering sound which I had heard the moment I had stepped into the room. One second it was there, the next gone. The air suddenly became thick and damp, making me gasp with confusion.
That’s when the pocket doors behind me bursted open, making me yelp with surprise. I leapt forward, hoping out of the way for whoever was entering the room…it was Nick himself.
Completely naked with nothing but a small fluffy white towel wrapped loosely around his hips, he entered his room, looking aimlessly at the floor to oblivious to even notice my presence. Scrunching his wet hair and damp chest with a small cloth, he walked past me to stand at the foot of his bed.
I watched completely mesmerized by his physical appearance.
This was the first time I had really ever seen a boy up close and felt the way I did now; butterflies rolling in the pit of my stomach, heart thumping, blood rushing, cheeks burning. I could barely conjure a single train of thought let alone remember how to breathe.
And who could blame me, I mean, really?
I was taken from my home on earth before I was given the chance to realize boys didn’t have cooties. And by the time I finally did realize this, there were no boys around…at least none that were attractive or even normal. Granted this guy was a “shifter”, but at first glance you couldn’t tell. It was too easy to forget how dangerous and “inhuman” this guy supposedly was.
Seeing his perfectly tanned skin stretch over the flexing muscles in his back as small droplets of water roamed down his body was a strangely intoxicating sight. It was like I was being hypnotized of my own free-will. I never was, or even wanted to be, the type of girl to drool over guys no matter how good looking, but I literally felt like I couldn’t contain myself. I just couldn’t find the strength to tear my eyes away from the angelic sight of his coppered muscles as he rolled and stretched his shoulders making them ripple.
Well…I guess now’s as good a time as any…
Before I gave myself a chance to take a breath and process what it was I had to and was about to do, to chicken out, I pounced.
Nick looked at me from under the tips of his hair, the most devilish smirk on his face. He ran his hands through his hair and shrugged, "Why you lookin at me like that?"
I huffed with disbelief as anger burned within me, warming my insides. It grew and grew and grew, until I could feel it burn my skin and radiate a vicious heat that made me think of a growing forest fire: Usually starting off as a small spark or a little ash forgotten to be put out or underestimated, escalating into a wall of orange and red that, at average in North America, would end up being 54, 500 squared kilometers long. It wouldn't stop burning and destroying till it was forced to stop. My water bucket was usually Aggie, and since she's not here the fire within me continued to burn till the picture in my mind of me slapping the bee-Jesus out of Nick became a wish, a want...maybe even a premonition, a quick glimpse of the future.
The bastard!
'Why you glaring at me like that?' He had the decency to play dumb after what happened just seconds ago, after what he'd said just seconds ago!
The bastard!
* * *
Lips locked in a tight yet soft embrace, I tore at the towel around his waist till the knot untied and shimmied it's way over his hips and onto a heap at our feet.
Nick chuckled against my mouth at my persistence, before pulling away to say, "Naomi! I don't think--"
I ignored him crashing my lips back against his, wanting to, for lack of a better phrase, 'Get it over and done with'.
I through my arms around his neck and gave him the smallest push, sending him plummeting on his back onto the bed. I hiked up my skirt to my thighs, lifting my legs to straddle over his naked lap.
He smiled, clearly enjoying himself, but no longer did I care or even notice how good looking he was like I had just seconds ago. Right now he was just a pain in the ass, a horny
pain in the ass that was keeping me from 'beauty sleep'.
"Naomi! I didn't--"
"Oh will you just shut up already? Enough with the chit-chat!" I snapped, before again, interrupting his incessant speech with a kiss; rough, desperate, heated. It was unlike anything I had experienced, full of lust and want. And I'm proud to say that the kiss, sweet and savory, shut him up, rendered him speechless...for about a minute.
I tore at the sleeves of my shirt, pulling the sleeves past my shoulders and over my chest revealing my corset...only one layer from complete nudity.
Never separating my lips from his, I fingered the knots of my corset, ungracefully but quickly untying it. Moments later I was completely topless.
Nick pulled away from my mouth, looking at me with green eyes that seemed a shade darker then before, filled with a deep emotion, THE deep emotion that every girl dreams about but secretly fears. His warm breath exploded from his parted lips, mimicking and mixing with my own nervous pants.
Nick removed his hands from the entanglement in my hair and slid them over my cheeks, down the sides of my neck, and stopped right above my breasts. He looked down, his olive green eyes taking in all of me. He blinked and his eyes were different. Still lust-filled but also amused and mischievous, like he knew something I didn't.
And then he laughed. He flashed me a half-smile and then laughed. It echoed from the back of his throat and made his whole body shook with genuine hilarity, it almost seemed devilishly mysterious and evil.
I narrowed my eyes confused.
"Naomi! I didn't ask for you for...THIS!"
* * *
"Why'm I glaring at you? God, you're virile and idiotic and annoyingly obnoxious, sarcastic and...and..."
Nick shrugged, "And...?"
"And...you're a...a...jerk!"
"Great come-back!"
I rolled my eyes and without permission, no longer caring, stormed out of Nick's bedchamber slamming the pocket doors shut!
Text: Anya J. Stump (ChloeKnox18)
Editing: Tehya & Brandi
Publication Date: 04-13-2012
All Rights Reserved
Dedication - I want to dedicate this book to my two friends and helpful co-authors, Tehya & Brandi! I wouldn't have been able to write this w/o you guys! XOXOXO