Thanks for reading my book! it means a lot to me you have no idea! (:
this book will be a series, so keep a look out for the next book, i'm working on it right now. i hope you like my book, and if you don't it's okay. (:
if you want to give me some help leave a comment thanx and don't forget to smile today!
I live in a town where people aren't really worried about murderers and rapists. The number one thing on their mind are vampires. It was the governments bright idea to wager an amisty act for ll supernatrual beings. They where to be treated as humans if they commited a crime. How was a vampire to feed then? Or a werewold to run? Vamipres look just like you and I do. No glowing eyes, no pointy teeth, your next door nieghbour or your favorite teacher could be super natural. You just never know. I'm asumming that when they attack you, you know about them then. Or when they think your sepcial enough to be changed into their coven. Once the vampire trancfers this "Gift" To you, you are in a state between life and death. You are a fledgling. From stories that I had heard you have to be close to death, and then drink from the vampire who "turned" you.
"Did you hear about Abby?" a girl asked, when i squeezed past them.
"No," The other answered, gosip ready to be heard.
"She just vanished."
"Vampire, sure thing."
"what freaks."
As far as everyone is concerned, I'm a secret vampire. Although everyone knows, that if you are so called chosen, the adult vampire, takes you off to fledgling school, and I'm still here. Fledgling school is just ike human school, but they feel a little safer among their own. Everyday people pass me and start to whisper. Sometimes it gets on my nerves, so I hiss, which really doesn't help my case any. I guess everyone thinks I'm a vampire, cause I dress in black and white. sometimes I like being thought of as a vampire cause, then people leave me alone. I met my parents in the parking lot for our anual family outting. We start t off with dinner and then usually go bowling or something equaly as lame. We headed over to the restaruant and waited in the little loby. I tapped my Mom's arm and we leaned into each other.
"I'm going to run to the car for my jacket. Can I had the keys?"
"Just be careful okay? WHo know's what is learking in the shadows around here." She handed me the keys and I took them.
"Yeah, Yeah." I waved a hand at her.
I was the most ordinary person ever. No one would ever change me. I pushed open the door and stepped out into the night. I headed over to the car and beeped it open. I grabbed my jacket and set the keys on the chair to pull it on. I zipped it up and shut the door. I looked down and saw the keys on the chair, and shighed. At least I didn't lock it. AS I went to open the door someone whispered in hushed tones.
"Anyone there?" I paused for a few seconds.
"Deven." It was just a hiss, but it was loud enough for me to make out.
"Huh?" I truned in a cricle like a dumb ass serching for the person.
"You are destined for great things."
"Yeah. and cheese cake tastes like soap."
"Be careful child, that mouth can get you into a lot of trouble."
And then I felt it, something warm running down my hand.
I put my hand to my face.
"Whoa, that's blood, it's blood." I shook my wrist and then I looked at my wrist and saw bite marks. "You bit me!" I accused the darkness, "What am I going to tell my Mom? She just told me to be careful out here and not you bit me."
"Don't worry about your parents." The voice hissed. "They wont matter soon any ways."
"Show yourself!" I demanded, turning in a second circle.
"In due time," The voice promised, "I must wait until the fledgling transformation is complete. You blood smells to good.
You have to take it back. You're a vampire right? There must be something you can do."
"There is. BUt I'm afraid revoking the gift of trancforming will deffineatly kill you. It is your choice."
"Not much of a choice," I muttered.
"I have given you a gift little girl. You'll be thankful when you see it for yourself."
My legs began to woble and my head fuzzed out. I sat down leaning my head on the side of the car. I just had to hold on for a little bit longer. My Mom was sure to come looking for me soon. My throat dried up and burned and I looked around confused for an explanation. What in the hell was happening to me? I needed water.
A woman rounded the car and looked down at me. I knew right away she was the one who bit me. I looked up at her taking in her yellow cat eyes, and matching colored hair.
"WHo-" I driffted drowsy.
"Names are not important, now, we'll never meet again, you must follow me."
"But my parents." I tried to stand but it was nothing but a febal attempt.
"Wouldn't understand. As far as they are concerned you are a monster."
"Because of you."
"No, because of what is coming for you. We must hurry, everything will be brought into the light, you have to trust me."
The intensity in her eyes made something deep within myself spark. I gave her a sharp nod. she seemed over come with relief and scopped me up as if I was a four year old, and together wedissapeared into the night.
"what's after me?"
"we can't talk about it here. your adault vampire, mentor will explain, i just get the new fledglings, like i said, before we won't meet again."
we got into a black car, and drove in silence. no matter how worried i was for my perents, this creature beside me was right. i couldn't go home, they'd see me as a monster and nothing more. we pulled up to a dark castle like building with torches lit on fire for light.
"come." she said, as we pulled up to black iron gates.
there was a man at the gate. the woman folded her hands as if she where praying, held them to her chest, and bowed at the man. the man did the same, and the gates where, open.
as i passed the man i gave him a wide berth, and kept my eyes on him, in a warning.
"you must keep up!"
i hurried after the vampire.
she pushed open the old wooden doors, and stepped inside. i didn't know i was standing there gawking at the large foyer until she cleared her throat.
"shall we?"
i nodded, and followed after her like a lost puppy. she knocked on a door and although there was no answer she pushed open the door, and we went in.
a woman with sliver hair stood looking at the window. the fire lit lamps made her hair look bright, and interesting.
"your dismissed." she said, trying to sound fierce.
the vampire did the bow thing and left.
the woman turned her cat like plum colored eyes on me and smiled a sweet smile, that made me feel as if i was just welcomed home.
"Deven Mace, welcome home." she said, with a bow thing
i though what the hell, and bowed back. she went to an old wooden desk and pulled out a silver chain. she came to me.
"may i?" she asked.
i nodded. she put the necklace on me. the necklace was a sliver half moon with bright blue diamonds outlining it.
"you are to wear that at all times, it's for your safety. my names Gianna, i'm the head of the school here. you might be wondering what has happened, but don't worry your classes will explain. hungry?"
she held up a sandwich. i nodded and she handed it over.
i unwrapped it and took a bite.
"why don't we go meet your room mate?"
i nodded, mouth full of the bite i just took.
i followed her down the hall, which got more narrow, making me have to walk behind her.
she opened a door and stepped in. the blonde girl lying on the bottom bunk shot to her feet.
"Evelon, this id Deven. She'll be your room mate."
With that Gianna left.
the girl walked up to me, and held her hand out palm up. it glowed as did her eyes, and her hair blew about her face. she dropped her hand, and her hair stilled and her eyes where normal.
"okay what up with the glowing and hair flying?"
she looked at me as if i where kidding, then she laughed.
"i was using my gift. i hope you don't mind."
"that depends on your gift."
"i can read people."
"don't read me anymore okay?"
"sure, it's a little creepy i know. why don't you get some rest, we'll wake up early and i'll show you around the school. your school outfit is in the closet."
i walked to the closet, and saw black shirts and pants.
i looked at her to see if it was a joke, but she was lying on her back reading.
i crawled onto the top bunk. as i stared at the roof, i thought about how my parents would never see me. they wouldn't get me now. come to think of it, they never did. i pushed the thought aside, and turned to the wall. i closed my eyes, and wished i'd find my way.
"Deven wake up it's a perfect day, get dressed, i'm going to show you around the school!" Evelon's chirpy voice woke me.
normaly i don't like overly happy people, but evelon's happiness was different, it pyt me in a happy mood too.
"you don't have to." i said, looking over the edge.
"what kind of best friend would i be if not?" she asked, peering up at me with her wide eyes.
"we are best friends right?"
"of course." i said, reaching down to her.
she smiled and took my hand. truth was I've never had a best friend before, but if i did she'd be like Evelon.
"come on get ready." her face shown with excitement.
after she showed me around we went to the lunch room.
"well, well, well, look what the wind blew in."
"shut up Tatum you know you love me." she said, to a dark haired girl.
"the thought of it makes my skin crawl." Tatum's eyes flickered to me. "who's she?"
"Deven." i said.
she gave a sly smile, turned on her heel and walked to the lunch line.
"don't worry about Tatum, she's naturally sarcastic."
we went in line.
"Evelon!" a guy talking to Tatum said, waving excitedly.
"Robby!" she called, waving, she grabbed my hand and pulled me over.
they kissed cheeks.
"ooh your pretty what's your name love?" Robby asked.
"Deven." i said, with a smile.
it was the first time i had ever said, my name with a smile.
"well welcome, to Harrington, and don't worry if anyone messes with you just send them to me, I've got your back."
"well i'm an exception." Tatum said.
"it's true, she's just nasty by nature."
"I've dealt with girls like her before." i said.
"Huh!" Tatum laughed with out humor.
we got our breakfast and sat down. they jumped into their usual food time, talk and i stared at my tray.
"What's wrong Rocker, don't like prison food?" Tatum asked.
"better get used to the food here, hon," Robby said.
"it doesn't get much better than this." Evelon chimed in.
i don't hang out with people like them but here i am, friends with all of them. Tatum with her sarcastic ways, so she won't get hurt, Evelon with her overly bubbly self, and Robby, his sweet but protective manner. i smiled at all my new friends, as they talked about what crappy food was for lunch.
By the time lunch had come i still didn't figure out why i was bitten and had to be put into this fledgling of a mess. everyone stood outside, talking cause the teacher wasn't there yet. a boy with light hair, smiled and skipped over to me.
"i'm tie, and you look scared."
"i'm fine."
he smiled and held open his arms. the warmth of his smile made me fold myself into him.
"don't worry Deven you'll be okay." he said.
i pulled back.
"how'd you know my name?"
he took a note off my bag and gave it to me.
'hey, i'm Deven don't talk to me i'm lame.'
"Tatum," i said, crumpling the note.
"Maybe we could be friends." he said.
"i'd like that." i said, with a smile.
strange that i had to become a fledgling for people to actually notice me.
"sorry guys!" the teacher called, unlocking the door.
"what the hell?" a kid asked.
"i know i'm sorry guys, everyone in." she said.
when she stepped out of the way to let the kids in i saw it was Gianna. i sat next to tie.
"as i explained during last class there is a darkness that has come around again." she paused, ad picked up a big box with one hand. even though she was small she didn't buckle under the weight of the box. as she passed out the books, she continued.
"the coven is known as the caller coven. the man in charge his name is Benton. Does anyone know what a Pure Vanity vampire is?"
tie raised his hand and continued when picked, " a Pure Vanity vampire is the most powerful vampire, and cannot be harmed by normal vampire's gifts. She has a gift that leds to immediate death She skips being a fledgling and goes strait to a vampire.she is strangely beautiful, even more so than a normal vampire and there is only one at a time."
"very good." Gianna said, as another filled with pride.
"Benton is a powerful vampire as of late, because he has drained the Pure Vanity's power. now that she is gone, there has been another one changed. but this one is special cause, she is still a fledgling, which means if Benton can get his hands on her, and drains her power, he will have enough power to kill off the human race, and have all vampires as his little slaves." she stopped to make sure the calls was listening.
when she saw us basically on the edge of our seat she continued.
"that fledgling is here in this school as we speak. if we can keep her on the good side, we can over throw him and be free of him."
say what you want about me, but I've always been on the good side. that is if she's talking about me.
the bell rang and we all left. tie said, goodbye case he had to meet up with his boyfriend.
"well well."
"oh no." i said, as Tatum reached my side.
"is that anyway to treat a friend?" she asked, eyes wide.
"what do you what?"
"what? a friend can't walk a friend to dinner?"
as we walked i kept my eyes on her.
"Deven this is my boyfriend..."
"tie." i said, smiling.
we hugged.
"you've met?" Robby asked.
"yeah we have last class together." Tie said.
"really? so do you know your gift?" Evelon asked.
"no." i said, brows pulled together.
"a vampire with your power should know." Tatum said.
"Watch it Tatum." Robby said.
"what do you mean?" i asked.
"Tatum can see into people's future." Tie said.
"what's my power?" i asked.
she laughed without humor and got into line. after i told myself that when i did find out what my power was i was going to use it on her, i got in line too.
Tie can manipulate vampires and Robby can use the elements.
When i got back to the room i realized i was hugging the book Gianna gave me to my chest.
it was a fledglings guide. i remembered it was the book that Evelon was reading when we first met.
"goodnight!" Evelon called down the hall and then shut our door.
" you got you book eh? that's going to be your best friend. go get some pj's in the dresser, there's brand new underwear and bras in there to, the left top drawer is mine, i'll take you over to the showers." she said.
we met up with Tatum.
"hey, could you be cool and not open my shower curtain or take my clothes or towel?" i asked her.
"yeah sure dude, but don't tell anyone that i'm doping you a solid." she said.
"take it to the grave."
she smiled and took off her shirt.
so she did have a cool side, buried deep down, well if she liked you anyway. maybe she saw something in my future that she liked. we said, our goodbyes and went to bed.
the next morning i woke up early to read the book.
the necklace protected me from the sun and made me look human to humans.
it felt normal calling them humans and myself a fledgling, which freaked me out. vampires could drink other vampires blood, and sleep instead of hunt. fledglings could eat normal food but if a vampire did they would burst into flames? what kind of crap is that?
"Deven?" Evelon asked, sleepy, which scared me to no end.
"what?" i asked, slamming the book closed.
"are you mad at me?" she asked, quickly.
"no, you scared me is all."
"i'm sorry."
"me too."
"what are you doing?"
"what do you like to do?"
"sing." i sad, wondering what brought all of these questions.
"will you sing for me?"
"i said, i like to do it, not that i was good."
she laughed.
sunlight broke into our room and we got ready for the day. i put on a long sleeved shirt and some jeans. i grabbed my bag and followed Evelon to the lunch room. Tatum joined us on our walk, and hit her arm against mine. when i looked she gave me a sly smile. i laughed once, smiling and shaking my head.
"Deven!" Robby said, cause i was first in his line of view.
when we hugged he picked me off the ground. they started to talk and i looked around for Tie who was holding our place in line. i walked to him and hit his arm with mine. he looked down and smiled.
"hey best friend." he said, hugging me.
"hi best friend. so anything about my power?"
"no why?"
"you seem close with Tatum, is all."
"I hear you talking shit." Tatum said, walking to us, and putting her elbow on my shoulder. "friends don't do that guys." she said, disappointed.
Tie reached over and poked her in the side, and that was it for her pretend anger. Robby and Evelon joined us in line and we got breakfast.
once we sat down, Tatum's eyes glowed and her hair flew about her face. kids looked.
"nothing to see." Robby said, tossing his jacket over her head.
she ripped the jacket off.
"Deven move NOW!" she yelled.
Tie grabbed me and yanked me from where i was sitting just before a ceiling fan fell and hit where i was sitting. everyone stood in silence.
"is everyone okay?" Gianna asked, standing on a table.
weather i liked it or not, Tatum just saved me. i looked at her and she nodded, when my mouth opened.
i looked back at the ceiling fan. i didn't realize i was clutched to Tie until he called my name worried. i let go and brushed myself off.
"these wires where cut," Robby said.
"you sure?" Evelon asked
"positive, see how it's jagged?" he said, as she nodded.
"who cut the wires?" Gianna called.
everyone looked around confused. of course who ever did it wasn't going to admit it. i thought she was smarter than that to ask.
"Deven, Tatum, meet me in my office girls, i'll be there shortly." she said, climbing down.
we grabbed our bags and walked to her office. someone tried to kill me. Tatum loosely took my hand. without looking at her i tightened our grip and held on like a life line.
maybe she just was hurt so much she forgot how to show emotion.
"Did you see anything else?" Gianna asked.
"nothing, but Robby said, the wires where cut which means..." Tatum stopped.
"someones trying to get me." i said.
" is it that one guy?" Tatum asked.
"no he'd want her alive."
"why?" i asked.
"so he can drain your powers." Gianna said.
so she was talking about me. i'm the Pure Vanity Vampire.
"so maybe it was an accident." Tatum said.
"we won't know until i have people look over it, if it was someone at this school, i can't imagine why they'd want to hurt their sister. you girls go ahead and head to class."
we bowed with her and left. for the rest of the day i was on the look out. during fifth class i was asked a question, that i knew, but i couldn't get the words out cause everyone was staring at me. the kid next to me his pen fell out of his mouth and his hand shot up.
"Ms. Marsh what happened if we take off our necklace?"
"good question, you lose all power, and make any attacker even a human easy to kill. now Deven."
"but what if you took it off at night?"
"just leave the necklace on Preston."
the bell rang and i bolted from the room.
i hurried to where i met Tatum.
"why'd you freeze? you knew the answer." he said, coming to my side.
i didn't need to tell a stranger of my people issues.
"thanks for saving my ass, Preston." i said, hurrying to Tatums side.
"you okay hun?" Robby asked.
"that's my girl," he said, hugging me and kissing my forehead.
me and Tatum fell behind.
"anything new?" she asked.
"same here."
Evelon, came up behind us and put her arms around us.
"i found out who did it." she said, proudly.
"who?" me, Tatum, Robby, and Tie all but yelled.
Evelon looked around.
"it was this guy that thought it would be funny to play a prank on the knew girl, he cut wires, so that when it would fall, it would stop inches above Deven's head, but when it fell, the wires he didn't cut snapped cause the fan was too heavy."
"do you know who did it?" Tie asked, pulling me to him.
his strong arms felt like they where keeping me together.
"nope, the person who did it typed a letter to Gianna, so she's still searching for the dude."
"thanks Evelon." i said, walking away.
"aren't you getting food?" she asked.
"i'm not hungry."
"i got it." Tie said.
"Deven, wait." Tie said, as we stepped out into the icy air.
he grabbed my wrist and i folded into him.
he kissed my forehead and stroked my hair.
"talk too me."
"everything is just falling apart, my old life might of not been perfect, but i want it back. i'm falling apart, i never thought i'd need my mom so much right now." i bit my lip to keep from crying.
"i'm not used to all this."
he looked down at me.
"you might miss your mom, but you know what's going to happen if you go back."
"yeah i know she'll see me as a monster."
"no, Benton will use her against you. it's better if you just stay away from her, trust me."
"i miss her." i whispered.
"i know." he said, pulling me back in for a hug by my neck.
i calmed myself down by listening to his breathing.
"you okay?"
i pulled back smiled and nodded.
"i'm here, for you, Deven."
he kissed my forehead and we went back in.
i didn't know why i was missing her it wasn't as if we where close or anything.
"Deven!" Preston called.
i suddenly felt sick.
"oh no."
"what's up?" he asked, coming to my side.
Tatum, god bless her, stepped closer to me crossing her arms over her chest.
" careful, she bites." i said.
Tatum hissed at him, showing perfectly dangerous fangs.
"whoa, no harm done i'm good i swear!" he said, arms up.
"let him sit i'll watch him." tie said.
we all sat down.
"is this what you always do?" he asked.
i looked around and saw everyone watching him.
"i just wanted to let you know to be careful, with Deven, if your not, i'll break your face." Tatum said.
she squeezed her bottle making the cap fly off and into the air. it landed face down in front of Preston, and i smiled.
"got it." he said.
"my friends aren't that bad." i said, trying to calm him down.
"uh-huh," he said, eyeing Tatum.
"well except for her." i said.
he took a drink of his soda.
"so what are you doing over here?" Tatum asked with mock sweetness.
"Tatum," Robby said.
"no what are you doing here, we saw each other like what twice?" i said, taking a bite of, Evelons carrot stick.
"well i thought we could be friends, you know since i saved your ass."
"do tell." Tatum asked, leaning in.
"Preston, don't." i said.
"not my story to tell." he said.
"boo, you whore." Tatum said, tossing Tie's plastic rap at him. he picked it up and tossed it into the trash, that was five tables away.
"show off," Robby muttered, only loud enough for me and Evelon to hear.
i bit my lip as Evelon hid her face in her jacket, giving a fake cough.
the bell rang and we got up.
we said goodbye and then me and tie took off to class.
"so what happened with Preston?" Tie asked.
we where standing outside waiting for Gianna again.
"i have people issues and he created a distraction for me, until the bell rang."
"you have people issues? but you sing."
"how did you know that?" i asked.
"Evelon told me. she read you." he said.
Just then Gianna opened the door, and i was thrilled for the distraction.
i went to my room and finished up the book. Tatum pushed open my door.
"Deven the party has arrived!" she said, throwing her hands in the air.
"party on one?"
"that's all we need, come on, i'll walk you to dinner, can't risk you bumping into Preston now can we?"
at this, i got up and followed her to the lunch room.
we all got our dinner and sat down. everyone included Preston in their conversation except for Tatum who gave her soda, a death glare while shoving fries into her mouth. a sudden thought hit me and i remembered i still didn't know my gift. oh great what if i was the only fledgling that never knew her gift. yep that's me. the only fedgling ever to be the pure vanity vampire, who doesn't know her gift. would i be known as the pure vanity vampire, or pure vanity fledgling?
"you okay, Deven?" Preston asked.
i nodded, when everyone looked at me.
"i gotta know," i said, to Tatum as we walked to the showers.
"what?" i she asked.
"What's my gift?"
"if i knew i'd tell ya babe." she said.
"Evelon, wait up, girl," Tatum called waving.
Evelon stopped and waved us forward. Tatum grabbed my hand and pulled me along, to met with Evelon.
i awoke that night to knocking on the window.
"did you hear that?" Evelon whispered.
i was silently glad she was up with me. i looked over the edge and she had her blanket up to her nose.
"Deven!" a voice hissed.
"see ya!" she yelled throwing off the covers, and hurrying to the door.
"wait!" i yelled.
i flipped myself over the ledge of the bed.
"we need to find out what that was."
"have fun." Evelon said.
i grabbed her arm, "don't leave me." i begged.
i was never scared before, but know that i'm a fledgling any damn thing could pull me out the window.
when the door was knocked on we shrieked.
when i do get scared, i really don't get scared, it's wired instead of being scared, i get excited, or giddy.
we opened the door, and tossed ourselves at Tie and Robby.
"we heard you scream." Robby said, still half asleep.
"something's outside the window and it's calling Deven's name." Evelon said.
"oh for peets sake." Robby said, walking over to the window.
Evelon, folded into Ties open arm.
We watched as Robby opened the window and stuck his head out.
"nothing." he said, moving out of the way, so i could look.
"Maybe you thought you heard Deven." Tie said.
"no it said, my name as clear as day." i said.
"Deven!" the voice hissed.
i screamed and ran to Ties open arm.
"holy shit!" Robby yelled, slamming the window, and throwing the lock closed.
"bye!"Evelon said, hurrying from the room.
we heard her yell and ran from the room. she was on the Floor tangled with Tatum.
"Deven!" the voice seemed to shout.
"OK what the fuck was that?" Tatum asked, freaked out.
the knob to my door started to turn, and we all ran down the hall screaming, into Tatum's room, pushing the dresser in front of the door.
there was a scratch at her window.
we all pushed the dresser out of the way, and there we went again running down the hall.
"what are you laughing for?" Evelon yelled, as we ran.
"i don't know!" i yelled between laughs.
once in the main hall we stooped.
"holy shit!" Robby said, clutching his side. "oh my god!"
once we all got our breath called down, a door scraped open and we all covered each others mouths. at least the scream was muffled.
"Gianna!" we all yelled running to her and bowing.
"one at a time!" she soothed, as we all tried to tell her what happened.
i told her what happened.
"are you sure?" she asked.
"Deven!" the voice hissed as if it where in the room.
"yep." i said, pulling Evelon in front of me.
Evelon turned and rapped her arms around me and hung on for dear life.
in an easy movement Gianna pulled both heavy wooden doors open, reveling lightning.
"whatever you are you are not welcome here, leave the grounds now!" she called into the night.
all was silent and then i head a scream. Evelon and i parted covering our ears.
"what is that?" Tatum asked, covering her ears.
Tie and Robby covered theirs too, and Gianna looked into the night with a perfect, sly smile. she hitched up her chin.
"that will teach them." she said, closing the door.
"you can all go back to bed, i'll turn on the school's shield." she said, locking the wooden doors.
we all went back to my room, pilling on the floor.
none of us slept, so when first class came, the only class we have all together, we all slept through it.
"i have to know," i said, to Gianna after class.
"what's that?" she asked with a smile.
"what's my gift?"
"you have to have a vampire that has the gift to tell others gifts, tell you."
"hang in there Deven." she said, as i left her room.
i let out a puff of air and put my bag on the dresser.
i don't know any damn vampires.
just then the door flew open and Evelon, burst through the door.
" baby you light up my world like nobody else!" she sang a little off.
"thanks."i said, when she pointed at me.
"what's wrong?" she asked.
"everything." i said.
"wanna walk to the dinner room and tell me about it?"
"so i need to find that kind of vampire."
"no problem." Preston said, raising his hand.
"whoa," he said, dropping his hand.
"what what?" i asked, excited.
"you make Tatum look like a little puppy dog." he said.
"watch it bud." Tatum said.
"what's my gift?"
"Tatum come on," Robby said.
"my gift?"
"Yeah, he's just... him." Evelon said.
"my gift people?"
they all looked at me at my out burst.
"sorry." i said.
" You can turn a vampire to ash." Preston said.
"my little girl is growing up!" Tatum said, pulling me in for a hug by my head.
i lost my balance and fell into her.
Evelon grabbed us both in a hug.
"hold it!" Tie said, taking out his camera.
i was dressed in a black dress lined in white. i was running in the fog.
i collapsed on a rock. out of the fog came a white wolf. i stood at once.
"Marla!" i cried with relief.
the young wolf seemed to smile, as she ran through the rocks to me. she sat at my feet waiting to be pet, like she always did. but this time i didn't pet her. i couldn't believe she was there sitting in front of me. she cocked her head, and then pointed it skyward and howled. a black wolf came running.
"Bounce! Evelon hurry!"
Evelon ran to my side, dressed in the same dress but white and lined in black.
"did you, Bounce!" she yelled.
Bounce gave a goofy grin and then ran to her owner jumping on to Evelon almost knocking her down.
i bent down to Marla and pulled her in for a hug. she put her paw on my shoulder and looked intently into my eyes.
"i'm so proud of you. you have no idea."
i stood up and then she did something she never did before, she jumped up on me.
it had been Bounce that was less mannered and happy go lucky that she couldn't help but to jump on Evelon cause she was so happy. when Marla didn't do that i thought it was because she didn't love me, but boy was i wrong. she had a high respect for me.
i was so thrilled that she did this i kissed her nose. she cocked her head, and as if almost shrugging licked my cheek.
"Evelon we have to hurry."
we all took off into the forest, with a new found speed.
"Being a vampire sure has it's perks." Evelon said.
i woke up and sat strait in bed.
"gah!" i yelled, when i saw Evelon at the end of the latter looking at me.
"i'm sorry, you where tossing and turning and yelling my name."
the phone on the desk rang, and Evelon answered it as i wiped the sleep from my eyes.
"Gianna want's to see us in her office right away."
"that's a wolf!" Evelon said.
the black wolf, gave a goofy grin and pounced on Evelon knocking her on her ass.
the wold licked her saying sorry.
i looked over at Gianna who had a white wolf at her feet.
"Marla?" i asked.
she thumped her tail and looked up at Gianna, how nodded.
Marla got up and slowly made her way to me.
"come on girl it's okay, come here."
Marla smiled, and came to me rubbing on my sides. i bent down and scratched her sides.
Evelon was sitting on the floor with Bounce between her legs.
"how did you know her name?" Gianna said, truly interested.
Marla sat at my side, and looked up at me with admiration.
"i had a dream last night, and Bounce and Evelon was there, and we where vampires." i said.
"where did the dream take place?"
"in the woods, and i was so scared cause i thought that Marla and Bounce where gone."
Bounce looked over at me.
"Yes i care about you."
she came over to me and licked my hand. Marla's head snapped to face her, and bounce backed up.
"marla," i said, she looked up at me.
i got down to her. " i know your only doing your job, but don't be mean to your sister, like that, i'm yours." i said. she seemed to consider this, and then licked Bounce's cheek.
Bounce, who was happier than ever, trotted back over to Evelon, who was now standing.
"Only the Pure Vanity Vampire get's to have a wolf to protect her, but Marla has a sister, so she goes to The pure vanity vampire." Gianna
"you girls, are excused for breakfast."
i opened the door, and Marla followed behind me.
"whoa a wolf, i heard about them they're really protective of their owners." Robby said.
Tie gave me a hug, and Marla scooted closer to me.
"hey, Deven." Preston said, coming over.
Marla and Bounce growled, and their hair stood on end.
"what are they doing here?" Preston spat.
"they're ours." i said.
"they stay." Evelon said.
Bounce showed her teeth and Marla snapped at the air.
"they really seem to not like you." Tie said.
"They can tell when a person is up to know good." Robby said.
"how do you know so much about them?" i asked, letting Marla's ear slip through my hand.
"there's a whole section, for them in the fledgling guide, their called, Animal Savers. they're a vampires, best friend, if they chosen you, they usually choose, The Pure vanity vampire, but since this one, has a sister, She goes to Deven's Soul sister, Which is Evelon." Robby said.
Both wolves sat in front of us and looked up. Marla's intent gaze told me to be careful, of Preston.
"why don't they like me?" Preston asked.
"they don't like fledglings or vampires, that try to hurt the one they're protecting."Robby said.
"well i'm not trying to hurt her see?" Preston touched my arm.
Marla chased him.
"Whooo! bite his ass real good Marla!" Tatum yelled.
"call off your mutt!" he yelled.
"she's a wolf!"
Marla let out a howl and her and Bounce ran after him down the hall.
"so why do you think they ran after him?" i asked.
"there has to be something off about him." Tie said.
Marla and Bounce sat at our feet.
"my children!" Gianna said. we all stood at the urgency in her voice.
"Benton, is coming we need all of you to mend your stations. Marla Bounce you know what to do." Gianna said.
Bounce licked Evelon and Marla rubbed against me.
"babe we gotta move." Tatum said, pulling me.
it was in a blur everyone ran to their rooms, putting on black pants, long sleeved shirts, boots and cloaks.
"i know this is a bad time but i really like you." Preston said.
he grabbed my face and kissed me.
"hurry!" Gianna yelled.
"where's Marla?"
"she has to stay." Gianna told me.
"I'm not leaving her."
"you have to."
Gianna grabbed my arm and led me out the front door.
"no matter what happens remember that i care for you." Preston said.
"line up, we have to move!" Gianna yelled.
Preston took my hand and we all started running. we all came to a stop in a clearing. Snow, had fallen leaving everything white.
"well, we have a surprise!" Benton said, voice that made you just wan't to melt into a kiss.
"where's Deven?" he asked.
"your not getting her." Gianna said.
"Does she know that i can give her whatever she wants?"
"i'm staying here." i said, walking to the front of our group. i never knew how many kids went to my school, or why they all stood to protect me.
"your loyal to your family. but what about your heart?" he asked.
"what do you mean?"
"Preston," he said.
"Father." Preston said.
"Marla." i said, stepping away from Preston.
"is one smart wolf." Benton mused.
"remember what i told you." Preston begged.
"non of that matters, your one of them."
"you can have whatever you want, and my son, if you just come with me." Benton said, hand held out.
"No." i said.
i raised, my glowing hand, as my hood flew off and my hair blew about my face.
"run!" Benton hissed.
one by one they burst into ash.
they took off for the trees.
"i want to protect you." Preston said.
"Preston!" Benton yelled, running for the hills.
"i'm sorry." Preston said.
he bit into my wrist and took off at light speed.
i grabbed my wrist.
"he changed her. Evelon hurry you must drink from her or you'll die!" Gianna said.
"i'm sorry," Evelon said.
"just do it!" i yelled pushing my hand into hers.
"bite." Robby said, handing me some of his cloak.
as Evelon bit into me it didn't hurt. It was when she began to suck that an unbearable pain shot through my body. i didn't know i was thrashing, until Gianna told Tatum, and Tie to hold me.
"That's good." she said.
Evelon pulled away and we both fell to our knees.
in one swift moment i was on my back, head in Tie's lap and hand clutched in his hand.
"your going to be okay." he kept saying kissing my forehead, and smoothing my hair from my face.
i looked down at the bite, and believed Preston when he said, he wanted to Protect me.
i closed my eyes.
"Deven?" Tie asked, he sounded distant.
"Deven?" Gianna said.
Tatum fell to her knees and grabbed my hand.
"Deven don't you dare leave me you ass hole!"
i opened my eyes.
"i'd never leave my main bitch." i said.
"the change is completed." Gianna said.
Evelon smiled down at me and reached out a hand.
she pulled me up with more strength than a girl her size had any right to.
"glad your alive." She said.
" Yeah,"
"you saved me."
"what are sisters for?"
we hugged.
"Look!" someone yelled.
"oh no no no." i said, taking off in a run, Evelon with me.
By the time we got to the school, it was burning, in angry flames.
i raked my hair through my hair.
"i knew i shouldn't of left her! Marla!"
i ran into the woods.
"Marla!" i yelled.
the smoke had turned a ghostly white making me trip.
"Marla!" i yelled.
i turned in all directions, and sank onto a rock.
"Bounce!" i heard Evelon yell, some where.
i heard a noise and turned to look behind me.
"Marla?" i asked drying my face.
she seemed to smile.
"Evelon!" i yelled, as Bounce joined her.
"Bounce!" Evelon yelled.
Bounce ran to her.
Marla came to me. i knelt down and petted her.
"i'm so proud of you." i said.
i hugged her, and she hugged me back.
when i stood she jumped up on to me, and licked my cheek, i kissed her nose and hugged her.
we took off for the school.
"being a vampire sure has it's perks." she said.
"I'll say."
by the time we made it back the school, was burnt badly, only a few buildings left.
"what know?" Tatum asked.
"we rebuild it." Robby said.
"you think we can?" a kid asked.
"with out a doubt." Robby said.
i let out a deep breath and helped rebuild our school.
Marla and Bounce
Publication Date: 07-14-2012
All Rights Reserved