You are Beautiful
By: Sydney St. Fleur
You are in school
You are in a certain group
A group that will bring tears
To a person’s eyes
Because some people in that school
Joke about you.
You are in the retarded group
Because you have down syndrome
People push you down
Knock your books
From out of your hands
Nobody’s willing to stand up
For you
Because they are afraid
They would be bullied
Just like you
Suicidal notes are all over your journal
Because someone just told you
That you are ugly and stupid
Now you think you are not worth it
You are worth it
Can’t you see
People are cruel
They laugh at the stupid things
And they laugh at you
Because they consider you stupid
They consider you an alien
They consider you to be a retard
You cry yourself to sleep every
Single Night
Because you know
People will never accept you for
Who you are
You cut yourself
Hoping to hit the spot
Please don’t kill yourself
Over the people’s ignorance
You are beautiful
Jesus created you for a reason
A good one
People don’t speak up for you
Until this day
Because if they mess with you
Direct them my way
A person as beautiful as you
Doesn’t deserve to be treated
like a rat
What people don’t understand
Is that you’re human
You have feelings
I understand that
I do
That’s why
I love you.
Publication Date: 02-21-2015
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