
I was standing against a pillar as My older brother talked to the man at the desk. This had to be the biggest airport I've ever seen. He thanked the guy and took a card. He made his way to me.
"Well, uh...."
"Lola." I said, looking around.
"Are you alright Lola?"
"i'm fine." I said, not making eye contact.
"Well, I thought we could go get your bags and then we could talk over a coffee."
"This is it, and I don't drink Coffee." I said, referring to the back pack I was wearing.
"Well, then how about a hot Coco? We still need to talk."
"Cool." i nodded.
He turned and headed to a cafe. I sat at a table and he went to the counter. He set down the hot Coco and I took a drink. Mmmm. Peppermint.
"So. Let's just get right to it. I have a small apartment. I arranged for you to live there. Now, I wont be there that much cause of my job." He paused to make sure I was keeping up.
This time I did make eye contact.
"I'm used to being alone."
"See, that's where I feel bad, cause your always alone. That can't be good for you." He said, taking a drink of his Coffee.
"I'll be okay."
"I set all these expectations, but now my work has cut in and..." he waved a hand.
"Setting expectations only lead to disappointment."
"Your right. I wish I could somehow be with you."
"I'm not your problem. Do your job."
"Lola-" He took out his cell phone. "Nathan." He snapped.
I drank the hot Coco slowly so it wouldn't burn me.
"Get Janner on it or your fired." he snapped the phone shut.
"Where were we?"
"I'm pretty tired." I nodded, warming my hands on the Coco.
I wasn't really tired. I just didn't do awkward very good.
"Right. Let's get a move on. Wait are you hungry?"
I shook my head, and jumped off the chair. I fixed my black and white scarf and then grabbed my Coco. As we made our way to the car he got another call.
"Well I'll tell you something!" He stepped into a puddle of melting snow.
I smiled, and ducked my head.
"Lola." he waved.
I opened the front door.
"Is your name Lola? Fix it."
He slammed his door and turned the car over. I put on my seat belt.
It was the middle of winter which meant Two things. Colds, and Me starting a new school, with kids that had been there forever. The sky was a pale gray and the trees where bare. There were patches of melting snow, and puddles of melting ice. Nathan stuck something into his ear.
"Nathan." He snapped.
"Look If you can't do it then I'll find someone who can. I'm dealing with family business. Don't call unless someones dying." He said, pulling into a lot.
The apartments where like small houses.
"What?" He snapped answering the phone again. "For Christ." he said, shutting the door.
I got out, and slung my bag over my arm. I followed him to Number 14. He pointed to a door and I went in. The room had a bed, a dresser and a desk with a lap top. There was also an empty book shelf. The bed was stripped of it's bedding. I was happy to be alone.
"Lola? i have to get to work! There's stuff in the hall closet for you, and there's keys on the table if you want to go anywhere. There's also a cell phone in your top drawer. it's in one of the night stands. There's also a credit card in there. I'll be late, or might not come back at all. Don't wait up."
I jumped as the door slammed. I took a deep breath and let it out.
"New chance Lola." I told myself.
I grabbed my phone and turned it on. Nathan's number was the first on speed dial. I shoved the phone in my back pocket and went to the hall closet. There was six pillows, and one of those bed in a bag things. I made my bed then unpacked my back pack. I went to the fridge. I decided on a grilled chicken salad. I Pushed open the French doors. The houses really didn't have a yard. It was a block of cement, then grass, then the pool, in the middle. I set up the BBQ. right across the pool where some boys. One coughed and smoke came out of his mouth. One looked over at me.
"Whoa! do you smell that? someone ran over a skunk!"
They all laughed. I grilled the chicken and put out the fire. The boys where still outside when I shut the door. They waved and I shut the blinds. Even with the lights on the house was still dim. The walls where a Gray-blue and the carpet was gray. I ate the salad and took a shower. the shower had two doors. One that led to my room, and one that led to Nathan's room. after my shower, I went to bed. Well I stared at the roof really. Tomorrow would be the day that I would be starting a new school. No matter how Much I tried I couldn't sleep. When my cell phone blasted He wasn't by Avril Lavigne, I tossed off the covers and jumped out of bed. I fixed my bed, straightened my hair, and got dressed. Nathan still hadn't came home. Good thing I saw the school on the way here. I got something to eat. When I turned to the table there was a box. I looked around and went to the box. there was a yellow post-it note on a text book.
'School stuff. Have a good day Lola.
I took another bite of my pop tart, and looked through the box. I put everything into my back pack. I took one look around and left to the parking lot. It wasn't long before I found the car. It was black, and stood out. I got in and set my bag on the passenger seat. I took the sun blocker down, and opened it to the mirror, and stared at myself.
"You got this. your going to be fine. Open the mouth that God gave you and ask Lola. You'll be okay." I let out a deep breath. " I hope." I muttered shutting the mirror and starting the car.
As soon as my foot hit the black asphalt kids stopped what they where doing and began to gawk, whisper, and run to other people to gossip. I slammed the door, and slung my bag over my shoulder. With a too sharp stab of my thumb, the doors locked. I weaved my way through the cars, to the front office. The office was small and warm. There was a plump lady at the front desk, wearing a blue shirt and a warm smile. I relaxed. I walked up to the desk and took off my sun glasses.
"Uh, Lola. Lola Steele."
"Of course! Lola we've been expecting you."
She slid across her cubby in her wheely chair. She grabbed a thin envelope. And handed it to me.
"Why don't you go ahead, and have a seat in those chairs, and look over your things."
I sat in the last hard plastic chair side ways, away from the door. I set my bag at my feet and opened the envelope. there was stuff for Nathan to look over and sign. I took out my classes, and a map of the school. I'm pretty good at studying stuff i want to. I looked over the map, when the door opened and the bell jingled. Soon the room was filled with laughter.
"Miss. J!" A boy said.
"Hello boys!" Miss J said, happy.
I looked up, then quickly back down. It was the boys from across the pool. they talked for a second and left. I looked up, to see the boy who coughed looking at me. He gave me a sad smile, and with a shake of his head he left. I looked at my phone. I had ten minuets before class started. I put everything in the envelope, except my classes which I shoved into my pocket.
"Thanks for all this Miss J. I'm going to find my classes."
"Are you sure, Lola? We have an excellent student guide."
"No thanks." i said.
I gave her a smile, put my sunglasses back on and pushed out of the office. The ice cold wind stung my nose but I still welcomed it. Did she think I was stupid? The new kid with the guide. As if I didn't already have a lot to worry about. The little unwanted voice in the back of my head reminded me she was just trying to help. I took a tour of the school, using the way I'd use to get to class. As the five minuet bell rang I made my way to class. I sat at the back of the class taking notes. this is the way most of the classes went. At lunch I sat under a tree. A girl sat down in front of me.
"Hey Lola." She said.
"How do you know my name?" I asked, picking a hair off my pants, and letting it fly away.
"You want something you get. Do you smoke?"
I shook my head.
I shook my head.
"Have sex?"
I shook my head.
"what?" she said. "Holy shit! don't worry Lola, your secrets safe with me." she hit my knee and jumped up.
I watched as she skipped to a group of guys and gave a round of hugs. The guys from across the pool where sitting at a table, inhaling a plastic box of brownies. A girl came over and hit the guy who coughed's shoulder. He got up and followed her around a building. she backed him against the wall, and bent on her knees, unzipping his pants. I looked down at my notes. I flipped through the note book, and sprang up when the bell rang. I got dressed and sat on the bleachers in the gym. As the coach made his way in I heard feet running down the bleachers. The girl sat next to me.
"Hey Lola."
"Doesn't it suck having P.E. at the end of the day?"
"At least it's not hot."
"Oh I think i'd die."
The coach blew his whistle, and everyone got up. we did stretches and then ran two minutes. everyone grabbed balls or went to the weight room.
"Lola!" The girl waved from the door.
I walked over.
"Come on, lets go down to the field. they have these big light things that warm the field."
"What are we doing?" I asked, as I followed her out the door.
"We're going to Play soccer." she smiled.
we walked down to the field. I stopped, and watched as she gave the guys across the pool fist bumps.
"Captain save a hoe." One guy said, as he saw me.
"Stop it, Drew." She said, hitting the guy in the chest.
One guy pulled out a pipe and they others gathered around him. I sat under a tree.
"You want some new girl?"
"I'm good." I said.
"Mikey, I have some new stuff I want to try, you want to try it with me?"
"Sure Rosalynn." The guy who coughed said.
As I came out of the locker room I froze. Snow had fallen. How did it fall that fast? How was I going to get home. As I walked to the parking lot, it was empty. The guy who coughed sat on a bench, with his arms wrapped around him. He rocked to keep warm. I walked to him.
"Can you drive in the snow?"
"Yeah." He said, slowly looking up at me.
"Can you drive me home?" I asked, holding out the keys.
"Sure." He said, taking the keys slowly.
"Can we hurry this up? I'm cold."
He picked up his bag and we walked to the car. he unlocked the car, and opened my door.
"Yep." he said, shutting the door.
We drove in science.
He tossed me the keys.
"Thanks for the ride." He said, jogging to his apartment.
"Oh, uh, sure." i said, as I watched him disappear behind the buildings.
Rosalynn was standing by my door arms crossed looking pissed. How Did she know where I Lived? Her shoulders sagged when she saw me. She ran froward and pulled me into a hug.
"Your my best friend right?"
"What do you want?"
"Okay. So there's this guy that lives near Mikey."
"Get to the point."
"So I was walking to Mikey's cause I couldn't find him at the end of the day, and I passed this guys house. He jacked my back pack and threw it into his house, I think he was trying to be funny."
"Where do I come in?" I asked, Opening my door, tossing in my bag, and re-locking it.
"Glad you asked. I want it back. What your going to do is knock on his door and pretend your selling something, then when he's hooked I'll blast him with this." She said, holding up pepper spray. "Now we have to run fast, cause he's pretty big, so Leave your door unlocked."
"I don't know."
"Come on."
I looked around and made sure know one was looking.
"What am I going to be selling?" I asked, Putting my hands in my pockets and following her.
"Make something up, your the smart one."
I crossed my self.
"Oh no your catholic."
"no I'm not."
"The why'd you cross yourself?"
"Do you want help or not?"
"There it it." She pointed to the worst apartment i'd ever seen.
I took a deep breath and walked forward. Rosalynn plastered herself against the wall and I knocked. When the door was opened I almost pissed my pants, there stood Sasquatch, hair and all.
"Good morning sir,"
"Whatever your selling I don't want any."
"You sure?" I asked, unzipping my jacket and lifting my shirt.
Rosalynn's eyes widened and she bit into her lip.
"Right this way miss." He said, opening the door wider.
Rosalynn jumped in front of me and blasted him with the spray. Sasquatch dug his hands into his eyes, and backed away from the door yelling.
"I got it run!"
"You ain't gotta tell me twice!" I said, making a run for it.
After a couple of houses we high five.
We looked to see Sasquatch running full speed.
"Fuck!" Rosalynn yelled, But i was already running.
I slipped on some ice and fell to my knees. I looked up to black ripped jeans and converse. Two hands yanked me up, and Mikey was yanking me to my house, Rosalynn, already a mile away. Once inside, Rosalynn collapsed on the couch, and Mikey locked the door.
"Fuck. you. Rosalynn." i said, sitting on her thighs breathing hard. "You ever want help again, don't come to me."
"Get up, I have to pee."
I got up and made my way to the kitchen.
"You want something to drink?" I asked.
Mikey pressed me against the wall.
"What are you doing?" I asked, looking out the back door, where Mikey's eyes where glued.
Sasquatch was looking through the french doors.
"Ohmigod. This is it. We're all going to die. He's going to find us and rip off or limbs-"
"Would you shut up?" Mikey whispered.
"- and then, he's going to rip off our head, and BBq us, and feed us to his little Sasquatch babies-"
"I will kiss the fuck out of you If you don't shut up."
"-then, he'll use our bones as tooth picks-"
Mikey bent low, and pressed his mouth to mine, and shoved his tongue into my mouth. He knew how to use his tongue.
"Okay he's gone." He said, looking at the door.
He still kept me against the wall, and smiled down at me.
"Your not a very good Kisser, Lola."
"well considering I'm a virgin-"
"Your a virgin?" He asked, pushing away from me.
"Oh so what."
"Oh no, it's not so what. You'll be eaten alive by Rosalynn's crew. Get out now."
"I'll be fine, and how do you know?"
"Cause they're my crew to." He said, pushing open the back door.
"Dude, you have a major small bathroom-where's Mikey?"
"He left."
She picked up her bag, "I'll back I'm going to smoke some shit with him."
"Here." I said, giving her a house key.
She opened the back door.
"Aye, Rosalynn, I hear Sasquatch is on the lose."
She looked around and bolted to Mikey's back door. I laughed, and locked my door. I looked around, but no sign of Sasquatch. I grabbed a soda and layed on the sofa. Ten minuets later the door flew open, and Mikey ran in. I opened my mouth to ask, if Sasquatch got Rosalynn, but he grabbed my head, covered my mouth with his, and blew into my mouth. I sat on my knees coughing, and wiping my tongue on my shirt.
"Your an Ass." i said, wiping my eyes.
"Still think you can hang? They'll do worse things than that Lola." He said.
"How did you get in here?"
He held up my house key, "Rosalynn left it on my counter before she passed out."
I took the key from him and ran my fingers over it's smooth surface.
"Why are you hanging out with Rosalynn?"
"I just want to fit in okay?" I asked, looking down, at the key.
Mikey put his finger under my chin, and lifted my face.
"The last person who tried to keep up with us, got really hurt. I don't want you to get hurt, Lola."
"Why do you care?"
"You seem like a good person."
I took my chin away from him.
"You don't know shit."
"Your right I don't." he shrugged, "Can I get a ride to school tomorrow?"
Mikey kissed my cheek, and was gone.
Mikey and Rosalynn weren't waiting for me by my car, so I got in and turned on the heat. I heard yelling, and looked out the passenger side window. Rosalynn and Mikey where running to my car, as if there life depended on it. I rolled down the window, and that's when I saw Sasquatch round the corner, pumping the air with his fist. My eyes got wide as I rolled up the window. In Sasquatch's fist was a drum stick. His arm was shaking so hard, that his arm fat was flying everywere. He was dressed in striped boxers, a white taktop gone yellow and no shoes. When Mikey and Rosalynn came close, I unlocked the doors. Mikey dove into the back seat, and Rosalynn got into the front hitting the lock button over and over again.
"Go, Go, Go!" she yelled.
I threw the car in reverse and took off. There was a thump on my back windshield. When I looked in my mirror, Sasqautches drum stick was sliding down the window, and he was waving both arms wildly over his head.
"Holy fucking shit!" Mikey said, clutching his chest.
Rosalynn applied a thick layer of gloss, and I bit my lip trying not to laugh. I was scared shitless sure, but if you saw Sasquatch, you'd be laughing right along with me.
When we got to school, Rosalynn clutched my hand as we followed Mikey to where Drew and another guy was.
"Aye look it's Avril lavigne and Adam Lambert, and they brought KreayShawn." Drew said.
"I didn't know you where that way." The other guy told Rosalynn.
"Come on man." Mikey said.
"Calvin's just fuckin' Mikey."
"Aw that's sweet." I said.
"What's sweet?" a guy with dread locks asked, coming to stand next to me.
"Drew's standing up for his boyfriend, isn't that sweet?" I asked.
"Oh shit!" The guy said, bumping my fist.
"Alright, Alright, New girl got jokes. what's your name KreayShawn?"
"Aye Martie!" A guy called, throwing his hands in the air.
Martie threw his hands in the air, back.
"Let's roll Ya'll." Martie said.
Him, Drew, Calvin, and Rosalynn took off. I watched them walk to the guy, and turned to Mikey.
"What are they doing?"
"Drug deal." He said, fixing my scarf.
"What kind of drug deal?"
Mikey's eyes flashed to the guy, then back to me.
"How do you know? You barely even looked."
"Your cheeks are red." He smirked.
I touched my cheek, "They're frozen."
"Here." He said, covering my cheeks, with his gloved hands.
"How do you know?"
"See the guy they're talking to?"
I looked over.
"Don't look Lola shit."
"Well you said, see the guy they're talking to."
"That doesn't mean look."
"Well how was I supposed to know?"
"Your right, you'll be just fine hanging with us."
"Don't be mean Mikey."
"Mean? You know what screw it. The guys name is Gabe. He only deals in weed."
"Why didn't you go over?"
"I have my own dealer."
"Cause he gives me really good shit, for less."
"Is he a friend?"
"You ask a lot of questions." He smiled.
"Well If I'm going to hang out with you guys, I need to have my story straight."
"Don't worry, no one knows where I get my shit."
"Why not?"
"Cause I like to keep my life private."
"Remember when I kissed you?"
"If you don't stop asking questions, I'm going to fuck you." He said, pulling me in for a hug.
He held me against him, with his forehead resting on my neck.
I peaked over his arm, and looked over at them. Martie did a hand shake and they all left. I made eye contact with Gabe, and quickly shut my eyes. They all made their way back over.
"Oh, Rose your girls cheating on you. Better get on that shit." Calvin said.
Mikey bit my neck and pulled back. When I looked up at him he grinned down at me. I smiled back, and shook my head.
At lunch, Rosalynn dropped me off at the soda machines where Mikey was getting a soda.
"Oh hey." he said, reaching over to kiss my cheek.
"Okay, I see where your coming from."
"Good." He said, bending to get his soda.
"So I think it's a good idea if you teach me."
"Teach you what?" he asked, opening his soda.
"To smoke weed."
"I can do that." He said taking a drink.
"And I need you to have sex with me."
Mikey spit his soda out, and i jumped out of the line of fire.
"What?" he asked, wiping his mouth.
"You heard me. come on Mikey, I saw a girl going down on you the first day I got here."
"I gave her weed, she was paying me back."
"Well I saved your ass with Sasquatch."
"I saved you from Sasquatch first!" He said, making a couple of people turn.
"I gave you a ride to school today."
"It doesn't count, it has to be a big deal, for payback."
"Would you just fucking sleep with me please?"
"No." He said, eyebrows pulling together.
"Why not?" I demanded.
"Your cute when your mad." He said Putting a lock of hair behind my hair.
"Then sleep with me."
"What's it going to take for you to get off this?"
"Sleep with me."
"I'm not sleeping with you Lola."
"You suck." i said, walking over to Rosalynn and Martie.
"Oh Lola." Martie said.
"What?" I asked.
"We're going to smoke."
I looked over to where Mikey stood, arms crossed over his chest, watching me eyes narrowed.
"I'm coming with you."
I Opened the door to Mikey.
"You need to look through that peep hole, I could of been Sasquatch."
I shut the door, and leaned against it.
"Come on Lola."
"Are you going to sleep with me?"
"Then go home."
"I thought you wanted me to teach you."
Damn him. I opened the door and let him in. I locked the door, and Mikey made his way to the couch. He pulled out a baggy and a piece of paper.
"Aren't you going to sit down?"
I sat down, as he Pulled out a lighter. He lit it and took a hit. He passed it too me.
"So what, i just hold it in?"
He nodded.
I took a hit, and then coughed. Mikey blew out some smoke.
"You gotta hold it in Lola, or it's not going to work. If you keep doing that you'll waste it."
I took another hit and held it.
"Keep holding it."
I shook my head.
I held it in.
"K you can let it out."
I let it out, and coughed, up a lung.
"Do it again."
"Uh-ah." I said, handing it back to him.
"I'l will get easier. try again."
"I don't want to."
Mikey took a hit, and grabbed my neck. he put his mouth over mine, and blew smoke into it. This time I inhaled the smoke. He sat back and took another hit. We let out the smoke at the same time, me coughing. He put it out and looked at me.
"What?" i asked.
He grabbed my leg and pulled me on top of him.
He put his head back exposing his neck.
"Kiss me." He muttered.
I bent my head, and ran kisses up and down his throat. He closed his eyes, and muttered my name. I kissed under his ear and bit his neck softly. He picked up his head and kissed me. I put my hands on his shoulders, and he had his hands on my thighs. He deepened the kiss, and grabbed me behind the knees pulling me closer to him. He broke the kiss, and then kissed along my collar bone. His hands traveled back up to my thighs, and rested on my waist, as his lips moved to my jaw, and then down to my neck. He grabbed onto my waist and moved me against him. I closed my eyes and moaned. He claimed my lips again. I ran my hands through his hair as he stood, taking me to my bedroom.
The next morning I stretched to find myself sore. There was a glass of water and two Advil on my night stand. i took the pills and went to my bathroom. There was a note taped to the mirror.
'Sorry i had to bail.
Ps. I still have your red lipstick on my neck.
Pss. Smoke what I left you.
Psss. Your still a pretty bad kisser.
I rolled my eyes and sat on the counter lighting up. My phone buzzed, lit up, and then blasted I just want to be your friend. I blew some smoke out.
"Hey, If I walk to your house can you give me a ride?"
"Are you sure you want to risk Sasquatch?" i asked taking a hit.
"It's rather I run like fuck from Sasquatch, or my nipples freeze off while walking to school, cause My mom took off."
I blew the smoke out, "Come on over."
"Good, I'm at your front Door." She said hanging up.
I took another hit, and jumped off the counter. I opened the door and she walked in.
"Oooh, gimme." she said, taking a hit.
She rolled her eyes and smiled. Then her eyes narrowed, and she let the smoke out.
"You smoke your first time without your main bitch?"
"Sorry." I said taking a hit.
"Is that Mikey's shit?"
i nodded.
"You got some out of him? He only give his shit if he's fucking a vir-you didn't!"
I blew out some smoke.
"Shut up you'll wake up Sasquatch."
"How was it?" She asked, taking a hit.
"It hurt like a bitch."
She smiled and gave it back to me. I took the last hit and put it out.
"Look don't tell him I told you okay? I didn't even think he was going to do it." I said, leading the way to my room.
"For sure." She said.
I changed my clothes, "And what the fuck are you doing up so damn early?"
"I told you my Mom took off, and the truck woke me up."
"Walk with me." I said going into the bathroom.
"So I woke up and ran outside."
I put on my make up.
"I asked her where she was going, but she ignored me and took off."
"Harsh." I said.
"Tell me about it." she said, handing me a piece of gum. "So, since She was a bitch I'm running away for the weekend."
"Where you gonna stay?"
"Lola." She said, in a Are-you-shiting-me way.
"Well were's your clothes?"
"Well since you offered." She said, leaving the bathroom.
I heard the front door open and close, and then Rosalynn put a suit case on my bed.
"The bottom Drawer is empty if you want it."
I said.
She dumped her stuff into it.
"I'm nosy, by the way." She said, pulling open my drawers. "Dude, all these are empty except the top one."
"I only packed a back pack."
"You try jumping out a two story window, and then running from the cops, in the middle of the woods with a big ass suit case."
"No thanks."
"Let's go shopping this weekend." She said, making her way to her back pack, where her cell phone was blasting, what the hell.
she gasped and I looked over at her.
"It's Mikey." she said, a big grin coming to place.
"Answer it."
She put it on speaker phone.
"Yo Dick." She said.
"Are you at Lola's?"
"Yeah, why?" She smiled over at me, and I rolled my eyes.
"You want to come over and smoke some?"
"I already smoked with Lola."
"Oh. Is she okay?"
"Yeah, she's fine, why?"
"Is she near you?"
"No she's in the bathroom, putting on her make-up."
"We kind of slept together last night."
"Kind of?!"
"Sh, keep your voice down. don't tell her I told you."
We looked at each other, mouths open. This dick.
"I feel kind of bad about it."
"About it happening?"
"Well that's not fucked at all."
"No yo, not for the reason your thinking. I feel bad for being her first cause, she seems like a good kid, you know what I'm sayin'?"
"You don't know shit, Mikey."
"Yeah, that's what she said. Is she acting strange?"
"can you ask her if she's still going to take me to school?"
I bolted to the bathroom, and she ran from my room.
"Yo Lola!"
"What's up?"
"Can I eat something?"
"Go for it, babe!"
"Can Mikey Bum a ride?"
"Course he can!"
"Did you hear that?" She asked, as I ran into the kitchen.
Rosalynn closed the distance so she was standing next to me.
"Yeah, cool. Uh, are you sure she didn't say anything about it?"
"No, I'd remember if she did."
"Maybe she forgot."
"Chicks don't forget that shit." She said, as we both rolled our eyes.
"Well we got stoned before we did any thing."
"Well maybe your off the hook."
"See you soon."
"Watch out for Sasquatch." She said disconnecting.
"Some nerve, he has telling you not to tell me."
"You told me the same thing." She said, getting two things of Pop tarts.
"Yeah but your my best friend. it's different."
"Yeah, but Mikey's my cousin."
"Sh! Sasquatch." She said
"He never said that."
"He likes to keep his life private."
"cause this one dude, told a big secret of Mikey's and shit blew the fuck up."
"So you know his story?"
"Yeah. i'm the only one he trusts."
"What's his dealers name."
"Lola." she shook her head, face scrunched up.
"Tell me. Your my best friend. I'm not going to say anything, promise. forever."
"Is he your cousin?"
"No. he's on the Dad's side, I'm from the Mom's side."
"Does Mikey live with them."
"No. some shit when down, and he lives with his sister. She's a fucking bitch. she only comes once a month to get him money for food and stuff."
"That's harsh."
"Tell me about it."
The door was knocked on.
"Aye, look through the peep hole." i said, as she went to the door.
"Uh, It's the cops."
"Shut the fuck up."
"I fucking shit you not." She said, taking the spray off the counter, and running through the kitchen and living room.
I Put some sun glasses on and she ran into my room. I opened the door.
"Nathan." i said, eyebrows pulling together.
"I just came by to see if your okay."
"It would be better if someone lived with me."
"I know, kid. We need to talk after school."
"Alright." i said.
He got into a cop car and drove away.
"Why did you seem friendly?"
"That was my brother."
"Your brothers a Cop!"
"Yeah, get your bag." i said, slinging on mine, and locking up.
When Mikey got into my car, it was lets just say awkward. Today was just not my day. My brother who I didn't even know was a Cop, decides to come check up on me when I'm higher than a kite, Mikey's being distant, and to top it all off as I passed the mail boxes on the way to school, Sasquatch tossed an ice cream cone on my windshield, and Yelled something like I'll tare you from limb to limb. Yeah, today's just fucking fabulous.
"Rosie there you are!" A girl with blond pig tails waved.
Rosalynn grabbed my arm, and when she looked at me her eyes where wide, behind her sunglasses.
"It's another Sasquatch."
We took off to our morning spot.
"Who was that?"
"Becky's my step sister, I like to call her Pink puff ball."
"oh god." i laughed.
We met up with the guys.
"Why you two being distant?" Calvin asked.
"We're not." Mikey said, shutting Calvin up.
Mikey ducked his head, and looked over at me. He wasn't very good at being sneaky. I smiled.
"What are you smiling for?" Martie asked.
"oh, I remembered something." i said, waving a hand.
"Oh my god!" Rosalynn yelled, launching into the Sasquatch story.
Drew, Calvin, and Martie, laughed through the whole story.
"It wasn't funny alright? I was terrified, for my life." She said, applying some red gloss.
I Smiled and looked away from Rosalynn.
I had the windows rolled down, cause the sun was out. It was five minuets after school, and Mikey, and Rosalynn where no where to be seen. I was about to get out a find them, when I saw Pink puff ball on a bench, just as I opened my door, Rosalynn walked from behind a building.
"Rosie!" Pink puff ball said, standing and waving.
Rosalynn looked up and then back Down, mouthing Fuck.
"I need to talk to you sis!"
Rosalynn started to run.
"Where you going."
"Run Rosalynn!" I yelled, laughing.
"Shut up Bitch!" She yelled, smiling.
She jumped in.
"He'll live."
I took off. Rosalynn stuck her upper body out the window, and I grabbed onto her belt so she wouldn't fly out when I took the turn.
"See ya Sucker!" She yelled, flipping off Pink puff ball, with both hands.
"Get in the car!" i laughed.
She sat back down. We where rocking out to teenagers, when I saw Mikey walking head down, on the side of the road. I looked over at Rosalynn who was watching me. She sighed.
"Pull over." she waved to the side of the road. "Get your dumb ass in the car."
Mikey looked over and Got into the car. We pulled up and parked.
"Oooh, Nathan's home, Stay with me, bitch."
"Uh-ah! He's a cop."
"Your brothers a cop?" Mikey asked, sitting forward, and grabbing our head rests.
"thanks for the help. I hope Sasquatch eats you on the way to Mikey's."
Rosalynn gasped, and her mouth fell open as I got out.
When I came in Nathan was on the phone leaning against the counter. He pointed to the table and I sat Down. He hung up the phone and sat across from me, and wiped a hand down his face. He sat back and looked me over.
"Hi." I said.
He sat forward, folding his arms on the table.
"I got a raise."
"Good for you." I said, smacking the table.
"My girlfriend wants us to come over for dinner."
"What Girlfriend why do I gotta go?"
"Cause your apart of my family and I've been dating Nancy for a while now."
I sighed.
"I have bad table manners."
Nathan threw his head back and laughed.
"nice try kid, Get your home work done, we leave at Five."
I went to my room, put on music, and climbed through my window. When I landed on the floor I looked for Sasquatch and Ran to Mikey's. Rosalynn opened the back door, and waved me over.
"Hurry, Hurry!" She said, bouncing up and down.
I went in and she shut the door. I told her everything.
"So you think you can stay with Mikey til I get back, then I'll text you and I can Sneak you through my window."
"Yeah sure."
"Where is he anyway?"
"Taking a shower. Cheetos?" She said, tipping her bag to me.
We pulled up to a large house.
"Nice place." i muttered pushing open my door.
A Guy in a suit opened the door and led us to the kitchen.
"Stop it." The woman said, taking a shredded napkin from a boy, wearing black nail polish. I looked to the girl, and I swear, I saw Pink Puff ball's twin, Only this blonde had her hair pulled into one pony tail, with a ribbon.
"Nathan!" The woman smiled, standing.
She hugged him, and kissed his cheek. Her smile grew when she stood in front of me, and held out her hand. I liked her right away.
"You must me Lola."
"That's me." I said, with a smile, shaking her hand.
"Well these are my kids, Crimson, and Clover." Then lower she said. "I had a thing for Joan Jett."
I nodded looking around the room.
"Well have a seat, we're having roast, mashed Potatoes and biscuits. For desert We're having a cheese cake." She said Making her way back to her chair.
I looked up at Nathan.
"Can I say I'm a vegetarian?"
"No." He said, giving me a sharp look.
"humph." I muttered, sitting down in the chair he pulled out for me.
"Do you go to Broken gates high?" Clover asked.
I had to force myself to not lean away from her squeaky voice.
"Really Clover?" Crimson asked.
"What?" she asked, looking at her twin brother.
Crimson shook his head, and grabbed his napkin, continuing with his shredding.
"Crimson." Nancy said, firmly.
"What Mother? I'm an artist. We do weird things." He said, not looking at her. "Can I be excused? I have to put this in my art box, for later."
"Leave it on the table." She said, as a guy came out with the roast.
He was followed by there other guys holding a plate of mashed potatoes, biscuits and then the cheese cake. I pulled my phone out and texted Rosalynn, *kill me now.*
My phone buzzed and I looked at the text, *hang in there babe.*
I shot her a quick Hope Sasquatch eats you, and then put my phone in my pocket.
"Maybe you can all Hang out at school now." Nancy said once we were served.
My expression matched Crimson's and Clover beamed.
"I Hang out with bad scary people." i told Clover.
"She's kidding." Nathan said.
"She hangs out with Mikey And Rosalynn. She's not kidding." Crimson said.
I shot him a What-the-fuck look.
"There not bad, but sometimes they can be scary." I said.
"Well maybe you shouldn't hang out with them." Nathan said.
"We get along, Nathan, I finally fit in some where."
"I saw you going behind the dumpsters, with Rosalynn and Martie. They smoke weed back there." Crimson said.
Nathan put down his fork. Cop mode.
"I only went to piss Mikey off, and Rosalynn doesn't do that stuff, she was being look out for Martie. If you want to shove your damn nose in someone's business, get the story strait yo."
"Lola Taeler!"
"What? He needs to mind his own fucking business. I'm full. Nancy, the food was awesome, thanks for having me. I hope your happy with my brother, I really do." i said, pushing my chair back.
I went out side, to the curb and Pulled out my phone.
"Drew I swear to god If you don't come and get me-"
"Where you at, Babe."
I gave him the address. Just as He pulled up Nathan called my name. I climbed into Drew's truck and he drove away.
"Don't want to talk about it, drop me off at Mikey's please."
"You want to smoke first?"
"No thanks."
I waved Drew goodbye and knocked on the door. Rosalynn Opened the door and I walked in.
"What's wrong?" She asked, following me into the kitchen.
"I swear to god I'm going to kick his ass."
"Crimson!" i said, dragging a hand through my hair.
"It's Nancy's kid, and he kept telling Nathan, how bad the people I hang out with are, and I'm like what the fuck, mind your own you know?" She nodded. "So i fuckin told him off, and then had Drew drove me here. God I can so pull a Sasquatch right now and rip off his limbs!"
We started laughing.
"I might be laughing right now, but I'm fucking pissed." I said, stopping with the laugh.
"And his fucking sister, is like Pink puff ball's twin, and now she thinks we're best friends, stop fucking laughing Rosalynn."
"I'm sorry!" She laughed, throwing her head back.
"Are you done?"
"Look at your face!" She laughed bending over.
"I'm going home."
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." She said, grabbing my wrist.
"Where's your retarded cousin, he's next."
"In his room."
I walked to the hallway and pointed to a door. She nodded and I pushed the door open.
"What the fuck is your problem?"
"What the fucks yours?" He asked, flipping the blankets off, and standing.
"Don't play innocent."
"What do you mean Lola?"
"Why are you being distant from me? We fucked, who gives a shit?"
"Lola What's wrong?" He asked, opening his side table.
"What do you men what's wrong!"
He shoved a rolly into my mouth and brang a lighter to my lips. I held on to it, and he flicked the lighter. I took a hit and dragged a hand through my hair.
"We both new things would be different if we slept together, so why can't you just get over it. You did me a favor." I took another hit, and gave it to him.
"It's yours, sit down." he said, taking my wrist and pulling me to the bed.
As I finished it off I told him what happened at dinner.
"Can I stay here for he night?"
"Sure." he got up and grabbed a T-shirt, and Pj pants.
"Can I have boxers instead?" i asked, taking off my shirt and pulling on his.
He handed me some dark blue boxers, and I kicked off my shoes. I pulled off my pants and put on the boxers.
"Your doing it."
"The distance thing."
He tackled me onto the mattress.
"Stop I'm still mad." i said, Scooting away from him.
"Rose, Don't come in the hallway!" he called out the door.
"What are you talking about?" i asked.
He came back and layed on top of me. He pinned my arms down, by my wrists, and kissed me, hard. When I stopped fighting him, he loosened his grip on my wrists. He moved off of me and yanked the boxers off of me.
"Is sex the answer to everything with you?"
"When it's stress."
"Men are all the same. they get their sex, then they sleep, and snore."
"That's not true."
"Yes it is."
"I didn't go right to sleep after we did it the first time."
"Your right you took off." i said, pushing away from him.
"We can have a thing going."
"No, that's a commitment."
"No it's not."
"Yes it is."
He sighed and rolled away from me. I pulled the boxers on and went to the living room.
"That was fast." Rosalynn said, lighter held over her pipe.
"We didn't do anything." i said, taking her Pipe and lighter.
"Rude." she said. "oh and what the fuck is up with you wanting Sasquatch to eat me. That's fucked."
I blew out some smoke and smiled.
"Can I have it back?"
I took another hit and handed it back to her.
"We have to sleep here tonight."
"I call the couch." She said.
"Where am I suposed to sleep?"
"Sleep in Mikey's bed."
"You sleep In Mikey's bed."
She took a hit.
"Why don't you sleep in his sisters bed?"
She shook her head, her eyes wide.
"Fine I'll sleep on the floor." I said, taking her blanket.
"You get the couch." I said, putting the blanket on the floor. I put down a pillow and lay down.
I sat up and looked around, wiping my mouth. Right, I'm at Mikey's. Rosalynn was sleeping on the couch her mouth opened. I smiled and shook my head. I tossed the blanket off, and pulled on my Converse. I put the blanket over Rosalynn, and put the pillow back on the couch and then snuck out the back door. Nathan was sitting at the table, hands around a cup of coffee. He didn't look up at me as I entered.
"Where were you?"
"Don't give me that line Lola. Where were you?" He demanded.
"I was at a friends house, shit." I said, taking my jacket off and putting it on a chair.
"I asked around about your friends." he said, as I got a soda, from the fridge.
"You what!"
"Lola are you doing drugs?"
"No, I'm not doing drugs." I said, sitting in the chair across him.
"What about weed?"
"No. Why?"
"Cause I found this." He said, putting a stub on the table.
I remained calm.
"Oh, that's probably Drew's. He drove me home last night. Where'd you find it? In my room?"
"Yep, that's Drew's. must of fell or something." My eyes Widened as I brang my soda to my lips. "You went through my room!" I screamed at him.
"I had to. I was worried."
"Can't you just trust me?!"
"Lola I think it's a good idea, for me to get you into therapy."
"Fuck Therapy!"
"You rather go, or move out."
I stared at him. I pushed my chair back and went to my room. I shoved my clothes into my back pack.
"What are you doing?"
"No your not."
"well, I'm not going to therapy." I said, walking to my bathroom.
I grabbed all my make-up and shoved it into my bag.
"Lola, Why don't you take a nap. If you still want to go when you wake up, I'll drive you some where."
"Fine." I said, pausing, with my packing.
"Alright." He said, backing out of the door way and closing the door.
I kicked off my shoes and crawled into bed. I loved my bed. I closed my eyes, and fell asleep.
"I told her therapy or move out. She packed all her things. God I'm stupid. I should of been here more." Nathan said.
I heard a thump.
"Maybe she'll change her mind, about leaving." Nancy said.
I put on my back pack, and hugged my pillow. When I walked out they looked up at me.
"I need my Jacket." I said, not making eye contact.
Nathan grabbed my jacket from the back of his chair. I took it and made my way to the door.
"Your not really leaving are you?"
"I over stayed my welcome."
"I'll drive you."
"I don't need you."
"At least take your card, and the car."
"Fine." i said, going back to my room.
I grabbed my card and the keys, and left my room.
"You know you don't have to leave right?" He said Following me outside.
"You told me to leave." I said, opening the back door, and shoving my things inside.
"Where you going?"
"Don't worry about me. You have your job, and your new perfect family." I slammed the door and opened the front door. "Besides, I'm used to being on the run." I got in and slammed the door.
When I pulled out, I saw Mikey, and Rosalynn on the curb, waving me back.
I pulled up to the ally way where Daniel sold.
"What's a nice girl like you doing, around here?"
He looked like Mikey.
"I'm Mikey's friend."
"For sure, here. Take one." He said, giving me two pills.
I pulled out some money.
"On the house kid."
We nodded, and I got back into my car.
I got a hotel room, and took both pills. I got on to Facebook. There where messages from Mikey, Rosalynn, Martie, Calvin, Drew, and Clover, all telling me to come back. I deleted the messages, as my phone played God bless this doobie. It was Mikey's ring tone. I let voice mail pick it up. I looked over my phone. I had missed calls and texts, none of them From Nathan. I got up and ran to the bathroom, throwing up. I got into bed and went to sleep.
I woke up to a steady beeping. I looked around. What the hell am I doing in the hospital?
"Oh your up. I'll go get Dr. Moore." The nurse said.
I picked up my head and let it fall back down. Shit I had a killer head ache. A Man Came in wearing a warm smile.
"What's your name sweet heart?"
"Lola." I muttered.
"Should we call your parents?"
"My parents are dead."
"Who are you staying with?"
"My brother."
"Call him then?"
"He kicked me out."
"Do you have anywhere to go?"
"There's an excellent home for girls around the corner."
"Can I get the address?"
"Sure." he smiled.
He looked over at the nurse, and she nodded leaving the room. Dr. Moore looked me over.
"What's your Brother's name?"
"Nathan." I said.
"Well your okay to go. Why don't you go to the front desk, to sign some papers, and get that Address?"
"Be careful Lola."
"Will do."
He patted my arm and left. I got off the bed and pulled on my Jacket, and walked to the front desk.
"Oh your free." The nurse said, handing me a clip board, and a piece of paper.
"This is the address." she said, pointing to it with her pen.
I turned and saw Nathan run through the doors. He saw me, and sagged with relief. He ran over to me and pulled me into a hug, making me drop the clip board. I stood in shock. He pulled back holding my arms.
"Are you alright?" He asked.
I just stared at him. He looked like he'd been crying. He cared about me. Someone, on earth cared about me. I threw my arms around his waist, and he held me tightly, Smoothing out my hair.
"It's okay now." he whispered to me.
we pulled apart.
"Why don't you go wait with Nancy, while I do the papers?"
I walked over to where Nancy stood outside. It was a warm night.
"how'd you find me?"
"He traced your cell." She said, putting a strand of hair behind my ear.
I stepped away from her, to sit on a bench. Nathan came out, and held out his hand. I took it and he pulled me to my feet. Putting an arm around my shoulders he led me to the car. he opened the back seat and i got in. after we got my things we drove home, with Nancy driving my car.
"I'm sorry."i said, when it was just us in the car.
"I died a thousand deaths when Crimson traced you cell phone to a hospital. They told me you over dosed. Lola, it's rather Therapy, or Rehab."
"Therapy."i muttered, resting my head on the window.
When we opened the door Rosalynn threw her arms around me. Calvin, Martie, and Drew hugged me next. Mikey was standing against the living room wall, and Crimson and Clover were sitting at the Table. They all began talking at once.
"Sorry to be the bad Cop, but Lola needs her rest."
Everyone laughed about the Cop joke, except Mikey, and then piled out the back door. I went to my room and plugged in my phone. There was a text from Mikey saying we need to talk. I rolled my eyes, and Mikey's name flashed across the screen.
"Don't you Yo, me. You went to see Daniel didn't you?"
"Don't play, dump, Lola."
"So what if I did. No one cares about me anyway."
"I do! Nathan does, so does Rose, and the guys. Shit even that Nancy chick cares about you."
"If yor going to yell at me I'm going to hang up."
"You deserve to be yelled at. Don't you dare hang up."
I tossed my phone onto the night stand, and It lit up with Mikey's number. I lay back, and closed my eyes. after a while I put my phone on scilent and went to sleep.
******One Week Later. Friday, After school.
Nathan was sitting at the table, With Nancy, and Crimson, while i was sitting on the couch eating chips with Rosalynn and Clover was sitting On the small couch reading a book.
Rosalynn looked over at Nathan and Nodded at me.
"Hey Nate?"
"What's up?"
"Can I go to this party, with Rosalynn. It's not going to be that big, it's going to be like a sleepover really."
"I don't know." Nathan said.
"What If I take Clover? You know I wouldn't put her in harms way."
"I could go." She said, sitting taller.
"Yeah, and I'll take Becky. Crimson, you wanna go?" Rosalynn asked. "Never mind." She said, looking at the chip bag when she saw his face.
"It's okay with me if Nancy says yes." Nathan said.
"Have fun." Nancy said.
"Yes!" I said, Grabbing Rosalynn's hand and running to my room. "You coming Clover?"
Clover dropped her book and bolted to my room. We gave clover a makeover and got ready.
"Are we bringing Mikey?" Clover asked, tripping in the heels she borrowed.
"No." Rosalynn said.
"He wants nothing to do with me." I said, beeping the door open.
We all got in and went to the party.
"This is a big party." Becky said, once we arrived.
"We should of never picked her up." Rosalynn muttered.
"You girls stick together, it's the buddy system." I grabbed Rosalynn's hand and we took off.
"Good job." She smiled.
We met up with the guys and smoked.
"Cops!" Someone yelled.
Everyone began to run.
"Where's Clover!" I asked.
I spotted Mikey. He hand Becky, and Clover by the arms, and he was taking them out side.
Rosalynn and I ran outside, with the guys on our tail. We ran out side, and right into cops.
The cell door shut with a rattle. A girl was standing over Clover.
"Aye!" I snapped my fingers, and the girl moved.
I grabbed Clovers arm, and pulled her over to our group. I sat her down next to Becky.
"Stay calm." i told them. "They eat off that shit."
Becky and Clover nodded quickly.
A Cop opened the cell door.
"Steele, Parker, Donner, Farro, Jones, Green, Mace, Barrton. Let's move." We all filed out of the cell.
We all sat around the kitchen table In our gray jump suits, as Nathan paced in front of us.
"Juvie." He finally said. "I spent five hundred dollars getting your car from impound. Hand over the keys."
I sighed and dug the keys out of my pocket, and gave it to him.
"You three, I called your parents. They said to leave you in there." He said, to the boys. " I called your mother, and she said, you where living with Mikey, so I called your sister, and she said, to do what I see fit for both of you. Becky, your father's upset, with you. Clover, Nancy said, your grounded for four weekends. That seems fair, So Lola, Mikey, and Rosalynn, your grounded. Four weekends. Martie, Drew, Calvin, and Becky, get in the car, I'm bringing you home. Nancy's on her way, Clover. Mikey, Rosalynn, get home."
everyone got up and moved. Soon it was just me and Clover at the table.
"Sorry I got you into trouble." i said.
"It's okay. I had fun It was worth it."
I looked over at her and We laughed.
"Maybe you not so bad after all. For a step sibling anyway. you know what I mean."
"Thanks." she laughed, and I joined her.
"So, your Brother has said-"
"I'm just here, cause I don't want to go to rehab."
"Why would you have to go to rehab?"
"Cause I over dosed on pills, so he thinks I'm a drug attic."
"Why did you take the pills?"
"Cause I wanted to Get away."
"from what?"
"Your charts say you had weed in you when you went in."
"Well your brother said, both your parents where using heavy drugs. It starts off with weed."
"Don't you think I know that? I am the one who lived through it."
"So why would you want to take pills and smoke weed?"
"I'm not going to get that bad."
"How do you know?"
"Cause I can trust myself."
"You where put in the hospital for pills."
"So what." I crossed my arms, and sat back.
Dr. Black, was really starting to annoy me, Plus she had a squeaky voice. I wanted to strangle myself with the stuffed Caterpillar she had on her desk.
"You had a traumatizing Childhood."
"Did Nathan tell you that? He doesn't know shit. He left."
"You seem bitter to him."
"Whatever. He was gone before I was born."
"So he got out and you didn't?"
"I'm out aren't I?"
"Yes." She capped her pen. "You've been in juvie recently."
"Yeah so? Clover and Becky went and They're the most normal people I know."
"Who are they?"
"Becky's Rosalynn's step sister. Clover's mine. Rosalynn's My best friend."
"Nathan said, you where close with a Mikey. what happened there?"
"Mikey hates me."
"Cause I went to Daniel."
"And that is?"
"Mikey's weed dealer. Daniel gave me the pills. Since Daniel and Mikey are cousins Daniel gave them to me for free. Mikeys' Rosalynn's cousin too."
"There where three others that went that night too."
"Calvin, Drew and Martie. We hang out with them at school, but that's about it. Drew gave me a ride home one time."
"So it's usually You, Mikey, Rosalynn, Becky, and Clover?"
"Uh-ah. Just Rosalynn, Mikey and Me."
"Cause Becky and Clover would get eaten alive if they hung out with us."
"What about you? Where you eaten alive?"
"Who got you started on the weed?"
"I did."
"who did you smoke first with?"
"Mikey. Then Rosalynn. Drew offered the night he picked me up but I said no."
"I don't trust him."
"You trust Daniel?"
"Then why'd you take the pills?"
"I wanted out."
"Of my head."
"do you drink?"
She sat back in her chair.
"Your brother just got engaged to a woman he barely knows. How does that make you feel?"
"He what!"
"He didn't let you?"
"how does that make you feel?"
"Assed out. Is our time up yet?"
"Yes. I'll see you Tuesday."
"Don't count on it." i said, leaving the room.
"How'd it go?" Nathan asked, standing from a chair.
"Your getting Married?!" I screamed at him, making everyone in the office turn to look.
"Can we talk about this at home?"
"Fuck you Nathan. Fuck you." I pulled out my phone.
"Drew, come pick me up....Then climb out your window if your grounded.....I'm at the medical clinic....yes the one for your head....Ooooh yeah, bring that." I hung up the phone.
"You could of told me!"
"I was going to tell you tonight."
"Well to fucking late, Betty Boop in there spilled the beans!"
I relaxed as I saw Drew's truck turn the corner.
"I love her."
"Good for you!"
"Lola please."
Drew pulled to the curb and I got in. I slammed the door and Drew pulled away.
"Did you bring it?"
"Yeah." he said digging into his pocket.
"Shit, i forgot a light."
"I got one." I said.
He gave me the pipe, and he parked at the lake.
We got out and sat by the lake. I took two hits before I passed it to Drew. He passed it back to me.
"You want to talk or something?" He asked.
"I'm good."
"Do you want me to take you Mikey's?"
"I thought Rosalynn was staying there. I got to get back before I get into trouble."
"Yeah, take me to Mikey's."
We finished up and he dropped me off.
"What the fuck!" Rosalynn said, when I told her everything.
"I know!" I yelled, tossing a hand up in the air.
"You want to smoke?"
"I already did."
"With who!"
"Oh." she said, sounding let down.
"Oh dude, I can't believe I didn't tell you this."
"Dr. Black, sounds like fucking Betty Boop."
She laughed.
"God, I felt like strangling myself with the Rainbow Caterpillar she had on her desk."
"I would of done it."
We where quiet.
"You know who I haven't seen in awhile?"
"yeah. I wonder what happened to him."
"Maybe he starved himself to death."
"We should be so lucky." I said, watching Mikey come into the kitchen.
He paused when he saw me. He got a soda from the fridge and went back to his room.
"He hates me."
"no he doesn't."
"Then why won't he talk to me?"
"He's mad at you."
"Go talk to him."
"I'd rather spend a night at Sasquatch's."
"Exactly. Will he talk to me?"
"I don't know."
"Guys are so confusing."
"Guys! Girls are the meaning of confusing." Mikey said, slamming his soda on the counter.
Rosalynn left out the back door.
"You have your views and I have mine."
"Do you know how worried I was, when Rosalynn ran into the house and said you where at the hospital?"
"Don't worry about me."
"I can't help it!"
"Why not!"
"Because I love you!"
Rosalynn's mouth Popped open, behind the french doors. Mikey grabbed a jacket and left the house. Rosalynn grabbed my arm.
"He loves you! That's big. Mikey's never loved anyone before. Well maybe he has, but he's never said it."
"What if I love him back?"
"You gotta tell him."
"What if I can't?"
"Learn." she shrugged.
I sagged against the wall, and looked at her.
"Has he came back?" I asked, then next afternoon.
Nathan went back to work and a new blanket of snow had just fallen.
"He just came in, I'll call you back." Rosalynn whispered hanging up.
I Made a cup of Hot Coco, put on a jacket and a scarf, and sat on the front porch swing, watching the flakes fall. I crossed my legs, after I paused myself once. I took a drink, and Mikey sat down next to me, Hands in his pockets, hood up over a beanie, and a scarf around his neck. He wore boots and black jeans, with out holes. He sat back and took his hood off. His ever present black gloves covered his long fingers. He took them off and gave them to me. I put them on, and took another drink. I held it out to him, and he Took it from me. He glared at the top, letting it warm his hands.
"I've never loved someone and it scares me. The thought that I could lose you never came to mind. When it came to mind, I almost died." He finally looked over at me. "I love you Lola, and it scares me shitless."
"What now?"
"I don't know if i just love you or if I'm in love with you."
"then can we still be friends?"
"Are you going to go back to Daniel?"
"No. I felt." Words came for a loss. "i guess I felt lost. My parents always took pills to escape stuff, so I though it was normal."
"You know it's not normal right?"
"How can you love someone so fucked up?"
He set the Coco down, and pulled me onto his lap.
"I'm just lucky I guess."
"Loving me isn't luck. I come with a past. A bad past, I'm not sure I can get over."
We was quite, as he held me, and kissed my head.
"I just wish life wasn't so fucked off sometimes."
"I hear you." he whispered.
I looked at him.
"How do you know when you love someone, Or if your in love with someone?"
"I couldn't tell you. We spend our life trying to find a love, and when we think we found, it we spend the rest of our lives destroying it."
I put my head back on his chest. He was right after all.
"I'm going to tell you something, but I don't want you to Freak out okay?"
"Sasquatch is heading to the mail box."
Sasquatch looked over.
"You!" He yelled, making his way over.
We got up and ran.
"Grab the Coco!"
Mikey slid to a stop, grabbed the coco and ran into my house. I slammed and locked the door, Just as Sasquatch made it to the front porch. Mikey set the Coco on the table, Just as Rosalynn came through the back door.
"We just ran into your best friend." I told her.
"Sasquatch." Mikey said, trying to hide his smile.
"Nuh-ah!" She said, running to the front door.
She looked through the peep hole and screamed, flying back.
"What's wrong?" i asked.
"He's looking through the hole, he's looking through the hole!" She said backing up, and pointing at the door.
I bit my lip.
Mikey looked through the hole.
"Oh yeah, look at that." he said.
He sat down on the couch.
"What did you guys do to piss him off?"
"Rosalynn blasted him with pepper spray."
"Rose, you can't do that."
one of the cupboards slammed, "He took my back pack!"
The fridge opened.
"Damn, Lola go shopping."
"you ate all the food."
"Well can we go shopping?"
"Go check for Sasquatch, and I'll drive to the store."
"Okay." she walked to the door, her hand pausing on the knob. "Wait a second. You check for him."
"I'm not the one who's hungry."
"God!" she said, opening the door.
She stuck her head out and looked around slowly.
"He's gone lets go."
"Can we get these?" Rosalynn asked holding up a roll of cookies.
"Cause it has trees, rain deer, and Santa. It's Christmas Eve in two days. we gotta leave cookies for Santa."
"Put it in the cart." I rolled my eyes.
At my side, Mikey laughed.
"There's cotton candy, and chips for sell can I have some?"
"Yes Daughter."
"Thanks Mom." She kissed my cheek and took off.
I looked up at Mikey, "What would you like son?"
"If we're playing house, I want to be the husband."
"Fine. What do you want husband."
"The usual."
I stopped pushing the cart, and looked up at him.
"What the fuck Is the usual?"
"Your my wife. your supposed to know."
"Oh no. Your my best friend, who's a husband. I'm a widow, with a oddly, tall ten year old."
"Why are you a widow?"
"Cause I stabbed my husband." I said, starting to push the cart.
"Your not really going to stab your husband are you?"
"Well if he did what this husband did, then yes."
"What did this husband do?"
I flashed him a wicked grin as Rosalynn came back to the cart, dumping in her food.
"What is this?" I asked, picking up a pack of skittles.
"Let the kid have it." Mikey said.
"Watch it husband. Put it in the cart."
"Yay!" Rosalynn said, hugging me and taking off.
"If your going to be running all over the place, can you at least get some milk?"
"Okay Mom!" she called, skipping along the meat selection.
"kids." i rolled my eyes.
"Lola can I ask you something?"
Mikey got down on one knee, and everyone in a ten mile radius turned to look.
"Get up stupid ass." i whispered.
Mikey took my hand.
"Lola, I don't know what I'd be with out you. You really opened my eyes to a knew world. will you marry me?"
Everyone awed, and what could I say? Every time I went out, everyone would say, 'Oh there goes the chief's sister. Do you know she said no to a nice young man?' Little did they know when we got into the car, there would be no more nice young man left, when I was through.
"yes." I mumbled.
Mikey stood up, and took a chain I never noticed before off his neck. He slipped off a diamond ring, and put the chain back on. He slipped the ring on my left finger.
"Perfect fit." He smirked.
"Your so dead when we get home."
Taking my head in his hands Mikey kissed me, and the Meat department erupted in cheers.
I pulled out of the parking lot.
"What is your problem?!" i yelled, smacking him in the chest, every time I spoke.
"If your going to be abusive, maybe I won't get married to you."
"We are not getting married." i said, pulling into my lot.
We brang the food inside.
"Hey, just cause your a kid, doesn't mean you don't have chores. Get your ass up and help put the food away." i told Rosalynn who flopped on the couch.
Once everything was away, Mikey and I sat on the couch, and Rosalynn when to the bathroom.
"You know why they put the ring on this finger?"
"They say this finger is the only finger that has a vein that travels straight to your heart."
"That's so....romantic."
"Yes Romantic."
"I can be Romantic."
"You can?" i asked, mock Horror.
"I think I've decided that I love you, and I'm not in love with you."
"So we can be friends?"
I took the ring off and handed it to him.
"No keep it. It's a beautiful ring, and no one ever sees it."
"Who's ring is it?"
"Don't worry about it." he smiled, kissing my cheek.
"It's a good thing we're staying friends. The quickest way to ruin a relationship, is to have one."
"Your really against love, aren't you?"
"Can't be against something you don't know."
"True." He said, taking a drink of his soda.
Martie coughed as he passed me the pipe. We where sitting behind the schools dumpsters. It was lunch so no one would notice us being gone. I took a deep hit, and passed it to Calvin. He passed it to Drew. Drew took a hit then gave it to Mikey. Once Mikey was done he gave it to Rosalynn. Once we finished we went to our lunch table.
"Why don't you two hook up?" Martie asked, as Mikey put his arm around me.
"Just friends." Mikey said.
"uh-huh." Calvin said.
"We are," I said, smacking his arm.
"I believe you Lola." He said, hands up.
Clover passed with Becky. As she saw me she lifted her hand excitedly, then dropped it, when she saw who I was with. I gave her a smile, and a finger wave. Her grin was huge as she hurried after Becky to get lunch.
"Who's that?" Drew asked.
"Clover. she's like a puppy." i said.
"So she's like your step sister?" Martie asked.
"Something like that. Her Mom is getting married to my brother. It's just easier to call her my step sister."
"Doesn't she have a twin?" Mikey asked.
"Yeah, his name is Crimson."
"Crimson and clover." Rosalynn said.
"Nancy Had a thing for Joan Jett."
They all nodded at if this made scene. i made a mental note to go home and look her up.
"Guess marriage runs in the family." Drew said, pointing at my hand.
"Oh no. I'm not getting married."
"Are you a virgin then?" Calvin asked.
"of course not."
"Then what up with the ring Yo?" Martie asked.
"It's mine." Mikey said.
"It's a friendship ring." I added quickly.
"Whatever floats your boat." Drew said, taking a drink of his lemonade.
"Wait, isn't that your Mom's engagement ring?" Rosalynn asked, taking my hand.
"Rosalynn." Mikey said, shoulders sagging.
I took the ring off, slammed it on the table, and got up.
I ran across the court yard, and into the lunch room. I walked up to Becky, and Clover.
"Can I bum a soda?"
"Sure. what do you want?" Becky asked.
Becky put a Rootbeer on her tray, and they went to pay. I took the Rootbeer from Becky's tray.
"Where do you guys eat lunch?"
"We're eating in the drama room today."
"Okay I'll eat with you."
"Okay." Clover said, excited.
I followed them into the drama room, and everyone looked at me.
"What the fuck you looking at?"
"She's kidding." Clover said, grabbing my arm and pulling me to some steps.
"Where'd you go?" Rosalynn said, getting into my car.
"I had Lunch with Sasquatch."
"Very Funny." She said, holding her hands in front of the vent. "Sorry if I said something I wasn't supposed to."
"It's okay. look at him."
Mikey was talking with some girl, and she pushed his shoulder.
"Do you love him?"
"I don't love anyone."
"Shit, don't I know it."
"Shut up." I laughed, hitting her arm.
Mikey kissed the girls cheek and jogged over to the car crawling into the back seat. Before, he shut the door I had the car on, and radio turned up. The good thing about living here, is everything's less than five minuets from where I live. We walked in and Nathan sat at the table.
"We have to talk." Nathan said.
I grabbed Rosalynn and Mikey's jacket Sleeve as they tired to escape.
"I think it's time for us to move in with Nancy."
"Us? Why can't I just stay here?"
"Cause your 16."
"I'll be 17 on Christmas. Besides, I live here by myself anyway."
"You need a room mate."
"Rosalynn's very dependable."
Rosalynn nodded quickly.
"Alright fine."
"Whooo!" We screamed, high fiving.
"But. You have to keep up with all the bills, you have to keep the house clean, and you have to have all grades above a C, and Lola, you have to eat Christmas Eve dinner with us."
We both nodded as he talked.
"Alright then." He stood. "I already have my things moved out. Rosalynn, it's all yours."
He took my chin in his hand.
"Be careful, Lola."
When I nodded he kissed my forehead, and shut the door. Once Nathan's car stared, we screamed and hugged.
"Well looks like you have a lot to do. I'll see you later." Mikey said.
He rubbed his nose up and down on mine, gave Rosalynn a high five and left.
I held up my card. Rosalynn smiled, and tossed her bag onto the couch.
"Shall we shop?" She asked.
We took each others arms and went to the car. For such a small town, I was surprised it had a mall. The Mall didn't have any good stores, but it was still a mall. we got new clothes and stuff for the house. Once we got home, the house became Rosalynn and Lola-fied.
"I think it looks good."
"Me too." I said, looking around.
"So your birthday huh?"
"Alright." She said sitting on the couch picking up the remote.
I walked to the kitchen.
"You want a soda? Guess not."
When I looked back to the couch Rosalynn was gone. I smiled and rolled my eyes. I knew what she was up to.
As I was washing my hair, the bathroom door opened and there was a thump. I pulled back the curtain to the shower, to see Rosalynn sitting on the sink.
"Mikey's mad at me. He found out I'm the one who told you about Daniel." She wiped away a tear. "We never fight."
I turned off the water, slipped on my robe and stood of her, putting my hands on her knees.
"He just needs to cool off. Why don't you come to the Christmas Eve dinner with me?"
"okay." She sniffed. "Can you do me a favor?"
"Can you wash the soap out of you hair?"
"Sure." I laughed, kissing her cheek.
"No Crimson!" Clover yelled.
We ran up the stairs and pushed into Clover's bedroom.
"Are you PMS-ing or something."
"Oh no you did not just say that!" We said at the same time.
"Out Crimson." I said.
Crimson through his hands in the air and left the room.
"What's wrong?" Rosalynn asked.
"Do you have to ask? This dress makes me look like I'm 5, My hair is fucking up, and I can't do my make-up for the life of me."
"Here open this."
"You got me a Christmas present?" She smiled, taking the gift from me.
"I got you one to." She said, giving me a gift.
"Put those on, and make sure the bows on the side. they're tights. Rosalynn?"
"I already have the curler on. Start on her make-up."
As Clover put on the tights I picked out the make-up. As I did her make-up Rosalynn started on her hair.
"Bam! That's how you rock!" Rosalynn said, high fiving me.
"I don't even look like myself."
"Girls? People will start to arrive any second come down!" Nancy called.
We all went down.
"Oh you look lovely." She said, giving us each a hug.
"I like her." Rosalynn said, as Nancy went to the door.
"Sorry, you can't have her."
Rosalynn laughed, and pulled me to the back yard, to the long table of food. As she draged me along, I slipped my arm through Clovers. We got a plate of food and sat by the pool.
"Man, this pool is epic. Why don't you just move here too?"
"Cause you'd be out of a house." I said.
"Oh yeah." Rosalynn said, looking at her plate.
"I wouldn't mind if you moved on me."
"Well I would, if I where you. I'd be pissed if you left me behind."
"Okay, maybe I'd be a little mad."
"See?" I laughed.
"So how is it, Living like a Princess?"
"Me?" Clover asked, almost choking on her food.
"Well she ain't damn talking to me."
Clover smiled.
"It has it's perks. But then you have to pretend to be the perfect family, and we both know, we're far from the perfect family."
"Shit even I know that." Rosalynn said.
"How?" Clover asked, as Rosalynn took a drink, of soda.
"Rosalynn's good at reading people."
"With the exception of you of course."
"Okay Edward." I said, tossing my balled up napkin at her.
Rosalynn hit the napkin, and it flew to Clover, landing in her dress.
"Oh my god! I am so sorry. Let me get that." Rosalynn laughed.
I laughed, almost choking on my soda.
"Thanks." Clover laughed, as Rosalynn dug in her dress, and pulled out the napkin.
Rosalynn tossed the napkin at me, and I caught it, placing it on my plate.
"What the fuck is he doing here?" i asked.
Clover and Rosalynn turned to see Becky walk through the door with Mikey. Becky waved, and grabbed Mikey's wrist, then walked over.
"What is she doing with Mikey?" Rosalynn asked.
"Mikey wanted to come too." Becky said.
"How do you know if Mikey wanted to come?" Rosalynn asked.
"Mikey gave me his number."
"Did he now?" Rosalynn said, looking at Mikey.
"I'm gonna throw this away, and go to the bathroom."
"I'll show you where it is." Clover said, standing.
"Okay the bathrooms there, I'm going to find Becky."
"Thanks Clover."
I turned and bumped into Mikey.
"Can we go up stairs?"
"No." I said, walking away.
He grabbed my wrist, "Come up stairs with me, Or I'll pick you up."
I followed him up stairs.
"Okay, whats up?"
"I don't want your ring."
"Well I gave it to you."
"Well, it's your Mom's and she must have been special if you kept it."
"She died."
"Exactly, see it's special."
"My Mom wanted me to give it to the girl I'll marry."
"Then give it to her." I reached for the door and Mikey grabbed my wrist.
"Hold onto it."
"Hold on to it."
"Cause I'm going to marry you."
"Yeah right."
"What makes you so sure?"
"I'm not getting married."
"So if I really wanted to marry you, you'd say no?"
"I'd say find someone that can love you." I said, pulling open the door.
"Lola," He said, trying to follow me, but I was swallowed by the crowd.
"Tough night?"
"Yeah." I said, looking over at Crimson.
"I'm a good listener."
"To bad I'm no good with my words."
He nodded, and began to walk away. I grabbed his arm, and he looked back at me.
"Thanks." i whispered.
"Sure." He smiled, walking away.
I took a deep breath, and walked to the front yard.
I turned to see Rosalynn running to me.
"You okay?"
"I'm good. You ready to go home?"
"yeah, come on sweety." She said, pulling me in for a hug.
"I'm gonna be okay." I said, clinging onto her.
"I know you are. Sometimes even people like you need to know you have people that will be there for you." She said, holding me tightly.
"Thank you."
"Wouldn't miss it."
Martie, and Calvin blew noise makers and Rosalynn, and Drew tossed confetti at me.
"What are you doing?" I asked, a smile spreading over my face.
The living room and kitchen was decorated for a party. Balloons where all over the walls, and floor.
Everyone burst into an off key version of 'Happy Birthday', as Clover and Crimson, brought the cake out of the kitchen. I smiled, and blew out the candles. The front door flew open.
"Sorry I'm late!" Becky said, shutting the door.
She put my present on the coffee table with the others.
"Happy Birthday." She said, hugging me.
Nathan stuck his head through the door.
"Chicken's almost done. Happy birthday kid."
I just smiled, at the chef hat he wore and the apron that said kiss the cook. Nancy was standing by the grill. We ate cake, ice cream, and Chicken. We opened the presents, and Nathan drove Nancy, Becky, Crimson and Clover home.
"Mikey's just Mikey." Martie said, taking a hit from Drew's pipe.
Calvin bit a hole in a pink balloon and sucked in all the air.
"You have to let Mikey come to you. If you go after him then he'll run."
I told them the story, but switched roles.
"How can you give good advice, with that squeaky voice?" Rosalynn asked.
"Just awesome." Calvin said, voice back to normal.
"Check your phone maybe he texted." Drew said, taking the pipe.
I pulled out my phone, "Nothing." I said, setting it on the table.
"Birthday shots!" Rosalynn said, smacking her leg. "How could we forget!"
"Birthday shots?" I asked, as Drew took a hit.
"Everyone At the party gives the birthday girl a birthday shot." She said.
Drew got up off the floor, and covered my mouth with his. I inhaled the smoke. Everyone took a turn. We ate the rest of the cake, and the guys went home.
"I can't believe he didn't say happy birthday."
"Whatever." I shrugged cleaning up.
Rosalynn tossed the ice cream box into the trash.
"I'm going to talk to him."
"No don't. I don't care."
"Well I do." She said, opening the back door.
I watched her hurry across to Mikey's back door. She pushed it open, and disappeared. I went back to my room and got back into bed. I pulled up YouTube, and put on Runaway. The lyrics calmed me a little.
'And If we runaway runaway now, we won't ever look back.'
I heard the back door closed.
"Rosalynn, for the last time, I was going to say happy Birthday in person. I had a whole night planned, and of course you just had to ruin everything." Mikey said.
I tossed the covers off and bolted to the bathroom, and locked the doors.
"Well did she know that?"
"No. that's the point of a surprise Rosalynn."
"Stop calling me Rosalynn!"
"That's your name isn't it? Open Up Lola!" Mikey said, hitting the bathroom door.
"You don't call me Rosalynn unless your mad at me."
"I'm not-" He sighed, and hit the door again. "I'm not mad at you Rose. Lola open the damn door!"
I escaped through Rosalynn's room. I went to the front yard, and grabbed my key from under the flower pot. I got into my car.
The door was yanked open, just as I pushed the gas down. I didn't know where I was going. I just had to get away. There wasn't many places I could go, since I was bare foot. I pulled to the side of the road, where Martie was walking. I honked the horn, and he got in. We drove to the lake, and sat down.
"Where are your shoes?"
"I ran away."
"From where?"
"Who's that?"
"My therapist." I said, Putting my phone on the ground beside me.
"Want me to answer it?"
"Go for it."
"Marcus....No you got the wrong number...maybe you dialed wrong. Okay bye."
I smiled, and took my phone. It rang again and I looked down at it, then lay back.
"It's Rose, aren't you going to answer it?"
"She might worry."
I sighed and picked it up.
"Where are you?"
"i ran away."
"Cause I told you not to go-"
"Mikey stop!"
"Lola? Come home. don't be stupid."
I hung up the phone.
"Well, they're retarded."
"What else is knew?" he asked. "Hate to be a party pooper, but I really got to get home."
"Come on I'll drive you." I said, wiping my hands on my pants, to get the pebbles off.
I dropped him off at home and then went home myself.
"Lola!" Rosalynn said, hugging me. "here." She gave me a glass of orange juice.
I took the glass and took a drink.
"what the fuck?" i asked, looking at the cup.
"It has Vadka in it."
I shrugged and drowned the glass. Once I was drunk Mikey came over.
"Mikey!" I said throwing my arms around him.
"Your drunk. Where's Rosalynn?"
"Rosie! Rosie, where are you! uh-oh Rosie's gone."
"Sit down." Mikey said, bringing me to the couch.
He when to her room.
"Rosalynn's gone."
"Get in the car." He said, grabbing my jacket and car keys.
He put my jacket on, and dragged me to the car. We found Rosalynn at Calvins house drinking with him, Drew, and Martie.
We ran to each other, hugging.
"let's go." Mikey said, grabbing our arms.
"Don't be a party pooper!" Rosalynn said, taking her arm away from him.
"Here. Drink this. Where's the music!" I said, handing him a shot glass.
The Next morning I was in a room I didn't know. Rosalynn, Mikey, Martie, Calvin, and Drew where all over the place.
"Wake up."
Slowly they all woke up.
"Where the fuck are we?" Martie asked.
"I think we're in a hotel." Rosalynn said.
Calvin pulled back the curtains.
"How did we end up at a hotel?" Drew asked.
"Uh guys. You better come see this." Calvin said.
We all went to the window, seeing a beach, and palm trees. There was a sign saying welcome to Sunny Florida.
"Fuckin Florida." Mikey said.
"How the fuck did we end up in a different state?" I demanded.
We all looked at each other.
"Well how are we going to get home?" Rosalynn asked.
"I don't have any money." I said.
"Fork it up guys." Mikey said.
Him, Calvin, Drew, and Martie, began to pull sacks of weed out of thier pockets, and shoes.
"Must of been some night." Rosalynn muttered.
"I don't remember shit." I said.
"What's that?" Drew asked, pointing to my pants.
There was a plastic bag in my Pocket. Martie pulled it out.
"Pain killers." He said, tossing it onto the table, with the sacks of weed.
"Where the hell did you get pain Killers?" Mikey asked.
"Did you not just here me say, I don't remember shit?"
"Alright. We just got to get to the beach and sell this shit. Girls you stay here." Calvin said.
"Change of plans." Rosalynn said, picking up a black bag.
I walked over and peeked inside.
"Holy shit!" i said, pulling out a bundle of money and holding it up for the guys to see. "It's full of it."
They all came over.
"We robbed a bank." Mikey said.
"How do you know?" Rosalynn asked.
"look." He pointed to a bank logo.
"What did we rob it with Squirt guns?" Drew asked.
"With these." Martie said, pulling a drawer out of the night stand and dumping it onto the bed.
Six guns fell onto the bed, and bounced a little.
"Oh shit!" i said.
"We robbed a fucking bank. That's just fucking perfect." Drew said.
"Every one stay calm we can figure this out." Calvin said.
We all looked at each other. There was a knock on the door.
"Time to pay up!" A man called.
"Whoa what are you doing?" I asked, Drew as he grabbed a bundle.
"I'm going to give it to him."
"No, We have to give it back to the bank." Martie said.
"Then what do we do?" Mikey asked, looking at the door, as it was banged on.
"Everyone grab a gun, and strip the sheets." i said.
Everyone grabbed a gun, and Put it at the small of their backs. We tied the sheets together and then tied it on the balcony rail.
"Rosalynn your first. Your the smallest." I said.
Rosalynn went down.
"Don't toss the money down, until the last person." I said, swinging my leg over.
Calvin dropped the money bag and I caught it. Once he was down we made our way to the parking lot.
"Anybody got keys?" I asked.
They all looked at each other.
"Perfect." i said, on a sigh.
"Wait." Rosalynn said, pulling a key from her bra.
I drove, and Rosalynn got into the front, with the money bag. The boys got into the back, and Drew sat on the floor.
"Where's that bank at?" I asked.
"Wait a second. We return the money, and we get locked. I don't want o go to jail. Do you want to go to jail?" Rosalynn said, looking into the back seat.
The guys shook their heads.
"We would of got caught by now, if we where going to be." Drew said.
"Alright fine. we keep the money for now." I said.
" What do we do until then?" Calvin asked.
"I say we just get rid of the funkin bag all together." Martie said.
"I'm with Martie."
"That's what I'm sayin'." Martie said, bumping fists with Mikey.
"The bag has our finger prints on it. Right Lola?" Rosalynn said.
"Right. We got to get rid of the guns some how."
Everyone was quite as we drove into town.
"How the fuck are we going to get home? We can't ask, cause what if someone notices us?" Drew said.
"He's right." Mikey said.
"Of course he's right." i said.
"Okay, I'm feeling a little tension." Calvin said.
"We're fine." We said together.
"Damn." Rosalynn, Martie, Drew, and Calvin said together.
"Can somebody just think of a plan please?" i asked.
"Okay Confession." Rosalynn said.
"We're listening." Martie said.
"i'm scared." She said.
"Me too dudes." Calvin said.
"Yeah I'm creeped out to." Drew said.
"Right there with you." Mikey said.
"Don't worry guys I got this." I said.
"We hope so, cause we got nothing." Martie said.
"Okay, here's what we're going to do. Anyone got a cell phone?" I said.
They all said no. Rosalynn opened the glove box, and took out my cell phone.
"No juice." She said.
"Okay, here's whats up. We're going to drive three town's away then we'll get something to eat. We'll go from there. No matter what happens from here on out, We're all in this together, We stick together. Deal?"
They all nodded adding there deals. We drove three towns over and pulled into a dinner. We got something to eat, and got directions back home. We all took turns driving. After three more towns we got some clothes, and tooth brushes, and drove into a hotel. We got a sweet with three rooms. Martie and Drew shared a room, Mikey shared with Calvin and I shared with Rosalynn. Once she was sleeping I snuck out of the room, and went down to the ice room. I got a cup of ice and went back to the room. Mikey was sitting at the table, drinking some soda. I poured myself a cup and went back to my room.
"Can we talk Lola?" Mikey asked, as I touched the door knob.
"I'm scared."
"Don't be. we're going to get out of this." I said, sitting across from him.
"That's not what I'm talking about."
"I'm scared that I'll lose you."
I looked up at him from my soda cup. That was my fear too.
"What I said, about me marring you, that was a joke. I don't want you to run away. I love you, I don't want to lose you. I want you to say something."
"What do you want me to say?"
"I'm no good with my words."
I swallowed, as he stared at his cup. I watched the tears, slide slowly down his face. He took in a jagged breath, and wiped his face. He looked up at me with Haunted eyes.
"Don't leave me." He whispered.
"Where the hell am I gonna go?"
He reached across the table, hand turned upward. I looked at it, and slowly put my hand in his. He closed his long fingers over my hand. When I looked at him he was looking at our hands.
"I'm sorry, If I scared you." He whispered.
"I'm not going to let you go." I whispered.
He nodded, still looking at our hands.
"I hope you don't. Everyone goes away." He mumbled.
"Promise." I said, holding onto his hand.
"Will you sleep with me?"
We stretched out on the couch and fell asleep.
The next morning My arm was poked. I opened my eyes, to see Calvin sitting on the ground in front of us. He smiled and waved.
"What time is it?" I whispered.
"Nine. I'm hungry."
"Go wake everyone up. We have to keep moving."
"Okay." He nodded jumping up, and going to a room.
I shook Mikey awake and we all got ready.
"Toss all your clothes in." I said, holding the trunk open.
"No." Rosalynn said.
"Why not?"
"Cause you gotta dead body in your car yo." Martie said.
"What the fuck!" I yelled, jumping away from the car.
"What do we do?" Drew asked.
"Ah fuck we're screwed." Calvin said.
"No we aren't." I said.
They all looked at me.
"We're in Jersey. We wait til the local butcher chop closes up for the night and then we break in and use the meat grinder, then we burn the trash bag." I said.
"What about the alarm?" Mikey asked.
"It has a 10 to 15 window, until someone responds, If at all. Calvin, you'll drive the car. Rosalynn, and Mikey, we'll grind up the body, while Martie and Drew, burn the bag. Deal?"
"I don't know." Drew said.
"What happened to being together? Besides, we don't know who killed the person, so we're all going down, fuckers." I said.
"I vote we find a butcher shop." Rosalynn said.
"Sounds good." Martie said.
they added their yeahs, and good for me's. I shut the trunk and we all pilled in and and found a butcher shop. We all got black clothes, and a screw driver.
"What's the screw diver for?" Calvin asked, once we got to a new hotel and we where about to go.
Everyone stood around him, in black, watching me.
"I have to take the plates off, in case we're seen. Got your bandit hats?"
They all put their hats on.
"Alright. Let's rock." I said, pulling down mine.
We all got Into the car.
"Calvin, cut the lights." I said, as we where a block away.
He cut the lights and inched the car forward.
"I think we're good." Mikey said.
"Rosalynn you got the snips?" I asked, taking off my seat belt.
"Yeah, Pop the trunk Calvin." She said, Sniping the clippers.
We all took one more look around and got out of the car. Drew and Martie grabbed the body, Rosalynn carried the snips, Mikey kept watch and I picked the lock. I pushed the door open and we heard a faint buzzing sound.
"Lets move." I said.
We hurried to the grinder. They set the body down, and Rosalynn snipped the bag away, as Mikey and I put on gloves. We picked the body up, and shoved it into the grinder. Martie and Drew took the bag out back. Rosalynn pushed the big GO button, and we watched as the body turned to burger. We put the meat into a bag, and tossed it into the meat locker.
"It's done." Martie said, coming over, with Drew.
"Two minutes guys, Hurry the fuck up." Calvin said through the walky-talky.
We ran from the butcher shop. I locked the door and we all piled in. Calvin hit the gas, as we heard sirens start up.
"Calvin, pull into that car wash, I want to clean the trunk." I said.
Calvin pulled up to the car wash.
"Everyone put your hats in the bag."
Once the hats where in the bag I tossed the bag into the empty dumpster.
"You three go get some drinks from that 7-eleven. Keep a low profile." I said.
"I'll go with them." Rosalynn said.
Once they where gone I lit a match and dropped it on the hat bag. I did two more, and shut the lid. Mikey and I cleaned the trunk, and then burned the gloves. The four of them came bag holding bags. Calvin handed over the keys and I drove us back to the hotel. I put the plates back on and we all took showers, and ate the subs they got from 7-Eleven.
"Get some sleep guys." I said.
Everyone took off to their rooms.
"How do you know so much about crime stuff?" Rosalynn asked.
"My brother is a Cop you know." I said, turning the sheets down.
"No, you know about the bad stuff."
"I used to read a lot Rosalynn." i said, getting into bed.
"Yeah but-"
" Good Night Rosalynn." I said.
She turned off her lamp, as I rolled over, away from her.
As soon as I put the key in the door the phone began to ring. I pushed open the door and ran to get it, while the five of them raided my fridge and cupboards.
"I've been calling you for an hour."
"Sorry I was at Mikey's."
"I wanted to know if you wanted to come over to Nancy's for dinner."
"No thanks Nate."
"Okay, I called to tell you to come have dinner at Nancy's."
"I have everyone over here."
"Bring them all." The line went dead.
"Stop eating."
Everyone paused, their food to their mouth.
"We're going to Nancy's for dinner." I said, shrugging into my coat.
We all got back into the car and drove over to Nancy's house.
"Did you all hear about the body in the Meat grinder over in Jersey?" Crimson asked.
We all paused, and looked at each other.
"How do you know about this?" Nathan asked.
"Well, it wasn't a real body." Crimson said, as we all blew out some air. "It was meat, rapped in paper, with a wig and make-up. The wonder of art, I'm telling you. A couple of drunk kids took it as a joke, from the movie set. The black kid took a bag full of money."
We all looked at Martie.
"He didn't want to though, some chick with black hair, pointed her gun at him." He continued.
Everyone looked at me.
"And her chick friend that had brownish hair, ended up taking the bag, cause he didn't want to take it."
We all looked at Rosalynn.
"She took it cause a guy with black hair told her to."
We all looked at Mikey.
"So she didn't want to be seen with the bag, so a dude with light brown hair took it."
We all looked at Calvin.
"Finally, the kid with dark brown hair, called everyone pussy's grabbed the bag, and they all left."
We all looked at Drew.
"The money was borrowed from a bank of course. It's long gone, I mean I wouldn't return the money."
"Yeah, I'd keep it. I'd be scared shitless." Clover said.
"You guys okay?" Nancy asked.
We all nodded.
"How do they know the hair color?" Nathan asked, grabbing a bowl of mashed potatoes.
We all had the same look on our faces. Fuck, we're screwed.
"There was someone there, but they where hiding in the closet, so they only saw them from the back, and a little from the side. Not enough to go on."
We all relaxed a little.
"Yeah, the money's long gone. No cop in their right mind would touch that case." Nathan said. "Unless-"
"Whoops!" Rosalynn said, knocking her glass of soda over.
Everyone jumped up to clean it.
"Sorry guys!" Rosalynn said, standing. "Lola, come help me get this off will ya?"
"Right behind you." i said, tossing my napkin on my plate.
We went to the hallway bathroom.
"You know I love you right?" I asked, getting a rag.
"I know." She smiled.
"We're always going to be friends right?"
"Of course we are. Bitches til the end Promise." She said, holding up her Pinky.
"Promise." I said, taking her pinky in mine and giving it a shake.
She stood up and hugged me.
"Whoops! I think I got some soda on you."
"It's okay." i laughed.
"You shaved your head!" I said, Running a hand across Martie's head.
It was Monday morning and we where standing at our normal spot freezing.
"Yeah." He said, wiping his hand across his head.
"Why?!" Rosalynn asked.
"time for a change." He said.
"Martie without braids is like-"
"Mikey without Lola." Mikey finished, putting an arms around me, and kissing my temple.
"Exactly." Calvin said.
"Come on guys I'm still me."
"Without your swag."I said.
"Oh I have swag." He said, hitting my fist.
I rapped my arms around Mikey's waist.
"You guys are good together." Drew said.
I stood on my tip toes, so I could Reach Mikey's ear. "They don't know the half of it."
Mikey Laughed as He hugged me too him.
"What?" Rosalynn wanted to know.
"Nothing." I said, as Mikey kissed my forehead.
"I want to know." She said, pulling my hair.
"Your sounding like Pink puff ball." I told her.
"Ew." she said, drinking some of Calvin's Monster.
I looked up to see Mikey watching me.
"Hi." I said.
He gave a half smile and Kissed my nose.
"Beat it you fools!" Drew yelled as the bell rang.
We all hugged and left to class.
"Can I tell you something without you freaking out?" Rosalynn asked.
"Sure. Hey Clover, Hi P-Becky!"
Rosalynn grabbed my arm, and pulled my away while we laughed.
"Your gonna blow my cover!" She laughed.
"I'm sorry. What do you want to tell me?"
"I think Mikey's falling for you."
"Don't tell me that."
"I've never seen him look at anyone the way he looks at you, Lola."
"He said, he loves me. That's it."
"There's something there Lola." She said, kissing my cheek and Going into her class.
I tossed my head back, and walked to class.

Mr. Kalen was going on about the civil war, as the back door was tapped on. Being the nosy person I am I looked over, and Mikey waved with a smile. My eyes flashed to Mr. Kalen, and then I waved and smiled back. He waved me forward. I shook my head, and looked ahead. He knocked again and I looked. I held up a piece of paper. I had To squint to read it.
'You won't regret it Lola. Live.'
I looked away from him and nodded. Mr. Kalen turned, to look through his desk. I grabbed my bag, and got up. People looked up at me as I slipped out the door. As the class room door closed Mikey spun me around.
"That's what I'm talking about. What do you want to do?"
"I have school."
"So do I. Come on Babe."
"You'd skip school for me?"
We were walking to the front door, me under his arm.
"Sure I would. I love you, remember?" He said, touching my nose on you.
"I don't know Mikey."
He sighed, stopped and took my arms in his hands. He smiled down at me.
"I told you, that you couldn't hang."
"I can hang!" i said, stepping away from him, and leading the charge to the parking lot.
I paused.
"Ooooh. What if we get caught?" I turned to Mikey Face scrunched up.
"Come on." He said, hand held out.
I shook my head, but I could feel a smile coming into place.
"Come with me."
I looked around, biting my lip. I looked back at Mikey, and He shook his hand at me. I sighed, and grabbed his hand. He smiled, and he pulled me, at a jog, to my car.
"Give me your keys."
"Why?" i asked, holding them out.
"It's a surprise." he smiled, took the keys, gave me a soft kiss, and pulled open my door.
We pulled up to a old building. We went into a white room. There was paint in the middle of the room.
"What are we doing?"
"Painting." He said opening a bucket of purple.
"What are you painting?" I asked.
"You!" He said, getting a hand full and throwing it at me.
"Oh it is so on." I said, picking up the bucket and tossing it at him.
I opened another and he splashed my with red.
"Ow my eye." I said.
"Are you okay?" He asked, touching my arms.
Since I was bent over he couldn't see my hands.
"Perfect!" I said, splashing him with the paint.
"Nice." He said, wiping some off and flinging it at me.
After our fight we went out back, where there was a outdoor shower. We washed up.
"Here, let me help your face."
"Oh thanks." i said, as he rubbed at my cheek.
His eyes never left mine.
"There." he said softly.
"Thanks." i said.
The water pouring over us was warm. He took my face in his hands.
"I've decided I'm in love with you." He said, bending his head to kiss me.
I stood still.
"Kiss me back, and maybe you wouldn't be so bad of a kisser." He muttered.
I grabbed onto his jacket and kissed him back.
I shut the front door.
"You know, your teacher called me. Makes it kinda hard for you to ditch. you haven't been going to therapy. You got drunk and ended up in a different state. What's going on?"
"How do you know?" i asked.
Nathan pulled out his phone and pushed a button. there was a lot of yelling.
"Nathan! It's me Lola. Don't worry, we went on a trip, i think we're in Jersey. anyway don't wait up!"
"So what? can't you just trust me?"
"I can."
"Thank you."
"Cause your going to Rehab."
"What?! No I'm not!" I yelled.
"You'll thank me later. I already have your things packed-"
"You went through my shit!"
"Please get into the car so we can get going."
"Please don't make me hand cuff you."
"You know. I normally don't hate people, but now I'm thinking differently. I'll be in the car."
We pulled up to the rehab center.
"This is so fucking lame. I didn't even get to say goodbye to my friends."
"You mean the friends that started you on this?"
"I started myself. You don't know anything, that has happened. What about school?"
"this is two weeks."
"I'll try not to hang myself." I said, getting out of the car.
Nathan grabbed my bag and followed me into the center.
"Lola Steele." He said.
"Go on in." The girl said.
The man asked me questions. I sat quiet arms crossed and leg crossed.
"She'll be just fine here. We can help her."
"Hold your breath." i said.
"See? She talked."
Nathan and him shook hands. I was shown to my room. A girl was sitting on the other bed reading a book. For the next two weeks Clover came everyday, giving me my school stuff, and explainging it to me. Crimson, sat next to her, arm crossed, peeved to ahve to be here. It meant a lot to me that they came.
"See you tomorrow." She hugged me.
"I get out tomorrow."
"You do. that's right."
She left, with Crimson ahead of her.
"Things will be different." The girl said.
She never talked.
"Your old friends won't be your friends."
"How do you know?"
"Have they came to see you once? Now that your better, they're not going to want to hang out with you."
I suddenly felt sick to go home. No talk girl was right. They haven't even came to see me. I knew the knew I was gone. They would of asked Clover, adn she would of told them.
"Lola, Your rides here." The nurse said.
"Thank you." i smiled.
I went into the front office with my new therapist.
"I have her folder and I want you to read everything we've talked about." He said.
"I thought you said that stuff was private."
"Not from Nathan." He said, handing him the folder.
Nathan opened it. I stood up and bolted from the room.
"Lola!" He called.
I ran out the front doors. I looked around, and bolted left down the road. It was dark time when I pushed throguh Nancy's front door.
"Thank god." She said, pulling me in for a hug.
"Is he here?"
"No, he took the kids out looking for you. Need something to eat?"
"Yes please." I said.
"Alright." She said, smoothing my hair. "Come." She said, leading the way to the kitchen.
I washed my food down with a soda.
Nathan came in.
"Lola! Why didn't you tell me things were so bad?" He asked.
"You read it?"
"Of course i did."
"I hate you Nathan." i said.
"Lola, sweety." Nancy said.
"I fucking Hate him Nancy." I said. "I hate you. With every broken piece of me."
I pushed past him, And then Crimson and Clover at the door.
"Lola come on!" Nathan called, before I slammed the front door.
I ran all the wat to my house. I locked everything up and went into my room. My suitcase was on my bed. I opened it. My rehab Jump suit was on top. I put it in my dresser next to my other jump suit. I took a shower and went to bed.
The next day at school I saw Rosalynn. I waved at her. She turned and walked away.
"Come on, Lola." Becky said, slipping her arm through mine. "You can hang out with me and Clover." She said.
So I did for the next two days. I didn't talk to any of my old friends, and haven't even seen Mikey. I opened my door, after school.
"Lola!" Mikey waved jogging over.
"We'll be inside." Clover said, pulling Becky's arm.
"Your back!" He grinned.
"What do you want?"
"A hug."
I rolled my eyes and turned.
"What happened?" He asked.
I turned to him, "Why haven't you come to see me, In Rehab or when I got home."
"I'm really mean when I quit smoking." He said.
"You quit smoking?" i asked.
"Yeah for you."
"For me." i could feel a smile, trying to break free.
"Yeah, cause I love you. Can I get that hug now?"
I hugged him.
"So Rosalynn Hate's me now?"
"It's not just you, she Cut us all off."
"What's going on with her?"
"She's not talking to anyone."
"Did Becky say anything about bad stuff happening at her house?"
"I'll try to get through to her. Becky, Clover."
"Yeah?" They asked, coming outside.
"Yes, they were listening. they're girls, it's what we do. We're going for a ride."
We got into the car and drove to Becky's. We sat in the kitchen until Rosalynn came in.
"What's Lola doing here?" Rosalynn asked.
"I'm your friend." I said.
Rosalynn snorted and left the kitchen.
"That went Well." Clover said.
"You think?" I asked.
The next day at School Mikey sat with us.
"Hey Lola." Martie said.
"Hey." I smiled getting up.
I hugged him.
"I thought you wouldn't want to hang out with us, cause your better." Drew said, as I hugged him.
"You guys are my friends." I said, hugging Calvin.
We all sat down. Saturday, I decided to talk to Rosalynn. I went to her house. She came into the kitchen.
"Rosalynn." I said.
She looked to the kitchen door, and then to me. She ran to the door and I tackled her to the floor.
"What the hell is your problem?"
"what's yours?" She asked, as I pinned her down.
"Your the one that didn't wave back to me."
"Your the one who hates me."
"What? I never said that."
"I asked Nathan were you went and he said, rehab, and you hate him. then he said you hate everyone."
"Rosalynn. You should no damn well I don't hate you." I said, sitting up.
She sat up across from me.
"Really? I thought you'd get better, and then not want to hang out with a low life like me. If you didn't want to hang out with me, I wasn't going to hang out with or old friends."
"Rosalynn. Don't you know I love you? Your far from a low life."
"Yeah, but-"
"Oh come on! your gonna make mistakes your young."
"But you can't make the mistakes anymore."
"Who said that?" i smirked.
"Vodka welcome home party?" She asked, standing on her knees, arms held out.
I stood on mine, and held out mine.
"Vodka welcome home party."
"I missed you!" She said, hugging me.
We went to her room and drank some vodka.
"Mind if I light up?" She asked.
I bit my lip.
"Fuck it. We're all screwed anyways." I said, taking the pipe and a lighter.
"There's my girl!" She said, taking the pipe back.
"I think I have to spend the night." I told her.
"Don't you still have the aprtment?"
"Yeah but Nathan could be there, and I'm not dealing with his shit. I wonder what happened to my cell phone." i said.
Rosalynn got up and went to her dresser she pulled out my phone and gave it to me.
"jacked it when Nathan wasn't looking."
"This is why your my best friend."
"My chargers over there, it fits."
I got up from the floor and got onto her bed. I reached down and grabbed the cord.
"You bed and wall ate my arm."
"Oh I got it."
Rosalynn, grabbed the bottom of the bed and pulled, freeing my arm. I plugged my phone in.
"Shit. can we get a window open? I feel like I've been walking bare foot through Egypt "
Rosalynn, laughed and opened her Window.
I got up and sat on the bench.
"Air!" I said, sticking my upper body out the window, arms out wide.
"Rosie?" Becky called.
"Shit! She'll tell Clover, Clover will tell Nancy, Nancy will tell Nathan, and I'll be fucked. I don't want to be fucked." I said, grabbing Rosalynn's arms.
"Hide in my tub." I ran into the bathroom.
"What's up Beck?" Rosalynn said.
"I need my cover up back. I'll get it."
"I'll get it!"
As I lowered in the bath tub, I heard feet running.
"I feel sick." Rosalynn said, giving Becky the cover up and shutting the door.
She Made gagging noises and I tossed a shampoo into the toilet making a splash.
"Oh Gross! I'll make you some tea."
We high fived.
Once she left We snuck out and walked to my apartment.
"I hope you have the keys, cause If we see Sasquatch there ain't no way in hell I'm going to get away from him wearing these shoes." Rosalynn said.
We hid behind the wall and looked into the apartment area. We looked at each other and nodded. We grabbed hands and jogged to the house.
We screamed and ran to the house.
"Lose the fucking shoes!" I yelled, half dragging her.
She took off the heels and tossed them.
We looked back. Sasquatch was holding his face.
"Shall we run screaming into the night as if our lives depended on it?" I asked.
"So we shall."
We grabbed hands, and stood tall. We screamed and took off in a run.
"Get back here. We have business!"
"Hurry." Rosalynn said. "Shit."
I picked up the key and shoved it into the door. We hurried in, looked the door, and sat in front of it.
"We're alive." I huffed, high fiving her.
"Not for long." She huffed, pointing.
Nathan stood hands on hips looming over us.
We were sitting at the table, while Nathan looked at us.
"I don't know what your problem is. We could of died." I said.
"where were you?" He asked.
"Swimming in Becky's tub, where the fuck do you think I was?" I demanded. "Don't play the perfect Brother, cause this Perfect sister is going to scoop your eye balls out with a ice cream scooper."
"Yikes. Very creative." Rosalynn said.
"Thanks." I said, high fiving her.
I turned to Nathan, hand on hip.
"Why don't you just leave me alone?"
"Because I'm in charge of you. I think Rosalynn's a bad influence."
"Uh yeah, right here." Rosalynn said, holding up a finger.
"I don't care what you think. She's not."
"I don't want you hanging out with her."
"And I want to learn how to fly, but that isn't happening."
"I think you need to go back to Rehab."
"I think-Fuck it." I said, I bolted out the back door, grabbing Rosalynn's arm on the way.
"Not now Sasquatch." I said, kicking him in the shin.
We ran to Mikey's and locked all the doors.
"The cops are here." Mikey said, five minuets later.
I went to the window, and pulled the blinds apart.
"Hey you!" A cop looked. "Yeah, you over here." I waved.
He came to the window.
"Do you have the house surrounded?" I asked, letting the blinds snap close.
"Don't upset them." Mikey said.
"Don't worry they need a warent. It takes 24 hours." I said.
"We have a warent." A cop said hitting the door.
"Well shit, would you look at that, the damn bastard figured out time travle." Rosalynn said, leaning on the counter, with a hand.
"Nobodies home." i said, in an old lady voice.
The door was knocked on.
"House keeping!" Rosalynn called like an old lady.
"Really guys?" Mikey asked, as we laughed.
"Come on Mikey, you have nothing to hide." i told him.
"I'm hiding under the bed. Don't tell them where I am." He said, going to his room.
The door was banged on.
"What now?" She asked, looking at the door.
"Oooh I know." I said, clapping my hands. "popcorn and a movie."
"Yes." Rosalynn said, pointing at me and going into the living room, to put on a movie.
I popped the pop corn and put it in a bowl. I split the blinds.
"MMM. Popcorn!" I said, eating some.
A cop shined his flash light in.
"Aye mother fucker." I said.
I grabbed the mag lite off of the T.v and shined it full blast. The cop backed up, and fell over the bushes.
"Oh shit!" I said, turning the mag lite off and letting the blinds snap shut.
"Come on Hunger games!" Rosalynn said, pushing play.
I plopped down.
"We don't want any!" I called, turning up the volume.
"What If they don't go away?" Rosalynn asked.
"What are they going to do? Sleep on the porch?" I asked.
"I'm going with yes." Rosalynn said, the next morning, as we looked out the blinds.
"Ugh. Your still here?" Mikey asked rubbing his eyes.
"Yep. and so are they." Rosalynn said.
"You guys gotta get rid of them. My sister's coming today." He said.
"Okay, we'll lead them to my house."
"Or right into Nathans arms." Rosalynn said, as Nathan grabbed my arms.
"You think?" i asked.
"Ow." I said, as he sat me down, at his desk. "Hey cutie, you mind?" i asked. holding up my cuffed hands.
The new guy looked at Nathan. Nathan nodded and he uncuffed me.
"Thanks sweet tits. Oh look. You got your own plack!" i told Nathan. I grabbed it and balanced it on my palm. "Oh I'm just so proud."
The plack fell, and clattered onto the desk. Nathan lunged for it, and set it on his desk.
"Will you stop?" He asked.
"I'm just starting." I said, standing. "Who want's to see me strip?" I asked, grabbing the bottom of my shirt.
A couple of people looked over interested. Nathan reached across the desk, grabbed my arm, and pulled me back down.
"Why do I have to be here?"
"Cause I can't trust you." He said.
"Let me go or I'll scream."
"You wouldn't scream."
"Your right I can't scream. I'll Oooh, Zap someone with this." I said, picking up a stun gun.
"Don't push the button!" Nathan said, standing.
"This button?" I asked, zapping a guy passing. "Nice." I said, as he went down.
"Meet me in the car." Nathan said handing me the keys.
He got up and helped another guy pick up the other one.
"Or take the car and bolt." I smiled.
I got up and went outside. As soon as I went out, I unlocked the car, and Nathan looked over at me, from the office.
"Ooooh gotta run." i said, running to the car.
I pulled the car out. Nathan stood in front of the car.
"I'll run you over."
"You'll go to jail."
"I'm okay with that."
"You'll go to hell."
"Oh brother, I'm already there." I said, pressing the gas.
Nathan jumped out of the way and I left the lot, jumping the curb. Rosalynn and Mikey were knocking on my door.
"Road trip!" i yelled.
"Whooo!" They yelled jumping in.
I drove to Nancy's house and Honked the horn. Becky, Clover and Crimson, came out side.
"Anyone Up for a good Road trip?!" I called.
They all looked at each other, and bolted down the drive way.
"Whooo!" I yelled as They shut the door.
I Peeled away from the curb, and went to Drew's.
"Get in the van!" I said, stepping on the break.
Drew, Calvin, And Martie got up, from the porch stairs, and got into Nathan's work van. I turned up the radio, and we all jammed out. A cop came behind us.
"Pull over!" Becky said.
"Fuck authority!" i yelled out the window, making a sharp turn onto the high way turn on, and Losing the car. "We're going to Vegas."
Everyone screamed, except Becky.
"You wanna walk home? I'll pull this van over."
"Whooo!" She yelled, tossing her arms up.
I turned the music back up and we headed for Vegas.
"Does she do this a lot?" Becky asked.
"Yeah, that's why I love her." Mikey said.
We walked around and then crashed out in a hotel. We went back home the next day.
"I expect this from Crimson but not you Clover." Nancy said.
"Why me?" Crimson asked.
"Your a bad influence." Nathan told me.
"Had enough. it's gonna get worse if you don't leave me alone."
"What if I leave you alone?"
"I'll get better."
"How do I know."
"You'll have too trust me." I smirked.


Publication Date: 10-14-2012

All Rights Reserved

I heard yelling, and looked out the passenger side window. Rosalynn and Mikey where running to my car, as if there life depended on it. I rolled down the window, and that's when I saw Sasquatch round the corner, pumping the air with his fist. My eyes got wide as I rolled up the window. In Sasquatch's fist was a drum stick. His arm was shaking so hard, that his arm fat was flying every were. He was dressed in striped boxers, a white tank top gone yellow and no shoes. When Mikey and Rosalynn came close, I unlocked the doors. Mikey dove into the back seat, and Rosalynn got into the front hitting the lock button over and over again. I threw the car in reverse and took off. There was a thump on my back windshield. When I looked in my mirror, Sasquatches drum stick was sliding down the window, and he was waving both arms wildly over his head.

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