
chapter 1

I woke up in my new bed. I smiled remembering that this is my new home. I sat up and smiled today was a new beginning i grabbed my, i-pod and plugged it into the speakers then blasted beautiful girls and jumped into the shower listening to it. Once i had my shower i grabbed my skinny jeans and a black low cut vest top and a scarf i put on my high-tops and ran down the stairs.
I ran into the kitchen and kissed my dads cheek
“Morning sugar” he said smiling up at me
“Morning daddy” i sang he laughed and i giggled and started dancing around the kitchen then, somebody cleared their throat i spun round and saw four boys sitting at the table i flushed scarlet
“Hello?” i said looking at each one
“Morning” they all said together i smiled and spun back round and carried on making my fruit salad for breakfast (with out the dancing)
“Baby these are you’re new brothers” dad said standing up
“Oh sorry i thought you were guests” i said looking down embarrassed
“Don’t worry about it sugar and listen im afraid i have to go to work so they WILL take care of you” he said the last bit like a threat
“But dad” i said he held his finger up at me and i raised my eyebrows at him
“Listen to me i have told you what’s happening and that’s final” he said sternly well he just pored water on my fire
“Fine” i grumbled and walked off
“don’t walk away from me young lady” he shouted after me i ran to my room and sat on my bed i don’t know how long i was sat their for, until Jacob and the boys came up.
“Miss Can i come in?” Jacob asked but before i could answer the boys opened my door and walked in leaving Jacob in the door way
“Come in Jacob” i said politely he smiled and entered my bedroom all the boys came in and sat on my bed “make your self comfortable” i mumbled
“we will” one of them said i just looked at him confused i barely said anything how in the world could he hear me “so why’d you come up hear” he asked picking up my teddy bear that rick got me for last Christmas, a single tear came out of my eye and rolled down my cheek all the boys saw and came and sat next to me
“You alright, we erm we didn’t mean to upset you” another one said putting his arm around my shoulder i rested my head on his shoulder and another tear came out my eye
“you didn’t erm that bear is what my other brother got me for Christmas last year and well i just miss him thats all” i mumbled and looked down embarrassed again i felt my cheeks get hot and i stood up and went to walk away but another boy stood in my way
“what happened to your face” he asked looking at me closer i held my breath and my heart started beating faster I’d forgotten about that i pushed away from him and ran into the bathroom and slammed the door “hey i didn’t mean nothing by it you just have a few scars and i wanted to know what happened” he said through the door
“No, err i mean it doesn’t matter i just forgot to put my make up on” i said clearly through the door i herd them sigh and walk out thank god
Jacobs’s point of view
Kieran asked me and the boys to keep an eye on Sasha, so I and the boys went upstairs to talk with her. I knocked on the door and asked to enter but before she could reply the boys just walked in and left me outside
“come in Jacob” she said to me i smiled and walked in i herd her mumble some thing but before i could whisper something to the boys Jake answer her she looked shocked that he could hear her but didn’t say anything thank god
“so why you up hear” Jake said picking up a teddy bear on her bed a single tear came out of her eye and all the boys saw and they sat next to her she started talking then got up and went to go in to the bathroom but Tommy got in her way then she legged it into the bathroom and all the boys went outside her room and down stairs i went to leave but she called me back
“Jacob” she whispered
“Yes miss and nobody’s hear they have all left” i said looking at the bathroom door
“Can you do me a favour” she asked me
“Of course miss” i said taking a step forward
“Do you see the hoddie on the floor next to my bed?”
“Yes miss”
“Bring it hear please and can you get the car ready to go?” She asked me politely
“Of course miss but may i ask where you are going”
“To the mall” she said slightly embarrassed i chuckled and she opened the door but she didn’t have a top on so i turned around she giggled and i relaxed it was a cute noise, i stood like this until she turned me around and she was dressed
“ready?” i asked her she nodded and grabbed her purse and her i pod and we walked out the door she kept her head down at all times until we got to the make up section she got a lot of make up over too carrier bags full and we went home and she ran upstairs when she came down she had make up on her face too cover up the scars i sighed and carried on making the boys their fry ups
Sasha’s point of view
“Hey Sasha, wow what happened” they asked me i sighed and looked down
“Hey how come up know my name and i don’t know yours?” i asked
“oh sorry sash im Tommy, thats Jake on my right, thats daniel on my left and Lucas and the boy on the end is my mate matt” i smiled at each one except for matt i didn’t like him, i don’t know why but they way he looked and presented him self was just telling me trouble, run now, im guessing the boys noticed that i didn’t like him because of my body language and something in my body was telling me to stay quiet and go to my room so i looked down and went to walk away but someone grabbed my arm and stopped me
“hey” i said i looked back to see matt was holding my arm i pulled my arm hard but he tightened his grip and i fell to the floor in pain
“Matt stop” i heard Tommy say
“Help” i whimpered
“Its ok i promise” somebody whispered to me and i passed out
Tommy’s point of view
They way Sasha looked at matt i could see she saw danger and she went to walk out but matt moved quick and grabbed her arm
“Hey” sash said and she saw matt was holding her arm and he tightened his grip and she fell to the floor i shot up from the table
“Matt stop” i yelled she was about to pass out
“Help” she whimpered it killed me to see her in pain
“Its ok i promise” i reassured her but she passed out matt let go of her and she slumped on the floor in a heap
“Matt what the hell” i yelled at him
“Who is she” he said angrily
“Our sister” i shouted really loud his eyes went wide
“Ohh im sorry i didn’t realise i just thought she was...” he didn’t finish i walked over to Sasha and picked her up she was light too light if you ask me and her eyes were shut
“You better hope she wakes up and doesn’t remember this or dad will hear about it and you know he don’t like you matt i suggest you go home” i said sternly he nodded his head and walked out i sighed and Jake Lucas and Daniel came over to me
“Do you need a hand bro she could be heavy” Lucas said i shook my head
“She’s light actually” i said looking at her.
Her eyes fluttered open and her sapphire eyes went wide she moved and i almost dropped her, she grabbed her head as pain shot through it. I pulled her close and she tightened her grip on my shirt until it ripped then out of nowhere she let out a shriek and we all grabbed our ears and i fell on the floor with her in my arms still.
“stop it, please help me” she shrieked grabbing her head and squeezing it hard i laid her down on the floor and Jake and danny held her arms and Lucas grabbed her legs and i put my hands either side of her head and soothed her until she was a sleep
“Lucas, grab the phone and ring dad.” I ordered him “Jake ring the doctor and get him to come hear now” i ordered him as well “daniel ring matt and get his ass hear now hurry up all of you before she wakes up” i yelled they all shot off and came back two minuets later
“Dads on his way” Lucas said grabbing her legs again “so is the doc” Jake said pinning her left arm “so is matt” Daniel said pinning her right arm i sighed
“What do you think is wrong with her” Lucas asked me
“I don’t no i think it’s because her powers are coming out” i said they all looked shocked and they looked down at her tiny body
“What! I didn’t think she had powers like us. Does that mean she is a vampire too?” Jake asked me i nodded
“But not a full one she half human half vampire” i said we looked at her body and i new she was going to scream again and soon “daniel go and get four pairs of head phones and hurry she is going to scream soon” i shouted he took off and was back in 30 seconds with them we all grabbed them and put them on just as we had put them on she let out a higher shriek and we pinned her to the floor her body was frashing up and down and she was shaking her head. Just as she stopped we all looked at each other
“she’s strong” Lucas murmured we nodded are head, her body started frashing around again just as the front door opened she let out a shriek and we pinned her too the floor dad and the doc came running over and looked down at her just as she finished screaming and her body went limp i looked at my dad and he was crying so was everyone else except the doc and matt i looked at matt and stood up
“This is your fault, look what you have done, she is in pain because of you” i yelled the house shook with my voice he flinched back and looked down i was about to yell some more when Sasha whimpered
“Tommy” she whispered i flashed to her side and squeezed her hand “help”
“just let go and let it flow through you as soon as its done you wont feel anymore pain i promise you please just let go” i said squeezing her hand she nodded and her body went limp i sighed and took of my head phones i picked her up and moved her to her room and sat with her until she woke up.
Sasha’s point of view
As the last shot of pain shot through my small body, i just listened to my surroundings i knew that some one was in my room and they are upset for some reason i listened harder and i could hear their thoughts as i tried harder i realised that the pain was gone i wasn’t tired anymore so i opened my eyes and saw Tommy's eyes in front of mine i smiled at him and hugged him he hugged me back and i sighed
“What’s wrong?” he asked me
“Nothing i just feel...”
“Weird” he offered
“No different” i smirked at him he laughed and i went to get up but he stopped me i growled at him and he smirked
“Stay you need to rest” he ordered
“No you need to rest im fine i feel wonderful” i said smiling i looked out the window and i could hear people talking about me “why are people talking about me?” i asked him he looked shocked
“You can hear them” he said amazed i smiled and nodded “because you’re different” he said i stood up and stretched
“Can you please just lie down and rest” he whined i smiled and walked over to my dresser and grabbed a short black skirt and a white, tight, v-neck vest top and walked into the bathroom he smiled and shook his head
“Badass” he shouted through the door i giggled and had a long hot shower and then got dressed and did my make up and straitened my hair i walked out and grabbed my black heals and walked down stairs i could hear them all talking
“She could hear you dad, when you were at the other side of the forest dad it wont take too long to figure it out” Tommy whispered, figure out what i decided i didn’t want to know so i walked down stairs and walked into the kitchen everyone smiled at me including matt.
At that moment all my troubles went away and was replaced with anger i walked up to matt everyone’s eyes where on me i stopped right next to him
“You alright” he asked me i leaned my head in and whispered in his ear
“Never come near me or this family again or i will slap you so hard you wont be so pretty next time boy” i leaned back and he grabbed my wrists
“Awww you think im pretty do you baby” he said smirking at me i growled and he stopped smirking at me and i smiled at him
“Matt let go of her now she is not under control” my dad shouted he looked in my eyes and then over to Tommy for help
“wow im about to rearrange your face babes” i smirked at him he held on tighter on my wrists i laughed and it was a dark chuckle “you think thats going to stop me” i smiled at his petrified face then i frowned “omg what am i doing” i whispered i stepped back but he tightened on my wrists and i yanked on my arms free and he fell to the floor in pain the pain that i was feeling
“Sasha stop” Tommy said i looked at Tommy and matt sighed
“Im sorry” i whispered tears formed in my eyes and i ran into Tommy’s embrace
“Sshh its okay” he soothed me
“Oh and my names not Sasha” i whispered he pulled me away and looked at dad
“It’s true” he said i smiled and walked over to dad “i just said her name was Sasha because i didn’t want to scare her” he whispered i smiled
“My name is secrete sky Johnson” i said proudly
“What!” they all yelled i smiled
“Really” they said not believing it i growled and they put their hands up in defeat i giggled and they all smiled and ran up to me and hugged me when they put me down i looked at dad
“When am i going to school?” i asked his eyes shot up to mine
“Never” he yelled i flinched when he yelled and i started breathing hard to try and lose my anger towards him “Im sorry but your not aloud until you can stay near humans with out killing then” he said i looked at him confused and he chuckled “Honey your not human you a half blood” he smiled and i frowned
“Is that a bad thing” i whispered
“It’s different” Jake said
“So weird” i said loudly and i walked out to the pool i stood on the water but i didn’t fall through it i concentrated on being on top and not getting wet
“Wow i didn’t know you could do that” Daniel yelled i looked at him then i went in the pool i shot up from the water and landed on the side next to him
“WHAT THE HELL I WAS CONCENTRATING” i yelled at him he just started laughing and every one came out and looked at me i smiled a devil smiled and pushed him in the pool the walked across the pool to the other side and he came up and swam to the side where everyone else was i giggled and everyone else laughed i started floating and i started to fly i grabbed Tommy’s hand and we started flying around
“wow” was all we could say when we landed everyone was asking for a turn and i did when i landed with daniel i collapsed on the floor and gasped for breath they all ran over to me and daniel and Tommy helped me up to my room
“Thanks” i said getting comfortable
“You should not work to much, you have only just changed secret” Tommy scolded me i giggled and he stormed off
“Badass” Daniel said to me i looked at Daniel confused
“What do you mean badass danny-boy” i said with a cheeky smile he smiled
“No body has ever giggled at him when he is in a strop ill be surprised if he talks to you for the rest of the day” he said thinking
“Fine” i crossed my arms and sat up
“What are you doing secret” Danny said panicking i smiled at him and got up
“Where is Tommy’s room” i asked sweetly
“Next door now what are you doing” he said looking sort of scared
“Bye” i said and walked out and went into Tommy’s room he wasn’t in their so i went and sat on his bed and changed into one of his shirts and then i fell asleep
Tommy’s point of view
I helped secret to her room because she used too much of her power on the first day!
“Thanks” she said getting comfortable
“You should not work so much, you have only just changed secret” i scolded her she giggled and i walked out i went down stairs and punched the wall
“Why doesn’t she listen” i mumbled. Dad came over and put his hand on my shoulder
“Because she is just like her mum, stubborn as hell son, now listen im in trouble” he said softly i looked at him with concern the last time we was in trouble i ended up in hospital for two weeks
“What’s up dad?” i asked he sighed
“When i left secret i paid some guy to look out for her but he didn’t want money” i was so confused
“What did he want dad” i started shouting
“He wanted his second son to...” he couldn’t finish it off
“To what dad” i said panicking
“To marry her when he turned 19 and secret she would be 18 so it would be legal” he whispered
I lost it i never thought my dad, a lawyer, a honest and faithful man would sell his own daughter his only daughter
“What the hell dad!” i yelled at him he looked down “why”
“I wanted her to be safe and looked after properly, i didn’t think she would be so... magnificent” he yelled back i walked away from him and i went upstairs to my room to calm down before i go and see secret.
I walked in my bedroom and on my bed was a little tiny secret asleep, bless her she looks so peaceful i walked over to her and picked her up and laid her under the covers i sat and watched her sleep all night as i don't need sleep
Secret’s point of view
I woke up in someone else’s room i sat up and saw Tommy looking at me
“Tommy, where you watching me sleep” i accused him giggling he smiled
“Is that a problem?” he said i shook my head
“You remind me of my other brother” i said looking down i haven’t spoke to rick for a month now
“Do you want to talk about it” he offered
“Well it’s just that ever since i came hear i haven’t spoke or seen rick and we had a fight before i left about dad” i said still looking down
“What was the fight about?”
“Well he said that it all happened to soon, right dad turned up at the youth centre and i forgave him and then me and rick had a fight saying that it was going to fast and basically he was just going to use me and all that so i rung dad up and moved out the next day” i explained
“What!” he said
“Do you think it was too soon” i asked him
“Just a bit but im glad you done it because no one would of known what to do when you where changing AND i would of never met my little sister” he said messing up my hair i giggled and ran out of the room and into the kitchen to a surprised dad and Lucas, Jake, and danny i froze and looked at what i was wearing i blushed and ran behind dad
“What in the hell are you wearing?” dad scolded me i giggled and hid i saw Tommy come in
“Thomas what the hell are you playing at” dad shouted
“What” he said looking mad as hell
“Hey calm down” i said stepping round dad
“No what is going on”
“Well i was waiting for tom when we had a little tiff then i went into his room to talk to him but he wasn’t their so i changed into one of his shirts as mine was making me scratch and then i ended up falling asleep then when i woke up we were talking then he messed up my hair and i legged it down hear” i growled when i said about him messing up my hair he smirked and then we all burst out laughing i went upstairs and had a shower and got dressed in a nice summer dress it was dark blue almost sapphire so it matched my eyes.
I walked into the kitchen and made myself a glass of orange juice
“Honey we need to talk” dad said coming into the kitchen i smiled and sat down next to him
“Sure dad”
“Well i know you want to go to school so i am going to let you on one condition you go to the boys school” he said i smiled and jumped up and hugged him “ok right get you jacket we need to go shopping” he said i giggled and ran upstairs and came back down with my favourite cardigan
“Tommy, Danny-boy, Jay, loco” i shouted they all came down laughing
“Forgotten our names already have you sis” jay said smiling
“No, you’re my brothers, so you each get a nick name” i said smiling
“Come on we need to go shopping” dad said ushering us out the door
“Shot gun” the boys yelled but i was already in the front
“How, did you get their so quick” they asked
“I shot gunned and ended up hear, now come on i want to get my school stuff” i screamed
“Fine” the ride was quick so we didn’t talk much when we got home i had a total of 16 bags and 3 school bags. When we got in i went and made me and dad some dinner (as the boys don’t eat) and the boys emptied the car when they were finished, me and dad where eating our dinner in the living room and the boys came in and grabbed my plate of me
“Hey!!” i shouted
“You shouldn’t be eating” Danny said
“Well i was hungry and it’s satisfying me sorry” i yelled back at him
“BOYS” dad yelled “she needs to eat she is not a full vampire so her body still needs vitamins and minerals and that junk so give it back” he yelled they gave it back to me and i eat it all then i went and made my self a drink
“Hey, erm im sorry i just didn’t know you could eat human food” Danny apologised
“Its ok im just nervous about school,” i sighed and looked at my feet
“Hey don’t worry about it we will be their with you wont we” he said stroking my arm
“Erm im gunna go to bed, im tired” i said walking upstairs i went to bed and had a weird dream that rick was in my room. I shot up from bed sweating i slowed my heart rate and got in the shower to wash that dream out. It worked once i got out i grabbed my black skinny jeans and a white vest top that hugged my body and my pink and black high-tops and a necklace and matching earring’s they were sapphire and sliver, i straitened my hair and put a little make up on, not a lot as my face had changed i had no scars or bruises and my lip wasn’t cut anymore, i stood their looking at my reflection for a while until dad came in
“Sweetie, time for school” he said looking at me
“Coming” i said i grabbed my black purse and my i-pod in it and my wallet
We went down stairs and i had a fruit salad and a brown drink on the side i looked at the drink after i ate my salad
“What’s in this dad?” i asked him he chuckled and a small smile came on my face
“Drink it and ill tell you” he said i drank it and it was delicious
“Wow” i said after i had finished it
“It was blood and orange juice” he said smiling i froze
“Blood” i squeaked he nodded and the boys ran into the kitchen
“Time to go” they yelled i grabbed my bag and dad gave me £20 for lunch i put it in my purse and jumped in the car i sat between danny-boy and jay
“Can one of you take me to the office” i said when we pulled up
“Yer” they all said i smiled and they chuckled we got out and everyone looked at me i looked down and Danny grabbed my arm and pulled me along
“Why is everyone looking at me?” i whispered they all laughed
“That’s our fault, we kind of told some people and they told others and so on” Jake the smiled i sent daggers at them and i froze when we some girls were walking to wards me “come on” Jake pulled my arm and i cried out
“You idiot you hurt her” Lucas whispered to Jake he let go of my arm and i walked into the office on my own “hey wait” Lucas said he came in and spoke to the lady she said i could follow Lucas around today and she will sort me out a time table for later i followed Lucas and we went to maths
“I hate maths” i mumbled and Lucas chuckled
“Well i can help you with that” he said smiling we stopped out side a class and he opened the door and walked in i froze at the door “secret come hear” he yelled i walked in keeping my eyes on the floor
“This is my sister secret and she will be following me around today so be nice” he said to the class i looked up and saw all eyes on me i blushed and looked down
“Can you please take a seat next to matt” the teacher said i looked up and saw matt smiling Lucas grabbed my arm and pulled me over to his desk
“She is staying with me” he said the teacher nodded and handed me a book then carried on with the lesson the whole day i got starred at when we met up with the boys at lunch i punched everyone of them
“Hey, what was that for” they all said
“For telling people about me” i whispered
“Sorry hey do you want to get some food?” i nodded we walked up to the queue and got myself a bit of toast and a apple
“Not hungry” Daniel asked me
“No i want that drink that dad made me, it was lush” i said giggling we went and sat down at a table i ate and then put my pate away and some boys got in my way, one had cropped hair that was blond and he thinks he is all that
“Hello?” i said confused
“Hey baby want to come sit with me and my friends?” he offered i looked at his table and they were all looking at us talking i looked at my table and my brothers were looking at me
“I don’t think my brothers would like that” i said pointing to my brothers
“Im sure they wouldn’t mind” he said grabbing my hand he pulled me over to his table and sat me down in a chair
“Boys this is secret” i looked at him confused “secret these are my brothers Tim, Jack, Sam, and finally Matt” he said pointing round the table i glared at matt.
“Secret what are you doing over here with these” Jake said i stood up but the boy who had put me hear put his hand on my shoulder “let her go” Jake said fiercely
“Why she wants to have fun don’t you baby” he said i tried to get out of his grasp and my blood boiled
“If you don’t let go of my shoulder you will need to go to the nurse” i said trying to stay calm he tightened his grip
“I don’t think so baby” he whispered i growled and spun round and punched him in the nose
“I AM NOT YOUR BABY SO DONT EVER TOUCH ME AGAIN OR ELSE” i yelled at him then i walked towards my table and i sat next to Tommy
“HEY TRAMP” he yelled i spun round and stood up Tommy grabbed my arm
“Lucas grab secret” he said Lucas grabbed my arm and Tommy walked up to the boy
Tommy’s point of view
Secret went to put her plate away and i saw Adam stand up he stood in front of secret they were talking then she pointed our way he took her to their table and i could see she didn’t want to be their so i sent Jake over their as i would lose it, after a while i saw secret lose it she tried her best to stay calm but he just had to push her she punched him in the face and he fell on the floor in pain the whole canteen was in a fit of laughter and i tried my best not to laugh but failed miserably she yelled at him then came and sit next to me but Adam just had to push it
“HEY TRAMP” he shouted she spun round and stood up i grabbed her arm nobody calls our sister a tramp and gets away with it
“Lucas grab secret” i ordered him he stood up and grabbed her and i made my way slowly over to Adam.
His smile vanished and he stepped back the whole canteen was silent as i have never stuck up for anyone and nobody was say anything against my family anyway but this prick has and i was going to put him in his place. I walked silently up to him and spoke with so much venom it amazed me
“What in the hell did you just call my sister” i spat each word dropping with venom he said nothing and that made it worse “WELL” i yelled secret walked up to me and put her tiny hand on my shoulder
“Calm down” she whispered i looked down at her and nodded i leaned into him and whispered in his ear
“Right next time you say or do anything to my sister or brothers i will personally kill you understand!” i whispered with so much venom that i thought i would kill him
“Yer” he mumbled i grabbed secret and put her over my shoulder and walked off.
Secret’s point of view
He carried me all the way to the car ignoring my protest about me being able to walk and so on he put me in the back and all the boys got in. When we pulled up at the house i ran to my room and got out my phone i needed to ring rick even if he didn’t want to talk to me
“Hello” a familiar voice said
“Hey it’s Sasha” i said
“Sasha, its James. Where are you? Are you ok? Why didn’t you ring?” i could hear the pain in his voice so i decided i would answer every dam question he asked
“At my dads erm im fine and because i didn’t think you wanted to speak to me after what happened”
“Sasha why in the hell did you think that?”
“I don’t know hey can you get rick please” i asked he shouted rick and he came on the phone
“Hello?” he said i giggled
“Heya bro how you been” i asked him i heard his breath spike
“No its bob Marley nice to meet you” i said
“Sasha why didn’t you ring” he said i winced at my old name
“Erm well that’s a long story why don’t i pick you up tomorrow and we can go out for lunch” i offered
“Yes i would love to pick me up at 12” he said with authority
“Ok bro well iv got homework so i got to go” i said
“Ok but don’t forget”
“I won’t love you bro and i miss you” i said then hung up before he could respond i jumped in the shower and had an early night i woke up to a light shining in my eyes
“What the hell” i yelled as some one flashed a torch in my eyes “that kills” i yelled
“Sorry we thought you passed out”
“Well i was with sleep, what’s the time?” i asked Lucas
“9Am why?”
“I got to get ready” i moaned and walked in had a quick shower and then i put on a summer dress that hugged my body when i walked down stairs my brothers sent daggers at my dress so i twirled around to show them the whole dress
“What are you wearing that for” Tommy yelled standing up i made him sit down and kissed each of their cheeks
“Im going to see my other brother rick if you wanna come” i said eating my toast
“Yer i do i wanna meet him” Tommy said standing up i growled and he kissed my head i sighed being protective i told myself at 10 a clock we got on the plan and it landed at 11:30 a limo picked us up and we stopped at my old house (i considered home). Everyone came out and our driver opened the door and helped me out everyone gasped and i saw my old friends and Lorenzo. I couldn’t concentrate on nothing but Lorenzo i didn’t even see my brother walking towards me
“Lorenzo” i whispered Tommy growled and i hugged rick and then ran over to Lorenzo and hugged him he picked me up and spun me around
“Where have you been loca?” he asked me i giggled and put my head in his neck i was satisfied with staying like this
“Secret come on or we will be late” Tommy said angrily i winced
“Secret?” everyone said together i winced again
“Can we go?” i asked rick he nodded getting in the limo i grabbed Lorenzo’s hand and pulled him over towards the limo
“Loz is coming with us” i said getting in and pulling him in lunch was awful rick called me Sasha and Tommy kept on correcting him by saying Secret i gave up and stormed out the restaurant after paying and sat in the limo Loz came out first and sat with me i put my head on his lap and he played with my hair i would love to stay like this forever he leaned down to kiss me but my idiotic brothers came and messed it all up i growled and i didn’t care that they were their i pulled his face down to mine and kissed him it didn’t last long but we both smiled when we pulled away and i sat on him the whole way home.
We pulled up at the house and Rick got out and so did Loz “ill ring you later” rick said i nodded and we drove back to the airport Tommy hasn’t said one word to me the whole way home even when we reached the house he just walked off and left me. Tears streamed down my face and i walked in and sat in the corner of the living room and cured my self up in a little ball of protection
Dad came in with other people but i didn’t notice at first so i just stayed where i was i felt someone touch my head and i shot up from my protective ball dad stood in front of him and tears slowly fell from my eyes. A young boy about my age came over to me he looked me in the eyes and i saw confusion and pain in his
“What’s wrong?” he asked me
“Nothing, it err it doesn’t matter” i said wiping my eyes he just frowned so i decided i would read his mind
Wow she’s astounding and to think i was gunna give her to my older brother man that would have been and horrible mistake what was he going on about i frowned and he realised that he hadn’t spoke and was just staring at me i blushed and he smirked
“Bonjour, mademoiselle” he said in French i giggled and his eyes sparkled
“Hello and who might you be?” i asked shyly
“Oh sorry how rude of me, sugar this is the wolf family they were hear last time when you err cut you’re finger and passed out on this young man” dad said patting the boys shoulder i flushed scarlet and my eyes went wide at the memory
“Yes i remember now” i whispered looking down
“They will be joining us for dinner tonight so go get ready and we will leave for the restaurant” dad ordered me i nodded and kissed his cheek and ran upstairs
Tyler’s point of view
We was on our way to meet my bride to be i was angry because i didn’t get a say for all i know she could be some butt-ugly and be a snob (but what i didn’t know was that i already met her and she was beautiful and shy and every thing a man could ask for)
When we pulled up at the house i jumped out finally away from the talk of marriage i growled i couldn’t stand it anymore. We walked in to the living room and in a corner of the room was a tiny little girl about 2 years younger curled up in a ball, i don’t think she noticed us as she stayed in her little ball of protection i walked up to her slowly and put my hand on her head and she shot up and Kieran shot in front of me i saw tears slowly fall from her eyes that killed me i didn’t know why but it hurt.
I walked over to her as she studied me i looked in her eyes and all i saw was pain
“What’s wrong?” i asked her softly
“Nothing, it err it doesn’t matter” she said wiping her eyes i just frowned at her why wont she tell me. I studied her face and body and all i could think was how grateful i am for meeting her before i made my decision she frowned and i decided to speak
“Bonjour, mademoiselle” i said in French she giggled and i swear my eyes were sparkling it was such a cute noise
“Hello and who might you be?” she asked shyly
“Oh sorry how rude of me, sugar this is the wolf family they were hear last time when you err cut you’re finger and passed out on this young man” Kieran said patting my shoulder she flushed scarlet and her eyes went wide at the memory i stifled my chuckle and hoped no one noticed
“Yes i remember now” she whispered looking down i with held the urge to lift her chin up instead i pinned my arms to my side
“They will be joining us for dinner tonight so go get ready and we will leave for the restaurant” her dad ordered her she nodded and kissed his cheek and ran upstairs to get ready while my parents and Kieran went in his study to talk i made my way upstairs to go and see Tommy as we were the same age well he was older but still, i found his room it was the first one i opened
“Hey dude what’s up?” he greeted me i smiled and walked in
“Nothing much hey erm you are coming to the restaurant right?” i asked him he nodded and i looked at my watch “think you might need to get ready, that girl will be ready soon” i said looking at him he face flashed between confusion and hatred
“You mean secret?” i nodded confused he stood up and marched towards me
“I didn’t know that you guys were related i swear and im not an idiot its my dad who has organised it i don’t get a say and neither does she, i mean shouldn’t you be thankful its me and not some stranger you know ill take care of her i promise” i said he sighed knowing i was right “Does she know?” i asked him he shock his head i growled “well you better get ready” i said he nodded and i walked down stairs and into the living room to see my dad and Kieran eyeing me suspiciously
“Can i help you” i said looking at them they sighed and my dad rose
“Son its time you tell her” he whispered i froze
“No i...i can’t tell her” i whispered in shock
“You have to” my dad said knowing that i couldn’t argue back
“Im not telling her that she is being forced to marry me because of a deal” i growled i heard a gasp and i spun round to come face to face with secret.
Secret’s point of view
I walked down stairs in my midnight blue dress and stilettos i looked amazing but i still had a funny feeling in my tummy but i ignored it. I walked down stairs and the boy and my dad and Mr. Wolf were arguing
“You have to” he said
“Im not telling her that she is being forced to marry me because of a deal” the boy growled i involuntarily gasped and he turned around tears blinded my vision he went to speak but i slapped him round the face and ran upstairs to my room i ripped off my dress and put a hoddie and slippers on. I lay on my bed and cried, i didn’t know why i was crying but i was. I herd a timid knock on my door and i threw a brush at my door then i picked up my lamp and threw that too
“GO AWAY!” i yelled as loud as i could Tommy walked in and sat on my bed
“NO” he whispered i sat up and climbed on to his lap and hugged him he hugged me back and we sat like this for a while until dad and Michael came up and into my room Tommy stood up grabbed dads shirt and pulled him out so i was alone with Tyler.
“Im sorry” he whispered
“What for, it’s not your fault” i said looking away from him
“Don’t do that” he whined
“Do what” i said confused
“Look away when your talking to me, i need to see you eyes” he said sitting on my bed i sat closer to him and gave him a puzzled look he smiled “you’re eyes tell everyone what you feeling as you keep a strait face you cover all your emotions by a mask but your eyes give you away” he explained i giggled
“How do you know that, i haven’t told anyone the only people who figured it out was Tommy and Lorenzo” i whispered
“Who’s Lorenzo” he growled i giggled ha, ha, he’s jealous
“He is just ricks best mate rick is my other brother when i was in the care home” i said losing my smile
“Why were you in a care home?” he asked
“Because my mum and dad walked out on me and my dad came back so i moved back in with him” i sighed
“Sorry” i giggled
“Stop apologising please it’s not your fault” i said he put his arm round my shoulders and i lent my head on his shoulder. The door opened and maids came in and started packing my stuff i stood up and ran into Lucas’s bedroom
“Lucas” i said trying to stifle my sobs he jumped up and ran over to me
“What’s going on?” he asked me
“Im moving out” i whispered rapping my arms round him
“What why? Don’t go please” he said pain leaking into his voice
“She has to” dad said in the door i couldn’t stop my tears
“Why” Lucas growled
“Because she is getting married” he said then walked away i couldn’t keep it in any more i broke down and sat on the floor
“Why are you crying?” he asked me
“Because i don’t get a choice in it” i whispered he growled and picked me up he took me into my bedroom but then walked strait back out
“Im sorry” he whispered in my ear and then i fell asleep in his arms
Lucas’s point of view
Secret ran into my room she had tears running out her eyes and she was in pain i could feel it
“Lucas” she said trying to stifle her sobs i jumped up and ran over to her
“What’s going on?” i asked her
“Im moving out” she whispered rapping her tiny arms round me i was in pain why on earth was she leaving
“What why? Don’t go please” i said pain leaking into my voice as much as i willed it not to
“She has to” dad said in the door she couldn’t stop her tears and i got angry it was dad’s fault
“Why” i growled
“Because she is getting married” he said then walked away she couldn’t keep it in any more she broke down and sat on the floor i was so confused why is she crying if she’s getting married something don’t add up
“Why are you crying?” i asked her
“Because i don’t get a choice in it” she whispered i growled and picked her up i took her into her room but then walked strait back out people where packing her stuff. Bad idea
“Im sorry” i whispered in her ear and then she fell asleep in my arms i held her close, and then walked downstairs with her still in my arms. I sat on the sofa and held her close James and his wife Tina looked at her with painful eyes i growled and dad walked over to me with his arms held out
“Pass her hear son” dad ordered me
“NO” i whispered angrily
“KIERAN” Tina shouted “she’s asleep leave her she has had a stressful day he can put her in the limo when her stuff is in the car” she lowered her voice but kept it as an order so he couldn’t argue with her
“Fine” he growled then walked off
“May i ask you something” i whispered looking at her she nodded so i continued “why her” my voice cracked but they pretended they didn’t notice
“Son listen she will be very powerful when she reach’s 19 she will be the most powerful half blood in the world, she will be stronger than any full blood and she will need someone who can control her when she does” he explained
“And you think your son is the best person for it” i whispered but i couldn’t keep the disgust out of my voice
“Yes they will be bonded when she reaches 19” he whispered
“So you’re interfering with fate” he nodded and the maids came down with her luggage i grimaced all the boys ran down the stairs and froze
“What’s going on” they demanded i stood up with out disturbing secret
“Secrets leaving” i whispered a tear that I’ve been holding in fell out my eye
“Kids hug her goodbye or they will miss there plain” dad ordered
“Where are you going” i whispered
“England, London” Tyler said
The boys took their turns holding her and saying goodbye but it wasn’t the same as she was passed out they handed her back to me and i hugged her and whispered in to her ear
“Ill find you sis, and i promise ill come visit you soon, they wont mind, ring us” i handed her over to Tyler he carried her to the car and sat in the back with her on his lap i ran over to the window
“Don’t let her down Tyler or we will find you. Take care of her and i swear to god if you hurt her we will hurt you” he nodded and they drove off i sat on the pavement and cried my eyes out the last time i did this was when Tommy ended up in the hospital and doc’s said he might not pull threw
“Its you fault” i yelled at dad and all off us sat down in the living room and cried
Secrets point of view
I woke up on a plane i shot up from my seat and some one grabbed my hand my eyes went black and i flashed away from the danger (well the wolf family but i didn’t know as i was unconscious) i landed in the middle of the plane and looked at my surroundings, it was just me and the wolf family no one else.
“Honey its ok” Mr. Wolf said to me
“Who are you” i said backing away from him
“My name is James Wolf and this is my wife Tina Wolf and my son Tyler Wolf. You need to calm down honey” he said taking a step forward
“STOP CALLING ME THAT MY NAME IS SECRET SKY JOHNSON” i yelled at him tears started poring out my eyes “i want my dad. I want Tommy. I want Lorenzo” i whispered sliding down the wall of the plane
“Secret i know but listen you need to calm down when we get home i will explain everything but you need to calm down” James said
“Sweetheart listen” Tina said stepping closer to me i didn’t object i felt safe near her
“TINA” James growled Tina sent daggers at him and she came over to me and sat next to me she hugged me and i put my head on her shoulder
“sweetheart ignore James he’s being stupid” i giggled and everyone sighed “anyway you need to sleep would you like to sit with me or on your own” i didn’t want to be left on my own so i grabbed her hand she smiled and helped me over to a bed in the back “lay down” she ordered me i smiled and did as i was told she put on some classical music so i got up and put some DJ boonie music on i smiled and laid down and fell asleep instantly
Tyler’s point of view
“Tyler come hear please” my mum called from the room i walked in and froze secret looked so peaceful i smiled and my mum sighed “she will love you, you’re just going to have to give her time” i sighed this time
“Yes especially as we have just stole her from her family not long after finding them” i mumbled my mum gasped i cursed my families hearing
“What do you mean” she whispered
“She was in a care home because he dumped her for some bird and like 2 or 3 months ago she moved back in with them and now we are taking her away from them” i said walking towards her i sat next to her on the bed and stroked her hair a smile came on her lips and i smiled back
“Ill leave you to it” mum whispered
“You sure that’s a good idea mum” i said not taking my eyes of secret
“Positive” she said then closed the door i sighed and laid next to secret and stroked her hair until i fell asleep i woke up an hour later and sat up and stretched and i got up secret gasped and i looked at her she grabbed the TV remote and threw it at me and started screaming pervert at me
“Stop” i yelled she froze and i grabbed the opportunity and jumped on her i pinned her arms above her head “calm down” i whispered taking a deep breath she wriggled underneath me and gave up after 5 minuets mum and dad came in and froze
“TYLER JAY WOLF YOU GET OF HER THIS INSTANT” my mum yelled i jumped off secret and she grabbed the lamp and threw it at me just missing my head my dad pinned her arms and my mum soothed her and till she calmed down
“When i left you to alone i didn’t think you would take advantage of her” my mum scolded me
“NO thats not what happened mum we fell asleep then i woke up and got off the bed she over reacted and started throwing stuff at me and i pinned her to the bed and you guys came in and she flipped out again” i shouted no way was i getting the blame for doing nothing
“We are landing go get seated” dad ordered i nodded and walked out the door but before i got all the way out i looked at secret
“Im sorry” i mumbled then walked out i sat down and two minuets later someone sat next to me
“Listen im sorry i threw stuff at you, you err well you scared me” secret whispered i laughed
“S’okay you missed me anyway” she giggled and i smiled at her she put her head on my shoulder “you cant be tired” i said looking at her she yawned and giggled i put my arm round her and she snuggled closer to me i smiled and lifted her into my arms
“No im to heavy” she said trying to get out my arms i laughed and she blushed and hid her head in my chest i felt my heart beat quicker like it always did when i saw her. We pulled up and i carried her off the plane and into the limo
“I can walk” she murmured her voice was thick with sleep, i laughed and she went back to sleep she was so light i kept forgetting i was holding her and i would let my arms drop and she would stir. When we got home i carried her into my room ignoring all the stupid maids asking me if it was my sister i slammed the door and she stirred i cursed again and i laid her down on my bed and went down stairs
Secret’s point of view
I woke up in someone’s bed and i got up and grabbed my carry on i didn’t even remember moving or going on holiday i brushed my teeth and had a shower i got changed into black skinny jeans and a white v-neck vest top that hugged me i grabbed my black high heels and walked out i straitened my hair and put on some make up and grabbed my phone and went down stairs i got glared at from the girl maids and the boy servant’s starred at me with lust in their eyes. I giggled and carried on walking down the swirly stairs until i bumped into someone and fell down the last couple
“Miss” someone screamed i held my head as my vision swirled i noticed a crowed of blurs around me i sat up and someone asked me how many finger they were holding
“I don’t know my head hurts” i whined
“Who did this” someone asked in an angry tone
“I. Don’t. Know” i yelled it this time i stood up and my vision was coming back i noticed their was 6 boys 2 adults and 2 girls around me i stepped back and put my hands in front of me “who are you?” i asked them a boy stepped forward and put his hand on my head i slapped it away and remembered who he is “Tyler don’t touch me” i growled and he chuckled and held out his hand towards me i ignored it and went to walk away and i looked at my high heels one was broken i growled
“Tommy bought me these” i held up the broken one “where is Tommy” i asked looking at the adults
“Come on we will talk in my study” James said
“No tell me im not moving until you do” i sat on the floor and James and Tyler laughed
“Stubborn are we Miss Johnson” James said leaning towards me
“You bet” i smirked and he held out his hand i grabbed it and we walked off Tyler was starring at my ass so i wiggled it and laughed
“NOT FAIR” he yelled i giggled and James smiled
“Having fun are we” he said i nodded
We talked for 2 hours and i remembered everything i asked to ring my family and he said no i need to fit in to the move or something i nodded and asked for a fruit salad he laughed and nodded i went into the kitchen and asked the chef he made it for me and i ate it all and went to wash up but he stopped me and said that he would do it i sighed and handed him the bowl.
I walked over to the living room and turned on the TV but i turned it off again and listened to the maids conversation
“I know she isn’t even pretty. I think it’s a bet what about you Jasmine”
“I think she fine she seems a lovely girl and she will be fun to have around” Jasmine whispered
“You’re such a goody toe shoes” she said
“Shut up Tracy it’s her opinion not yours” another said
“What ever Michelle” Tracy spat
“What are you girls talking about” a mans voice entered the conversation
“That girl, dean i don’t like her but Jasmine and Michelle do what about you baby” Tracy said
“First im not you’re baby, second you don’t no her she’s had a hard life, and third i agree with Jasmine and Michelle” dean spat how does he know I’ve had a hard life
“And she is special so i bet she has heard this conversation” dean spat i blushed and all the girls gasped
“Yer right dean nobody can hear us” Tracy said i tiptoed over to the laundry room
“Wanna bet” i said opening the door
“MISS” they all shrieked
“Which one is Tracy” i said she raised her hand “Come this way and you dean i need to speak to you too and as for you girls thank you and im sure we can be friends” i smiled at them then walked off with Tracy and dean
“Yes miss” dean said
“Can you go and get Tyler please” he looked confused “you know Tyler the son of the family” he smiled and nodded and ran off Tracy looked at me until Tyler came over to us
“Yes honey what’s up” i grimaced i didn’t like it when people called me honey only dad was aloud to “sorry baby” he said and kissed my forehead i smiled “so?” he asked i looked at Tracy and he sighed
“She was talking about me and trust me it wasn’t nice” i pouted and he laughed James came in and looked from me to Tyler to Tracy and back to me
“What’s going on?”
“She was saying horrible things about me and i have 3 witnesses if you don’t believe me” i said looking down Tyler pulled my chin up and i smiled and hugged him he hugged me back and his dad cleared his throat and i stepped back but he pulled me back into him but Tracy stuck her foot out and i tripped but Tyler caught me before i hit the floor, i spun round and slapped her
“What’s your problem?” i asked her she smiled innocently
“Me nothing, did you have a nice trip?” she smirked and my eyes turned black James grabbed my arm and pulled me away from her
“STOP” he commanded me i looked at him a tear came out my eye and i hugged him he was surprised at first and then he hugged me back i sighed and he pulled me back and looked at my eyes
“Turn your eyes back to sapphire please or i won’t speak to you” he said i grimaced
“I don’t know how” i said looking at the ground
“Calm down” i nodded and closed my eyes i thought of Tommy and how he was so protective then of Lorenzo’s and how he hugged me and made me feel safe i opened my eyes and he smiled
“Did i do it” he nodded and i jumped up and down i ran and jumped on Tyler’s back and kissed his cheek “i did it” he laughed and spun me around we were laughing and he kept spinning us around till his mum and a police officer came into view he stopped and i jumped down
“Tyler we need to talk” his mum said i went to walk away but Tyler grabbed my hand
“Stay it involves you as well miss wolf” the police man said
“We are not married sir” i said blushing
“Sorry miss i didn’t know” he said i smiled and kissed Tyler’s cheek
“Don’t be long” i whispered and then i walked off i sat down in his room and put on my music and started dancing and jumping on the bed i heard laughter and i froze and jumped off the bed dean stood in front of me i flushed scarlet
“Yes” i said looking away
“Having fun” he said i nodded
“What do you want dean” i said looking at him
“The err police want a word” i nodded i hated police we walked down stairs and the police man stood at the bottom i froze half way i couldn’t move Tyler saw and ran up to me
“Baby you ok” i couldn’t speak my lip trembled and James saw
“IM SORRY BUT YOU CANT TALK TO HER” he shouted the policeman looked his way
“Why” he said
“Because she is terrified of you and now you want to see if she has been kidnapped by us” he spat
“They didn’t kidnap me i came hear on my own accord” i whispered everyone’s eyes shot up to mine “now if you excuse me i am going to bed with my boyfriend” i whispered i grabbed Tyler’s hand and pulled him upstairs to the bedroom as soon as i shut the door i cried and Tyler’s anger bubbled
“Don’t cry please” he whispered i ran over to him and hugged him he held me for a while until Tina and James came up
“Is she ok” Tina whispered
“She doesn’t like police they were the ones who removed her from her old home before she went into care” he said i clutched him tighter and he soothed me i smiled and he started to sing a lullaby for me he swayed left and right until i fell asleep in his lap he kissed my head and laid me down and then sleep over come me
Tyler’s point of view
It killed me to see her so upset so i sung her a lullaby my mum use to sing to me she fell asleep and i laid her down and kissed the top of her head
“Ill be back” i whispered i didn’t know if she could hear me but i still felt like i have to tell her in case she wakes and doesn’t know where i am.
I walked downstairs and into the living room where my dad and mum was
“How is she” my mum asked
“Asleep” i murmured
“She like’s you” dad said i smiled and nodded
“As a friend” i corrected
“For now” mum whispered i sighed and just sat down
“Where is Tracy?” dad asked i smiled
“Packing” i said with a smile on my lips
“Why?” mum said dad chuckled
“Because she upset secret she said some horrible things about her and secret herd her, she is lucky she only got a slap from her god i bet secret would have giving her a black eye she is very powerful” dad chuckled to himself
“TYLER” secret yelled i shot upstairs with dad and mum and my heels i burst in the bedroom and inside was my wolf mates (as dad was the alpha and i was soon to become alpha the pack has to come to our house for meetings and just to hang out) they had secret in a corner of the room my blood boiled
“BACK OFF” i growled they all winced since i used my alpha voice but they didn’t back off “DAD” i growled
“Get away from the girl” he ordered and they all backed off secret ran into my arms and cried i comforted her and all the boys changed back to human form and got dressed
“What is going on” they asked once they put on bottoms
“Who is she” john shouted coursing secret to jump
“Lower your voice and we can talk” i said they nodded and i pulled secret away a little so i could look at her
“You ok baby?” i asked she nodded “we need to go and talk downstairs are you coming” i hoped she said no but she nodded i grabbed her hand and pulled her down the stairs
Secret’s point of view
I was in bed when i herd a loud thud i shot up from the bed and their was wolves in my bedroom i ran over to the corner of the room and shouted Tyler and he came up the stairs and so did his mum and dad he yelled at them to back off but they didn’t until james told them to i ran over to Tyler and he held me close people were asking who am i and what’s going on i jumped at their voices and Tyler told them to lower their voices and then he spoke to me and we were walking down the stairs i felt the other boys starring at my back and i shuddered.
We stopped at James study and everyone went in but i remained out side i was still scared of them boys/wolfs Tyler pulled me into the room and i kept my eyes on the floor
“Ok everyone this is secret” James said i looked up and smiled but nobody smiled back at me
“She’s a half blood” one of them spat and i, winced it felt like i was a different species all on my own
“Sorry” i whispered all eyes shot to mine
“Their is nothing to be sorry for” james said “watch your tone” he said to the one who spoke to me
“Why it’s true she doesn’t belong near us” he spat i felt tears come to my eyes i pulled my hand out of Tyler’s and i wiped my eyes
“Ill be outside” i whispered and walked out the door my heart ached and tears spilled over my eyes i sat by the pool and dipped my feet in and i relaxed
“What are you doing out hear miss” dean asked me i looked up and, he ran over to me “no don’t cry please” he whispered stroking my back i burst out crying
“Im sorry” i whispered after i sat their crying for 5 minuets
“Not your fault” he said he was playing with my hair i smiled
“It is im a half blood” i whispered in disgust
“So there is nothing wrong with a half blood” he yelled
“Im not aloud near their kind” i said looking at the pool
“Don’t say such horrible things about your self” he scolded me
“Why it’s true” i yelled back
“Miss your eyes” he whispered
“I know their black, it happens only when i mad or upset” i said shaking my head i relaxed and they went back
“SECRET” someone shouted i looked down “COME ON I NEED TO TALK TO YOU” he yelled again i shook my head
“Secret he wants to talk to you, come on let him” i growled and he walked off
I sat their and cried my eyes out
Tyler’s point view
I sat their and watched secret walk out in tears it hurt me i grabbed my chest and stood up
“Sit down” my dad ordered me
“No she’s upset” i whispered looking at the door
“James his mate is hurting so he is hurting to” my mum said all the boys gasped
“Richard, Charles, John, Bruno, and Justin calm down i will explain” he yelled they all calmed down
“TYLER” my dad shouted i took my eyes of the door and my dad saw how much it was killing me “i will be quick but you need to stay” i reluctantly nodded “right secret is Tyler’s mate so you all have to protect her yes she is a half blood but do not treat her different or you will be punished understand” the nodded “she is going to be more powerful than anyone imagined and trust me you do not want to be on her bad side so if i was you i would go and apologise for the way you have just treated her” they nodded and we all walked out i called out for her and as we haven’t bonded yet i couldn’t feel where she was but all i know was that she is hurting
I bumped into dean he smelt like her so i pinned him up against the wall until he told me she was by the pool i let him go and ran to the pool the boys were following me we stopped out side and saw her sitting by the edge crying a mumbling about being a disgrace because she a half blood i ran over to her and picked her up i pulled her close and she push me away from her
“Stay away from me” she warned all of us it hurt me to be pushed away
“Secret calm down come hear baby” i whispered
“Go away from me im not your baby” she shrieked my dad shot out side
“She’s changing” he murmured she grabbed her head as pain shot threw her she stepped back and fell in the pool she started drowning Justin dived in and pulled her up and put her on the side of the pool i was frozen in shock then out of nowhere she let out another higher pitched shriek and we fell to the floor she was crying and it felt like fire shooting threw her body she was thrashing around and i grabbed my phone and phoned Tommy
“Help us she’s changing” i yelled down the phone
“Im on my way” he yelled he would be an hour so i dropped the phone and picked her up and took her to our room and locked her in i sat outside the door dad and mum came over to me and secret was throwing stuff at the door i winced and dad put his hand on my shoulder
“Tommy’s hear” i nodded and he came up the stairs
“Where is she” the was a loud crash and his eyes went wide
“Help her” i whispered he nodded and walked in the room i felt as helpless as she was my mate
Tommy’s point of view
I walked into the room and she froze i shut the door so nobody would get hurt she threw the lamp on the other side of her bed towards me but i moved i flew across the room and pinned her to the bed she screamed and i laughed
“Give in honey” i whispered she stopped thrashing about her eyes went back to sapphire and she smiled i hugged her and she giggled
“Tommy” i nodded and she smiled
“go to sleep and when you wake up you wont be in pain anymore” i said she nodded and climbed into the mangled bed she laid down and shut her eyes i grabbed four ties and tied her to the bed her eyes opened and she started thrashing around again but she couldn’t move Kieran and Tina and Tyler opened the door and some other boys came in
“She will be better when she wake i suggest someone keeps an eye on her” i murmured i got evils from the other boys “problem?” i asked them they smiled
“Yer vamp” they laughed
“God you stink” i said they stopped laughing and glared
“Get out” they said
“My pleasure” i spat and walked out but someone stopped me
“Thank you” Tyler said
“no problem let me know when she wakes up and how she is doing give me a shout if anything goes wrong and hey don’t keep her from us yer she is our sister” i said then walked away
Sasha’s point of view
I woke up and saw 9 sleepy people round my bed i giggled and the one next to my bed woke up
“Sorry” i whispered he smiled
“S’okay im Justin” he smiled and held out his hand i shook it and smiled back “oh err sorry for scaring you earlier” he whispered i noticed that he was a bit damp
“Why are you wet?” i asked him he smiled
“Well you fell in the pool and everyone else seemed frozen so i dived in and pulled you up” he said i flushed scarlet i sat up and kissed his head
“Thank you” i mumbled
“S’okay” he said shyly he kicked all the boys and they all moaned soon they all started to wake up
“Secret this is Richard, Charles, John, and Bruno” he said they all smiled and walked over to me
“Hey erm call me Richie rich” he said smiling i giggled and another boy came over to me
“Hey call me Chaz” i giggled i like nicknames
“Hey im Bruno but call me Ben” i smiled at him
“Im john” the last one said looking away from me
“I remember you, you don’t like me because i am a half breed” i whispered looking at him in the eyes his eyes flashed between hate and pain
“Sorry” he mumbled i went to get up but Justin got in my way
“Move” i whined
“Not likely” he mimicked my voice and i growled “didn’t think girls were supposed to growl” he sang i punched him in the arm
“That’s because im a lady and hun if you want food move” i said
“Fine but im not getting the blame for you leaving” he said sulkily
“You wont she will” Tyler said behind me i grimaced damit how did i get caught all the boys laughed “and Justin we have a chef” he said i spun round and smiled at him (the smile when you know you have been court and you hope you wont get punished)
“And where do you think your going” he said tapping his foot
“Bathroom?” i said with a smile he shook his head
“BED” he ordered
“Yes mum” i mimicked his voice all the boys laughed and i climbed in to bed he sat on the chair and i pouted
“What’s wrong now?” he asked
“What! aren’t you getting in with me” i asked him he shook his head “fine ill ask one of the boys” i turned my head and grinned as he climbed into bed with me “thank you baby” i said snuggling closer to him he laughed i didn’t sleep though i heard them all snoring so i got out of bed and had a shower and got dressed in a short black skirt and a white tank top and my black ugg boots, i straitened my hair and did my make up then i brushed my teeth and walked out the bathroom to see all the boys starring at me i flushed and carried on putting my stuff away
“Baby is that you?” Tyler asked wrapping his arms around my waist i giggled
“No its bob Marley nice to meet you” i tease him he sighed
“Go change” i froze and turned round and stepped away from him nobody has ever had a say on my clothes let alone tell me when to change
“What” i said in disbelief
“Change you look like a tramp” well that hurt i grabbed a t-shirt and put it over me and stormed downstairs and outside
“Secret” someone yelled i growled
“What’s wrong sweetheart?” James asked me i wiped my eyes and leaned against the car
“Nothing” i whispered
“Let me guess Tyler” he said i giggled and nodded
“He said i look like a tramp” i whispered hurt filling my voice
“Why would he say such a thing” he said shocked
“Because of my skirt” i whispered “i just wanted brown legs” i said looking down
“TYLER” James shouted and Tyler came out with a blanket and rapped it round me i pulled it off and put it on the floor
“Please baby” he said picking it off the ground
“NO” i shouted he slapped me round the face and i fell to the floor in pain
“Tyler jay wolf how dare you lay a hand on a young lady” James spat standing in front of me Justin came out and helped me up and stood in front of me too
“What the hell” he said when he looked at my face i touched it and winced
“SHE disrespected me” he defended himself
“Now she’s leaving you” i spat and walked down the road to the park i sat on the swing thinking until someone tapped my shoulder i looked down and it was a little girl
“Can i use the swing please” i smiled and nodded standing up she got on and started swinging i sat down on the hill and sun baved until it got dark i sat up and shivered
“Miss Johnson what are you doing out hear” a familiar voice said i turned round and saw Lorenzo i stood up and jumped on him he laughed and spun me around i felt safe with him “what happened” he asked turning my face so he could see it better
“Nothing what are you doing hear” i asked him
“Im on holiday with my family” he whispered i hugged him close my head was in his neck and he rapped his arms around my small frame “I’ve missed you baby girl” he whispered in my hair i giggled then kissed my head
“I have missed you too” he chuckled and held me tighter then span me around i giggled and he chuckled
“SECRET” Tyler shouted i froze and i pushed myself away from Lorenzo his smile vanished and he looked down at me and then at Tyler
“HER NAME IS SASHA” he yelled at Tyler
“its not” i whispered Tyler walked up to me and handed me a pain of jogging bottoms “turn around” i whispered they both did and i put it on “ok im done” i said they turned back round
“Where were you i was looking for ages” Tyler sounded mad
“Im sorry i needed time to think” i whispered looking down
“Im sorry i hit you” he whispered kissing me i grimaced and pushed him away from me my lip trembled “secret” he whispered hurt but i didn’t care i have never been hit apart from my brother and my dad and it kills
“I hate you” i screamed at him, i sat on the floor and cried it started to rain and Lorenzo sat next to me,
“Im going” he said then stood up and walked away with out a good bye or a kiss, i sat their and didn’t move
“Baby please come home i need you” he whispered i stayed quiet so he grabbed me and put me over his shoulder i screamed the whole way home. When we got home he opened the door and tears were streaming down my face and i was still screaming at him, i was soaked he chucked me on the floor his mum and dad looked at us and he started shouting at me
“Your worthless, your ugly and i hate you, i wish i never met you, go back to LORENZO! You tramp” he growled and then stormed off i cried and cried on the floor until i lost my voice i sat by the door and everyone was watching me i didn’t move i didn’t eat i just sat their the rest of the day and the whole night Justin stayed with me the whole time he put his arm around me and i started to shake and i was sneezing
“You have got a cold please go to bed” he whispered i nodded but i couldn’t stand up he carried me to my room and laid me down. He sat across from me he gave me two quilts and made me soup i fell asleep and i woke with someone lying next to me i sat up and saw it was Tyler i moved and jumped up
“Baby we need to talk” he whispered i nodded so he continued
“listen im sorry i slapped you i was mad that the boys were looking at you i got really jealous and then i saw you at the park with what ever his name was and i got mad again and the only reason i carried you home was because i didn’t want you to get ill and i swear baby i didn’t mean a single thing i said last night i was just mad that you hit me and screamed at me” he said softly i climbed back on the bed and sat on him and kissed his cheek
“please understand i will wear what i please and even if people look at me i only have eyes for you” i whispered i kissed his cheek and then got off and got dressed in the bathroom in black rev’s and an aqua v-neck vest top i put my hair in a high pony tail and put on some make up i walked out and put on my high-tops and then ran downstairs all the pack was in the kitchen eating i noticed that one of the boys was eating my fruit salad i glared
“Enjoying MY fruit salad” i said looking at Chaz he smirked
“Delicious” he rubbed his tummy
“Idiot” i stomped on the floor and sat down
“Awww baby what’s wrong” Tyler said kissing my cheek
“He ate my breakfast” i moaned pointing to Chaz
“Ill make some more” the chef said i got up and kissed his cheek
“Thank you” i smiled and sat down on the counter
“She is like a two year old” Justin murmured
“I am two” i said sticking out my tongue
“Awww bless her” Justin said smiling while James picked me off the side and put me on a stool i growled at him and he kissed my head
“How are you feeling” he said looking in my eyes with a torch i pushed the torch away
“Better once i eat my salad” i said smiling
“Ok who gave her a happy pill” James said all the boys laughed and i frowned
“Do you want me to be stroppy?” i asked them
“No i like this secret” Justin said messing up my hair i ate my salad and then curled up on the sofa with Tyler i was sucking my thumb and all the boys were watching the TV except Tyler he was kissing my neck i squirmed out of his touch and fell on the floor the boys laughed and i pouted taking my thumb out of my mouth
“TYLER” his dad shouted, “You have given her a hicky” my eyes went wide and i covered my neck, i stood up and smacked Tyler
“You idiot” i yelled and walked upstairs i grabbed a scarf and put it on and walked back downstairs and sat in between Justin and Chaz who kept pulling my scarf down i gave up and took it off
“Baby im sorry come hear” he said i got up and sat next to him he pulled me on to his lap and i snuggled into him and he sighed
“Someone’s satisfied” the boys teased
“Yer i am thanks” i smirked at them
“Having fun?” Tina asked i shook my head
“Good i need to borrow secret” she said i stood up and bent over and kissed Tyler
“See ya baby” i teased him i went over to James and kissed his cheek and all the boy’s cheeks then me and Tina went out we sat in the limo and it started going
“We are going to get your wedding dress fitted” she said bouncing up and down i smiled timidly
“You will be fine” she said rubbing my leg we was in the dress shop for about an hour before i found one i like i felt like a princess we bought it and a vale and shoes i smiled then we went and got our hair done and went dress shopping for tonight as we were going to a restaurant we had so much fun and then when we got home the boys surrounded me when i brought two dresses in but they were in bags so they couldn’t see i giggled and Tyler’s eyes sparkled we starred at each other for a while until Justin broke the silence
“Awww” he said i flushed scarlet and looked down everyone burst out laughing and i hung my head
“Leave her alone” James shouted i looked up and saw Tyler and james in front of me i ran upstairs and into the bedroom i hung them up and went into the bathroom and cleaned my teeth i didn’t have a reason to i just wanted some peace when i came out i herd laughter and the front door slam i walked down stairs and saw a boy iv never met before and a girl who looked about a year older than me Tyler was starring at them with affection they must mean a lot to him. I walked over to Tyler and smiled kindly at the people
“Hello secret iv have herd so much about you, im Kevin Tyler’s older brother” he said i smiled at him and he pulled me into a hug when he let go Tyler was glaring at Kevin
“BABY this is Kevin’s girlfriend Natasha” he said i smiled and shook her hand
“Please call me Tasha” she said
“Hi im secret” she nodded and i went into the kitchen and made myself a glass of orange juice i drank it then i sighed
“Tyler can i go in the pool?” i asked him
“Yer why don’t all go in the pool” Kevin suggested i giggled and me and Tasha ran upstairs and i gave her a bikini and i grabbed one
Tasha wore my gold and silver one it suited her so i said she could keep it i grabbed my black one that fit me perfectly we put our hair up and ran downstairs i had a towel on as i didn’t like my body
Tyler’s point of view
Me and Kevin was in the pool waiting for the girls i herd them giggling and Tasha came out in nothing but a bikini she looked HOT!! I saw secret standing behind the patio door in a towel i hated the fact that she put her self down so much i growled and Tasha snuck up behind her and ripped the towel off her and threw it in the pool she screamed and we all laughed i jumped out and walked over to the door.
She was wearing a black bikini that made her look sexy, with her long black hair tied up i held my arms out and she ran towards me i picked her up and slung her over my shoulder she screamed at me to put her down and i laughed and carried her over to the pool
“Are you gunna get in or do i have to chuck you in?” i asked her she giggled and i put her down she went to run into the house and i grabbed her and threw her in she screamed and then i jumped in we laughed and splashed for the whole day until it got dark and dad shouted at us to get out of we will be late for the dinner party the girls gasped and ran upstairs.
I got ready in a suit but no tie and Kevin did the same we waited at the bottom of the stairs for the girls.
When we herd them coming we looked up and gasped Tasha was in front she had a short pink dress that hugged her body and matching pink stilettos she had her hair pilled up on her head with a pink bow i smiled at her but her eyes were on Kevin so i chuckled and he punched me when i looked up again i saw secret.
She had a long black dress that was strapless, it had a sequin front and it hugs her body until her thighs and then spreads out her hair is strait and hanging down her front and back stopping just after her chest she has make up on but not a lot, she has never looked so gorgeous as far as im concerned she opens her eyes and looks up at me threw her lashes and my breath hitches
“You look beautiful baby” i whisper softly in her ear she giggles and it’s such a lovely noise
“You don’t look too bad yourself” she whispers my family laughs and i grin at her, i hold my arm out
“Miss Johnson” i say she takes my arm
“Mr. Wolf” she giggles i walk her to the car and help her in then i get in Kevin and Tasha get in too and my parents get in as well
“Lucky it’s a limo or some people wouldn’t be going” i murmured Kevin chuckled and the rest of the way it was silent when we pulled up Kevin got out and helped Tasha, dad got out and helped mum, i got out and helped secret i could see she was worried
“What’s wrong?” i ask her she sighs and says nothing i growl and we walked in the whole dinner all mum talked about was the wedding secret kept her head down and i held her hand she smiled every time i squeezed her hand and it made me chuckle we was fine until my mother started talking about hen nights and bachelor parties i spat my wine out and Kevin laughed
“That was disgusting son! Where are you manors?” mum scolded me
“I left them at home where you SHOULD have left this conversation” i said angrily
“TYLER” secret whispered angrily
“What” i hissed back tears threatened in her eyes and i regretted hissing at her she stood up
“Excuse me” she whispered and walked off i put my head in my hands Kevin stood up and went after her
Kevin’s point of view
“What” Tyler hissed back at secret i knew she was going to cry why doesn’t my brother respect people’s feelings?
“Insensitive prick” i growled walking after secret who even excuse her self while she goes to cry. I walked out and saw her get into a cab and it drove of i punched the wall and went back in to the restaurant everyone’s head snapped up but i didn’t look at anyone except Tyler.
“Why” i growled he hid his head and i growled again mum gasped
“Calm down” dad said sternly
“NO” i growled “she took a cab home because of him. A cab” i shouted the manager was on his was over so i growled loudly and turned to my mum and Tasha
“ill see you at home” i said and walked out i walked round the back and changed into my wolf and ran home i changed before i came out the forest i saw her sitting on the curb crying it killed me she was like a sister my baby sister and she was hurt by my prick of a brother
“Secret” i whispered she stood up and wiped her eyes
“Im fine” she whispered i decided i would make a joke out of it
“Yer and im superman” i said she giggled and i smiled
“Ignore him he is an insensitive pig and doesn’t understand that women are god’s precious creatures and need protecting” i said she smiled
“You know this how” she said dryly
“I know more than my brother he hasn’t matured yet but once he’s finished the mating process with you then he will and he will understand what hurts you and what he does wrong” i said she gasped
“HE’S GOING TO MATE WITH ME” she screeched i nodded “no” she whispered “im not ready he can’t” she said getting herself worked up i walked over to her and gave her a hug
“You will be ready that’s what this marriage is about” i whispered
“fine” she whispered back i took her into the house and she changed into one of Tyler’s shirt i looked away from her and she giggled “can i have a cup of tea please” she murmured i nodded and she jumped into bed after she drank it she fell asleep she looked so cute like a little girl i smiled and i herd a car pull up i shot down stairs they all walked in and i stopped them
“SHUT UP SHE IS ASLEEP” i growled quietly
“MOVE” Tyler said loudly heading upstairs no way would i let him up their with her she is an angle and he will destroy her if i don't talk to him i punched him in the arm and dragged him into dads study with dad following
“You need to learn some things before you mate with her, you don’t understand how much you hurt her tonight” i growled at him
“Im not a child Kevin i do no how much it hurt her i saw it in her eyes, thats the only way you can tell how she is feeling, you cant expect me to change if she wont let me in” he growled back i punched the wall next to his head and he shut up
“How do you expect her to trust you? You’re an insensitive pig that needs to learn just how far you can push her! Just how far you can treat her like rubbish which for your information isn’t very far!” i growled i was inches from his face
“Im sorry ok, their i said it you happy i don’t know how to treat girls ok” he spat back i sighed
“You need to grow up” i spat back he went to stand up but dad pinned him to his seat
“Listen” dad said sternly
“Do you know how i got her to giggle i made a joke something you can’t seem to do” i spat he looked away “She is upstairs asleep, she looks like a little girl so peaceful and you are going to destroy her, that angle upstairs if you don’t start to change” i growled at him he put his head in his hands
“Help me? I can’t do it on my own” he whispered
“Fine but if you mess this up i swear to god you will pay” i growled “The only damn reason im helping you is for that girl up their! If you destroy her i will personally kill you” i growled and walked out to see secret standing outside the door she looked at me then at Tyler then back to me
“He doesn’t need to change” she whispered “i need to change i shouldn’t take things to heart he just scared me when he hissed that’s all” she said walking towards Tyler she put her hand on his face and he nuzzled it i grabbed her arm and pulled her away from him
“He needs to learn how to treat you right” i said she looked down knowing i was right and she could not get him out of it this time
“He will, after we have mated, now please can i take him to bed” she said looking in my eyes i nodded she tiptoed and kissed my cheek i smiled and kissed her head i heard Tyler growl
“Night big bro” she giggled, and grabbed Tyler’s hand and pushed him out, the door she kissed dads cheek and he kissed her head, then Tyler dragged her upstairs.
Secret’s point of view
We went to bed and he snuggled up against me i giggled and he kissed my neck again and again. I woke up with a massive hicky and i punched him in the arm
“HOW ON EARTH AM I GOING TO HIDE THIS” i growled angrily he chuckled and i punched his arm again in the end i settled for a scarf we walked downstairs hand in hand i smiled at our hands intertwined and he grins i look down with flushed cheeks when we get to the bottom his mum slaps him round the face and i gasp
“What the hell did you do to her” she whispers
“What iv done nothing to secret” he yelled back, she rolled her eyes as if it was obvious
“Not secret, Jessica” she yelled his face went pale and i looked at him confused who is Jessica
“Tyler?” i asked him he looked at me and back to him mum his brother came out and grabbed my hand and pulled me away from him i screamed and put up a fight when he slung me over his shoulder and started to walk away
“SECRET, NO, STOP IT” Kevin yelled
“TYLER” i screamed again he put me down and i ran to Tyler he kissed me hard like it might be the last time we could kiss it was desperate, passionate, it made me feel scared when we pulled away we was both breathing heavy and our hearts were going 90 MPH
“Im sorry” he whispered
“What for”
“Come on ill show you” he sighed
He took me into the living room and i saw a girl standing their with her arms crossed she looked at me then at Tyler and then at our finger intertwined
“Who’s that” she spat
“His fiancé what about you” i growled back he smirked
“im his mate” i froze and looked at Tyler and back to the girl “he marked me” she smirked and pulled down her top to show me tears threatened and i ripped my hand away from him i looked at him as tears streamed down my face how could he, after everything we have been through, i mean we were supposed to get married and have a baby
“” he started to say but i slapped him hard round the face it felt like i had been ripped in two
“How could you” i shouted he looked down ashamed “i feel like a... ho .... a filthy girl because of you and you’re damn wolf!! I was prepared to give you anything you asked for marriage a baby everything” i spat everyone was watching us but i didn’t care i fell to the floor and cried i couldn’t face him or anyone, so i stood up and walked out the house and down the road i didn’t know where i was going i just had to be away from him i ended up in a forest and i tripped and knocked my self out.
Kevin’s point of view
We were all in the living room watching secret admit everything to my brother
“I feel like a ... ho .... a filthy girl because of you and you’re damn wolf!! I was prepared to give you anything you asked for, marriage. A baby. Everything” she spat at him he stood their and didn’t say a thing to her she fell on the floor then she stood up and walked out keeping her eyes on the floor at all times, i went to go after her but Jessica got in my way
“Where do you think your going” she spat
“To get my sister in law” i spat back
“Im your sister in law” she smiled
“You wouldn’t be my sister in law even if that dumb ass married you” i said, she looked at me then at Tyler then back to me and smirked
“Are you going to let him speak to me like that baby” she said to Tyler his eyes shot up to her and he walked slowly over to her
“He’s right i don’t like you i never did i couldn’t control my wolf and he claimed you, well its over!! I love secret not you!! We will be together. I will find her i will make this better and you mean nothing to me you were just a one night stand a tramp she is worth over 10 million of you” he spat i was shocked he actually admitted that he loved secret she growled and ran out the door
“KEVIN” he shouted i looked at him in disgust “I know i have been an ass hole but please help me find her i need to make this right please” he whispered i nodded and we ran out the house and changed into wolf’s and followed her sent we were running for about 5 minuets before we found her unconscious in the forest with a cut on her head Tyler changed and carried her back and i ran ahead and told mum and dad to get a first aid kit and stuff ready for her
Tyler’s point of view
I carried secret home. She didn’t wake the whole time and that made me panic what if something was wrong really bad like she goes into a coma or doesn’t wake up or she dies i started to cry a silent cry so nobody would hear me when i turned up at the house i handed her over to my dad he took her strait upstairs and put her in our bed i sat by her side the whole time, my eyes never leaving hers
“She should be ok son as she was half way through the change so her body will heal” he said then he looked at my pained face “you need to sort it out before she walks away son ok” i nodded and he sighed then walked away leaving me with secret i told mum to carry on with the wedding plans and Kevin to sort out my bachelor party and Tasha with secrets hen night.
I wet the flannel for the 20th time and put it on her head she stirred and my heart jumped into my mouth she started to mumble something so i listened harder
“i loved him.....he broke me......i need him.......its not a in pain........i want him more than he wants” then she stopped talking tears threatened to spill so i took a deep breath i grabbed a catalogue and looked for a house for us i looked for about 10 minuets before i found the perfect one.
Castle house
- 4 double rooms
- 5 single rooms
- 1 box room
- Study
- Attic
- 2 bathroom
- Kitchen
- Dining room
- Study
- Living room
- Cinema room
- Basement
- Parlour
- bathroom
- Two fields (that you can plant on)
- outside swimming pool
- A forest
- Lake
- Pond
- Shed
I read it then reread it, its perfect i texted my mum to come upstairs and she came up with dad i showed them and they smiled
“This is it!” i beamed at my parents “she will love it” i smiled i looked at her and stroked her cheek she nuzzled into my hand and i smiled again
“Im glad you’re thinking about the future” my mum said
“So can we buy it i will need to start ordering stuff so it will be ready for her once we are married AND its only down the road” i smiled thinking that we could visit often
“Of course we can you look through cataloes and let me now and ill pay and get people to sort it out for you honey” my mum smiled at me i nodded and got strait to work
4 hours later (9pm) secret’s point of view
I woke up and felt someone next to me i sat up and smiled at Tyler and then i frowned and jumped out of bed Tyler jumped out of bed too and out his hands up
“Listen i know you’re mad but...” i cut him off
“Mad doesn’t cover it” i yelled
“Im sorry but i have to tell you summin” he said walking towards me i looked at him
“Let me guess that tramp didn’t want you so now you have come back for me” i asked bitterly
“NO you are way better then that tramp i swear baby, listen i lost control of my wolf that night and clamed her i didn’t mean it she was just a 1 night stand i swear i love you i always have since the fist time i saw you and you ended up passing out on me till i die i swear I.LOVE.YOU.” he whispered my breath hitches and my heart is going 90 MPH he said he loves me
“Really” i whisper he is now standing an inch away from me i can smell him and he smells divine like cinnamon and mint
“I PROMISE YOU” he said taking the final step forward my heart leaps in my throat
“I love you to” i whisper he pulls me into him and i fall against him he grabs my chin and pulls it so i have to look at him
“I will never ever hurt you again” and with those final words his lips smash against mine and my lips respond instantly i rap my arms round his neck and he bends down and raps his arms round my waist and lifts me up so i don’t have to struggle on my tiptoes he carry’s me towards the bed and lays me down but before we can do anything there is a nock at the door.
I jump up relief and annoyance hit me i glad because i don’t know if im ready and im annoyed because i really do love this dude i open the door to Kevin and Tasha they smile and i jump into Kevin’s arms he chuckles i sequel in his ear and he groans
“Ouch” he said i smile and hug Tasha
“I’ve missed you” i smiled at her she smiles back
“What do you want” Tyler says annoyed
“Bad time” Kevin laughs and i flush scarlet which makes him laugh more i look down embarrassed Tyler puts his arms around my waist and kisses my cheek
“You know how to ruin the moment don’t ya” Tyler said to Kevin
“i say i was just in time actually” he said punching Tyler in the shoulder i giggle and both the boys eyes light up “anyway me and you have to do shopping” Kevin said looking at Tyler he smiled kissed my cheek and grabbed his jacket and walked out i ran and jumped on his back
“Can i come” i whined
“Nope” he said popping the P i growled and he laughed
“Can i get a kiss” he asked
“Nope” i said popping the P
“Touché” he whispers huskily in my ear i giggle and he pulls me into him and kisses me
“Hey you stole that” i pout
“Don’t pout” he scolds me i pout again and run away from him he laughs and shouts bye at me the rest of the day me and Tasha sunbave in the pool on Lillo’s
Tyler’s point of view
We pulled up at B&Q and walked around and bought a load of different things for the house
“Kevin, do you think i should get down on one knee, even if it’s arranged?” i asked my brother he stopped momentarily
“I thought you already proposed” he said confused i shake my head
“That’s why she’s all over the place you need to propose or she will think you are not ready or summin like commitment issues” he ordered me i sighed
“I don’t have a ring” i mumbled
“Let’s get one after this” he said so i agreed after 30 minuets of shopping we left to get her a ring
We pulled up at the jewellers i sighed “I don’t know what she likes” i said he dragged me into the shop and we started looking around i walked up to the second glass case and saw the perfect one it was sapphire and has diamonds around it. Kevin came over to me and smiled at me then he walked over to the lady and sorted it out i couldn’t stop looking at it, it reminded me of her so much i missed her like crazy the lady gave it to me it was in a black case i smiled and bought secret the matching bracelet and earrings and necklace once i paid for it i walked out with a smile on my face we drove strait home and i decided to propose at a restaurant so it would be more romantic
“Baby i need to speak to you” i shouted she came running in still in her bikini i sucked in a quick breath “wow” i commented on her costume
“Anyway?” she said blushing
“What would you say if i proposed?” i asked her she smiled an amazing smile i think my heart latterly stopped beating
“I would say yes but why” she said narrowing her eyes i smiled at her
“No reason i was just wondering baby” i said walking away “oh we are going out for dinner tonight to get away from all the talk about the wedding” i shouted “in 2 hours” i yelled she ran upstairs and i laughed i ran into my dads office mum and dad were talking
“What...” i didn’t let them finish i held up my hand and they shut up which is a fist
“Im going to propose tonight at the restaurant, and no you cant come” i said looking at my mum she started jumping up and down and dad walked over to me and hugged me
“Go and get ready son and don’t let her down the wedding is in a week” he said i nodded and ran off i had a shower and then got dressed in a pitch black suit with a pure white top but no tie i put after shave on and put the ring in my pocket i walked out my brothers room as she didn’t want me to see her getting changed i walked downstairs and my mum smiled and so did my dad
“To much” i asked them with a worried voice and face
“NO!” my mum shouted she hugged me and i herd her steps coming down i looked up and saw secret the rest of the world vanished it was her and me thats all (i know that sounds well corny).
She was wearing a blue satin dress that made her look as graceful as ever the dress went all the way to the floor and had gold on it. Her hair was half up and half down she wasn’t wearing and jewellery or make up except for some mascara i beamed up at her and she smiled a shy smile back she looked up from her lashes and i almost died if the world were to end now i would be ok with that.
I pulled out the box and my mum gasped and so did secret i opened it up and showed her the necklace, earrings, and bracelet she smiled and i put them on for her once i had i looked at her and she was pitcher perfect my mum smiled and held out a camera as if reading my thoughts i smiled and took my place next to secret we posed for about 15 minuets before i had enough and i took secret out to the car.
30 minuets later
We pulled up and i helped secret out when we went in every mans eyes went on secret she blushed and i tightened my grip on her waist she smiled and we took our seats the waiter came over and paid a little too much attention to secret though she seemed oblivious to him so that cooled me down a bit.
“Hello im tom you’re waiter, what can i get you” he said it like he hated his job, he looked up and saw secret and his eyes lit up, why does she have this affect of men
“What do you think i should have” she asked me
“Well i say we should have steak, mash, veg and gravy” i said she nodded
“Two of what he said please” she smiled i frowned at her
“You’re brother’s very nice miss” he said you could see the hope in his eyes
“Im afraid he is my boyfriend hun but don’t worry if things don’t work out ill come back alone next time” she smiled sweetly at him and he melted like putty in her hands ‘get a grip’ was all i thought
“Two specials coming up” he said “drinks?” he asked me this time
“WKD for secret and ill have a coke please” i said
“That’s a nice name miss” he said then went off to get our drinks when he came back she smiled and he handed her, the drinks and then went away we ate and chatted about random stuff until i finally bucked up the courage to propose
“Their is something i have been meaning to do for a while now secret” i said standing up she looked so confused until i got down on one knee she giggled and a tear fell from her eye “secret sky Johnson i promise to love and cherish you until you die would you please do me the honour of marring me” i asked the whole restaurant was silent she took a deep breath
“Yes” she whispered, everyone in the restaurant cheered and clapped i smiled and put the ring on her finger and kissed the ring,
She practically jumped into my arms i kissed her with as much passion as i could manage after the nerve racking proposal i just done when we pulled apart i paid and carried her out the restaurant i put her in the back of the limo and climbed in the whole way home i was kissing her when we pulled up i thanked the driver and carried her up to the house she giggled the whole way we walked in and mum dad Tasha Kevin and all the maids and servant’s were waiting at the door
“WELL” my mum screeched secret showed her the ring and they all cheered i saw secrets cheeks go scarlet and i kissed her until we had to brake so we could breath both our breathing was ragged but i didn’t care i loved this women and i was going to show her i put her down and pulled her up stairs to our room i shut the door and kissed her she giggled and i smiled around the kiss
“God i love you” i mumbled
“I love you too” she whispered i smiled she pushed me back
“I need a shower” she said and walked into the bathroom door
“Hey!!!” i yelled she laughed and their was a knock at the door “come in” i yelled it was Kevin just as i suspected
“Not having fun” he smirked
“Nope” i said sighing
“Good you each have 15 invitations to invite people to the wedding” he said he gave them to me and i put them down “hear is the list of who has been invited already” i sighed mum had already done mine so i left them all for secret she came out in a towel and saw Kevin she ran back into the bathroom and slammed the door i laughed and Kevin joined in to “ill go” he said then walked out
“Is he gone?” secret said threw the door
“Yes sugar” i said she came out frowning
“Please don’t call me that” she whispered
“Sorry baby forgot” i mumbled i pulled her close and she sighed and hugged me i laughed “anyway mummy dearest has left you some invitations to invite people AND a list so we don’t write to the same people” that cheered her up she grabbed her PJ’s and some underwear and got dressed in the bathroom. When she came out she was in PJ bottoms and a tank top she looked smoking. My eyes went wide and she smirked
“like what you see” she said i nodded and she jumped on the bed and started writing invitations i left her to write them and when i came back up she had filled like 17 already all to the same address their names where
- Maddi
- Josh
- Dean
- Charlotte
- Alex
- Sky
- Toni
- Sally
- Drake
- James
- Janet
- Rick
- Lorenzo
- Danny
- Keegan
- Marco
- Sammy
I didn’t say anything I just got into bed kissed her head and went to sleep.
Secret’s point of view
I woke up surrounded by invite’s i growled and picked them all up and put them on my table at the side of the bed i giggled when i saw Tyler he looked peaceful i jumped up and had a shower then i put on dark blue skinny jeans and a white v-neck vest top that hugged my body i put my hair up in a high pony tail and put on my ring i smiled at it then i put on the earring’s and matching necklace that Tommy got me im glad they are coming to the wedding.
I walked out the bathroom and put on my black high heels i herd a wolf whistle and i blushed and turned around and hugged and kissed my fiancé i loved saying that i smiled and he hugged me tighter
“Would you like some breakfast baby” i asked him he smiled and nodded
“Fry up ok?” i asked him his eyes lit up and i giggled
“God i love you” he said he rapped his arms round my legs and picked me up and twirled around i giggled and i bent down and kissed him he put me down and i walked out.
I walked downstairs and saw the whole pack plus some more people i didn’t know and some girls they all starred at me i smiled and blushed
The pack and their mates
- James – Tina
- Tyler – secret
- Kevin – Natasha
- Richard – Michelle
- Charles – Jolene
- John – sally
- Bruno – Lucy
- Justin – Lilly
- Jacob - Nessie
- Jay – Abby
- Michael – Sophie
- Steven – (hasn’t found his mate yet)
“Fry ups?” i asked then they all nodded and i started working away after about 5 minuets Tyler came down “look who finally decides to show up” i teased he walked over to me kissed me i pushed him back “NO we have guest’s” i said pointing to the pack they all smiled at him and i dished it all up they grabbed a pate and ate it all like animals eating their pray
“girls would you like fruit salad instead” i asked them they all nodded and i handed them a bowel each we ate and chatted non-stop until they boys grabbed us Tyler grabbed my waist and pulled me off my chair and span me around
“TYLER” i screamed he laughed and so did the pack when he put me down i made a fry up for James and a fruit salad for Tina they walked in and i smiled and handed them their breakfast James kissed me on the head and Tina hugged me
“thank you” they both said at the same time i walked over to the sink and then washed up and dried and put away once i had done that the whole pack decided that they wanted to go in the pool but i refused so they went in with out me. While they were playing i made muffins and cakes and cookies then after they cooled i decorated them and waited while they set then i called in the pack they all got dressed and then came down and i showed them what i baked and they said they were delicious i giggled.
Us girls sat and chatted about this and that about celebrity’s and new movies and mostly the guys i told them how he proposed and they all said “awww” at 7pm, me and the girls made the boys a roast and they devoured it we watched in disbelief and me and the girls and Tina had a light salad which the boys complained about.
At 10pm the pack left and me and the girls arranged that they would hold my hen night and the boys had forced Tyler in to agreeing that they could do his bachelor party and then we went up to bed
The wedding
I woke up to girls screaming at me to get up i jumped up and they all laughed but i didn’t i just frowned i looked at the clock and it said 7am. After a 10 minuet shower i got out and put on my matching silk bra and knickers (for the wedding night) and walked out of the bathroom and the girls ambushed me they dragged me to a chair. They plucked blushed bronzed and pampered and waxed every inch of my body i dosed off half the time and they would shake me until i woke up once they were finished on my body the girls started on my hair.
At 2 o clock they had finally finished on me i was ready to get dressed jasmine handed me a sandwich and told me not to tell i agreed as i was starving the girls came back up and did my make up and finished off with my hair they helped me into my dress and put on my garter i blushed the whole time and jasmine took pitchers the whole time while we was getting ready at 4 o clock i was getting put into a car i growled and moaned the whole way they girls jumped out and got in their places. I had a little girl in the front her name was Isabella she was my flower girl (the girl at the park) then there was the girls from the pack as my brides maids (Tina, Natasha, Michelle, Jolene, sally, Lucy, Lilly, Nessie, Abby, Sophie) Natasha was my maid of honour after hours of persuading her she agreed on one condition that she got to chose the dresses for everyone i agreed and she made a great choice everyone looked amazing.
When it was my turn to walk up the aisle i didn’t think i would make it i was nervous and dad was walking me but dropped out at the last minuet so James (Tyler’s dad) decided to walk me i thanked him repeatedly but he ignored me after the 5th time we made the slow walk and he handed me over to Tyler. My breathing was ragged and my heart was going to pop out of my chest soon we managed to get through the wedding and as soon as he said you may kiss the bride i thought i would die i realised that i truly did love this boy and would do anything for him he bent down to kiss me he had to start it and i had to end it the crowed erupted in a cheer and i flushed scarlet i realised we made it we were actually married.
It was time to go to the after party which was at our house i giggled and was so excited we danced the first dance it was slow and i didn’t think i would do it but Tyler made it effortlessly i twirled and spun never leaving his eyes as camera flash and he bent down to kiss me the cameras were having a field day, Tommy interrupted our dance and we had a brother sister dance as dad wasn’t hear it hurt that he didn’t turn up especially as he arranged it but i didn’t care i danced with everyone at the wedding family friends.
Lorenzo was last to claim me and he smiled but it wasn’t a genuine one so i read his mind
She looks amazing why couldn’t i buck up the courage to ask her out she would be with me and not that prick if i had i touched his cheek
“I would have still been with him it was an arranged marriage Loz” i said he growled and we stopped dancing
“So you didn’t want to marry him? You don’t love him?” he asked me i frowned and sighed
“I didn’t want to marry him, but i did, because i have fallen for him, hard and yes i do love him” i said pulling my hand out of his Tyler was by my side immediately
“You ok baby” he asked me
“Im fine can we dance” i asked him he smiled and took me away from Lorenzo who glared at me the whole time i put my head on his chest and cameras flashed
“Cameras are having a field day” i mumbled he chuckled and we danced for a while until we cut the cake as cameras flashed i giggled and we kissed again i was having so much fun until Rick pulled me to the side
“Why are you getting married?” he said angrily
“Because im in love why else” i said looking hurt
“Don’t! Come home” he whispered
“I can’t im marred and we are going on our honey moon after this Rick cant you just be happy for me” i said pulling away from him
“Even dad doesn’t like this why do you think he aint hear” he shouted some of the guest started to look at us
“Because he organised it” i whispered he looked shocked “now if you will excuse me i am going to dance with my farther in law” i said walking away James took my hand and we started dancing
“You ok?” he asked i shock my head and started crying “don’t cry” he soothed me
“Is it true that my dad didn’t want to come because he hated the idea?” i asked him he nodded “but can’t he see how happy i am?” i asked “i love Tyler with all my heart yet nobody seems to accept that” i said i buried my head in his chest and he soothed me
“We all accept it. We are you family now” he said i looked up at him then around the room i saw all eyes on me and they were filled with affection i smiled he is right they all have a caring look in their eyes i squeezed him tight and Kevin cut in
“Im stealing her” he said i laughed and we started dancing it was so much fun we all gave speeches now it was my turn
“I want to thank each and every one of you for coming. It means so much to me and i hope you have all enjoyed your self as much as i have. I just want to say a special thanks to Mr. & Mrs wolf thank you so much for organising it and to every else who helped out and a special thanks to my lovely husband who i love with all my heart thank you for everything” i said as tears came to my eyes he came up and picked me up and kissed me i giggled and he smiled
“I love that sound baby” he murmured in my hair i smiled and we posed for a picture i was looking up at him and he was looking down at me. I had the most amazing night of my life and it was going to continue.
Tyler’s point of view
As the night went on i decided i would tell secret about our house and where we would be spending a week i lifted up my glass and said cheers like everyone else then i stood up and walked slowly over to secret who looked stunned to silence and frozen in place
“Baby would you like to know where we are going” i asked her she nodded her head
“We are going to Paris” i said her eyes lit up and she jumped up and down like a little girl, i laughed and she ran off and told everyone, when it was time to go everyone congratulated us but it didn’t feel right so i took secret and told her to change.
When we both changed we kissed at the door and she threw the flowers and it landed in Justin’s surprised hands. We got into the limo and drove to the jet once we got on the plane she went to sleep and i made my self a drink and then went to sleep we arrived at Paris at midnight and i took her to the honeymoon sweet and laid her down she woke up and pulled me into bed and the honey moon started. ...............................................................................................................
I woke up to the smell of a full English god i love this women. The whole day we spent watching films talking or making out. Secret cooked me what i wanted for lunch and dinner and even made us pudding.
The whole trip we either spent it in the honeymoon sweet, or trips out to visit the eyeful tower, arcades, movies, Water Park or just a stroll in the park. We had so much fun but it was time to go home i packed our stuff while secret was asleep, once i packed everything we brought and the stuffed animals i won, i went down to reception and handed them the key and the money for the week then i went back in and carried our bags to the limo then i went and carried sleeping beauty to the limo we drove to the jet that was waiting for us secret didn’t wake up the whole way home.
Secret’s point of view
I woke up on the jet well rested i sat up and saw Tyler smiling at me
“Morning” i whispered
“Actually its afternoon sleeping beauty” he chuckled i flushed scarlet and he kissed my head “You slept for a long time baby i almost thought you had gone into a coma” he said smiling i smiled back and brought his lips to mine
“Thank you the honeymoon was amazing, i loved it” i said he smiled around the kiss and i couldn’t help but giggle
When the jet stopped we stood up and my legs were stiff as i slept for a long time we got into the limo and Taylor his personal assistant put all our bags in the back and drove us home. I was so excited to see my new family i couldn’t help but bounce up and down like a little girl about to get a ice cream
“We are her Mr. Wolf” Taylor said to Tyler i grinned and he opened the door for me and helped me out
“What’s the time Taylor?” i asked him he looked at his watch
“It’s 4 o clock miss” he said i frowned at him “Secret” he corrected himself and i smiled at him
“Thank you Taylor” i said Tyler grabbed my hand and lead me towards the house i was nervous just in case they did a surprise party or something i looked nervously at Tyler and he chuckled then bent down and kissed my head
“Don’t worry” he said i giggled he opened the door and they all shouted welcome home i giggled and i was bombarded with hug’s from everyone the whole pack was their and so was my brothers and my dad tears welled up in my eyes and they all laughed
“You weren’t supposed to cry” Tommy teased i hugged him
“I just missed you all” i said they all laughed
“Awww look at you, you look lovely as ever” Tina said hugging me i winced
“Sun burn” i giggled
“Oh so you actually went out of the honeymoon sweet” Kevin chuckled i flushed scarlet and Tyler rapped his arms around my waist
“Please dude she is my little sister i didn’t want to hear that” Tommy said looking disgusted with me i giggled and kissed his cheek
“We had a wonderful time we went to see the eyeful tower and we went to the arcade and everything and he even one me a massive baby Winnie the pooh bear” i squeaked they all laughed
“Well i hate to break this up mum but im shattered” Tyler said i giggled
“I bet you are” Kevin teased
“She aint she slept for 48 hours strait” he said they all looked at me and i flushed scarlet
“I slept for a whole day and then the trip back” i confirmed
“Mate what did you do to her?” Tommy said i giggled
“Nothing” he whispered then kissed my neck
“Yeah ill believe that when i grow wings” Kevin said i slapped him and he picked me up and spun me around i laughed and he carried me into the living room and we all sat down
“I have got to admit she is an amazing cook” Tyler said sitting down next to me
“I have to agree especially her fry ups” James said rubbing his tummy i guess that was my cue to make one
“Do you want one?” i asked all the boys sat up strait and their eyes glistened
“Me” they all shouted together
“Ill be back in a minuet” i sang i went into the kitchen and made a massive fry up for everyone they all cleared their plate and said thank you, one person didn’t and he didn’t eat the fry up either it was john
“Are you not hungry John?” i asked him
“Im fine” he said with attitude
“FINE” i spat and walked out to the pool
“Im sorry, I’ve been a jerk to you its just that well, you’re not like us and i fine it hard to let other people in” he said sitting next to me i sighed
“And you think it’s easy for me to be round you lot when you could easily kill me if i upset you” i said looking at the water he put his arm round my shoulder so i put my head on it
“No, and trust me we wouldn’t lay a hand on you, two reason’s, first you’re part of the pack now and second, you’re more powerful than us lot but mostly the first one” he said i giggled
“I promise i will try harder to be nice and listen, WE WILL PROTECT YOU” he said i sighed and kissed his cheek
“Thank you” i said he stood up and helped me up we walked back in and they all smiled
“Made up?” they asked i nodded and hugged John and then i went over to Tyler who was getting jealous
“Jealous much?” i teased he looked at me and i kissed his head he relaxed instantly
“Well look at you of course im going to be jealous when another guy touches you” he said i sighed
“You will have to learn to trust me and believe that i won’t cheat on you” i said standing up he grabbed my waist and pulled me back down
“I do trust you i just don’t trust them” i chuckled
“It takes two to tango” i tease i kissed him on the lips i started it and i had to end it as their was other people watching us with smiles on their faces i blushed when i saw them all looking at us
“Awww that’s soo cute” Michelle teased hugging Richard he squeezed her back with just as much passion i giggled it was so cute
“Who wants to go in the pool?” i asked the girls cheered and the boys whooped we giggled and ran and got changed i put on my new one i got from Paris it was hot pink and ties up at the back of my neck once we were all ready we ran down stairs and jumped into the pool the boy’s found their mates and were messing about i was with Tyler when i noticed that Steven was on his own i swam over to him and started splashing at him he joined in and soon i was shattered and i didn’t even have the energy to stay above the water
Tyler’s point of view
i was messing about with secret when she noticed that Steven was on his own as he was the only one who hasn’t found his mate so she went over and started messing about with him it made me smile she was so considerate i went into the house and had a shower and got myself dressed in decent clothes i walked back out and saw secret under the water
“SECRET” i screamed John and Justin pulled her up and put her on the side of the pool all the girls were crying and the boys were trying to comfort their mates Steven came over to me
“Move i can help her” he said i nodded and stepped back he done CPR on her and she finally started chocking on the water and spat it out i jumped down and picked her up i hugged her so tight i almost lost her and it killed me
“Is she ok?” Steven asked i put her on the sofa and turned round to Steven i hugged him
“Than you, thank you, thank you” i repeated he chuckled
“S’okay mate i think you need to learn first aid though” i laughed he always made a joke out of things and right now i needed it.
Secret was asleep on the sofa but we had to wake her up every hour to make sure she is ok she punched me in the face after the third time and the boys laughed i didn’t i growled and she smiled she was only half asleep so i couldn’t blame her
“Man she can punch” i whispered and sorted out my nose before it could set crooked
“She is strong, Mate id hate to be on her hit list” Steven chuckled
“You wont be you saved her life so beware you might be squeezed when she wakes up” i tease he smiled shyly
“It was my fault in the first place i should have been watching her but i wasn’t we were playing then she went looking for you so i started messing about with Justin and Lilly” he said i smiled
“I shouldn’t of left with out making one of you keep an eye on her so we can both share the blame” i offered he nodded and secret stirred
“Secret you awake now” i asked her she smiled and her eyes flutter open she sat up quickly and touch my face
“What happened to you nose baby” she said concerned i laughed
“You’re fist” i said her eyes went wide and she blushed
“Im sorry” she whispered guilt leaking into her voice i kissed her head and she pushed me away
“Clean your face” she whispered i forgot she was part vamp so i went into the bathroom and cleaned my face and then sat next to her and she kissed me
“Better?” i asked her, she chuckled against my lips so that made me smile
“Much” she whispered she looked at Steven and then at his wet clothes
“What happened” she asked him
“You almost drowned so Justin and John put you on the side of the pool and Steven gave you CPR baby don’t you remember anything?” i asked her
“I remember looking for you then it goes blank” she said confused
“Anyway how you feeling” Steven asked her, her eyes went to him and a smile came on her lips and she jumped up and jumped on Steven and kissed his head and cheeks i held back my anger as he did save her life
“THANK YOU” she screamed in his ear he chuckled and tried to get her off but failed
“Help?” he asked i grabbed her and she let go she saw Justin and John and pounced on them and kissed their head and cheeks and screamed in their ears i laughed and she ran back and jumped on me and kissed me.
I sat down on the sofa with her and she snuggled close to my chest all her brothers went home so it was just the pack and my parents and brother and of course my wife.
“What do you want for dinner?” she asked the pack
“Why don’t we order in?” i offered she pouted “don’t pout” i scolded her and she pouted more “I don’t want you cooking you always cook” i moaned and she smiled
“That’s because she is the best cook and plus you can’t say no to that pout” James teased from the living room door she beamed up at him
“Let her cook if she wants to” Steven said i growled
“NO we can order in” i said in my alpha voice they all winced and secret turned round to me
“DON’T USE THAT VOICE ON THEM OVER SOMETHING STUPID” she scolded me and i winced she used her alpha voice, i nodded and she kissed my head “good boy” all the pack burst out laughing
“Man you just got served” Jay teased me i growled and secret flicked my ear
“What was that for” i whined
“Don’t growl or you will go in the back garden like an animal” she threatened i held my hands up in surrender and she giggled and kissed me
“So where are we ordering from?” she asked me
“Pizza hut” i offered all the boys cheered but the girls moaned about it being fatty “girls come on its one night and plus ice cream had more calories” i said teasingly all the girls glared
“Fine” they yelled we all cheered then burst out laughing in the end we settled for 2 pepperoni’s, 4 chicken tikka, and 6 plain and 10 bags of chips when i got the food and brought it back and dished it up the 10 girls shared 1 plain pizza and 2 bags of chips that was it. The boys shared 11 pizza’s and 8 bags of chips everything was gone the girls complained that they would get fat so they done laps in the pool and races on the grass still in their bikini’s until it got dark then we all went to bed the pack stayed round that night in the guest’s room.
I decided that tomorrow i would take secret to our new house it was a 10 minuet walk or 5 in a car so i packed all of our stuff up and Taylor out it all in the car and took it to our house then came back and went to bed i told him to be ready to leave at 2 pm so secret could have a lie in and still have some fun with the girls while the pack helps me set up the house with me
Secret’s point of view
I woke up at 7 am and i couldn’t get back to sleep so i decided to have a shower. After my shower i got dressed in short shorts and a black vest top and my high tops i put my hair in a high pony tail and put a little make up on and my matching set that Tommy got me the necklace says:
Baby girl
I loved the necklace as i believe he will always be with me, i walked out of the bathroom and saw that Tyler was still asleep so i giggled and went down stairs and made him a full English breakfast and a coffee i woke him up and he smiled then frowned
“You were supposed to have a lay in baby” he scolded me
“I couldn’t sleep” i whispered and kissed his head
“What’s the time?” he asked me
“8am” i said he moaned and sat up and ate his breakfast then jumped in the shower
“Me and the lads our going out today and you and the girls can go to the mall with Taylor” he said i giggled i loved shopping
“Can you wake up the lads please baby?” he asked i kissed his head and walked into the rooms and gave them a coffee and a kiss on the head and they all got up and said goodbye to the girls and went with Tyler
“GIRLS” Tina shouted we all walked down stairs wearing the same thing except our tops were different colours we all giggled but none of us changed
“We are going shopping come on Taylor is waiting” she ordered we all got in and at one o clock Taylor brought us home we each had 10 bags and a new coat on mine was black and the girls grabbed a different colour that matched their top we all giggled and made our way into the kitchen and helped ourselves to grapes
The boys came back and looked at us the burst out laughing
“We didn’t know that you lot were chav’s when we weren’t around” they tease we all giggled
“And look they match but different colours” John teased us we giggled
“But we have to admit you all do look sexy like that” Tyler said walking up to me he put his arms around my waist and i kissed him
“Thank you baby” i said kissing him again
We went down to the shop and got loads of food but Tyler said not to empty it and i noticed that my shopping bags were still in their so i narrowed my eyes at him and he picked me up and slung me over his shoulder and sat me down on the kitchen counter
“Can we go down to the park?” i asked him he smiled
“You’re like a little two year old” he teased i pouted and he kissed me
“Go and ask the other then” he sighed i giggled and ran off to ask the girls they all agreed and asked their mate to take them in the end we packed a picnic and went down to the park Tyler pushed me on the swing and when he got bored Steven pushed me really high i did a back flip off the swing and landed it and every one applauded and i bowed and i giggled me and the girls done cartwheels and handstands and other things we had so much fun we done wheel barrow races and running races and the boys played foot ball and other things and us girls cheered them on we had so much fun we didn’t get home till 4 pm the boys all gave us piggy backs Steven gave me one because Tyler said he could and he had to carry the things.
“We should have one day every week like this one is was amazing” i said getting off of Steven’s back everyone agreed and Tyler came in and nodded all the boys stood up
“We have a surprise for you secret and i want every one their” Tyler said i blushed and looked down “but you all need to be blindfolded” he added my eyes shot up with fear “don’t worry we will make sure you don’t bump into anything” he teased
He came over and put the blindfold in front of me
“Trust me?” he asked
“Always” i whispered he smiled and he put the blindfold on me
“Tell the girls to put them on” he said i nodded
“Girls do it i wanna know where we are going if you trust them you will do it” i said they all sighed and the boys chuckled
“Thank you baby” he whispered in my ear
10 minuets later
We stopped and i started to worry
“Where are we?” I couldn’t hold in anymore
“You will find out baby” he said i frowned
“Tell me” i whined
“On the count of three i want you to take of the blindfolds got it lads?” he shouted
“YER” they all shouted back
“ONE” he yelled
“TWO” he yelled again putting his hands on my blindfold the anxiety was killing me
“THREE” and he yanked my blindfold of i blink several times before i saw it.
It was a castle house it had a banner on the front it said
Welcome home baby!
I giggled and jumped on Tyler and kissed him
“Welcome home baby” he whispered in my ear i giggled and tears slowly came out of my eyes
“Oh my god baby its lovely” i whispered
“DONT CRY DONT YOU LIKE IT” he yelled panicking i giggled and kissed him
“It’s happy tears baby” i whispered
“Thank god i thought you didn’t like it for a second” i hugged him
“The lads helped” he said i let go and hugged all of them and kissed their cheeks and they all laughed i ran back to Tyler and he picked me up bridal style
“Awww that’s so cute” the girls screamed and i giggled and held on tight
“Trust me” he whispered in my ear
“Forever and always” i whispered back he kissed me
“Close your eyes” he said softly i closed them and he opened the door
“Open” i blinked and looked around i was speechless he put me down and i walked around the house
“Say something then” he whined
“You did this by yourselves” i whispered
“Taylor helped” he whispered i saw Taylor pull up and i ran out to him he stood up and i jumped into his arms
“THANK YOU TAYLOR” i screamed he chuckled
“Im guessing you like the house miss” he said putting me down
“Like no i LOVE it” i said Tyler grabbed me and picked me up and spun me around
“GOOD” he shouted i laughed and he started laughing
2 months later Tyler’s point of view
I walked into mine and secrets bedroom and heard her vomiting
“Secret?” i said softy
“I think i need to go to the doctor, i don't think its food poisoning baby” she whispered
“Ill go ring him” i mumbled secret had gotten ill two weeks ago when i tried to cook us a roast the meat wasn’t cooked properly i blamed myself and she keeps on saying it could have happened to anybody but i still blame myself i have helped her the past two weeks. I phoned the doctor and he said he will be on his way. He isn’t an ordinary doctor so he knows about us i sat at the bottom step of the stairs until i heard a knock on the door i jumped up and answered it
“Hello Mr. Wolf i presume” he asked me i nodded and showed him up to our bedroom as soon as he was in he told me to go down stairs and wait i reluctantly went down stairs and phone Kevin
“Hello?” he said
“Kevin its Tyler” i said slowly
“Hey man how is she” he asked
“Worse” i whispered trying to keep my voice normal
“Me and dad are coming up ok” he said
“Ok” my voice was tight and he hung up and 5 minuets later they walked in they saw me on the steps and ran over to me
“Where is she” they asked frantically
“Upstairs with the doctor” i whispered dad pulled me into a hug
“She will make it son” he promised
“It’s my stupid fault, if i hadn’t tried to cook for her” i growled and punched the wall
“Don't be stupid son, food poisoning does not last this long” he said angrily
“WELL WHAT IS IT” i yelled
“I can tell you that” the doctor said
“What’s wrong with her” i asked him
“Calm down sir, she has just completed her final stage at the change she is ready to be marked” dad showed him out and i just sat their and looked at dad he chuckled and so did Kevin.
After they went home me and secret cleaned up then went to bed. I woke up with out secret she was downstairs singing and making me breakfast i growled and walked downstairs, she was supposed to be resting, i got distracted by he dancing and leaned on the door frame watching her
“Morning baby” i said softly she jumped out of her skin and looked down
“Sorry did i wake you?” she asked looking worried
“No, i came down hear to make YOU breakfast as YOUR supposed to be taking things slow and hear you are dancing round our kitchen in my hoddie and slippers” i said looking her up and down
“I don't want to rest, it’s boring, I want to play” she said. The 10 year old is coming out she glared
“Stay out of my head if you don't like what i think” i scolded her but i had a smile on my lips she flushed and gave me a kiss
“Sorry, but i do like to see what your thinking especially in your sleep” she teased i froze and grabbed her arms
“Are you gunna tell me what i thought or do i have to tickle it out of you?” i asked her eyes went wide and i chuckled
“You will have to catch me first” she said running behind the table i laughed and you could see the excitement in her eyes i chased her round the house and out the door and to my parents
Kevin’s point of view
I opened the door to see secret in slippers and a hoddie she was panting
“Quick shut the door” she said slipping in i saw Tyler running up the street
“What’s going on” i asked taking her upstairs to hide her
“He is going to tickle me to get me to tell him what he thinks in his sleep” she said with wide eyes i couldn’t help but laugh i put her under my bed and sat on it. Tyler burst through my door
“Where is she?” he asked
“She went to Tasha’s room” i said
“I can see her foot” he said i jumped up and pinned him to the wall
“RUN SECRET” she ran off giggling
“Thanks mate, I’ve never seen her have so much fun” Tyler said sincerely
“My pleasure now don't mess it up” i growled at him he chuckled and went out the door we ran to the kitchen to see secret on james lap hiding
“I wonder where she could have gone” Tyler teased she giggled and pulled herself tighter to james
“May i ask what’s going on before i decide to help one of you?” james chuckled
“Well secret read my mind while i was asleep and im gunna tickle her until she confesses what i thought” Tyler said never taking his eyes of secret
“Im gunna go with Tyler” james said “i wanna know what he has been thinking about” he said grabbing her arms
“Daddy nooo” she shouted as he slung her over his shoulder everyone laughed and i could see how much that meant to dad
“Im sorry sweetie but i wanna know” he said
“If you help me ill tell you” she bargained
“Hmm” he considered
“Dad you cant you need to be on my team, secrets got everyone else” Tyler complained
“Has she” he said
“She can be very persuasive when she wants to be right guys” i asked they all nodded and dad put her down she ran and jumped on Stevens back and they all ran with her giggling like a child we chased her for about 30minuets before the boys gave up and pinned her down Tyler jumped on her and started tickling her she was begging for him to stop and he flatly refused
“I can’t tell you here” she said when he finally let her talk his eyes went wide and she nodded
“Damn” he said she giggled and he kissed her
“Can i have a brown drink please” she asked us we all were confused except dad he got up and made her one
“You need 3 of these a day” he said handing her a pint glass
“Ok” she said we could all smell it, it was blood and orange juice she didn’t look at us the whole time she drank it.
I could feel how she was feeling shame was emanating off of her i sat next to her and put my hand on her back on she turned away
‘Please leave me alone while i drink this’ she sent me a message in my brain only wolf’s could do that
“How did you do that” i asked her confused
‘Shut up nobody else knows’ she sent back
‘Sorry’ she smiled, so i know she got it, she kissed my cheek and Tyler growled, she sent daggers at him and he put his hands up in defeat
“Secret Tommy’s on his way he said he needs to talk to you” dad said her eyes shot up to his and a smile came on her lips
‘Can i talk to you later in privet so i can tell you everything i can do?’ she asked i nodded and she giggled, their was a knock on the door and dad got it he came in with Tommy and this girl secret jumped up and went to hug him but the girl got in her way. Bad move
Secret’s eyes went black and the girl fell on the floor Tommy bent down to the girl and touched her forehead he kissed her and she passed out
“Secret pack it in” Tommy scolded her she didn’t answer so he took a step forward and she took one back so i jumped up and stood next to her
“Secret” he said softly
“What do you want Thomas” she said looking away from him
“Secret what's the matter with you? You always call me Tommy” he said looking at her with painful eyes
‘What's wrong?’ i sent her
‘Him that girl is only using him and she is working for somebody that wants to find information about me’ she sent to me i gasped and everyone looked at me ‘stop that’ i chuckled and she smiled
“Your communicating with him through the brain aren’t you secret” Tommy said her eyes went wide then she looked down “what's going on tell me” he demanded she took a step forward and spat on the girl everyone gasped no one has ever seen secret so mad
“That tramp, is using you to get to me” she spat he went mad
“Stop lying secret if you didn’t want to meet my fiancé then just tell me for god sake” he yelled a tear came out of her eye she walked up to him and slapped him round the face we all gasped
“When you find out i was right you can talk to me again but NEVER EVER doubt my powers” she growled another tear came out her eye and she looked at him and he grabbed his heart
“You will feel my heart felt when you told me i lied to you i would never EVER lie to you Tommy but yet you still doubt me” she said he fell to the floor and he cried “im sorry but you need to know how i felt, i might mask my feeling’s but they are still their” she said to Tommy he grabbed his heart one last time and cried out then he relaxed
“Go home Tommy and take your tramp” she said and walked off we all stood their in shock
“Tommy wait” i said he looked at me
“She wasn’t lying, this girl is working for somebody who wants information about secret because when she has completed the bond and Tyler has marked her she will change the world” i said he looked at me
“I would not lie about something like this i suggest if you don't believe us, to go and don't contact her again” i said he looked at the girl
“But Becky said she loves me, we were going to get married and have a baby you know have a family” he said i looked down
“What are you doing going or staying and we will find out the information but you do on our terms” i said he looked at Becky then where secret had just gone
“Ill go and find secret” he whispered “i need to say goodbye” i nodded the boys growled and he took off
Secret’s point of view
I sat on Kevin’s bed and the door opened and closed i didn’t even look up but i knew it was Tommy
“What do you want Tommy?” i asked him
“To say goodbye” he whispered. That’s it he going, leaving me for some girl
“I hope you’re happy with her” i whispered
“Secret im sorry ok but this is the first girl that i have liked in a long time, you have got to understand, it’s like you and loz” he said i winced
“The thing is im married to someone else i don't love him anymore i love Tyler you will find love again just next time it wont be with a phony” i yelled he slapped me round the face and walked out i sat on the bed and cried. I was really anger and i couldn’t lose my anger so i decided i would jump in the pool i walked over to the window and jumped in the ice cold water all my anger vanished and i was surrounded by my fears and negative thoughts i swam up to the top and all the boys were around me i tried to smile but it came out as a grimace
“What the hell were you thinking” Tyler shouted “you could have gotten hurt, you can’t just jump out windows as you please” he growled i sighed
“Well if you wanted Kevin’s room to be smashed to smithereens i wouldn’t have but i needed to lose my anger and this was the only way i could now stop yelling at me” i screamed back he winced and i remembered that i use my alpha voice when i mad i walked over to him
“Tyler im sorry im just peeved” i said he chuckled
“Babe you are going to be the perfect alpha female” he grinned i kissed him and he kissed me back all the boys left and me and Tyler where left by the pool
“Babe im sorry but i have got to mark you and soon” he whispered in my ear
“Will it hurt” i asked
“At first but pleasure will take over i promise” he said
“Ok” he started kissing me harder and we pulled apart to breath and he trailed kisses down to my neck he nipped and sucked on my neck until he found my soft spot i gasped and he chuckled he started kissing it again and then he bit down i screamed out and he sucked then traced his tongue over the bite mark and i pushed him away he looked hurt and confused i ran inside the house with tears in my eyes i covered the bite and i looked down. I bumped into dean
“You alright secret” he said i hugged him and he was shocked but hugged me back “what happened?” he asked me
“Secret?” james said i pulled away from dean and looked at james “baby girl what happened” he said i ran over to him
“He bit me” i cried he chuckled
“Baby he marked you” he said softly
“It kills” i wept
“It’s not supposed to” he said confused
“Feel it” i closed my eyes and he screamed
“OK, SECRET THAT’S ENOUGH” i opened my eyes and he relaxed
“SECRET WHERE ARE YOU IM SORRY” Tyler shouted from the kitchen i pulled myself into James and Tyler walked in
“Secret?” he said confused
“The bite hurts” he whispered
“Im sorry” he said walking forward i stepped back with petrified eyes he looked torn
“Don't touch me” i whispered
Tyler’s point of view
I took a step forward to secret and she took a step back she had petrified eyes and she was shaking it killed me to see her like that
“Don't touch me” she whispered i winced and i took another step forward she was backed up against the wall and i carried on taking little steps towards her she carried on crying.
Kevin walked in and took one look at the seen and jumped to a conclusion
“What did you do” he growled
“He marked her Kevin now calm down” dad yelled
“Then why does she look like your a serial killer” he said
“It’s hurting her a lot and trust me i have felt the pain and its not nice” james said
“Its because she’s different” Kevin murmured i walked over to her and put my hand on her cheek she relaxed
“Your touch limits the amount of pain she receives” dad murmured, i kissed her and she kissed me back, i sighed and she giggled
“Take her to bed” dad commanded i nodded and picked her up and took her to bed i apologised the whole time until she fell asleep, i stayed up for as late as i could holding her before sleep over come me.
Secret’s point of view
I woke up with Tyler’s arm rapped round me i snuggled closer to him and he tightened his grip on me i giggled and kissed his head
“Hmmm” he moaned and i kissed his neck
“Morning sleepy head” i whispered he chuckled
“Morning baby” he whispered kissing my mark i shuddered and he kissed it again
“Feeling better?” he asked me i nodded and kissed him back then i got up and ran to the shower
“BABY!!” he moaned i giggled “NOT FAIR” he chuckled and then i jumped in the shower, once i got out i put on my underwear then i dried my hair and straitened it.
I grabbed skinny jeans and a tank top and a shirt i didn’t button the shirt, i grabbed my ugg’s and put them on and then i walked back out to see Tyler putting on his shirt he already had his jeans on and trainers, i starred at him dumbfounded god will i ever get used to his looks? I questioned myself
“Like what you see” he quoted me i giggled and walked over to him
“Yes a lot baby” i said, i kissed his neck and he shivered
“Don't” he warned i giggled and kissed him again he span me round and pinned me to the bed his eyes wide with excitement he kissed my mark and i moaned
“Not fair” i whispered my voice was husky and he chuckled i pushed him off me and stood up “im going to put my make up on” i said looking at his confused expression
“NO!” he scolded me i growled “you do NOT need it” he said i kissed him and walked into the bathroom “If you do i will chuck a bucket of water over you” he threatened me i snorted “fine we will see” he growled then walked out i decided i would only put mascara on so he wouldn’t flip.
I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen to see Tommy sitting at the table with his head in his hands
“Tommy?” i said worry leaking into my voice he stood up and walked over to me
“Im so sorry i will never doubt you again” he said hugging me i squeezed him tight and he sighed
“What happened?” i asked him
“She started asking questions about you first I didn’t think anything of it right up till she started asking about your powers” he explained he looked torn
“That tramp better watch her back, no one messes with my family” i growled all the boys chuckled
“No one WOULD mess with you” Tyler said kissing me i giggled
“Oh we have news” Justin said i could hear the excitement in his voice
“As you have completed the change as soon as we have bonded you can go back to school” Tyler said i jumped up and hugged him and kissed him passionately then i pushed him away
“What do you mean bonded?” i asked wearily
“Well i have to mark you once more then you have to mark me” he said shyly i backed up from him
“Hell no” i said my back had finally reached the wall
“It wont hurt much now as i have already claimed you once before” he said walking towards me
“Fine let’s get this over with” i sighed in defeat he chuckled and he took me to our room.....
2 hours later
I woke up next to Tyler, he had a smile on his face i kissed his lips then got up and jumped in the shower and put on a strapless summer dress and put my hair in a high pony tail and high heel’s. I went down stairs and made the boys a fry up and a muffin’s.
They all came downstairs and latterly ran into the kitchen i giggled as i watched them stuff their faces they smiled at me and each of them gave me a kiss on my cheek i giggled.
“Baby girl come on, we need to get you some school clothes and equipment” dad yelled
“Coming daddy” i yelled i kissed Tyler and skipped to dad
“Ready” he asked me i nodded and we walked to his car. After 2 hours of shopping we pulled up at home, dad looked knackered, we walked in and all the boys gasped at dad
“What did you do to him” they asked
“She took me to 12 shops” he moaned
“Bless him” Justin said grabbing my bags i kissed each of the boy’s cheeks and sat on the sofa
“BABY?” Tyler yelled i jumped up and he walked in and pulled me into the kitchen “we need to talk about school” he said i giggled
“Baby i know what it is going to be like i have been to school you know” i teased rolling my eyes he didn’t chuckle back so i looked at him and he looked distressed i touched his arm “what is it baby” i asked him
“Nothing im just worried” he mumbled and then walked away so i decided to read his mind ‘don't even think about it baby’
“Hey!” i yelled he chuckled and went upstairs
“Im making dinner!” i yelled all the boys ran downstairs and pilled into the kitchen i giggled and they all decided on a roast and double chocolate sponge cake for pudding. Once we all ate we went into the living room and watched movies before we went to bed
“Baby girl its 10 o clock you have to go to bed” dad yelled my mouth dropped and the boys laughed
“Bed time” they teased
“BED!!” dad yelled i sighed but didn’t move, then Tyler picked me up and took me to bed then walked back downstairs leaving me so i decided to make him feel guilty, two minuets later he came back in and laid with me
“Cheater” he whispered i giggled and i made him feel happy and excited
“Why excited?” he asked puzzled i giggled and kissed his head
“You’re eyes sparkle” i whispered and he chuckled
“Tyler out” dad shouted
“What! You have to be joking, she’s my wife” he growled and i flicked his ear and he kissed my cheek
“She won’t sleep with you in hear, now go” he ordered
“Please daddy give me an hour and if im not asleep then you can take him away, please daddy i cant sleep on my own” i pleaded
“Fine one hour” he said then walked away i kissed Tyler then went to sleep with Tyler hugging me.
I woke up to someone shaking me “baby girl time to get up” dad said helping me sit up i growled, he just chuckled and walked out. I jumped in the shower blow dried my hair then straitened it and put it into a high ponytail and then put on some make up then i walked out of the bathroom in my underwear and grabbed my uniform, the uniform was sky blue jumper and a white shirt and a black skirt for girls and black trousers for boys girls must wear knee high socks and high heel shoes.
Once i was dressed i walked downstairs with my bag and ate my cereal, Tyler drove me to school and took me to the office
“Miss Johnson?” she asks i look at Tyler for help i didn’t know if i was aloud to say about our marriage
“Mrs Wolf” he corrects she smiles apologetically and changes my name on the registers and on my time table i smile. Tyler takes me to my first lesson his grip tightened on my waist when we walked pass a crowed of boys i giggled and he looked at me confused
“I’d like my circulation back if you don't mind” he lets go and take my hand
“Baby stay away from them do you understand” Tyler said slowly i raise my eyebrows at him
“Don't” i growled
“Don't what?” he asks confused
“Don't say who i can be friends with and who i cant and don't treat me like a two year old” i said he looked at me apologetically and i huff and he kisses my head i heard a gasp and turned round to come face to face with a tramp.
“Hello?” i said trying to be polite
“Tyler, what’s going on” she asked him blanking me
“Who are you?” i said stepping in front of Tyler
“Who are you?” she spat back
“Im his...” i was cut of by Tyler
“Girlfriend, she is my girlfriend” he said giving me a pleading look to play along
“As i repeat, who are you?” i said
“Tyler is this true?” she asked i growled and Tyler put his arm round my waist
“And to think i was going to ask you out again” she said angrily i growled again no one touches my man
“Thats a good thing because even if i weren’t with this fox i still wouldn’t go back out with you” he growled i flushed scarlet and he chuckled and kissed my cheek but i wanted to rub it in her face so i turned round and gave him a full on kiss i giggled and pulled away too soon for his liking
“Must dash” i said sweetly and pulled Tyler with me i could hear her growl and Tyler was chuckling. We walked to my first lesson and Tyler kisses me goodbye i didn’t want to be left on my own, i didn’t know anyone i took a deep breath and walked into my English class with miss Jones.
When i walked in all eyes went on me, and i flushed scarlet and walked over to the teacher who was also starring at me
“Hello, im secret, secret wolf” i said she smiled and handed me a book and text book
“Please take a seat miss wolf” i didn’t know if i should correct her but i didn’t have to because John stepped in
“Mrs wolf actually” he corrected her i giggled as her eyes went wide and i took the only seat that was left, i sat down and studied the boy next to me he had short brown hair blue eyes he was tanned and you could see his muscles in his shirt i looked away from him and at John who looked pissed
‘What's wrong john’ i sent him he looked shocked but grinned at me
‘You have finished mating im guessing’ i flushed scarlet and my eyes went wide ‘ill take that as a yes’ he grinned i looked down
‘Why do you look pissed’ i asked him changing the subject
‘Because he is another wolf in a different pack and iv put you in danger by letting you sit next to each other’ he grimaced
‘Why am i in danger’ i said totally confused
‘Because you have mated and he can smell you and he could hurt or kill you to get back at our pack’ he said i stiffened and he nodded ‘im sorry’ he looked proper guilty
‘It’s not your fault, but we can not tell Tyler or he will flip’ he agreed as he would get the blame ‘although he cant do anything as i can knock him down’ he grinned and tried to stifle his laughter as a cough
“Right as it’s our second term i want you to spend 10 minuets talking to your partner” Miss Jones said i turned around to see him staring at me
“Have i got something on my face?” i asked him he chuckled
“No sorry its just iv never met someone like you” he said i smiled
“Thanks i think? Anyway im secret wolf and you are...?” he smiled
“Peter, peter smith” he said holding out his hand i shook it and he gasped
“Sorry its cold outside” i mumbled he nodded
“It is and you don't have a jacket” he scolded me i blushed
‘John help me’ i sent him he walked over to our table and grabbed my stuff
“We are swapping partners” he said then went to drag me away but peter grabbed my arm
“No, she is mine” he growled
I made both of them feel guilty for grabbing my arm and then i made them feel stupid for doing this in front of the class who was now starring at us
“MRS WOLF WHAT'S GOING ON” the teacher shouted at me i winced and fell on the floor john was in shock but peter caught me before i hit the floor
“Ill take her to the nurse” he said and picked me up bridal style and grabbed my bag and his then took me to the nurse, about half way to the nurses i stop him
“I can’t go to the nurses” i said trying to sit up but he pulls me closer to him
“I know that god we are not going to the nurses im taking you to my brother he can help you” he said i winced
“Thats not a good idea” i said standing up he looked hurt “Tyler will kill me if he sees me with you” i explain he nodded but he was upset “how about we go and sit some where for like 10 minuets so we can have a chat” i suggested his eyes lit up and i giggled we walked into the canteen and sat down
“Tell me about you’re self” he asked i looked down
“Well i was in care from the age of 10 till 17 then i moved in with my dad for 3 months then i moved in with Tyler and his dad for 2 years now until Tyler bought us a house and we have been living their for 4-5 months now” i said he looked at me and i smiled “what about you” i asked him
“Not much to tell you now im a wolf and i protect my land and my territory” he said proudly
“Are you an alpha” i asked him he nodded with a grin on his face i look at my phone and stand up “well that was a nice trip to the nurses thank you” i teased we walked back to the class room and johns eyes shot up to mine and he relaxed i smiled at him but he looked at peter they both gave each other evils peter tried to put his hand on my waist but i moved to my seat before he could.
The bell went 10 minuets later and i packed my stuff up and skipped over to john “do you know where maths is with Mr. Wool” i asked him he nodded
“Ill take you” peter said from behind me i spun round “im in your class he’s not” he said his eyes never leaving mine
“No its ok i want john to do it i promised Tyler i would have one of the boys take me to my every lesson today” i said smiling he frowned and walked off
“Come on Mrs i-don't-want-to-hurt-peoples-feelings” john teased i growled and he chuckled he took me to maths and gave me a hug before leaving i walked in and over to the teacher
“Hello Mr. Wool” i said politely he didn’t even look at me
“Take a seat next to peter” he said his eyes never leaving his laptop
“Okay” i said i sat down next to him and he didn’t even look at me
“I will read your mind if you don't talk to me” i whispered in his ear he smiled and looked down “lets try it again” i offered he nodded so i giggled
“Class welcome Miss Johnson” Mr. Wool said sitting in his chair he eyes locked on my and he didn’t say anything
“Mrs. Wolf” i corrected everyone gasped a girl ran over to me
“So you’re like married to one of the wolfs, which one?” she asked you could see the curiosity burning in her eyes, i even saw peter look at me as well as the whole class
“Erm to answer you’re questions yes and to Tyler” i said she gasped and so did everyone else i looked around puzzled and peter stood up and pulled me out the class room “PETER!” i screamed then out of now where all his mates where by the side of him and my pack was by me
“LET HER GO” Tyler growled i closed my eyes and both packs fell to the floor “secret stop” Tyler yelled at me
“NO! You need to learn to get along fight vampires together and junk what ever” i said with authority both packs winced and they all looked confused
“We are not from twilight” peter growled i stopped and each pack stood up
“We might both be wolves but baby, it don't work like that they have their territory and we have ours you are not aloud on their rez” Tyler said i looked at both packs
“What about if peter says i can” i said looking at peter
“Then you would be aloud as you have permission” peter explained
“BUT you are not aloud without one of us” Tyler said i rolled my eyes
“Oh congratulations” peter chipped in
“Thank you peter” i smiled at him and all the boys gasped
“Yes thank you peter, we will be having kids next” Tyler spat i looked at Tyler and all the boys chuckled i kissed him good bye and all the boys weather they were in my pack or peters i didn’t care and then went back into maths to see everyone stair at me.


i will work on this book as the week carry on sorry if you dont like it. :)
if anyone has any ideas please message me and i will see what i can do i hope you like my book :) xxxxxx


Publication Date: 10-27-2012

All Rights Reserved

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