I am Evangeline. I am the Morning Star. I am the last thing those Monsters see at the end of their murderous life.
As I walked down the alleyway, gun in hand tightly and knife slipped into my tall white boot, everything white, including the gun. It stunned them for a couple of seconds at my brightness, I was the first to figure out that white was there natural enemy, the opposite of black, of monsters.
I heard rustling and in a flash, my gun with my trigger-ready finger was pointing that way where a light brown kitten bounced out of the garbage, it's pelt dirty and a banana peel looking silly on it's head. I sighed at the little thing, it's green eyes gazed at me as my dark brown ones stared right back.
"You are not a kitten," I said in a soothing voice, "You are a shifter, a male to be exact, yet you hoped to startle me and catch me off guard, and it didn't work, so you now hope to run away, but we all know that won't happen,"
"You are right, Morning Star, please have mercy, my children need food," A deep voice said, the kitten to be exact as it grew into a handsome male, but it meant nothing to me, I cared none for monsters, but the Shifter had struck a nerve when he mentioned children.
"Run before my ounce of mercy runs out before your life," I said quietly, raising my gun and pointing it at his heart, the only place you could kill a monster.
"Thank you, Morning Star, thank you, god bless you," The shifter sputtered out before turning and shifting to a cheetah, it streaked away and jumped over a fence, gone from sight and I relaxed a little.
(The Shifter)
I had never known the Morning Star had mercy, we had all heard of him, yet they told stories of his girly features, but he had wore a brilliant white strapless dress when I saw him, definitely not a male, female, the Morning Star was a female, who killed millions of us and others.
I ran faster before shifting back to my human form and flinging the door of my house open, I am forty years old in human years and I had just run about ten miles. I closed the door and fell down on the couch, my breathing labored as my children and wife came around, two teens and one set of triplets, all girls except for one boy, the teen, almost twenty.
"What happened?" My wife Mariana asked, sitting perched on the edge of the couch, frowning at me, she had disapproved of going out to look for food at night.
"H-She has mercy..." I mumbled, my triplets were sitting by my legs all in a row, all tiny and four years old.
"Who's she?" My teen Coraline asked, sitting cross legged on the ground in front of my face, but a foot and a half back.
"Morning Star," I forced out and I heard my son growl and I sighed "No, you shouldn't go after her, you'll end up dead,"
"To bad, she deserves to die now," Mason, my only son snarled but I wobbled my head side to side, shaking it as best I could in my tired, aching body.
"No, she let me go, she had mercy, she let me leave," I mumbled, closing my eyes.
"She? I thought the Morning Star was a male, he can't be a female," Mariana said, we had all heard that it was a he, not a she.
"Tell that to her long braided hair and white strapless dress, she may kill you for it," I whispered, my eyes closing as I began to fall asleep.
"Oh I will," I heard Mason say and a door open and close before I was completely under.
Morning Star
I sighed, I hated monsters, but I loved children, he had hurt my heart thinking about the children who would go hungry without him. I hated myself for loving all children, even monster children, it made my job harder. I sighed, twirling around in my dress, I was only eighteen, yet I had been a hunter for two years.
I walked, my footsteps silent from the amount of work someone had put into them, they had leather flowers on them and brown string lines working there way up and down in twirls. my dress was plane and white, it was strapless and the skirt was puffed out at her waist a little and it ended just above my knees, it had a heart top on my front and her boots ended a couple of inches under he knees, they had one inch heels on the heel only.
I slowed my swift walk when I heard a rustling and a thousand watt smile brushed across my lips, showing my shiny white teeth as I turned around, I undid my hair so it fell down in waves from the braid as I waited for whoever it was to come out into the open, the star in my hair stayed in, just hanging down in my hair.
"Hello, come for revenge?" I said in a velvety tone, seeing a man step out and I sighed, he looked just like the other shifter but younger, and he had blonde hair instead of brown, "You must be the child, or one of the children,"
"Revenge, yeah, I guess so you asshole," He said and in a blur, he shoved me against the alley-wall and I still smiled, ignoring the pain from the wall slamming against my back.
"Oh please, I have been wishing I was dead for some time now, all I can do is save the humans, nothing else, I am a useless being, a asshole as you described," I said, looking up at his frowning face as I raised my arms and pushed him away from me, avoiding touching his skin because it made me feel weird to touch monster's skin. I walked around him, observing him as he stood there, turning his head towards where I went, "You look much like your father, a grandparent must have been tall, your mother's blonde probably, your father' green eyes, excellent build, it would be a shame to destroy you,"
"Your not the Morning Star, don't even talk like that," He said and I glared at him, stopping in front of him.
"The Morning Star, Evangeline, not Lucifer, Evangeline you stupid being," I said through clenched teeth, I hated it when people thought I was Lucifer instead of me being a girl. I shoved him back and pulled my knife out of my boot, holding it to his neck, "You shouldn't have called me that," I said threateningly, but I moved it, putting it away and stepping back, pacing around as I watched my white boots.
"Aren't you supposed to kill me now?" He asked and I let out a bell-like laugh, my first time laughing in years.
"Nope, it's amusing to talk to you, why would I kill that?" I said softly then my voice got stronger "But truthfully, I have bid mercy on your father, and his relatives now have mercy from me, so I can't kill you, only torture you until you beg for death, just kidding, I hate torture," I smiled my thousand watt smile at his confused face.
"What's that supposed to mean?" He asked, crossing his arms across his chest and his muscles becoming tense.
"It means I have now confused you, now would be the perfect time to attack, yet I don't feel like killing, it hurts my head when I pull the trigger, I lost my head phones ages ago, well, actually two months, but hey, I'm not that old," I said, standing still across the alley from him and he glared daggers a me, which I deflected with my million watt smile and glowing brown eyes, a shade lighter than usual.
"You asshole, you're trying to confuse me!" He yelled, obviously mad and I was pushed against the wall.
"Maybe, what's your name? I have already told you mine, though you already knew my nickname, my full name is Evangeline Mae, but I won't tell you my last name, it is annoying and I hate being compared to them, it hurts to even think of them," I said and a hand clamped over my mouth, making me stop from continuing to talk.
"Mason, now shut up Morning Star, your tongue will not confuse me," He said and I gazed up at his deep green eyes, I found myself getting lost in them until I finally surface and I smiled against his hand. I carefully lifted my hand, bending my elbow to take his hand off, carefully.
"It has been nice meeting you, Sir Mason, but it seems my morning is coming and my stomach is hungry," I said and patted my flat stomach where my ribs were showing slightly, I hadn't eaten in days. I pushed him back gently, moving his hands from holding me against the wall and kissed his cheek "Goodbye," before turning away from his shocked and choked up expression and running out of the alleyway.
First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, and then you win
I smiled to myself as I stretched and stood after sleeping for about eleven hours, perfect time to get ready for another day of hunting down those hideous beings. But my thoughts drifted to Mason for some reason, it annoyed me, I had had a great laugh once I had reached home about his expression on his face when I kissed his cheek, but that was it, I fell asleep on my small bed, in the small one story room atop a giant hotel, I felt safer the higher I rose from the ground, the closer I came to the stars, especially in the morning.
I felt revitalized as I walked over to one of my long suitcase and opened it, it held three gown-like dresses, I chose the hot red one this time, it held on to my body and had spaghetti straps like this:(Author: I don't usually use pictures but I can't describe the dress)
I laid the dress out on the bed and stripped off my night gown, tossing it next to the dress. I took a quick shower in the small bathroom, using my luxury soap I had bought from a trip home a year ago, and stepped out, drying my hair and body on a towel, smelling of strawberries.
I slipped on the dress and brushed my hair before braiding it loosely over my shoulder and putting on the star slip to hold a strand back. I smiled at my appearance, I looked nice, but nothing like other girls. I hid two small knives in my bra and a small hand gun in a strap of a fold in the dress. I grabbed my sniper rifle and worked my way out onto the balcony where I sat it up on a rail, hidden under a table of course, the human civilians would think I was a terrorist if they saw it, which I most certainly was not.
I left the gun there for night and stepped away, walking inside and out of the room, locking it behind me and dropping the key into my bra with the knives for safe keeping.
I walked down the stairs instead of taking the elevator, I had never trusted mechanical things formed by humans who had no idea what was going on around them. I reached the bottom in a record fifteen minutes from the twenty-six story building, I smiled at the people who looked at me like I was weird, and I suppose I was in there standards. Being The Morning Star, my skin had a shine to it that no others had when it was in the sunlight, but I never cared, my mother had the same skin in the evening, the Evening Star, Mary.
I stretched my arms when I was in the sun, my skin glowing like usual as men looked me over, my slim frame and hidden ribs under the dress, yet they had no idea what they were in for if they touched me.
Slowly, I made my way to a alley and smiled when I saw three monsters surrounding a trashcan and using it as a table.
"Good morning boys, how's it going?" I said casually, grinning when they didn't know who I was and they just glanced at me.
"Good," One grunted then the second looked up, he had brown hair and the palest skin I had ever seen, a vampire in cahoots with a werewolf, the third one. The first looked like a Loggerhead-monster, but I couldn't be sure until I saw it's blue blood.
"Who're you?" The vampire asked in a Irish accent.
"You're worst nightmare," I said in a velvet, dangerous tone and the werewolf looked at me with a raised eyebrow.
"We never have nightmares, but you will if you live through this," The Were said and I giggled as he lunged and I stepped aside, letting him fly by and hit a wall, smiling my million watt smile at the vampire and loggerhead who looked shocked.
"Who're you?" The vamp asked again and I smiled wider.
"The Morning Star, you bloodsucking demon, don't you see my skin glow? It is more brilliant than yours in the sunlight, of course if you don't turn to dust first," I said and the two started laughing and I giggled to.
"Prove it, the Morning Star is in Hell, Lucifer had been there forever, and he is male," The werewolf said, staggering over and holding his head which now had a bump that was healing.
"How dare you think I was him?!" I screamed angrily, a wild glow in my eyes, I was sick of people thinking I was Lucifer, I am obviously female, "You murderous demon! You will pay for your words!" I screeched, a shine coming from my hands as I drew out my knife from my bra and lunged at him, leaving him startled after I sunk the blade into his chest, straight to his heart and jumped back, pulling out. I lunged at the loggerhead who had morphed into his form, a hammer like head with big fists and green skin. I sunk the blade into his heart like the werewolf and jumped back, turning towards the vampire, dropping the knife and pulling out the gun, his skin was to tough to kill him with a knife.
"I thank you, that loggerhead forced me to come here, and no I am not a bloodsucking demon, I have a friend provide me with blood taken from humans at a hospital, or I drink animals," The vampire said as I slowly approach him and pressed the gun tip to his chest, right in front of his heart that only beat faintly, he must have been born that way instead of bit.
"Why should I believe you? You're obviously a vampire, and I kill your kind," I said and he held up his hands in surrender.
"I didn't kill anyone! I haven't ever, unless those animals count, I could be killing humans," He insisted but I didn't believe him one bit.
"Those you're last words?" I asked and he sighed then nodded and I began to pull the trigger, as it was about to click, someone knocked me over and I landed on my side, the gun going flying and I took in a quick breath when footsteps started towards me, I hadn't listened to anyone coming, I was a idiot not to, I had failed for the first time ever. I closed my eyes and mumbled "Please kill me quick,"
I heard laughing and stiffened as I felt pain in my head finally, I had hit a rock in the alley with my head and it hurt like Hell. "I'm not going to kill you," a male voice said but it did nothing to help the pain as it got the better of me and I blacked out, and for the first time, I was scared of the blackness that enveloped me.
Waking up, I opened my eyes and heard a voice.
"M'Lady, you have awoken, my apologies for missing your moment, pain can be a terrible thing in the moments where it is strongest, you could not have held out longer, though none would be alive from a blow like that, M'Lady," Shadow, my mother's minion said, bowing to me from where I found I lay on a pillow soft bed and I sat up, ignoring the spinning in my head as I looked at the short black skinned demon that had been born Good instead of Bad.
"Ah, Yes, I took quite a hit to the head, did I not?" I said and he nodded, probably glad I was in a good mood instead of threatening to kill him.
"M'Lady, a monster has been walking around our building quite some time, he seems to be a shifter and looks oddly young for a killer, not that your to young-" He squeaked, seeming stressed and he melted into the air, probably returning to my mother so she could soothe him- soft heartened fool she is.
"Ah, come in Mason, even my dreams knew you would come," I called and the door burst open and in flew a gigantic wolf, landing right on me.
(A/N; Cliff hanger! Not...)
~~Mason's POV
I fled down the street once she left, my skin boiling from her very touch- my nose from her very vanilla smell. Shifting to my Lecosbeon- a old mythical cat that had a large amount of stamina and speed with a glossy green fur and usually bright orange markings, pointed hears and long legs with a muscular build and mainly male.
I sped towards home, launching myself over houses before I fell down the chimney, shifting to a bat before back to human when I rolled out, barely clean of soot from my untidy landings.
"Mason! What is the meaning of that entrance?!" My mother demanded, dusting me off as she cleaned my mess I made.
"I found my Soulmate," I said, immediately regretting it when her eyes widened and she snatched my arm, yanking me to my feet.
"I must meet her! I need grandchildren! SOON!" She demanded, stomping her foot.
"Don't you want to know who she is?" I grumbled, launching myself onto the empty couch as my sibling gathered around me- Coraline, my mother, my father, and the triplets; Maya(long brown ringlets that ended near her knees, green eyes) Maria(Short blonde bob that curled around her jaw, green eyes) Madeline(stick straight red hair that ended at where her hips would be, green eyes). The only difference between them was their hair, which was natural, their eyes were uncannily exactly the same and they were the exact same height and weight.
"Bwoder, tew me!" Maddy shrieked, flinging herself at me and poking my cheek in annoyance as she moved her hands around my face, trying to pry her way into my mind which I had thoroughly protected from her prying mind- she was a mind reader/shifter, but she could only read your memories if she touched you.
"NO! I wan find owt!" Maria shrieked and jumped at me, poking my face as she shuffled through my brain, pulling at my fibers and trying to force me into speaking, she was a Manipulator/Shifter, she forced people into doing things, she just liked poking my face.
"Hush!" Maya shrieked and both froze, giving me sheepish little smiles as they retracted their hands and Maya crawled onto me, loading me up with about sixty pounds from all of them, maybe seventy. She traced her hand along my jaw bone, plucking a hair from my slight stubble with nimble fingers and pulling a swab across my cheek that was slightly red form the peck Evangeline had given me.
Did I mention Maya was a Witch/Shifter. Yeah, if anyone could find something out, it was her. She jumped from me and ran to the laboratory she called her bedroom and her other sibling followed, with Caroline holding the other parts of the trio on her hips as my parents followed, with me last.
When we arrived, she was casting spells into a cauldron and muttering words under her breath that none of us could understand for it was witch talk- you could not learn it, only be born with it.
"I know who," She murmured, peering inside the boiling chemicals as a light cast onto the room and she quickly poured in a white potion and the cauldron returned to a toy size, empty of it's contents and she placed it on her table, turning to me.
"I see a great love in your future, a shining one to be exact, and no betrayal, you have done good brother, better than before, better than a devil, better than Maria will do if she keeps poking faces for fun." I heard a puff of small breath as Maria glared at her beloved two minutes older sister.
"Maya, do you continue to speak?" I asked, bowing slightly to the witch that had glowed slightly in her eyes- a bright orange. Each witch had a similar one inside of them, much like a werewolf but theirs aged with them over the years they lived, they did not offer advice, only condolence and a savior from loneliness.
"A ache will be formed over the next hour, prepare yourself, aide her, find her, before anyone else- sides demon, you will be her everything, for she has nothing, you will have many years with her, or none, whichever route you take, yet careful choices loom ahead, and ones parents are not always nice," With that, she dropped towards the floor, but Maddy and Maria had shot out to her in milliseconds like usual and hefted her onto their shared bed, pressing a button on a panel beside it and their room shifted back into that- a room, a four year old's one with dolls and stuffed animals and a large dresser they shared happily, like the bed.
"Maya needsta rest, ya should leaves fo nows," Mads said, giving her sweet smile as she obviously flipped through my parent's unprotected mind like a book while Maria tended over Maya, tucking her into the bed and hugging her sister, placing their favorite unicorn stuffed animal on her that completely covered all of them as Maddy joined them.
"Goodnight, baby girls," I said, closing the door once I left.
"Mason Adam, tell me who your Soulmate is!" My mom demanded.
"Mother, you will not like her, you will hate her," I murmured, walking for the door as I large ache ran through my head and I jerked to the side, falling to the floor.
"MASON!" Caroline shrieked, her hand over her mouth as I twitched before slowly regaining my strength and standing. "Find her mason! quick!" Carry yelled at me, anger danced across her eyes for a moment before worry clouded them and I shifted taking off into the night through the door my father had smartly opened on time.
Still Mason
I ran for at least a hour as a wolf, large and swift until I came upon a alleyway and caught her Vanilla scent, I tracked her to a large mansion on the grand part of time, of course, my Evangeline lived in luxury from her parents, but I didn't care, she would be mine anyway.
I could smell something though, a demon to be exact, but I remembered Maya's words and paced around outside, running around the mansion a few times to make sure no other creatures would approach, occasionally switched to my Lecosbeon to go faster, but sticking to my wolf more so I would be more hidden amongst the browning bushes and rays of sunlight beginning to peak through before I heard a evaporation and I darted to the door, waiting patiently for someone to open it or something, then I heard her voice.
"Ah, come in Mason, even my dreams knew you would come," She called sweetly and I burst in, the door swinging and slamming shut again behind me as I leaped on her eyes widening slightly, but no fear shown, not even surprise as I landed on her.
Evangeline's POV
He licked me. His big, slobbery tongue was all over my face as he nuzzled me with his big black nose, making me hold back giggles as I softly pulled my fingers through his soft fur on his large head, making him whimper slightly as I smiled at him.
"I could smell your sibling on your father, she is part witch, she would send you soon enough." I said, scratching behind his ear much to the animal part of his delight. I sat up, pulling away from him slightly and unwrapped the towel from the ice, using it to wipe away the slobber and wetness of his nose on my neck.
"Please shift, I wish to speak with you," I murmured, brushing my hand through his head fur again, making him shift instantly and he blushed a hot red when he noticed he had lost his shirt in the shifting process with lay in shreds now, only wearing sports shorts. He was muscular, very of course, many shifters were, his father had been.
I cupped his face in my hands as he leaned over me, a undeniable attraction shocked my heart and mind at the simple touch, there were no sparks as in the story tales of books about it, it was just a large attraction that could basically could not be ignored.
I kissed his forehead lightly,watching him shiver slightly and I let out a light sigh, wrapping my arms around him and hugging him to me, enjoying the breathless squeeze of need he gave me back, his face still slightly red.
"What do you want to talk about?" Mason asked quietly, blessing me with his enticing husky voice as he snuggled me up to him, wedging himself between my body and the back of the large couch, turning me so I was facing him in the warm room.
"Us," I murmured and he froze slightly, his eyes wide in fear when I met them with my own and I gently caressed his cheek with my right hand that wasn't below me.
"I won't reject you, love," I whispered and relief shot through his features faster than my silver bullet gun. I kissed his forehead again and he leaned towards me, holding on to me tighter and for once I enjoyed possessiveness, for he was enveloping me in his heavenly male scent- basically claiming me as his without the mark.
"What about 'us' then?" He asked, placing light kisses on my face as a feeling in my body I had never knew existed suddenly took place in my heart and lower body.
"My parents, your parents and siblings," I murmured and he froze at the word parents, relaxing slightly at the word siblings.
"You do not wish for me to meet the ones who gave me you?" I asked, pulling away slightly at look at him, focusing on his nose as a sort of sadness washed through me.
"I just... want them to except you the way you are, not a changed one of you... I, for one, would gladly keep you the same," He whispered, pulling me back and increasing that odd feeling again as he rubbed on me slightly when I squirmed, making me slightly confused as a emotion clouded his eyes and he began kissing me face, dangerously lose to my berry red lips that lay unclothed from lipstick I had not put on yet.
"Mason... just kiss me," I whispered and that was all he needed to steal the kiss I had been waiting for.
At first, it was soft and easy, but he had a hidden need, as if he had been waiting for it for a while, as if it was the same as mine- the first. He was more practiced though, pushing against me as he traced his tongue across my lips, nibbling lightly on my bottom one before I opened my mouth and a sensational taste fill my mouth, leaving me aching for more as I felt his tongue on mine. He carefully sucked my bottom lip, leaving me whimpering, a urgent feeling in my body that he obviously knew of from the smirk he had against my lips. I could feel his hands running up and down my body, my own tangled in his silky soft hair.
I felt his warm hand rub against my hips, my shirt lifted by his fingers lightly as I continued kissing him, only it was harder, more needy, more need filled my body as my mind wrapped around that new feeling I had experienced- Lust. I had to have him.
Yet, it ended to soon for my liking when he slowly separated us.
"Not now, love, it must be more special than this, more together than this," I felt him whisper in my ear, kissing my forehead as I had done him with my head in his hands. I nodded reluctantly and untangled my fingers from his hair, snuggling up against him after as he wrapped both of his arms around me- again masking me in his scent.
"Mason?" I asked softly after a lap of silence swam over us.
"Yes, my dear?" He whispered in my ear, sending sparks down my neck and back.
"Do you feel as if we're being watched, by any chance?" I asked, power beginning to course through my veins as my magic swelled at the thought of fighting- it was in my nature.
"Yes, dear, I do," He murmured in my ear, kissing me lightly on my lips before his eyes flashed gold and he spun us onto the ground during another kiss- an act so we could prepare for whomever dare interrupt our moment. I began a power surge, sapping my electric strength into a oval around me, careful not to electrocute Mason as I sapped in strength from the storm that had been brewing outside, clearing it of power quickly so the lightning disappeared. Mason had prepared as well- he shifted to the rare Lecosbeon and now had purple eyes, glowing dangerously as I knew my own glowed with the energy waves rushing around me. I gave him a kiss on the tip of his nose before I shot up to my feet- as did he. And I threw a bolt of electric at the space where I saw three pairs of eyes watching us curiously. They grew grim when they felt the static wrap around them and myself staring hard at them as a Lecosbeon stood stiffly- waiting to kill them.
"State your names!" My voice boomed, my mouth emitting a glowing light- sparks would literally fly if I kissed Mason at the time.
"We-we were just p-passing through," A loggerhead said- he was considerably larger than most and looked a lot more dangerous. I quickly sensed his ancestry- one of the ancient ones great, great grandchildren- pure bred. Wonderful, he had no family and his traveling companions he planned to kill.
"Wrong answer," I said in a static voice and zapped him with a powerful surge, sending him to the ground as visible yellow statics searched his body- eliminating life from him before the energy returned to me, clinging like fire flies as the Lescosbeon watched me angrily and warily.
Text: Me
Publication Date: 08-28-2012
All Rights Reserved