
Chapter One Boarding School is a bitch

I growled as I pulled my suitcase through the elegant hallway with the marble floor and the walls that looked like they were paint by a god himself.
Being transferred to a boarding school really isn’t going to help my anger issues. I mean like, really? A boarding school for anger issues? Fuck you! I hated my parents. My stepdad who was cheating on my mom, was getting on my last nerves! He was the dick wad that said, “Hey, let’s fuck up Winter’s life some more by transferring her to a fucked up rich snob boarding school!”
“Fucking asshole,” I growled.
I stopped in front of the last door down the girls’ hallway and looked at the room number. Room 303. I opened the gold doorknob and step into my room that was to be my home till I graduate and go to college. It is kinda fucked up because I’m a god damn sophomore!
My room was designed personally. My mother happened to pay a little extra (More like four thousand dollars extra) money for them to give me my own room and for me to design my own room personally. (Sadly, some girls had to have three girls to a room)
I was in love with pink, so I asked for rose pink walls and my name written in cursive above the king size bed that somehow fit into the room. The carpet was a lighter shade of pink and the one big window I had had a pink curtain that was made of thread on it. The king size bed had a Hello Kitty sheet on it. I had a personally designed pink Spongebob piggy bank on my dresser. The dresser was a light shade of wood; the same color wood that the bed frame was made of. The mirror looked elegant and screamed Winter! There was a pink love seat on the wall and I saw a single sofa chair that was eggshell white.
I walked to the living room and it was also painted pink but a more darker shade of pink. It had a long pink sofa lined up against the wall and a flat screen sitting there, waiting to be watched. There was a Hello Kitty rug that was in the middle of the TV and the sofa. On top of the rug was a coffee table that was made of a light shade of wood like the dresser pieces in my room. The floor was made of a hard light wood also.
In the kitchen the walls was a peach color. The tile on the floor was a checkered pink and white. The sink was also pink and it had a shiny gold pipe. It was a silver shiny dishwasher attached to a counter. The counter was also pink and was made of marble. There was a bar that was made of the same material as the counter. It had three pink and white bar stools lined up in front of it.
I walked to the bathroom and gasped. This was the prettiest! The wallpaper was made of a pink and white striped Spongebob. There was a huge bathtub that had a gold pipe similar to the one in the kitchen. Then, there was a shower that was propped up in a corner. The tiles of the shower was all pink. The tile on the floor was also all pink. And the sinks was similar to the sink in the kitchen. On the floor was a hello kitty mat.
I smiled and went back to my room. This room was perfect! My mom really outdid herself this time! I dropped on the soft bed and laid back and smiled. With this room, maybe this boarding school won’t be as horrible as I predicted!

By the time I was done packing all my stuff, everywhere in the little place had my face hung up on the wall. I put pink and white flowers almost everywhere. This place screamed me!
When I was done decorating I took some pink short shorts (Which were hello kitty) and some pink underwear (that was lacey) and a white tank top that barely covered almost my whole stomach. I lived by myself, so who the hell cares what I wear?
I went to the bath room and decided to take a bubble bath. I grabbed some Spongebob bubble bath (that was bubble gum scented, Yum!) and poured it in the running hot bath. After the bubbled formed I stripped my clothes and hopped in.
The heat and the soft bubbled brushing against my skin made my anger drop down a few notches. I sighed with relief as the heat from the water relaxed and massaged my muscles.
I got out and wrapped a pink towel around my body. I brushed my teeth with my hello kitty tooth brush and then put on some make up. I know it was late at night and all, but I just have to have make up on! I put on some light pink eye shadow on one eye and put a white on the other(I have my own sense of style). I applied light blush to my cheeks and put on some pink shinny lip gloss.
I put my hair up in a ponytail and put on some hello kitty earrings and necklace.
I looked in a mirror and smiled. I had hair that stopped at least five inches from my shoulders. My hair was pitch black and my eyes was a weird shade of green. My eyes had little specks of blacks in them for some reason, but I always loved them. It made me feel superior.
I put on my clothes and grabbed my dirty clothes. I slid out of my room and walked down the hallway. I searched for the laundry room, but couldn’t find it.
I proceeded to walk straight until I saw a flight of stairs. I went down the stairs and they took me to a different hallway. This hall way wasn’t like the red one upstairs but instead it was green and also looked like it was painted by a god.
I was looking around to see if there was a laundry room when I bumped into a muscular chest.
I was about to fall right on my ass when warm hand steadied me.
Anger was my first reaction but, when I looked into those big beautiful blue eyes it evaporated and I didn’t even know my name.
“Are you alright?” said a sexy husky voice.
I shook my head and stood up straight,
“Um, yeah.” I said.
The boy looked like a body builder (not like the people who was addicted to working out and trying to be the world’s strongest person). He had ebony hair, that was darker than my pitch black hair. He had those hypnotizing blue eyes and I wanted him to wrap his arms around me and me in his arms forever.
He smiled at me and held out his hand.
“Kayden, and you are?”
“Winter.” I say without hesitation. I shake his hand and I smile up at him.
“So, Winter, what are you doing on the boys’ hallway?”
“I was looking for the laundry room.”
He laughed and my smile got wider. His laugh sounded so peaceful, but also so sexy.
“There is one on the girls’ hallway. It is the first door on the right.”
“And you know this because?” I tease.
He smiles and blushes.
“Well, I had my adventures on that hallway.”
He clearly is taken, well I guess my room is going to be the only thing keeping me from leaving this boarding school.
“Well, nice meeting you Kayden. You have a nice night.” I said and started walking when hands grabbed my shoulder.
Anger pulsed through me. Why the hell is he touching me? He needs to go back to his fucking girlfriend and leave me alone!
I turn around, gritting my teeth.
“What?” I ask coldly.
He smiles and runs a hand through his ebony hair and looks into my eyes.
“So, what grade are you in?”
His eyes widen and he is clearly satisfied.
“Me too! Maybe we have a class or two together.”
I chuckled darkly.
“Not counting on it,” I said and turned and went up the stairs. When I reached the girls’ hallway Kayden was right about the laundry room. I dumped my clothes in the washing machine, washed them and put them in the dryer.
I walked back to my room. I would get my clothes tomorrow. But, I had to rest for school.
I walked into my room, locked the door and hopped into my bed. I snuggled up into my pillow and let sleep engulf me.

Chapter Two Desire and Betrayal

The sun peaked from the curtains on my window and I stretched and got up. I slid on my pink and white fuzzy house slippers and went to my bathroom.
I brushed my teeth, washed my face and fixed my hair. I curled it with my curling iron and let my bang hang down. I put a pink flower in my hair and started on my makeup. I put on pink eye shadow on one eye and black on the other. I then put on pink lipstick and went to go put on my clothes.
I slipped on black skinny jeans and a pink tank top. I slid on a jacket and went to go put on some jewelry. I took out my hello kitty earrings but, kept on my necklace. I put in silver hoops and slid on a big hello kitty ring. (If you hadn’t notice I’m obsessed with pink, hello kitty, and spongebob)
I slipped on some pink Vans and grabbed my hello kitty backpack. I picked up my iPod which had a hello kitty case and head phones, then I picked up my iPhone that had a spongebob case.
I grabbed an apple before I left my room. I went in the laundry room, grabbed my clothes and went back into my room to put them away. After putting away my clothes I started walking going down the two flights of stairs. I stuck my iPod in my ear and put it on Beethoven 5th Symphony.
I was humming along to the tune when my iPod was knocked out of my hand. I knew it was going to break, but quick hands caught it and I couldn’t be more grateful. I turned to thank whoever saved my iPod but, when I turned my words got stuck in my throat.
“Hey, Winter.” Kayden said passing me my iPod. I took it and started to walk away but he pulled me back.
“What is wrong, Winter? I’m trying to get to know you but you keep on walking away. Did I do something wrong?”
I looked into his eyes and instantly got lost into them. I leaned in and he did too. He cupped my cheek and my breath caught in my throat. His lips touched mine and electricity passed through us. I shivered and leaned into his touch. He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer. I moaned and wrapped my legs around his waist. He moaned this time and he backed onto the wall. I knotted my hands in his hair as my tongue danced with his; each time our tongue touched sparks and warmth flowed through me.
“What the fuck are you doing with my man, bitch!?” shrieked a voice.
I pulled back and looked at the blonde haired beautiful girl that stood with her arms crossed staring daggers at me. I blushed red and slid down from Kayden’s waist.
She turn to Kayden who was staring at me.
“Why are you always cheating on me with sluts?” she exclaimed.
I gasped and anger flowed through me. I wasn’t a slut!
I was about to attack the girl when Kayden restrained me.
“Let me go! I’m going to show this bitch who the fuck she Is messing with!” I growled.
“You can’t win the fight. Just go.” He said letting me go.
I gasped as betrayal flowed through me, though I knew this whole time that Kayden and I was not meant to be.
“Fine!” I growled.
I put my iPod back in my ears and turned it to Last Resort by Papa Roach.
“I wish I can cut Kayden’s dick to pieces,” I mutter as I reach the school campus.
I saw people piling into the school hoping to get to class before the bell rung, but I could care less. Kayden just really fucked my damn day! I don’t even know why I fucking kissed him! I hate him! I mean like, what the fuck is his problem?
I grabbed my schedule out my book bag and headed to my first class.
I had American History first. I sighed. I hated history. I loved living in the now. Not the twentieth or nineteenth or eighteenth century!
I walked into the classroom and the first thing I spot was a big ass flag on the wall. I laugh out loud and found a seat in the back of the room. I grabbed my hello kitty back pack and set it next to me. I turned off my phone and turned the volume down on my iPod down. I tucked both of them in my pocket and took out a notebook to jot notes down with.
“Hey, I love what you did with your eye shadow. Fucking sexy!” shrieked a feminine voice.
I looked up and saw a small girl with light brown wavy hair that stopped at her back. She had big chocolate brown eyes and she was wearing a red long sleeved shirt and black jeggings.
I smiled at her.
“Thanks, I really do my own style.” She giggled.
“Antoinette. But, people just call me Ant. Mainly because I’m small though,” she said with a chuckle.
I laughed.
“I see. I’m Winter.”
“Like the season winter?”
I smiled.
“Are you born in winter?”
“Yes I am. My birthday is December 15th.”
She shrieked with joy.
“Me too!”
I smiled at her.
She moved to the seat next to me and smiled.
“I think we are going to be the best of friends!” she said and smiled wider.
I laughed.
“I believe so too.”
She chuckled before she turned around.
Then, like a nightmare, Kayden showed up with the blonde gripping on his hand for dear life. She looked loving up at him and he looked back at her with loving eyes. A group of people, which I knew were their friends, crowded into the room giving Kayden pats on the back and complimenting the blonde. The blonde smiled appreciative at them.
I sunk into the seat and looked down, letting my dark hair cover my face.
“Winter?” said a familiar sexy voice.
I looked up and into those oceans he called eyes and I wanted to kiss him again. I didn’t regret kissing him in the hallway and I wanted to kill the blonde.
“Hey,” I said shyly.
“So, I guess you do have at least one class with me.” He said with a smile.
I nodded.
“Yeah, I guess.”
“Oh, I wanted to introduce you to my fiancée and the love of my life.” He said, gesturing to the blonde.
She rolled her eyes at me and looked at Kayden.
“Fiancée?” I asked. Tears was stinging my eyes and I tried not to let a single tear show.
“Yes. Her name is Irina.”
She looked at me and I noticed that her once blue eyes was now a blood red. I gasped and looked down.
“Hey, Irina. Stop glaring at my fucking friend like that and go choke on a dick you fucking bitch,” Ant said.
I looked at her and saw her eyes were not a chocolate brown but black.
I looked down. What the fuck?
“What the hell ever!” Irina yelled and went to go to her seat.
I looked up at Kayden who was looking at me with sorrow eyes.
“What?” I snapped.
He shook his head.
“Nothing.” He said and went to go sit next to Irina.
“Thanks,” I whispered to Ant.
She smiled.
“Anytime. I hate that bitch. I don’t know why Kayden hangs out with her. I don’t know why the fuck he wants to marry her! She’s a bitch and using him!” she growled.
“How does he have a fiancée and he is only a sophomore?” I asked.
She smiled.
“It’s a religion thing.”
I nodded and looked up as the teacher walked into the room.

Chapter Three Lunch is so awkward dammit!

By lunch, I realized that Kayden and I had all our classes together. And every time I looked into those blue eyes I forget everything and just focus on him. It is so confusing I cannot explain it. Not only is it confusing it is frustrating!
Ant only had two classes with me. French (Which I already knew, including Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, Italian, Greek, and Swedish. My mom believes it was so fucking fun to learn different languages. I was learning Swahili but, I don’t even know what country the language comes from so why learn it?) and American History.
“You can sit with me and some other friends. But, I warn you Kayden is going to sit with us but, not Irina. She doesn’t have lunch this period.” Ant said grabbing a plate of pizza.
“As long as Irina isn’t there,” I said and grabbed some salad.
Ant sat down at a table that was all the way in the back of the cafeteria. I saw three other people sitting there. Two boys and one girl.
Ant sat down and I sat next to her.
“Guys, this is Winter.” She said.
I smiled and waved at them.
The girl smiled at me. “I love your makeup. I might just try it.”
I giggled.
“Winter this is Kayla, Blaze, and London. But, everyone calls him Lon or Lonny. He says London is a girl name.” I smiled and tried to stifle a giggle.
“Go ahead and laugh. Everyone does.” He said with a French accent.
I shook my head.
“No, no it is rude.”
Lonny had dark brown hair that was a disarray on top of his head. He had green eyes and long lashes. He looked sexy.
Blaze had silver hair. His hair covered his eyes a bit, but you can see his striking pitch black eyes. He looked sexy also.
Kayla had light brown hair with blonde, black, and blue highlights. She has blue eye shadow on and wore white lipstick, that suited her. She had electric blue eyes and a petite body. She was a bit tall but not giant tall.
“So, Lonny you’re French?”
He smiled and nodded.
“Oui, indeed I am. But, I know many different languages.”
“Vraiment? Moi aussi.( Really? Me too.)”
He chuckles.
“Vous êtes un maître dans l'art de la langue française. (You are a master in the arts of French.)”
“Thank you.”
He smiles and takes a bite of his pizza.
“Can we speak English at this table please?” Blaze asked.
I giggled.
“Nope, if you have a problem then leave.” Lonny said.
Blaze rolled his eyes.
“Go choke on a dick, fag.” He growled.
“How about you choke on mine?” Lonny retorted.
“Gay,” Blaze said and scooted closer to Kayla.
Lonny chuckled and took another bite of pizza.”
“My friends are weird.” Kayla said scooting away from Blaze.
“Don’t move away! You know you want it!” Blaze said with a chuckle.
Kayla smiled.
“I sure do, Blaze.” She said sarcastically.
Blaze smiled.
“I know you do, babe.”
I chuckled and took a bite of my salad.
“Hey guys, sorry I’m a bit late me and Irina was uh, handling business.” said a husky voice.
“You are disgusting.” Ant said.
“That’s my boy!” Blaze said.
“Did she scream out another boys name while you were fucking her?” Kayla asked innocently.
“C'est une putain ( She’s a whore).” Lonny said bitterly.
I kept my head down and took another bite of my salad.
“What did you just say, Lon? Kayden asked.
“He said that she is a whore.” I mumbled and looked up.
Kayden looked me in the eyes and I lost my train of thought.
“How’d you know?” he asked.
I smiled slightly.
“Because I’m a rich snob and I love to learn a lot of languages and French happens to be one of them.”
He smiled crookedly and sat down in front of me. He looked into my eyes and I looked into his. He didn’t even blink once. I looked down at my salad and took another bite.
“You okay?” Ant whispered in my ear. I nodded.
She exhaled and looked at Lonny.
“Are you going to finish eating that pizza?”
Lonny smiled and spit on it and then handed it to her.
“There you go, darling. Fresh spit from your truly.”
She smiled and took the pizza. She took a big bite of it, making sure she got some of his spit in her mouth.
“Tasty. Maybe we can have a little make out session.”
Lonny grinned.
“Anytime. Anywhere.”
Ant giggled and took another bite of the pizza.
I looked at her with a raised brow.
“What? He’s hot.”
I smiled.
“I know.”
Lonny chuckled and Kayden growled.
I looked at him curiously.
“Anyway, my lunch period is over. See you guys later.” Kayla said and picked up her tray.
“I’m going too. I can feel some tension in the air . . .” Blaze said and followed Kayla.
“I’m going to study hall.” Lonny said, getting up. He hugged Ant and hugged me before he left.
I took another bite of my salad before I stood up.
“I think I’m going to study hall with Lonny. I have nothing better to do.”
“I’ll go with you.” Kayden said standing up.
“No, it’s ok. I rather Ant come.” I said looking at her.
She smiled.
“Nah, you go with little Kayden. Maybe you can steal his heart and I won’t see Irina again.”
I glared at her but, Kayden pulled my arm.
“Let’s go. We only have fifteen minutes till class.”
I sighed and dumped away my tray.
“Whatever. Just keep your distance.” I said sourly and exited the cafeteria, with Kayden hot on my toes.

Chapter Four A blood filled fight

“Winter,” Kayden said.
I turned and faced him.
“I’m sorry.”
“For what, Kayden?” I asked and started walking again.
“For not telling you about Irina. I led you on, I’m sorry. Really, really sorry.”
I snorted.
“Shut the fuck up. You know what? I’m going back to my dorm. You just keep on yapping your god damn mouth and now I’m irritated! Are you happy now?” I said and started for the double doors.
He stopped me by grabbing my arm and pulling me towards his chest. I felt so comfy there.
He looked into my eyes and smiled.
“You are so, beautiful.” He whispered.
I blushed and looked down.
“You are confusing me, Kayden.” I admitted and looked into his eyes.
He smiled.
He crashed his lips to mine and warmth flood through me. I shivered and leaned closer into him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and backed me up unto a wall. He moaned squeezed my butt. This time, I moaned.
He pulled away and looked into my eyes.
“God, I love you.”
I gasped and pulled back a bit.
“Y-you what?” I asked.
He shook his head and crashed his lips against mines again. His tongue danced with mines and I tangled my fingers in his hair. I pulled his face closer to mine and moaned.
“Get the fuck off!”
I was instantly airborne and I hit the wall with a loud thud. I sucked in some air and looked up into red blazing eyes.
“What the –“ I was cut off as Irina was in my face in a blink of an eye.
She grabbed my hair and slammed my head into the wall. I felt something wet slide down my head and unto my neck.
“Stay away from my man, bitch! I’m sick and tired of little sluts on my man! And you, you seem to never go away!” She kicked me in my face real hard and blood filled my mouth.
“I’m going to fuck up your pretty little face.”
Punches kept hitting my face so fast that the only thing that confirmed that I was being hit was the blood that I tasted in the pain that hit me from every punch.
“Stop,” I gasped, covering my face.
“Stop? Seriously, bitch? Stop!? You keep feeling up on my man and you want me to stop kicking your ass? Hell no!”
She picked me up by my throat and lifted me in the air. I gasped and tried to pry her hands off my neck.
“I . . . can’t . . breathe.” I gasped.
She smiled and tighten her hold around my neck.
“I can’t breathe!” I shrieked and started kicking. Something over came me and I saw red. A burning sensation spread through my body and I was angry.
“I said, I can’t breathe!” I yelled and kicked Irina hard in the chest.
She gasped and when I looked up she was ten feet away from me. She looked like she was knocked on conscience.
I gasped and laid down on the cold floor. That kick took a lot of energy out of me and air was barely passing through my lungs.
I knew I was going to die.
I let the blood pour from my head as I spit up some blood. I closed my eyes and let the darkness engulf me.

Chapter Five She is dangerous

“She’s going to die! I know she is!” I heard a voice cry. Kayden.
“She isn’t going to die. Her heart beat sounds healthy. Blood is pumping through her veins. The worse that can happen is that she slips into a coma.” Said a French voice. Lonny.
“I’m with London Bridge on this one, man. She is going to be perfectly fine.”
I heard feet shuffling and then, I felt someone’s breath on my ear.
“Je sais que vous êtes éveillé.( I know you are awake)” I heard Lonny whisper.
I smiled and I heard Kayden gasp.
“Winter!” I felt big warm arms around my body and I smiled wider.
I opened my eyes and the first thing I saw was blue.
Then, the first thing I felt was pain then hatred.
My smile turned into a frown.
“Get off me!”
I coughed as I realized how bad my throat hurt.
Kayden gasped and pulled away. He looked down then up at Lonny.
“I told you she would hate me.” He said and got up and left the dorm.
“Aw. Young love.” I heard Ant say.
“There is no love, Ant.” I said coldly.
She shrugged and went to go sit on the love seat.
“So you are the girl who’s room is made up of three rooms!?” Kayla asked.
I smiled.
“That’s me,” I said trying to sit up.
Warm hands pushed me gently down.
“Don’t sit up. You’ll be dizzy. Just, relax.”
I nodded and leaned back into my pillow.
“You really like Hello Kitty and pink, huh?” Blake said eyeing my sheets.
I smiled.
“And Spongebob.”
He nodded and chuckled. He sat next to Ant on the love seat.
“So, babe. How about I take you out to a restaurant and we can do the nasty on the table. In front of everyone.” He said and winked.
Ant smiled.
“Maybe another time, hun.” She said and stood next to Lonny.
I chuckled and closed my eyes.
“What happened?” I asked.
“We should be asking you that.” Ant said.
I opened my eyes.
“Me and Kayden were . . . kissing and then I remember pain . . . . . ,” I gasped. “I think me and Irina got into a fight.”
“That doesn’t make sense. Irina would’ve killed you.” I heard Lonny say.
My eyes widen.
“She would’ve k-killed me? She’s a murderer?!”
I sat up quick, and as Lonny predicted, I was dizzy.
“Why didn’t anybody tell me? You’ll think that my friends would tell me that a killer goes to this boarding school!” I exclaimed.
“Lay back down,” Lonny ordered.
I sighed and leaned back into the pillow.
“I’m going to sleep.”
“I guess we’ll go,” Ant said.
They nodded in agreement accept Lonny.
“Bye, Winter.”Ant said and left following, Kayla, and Blake.
Lonny walked over to my bed and kissed my forehead.
“Irina est dangereux. . . Restez sûr, l'hiver. (Irina is dangerous . . . Stay safe, Winter.)”
He walked out the room, leaving me with my thoughts.

Back to School and It Couldn't be more fucked up

My throat was still a bit sore as I made my way down the hall way. I hadn’t seen any sign of Kayden and his distraught fiancée so, I was having a ok day so far. I rubbed my throat absentmindedly and coughed. God, what the hell happened when me and Iris was fighting? That bitch really fucked me up, huh? I shook my head. How the fuck did I let a prissy bitch like Iris choke me? This is incredulous! Like, really? I use to be knocking bitches out like nobody’s business! And now, I come here and I get choke by a skinny blonde bimbo. Jeez, I need to lift some weights.
Then, it hit me; Iris was a murderer. I could’ve been killed and never saw my snobbish mother and my father again (I don’t care if I never saw my ugly step dad again). I would hate to never see my parents again especially my daddy. He was way richer than my mother for one, and then he actually cared for me unlike my mother. I would hate to have been murdered by that bitch a few days back. But, I couldn’t help the fear I had towards Iris. She is a killer; why wouldn’t I hate her and be afraid of her? She took someone’s life and didn’t give a shit that she did. I hate that bitch with all of my being.
“Hey, Winter.” said a small voice. I smiled and turned around to come face to face with Ant. She had her long hair in a bun and she was wearing a red wife beater with black skinny jeans. What really made me laugh was that she was wearing red eye shadow on one eye and black on the other.
“Looking good, Ant.” I complimented.
She smiled and walked towards me, smiling from ear to ear. “So, you are better right? Because if you’re not I have to drag you back to your big ass room,” she said, placing her hands on her hips.
“I’m better, Jeez. Leave me alone, Ant.” I said with a slight chuckle.
“Whatever. You missed a whole week of school! You gotta catch up, hun.” I groaned and allowed her to tug me down the steps. I didn’t want to go back to school. I hated work and also because I would have to see the murderer and Kayden.
I shivered all over as we made our way down into the classroom. It still looked hideous with its big ass flag on the wall. That made me laugh out loud. Ant looked at me with a raised brow. I shook my head and sat down in my seat. I got out my stuff and placed it on my desk. We had locker break next period and I couldn’t be more grateful. I hated carrying shit, period!
“Hey, Winter.” A familiar sexy voice said.
I looked up and into an ocean. A smile appeared on my face as I took in Kayden’s amazing beauty. He smiled back at me and suddenly he sat down next to me. I looked over at him blankly and he just smiled again and laid a hand on my arm. I bit my lip and turned back towards the teacher. I should be mad at him but, I couldn’t. He was so damn sexy! God, what the hell is wrong with me?
Ant looked at me and then Kale then, back. I could tell she was worried. I sighed and looked back at the teacher. It was my first day back; no drama for Winter. I groaned when Iris walked in tossing her blonde hair behind her back. She walked over to Kayden and smiled at him. Kayden dropped his hand from my arm and took Irina’s. Irina giggled like a fool as Kayden pressed his lips against her hand. I looked away. They had no idea about how much that hurts. Tears welled up in my eyes and Ant noticed. She placed a hand on my back and rubbed in gentle circles.
“Why are you crying, bitch?” Irina sneered.
I ignored her and wiped away the tears quickly. My hands started to shake but I clenched them into a fist. I looked at the teacher who was so interested in the computer. Probably on facebook. Irina chuckled darkly and got into my face. She grabbed my face in her hands and forced me to look at her. I looked away and felt helpless. Preppy Winter just deflated, I thought bitterly. I didn’t feel like being my bold self anymore. I wanted to crawl into a ball and cry.
“Bitch,” she growled and dropped her hand. Tears fell down my cheeks and I looked at Kayden. He looked back at me with sorrow clear in his eyes. I quickly got out of my seat, leaving my stuff behind me. The teacher looked up but, I stormed out and slammed the door behind me. Life couldn’t get more fucked up. It just wasn’t humanly possible! I ran down the hallway trying to make it back to my room without being noticed.


Text: All writing belongs to Breanna Davis
Publication Date: 12-24-2011

All Rights Reserved

To any one that can love another thing or person.

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