


“Good morning Celia, how have you been?”

I eyed Dr. Cyril sharply. Don’t these people have anything better to do than to patronize me? This wasn’t a good morning, and she knew it.
“Cut the crap. I know why I’m here. You all think I’m crazy.”
She was shocked at how calm I was. She was probably expecting some basket case nut.

“Since you know why you’re here, we can get right to the point.”
“I’d like to think so.” I stifled a laugh. Nothing was funny.
“How do you feel now that everyone you hold dear to you is dead?” Her thin lips morphed into a smirk.

Who does this chick think she is? She’s literally said two sentences to me since we met and she already has something against me.

“Well, doctor”, I said through a less than genuine toothy smile, “How does it feel to be such a b-”
She cut me off with loud scribbling on her clipboard. I mentally rolled my eyes.
She looked back up at me with a smug look on her face.

I opened my mouth to give her a piece of my mind, but I stopped. I thought for a second, then came to the conclusion that people like this broad are the reason I am the way I am.

She picked up an apple that I hadn't realized was on her desk and took a very loud bite. I am beginning to see that everything she does is done unbelievably loudly. It's pretty annoying.

She pulled her blonde hair behind her ear and I couldn't help but do the same. She gave me a look; then looked down at her clipboard.

I could tell Dr. Cyril and I would be the best of enemies.

“So, tell me how it happened”, I ignored the urge to say how vague that question was, and started telling my story.


Publication Date: 04-24-2012

All Rights Reserved

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