"This is your home baby." I told sleeping Elsie.
"This is where momma grew up, and so will you."
i looked around my house feeling a sudden wave of happiness wash over me.
all the weekend play dates i had with Danny. God how i love that boy.
I feel if i have him i can go through anything.
"talking to yourself?" he asked, coming to my side.
"Not this time." i said.
"can i... can i hold her again?"
"of course!" i said.
the second Elsie was in Danny's arms his face lit up with warmth and happiness.
he looked up at me, "you know she's not just your daughter right?"
"i know." i smiled.
"i'm not so sure about this." Kara said, to my mom.
"don't be silly, i want to, give it to you." my mom said, showing Kara a play pin.
"thanks." Kara said.
"by little josh." i said, kissing his forehead.
"see ya Danny." Kara said.
"later, K, you and me tomorrow little dude, i'm going to tech you to skate."
"yeah right!" Kara laughed.
"bye Kara."
"see ya, Sophie."
that night seemed to drag on forever.
"i got her." Danny said, Throwing the covers off.
i started to wonder if Danny was longing for the second she screamed.
"you sure?"
"yeah, i got this."
say no more, i rolled over and went back to bed.
"wake up sunshine." Danny said the next morning.
i smiled under the covers.
he pulled them from my face and smiled down at me.
"i'm too comfy." i said.
"don't you just hate that, i know what will wake you up."
he came back carrying Elsie, he layed her next to me and then he lay down on her other side.
Elsie took my finger in one hand, and his in the other.
"she's perfect." i said.
"just like her mom."
i looked up at him, but he was watching Elsie.
"play date!" Kara said, putting josh down, next to Danny and then sitting by our feet.
"so how was the first night?"
"he woke up non stop, even after i fed, burped, and changed him. this mom thing is a lot harder than it looks."
"you'll get through it." i told her.
"i'll have to." she said, looking at the babies.
After Kara went home and Elsie was down for a nap i did the dishes.
"why do babies sleep during the day and not at night?"
I wiped my hands dry.
"well that leaves you to do other things."
"like what?" i laughed.
"i dunno." Danny shrugged.
"I'm really happy to have you here." i said, touching his arm.
"wouldn't miss it."
"yeah?" i asked, as his hands found my waist.
"yeah." he said, kissing me.
first it was awkward, cause it's Danny.
i pulled back.
"did i do something wrong?"
"no, you didn't do anything wrong."
"okay." he said.
he kissed me again, but this time, it felt like it was i don't know, meant to be?
he backed me against the wall.
i broke the kiss.
he kissed my neck.
"Daniel stop!" i said, pushing him away.
he stared at me, open mouthed.
"I'm so sorry." i said, shaking my head.
i bolted from the room and ran up stairs to my room.
i shut the door and sat in front of it.
what is wrong with me damn it?
the front door opened and closed.
when it closed Elsie began to cry.
i got up and went to her room.
"hey, hey, hey, what's the matter huh?" Danny asked picking her up.
i stopped.
he warmed up a bottle.
while he fed her he sang.
i soaked in the sound of his voice.
he changed her and tucked her back in, and sang her back to sleep.
"Danny." i said.
"i know."
"can we talk?"
"you don't have to."
"i want to." i said, grabbing his wrist.
he looked down at me and i had to look down, before i ended up ripping his shirt off and having kid number two.
"what's up?"
"Sophie?" he prompted.
"i liked kissing you."
he nodded.
"when you pushed me against the wall i panicked, cause that's how it started."
his fists tightened.
"i'm sorry Danny."
"what did you just call me?"
he pushed me against the wall.
"Danny." i said, my chest falling to my feet.
"look at me Sophie."
"Danny move."
"not until you look at me."
"Daniel." i warned.
i looked up at him.
"see nothings happening, i'm not trying to hurt you or push you into anything. you can't let what happened to you run your life."
"'k can you back up?" i asked.
he backed up and i felt like i could breath.
"Danny." i said.
he grabbed my face and kissed me.
when i grabbed onto his jacket his hands traveled to my back, pinning me there, and i felt like i was going to barf.
i pulled away from him and hit the ground with my knees.
"are you Okay?" he asked.
i held up my arm to warn him to stay away.
what was wrong with me?
i wanted nothing more than to be with him in every way but when he touched me i freaked.
i sat down and looked up at him.
"am I going crazy?"
when he didn't answer me right away tears slid down my face.
Danny yanked me to my feet and into his arms. i held onto him.
Him holding me like this was okay, it was when we kissed i freaked.
"your not going cray. i won't let you."
i looked up at him, and a smile came to my lips.
"what?" he asked, smiling too.
god this boy must think i'm losing it.
"you look really cute when you make a promise."
"cute?" he scoffed eye brow raised.
i nodded, my smile widening.
he smiled and shook his head.
"you are so complicated. one second, you look at me like i'm lunch, which i like, then you want to run away from me, and then you flirt with me."
"i'm sorry." i said, eye brows pulling together.
"don't be i understand."
"but it's not fair."
"i can wait."
"you shouldn't have to."
"but i will."
"come here."i said, taking his hand and leading him into my room.
i shut my door and shoved him against it.
"we don't have to-"
i shut him up with a kiss. he hissed me back, this time holding my head.
this kiss was different. i wanted him to hold me close. it was as if something snapped and i knew Danny wouldn't hurt me.
he flipped us over on the door, his hands moving to my hips, mine to his neck, pulling him closer to me.
he pulled me away from the door, and to the bed.
once he was on top of me he began another, perfect melt-you-to-butter-kiss.
"i love you Sophie."
"oh god." he said, pushing off of the bed.
"i have to go."
"don't leave me."
he paused at the door, torn at embarrassment and not leaving me alone.
"please?" i begged.
i didn't want him to leave me.
he sat at the edge of the bed back turned to me, which felt like i was being ripped apart.
"so you love me?"
"yeah." he said, after awhile.
"wow, there it is."
he nodded, back still turned.
"when did you find out?"
as soon as i knew what love was so maybe, 9?"
"Danny. this is very brave of you to share your feelings with me. So it's only fair for me to tell you, that i love you too."
we kissed again.
"we have to stop." he said.
"i don't want to." i said, sounding like a little kid.
" we have to unless you want kid number two." he said.
i nodded and pushed him back onto the pillows, and got on top of him.
"Sophie no."
i rolled off of him.
"we can't."
"but i want to."
"you'll regret it."
"that's where your wrong."
"don't beg me." he pleaded.
his phone when off.
he read it.
he kissed my forehead and ran.
when he shut the door Elsie started to cry.
i fed, and got her ready.
"let Me see my Grand baby!" Ella said.
i gave Elsie to Danny's mom.
"Sophie wait!" Ella called, as i pushed open the door.
Danny was talking with a very large and scary man.
"Sophie." Danny said, under his breath.
"Hello, Sophie, i'm Gabe Danny's father."
"Danny i forgot." Ella said, coming in.
"mom." Danny said, smacking his forehead.
she looked down at Elsie.
"Ella?" Gabe said, making me flinch.
"explain this?" he said.
i took Elsie.
"This is Elsie, dad." Danny began.
"my Daughter." he finished.
"Daniel, after everything i have done for this family, you ruin a young girls life!" he said.
i took Elsie and i left hurrying home.
"i'll take her, i'm going the basement to do some cleaning." my mom said.
i gave her Elsie and gave her to my mom, going to my room.
Danny came into my room and shut my door.
"hey, i didn't-"
he locked the door, taking off his jacket and shoes.
he took off his shirt, and came to me.
he pressed his forehead to mine.
"i want you Sophie. so bad right now." he said.
i nodded.
he kissed me, and slid my jacket off.
i was frozen as he kissed my neck.
he pulled my shirt off and kissed my chest.
my body reacted to him right away.
i combed my fingers through his hair.
he undid my jeans. i took them off as he went to his jacket and pulled out a condom.
he took off his pants and i got into my bed.
"wait." he said.
"what?" i asked.
"i love you."
"i love you."
he kissed me.
"ready?" he asked.
"yeah." i said, nodding.
"are you okay?"
"yeah." i said, through clenched teeth.
"don't stop." i said, as he tried to pull away.
"are you sure?"
"keep going."
"okay." he said.
no one ever told me it would hurt the second time a little to.
"i can stop."
"no, it doesn't hurt anymore."
"are you-"
"Danny, i'm fine."
he kissed me and picked up his speed.
"is this to fast?"
"no," i said, wanting him even closer.
"shh." he laughed, as i let out a moan.
he kissed me to keep me quiet.
he broke the kiss with a muffled moan of his own.
he kissed my neck.
i clutched on to his back and kissed his shoulder, making him moan again.
"lift your legs a little higher Sophie."
when i did, i was able to take more of him.
i had to cover my mouth for the next moan that escaped my lips.
he moaned into my neck, and then fell on top of me.
he pulled me close to him, and buried his face in my neck.
"you feel so good."
what was i to say to that.
i pulled his face to mine and kissed him softly.
"what now?" i asked.
"how about this?"
he threw on his boxers and went to his jacket.
"here." he said, tossing me my silk robe.
"close your eyes."
i did, already excited.
i felt him sit down.
"k open."
i looked at him then his out steached hand.
"shut the hell up!"
"will you marry me?" he laughed.
"hell yeah!" i said, pulling him into a hug by his neck.
he slipped on the ring.
i looked at it.
"thank you."
"no thank you." he said, giving me a kiss.
"don't pay attention to gabe." he said.
"i thought he was gone."
"me too." he said, lying down.
i layed on his chest, and he played with my hair giving me the chills.
"i liked it." i said.
" i know." he said, with a laugh.
"did you?"
i became nervous.
"every second."
i smiled, relived.
"wait why'd you think i didn't?" he asked.
"well i only did this thing once and it didn't end so well."
his arm tightened around me.
"i'm glad you liked it." i said, sounding like a dork.
he just kissed my forehead.
"my mom's home."
we jumped out of bed and got dressed.
"look who came to see you!" my mom said, coming in.
i exhaled.
"i asked Sophie to marry me i hope that's okay with you."
"of course!"
"mom careful." i said taking Elsie.
my mom hugged Danny.
"mommy and daddy are going to get married, what do you think?" i asked her.
"What!" she yelled, coming to my side.
"she's smiling."
"what!" Danny yelled at my side in seconds.
"Maybe she's a faster than most kids." mom said.
"oh yeah, my kids smart" Danny said.
"Dork." i said, giving my mom elsie.
when she left Danny rapped his arms around me and pressed his forehead to mine.
"Beuatiful." he smiled.
"sweet heart."
"Cutie pie."
"damn, you win."
he smiled and kissed me.
my mom walked by my door.
"i hope you two used a condom."
"what?" i asked.
"i'm not stupid," she said.
she locked my door.
"have fun." she said, before shutting the door.
"How did she know?"
"your hair." he smiled.
i looked in a mirror.
"oh man."
Danny kissed my shoulder and grabbed my chest with his hands.
"i'm really glad you said yes."
i shoved my left hand through his hair.
"i really do care about you."
i loved how my body reacted to him.
i leaned my head back on him.
he kissed the base of my neck.
i turned to him.
"who knew you where into this stuff."
"only with you." he pulled me close and pressed his forehead to mine.
"i have never wanted to make love to anyone as much as i want to make love to you."
my stomach was in knotts.
"if it was up to me, you'd be in bed all day."
"would i know."
"with me." he kissed me. "naked." he kissed me. "all day." he kissed me again. "every day."
"that's a long time." i said, as he picked me up putting me on the dresser.
"i don't care. you dive my crazy Sophie, ever since that first day of 9th grade i wanted to make love to you."
he kissed my neck.
"are you nervous?" he asked, smiling.
"then why do you keep saying really?"
i covered my face.
"you make me feel like a dork."
"why?" he asked, fitting perfectly between my legs.
"cause you just."
"you make me freaking weak! everytime i see you my heart races. everytime you look at me i want to rip your shirt of and kiss your chest!"
he laughed.
"is that normal?"
he picked me up and brang me to the bed, and for the second time made love to me.
this time it was slow and made my toes curl.
what was wrong with me?
i have a kid and then turn into a slut?
well since i've been with one guy i guess not.
i never was this way.
okay there was thoughs dark rainy day's when Danny was laying in bed next to me and i wished he, was making love to me, just to get it over with, but of coruse after i thoguht that i felt guilty.
"what are thinking about?" he asked, after we finished.
"remember thoughs rainy days?"
"yeah, we'd sit here and listen to the rain."
"and then you'd catch me looking at you?"
"i was wishing that you'd make love to me."
"you don't have to be ashamed."
"i know, but when i whished for it i'd go into detail."
"what did i do?"
"i'm not telling you, i didn't know how things worked back then."
"but now you do."
"now i do."
"if it was up to me, you'd be in bed all day."
"would i know."
"with me." i kissed him. "naked." i kissed him. "all day." i kissed him again. "every day."
"that's a long time."
"i want to make love to you for the rest of my life." i siad, runing a hand through his hair.
"are you nervous?" i asked.
"no." he said, kissing me again.
i was really lucky to have my mom.
she had no problem watching Elsie.
the next day Kara came over.
"no way!" she said grabing my hand.
"we slept together."
"was it good?"
"i moaned."
"it was good." she patted my bed. "details now."
"well the first time it hurt."
"the first time! how many times did you do it?"
i held up three fingers.
"you freaking horn dog!" she said, smacking my arm.
"i can't help it he so good!" i said.
"so did he go fast or slow?"
"slow. really really slow." i said, biting my lip.
"that's good, that means, he really wanted you."
"he said if it was up to him, he have me in bed all day every day."
"well damn, your love life is going to heat up!"
"yeah, and my mom found out."
"what'd she say?"
"she said have fun!"
"so are you seeing him tonight?"
"yeah he wants to have dinner under the stars."
"and then he wants to have a little snack under the stars where your his treat."
"shut up!" i said, hitting her.
"i rellay like him Kara."
" i can tell."
"i met someone."
"you did?"
"yeah, well he came back."
"spill." i said, crossing my legs.
"he's my old boyfriend. he moved and now he's back, and he want's to marry me, he already took Josh on as his own."
"well you might wanna sleep with him to know if he's the one."
"oh he's the one alright."
"You already slept with him!"
"on the roof, the night he left."
"oh, well, are you going to say yes?"
"yeah, i thinki so."
"good, you deserve to be happy."
"yeah, im gonna go so you can go on your date."
"sorry i'm not much of a cook." danny said, handing me a sub.
"it's t thought that counts."
"what did i do to get someone so perfect."
"you waited."
he kissed me.
after dinner we layed on the blanket.
"i want you." he muttered.
god, Kara was right.
"um, maybe we shouldn't do this here."
"cause it's wierd."
"okay, we can do it another time."
"but i already want you."
"come on."
"come on."
he picked up the blanket.
"there." he said, after he put the blanket on the back seat of his car.
i cralwed in and layed on my back.
"you need a biger back seat." i said, as he closed the door.
"yeah, i know." he said, taking off his coat.
he put it under my head.
he unbutoned my shirt and kissed me with ever button he undid.
"this isn't working."
"okay, how about i sit, and you go on top."
"but i don't know what to do."
"i'll show you." he said, pushing his pants to his ankels.
"oh my god that thing went indisde me!" i blurted.
"yeah and it all the way."
"oh my god!"
"Sophie just take off your underwear."
i took them off.
"i don't know about this."
"don't worry. just move your dress, once your down it will be fine."
i moved my dress.
he grabbed me at my ribbs and lowered me onto him.
"oh god Sophie."
"now what."
he grabbed my hips and moved me.
"that's it?"
"that's it." he said, puting his head back.
"and i can go faster?"
"as fast as you want."
i picked p my speed.
he moaned and cupped my butt making me go faster.
i was about to say this was stupid, but he pushed up, and i moaned.
he moved us so i was on my back and he was on top.
"are you okay?" i asked, biting my lip through the moan that shook me.
"yeah, as long as your good."
"why do you always do that?"
"worry about me."
"cause i love you."
we both moaned at the same time.
"hey mom."
"thanks for watching Elsie."
"sure, and you might want to shower."
"it's fine i was young once too."
"i would kiss you good night-"
"not if your mouth went anywhere below Danny's belt."
"Ew mom that's gross."
"some boy his age like it."
"yeah. i wouldn't do it if i where you though, trust me."
"well cause when they come, it doesn't taste too good."
"how do you know?"
"well your-"
"goodnight." i said, turning to the stairs.
"i have a question." i said, when Kara answered her phone.
"when you give a guy, a you know."
"god, Sophie how old are you."
"Kara i mean it."
"Okay, so when you suck a guys d-"
"don't say it but yeah that."
"what do you want to know?"
"is it gross when they you know."
"when they come? yeah, if your going to do that, do it in the shower so you can spit it out."
"what do i do?"
"oh don't worry the second your mouth gets on him he'll guide you.
"so what, do just suck or someting."
"Jeesh Sophie, when you go away from him okay?"
"are ou sure?"
"yeah, it's how i do it, and i haven't had any complaints. oh and when he gets the rythym he likes hum."
" it'll drive him crazy."
"god this is so gross."
"you don't have to."
"yeah, but he's always trying to please me, so i thought you know try something for him."
"oh and take him by suprise."
man ths whole sex thing was a pain and so gross.
"why?" danny asked.
"i need yo shower."
"need help?"
jack pot
"wait no."
"cause then i'd be compleatly naked in front of you."
"i don't like my body."
he took off my shirt.
"Sophie your going to marry me, i have to see you some time."
"fine." i said, going into the bathroom.
i reached for my bra.
"let me."
he kissed me and took off his shirt.
he kissed my neck.
"i love you."
"i love you too Sophie."
"even if i mess this up?"
"your not goning to."
he said, taking off my bra.
i felt nervous as he looked at me.
he pulled my close.
"don't worry your Beautiful."
"i want to try something." i said, once in the shower.
"is it okay?"
"yeah, what do you want to try."
"you have to promise to let me finish."
"Sohpie- Whoa." he said.
his hand went to the back of my head and he guided me.
once he let go of my head, i humed.
"oh god."he said, tangling his hand through my hair.
they where right it was gross. but i didn't care cause he liked it and i finally did something for him. even if it is gross. i guess i'm going to have to learn sometime.
when i came back up he was breathing hard.
"did i mess that up?"
"Why did you do that?"
"what do you mean?"
"you said, you'd never do that cause it was the most nasty thing on earth."
"i wanted to make you feel good."
god, i hope my cheeks weren't red.
he turned off the watter.
"now it's your turn."
we went to my bed.
"promise not to stop me."
"Danny don't you dare!"
he pinned down my hands and put his head between my legs.
"daniel if you-" i was cut off by a moan.
his grip losened around my wrists.
"you are so gross." i said, when he was done.
he laughed.
"no way don't kiss me."
"look where your mouth just was!"
"alright i wont kiss you."
i closed my eyes trying to clear my mind from what just happened, when that damn danny stuck his tounge in my mouth.
i ran to the bathroom and used some mouth wash.
"no," i said, giving him the mouth wash.
i kissed him.
"i have a Question."
"yeah?" he asked, setting me on the bed.
"do you think we do think we do this too much?"
his smile got dark. "just wait until we're married."
Publication Date: 07-26-2012
All Rights Reserved
for the sweet comments you left me, and wanting me to continue!
and thanks to you all that put my first book in their faves it means more to me then you'll ever know! i hope this one you like just as much!
much love to you all, Chalen.
read my chosen novels and tell me if i should add a baby.
Daniel+Sophie <3