I woke up to one hazily dim morning. I went to my bathroon to brush my teeth and my bed-head hair, washing my face in cold water to wake me. I went over to my room to get my clothes. Changing quickly, then puting my makeup on, I looked good. Well, decent. Suddenly, the phone rang. I looked at the caller I.D. Grandma!
"Hello?" I asked perky-ish.
"Faye, come down to my lilac farm sometime this afternoon. I need you." My sweet-heart Grandma said.
"Sure. I`ll see you later Gram. I love you." I said enthusiastically.
"I love you too, Faye." She said softly.
So while I waited, I went to Starbucks . They had the best mountain high muffins ever. After that, I went to a local shoe store. My name is Faye Greyson and I`m a shoe-aholic.
I got to Grandma Greyson`s lilac farm. She lives a little more than forty minutes away from my house/condo.
"Faye! I missed you so much!" Gram said, coming out of her dainty little house. I loved her house. It always smelled like red velvet cake. Yum!
"Hi, Gram. So, what do you need help with?" I asked, wondering if she needed me to plant a bunch of lilac seeds for her.
"I was walking in the bluffs, and stepped on something hard in the ground. Can you dig it up for me. I tried, but-" She lifted her hand to my face. They had deep blisters all over.
"Ohmigosh! Are you okay?" I asked her.
"Yes, I`m fine. Will you, please?"
"Of course, Gram!" I said,walking outside to get a shovel.
"Where is it?" I asked her about the thing she tripped on.
"Just by the first row." She said getting a drink from the tap.
I smiled when I saw the lilac plants. They`re so buitiful.
I walked near the first row, automatically finding the thing. It was sticking up from the ground. I start digging.
CUPONK! was the sound it it made when it got hit at the bottom corner. I finally got it all shoveled out. It was just sitting there in a hole. I tried to lift it. Holy crap! It was gold! No wonder I couldn`t lift it.
I called Blake and A.J to help. But everyone calls A.J Stark because he is a big fan of Iron Man. The dork. But hes` one of my best friends.
Stark picked up on the second ring.
"Hello?" He asked. I could hear Blake`s voice in the background playing video games, say "Gotcha`!"
"Hey, Stark, can you and Blake come over to Gram`s lilac farm? This gloden box here is really heavy." I said, making sure to get his attention with the gold box. Which wasn`t a lie. It was very real, very thick, gold.
"Sure, I mean it`s not like we died and gone to game heaven just becuase we got the new 'Halo Wars' game." He said matter-of-factly.
"Great! See you two soon!" I said, wonding what was in the box.
Twenty minutes later, (they drive faster than me, alot faster.) Blake and Stark arrive. They see me in the backyard looking at the box. They rushed over to see me.
"Faye! So, wheres this- woah..." Blake said peering at the box.
"C`mon, moron, let`s help her." Stark said. Stark, Blake, and me all grab a corner. It wasn`t as heavy anymore. We used a crowbar to open it, once we got it inside. There was, as plain as day, a poem inside of it, along with a feather.
I read the poem aloud;
Meaningful Beauty of the Night
All will fall at my sight
I will be there in the End
When your mind seems to bend
I was about to ask, "What the heck does that mean?" when I herd Gram gasp.
"Put that down! I don`t want you to ever touch that! Ever!" She said loudly at me. I dropped it. The soft paper landed on the coffe table.
"What is it, Grandma? Who`s ` C`?" I asked her.
She sighed, and sat next to me.
" His name is Calen. He is a fallen immortal of the Odessyes goddess Celestia. He was a warrior, until he thought Celestia loved him. Then when he found out she didn`t, he turned. Evil, I mean." She continued.
"He went to villages on Earth, burning them and it`s people. Until finally, the gifted women had enough of it. The cast a spell on him, he thought he was burning."
"Sounds like it was a hard time for the villagers, burning in their homes and all." Blake said. I smaked his abs.
"It was." Grandma said, her eyes showed a little clear tear.
"Faye, I feel his power. He`ll come for someone realated to a villager, and I never told you this but your grandfather was a villager himself. Your the next possible choice. And it feels like it may be in less than a week." She said shakey.
Well, crap!
Two days past, I was still at Grandma`s house, so was Stark and Blake, I was pacing in the bluffs when I tripped over a root and fell down. I was out cold.
I woke up with a burning on my back. It wasn`t a hurtful burning, but a tingliness, more-like.
My first thought in my mind was : get Gram!
"Grandma!" I yelled, raising up, getting light-headed, and laid back down. She came rushing out.
"Faye, are you alright?" She asked frantically.
"Yes, I`m fine, but my back is burning!" I yelled.
"Come in the house. We`ll look at it in there. But in the bathroom, the boys are still here." She smiled, apoligetically.
"Okay." She helped me up. I help my head for a few seconds, getting all the 'rush-iness' out.
We made a beeline for the bathroom, glad no one was in the room we walked through.
"Okay, so, let me see your back." Grandma said as soon as she locked the door. I raised the back of my shirt up, carefully making sure the front was covered.
She gasped.
"What is it?" I asked scared.
"You have the marks." She said.
"What marks? What are you talking about?" I asked her, more scared than before.
"The Marks of Calen. He`s coming for you." She said.
"Oh, well, okay..." I trailed of, but, I fainted. Great.
This time when I woke up, I wasn`t in Grandma`s house, I was somewhere diffrent. Somewhere where they had school-peas green grass, and baby blue sky,with no clouds.
"Where am I?" I asked myself.
" Faye, my child, your in Odessyess." A woman said, I couldn`t see her.
"Umm, okay? But, who are you?"
She laughed, "My name is Celestia. I think you`ve herd of me, before."
"Yeah, your the goddess of this place, arn`t you?" I asked.
"Yes. Very good."
" Why am I here?"
"You have two choices, the first, is to trust me, and about what I`m going to tell you later. The second choice, you follow the Evil path of Calen. He will lead you to a diffrent way of life. You can never have a normal life, if you follow him."
"Is there a third choice?"
"Of course not."
"That`s kinda what I thought...I choose to trust you." I said.
"Good, now belive everything I`m going to tell you. Your grandfather Lowlind, has left you gifts from his grave. Gifts of great power. You have the power of the ancient women of the Village. Accept it, embrace it." She said, as a swirling ball of purple came in front of me, I touched it, and I felt it surge through me.
"I shall return you to your homeland, but remember, he has marked you as his Queen."
"Queen of what?"
"Queen of his people." Her voice drifted away. I closed my eyes. When I opened the back up, I was in my Grandma`s bed.
"Faye, arms have markings of purple. Are you okay?" Stark asked. He was leaning over me. As was Grandma and Blake.
"That`s the same marks as your grandfather. How did you...?" Grandma trailed off.
"I don`t know." I looked at my arm. It had the same shade of purple as the shadowy ball of power.
"I don`t like that, it doesn`t feel like a good thing." Blake said.
He looked worried.
"You don`t have to like it, it`s my body."
"I know, but..." He trailed off.
"Grandma how many day do we have until Calen comes?" I aske, ignoring Blake.
"One, Faye." Her face was grim.
"Okay, so we just need to figure out the poem." I said.
"Well that easy, we figured t out while you were out cold." Blake said.
"And apparently, everyone but you will be under his spell." Stark continued for Blake. " Which means only you can stop him. before he gets into your brain to." He finshed.
"Great Can we just watch a movie please, gosh." I said. So we watched a movie about dogs. I fell asleep on Stark halfway threw.
"Faye! Wake up!" Blake yelled at me.
"What?" I asked, wanting to hit him.
"He`s come. Calen. And it`s on the news, so look!" He pointed to the oversized T.V.
Kristy Romano was reporting...IN FRONT OF MY HOUSE!
"This is a picture of an angel coming to help the world. Along with the help of Faye Greyson."
"Hey, that`s you!" Blake said. He`s not bright, but`s he`s awesome.
"Shh." Stark said to him.
"Whoever Faye Greyson is, she must be pretty important if an angel come asking for her, coming to her house. But she is nowhere to be seen. More updates to come, I`m Kristy Romano, channel 8 news." She signed off.
"I think you should go to Calen." Stark said.
"Yep, I think so, too." I said.
I fixed my hair and makeup, I looked like crap. I didn`t bring anything with me though. Stark or Blake probably went to get it for me. Probably Stark, Blake didn`t know where the key to my house was, even though I told him a thousand times.
"Ready to go?" I asked them.
"Yep" and "Sure" chorused around the room.
"Alright, lets go." Stark said grabbing the keys to his minivan.
"Why can`t I drive?" I asked.
"Cause it`s my minivan." He said with a sly grin. I smacked his abs.
"Oh my gosh. Your so full of it."
I got in the minivan. Grandma stayed behind. She blew a kiss at me.
When we arrived at my place, I got out quickly. No one was in sight.
"Faye Greyson!" A big melodic voice said from my right.
"Umm, hello?" I turned to the side. Calen.
He had purple eyes and red tattoos. They weren`t scary tattoos. They were like the ones on my back. He wasn`t very nice looking. But he was cute!
" I have marked you. I have come for you." He said.
"Together we can rule this world. And also we can take over Odessyess." He whispered that last part in my ear.
Just then a voice in my head said "Don`t give into him. Use your grandfather`s power. Use your gifts." Celestia said in my head. It gave me confidence.
"You know what, Calen? I herd what you did to my grandfather`s people, and that is never going to happen again. Becuase I call the power of my grandfather to kick your immortal butt!" As I said that, a huge orb of purple whirled from my hands, at his chest. It stuck him, and he was flung back into a tree.
"With the power of my grandfather bury him the ground, and make him burn." I whispered. They acted on my command. Calen was swept into the ground the glowed bright red. When his hand was no longer sticking out of ground, he was gone. That was the last of Calen.
" I will come after you Faye Greyson. Never forget that." Calen`s voice said in my head.
"Get out of my head!" I yelled mentally at him.
"Not until my game is finished..." He laughed evily.
"Faye! You did it! You beat Calen!" Blake said.
"Yeah...I guess I did." I said
For now. I thought.
"Faye, come on, Calen isn`t here anymore...you can go home now." Stark said. I slid my arms in between his and Blake`s.
"You should save the world more often." Blake said.
"Why?" I asked, smiling. Stark went up to my ear and whispered,
"He`s had a crush on you since the fifth grade." He chuckled.
I kissed Blake on the cheek for the fun of it. He laughed gloatfully at Stark, so I gave him a kiss on the cheek to shut them up. They did.
I love my buds` I thought mentally.
"I`m coming back for my kiss too." Calen`s voice said. My eyes widend in shock
Well, crap!
Text: All of this is purely fictionous. If names, places, etc. are to be real, it would be a coincidence.
Publication Date: 11-02-2010
All Rights Reserved