
Darkness turns to light

Chapter 1

Ok so you have heard those stories about the princess who falls madly in love with her prince and after a major problem the prince saves her and they live happily ever after? Well this is nothing like that. My story has no happily ever after. I was a tough girl who needed no help from a knight in shining armor and that wasn’t about to change either. But as you will see, one crucial event happened that stole my life away. Made me see things in the world clearer than anyone could imagine. I found the truths, I found the lies, the betrayers and the loyal ones. Whether I did get my prince and my happy ending is up to you. This is my story. And if you are the happy go getter people with no intention of listening just turn around and walk away.
I was born Annie Mallibar. This story starts back when I turned sixteen. My mother had died when I was five years old. My dad, who at the time was so overwhelmed by grief, turned to alcohol every night. He tried so hard to overcome his grief over my mother but failed and once I had turned fourteen he let his anger out on me. Sometimes he would ignore me and other times, well I cant really think about that at the moment. But trust me, its not exactly a father daughter experience. He loved me, I think, and I tried not to hate him, but with each blow hatred flooded me like nobody could stop me from killing him. I will admit sometimes I would picture life as it should be. With my mothers black hair flowing behind her and her fair skin dazzling in the sunlight while her golden eyes filled with wisdom and understanding. I remember her features because I looked exactly like her. My eyes were gold, unlike my fathers whose were black with hatred. My hair a soft black but choppy and shoulder length. His was red with silver weaving through it. I was very fair skinned while he was tanned. We were so different. He was so hateful and evil. He drank every day and he when he went overboard his rages were unavoidable.
But a few months after I turned sixteen is where I really start.
Spring break. Just what I have been waiting for. But the clock was ticking so slow I thought I would lose my mind. Finally the minute hand hit the twelve and I raced out of the classroom and to my locker. I saw Brianna and Emily as soon as I got there, waiting for me at my locker. Brianna bounced up to me w“Sure. Whose Emily text messaging?” I asked glancing at Emily’s cell phone. It vibrated every time her fingers took a rest. Brianna rolled her eyes, “John, who else would she text?” I rolled my eyes too. John was ith excitement lighting up her green eyes. “Shopping spree!” she said, her voice ringing with enthusiasm. “Are you up for it?”
her abusive boyfriend and I didn’t like him one bit. I snatched the phone out of her hand and Emily turned to me, her grey eyes widening in horror. “Annie please! Please give it back. He will get mad if I don’t text him back. Please!” she begged. I looked at her in disgust. “Will you listen to yourself please. Emily you are being pathetic. I think a few hours away from him is exactly what you need. Now are you up for the shopping trip or not. And leave your cell phone at home ok?” I told her while giving her back her cell phone. She nodded shamefully and started messaging him again. I let a long sigh and glanced at Brianna. She nodded at me pleased at what I had said and getting Emily away from him for a few hours. Poor Emily. He was so possessive of her. I knew what it felt like to be abused and I knew she didn’t deserve it.
The girls and I decided to meet at my house before we go to the mall. They glanced at my suggestion at first. They were no strangers to my fathers behavior. “Don’t worry guys. He’ll be at Buddy’s today. So I will be home alone.” I assured them. Buddy’s is an old bar across town where my father spent his Fridays. But the girls looked uneasy all the same. They worried mostly Friday nights when my father came home dead drunk. More than once had I fallen under his drunken rage and they didn’t like it. But they agreed to meet me at my house. Emily would pick us up. So while they went to catch the bus, I started my walk home.
It was a gorgeous spring day. Walking today would do me good, and I wasn’t to eager to get home. Then I found my mind wandering. How could Emily be with John? Didn’t she see how my life was with my father? Couldn’t she see that it wasn’t a good thing to be abused everyday? All of a sudden the breath was knocked out of me and I found myself on the ground. Dazed I looked at the guy on the ground in front of me. He picked himself up and held a hand out towards me. “I’m so sorry. Are you ok? I wasn’t paying any attention.” he apologized, and I grabbed his hand and pulled myself up. I looked at him and smiled. He was really cute and I felt a little awkward being around him. “I’m ok. See no harm done.” I laughed. He smiled at that. Oh my god his smile was breath taking. I looked at him and examined him. He was taller than I was. May by a few inches. Muscular and very handsome. Black spiked hair with a white streak running down the side. And he had the most amazing eyes. They were lavender! I had never seen eyes like that. I blushed slightly remembering my own eyes were a rare sight too. He was very pale. And he had his lip pierced. “Well can I walk you home or something? It’s the least I can do for running you down.” his voice was like velvet. His eyes holding a curiosity in them. “No no I’m fine. Like I said there’s no harm done.” my voice quivered a little bit and I turned again in embarrassment. “Well my name is Talon. Talon Mitchell. And you are?” he said in his velvety voice in a sense where I thought I would melt. “Annie. Annie Mallibar. Its nice to meet you.” I held out my hand. He took it and kissed it gently. “my pleasure. Well I guess I’ll bump into you later then?” he laughed. I laughed too. I felt real light and my heart was thumping wildly in my chest. “Yeah you might. Well I’ll be on my way then. Goodbye.” I said and kept right on walking.
When I came to my house I froze. My door was open. My door was never opened. I gulped. My dad was home after all. The fear came at me in waves. I heard laughter coming from inside. My dad was home and not alone. Finally the air filled my lungs as I realized I was holding my breath. My dad wasn’t stupid enough to do anything when company was over. I walked in the door and heard Larry, my dads best friend. He was like a father to me. He hated alcohol and he had no idea of anything that my father did. My father already warned me of the consequences that would come to me if I blabbed. So I went into the living room where they were talking. My father looked at me and the look in his eyes told me that I was in trouble. But he put on a smile none the less. “Where have you been Annie? You were supposed to be here ten minutes ago.” he tried to keep his voice casual and light but I wasn’t fooled in an instance. “I’m sorry dad. I kind of ran into some one while walking home. We knocked each other down. I’m fine though.” I told him. I glanced calmly at Larry. God was I glad that he was here. My dad just grunted. “Well if you have homework you better go and do it.” he said. “I have no homework dad. Its spring break remember? But Brianna and Emily are coming to pick me up and we are going to go to the mall.” I looked at him wondering if he was going to object. He looked angry briefly but with a quick glance at Larry changed his mind as he said, “Fine but be back at ten o’clock ok?”
That was that I guess. I had a few hours to worry. And I knew he would be waiting for me to get home. Tonight was inevitable. So I went upstairs and took a quick shower, after I got dressed I called Larry to my room. “What’s up kiddo?” he asked. He sat on the edge of my bed right next to me. “Is my dad still downstairs?” I asked in a hushed whisper. He eyed me. “Yes. What’s the matter? What’s wrong?” he asked me tentatively. “Well, I was wondering. How long will you be here for today?”
“Until nine maybe. Why? Annie you can tell me. You know that right?” he said. Did he already know?
“Well I want to ask you a question. Let’s say hypothetically, something happened to dad, would you take care of me?” I blushed at my own question. Of course I was being silly. But I was thinking of what would happen if I ever decided to run away. He starred at me. “Of course sweetie. I am always here for you.” I smiled at the thought of running away. But then I heard a horn outside my room. It was Brianna. “Thanks for talking to me Larry. I have to run now but ill catch you later.” I was just getting up to leave when Larry gently grabbed my arm. “Annie, tell me what’s been going on. I can see it in your eyes. Is something going on that I should know about?” his voice held real fear. I was ashamed for lying to him. I was just about to tell him everything when the horn beeped again. I sighed “don’t worry about it. Its nothing I swear,” and I left him standing in the middle of the room looking after me. I could tell something was going to happen but I didn’t want to admit it.

Chapter 2

Brianna looked at me anxiously as I hopped into the passenger seat. She looked from me, to the opened front door and back again. I shrugged not wanting to get into it and she backed off. Emily was in the backseat resting her head on the window. “Emily what’s wrong?” I asked kind of not wanting to hear the answer because I already knew. “He’s mad at me. He didn’t want me out today. Maybe I shouldn’t have went.” she trailed off. I sighed and looked out the window. Brianna was listening to Angel by Shaggy on the radio. But it was like she didn’t even notice her favorite song was on.
When we parked in the mall, I hopped out and waited for the other two to catch up. I had a few hours of freedom before my father needed me home. Brianna came right up behind me and turned me around. “Annie why didn’t you tell us your dad was going to be home?” her voice held a certain tone to it. Was it fear? Why was she scared? It wasn’t like she was going to get beaten when she went home to her loving mom and dad. “I’m sorry Brianna. I didn’t even know he would be home until I got there.” I tried to shrug her off. I didn’t want to think about what would await me when I got home. “Well what is he going to do to you when you get home? Why don’t you ask to stay at my house tonight? My parents wouldn’t mind.” she asked eagerly. I thought that was an extremely good idea. But sadly that would only anger him more. “Thanks but no thanks. I need to go home. I don’t want to suppress his anger. But thanks for being there for me Brianna.” I gave her a hug. She still looked worried. “Okay but I swear to God Annie, if he hits you tonight you better come over and I’ll call social services. Promise me?” Brianna told me. And it made my heart soar to know I had a really good friend. “Thanks Bree. Emily are you done mopping yet? Get out of the damn car and lets shop.” I called over to her.
We cruised the mall for about an hour and laughed. Emily bought hoop earrings at Clare’s and I bought a my chemical romance hoodie at Hot Topic. We were breaking at the food court. I had just finished my sub from subway and got up to through my wrapper out. All of a sudden I found myself back on the floor. I looked up to see Talon again. I laughed, “we have got to stop meeting like this.” He laughed too and helped me up. “Yeah, but I’m getting used to seeing your beautiful face though.” I blushed and turned away quickly so he wouldn’t see. “So what are you doing here anyways?” I asked him turning back to look at him. God he was so cute. “Eh, I’m just browsing. What are you doing here?” he asked back. I turned to look at my friends, Emily and Brianna were chatting and didn’t notice anything had happened. “I’m shopping with some friends that’s all. Um, did you want to hang out with us?” I asked keeping my voice light and casual even though my heart was thumping a mile a minute.
“Well I don’t want to impose on your little group. If its ok with your friends then maybe I will come.” he told me and I smiled. He was thoughtful, I’ll give him that. So I led him back to the table where the girls were sitting. “Hey guys this is Talon. Do you mind if he hangs with us? He’s just wondering the mall alone.” I asked and Brianna looked up at me wide eyed. “Um, sure I guess,. Emily do you mind?” she asked. Emily shook her head no and smiled up at Talon then shot me a look of pleasure. “No, not at all. Come along Talon, we’d love to have you.” The girls got up and we all started walking around the mall. About half way through I lost sight of Brianna and Emily. I think they ditched us on purpose. Talon and I sat next to the fountain. We talked for quite a while and I found we had a lot in common. He was very funny and easy to laugh with.
“Hey Annie, do you mind if I ask you a question?” he asked me. I looked at him and said to go ahead. “Well,” he said “I wanted to know if you would like to go to a movie with me Monday night. If you wanted to that is, no pressure.” And he laughed lightly. I just stared at him. “Um, like a date?” I asked nervous and excited at the same time. He nodded and blushed at my hesitation. “Maybe I shouldn’t have asked.” he said his voice trailing off. “No no its ok. I would love to go on a date with you. I’ll go on Monday if you’d like.” I said and my heart was extremely light. Me, Annie Mallibar, got asked on a date. Could this be real?
All of a sudden I saw Brianna and Emily running up to us. “Annie we have to get going now. Its almost eight thirty. We got to go now.” Brianna said exasperated. I turned and gave Talon my cell phone number. “Give me a call before the date and I’ll tell you where I live.” I told him. He nodded and waved to me. I hurried down to Brianna’s car and we drove off. “So, what happened? What did you guys do?” Brianna asked me eagerly. I looked at her. “Nothing happened. We just sat and talked. Where the hell did you two run off to?” I asked her furiously, but fighting to hide my smirk. I was glad that they left me actually. “Well me and Emily thought it would be a good idea to leave you two alone. So, did he ask you out or not? Come on Anne I’m dying for details here.” she pleaded with me. I laughed and told her that he did indeed ask me out. She screamed a really girly scream that made me plug my ears. I giggled and thought about Talon for a while. Why me? Why would he want to go out with me? The thoughts we circling throughout my head when all of a sudden the car came to a holt. I looked up and saw my house standing in the shadows. Dark and forbidden. All the windows were dark and I breathed a sigh of relief as I saw no car in the drive way. I got out of the car slowly and looked at Brianna. She turned away to hide the worry etched into her face. And I started my long walk up the pavement, to an empty house, where nightmares for me are a reality.

Chapter 3

I turned on the hall light. Big mistake. I saw my father in the doorway. His arms crossed and his black eyes narrowed into slits. I trembled. Why was he here. And where was his car. “Hi Dad. Um, how was your night?” I asked not looking him directly in his sinister eyes. He breathed in and out. Deeply and even, and I was unable to tell exactly when he would lash out at me. “Interesting enough, heard you talked to Larry. What did you say to him?” he asked me in a voice barely above a whisper. I just looked at him. Did Larry tell him anything? God I hoped not. “I didn’t see anything to him dad. Why the question?” I asked innocently. He shook his head. “How was the mall?” he asked me. This was definitely strange. He was being nice. But why? And am I in trouble?
He moved closer to me. “Um, it was ok. I got a new shirt.” I said. This was weird he never cared before. What the hell was going on? “Why are you looking at me like that, Annie?” he asked me. I paused. If I told him the truth would I get hit? And if I didn’t tell the truth would he figure out I was lying and hit my anyways? It was a toss up. “You never ask me questions about my day. Is something wrong?” I asked in a voice barely above a whisper. I didn’t like the way his eyes grew colder. And now I could see, he was turning back again. Another mood swing. A rage perhaps? “Are you telling me that I am a bad father?” he asked his voice cold and menacing. Oh boy. Here it comes. should’ve known I wasn’t going to get lucky tonight. “N-n-no, dad. I was just wondering, t-t-that’s all.” I said, fear creeping in now. I tried backing up but the door stopped me from going any further. He was advancing now. Coming closer, making me claustrophobic with every step. “If you ever imply another thing like that again, it will be much worse than this,” he said, then he finally snapped. He pulled me into the living room by my hair.
I couldn’t scream. I started to cry. I couldn’t help it the pain was unbearable. The blows came as he pushed me into a fetal position and kicked me and punched me. Then he took is belt and with all his might let the blows come harder, faster, more pain than u could imagine. No blood was drawn. But when he was finished, he stormed upstairs to his room and slammed the door shut. I sat on the living room floor and cried. I cried so hard and the tears stung my eyes, which were red and puffy.

The next morning I was so grateful that school was out for two weeks. There was bruising on my legs and all over my back. It was especially dark around my sides where my father kicked me. I was so sore I couldn’t get myself to get out of bed. So I just stayed there, looking up at my ceiling, wondering why I take this abusive shit from him all the time. My father left the house, so I got up and made myself some food. It hurt to move to much so I only poured myself a bowl of cereal and ate in the living room flicking through the channels on T.V until I came to Charmed, my all time favorite show. It was just at the part when Piper and Leo were standing in the line to get passports and they found out that Piper had a new power when all of a sudden my cell phone rang. I placed my empty bowl on the coffee table and took out my cell phone. The I.D said Talon. My heartbeat quickened. “Hello?” I answered. “Hey gorgeous, what’s up?” said Talon in his beautiful voice. “Not much, um, did you need something?” I asked. I didn’t mean to sound impatient but our date was tomorrow and I wanted to rest before I went out with him, hoping the bruises wouldn’t be so bad. “Take it easy, um, I just wanted to know if you would like to go out tonight? You know just you and me. I have a football game tomorrow and I don’t want to neglect you.” he laughed.
It felt so nice to hear that from someone. He was so sweet and I looked at myself in the mirror, my reflection was smiling. I made my way up to my bedroom. “Awe you don’t have to do that. But yeah I can go out tonight instead its not a problem.” I said wincing as one of my bruised arms brushed the side of my bed. I wonder how I am going to hide this from him, I wondered. I didn’t want Talon to see me so weak, so vulnerable from my abusive fathers attack. I don’t know why I was feeling that all of a sudden but the emotion just hit me. “Great! Um, pick you up at seven?” he asked with such enthusiasm that I giggled. “Seven is just fine. See you then.” I said goodbye and hung up the phone. I was still smiling when I hung up but the smile faded when I looked in the mirror. I glanced at the clock on my bed side table. It was later than I anticipated. It was four o’clock. I couldn’t remember what time I woke up. Oh well I thought. I went into the shower and covered the bruises gently with soap. The warm water soothed all my bruises, and I felt so much better when I stepped out of the shower and covered myself with a warm fluffy towel that I had washed the day before. I looked in the bathroom mirror. The one bruise on the side of my face could easily be covered by cover up. I blow dried my hair and applied the makeup carefully, making sure not to show the bruise so much. I looked at my arms. The bruises reached down my side and all down my arms. I went to my room and picked out a black shirt, sort of low cut and it had red butterflies on the front. Then I grabbed a pair a bell bottom jeans and a butterfly belt to match.
I studied my reflection in my mirror and sighed a breath of relief as I discovered that there was no visual sign of bruises. It was six o’clock by the time I was done getting ready, and I trudged downstairs, my heart thumping wildly in my hest with every footstep. I watched Family Guy for about an hour. The door bell rang and my heart jump to my throat. I got up and answered it. “Hi Talon” I barely managed to say. He smiled his most incredible smile. “Are you ready to go Annie?” he asked holding out his hand. “Absolutely,” I answered, and took his hand, which was warm and smooth under my skin. A tingle of excitement winded through me. He pulled me in closer for a hug, and I fought back a wince as he tightened around my poor bruised skin. When he stepped back I smiled at him and we went to his car.

Chapter 4

When I got in the car I realized I had no idea where we were going. “Um Talon? Where are we going anyways?” I asked tentatively. He laughed softly, “you don’t want me to ruin the surprise now do you?” I shook my head, and smiled. A surprise? We drove a little ways more. The moon was full in the sky and the more we drove the sooner I realized that houses started giving way to trees and then the most beautiful lake ever. The moon shining on its clear glassy surface, we drove up the road to a secluded spot right on the lake. A blanket was placed under a clearing of trees and on the blanket was a cute little picnic basket.
“Oh Talon its perfect. You didn’t have to go to all that trouble.” I said blushing. He laughed, “its no trouble at all for the most beautiful girl ever. Your so worth it.” I must’ve blushed deeper, feeling my face get hot and I couldn’t help but smile. No body has ever done this for me before. I felt so happy. We sat next to each other on the blanket. The intriguing aroma of lasagna, mashed potatoes and warm biscuits made my stomach flip with hunger. He cooks too? Now I knew I must’ve been dreaming. The lake made gentle splashes against the shore. While we ate. It was so romantic, so relaxing, it made me forget my life completely and focus on the most important thing at that precise moment. Talon.
“So, you cook, your romantic, you fall down gracefully and your understanding. Is there anything you cant do.” I laughed. He pulled me in closer. I looked up at him, his beautiful lavender eyes, so clear and bright, longing to kiss me. And I did. A long and passionate kiss, so smooth and wonder as stabs of heat rushed throughout my body. I closed my eyes, taking him in, making this most marvelous kiss last. I ran my fingers through my hair and he put his hands on the small of my back. Pulling me in and I broke from him to rest my head on his chest. I watched the water make ripples across the moons reflection, while listening to the steady beat of his heart as mine had sped up. Perfection. I never thought I could truly be this happy. He looked down at me and smiled.
He reached out to take my hand and bumped the bruise on my arm by accident. Indistinctively I gasped. He looked at me with a confused gaze as I looked down. “Annie? What’s wrong?” he asked, worry creeping into his voice. I slowly looked up at him and sighed. What was I going to say? Oh my dad abuses me on a daily basis but not to worry. No, I didn’t want to tell him. “Nothing, absolutely nothing I’m fine.” And I smiled to reassure him. He looked at me cautiously and then at his watch. “Oh man, its nine oclock already. I better get you back. I don’t want my parents to flip out on me and I don’t want to get your dad mad at you.” he said and helped me up off the blanket. Then he bent down and started packing up. “Do you want any help?” I asked. He shook his head and laughed. “Nah, I got it. Its kind of cold out though so why don’t you wait in the car.” And he kept right on gathering the things off the ground. I did as he asked and made my way back to the car.

Chapter 5

We pulled up in front of my house and it was dark. I breathed a silent sigh of relief. At least he wasn’t home. Talon pulled up to the curb and got out of the car. He opened my door and held out his hand. “Welcome home Madame.” he said dramatically. More like prison, I thought but accepted the hand without a word, but a small smile. He led me down the side walk leading to my house. I didn’t want to leave him. I wanted this night to never end. For once in my life it felt like I was just a normal person. No drunken father, no friends worried stares as I made my way home, no thought about my mother. I liked the care freeness of that night. It made me feel very special.
We made it to my door. I looked into his amazing eyes again. It was like he could capture me. Keep me safe and calm and normal. “Will you be ok home by yourself tonight?” Talon asked. I laughed, more at the question than at him. I wasn’t ok when my father was home. I nodded to him. “Yeah I think I’ll be alright.” And he pulled me in for a goodnight kiss, which was shorter than the one by the lake but definitely sweeter. Then he walked back to his car, whistling a very strange and beautiful tune. I stood in my doorway watching him back away from the curb and drive into the night. Then I went inside and flicked the hallway light on. I was half expecting to see him standing in the doorway as he did the night before but the space he once occupied stood silent and empty. I breathed a sigh, I was safe for now. I walked up to my room, humming that strange tune that Talon had whistled on the way to his car. I went into my bathroom and washed off the makeup, revealing the covered bruises. But there was something in my golden eyes that I hadn’t seen before, something I always dreamed I would see but never could. True happiness.

About a week or so later I was at the park. Just lying in the grass on my stomach reading Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer for about the hundredth time, when all of a sudden a shadow fell over me. I looked up startled. “Talon! What are you doing here?” I asked and got off the ground. He gave me a hug and a kiss. “I wanted to see if you…” he trailed away as he looked at my arms. I had gotten another beating last night and there was a bruise on my sleeveless arm. I tried to hide it but the damage was done. “What the hell is that?” he demanded angrily. “Um, what are you talking about?” I tried to play it off innocently. Bad idea. “Oh come on Annie. Don’t play dumb with me. I saw the bruise. Who did that to you? Tell me I need to know now!” he was so angry the angriest I’ve ever seen him. I was scared.
“Well… my dad actually did that last night. Please don’t tell anyone please.” I begged him. He looked at me as if I was crazy. I looked down. “How long has this been going on Annie?” he asked me, his voice calming down some. I hesitated. “Since I was about fourteen.” I whispered. His face turned red. “You stay here ok.” he told me and he raced toward his car. I thought for a moment and I realized he was headed for my house.
“TALON NO! TALON COME BACK PLEASE! HE’LL KILL ME DON’T DO IT PLEASE!” I shouted running after him. His engine burst into life I raced after his car. My house was only a block away from the park but I ran there it felt like it would take years to get there. My legs were like rubber, buckling with each step as they pounded against the pavement. I finally reached my house and I saw that the door was wide open. I heard shouting from inside. I ran inside my house.
“YOU HAVE NO GOD DAMN RIGHT TO BARGE INTO MY HOUSE LIKE THIS!” my father yelled at Talon. “Oh what are you going to do about it, you drunken asshole? Gunna hit me too? Well come here, I’ll give you a real fight you sick-o.” he screamed. Big mistake. “How dare you!? How dare you speak to… you, you little whore! What the hell is your problem? Who is this fool making a scene IN MY HOUSE!? You want to be abused so badly? Well get over here and I’ll show you true abuse.” and he advanced on me. My heart jumped. I tried looking for a way out but I couldn’t. Talon jumped in front of me and blocked my fathers path towards me. “You have to get through me to get to her.” he said. My father grinned and walked over to a place behind the cabinet. What he pulled out made my skin crawl. It was a .45 ml hand gun, shiny but not exactly new. He pointed it at me. He was going to kill me. My own father was ready to kill me.
He took a step closer, steadying the gun a bit. “And to think how good of a father I had been to you. To such an ungrateful little whore.” he slurred the words but as he said them I almost laughed. But no matter what I couldn’t make any kind a sound come out of my mouth. He puts his finger on the trigger. Aimed it towards my heart. A shriek caught in my throat and stuck there. Right when I heard the deafening blast of the gun, Talon knocked me back into the ground. I got up and looked around. “TALON!” I had finally managed to scream. He lay a few feet away from me, covered in blood, and I knelt down beside him. “Talon! No Talon please, please don’t leave me please.” and the tears flowed down my cheeks. His breaths came shallowly. All of a sudden I heard a click and the touch of hot metal against the back of my head.
“Say hello to your mother for me.” he laughed a manic laugh. It frightened me to the very core. I was scared and I shut my eyes. Then came another deafening boom. I peeked through my eyelids. I was still holding Talons hand, but my surroundings were still the same. I looked up. My father was frozen, a look of horror filled his face. Then he crumpled to the ground. Stone cold dead. Then I saw the shooter behind him. It was Larry. He had a look of hatred on his face. “Sorry Chris, but I hope you burn in hell. Annie are you ok?” he asked as he dropped his gun. “No!” I couldn’t help but to scream. “He shot Talon, he shot him and there is too much blood to figure out where.” I was in hysterics. Larry knelt down beside me and took out his cell phone to call 911. “Yes this is Larry Griffin. I need an ambulance here as quickly as humanly possible. A young boy was just shot and the owner of the residence is dead. … Yes he does seem to be breathing but they’re shallow uneven breaths and his pulse is slowing. I would say he had about fifteen to twenty minutes left if unattended. … Five minutes is the quickest that’s fine. … 202 Erie Parkway. … Thank you very much” and he hung up. He went to the kitchen and brought back one of the dish rags and applied pressure to the wound. Talon screamed out in pain. At least he was alive though. “Annie are you ok? Did Chris hurt you at all?” he asked me, his voice was calm but his eyes were worried. I shook my head. “What the hell happened here?” he asked. I took in a deep breath and explained how Talon saw the bruises and went crazy; then drove here to call my father out. How my father has been abusing me for two years and how he has drank every night ever since my mother died.
“I tried to stop him from coming here but he wouldn’t listen.” I said. Larry sighed. “Well at least you’re both safe now.” At that moment the paramedics came pulling up to the curb behind Talons car. They took him away on the stretcher but I refused to let go of his hand. They let me sit next to him on the ride to the emergency room. On the way there I kissed Talon on the cheek, caressing his face and all the while never letting go of his hand. He broke out in a sweat and then he tightened his grip on my hand. He knew I was there. We pulled up to the hospital and then he got worse.

Chapter 6

We were sitting in his room. He was on oxygen and sleeping peacefully, just getting out of surgery but still in very bad condition. Larry offered to get me some coffee while I wait with him. His parents were in Italy and had no way to be contacted. My eyes were swollen and red from the amount of crying. All I kept thinking was that I hoped he survived. He saved my life, I needed him. The doctor came into the room followed by two policemen. The taller of the two thanked the doctor and asked for some privacy.
“Annie Mallibar?” the short plump one asked. I nodded, I didn’t want to talk right now. I just wanted to rest with Talon. “I’m detective Maple and this is my partner detective Dunn. We would like to ask you a few questions. Is that ok?” asked Maple, the taller one. I really didn’t want to but I thought it would be better to get it done and over with now rather than later at the police station, away from Talon. “It’s fine I guess.” I whispered. Dunn pulled up a chair and Maple leaned against the wall holding open a miniature notebook and a pen.
“So what happened during the shootings?” asked Dunn. I sighed, and started to recount the terrible events. All the while I tightened my grip around Talons hand. “So your father, Chris Mallibar, did he ever threatened to kill you before this? Did he ever hurt you or anything or the sort?” asked Maple. I swallowed. “Yes, he beat me on many occasions. Left bruises and I have witnesses. My friends Emily Duncan and Brianna Oaks. He did threaten me once that if I told Larry or anyone else a single word about home that he would kill me with the most torturous instruments ever.” I shivered. His face, cold and lifeless with a look of sheer horror, flashed across my mind, and Talon lying there almost just as lifeless, but still breathing shallowly, holding on to my hand for dear life. Fresh tears appeared in my eyes and the door opened. Larry walked in holding a cup of coffee in one hand and a doughnut in the other.
“What’s going on here?” he asked. I held my breath. “Well we just needed to ask Annie a few questions. Are you Larry Griffin?” asked Dunn getting up from his chair. Larry nodded. “Well I’m glad you were around to save these two. If it wasn’t for you I’m sure none of us would be here.” Maple beamed at him. “Thank you detective, but I do apologize for I must ask you to leave. Annie needs all the rest she can get and I would like it if she was not disturbed.” The detectives nodded and headed out the door.
I slept horribly that night. I never moved off the chair. I held tight to Talons hand and every so often I would kiss him. When morning came I was sure I looked like a disaster, but I didn’t care. I watched Talon. All of a sudden his eyelids twitched. His hand moved under mine and squeezed tighter. His beautiful lavender eyes opened and the first thing he saw was my teary golden ones. He smiled and took off the oxygen mask. “Let me guess. I bumped into you so hard that I actually hurt myself. I’m such klutz sometimes.” he laughed softly and coughed. I couldn’t help but smile. “How do you feel Talon?” I asked tentatively. He shrugged and winced, “like someone shot me.” I rolled my eyes. “Are you ok Annie? What happened to your dad?” he asked. I looked at him. “I’m fine. But my dad died.” I said.
He was silent for a while but then looked at me, took me gently in his arms and hugged me. “I’m sorry Annie, I’m so sorry. I never wanted to put you in danger like that.” and tears flowed down his cheeks. I took his chin and made him look into my eyes. “Baby, don’t you ever apologize to me, ever. I love you. You saved my life. Without you I would be dead. I love you so very much.” and I kissed him. I rested my head on his chest, so glad to hear his heartbeat again. “I love you so much Annie. I will always love you. I will never ever leave you.” And we fell asleep, while I laid in his arms, I had the best dream ever. Of Talon and I spending each and every moment like this, whispering to each other while I lay in his arms. And with that peaceful thought, I drifted off to a lasting sleep. The best sleep ever because I knew I had my one true love. So tell me. Is life like a fairy tale, a lullaby? Did I get a happy ending and a prince? I think so. The world is full of the deepest sorrow but no ones as worse off as anyone else. Pray and your prince or princess will come too. Mine did. And I never used to believe in that stuff, but hey, anything is possible I guess.

The End


Publication Date: 07-14-2010

All Rights Reserved

to my little sister sabrina. and my husband Shane. i love them both dearly

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