Chav to princess – by Chelsea Johnson
I woke up to my name being shouted. I sat up and my brother barged into my room
“Hello?” i asked him he looked at me
“You’re leaving” he whispered i jumped out of bed
“WHAT!” i screeched i ran past him and down stairs ignoring Danny’s pleas for me to listen, I ran into the living room to see my dad and a man i’ve never met before
“Dad” i whispered he looked at me “why?” i whispered
“Honey i...” i didn’t let him finish
“Why are you kicking me out” i looked down
“NO, no, no i would never kick you out” he said rapping his arms around me
“Then why am i leaving?” i whispered confused
“Because you are moving in with your mother” the man said i looked at him
“And who are you?” i said pushing away from dad
“I am your PA” he said then bowed
“A what?” i said looking at dad
“He is your personal assistant, you see your mother is a queen so you are a princess, your mother left you hear so you could have a normal life, until your 16th” he said looking at me
“But im only 15 my birthday is in a fortnight” i said totally confused
“Miss Johnson you will be having a ball for your 16th” the man said
“Can these guys come?” i asked him he nodded and i smiled “ill go pack when are we leaving?” i asked him
“As soon as you’re done Miss Johnson” i nodded and went upstairs and packed up my room.
After i packed everything i went into my bathroom and had a shower, i got out and dressed in dark blue skinny jeans, a black vest top with spaghetti straps, i put on my brothers hoddie that went halfway down my thigh, i put my hair up in a high ponytail and put in my earrings and necklace set that dad got me for my birthday last year, and i put on my converse and walked downstairs caring my 2 suitcases i put them at the bottom step and walked in to the living room i walked up to my brother and hugged him
“Bye Danny ill miss ya” i whispered he hugged me
“Bye sissy be careful yeah im not there to look after ya” he whispered i giggled. I walked over to my dad and hugged him
“Bye daddy i love you” i whispered he smiled and kissed my head
“Bye, bye honey take care love you millions” he whispered i let go and turned round to the man
“Ready to go?” he asked me i nodded, we walked out the front of the house and i saw a limo my jaw dropped he smiled and opened the door i got in and waved bye to my family the door closed and a tear fell from my eye
“I’ll miss you” i whispered
“We will be arriving at the airport in 2 hours Miss you may want to have a little sleep i wake you up before we get their”
“Thank you...” i didn’t remember his name or he didn’t tell me it he smiled
“Taylor” he said i smiled
“Thanks Taylor” i whispered and as soon as i let my eyes close i fell asleep.
2hours later!
I woke up and Taylor helped me out the car, we walked to a jet and as soon as i sat down i fell asleep again only half aware that i could hear Taylor chuckling.
Arriving at the new house (castle)
We pulled up at a gorgeous castle it took my breath away it was surrounded by a forest but that completed the look.
“Do you like it?” Taylor’s voice interrupted my thoughts
“Im in awe, its gorgeous” i whispered he smiled
“I knew you’d like it” i grinned back at him.
We walked in the castle and i stopped dead in my tracks there was 2 boys a girl and two adults smiling they looked like a proper family, i felt like i didn’t fit in.
“Hello darling” the women said i smiled
“Hello” she smiled i turned round to see Taylor smiling at me
“Miss Johnson this is your new family. There is Mr. William Johnson. Miss Charlotte Johnson, and Mr. Mathew Johnson.” They all bowed and charlotte curtsied i looked at them confused and they all smiled
“These are your parents Mr. Michael Johnson and Mrs. Gale Johnson” he said i smiled at them William was my age by the look of it and Mathew was two years older
“But of course you call us mother and farther” she smiled i nodded
“Where should i put my things?” i asked
“Your room is this way” Taylor said i followed him and i noticed that my new brothers grabbed my bags and were following me i sighed
“Second door on the right” Taylor said i opened the door and frowned
“Pink” i exclaimed the boys chuckled
“Don't you like it?” William asked me
“Well it’s” i said they laughed “I hate pink” i stated they grabbed my hands and pulled me towards my mother
“Mother have you heard this she hates the colour pink” she looked at me and frowned
“Sorry” i mumbled
“What colour DO you like” she asked
“Midnight blue” i said with a smiled
“BLUE” she shrieked i stepped back
“Whoa” i said the boys looked shocked
“Well chose a different colour you will not have that colour” she stated
“Then I’ll pick black and white” i stated everyone raised their eyebrows
“What?” she asked me
“Well you can’t expected me to change my favourite colour because you don't like it, i mean come on, i grew up with two men, you should be grateful that i don't dress like a boy” i stated the boys were holding in their laughter just like my father was
“You DO look like a boy” she stated
“I DO NOT DRESS LIKE A BOY” i growled “My dad was happy with what i wore and he accepted me” i stated she looked down
“So he didn’t remarry?” she asked shocked
“No he didn’t feel like it was fair” i said “Oh and just to let you know i choose blue” i said then walked away the boys ran after me
“You are incredible” they stated i smiled
“Thanks” then i remembered school “Where am i going to school?” i asked raising an eyebrow they smiled
“With us” i smiled
“Uniform?” i asked
“Nope” i grinned
“Great” they looked at me and shrugged
“School starts at 7:30 tomorrow so you need to leave and be ready by 7” they said then walked into their room. I walked into mine and saw a girl in their
“Who are you?” i asked she jumped
“Sorry miss Johnson, im your decorator” i smiled
“Ok but please call me Lexi or Alex” i said she smiled
“What do you want done?” she asked me i smiled. I explained what i wanted done and she seemed to accept that i wouldn’t change to a more famine colour. I told her that i wanted midnight blue walls and on the back wall i wanted a forest in the dark with a moon and a wolf she said it would take a whole day so i was told to sleep in a guest room so i grabbed two sets of clothes and went into a guest room that was opposite my room.
The next day
Taylor woke me up at 6 so i jumped in the shower had a quick one then blow dried my hair and straitened it i walked out in my underwear and saw my brothers sitting on my bed
“Mind?” i asked them they looked up and then walked out of my room i giggled and got dressed in, skin coloured tights, short shorts, converse, a white vest top with spaghetti straps, a black cardigan that went lower than my bum. I then put on my makeup and grabbed my cap that had YOLO written on it i ran to the stairs and realised their was like a million steps so i sat on the banister just as my brothers came out their rooms they looked at me and smiled, i grinned and slid all the way down and jumped off when got the bottom and looked at my arse and saw nothing so i grinned and herd the boys laughing.
I saw Taylor coming in the front door
“Taylor” i called he walked over to me
“Yes miss” he asked i blushed
“This is a very weird question but do i have anything on my bum?” he blushed and i turned round
“No miss” i grinned
“Thanks Taylor” i hugged him and went into the kitchen and a lady looked me up and down
“Problem?” i growled
“Who and What are you doing in hear?” she asked i smiled
“I am....” i didn’t get to finish as Taylor put a hand on my shoulder
“She is Miss Alexis Johnson princess” he said the ladies eyes went wide and i turned round
“Can’t have any fun now can i?” he grinned
“No, now what would you like to eat?” he asked me i sat down next to the island
“Now that would be telling” i grinned
“Touché” he said
“Erm do you have fruit salad?” i asked he smiled
“Yes your pack up is done and the care is ready when you have finished we will go” he said
“Taylor will you stay at school with me?” i asked he frowned
“No miss BUT i can and will take you to get your schedule and to you first class” i smiled
“Thanks” he grinned and i finished my breakfast.
Just when i was about to leave i herd a shriek i turned round and saw my mother looking at me i grinned and walked out the door and got in the limo and Taylor drove me to Primburton School (AKA princesses school). We pulled up and Taylor opened my door and helped me out he took me to the office and the lady looked me up and down then looked at Taylor
“Princess Alexis” he said she looked at me again and gave him my stuff then curtsied and we walked away. He handed me my schedule and a map and took me to my first lesson.
My schedule
1) Home room – 101
2) History – 100
3) Maths – 125
4) Brake – hall
5) English – 126
6) B&C – 124
7) Dinner rules - 134
8) Lunch – hall
9) piano – music room (122)
10) dance – ball room
11) Home – (best part of the day)
We walked to a door and Taylor opened it
“Princess Alexis Johnson” i walked in and everyone rise from their seat and bowed or curtsied i looked at Taylor “You’re a princess now everyone has to do it it’s a sign of respect” i nodded to show i understood “You may be seated” he said the class sat down and they looked at me and raised their eyebrows i sighed great judge already i thought
“Hello princesses Alexis a pleasure to meet you” the teacher said
“Err the pleasure is all mine” i said holding out my hand he shook it “Where should i sit sir?” i asked him he looked shocked
“You may sit where ever you want” he said i saw a seat in the back and smiled i walked over to it and a boy stood up and pulled it out for me
“Thanks” i said he smiled
“Pleasure” he whispered
“What's your name?” i asked him he smiled
“Jacob Charles the 2nd” he said i smiled
“Alexis Johnson the 1st” he grinned i sat down and he sat down in his chair
The whole day pretty much went the same stares and bows or curtsies. But that changed at lunch, me and jay walked over to his table with his friends.
“Lexi this is Ara, Cam, jess Jake and jack” i smiled to each one the all grinned at me
“Hello Ara, Cam Jess, Jake and Jack” i said they smiled and said hey back
“Jake, Jack move up let Alexis sit down” jess snapped, using my full name i sat in between Jake and jay who seemed to glare at Jake and Jack
“So why aren’t you in a dress or summin?” the girls asked i grinned
“Well it’s a long story” i smiled
“Tell” they all said
“Ok well i used to live with my dad so i could have a normal life, well as normal as you get in the hood...” i was cut off when they all looked at me
“Hood?” they all said
“Yer” i said it like it was obvious
“So that means you can put someone on their arse well quick?” Jake asked i grinned
“You bet” they all looked shocked
“Carry on” Jess said a bit annoyed
“Anyway well Taylor my PA he came and picked me up two weeks before my birthday and when i got to the house i had a fight with my mother over a colour” i rolled my eyes and they grinned
“What colour?” cam asked
“Pink god i hate that colour” i stated jess and Aras mouth dropped open
“PINK” they screeched i laughed
“Midnight blue is my colour anyway she said i looked like a boy so i walked off and then i had school so i picked this out and walked out the door before anyone could say anything” i said with a shrug
“So you’re like a Chav?” Jack asked
“Yep” i said popping the P
“WOW” they all said i grinned we talked for a while until a boy came over to me he had longish brown hair kind of like Justin Bieber he was wearing jeans and a smart top
“Hello princesses Alexis” he said and smiled, he bowed to me as a sign of respect
“YO” i said my friends laughed
“Would you do me the honour of coming to meet my friends” he said i looked over at his friends and stood up
“Sure” i said i looked at Jay “coming?” i asked him he nodded
“Why is he coming?” the boy asked
“Because he is my first friend don't you want him to come?” i asked him he shook his head i turned round to face jay
“I’ll be back in a minuet” i hugged him and walked over to the boys table
“Alexis this is William, Conner, Samuel, Drake and i am dean” he introduced his friends i smiled
“Hello William, Conner, Samuel, Drake” i said dean put his hand on the small of my back i turned round to go back to my friends
“Where are you going?” he asked me stepping in my way
“To my friends” i said and went to walk round him he grabbed my wrist
“Let go” i yanked my hand free “Touch me again, you WILL be in pain” i growled and went to walk away put me grabbed my wrist
“I don't thinks so princesses” he whispered in my ear i turned round fast and punched him square in the face so hard he fell to the floor
“DON'T TOUCH ME” i screamed he stood up from the floor the whole hall was silent
“BITCH” he growled and slapped me round the face i didn’t even move i have had to many fights to be phased by a slap
“That all you got?” i asked him i pushed him back and he fell over jay grabbed my hand
“Don't” he whispered in my ear i froze and he put my hand down
“He isn’t worth it” he said looking at me in the eyes i nodded
“Touch me again i will hurt you” i threatened i went to walk away
“Bitch please, you couldn’t hurt a fly” he said loud enough for me to hear i glared at him
“Why don't you go shag something tramp” he yelled everyone gasped
“Sorry to disappoint you but i am in fact a virgin” i stated proudly
“I herd your real dad does drugs is that true?” he said i turned round to face him
“Don't talk smack about my family or else” i whispered i saw fear in his eyes
“Babe listen it’s not my fault your dad aint a real man” he said i saw red no one talks about my family i thought i walked up to him he grabbed my fist so i kneed him in the balls grabbed him by the head and flipped him over and kicked him in the side
“ALEXIS!” someone shouted but i was so mad i couldn’t think strait
I punched him in the face and someone flung me over their shoulder
“LET ME GO!” i screamed “NO ONE TALKS SMACK ABOUT MY FAMILY AND GETS AWAY WITH IT” i screamed louder he put me on the other side of the hall i glared at my brother William
“ALEXIS CALM DOWN” he shouted
“NO” i screamed
“LISTEN” he shouted i looked at him “Ignore him the only thing that matters is that WE both no that your dad is a better man than he could ever be” he said i herd some people laughing
“That aint good enough” i whispered a tear fell from my eye “My dad put up with a lot of stuff because of me Boys, fights, rep” i stated another tear fell
“Listen you can’t beat the shit out of him” he said whipping away my tears
“Why?” i whispered
“Because you will get in shit not him, he knows damn well he shouldn’t talk to you like that let alone put his hands on you” he said
“I want to go home” i whispered he hugged me, i felt safe in his arms. A teacher came in took one look at me crying and dean on the floor in pain and went mental
“Mr. Wilson it was princesses Alexis and dean fault” Cam said standing up i smiled at him for saying it was not just my fault
“WHAT!” he said looking at dean who had just got off the floor “Come” he said to us i looked at William he grabbed my hand and pulled me along, when we got to the office and we explained what had happened he went mental at dean for annoying me and then went mental at me as i used in appropriate violence. I got a warning and so did dean we apologised to each other and then i was sent home. Taylor came and picked me up
“Taylor!” i screamed as soon as i saw him i ran up to him and hugged him he saw dean being helped to his car looking broken
“Lexi” he whined i smiled
“Sorry?” i said smiling he grinned
“Your parents are not going to be happy” he stated
“Hey i got a warning” i said smiling we walked to the car and we stopped outside the house i walked in and my mother was about to shout at me and she saw my face had a hand print on it Mathew walked over to me and inspected my face
“What happened?” he asked
“Well it’s a long story” i said he rolled his eyes and pulled me to the kitchen and gave me a bag of ice for my face
“Continue” he said i smiled at him
“Right where to being, oh i know lunch” i smiled i told him about what happened
“So you attacked him because he talked about your dad?” he asked
“He talked smack about my dad” i clarified he grinned
“Does it hurt?” he asked referring to my face
“Naa had too many bitch slaps for it to hurt” i said he smiled and took the ice away from my face
“SHIT” he shouted i jumped and fell of the stool
“WHAT” my father shouted walking in he saw my face and ran over to me
“What happened?” he asked i rolled my eyes
“Long story short this boy dean was talking smack about my family and got his arse handed to him by little old me” i grinned dad frowned
“Your face” he whispered
“Oh he slapped me” i said dad stormed off and i ran after him by the time i got to him he was on the phone
“Dad?” i whispered
“Not now,” he said looking at me then all his focus went on his phone “WHY THE HELL HAS MY DAUGHTER RETURNED HOME WITH A BLACK EYE AND A BRUSE ON HER CHEEK” he shouted making me jump he listened for a while
“NO JAMES I WANT IT SORTED NOW” he hung up and walked over to me and hugged me
“Dad?” i whispered
“Im sorry honey” he said stroking my hair i hugged him and then walked away to my room. Once i sat down i saw William and Mathew on my bed i looked at them and they looked at me then at the floor
“Im sorry” William whispered
“What for” i said totally confused
“Because i didn’t get to you in time and you got hurt” he said i laughed
“WHAT?” Mathew said looking at me
“Listen when i was in the hood i would get the shit kicked out of me just because i was different, i had flawless skin a nice body and all the girls envied me so trust me a bitch slap don't hurt yer its numb but what do you expect, me to sit their and cry?” i said they looked at me and sighed
“Listen when i was with james – my dad – i got told never to show your emotions keep them blocked up until your alone or with your family, its the one rule i have lived by my whole life” i said sitting next to William
“It wasn’t your fault he needed to find out that girls aren’t toys and you cant just play with them with out permission so he got hurt, if he does it again i swear to god he wont be able to walk for a weak” i said they smiled
“There wont be a next time i think he has learned his lesson” Mathew chuckled
“Hey you know in 2 days it’s my birthday” i said the raised their eye brows
“Yeah” the said together
“Well you are going to meet my other dad and brother” i said excitedly they grinned
“Really?” they asked i grinned they gave me a hug and went down stares i went into the bathroom and saw my face i sighed no one has ever given me a black eye before i walked back downstairs and had dinner before going back to bed.
I will add more if people like it let me know yer :) thanks a bunch coment if anything is spelt wrong
Text: mine - dont use it!!
Images: google images
Editing: michael holgate
Publication Date: 12-15-2012
All Rights Reserved