
The day had started off normally. I took a shower, taking the time to actually condition my hair, then going to my closet picking out an over-size sweater and ripped jeans, then applying makeup to my eyelashes and lips. I quickly run a flat iron through my already straight hair and then run down the stairs to pull on a pair of tan knit boots. My mom’s car is gone, and so is whoever’s car that was here last night. I pull my cell off the charger before storming to the door to pull on a coat and to grab my purse and backpack off their hooks.
My 1997 Toyota Camry is parked at the end of the driveway. I pull the garage to the curb and then plow my way through the snowdrift back to my car. I pull out and speed down the street leaving swirls of white cotton candy puff dusting into the air as I go. I’m about a block away from school when my phone rings. I check the screen; Mom.
“Hello?” I ask into the receiver, but not really listening to her as I try to focus on driving.
“Aribelle, I’m gonna be late today, okay? I have a business meeting with a client.” She says thinking I’ll actually care. “Go to Yang’s and grab some takeout on your way home.”
I hang up and then go back to focusing on my driving. Things had turned to shit when I agreed to come here. I was so used to having Dad around when I got home. He would take night shifts just so he could make sure I got to school and back safely, and then Dozer, my old dog, and Charlene played body guard for me at night. But one day when I came home Dad had some rather ‘unfortunate’ news for me.
“Hey,” I had said as I put my bag on the lazy boy and pulled off my old black chuck’s. “Your Mother called me today.” I plunge down onto the sofa and turn the TV on. I’d heard this conversation before he even thought of bringing it up. I remember getting the visual of how Mom had persuaded him to give her ‘another chance’. “Interesting.” I say as Sweet 16 turns on MTV. He squats in front of me and looks me deep in the eye. “Ari,” He says. “Dad,” I say and I push his shoulder lightly. He takes my hand and flips it over in his hand, examining the ring he got me the day he got remarried to Charlene. ‘From now on we have a chance at being a family. This ring is my promise to you’ he had said. “She wants another chance, Ari. Why not give her one last shot?” He asks. I shake my head. “Nope.” I stand quickly and charge to my room before he can see the tears in my eyes and I feel the hopeless emotion of abandonment.
The school parking lot is scarcely filled. An old Buick, a new,shiny Ford, and a Cadillac take up the spaces nearest to me. I open the door and let my aggravation reach me. I see Fawn, my new found ‘friend’ standing next to the door. “Morning.” I say as a greeting. I walk past her and she follows me gliding at a steady pace. “Don’t act like this.” She pleads. I turn on her. “Act like what?” I snap. “All nonchalant, I need your help, you can see me, only you can see me.”
In case you haven’t gotten it, I received ‘special’ powers when I was five and a half. I could see dead people, and I can see what future events are going to happen to people close to me. I shake me head. “Fawn, I can’t help you okay? Get over it.” I step through her feeling the sadness that she experiences everyday. I falters me, but only for a moment. I continue on through the doors. She stands in my way about 20 feet ahead of me. “You can’t get rid of me till you help me!” She says the same pleading, sorry look on her face.
I step around her. “I can’t.” I walk to my locker on the third floor. I remembered when it wasn’t like this. When I was normal. I had a childhood where things were always my way. I was a Momma’s girl and Dad was wealthy. But when my neighbor, Mrs. Finch died, it changed everything.
I was almost 6 the day I found out that our next door neighbor and babysitter Mrs. Finch had passed away. I was playing up stairs when I heard her whisper my name. I offered her one of my Malibu Barbie’s. We played those a lot when I was a kid. Mrs. Finch shakes her head and smiles. Her blue-white hair has a translucent look giving it a glimmer. When I go to ask why, she cover her mouth with her index finger and gestures for me to follow behind her.
She leads me to her front door. I see her ‘Welcome’ sign on the door and then I look at her. “I don’t have the key.” I say. She nods and then a moment later the door silently and slowly opens for us. She leads the way. She holds my hand and leads me to her room. It looks plain and simple. With white walls, light pink bedding, and a vanity filled with fancy looking perfumes and jewelry cast about. She whispers something that’s near inaudible. “Close your eyes.” She whispers. “Is this a game?” I ask. She nods so I do as she says and close my eyes tight. I feel the air rush around my ears and my body weight drop so hard it knocks me to the ground with a brute force. By now I’m scared to open my eyes, but as I feel a gentle hand on my shoulder I open them. Mrs. Finch is bending over offering me a hand. I take it and stand up. We’re standing in her room again, but it’s different this time. It’s a mess. The bedding strew about on the floor, the jewelry spread across the vanity and perfumes bottles knocked over letting fluid pour onto the carpet. Mrs. Finch is leaning against her bed post, heaving and panting, she falls over and lands on her bad hip into the floor. I attempt to run and save her but I’m held back. I look over at Mrs. Finch standing next to me with a questioning look. She places her index finger over her lips again. I feel panicked but listen. She heaves and heaves, sweating and turning a purplish blue color.
Mr. Finch, Mrs. Finch’s husband, walks through us. Through us! As is we’re not even there. I become scared and huddle into Mrs. Finch’s side. Burying my face into her plush sweater. “Watch, Aribelle.” She whispers. I look at her face and it’s filled with such a confusing sadness that I wouldn’t yet understand until later. Mr. Finch bends over Mrs. Finch’s body. He skims his fingers over her forehead. She gazes up at him as she clutches her chest, her face filled with pain. He bends over and whispers something in her ear and then before I realize it, Mrs. Finch has just been killed.
When the air around me steadies, I look at Mrs. Finch. I look for answers, searching. “Look,” she says. On the spot where she had collapsed there was a speck of blood about the size of a quarter and in front of the vanity was a spot the smelled of Chanel No. 5. “Go," she says pushing me to the door and out of the house. I run back to my house and slam the door behind me running to my father’s home office. There I find my mom with glasses perched on the tip of her nose as she scrolls down a list on the computer monitor. “Mommy! Mommy, come here, come here!” I scream running over to her pulling at her jeans and her tank top.
“Aribelle, stop it.” She says lightly pushing me away. “Something’s wrong, It’s about Mrs. Finch. I think she’s dead!” I screech. Mom scrambles from her seat. She shakes my shoulders. “Ari don’t joke around. What happened?” She asks. I just gasp and then I collapse into her lap.
It had turned out that since Mrs. Finch had a lot more retirement money than she had ever dreamed coming her way, and Mr. Finch having an affair on her with his 30 something massage therapist, the money would come in handy later on. He put acid in her perfume bottle and when she inhaled to much of it, her brain completely stopped working and eventually killed her. The bloode had come from her nose from internal bleeding. I also remember the night that the cops had arrested Mr. Finch. She came to my window, a smile filled with satisfaction as she waved to me and whispered ‘Thank You, Aribelle’.
I stomped off to my first hour. I crashed onto my seat and pulled my IPod touch out and began playing with the apps and checking my facebook. I hadn’t noticed that Fawn had followed me in. “Please?” She whispered to me softly. I did my best to ignore her and went back to playing guitar hero. The door to the room opened and I looked up. It was Hunter, the kid that sat next to me. He walked over his hood still up and covered in snow flakes. He set his bag on the floor and slid into the desk besides me. I went back to my game and ignored Fawn as she moaned and shrieked.
“What are you playing?” Hunter was leaning over trying to look at the screen. I showed him and he nods. It’s silent for a few moments before he asks, “So where are you from?” I sit back. “San Antonio.” I say. He nods and then moves on. “What possessed you to move to Minnesota?” He asks. I turn to him. “My Mom lives here. My Dad pushed me to move here because she was lonely.” He stares at me for a moment. “You’re gonna lose your game.” He says and I realize I hadn’t put the game on pause. I turn it off and shove it back into my bag. “My name’s Hunter. Your’s is Aribelle right?” He says. He holds his hand out but I ignore it and mumble something that sounds like ‘nice to meet you’. I turn and look at the room and students have already started filing in. Joel, our teacher walks in. He wanted us to call him Joel because he’s only about 4 years older than us and looks like he could be a student here. That and being called Mister makes him feel old.
The day dragged on class after class. When the last bell rang I was out the door. I walked fast to my car hoping that maybe I could avoid Fawn before she could annoy me about ‘saving her’ again. I know that If I kept talking to thin air I wouldn’t get too many friends. I notice that the Ford I had spotted earlier had belonged to Hunter. It was a sleek Ford Focus with tinted windows. He walked to the passenger side, throwing his back pack in. He looked up, meeting my gaze. “Hey.” He says with a smile. I nod back at him. “Something wrong?” He asks, his brow furrowing. “No, I just never realized that this was your car.” I say. I thought for sure I would’ve seen him walking to the car to, but I can’t remember getting any visual.
“Okay, well have a safe ride home.” He smiles and walk to the driver side. Our shoulders brush as he climbs in. “Hey,” I say as he climbs in. He turns and looks at me, waiting expectantly. “Nothing, never mind.” I say turning on my heels and walking to my car. I climb in and push my bags onto the seat next to. I think hard. I remember what Mara had told me. “There are those like us, those who have special abilities that they cloak. You will know what they are because they can block all of your psychic senses.” I turn to look at Hunter but the car is gone and once again, I’m alone.
Chapter 2
Yang’s is running fast today. It’s Friday and all the families are in ordering takeout. I wait for about 20 minutes before getting my rice, chicken, and egg rolls. The ride home, my phone won’t stop buzzing. When I pull into the drive I finally give in and answer. “Hello?” I say not hiding my irritation. “Aribelle?” My Dad’s familiar voice comes in from the other line. “Dad, I just got home, sorry I didn’t answer before when you kept calling. I was driving.” Silence. “What are you talking about kiddo? I just called to see how things were going with you Mom. This is the 1st time I’ve called you all day.” And that’s when I realize I hadn’t even seen him calling. I make up an excuse to hang up then go into the house.
As soon as I’m in the house I run to my room and change into sweats and a tank top. I figure I might as well be comfortable when I make the call. I plop down on the couch with a box of takeout in one hand and my cell phone in the other. I dial in her number. She picks up on the first ring. “Nice to hear from you, Aribelle. What’s wrong?” Mara was my psychic mentor back in San Antonio. She was born with the natural abilities when she had a near death experience at birth. “Mara, I have something interesting to tell you.” I say. I fill her in on this kid Hunter and then fill her in on Fawn.
“Well, you were bound to meet another psychic, I mean it’s a completely different state with people with completely different abilities.” I hear her sigh on the other line. “Be careful though. Do you know his abilities?” I try to think. “No I don’t.” A sudden visual comes to my head. I see her rummaging through her books, finding a specific one, and flipping to a page. “You think the answer is in a book?” I ask. Mara laughs, “Of course you would see that.” I hear rummaging then dropping something heavy on her coffee table. The sound of flipping pages and silent reading come from the other line. “All psychics are drawn to the souls of the dead. Have you gone to any graves yet?” Mara asks. I remember when I was around the age of 13; going to bed then waking up in a graveyard or near a morgue. “Nope. Like I said there’s only one ghost that’s tried calling to me.”
“Well, my only advice is to go and check out some cemeteries. See if your friend is in one of them.” Then silence. “Aribelle?” She asks. “Yeah?” I hate when she gets like this. She knows something is going to happen she knows it but won’t tell me. “Not all psychics are good, so be careful, okay?” I hang up and then go back to eating. A loud hiss comes from behind me. Then the lights go out in a bright blast as they all explode. The doors fly open and close, wind appears from every angle whipping my hair in my face. I stand up knocking the takeout out of my hands. I turn. In the door way there’s a shadow. It’s shaped like a girl with long hair. Her heads whips up. Fawn. Her eyes are covered in a milky white film and she’s turned an unhealthy gray color. A hiss escapes from her lips. Her eyes snap to me and in a breath I’m face to face with an entity.
After I helped Mrs. Finch I had sworn off helping all other ghosts. It was not only terrifying to relive their stories but to deal with the psychos behind their murders. So yes, I had dealt with my fair share of angry ones, but it didn’t mean it was any less terrifying to see them. I stumbled back against the wind and fell onto the couch. She was in my face her eyes looking into mine. “I couldn’t find it.” She whispered. “I couldn’t find my way!” She shrieked. I close my eyes willing her away and when I open them, things are back to normal.
Mom never came home, and if she did, it was only to shower. It’s Saturday and I have nothing to do. I clean the kitchen, the bathroom, my bedroom, and then the living room. After all that I shower and spend extra time on my hair and makeup. Now I’m all dolled up, bored and with no place to go. I fumble with the remote and then give up. I change and then I dart out the door going to go and find some trouble to get into.
Some trouble, I end up at the library. The library. Yeah look at me, I’m a real badass. I pick out an interesting looking book and plop onto the couch they have in the young adults section. I hadn’t realized it but I had drifted off. I wake up to someone tapping my shoulder. “Hello? Earth to Aribelle?” Hunter leans over hovering, his long hair scraping my forehead. I snap up on reflex and smash my face into his head. “Ow.” I mumble. “Are you okay?” I look up. I see a large red mark forming in the shape of my face on his forehead. “Sorry.” I say springing up from the couch and scrambling for my jacket and bag. He hands me my belongings. “Any reason in particular you were sleeping in the library?” I feel myself blush. “I had an unexpected visitor over last night. It scared me awake.”
He nods. Are you okay? Are you seriously telling him what happened with the ghost? I turn on my heels and bullet out of the library. But apparently, Hunter walks fast. “Are you hungry? Want to get something to eat with me?” He asks. I stop short. “I’m guessing you’re a nice guy and all Hunter but space for me right now is what I needed.” I walk away and hop into my car driving out of the parking lot in a haste to escape. When I get home, I find Mara sitting on my steps.
“Hi.” I say storming past her. “This boy, is he harassing you?” She asks following me into the house. I drop my bag and go to my room and change into flannel pajama pants and a t-shirt. “Something about him isn’t right. He really sets me on edge.” I say as I crash onto the couch. Mara takes the seat in the love seat opposite me, he short hair is pulled back and she‘s wearing her glasses, completely ready for work. “Have you told your Mom?” I laugh. “As if. She’s never home enough for me to get more the 3 words out.” I mumble. I cover my face with the afghan sitting on the back of the couch. “Should we try and see if he’s really a threat to you?” Mara asks. She brings her feet up into a pretzel style and looks at me expectantly. “Sure.” I say, “Why not?”
Chapter 3
Mara pulls out a red, black, and silver candle and places them on the table. I lift one. “You got scented this time?” I ask. “It doesn’t matter as long as we have candles. It has to be a calming environment.” Mara lights each one and then turns the light off in the corner. “Ready?” She ask holding her palms out to me. I place mine hands in hers. “Close your eyes.” I do as she says. She brings us back to our place of peace. Where it’s quiet. Mom’s not there to ruin everything. Dad still wanted me around. And I have the ability to hide my powers and feel normal. We walk towards our place in the circle. I look down. It’s like hovering over an ocean of lights. “Ask your question, Ari.” She wills me down into the light. I look around an I’m enveloped in the luminous aura. I imagine the question in my mind. “Is he a threat to me?” I ask. The aura get cloudy and clear. I pulls me back to the surface. I find that Mara has brought a door back to reality.
“What was the answer?” She asks. I shrug. “It got really cloudy and then it got really clear. What does that mean?” I ask. But before she can answer I hear another voice. “What the hell is she doing in my house?!” I turn to see Mom in the doorway her coat still on and bag of takeout in her hand. “Mom, wait-” But before I can continue, Mara is up and facing Mom. “I came to visit Aribelle, Karen.” I shake my head. Mara has put a hex on my mouth leaving me speechless and unable to defend her. “What makes you think you’re aloud in this house is beyond me, but to even assort with Ari is unthinkable.” I try to stand but my hands are held down with an undeniable force. Pinning my arms at my sides and my ass to the couch. “Don’t worry, Karen. I was just leaving.” Mom snorts. “Damn right you are. Stay away from my kid!” I break the hex with such and force and stand. “Shut, just shut up okay? She was helping me when you couldn’t. Shut up!” I feel the blood rush to my face. “I called her. Leave her alone. She understands!” I scream at her.
I storm up the stairs, to my room, and slam the door. 30 seconds later a hear a car pull out of the driveway. Mara’s voice enters my head. “You’ll be okay. She’s just worried is all. You’re not alone Ari. I’ll be back later to help you.” I laid down on my bed to cry. I hated my Mother, but mostly, I hated myself for letting our lives slip like this.
I was 7 when my Mom made me start seeing Mara. Mara was my therapist once I told my Mother I could see the dead and the future, she said it was time I see someone. At first I hated Mara. I didn’t like how she could trick me into telling her everything with her damn reverse psychology. But one day a ghost named Danny had followed me into the offices. I sat down at the chair like always and pouted. I was mad at my Mom for making me come to see Mara again. Mara smiled. Danny hid behind my hair and waved. It shocked me when she waved back. “Mara, do you see him?” I asked as Danny came out. “What’s your name?” Mara asked. “Danny.” He whispered. Mara talked to Danny about how he found me and how he had died.
“I couldn’t figure out where to go.” Danny had said sniffling. Mara smiled. “Danny, You should say good bye to you parents.” Mara said. “They won’t see me.” Mara shrugged. “Maybe they don’t need to in order to know you’re there.” Danny sniffled again, waved bye to me and Mara and then disappeared. “Do you see ghosts often, Ari?” I nodded. “I didn’t know you could see them.” I stared at Mara hoping she would tell me how. “I’ll explain.” She said as id she read my mind. “I did.” Mara said with a sly smile. I sat through an hour of Mara explaining what happens when we make a strong contact with ghosts. “Some people like me, are born with the ability. Others get it from being so close to death and then finding a way back to the living.” She looked at me. “Aribelle, have you had any near-death experiences?” I shook my head.
Mara had looked at me with a hard expression.” Then she went on to explain some of the other details in being a psychic. “Psychics have all sorts of abilities from manipulation, to seeing and hearing others personal thoughts, even inflicting pain.” It had caught my attention. “There are others?” I asked. She nodded. “But, caution, not all of them are nice.” Mara told me her ability was to enter other’s thoughts and anticipate what they are thinking, she could also manipulate their movements. “Yours are quite interesting.” She had said. “You can see the future but I think there is more behind it.” But when I went to ask what she meant she changed the subject. “Though we all have our different ‘strengths’ , we can all see the dead, maybe this is because we also have a close relation with it ourselves.” At the time I hadn’t really understood what she meant by it.
Chapter 4
The next day at school, Hunter’s desk sat wide and empty. Joel entered the room. “Okay, paired study, Montresor and Fortunato. Compare and contrast on their personalities and lifestyles. You can chose who to work with as long as you’re actually working. Twenty Minutes, go.” Me being a new student, the partners paired up pretty fast. Just as I was about to give up hope and work alone, a petite girl with short black hair and brown eyes waltzed up to my desk. “Partners?” She asked. I shrugged. “Sure.” She took a seat at Hunter’s desk. “My name’s Naomi, your’s?” She asked. “Aribelle. When she smiled, I noticed 2 dimples on her face. “Sorry to say this, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen you in class. She smiled wider. “I transferred from advanced.”
Though her story seemed a bit sketchy she pretty much said it was too challenging for her. But from what I saw she was brilliant. We finished the assignment in record time and even had time to talk. “So, why did you move to Minnesota?” She had asked. I shrugged as reply. “I don’t know. My Mom lives here. My Dad convinced me to move here to get to know her better.” She smiled. That’s cool. So do you have any siblings?” She asked. I shook my head. We talked about bands, clothes, even boys. “That Hunter boy I think he likes you.” I gagged. She giggles. “Hunter’s cute but not my type at all.” She shrugged. “Well he seems to think you’re his type.” I shuddered at the thought of even touching Hunter much less dating him.
After class I dispersed and headed straight for my locker at the end of the hall. When I got there and finally had everything I needed, Naomi popped up. “What’s your cell number?” She asked. She held out her phone. I sighed, took it and dialed in my phone number. She smiled, and then to my surprise she hugged me and that’s when I saw it. A bone chilling terrifying image. Something that was uncontrollable. I saw Naomi die.
“Are you sure?” Mara asked over the phone. I sat on my bed huddled under piles of warm soft blankets, hoping to calm down a little. “What did you see? Explain in full detail.” I shuddered and then went on to tell her what I saw the moment Naomi touched my skin. “It’ll be dark when it happens. Somewhere rural. It’s on a bridge. I can’t tell if it’s a lake or river. But it’s snowing. She driving. Something jumps in front of her car. It’s not an animal, but not human either, it’s too quick. She skids and the crashes over the railings into the water, she cramps up from the cold and drowns.” I hear Mara assessing everything. “This doesn’t add up though. It’s almost spring. It’s not supposed to snow after tonight. Is your friend out tonight?” I sigh. “No, I was just texting her. She’s sick and is bedridden.” I could almost see Mara nodding. “Good, that’s better for both of you.”
“Well what should I do about it?” Mara was quiet. “We can’t interfere with natural causes. You know that.” I was filled with such disappointment that soon turned to anger. “She doesn’t die accidentally. She was killed.” I hiss. Mara shoots back fast, “No, it may not be accident, but it wasn’t intended for her to be saved by you.” I think about it, but hold my ground. “No, I can’t accept that.” Mara snaps at me. “If you were supposed to save her, you would have seen it.” I hang up. I sit and fume for a little bit and then I stomp down the stairs. Mom is crashed out on the couch. A bottle of wine and two glasses are on the coffee table. I went over and picked the bottle. I took a quick swig and then picked up the glasses. I turned and before I could process what was going to happen next, I was out.
Chapter 5
I sat up with a jolt so fast it sent me back landing on the pillow. I looked around. My room. I looked down. My clothes were the same as I could remember and I felt my head. It ha a giant bump on the right side. “Ouch.” I mumbled. I sat up, slowly this time. Mom popped into my head just then. Before I knew it I was up running to her room. I looked around frantically only to find a neat, empty bed. I was down the stairs just as fast. Mom laid on the couch, not moving. I walked slowly towards her and then as I reached out to touch her face. She rolled onto her side and let out a loud grunt. I almost sighed relief. “Scared much?” I turned. Hunter sat on a chair at the counter in my kitchen, smirking his little face off.
“What did you do?” I growled. “Don’t misunderstand. I didn’t do that to her.” He gestured to something in the corner and there, laying on the linoleum floor, was Naomi, covered in blood. I scrambled over. “What’s wrong with her?” I asked. Hunter shrugged. “She had a near death experience, what do you expect?” I felt her pulse, she was still alive and breathing. “Explain to me what the hell is going on?” I screamed at him. When I looked up he was hovering over my head. His eyes glowed red in the light of the lamp. “You want to know?” He whispered to me. I nodded too scared to speak. “Come then.”
The woods were packed full of creepy dark looking figures. Naomi hung over Hunter’s shoulder, limp. We finally reached a cave. “Go in.” He nodded towards the black hole. I shook my head. He cocked his eyebrow and then walked in leaving me behind in the creepy forest of death, by myself. I turned fast and sprinted into the cave. I stumbled by. “Hunter? Hunter, you ass where are you?” I screamed. Something yanked my arm. I let out a loud yelp. “Shh!” Hunter shushes me and then pulls me along. “Where Naomi?” I screech at him. He chuckles. “Follow me and see?” He finally yanked me up and threw me over his shoulder. “I can walk.” I mumble. “You’re slowing us down. We need to hurry.” Finally I could feel that we stopped moving. “Hunter, where are we?” I asked. “Shh.” He whispered. He pushed a door open and then for the first time ever, it became clear.
Chapter 6
The cave was carved out into the shape of a loft with a tall upper balcony cover with a floor to ceiling wall of books. The cracks dripped with lit candles and their wax making eerie shadows seep across the carpeted cement floor. A large entertainment system was set up in the corner with a love seat and couch set. In the corner was Pac-Man and ping-ball machines. As I looked closer at the large cracks, I realized they were hallways. Hunter turned and kneeled down into the narrow passage. We entered into an electric lamp lit room that served as some sort of office. It was decked out with another equally sweet entertainment system hooked up to a 360 and Wii. A handsome man laid sprawled across the couch with a controller in his hand, completely focused on the screen. “Charles.” Hunter said. ‘Charles’ looked up and left the couch without pausing the game. “Who is this?” He asked.
“Aribelle. Remember?” Hunter said replacing Charles at the gaming station. As my eyes swept the room I saw a crumpled figure in the corner and realized that it was Naomi. She sat with her head in her lap breathing heavily. I rushed over but she shoved my hands down at my sides. “Wait,” She said. She looked up her face looking rosy with color. “Let me catch myself.” I felt so confused. “What the hell?” I gasped. “I thought you were dying. And here it looks like you just got done running the mile?” My voice cracked at the last part coming across as a question, not quite sure what it meant. She giggled. “I’m fine Ari. See? All in one piece?” I glared at Hunter who didn’t even pay attention as he played his stupid game. “Explain to me what is going on. Now.” Charles held out his hand. “Come with me.”
Charles led me down a thin corridor to a hidden balcony. It over looked a lake surrounded by pines. “What is this place exactly? Wt is it that you do here?” Charles motioned for me to sit at a patio set towards the balcony railing. It was supplied with 3 Vitamin Waters and a stack of manila envelopes. I took a seat and eyed an acai and blueberry water. “It’s safe to drink, hasn’t been opened yet.” I cracked it open and began to guzzle it. “Ready?” I nodded. “Okay. You’re Aribelle Adorável. You were born with the umbilical cord around your neck suffocating you. It took a little over 3 minutes to resuscitate you back to consciousness. They were about to claim that you were dead when you mysteriously began to scream and began breathing on your own. You were born 1993 in February on the 7th. All of this correct?” I shook my head. “My mom said the birthing process was fine. Plus she said it was a natural birth, and at home birth. I had pictures shown to me when I was thirteen. I know.”
“That can’t be correct, I was there when you were born. I helped deliver you.” I squinted. “But that just can’t be possible. That would make you almost twice my age if not more. You look like what, 4 years older than me tops?” He laughed and sat on the railing his bare feet dangling and the light from the moon hitting his cheek bones at just the right angle to make him look like an Abercrombie model. Then in one swift movement he sent himself hurdling over the railing and plummeting down towards the sharp rock on the sides of the lake.
~Okay its been updated some but not alot more will be on the way for those that are reading


Publication Date: 12-10-2009

All Rights Reserved

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