I woke up and ran down the stairs “Dad, Mum” I shouted nobody answered i ran around the house and then I realised that they had left me I was home alone no one was coming back, I shot up from my bed “just a bad dream” I whispered I put my hands in my head until my breathing and heart was back to normal, I stood up and walked over into the shower, I let the hot water wash away my dream and all my insecurities when the water stared to get cold I got out the shower and walked into my room to see what i could wear today.
After looking in my draws I found my skinny jeans and my brothers hoddie and my favourite blue top I got dressed and put on my high tops, I walked into the bathroom and put on my make up
“Flaws” I whispered to my self as I put on my final coat of mascara I brushed my teeth and straitened my hair then I grabbed my bag and walked slowly down the stairs.
“Sasha” someone shouted
I didn’t answer I just walked into the living room and sat down at the table
“There you are, you ready for school” the head care worker (James) said
“Yes” I whispered
“Do you need so much make up” he said sitting opposite from me
“Yer” I said looking down
“Can you take a little bit off please” James said
“No point in trying no one has seen her with out make up except Rick” Maddi said
“So” I whispered
“You ok hun” Rick said coming behind me
“Im fine” I whispered
“Awww big bro to the rescue” Maddi teased
“Yer you’re just jealous that you don’t have one” Rick spat at her
I couldn’t deal with fighting not today so I stood up and walked out and sat on the chair by the window and just stared off into space.
“Sasha” someone said shaking me by the shoulder
“Sorry” I mumbled and stood up
“We need to go to school” Rick said looking at me with concern
“Great” I whispered sarcastically
“S’okay trust”
“It’s not YOUR fist day” I said
“You will be fine” Rick said just as James came in the room
“You guys ready” he asked us I shook my head
“You will be fine” he reassured me
“I know but...”
“But what” Maddi said
“Go away” I mumbled
“No, you should be scared school is the worst” she said smirking at me
“MADDI that’s enough” James said to her
“Sasha im taking you to school today and you will only be their for half the day”
“No” I said looking at him in the eyes
“What why”
“Because ill be different from everybody else” I stated
“But you have an appointment with your counsellor” he said
“No I don’t want to go” i whispered
“Fine today you don’t have too but you will have to go next time”
“Fine” I grumbled.
10 mins later...
We pulled up at the school and my mouth dropped like 10ft
“It’s not that big” James said looking at my worried expression
“No your right it’s massive” I said he laughed and I smiled I loved his laugh it reminded me of my dads laugh
“You coming” he said opening my door
“I would love to say no but yer” I said he smiled
I grabbed my bag and got out the car. We walked in silence over to the office when we finally got their James opened the door and I walked in and stopped dead in my tracks
“Wow” I said James laughed
“You and art” he smiled when he saw I was looking at the picture on the wall I giggled and he relaxed
“Miss Johnson I expect” she said looking at me
“Yes madam” I replied she smiled and handed me some papers
“This is your time table and this is a map of the school” she said I smiled and then I opened the door looking at my list
“So what you got first” James asked me
“Maths” I sighed this is the one subject I couldn’t do
“You’ll be fine” he said I walked off to my first lesson only to get lost I walked around the school until I bumped into a teacher
“Sorry ...sir I.... didn’t mean to... bump into you” I said looking down at my shoes
“Are you bunking” he asked me my eyes shot up to his face in panic
“No, im new, erm I couldn’t find my class” I said looking at the map
“Well what have you got first” he asked
“Maths with Mr Wilson” I said looking at my time table he smiled and showed me the way.
When we stopped outside the class I took a deep breath and knocked on the door a tall old man about in his 40’s opened the door he was dressed in a gray suit and black shoes he looked posh
“Erm sorry to disturb you but miss....” the teacher started to say but stopped and looked at me
“Sasha Johnson” I said looking down he smiled
“Miss Johnson is new and couldn’t find her way around the school or find your lesson” he said smiling down at me
“Thank you daniel I mean Mr March” he said and Daniel walked off
“So are you good at maths” I shook my head
“Im rubbish sir” I said embarrassed
“Its ok ill help you come in Mrs. Johnson”
“Please call me Sasha” I said walking in.
“Well class this is Sasha Johnson” he said
I looked up and gasped everyone was looking at me they all looked smart and I looked like a tramp i sighed
“Take a seat in the middle of the class next to jess” he said pointing to a girl I walked down and took a seat next to her,
“Hello” she said smiling at me
“Hi” I whispered, sir started talking about fractions and I gave up and sat in the chair and stared out the window until Mr. Wilson came over to me and touched my shoulder
“Yes” I said and looked at sir he raised his eyebrows so I explained why I wasn’t listening “Sorry you erm you lost me when you started talking about fractions” I said I herd some people giggled and I blushed a bright red
“It’s ok now what have you been taught at your old school” he asked me
“I haven’t” I said
“What, never been to school” he said in shock
“Nope” I said popping the p looking at him in the eye he looked shocked but sorted it out in an instant
“Fine erm let me pair you up with hmm.... mark you can teach her the basics” I herd him moan and I stood up collected my things and walked with my head down over to him
“So what DO you know how to do” he asked me
“Add and subtract that’s about it” I said looking at him he smiled and I looked down
“I know I must be stupid” I said
“Naa, naa that’s not what I meant” he said looking at me
“What did you mean then come on im 15 never been to school so I know nothing about maths” I said getting angry
“No you’re just different” he said I smiled then frowned
“Good different or bad different” I said
“good defiantly good” I smiled the rest of the lesson he taught me times table, and division and multiplication, he praised me when i got it right and explained it when I got it wrong we laughed and giggled for the whole hour, until the bell finally rung.
I got up and looked at my time table “English” I mumbled
“Room 7” mark said I smiled and nodded
“Good you’re with me”
“Cool” I said
“Are you good at English” he asked me
“Sorry to say, yer I am” I said with a smile he sighed
“Dam” I giggled and he smiled at me
“So you want to go to lesson” he asked me
“Yer” I sighed he laughed and put his hand around my waist we walked to lessons like this and I got stared at from all angles of the corridor
“People don’t like me much do they” I whispered looking down
“They don’t know you” he said, I smiled we walked into English
I stopped dead in my tracks the teacher was like 20 if that and he was amazing
“Wow” I whispered then I walked over to the teacher
“Hello sir im new” I said looking down
“Ok take a seat any where” he said smiling at me although I kept my head down I looked up and saw a seat by the window and took it, just then a girl came over to me
“What are you doing” she said angrily
“Sorry I didn’t know this seat was taken” I said standing up
“No, not the seat you and my boyfriend” she spat I looked taken back
“Excuse me” I said
“Don’t play dumb” she said
“Im not, I don’t know who your boyfriend is” I said looking at her
“Mark is my boyfriend, orphan” she spat I looked down ashamed and I grabbed my bag and walked out
“Wait i aint done with you” she shouted after me I stopped outside the class room and turned around, one thing I was told repeatedly was not to walk away when you are being spoken to
“Well you going to admit you was all over him” she spat
“Oh look the orphan is crying” she shouted I didn’t even realise that I was crying every one laughed including mark and I put my head down in shame
“THATS ENOUGH MISS JAMES” the teacher shouted
“Go and sit down now” he ordered her
“This aint over orphan” she whispered menacingly
“Yes it is” I spat back at her she opened her eyes wide and so did the teacher and the other students im guessing no one had stood up to her before well lets put her in her place shall we my subconscious was telling me
“What did you say to me” she whispered
“Yes it is, I am fed up with everyone picking on me just cause my parents walked out on me ok, its not my fault they did, now listen he put his arm around my waist I didn’t ask him to do nothing so go and take it up with him, I don’t like him like that love, get that into you pretty little head Blondie, or is it too complicated” I spat at her she looked shocked, and so did everyone else good I thought
I walked back into a silent class and took my seat. They all came in and took their seats and I looked at the front and tried to concentrate but couldn’t I herd the cow talking about me and saying I was going to get my head kicked in later, I laughed so she could hear me
“Is something funny miss Johnson” the teacher asked me for my random outburst
“No sir I just herd something so stupid that it was funny” I replied it looked like the teacher was trying not to laugh but you could see the amusement in his eyes
“Please get on with your work” he said I smiled and completed the task in 5 minuets
“Stuck?” sir asked me I laughed
“No, i am not sir, I have finished” I said he looked shocked and read my work
“Wow you know your stuff” he said I smiled
“So do you have any idea on what you want to be when you grow up, Sasha?” he sounded as if he was really interested
“Yes I do actually sir” I said smiling
“May I ask what it is you would like to be?”
“I want to be an author” I said and he smiled at me
“Do you right books?” he asked
“Yes I do sir, erm I think I have wrote 2 books so far that are completed and I am half way through my 3rd book” he smiled
“May I read one of your books” he asked me a blush slowly crept up on my face
“They erm, there about romance” I said looking down
“That’s fine could you bring one in tomorrow” he asked me I nodded and he smiled
“Well let me give you some work” I frowned
“Or I could doodle” I said, he smiled then nodded and I pulled out my paper and drew a bird sitting on a branch.
The bell went so I put my name on my doodle and left it on the table and walked over to gym. The teacher told us to do laps every one groaned but me I just started running and before I knew it the bell went I ran to the changing room and had a shower and got dressed so I was late to history only to find Mr. March was my teacher
“Get lost Miss Johnson?” he asked me I could see the amusement in his eyes remembering earlier I smiled
“No sir, I just had gym and I was still running when the bell went so I had to jump in the shower and get dressed sorry I am late and please call me Sasha” I said sitting in my seat
“That’s fine Sasha but don’t be late next time” he put emphases on my name
“Ok” I said lesson went so quick I found that the bell was going of just after 5 mins (but it had been an hour)
“Time fly’s when you’re having fun” I mumbled to myself
I met up with Rick and told him about my day and he said to ignore it so I did, I didn’t eat from the canteen, because I wasn’t hungry, so I earned my self a telling off by Rick saying that i should eat and all that
“What have you got last” Rick said dragging me away from my thoughts
“Erm art” I said with a smile
“Good” just then Rick’s friends came over and looked strait at me I blushed and looked down when they all smiled at me
“So who’s your bird” one of his friends asked I laughed they all looked at me and then at Rick he was blushing
“Sister” I said smiling
“Well that’s good then” one of the boys said
“Keegan no” Rick said I smiled at him then looked at Rick and back to Keegan
“Hello” he said holding out his hand I looked at rick and he nodded
“Heya” I replied
“Ok..., ill introduce you then” Rick smiled at the boys
“Ok this is from right to left Danny, Keegan, Lorenzo, Marco and Sammy” he said they all smiled
“Hey erm im Sasha” I said they smiled
“That’s a nice name” Lorenzo said I smiled ‘fit’ was all I could think when i looked at him, he was fitter than all the other boys and had manners ‘catch’
“So what you got now” Marco asked me
“Art” I said smiling
“Are you good at it?”
“Good she’s amazing” Rick said I blushed
“Im not that good” I said quietly
“Show them your doodle book” Rick said I gave it to him and he showed the others they looked impressed
“Wow” they all said
“Thanks” I whispered
Just then the cow came over and I sunk in my chair trying not to be noticed but of course she noticed me
“Soo you alright orphan” she said and then Rick stood up
“Excuse me” he said i stood up and grabbed his arm warning him to keep calm
“Rick... why are you sitting with her?” she said looking disgusted with him
“Because she’s my sister” he said she looked shocked
“Rick just, sit down please” I whispered
“No, she shouldn’t be bulling you should you Claudia” he said looking at her
“He’s right erm im sorry orph...”she cut her self short “I mean Sasha”
“S’okay” I mumbled and sat back down putting my hood over my head so they couldn’t see my face
Rick pulled my hood down and he saw that I was upset
“What’s up” he said
“Why am I treated differently” I whispered
“What do you mean differently?” he asked I tied my best not to cry, I saw all the boys looking at me in confusion
“Because im an orphan and im in a care home” I whispered back
“I don’t know they shouldn’t sash trust me, remember we are related so we are in the same boat” he said trying to make a joke out of it
“Then why are you not treated differently” I said I knew just as much as he did he couldn’t answer that one
“Exactly” I said standing up
“Wait were are you going” he asked me
“To lesson” i said walking away.
I had art with Mr. Edwards so we didn’t do much. So i just sat their thinking
“You know you shouldn’t think so much” the teacher said dragging me away from my thoughts
“So iv been told” I said smiling at him
“Do you want to talk about it” he offered
“Maybe later” I said he nodded
“I’ll hold you to that” he said I smiled just then Rick walked through the door
“Sir I need to talk to Sasha” he said walking my way
“Why? She is in a lesson can’t this wait” he said
“No” he said stubbornly
“Yes it can” I butted in
“But I need to...”
“No you don’t we can talk about this at home” I said giving him evils
“Fine” he said angrily and walking out slamming the door I looked down and let out a long breath
“Great” I mumbled
“Right class we are going to watch a movie” he said they all cheered but I didn’t
“May i be excused from the movie please” I said
“Yes i need to talk to you outside Sasha” he said i nodded and walked outside.
Two minuets later he came out and looked me in the eye
“So what’s up” I asked him
“Tell me what’s going on” he said softly and keeping at steady gaze with me
“It don’t matter, trust me” I said looking away from is steady gaze
“It does matter now tell me please” he said softly I shook my head
“If it’s troubling you it is important please” he said I looked at his face and I fell under his power and confessed everything
“Fine but you can’t tell anyone” I said
“Promise” he whispered back
“Right I lost my mum and dad after they walked out and I had to go to a care home and have been their ever since I was 10, anyway well some girl keeps calling me orphan and all that and I feel like im treated different just because of that” I whispered I could hear the pain in my voice so i know he could hear it too
He looked me in the eyes and I slid down to the floor and cried
“Give me two minuets please Sasha” he said walking away I tried with little success to slow my breath but he came back out of his room before I could slow it down
“Come with me” he said I stood up but fell back on the floor I felt so weak so i knew my legs had turned to jelly, he put his arm around my waist to steady me and then helped me walk over to an office
“Stay here” he said he walked in the office and then came back out with Mr. March
“Sasha?” he said shocked
“You know each other” Mr. Edwards said
“Yer Mark” Mr. March said looking at him
“Please come in and tell me the situation” he said looking at me
“No” I whispered then walked off i heard them calling me but I just decided instead of going back to lessons I will just go home
“I can’t tell another teacher. I aint a rat” I scolded myself for telling in the first place
“God how could I have been so stupid” I said angrily
“What’s wrong” James said as I walked in the house and stomped upstairs making sure I slammed every door I could get my hand on to warn people off. Once I got to my room in the attic I ran to my bed and laid their and cried myself to sleep.
Ricks point of view
“All I wanted was to talk to my sister I new it was hurting her to be treated different but nobody ever said anything to me” I said angrily to Lorenzo
“Because they know you kick the crap out of them” he said to me
“True” I mumbled
“Why don’t you just talk when you get home” Marco offered
“No she won’t talk to me” then I had an idea
“How about you guys come home and talk to her” I said
“NO. This is family business and no one else needs to be involved” Lorenzo said with an authority I sighed
“Fine” I mumbled just then Mr. Edwards walked into my class
“Excuse me sam... I mean Miss Brown but I need to speak to Rick” he said looking at me I grabbed my bag and walked out
“So what’s up” I said he smiled as if remembering something
“Erm Sasha has walked off” he explained I was confused Sasha would have never done anything like that he saw my confusion and explained more
“She told me why she was upset and broke down so I took her to the head teacher and told him and he wanted to talk to her but she said no and ran off” he explained
“WHAT!!” I yelled he looked shocked that i flipped out
“Why would you rat her out? She doesn’t want attention as it is being new and that, and you go give her more” I spat he looked down as if her was sorry
“It needed to be sorted out, Im sorry if I have offended her but she must know that know matter how big the problem is a problem shared is a problem halved” he said looking at me
“Not with sash she’s not like that. She wants no attention, she wants to be quit get on with her work and not be bother just fade into the back ground” I said angrily
“I apologise” he said
“Don’t apologise to me” I spat and walked back into the class room mad as hell.
“What’s going on” Keegan, Danny, Marco, Sam and Lorenzo said together
“She confessed something to that teacher that came in hear and he ratted her to the head and she ran off” I said looking down
“What?” they all said confused im guessing as why i was so mad
“She didn’t want attention so she thought she could deal with it, but ended up braking down in front of a teacher and he told and now there is too much drama for her so she ran” I said sadly
“Go to her now” Lorenzo said as if disgusted with me being their with them now
“I can’t...lesson” I said the all nodded but not Loz
“Listen Loz why don’t you come home with me and help me talk to her please” I said he sighed but nodded
“Fine but im driving” he said I smiled
“Fine” we waited for another hour before we could leave and then we rushed to his car and he drove me home.
We pulled up and we got out and all but ran to the door
“James im home” I shouted
“What’s wrong with... and who’s this?” he said looking at Loz
“Mate where’s sash” I asked more concerned about her than anything to be honest
“Upstairs” I went to go but he stopped me
“I wouldn’t” he said looking at me warily
“Why” I asked him
“Because she slammed every door she could get her hand on and she has been up their for two hours strait with out even coming out for a toilet” he said concerned
“Crap” I said remembering what she did when mum and dad walked out on us thinking it was her fault she punished her self
“Run!!” James shouted Loz pushed past me as if reading my thoughts and we stopped just out side her door.
I took a deep breath and i knocked on the door timidly “sash” I said
No answer i took a deep breath and just as I was about to break the door down I herd her mumble something
“What” she whispered
“I need to talk to ya” I said relived
“Go away” she screamed and through something at the door we all flinched
“Go down stairs” loz said
“Are you crazy” James whispered I looked at Loz and I knew he had a plan
“You have 2 hours or we are coming back up” I said grabbing James arm and we walked down stairs
Lorenzo’s point of view
I took a deep breath and knocked on the door
“Hello didn’t you hear me” she screamed
“Can you open the door please?” I asked timidly
“Lorenzo?” she whispered in shock
“Yer” I chuckled
“Can you open up I wanna talk” I said slowly
I herd her sigh and she unlooked the door and opened the door. She was still in her clothes she was wearing her make up smeared from where she had been crying but she never looked better as far as I was concerned she smiled timidly and it took my breath away ‘what the hell you are not aloud to think this of your best mates sister’ I scolded my self I smiled at her and she moved away from her door so I took that as my entry
I looked around her room she had a blue walls like the night sky (all the walls were this colour except one wall it had a forest at night with a full moon it looked magnificent) with stars on her roof, she also had a small single bed that she could fit in easily with her small frame, there wasn’t any posters on her walls or pitchers of her family, she had a desk in the corner looking out into the forest and the fields I could see she had been drawing the forest at different times as her art work was scattered around the desk, then I saw what i was looking for make up wipes I grabbed the packet and sat down next to her and started to clean her face she didn’t protest she just watched me with curiosity
“So why are you hiding in hear” I asked her
“Life...” she said grimacing I continued to clean her face with a wipe she smiled as I did this
“Well I got to say life can be amazing sometimes” I said smiling at her
She sighed “have you every got so many good things happen at once then when you finally find something you like and maybe even love you life turns upside down” she said looking down
“Yer I have actually” I said pulling her chin up with my finger she looked into my eyes and I looked into hers I smiled and she bit her lip
“Don’t bite your lip” i scolded her, she blushed and let her lip go ‘thank god’ i thought she looked well sexy doing that
“Wait what are you doing hear” she asked confused
“It don’t matter at the moment” I said smiling at her I had finally finished cleaning her face she was gorgeous why the hell does she ware make up
“Why do you ware all that crap” I said she froze and stood up
“Crap” she said looking at me with fear and biting her lip again
“Did you wipe it all off” she said looking at me with fear
“Yes of course, you don’t need it” I said standing up
“YES I DO” she shouted at me
“Why” I growled back
“Because I have flaws, im ugly” she shot back
“Why do you think that, who told you that” I whispered in shock I stepped forward
“It’s my fault my mum and dad walked out, dad was always telling me I look nothing like my mum, she beautiful and im not” she shouted looking down I could hear how much pain that coursed her to say
“What, it’s not your fault your parents didn’t care enough to look after you. You are gorgeous in every way possible” I said she looked up at me as tears spilled over her eyes I pulled into my chest and she hugged me back instantly
“Why do you think you’re so ugly that your mum left you? Must know that it wasn’t your fault and why do you think you have flaws?” I asked her
“Because I do, and because mum and dad never sent me to school but they sent rick. And I am not perfect like other girls, im ugly, and im fat, and I aint good at maths unlike everyone else, I. Am. Ugly. I. Have. Scars. I am not pretty I have been told that a million times” she whispered back I pulled her at arms lengths away so she could see my eyes and know that I mean every word I am about to say
“Right listen to me you, you DO NOT have to be perfect nobody is perfect. YOU ARE NOT fat, YOU ARE NOT ugly, it doesn’t matter what’s on the skin it matter’s about what’s under the skin that counts, and you ARE gorgeous IN EVERYWAY POSSIBLE ask anyone and for the people that say those horrible things the are just jealous” I said I saw how much that meant in her eyes and I wiped a stray tear from her eyes
“Loz do you want to stay for dinner James said it was ok” Rick shouted up
“Yes he does” Sasha answered for me
Rick shot up the stairs followed by James, Rick pulled Sasha into a hug and James stood their in shock
“You’re not wearing any make up” James said in shock
“I know” she smiled towards me
“Mate listen, I don’t know how you done it but thank you” James said sounding sincere
“She needed to hear the truth, not a lie, not an insult, the truth and that’s what i told her” I said smiling at her she blushed and looked down
“Thanks man” Rick said to me i smiled
“So what’s for dinner im starving” Sasha said we all laughed and went down stairs
“Wanna watch a movie” Sasha asked me and Rick
“Yer lets watch a scary one” Rick said
“NO, ill be scared” she said looking down
“I am sure that Loz with hug ya when you get scared” Rick said in a teasing tone
“Yer, of course I will, I don’t mind” I said she smiled and we all went in to Rick’s bedroom
“How about ... fright night on night’s street” Rick said I saw the fear in Sasha’s eyes and nodded
“Go for it” I said as my subconscious is saying ‘what the hell, do you want to lose a friend over a girl’. Yes i answered it ‘don’t be a loser, you don’t want to lose Rick now do ya’ no i replied ‘good boy’ my subconscious praises me for doing what’s right
“Hey, erm what’s the time?” I asked Rick
“About 5 ish why?” he said looking at his watch
“I can’t stay to watch the whole film sorry” i said
“Ok well we will eat dinner while watching T.V. then I will walk you to you’re car” Sasha said smiling at me
“Naa don’t worry about it I think I can walk to the end of the drive with out being killed trust me” I said smirking I saw her frown and that killed me
“Ok guys if you’re finished I would like to watch the film” Rick said I laughed and we sat in silence. I could not concentrate on the film all I could think about was Sasha, I kept looking at her and my subconscious kept telling me to look away she court my glance twice and she smiled and inched closer to me
“I have to go” I said standing up when Sasha was almost on my lap
“Why?” she asked me
“My dad will be home soon” I said walking down the stairs and out the door before she could protest
Sasha’s point of view
Lorenzo just stood up and said he had to go and walked out before I protest.
“What’s up with him?” Rick said
“Dunno” I said I suddenly felt alone and my heart was hurting like mad i walked over to Rick’s bed and lay down I clutched my chest but soon fell asleep.
I woke up in a cold sweat “arrrr” I screamed and Rick shot up stairs and into the bedroom quicker than i thought it was possible
“What’s up” he said panting
“JOSH!” I said frozen with fear
“What do you mean josh” he asked me looking so confused
“I mean like he was in the bed, were I was sleeping” I stated
“WHAT!!” Rick yelled
“JOSH!!!!!!! JAMES!!!!!!!” Rick shouted josh came out of Rick’s bathroom and Rick pinned him up against the wall and James ran up the stairs towards Rick’s room
“RICK STOP” I shouted he new I hated violence
“NO” he growled I have never seen him so angry in my life
“Please i just had a nightmare and now this...” i whimpered and slid down the wall with tears coming out of my eyes, Rick slowly let Josh down and came by my side
“How long have you been having these nightmares” James asked me
“Two nights so far” I whispered
“What, why didn’t you tell me” Rick said looking at me with hurt eyes I always told him every thing
“Because I didn’t want you to over react” I whispered
“Why on earth didn’t you tell me and don’t lie this time” he said sitting next to me
“Because, well... in the dream someone saved me and i don’t think that it was you” I whispered looking at him
“Well who was it?” he asked i could see the curiosity burning in is eyes
“RIGHT HOUSE MEETING” James shouted ‘perfect timing’ I thought
Ricks point of view
We all walked into the dining room and everyone took a seat (everyone except Sasha) I huffed and we sat in silence
“Right I have called you lot hear for two reasons” James started to say before Maddi butted in
“Where is Sasha?” she asked
“She doesn’t need to be hear because it does not concern her” I spat at Maddi
James continued “first thing is the violence that goes on in this house, some people have come from hard backgrounds and violence is the only thing that scares them, so it needs to stop and it needs to stop now” he yelled angrily
“Second thing is ....” Maddi said trying to hurry up the conversation I smirked at her and she smiled at me
“The second thing is how you talk to each other, so i am going to buddy you all up” he said smiling my eyes went wide
“But there is an odd number” I stated
“I know and that will mean someone will be left out and i have already talked with Janet and she agrees with me that Sasha will be on her own” he said i sighed
“Fine but who is getting paired up with whom?” I asked looking at James he sighed
“Well you are getting paired up with.... erm Maddi” he said I looked at Maddi and she blushed I smiled I’ve never seen her blush before i smiled to myself and stood up
“Take Maddi with you” James shouted
“I didn’t think girls were aloud in boys rooms” i said smiling at him
“Come on Maddi” i said she shot up from the table and ran behind me
We walked up to my room and she kept her eyes on the floor i chuckled and opened my bedroom door. She walked in and tripped over her own feet and i court her just before she hit the floor. Her eyes were shut tight waiting for the pain, she slowly opened her eyes to see me holding her she blushed and looked away
“Watch your step” i said helping her stand straight
“Sorry Rick” she said smiling at the floor
“So what do you want to do?” i said looking at her
“Erm watch a film or summin” she offered
“Yer go for it what do you like” i asked her she just shrugged so i put on a scary film
“You can sit down you know i don’t bite” i said chuckling
“Much” she whispered i stood up and grabbed her hand and pulled her over to the sofa, she shivered so i grabbed my blanket and chucked it to her she smiled up at me
“Thank you” she said quietly
“S’okay, ready” i asked her pointing at the film she nodded and i sat next to her and pressed play we sat for about 10 minuets until she jumped out of her skin and put her head in my chest to cover her eyes i put my hand on her head to comfort her and she looked up at me and i smiled at her
She sat up and kissed me i kissed her back and she put her head back on my chest and her arms around my waist i put my arms round her tiny waist and pulled her close she smiled and then jumped at the movie i pulled her closer to comfort her and we sat their for an hour until we were called for dinner
“Erm Rick does this mean we are together?” she asked me i could see the hope in her eyes
“yer if you want” i said smiling at her she ran and jumped in my arms and kissed me i herd the door shut quietly and another one slam
“SASHA” I whispered to Maddi she froze with fear
Sasha’s point of view
I phone Lorenzo i needed to ask him summin
Sasha: “hey”
Lorenzo: “heya babes”
Sasha: “so what’s up?”
Lorenzo: “i know you didn’t phone me to ask how i am, what’s up babe? You can tell me”
I sighed on the phone ‘how does he know me so well’ i thought
Sasha: “it doesn’t matter i err i got to go for dinner bye”
I hung up before he could ask me something else and ran down stairs i sat next to Jamie and dean instead of Rick and James
“Why you sitting with us?” dean asked me
“Don’t you want me next to you?” i said hurt but tried to cover it up
“Yer of course but you usually sit next to Rick” he said puzzled i grabbed his had under the table
“Does it matter” i said sweetly
“Nope” he said smiling back at me i went to let go but his grip tightened on my hand i smiled at him and he smiled back
“You need to let go of my hand so i can eat” i whispered in his ear he blushed and squeezed my hand one last time before letting go i giggled and he blushed harder
“What’s going on” Rick said standing up and coming over to me i stood up
“You tell me” i said he was mad his eyes where a flame
“Well” he said taking a step forward to me i stepped back
“Get away from me” i shouted he raised his hand and slapped me round the face so hard that i fell on the floor
“Whoa” every one shouted at Rick, his eyes were still a flame
“RICK WHAT THE HELL” James shouted at him and James came round to help me up i could taste blood in my mouth i wiped my lip and i winced when i rubbed the cut i saw blood on my hand and i looked back at Rick with petrified eyes and i ran upstairs to my room i slammed to the door and locked it and ran over to my bed my phone started ringing it was Lorenzo
I answered it and tried to stifle my sobs and tried to stop the tears coming out of my eyes
“Yes” i said
“What happened are you alright” he said in a panicked voice
“Im fine what do you want” i said slowly
“No your not i coming over” he shouted and hung up i cried loud and hard i ignored the banging and the pleading for me to open my door and fell asleep
I woke up to a loud bang and saw that Lorenzo had kicked my door down
“What the hell” i whispered but i couldn’t say anything else i looked into Lorenzo’s eyes and got lost he ran over to me picked me up and off of my bed and spun me around
“What the hell happened? Why were you ignoring me? Us?” he sounded in pain just asking the questions
“I was asleep” i said simply
“Asleep” he scoffed
“Yes i cried my self to sleep” i said pushing myself away from him he looked in pain
“What? Why?” he looked so confused
“Can i talk to you Loz” Rick said slowly i got up and ran into the bathroom
“Sasha, im sorry” Rick shouted through the door i put the shower on and had a long shower
Ricks point of view
We was all sitting at the table when Sasha walked in and sat next to dean and not me i was hurt at the fact that she sat next to dean and not me but i let that go and started eating.
Two minuets into dinner and dean started talking to dean then she whispered something in his ear and he blushed bad things flew round my head wondering what she had said and then she giggled, i lost it i stood up.
“What’s going on” i said standing up and walking over to sash and she stood up to
“You tell me” she said i was mad you could see my eyes where a flame
“Well” i said taking a step forward to her and she stepped back
“Get away from me” she shouted at me i raised my hand and slapped her round the face so hard that she fell on the floor i wasn’t even thinking
“Whoa” every one shouted at me, but i was still mad as hell and my eyes were still a flame
“RICK WHAT THE HELL” James shouted at me then James came round to help Sasha up she had a bleeding lip and a hand print that was sure to leave a bruise she wiped her lip and winced at the pain she looked at her hands and saw blood she looked back at me with petrified eyes and she ran upstairs to her room. She slammed the door and locked it.
I sat down on the floor as realisation hit of what i just did to my sister, my little baby sister that i was suppose to protect with my life, not let no one hurt her and keep boys away that are just going to hurt or use her. I sighed and looked around the room everyone’s eyes where on me.
I sat their for like two minuets before the door went no one moved so i got to my feet and answered it do Lorenzo
“What are you doing hear” i said surprised
“i phoned Sasha and she was upset what happened?” he asked but before i could explain i heard James shouting for her to open the door Loz shot up the stairs and was banging on the door.
Lorenzo’s point of view
I ran up to the house and Rick answered the door, we was talking and then James shouted for Sasha to open the door i shot up stairs and started banging on the door i was panicking
“James can i bust the door down?” i asked him he looked shocked
“Will you fix it?” he asked i nodded and he nodded his head
I walked back to the other side of the wall and ran as fast as i can and hit the door with my shoulder
“It wont work like that kick it” James said to me i nodded and kicked the door so hard that it fell on the floor
I saw that Sasha had sat up and looked at me
“What the hell” she whispered but she couldn’t say anything else so i looked into her eyes and she got lost in mine i ran over to her picked her up and off of her bed and spun her around
“What the hell happened? Why were you ignoring me? Us?” i said trying to disguise the pain and worry in my voice
“I was asleep” she said simply
“Asleep” i scoffed
“Yes i cried my self to sleep” she said pushing herself away from me. That hurt i didn’t mean to be rude to her but seriously anyone would have heard that banging
“What? Why?” i said confused
“Can i talk to you Loz” Rick said slowly to me my eyes shot up off of Sasha and over to Rick who looked guilty as ever, Sasha stood up and ran over to the bathroom door
“Sasha, im sorry” Rick shouted through the door i heard her put the shower on and rick turned to face me
“What happened? Why are you sorry? Why does she have a bruise and a hand print on her face? Why is her lip cut? Who done it?” i said in a panicked voice
“Calm down and i will explain” he said annoyed
“NO TELL ME WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO HER!” I shouted at him he stepped back
“I hit her” he mumbled but i couldn’t hear him
“What” i said looking at him
“I hit her” he said a bit louder
“WHAT, WHY” i shouted
“Because i got the wrong idea and she pushed me to it” he defended
“No” he said looking down
“Why the hell would you hit her? She is you sister, your little sister you know the one who your are supposed to protect and look out for” i said in a normal voice although my subconscious was yelling at me to hit him
“I didn’t mean to i...i... i just lost it im sorry” he said looking at me i saw he was about to cry
“I aint the one who needs you’re apology am i” i spat his eyes shot up to mine
“You like her?” he said it more of a question rather than a statement
“Kind of” i whispered rubbing the back of my neck
“Then why didn’t you say it to her” he said looking confused
“Because she is your sister, and you’re my best friend i didn’t want to lose you over a girl” i said looking down
“Seriously im glad it’s you and not some spaz because i know you won’t hurt her” he said
“Does this mean i have permission to ask her” i said looking at him he smiled and nodded i hugged him and we heard sash come out the bathroom
“You need to get out so i can get dressed” she whispered i grabbed ricks hand and pulled him out side her door
“God sake” she moaned i waked back in her room
“Got no door to cover me up” she smirked at me
“Sorry erm ill fix it” i said slowly she smiled and then blushed
Sasha’s point of view
I and Lorenzo were talking and then i remembered that i was in a towel and blushed like mad he saw me blushing and his eyes went wide
“Sorry ill erm err go” he said walking out and picking up the door and held it up for me i giggled and grabbed my underwear and walked over to my chest of draws and got out tight skinny black jeans and a pink tank top i put on my high-tops and straitened my hair and then put on my make up and went down stairs
“Why you wearing that crap” Lorenzo scolded me i sighed
“Because i have a bruise and a cut lip” i shouted and then grabbed my school bag and walked out the door and to school
I stopped outside the gate and sat on the pavement and curled myself in a ball i don’t know how long i was sitting their but if felt like hours
“Sasha?” someone asked me i froze
“It’s me Mr. March” he said sitting next to me
“What are you doing out here on you’re own” he said i stood up and looked away from him
“Erm nothing i err just needed some air” i lied
“Fine go to lesson” he said standing up i walked into my second lesson as i already missed first and sat down
“Heya orphan” Claudia sneered at me and loads of people started shouting orphan and tramp and ugly and all that i just sat there and took it i don’t care. I was walking down the hall when some people started chucking paper at me i ignored it and i went to my locker and got out my books i turned around and someone through water in my face and other people sat there laughing. I ran off to the closest classroom which to my surprise was Mr. March’s room i ran over in to his closest and sat down and cried my eyes out.
Mr March’s point of view
I walked in my room talking to Danny
“Sir please, give me another chance” he said desperately
“Fine i will if you leave now?” i asked him he nodded and walked off smiling
“Ignorant child” i spat “if he would have just behave he wouldn’t need to beg to come back to my class” i sighed i sat down at my desk and looked at the clock “5 minuets till lunch” i sighed i have a meeting at lunch thats just what i need teachers having a go just because their class doesn’t want to work i groaned in defeat. I put my head on the desk, i heard someone sniffling it sounded like it was coming from my closet so i stood up and walked as quiet as i could over to the closet.
I took a deep breath and opened the door to a distressed Sasha curled up into a ball. It broke my heart to see her so upset her make up was all over her face and her eyes where puffy
“Hunny what’s wrong?” i asked her she just looked at me and put her head back into her little ball of protection
“Stand up sweetheart let me see you” i commanded in a soft voice she did as she was told she looked at me and her little chin wobbled and she ran into my chest and poured her eyes out. It pained me to see her so upset but i know its wrong of me to feel this for a student i held her close to my chest and she slowly started to quite down her sobs into just sniffling.
I pulled her back and looked at her in her eyes
“What happened hunny?” i asked again
“Nothing” she whispered back
“Then why are you crying” i said pulling her close
“Err it don’t matter, err im gunna go” she whispered she squeezed me one last time then let go and walked out wiping her tears away it hurt me too see her so upset i shouldn’t be having these feelings for a student but i wanted to protect her and be a farther to her maybe i can be ill adopt her
Sasha point of view
I walked out of Mr. March’s room and headed home, i walked in and i hard a James and someone else arguing
“James i home” i shouted the arguing stopped and James and another man came out of James office i just stood their in shock the man looked like me but different he must have seen the resemblance between us because he smiled like he new me
“Hello Sasha” James said slowly
“Sasha it’s been a long time” the man said i remembered his voice from somewhere but i couldn’t put my finger on it
“Who are you” i said looking away from him to James and back again
“Where are your manners” he said in a disappointed tone
“Who the hell are you to give me advice” i spat at him he looked shocked
“I am your father that’s who now learn some bloody respect” he shouted i froze rick walked in and saw what was going on
“dad?” he asked he nodded at rick and rick saw my face a single tear came out my eye and i ran upstairs and slammed the door shut and as loud as i could
Ricks point of view
I walked in to the house and saw my dad standing in front of Sasha crap i thought
“Dad” i asked him just to make sure he nodded at me and i looked at Sasha in shock, i saw a single tear come down Sasha’s face and she legged it upstairs and slammed her door
“Sasha” i shouted after her i went to go but James stopped me
“What the hell she needs me” i spat at him
“Rick learn some respect for adults” my dad scolded me i smiled and shock my head at him
“Fine. Why are you hear dad” i said scowling at him
“I have news and im afraid that it doesn’t concern you just Sasha son” he said i sent daggers his way
“Go away. You aint coming near her, you don’t know how much stress you have coursed her let alone pain” i shouted at him he looked shocked that i had spoken out of turn with him
“Go to your room” he shouted
“Why you aint my dad” i shouted as loud as i could
“STOOOOOP” Sasha screamed from the bottom step i looked at her and she was in so much pain it killed me
“sash” i said walking closer to her but she put her hands out in front of her to tell me to stay back i froze in my place and just looked at her
“Why are you hear” she whispered but dad didn’t answer her
“Who are you? I mean i know you’re my biological dad but what’s your name” she said looking at him by now everyone was watching us from the care home
“Maddi, josh, dean, charlotte, Alex, sky, Toni, sally, and drake go to your rooms” James commanded
“we aint a freak show guys” i shouted everyone moved to their rooms and we went into the living room
Sasha’s point of view
We walked into the living room and i sat down on a single chair and dad and James sat on the sofa and rick stood behind me and put his hand on my shoulder
“ok i guess you have forgotten everything from your life before the care home” he said slowly
“no she has nightmares about you leaving her most nights and has to take medication” james said looking at him, he looked shocked and looked at me with pain in his eyes
“i didn’t know. Im sorry” he said sincerely
“save your pity she don’t need it she has me” rick snapped at him i stood up
“If you want to be hear rick stop fighting i want to know more ok or go and kiss maddi” i spat at him he looked down
“What is your real name?” i asked him he smiled at me
“Kieran” he replied
“That’s a nice name” i said smiling back at him
“Anyway why did you leave us and don’t lie” i said looking down
“this is the truth do you remember the day we left you” he asked i nodded so he continued “well me and your mum, were going to go for our second honeymoon and she said that she has, had enough with taking care of you and rick, and at the time i didn’t want to lose her i depended on her so when she said to pack up and go i didn’t hesitated and followed her but after a week of living with no kids i missed you and i tried to talk her back in to coming back and being a family but she didn’t want that she didn’t want kids so after living with her for a year i broke it off with her and have sorted my life out for the past 4 years with a house and a job and all that and for the past 2 years i have been trying to find and sort out visiting rights” he explained
“Kieran you cant expect to turn up and every think will be fine” i whispered he nodded his head so i continued to tell him what i haven’t told anyone before “i mean when you and mum walked out and left me i was a mess i have to have counselling 1 every fortnight and i use to cut myself to take the pain away from not being perfect and not looking like mum did i tried my best i did and what hurt the most was that you always put me down” i said looking down
“i had know idea hunny, i am sorry for the pain i have coursed you and i swear that i always thought you were perfect, it was your mother who was insecure so i had to put everyone else down so she would feel like a million bucks, listen if you give me one more chance i swear i will do everything right” he said softly
“I don’t know” i whispered back
“Think about it, i am only in town for two days so let me know yer” he said i got up and hugged him
“i will dad” i whispered in his ear he hugged me back and then left after giving me a kiss on the head i turned round only to see james rick and all the other people
“WHAT” i spat at them
“We need to talk” rick said looking at me
“No we don’t im forgiving him rick cant you see how much we mean to him?” i asked him he shook his head
“Fine but don’t come crying to me when it goes tits up” he spat and walked off i ran into the office and phone dad
“Hello” he said
“Heya dad”
“Heya hunny are you okay?”He asked me
“I want to come and live with you can you pick me up tomorrow” i asked him
“Oh of course hunny, oh im so happy ill be their at 4 when you get back from school love you baby girl” he said happily
“Love you too dad see you then” i hung up and ran upstairs to pack
After i had packed i kept one clean outfit out and put another in my back pack i giggled and ran to bed i fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow
I woke up and had a shower i was so excited i jumped out and got dressed in black skinny’s and a tight white tank top and my high tops i put ricks hoddie over me and grabbed my bag i ran down the stairs and into the kitchen only to freeze their
“What’s up” i said looking at everyone round the table rick stood up and slammed his hand on the desk
“When were you going to tell us” he spat
“So this now includes everyone Richard” i spat using his full name he glared at me and i sighed “i was going to tell you but i didn’t want you to over react” i said getting a apple and biting it
“So moving in with our dad when you have just met him is reasonable” he shouted at me i growled
“listen im 17 ok i can make my own decision’s and what you said last night i didn’t think you had the right to know what is going on with me do you” i spat and grabbed a cereal bar and a bottle of water and walked out i got into my car and drove to school once i got their it felt like everyone was staring at me i went to first lesson (maths) and started to do it but 10 minuets in and i was called out by Mr. march
“Can i speak with Sasha Johnson” he said i grabbed my things and walked out the door “are you leaving the school Sasha?” he asked me
“Yes sir im moving in with my dad tonight” i said
“But you have just met him don’t you think its all happening at bit fast?” he asked me i sighed
“No i don’t people need to but out of my life” i screamed and punched the wall so hard i felt bones brake i screamed loud and started jumping up and down
“Ow, Ow, Ow help me” i screamed at a froze Daniel
“NOW!!!” i screamed again he seemed to hear that one because he jumped and picked me up and ran me over to the nurse room
“she punched a wall and i think she has broken her hand” he said to the nurse she touched my hand and i screamed at her and she phone an ambulance and 10 mins later it was taking me to the hospital i was giving pain relief but i still felt it and would scream occasionally and make the nurse jump i was giving a cast and i got to chose the colour and i chose hot pink. After sitting in the hospital for 2 hours i was aloud to go home and to my surprise dad picked me up, we drove back to the care home and he put all my stuff in the boot
“It’s all packed hunny” he said coming in
“okay im just gunna right a letter to some people before i go” i said he nodded and kissed my head i was about to do it when i remembered my hand so i went into ricks room and used his laptop and printed them all off and put them in envelopes and put a pitcher in everyone i wrote one to rick, james, Lorenzo, and Mr. march
The letters
Dear James,
Thank you for taking care of me when you didn’t need to, you looked out for me when i need it and made me laugh at times when i wanted to cry i cant thank you enough and i really mean that james. You were like a dad to me even when i was being a spoiled little cow i loved you every time i said i hate you or that you’re not my dad but in all fairness you were the closest thing to a dad that i had up till now. I am sad that i have to go but yet i know that i have rushed into things but i know i have made the right decision and hopefully i can still come back to you if i need advice or something but i want you to know james that i love you and no matter what you was and are the best dad i could have asked for, i love you millions dad <3 xxxxxxxx
Sincerely your special girl
Sasha Isabella Huston
Dear rick,
i am so happy that i got a brother like you yes you may not think that after all the times i say i hate you or you’re not my brother anymore but i do love you rick and i am so glad that you have found someone special even if it is Maddi but if she makes you happy bro im glad its her and not someone i don’t know and is ugly and a complete cow ahah. You may be angry that i left with out a good bye but this is my goodbye i love you rick and i could not ask for a better brother as you are the best bro ever. I remember all the good times and when people picked on me and you stood up for me, i know i have course you a lot of stress and hassle and im sorry for that, i didn’t mean to do it on purpose i promise, i am thankful that you always took the time to look out for me and look after me when i was sad. I am thankful that you never gave up, you were a best friend as well as an amazing brother rick and i love you so much xxxxxxxx, xxxxxxxx, xxxxxxxx <3 <3
Lots of love you’re not so little sister
Sasha Isabella Johnson
Ps i love you millions bro and i hope i see you again i know you didn’t mean it and you were angry but i do love you
Dear Lorenzo
I am sorry i never got a chance to say my goodbye but this is it i promised you i would never leave without a goodbye so hear it is. Thank you for being their when i couldn’t trust anyone else, or when know one else would understand what was going on and for caring about me and telling me stuff i needed to hear, i love you forever and millions i am sorry that i never got the chance to say it to your face but i do love you and im sorry i have left without telling you face to face. I can’t wait till i see you again. Oh and i will message or write to you i promise and ill tell you my phone number when i get it sorted ahah i love you and i will miss you tones
From you secrete admirer
Sasha Isabella Johnson
Dear Mr. Daniel March,
Yes i know your name thank you for being their for me and looking out for me, for comforting me weather i wanted it or not but i did need it, i am sorry i left with out a goodbye or talking to you face to face but you must understand that i am moving with my dad i am sorry that we never talked like i promised we would but ask Mr. Wilson and he will explain what was up with me. I am great-full that you praised me when i worked hard and showed some interest even when i felt isolated and alone, i know that you can and will struggle to understand my life but know this i looked up to you and i would have taken you’re advice about anything thank you some much daniel i will never forget you xx
Your favourite pupil
Sasha Isabella Johnson
Ps i have left you a picture so you won’t forget me ahah love ya Mr. March your the best
Sasha’s point of view
I grabbed each letter and put them on their bed but i dropped Lorenzo’s and daniel’s off at school and asked the lady at the desk to give them to them today and now i got back in the car with my dad and we made the long drive to forks.
I woke up to dad shaking me “hunny we hear” he whispered softly in my ear i jumped and shot up from the seat only to smack my head on the roof of the car
“ouch” i said rubbing my head dad chuckled and opened my door and helped me inside i looked up and gasped
“this house is massive dad” i said in shock he smiled “how many rooms and which one is mine” i said failing to hide the excitement in my voice
“3 floors 12 rooms and ill get someone to show you to your room” he said softly “Jacob” he shouted and a young man about 2-3 years older than me came over he was tall about 6ft and was heavy built muscle wise he was tanned and had his hair cut short but long enough to style it he looked at me and smiled i gave a shy smile back i looked away from him and down at the floor
“Jacob show my lovely daughter her room and carry her bags upstairs as well” he ordered him i sighed
“yes sir” he said picking up my bags i went to help but dad stopped me
“let him do it hunny” he said sternly
“but their is too many please daddy ill just carry 2” i whined he reluctantly agreed and i gave him a hug
“miss you dont have to help me you know i can do it my self” he whispered to me
“i want to help and please call me sasha” i said looking at him i smiled and he smiled back we walked upstairs him caring 4 bags and me caring 2 and a box
“dont we have an elevator or summin i can be arsed to walk up all these everyday” i whined at him he chuckled and shook his head “gutting” i sighed after a massive set of bendy stairs we finally came to a landing but we had to go up another set of stairs once we got to the top i almost dropped the box i was holding
“what is wrong miss” Jacob asked with concern leaking into his voice
“this its erm its like an apartment in a house” i said looking around he chuckled and smiled at me
“its you’re floor miss” he said looking at me as if i was crazy
“so does that mean you work for me or my dad” i asked him
“i work for your dad miss i am not aloud near you unless i am told to by you’re dad sorry miss” he said and walked out i frowned and walked into my room i had a king size bed and a walk in wardrobe i giggled and ran into it their was already clothes init and they were all my size i giggled and grabbed dark blue skinny jeans and a gray stripped tight fitted top and a pair of ugg’s then i went and had a shower and got dressed. I walked down stairs and into the kitchen i was about to make myself a glass of juice when some one shouted my name i dropped the glass and it smashed
“crap” i whispered some people came in and stood their watching me clean up the glass when a bit went into my finger “dad” i yelled standing up and waving my hand around like a wombat he came in and looked at me
“what happened?” he asked me
“i was getting a drink and someone screamed my name and i dropped the glass and i was trying to clean it up but a bit has gone in to my finger and it kills dad help me” i whined he chuckled a deep chuckle and walked over to me
“come on lets get you sorted out”
“but what about the glass” i said looking down
“honey that is what emma is for” “emma” he shouted i looked down great she is going to think im clumsy as i thought to my self she came in without asking questions and started cleaning up
“sorry” i mumbled as we walked out when we came into his office he knocked on his door and it went quiet, we walked in and i was still panicking about my hand i saw blood coming out of it and i winced i was never strong around blood i looked up and saw 3 worried faces
“are you ok hunny” dad asked me i shook my head “squeamish” he asked i nodded and i felt sick i new i was gunna pass out soon the man and the young boy can over and helped me to the sofa i tried to look anywhere else other than the cut
“breath through you nose it will help” the boy said softly i gulped and nodded i started breathing through my nose and he was right it helped i smiled up at him and then took in the whole family
The women im guessing was he mum she was dressed in a black suit but had a skirt and not trousers she had brown hair that was pulled back to show she was a business women she had a pair of black rimmed glassed and her face was not heavily made up yet she looked beautiful she was skinny tall with her high heels and she was pale but not quite as pale as me. The man was dressed in a gray suit and also had his hair pulled back to show that he too was a business man and not to be messed with he looked about 30 where as the women looked about 35 and he was hansom. Lastly was the son he was dressed in darks blue jeans and a smart looking white and black top with red and black high tops his hair was kind of like Justin bebier’s hair but better.
I looked down at the cut and his finger softly pulls my chin up “don’t look at it” he says softly i nod to show i understood and he smirks at me “you feeling ok you’ve gone a bit pale” he said with concern i stand up and run out of the office and up the stairs to my room and into my bathroom and vomit i hear someone bang on the door softly i cant talk so they just open it and come over to me and hold my hair out of my face when im finished im too week to get up and his arm snakes around my waist and he picks me up bridal style i cling on to him and put my head on his shoulder and pull myself closer for comfort until i cant hold on any longer and fall a sleep in exhortation
Text: my own !!
Editing: victoria joshnson
Publication Date: 10-21-2012
All Rights Reserved