I never thought that love would ever come to me in my life time! The only person or people who have ever loved me are now deceased. Which are my beloved parents, they died in a car crash when I was 18 and in a performing arts school. My mother’s name was Rayne, my brother's name was Todd, and my father’s was Larry! My name is Lorrayne King, but most of my friends call me Rayne like my mom use to! I live in Seattle, Washington! I have a little condo in the city. If my parents were still alive, they would kill me because I’m from Athens, Georgia and, for some odd reason, they never liked Washington. Well anyway, this is my love story!
Chapter 1:Love Dreamers
It was a typical Friday night and I was out with my best friend Wanda. We had been out at an old friend’s place for a birthday celebration. Wanda was going on and on about this guy she met at the club last week. ”Oh my gosh! He was so hot! I mean, out of nowhere he comes up to me and says ‘Hi! I’m Eric! Want to dance?’ and takes me by the hand.” Wanda looked as if she was dumb-founded. I have always listened to Wanda when she tells me about someone she just met and then have to listen again about the bad break-up. Wanda and I have been friends ever since my 2nd day here in Seattle.
I was spending the day at first beach walking along in the nice sand looking up at the sky, when I bumped into someone’s arm! I looked up to see that it was a girl with pretty reddish-brown hair and bright hazel eyes. Her skin tone was paler than mine. I figured she hadn't been in the sun long enough or something! Her expression looked as if she was examining my features also. I decided to apologize and introduce myself. “Hi! I’m so sorry! I should have been watching where I was going!My name is Lorrayne!” she giggled and said, “That’s okay I wasn’t paying attention either. I’m Wanda!” she had the voice of a teenager, but in a nice way. she lifted her right hand to shake mine. And from that day forward we were best friends. I will never forget that day!
The rest of what Wanda was saying was like a blur that I put to the back of my head. I was thinking about when I would find the right guy to sweep me off my feet and crap like that! Some of the dancers from the studio, where Wanda and I work, have set me up on blind dates. Most of them turned out right at the beginning, but went downhill as the night went on. Some of the men that I went out with were either disrespectful or just not my type and I would pretend I was going to the bathroom when I was really making a run for it! My friends would always get a kick out of the stories I’d tell them.
We were still walking the streets. I started to feel tired. “I’m starting to feel a little drowsy, Wanda! Do you mind if we head back to the car early?” I asked, sounding slightly sleepy. Wanda is always worried about me. “Well you do look like you need a good nights sleep! C’mon! Let’s go!” she put her arm on my shoulder to support my weight while we headed back to the car. Wanda drove a 2010 honda CR-V. It was very nice and the seats were comfortable!
As we rode down the streets of Seattle, I watched as we passed all the nice buildings and street lights! Wanda must be lucky because we didn’t get stopped by a red light or pulled over by the police for going over the speed limit! We finally got to my condo! Wanda just dropped me off and didn’t leave until she saw that I was inside. As I went inside I reached for the lightswitch and turned on the lights to my living room.I took off my black leather jacket and put it in the coat closet.
I didn’t really eat at the party, so I headed to the kitchen hoping to find something to eat! Unfortunately, I forgot to go grocery shopping this weekend! So I just grabbed a bowl of cereal and went back to the living room and watched the news.
"A family of three was murdered earlier today in Olympia. The police have no lead on who did it. There are no finger or footprints to identify the suspect or thing that did it.The investigators are asking if the neighbors heard any noises or anything that seemed out of the ordinary! But so far they are out of luck." the news reporter ended the information that the police would only allow the public to know.
I turned the channel quickly. I didn’t want to hear about people being murdered anymore. I ended up watching my favorite movie, The Ugly Truth! It was amusing!
In the middle of the movie, I looked at the watch on my wrist. It was 10:30. So I turned off the TV and went to my bedroom. My walls were baby blue and the furniture was modern. My comforter was a mixture of blue, white, and a light brown! I took a nice shower and put on my pajama pants and v-neck t-shirt. I crawled into my bed, turned off my bedside lamp, and fell asleep quickly.
I was at the beach, watching the tides, when all of a sudden I hear someone approaching. They were calling my name, but I didn’t recognize until I let my hearing go out a little farther. It was Adam. I got up and met him before he appeared from the east side of the beach and out of the bushes. I was already not in the mood to be bothered with. “What do you want Adam?” I asked. Despite the cool weather, Adam was shirtless. “Tim wants to-“At that moment a howl broke off somewhere deep in the woods. “To see you right now!” he finished. I didn’t ask why. When the alpha of the pack orders you to do something, no questions are to be asked and crap like that.
Oh. Did I forget to mention that i'm a WEREWOLF. Not the type you about read in books or the fake ones you see in movies. Well that's what i am. Atleast I can change whenever I want to. It suits me just fine!
Without another word I ran past Adam towards the dark woods. I let the heat run through my body and in no time I was in my werewolf form, running like the speed of light! I could hear all of my pack member’s thoughts. 'Jared we need to talk now! Meet me in the meadow!
' Tim demanded to me. I dug my paws deeper into the earth to run faster. As I ran I listened to other thoughts. 'Hey Jared, when you’re done with Tim, dad said to come home when you can!'
It was Todd who told me that. I’ve been dreading going home all day. I didn’t want to deal with my mom and stepfather. Todd is my stepbrother and he forgets that I don’t like it when he calls his dad, my dad. 'Whatever Todd! And he is NOT my dad!
' I growled back at him. He read my thoughts and saw that I didn’t want to be bothered with. I could no longer hear Todd’s thoughts. He must have shifted back into his human form. I was thankful for that. Although I don’t get along with his dad, I’ll give the kid some credit! He’s not that bad. I wish he was my real brother. Maybe my life would suck less.
I finally got to the meadow and waited for Tim to arrive. I looked up at the moon. It was beautiful and silver as it looked down on earth. After a few minutes of watching the moon, I heard Tim approach.
I didn’t look at him for 2 minutes. Then I broke the silence. 'What do you want Tim?
' He seemed calm and reasonable at first. Then he finally looked away from the dark sky to look in my direction. 'We need to head toward Seattle for battle! There’s a vampire who just killed a family of three! And we have to kill it as soon as possible!'
When he spoke it was a command! I could hear the double alpha voice in it!
I thought he’d lost his mind. Whatever’s going on in Seattle is none of our business! 'But Tim, whatever is going on is not our problem. We’re just wasting our time even thinking about going up there!'
I thought at him. We couldn’t possibly go all the way to Seattle just to kill a leech for what it does for fun. We only protect our tribe and loved ones! Although the thought of getting away from my stepfather was a pretty great idea! Tim could read my thoughts before I could hide them from him. 'So let’s get moving then! Start gathering up the rest of the pack after you get done with your dad- I mean stepfather!
' Even Tim was calling him my dad! What is wrong with these wolves today? Don’t even care about my feelings. 'Fine! But don’t ever call him my dad again! My father is dead! Have some damn sympathy! For crying out loud!'
I ran back towards my mom’s house without letting him say anything else!
It only took me less than four minutes to get home! I quickly shifted back and put on my gym shorts! I had no shirt to put on. I walked toward the house and stopped at the door with my hand on the doorknob! I could hear my mom and her husband talking about me behind my back! “I think that you and Jared should bond more, Larry! This has gone way too far and you are going to fix it!” My mom was finally yelling at the loser. It’s about time. “Fine I will talk to Jared! Speaking of which, Jared why don't you join us!” I guess he could hear me, standing outside the door, like an idiot.
I took a deep breath, opened the door, and went inside unwillingly. They were standing in the middle of the kitchen, facing the door, where I stood. Larry was the first one to speak to me. “Hello Jared! We need to talk- in private!” That last part was a hint for my mom. In other words, he was pretty much telling her to get lost! I closed the door behind me, while my mom went to her room. Without a word, I set at the kitchen table. Everything in our house was up to date. Money is not a problem, ever since Larry and Todd came into the picture!
Larry was a very fit man. He looked as though he worked out every day, but he doesn't. Larry had black hair, but in the sun it was a reddish color. He has blue eyes which by the way was really strange for a man of his age. I think he said that he was. . . in his late 30's or early 40's. Something like that. We were about the same height. Larry wore polos with cacky or black pants,but sometimes he would where a t-shirt with a pair of gym shorts or jeans. For a wealthy man, he wasn't big on clothing.
After a while of awkward silence,I decided to sit down at the kitchen table. I was about to break the silence,but Larry beat me to the punch. “So, how’s it going Jared?” He was trying to make small talk. I could tell by the way he didn’t make eye contact with me.
“Just cut the crap so I can leave! I have a duty to fulfill as a werewolf, you know?!” You could say that I was being a little harsh, but I didn’t care.
He came and sat across the table from me. “Look, I don’t want us to end at this note, okay? I just want us to have a closer relationship than we have!” This time he did look me in the eye and I saw that he meant everything he said. He had practice with communicating with people and especially my mom. They have been married ever since I was eight-teen. I’m twenty-two and I wasn’t looking forward to this conversation. And it wasn’t going well, so far! “That’s very interesting Larry! I’ll tell you what, why don’t we start bonding more when I get back from Seattle?” I could at least give him that hope. A smile started to work around the corners of my mouth. And Larry started to smile also. I knew my plan would work. “Alright, that’ll work. Just don’t forget to bond with a good attitude, okay?” Wow He actually believed me. “Do we have a deal?” I lifted my hand across the table as if we were closing a deal. Deliberately he took it. “We have a deal!” He was proud of the- so called- progress we had made. To tell you the truth, I was looking forward to the bonding!
“Well, I have to pack for the trip to Seattle before I round up all the rest of the pack. So I’ll see you when I get back?” I asked sounding hopeful.
“Sure, most definitely!” he said. I walked past him, toward my bedroom.
My room pretty much looked the same as I left it earlier today. The bed was still beside my huge window, from across the door. But it was still messy. My walls were the same, a nice cream white. And, of course, all of my white dressers were still there. I didn’t have posters or anything else on my walls. I didn’t plan on putting any on there either. I went straight to my closet and got out my blue duffle bag. I packed everything that I needed and headed back for the door. No one was in the kitchen when I went through there. So I just kept going out the door.
I gathered the rest of the pack and told them to meet me at Tim’s house. They didn’t ask questions like they normally would. I guess they already knew what was going on. So we all met at Tim’s house and we were ready to go. We decided to travel by two cars. I was in the first car with Tim, Todd, Adam, and Dave. The second car was Alex, Eli, Jeremiah, Jessica, and Chris. So you could say that both cars were packed. The drive wasn’t long, Tim drove super fast.
“Okay, we’re going to stop and get something to eat. We’re already in Seattle so we won’t have that much farther to go until we’ve reached our destination.” Tim was saying this as he pulled into the parking lot of a McDonald’s. He was also on the phone talking to the rst of us in the other car.
We’d been driving for an hour and I’m sure no one ate before we left Forks. Plus, it was probably four o’clock in the morning! I didn’t try to keep up with the time like I use to when I was in school.
After everyone was done eating we went straight to our destination or you could call it Larry’s guest house. He let us borrough it when we went out of town. I had the key so I got the room that i would occupy mainly everytime we came up here. Everyone else had to share rooms except for Tim and me. It was a typical three-story house. With a full stocked kitchen and up to date technology like: big screen TVs in every room, a Wii game in the living room, and an intercom all around the house. But the intercom was unnecessary for us.
We could just call each other as if we’re whispering and you could still hear from another floor. It’s a werewolf thing; you’ll get use to it. We all have had enough time to.
My room was on the second floor, the first door to your right. I went straight to it before someone could annoy me. Almost everything in the room was my favorite color; blue. Except for the walls; they were white. So I closed the door behind me and started getting settled in. I had been here many times before while my mom was still married to Larry. It wasn’t very entertaining. I could care less about all the high tech and crap. All I did was stay in my room all day; unless I was hungry, and I would sneak out at night.
For right now, all I want to do is sleep. I’ve been up all morning and I’m exhausted.
I was lying down on a soft surface which I now identified as a king sized bed. It was breathtakingly soft and warm and inviting. But I was suddenly hyperaware that I wasn't alone. I felt a warm arm hugged across my waist. It was big and the skin olive toned, yet comforting. Just the feel of the skin sent a warm sensation down my spine.
I shifted under the arm and turned around to see the face of the man that made me feel so safe. As soon as I turned all the way around to face the stranger I smiled and I felt my mouth curl up at the corners as I took in his face. He stared back at me returning the smile and it nearly took my breath away. His face looked extroardinarily exquisite. He had sexy chocolate brown eyes and rich black hair. His lips were full and called out to me.
He looked at me with those beautiful eyes filled with. . . . LOVE? For ME? As if hearing my thoughts he said,"Lorrayne,I love you!"He said with another heart stopping smile and a chuckle. His luxurious voice touched my soul. What is going on? Am I going crazy for a stranger? And how the hell does he know my NAME?
He put his hand on the side of my face and smoothly rubbed it. I closed my eyes in contentment. A moan slipped out of my mouth, but I wasn't ashamed of it or even embarrassed. Before opening my eyes the words that came out were true and I couldn't believe i'd said it."I love you too, Jared!" I could feel my eyes watering up before I could even get it all out.
I woke instantly in tears and sweat. DAMMIT! another dream like that and i'll probably pee in my pants. I mean, It seems so real every time and sometimes i wish it was. But in every dream of him, I see something in his eyes. Something thats not being told to me. A secret. A secret that could change everything. But despite the Big-unknown secret, I wanted, no craved him. My body reacted to no other in that manner. I wanted to kiss his soft full lips that screamed my name. I wanted him to wrap his arms around me.
I felt this kind of terrible hurt in my heart. As though there was a huge whole in the middle. And at the edge of the whole there's this big pain making it unbearable to contain! my heart and I craved for this man named Jared!
'Whoa,Rayne don't lose your insanity over some guy!'
I thought to myself.
I decided to get out of bed and get ready for dance rehearsal.
Chapter 2: Unity
I was in the living room. the TV was not on because I was thinking hard about my dream. The dream that I've had so many times before, but it stays in my head all day.
I dream Of A girl, with soft black hair and beautiful sky blue irises. But every time the girl turns to face me, her beauty just amazes me more and more! I never get tired of seeing her face.Her name was Lorrayne. Rayne!
And, Oh how I loved for her to say my name. It feels like a caress. It was as though she could see right through me with those remarkable eyes. I could never lie to her. Only faithful.
I wanted her badly. My body and very soul craved her. I could tell in the dreams that she craved me too. i read her thoughts and she can read mines too.
"Jared, stop daydreaming and get out of the house. You could use some freedom from all this house." Tim said knocking me out of my daze. He left before I could respond.
I took his advice and left. I drove my 2010 Chrysler that I kept here in Seattle because it was too conspicuous for Forks.
I parked my car at a restaurant so it wouldn't get picked up. I went to the park downtown. I usually come here when I'm in town to have some solitude. Before I started to realize that I needed Lorrayne, I would engage in almost anything with my friends and family. But I've just become non active with my life. I don't want to do anything, but be with her. I loved her dearly to the point where I would rather die than spend another helpless day without her. I would tell the whole world that and feel proud about it.
I sat on the bench in front of the water fountain; Thinking about her!
This morning, in the car, I told Wanda about my dream and she couldn't believe that he said that he loved me and he knew my name.
I had a crying fit before we went inside of the studio. My eyes were red and people noticed, but they didn't ask me anything about what was wrong with me.
I had on a dark blue tank top with a light blue hoodie over it. A pair of stretchy skinny jeans and my gray low-top converse.
Wanda had to go to the store after practice so I went to the park. It was convenient because I wanted to be alone and I also wanted to practice my old gymnastics floor routine from when I was sixteen. When I got to the park, I took out my Ipod to listen to the the song that went with my routine. I changed it from the original one so the song is now" We R Who We R "
By Ke$ha. The song I use To dance to was" Please Don't Stop The Music"
By Rhianna.
I used the open field, right next to the water fountain. I was a little nervous because the park was crowded, but then I just said forget it; I really don't care who watches.
When the music started, I began. It felt good to tumble again. the way my back bent when I did a Back-flip or a round-off was unbelievable. Of course there were some parts where I had to dance freestyle and some turns that would seem difficult if I wasn't a dancer.
I just hope I wasn't bringing too much attention to myself, other wise I would freeze up.
I heard some music from behind me. It was my favorite song,"We R Who We R "
by Ke$ha. I also heard people clapping and Ohs
and Aws
! I turned around to see what the huge fuse was about and it was a girl dancing and flipping all over the field! She was amazing. It was as if she didn't even notice everyone was watching in amazement; she was just having fun, enjoying something she loved to do.
I walked over to the crowd to get a closer look. I had to push through to get to the front. When I finally got through, every muscle in my body was frozen solid. I would know her anywhere.
It was the girl from my dream; Lorrayne. Well girl wasn't the right definition; She was a woman.
She was even more breathtaking in person. A dream didn't do this attractive little creature justice; It just couldn't.
The song ended and she was breathing heavy. Her chest was moving up and down hard. My eyes followed the length of her neck, to her chest, and. . . I stopped myself before I could lose control.
I didn't realize she was staring back at me. In her eyes I saw. . . Confusion. Recognition. Love.
The crowd had left by this time, seeing that she was finished and distracted.
Before I could open my mouth to speak, she came up to me with a huge smile and lifted her hand."Hi! I'm Lorrayne! But my friends call me Rayne! What's your name?" She said in a welcoming tone that touched my soul.
I took her hand and shook it."My name is Jared Moon! You are very talented!" I said hoping to make her blush.
And it worked! Her cheeks became red and she let out a little cute laugh." Thank you! Dancing is pretty much my life now. It's kind of my religion. I've been doing it ever since I was ten and I didn't really start having fun with it until I came here and went to a performing arts school." She took a deep breath as though she was holding it."But I stopped for a while after my parents and little brother died. So here I am just doing it for my family!" She was trying to clear her throat to stop the sob that was about to come. But a tear did escape and it ran down her face.
Before thinking about it, I lifted my hand to her cheek and rubbed it away. She closed her eyes in contentment and leaned her face into my hand. A quiet moan slipped from her mouth.
'That feels so good! It's sending shivers down my spine! He's driving me crazy! I've got to get a hold on myself,but I can't!
' She thought.
I could see now that she needed someone to love her. She was lonely. Heartbroken and hurt. She felt abandoned.
All of a sudden, her phone went off. Her ringtone was"Teenagers" by My Chemical Romance. She grabbed it out of her pocket. Wow!
she owns the new IPhone. It had a blue phone cover with a black heart on the back.
Before answering, she scuffed and said,"Crap!" Then she answered."King's funeral home you stab'em we grab'em! how may I help you?" Now that was hilarious. I couldn't help but laugh!
Jared burst out in laughter because of the way I answered my phone when my friend Wanda calls.
I slapped him playfully on the arm to shut him up. I didn't want Wanda to know about him yet.
"Oh! Who is that, Rayne?" Wanda asked in a curious voice.
I walked a few feet away from Jared.
"Well, see! Long story, short. It's going to sound crazy, but. . . it's Jared!" I chuckled innocently."Kind of a crazy coincidence bullshit type of thing, don't you think?" I didn't want to sound too excited about it.
Jared silently walked up behind me and slid his arm around my waist.
Wanda screamed her head off through the phone. I held the phone out away from my ear so she wouldn't bust my ear drum.
I waited for her to stop screaming then I brought the phone back to my ear.
And why in the hell did I do that for?" Oh my goodness, Rayne! Are you serious I can't believe this!" She has totally lost it."Hey, do you still want me to pick you up from the park? I'm about to leave the store right now!" she was in a total rush to meet Jared, but I wanted him all to myself.
"Um. . . No I'll be fine. You can just go on home. Don't worry about me!" I reassured her.
She was not happy with the answer I gave her, but she was going to just have to deal with it.
She huffed through the phone."Okay! if you say so! Have fun, but don't get pregnant. I'm too young to be an aunt or whatever!" She hung up before I could tell her off.
"Ugh. . . .!"I groaned in frustration. I put the phone in my pocket . I leaned my head back and it lay on Jared's shoulder. His breath brushed the top of my head. It felt nice.
I turned around and wrapped my small arms around his waist since he already had his arm around me. My head rest on his chest and I smelt his scent. He smelt amazing; It was kind of a nice musky-forest smell. I let out a sigh.
'Oh! He smells so good! I wonder how his skin feels! Warm or cool?'
I thought to myself.
I broke the embrace, even though I wish I didn't. But I was starting to lose my composure. I'm too chicken to take this much man. I was still wondering how I could form clear sentences to him. I can't be alone with such a breathtaking creature.
"Sorry!" I muttered in apology. I met his gaze. I couldn't breath anymore. He took my breath away.
'wow! she really can't keep her composure around me! Man, I wish she could. It would really be nice to-' I heard him say in his head, but I didn't want to hear the rest. Wait!
I can hear his thoughts? I'm going crazy! They might have to send me to a mental hospital! I can't believe I never noticed until now!
"Okay! I have to go! So I'll see you around?" My mind was hoping he'd say no, but my heart was begging for a yes! And so did my body!
I started to grab my things from the ground, a few feet from where we were standing. but before I could get my bag on my shoulder, Jared grabbed it."Why the rush? I still don't know much about you. And besides, I have a car so I can take you home!" He suggested that I spend the rest of my free time with him! Wow!
"Well home was where I was going! But right now, I'm up for anything!" 'Only if you're with me!' I thought in my head.
A huge smile appeared on his face and my heart went to
I have been home for hours! It was dark outside and cold! I was putting up my groceries. 'Man if only Rayne knew how I felt about her!' I thought to myself.
I'm bisexual, but Rayne doesn't know about it yet! I've been waiting for the right time to tell her how she makes me feel. She still thinks I'm in love with Eric, but she has no idea. I hate it when I look in her eyes everyday and see so much love, but apparently not for me! she craves Jared. . . not me! She also doesn't know that I'm a vampire! If she knew that she would run for her life rather than run into my embrace! These cold hard things of mine!
My suffering intensed and I grabbed the huge liquor bottle that I just bought from the store. I haven't had a nice whole bottle of liquor in years! Rayne knows I use to have a drinking problem. She would always lecture me about how people could die from it, so I stopped to make her happy!
I started drinking when I was sixteen. My parents were always busy and never paid much attention to me. I was at a party and that's when peer pressure kicked in. Everytime I got drunk I felt an all time high. Like no one could harm me. Like I had super strength or something, but lately I've been feeling that way without the alcohol!
My body craved the liquor all of a sudden. I went to the drawer filled with silverware and grabbed the cork opener. When I finally got the bottle opened I gulped down the liquor! It felt nice to feel the tingling sensation it sent down my throat again!
Before I could notice, I had drank the whole bottle. I had that feeling again! That high feeling! So I drank another one so the pain wouldn't hurt as much. It hit me harder than it use to.
I couldn't keep my balance. I needed Lorrayne to help me sober out like she use to! I grabbed my phone off the counter and tried to dial her number. It took me a couple of tries, but I finally got the right number.
She wouldn't answer either of her phones. So I'm just going to have to drive over to her house ! If she isn't there I could wait for her. I have a spare key to her condo!
So I got my coat and purse and headed out the door.
When I arrived at Rayne's condo, she wasn't there. So I just went in and made myself comfortable in her bed. It still had her scent and it set my whole body on fire! I hugged the pillow she slept on tight to my body! 'Rayne I want you So bad!'
I stayed like this for an hour until I decided to get up. I fell on the floor, face down, because I'm still drunk and my head is pounding really hard! And I felt very dizzy!
I went to the kitchen and sat on the floor to relax!
Jared and I were in his car. He was taking me home like he promised. So that meant he was trustworthy even though I trusted him with my life!
We had spent the day at a restaurant and then we went to the grocery store so I could get some food to fill up my refrigerator for a good two weeks or more! During the whole time we really got to know each other very well!
We finally got to my condo. I hesitated with my hand on the door handle, right foot out the door and on the ground, and bags and all in my hands. I didn't want to go inside just yet, but I had to put up my groceries and Jared had to get home! It was already dark and cold outside, so I didn't want to hold him up!
I looked into his eyes and said, "Thanks for today, It was fun!" I wished we could do this again sometime! If I have time!
He smiled. " I'm glad that you had fun, Rayne! I hope we can do this again sometime?" It sounded like a question. I couldn't believe he wanted to spend more time with me.
I cleared my throat before answering. "Um. . . absolutely! We should! Just call me or I'll call you when I'm free!" I wanted to always be free when he wanted to be with me, but there will be times when I'll have to say no. I didn't want to hurt him! I didn't want to hurt him at all! It would crush my very soul to hurt such an attractive creature like him!
"That sounds great! I'll talk to you really soon, Lorrayne!" He said emphasizing the last part.
"Looking forward to it already." I chuckled. " Bye!" I said to him.
" Bye Lorrayne!" he said. Before I closed the door I heard him say in a whisper, " I love you!"
My heart started to beat faster and happier. He said he loved me! Well not exactly to my face, but he said it!
He didn't pull off until I was inside and the door was closed. I was about to turn on the lights when I noticed they were already on. My heart leapt again, but this time with fear! I went to the kitchen so I could put my groceries and bags on the counter, but I was stopped in my tracks. It was Wanda, sitting on the floor. . DRUNK! She looked up at me! I quickly put my stuff on the counter, like I planned, and rushed to her! "Wanda, what the hell are you doing here! And why are you drunk? You promised me you would stop drinking for good!" I can't believe she broke her promise! I hope Eric didn't break up with her!
" Rayne relax! I came here because you wouldn't answer any o'ma calls! And I needed to talk to you about somethin that I can't hold in any longer!" Her words were slurred, but I was able to understand what she was saying. I put my arm around her waist to support her so I could get her to my bedroom!
She was warm, but not in a bad way. It felt kind of weird to me though! Like it was meant for me to hold her this way or something!
We finally got to my room. I stood Wanda up straight and I started to undress her as I said, " What do you want to tell me?" I was curious to find out what she was about to say! She took a deep breath before saying anything. " Your really going to hate me after this for not telling you, but Rayne . . . . . I am bisexual!" She said the rest in a rush! By this time she was ripped down to her undergarments and I was on the floor carefully taking her socks off! I froze and stopped what I was doing to look up at her in the eyes! She was staring down at me. When our eyes met a cool electric feeling went down my spine! I've never actually looked Wanda straight in the eyes before now! It was awkward. Like I didn't own my body anymore; She did! I broke the gaze because Wanda was the bisexual, not me! At least I don't think I am! I've never taken that much interest in my sexuality! I thought I was always straight! Maybe I was wrong about it!
Wanda bent down and took my face in her hands so I couldn't break my gaze from her again. I almost hypervinalated.
" Look Rayne! It might sound crazy, but I know who I am!" Wanda said with a smile that took my breath away like Jared's did! I still had to keep my composure so she wouldn't see that I was weak at her touch. And she was incredibly close to my face. Her cool breath brushed across my face when she talked.
" How can you be so sure that your bisexual? It could just be a phase that your going through!" I didn't want that to be true, but I also didn't want her to be lying to me about the whole thing!
I stood up and went to my bathroom and Wanda followed, of course. I went to the sink and washed my face. When I finished I turned around and Wanda was right behind me! She put her hands on my waist and put me on the sink counter! She lifted me as though I was a light feather instead of a 105 pound woman! She got closer until her lips were at my ear and said in a husky like voice. " Trust me Rayne, I would know if I was! For one thing, the way you make me feel when I'm around you-" she paused and started planting soft kisses on my neck and it sent shivers down my spine! What was Wanda doing to me? She continued, " It's hard to explain. Two, everyday I want you even more! In ways that you can't imagine! And finally, Three you want me too! I could see it in your eyes when I finally told you my half secret!" Half secret?
Was there more to this? I can't take it! Before I knew it, Wanda had unzipped my coat and takin off my pants! When her hand made contact with the skin on my thigh a moan escaped from my mouth! I wanted to go farther than this! Wanda was right. I wanted her too!
I was on the edge of the counter now and both our private parts were touching! She was still kissing my neck, but I wanted to taste her lips! Eagerly, I brought her head up from my neck and touched my lips to hers! I never knew lips could taste so good! Our mouths moved in harmony! They were dancing to there on beat!
Wanda broke the kiss and escorted me to the bed! Then I suddenly realized where this would take us. " Wanda I don't think I'm ready for this yet!" I said with fear in my voice.
She pushed me to the bed not worrying about my fear at the moment. " Rayne, stop lying to yourself! I can read your body like an open book! Your telling me no when your body's screaming 'Take It, Wanda!'. Now am I wrong?" She was right again! " Just do what your body says to do, Rayne!" Wanda said while climbing onto me! She bent down and started making a trail of kisses down my body. She started at my forehead next was my nose, lips, neck, chest, both breasts, stomach, and she finally stopped at my privacy! I gripped the sheets at the pleasure she was giving me and laid my head back! I moaned the whole time with the twist and turns of ecstacy! I was enjoying it, but then I started to think that I was being greedy! I should pleasure her also!
I was enjoying giving Rayne pleasure when she said, "Wanda, wait, stop!" She was breathless from the moaning she was doing. " I think that you should enjoy it too! I don't want to be greedy." she bit her lip and her face became menacing. " Besides,I want to explore your breathtaking body!" Her voice took on a seductive tone. I got up to the top of the bed and laid on my back.
Rayne got on top of me and started thrusting up and down! Instead of her moaning and saying my name, I was the one moaning and screaming her name! I had to grab at the sheets for support! I felt weak for a vampire! I'm being pleasured by a human! I'm normally the one giving it, but of course I never fell in love with a human before! So this totally made sense to me. It felt like my first time. So unexperienced and out of my mind!
Just when I thought she couldn't get any better, she did. Rayne did what she said she wanted to do; She was exploring my body. And I was letting her do it!
When I looked up I froze and my body tensed! Rayne's irises went from sky blue to fire red in a matter of two seconds! She could feel the tension in my body. She stared down at me with worry! " Wanda, what's wrong? Did I do something?" As the emotion of worry took over her eyes went back to blue!
When her eyes changed to that fire red color I suddenly realized that. . I was not in love with a human. I was in love with a WEREWOLF!
I could only imagine the expression on my face as I looked at Rayne! " Rayne I have something to tell you and It leads to somethings about you! You might not believe me, I sware everyting I'm about to tell you is the truth; No bullshit!" I said this very slowly so she could fully understand everything I said. " I'm a vampire, but I'm a half vampire!" I stopped talking to read her reaction. I've never seen a werewolf so pale before. Worried I continued. "And your my sworn enemy. Your a werewolf! I know it may seem crazy, but I sware it's all true!" She deliberately got off of me and slid off the bed. Great! why couldn't I wait until after we were finished handling business?
" Rayne, are you okay?" I asked, suddenly worried. She didn't respond. So in a flash I was in front of her on my knees. Rayne blinked as if doing a double take. She was still shocked at the whole werewolf loves vampire thing! 'Why me?' "Rayne? . . .Please talk to me-" I quickly stopped talking because of the look she was giving me.
Her face was contorted and scrunched. Her eyes started to dialate and changed to a orange-firey color. I literally mean her irises looked like they were on fire! I slowly start to back away from her. She was about to explode. I put up my hands in surrender. "Rayne, please calm down! Just hear me out. and don't get too upset. You could transform right here. I don't think your bedroom would be suitable for your height when you change! So quickly run outside!" I spoke as nice and quiet as I could. But apparently she didn't hear the first part of what I said.
She was still pissed! But she took my warning, smashed the window open and jumped right out, " Or you could . . just . . do that!" Atleast she listened to something I said.
I had just left Lorrayne's condo when my werewolf senses kicked in. Telling me there was another were(female) having her first transformation. But no one was there to guide her so it would lessen the pain. I had to get to her quick, but I was afraid I wouldn't get there in time. As though my body had a mind of it's own; my foot pressed on the gas without my permission. 'Woah!'
Publication Date: 08-14-2010
All Rights Reserved
This book is dedicated to my family and friends. I've written this book to show my true love for writing.