
I staggered back, and felt my hand go to my chest to try to calm how broken i felt.
i turned and ran from the room.
"NO, Deven listen to me!" Gianna yelled.
it was too late. i was broken, not even she could call me back. there was only one person who could make me fell whole.
her name bought angry tears to my eyes as i swiped at them everyone in the hall move aside.
"Stop her don't let her leave!"
i jumped out of the way of the grabbing hands. i ran the the front gate.
i ripped the gates from their hinges and ran into the night. the sorrow that filled me, came like a sharp dagger to the chest. never in my life had i felt so torn. i was so not going to listen to reasoning, i had to get to her. what's left of her. i pushed that last though out of my mind and used my anger to pick up my pace, running faster than i ever had.
i stopped to a brisk walk once the gates of Benton's place came into view.
"Excuse me-"
i lifted my hand and the man backed away. like before i yanked the gates from its place and marched to the front door.
i held my glowing hand out as a warning to anyone who'd be stupid enough to charge at me.
i pushed open the door's to the office were i killed him before.
"Where is she?" i asked through clenched teeth.
he turned to me his smile wicked.
"My sister, where's my sister!" i yelled, i took the cup from him and through it into the fire.
"You need to calm down."
"I don't have time to be calm." i raised my hand
"what good would killing me do your sister?"
i knew he was right. i slowly took my hand back.
"Why'd you take her?"
"Cause i knew it would break you."
i angrily swiped at the lone tear that slid down my right check and glared at him.
"i knew if i took Even, you'd do what ever i say, to save her."
"Her name is Evelon!"
i grabbed him by the neck and shoved him against the wall.
"Tell me were she is now." i shoved him against the wall again on the last word.
"You must be careful, Vanity, for she is in my care, i have not hurt your sister. yet."
i dropped him, and dragged a hand through my hair.
it had felt like i'd been punched.
i left the room,.
"Stop her!" Benton's strong voice rang out.
i raised my hand. "Do and die, boys."
i hurried down the hall, and tried a door.
i kicked it in.
the sight had me cowering away.
Evelon sat in a room, wearing a white gown her legs pulled up to her chest. even though the room was hot she was shaking. her blue eyes seemed white. White flowers pinned back her bangs.
An unbearable fear was in them. She was terrified.
i knelt in front of her and took her face into mine.
she shook even harder at my touch.
she didn't seem to see me. it was as if she was...looking through me.
"Evelon look at me."
Her mouth opened and she fainted.
in a quick movement i was on my feet, facing the door, standing protectively, in front of my baby sister.
"you can't have her, she's mine, you don't fuck with family."
"Like you took Preston.
"He went willingly."
no way was i going to let him make me feel guilty. and that's when i saw it. Benton's hand was up, and pointed at Evelon.
"What are you doing to her."
the calmness that had taken over my voice had me scared.
no, not calm, sleep.
"Sleep!" he said, the word with so much force.
when i woke up, my hands were folded on my ribs, and my bangs were gone. i lifted my hand to feel a clip, made of flowers, holding back my hair.
the room was white, and with a sudden jolt, i knew the room all to well.
Evelon, was on the bed beside me. some of her color had returned.
she sat bolt up, ad Shrieked my name.
"Hey, i'm here."
she cringed away from me.
when she noticed it was me, she lunged at me with a sob. i stroked her hair, and rocked her. i never really had a little sister, but this is what it would be like.
"what are we gonna do?"
"i don't know." i stood up.
i began to pace. Evelon watched my every move eyes wide.
"what were you doing out side the gates?" i asked, my eyes turned to her.
she was standing at this time.
"What... you look different. your they're lighter..."
her voice trailed off.
she had been shaking her head, and i noticed with every word she spoke she took a step back.
she jumped back, hitting the wall.
i noticed what she was afraid of. my hands. they where glowing.
i threw them to my sides.
"I'm not going to hurt you, damn it."
she relaxed as my hands faded to normal.
as the door nob turned, with inhuman speed, Evelon was cowering behind me holding on to my white gown that i'd been wearing. i hadn't noticed it until then.
the dress forgotten i glared as Benton came in holding two cups.
Evelon took it from him.
i reached for the cup and yanked my hand back as Evelon hissed at me.
i just starred at her.
she looked discussed and thrust the cup at me.
i took the other cup and tossed them out the window.
"You'll come around, you have to drink."
Evelon opened her mouth, but my cold stare silenced her.
"he doesn't know we can sleep instead of drinking." i told her.
"Stop it!" she said, covering her ears.
i hadn't realized i began pacing again.
the door opened again, and a boy walked in.
Oh my Love, he was hot.
did i just think that?
"who are you." i said.
"One of the Misunderstood guys."
Damn his voice even called me to him.
his grin was cocky, and i had a sudden urge to smack his face.
"what do you want?" Evelon asked, making me come back to earth.
"i'm not hear to hurt you."
he took a step forward, Evelon grabbed my gown, and i held up both of my hands.
He smiled.
he held his hand to me. palm up, as if he was holding something. he jet black hair turned white and a swirl of white came to his hand. i watched as it spun in his hands.
"I also, have a gift that could be used well. Hard burden don't you think, Deven?"
"W-what is it?" Evelon asked.
"Spirit, little girl."
when he said, it there was no humor in his voice.
"How do you know my gift?"
"i don't. i can sent that people rely on your gift, it has to be important. people needing you is tiring is it not?" his head cocked to the side.
his hair turned black, and he dropped his hand.
"Why are you in here."
"i can't tell you just yet, but you have to trust me."
this time he came to me grabbing my wrists.
"Let me go."
"I'm telling you the truth when i say you have to trust me. i'll show you."
he bent his head, and kissed my slowly and soft.
when he pulled back, i looked him in the eyes.
"I trust you."
he nodded once and left.
"Dude he kissed me." i said.
"Not just a kiss a kiss of truth."
"the kiss of truth is made for just letting someone else know they're telling the truth, it doesn't mean anything, but the truth. when he kissed you did your stomach feel strange like a punch of truth was given to you?"
i nodded.
"Then he was telling the truth. you would know if he was lying."
"He kissed me."
"Are you paying attention!"
Evelon grabbed my shoulders and shook me.
"He just pledge his truth to you. he'll always have to tell you the truth now, even if he want's to lie, it's the bond that's given when the Kiss of truth is shared by two people."
"a little kiss says all that?"
she nodded once.
"i liked it." i admitted.
"Your supposed too, it's the way it works."
"what am i gonna tell Preston?"
"Tell him that he gave you a kiss of truth. don't worry about it your not gonna see him again, after we get outta here."
she sat on the bed.
"Your right. now away to get out of here."
"how'd you get outta here last time?"
"Preston, saved me."
Preston. i felt a wave of guilt.
"Don't feel Guilty, you have to like the kiss for it to work, if not, both of you would parish."
"yap, that's why nobody give the kiss of truth anymore, it caught me off guard that he did. and he's really young, so that increased the chances."
i wanted her to shut up. i wanted to hit her upside with a pillow.
"Uh, Rude!" she said, shaking her head.
i clenched my jaws closed, and tried to center myself.
"Since his gift is spirit that means he's bound to you."
"Like you?" i asked.
"and Preston and Tie."
"Tie! shit i for got about him."
"He has this gift to find me."
"Use it!"
"But do we want him hurt?"
"No." she said, glumly, all excitement gone.
i stood up.
"Maybe, i could some how ask him to send Liv, if all the elements are present they can have him trapped. then all i would have to do is turn him to ash. no anyone that can to air, water, or earth?"
"well there goes that idea."
i flopped back down on the bed.
"Benton's probably thinking of a way to drain my powers right now, he's gonna use you against me."
"He's gonna kill me if you don't give yourself to him."
it wasn't a question.
"are you gonna do it?"
"Hell yes, i'm gonna do it."
"You can't."
"The hell i can."
"i'll die if you do."
"yeah but i can make your life a little longer."
"I'll be sick i'd rather be dead."
those four words hung in the air.
"I'm not gonna let you die."
"So we're getting outta here." Evelon said, standing.
"yeah but how?"
"can't you use your powers to get us out?"
"Not if Benton zaps me with sleep."
"Oh yeah." she said, biting her nail.
"Don't do that."
she dropped her hand.
"It's okay."
i wanted to rip of Benton's head.
"Stay here, i know my way around."
before Evelon could argue i left.
i walked down the cold halls.
i was looking down a hall when i bumped into someone.
i jumped back and put up my hands.
i dropped them when i saw the kid.
we stared at each other.
"You trust me?"
i nodded once.
his hair turned white and spirit came to his hand.
"spirit go to her, don't move Deven." he said, as i backed up. "Go to her, and clam her."
he held out his hand and the white swirl slammed softly into my chest.
my eyes widened as i became calm.
"Keep her calm through her stay."
he took a step to me and held up his hand.
"touch my hand Deven."
i pressed my palm to his.
he smiled, and laced our fingers.
he held out his other hand.
looking deep into my eyes he said, "Spirit, you've done what I've asked just fine. return to me Spirit."
i gasped, as the white swirl left my chest, and then danced on the boys open palm.
he looked to it from my eyes.
"Your free."
the white swirl left his hands, and he gazed into my eyes.
i tried to pull my hand away but he held on.
"I'm gonna get you out of here."
i took a step back.
he let go of my hand, and took my face.
Because he was stronger than me he softly pulled my face to his, smiled, and kissed me.
He pulled away from me as if he'd been shocked. he fell to his knees and backed up against the wall, breathing fast and hard, as if he was gasping, eyes pleading with me.
"you have to kiss him, and it has to mean something." Evelon's calm voice came to me.
"No!" i yelled.
"You have to."
"I wont."
"He's Dying Deven!" She screamed, all calm gone.
"How do-"
"I'll tell you."
i fell to my knees in front of him.
his eyes became wide.
"I'm gonna make you better." i nodded.
i took his face in mine and kissed him.
he tired to pull away.
"You waited to long, hold onto him, death has a strong hold on him, you have to kiss him with a meaning."
i found my meaning, and held onto his face.
his hands grabbed onto my elbows and pushed.
"Hold!" Evelon said.
the kid's grip on my elbows stopped pushing. instead it was pulling.
i tried to pull away as his tongue slipped into my mouth.
"Don't you'll both die, i'll tell you when."
at the mention of death i shoved my tongue into his mouth.
his hands went to my legs. in one swift movement i was sitting on his lap, one leg on each hip.
"I know, Deven, i can feel you, but death has a strong hold on you know, cause you took it from him, you have to hang in, he has to save you now, and if you don't save my sister i'll kill you."
One hand went to my back.
"Uh, Rude!" Evelon said.
his other hand went to my neck, holding me there, so i couldn't pull away.
Preston's ring burned on my finger.
i couldn't take it i pulled away from him.
when i did i slid off of him and layed on the floor.
it felt like i was on fire.
i turned my head and looked at the kid.
"Help me." I whispered.
i didn't know if he could hear me, but he nodded, and hurried over to me on his hands and knees.
the pain stopped and a wonderful calm came over me.
the kid looked at Evelon, who had both hands pined in her hair.
she began to sob.
"Kiss her, Kiss her, she's dying!"
the kid bent and took my lips for his own.
the pain that flew through me had me trying to get away.
"Hold her!"
he held onto me, while everything screamed for me to get away.
and then it was gone. replaced by a feeling of want, need.
i sat up, so i was on my knees.
"Pull away!"
we pulled away, backing up from each other until we hit the wall.
we both breathed hard.
"what's happening?" the kid asked, before darkness consumed me.
when i opened my eyes Evelon's relief was clear.
my head turned to her.
"Hey kid."
my voice was week as was my smile.
"don't cry, i really hate that."
"cause i hate the way it makes me feel. I love you Evelon."
she smiled.
"I love Deven." she nodded.
"Thank's for saving me."
then she did something very un-Evelon like.
she bent and kissed my forehead.
Benton came in.
"I'm not drinking that." i said.
he sighed and set down two cups.
"i got it."
she opened the window, and chucked both of the cups out the window.
The kid came in, and walked over.
"She's weak, cause your a dumb ass, so you need to give her your blood." Evelon said.
the kid pulled up his black sleeve.
"will it hurt him?"
"Maybe." Evelon said.
"Give me your wrist."
i took it in my hand
"wait." he said.
he put an arm around my back, holding me up. he sat next to me.
"okay. drink."
"i can't."i said, tossing aside his arm.
i watched open mouthed as he used a fang to cut his wrist.
he held me close to him, so i couldn't get away.
he pressed his wrist to my mouth.
so i did.
"Does it hurt?" Evelon asked.
"NO, it feels nice."
"Damn, what's your name anyway?"
How could they talk so normal, as i was sucking his wrist like a retard?
his blood was good it warmed me as soon as i started. it made me feel safe. i wonder what he was feeling.
"no." he said, as i pulled away.
"I don't-"
he put his wrist to my mouth again.
i kept my mouth shut.
"Hey Deven?" Evelon asked.
Walker pressed his wrist to my open mouth and right away i began to drink.
i glared at him. he smiled a cocky smile.
he sucked in air.
"Why would you want to hurt me?"
sadness was in his eyes.
i pulled away.
"I don't."
"That's not what your emotions say."
i grabbed his wrist and bit into it annoyed that he could feel what i felt to.
"Deven," He moaned, eyes closed.
Completely freaked out i pushed his arm away from me.
"I gotta go."
he pushed of of the bed and left.
i looked over at Evelon, her wide eyes matching mine.
"What the hell was that?"
"Your blood has been tainted."
"Don't you ever study? no one else can drink his our your blood except each other. your bond together forever and i think he knows that."
i grabbed her hand.
"What happened to never gonna see him again, once we're outta here."
"Your the one who bit him!"
i let go of her hand.
"It was bound to happen i could feel it."
"Does it hurt you in any way?"
"SO what is he my blood dude?"
"uh, i think he's your Tainted dude."
my life was so sucking right now. i cracked my jaw in annoyance.
i stood up.
"Are you dizzy, your supposed to be strong."
"I am, come on we gotta defeat Benton."
we found Benton in a large room at a desk that wasn't his.
when we entered he stood.
"You have no right-" his words were cut off.
"Spirit!" walker yelled.
as if he was punching the air Spirit flew and hit Benton.
"Olivia?" me and Evelon asked, looking at each other.
Sure enough our Red headed sister stormed into the room Death in her eyes.
fire came to her hand, her hair going blonde.
as if blowing a kiss, she blew fire at Benton.
a kid with blonde hair came in.
his blonde hair turned black, and with a twisting motion of his hands, Air went to Benton.
a kid with brown hair came in.
his hair turned to green.
a glowing green ball flew from his hand, and to Benton with no movement.
this kid also had brown hair.
Her flowing hair turned blue. she held her palm to the floor, and water poured from her hand. she used water like a Whip. with a cocky grin of her own she whipped it to Benton.
"Deven turn him to ash!" Walker yelled over the noise their gifts gave.
"I can, it's not working!"
"YOU left, before she was done drinking from you." Evelon said.
Liv turned to us, death still in her eyes.
"You drank from him?"
"Your free Spirit!"
"Your free Fire!" she said, focusing.
"Your free Air!"
"Your free Earth!"
"Your free Water!"
"That will freeze him long enough to get out of here." Walker said.
he grabbed my hand and pulled me to the door.
"What do you mean He's got her? why am i only knowing now?" Preston said, to the kid at the gate.
i yanked my hand from Walker's and ran ahead.
he turned as i slammed into him.
he grabbed my shoulders and pushed me away from him, which was like a million daggers to the heart.
"your blood."
he sniffed.
"i can explain-"
anger flooded his eyes, and he stepped around me.
"Preston." Walker said.
"What are you doing here?"
Walker looked at me.
"you had no problem jumping up to take my place did you?" Preston asked.
Guilt came to me almost knocking me to my knees.
it was what Walker was feeling.
"Is that true?" i asked, pushing in front of Preston.
"Yes, but Deven-"
i saw the true pain in his eyes, as i took a step away from him. i began to cry, not cause of me, but his feeling's where so strong. i swiped at my face.
"I'm good you gotta believe me."
like a switch his eyes widened.
"Walker no!" i screamed.
Walked kissed me.
i remembered what happened so i kissed him back.
we pulled away, and i knew he was telling the truth.
Preston Grabbed Walkers arm.
before anything could happen a hand came down on his shoulder.
"That is a kiss of truth, you can not hurt him, his blood is tainted with Deven's." Gianna said.
Preston took a step back, like i slapped him, and looked at me.
that was the biggest emotion i saw in his eyes before he turned his back on me and ran.
"Let him be calm." Gianna said.
"He's gonna flip." i said, pulling away from her.
i grabbed his arm as we came close to his dorm.
"a sorry isn't gonna cut it, how many other guys have you kissed or drank from?" he shouted at me.
i was so shocked when i reached out and slapped his cheek i turned away and hurried down the hall.
i heard a thump on the wall, but kept going.
i took out the pin that held my bangs. i got into bed, and will sleep to consume me where, none of this stuff was happening, where i was normal.
when i woke up, i was fighting sleep.
i put my hand on Preston's back. he was sitting on the edge of my bed.
he turned to me, his eyes filled with something i didn't know.
he started at my throat and kissed his way up to my chin.
memories crashed into me, that had me scooting away from me.
"Leave me alone, i don't ever wanna see you ever again!" i shouted at him.
"Deven, please."
"NO!" i yelled.
"Just let me hold you."
tears streamed freely as he reached for me.
"No!" i said, pushing him away.
i noticed how i was crying.
"I just want to hold you."
since he was stronger than me, he pulled me into him, as i still pushed to get away.
he stood then, i was glad he was going.
i was wrong.
with pain in his eyes, he held onto my face and roughly kissed me.
this time i didn't fight him. i didn't do anything. i sat there hands on the bed, eyes closed. Barely kissing him back.
when he pulled back, he carefully layed next to me. he put me on my side and pulled me into his arms.
he smoothed my hair, and kept
murmuring, "i don't want to lose you, let me stay."
to keep form looking at his hurt filled eyes that i caused i stared at his mouth.
it was soft. that mouth had shown me love, and protection.
would it be so bad if i?...
slowly i leaned forward.
i felt him stiffen.
"Kiss me." he begged.
i hated the hurt in his voice, and knowing that i had caused it tore me to little shreds of nothing.
i closed the short distance and pressed my lips to his.
right away, he scooted closer to me, and deepened the kiss.
he grabbed my leg and pulled it up, so it rested on his hip.
i was finally able to control my hands.
i touched his face, and he seemed to tremble at my touch.
i pulled away.
"Are you okay?" he asked, his voice deeper than usual.
i looked at him.
no words came out.
"I love you." he said, shyly.
the words came like a sixth sense, "i love you."
he smiled shyly, something that he never did before and i found him adorable.
he bent and claimed my lips.
i relaxed into him, i wasn't alone, i was safe.
for the first time in my life, i let a guy fully protect me.
"No Evelon."
i got off of the bed.
"are you okay?" i asked hugging her.
"yes and no, we didn't trap him. it's stupid Walkers fault. okay maybe mine too only i didn't know, and he walked away, so it's really his fault. but it's really mine, cause i sleep not drink."
i was quite.
"We gotta find away to trap him of get rid of him for good, you know so he doesn't try to get you."
"I don't know what to do."
i was close to tears.
the door wa pushed open.
Walker took my shoulders.
"Are you okay?"
"I'm fine what-"
he dropped his hands.
"I felt-"
his voice trailed off, as he stepped back and shook his head.
"Are you gonna stay?" i asked, taking a step to him.
i didn't like how i depended on him.
his smile was cocky and made my heart skip.
"i got to. we're tainted."
i looked away.
the one word burned my throat.
i pushed past someone.
i walked to the garden.
"Olivia! you have some explaining to do!"
her eyes got wide, and Tatum stood close to her.
"how'd you know where i was?"
"Answer the fucking question!"
i didn't mean to yell.
"I used to live there but i left."
"Why'd you come here?"
"For Preston i was worried,"
"Olivia, no." Preston said.
"What i asked them both.
they didn't speak.
"Don't do this to me." he begged.
"Why is Preston important to Olivia?"
"Preston's Olivia's big cousin."
i don't know why, but i stepped back, like i'd been slapped.
"You didn't tell her? that's fucked off, dude." Charlie said, flipping her long brown hair, over one shoulder.
i Took a step back.
"Deven, no matter what your my sister, i came here for him, but felt your love, and it snapped something inside me, i'm good now. you have to believe me, no one else will."
i noticed how Tatum wasn't at her side.
"I have to go."
"I have to think." i cut Preston off.
i left the garden and went to the empty food hall. i sat down and put my head in my hands.
i couldn't be mad at them right now, i had to focus i didn't need people against me, even more so Liv, even though everything inside me is telling me to rip off her f-ing head right now.
"you okay kid?"
instead of jumping, Walkers voice made me calm. or he did. he was being overly calm, hoping it would rub off on me.
he sat next to me. he slowly put his hand on my back, and then rubbed up and down. his hand was warm and i was in peace.
"you know what you gotta go if you want to beat him don't you?"
"I'm not drinking from you."
instead of pulling away like i should, i scooted closer to him, and let my forehead rest on the table.
"You have to, you can't drink anyone's else blood. what if i was week, would you let me drink from you?"
"Of course i would."
i looked up at him.
"I don't believe you."
"You don't have to. just know that i'm not telling a lie."
i felt a sharp stab of pain.
"You really don't trust me?"
"I'm one of the bad guys remember?"
he stopped rubbing my back and scooted away from me.
"No," i begged pulling him to me.
"look at me."
"I can't."
"Cause it hurts too much, and i don't know why."
"I'm causing you pain?"
"I don't feel it."
"It's too much, i wouldn't let you feel it."
i swallowed.
i turned his face to mine.
"don't." i whispered as he tried to move.
i softly kissed him.
he kissed me back once.
his smile was big.
it wasn't cocky, it was filled with confidence.
"I don't know how to get under Olivia's skin but i do know how to get under Preston's."
"Cut yourself."
he shook his head.
"bite me Deven."
"But remember last-"
"Just do it." he whispered eyes closed.
i lifted his sleeve.
i raised his wrist to my mouth and bit into him.
i watched his face, as he bit into his lip.
his blood poured into my mouth and i forgot about everything else.
Walker scooted closer, scooping me up until i was on his lap, so i wasn't yanking his arm out of it's socket.
i looked at him.
"Don't look at me your going to want to stop."
he looked away, and i heard a small moan come from his lips.
"Does it hurt?" i asked, once i was done.
"No it...feels like let me show you."
"I have to be strong." I said.
"I'll let your drink again, give me your wrist."
he took my wrist and bit into it.
i clamped my mouth shut at the moan that escaped from my lips.
the feeling as like, lying down on a grass field, in the middle of summer.
i felt content. and then it hit me. big suffocating waves of need. i felt like i couldn't breath. i never wanted anything in my life more than i wanted Walker at the moment.
"Walker stop." i whispered, through clenched teeth.
his thumbs rubbed my arm to let me know it was okay.
"You made your point i have to be strong."
he pulled away.
"Get the feeling?"
i nodded.
he pressed his wrist back to mine.
as i drank he put his hand on the small of my back and made small circles.
his eyes where closed, and his lips where a fine line.
"I'm done."
"You sure?"
i pushed his shoulder, when his cocky grin came to his face.
i got off of his lap.
"How are we going to do this."
"Have you tried to compromise?"he asked.
"Stop, i like you close." he whispered.
i relaxed into him.
"Will he listen?"
"Maybe not."
"see we gotta get rid of him. Walker?"
"You wont keep things from me right, no matter how small they are?"
"I promise."
he softly turned my head up, and gave me the softest kiss i ever was given.
"thank you."
"I'm on your side." he said, holding me closer.
"What are we gonna do?"
"We gotta have Live on our side."
i took his hand and pulled him to the garden.
"Deven." Liv said.
i put up my hand.
"I don't want to be friends. Right now we only have one thing in Common. to get rid of Benton. We have to have you on our side."
"I'm in i won't let you down."
"We'll see. Everyone that doesn't have a gift for an element stays here, no if and or fucking buts, the rest of you, follow me lets put an end to this."
They whooped and followed me.
I gripped Walkers hand, and ran to see who's death would be next.






Publication Date: 08-09-2012

All Rights Reserved

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