"we need to talk." my mom said.
"what's up?" i asked.
"we have some not so good news." my dad said.
"what?" i asked.
"you know how your adopted right?" my dad asked.
"yeah." i said.
"well, when we adopted you, you where kid napped." she said.
"so?" i asked, getting suspicious.
"so you're real parents want you back." my dad said.
i jumped to my feet.
"they can't do that. you guys raised me i can't just leave you can they do that?" i asked.
"sit down." my mom said.
"we tried to fight it but they won." my dad said.
"but. but, your all i know." i said.
i could feel it; tears coming. i tried to swallow the pain.
"we tried to tell them that." my mom said.
"okay. i have one year left, and i'm 18. it will be like me going off to a long summer camp or to collage for a year, and then i can come home right?" i said.
"of course you can, sweety, you know we love you." my mom said.
i could hear the pain in her voice.
"you know your our daughter and you'll always have a place in our hearts." he said.
my mom stroked my hair.
"when do i go?" i asked.
"after school." my dad said.
"do you want us to help you pack?" my mom asked.
"no. packing is a way of saying goodbye. i'm not ready to say goodbye. i never will.
i-i'll do it myself." i said.
i hugged them both and hurried away, letting the first of the tears spill. i packed my things, picked at my dinner and went to bed. the next day after school, i stood in the parking lot with my best friend and my parents.
"so this is it." natalie said.
i could tell she was trying not to cry, she always cried on our firday night movies. "yeah. this is it." i said.
slowly letting it sink in. this was real, not a bad dream.
"how could someone just take you away from everything you know?"
"they're thinking of themselves not me."
the first tear spilled.
"no natalie be strong." i said, pulling her in for a hug.
"look at it this way. i'm going away for a private school and then i'll be back to go to college with you."
"we're still doing that?"
"does milk come outta your noes if you laugh to hard?"
she gave a laugh-cry, and pulled me in to a hug.
"oh, i'm gonna miss you so much, girl."
"i know me too."
she pulled away and we did our hand shake. we laughed and hugged once more. i hugged my parents.
"college." i said.
"see you when you get back kid." my dad said.
i smile and nodded. i hugged them again.
"ready?" the lawyer asked.
"no...but i have to be."
i hugged everyone one last time and got into the car. the lawyer shut the back door. as we pulled out i couldn't bring myself to turn around and wave. it was already hard enough to not cry.
we boarded a private plane and flew to my new house. when we arrived a man in a suit led us to Lunett, and edward hemmington. edward was talking on his phone flipping his arm pissed. lunett was sitting at a cafe table, fixing her lip stick, coffee in front of her.
"any problems?" she asked, not looking at us.
"none." the lawyer said.
"good." lunett said, getting off her stool.
"welcome home." she told me with a fake tight smile.
"edward, i'm getting cranky." she said, walking past me to the door.
"fix it." edward said, into his phone.
at least i got a fake smile from lunett edward walked past me as if he never knew me, and i silently began thanking my kid napper. we walked through double glass doors to a limo where a man in a suit was putting my bags away. i slid in after lunett. edward called someone and jane answered her phone.
"yes i saw marryanne that is so botox!" lunett said.
i rested my head on the door, and wondered what i ever did to deserve this. i followed lunett and edward into a large house juggling my bags. edward slammed a door shut and lunett laughed all the way up the stairs.
"let me help you miss." a man said.
"jeesh thanks."
"my names jacob, i'm your buttler i understand that things are a little crazy. how about a bowl of ice cream?"
"oh man, i wish i could solve all my problems with a bowl of ice cream now a days."
he smiled.
"i'd love a bowl of ice cream."
"right this way then."
my things where taken to my room and i followed jacob into the kitchen. i sat at the island blow in front of me jacob across from me.
"now, i'm not a gossip, so don't think bad of me but i think you should know a little about lunett and edward. hmmm?"
i nodded.
"whatever they say or buy you do not get close to them. they're in it for the money, edward gets 5 thousand dollars for taking you. more money means more parties for lunett. she's a gossip, becareful around her."
i nodded.
"don't tell them i told you this, cause i'll get fired."
"no way i need someone on my side." i said.
lunett came in still on her phone.
"what are you doing? get back to work." she said, to jacob.
"i'm tellin' you martha butlers aren't as good as they where when i was young."
"oh there you are." she said.
she said you as if she where discussed.
"daddy and i are throwing a party."
"i'm sure it will be a big hit."
this got her attention.
"oh. do you hear that martha my daughter is already up to speed. you're too sweet you. my designer cam, will be here in 10 minuets to fit you for a dress. he knows my expectations. disobey him and you're grounded for a month."
fake smile.
"don't eat to much of that, you'll get fat."
she pushed through the swinging door talking about lisa's big lips.ten minuets later i was in my closet with ten racks of dresses, tones of high heels, and of course cam, and his bag of tricks.
"do you know what you have in mind?"
"no. this is my first party."
his smile became warm.
"ah,"-he put his arm around me- "i remember my first party. don't worry i'll help you darling."
cam taught me how to walk in high heels first. then he picked out my dress and shoes. he helped me into my dress and then went at my hair. he curled it and put it up. he topped it of with spray and a silver diamond crown. he did my makeup and put on the shoes. he helped me out of the chair and to a mirror. i touched my cheek.
"is that really me?"
"of course it is silly. you just needed a little help. now if you'll excuse me i have to change. go down and find lunett.”
as i walked down stairs i looked for lunett. the party was in full swing.
“you must be edwards daughter.” a woman said.
she shook my had.
“i work with your father."
“right. is everything as you expected can i get you anything?"
“oh bless you’re heart no. your parents never cease to amaze me.”
“i’ll tell them that. coming from a woman such as yourself i’m sure they’ll be overly pleased.”
“oh jenni there you are. excuse me dear.” she said, walking off.
i walked over to lunett.
“Honey over here!” she waved, wrists glimmering in the light.
“there you are dear.”
we kissed cheeks.
“this is martha, lisa, maryanne, and karrie-may.”
“ever so lovely to meet you ladies.”
“oh well aren’t you beautiful.”
"thank you. i get it from my mother.”
“oh stop.” lunett said, fluffing her hair.
“enjoy the party will you?”
i nodded and walked off. the back door was open and people came in and out of the back door.
“ mistress?” jacob asked.
he was in a white suit, gloves included. he lowered a silver tray to me, on it where glasses with a yellow-orange liquid . i took one and took a drink.
“ew, that’s gross, jacob, why would you give that to me?”
he chuckled.
“you’ll need it to survive the night.”
i took my glass out back where edward was talking to a group of men.
“ there she is.” he said.
he hugged me when i came over.
“these are some of the guys i work with.”
“the pleasure is mine.”
they jumped into a conversation and i slipped away. for the rest of the night i did a lot of flattering on edward and jane’s part. after the party i took a shower and crawled into bed. the soft cotton and feather blanket felt nice and comforting.
the next morning i called my parents and then natalie. i told her everything that’s happened so far.
“it’s like lunett’s cell phone is glued to her ear, she has to have the attention of the world, she has all these parties, and shops all the time. you could say she’s a bit of a socialite. edward doesn't even notice me.”
“you know maybe you should try to play their game. you never know they might be nice to you.”
“natalie.” i said, in a get-real-way.
“i’m going shopping with martha in 20. she’s bringing her daughter do you want to go?” “yes. i love to go shopping.”
“hmm. maybe we’re more alike then i really thought.”
“you where right. i owe you.”
“yeah you do. go get ready and buy me something nice.”
“will do girl. i love you.”
“i love you too.”
i got ready and we drove to the plaza. martha and lunett estranged kisses leaving me and marthas kid dragging behind.
“i’m rosalynn. don’t trust lisa karrie-may or marryannes daughters. they gossip like no tomorrow they even give gossip points. i know what your thinking, when why trust you? trust me is you wanna get out of this rich kids boot camp your gonna want me to be your bets f-ing friend. if you want to survive high school you’ll stay with them. they call themselves the glam gals. it’s better to be on their side, in one second on their command they can have the whole school against you. Tara, marryannes daughter is the clan leader. cammi and darrian are Tara’s wanna be’s. i just follow along, cause i don’t want to be a screw up for my mom, and i don’t want to be eaten alive by high schoolers, i’m just tryin’ to get out so i can go live with my dad and go to college with my best friend.”
“girls, you have to keep up.” martha said.
after we went shopping we went to the spa. when martha and lunett where getting deep conditioned and we where getting pedicures she explained more.
“weekends we have sleepovers at tara’s house. you might want to be carefull cause you have more money than her and better things, so she’ll see you as a threat. kaylee does nawt do well with threats. the sleepovers are spent figuring out who’s life’s to ruin, where to spend daddy’s money, losing weight and of course gossiping.”
when she stopped i looked behind me. martha and lunett where making their way into ear shot.
“what do you think blue blast, or pink ice?”
“blue blast.”
“what are you going with?”
“i think i’m going with life of the party red.”
martha and lunett smiled. they cracked open a magazine as their heads was put into a dryer. “what about we work with your hair.” lunett asked.
“sure.” i said, with a smile.
“i’m so glad you where found.”
“me too. now i can live to my fullest potential.”
mental head slap. what has this world come to? that was it. this wasn't my world this is a different planet a different ball game. if i was going to survive the high life boot camp i had to play by their rules. another metal head slap. just then cam came in.
“cam!” i said.
i held out my arms.
“darling!” he said, hugging me.
“are we getting our hair done to day?”
“only if your doing it.”
“i know exactly what to do. what about you Rosalynn?”
“your the hair queen whatever you say goes.”
“you girls are so sweet. can they get there toes finished?”
two girls hurried over with towels.
“i expect that everything is perfect?” he asked, lunett and martha. “
as always. my skin drys out to quickly, do you have anything for that?” lunett said.
“i have just the thing girlfriend.” he said.
he went to a shelf of beauty products.
“alright i’m going to take on darling, and rosalynn i’ll put you with my boyfriend he’s fantastic and supper cute.”
we all smiled. cam put a towel around my shoulders and leaned me back in the rinse chair. “relax darling. queen cam has you now.”
“i’m trusting you.”
“your trust shall not be betrayed.” he said, spraying my hair.
i got a rinse deep condition, blonde high lights and side bangs.
“whoa. cam you are thee queen.” i said, running my hand through my hair.
“told you darling.” he said, taking me into a hug.
“now let me teach you product.” he said, taking me by the arm.
“i’m all ears.”
“you’ll want to use this shampoo and conditioner. this will make your skin hydrated and soft,” he said, taking a green bottle and putting it on the counter.
“this hair spray will keep your hold with out being sticky. you’ll need heat spray, for the hair dyer flat iron or curler. let’s see here.”
he put all the other things he grabbed on the counter. he returned to the rack finger to mouth. he got a flat iron hair dyer some curling irons and some gel then put them on the counter.
“why don’t you go get you’re nails done by sandy and i’ll ring this up.”
i sat down in front of sandy.
“girl you look epic. cam really know’s what he doing.” rosalynn said, getting her nails done. we all hugged and thanked cam and left for lunch.
“rosalynn.” a girl said.
i thought i saw rosalynn cringe. The came over with two other girls.
“martha lunett.” she said.
“hello tara.” lunett said.
“rosalynn, you should of told me you where going to be out today, i would of went with you silly.”
she turned to me and smiled, brightly. it seemed a bit off if you ask me, but whatever.
“hello, i’m tara, you must be lunett's daughter.”
i shook her cold hand.
“that’s right, i’m ryan.”
“well ryan welcome to benatree. we are going to get along pur-fectly. i can feel it. oh silly me. this is darrian and cammi.”
“hi.” they said, waving once with a smile.
i returned their smile.
“your going to love love love going to high school here. we’ll make sure to make your last year of high school an uhn-forgettable year.”
“i can’t wait.” i said, wishing i'd be taken away by a flock of cranes.
"could we join you?”
“sure sit sit.” martha said.
i saw rosalynn bite the inside of her cheek as they did. cammi fixed one of rosalynn’s fly aways and smiled.
“so ryan is benatree perfect or what?”
“it’s ah-mazing.” i said, trying to not gag.
“we have these sleepovers every weekend. you have to come.” tara said touching my hand. “sure.” i said, sneaking a look at rosalynn who was currently giving her ice tea a death glare.
“i expect you already told ryan our sleepover plans?”
“of course.” rosalynn said, smiling.
whoa! rosalynn was really pretty when she wasn't scowling.
“perfect. that saves me a lung full. oh ryan your so lucky to be pretty.” tara said.
“you know we only let the pretty ones in our group.”
“well i should be so lucky then.” i said.
her darrian and cammi laughed, me and rosalynn tried not to strangle them right then and there.
“ooh, ryan rosalynn you should finish shopping with us. that is if it’s okay with martha and lunett.” tara said.
i wonder if her cheeks ever started to hurt.
“go for it girls,” lunett said.
“yeah, we need to get somethings settled, anyway.” martha said.
of course they would say that. once they where gone tara’s smile turned into a cute pout. “scoot over, your like sitting on top of me.” she said to cammi.
this is why rosalynn didn’t like her.
“are you done yet?” she demanded us.
“yeah.” rosalynn said.
“sure.” i said.
“good, let’s go then.” she said, pushing away from the table.
she walked off with darrian and cammi hurrying after.
“what a bitch.” i said.
“i know, come on.” rosalynn said.
after shopping i was dropped off and told natalie everything.
“whoa it’s like our school but you’ve gone over to the dark side.”
“your the one who told me to play they’re game.”
“hey hey, i’m not judging. whatcha get me?"
“i got you a bracelet.” i said switching the phone to my left ear.
“cool. this summer is so sucking with out you.”
“don’t worry it sucks here to, i can’t even take a darn deep breath without someone saying that’s not lady like."
“tell me about it. i’m about to jump out the window.”
“whoa, whoa, whoa, when i see my bestie i’d like to see her in one peice.”
“well you better start praying this year goes by fast.”
she laughed.
“what are you doing anyway?"
“ hanging my new clothes. what about you?”
“eating ice cream in the pool.”
“ah man that sounds like a nice plan.”
“you could join mm."
“i think i will.” i said, already putting on a bathing suit.
“isn’t this nice, two friends enjoying a summer’s day?”
“we should do this more often.”
“that’s a must. so i was looking around the collage, and i found possible jobs for us. i mean it pays 8 bucks an hour, so.”
“yeah, just make sure to keep up your grades.”
“lunnet and edward are paying my way."
“look at it this way nat, we can have a bigger dorm.”
“bigger dorm means two more people ry. don’t you remember the roommate?"
“of course i do.”
“well that could happen and what if we aren’t lucky huh? a rebecca could just come in and chop us up.”
“oh would you relax nat. besides as long as we get a sarah i don’t think rebecca would care for us.”
she laughed.
“i miss you dude.”
“ryannen?” lunett called.
“tara’s on the phone for you."
i took the phone.
“ryan? what are you doing?”
“talking to my friend.”
“you don’t know her.”
“who?” she demanded.
“huh. is she pretty?”
“i just called to confirm our weekend plans.”
“i’m still in."
“good, i have to call the others.”
and with that she hung up.
“you still there?” i asked.
“shit!” natalie said.
“what happened?”
“you scared me and i dropped my spoon.”
“whoops where is it?”
“skydiving in Florida. it’s at the bottom of my pool.”
“jeesh, you don’t have to be mean.”
“well don’t be stupid.”
“i was just asking a question."
“look skip it ok?"
we talked more college and hung up. i toweled off gave my bowl to jacob and took a shower.
we ate dinner as a family, witch was torment, and then i got into bed. the next morning i woke up freezing. i rapped my fuzzy robe and my fuzzy throw blanket around me. i looked out the window. it was hard to see, with all the gloom, and rain. thunder boomed and lightning flashed.i wondered down the stairs.
“i’m trying my best, love.” edward said.
“well it’s not good enough!” lunett said.
she was sitting on the sofa, hugging a heating pad, blanket around her shoulders. edward was on one knee holding her hands.
“how about i buy you a nice diamond necklace to make up for it?” edward said.
oh gawd.
“that would be nice.” she said, with a sniff.
“you got it, baby doll. jennings start a fire, what are you doing, get the heaters full blast. jacob lit a fire in my daughters room, she’s probably a Popsicle now.” he said. lunett started to cry.
“my poor baby girl!” she yelled.
“see what you’ve done?” edward thundered.
i went into the living room.
“rayn! come here, sweety quick!” lunett said.
i shuffle-ran to her. she opened her blanket and i sat next to her. she pulled my head onto her bony shoulder.
“sorry about this bunny, daddy’s going to get you a car ok? to make up for everything, that’s happening. your pick. does that sound good?” he asked.
“it will suffice.” i said.
“alright then. get the fires started, don’t just sit like a stump on a log!” he yelled.
so edward was the type of guy to keep the peace, he only gives attention when your not happy. i guess i was going to be a spoiled brat. mental head slap.
“get some hot coco for my girls!” he said.
“i’m going to call the car dealer and jewelry store and tell them to have it empty when we come in.” edward said.
he gave lunett a sweet kiss on the mouth and kissed my forehead before leaving.
“you warm yet?” lunett asked.
“a little. i think i came down just before the Popsicle stage.” i said.
“oh sweety.” she laughed, hugging me to her and rubbing my arm.
we took the coco.
“oh jacob, could you be a dear and lit my baby a fire please. in her room?” lunett said. “right away. and must i say the coold makes you ever so lovely.” he said.
“oh stop it, you fool. i know who’s getting a bonus.” she said.
“thank you miss.” he said, before turning to climb the stairs. when lunett was drinking jacob have me a thumbs up, and i bit my lip, and smiled.
“i just don’t understand it was so sunny yesterday.” i said.
“honey, ryan’s sad!” she called.
“i’ll buy her a MAC computer right away. don’t worry bunny daddy’s here, and there’s no need to be sad.” he called, from his office. ok i know it sounds a little shallow but this is f-ing awesome.
“i don’t feel to good i think i’ll lie down.” i said.
“kay, care for her.” lunett said. we kissed cheeks and i went to my room.
“if you need anything mistress please ring.” kay said.
“alright.” i said.
it was a lot warmer in my room. i got into bed. i got under the blankets and fell asleep. i was waken up when my door was opened.
“ mistress price? your father has instructed me to get you a meal." he said it will make you feel better.” jacob said.
i sat up. my room was still dark, and the embers from the fire glowed bright. jacob put the silver tray across my legs.
“more wood for your fire?” he asked.
“yeah thanks.” i said.
“so how’s it going down there?” i asked.
jacob sat down in the computer chair.
“lunett said she has a head ache so she went to bed. edward is yelling at some one, oh and your computer will arrive in an hour. the girls called, they’re worried about you, you may want to give them a call.”
“so everything is back to normal. what about out side?”
“far from being normal.”
he excused himself taking my tray. i leaned back and dialed tara.
“oh my gawd, ryan are you ok?”
“yes, i think it might be allergies.”
“thank gawd! just be sure to keep warm, and have jacob make you some green tea.”
“i will, thanks tara.”
“bye bye.”
i called Rosalynn next.
“hey dude, jacob said, your in bed you okay?”
“yeah, it’s just so hectic right now. i lied so i could hide in my room.”
“oh right behind you girl.”
“where are you? your echoing.”
“i’m hiding in my tub.”
i laughed.
“you are too much dude.”
“rosalynn?” i heard martha call.
“not now mom, i think i’m sick.”
“i’ll have darren bring you some tea.”
“so, last night the staff forgot to turn on the heating system.”
“oh shit how’d that go down?”
“hard. jane threw a fit, and edwards buying me a car and computer to make up for the coldness.”
“that seems a little steep.”
“hey i aint complaining.”
“remember what i said about tara.”
“oh yeah, what kinda of car does kaylee have?”
“she doesn’t have a car, the driver drives her.”
“shit, thanks.”
“yeah sure. no i don’t want the tea.”
“i don’t care if it will help my freaking tummy. dude i gotta go.”
“yeah call me later.”
“you got it, babe.” she said, before hanging up.
i called darrian and cammi and had the same conversation i had with tara. i took a deep breath and dialed natalie.
“dude, who the hell is jacob? are you okay?”
“yeah i’m fine, i just wanted to be alone.”
“damn, you scared me. is it cloudy over there?”
“it’s like a hurricane over here.”
“oh thanks ryan, now i don’t have to worry about you.”
i laughed.
“don’t worry so much nat. i gotta go call the parentals.”
“alright. i love you.”
“i love you to talk to ya soon.”
i called my parents telling them i was okay, and i loved and missed them.
i threw the covers over my head and went to sleep.
“sorry to wake, you, i’ll just set up you computer.” jacob said.
i rolled over.
“i’ll put someone wood in your fire as well.”
i gave him a thumbs up and fell back into dream land. when jacob called me down for dinner i rolled out of bed and almost fell down the stairs.
“oh my. your a mess.” lunett said.
i looked down at my night gown. as i took my seat i didn’t glace at the mirror afraid of the reflection.
“tell mommy what’s wrong, are you depressed?”
i nodded. she blew out air.
“edward!” she said, throwing a hand my way.
“what can daddy do bunny?” he asked.
“could my friend nataile come for a week?” i asked.
“bunny, if it’s natalie you want, it’s natalie you shall get. and she can stay as long as you need her.”
“thanks.” i said, perking up.
that night when i told her the news she screamed, dropped the phone and then i heard the noise of drawers opening and closing. i smiled and hung up. because i slept all day i couldn’t sleep so i surfed the internet. the next morning the rain had stopped so edward sent out the private plane.
“whoa!” i heard nat say.
i threw open my door.
“ryan!” she yelled dropping her bags, and holding her arms out.
i took the stairs two at a time and slammed into her. nat stumbled back and rapped her arms around me.
“i can’t believe your here!”
“i know!”
“you have to see my room!” i said, grabbing her hand.
“jacob get her bags will you?” i asked, tugging nat up the stairs.
“holy shit!” she yelled.
she ran and jumped onto my bed. she opened my french doors and walked out onto the balcony.
“whoa, sweet pool. can we get in?”
“lunett wont let us. she’s afraid we’ll get sick, cause it’s still cold out, but we could go in the indoor hot tub.”
“shit point the way.”
we got into the hot tub.
“god, i’m so glad to be here.” she said, hugging me.
“bunny?” edward asked.
“up here!” i called.
he walked up the stairs to us.
he smiled brightly.
“you must be natalie.” he said.
“that’s me.” she said.
she dried her hand on a towel and shook his hand.
“i’m so happy your here for my little bunny.” he said, touching my nose on bunny.
“i don’t know how long the dry weather will last, so what do you say to getting your car in 15?” he said.
“i’ll be ready.” i said.
“perfect. it was nice meeting you, natalie, but i’m afraid that i need to get some work done. so excuse me. bye kitten.” he said.
“bye.” i said with a wave.
“ugh don’t ask.” i said, throwing my head back.
she laughed and splashed me.
“come on.” i said, getting out and rapping a towel around me.
15 minuets later we where showered and looking at cars.
“whoa, ry, get over here!” nat called.
i weaved my way through the cars.
“look at this baby!” she said.
“whoa, sweet.”
“is this the one bunny?”
“yeah.” i said.
“it’s yours.” he said.
“whoo!” i said, punching the air.
i pulled open the door, and got in nat sat next to me. i ran my hand over the wheel. after edward got the car i pulled up to rosalynn's house.
“there you are girlfriend!” she said, pulling me into a hug.
cammi and darrian came to the door.
“hey girls. this is natalie.” i said.
they all waved.
“girl you have to check out my car.” i said.
rosalynn grabbed my hand, and led me to my car. i grabbed nat’s on the way, while darrian and cammi followed us.
“whoa!” they all said.
they checked out the car.
“hey, where’s tara?” i asked.
“grounded.” rosalynn said, a hit of humor in her voice.
“you guys wanna drive over to the plaza and get some coffee and maybe go shopping?” i asked.
the plaza is the block of shops, it’s kinda beenatree’s version of melrose way. they looked at the sky.
“i got umbrellas.” i said.
“outta my way!” rosalynn said, pulling the door open.
after everyone was in, i pulled away. we got coffee and went shopping.
“don’t worry nat, i’ve got your back get anything you want.” i said.
she nodded.
after we shopped we stopped by at cam’s.
“darling!” he said, holding out his arms.
i did a shuffle-run to him and returned his hug.
“this is natalie. she’s my best friend.” i said.
“well i’m charmed, natalie, how about the first timers?” he asked.
“that’s perfect.” i said.
she got her hair done and we all got our nails done. i hugged cam, and we all went out to lunch.
“so how long is tara grounded?” i asked.
“for the rest of the summer.” darrian said.
“no way.” i said.
“yeah, her parents are so being harsh!” cammi said.
“what’d she do?" i asked.
“she snuck her boyfriend in her room.” rosalynn said, hiding a smile.
i could tell that she was happy to be tara free, for the whole summer.
”you guy’s wanna come over to my place?” i asked.
“i couldn’t do that to tara.” cammi said.
“i’m with cammi.” darrian said.
i looked over at rosalynn who nodded.
“my hair!” cammi yelled, as the first rain fell.
“oh my gawd it's so horrible we're all going to melt." rosalynn said
“do something ryan!” darrian said.
“what do you want her to do throw a chant to the rain gods?!” natalie yelled over the thunder.
they all looked at me.
“to my car!” i said.
we all ran to my car. i unlocked the trunk, and passed out the umbrellas. we put our things in the trunk grabbed an outfit and ran into a store. we changed and then ran and got into my car.
“okay darrian where do you live?” i asked, pulling away from cammi’s.
“oh i want to go to your house, if that’s okay.” she said.
”honey there you are i haven’t seen you all day!” lunett said, taking me into a hug.
she was dressed in a pink juicey warm up suit, holding a yoga mat.
“we must get together!” she said.
we kissed cheeks and she left. we watched movies sat in the hot tub had dinner gossiped, and then they went home. when natalie was asleep i grabbed my phone and went into my closet.
“tara? how come you didn’t tell me you where grounded? i thought we where bestfreinds."
“ryan i’m so so so sorry, i didn’t realize it would bug you.”
“well it does, you where the first person i called, when i was sick."
“i’m sorry. i’m grounded for the rest of the summer. the girls need to be 110 pounds by the start of this year, could you keep them in line?”
“i’ll try."
“don’t try ryan. do. if you have any problems just call me and i’ll set them strait. i’ll call the girls and tell them your in charge. i’m counting on you ryan.”
“i got your back.”
“good. now i have to go before i get caught, and get grounded for the school year too.” “k. bye.”
if you want to survive then be chummy-chummy with the one in charge. i crawled into bed. “ryan?” natalie asked.
“your dreaming go back to sleep.”
she sat up.
“i’m not dreaming you dork.”
we laughed. we watched another movie and fell asleep. the next morning i woke up in my bed, and not in a theater chair. natalie was gone. i took a shower and got dressed.
“and that’s me as miss November.” lunett said.
she and nat where on the sofa, looking at a album.
“dude did you know that lunett was a bunny?” nat asked.
“your mom is so cool.” she said, going back to the pictures. mom. yeah, that’s exactly what she is.
“where’s daddy?” i asked.
“in his office.” lunett said.
i went to his study and plopped down into a chair.
“make it happen.” he said, into the phone.
“hey bunny.” he said.
“i’m bored.” i said.
“where’s natalie?” he asked.
“with mom.” i said.
“would you like me to send the limo to pick up rosalynn?” he asked.
“yes please. your the best.”
i hopped up and skipped from his office.
me and rosalynn had been in my room for 20 minuets when nat came in.
“hey rosalynn. ryan i thought that this was going to be our day.”
i put on my mastered confused look.
“well you where with lunett so edward called rosalynn for me. that’s ok isn’t it?”
“yeah, i mean sure.”
“it’s cool, i gotta get going, lunetts throwing a party and i have to get ready.” rosalynn said.
“okay, what’s the deal?” nat asked.
“what do you mean?” i asked.
“don’t play dumb with me dork. you called rosalynn over on our day. i don’t even know why you complain you have a good life here with your parents.” she said.
“they are not my parents.”
“you’ve changed.”
“you told me to. they might have you snowed but i live here i know them. natalie open you big pretty brown eyes."
“ well you should be nice to them.”
“ha! i’ve changed? you’ve been here, what two days and your on there side. what happened to you being on my side huh? i still can see the truth. your blind.” i said, throwing a hand in her way.
“girls, cam will be coming over soon.” lunett paused feeling the tension the air. “lunett when will i be able to go home?” natalie asked, not taking her eyes off of me.
i retuned her look with a death glare of my own. natlie looked down, she always said i had a death glare that could actually kill.
“the end of this week.” lunett said.
“can’t wait.” she said, leaving.
“good!” i yelled. “who needs you anyway!” i yelled.
“natalie, honey! natalie is a guest in our home. you should be nice to her.” lunett said. she turned on her heal hurrying after nat. wow in two days natalie was under lunetts spell. a piano started to play a sound so sweet and swift. i followed the noise, to see edward playing a white piano. i lay down on the padded chaise chair and listened to him play, and looked out over the back yard's lake. he was amazing. when he stopped i looked up at him. his smile was warm.
“your amazing.”
“i took lessons as a kid. i was going to put you in them but...”
“you know, i may not show it, but i do care for you, ryannen,”
"i know.” i said.
but of course i didn’t.
“darling?” cam called.
“coming!” i called.
i kissed edwards cheek and went to my room.
after cam made me up, i made a bee line strait for the bar. i drowned a little cup of something that burned and then went in search of lunett. she was talking to her friends. natalie was at lunetts side, talking to my friends.
“tara!” i yelled.
“ryan!” she yelled.
i hurried over and we kissed cheeks.
“i’m so glad you could make it.” i said.
“me to.” she said.
“girls.” i said.
“natalie.” i said, my smile fading.
“your not friends?” tara asked, slipping her arm through mine.
darrian and cammi backed away from nat flanking me and tara.
“looks that way.” i said.
“guys, come on. it’s a party.” rosalynn said.
“then have fun.” i said, backing away.
i sat at the bar.
“hard day?” jacob asked.
“yeah.” i said, looking up at him.
he was cleaning a glass.
“what can i get you?”
“whatever you think i should have.”
he poured clear liquid into a little cup, and i drank it. i breathed in slowly trying to stop the burning.
“whoa easy there.” cam said, sitting on the stool.
"hey cam." i said.
"what's wrong? the party is in full swing and you look your best." he said.
"nothing. i had a fight with natalie."
"want to talk about it?"
"no thanks."
just then cam's boyfriend took cam away to dance. in his place now was tara.
"where's the girls?"
"with natalie."
"why aren't you?"
"because my best friend is sad, and i'm here for her." she said, pushing my hair from my eyes.
"thanks tara."
"of course. you know you can talk to me." she said hugging me.
"don't trust them", i remembered rosalynn said.
we got a fruity drink and went into the formal living room.
"it's just natalie has totally changed ever since she came here."
"let me guess. natalie's blinded by the money?"
"yeah. that's why im glad i have you, cause you have money, and you would never leave me for someone else."
"course i wouldn't, what kinda of best friend would i be?" she asked, touching my hand. that's when darrian and cammi came over telling me how ah-mazing the party was. we chatted awhile and then i asked to be excused for a second. i went out back, to find rosalynn sitting on a bench alone. she smiled as i sat down.
"not picking sides huh?" i asked.
"not my thing."
"yeah, me to."
"i only pick sides, if i feel it's right."
"where we separated at birth?"
she laughed and put an arm around me.
"let's make a pact, to never choose sides, unless it feels right."
"deal." i said.
we hit our fruity drinks together and took a sip.
"might as well find the girls." she said.
she stood up and held out her hand. i took it and we went in search of the girls. they where standing by the bar.
"there you are." tara said.
"ok so this guy coming over is a heir to a bank load of money." tara said.
he nodded to us.
"would you care to dance?" he asked me.
"she'd love too." tara said taking my drink. rosalynn pushed me forward.
i smiled and took his hand.
"i'm Sam, you are?" he said.
"ryannen." i said, with a smile.
sure he was cute and charming but he was nothing but a hemmington guest.
"your the host's daughter am i right?" he asked.
"right you are." i said.
he laughed.
"did i mention how beautiful you look to night?" he asked.
i laughed.
"i'm afraid you haven't." i said.
"well my apologies miss, you look amazing." he said.
"thank you, your looking handsome yourself sam." i said.
he laughed and twirled me around.
after the party i went to my room, taking down my hair. natalie was in my room, putting her things in a box. i crossed my arms and leaned against the door jam. she made her way to me.
"excuse me." she said, chin in air.
i lifted mine, and made room for her. she went down the hall and pushed open the guesst room door. i shut my door firmly with both hands. two can play this game, only we both know i can play better. the next morning lunett nat and tara where sitting at the table, papers everywhere.
"hey tara."
"hey girlfriend." she said, we hugged and i sat down.
"so what's all this?" i asked.
"it's for the summer festival." tara said.
"every summer we have a festival, it's like a carnival to make money for charities. since tara's grounded marryanne said, for her to help with the set up, it might teach her some discipline. i could say the same for you missy." lunett said.
"i'll help." i said.
"perfect." tara said, hugging me.
i looked over at natalie who was watching me. she lifted her chin, and looked away. we went out to set things up and buy things for the fund raiser. we dropped off tara and went home. nat took the left stair case and i took the right. we firmly shut our doors. i can't believe that natalie, swapped me in for lunett. was it something i did? i've always, stuck up for her, i've always stayed by her side. we where invincible. whatever, if she wants to be miss mini luenett, more power to her. the speaker on my wall beeped. "bunny are you in there?" edward asked.
i pushed the button.
"i'm in here."
"i was wondering if you would like to learn to play the piano."
"i'd love to."
he laughed.
"i thought you might. i'll be there in a second."
i walked to the piano room. edward taught me the basics, and soon i was able to play. he had to get to a meeting. i ran down the stairs, and into the meeting room. i paused not remembering what i was going to do.
"what do you think?"
"i uh. wow."
she was doing natalies make-up using dark colors. i learned long ago that when doing nat's make-up she did not look good in dark colors. she looked like a clown.
"want me to do yours?"
"uh, i have a late lunch date to get to bye." i said, turning on my heal and taking the stairs two at a time.
once at the top of the landing i burst into laughter. jacob passed me going down the stairs.
"i take it you've seen miss natalie?" he asked.
i nodded, and pushed open my door still laughing. i called my parents to see what they where up to. i told them that i missed them and loved them.
"cam's coming over in 5." lunett said.
" are we having a party?" i asked.
"worse. your grandparents are coming over, with your aunts and uncles. i have to warn you that they're a little formal." she said.
i nodded, as she left. cam dressed me, did my hair and make up and hugged me good bye. "ryan hurry they're here!" lunett said.
i hurried down the stairs.
"mother!" lunet said, hugging her.
lunetts mother looked like she got caught in a wind storm on the way here.
"sis!" she said.
the woman she hugged was the most beautiful woman i had ever seen. her dark hair had been curled and her light eyes shown brightly as she hugged lunett.
"there she is!" she said, as if she where a giddy teenager.
she came to me arms open.
"sweety, i've missed you!" she said.
"i've missed you too." i said, although it sounded like a question.
"look, haylee she looks exactly like you." the mother said.
i did? haylee was a bunny comparied to me. who knows she probably was.
"hello dear." the mother said, lifting my chin with her hand.
"you may call me grandmother. this is your grandfather, frank." she said.
the elder man had a warm smile that just drew me to him.
"hey there. you keeping up your grades?" he asked.
i smiled.
"yes, grandfather."
"oh call me grandpa." he said.
pulling me in for a hug.
edwards mom, dad and sister where prim and proper. both sisters had married well, and had hansome hsubands.
"and who's this?" edward's sister maybelle asked.
"this is natalie. she's staying with us untill the end of the week. shall we get on to diner. jacob their coats." lunett said.
we all sat down in the formal dinning room and dinner was served. after dinner we had a cup of coffee in the formal living room and then they left. i scrubbed off all the make-up before i took a shower. i cralwed into bed and read for a little while before turning off the lights.
the next day was hetic. it took everyone on the fund rasing committe plus me kaylee and natalie, to get the summer festival ready. once it opened me and tara met up with rosalynn and the girls. natalie came over with a pout.
"lunett told me to enjoy the fund raiser with you." she said to me.
i laughed.
"and your going to listen to her?"
"of course."
"oh gawd. hey you girls want to go check out the garden?"
i slipped my arms through roasalynn's and tara's arms and we headed to the garden with cammi darrian and natalie following behind. we played games, watched the band, and ate junk food. while the staff was doing clean up i ate popcorn and sat on the stage.
"bunny? time to go!" edward called waving to me.
he was putting on lunetts sweater. natalie stood next to them arms crossed eyes glued on me. what was her problem? edward put an arm around lunett.
"have fun?" he asked.
he put his other arm around me as i made it to his side. lunett rapped an arm around nat and we got into the car. the ride home was spent in silence. i sat next to nat both of us starring strait ahead. once again she took left and i went right to our rooms. we where called to dinner. i ate a light dinner and took a shower before going to bed.
the next morning i slept in late, and then went to a late lunch with the girls. we went shopping and then payed cam a visit.
"so your going home tomorrow are you ready?" cammi asked.
we sat in pedicure chairs.
"i can't wait." natalie said, looking my way, and then turning away quickly as if to check my reaction.
the next morning i went into the lounge. i flopped on the white couch and turned on the t.v. i hugged a red pillow and watched t.v not really paying attention.
"your mother has sent me for you. natalie is about to leave." jacob said.
"please send my apology, but i wont be seeing her off."
he nodded and left. nat didn't like me so why try to see her off and then get shot down? my mom told me when i was little at least once on your life heart ache will visit you. she didn't lie. jacob came with a bowl of my favorite ice cream, telling me that she was gone. i told him to hold my calls i'd like to be alone for awhile. he nodded and left. i spent the next two days in bed.
"okay what gives?" rosalynn asked, flipping on my light.
"it's summer i have the right to be lazy." i said.
" you do have the right to be lazy, but you do not have the choice to be in bed for two days. you made you choice remember? get up take a shower and get dressed where going out to eat." she said.
"you know for someone that doesn't like to be told what to do you sure are a nag." i said.
"up up up!" she said. clapping her hands.
i flipped her off and she jumped on top of me.
she pinned down my arms, and glared down at me.
" are you going to get up?" she asked.
"yes, get off of me."
"good. and don't flip me off it's not lady like."
i knocked her off of me, shoved a pillow in her face and ran to my bath room.
"hey ryan you do realize that you'll have to out for clothes don't you?"
"screw your truce!"
i could hear her lean against the door.
"you tackled me first."
"oh yeah huh."
"oh yeah huh." i mimicked her.
she slapped the door.
"alright truce, just hurry up."
i got ready and we went out to eat. we talked about the festival, and in two weeks it was tara's birthday. rosalynn said that cammi and darrian wanted to throw her a party but she had no idea of where to start. as long as i wasn't involved i could care less. we said good bye and headed home.
on the way to my room i heard lunett crying. i tried to just pass by but my caring side got the better of me. i knocked on her open door. nothing.
"not now honey."
"should i go get daddy?"
"oh ryan heavens no, come here quick."
the desperation in her voice made me go into her cave and look for her. she was sitting in her closet, red and blotchy. i sat next to her and took her hands. for the first time, lunett looked small and helpless.
"what is it?"
she handed me a pregnancy test.
her small bony shoulders shuttered and where sagged, with her next sob.
way to be sensitivities ry.
"it's not the end of the world. maybe you'll have a son. he could carry our the hemmington name."
"how am i going to tell edward?"
"if he really loves you, and i can see he does he'll be happy."
"your right."
she patted my arm and left. i went down stairs just as edwards face broke into a huge grin and he hugged lunett. i crossed my arms and leaned on the door jam, with a smile of my own. that night at dinner i looked over edward and lunett's faces. they where good looking people, i realized and i looked nothing like them. i wondered what my little sibling would look like. i took a bath and went to bed. at four in the mourning i was no longer able to sleep. i rapped my throw blanket around me and grabbed a book. the house was dim, and strangely quiet. it felt empty and lonely. i hurried to the lounge my feet echoing off the walls. i sat on the couch and turned on the small silver lamp. when i looked up from my book sun was pouring from the windows, and cammi was heading down the white stairs. she sat at my feet setting her purse on my lap.
"hi hi." she said.
"hey girlfriend."
"tara's birthday is coming up in two weeks and i want to throw her a party." she said. "oh yeah, rosalynn was saying something about that." i said, closing my book.
"since you are second in command your in charge of setting up the party."
i watched unaware that my mouth was open, as she dug through her purse, coming up with a folded piece of paper.
"here's some ideas, since your new. do you think we could do the party at your place?"
i remembered lunetts issue.
"it might not go over well with the parents."
"whatever, we'll through it at darrians. i'll take care of the guest list, so you just take care of the set up. darrians talking to tara's mom this afternoon to see if tara can come over for a surprise party. i already picked out our dresses, and rosalynn's coming over to drop them off at your house, where we'll be getting ready. tara's party dress will be given to her as a present. we'll give her a so called make over and then we'll say we're taking her out for dinner but really to the party. the party will be in two days so you gotta hurry. you got all this?"
i nodded.
"you'll be great.
ta-ta." she said, getting up.
she kissed my cheek and ran up the stairs. my phone rang.
"dude, did cammi come by yet?" she asked.
"she just left." i said.
"i was calling to warn you to lock your doors, but guess i was took late, i gotta pick up the dresses wanna come with?"
"i would but i just got crowed queen of setting up the party."
"oooh damn, have fun. listen i'm dropping off the dresses. cammi said, she left the box and rapping paper with jacob so look into that. i love you."
"i love you too." i said, hanging up.
i looked at the list cammi gave me. it was party ideas. i picked pairs, cause it's where tara wanted to go since she was five. i through the blanket off and ran to the foyer. jacob was dusting.
"jacob," i said.
he reached over and picked up a large shopping bag.
"i wish you the best, miss." he said.
"thanks i'm gonna need it." i took the bag, patted jacobs arm and took the stairs two at a time.
i got onto my computer, ordering, tables a catering company and a cake.
"here." rosalynn said.
"put it on the bed i'm on a roll." i said.
she kissed my cheek and left.
i got everything from the flowers to the table cloths and napkins. i drew a sketch of where everything would be set up. cammi called me and told me she was out side with rosalynnn and darrian. they picked up the invites and needed my help. i ran down the stairs almost knocking over lunett.
"sorry mom, i'm putting together my first party!"
"i'm so proud of you!"
i threw open the door and took a box from rosalynn. they each had one.
"how many people are going to becoming?" i asked.
"a lot. it's her seventeenth birthday." cammi said.
we worked through the night. the girls took the invites and went to mail them. i rapped tara's present and put on the pink bow. i checked on the cake, and food, then grabbed my sketch. i got into my car and drove to darrians. i gave the sketch to the guy, and they began setting up. once everything was ready i went home for a well deserved nights sleep. i took a shower, and put on a robe. the girls, where just coming in as i came out of the bathroom.
"alright ladies, i'm here what's the emergency?" cam asked, coming in.
he was dressed in all black with a latte.
"tara's 17th bday." cammi said.
"let's get started." cam said, setting down the coffee, witch i picked up taking a drink.
"your invited to the party of the year." i said.
i handed cam the invite.
"wouldn't miss it for the world." he said.
we all smiled.
"bring your boyfriend to." i said, as we gathered the gifts.
we got into the limo.
"darrian, ryan switch gifts." cammi said.
we switched boxes.
"happy birthday!" we all yelled, going into tara room.
"you guys!" she yelled, jumping up and down, fanning her face.
we all hugged. she sat on her bed and opened the boxes. darrian's was the dress, rosalynn's was a large dimond necklace and bracelet, cammi's was shoes and mine was a large diamond tiara.
"oh i love it." she said.
"put it on we're taking you to dinner." i said.
"we already cleared it with your mom." cammi said.
we made tara over and we got into the car.
"your last present is in my house, ryan wanna come with me?" darrian asked.
"yeah, sure come on rosalynn." i said.
"you coming?" rasalynn asked, cammi.
cammi unbuckled herself.
"wait i don't want to be here alone." tara said.
"well come on then." i said, grabbing her hand.
"k i put it in the party room." darrian said.
we all went in. when cammi flipped on the light everyone yelled surprise, and tara cried. "happy birthday, bestie." i told her. she hugged me tight.
"yo, can we get this party kicked off right?" i yelled.
the dj started some music, and everyone yelled. i grabbed tara's hand and led her to the bar.
"two fruity drinks please." i said.
"make it a double, i'm ready to party." she said.
"as you wish." the bartender said.
"there you are." a guy said.
"luke!" she said.
they kissed.
"this is my boyfriend, isn't he cute?"
"this is my bestie ryan, she just moved back."
it wasn't really a lie, only i never moved away on my own free will.
"well ryan, it's a pleasure to meet, you. do you have a boyfriend around here?" he asked. "no." i said.
"really? i would think a pretty one like you would."
"he's such a charmer."
" if you'll excuse us. hey, preston keep my new friend busy will ya?" he asked, pulling tara to the dance floor. a guy turned and smiled.
"i'm preston." he said, a little shy.
"it's nice to meet you. do you dance?"
"i wish."
"i could teach you."
"okay." i said, putting my empty cup on a servers empty tray.
i took his hand and he led me to the dance floor. we danced and talked. Preston was a heir to a fortune, and in the top five popular guys. he introduced me to gabe, bently and blake who where, also in the top five guys, witch where, dating darrian rosalynn and cammi. so the populars date the populars.
after the party i chatted with the girls for a little bit and then went home.
"i have amazing news!" my mom said, when i called her.
"yeah?" i asked, getting out of my dress.
"i'm pregnant!"
i knew how very hard they tried to give me a sibling.
"what no way!" i said, putting on a robe.
"yeah i'm pretty excited about it."
"i would be too. got any names picked out?" i asked, walking into my bathroom.
"not yet, but they'll come. so what's going on over there?"
i put my hair in a clip, and started a bath.
"lunett's pregnant."
"good for her, how's she taking it?"
"she says she's as big as a house." i said.
"how far along is she?" she asked.
"like, a week. these people worry about the stupidest things."
i took off my robe and got in, turning on the jets.
"natalie called." my mom said.
"i think she misses you."
"yeah well she has my number, if she misses me."
"your so stubborn!"
"she is too."
"which is why i am truly amazed that you two are best friends."
" she's not my best friend rosalynn is."
"ryan, i think she's sorry, how would you feel if nat replaced you?"
"i didn't replace her i moved on."
"without her?"
"like i said mom, if she misses me she'll call me. i'm not going to say sorry, cause i didn't start the fight."
"i'm not telling you to say sorry, but maybe you could call her."
"i gotta get going."
"okay, just think about it. i love you."
"i love you too." i said hanging up.
i finished off my bath and went to bed.
the next morning, i looked up dance moves on the internet.
"hey ryan," lunett paused.
"if you wanted to take dance lessons you should of told me, i'll have edward singh you up. have you talked to natalie?"
" thanks, for the lessons."
she nodded. i talked rosalynn cammi and darrian into taking the dance class with me. the dance class was two weeks, and after two weeks i mastered the art of dancing.
"tara!" i said, as i came down stairs.
i hugged her.
"what are you doing here?"
"well since it's the week before school my parents ungrounded me. we have a lot to do, so grab your shoes and a charge card, we're going school shopping."
once in the limo i hugged rosalynn. all of us went school shopping. after we got everything we needed i went home, i packed my school bag, and put it on the shelf in my closet. i hung all of my clothes, and asked cam to come over. when he did he taught me how to do my hair and make-up. once he left i put on a bathing suit, grabbed my seventeen magazine and hit the pool. i lay on a floating bed and cracked open the magazine. jacob brought me sunblock, sunglasses and a fruity drink. after i finished off my drink and the magazine, i went back inside, i practiced the piano, my dance moves and then took a shower. we ate dinner together and then i stayed up till one in the morning talking to preston on the computer. the next morning i slept in late.
i got a ipod and loaded it with music. i pushed natalie from my mind and went on with my day. My alarm clock went off at five. i took a shower, without washing my hair. i threw on a robe, and looked for my out fit. i put on a white cashmere sweater dress, and some black heels, i did my hair and make-up, grabbed my bag and drove to school.
"ryan there you are!" tara said.
i kissed cheeks with her and rosalynn.
"we have to hurry, we have to get you a locker by ours and a cheer outfit." tara said. "cheer?" i asked.
"you'll love it." tara said, leading the way.
rosalynn slipped her arm through mine.
" being a cheerleader means high gossip points ryan. i though i taught you better than this." she said.
i laughed, and we followed tara and her wanna-be's.
"So you see mr. collins it is very important that ryannen gets a locker next to ours so we can make it to cheer practice." tara said.
after my locker was changed i got fitted for a cheer outfit. yesterday tara had her mom go in and request that we all had the same classes.
"hey!" tara said hugging luke.
"hey." he said, kissing her.
"i'll catch you later." i said.
i went to my locker and found preston leaning against it.
"hey, i thought you fell off of the planet."
"i've been busy i'm sorry." i said.
he gave me a uh huh, face. i smiled and hugged him.
"so how's school?" he asked.
"it hasn't started yet." i said.
the bell rang.
"see you preston." i said.
i kissed his cheek and took off. on the way to lunch i passed the news room.
"preston." i said.
"oh hey ryan."
"let's get some lunch."
"can't, i gotta finish up here."
"you work on the paper?"
"i'm in charge. no one knows." he said, looking up at me.
"then why tell me? you could of just lied."
"i never lie."
i just looked at him.
"me not telling people about the paper isn't lying until they ask."
"so you've never lied?"
"nope. you?"
i sat down in a chair. "yeah." i said.
"yeah. i used to never lie."
"what happened?"
"i moved here. i met rosalynn, and she said that i have to be in the group if i wanted to get through high school alive. the truth is i don't like tara. at all. she's stuck up, and a total bitch. and the truth is i hate cheer leading. i love to wright."
"funny. you hate cheer leading and i hate basket ball, and we both like to write."
"yeah. i feel like in a way i kind of let my heart down. you know cause i'm doing things that i don't like."
"yeah i know. if you don't like it here, then why'd you move back i mean you could of stayed with your aunt."
"i wasn't with my aunt. i was kidnapped and adopted by the price family. the beging of this year edward and lunett found me and wanted me back."
"that's harsh, how could you just rip a kid from everything they know?"
"i tried to be myself in the beginning but they where mean and ignored me. once i started acting like tara they began talking to me."
"that would make a good story."
"wouldn't it? but i'm trying to get out of here alive."
"just don't put your name on the paper."
"i don't know. it's just. ever since i was moved here, my whole world is turned upside down. i've turned into something i'm not, i lost being with the price family, i lost my best friend in the entire world, because i was being hard-headed."
"you miss her."
"yeah." i said softly and nodded.
"call her."
"she hates me." i whispered, not wanting tears to come.
"if it's true friendship it will make it's way back to you. i'm done here. wanna get some lunch?"
"not really. i kinda just want to stay here. maybe talk."
he nodded. he got subs and soda's from the cooler and we sat on the sofa. i told him about my parents and natalie and everything that has happened since i came to benatree.
"your lucky you know."
"how so?"
"you have to spend a year and a summer here. i have lived here my whole life."
we laughed.
"i don't know how you did it."
"yeah me too. guess i just don't want to let my parents down you know?"
"i do. no mater what your parents are like you always have a kind of respect for them. your always wanting to make them proud. shit i just want to fit in. i never asked for any of this. i uh, kinda thank my kid napper every now and then cause if i was never taken i'd end up like tara."
"amen to that."
we cheered with our sodas and laughed. if i wasn't kidnapped, then i would of never had a chance.
"your different."
"you mean for all the girls you know? i hope so." i laughed.
"hey you going to tomorrow's sports meeting?"
"yeah i gotta."
"well maybe we could go together, you know for support."
"i'm taking you up on that offer."
"it's a deal." he said.
"get it together people!" tara said, at cheer practice.
" cammi, darrian, think of it as that dance class we took.
think of it as just fun." they smiled and nodded.
"that's more like it!" tara said.
i looked over at the guys. preston pointed to the clock and smiled. five minuets left. i can't freaking wait.
"ryan hold up!" preston called as i pulled my keys out of my bag.
he jogged up to me, breath a puff of white.
"for not liking to cheer you sure can move." he said.
i pushed his arm.
"i like to dance you dork."
"yeah, me too. so i was wondering, there's a spot open that needs to be filled. what do you say?"
"i'll think about."
"cool, i really hope you want to do it."
i smiled.
"preston come on dude, quit flirting with ryan and lets go!" someone called.
"hey ryan!" luke called waving.
"hey luke."
a light wind picked up.
"hey i gotta get going, my nose is going to freeze off." i said.
he laughed.
"yeah sure." he said.
he leaned in and kissed my cheek.
Everyone thinks that they know everything. the truth is we're trying to figure ourselves out. i had everything. a family and a best friend. then the lawyers swooped down and took me from everything i know. everyone i tell my story to asks the same thing. 'who could take a kid from everything they know?' the answers simple. they weren't thinking of me only the money. greed is one of the worst things a person can have. with greed you never get to enjoy true friendship, know what love is even. that saying 'you don't know what you've got until it's gone' is so true. i lost my best friend, because of money, and it wasn't even my fault. she got blinded by the better things in life. i'd take having family and friends over money any day. when all that money's gone.... who's gonna grow old with you? time for a confession. i'm scared of turning into someone i don't wanna be. i'm afraid of ending up lonely. what are you afraid of? mean girls? bad boys? high school's gonna end. and when it does.....what will all the mean people have? my real parents didn't give me the time of day, until l i started throwing fits, and spending their money. i just wanna fit in. i want to look back on my life, and see that i was happy, and not a rich snob. what will you see when you look back? i have to say, most of the people that i hang out with, i never would have, unless i thought that it would help me get out of this place alive. i know i know, that's low, but i gotta do what i gotta do to get out of here. if you had the chance wouldn't you? i feel that i let my heart down in away, cause i'm doing things that i don't like to do, and i'm afraid of losing myself. as of right know i'm living a lie. i bet, when you read this, you won't even think it was me that wrote this. i know that i have to come clean, but like i said, i'm afraid of being alone. i bet most of you are too. if i could tell you anything i wanted i'd say live your life, cause it's yours to live. who cares what people think. are you really gonna let them bring you down. as you can see i'm one of those do as i say not as i do people. maybe one day i can get the courage to say my name. that i wrote this. being popular isn't all that. in fact it's a bit of a work out, trying to be perfect, when we all know that something isn't. love, just a kid, trying to get through high school without losing myself in the process.
i hit print and watched as the printer spit out my writing.
I knocked on the new's room's door. preston looked up and smiled.
"hey." he said.
i went to his desk.
"here. i did it. i thought if i did i could keep myself from being lost. what i wrote really opened my eyes. so just think about what it would do for people. don't put my name on it. i gotta go, see you at lunch."
i turned and went to class.
"hey ryan!" preston called.
i stopped.
"weather sure took a turn for the worse."
"that's benatree for you." "
"don't i know it."
he took off his basketball jacket and gave it to me.
we sat on the bleachers waiting for the coaches.
"i loved your writing."
"yeah. shame people won't know it's you."
i bit my lip and looked down. i pulled the jacket up, and preston pulled me closer.
"what body heat." he said, when i looked up at him.
i laughed.
"do you think you'll ever find love?" preston asked, walking me to my car.
"well i hope so. i'm only seventeen." i said, laughing.
"i hope you find love. you deserve it."
he kissed my cheek and opened my door.
"okay, i so saw you and preston what is going on?" rosalynn asked, as soon as i got into my room.
i switched ears with the phone.
"nothing. we're just friends."
"you guys where laughing and flirting! he even gave you his jacket, that's a hint he want's to ask you out."
"we're just friends."
"huh, that's a shame you sure do make a super cute couple."
"your really think so?"
"ah-ha! i knew it. your into preston. go ask him out!"
"he doesn't like me like that."
"how do you know. ask him, or i could ask if he likes you. or i could have luke do it." "what ever tickles your peach babe, i gotta hit the books."
"alright, see you tomorrow. oh and wear something cute."
"what have i done?"
"i love you!" she sang.
"i love you too, and i'm trusting you."
"bye!" she said, excitedly.
i took off his jacket and out it on the chair. rosalynn could be so full of it sometimes. i did my homework, took a shower got into bed, and hopped for the best tomorrow.
"okay." rosalynn said, as i came to my locker. "i told luke to talk to him, and preston said, he couldn't cause he's waiting for you. how romantic is that. then luke said, she'd understand, and that i was looking for you any way."
"oh there he is." i said, waving.
he waved back.
rosalynn grabbed my arm.
"you don't want to be too out there."
"why it's preston."
preston came over so i met him in the middle.
"you do realize that they're trying to get us together right?" he asked.
"yeah." i said, handing him his jacket.
he took it and put it around my shoulders.
"you keep it. oh and the first print of your writing comes out a lunch."
he kissed my cheek and took off in a jog. luke came to my side, and slung an arm around me.
"why are you beating around the bush?" he asked, as we walked.
"does anyone say that any more?"
"who knows. the point is, you like preston, so ask him out."
"luke i don't know how things went with you and tara but the guy asks the girl."
why did i have to open my big mouth.
"sure, thing, see you at lunch. hey preston! man wait up!" he said, jogging away.
"luke!" i said, but it was too late.
"where's tara?"
"at home, she's bloated." cammi said.
i sat down on a stool, and took a bite of my food.
"so you and preston huh?" darrian said, leaning on her elbows.
"me and preston not. we're just friends." i said.
preston came up and gave mew a kiss on the cheek.
"hey girls." he said.
they all smiled.
"i know that look so i'm outta here. ryan you coming?" he asked.
"right behind you." i said, abandoning my lunch.
"hey everybody, preston and ryan are off the market!" rosalynn yelled.
"ohmigod." i said.
"you okay?" preston asked, putting his arm around me.
"hey sexy!" darrain yelled.
"i think i'm gonna be sick." i said.
we went into the news room.
"so you ready for the game on Friday?" i asked.
"we gotta talk about this dating thing."
"okay, shoot."
"it's just , everyones saying how good we look and that we should get together."
"preston! don't let peer presure get to you."
"did you see this? i think it's great but tara's going to flip someone's gonna get kicked off the cheer team." rosalynn said, shoving the school paper at me.
it was folded to my piece.
"over an article?" i asked.
"yeah, i gotta go see if the girls told tara yet." she said, taking the papper and leaving.
i put my head in my hands.
"i'm doomed!"
preston rubbed my back.
"you are not doomed ryan. no one knows that you wrote it."
"they could find out though."
"or not."
"i have to go, if i'm not there gossiping with them, they'll think somethings up."
i kissed his cheek and hurried to our lunch spot.
"ryan did you know about this?" cammi asked.
"rosalynn told me, you guys have any idea who did it?" i asked.
"no." darrin said.
"nope."rosalynn said.
"none." cammi said.
good, and that's the way it's going to be.
"maybe it was a guy." i said.
"no way it's a girl. i can tell by the way she wrights. and popularity isn't a work out for guys. just girls." darrian said.
"i'll tell tara." i said.
"i already did, i'm taking a copy over to her after school." cammi said.
"do you guys really think that she'll flip over this?" i asked.
the bell rang.
"yep." rosalynn said, getting her things.
i hurried to my car, missing preston, good i'm a nervous wreck he doesn't need to see me like this.
"hey do we have a camera? i have this school project, in my photography class. i was think of taking pictures of the lake out back."
"good choice." edward said, handing me a camera.
once at the lake i took off my bag, and set it on the ground. i took pictures, at different angles, for the project.
"hey, missed you in the lot today." preston said, coming to my side.
i looked at him then went back to work.
"busy busy girl."
"trying to avoid anyone?"
"like who?"
"like me?"
"no. not you."
i sat down and looked at the lake. he sat beside me.
"this place is amazing." he said.
"yeah i really like it here, it would be the perfect place for lunch."
"or a perfect place for a first kiss."
"what?" i asked, looking at him.
he pressed his lips to mine, and i melted.
"miss tress?" Jacob called.
"whoa." i said, pulling away.
"i have to go." i said.
"ryan wait!" preston called.
i grabbed my bag and ran to jacob taking the phone.
"hello?" i asked.
"i am so upset right now it's not even funny. we have to find out who did this do you know who did?" tara said.
"i'm new here."
it wasn't a lie really.
"your right, get ready we're going snooping tomorrow. oh and ask preston out bye." she said, hanging up.
i exhaled.
i ran out the front door. preston was by his car.
"preston!" i called.
he looked over at me, i ran down the steps to him. he caught me in his arms and we kissed. "sorry." i said.
"i really like you."
"i like you too."
"see you at the game girlfriend." he said, kissing me and then getting into his car.
"bye boyfriend." i said.
as he drove away i thought i might faint right there in the drive way.
"i look retarded!" i told rosalynn when i called her.
i looked at myself in the mirror, and pulled on my cheer outfit.
"you'll be fine, see you at school." she said.
you can do this your going to go into that school and your not going to fold under tara's blue eyed stare do you understand me? i told myself. there was a knock on my car door making me jump. preston pulled it open.
"arguing with yourself?" he asked.
"is it weird?" i asked, grabbing my bag and getting out. he shut my door.
"no it's cute." he said, kissing me.
"i was giving myself a pep talk." i said.
"here let me help." he said, kissing me again.
"i like kissing you."
"your dork." i laughed.
he smiled and took my hand.
"about freaking time!" rosalynn yelled when she saw us.
"picture time!" she sang taking a pic with her phone.
"hey where's tara?" i asked.
"she's tearing the news room apart." she said.
"what?" me and preston yelled taking off, still hand in hand.
"where ya goin'?" rosalynn called. "this picture is going on facebook!"
"tara what are you doing?" i asked.
she looked at me defeated and then started to cry.
i looked at preston, and he nodded, and left.
i pulled tara into my arms.
"do you know what this paper will do to my rep. i have to find out who did it." she said. "tara. honey your a nervous reck. why don't you go home and sleep, leave this to me and the girls, to find out. besides the name won't be in here."
she nodded and left.
"see you at the game!" i called.
"what'd you do to her?" luke asked.
"shut up dork, i didn't do anything." i said.
"so i saw you with preston, you guys together?" he asked.
he hugged me and took took off.
"what happened?" preston asked.
i hugged him.
"i gotta tell her." i said.
"tara?" he asked.
"no rosalynn." i said.
i felt bad keeping it from rosalynn she was my partner in crime. i kissed him and found rosalynn.
"ok look, i didn't tell you cause i didn't want you to have to lie to tara."
"but you wrote the piece. i know. i won't tell anyone."
"your the best." i said, pulling her in for a hug.
"well i am pretty awesome."
the guys won 30 to 15.
"so i was thinking we could go out for pizza." preston said.
he got close and looked down at me.
"you okay?" he asked.
i reached up and kissed him. he rapped his arms around me, and kissed me back. he pulled away and smiled.
"what?" i asked.
"maybe we should skip dinner and go strait to bed."
"haha. pizza sounds good."
"your killing me."
"i'm a virgin." i blurted.
"oh." he said.
"you want out?" i asked.
"i want in. i'm not going to dump you cause your not sleeping with me."
"good. keep this up and i just might."
i gave him a quick kiss and started to his car.
After pizza, and a make out session he dropped me off.
"hey honey, i know your dating preston, so i got you something. it's in your night stand." lunett said.
"thanks, mom." i said.
how did she even know about.... rosalynn and her damn picture. i put preston's jacket on the chair and opened the night stand.
"condoms?" i asked, taking the box out.
"don't tell your father, goodnight." she said, closing the door.
what since i have a double life everyone thinks i have a secret sex life or something? gawd what's wrong with the people here. not everyone is just a big horn dog. yeesh. i took a shower and went to bed.
"guess what my mom gave me?" i asked, rosalynn when i called her in the morning.
"a box of f-ing condoms!"
"dude, that's the okay, to get it on."
"look that might be how things go down here but not where i'm from. i don't believe in sex before marriage."
it's kinda hard to believe in sex before marriage when you don't believe in marriage itself, but, she doesn't need to know that.
"trust me. when you hang with horn dogs, you become one. you know what they say you are who your friends are."
"oh gwad rosalynn, i gotta go i'll see you soon."
i put on my seat belt.
"k. i love you."
"and i love you, even if you are a horn dog."
"bye you dork." she said, laughing.
"bye." i laughed.
"okay i swear luke has a pencil dick." tara said, as i walked into her room, for the sleep over.
"more like an eraser tip." darrian said, dumping a hand full of skittles into her mouth. "whoa." i said.
they all laughed, and i took the skittle bag from darrian.
"so how's preston?" cammi asked.
"what?" i asked, choking on a skittle.
"you know in bed." darrian said.
"they haven't slept together yet. although her mom gave her condoms last night." rosalynn said.
"rosalynn!" i said, tossing a pillow at her.
"wait a minute. ryan, your a virgin!" tara said.
"yeah yeah, so what." i said.
"you so have to boink preston!" cammi said.
i choked again.
"i gotta do what now?" i asked.
"screw him." rosalynn said.
"you don't want to be the only virgin in high school do you?" tara asked.
"look ry, having sex is the easy part. it's giving your heart to someone, that's the hard part." darrian said, making me think that there was more to her than following tara around like a lost puppy.
she offered me a sweet sad smile, just for me to see. yep, darrian reed defiantly got her heat broken once.
"well shouldn't love be there? isn't that why they call it making love?" i asked.
"no, the high life chicks came up with that cause fuck was a dirty word." rosalynn said, with a shrug.
"come on ryan, just screw him and get it over with. i think your the only person i know who hasn't done it." cammi said.
"maybe i don't want to be a horn dog." i said.
rosalynn choked on her soda, and laughed.
"why it's fun. don't knock it till ya try it babe. at the end of this month i expect you to have slept with preston and gave us the full details. okay. homecoming." tara said. "hey why don't we go get our dresses now?" cammi said.
"godd idea." tara said.
they all ran from tara's room.
"ryan come on!" rosalynn called.
"yeah, we can get you somethings that's easy to slip off." cammi said.
"hey." i said.
"hi." preston said.
he kissed me.
"what was that?" i asked, to the peck he gave me.
he smiled and kissed me.
"better." i said, my legs feeling weak.
"sorry, i was up last night doing a paper."
"you should of called, i would have stayed up with you or something."
"no way, you where with the girls. besides one of us has to have a working brain, against tara."
"i think she's cooled down about that." i said.
"good." he said.
"i know one of you wrote that paper and i intend to find out. until i do your all considered losers as of tomorrow." tara said, at cheer practice.
"whoa, no need to yell they didn't do it." i said.
"what?" she asked turning on me.
cammi and darrian grabbed my arms.
"i said don't yell at them. they didn't do it."
"your out of line ryan fall back."
"you know what no, i'm tired of your bitch ass trying to tell me what to do. and another thing i hate cheer leading, i quit." i said, throwing down my pompoms.
"who's with me?" i asked. without hesitation, rosalynn tossed hers to the ground.
"that's it. alright then. oh, and i wrote the paper. make sure to spread it around school."
everyone gasped.
"your so done at this school, ryannen price!" she yelled, stomping her foot.
i smiled, "oh yeah? can't wait to see whatcha got."
i grabbed rosalynn's hand, turned on my heal and pushed the large door open wide.
"Marryann told me what happened." lunett said.
"yeah, well that's who i am. if you don't except that, i can't help that. you got a new one coming along soon anyway."
"i don't think it was very nice of you to talk to tara like that."
"you have never cared about me, all you care about is you. tara's a raging bitch that needs to be over thrown, but you don't see that cause you don't give me the time of day. so right now LUNETT i could give two shit's about what you think."
"show me some respect please this is my house."
"show me some respect and leave me the fuck alone." i said, slamming the door in her face. i raked my hands threw my hair and took a deep breath.
"august first, you can do this august first and your out of here." i said to myself.
i sat in the middle of my floor with my head in between my legs. life as i know it is over what i need right now is a good friend.
"hello?" i asked, to fast into my phone.
"dude i said hello and i'm not in a very good mood right now."
"so i'm guessing you need a friend?" natalie's timid voice asked.
"yeah, really bad, and i need a famous natalie greene hug."
"i'm sorry i acted like an ass i miss you."
"i miss you too."
"how's life, what's wrong?"
"you sure you want to know?"
"absolutely. every single detail i don't care if it embarrasses you."
i laughed and told her everything.
"okay first ew. second don't have sex when your not ready, and third what a fucking bitch tara is!"
"i know!"
this is why me and nat are best friends.
"i gotta ask, is preston Italian?"
"so does he know what he's doing? you know what they say about Italian boys."
"yeah i do. and he's good, way too good, for what i got, and that's why i'm scared to hop in the sack with him. and the scary thing is i think i'm falling for him."
"whoa, dude that's scary big time." she said.
we were quiet.
"like i said, don't do anything your not ready to do. just cause you have a double life why does everyone think you've got a secret sex life. you don't have you?"
"get real natalie."
"just asking. i'm glad where friends."
"yeah, and you better start praying that your bestie makes it home in one piece, and i'm not talking about on the outside, i'm talkin' mentally."
"i've got my fingers crossed, over my heart as we speak. i wish i could give you a hug." "yeah me to."
i wiped the tear from my cheek.
"i really miss you."
"me too."
"ready?" rosalynn asked holding out her hand.
i took it and nodded. when we walked through the front doors of school i was expecting to have paper wads tossed at my head. that didn't happen. everyone clapped and cheered my name.
"i think that was so brave of you to wright that paper, ryan!" someone said.
"you go girl!" someone yelled.
"show tara who's boss!" someone yelled.
when we walked into the lunch room everyone fell silent. a kid gave me a poster and hurried away.
"really photo shop is this the best you got?" i asked, handing the poster to rosalynn.
"oh hey, you made my boobs bigger. sweet."
it was a picture of us at a sleepover but we where stripped of our clothes.
"time to fight fire with fire, the faramore way." i said.
that's where i'm from.
"tara, you gotta do better than this to faze us chick." rosalynn said, tossing the poster in the trash.
"what do we do?"
"we do this the faramore way." i said, with a smile.
i grabbed her hand and yanked her to my car. we drove to Hollywood and went shopping at stores like speed, wasteland, and shrine. when we walked into school the next day everyone started to whisper.
"you can do what you want. but you can't tear us down." i told tara.
"we'll see." she said.
"so we shall." rosalynn said, with a smile.
preston caught my arm.
"what's going on?" he asked, as he took in my new look.
"i'm tiered of fitting in this is who i really am."
he came close and i held my breath.
"give 'em hell." he said, bringing his mouth down on mine.
"good morning guys! homecoming is this weekend, so don't forget to get dates and outfits. be sure to vote for homecoming queen, and king. have a grate day." the loud speaker said. "that's it." i said, grabbing rosalynn's arm.
"we have to get new outfits." i said.
"yeah, i was looking on line and saw some cute ones dude. come to my house after school." she said.
"you can count on it." i said.
we kissed cheeks.
"i won't do that!" preston said.
he was standing with the guys.
"then we aren't friends." luke said.
"come on preston." bently said.
"your right we don't need this." preston said.
"hey what's going on?"
"well since your fighting with tara, luke said, for us to break up with you guys so we walked." bently said.
preston grabbed my hand and marched away with bently at my side.
"ohmigod. ry, this would look epic on you." rosalynn said.
"hey what about this one for you?" i offered.
"heck yeah!" rosalynn said, putting in our dress orders.
"you know tara isn't that good at this get-back-at-the-bitch-that-ruined-my-life-thing." rosalynn said, as we went over hair and make-up plans.
"i know right. how can she be the top chick in school and not even know how to back her shit up. see it's bitches like her that make this place shity, dude."
"yeah, no kidding. i mean she doesn't have a lot of dirt on us. we have way more dirt on her."
we both looked at each other.
"we shouldn't."
"but it would be so fun!" rosalynn said, shaking my shoulders.
"last resort stuff." i said.
she shrugged and when back to her ideas.
Chapter thirty-five.
once i was finished getting ready i looked at myself in the mirror.
"what's wrong?"
"maybe this whole get-back thing is a little kiddish. maybe we should just have fun tonight."
"i think your right ryan."
i pushed my way through the crowd, to preston and bently.
"hey." i said.
preston took one look at me and his face broke into a huge grin.
"your beautiful." he said, just so i could hear.
"thank you."
he put a flower thing on my left hand.
"hey guys, why don't you get us some punch." rosalynn said.
"i looked up to see tara making her way to us.
"yeah, i'm really thirsty." i said
"be back." preston said, kissing me.
"so your showing your face at the dance. we'll change that." tara said.
"why do you have to be such a bitch?" i asked.
"please gather around!" someone said.
"kiddish or not it is on like white on rice," rosalynn said.
i nodded.
"And the Homecoming King is.... luke!" the teacher said.
everyone clapped.
"and what's a king without a queen? the queen is.... ryan!" the teacher said.
"oh this is too perfect." rosalynn said.
"get your crown girl." she said.
tara stomped her foot. once the crown was on everyone made room for us to dance.
"this is just a dance." i said.
"nothing more." he said, as he twirled me around.
tara stood off to the side, arms crossed peeved.
"that should of been my crown. my life is ruined!" she said, pushing through the crowd. cammi and darrian gave me a thumbs up before running after tara.
"you do relize that she's trying to end my life right?" i asked, luke.
"yeah," he said. "and your okay with that?" i asked. "no." he said, dipping me, ending the conversation.
"dude, that was epic, she was so pissed." rosalynn said.
"yeah, i know right." i said.
"congrats." preston said, coming to my side.
"oh hey." i said, kissing him.
"excuse me miss rosalynn, can i steal your date for a dance?" he asked. "all yours." she said, throwing her hands up.
Chapter thirty-six.
"no!" cammi yelled, at lunch. me and rosalynn went over to them. "your a big bitch, and i'm sick of your shit!" darrian yelled. "you made cammi cry i'm so done with you. how about you tell luke huh?" darrrian said. i pushed through the crowd and pulled cammi into my arms. "she has done nothing but be there for you!" darrian said. "well are you going to tell luke?" tara demanded. "no, cause you are." she said. cammi sniffed, as rosalynn came over and rubbed her back. "what you did was so low, and you deserve to be an outcast." darrian said. "darrian, come on." i said. "yeah, you don't need her shit, dude." rosalynn said. darrian shook her head discusted, and followed us to the bathroom. i wetted a paper cloth and began to wipe cammi's face clean. "what happened babe?" rosalynn asked. "t-tara slept with my b-boyfriend." she said. "that little cunt!" rosalynn said, standing. darrian pushed her back down on the bench. "she said that, she wasn't the only one the screwed him, she said that ryan did to. you didn't do that though right." she said. "that's it!" i said, throwing the towel on the ground. "ryan." darrian said. "no darrian, that bitch is making my friend doubt my loyal-ness to her." i said. i pushed open the bathroom door. "what is your problem?" i demanded tara. i pulled back my arm for the first hit, when it was grabbed. "problem laydies?" a teacher asked. "nothing but a two faced, back stabbing whore, sir." i said. i took my bag from rosalynn and walked off. this time them hurring after me.
Chapter thirty-seven.
"i heard what happened." preston said, coming into my room.
"yeah, it's whatever though."
i rapped my arms around his neck, and he put his hands on my hips. we kissed. preston's hands slipped past my butt and to my legs where he grabbed them to pull me up. i rapped my legs around him and he pushed me against the wall. he set me down, and kissed, my neck jaw and chest. he stopped at my ear.
"i want you so bad it hurts." he said.
i pushed him away. i reached for his shirt and with every button i undid i kissed his chest. he took off my shirt, and we kissed. he reached for my pants.
"are you sure?" he asked.
"i want you." i said, pulling him to me.
he undid my pants. once in our underwear we fell into bed. i gave him a condom.
"this is going to hurt, i'm not going to lie. are you sure you want to do this?" he asked. i pulled off my underwear.
"just tell me when to stop if it's too much... i don't want to hurt you. ever." he said.
i felt a sharp pain and i took a deep breath.
"want me to stop?" he asked.
"No" i lied.
the pain faded and i moved with him.
"you know for a first timer, you sure know what your doing." he said.
"really?" i asked.
"yeah." he said.
he raised himself up his elbow and looked intently into my eyes.
"i love you." he said.
"i love you." i said.
he smiled and kissed me.
The next morning preston kissed me awake.
"can i ask you something?"
i nodded.
"what happened with tara made you pretty upset. was last night just to kind of i don't know some how get out your anger?"
"last night meant everything to me. i'm still thinking about it. i'll never forget it. it was special."
he smiled and kissed me.
"can i ask you something?"
i asked, as his lips traveled down my neck.
"do you still love me?" i asked, once i had my train of thought back.
his lips froze on my chest right above where i had the covers tucked under my arm pits.
in one swift movement we where face to face.
"i love you. i loved you from the minuet you trusted me in the news room. i'll always love you."
it sounded as if he said the last part to himself, which made me smile. there was a knock on the door and preston got off of me.
"shall i bring you some food?" jacob asked.
"no thanks, and hold my calls for today."
i pulled preston back to me.
oh gwad what was happening to me? rosalynns right, i am a horn dog, oh my gawd. tara had one thing right, i'm defiantly not knocking it. if i could have preston as my partner forever, i'd give anything.
after picking up the girls we went to shcool. i hate mondays.
"dude you brang pink cookies in a plastic bag to school?" rosalynn said.
"yeah," i said.
"let me have some." darrian said.
"don't crush them." i said, handing them over.
"you have ruined my life, i am sick and tired of you. your going to pay, you made luke break up with me.!" tara screamed at me.
i stood up, and rosalynn and the girls, stood next to me. sweet, i have back up!
"he might of broke up with ya cause your a bitch to everyone. if you tried to be nice, you'd get a nice, guy. my life has already been ruined once so one more time won't do any harm." i said.
tara looked at us all.
"ugh!" she yelled turning away.
"you crushed my pink cookies!" i said, pointing at darrians closed fist, where my plastic bag was.
"i'll get you more." darrian said.
"no those where pefect, now i'll never be the same." i said, pretending to faint into rosalynn.
"get up you dork," she said
i opened one eye, " i'm trying to mourn the lost of my pink cookies, you could at least hold me up for a second." my eye closed.
"oh no, she fainted cause of her cookies death!" rosalynn said.
"whatever shall we do!" cammi said.
all was quiet, and when i opened an eye, cammi held a water bottle over my head. i jumped out of the way.
"would you look at that, i guess she's done mourning!" darrian said.
"i gotta pee, rosalynn come with me." i said.
"i thought you had to pee." she said.
she looked closer at me.
"ohmigod, you did it with preston!"
" how do you know?"
"i just do."
"it hurt."
"first time does."
"it kinda hurt the second time to."
"you f-ing horn dog!" she said, smaking my arm.
"you are who your friends are."
we laughed.
"so are you worried about tara?" she teased.
"i'm shaking in my keds." i said.
the bell rang and we grabbed our stuff.durring all the classes tara gave us the evil eye. maybe she should try to be nice to people once in awhile
the sky was an over cast gray as i stood in the front hall of the collage. preston handed me my bag.
"see you soon." he said, kissing me.
i walked to my dorm.
i dropped my bags, and ran to her i rapped my legs around her and we fell on to her bed.
"guys!" rosalynn said.
we all alughed and hugged.
"this is my friend rebekka." rosalynn said.
"see!" natalie said, grabbing her rossery.
"the power of Christ repels you!" she said, shaking the rossey.
"that would work if i was evil, or perhaps a vampire." bekka said.
"oh." nat said, putting it down.
"this, is natalie and ryan." rosalynn said.
"this year is going to be epic. and no it's not cause i'm a vampire." bekka said, glancing at hopeful Natalie.
And so the year would be good i had my too best friends....
"hey nieghbors!" darrian said.
"did you miss us?" cammi said.
we all went into the hallway.
"shit!" we all said, as we saw tara making her way down the hall.
Ryan Price
Rosalynn Frost
natalie Hook
Darrain Reed
Cammi Marks
Tara Barton
Preston Brookes
Luke Jones
Bently krane
House and Stuff C=
(house, bedroom, foyer, pool spa dressing room, homecoming dress, piano room)
Publication Date: 07-06-2012
All Rights Reserved
sorry about the cover, i should of painted my nails, oh well. C=