Jake's arms wrapped around me and I looked up at him through my eyelashes. He was smiling.
"What?" I murmured.
He shook his head and pressed his lips against mines.
When our lips met, it felt like electricity passed through us. Jake tightened his grip on my waist and I moaned. He kissed me along my neck and caressed my face. I touched his face with my fingertips and I kissed him again, gently yet seductively.
Jake chuckled. "I see little Amelia is turned on." I slapped his arm playfully.
"Am not." I pouted.
"Alright then. Then, I guess I'll leave." He started getting off my bed.
I groaned.
"Jake, don't do this. Just sit back down."
Jake looked back at me and smiled.
"Not until you admit I turned you on."
I tilted my head back and laughed.
"If I do, you'll sit your sexy ass back down and give me what I deserve?"
Jake chuckled and started walking back towards the bed.
He bent down and we were face to face.
His breath washed over my face and I shivered with anticipation.
"You turn me on." I breathed.
Jake looked down and chuckled. "I know I do."
He kissed me gently, then hungrily. In the next moment he was on top of me and, taking off my shirt.
I rolled on my side, exhausted. Jake could last a long time without having a orgasm.
Jake chuckled.
"Want to go again?" He asked, seductively.
"No! I'm so tired." I rolled on my back and tried to breathe.
"You really are out of shape, Amelia."
Jake laughed and I narrowed my eyes at him.
"I am in shape! I'm in track. There are no out of shape people on a track team."
"Fast on the feet but not fast in bed . . ." Jake teased.
I slapped him playfully and rolled on my other side.
"Aw, Me-me, are you mad at me?" Jake said, playfully.
"Aw, Jakey, is your penis smaller than a penny?" I said back.
Jake laughed again.
"So, you have jokes?"
I turned and faced him.
Jake chuckled.
He sat up and pulled me on his lap. I snuggled into his chest and sighed happily.
He kissed my neck and I shivered.
"Do I have a small penis?" He said, his breath blowing my neck.
I nodded.
"Smaller than a penny," I verified.
He kissed my neck again and he ran his fingers up and down my back.
"Mmm, Amelia, if my penis is so small, why did you have five orgasms?"
I gasped and hopped out of his lap.
"I didn't have five!"
Jake stood up and laughed.
"Your right, you had six. Thanks."
I felt my face turn red from embarrassment.
"Well, it's not my fault that it takes a whole hour for you to have a orgasm!"
Jake laughed again.
"That just verifies that I have a big dick."
I rolled my eyes and picked up my clothes.
"You don't want to go again?" Jake asked.
"Nope, I'm tired."
Jake set his face in a pout.
"You're no fun." He said walking towards me.
He wrapped his arms around me and kissed me on the lips.
"Thanks," I breathed.
"Are you sleeping over?" I asked.
"I wish I can, but my dad is claiming that he needs to tell me something important. So, I need to go."
I looked down. I didn't want him to go. Everything is so quiet without him around to laugh at me. He was my best friend and my lover.
"Amelia, don't make me feel bad," he said and tilted my chin up.
"I'll be back tomorrow to pick you up for school."
I smiled.
He kissed me on the lips.
"I love you," He said looking into my eyes.
"I love you, too."
He hugged me and went to go put on his clothes.
I finished putting on mines and watched as he left my room and then, my house.
I woke up to my silent, room. Without Jake's soft booming laughter everything seemed dull and uninteresting.
I sat up and sighed. At least I was going to see him when he picks me up for school. I really needed his arms around me at this point. His arms were so comforting, that I could fall asleep in them even if my whole family was dead.
I went to go brush my teeth and fix up my makeup.
I thought about the race I was going to run on Friday. The track team that I was on were going to go against another team. We were all going to be against each other, but we were all representing our school. It would be cool if I won it again. Yes, again. I won it last year, and hoping to win it again this year. This was something big for our track team. We all wanted to win and get a day off from practice.
I remembered last year's tournament.
Jake was cheering me on from the bleachers, literally hollering out my name like a maniac. I asked him to tone it down, but he rolled his eyes and continued chanting my name.
I remembered how I was running fast, and my breathing never over accelerated. It stayed steady, and I didn't get tired quickly.
We had five laps to run. And after the third one, half of the girls running were tired and losing their pace. But, I was one of the few girls that kept a steady pace and kept my mind on the prize.
All I heard was Jake screaming my name, and that gave me enough courage to pump myself to the finish line.
I kept remembering what he said to me before the race.
"Me-me, just think about me. Just know that after your done with the race that I'm there, waiting for you, with so much love it'll kill a person."
I smiled at him and he pulled me into a hug and planted a kiss on my lips. I also remembered going on the track, feeling dizzy from the kiss.
When I crossed the finish line first ,after the last lap, I heard Jake screaming "That's my Me-me!" And I smiled and turned to face the crowd.
Everyone clapped and chanted my name and I felt so happy that I could've died in happiness.
I ran to Jake before they could even announce me as the winner. I threw myself into his big muscular arms and kissed his face all over.
"Amelia," a voice woke me from my flashback.
I looked up and into my sister's eyes.
"Makeup. Can I borrow some of your white eye shadow?"
"Uh, sure." I picked up one of my many eye shadow's and handed it to my sister.
"Thanks Meli, you can come in handy sometimes."
"Why thanks, Iris." I said flatly.
She smiled and left my bathroom.
My sister Iris, was Senior and I was a Junior. She was famous for singing and cheerleading. Miss. Popular, basically. Sure, I had my share of friends, but not the whole school. The whole school knew me as Amelia Lawrence, Iris Lawrence's little sister, or The Track Team Girl.
I finished my makeup and started brushing my teeth. I fixed my hair, putting it in a ponytail and a bang and put on my silver hoop earrings. I put on the letter 'A' necklace that Jake got me for my fourteenth birthday back when we were best friends. It was real gold.
I laughed out loud as I thought back to the times that me and Jake were just friends.
We would literally do everything together. Sleep together, (Sleep in the same bed) Eat with each other, go to parties with each other. We were basically inseparable. We always laughed when people asked up if we were dating. Our reply would always be, "We knew each other since we were three, of course we are going to do everything together."
I thought about Jake as I put on my clothes. I thought about his pitch black hair and his almost lime green eyes. His eyes were like the color of the greenest grass on the planet. It reminded me of a meadow. I smiled and pulled on one of my boots.
He had an eight pack. It took him years of commitment to vegetables and exercise to get them. I thought it was silly, until I saw the up come. When I first saw them Jake said that my mouth literally dropped to the floor.
I giggled out loud and headed for downstairs, grabbing my cell phone and book bag on the way.
I saw my mom, typing away on her laptop and my dad doing the same on his. My sister was ignoring them while eating cereal and texting away on her phone.
My mom looked up from her laptop when she saw me.
"Hey, sweetie. You look pretty today." I smiled.
"Thanks, Mom."
My mom wrote erratic sex novels. When I was little I use to think it was disgusting to write about such a personal thing, but as I grew up and got more interested in the concept of passion, it didn't bother me much that my mom wrote porn novels.
My dad on the other hand, was just a real estate agent. He was such a business man, always on trips. He was always happy to say that he sold houses in twenty different states.
I walked over to my dad and planted a kiss on his cheek. He looked away from the computer and smiled at me.
"Hey, princess. How are you this morning?"
I smiled.
"Perfect." I say.
My dad flashed one of his crooked smiles and looked back at his computer.
"Iris, are you going to drive to school with me and Jake?"
Iris looked up from her phone and shakes her head.
"My boyfriend is going to pick me up. Besides, I rather ride in a car with my boyfriend than with yours." She rolls her eyes and starts texting again.
"I don't see why any of you need rides from boys when me and your mother bought you cars with our hard working money." My dad said.
"I agree with you, honey." My mother said.
I rolled my eyes this time.
"I don't think cars stick their tongues down your throat. When cars learn to do that, let me know." Iris said and got up and left the house, tugging her backpack along with her.
"No boys better not be sticking their tongues down my daughter's throat." My dad muttered and my mother chuckled.
Blaze, my brother, walked into the kitchen with his hair in a disarray and in his PJ's, which is some pants and no shirt.
Blaze was on the football team, and was on the basketball team last year. He was my twin. He had the same brown hair as me and my same big chocolate brown eyes. Girls were all over him. He had the perfect athletic body like Jake. Accept, Jake was on the basketball team last year and this year.
I guess you can say us Lawrence's were all athletic if you say Iris' cheerleading is a sport.
"What are you still doing here? Your even undress!" My mom said standing up.
Blaze smiled and looked at me though he was talking to my mom. "Well, I over slept because I kept hearing sex noises coming from Amelia's room."
I gasped and flushed red.
"What! Amelia!" My dad face turned pale and at that moment I heard a car's horn.
I exhaled and ran out the door as fast as I could.
Why the hell did Blaze say that? He's acting like he is a virgin himself! He lost his virginity at thirteen! I didn't say anything! Now he's going to rat me out like that. I had to get him back. Somehow.
I rushed into Jake's car and slammed the door as fast I could. I strapped on my seatbelt and tucked my cell phone in my pocket.
Jake chuckled.
"Are the police after you?" he teased.
"Something like that," I muttered.
I sighed as Jake drove from my house and towards the school.
"So, what happened?" Jake mused.
"Blaze told my parents about our sex lives."
Jake's laughter boomed through the car and it calmed me down a bit.
"Did he get the details about how many orgasms I made you have?"
I narrowed my eyes at him.
"I only had one!"
"Six! Will you give in already?"
Jake was having fits of laughter and I smiled, but tried to hide it. His smile and laughter was so contagious.
I relaxed into my seat and listened to Jake's laughter, committing it to memory for a rainy day.
"So, are you ready for Friday?" Jake said as he recovered from his hysteria.
I nodded.
"You better beat their asses."
I smirked.
"I'll try my best, Jake."
"Remember what I said last year." he said and my heart skipped the beat. He had no idea about how much those words meant to me. It didn't just make me win the race, it also made me fall deeper in love with him.
"I will." I said and smiled.
Jake coughed and I looked at him. Then, another cough came after another. I saw panic on his face. I was instantly alarmed.
"You ok, Jake?"
He smiled, but coughed again.
"Yeah, just a little cold."
"You sure?"
He nodded.
Jake pulled into the parking lot and he stopped coughing. I sighed, relieved. I was glad he wasn't suffering from Tuberculosis.
He pulled into a parking space and put the car in park. I looked at him and I was worried. He looked like he was about to die.
"Jake, are you sure your ok?" I asked.
He smiled, but I can tell it was forced.
"I'm sure I'm fine. Stop worrying."
He stepped out of the car so did I. He grabbed my hand as we walked into the school.
"You two! Stop! You guys are always trying to leave me!"
I smirked and me and Jake stopped.
Pamela, one of my friends caught up with us and she got in between us resting a arm on both of us.
"Hey, Jake. Hey, Amelia."
I smiled at her.
"I was about to go fuck my boyfriend in the bathroom when you came interrupted us." I teased
All three of us laughed.
"Can I join?" Pamela asked.
"Nope, my dick belongs to Amelia, only." Jake said, smiling.
"Too bad. I guess I'm just going to have to ride the next cute boy that walks down the hall."
I laughed as Pamela left us and went after Bryan, a boy I recognize from the basketball team.
I watched as she whispered in Bryan's ear. He smiled and grabbed her waist and they went into the nearest bathroom.
"Wow, she gets around like magic." Jake said from next to me.
I giggled.
"That's our Pamela. They grow up so fast." I say.
Jake looks down at me and grins. He wrapped his arms around me and pulls me closer. I smiled, everything was perfect.
The day passed by in a blur, and I was heading to lunch, holding hands with Jake with Pamela yapping in our ear about how big Bryan's package was.
"I mean like, Amelia, his dick was huge! Probably bigger than Jake's."
I giggle.
"Not possible," I say and Jake smiles.
Pamela giggles. "Young love," she sighs and walks ahead of us.
"I hope she knows the size of a penis has nothing to do with love. All about the genes." Jake says and laughs.
I laugh and agree.
Then, Jake coughs, again.
I look at him, he looks like he in the pain. I notice that it sounded harsher than it did in the car.
I rub his back, but I don't say anything. I'm silently praying that he's ok.
I squeeze his hand and he squeeze's my hand back.
I didn't grab any lunch, I wasn't hungry anymore. Jake's coughing made my appetite vanish. I hoped he wasn't sick. A cold didn't appear out of thin air like that. It didn't make sense. What was happening to him?
I waited as Jake paid for his lunch before we walked to the table we shared with my brother and my sister, along with their friends and mines.
I sat down next to my brother, and Jake sat next to me.
"No food?" My brother asked me.
I shook my head and then I narrowed my eyes at him.
"What was that about this morning, you asshole?"
The whole table laughs accept my sister, and Blaze blushes.
"Well, you were fucking your boyfriend."
"Well, stop jacking off to the sound of our sex." I spat at him.
Once again the whole table laughed again and my brother flushed red.
Jake chuckled and held me tighter to his side.
"Can you guys stop fighting? Save all of that mess for home. Damn, twins." Iris said.
"It's alright. If I had a twin I would argue with them all the time." Casey said, one of the cheerleaders.
Iris rolled her eyes and snuggled into Chris, her boyfriend, side.
I looked at my brother who had his arm wrapped around Liz his current girlfriend, which I know he would probably dump by next week.
Jake coughed again and the whole table looked at him. He clutched his side as he coughed.
"Jake," I said alarmed.
He looked at me and I saw tears in his eyes.
"Jake!" I said more scared now.
He stood up and ran from the cafeteria, coughing. I felt tears well up in my eyes.
I looked back at the spot where he was sitting and gasped. There was blood. All over.
Chris' stupid car wouldn't drive fast enough. Jake needed me at that damn hospital now. And even though I kept yelling at Chris to speed up he kept telling me bullshit about staying on the speed limit.
"You fucking asshole! I don't give a shit about a damn speed limit, hurry up!"
I heard Iris sighed and I saw Blaze shift uncomfortably in his seat.
"Look, I know Jake is all sick, but that doesn't give you the right to yell at me! Besides, you're getting the luxury of riding in my car, free!"
Anger pulsed through me and I wanted to kill Chris. He's talking about money when my Jake is sick in the fucking hospital!
I was about to hit him when Blaze grabbed my hands and pinned them to my sides.
I threw a dirty look towards my brother.
"Let me go, now!" I said through gritted teeth.
Blaze shook his head, his lips in a tight line.
"No, you need to calm down."
I had about enough of people telling me to calm down. They needed to shut up! They didn't know how it felt to know that the person you loved your whole life is dying helplessly in the hospital, and you're not there to even say goodbye.
"Look, you guys have no clue about how I'm feeling right now, just. . . drive faster," I whispered the last part. I felt hopeless now. I was never going to see Jake again. He was going to die and I was never going to say goodbye.
I felt silent tears slip from my eyes and I wiped them away.
Blaze held me tighter and I tried to pull away, but he was much stronger than me.
"Chris, drive faster." Iris said. I looked at Chris and he immediately obeyed. I sighed and relaxed a little. Maybe I could actually say goodbye.
"What do you mean he's on the no visitor's list?"
The lady at the desk examined the computer again.
"It says it right here, no visitors aloud."
I pouted, and got an idea.
"Can I speak to Dr. Clark?" I asked.
Jake's dad worked at the hospital as a Trauma Surgeon, he could probably let me be able to see Jake.
The lady smiled.
"Sure, he's on his lunch break. Let me see if he can come see you."
The lady turned to the phone and dialed the extension number.
"Dr. Clark, to the front a visitor awaits you."
She hung up and looked at me.
"He should be here in a few. Have a seat," she said and gestured to the chairs behind us.
I sat in the chair, my brother still clutching my hand. I leaned on his shoulder for support. I was tired and I knew I would tumble over if he let my hand go.
Dr. Clark's shining green eyes zoomed in on me and he smiled, showing off his deep dimples, the same dimples Jake had.
"Amelia, nice to see you again," he said and pulled me into a hug.
I got straight to the point.
"They won't let me see Jake," I said and pouted.
Hurt flashed across Dr. Clark's face.
"I'm very sorry about that, Jake didn't want to see anyone but me, his mother, and his sister."
I gasped.
"H-he didn't want to see me?" I asked, fighting back tears.
Dr. Clark shook his head.
"I'm very sorry, Amelia." he said, sincerely.
Rejection washed over and I back away, clutching my chest. This was worst than him dying. Jake didn't want to see me. I couldn't see him. He didn't want me.
"Amelia," Dr. Clark started, but stopped.
I shook my head and grabbed back on the Blaze's hand, realizing I let go.
"Tell him I said Forget about me. Tell him to never think about me when he's on his deathbed. Tell him I said I hope he goes to hell." I spat the words at Dr. Clark.
Dr. Clark's face turned pale and he nodded.
"It'll hurt him, but I'll make sure the message is delivered.
He turned and walked swiftly away.
I felt guilty and looked down.
"Come on," Blaze murmured in my ear and started tugging me away.
"I want to see Jake . . .," I whispered.
Blaze looked into my eyes.
"You can't."
Tears slid down my face as I realized he was right. Even if I did have a chance at seeing Jake, it's probably ruined now after what I told Dr.Clark. I should have kept my mouth shut. Now, Jake was going to die without my goodbye.
Blaze was rubbing my back and combing his finger through my hair. I was shaking with tears and sorrow. My chest hurt and I wanted to vomit. I was glad that Blaze was comforting me. We use to be close, and I'm glad he was turning back into his regular self.
"Are you going to dump Liz?"
Blaze's body shook with laughter.
"I guess."
I rolled my eyes.
"That isn't very nice."
Blaze chuckled.
"She isn't the one for me. Just a sex toy."
I shook my head and snuggled into his lap.
"Well, I'm going to get some sleep," I said and closed my eyes.
I woke up to a shade of the sun creeping into my room. My eyes fluttered open and I sat up straight. I groaned as I realized Jake wasn't with me, but dead.
I collapse back into the pillow and touched the necklace that I didn't take off. The letter 'A' necklace. I sighed and fingered the letter.
"I'll never forget you Jake. Not a year from now, a decade from now, or even a century from now, I'll always remember you."
I rolled on my sides as tears started to pour from my eyes. I gripped my chest and let the tears drip from my eyes and onto the pillow.
A knock on the door made me jump and wipe my eyes.
"Hey, sweetie." My mom said from the door.
"Your dad left for a business trip in New York, he'll be back in a week." She sat on my bed next to me and started to rub my back.
"I'm sorry about what happened to Jake," she began and looked into my eyes.
"This situation is going to scar you for life." She looked like she had more to say but held it back.
"You have something else to say," It was a statement not a question.
My mother looked down then back into my eyes.
"I promised that Jake would be the one to tell you."
"But, he can't! He's dead!" I sat up straight in the bed and shook my mother's shoulders.
"He isn't dead. That's all I can tell you." She removed my hand from her shoulders and left my room.
I stared at the spot in which my mother was sitting in.
Jake wasn’t dead?
I felt my heart skip a beat and I touched the necklace that lay in between my breasts.
Jake isn’t dead!
I felt happy tears stream down my face. Hopefully, Dr. Clark didn’t tell Jake about what I had said. I was hurt and sad. I hoped Dr. Clark understood why I said those words. I sent a prayer up to God before I went to gather my clothes.
School wouldn’t be as fun with Jake by my side laughing and smiling and holding my hand. I sighed out loud and went to go fix my hair.
A moment later I was dressed, with no makeup, and no jewelry accept the necklace Jake gave me.
New hope drained into me as I hopped in my car, avoiding my parents Iris, and Blaze, avoiding breakfast and my life at home. I just wanted to get to school.
I turn the keys and my car roared to life. I pulled out of my drive way and started for school.
I thought about Jake at the hospital. He was probably dying a little bit more every minute.
My hand tightened on the steering wheel at the thought.
What if he really didn’t want to see me? What if he wanted to die than see my face again? I shook my head. He loved me. He would want to see me before he died.
I drove into the school parking lot moments later. The red bricks that the school was made of didn’t feel so homey anymore. The flag that waved from it didn’t remind me of home, at all. Nothing felt right without Jake’s arms wrapped around my waist leading me down the hall way. Or maybe, he might be kissing me until we both get so turned on we go have sex in the bathroom.
Tears blurred my vision as I remembered the day I lost my virginity to Jake.
“I promise I won’t hurt you, Me-me. I love you.”
We were propped up against the wall in the hallway. I was supposed to be at track practice and he was supposed to be at basketball practice.
I shook my head and looked into his eyes.
“What if after I give you what you want, you dump me and leave me. I can’t handle that, Jake. I can’t handle living without you,” I looked down as tears filled my eyes.
Jake tilted my chin up with his finger.
“Amelia, you know I would never do that to you. Have I ever betrayed you in anyway?”
I thought that over. He never did betray me. He always stood by me even when I was wrong. He never let me down.
I shook my head. “No,”
I pressed my lips to his and passion and lust filled me. I knotted my fingers in his dark hair and deepened the kiss. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He backed up into the nearest bathroom and took away my virginity.
I remembered the pain, and glad there wasn’t any blood. I remembered the awkward silence when we were done. I remembered Jake kissing me lovingly on the lips and never leaving my side.
Tears fell from my eyes and I wiped them away. I got out my car and started walking towards the school. I felt a hand touch my shoulder and I thought it was Jake.
I turned around and found Pamela staring at me with puffy red eyes.
I gasped.
She threw her around me and hugged me tight.
“I miss him so, so, so much!” she sobbed into my shirt.
I wrapped my arms around her.
“He isn’t dead,” I whispered.
She looked into my eyes and she smiled.
“He isn’t dead?” I shook my head.
“B-but all that blood . . .” she trailed off.
“I know. He isn’t dead . . . yet.”
She looked down and then she grabbed my hand.
“Let’s go to Biology,” she said and tugged me towards school.
Pamela had dark silky hair, that had red highlights flowing through them. She had a nose piercing that was in the shape of a heart. She had a petite body and like pixie small.
“Pamela, you want to go to Biology?” I ask.
“I’ll do anything so I won’t think about Jake laying in a hospital bed . . . dead,” she whispered the last words and tears filled her eyes. She wiped it away and tugged on my arm harder.
I understood why Jake being sick brought so much pain to Pamela. They knew each other for a long time. Not as long as I knew Jake, but almost.
I looked down at Pamela with pity and said nothing more.
I was jotting down notes in Algebra when I was called to the front office. I sighed and picked up my books and headed for the front office.
What did they want?
I started biting my nails, nervous.
Was I in trouble? Did they find some footage of me and Jake being intimate?
I shuddered at the possibilities. My dad would kill me if he found out.
I stepped into the front office. A cold breeze blew across my back and I shivered. I looked down at my hands and realized they were shaking. I stuff them in my pockets and walked all the way into the office.
I first saw only the lady that sat at the desk but as I came closer in I realized Jake’s dad was there along with his mother.
I cleared my throat and faced them.
“So, what’s up?” I asked, raising my eyebrow.
Jake’s dad smiled and stepped in front of me.
“I told Jake what you said,” he began. I frowned. “And since you were so mad he wishes to see you.”
I smiled.
“Really?” I looked over at Jake’s mom for confirmation and she nodded.
I threw myself into Jake’s dad arms and looked up at him through tears.
“Thank you,” I said sincerely.
He smiled back at me and released me.
He grabbed his wife hand. “Lets go.”
I was confused.
He nodded, immediately. Jake isn’t doing so well.”
I went frigid but nodded and followed him out into the parking lot.
I slid into their car and tried to focus on the road instead of them. Jake’s mom surprised me by sitting in the back with me. She wrapped her arms around me and held me tight to her tiny body.
Jake’s mom had pitched black hair like him. She had light, light blue eyes, and she was beautiful. She looked like a queen.
Jake’s dad had dark brown hair with Jake’s almost lime green eyes. He looked a lot like Jake. He could’ve been his twin if he had the pitched black hair.
I laid my head on Mrs. Clark shoulder and closed my eyes. Jake was going to die. He wanted to see me before he did. A tear fell down my face even though my eyes were closed. I wiped it away and opened my eyes. Mrs. Clark was looking at me with a worried expression on her face.
“What?” I asked and put my face in a pout.
“Your sadness is literally screaming at me,” she said and looked down.
I knew she saw the confused expression on my face and said, “I wish I can explain . . .” She looked out the window and we didn’t talk the rest of the ride.
“Down the hall, turn right then a left,” Mr. Clark was saying to me. I nodded and followed his direction towards Jake’s room.
I ran down the hall, following Mr. Clark’s directions. I stopped at the door that said room 104.
I turned the knob and stepped slowly into the room. I stopped in the middle of the room when I heard coughing.
“Me-me,” said a familiar voice.
I looked up and saw a stranger that was pale and had the same voice and eyes as Jake.
“Jake,” I realized.
I walked towards his bed and sat down on a chair by his bed.
“You look horrible.” I commented.
He flashed a smile.
“I feel like utter shit.” He laughed and I smiled.
“I wish you can get the hell out of here and bang me.” I teased.
He chuckled.
“I wish too, Me-me. But, that isn’t going to happen.” He said and coughed again.
I looked away. “Don’t say that,” I said not looking at him. “I don’t want you to die.” I said and a tear slid down my cheek.
“It’s going to be ok, Amelia.” He said and rubbed my arm. I looked back him and he was smiling.
“I’m really going to miss that smile.” I sighed.
“Do not worry, Amelia.” He said firmly.
“How can I not?”
“Because, you are strong. You can go on without me.”
I shook my head.
“I cannot!” I shouted.
He wasn’t even trying to live. He was trying to die. He didn’t care that he was taking himself away from me! He only cared if I was ok. Like, who the fuck cares about me right now? He’s in the fucking hospital!
“You’re going to have to. Move on, Amelia. Do it, for me.”
I shook my head.
“No, Jake! I can’t! I love you. You are my life. How could I even move on without you? I will love no one like how I love you.”
A tear slid down his face and I wanted to comfort him.
I laid my head gently on his chest and listened to his breathing and his heartbeat.
He ran his fingers through me hair.
Then, his heartbeat started to slow. Alarmed, I sat up and looked at him. His face went pale and he looked at me through tears.
“It’s time,” he gasped.
His eyes rolled to the back of his head and he was still. He didn’t move a inch.
I stared at his body and I didn’t move. He was dead. Gone. For real this time. I wasn’t ever going to wake up to his smile. I wasn’t going to be able to make love to him. I would never hear that soft booming laughter bouncing off my pink walls.
I felt a tear slid down my face, but I stayed still. I didn't bother to wipe it away. I shook with tears silently and thought about how everything seemed perfect before yesterday. Jake was healthy and I was wrapped up in his arms. Then, yesterday came and he's all of a sudden sick and coughing up blood and fighting for his life. And now, today, this second, his dead. His soul has shattered and wandered off into another world.
I touched Jake's body and it felt warm. I was confused. When you died, I thought your body temperature dropped until you was cold. But, Jake's body felt warm. Why was it warm?
“Amelia, you must go.” I jumped at the sound of his voice.
I looked at him and looked back at Jake’s corpse.
“He’s gone,” I tried the words on my tongue, but they tasted bitter. Not right.
He nodded, but looked like he wanted to say more.
He took my hand and escorted me out the room. A part of me wanted to the run back and wrapped my arms around his dead body and keep him forever until he disintegrate but another part is telling me to move on.
In the car, Mrs. Clark held me tighter and this time I shook with tears
My head felt like someone took a hammer and started hitting me in the head. It hurt almost as bad as my broken heart. Even though, Jake's body was warm, he was dead. He must take a while for the body temperature to cool down.
I laid back in my bet and played with the necklace that hung from my neck. My eyes filled with tears as my mind kept replaying the day Jake got it for me.
It was my fourteenth birthday. I was never a party girl so, I just decided to hand out with Jake for my birthday. We were hanging out in my room and we were bored and since my birthday was in midsummer , we were hot. I was in a bikini top and some shorts and Jake was wearing shorts and was shirtless. He didn't have his eight pack then, just a simple four pack.
I was laying upside down on my bed with Jake sitting on my floor looking at me.
I smiled.
"How can you just stare at me for so long, you stalker." I teased.
He chuckled.
"I'm use to it."
I sat up straight.
"What is that suppose to mean?"
"Lay back down. You are always trying to find ways to bite off my head."
"Whatever," I said and laid back down, upside down.
He started playing with my hair and sighed, happily. It felt so good and right.
"I got you something, Me-me."
"I told you I didn't want any presents, asshole." I snapped, playfully.
When we were best friends we always use to talk about each other, a lot. I called him asshole a lot and he called me bitch. Of course people said it was weird to say that to your best friend, but we didn't care.
"Don't worry, bitch. It's nothing just a necklace."
I giggled and sat up straight.
I studied him. he looked uncomfortable.
"A necklace? You went shopping?" I teased.
He nodded.
"I only shop when it is important."
I burst out laughing, holding my stomach."
"Wow, Jake Clark was shopping! I would have never-"
I was cut off as he pressed his lips to mine. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist, instinctively. He moaned as I thrust me private area against his. I knotted my hands in his dark hair and I moaned myself. Soon, we both stopped kissing and we were breathing hard. He placed me back on the ground and I straightened out my clothes.
A silent moment passed between us.
He cleared his throat.
"I got you a letter 'A' necklace." he said awkwardly.
He pulled out a necklace that had a letter 'A' hanging from it. The letter was jeweled with white diamonds all over. The gold shined in the light. It was extremely beautiful.
"Jake," I whispered.
He wrapped the necklace around my neck without saying anything. Surprisingly, the necklace was warm as he clung to the valley of my breast.
I turned and face him.
"Jake, I-I had no clue you felt this way about me."
He looked down. "I know you don't feel the same, Amelia. But, I cannot act like I do not love you more than a friend."
When he looked back up at me tears filled his eyes.
"You idiot," I whispered and hugged him, then kissed him.
"What took you so long?"
He smiled and engulfed me with kisses.
Now, it feels like a distant memory. I rolled on my side and held the letter 'A'.
"I vow, I will never take off this necklace. Even if I moved on." I said drowsily.
I closed my eyes and sleep overcame me. Then, I was in a meadow.
I rolled on my side and groaned as sunlight hit my eyes. My eyes fluttered open and I groaned as I remembered yesterday.
No Jake.
He's dead.
And he left me here to suffer.
I sat up straight and rubbed my forehead. My headache seemed to worsen over the night. I got out of bed and walked to my bathroom.
I picked up all my makeup and threw them away. What was the point of looking pretty if you had no one to please? What was the point of looking pretty if you didn't need to? Jake was gone, he'll never see me again, so why would I even try to be pretty? If I'm not pretty I can't move on. I smiled and continued to throw away all my makeup.
I could hear Jake's criticism in my head:
"Amelia, you know makeup means the world to you! And I'm not going with you to shop for more!" I could hear him grunting stubbornly and then asking me if I want to have sex.
I laughed out loud and then sighed. When I was done disposing of all my makeup I went for the jewelry.
"Me-me, have you gone insane? You're jewelry too!?"
"You made me insane," I muttered and started to fix my hair.
I fixed my hair in a messy ponytail, not even bothering to comb it out.
I looked back at the mirror. What looked back at me was nappy headed girl that looked pale, and the only thing that made her a little pretty was the gold necklace wrapped around her chest.
I smiled, pleased at the results. I went into my room and put on the saddest clothes I could find in my closet, which was pretty hard since I loved bright happy colors.
I settled with a dark blue sweat suit. I looked at myself in my mirror and smiled. Everything on me looked hideous except the necklace that dangled from my neck.
I brushed my teeth before I headed downstairs, leaving my cell phone, and grabbing my backpack.
I was about to sneak out the door when my mom called me.
I gritted my teeth and walk backwards into the kitchen.
"Yes?" I asked through gritted teeth.
"Amelia, I know how you are feeling I just want to say that -"
I cut her off as I raised up my hand.
"I don't want to hear it!" I snapped and stormed out the house. I jumped in my car, mad at the world.
I didn't want to talk about Jake with anyone! I shook my head angrily as tears filled my eyes. Why could she avoid me like everyone else was doing? It would help a hell of a lot better!
I turn the keys to my car and the car roared to life.
I pulled into a parking space and got out of the car. I slammed the door as hard as I could. My keys dropped out my hands and I bent down to pick them up. I grabbed them, and tried to stand up but, I couldn't. Reality hit me hard then.
I shook with tears, and I clutched my chest at the pain. "Jake!" I yelped and kept shaking with tears. I can never see him again. I fell on my side and cried harder. I could feels eyes on me, but I didn't care. Jake was dead! "No, no!" I said out loud. I felt lonely without his smile and laughter and his soft touch. "He's gone!" I wailed.
I felt hands trying to pick me up and I squirmed away. I wanted to suffer. I wanted to mourn over my big lost. Why couldn't people leave me alone and let me grieve?
"Meli, stop crying, please." I heard my brother's voice say.
I shook my head, but let him pick me up.
He clutched me to his chest and carried me to his car. I felt the soft seats beneath me and I snuggled into them.
"Give me your keys, I have to drive it back to the house."
I handed him the keys and closed my eyes.
I was in a meadow. The grass was green as Jake's eyes, and there were palm trees scattered all around, making it look more like a beach. A stream of water flowed by. The aura was beautiful.
I walked over to the water and looked at myself in the water. What looked back at me was the real Amelia. Not, boring dull, pale Amelia who lost the love of her life. I gasped and touched my face. The beautiful Amelia did the same. I smiled.
Then, I heard Jake's voice, "Move on Me-me, you are beautiful!"
I gasped and turned around, but I found nobody there.
"Jake? Jake!" I said, looking around.
"Are you there? Please tell me if you are there! I miss you so much, I-I need you! I'm a wreck without you!"
I dropped to my knees and looked ahead of me. There, he was. The love of my life. His eyes was shining a bright green and he looked even more gorgeous then I remembered. His dark hair was in a elegant disarray on his head, making him look ten times more handsome.
"I can't live without you, Jake" The words slipped from my mouth and Jake's eyes flashed red.
"You can't live with me! Not until you changed! And I'm not even a hundred percent sure you will, Amelia! I cannot hurt you. Move on . . . forget about me!"
I gasped as the picture shattered. It broke into a million pieces,.
I sat up straight in my bed. I was breathing hard and my heart was beating fast. "Jake," I whispered. "I can't . . ."
"Amelia. . . shut up," grumbled a voice.
I turned and saw my brother sleeping.
I closed my mouth and laid back down.
"Sorry." I whispered.
My brother squirmed around until he got comfortable. Moments later I heard his loud snoring.
I laid on my side and placed my hand on the necklace. I sighed and closed my eyes again.
"Amelia, wake up."
I opened my eyes and saw my brother, dressed looking at me.
"Time for school."
I looked down at myself and I still had my school clothes on.
"I'll go in these." I said getting up.
He scrunched up his face.
"At least brush your teeth."
I shook my head. "Nope."
"That's gross, Amelia."
I smiled.
"I know."
Blaze picked up my backpack and I followed him out the door.
"So, you're not going to comb your hair either?"
"Hell no."
Blaze chuckled and shook his head.
I felt everyone's eyes on me as I walked inside of the school building. Blaze was walking next to me protectively. I shook my head.
Then, Stacey, one of Blaze's ex girlfriends, came up to me.
"Hi, Stacey." I said politely.
"Are you crazy or somethin'? Girl, don't you know better to not have a scene in front of the school?"
I almost forgot about her annoying western accent.
I was about to say something but Blaze said, "Get your cowgirl ass out my twins' face or I will get every cheerleader here to beat your western ass. Now, bye."
Stacey's face twisted in a ugly scowl, but she turned and walked back from where she came.
"Thanks, Blaze."
He flashed his crooked smile.
"Anytime, sis."
And that was how the day was. Blaze cursing out everybody that talked about my break down yesterday. Pamela was the only one who understood me. We had skipped Biology and went into the bathroom and cried our eyes out. We held each other while we cried and passed each other tissue.
"I miss him, Amelia." Pamela sniffed.
"I need him." I sobbed.
We held each other again and cried harder.
I let her go for a second.
"He wants me to move on."
Pamela eyes widen.
"Don't. Well, at least not yet."
I nodded.
"Sounds like a plan."
Then, we cried again.
The meadow looked the same; beautiful. I went back to the stream. The water was dark blue, and made the meadow look even more breath taking.
The same beautiful Amelia looked back at me as I stared at the stream. I smiled and plopped down on the grass to admire myself some more.
I touched the chain again, and so did beautiful Amelia.
"You are beautiful Amelia, why don't you get that?"
I looked behind me and I saw Jake, once again, looking like prince charming.
"Jake," I murmured.
I felt a smile spread across my face as I stood up and faced him.
"Hi." I whispered.
He looked down and when he looked back up his eyes were red.
"Wake up. Move on. Stop thinking about me." he said and started to walk away.
"Jake! Wait, please. At least let me enjoy my dream. I mean, when I wake up I have to face the reality that you are dead, so please I beg of you, let me enjoy this dream. Stay." I wiped away the tears that formed in my eyes.
Jake turned around and his eyes were the glowing green again, but this time it was filled with tears.
"I can't, Me-me. You'll get attached."
I shook my head and looked down.
"Don't you love me? At all?"
In a blink of an eye Jake stood before me and before I could react I was in his arms.
"Of course I love you Amelia! Don't you ever question it!"
I snuggled into his arms and sniffed in his smelled. I sighed happily at the familiar scent. I wrapped my arms around his waist and smiled.
"I miss you so much." I admitted.
He held me tighter.
"I miss you too,"
I looked up at him confused.
"Aren't you dead?"
He smiled.
"I guess."
I was about to ask him what he meant, when, in a swift movement, we were laying on the grass and I was on top of him.
Then, my lips was pressed against his. I moaned. I wanted to kiss Jake for so long and I didn't care that it was just a dream, what only mattered is that my lips were on Jake's.
I started taking off my shirt when Jake's hands caught mines.
"Amelia, don't."
I set my face in a pout and sat up straight.
"Why not? You are dead in real life . . . I miss you being so close to me, Jake."
A tear slid down my cheek and Jake wiped it away.
"You always knew how to make me your slave."
And like that, we started making love, in my dreams.
I woke up in sweat and my heart was about to hop out of my chest.
I smiled remembering my dream. I sighed as I realized it really was a dream. Jake was not alive. And we didn't make love. My eyes filled with tears but, I wiped them away quickly.
I got dressed quickly, but this time dressing beautifully. I had to remember I am beautiful Amelia. Jake wants me to move on, in reality, and so I will.
Then, something hit me. The track game was coming up this Friday. I hadn't been to practice all week.
"Oh, shit . . ." I mumbled. "Coach is going to literally kill me," I shook my head and started packing some stuff up for practice.
I took out some shorts and a tank top and stuff them in a bag. Then, I grabbed my water bottle off my dresser and grabbed my backpack and headed downstairs.
My mother was once again, there alone.
"Where's dad?" I asked as I reached into the fridge.
"Oh, sweetie, do you feel better? About you know, Jake?"
I turned to face her.
"You didn't answer my question, Mother. Where is dad?" I asked through gritted teeth.
She cleared her throat.
" New York."
"Another business trip?" I asked pouring water into the bottle.
"Something like that," she muttered.
I close the lid on my bottle and sat down next to my mom. She looked like she was about to cry.
"Mom? I'm sorry I snapped at you. It's just that it's hard to accept Jake being dead, and I love him."
She smiled hesitantly.
"It's alright. But, it's not that,"
She looked into my eyes, and saw loneliness there and her usually light eyes, turn a slight red.
I gasped.
"I see danger coming, and I don't like it."
I looked away. I couldn't even look at my mother anymore. Her eyes were turning red, just like Jake's does in dreams. What the hell was going on?
"I have practice today, pick me up on time." I looked back into her eyes and they turn back to their light brown color. She smiled and smooth her hair back.
"Will do," she said and started typing away on her computer again.
I shook my head and stood up. I grabbed my keys and drove to school, trying not to think of my mom's red eyes.
I opened the door to my car and I heard a thump. I looked out the window to see what I hit and saw a boy rubbing his arm.
I gasped and got out of the car, careful not to hit him again.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to."
He looked up and smiled.
"Yeah, yeah. I was in your way it doesn't matter."
I gasped at his beauty.
He had light brown hair that looked messy on his head, yet hot. He had light crystal eyes that looked as if your were looking up at the sky. His looked handsome and I could he was muscular.
"No, no. It was my fault. Do you want me to take to the nurse?"
He chuckled.
"No, really, I'm fine. But, I do need help going to my classes. You see, I'm new here and well I just really want to get this school year over with."
I smiled.
"I'll help you get around."
He smiled back.
"Malcolm." he said holding out his hand.
I shook it.
I didn't want to let go of his hand. His firm grip made me feel a bit better. I wanted throw myself into his arms and forget about all my troubles. I looked at his muscular arms and my mouth watered. I could seriously do some nasty stuff to this boy.
I shook my head and cleared my throat.
"We should go get your schedule."
"I already have it," he said pulling out a folded piece of paper out of his pocket.
"Good, then I'll just tell you were your classes are."
It turns out that Malcolm had three classes with me. He told me about himself. He said he was always in a high achievers class and want to master in Art.
"Art. That sounds nice. I want to write books like my mom. Not sex novels, but horror novels."
He scrunched up his face.
"Horror? I rather write sex novels."
I chuckled.
"Why not horror?"
"Who wants to write things that scare people?"
I giggled.
"Of course." he said and smiled.
I smiled back and blushed.
I shook my head.
We were on our way to lunch. I walked inside the lunch room and all I heard was screaming.
I looked at Malcolm and gasped. His eyes were red. I backed away from him, when I heard that all too familiar coughing sound. It was coming from my Iris.
I saw Blaze crying over her as she coughed in his arms. Blaze was covered in Iris' blood. Chris was crying and patting her hair back.
I ran over to them, praying that Iris wouldn't die. I couldn't let another person close to me die.
"Iris! Please, don't die."
She looked at me and a faint smile touched her lips.
"I won't," she gasped.
I shook my head as tears spilled down my cheeks. There goes that gasping sound. It was the same sound Jake made before he died.
"She's dead!" I heard Chris yelp.
He drop to the floor and shook with tears.
I looked at my sister. Her dark brown hair was soaked in blood and her face was pale. Blood covered her face and torso.
I touched her cheek, silently. It was still warm. Just like how Jake's body was warm.
Tears slid down my face as I backed away.
Blaze looked at me.
"We have to call mom."
I shook my head.
"I can't deal with this, Blaze. Too many deaths for me. I just can't. I can't."
I started walking out the cafeteria. I ran from the school hoping everything was just a dream and I would wake up in Jake's arms. Jake will snuggle me closer and tell me it was just a dream. We'll make love and then I'll get dress for school. Blaze will try to get on my nerves and Iris will ask for all my stuff. Everything will be back to normal.
I sat down on the sidewalk and held my head between my hands. Anger tears streamed down my face. I didn't wipe them away. I wanted everyone to know that I was sad. I wanted everyone to know that people were dropping dead like dominoes. I chuckled darkly.
I grabbed my hair and pulled as hard as I could. The pain satisfied me. I gritted my teeth and started pounding me head. Nothing made sense anymore! How did I go to a track star to a person who's loved ones keep dying? Who was next? My twin? My mother? My father? Me?
I shook my head angrily. I pounded my head harder and harder. I couldn't stand my life! Death was a bitch!
I kept pounding my head, until hands wrapped around my wrist.
I kick whoever touched me. I punched and kicked and released my anger and pain and loss on this person. I knew if I didn't stop I was really going to hurt this person, because I was using all my strength. Though, I wasn't very strong I wasn't weak either.
"Amelia! It's me Malcolm. Do you mind to stop hitting me?"
I stopped at the familiar voice.
"Yes," he said and dropped my hands.
I put my hands in my laps and looked down. I didn't want him to see me cry.
"Was she your sister?"
I looked up at him and saw understanding clear on his face.
I nodded.
"Yeah. The worse part about it all is that it happened to my boyfriend too."
He looked down.
"I'm sorry, Amelia. I had no clue."
I smiled.
"Hey,, don't feel bad for me." I insisted.
He looked up and smiled back at me.
The smiled was brilliant and gorgeous. It look sexy on him and I calmed down a bit. I wanted to kiss him and forget everything.
And as if he could read my mind he said, "Amelia, can I kiss you?"
I nodded and leaned in to him.
He leaned in closer to me, and my heart nearly stopped. Then, my lips met his. The kiss was sweet, and yet hot. I wanted to get naked right there, but fought the urge to do so. I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned into kiss. He moaned and I tightened my grip around his neck.
Then, I heard a heartbreaking yelp.
I pulled back and looked around, but I didn't find anybody.
I looked back at Malcolm who was also looking around, and then I noticed his eyes were red.
I stood up and started backing away.
He looked up at me, confused and stood up too.
"Your eyes." I gasped.
"They are red."
He blinked and his eyes went back to its normal color.
"I'm sorry, It happens from time to time."
I shook my head.
"You see Amelia, my eyes always does that. It runs in my family."
"You promise?"
"Yes," he said sincerely.
I exhaled and I felt a bit better.
He smiled at me.
"Did you think I was a monster?"
I giggled.
"No. Just a demon child."
He tilted his head back and laughed softly.
Then, he took my hand.
"You should go home,"
He cleared his throat.
"Today must've really been hard on you, seeing your sister like that. I guess I should let you tell your mom about the loss."
I looked down. "Yeah."
"Bye," he said and walked back into the school.
I swallowed hard, realizing what I had just done.
I kissed somebody else besides Jake.
And, I didn't regret. Tears filled my eyes, as I realized I was a bad person. I forgot about Jake. I wiped away the tears and looked up at the sky.
"I'm so sorry, Jake."
Then, I headed for my car.
When I reached home nobody was there. At least I didn't have to face reality yet. I headed for my room and plopped down my bed. I took off my shoes and snuggled underneath the covers. I closed my eyes and dreamed.
I was expecting to see the same meadow I kept dreaming since Jake's death. but instead I saw Jake, crying.
My chest hurt at the sight of him in pain. He was in a tree, and his light green eyes was filled with tears and I could see sorrow plain on him. I saw betrayal in his eyes and loneliness.
His head was bowed as he shook with tears, then he looked up again and his eyes widen. He yelped a familiar heartbreaking sound. He gripped his chest and closed his mouth shut, tight. I could see pain on his face and he buried his face in his arms.
"Amelia. I shouldn't have let you go," The words were clear.
My eyes opened and I realized I was in my room. Tears filled my eyes. "Jake," I sobbed. "Where are you?"
I sniffled and wiped my face, before I realized something else; Iris was dead. I shook with new sorrow.
"Iris," I sniffled.
I got out of my bed and dragged myself out my room. I had to tell my mom, if Blaze didn't already tell her.
I walked into the kitchen where I saw Blaze and mom looking at each other, not talking. Blaze's face looked confused while mom had a smile on her face.
"Amelia, I have to talk to you and your brother,"
I stepped all the way into the kitchen and looked at my mom.
"He told you?"
She nodded.
"But, I already knew this was going to happen since yesterday."
I was confused.
I looked at Blaze and he looked back at me and shrugged.
"What do you mean? If you knew this was going to happen, why didn't get help?"
"Because there is no stopping it."
"You should've told us!" I said getting mad.
"Amelia, Blaze. I have to tell you guys a little about our family history."
"What about it?" I asked sitting down in a chair.
"A lot." She said and sat down too. Blaze stood where he was and looked at my mother.
"Let me start with Jake, first."
My heart fluttered at his name.
"He's dead, I know."
"He isn't dead, Amelia." she said placing her hand on my shoulder.
"I saw him die, mom."
"That was just a part of the change."
"What change?" Blaze asked.
"The change of becoming a vampire."
"A vampire?" Me and Blaze asked in unison.
My mother nodded.
"A vampire."
"I don't understand. You are saying that Jake is a vampire?"
She looked at me.
"Yes. And so are you two and Iris. Your father and I are also vampires."
I shook my head.
"Vampires aren't real."
"They are."
"Prove it."
"I cannot. At least not yet. My power is not one that can just be shown off."
"Your power?" I asked.
"So, you are saying that we are vampires with super powers?" Blaze asked.
"I wouldn't say super powers, but yes."
"I don't believe this."
"Even though you don't believe me now I must tell you about the concept of being a vampire,"
"Of course you are going to have a taste for blood. If you drink a fair amount of blood when you first wake up as a vampire, you won't be ravenous. You'll still need blood a one a month."
"Why do you die when you become a vampire?" I blurted out.
She smiled.
"Because your heart is dying out. Your heart is trying to stop so your vampire genes can kick in. So, you cough, then second by second it gets worse, soon you start coughing up blood then, your heart stops. When the vampire genes do kick in your heart beats again, but quicker, faster and harder, and most off, fiercer. It does hurt when you change into a vampire, but when your heart stops it goes away.
"After you get your share of blood your 'super powers' come in. Most have one, twins, such as you two, have three or four. Then, there are rare ones that can have up to ten different powers."
I gasped.
She nodded.
"And Jake is one of them,"
"Jake has ten super powers?"
She nodded.
" He only knows of two. Seeking into someone's dreams and controlling emotions, but there is many to go."
Seeking into someone's dreams? That explains how he kept coming into my dreams! Jake was alive! I can snuggle into his arms and kiss him again!
I felt happy tears fill my eyes.
"Thank you for telling me that, mom" I said hugging her.
She hugged me back then she pulled back.
"I had to."
Then, she cleared her throat.
"Twins usually have telepathy, and can inherit each others powers."
I gasped and Blaze.
"I'm going to be able to read Amelia's mind?"
She nodded.
"Just each others, though.
"Then, there is the sexual part of being a vampire. When you bite somebody, human or vampire, you imprint with them. If you do not wish to imprint with them and just suck their blood, then you must suck and do not bite. When a vampire imprint with somebody it is permanent and can only be broken if one dies."
A silent moment passed between us.
"How long until we change?" Blaze asked.
"Two days."
"How do you know?" I asked.
"Because I gave to birth to you. When I did give birth to you I was given a day that you will change."
"Two days until I feel the pain . . ." I mumbled.
"Well, I'm tired. I think I'm going to go to sleep. All this vampire stuff is creepy." Blaze said and left the kitchen.
My mom was about to get up but I said, "Mom, what is your super power?"
She smiled.
"I see trouble. When something bad is about to happen, I have a vision about it."
"Earlier, you said you saw trouble. What did you see?"
"Iris must be well for us to discuss it. Sleep tight, Meli." she said and left the kitchen.
I took a deep breath and contemplated everything.
Iris was changing into a vampire, and basically dead right now. Mom can see trouble, literally. Me and Blake only had two days until we are a vampire, and we do turn into a vampire we are going to be able to read other's mind and share each other's powers. Then, the most exciting news of all, Jake was alive!
My heart fluttered and I went to go grab my keys.
I pulled into Jake's driveway. He lived in one of those fantasy mansions since his dad was a doctor and made all that money.
I got out of my car and headed for the doorbell.
I took a deep breath before I rung the doorbell. The answer was immediate.
I was looking into Dr. Clark's green eyes. He was smiling from ear to ear.
"Amelia! I'm so happy to see you!"
I smiled.
"Hi, Dr. Clark."
"Come in," he said moving aside.
I came into the fantasy mansion and sat down in a white love seat that rested in the middle of the room.
"Happiness is bouncing off of you like sunlight," cheered a voice.
I turned my head to find Jake's mom literally shining.
"Hey," I said.
"Jake is coming down. Just sit tight. Me and his father are going out to dinner to give you two a little privacy."
In a blink of an eye, they were gone.
"Whoa," I said and got up.
I giggled.
I started walking up the steps. I needed to see Jake, for real this time. Not a dream, but in real life. I needed to apologize for kissing Malcolm and kiss him instead and tell him I love him.
I stopped in front of his door and the knocked. The door opened and then I was face to face with my prince charming.
His eyes were shining green and he looked just like the handsome boy I saw in my dreams.
"Jake," I breathed.
He smiled but, didn't touch me.
He stood up and hesitantly, caressed my face.
It hurt a bit, but I didn't say anything.
I threw myself into his arms. He kissed my head and looked into my eyes.
"I think it's weird that you look like the same asshole that haunted my dreams," I teased.
He chuckled.
I smiled, happy that I made him laugh.
I plopped down on his bed.
"So, ten super powers, huh?"
"Super powers?" he teased and sat down next to me.
"That's what I call it."
He chuckled, but nodded.
"I only discovered two. Going into someone's dreams and controlling someone's emotion. I figured out the dreams one first, though."
"Why didn't tell me you were alive?" I asked.
He went tense.
"You are still human and I had no clue if you would turn into a vampire. I don't know if your mom told you, but your body can reject the change,"
I shook my head.
"She never told me that."
"That is why I told my father and mother to tell you that I was dead."
"But, Jake. All that pain, and tears."
I shook my head, remembering the pain and loneliness.
He wrapped his arms around me gently.
"I'm so sorry, Amelia. I couldn't dare hurt you. I didn't know how to control my strength. But, I do now. And I will never leave you,"
He stopped and retrieved his arms.
I looked at him and saw pain on his face.
"Unless you want to see someone else."
Then, I thought of Malcolm, the kiss, and the heartbreaking yelp.
"You was the person that had yelp went I was kissing Malcolm."
He nodded.
"It hurts do bad to see you with another person. I thought I could handle it, but I was wrong. Do you remember that dream when we made love?"
I nodded remembering, and smiled.
Jake smiled back.
"You were great by the way," he said and chuckled when I blushed.
"Anyway, I imprinted with you then. And when you kissed him and enjoyed it, you broke the imprint."
I was confused.
"My mom said that it was permanent till someone died."
"I guess he forgot about a new imprint. When a imprint is new it can be easily broken by infidelity. But, after a year f having a imprint it is permanent until death."
"It hurt that bad?" I asked.
He nodded.
"A whole lot. It felt like someone took a shovel and dug my heart out my chest."
I shuddered.
"I'm sorry. I love you so much, Jake. I was just so sad."
He picked me up with ease and put me on his lap.
I snuggled into his chest.
"I'm sorry, Amelia for leaving you. I love you too,"
He laid back and I was on top. It remind me of the dream.
I looked up at him and smiled.
"Are you turned on?" I asked.
He laughed.
"Maybe I am. What are you going to do about it?" he challenged.
I kissed his neck and trailed my finger down his chest and stopped at his crotch area. I brushed my finger against it and I felt it harden. I giggled. I nibbled on his earlobe and he moaned. I took his shirt off and admired his eight pack. I started kissing it slowly until I reach up to his neck. I started sucking on his neck and he moaned louder.
"Bite me," I whispered.
"You sure?"
I nodded.
I took off his pants and his underwear. He help me take off my clothes until we were both naked. I slid his shaft into me, and then slowly bit my neck.
When I woke up blood was the first thing I smelt. I quickly opened my eyes and looked around. I first saw Jake who had his arms wrapped around me. His lips were tilted up in a smile as he slept. I looked around and noticed that I was covered in blood. The sheets were drenched in blood; my blood. I quickly sat up and my hand flew to my neck. There was nothing there though. I got out of bed and Jake immediately sat up also. He turned to me, his hair in a mess.
“Amelia, you’re alright? I was sleeping and I felt your emotions . . . you were panicked.” He said groggily.
“W-where did all this blood come from?” I asked.
He raised a brow and ran his fingers through his hair. “You allowed me to drink from you, remember?” he asked.
“You took all this blood from me?” I asked, shocked.
His green eyes looked down and he looked shock too. He ran his hand against the bloody covers and looked back up at me. “I didn’t do that.” He said sincerely. I shook my head. “Then, where did it come from, Jake?” I asked. His eyes trailed down to my thighs and he busted out laughing. I raised a brow at him and crossed my arms. “What?” I asked.
“You seem to be on your period,” he said and started laughing again. I looked down at sure enough there was blood dripping down my legs. I flushed red and ran out the room towards his parents’ room. His mother should have some tampons or pads that I could use. Wow, this was embarrassing. I quickly found a tampon and used it. Jake was never going to let this one go. I chuckled slightly. Jake was alive, I thought. I smile widely and made my way back to his room. He was taking off the sheets with a smile clear on his face.
“Wipe that smile off your face,” I groaned.
He chuckled. “Nope. I’m surprised you didn’t realize you were on your period,” His laughter boomed through the house and I smiled and shook my head. God, did I miss Jake.
He dropped the sheets to the floor and turned to me. “Iris should be awake now. You should go see her.” I nodded. I had told him about Iris changing yesterday. I went to his draw and grabbed a pair of his basketball shorts and then grabbed his hands. We smiled at each other as we made our way out the house.
When I reached the house, I saw a limo parked outside. Was my dad home? I felt my heart flutter. I hadn’t seen my dad since the day that my twin told him I was having sex with Jake. I smiled at the memory. I was so glad he was home! I guess that trip to New York was important. He must’ve just closed a deal on a house. That meant twenty seven thousand more dollars added to my parents account! More clothes! I hopped out the car when Jake parked.
I ran inside the house with Jake following after me. I felt so happy. Now, my perfect picture was complete. I smiled brightly as I walked into my house. The first thing I saw was Iris.
“Iris, you are awake!” I cheered. I threw myself at my sister. She hugged me and let go. She turned to back to where she was looking with red eyes. I raised a brow. What was she mad at? I looked in her direction and saw my dad. He was standing with a light brown haired crystal blue eyed lady. I raised a brow at them. The lady was clearly a vampire like us since her eyes turned a bright red. Her fangs was showing as she glaring at my mother. I looked down and I noticed she was holding hands with my father. Tears welled up in my eyes. I met my father’s deathly glare.
“Daddy?” I whispered.
Text: All writing belongs to Breanna Davis
Publication Date: 12-06-2011
All Rights Reserved
To anybody who believes in Love