
Chapter 1

Breaunna was just finishing the dishes, when she heard a loud and annoying ring coming from the down stairs hallway. She put down the dishes, ran down the stairs, and found her brother talking to her best friend, Logan.
Logan was a good person to be around all the time because his brother, Chris, was the captain of the football team, and his sister, Tiffany was captain of the cheerleading squad. He was in the perfect family! He'd never have to do anything, and still he'd be worshiped for it!
Anyway, she grabbed the phone out of her brother's hand, and said,"Don't answer the phone unless you know who it is! And since you can't read yet, don't answer it at all!"
Her brother stucked his little lip out as far as the eye could see, and let out a small whine.
"Oh, don't be such a baby!," she yelled. Then, she clunched her fist , and hung up the phone before anyone could talk. And, Breaunna, in her little wet shirt, gave a small sigh.
"Your baby-sitter will be here in a while," she said, "go get ready for bed."
Her brother replied, "Yahy! Rowr is coming, Rowr is coming!"
"Get ready for bed!," she growled.
"Ok, o, ok!," the small todler stammered.
The phone rang again. Her little brother didn't dare to even try answering the call, so he ran down the hall, and jumped into the bath.
Breaunna answered the phone, and yelled, "What do do wan't? Huh? What is so important that you need to keep calling!?"
The dark vioce spoke in an understanding tone, and said," I'm taking you to the dance, da! So be ready in an hour, kay?"
The vioce was Chris, she didn't really like him, and she didn't know why he was asking her to the dance, but she would never ever go to the dance with a stuck-up snob like him, so she decided to deny his request.
"I'm sorry, but I..." He was gone, so she didn't have a choice anymore.
"Mom!," she yelled.
"What!," her mother's shrill voice yelled back.
"I gotta get ready for the dance!"
Her mother replied in a joyful voice this time, "Who are you going with?"
She thought for a moment and answered,"with a guy!"

chapter 2

Thum, Thump!
Breaunna in her elegant white and red dress heard the noise coming from the dark living room.
"Coming!," her brother's small lifeless voice croaked.
Just then, she heard her little brother's chubby feet pitter-patting through the cold hallway, and immediately stop at the front door.
"Hey little guy, where's your sister? I'm gonna steal her for a little while."
"A little while? You can keep her if you want.," her little brother joked.
"Shut up you little twurp! I'm right here!"
"And may I say, whoa!," Chris gasped in amazement.
Breaunna blushed, she'd never been complimented like that from a guy before. Maybe tonight wouldn't be so bad with Chris, or maybe it would. I couldn't really say.
"So ya ready to go?," he asked.
"Uh...yah, see ya mom!," she wispered.

At the dance, Chris was most very charming. This couldn't be real! It was like all of my problems just floated away, and were replaced with...LOVE!
Oh, no! I was in love with Chris! This really couldn't be true! I couldn't ever live with myself, just knowing this could...could destroy me! I would never forgive myself if I broke his heart over feelings! I had to do something, but what?
And then it hit her! "Maybe if I just went along with it, it wouldn't last!" "It's perfect!", she yelled accidently!
"Huh?," Chris looked confused.
"Uh... I just found out I get 50$ for my allowance this week!"
"Oh, I thought you've done went crazy on me! Sucha silly thought, right? Of course no one could blame you if you did!," he said proudly.
"Excuse me!," she inturruted Chris's proud moment to say.
"Well, I am the most popular guy in the school, am I not?," he asked like a jerk.
She replied with, "Not to me!"
"Then why did you agree to go to the dance with me then?"
"I didn't have a choice you dimwit! You hung up before I could get a chance to answer!"
They were now making such a dramatic scene, it could have been on a movie! Nobody could take there eyes off the arguing going on in the middle of the dance floor.
"Well I just asumed you would love to go with me and be totally popular!"
"Well, you thought wrong!"
Breaunna didn't like, or even love Chris anymore. She hated him. She felt right then like crying.
Breaunna ran through the group of gowns and tuxes.
"I'm going home."
Chris followed her out the front door and grabbed her arm to stop her.
"Look, I know I can be a jerk but...," he was interrupted.
"A jerk? Try a total asshole!," Breaunna said shakily.
"You've never cussed at me before, or anyone!"
"You deserve it!," she replied.
Breaunna was giving him a grusem look. He could have given her a million dollars right at that moment, and she still would have given him that grusem look.
Chris was beginning to feel really guilty like he just killed someone or something.
"Oh, Breaunna I'm really sorry! I show off too much too many times, and I know I deserve a lot worse than just this, but will you just dance with me one more time?," he asked sincerily.
"I dont' know, you make trip, and yell at your own feet."
"I promise that I won't do either."
He stuck his hand over his heart and promised.
Then, Chris held his hand out as a gesture for Breaunna to come along with him into the dance. Breaunna took his gesture and allowed him to lead her onto the gleaming dance floor, where they danced to there heart's content!

Chapter 3

"It was nice to go to the dance with you.," Breaunna said blushingly.
"It certainly won't be the last time we go on a date!," Chris said with a smile.
Breaunna gave a confused look and said, "A date?"
"Of course!," Chris said as he winked.
"When?," she asked like it was no big deal.
Breaunna looked deep into Chris's eyes, and felt a bazaar feeling, not like love or desire, but instead, a warm comfort fell over her. She could have sworn her cheeks looked like pink blossomed cherries on a warm day in the spring.
Just then, Chris leaned in, and she followed. But, just when there lips touched, Breaunna's brother ran down the hallway, and broke it up by screaming like a monkey!
"See you tomorrow.," Chris said innocently.
Breaunna gave him a hug, and said, "See you tomorrow."
Breaunna gave a small smile, as did Chris, and Chris left with a small sigh.
"See you tomorrow.," Breaunna murmured to herself.

The very next morning when Breauna entered the lunchroom, she was welcomed with a very firm hug that litterily lifted her off her feet.
"Well...hi!," Breaunna blured.
"Hey Bre!," Chris said like a flirt.
"Aw, why are you calling me Bre?"
"That's your new nick name from me silly!"
He now had his hands laying flat aruond her curved shoulder. He moved it over a bit to give her a slight, but cute hug. His hand now covered her dark brown hair.
"I don't understand.," she said as she gave him a confused look.
"You're my girlfriend, aren't you?," he said with pride.
Breaunna was confused, but starting to jump inside!
"Look, we're having a party tonight at my house, wanna be my date?"
"Me? Your date?," Breaunna looked surprised, she'd never been to any of his parties, much less been his date to one.
"Course, you are my GIRLFRIEND!"
"Right, sorry."
"So, I'll pick you up at eight then.," Breaunna saw him smile, but she woulld soon find out it wasn't at her...

In her first class,she was noticed most out of the entire class! Everyone wanted to be her friend! Nobody would ignore her, except Logan that is.
"How come you keep ignoring me?." sha said at lunch.
"Because you think you're some hot-shot now that you're dating my brother!," he replied.
"Who said that I thought that I was some hot-shot?," she asked.
"Oh please!," he yelled.
"What are you? Jealous?," she asked with a smile.
"Hell no! I would never be jealous of my brother dating YOU! I would only fell sorry for him.," he said like an ass.
"Why are you treating me like this? What did I ever do to you?"
"You dated my brother, and forgot that I was supposed to take you to the dance!"
Breaunna gasped. He was telling the truth, she had told him she would go with him if he got an A+ on the test, and he did.
"I had no choice to go with your brother, he didn't give me one!"
"You could have called back ya know!"
"Well, I didn't think of that!"
"Shows how much you know."
After that, he walked away, leaving Breaunna feeling terrible. Breaunna ran to the bathroom colorrd in yellow, white, and black, then started to weep bitterly.
Right before class, some of her best friends, Courtney and Madison stopped by the bathroom, as they always did after, and spotted Breauna huddled up in the floor.
"Breaunna," they asked, "are you ok?"
"No, go away!," Breaunna screamed.
"Bre, you really need to get up, or we'll be late for class!," Madison insisted.
"Maddie!," Courtney screeched, "you could be a little more sensetive right now, she probably heard the secret!"
"What secret?," Breaunna asked.
"Good going Courtney!," Madison sighed.
"What SECRET!," Breaunna nudged.
"Chris isn't who he says he is.," Courtney answered.
"What do you mean?," Breaunna asked.
"He's cheating on you," Madison answered this time.
Breaunna had the most horrified look on her face, you could have sworn she'd seen a ghost!
"Breaunna, you dont need that loser, you need to come with us.," Courtney said.
"And get to class.," Madison said.

Chapter 4

The very next day,Chris was not at school. Breaunna had the thought of him hiding from her friends,all alone.
Someone interruted her thoughts,"Hey Bre, sorry for being so rough on you yesterday, and I hope we are still freinds!," he assured.
"Of course, but where's your brother?," she asked.
"Why would you care about that backstabber?," Logan asked impatiently.
"Because I have to become someone I thought I would never have t become.," she answered.
"And who the hec is that?," he asked"
"Myself.," she answered again.
"Aren't you already yourself?," he asked another question!
"Nope. Its just last time I was myself, I got in BIG trouble!" she answered another time!
"How?," God will he ever stop asking questions!?
"Trust me, you do not want to know! And by the way, can you STOP ASKING SO MANY QUESTIONS!," she asked.
"I just want to know, gosh!," and that was the end of their discussion.

At the end of the day, Breaunna and Logan met up after school to go to the Library. Logan had a book report due on any book he could find interesting, so he picked 8th Grade Love by Corey Cantley and Sarah Huffman. Logan could read that book like there was no tomorrow! The only problem was, the book was so big that he hadn't finished it yet! And his book report was due tomorrow! How could he ever finish it in time? Oh yeah, Breaunna was going to make him read it and write the book rather he wanted to or not!
"Do I," Logan asked,"have too? Can't I just take the F and forget about it?"
"If you want me to kick your butt and then post pictures of it all over your wall.," Breaunna was looking serious.
"Fine.," and the long jurney begins.
"Ringggggg! Ringggggg!," Breaunna's phone went.
"oh, one second, be right back!," she said rushing to a different side of the library.
"What do you want?," she asked with an attitude.
"To know what your problem is! How come you weren't at my party last night! You made me look like a fool! I had too...," he was cut short.
"Too what? dance with your real girlfriend instead of your back-up one?," she asked impatiently.
"Other girlfriend? What are you talking about? I only care about you! And I'm only dating you! Why would you even think that?," he asked so many questions so fast, she couldn't keep up right.
"That doesn't matter you know what I'm talking about Chris! Everybody does! The whole school does! When I walk down the hallway, everybody laughs! Even the teachers look at me with pity! Don't you see it? Maybe you don't care, maybe you just needed someone to back you up or something, maybe you and I are done! Oh wait! We are!," Chris mumbled something right before she hung up, but she was to destressed about it to notice.
"You allright?," Logan asked inoccently, rushing over by her side.
She was crying, no other time in her life had she felt so bad, so stupid, so angry.
"Hello? Anybody home in there?," Logan joked to try and cheer her up.
"I-I-I'm f-fine.," she studdered," L-Let's g-get th-this book r-r-report done!"
"No," he suggested," let's get you home first."
"O-Ok-k.," she said barely.

When she got home, Logan and Breaunna went to her room to finish the book report. Breaunna had finally stopped crying a few minutes after they checked out the book.
"Wow this book really does sound interesting! I never knew!," she said to Logan forgetting all about the earlier incedent.
"Well sometimes you have to look beyond appearances.," Logan was now getting closer to Breaunna.
"Yeah.," Breaunna was doing the same to Logan.
"You just have to try new things.," Logan was smiling, and still getting closer.
"I guess you do.," as was Breaunna.
"You thinking wat I'm thinking?," asked Logan as he stopped 1 inch from her face.
"Pretty sure I am.," smiling.
Just then, they both leaned in and there lips touched softly like a soft flower petal meeting the flat nurturing ground for the first time. Then they slowly pull away.
Logan, with his cute little apolagizing look said,"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to...," cut short.
"It's ok, I didn't mean too...," she was cut short? Finally!
"It's fine. Are we sorry, or okay about this?," Logan asked confused while Breaunna was still dazed.
"I don't...," the phone rang, and it was Chris,"think it wouldn't be a problem would you?"
"Definately not!," he said in a blink of an eye watching Breauna struggling to shut her phone up.
They both smiled, then started to work on the report some more.

Chapter 5

The next morning, Breaunna was getting ready when her phone rang. She picked it up and saw it was Chris. Then, Breaunna hung up the phone, and threw it on her bed.
Just then, she got a text. It said hat it was from Logan, so of course she picked it up. It read : LOOK OUTSID UR WINDO!
Breaunna turned around and did what the text said to do, only, it was obviously from Chris because it said he was sorry.
She texte him back saying to leave her alone, but this time it was to Chris's phone.
"Knock, knock!," came Chris's voice from the other side of the phone.
"Did you even get the text?," she asked with an extreme attitude.
He just walked right into her room and put his caressing arms around her.
"Of course, I would never ignore a text from you.," he said with a smirk.
"Go away and leave me alone! Mom!," she said as Chris jumped out of the window and started running to his house.
Mom walked in,"What is it Bre?"
"Can you ask Mrs. Winters if she could keep Chris away from me?" she asked like she was exhausted.
"Why?," her mom looked confused.
"I've told him and told him, but just look at the yard for crying out loud!," she yelled.
"What about it?," her mom said in a surprised tone.
"Just look and see!," she said while pointing at the window.
Her mom walked over to the window to take a look,"I see, he's evedently crazy about you! Why dont you go out with him like you were?," she asked dumbfounded.
"Mom! Don't you remember anything! He was cheating on me! And now I'm dating Logan!," she yelled at her mom like never before. She felt like crying, but decided to hold back the tears because it was already cold enough.
"Whatever, just go! You're gonna be late if you don't!," her mom replied.

When Breaunna got to school, she walked into the lunchroom like always. Chris walked right past her and gave her a small wink. She rolled her eyes and continued walking.Then, she stopped dead front of Logan. His eye was black and swollen.
"Are you ok?," she asked.
"Why would you care?," he asked in a reply.
"Because I care about you silly! And I like you and not him anyway!," she said with a smile.
"Yeah, well thats not what he thinks! Why do you think he gave me this black eye?"
"I don't know, how'd he find out about us anyway?"
"How should I know?"
"Why and how did he punch you?"
"I don't particularly know, but he went outside for a minute this morning, then came back furious at me, and punched me, giving me this black eye!"
"Well you'll be happy to know I have a revenge idea to get him to leave us alone."
"I should've known you were going to say that."
"Of course you shouuld have!"
"Ok, what ya got?"
Breaunna smiled, she knew she had him wrapped around her little finger.
"I think we should kill Chris!," she waved her hands in the air and smiled.
Logan had no emotion in his face. It was just blank completely.
"Ok.," he said with a shrug.

The day went by with no further incedent from Chris. After school, breaunna and Logan met at her house to find a way to "accidently" kill Chris.
"I think," Logan suggested," that we put poison in one of his party drinks!"
"I don't think so.," Breaunna declined his request.
"Why," he was confused," not?"
"Because, I've read some books on this, and they could easily point that out, and they could find our hand prints on the cup! Not only that, but the clues would completely point at us!," she exclaimed.
"Ok, then let's barrow my dad's truck on Friday night!," he said.
"huh?," she was now confused.
"We can," Logan was coming up with a great plan, she could feel it!," pretend like you are still in love with Chris, so he will be hipnotized! Then, on Friday night, convince him to take you to your favorite place in the woods for a romantic picnic in the dark or something."
"And then you'll," she was just guessing at this," come behind him, and knock him out cold. And then, we'll load him up in the truck, and drop him off somewhere in the desert or something!"
"Yeah! Now you've got it!," he was cheering!
"But wait!," Logan stopped cheering," what about the gas prices, and what are we going to tell our parents? And then there's the fact of how far we're gonna have to go, and the fact of how much time we'll have!"
"Just go with the flow.," Logan assured her.
"Ok, let's get to work!,' Breaunna suggested.

The next day was Friday! Breaunna ignored Logan that morning, and walked straight over to Chris and his gang at his table. Breaunna was feeling sick at the thought of being nice to Chris even through all of the events he had caused.
"Hey Chris!," Chris looked at her and smiled. She tried to smile back, but again the sickness filled her with doubt.
"Hey.," he winked, and again the sick feeling went through Breauna.
"UUUhhh," Breaunna was getting very nervous," can I talk to you in private?"
He squinted at her suspiciously,"Sure!"
They walked over to a quietish place in the lunchroom,"I was wondering if you wanted to go out tonight."
It was musicto his ears,"Ok, I'll take you anywhere you want to go!"
And that was all she needed to hear," I know this quiet place in the woods we could go, but the only way we could get there would be to drive a four-wheel drive truck up there, and I know you don't have one."
He was getting nervous now,"Don't be so sure, I actully do have one! Well, my dad has one, but he won't be using it tonight, so I gues its all ours!"
"Great, see ya tonight!," she was so sneaky.

That night before Chris came to pick her up, Logan and herself went over the plan again to make sure they didn't miss anything.
"Boom,boom!," mom was beeting on the door to get me.(She didn't know Logan was there, so I asked her to leave me alone until Chris came.)
"One minute!" I yelled. "Hurry!"
He then ran across the room and jumped out of the window, but sadly fell in a rose bush.
"Hey." Chris walked into the room.

We were on our way when the tires started to slip on the freezing ice on the road below.
"WHOOA! I think we're about to slide off the road!" He sounded serious, and scared. So it had to have been true.
"Are you sure?" I stared.
"Look in front of us and tell me what you see.
I looked up over the gigantic hood to see what was waiting before us. "Oh.... Oh my God!!!" I was terrified. "Can you not drive, or are you just blind?!"
"It is not my fault that you wanted to go so far for a stupid date!"
"It's not my fault you wouldn't leave me alone! I thought that at least one date would help me get rid of you in some way!"
"So... you don't like me?"
"Well I don't know why, I mean I didn't do anything to you!"
"You cheated on my dumb ass!"
"No I didn't! Where do you keep getting that?"
"From everybody!"
"Oh, ell they always say the things they hear! They're... they're... they're like little kids!"
"What ever! You even tried to cover it up by beating up your own brother!"
"Your brother, he said that you punched him to threaten him for various reasons, and he had the black eye to prove it!"
"No! We were playing baseball, and the ball hit him in the eye and gave it to him!"
"Watch out!"
"I can't control the damn thing!"
"Well, do something!"
And they had crashed. There was no saving them.
They only found Chris's body though. But both were presumed dead.

Or were they?


Publication Date: 11-17-2010

All Rights Reserved

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