
chapter 1

A face pops into my head. My other dream, forgotten. His baby blue eyes are like the ocean. I feel like I could drown in them. His hair is dirty blond. His pale skin only adds to the effect he has on me. He is so striking it takes my breath away, but something about him screams danger. His extraordinarily powerful exquisiteness is a part of the danger. I hope to keep dreaming, but I awaken.
Her hair is long, red, gorgeous, angel like hair. Her eyes are a light emerald color that I’ve never seen before; it’s extraordinary that they are real. I forget to breathe when I see her. Dreaming of her is better than envisioning myself eating.
When I wake up my stomach growls. I go to the kitchen and grab a jar of blood out of the fridge. I’m a vampire.
After breakfast I call some of the guys I met over the summer: Billy, Todd, and Devon, and we go to the Tulsa Promenade mall to play video games. That’s when I see her, the girl from my dreams. She looks slightly different, but that might have been because I was insensible and hungry. We had just left the arcade when I saw her walk out of the restroom with her friends. Our eyes meet.
“Hi, I’m Monique. These are my friends: Sam, Sammy, and Samantha. We saw you staring at us.” The girl from my visions says with a flirty tone.
“It’s hard not to, you’re very beautiful, very attractive.” Billy says looking at Sammy.
“You’re not half bad yourself.” Sammy says flirting back.
“My friends and I have some extra cash to spend.” Sam smiles at Todd.
“I’m listening.” Todd responds.
“Would you like to go to the movies?” Samantha probes.
“Depends, what movie?” Devon says flirting with Samantha.
“A chick flick,” Monique makes it sound like a challenge, “Are you watching the movie with us or not?”
“Only if we can buy the treats.” I smile at Monique.
I’m lying on the sofa watching the flat screen when Monique gets home.
“Did you have fun at the Tulsa Promenade mall?” I question Monique.
“How was your date?” Monique asks at the same time.
“He never showed up.” I say trying to hide my disappointment.
“How dare he set you up! He is going to get a piece of my mind! Nobody sets my twin sister up!”
“Calm down, and tell me about the mall.”
“Monica, I can’t just forget this, you’re my sister.”
“It’d help me feel better.” I lie.
“I met this guy named Dylan. He is so cute! We went to the movies!”
“Of the movie?”
“No you bonehead, of the guy.”
“He is so drop dead sexy! He could be a model.”
“Dinner time!” Dad announces.
“This conversation is not over.” I say to Monique, while walking into the kitchen.
I wake up, drink some blood, and get ready for school. It’s my first day. I just moved to Sand Springs, Oklahoma during the summer. That’s when I met Billy, Todd, and Devon.
She has the locker across the hall from mine. Monique was placing things in her locker, when I saw her. She was speaking to the Sam sisters. I finish getting everything I need from my locker, and then I slam it closed and walk over to Monique.
“Hi,” I say announcing my arrival.
“Hello Dylan. I see you got the locker across from mine.” Monique says, happy to see me.
“Yes, I got lucky.” I say flirting with Monique.
“How are you ladies?” I add.
“Good, what about you?” Sam asks.
“I’m great,” I reply.
“I’m going to go find Todd.” Sam interrupts our small talk.
“Yes, and Devon is waiting for Me.” Samantha declares.
“Billy is around here somewhere.” Sammy smirks.
The Sam sisters close their lockers and leave.
“You have to meet my sister.” Monique declares.
“Sister?” I ask.
“Monica. She is a little down today; her date never showed up last night,” Monique explains, “She had to stop and talk to an old boyfriend; he moved, but they remained in touch.”
He is standing by Monique flirting with her. I can’t believe the guy from my fantasy is real, and he is flirting with Monique. To my great surprise, horror, and dismay I feel envious. Then I remember that my instincts tell me he is dangerous. I don’t know what to do. Unfortunately my locker is right next to Monique’s. I have to go to my locker, but I don’t want him to see me. I don’t have time to figure out what I’m going to do because; Jessie, Jessica, and Jess are at their lockers to the right of mine.
“Hello.” Jess speaks to Monique.
“Do you know where Monica is?” Jessica requests for the information of my whereabouts.
“I heard Daniel has moved back.” Jessie comments.
“I’m here, and yes Daniel is back.” I announce my existence, and walk to my locker.
When I see Monica I know that she is the girl from my dreams, not Monique. They are twins, but Monica smells so much better, and her eyes and hair color are a shade lighter than Monique’s. Other than that, they look exactly the same. When I see Monica I can almost feel my heart beating again. I’m not surprised to find myself gazing at her. So I notice her grimacing at me.
He is gawking at me, and by the look on his face, he likes what he sees. This makes me content for a second, but then I remember two seconds ago he was flirting with Monique, now he is eyeballing me like I’m a goddess. I glare at him. Then the bell rings announcing that it’s time for class. I go to class, but when I get there I look at the blood all over the room, and I scream and faint.
After Monica leaves, Monique looks at my schedule and realizes that I have the same first hour as Monica. I say goodbye to Monique and hurry to catch up with Monica. I’m about to make my presence known to Monica, when Monica’s scream pierces the air and she collapses. I catch her and pick her limp body up into my arms. I hurry away from the bloody room. Everyone still in the hall is watching us. I take Monica to the nurse, and I explain what I saw. I feel sick from what I saw, and what I can still smell, but I’m also enjoying holding Monica. I wish I could hold her forever. The nurse tells me Monica will be okay. The principal tells me to take her home. The school day ends early. I gently put Monica in my truck. Then I fallow Monique to her house.

chapter 2

I open my eyes. I’m in a truck, is the first thought that enters my mind. The second thing I’m aware of is that Dylan is in the driver’s seat just pulling out of the school parking lot. I’m also conscious of the fact that Monique is driving my car, which I used to drive us both to school this morning because Monique’s car is in the auto shop.
“What happened?” I question.
“Are you ok?” Dylan asks at the same time.
“I’ve been better.” I whisper.
“Do you usually faint when you see blood?” Dylan asks.
“Yes, what happened?” I answer and ask a question of my own.
“I don’t know, but I guess we will find out.” Dylan answers, appearing confused.
“Where are we going?” I ask, breaking the silence after a few seconds.
“Home,” He smirks at me.
“What about school?” I ask.
“The nurse said you should rest. The principle said school is over early anyways.”
All I can think about is all that blood. I feel dazed. I hope I don’t throw up in Dylan’s truck.
When we get to my house, Dylan gets out and helps me out of the car. I don’t have time to worry about what Dylan might think when he sees where my family and I live, because I’m too dazed and appalled to think clearly.
He carries me into the house and lays me on the couch.
“Do you want to stay for dinner?” Monique asks.
“Sorry, I can’t. I need to get home,” Dylan replies, “I hope you feel better Monica. I’ll tell you if I hear anything about the blood.” Dylan adds.
“Ok and thank you.” I award him with a smile.
“Goodnight Monique, Goodnight Monica.” Dylan beams at both of us.
“Night,” Monique and I whisper at the same time, but Dylan is already outside starting his truck, so there is no way he heard us.
Monica is in my dreams. She is wearing this remarkable dress. It’s long red, sleeveless, and is sort of sparkly. I’m in a tuxedo, and we are dancing. A smile lights up her face. She is literally beaming at me. My heart is about to explode. I want this dream to last forever. The smell of her blood is almost too much. That’s when the dream becomes a nightmare. I start kissing her. She moans in delight. I can feel my fangs sticking out. I woke sweating and starving.
We are dancing. Dylan is spinning me around. When the next slow song comes on, he starts caressing me with a kiss. I wake up feeling as if I’m seconds away from death. I also feel an impossible longing for those kisses. I blink open my eyes. Then Monique walks in my room.
“Are you ok?” Monique groggily asks.
“Just a dream that transformed into a nightmare.” I mutter.
Monique calls me and tells me that the blood in the class room belongs to our teacher, whose body was found near Monica’s house.
“Do you want to go on a double date with Andre and I? You could ask Monica.” Monique requests.
“I’ll ask her, but I don’t know.” I answer.
“Ok, see ya.” Monique hangs up.
I smile at the thought of going on a date with Monica.
I can’t believe Monique just did that.
“Dylan?! Really? You’re trying to set me up with Dylan?” I demand.
Monique walked in my room and asked if I want to go on a double date with her and Andre. When I lied and told her I don’t have anyone to bring, she dialed Dylan’s number and practically begged him to go with me.
“Trust me, he likes you.” Monique replies.
“I’m not worried about him liking me, he just isn’t my type.”
“And what type is he?”
“Unpredictable, and dangerous.”
“Just say yes when he calls.” Monique says rolling her eyes and sounding annoyed.
She walks out of the room. My cellphone rings.
I go outside and run two miles to Wintersmith Lake. Then I swim for two miles. After swimming the first two miles I turn around and swim the two miles back the way I came. I run the two miles back home, and drink a jar of blood. After all that, it’s only been ten minutes since I spoke with Monique.

chapter 3

I answer my cell phone.
“Hey, Monica?” A familiar voice says.
“Yes, this is Monica.” I answer.
“This is Daniel, I didn’t know if you changed your number or not… I guess not since you answered when I called this old number.”
“Oh, hi Daniel.” I can’t help but smile.
“Do you want to go to a party with me, tonight, at seven? You can bring your friends, your sister, your sister’s friends, and their boyfriends.” Daniel lists off the usual people I bring with me to parties.
“You know me so well.”
“Yes, yes I do.”
“I’ll see what I can do, if we can make it.” I recite my lines.
“I’ll pick you up at seven o’clock sharp.”
“Don’t be early.”
“Oh I won’t, I’ll be fashionably late.”
“I’ll be ready.” I giggle.
“Goodbye.” Daniel says chuckling too.
“For now.” I say flirtatiously.
We hang up. As soon as I get off the phone with Daniel my cell phone rings again.
“Hi Monica, this is Dylan.” I say into my cell phone.
“Hi Dylan, thanks again for yesterday.”
Some people sound different on the phone, but Monica sounds exactly the same.
“It wasn’t a big deal.”
“I just hate blood.” Monica sounds disgusted by just the mention of it.
“Do you want to go on a double date with me? Monique is bringing some guy named Andre.” I say surprised at the jealous tone sneaking into my voice.
“Yes, and we are meeting Andre at the restaurant at six tonight.” Monica doesn’t even hesitate with her answer.
“Also, I got us invited to a party afterwards, so wear party clothes.” Monica adds.
“Ok. I can pick you and Monique up.” I offer.
This time Monica hesitates before she answers, “Ok, see ya at six.”
“At six.” I agree.
We hang up.
I park at Monica’s house. Then I get out of my truck and ring the doorbell. To my revelation, a maid lets me in.
The previous time I was here I was too preoccupied with thoughts of blood and how hungry I’d gotten while still at school, to notice how huge, nice, and luxurious her house is. Looking around I see the house is hidden in the forest. You wouldn’t know the house was here if you weren’t looking for a driveway. The house was ten minutes from the road. I can’t believe I didn’t notice any of this. I feel myself relax as I see that Monica and Monique aren’t wearing anything fancy.
“You’re the second person to find out that we are rich.” Monique says, while I make us some lemonade.
“Daniel also knows.” I add.
“Why? Is it a secret?” Dylan asks.
I fill three cups with lemonade and pass them to Monica and Dylan, while keeping one for myself.
“We want friends who are friends with us, not our money.” Monique answers.
“So to speak.” I add.
“We usually just meet people somewhere if they want to go hangout with us.” Monique explains.
“But you’ve seen our house before.” I explain further, giving a pointed look towards Monique.
She shoots me an innocent smile like she hadn’t noticed that I’m upset with her for letting Dylan in the loop. I roll my eyes at her, letting her know I don’t believe it.
“I won’t say anything to anyone about you being rich, I promise.” Dylan responds with a smile.
“I got us all invited to a party,” I say, deciding it’s time to change the subject, “After supper we are going to meet up with the J sisters and the Sam sisters, and their boyfriends. Then we will go to the party.”
“Daniel knows you so well.” Monique says laughing.
She calls Andre and tells him the plan. Dylan holds the car door open for Monique and gets in the car. I open my own door and get in the front seat.
I’m stunned by how fast the mention of Monica’s ex-boyfriend sparks jealousy in me.
When we get to the party, the guy named Daniel asks Monica to dance. They dance to five different songs before he leaves to get Monica a drink. I hand Monica the water I’d been holding.
“Thanks!” Monica says smiling.
“Would you like to dance?” I ask when a slow song begins.
Monica looks surprise.
“What?” I ask, curious about the emotion clearly written on her face.
“I thought the only reason you agreed to this date was because you wanted to try to win Monique back,” Monica explains, “If I’d known you wanted to dance with me…”
“I’m just glad he finally went to get you a drink.” I interrupt her with my smile, “Do you want to dance?”
Monica looks around.
“One little dance isn’t going to kill him.” I say, smirking.
I take her hand and spin her around.
Before I realize what I’m doing, I’m dancing with Dylan. I laugh, enjoying myself. Dylan is a skillful and exceptional dancer.
“You have a beautiful smile, and a gorgeous laugh.” Dylan whispers in my ear.
“You have explosive eyes.” I whisper back.
I get lost in Dylan’s eyes while we dance. I don’t even comprehend the fact that we are the only couple still dancing until everyone cheers at the end of the song.
Monica is blushing.
Everyone is yelling, “Kiss!”
She kisses me on the cheek.
While everyone yells, “Boo!” all I can think about is how soft Monica’s lips are. She smiles at the crowd. Then she looks at me, and I see the question in her eyes. I gently touch my lips to hers. I try to be calm, like my heart didn’t start beating again once our lips met (vampire hearts stop beating the second they become a vampire), like I’d never even considered kissing her until now. But I’m hungry for the kiss that only took place in my dreams. My intentions go up in smoke.
To my amazement, and great delight, Monica kisses me back with just as much passion and intensity. She doesn’t hold back like I’d expected. I have never been hungrier for anything in my life, and I’m a vampire. I’ve been longing to kiss her ever since I first saw her in my dreams, and now I never want to stop. The taste and the feel of her lips on mine are so incredibly perfect. I’ve never wanted anything more than I want Monica. The crowd cheers.

chapter 4

We are back in school. It’s been two weeks since my teacher was brutally murdered. The police haven’t found any leads on who might have done it. During first hour we go to a different class room and have a substitute teacher. Dylan has six classes with me. First through third hour, which are on the first floor, and fifth through seventh hour, which are on the third floor, are the classes I have with Dylan. Daniel is in my second and third hour, my fourth hour on the second floor, and my fifth and sixth hour.
He is such a pig. I wish I could suck the life out of his pathetic human body. Daniel is passing notes to Monica. She smiles at him a lot; she smiles at me too but it’s more of a friendly smile. He isn’t even her type, and I would know, because I am her type, and she is mine. I want to squeeze his head until nothing is left, not even air, but I won’t. I look down at my desk where I’ve been gripping it so tight I’ve bent it. Daniel couldn’t bend a desk with just his hands if his pathetic life depended on it. I bend the desk back in place. When I look up I see Monica watching me. She looks at the desk and back at me. She saw me bend the desk. When the bell finally rings, I hurry away from the ugly black class room walls, the stupid desks that bend to easily, and the lazy teacher who refuses to yell at Daniel for passing notes and distracting the class, but specifically, away from the scene of Monica and Daniel.
Daniel wants to be my boyfriend again. This is what his note said that he passed me during seventh hour: Monica’s ex-boyfriend is Daniel. Take out the ex in ex-boyfriend and you get? _________________
We had been passing notes and that was the last note he passed before the bell rang, saving me from answering. I go to my locker and get everything I’ll need for doing my homework tonight. Then I run outside to my car. Dylan and I are the last two people in the parking lot. He is sitting in his truck doing homework. I walk over towards him.
“You know homework is supposed to be for when you get home.” I say smiling.
“I know. I just figured I’d get it done before I go home so I won’t have homework anymore.” He says, giving me a knowing smirk.
“You can come over to my house to relax and do your homework.” I say.
He smiles and I find myself staring at his lips. I blush and look away.
While Dylan finishes his homework at the table, I chop up some onions and lettuce for tacos. I prick my finger on the knife.
“You’re bleeding.” Dylan whispers.
I jump and whirl around. Dylan is right behind me, close enough to kiss. He takes my finger and gently sucks away the blood.
“How can you bend a desk?” I mutter.
“I work out, so I’m strong. Anyone could do it if they wanted to.”
I hear the lie clearly for what it is.
“Liar.” I whisper.
My throat burns as the scent of Monica’s blood reaches my nose. When Monica calls me a liar it isn’t an accusation. She is just telling me that she knows I’m lying.
“I’m a vampire.” I whisper showing her my fangs.
“Bite me.” Monica says smiling.
“I will.” I whisper. Then I kiss her.
If only that’s what really happened, but no, I would never get so lucky.
“I’m a vampire.” I tell her, showing her my fangs.
“You can’t be!” Monica gasps.
“I am.”
“Vampires don’t exist, they aren’t real, they are just made-up characters in books!” Monica protests, backing away from me, and putting the table between us.
“I’m standing in your kitchen aren’t I?”
“Get away from me.” Monica says, grasping a sharp knife as a weapon.
“No, I’ll never stay away from you.” I whisper.
I kiss her. She immediately drops the knife.
I find myself unable to pull away. He backs me against the kitchen wall. I use the wall to push myself closer to him. All space between us has vanished.
When I end the kiss I can't help laughing when My Monica moans in frustration because my lips are no longer connected to hers. I kiss her cheeks then her nose, teasing her with my lips I continue kissing her along her jaw line. Then I continue down her neck. I go back up to her jaw line and begin teasing her again. I kiss each of her closed eyes. When I kiss her close to her mouth but slightly to the left My Monica can't wait any longer.
"Dylan please," Monica begs.
I capture her lips in mine and fire explodes inside me. Igniting everything in me, and in this moment the hunger that never goes away, vanishes completely.
My mind is consumed by thoughts of My Monica.
Vampire's don't need to breath, but when I take a step away from My Monica we are both gasping for breath.
While kissing her I felt completely human.
Monica was mine at last.

chapter 5

I sit up in bed, unable to sleep. It’s storming outside. The sound of thunder, and light from the lightning, bounce around my room. I look out my window and jump back surprised. A girl is outside standing in the rain. Her hair is as black as the night sky, and her skin as pale as the lightning that lights the night sky. Lightning flashes across her face, and I’m given only a few seconds to read her lips: Monica!
I sneak down stairs to the phone, prepared to call 911. That’s when a scream shatters the silence in the house. The front door slams open hard, beating against the wall. I force the front door closed and lock it, but not before noticing the girl is no longer outside. The lightning flashes across the sky again, and where the girl stood seconds before, now is nothing but a void in the yard. At that moment I realize that I’m the only one in the house. Monique is spending the night at the Sam sisters’ house, and my parents are on a business expedition.


Publication Date: 06-14-2011

All Rights Reserved

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