By; Sydney St. Fleur
Do you feel that vibe
If you don’t
Try taking your time
That electric vibe
You are feeling
Is coming from the keys
of my Piano
Your fingertips start feeling
The rhythm
That the piano provides
You are going to fast
Take your time…
Feel that vibe
As you play
Your eyes leak
Because all this time
You thought you
Were a freak
The piano brought you up
As fast as those people
Who brought you down
Even though the piano
Seems boring
It beholds secrets
That are worth exploring
You feel the vibes come back
You feel alive again
You play from beethoven to Mozart
You now have a talent
To brag about
Before you had nothing to brag about
Now people have things to talk about
Because once your fingers start moving
The crowd starts grooving
A smile creeps across your face
And a single tear
Because now you are slightly more important
No longer bullied
People adore you
And wish they had your skills
They ask you how you have
The talent
And you say
The keys
Brought me the talent of the
Piano Forte
And brought me the pride
I was looking for
And the tears that the
People were waiting for
Publication Date: 02-21-2015
All Rights Reserved
I love my keyboard :)