
CHAPTER 1: CeCE Spells Trouble.

I took all the nails and screws off his chairs.

 'Have you done it? The teacher's nearly coming!'

My friends shouted from the door. This will show him if he ever messes with me again. The bell rang and we all ran to our seats while people poured in. I couldn't help but smile.

Yes, this is a big risk but what do you do when Mr Herns tries to touch you. That's right. Teach him a lesson. 'Hello Class.' Mr Herns came in with the pedo smile of his. I couldn't help but smile back.

This was going to be legendary.  He came in and looked at everyone. I was sitting at the back, ready to laugh my head off when he sits on that chair.  

'Celia Celhart, come and sit at the front so I could see you.' He said. Why doesn't anyone understand how disgusting he is. I couldn't tell anyone and I just told my friends that its just a prank. He quickly added, 'I mean, so that I could see your not messing about.

' 'Gladly sir.' I said smiling.

I took my bag and myself to the front of the class and sat on the seat closest to him. What a great seat to see the idiot getting hurt.  'Right class, open up your books to page 25.' He said. While everyone was doing that, he smiled at me. I smiled back. I'm so going to enjoy this. He moved around the class. I was growing impatient.  'Sir, Are you not going to do the register?' I said. He always sits down to do the register. 'Oh, that's right. I'll do it now.' He walked to the front of the class. I bit my lip, trying not to burst out laughing before he even sits on the chair. He gets his glasses and sits on the chair. I frowned. How come I didn't he fall down? I looked back and my friends were thinking the same thing. I took all of them out.

 'Right, Megan Fox.' 'Here.' 'Tom Hilary.' 'Here sir.' 'Sam Ri-'

And with that the chair went to pieces. He fell on the floor. 'What the hell!' He shouted. Everyone laughed. He got up holding his arm. His face was so red. 'Who did this?' He shouted loudly. He looked so shocked. I laughed with the class.

'I said who did this!' Everyone went quiet when they saw blood on the teacher's arm. But I couldn't stop laughing. Everyone looked at me and then I found out that I was the only one laughing. 

I zipped my mouth and just looked shocked like the other students.

I'm CECE, short for Celia and theres one thing I surely know. I'm in big trouble. 


We were at home in the living room after coming back from the principal. Mr Herns is fine. The blood was from a splinter. When the class was asked who did this, first no one said anything. And then they chickened out when the principal said the whole class would be suspended for a month. Bunch of idiots they were anyways. I sat on the sofa quietly, playing with my thumbs.
'How can you do such a thing CeCe?' My mum barked at me for the 6th time. I rolled my eyes. I never meant harm. Actually I did. He was pedophile and what I did was not what he deserved. He deserved worser. Much worser.
'But Mum-' I was inturrupted by her other lectures about how it was hard to get this school from my record of excluded schools in the past few years. Okay, I guess ive been kicked out of 6 schools, actually, 7 schools now. But what can I do? I just don't fit in. And its not like I could tell my mum about my problems, she won't listen.
I don't hate my mum but shes the worst mum a teenager can have. She doesn't understand anything. I tried to explain but she just gives me an explaination about what things are right and what things are wrong.
'And this is your 7th school! CeCe, you've hit people, done graffiti, made rumours and also nearly burned down a school. You might not know this but your bringing shame to your family!' She screamed.
'Family?' I said. I was angry now. 'You call this a family? Its just you and me, mum. And we never work out. I don't understand you and you don't understand me? If its anything that driving me to do do all this madness, its you okay? And you know why? All you think about is what your friends will think about you. And you know what? They already think bad about you and thats not my fault. You care and only about you fuking self.' I screamed. She came infront of me and put her hand out ready to slap me. I closed my eyes, tears falling down. After a few seconds, I opened my eyes to see my mum looking at her hand which she was about to slap me with. She looked shocked.
'Look, what you were going to make me do.' My Mum whispered. I wanted to say something. Anything to make her not cry but what can I say. I just stood there and watched her sit on the sofa and put her hands to her head.
I went to my room quietly. I looked at myself in the mirror. My blond hair was now everywhere. And my green eyes were filled with tears. I never cry but seeing my mum like this, I had no choice but to let it out. I banged my head on the mirror. 'Why am I such an idiot?' I said to myself. Why am I?
I never seen my mum like this. Normally, she tries everything to get her point across. She shouts and shouts till she loses her voice. And then after a while, she makes a joke. But this time she didn't. And I knew why. She was tired. She was tired of the burden she was carrying. And it was my fault. In a way, me and Mum were close. When I wasn't naughty, we used to have a lot of fun. But that was before dad left. After that, we were not a daughter and a mother living in an apartment. We were just two girls living in an apartment. . And that sucked.
I went to sleep. There was no school tomorrow so I took my time going to sleep. Normally, I would be happy but this time, I just felt a hole in my heart. That wouldn't go.


I woke up at 12 in the morning. I yawned. Remembering what happened before, I tried to go back to sleep. After a while, I gave up and got ready for absolutely nothing.
I went to the kitchen to see my mum eating breakfast. She looked at me and smiled. But she wasn't happy at all. Her eyes were tired. And her hair was messy.
'Morning.' I said happily, trying my best to cheer up the gloomy atmosphere.
'Morning, Ce.' She said, trying her best too.
'So Mum, you going work today?' I said making cereal for myself.
'Not really, There something I need to tell you.' She said.
I frowned. Whats going to happen? Will she make me get a job or something? Wait, I can't. My grades are lower than the happiness level here.
'Whats up?' I said, sitting down with her at the table.
'About yesterday-'
'Listen Mum, Ive learned my lesson. I'm going to change. I did a lot of thinking last night and I made a decision too.'
'She was shocked by my reaction. 'But Darling-'
'I'm not lying Mum. When I say I'm going to do something, I will do it.' I said happily. 'I'm going to look for a school that will help me. And any school will do, I just want to get high grades and make you happy.'
She sighed. 'Darling, thats not possible.' She said tiredly.
'Why not?' I said confused. 'I understand that I have a massive history but Its not impossible, is it Mum? And you've always told me that anything is possible if I try and I will. Promise..'
Her face didn't change. It stayed the same. She looked down like she couldn't meet my eye. My smile went upside down. Something is wrong and shes not telling me.
'What is it, Mum?'
'Darling, Ive found you a school.' She said.
I smiled. 'Thats great!' But from her face, it seemed that it wasn't great at all.
'What is it?' I said.
'CeCe, remember I told you that you dad is a headmaster,' She said. I nodded.
'Well, I told your dad about what happened and he got you a place in his school.' She said.
'What?' I said, shocked. 'But dad lives in scotland.'
'I know.' She said. 'Look, schools these days will not let you in with even a bit of an history. To be honest, no school school will let you.'
'So, your saying, that I should got to Scotland.' I said slowly.
'Yes! And its only for a few months, till you get your grades up.'
I can't believe this. I am going to Scotland. To be with my dad. MY DAD? The guy who I haven't met for years. The guy who left my mum and started to see his career as his only importance. The guy who promised to come at christmas but never came.
'No.' I said angrily.
'What?' My mum said. She was actually shocked. SHOCKED! She didn't even like my dad so why is she acting like I said I hated chocolate.
'Mum, what the hell? Your telling me to spend a few freaking months with a guy who doesn't even care to meet his only daughter.'
'Darling, hes changed.'
'And how do you know that? He might just want me because he feels sorry for me.'
'Look, when he was with us. He used to be in all kinds of mess. Drugs, gambling and his emotions were messed up. He did the right thing to leave because he was messed up and he didn't want to hurt us.'
'And your not mad at him?'
'Mad at him? He did us all a favour. If he was here, you would be twice as naughty as you already are.' She said. Her eyes were nearly in tears. 'And I didn't want my baby to get hurt.'
'I can't believe this! I am already hurt! He left me since I was 10, I don't even remember him much. Why the hell does he want me now?'
'Because hes ready. When he left me, he promised me that he will come back. And he has.'
'Actually, he hasn't. I have to come back to him because I'm the one moving to Scotland.'
'Sweetheart, hes changed. Hes like the other dads. He is a headmaster in a boarding school. Who ever thought of that? A druggie could be such a success.'
I nearly laughed. 'Your seriously thinking of taking me to Scotland.'
'Yes. You told me you would love to travel.' She said nudging me.
'Traveling isn't staying in one place for a long time.'
'Well its a start. Then you could get money and go all over the world. You should go France. I heard its great there.'
'Yeah, France is great. Them beguettes sounds awesome. OMG! Why have we changed the subject?'
'She shrugged. 'Please darling, it will be great there. You never know, you might have fun.'
'Please, for me.' She said. 'Just a few months. Just have a little bit of bonding time with your dad.'
I sighed. 'Fine.' There was no point arguing. No option for me left. And maybe Mum is right, there is no other school otherwise she wouldn't have chosen this annoying option.
She happily hugged me. 'It means a lot to me, CeCe.'
'So when?' I said.
'Any day you want. But sooner the better.'
'Okay.' I said. We went quiet for a second. And then I said something that shocked the both of us. 'What about tomorrow?'
Her eyes opened with amazement. But she didn't seem happy. 'CeCe, when I said sooner the better, I didn't mean-'
'I know I know. I just want to get over and done with this.' I said. But that wasn't really the reason. The real reason was because a part of me was excited. Excited to meet my dad. Yes, Ive never heard from him from a long time but I had a feeling that it was going to be great.'
'Okay then. Tomorrow I'll get you ticket and everything.'
'No, I mean get ticket today, and I will get there tomorrow.' I said. She bit her lip. Okay, I guess it was really freaky that I wanted to go so early. But I just did.
'CeCe, are you doing this because your mad at me?' She said.
'Thats what I would have said if I was mad.'
She laughed. 'Wow, you really scared me.' She said. I laughed too.
'I guess, I'm known as a good actor.' I said babbling about myself. We both burst into laughter. And then, we both stopped staring at eachother, both thinking the same thing. Wow, Its been ages since we laughed together. It felt really good. We were always far apart and the closest we got was when grandma died. But this, it was real. I was actually laughing with my mum. The same mum who didn't understand me, the same mum who taught i misbehaved for attention and the same mum who was sending me to Scotland.
Was I ready for a world of confusing accents and green clothes. Okay, thats not what Scotland is about but for some reason, its the only things I knew. But Scotland, its so...... different. And the school seems okay. If no one knows me there, I could make my own personality. Or just be by freaking self.
So this dad who my mum says has 'changed.' Has he really? The last time I remember him was when he had a talk with me about how much he loves me. And that could only mean that he was just saying all that to me because he was leaving me. He didn't come once. He phoned but never talked to me. I was hurt. And why did I want to go here? To make my mum happy and to solve this thing with my dad. And even thought he hurt me so much, I still wanted to talk to him, hug him and tell him things. I just wanted to be with him.
CHAPTER 4: A Hard Goodbye
'You got everything?' My mum said for the 6th time. I would have complained about her worrying but how could I when I'm worried myself. What if I made a bad decision? What if something bad happens? Just.. What If?
We were at the airport and this was my first time travelling alone. But that was the least of my worries. Will Mum be okay? My mum looked inside her bag and kept on looking at the time. We came half an hour early because Mum thought something might have happened in the way.
'Mum.' I said looking at her. She looked better now with her makeup and her blond hair tyed back. Since my dad left, I didn't understand why she didn't date. I mean, she was beautiful and even my maths teacher had a crush on her. And hes married. So I didn't understand. Its not like I couldn't tell her because I didn't know if I was ready for a new step or even just a guy living with us for a while. It just didn't seem right. Maybe thats how Mum felt.
'Yes CeCe.' She looked at me and then stopped fidgeting. She must have noticed the gloominess on my face because she came and sat next to me. 'Look, I know its a big thing. But look at it as a big to do list. Number 1, go on a plane on your own. Number 2, meet your dad. Number 3, fit into the school that you would do great at and Number 4, get your grades up. And you can leave the rest on me. Okay?'
I smiled. It was hard to keep a straight face when this was the best heads up my mum could give me. But it did help. A to do list. Yeah, I'll do it. But that wasn't the think I was worrying about.
'Mum, forget about me. Will you be able to do okay on your own at home?' I said looking at her. She looked distanced for a while but she then smiled.
'How can I be alone? I have lots of friends and they could come and have a sleepover at my house any time they want. No one is old enough for sleepovers.' She said to cheer me up. But it wasn't working. Me and my Mum never worked out but her just being there was a great comfort. But when I'm going to go to Scotland, how will I know?. 'But don't worry about me. Just don't pressure yourself. Have a bit of fun at times.'
I nodded.
'Can the people who will be travelling to Scotland, please come to their gates. Thank you.' I heard the speaker blare out. We both looked at eachother. Well this is it. The first ever time I'm going on a plane. The first time I'm ever going to leave Mum. This is it.
'You'll do great, honey. Just remember to be nice to your dad. You may be a bit angry at him but not too much that you will make him end up in hospital.' Mum said half joking and half serious. I sighed.
Don't forget to lock your door and make sure you don't let your friends in my room.' I said. I had to say something. Rules are something too. 'I may be gone for a while but I'll be back. And come visit sometimes and don't eat too much junk food or you will end up on The Biggest Loser.' She laughed and then I saw a tear fall down her cheek. Is she crying? I can't believe this. So much firsts in one day. She hugged me tight. Another first. I hugged her back, taking in a mummy smell that I could never work what it is.
'Please can the people boarding to Scotland as soon as they can. Thank you.' I heard it again.
'Bye Mum.' I said when she stopped hugging me. 'Take care.'
'Bye Cece. Be careful.' She said and then that was it. I went to the gate. I could see her in the distance waving at me. I waved my back and smiled. Who would ever know? I miss my mum.

Chapter 5: The Ugly Truth

'Do you want me to help you?' The stewardess said for the 100th time. Man! When someone says no, its a no. I was trying to put my lugguage on the cuboard on top of my seat. It was hard but I finally did it. I gave a fake smile to the stewardess and then sat at my seat. I grinned when I noticed her giving me the looks. What do you expect when you annoy someone like me? I guess they only asked when they found out that I am travelling alone. Has a 16 year old never travelled alone before me? They make me laugh. I looked out the window. I could see the wing of the aeroplane and cars wondering about. It was great in a way. But I wonder how it feels in the sky. I bet its awesome.
I looked the screen in front of me. Oh, so theres a tv. I put it on to see that they had the worsest movies ever. Marley and Me? Really? Its cute but not my type. What else.. I looked everywhere for a movie that wasn't sickable. Nope, they all were. What am I going to do now? I groaned angrily.
'Let me guess, you hate the movies?' I looked around to see a guy who looked around 17. He was handsome, eventhough he had glasses on. He wore a black t-shirt and a white trousers. It looked great on him. He smiled. 'This is seat 4b right?'
I was confused. Oh right seats! I looked at my seat. Mine was 4a. So 4b must be the one next to me. '4b is next to me.' I said before turning back and looking out the windows. I can't wait to see the sky. The best bit of going somewhere is getting there. And I'm going to enjoy this.
'So, its your first time on an aeroplane?' It was the guy again. He had a Scotland accent that I'm going to be hearing all the time. It was okay.
'Yeah, how do you know?' I said. Did I look like someone who never travelled in a aeroplane?
'Well, when someone looks through the window like its the most amazing thing, it becomes kind of obvious.' He said with the Scotland accent.
'It is amazing.' I said truthfully.
He laughed. 'You think the ground is amazing, wait till you see the clouds.'
'Hello people, We will be going in 15 minutes so fasten your seat belts, switch off your phone and put on a movie.' The speaker said trying to be funny. But no one heard. Everyone was shouting and asking people to switch seats so they could sit with their familys. And these seats were really sqeezed together so it was hard to get through. And then worsest thing happened. A baby cried from behind us. The awful noise! And it was right behind us!
I got my pen from my bag and snapped it in half. I was angry and when I'm angry, I like to break things.
'Whoa, why are you breaking your pen?' The guy said. Oh, he noticed.
'No, I've broke pen. Its done, the present, comprendo.' I said, trying not to get mad.
'Huh?' He said. AAAHHH!! I am too angry. Why don't these aeroplane windows open so I could scream out of them.
'I'm angry.' I said when I saw the guy's face. He looked at me like I was mad. And then he smiled.
'It's okay. Everyone gets mad. And don't worry about these noises. They will all settle down when the aeroplane lifts off. Ay! Isn't everyone a waste of space?' He said trying to be make me happy. I couldn't help but smile.
20 minutes went and we were up. It looked beautiful. It was also a tiny bit scary. I don't normally get scared but heights is one of them things that is hard to face. It was quieter now. It was peaceful. The baby stopped crying and all you can hear is two people talking about weddings in the back.
'See? I told you it was great and I told you it would settle down in here. You see? You should always listen to your elders.' He said. He sounded serious but I couldn't help but laugh. Wow, never met anyone who can make me laugh by just being serious.
'I'm Finn by the way.' He said smiling. 'And you are?'
'Cece.' I said.
'See See?' He said. 'See what?'
I smiled. 'No, my name is CeCe.'
'Oh! Sorry, I've never heard that name before. You parents named you that?'
He didn't mean it in a bad way because he had a straight face. Wow, I never got insulted by someone who didn't know they were insulting me. 'No, CeCe is my nickname. My real name is Celia.'
'Ah, Celia. A beautiful name.' He said.
I smiled. 'Thanks.'
'So, are you from USA? I could recognise that accent from anywhere. What is a young girl alone going to do in Scotland? Shouldn't you be in school?' He said nudging me and giving me the ' are you skiving from school' look.
'Actually I'm going to school in Scotland.'
'Really? Have all the Schools in your country finished?' He said. Wow, this guy was a real something.
'No, my dad is an headmaster so he's got me a place in his school.'
'Oh really? What school?'
I was about to say the school when I noticed who i am talking to. 'Wait, why would I tell a stranger?' I said.
'You really think a student would kidnap you?' He said. I thought about it.
'I don't know. You tell me. You haven't said much about yourself.' I said.
'Aha! Clever girl! I'll telly you everything about myself. I'm Finn Beoregard. From Scotland and just coming back from a holiday with my parents that are over there.' He pointed at his 2 couple who looked just like him. The nose, the smile everything. He went on 'I go to Fisher's Boarding High School-'
'Wait what? You go to Fisher's High School? No way, thats where I'm going.' I said.
He laughed. 'Thats not possible.'
I got out my bag and got the leaflet of the school there that my mum gave me. 'Look, this is your school right?' I gave it to him. He looked it closely and then took out this book that had the same logo that was on the leaflet.
'Yes, but you don't understand-'
'Look, the logos. We both are going to the same school.' I said pointing at them.
He bit his lip. He looked at the leaflet ten times. Well, it looked that way.
'What is it?' I said. Something was wrong. From his face, something was confusing too.
'You know that this leaflet is a year ago.' He said. I frowned. Who cares?
'Is that what your confused about?' I said.
'Yes and No. Look, this is our leaflet.' He took out a brand new looking leaflet. It has the logo of the school. I took it from him and looked through it.
'What shall I look at?' I said. All it said was the new things they have put into the school. I told this Finn.
'I know but that isn't the only new thing. Read this.' He pointed at a paragraph. Why won't he just tell me whats up? Gosh, these people. I read what he was telling me out loud.
'Okay, it says This school has been a big success since the big decision we made last year. We have made new facilties from boys of all ages that is not just fun but educational.' I looked at Finn.
'Keep reading, Celia.' He said looking at the leaflet too. I sighed before continuing.
'We are really sorry if the harsh decision of changing this school to a...' I stopped. I read this without saying it out loud. I couldn't believe this. It was here.. It said it. Changing it to an only boys school.


I looked at Finn. 'I'm going to an only boys school!' I screamed. People looked at me like I was crazy. But I will be. I, Celia Celheart, A GIRL! is going to a boy's school. A freaking boys only school! I cannot believe this. So much emotions were running down me. The first one was anger. No one told me. My mum, my dad, NO ONE. This Finn who happens to go to that school told me. Mum didn't tell me. How could she? I got out my phone.
'What are you doing?' Finn said staring at me.
'What do you think? I have a lot to talk about with my Mum for one thing she didn't tell and me and I'm hearing it from a guy who goes there. Thank God you are here. And let me say, small world but right now, I need to tell me mum. Where are the toilets?'
'You need to go to the loo?' He said.
'No, I shout really loud so lets just hope the toilets are soundproof.' I said before edging my way to the toilet.
First the crowded aeroplane, then the crying baby, then the news from a school boy and now a toilet the size of a beanbag! I went into it and I couldn't move at all. This is such a tiny toilet! It makes my bathroom look like a freaking palace! I locked the door and looked at myself in the mirror. I was angry. My eyes were blazing and my hair everywhere. I waited for my mum to pick up the phone.
'I'm going to an only boys school!' I screamed at her. 'How could you not tell me Mum, I thought you changed. We laughed, we hugged, and you cheered me up but right now, it means nothing. I am on an aeroplane in a tiny toilet going to Scotland where I will be with boys. Just boys Mother. Just freaking boys!'
'Wow, that is some really nasty stuff.' I frowned. This wasn't mum. It was one of her friends. 'One minute, pet. You mother's gone shopping. She'll be back kind of late. You want to leave a message. I could tell her if my memory doesn't back me down.' She carried on talking about how she forgot to lock her car and other useless things. But what really got me was my mum has gone shopping? But I'm on an aeroplane! She should be worried if I got here safe. Instead shes seeing if pink or purple sandels suit her dresses.
I sighed. 'Just tell her that I'm okay and I'll phone her when I get there.'
I walked back to my seat. No one was looking at suggesting that they didn't hear a word I said. I callapsed on my seat.
'How did it go?' Finn said. Did he really want to know?
'It went well. Do you have a ruler?' He got a wooden ruler out of his bag. I snapped it in half. 'I'll pay you back.' He looked at me and smiled.
'You better. That was my favourite ruler.' He said before going back to his headphones.
'You got a favourite ruler? I smell a weirdo.' I muttered.
'Did you say something.' He said completely innocent.
'I said you- Nothing.' I said before getting some rest. I don't know whats going to happen but I hope its nothing bad.


We were in the airport. 'Well I guess its bye.' I said putting my hand our for Finn to shake.
He laughed. 'I never knew I would be saying this to a girl but I'll see you in school.' He said. 'And its not that bad, we have lady teachers and maybe your dad has an explanation of why he didn't tell you. Think about it. Its an important fact that was just 'forgotton' by your parents. I smell a plan.' He said.
'Finn. Lets go. We've got a taxi.' I heard his parents say.
'Well bye and I'll see you around in school but if not, it was a pleasure sitting next to you.' He said before shaking my hand and running to his parents. I smiled. I guess its not going to be that bad. For the first time, i've made a friend. A true one who doesn't care about my past or that I nearly killed someone or I've tried drugs once. Wait, he doesn't even know that. I sat on one of them chairs. A old looking man sat a few seat away. He looked really nervous. He was sweating. Wow, something might be really haunting him. I got a tissue out of my bag and gave it to the man.
'Wow, thank you.' He said giving me a smile. He had a gold tooth that was really unexpected, because he seemed like a decent man who looked after himself.
'Excuse me, Have you seen a girl who is about your age. She looks like this.' He showed me a picture. I was about to say no when I noticed something. 'OMG! Thats me. Where did you get this picture?' I said. It was me 2 years ago with my brown hair. I changed the colour a while ago and I lost some weight too. This picture looks nothing like me but in a way, everything like me.
'Wait, you're Celia?' He said. His face was amazed.
'Wait, your my- my dad?' I said. But I already knew it. He was.
'Its very nice to meet you Celia.' He said. His smile was really big. I smiled back.
'Its very nice to meet you too...' I said. I was about to say dad when it just didn't feel right yet. He noticed and sat on the seat next to me.
'Wow, this is amazing. You've grown so much. Your mother raised a beautiful girl.' He said.
'Thanks.' I said. 'You look great. Better than the last time I saw you.'
His smile went upside down. 'I hate myself for leaving you but I-'
'Can we not talk about this? I'm kind of tired.' I said trying to avoid this conversation. I knew what I was getting into. I'm sorry Celia, I was trying my best but I didn't want to hurt you. I did it for you. I was thinking of your future.And thats the last thing I wanted to hear.
'Oh sorry, I was just... nevermind. Lets get you home. Well not home but boarding school. And theres something I have to tell you.' He looked down nervously.
'Its okay, I know.' I said.'As annoyed as I am, I'm fine that it is an only boy's school.'
'You found out? How? Did your mother tell you?' He said.
'No, a student from your school told me.' I said. I crossed my arms. I was really mad now. 'Why did you hide it from me?'
'Oh Celia-'
'Its CeCe. We should go.' I said. I picked up my suitcase and my bag. I know I'm being too mean but thats what I am. Mean. And I knew who I got it from.


'We're here.' My dad said. Yes my dad, I am actually with my dad right now. I looked out the window to see a big school that weirdly looked like a church. It was an old victorian building that looked kind of haunted. Yikes.
The car parked outside the school. I was about to open the door when Dad just ran to open it for me. Wow, if your going to please me, you better do better than that. He carried my suitcase and my bag. I
'You don't need to carry it.' I said.
'I want to.' He said, struggling a lot.We went up the stairs. After a lot of stairs, Dad looked too red.
'So these are the classrooms.' He said. He pointed to a set old desks. Not a lot of decorations. Needs a girl's touch.
We went up to more steps and showed me the gym class, the science labs, the offices. There was a door that said 'Boy's dorm.' But he just said don't go there.
And finally, we went to a room that looked like an aparment. It had sofas, TVs, books and a dining room.
'So this is where I live. And you'll be staying here. Your rooms in there.' I looked into the door he pointed at. It was a nice room. There was a pink bed with a teddy bear. And pink curtians. Basically, most of the things in the room was pink. Sometimes I think that Gok Wan is the only guy who has fashion sense. And this could be why. But it was a great try.
'Do you like it? I mean, I didn't know what kind of person you were so I-'
I yawned. And it wasn't by purpose. Well Kind of..
'Sorry, I'm just babbling on. You should get some rest. School tomorrow.'
'What? I just came. Shouldn't I get settled in first.' I said callapsing on the bed.
'Tomorrow's opening day and everyone is coming. It'll be great for you to meet the teachers.' He said.
'And the students.' I added.
'Yeah, you dont need to talk to them. They will mind their own business.' He said. 'Well, your uniform is in the cupboard and get settled in and.. erm.. get some rest. I'll see you in the morning at 6.' He was about to go when I took in what he said.
'Wait what? 6! I can't wake up at 6!' I said angrily.
'Sorry, Its opening day as I said and I will have to get up early so that we could prepare everything.' He said.
'Fine. Whatever.' I said. I slided into my duvet.
'Shouldn't you change into something more comfortable, Celia?'
'Nope. I'm tired. Turn the lights off when you go. Thanks. And its CeCe.' I said before closing my eyes to go to sleep.
I couldn't see him but I knew he was angry. I guess he was a strict Headmaster and I was going to be a challenge. No wait, I AM going to be a challenge. Daddy, your in for it.


Sleepily, I combed my hair. It was 6am. And here I was, getting ready for school. No wait, a boarding school. NO WAIT, a BOYS boarding school.
'You ready?' My dad said. Yes, I was here in my dad's aparment. Who would ever know it?! 'You look great in that uniform. Just erm.. cut down on the makeup.' He said awkwardly.
I rolled my eyes. 'I'm just wearing eyeliner.' I said. I rolled my eyes.
'Thats great. You ready to go?' He said getting my school bag for me.
'Wait.' I sighed. 'They do know, that, you know, I'm a girl in this school. They do know a girl is actually coming to this school. I mean, I don't want them to be surprised or think that I'm in the wrong school or something.' I said nervously.
'I know. I was supposed to tell them about you coming but I never knew you were going to come or not. I couldn't reach your mum and when she gave me a message saying you will be coming tomorrow, I rushed to the airport. So I'm sorry. But we have female teachers so don't think your the only girl here. Well actually you are but your not the only female here, I mean, you are a girl but your here in a boy's school and its kind of -'
'Your rambling.' I said before he tells me his life story.
'Sorry, I'm just really stupid at times and I want to make it up to my only daughter.' He looked tired. Okay, I guess he was trying but still..
'Fine, if you want to make it up with me, then buy me a chocolate icecream.' I said cheekily and randomly. Whatever happened in the past, I shouldn't be mad at my dad. He had a reason and I've got to stop getting mad at him for no reason.
'Deal.' He smiled. 'Shall we go?'
I nodded and followed him out the room. We went down the stairs. Some teachers greeted Dad and they gave me a strange look. But I guess I should get used to them.
'Don't be nervous. You'll be fine.' Dad said reassuringly.
'I'm not nervous.' I lied. 'I just don't like it when people stare at me.' Well, it was the truth too. I hated it when people looked at me in that 'are you from another planet' look. It annoys the crap out of me. I used to get it all the time in the other schools. I'm not a bad girl, I just get really mad sometimes and can't stop myself. And I always have a reason for my madness. For example, the last school I just went to. He was treating me different from the rest of the students and it made me so mad. Once, is a warning. Twice, will end with blood. And it did.
We went through a lot of rooms and then my Dad stopped and told me to wait here. He went to the other side of the corridor and was talking to this lady. The lady was very beautiful in the natural way. She had black hair and brown eyes. When they stopped talking, my Dad went through the door. Wait a minute, where am I supposed to go? Shall I follow him?
The brown hair lady walked to me and smiled. She put her hand out to shake.
'Hi, you must be CeCe.' She said. She has a strong Scottish accent that reminded me of Finn. Will he be here? What if I see him? I shook her hand and smiled.
'And you are?' I said.
'I'm Miss Rain but you could call me Selma.' She said. 'Its really nice to meet you. You dad has told me a lot about you.'
I was surprised with this. He talked about me to people. 'Really? What did he say?' I said curiously.
'Just the general, that you are a great girl and he can't wait to meet you.' She said happily. 'But, hes told me your not happy about coming here.'
'Yeah. Its just a boy's only school. And its a boarding school too. 2 things that I'm not used to.' I said honestly.For some reason, I felt safe near her.
She nodded. 'I understand. When I came to this school, I was kind of nervous.'
'But thats different. Your a teacher. I'm a girl. A student. In a boy's school.' I said stressfully. I know I keep on repeating that its a boy's school but its just hard to take in. I was a misfit in the other schools and I will be beyond a misfit in this school.
'Don't worry, sweetheart. In a few days, you'll fit in in like everyone else. Just don't get worried. Wow, nice necklace.' She said. I looked at my angel shaped necklace.
'Thanks, my mum gave me it on my 14th birthday.' I said. I never knew a simple compliment like that would make me so happy. I was beaming. That reminded me. I have to phone Mum. I was thinking of not calling her because I was angry about the not telling me about the fact that I was travelling in a boy's school. If I was in a car, I would tell the driver to take me home. But I was in an aeroplane. I couldn't just go up to the pilot and say 'excuse me, can you turn the aeroplane around, I need to go shout at my mum.' He would think I'm crazy. But Mum, what is the reason for not telling me?
'Well its great.' She said. It took me a while, to find out what she was talking about. The necklace. This Selma is nice. Its great to talk to her. She wasn't bored or annoyed or anything like a teacher, really. I heard boys talking from the end of the door where my dad went through.
'Oh, the boys must be here. Now, don't let them think that your easy to get over. You've got to treat boys like you don't care about them.' She said, acting like a love guru.
I laughed. 'Whatever. Is that something you do with your boyfriend.?' I said.
'Nope, don't have one but I have had men who think they are all that, but eh! they ain't.' She said. I smiled. The boys were at the other end of the door. They were talking loudly and laughing. And then I heard a big voice.
'Boys settle down!' It took a minute to realise that it was my Dad's. Wow.
'Selma, Whats my dad like in this school?'
She grinned. 'He's different. I mean, he understands people and he loves this school. He'll do anything for it. Hes a wierd guy but don't tell him I said that.'
I took her words in. He'll do anything for his school. He'll do anything for his school and nothing for his daughter for years. Yes, he is a weird guy and I am surely going to tell him that one day.
'Right, lets go.' She said. 'You ready?'
I looked at her for a second. Was I ready? 3 words but such a hard question to answer. But automatically, like I did with the other schools, I said 'Yes.'
She gave me a smile before getting my hand. 'You'll do great, kiddo. Be strong.'
It was weird that she was holding my hands but I guess I needed it. She was the first ever person to hold my hand and actually mean it. My mum holded my hand whenever something bad was going to happen. But this didn't seem so bad. I felt happy.
We walked to the door. And Selma opened it and there it was. The moment that I knew would come. About 300 boys, all eyes on me.


I quietly walked into the room, looking down at the wooden floor. I can't believe I was nervous. I'm never nervous. I'm always fine. But right now, I rather fall in a deep hole than look at these judgemental eyes. I was in a boy's school, for goodness sake. Selma squeezed my hand for reasurance. She gave a quick smile. I looked up. They were still staring at me. Their face was.... faceless. I couldn't see what they were thinking..
What the hell? I thought this was a boy's school? What's going on here? Did I come into the wrong school? Thats what I thought might have been in thier minds. And you never know, it just might be.
My dad was up on the stage. Well, it looked like a stage anyway. He was talking about having a good attendance and normal school things when I walked in. He gave me a quick smile before introducing them to me.
'Boys, this is Celia-' My dad said.
'It's CeCe.' I blurted. Wow, they looked at me the same way. I looked at all the boys. Some were cute, some were nerdy and some were just plain... guys.
'Okay, CeCe.' He looked back at the students. 'And she's going to be studying in this school for a few months. And I hope you all be nice to her.' He said strictly. He seemed like a regular teacher when hes with the school. But when hes with me, he just seems like an apologic father. 'Celia- I mean, CeCe, why don't you come up here and say something about yourself.'
I groaned quietly. Why should I talk about myself? They will find out about me soon enough anyway. But there wasn't time to say no. Everyone waited for me to get on stage and say something about myself.
I walked up the 3 stairs, hoping I wouldn't slip and stood behind the desk where my dad was standing. I looked at everyone. They all looked puzzled. You know what, it would be normal if there was some murmering or giggles. But there was not of it. None of it at all.
I cleared my throat before starting. 'Hi, I'm CeCe, as you've already heard. And I came here from the UK to study. And yeah. Thats it really..' I said akwardly. And they face didn't change. But a few of them, gave a little smile. I smiled back. Well, atleast that was something. 'Oh, and I love icecream. Specially chocolate icecream. I mean, I love all the icecreams but its just that chocolate stands out. I'm not trying to say that I hate the others because the others are nice too. The least I like is banana. I mean, its a fruit. It shouldn't be mixed with icecream. I mean, you don't see me mixing rice with smarties. It just isn't right. But still it isn't a crime to have it. So I guess I'm okay-'
'CeCe.' My dad said. Oops, I was rambling again. I looked at the boys to see them looking bored. Yeah, this is bad.
I walked off the stage and sat with Selma. She gave me a thumbs up. I gave a quick smile before biting my lip. I don't think being here was a good idea. I will end up getting mad and hurting people. Or lots of pens.. I know its weird that I like snapping pens in half when i'm mad. But I just can't help it. Pens are better than snapping people. I giggled to myself. Just when I thought not one was going to look at me, all of them do.
I mouthed 'sorry.' And looked at my hands that were on my lap. Embarrasing...
My dad went on about how cleaning your rooms important and arriving in class early. He was a really boring person to be honest. I mean, I should be amazed that I'm with my dad, but how come at least one boy hasn't fallen asleep. Or look sleepy.
'Right. Now you know all the rules and regulations, I'm hoping you don't break any of them. Now any questions?' Dad said at the end. A few people put their hand up but all they were talking about was the after school clubs that are going to be held. Nothing special. Nothing about why a girl is in this school.
'Right, you can all go to your class. Thank you.' Everyone moved to the door which I was near. Boys gave me looks. All kind of looks. A bit of them were checking me out, others were disgusted, and others had no idea what was going on. Dad came near me and gave me a paper.
'Its your schedule. Ive got you favourite lessons mixed up through the week. The blanks are just free time with Selma. To help you with your work.' He said happily. I gave a fake smile before checking what my first lesson there is. Ah, Maths. Awesome.
'Don't worry, you have Maths with me.' Selma said. I smiled. Okay, atleast it won't be that awkward. 'And good look. You want to come with me to Maths?'
'I'm fine.' I said. It wasn't that I didn't want to go with her, I just wanted to see the place, by myself. Dad said that theres 25minutes before the first lesson starts so I thought I'll just wonder around. I looked at the boys who were staring at me. I gave a little smile. They gave a smile back before laughing about something with their friends.
I sighed. Here I am and here I will stay.


I went to the playground where there was grass and benches. I sighed. Here I am. In a boy's school. I sat on one of the benches and got my mobile out. This should be good time to phone my mum.
'Hello?' A voice said.
'Is this Mum?' I said, making sure its not one of her friends like before.
'CeCe! You finally called. I couldn't get hold of your number. How are you, sweetheart?' She said, sounding happy. Well, I guess she wasn't worried.
'I'm doing fine. Just hangin about. In a boy's school.' I said. She sighed.
'I'm sorry CeCe, I didn't mean to-'
'It's fine. I'm doing okay.' I said. I didn't want to hear it before I get more mad. 'So hows it going over there?'
'Nothing much. I just got my nails done because I'm going out for a drink with my friends.' She said normally. I smiled. That was what I said a few weeks ago. It seems weird when my mum says it.
'Okay. Thats great. My dad is nice and hes-'
'Sorry CeCe, I have to go.' My mum said out of no where. For some reason, I felt that she just said that to avoid the conversation.Why?
'But Mum-'
'Sorry, I'll talk to you later. Phone me okay? Friends are here. Take care in school and don't get in trouble or I will come there. Byeee.' She said before hanging up. How could she? I was talking to her. Oh Man! She hasn't changed at all. The same old annoying mum.
'Hey!!' I looked up to see Finn in his uniform. Wow, he looked great. I thought the uniform made everyone look like a robot, but nope. Not everyone. I gave a big smile.
'Finn, I was wondering where you were.' I said.
'Yeah, I was kind of late. My cousin was still asleep. You know how long it takes to wake him up?' He said, his scottish accent making him sound awesome. His hands were behing his back. It took me a while to notice that he was hiding something behind his back.
'Whats that?' I pointed to his back. He gave a big smile.
'Well, I heard you at the opening day. You were rambling about how much you love chocolate Icecream so...' He showed me a delicious Icecream on a cone. I smiled with delight and hunger.
'Finn, your the best.' I took the icecream from him and gave him a big hug.
'I know. You looked really sad when you found out about this school so I just got you this from the school kitchen. But I better be going. What lesson do you have next?'
I grinned happily. 'Firstly, you have icecream in the school kitchen?' I said, gobsmacked. He laughed and nodded. 'And I've got Maths.' I said.
'With Miss Rain?' He said. I nodded. 'Thats great! I mean, Ive got Maths with her too. I'll see you then.' He said. I waved before he went into one of the doors.
I sighed. It wasn't going to be that bad.


I walked into class. I smiled when I saw that no one was here except Selma.
The classroom was different from what I had. There were not a lot of decorations on the wall except a few bits and bob about recycling. I frowned. This school definately needs a girl's touch. Selma sat on her chair, sorting some sheets out. She saw me and gave a massive smile.
'CeCe, you're here.' She said happily. 'Good that you came early. Well we have seating plans and I was wondering if you wanted to sit near me at my desk.'
I frowned. Sit near the teachers desk? Am I in trouble or something?
'Why?' I said, biting my lip. She saw me getting worried and smiled.
'Sorry, I forgot to explain.' She said. 'You see, we have less seats and all the boys all have a seating plan. We take seating plans really serious in school. And, well there is one seat but-'
'Okay, I'll sit there.' I said, smiling. I really didn't want to sit near the teacher. It made me look like I'm different. Well, I am different. I'm a freaking girl! But If I'm staying in this school for a long time, I rather try to fit in.
'Are you sure?' She said. 'Are you sure you want to sit near the boy?'
I nodded. 'Yep. Wheres the spare seat?'
She bit my lip, looking worried. Why was she worried. 'Well, its at the back.' She said. She pointed at the seat at the back corner. I smiled before going there and sitting.
Selma gave a quick smile before rushing to the door to let the boys in. Here we go.
The boy's rushed in laughing about something. They saw me and stopped. I smiled but they ignored me and sat on they're scheduled seat. One by one, other boys came in giving me the stares and weird looks. I had to do this and I knew what I was getting into.
I kept on looking at the door for Finn to come and like a wish, it came true.
He came in with some friends. He looked around and then saw me. He gave a wave and came up to me. Please say he's sitting with me!!
His friends didn't look at him in a wierd way like the rest. I think he told them about me.
'Hey!' He said, like he never met me a few minutes ago.
He looked at me and my seat.
'Wait, your sitting here?' He said, looking worried.
'Yeah, why?' I said, looking confused. 'Selma told me to sit here, I thought it was fine. It isn't?'
He saw me frowing and smiled just like Selma did. ' No No, its just my cousin-'
'Okay, everyone settle down! Go to your seats and open up your books to page 34!' Miss Rain shouted. Whoa, she had a big voice. I guess she was used to it when she's been in this school for a long time. Boys are made to shout to.
'Talk later?' Finn said. I nodded and he went to his seat. And guess what, its was at the front left. The farest away from me! How am I going to live!!!!
Everyone came in and sat around. The whole class was filled but there was no one sitting next to me. I guess, there was nothing to worry about.
Selma gave me the maths book and gave a quick wink before going back to the lesson.
'Okay, class. I guess you've seen the new student in the school.' She said looking at me. Oh no! Why did she have to introduce me? I already did it in the hall and mucked it up. 'She is a very nice student so please be nice to her.' Everyone looked at me. A few guys gave a wink. Some just stared and some just smiled like Finn.
'I hope you boys will be more better because there is a lady amongst us.' She continued. Oh God! She was going to embarrass me to death! 'Her name is CeCe and she is the headmaster's daughter. Some may be confused... well don't because this girl is amazing and she has this nice necklace that I really liked and-'
'Er.. Miss, thats enough for them to know.' I said, giving her a fake smile. She bit her lip.
'How silly of me!' She said. Everyone rolled their eyes. I rolled with them. She really was silly.
'Right! Lets get back to class-'
Someone kicked the door opened. He came in, looking like a mess. Everyone stared at him. He was on the phone talking to someone. I looked at him closely. Whoa, he was hot!
He had black messy but cute hair and I tried to look closely but couldn't see his eye color. He was so handsome that I felt my cheeks go red.
'The guy told me to get lost and I was like, man you brought this yourself.' He said. To my amazement, he didn't have a scottish accent. He had an american accent that made him more hotter. He continued talking on the phone like it was a normal day. I looked at Miss Rain and saw her red face. She looked so angry that I thought she was about to explode.
He still continues. 'I told him what I would tell anyone who kicks me. I told him to f-'
'Mr Matt Rhodes!' Selma shouted. I winced. Whoa, I smell a drama...
He looked at and rolled his eyes. 'Mate, I've got to go.' He said. He put his phone in his pocket and smiled. 'Hi Miss Rain, its been a long time-'
'Matt, what kind of behaviour is this! You come into class, 10 minutes late-'
'Actually its 5-' He said, not helping at all.
'No, you disturb my class and use swearing andfoul language that-'
'I didn't say it actually. You stopped me before I could say f-'
'Stop it!' She said. Her face was crazy. He must be teh bad boy that every teacher hates. Specially Miss Rain. 'Just see me after lesson for your detention.'
He frowned like he didn't deserve it. Whoa, he was worser than me. And I didn't know if that was possible. But that wasn't the thing that was bothering me. There was only one seat left in the class and that was next to me. Oh man, he has to sit next to me. I was going to avoid myself from bad boys but nope! One is going to sit next to me. Sitting with the teacher didn't seem that bad.
I looked down. I had to act distant from him. He turned to go to his seat and froze.
I looked up to see him staring at me. Blue. His eye color was blue. There was something in his eyes that made me stare. I quickly put my head down and opened the book to the page. I forgot the page, but I tried to look busy.
'Hold up!' He said. I looked up. He frowned at me. 'Why the f-'
'Matt!' Selma said, angrily.
'Sorry.' He put his hands up. 'I meant, why the fish is there a girl in this classroom?' He said pointing at me.
I bit my lip. Shall I say something?
'Matt, didn't you come to assembly?' Selma said. I looked around. Everyone was quiet. Why were they quiet? It looked like they were afraid of him. Hmm, maybe they were. I looked at Finn who looked uncomfortable. Why?
'Nope, I never came. I was late. But what the hell?' He said. He looked around. 'Guys! There's a freaking girl in the room! In a school!' He shouted to everyone. Selma tried to stop him but he kept on shouting. She looked tired. She massaged her head. She looked like my mum when she's fed up with me.
'He quickly walked to me and sat in his seat next to me. Everyone stared at both of us except Finn for some reason. His head was on the table and he was banging himself.
But Matt wasn't done. 'Well?' He said. He stared at me, waiting for an answer.
I sighed. He's turning into a pain in the neck. 'I'm here to study like the rest of you. Now if you won't mind-'
'But you're a girl.' He said.
'Really?!' I said sarcastially. Oh God, I was angry now. You see, I get angry easily. That was the reason for getting excluded from lots of schools. I thought my anger was finished. But I was so wrong.
'Listen, why are you making such a big deal about it! I'm a girl in a boy's school. Big whoop! If you really have a problem about it, then talk to a teacher not me. Just leave me alone!' I shouted. Everyone stared at me. Finn looked too. His face, shocked and surprised.
I bit my lip. I pushed it far. I looked at Matt. He was smiling. What the hell?
'Miss Rain, can we just continue with the lesson?' I said, getting back to my work.
Miss Rain looked shocked but then, cleared her throat before continuing with the lesson. Everyone looked at us two for a while, before turning back to their work. Something was wrong with Finn. He was acting weird.
'So? Your the angry kind of girl?' Matt whispered.
I rolled my eyes and said nothing. He can think whatever he wants. I don't give a damn.
He nudged me on my arm. 'Well? Are you? Because If you are, your not going to survive in this school.' He whispered. I could sense him staring at me. He came closer to me. So close that that if I looked at him, our noses would touch. 'You won't survive. Specially that you've caught my eye.' He whispered. He went back to his work.
My hands tightened. How dare he speak to me like that?
He didn't say anything throughout the lesson. But his words were annoying the hell out of me. What does he mean that I've caught his eye? Of course I did, I'm a girl surrounded by boys!
I looked at him. He was gorgeous. His black hair was messy but it made it look sexy. Whoa, his eyes made me tingle with excitement. I knew that he was going to make my life a misery. But for some reason, I wasn't worried.


The bell rang.
'Right, class. Bring your worksheets here and then you could go.' Miss Rain said. I looked next to me, to see Matt staring at me. His eyes filled with amusement.
'What?' I said to him, annoyed as hell. I hate it when people stare!!
He smiled. 'Nothing.' He said, before getting his books and leaving the room. I frowned.

What was all that about?
Everyone went one by one except for Finn. 'Hey.' I said, grabbing my books. I smiled when I thought the he was risking his reputation in this school by wondering around with a girl.

'Hi.' He looked uncomfortable. We went out of the class and were walking to next lesson.
'Is everything okay?' I said, worried.
'Yeah.' He said smiling. And then he frowned again. 'Actually no. The guy you were sitting next to. Matt-'

'Don't get me started on him! He thinks hes some big bully who can boss people around.' I said, too angry to hide my words. 'Who does he think he is? And guess what he said to me.'

I didn't even stop for him to guess and just continued. 'He said that I wouldn't survive in this school! How dare he? Does he even know who I am?'
'He's not that bad.' Finn said. My eyes opened.
'Not that bad? He's the worst!' I said, outraged. We went up the stairs. Boy's looked at me but I was too mad to get nervous. If that's impossible...

'He's a pain sometimes but he's okay when you get to know him.' He said, like he wasn't even there when Matt came.

I was going to answer back but I knew there was no point. 'So, how come your defending him?' I said, trying to not shout it.
Finn looked at me and said, 'He's my cousin.'

'What?' I said. I can't believe this! That guy, that weird guy is related to Finn. I seriously can't believe this. Finn is so nice, sweet and cool and then theres Matt.
He nodded, feeling kind of embarrassed. I should be the one who should feel embarrassed. I was the one complaining about him for so long.

'I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-'

'Its fine. I would do the same.' He smiled, making me smile too. I like Finn. 'Anyway, lets get to class. Race you there!' He shouted, before running.

I ran behind him and then I went faster and this time, he was behind me. The door to next lesson was a few seconds away.

'I win!' I said, breathless. I looked back to see him still running. He looked exhausted. I laughed.

Finally, he came and smiled. '' He said, breathlessly. I rolled my eyes before opening the door to lesson.


I sat on the bench that I sat when I first came. It was still sunny and I smiled, thinking of Finn. I can't believe I like him... I've never liked any boy. Maybe superstars but I don't know.. Finn makes me smile and I just feel so happy. I put my head back on the bench side and put my legs up.

I smiled to myself while thinking of Finn. I just met him yesterday but It's so weird that from all the people in the airplane, I met Finn who was going to the same school as me and who was in the same class as me AND who was cute. I can't think of anything bad about him. Except that he has Matt as his cousin. The way that Finn talks about Matt shows that they are kind of close. Maybe they are..

I guess the only way to get close to Finn is if I get close to Matt. Pff! That's not going to go well.

'CeCe!' I looked up to see Miss Rain running towards me. Her face was still red and she looked exhausted.

Finally, she came and sat on the bench next to me. She put her hands to her head.

I bit my lip, trying not to laugh. She was a mess. 'Are you okay?' I said.

'She looked at me and smiled. 'Yeah... I just....' She said, breathlessly. 'I've been'

'Oh, sorry. It's break now so I thought I would just, you know. Have a rest or something.' I said, feeling a bit uncomfortable.

She kept on breathing loudly for 3 minutes. 'Okay. I'm done.' She said, finally.

I gave her a smile, before looking back at the trees at the far end.

'How was your first lesson?' She said. I frowned. She was there with me in the lesson. She noticed and said 'Sorry, stupid question.' She looked more uncomfortable than me.

'Is everything okay?' I said.

'Yeah.' She sighed. 'It's just I never knew your first day would be so...' She looked at me. 'Challenging.'

I laughed. 'What do you mean?'

She smiled. 'I thought you were going to get a bit-'

'Pissed?' I said, cheekily.

'Ermm... well not that exact word but yeah.' She said. I knew she has the urge to tell me off for swearing. 'It's just, when I saw you shouting at Matt Rhodes, I was kind of-'

'Mad?' I said. I was going to say 'pissed' but I knew she would tell me off.

'No, not mad at all. I was kind of proud. I mean, I knew some boys like Matt would bully you and get you angry and when you shouted at them, I was proud that you didn't just sit there and listen to him annoying you.' I was shocked by what she was saying. She was proud when I shouted at Matt?

She saw me looking shocked and said, 'CeCe, I didn't mean that its right to do this. It's just that boys are..... different and when they act like... Matt... you have to stand up and try to defend yourself. And I'm really happy you did that.'

I smiled. 'Thanks.' Selma understands me. I never knew the day that a girl would understand me.

'Don't tell you dad I said this.' She said.

'Don't worry. Its between me and you.'

There was a silence. It wasn't awkward at all. It felt okay. I've never felt comfortable when I'm with my mum or dad or any of my cousins. And I feel comfortable with a lady who I just met a few hours ago.

'AAAH!' She shouted.

'Are you okay?' I looked at her.

'I forgot to tell you why I'm here.' She said. 'Your dad wants you to eat lunch with him. In his office.'

'Oh.' I said. My dad wants me to eat lunch with him? Why?

As if reading my mind, Selma said, 'It's because he's kind of insecure. He doesn't want you to eat lunch with boys.'

I smiled. That's why..

'Well, I've got to go. Next lesson is Art and be strong.' She said getting up. 'Matt's going to be in that lesson.'

Oh Man! Why him?

'Wait, Is Finn going to be in that lesson too?' Selma looked at me and gave me a cheeky grin.

'You've got a crush on a boy?' She said, nudging me.

I laughed. 'He's just my friend.' Yet.

She laughed. 'I'm sorry, sweetie. Finn doesn't have that lesson. He takes another lesson instead.'

I frowned. Well, this is going to be the worst.


It's been 2 weeks in this school and to be honest, its not that bad.

Except the fact that Matt's always taking Finn away from me whenever I want to hang around with him, everything is fine. But I've made a lot of friends. And I haven't got mad and threw anything or broke anything in so long! I can't believe I'm actually happy.

 I was sitting outside for lunch, eating my apple. Finn was sitting next to me, looking gorgeous as ever.

Does he like me?Will he ask me out one day? No, why would he like me? Finn caught me staring at him. I looked back at the book I was reading, feeling embarrassed.

 He laughed. I looked at at him, confused

. 'What's so funny?' I said. 

He bit his lip. 'Your... erm, book is wrong way round.'

 I looked back at my book to see he was telling the truth.

 'Haha, oops.' I said, smiling.  He was about to say something but Matt came towards us, with his group of friends. 'Hey Finn, want to go play some football?' Matt said.

He wasn't looking at Finn that much, mostly at me. 

I rolled my eyes and looked at my book. Don't go Finn, don't leave me, I thought to myself. 

'Sure, why not?' He said, happily.

 I bit my lip, getting angry at him. Why does he keep on leaving me?

 'Sorry CeCe, but I have to go-' 

'It's fine, I'll see you next time.' I smiled. He nodded and packed his stuff up.

I looked at Matt who was staring at me, like he was confused.  Finn went with Matt and his gang. Here I was, left alone. Again. I walked to the library so i could finish my homework.  I saw Jack, Finn's best friend and sat with him. We've been very close lately. Everytime Finn went, I used to hang around with Jack. 

 'Hey, what's up? You seem down.' He said, looking at me. 'Let me guess, Finn left again?'

 'Yes!' I shouted, angrily. The librarian shushed. I bit my lip. Oops.

'Why does he keep on leaving whenever Matt comes?' I whispered to Jack.

 'Don't know.' Jack said, he quickly went back to his work. He looked really guilty for some reason. Was he hiding something that I didn't know about?

 'Spill.' I said. He looked at me, confused. 'I know that something's up so just tell me now or I'll find out later.'


 'Please?' I said, doing my puppy face.

 'Fine.' He said, giving up.

'But don't tell anyone, okay?' I nodded.

 'Okay.' He whispered.

'Matt's dad died 4 years ago when he was 13.' My eyes widened.  

'And...' Jack continued. 'Ever since then, the few weeks before his father's death anniversary, Finn does whatever Matt wants him to do because Finn doesn't want to hurt him.'

 I looked down. I didn't know. I didn't know. I didn't know.

 'He used to be really close with his dad and that's the reason why he's always naughty.' 

I bit my lip to stop myself from crying. All these mean stuff I've been thinking about Matt when the truth is I never really knew him.

All he wanted was his cousin to be with him and I just turned against him. I'm such a bad person.  I got my stuff and ran. Jack called after me but I ignored him and ran upstairs to my room.

 I heard a knock on the door. I didn't say anything and just covered my face with my arms. 'Celia, you okay?' It was Dad. My dad. The dad that I was being mean to, the dad that i wanted to suffer.

I didn't want to see my dad ever again when he left me, but the truth is, Matt won't be able to even if he wanted to.  

'Sorry, I mean CeCe.' Dad said, 2 minutes of quiet.

'Did something happen?' I said nothing. Not because i didn't want to talk to him.

But because I couldn't trust my voice and if I said anything or looked at him, i would burst into tears. 'CeCe, I may not be very close to you but we could always talk. You know, about school and stuff. Not the girly stuff though, I'm not really an expert on that.' I smiled. 

'If you need me, all you need to do is call.' He said, before closing the door. I got up and looked out the window. Okay CeCe, these are your aims for school.' 

One: Be friends with Matt even if it kills you

 Two: Don't get emotional ever again! 

Three: Make it easier for Dad. 

I was about to go downstairs, when I saw Matt kicking the ball from my window. He looked so happy with Finn. They were laughing and throwing the ball at each other. I smiled, watching them have fun. I guess I've found another reason to like Finn.  Because he makes everyone happy. Specially Matt. 


I was in my dad's office, eating. He ordered pizza so I wasn't going to dodge this. Pizza is just so damn good. 'Do you like it?' He said.

 'Yep, its erm, really nice.' I said, looking at my watch. It was nearly time for Matt's football practice and since every time I see him, I make a mean comment, I need to start being his friend.

 For Finn, obviously. 'Celia, do you need to be somewhere?' He said, seeing me looking at my watch. 

'Erm, I'm sure it could wait.' I smiled and took another bite of the pizza. 'And it's Cece.' I added. 

He smiled. 'I don't know why I always call you Celia.' He said. 'So, I wanted to talk about what happened yesterday.' 

I froze. Shoot, how am i going to explain me running to my bed looking depressed? 'Erm. I missed my mum.'I lied. Actually, it wasn't a complete lie. I kind of did miss her even though she didn't bother phoning me.

 'Oh.' He said. He was about to say something but then closed his mouth.

 I looked at my watch again. Wow, time goes fast, I thought sarcastically.

 'You could go if you want.' He said. 'I could clear everything up.'

 'You sure?' I said, getting my bag. He nodded.

'Sure. Where are you going anyways?' I bit my lip. 'Erm, I need to go study for Finals.' I lied. 

He knew that I had to leave for another but he didn't say anything.  I loved this feeling. My mum asks so much questions before I go out but my dad doesn't.

Its because my dad trusts me. And I love that. I smiled. I ran outside to see Finn, Matt and a couple of his friends walking out of school to the field. 'Finn!' I shouted. He heard me and looked back. And Matt did. I ran to him, out of breath.

'Can I come?'  Finn smiled but Matt looked at me, suspiciously.

 'Sure, I guess.' Finn said looking at Matt.

 'I mean, I've got nothing else to do so I thought I might hang with you guys, if thats-' 

'Do you know how to play football?' Matt interrupted. 

'Erm, I-'

 'Yes or No?' He said, annoyed.

 I bit my lip.'No?' 

He rolled his eyes. 'Theres no point for you to come.' He looked annoyed.

Maybe I wasn't doing a right thing and instead of making Matt happy, I'm making him annoyed. I smiled and tried to hide that I was hurt.

'You're right. What was I thinking?' I put my hand through my hair, nervously.

'Have fun.' I turned my back on them and walked away. 'Wait!' I looked back.  Matt put his hand through his hair. 'Fine, you can come.' I smiled. They made their way out of school and I followed behind them. 




 'YOU WANT ME TO WHAT?' I shouted. 

Matt smiled. 'For the last time, I want you to get the footballs from the forest.' 

'But its dark out there.' Finn said, helping me out. 

'Look, if you don't want to do it, that's fine!' He shouted. He looked pissed off. 

I sighed. He was doing this because he wanted to seek revenge for the way I treat him. And if this made him happy, then I have to do it. He was going through a lot already. 

'Fine. I'll do it.' I said. Everyone looked at me, shocked. Even Matt looked shocked for a second. 

'Cece, you don't need to do this.' Finn said. He looked at Matt. 'Matt, tell her she doesn't have to do this.' He shrugged.

'Finn, I'll be fine. Its just a few footballs. Don't worry.' I gave him a smile. I got a bag I made my way to the forest. I looked back. Everyone was getting ready for their game. I saw Matt looking at me.



The forest got darker from every step I took.

Okay, Matt said the footballs were going to be near the left. Okay, Lets see. I looked around. Nothing.I looked behind the trees and under the bushes.

I even moved moved chunks of mud to look.I kept on remembering the aims that I did. 'Be friends with Matt even if it kills you.' I repeated to myself.

All my clothes were wet with mud and I still hadn't found any footballs. I sighed,Then I heard something from behind. I looked back to see a football floating on some mud.

I smiled to myself. Finally. Without thinking, I ran to get the ball and I slipped, landing in a big pile of mud. I screamed.All my clothes were covered in mud. And even my hair.

Tears built up in myeyes. No, its just mud CeCe. It's just mud.

10 minutes later, I found the rest of the footballs and made my way to the field to show them.I could see them playing. When they saw me, everyone laughed. Even Finn.I felt hurt but when I looked at Matt and how happy he looked, I couldn't help but smile.

'Be friends with Matt even if it kills you.' I whispered to myself.

'CeCe, what happened?' Finn said, looking at me from head to toe.

I sighed. 'You don't want to know.'

I looked at Matt. 'Here are your precious footballs.' I said. I couldn't help but get a bit mad. He smiled.

'Thanks.' He took the bag of footballs and gave them to Finn.'Come on. We're done.' Finn said.

I nodded. Everyone went. I went to pick my bag up from the side of the fence.

'Why did you do that for me?'I looked back to see Matt looking at me weirdly.

I shrugged. 'I deserved it for the way I treated you.'

Matt raised an eyebrow. 'Really?'I smiled.

'Really.'I was about to go when Matt stopped me.

'The things I say to you.... I don't understand why you would-'

'Matt, to be honest, you've been a massive ass since I met you.'

Matt frowned.

I smiled. 'But your Finn's cousin so I don't hate you.'I walked away. He quickly walked and catched up to me. 'So if I wasn't Finn's cousin you would hate me?'

'Yep.' I smiled. He stopped. I looked back. He looked stressed and was looking down. Oh, Shoot! What am i saying? I'm supposed to be making him feel good.

Be friends with Matt even if it kills you, I thought.

I sighed. 'I was kidding.'He looked up.

It took him a while to understand and then he smiled.

'Come on, lets go.' I said.


Its been nearly 3 weeks since me and Matt have been friends.

It was great.I never got angry and he never made me. We were doing a practice exam in Maths. Matt nudged me.

'CeCe, whats the answer to number 23?' He whispered.I rolled my eyes.

'I'm not telling you.

''Oh come on, its just one question.' He whispered back, annoying me.

'Matt, I can't just keep on telling you. You've asked me 4 times now.'I looked at the front. Miss Rain wasn't here today. We had another teacher called Mr Dennis who was very strict. And I didn't want to get caught. I promised myself I would not cause any trouble and I'm sticking to that promise.

'CeCe, please. I really need to know.' Matt said. I looked at him and he looked so desperate.I sighed. 'Okay, the answer is-''Celia Celhart! Matt Damon!' I looked to the front to see Mr Dennis staring at us.I bit my lip. I looked at Matt who didn't seem bothered at all.'Sorry, sir.'

I said.'No, CeCe. This is the 3rd time I heard you two talking in class!'

He shouted.'Sorry, sir. It won't happen again.' I said.

'Of course it won't. Both of you. Get Out!'

My eyes widened. 'But Sir-'

'Don't talk back to me!' He shouted. He pointed at the door. Matt got up and walked out like nothing was wrong. Everyone stared at us. Finn looked at me and bit his lip. I sighed. I got up and walked out of the class.

He shut the door behind us with a bang.

Matt was leaning on the wall, laughing. 'Did you see his face? It was worse than Miss Rain's!'

I ignored him and walked to the bench. How dare he act like that? I was trying to be on my best behaviour and he ruined it for me.

'CeCe!' Matt shouted behind me. I ignored him and sat on the bench.He sat with me on the other side of the bench. 'Are you mad?'

'Of course I am, Matt!' I shouted at him. 'Your ruined it. You ruined it all!'

'What?' Matt said, surprised by my reaction.

I looked at him. 'Did you expect me to laugh with you? Because what you did might have ruined it for me.'Matt came closer to me.

'CeCe, its not your fault.'

I laughed coldly. 'I know that, you idiot.' I walked away. He followed behind me.

'Chill out, he won't do anything.'

I rolled my eyes. 'I promised myself that this school would be a fresh start. I would not get in trouble. But look what happened.'

'I'm sorry, Cece.' He said, putting his hand in his pockets. I looked at him. I was so angry.

'I just hate it, okay?' I said, feeling annoyed. He looked at my closely.

'What do you hate?'

I sighed. 'I hate it when people shout at me. It gets me so angry.

'He smiled. 'I get that.'

'How can you? You get shouted at all the time! And whenever you do, you just shrug it off!' I shouted at him. 'But I can't. I can't let a guy raise his voice at me.'

He tried to put his hand on my shoulder but i just shrugged it off. I was angry right now. I knew it. I haven't been angry for weeks and now it all just builded up inside me. I tried my best, I really did but I just can't seem to let my anger go.

'CeCe, I'm sorry.' He said, putting his hand through his hair. I didn't want to look at him, I just feel so angry and annoyed. He came closer to me. 'Look, CeCe I-'

'Just go away!' I screamed at him. He moved back, scared at my voice.I looked down. Oh no, he's scared of me. A tear fell down my cheek. I can't believe this. I quickly hid my face in shame and ran away. He really thought I was going to hurt him. I wouldn't... would I?

He didn't run after me this time and for some reason, I wasn't happy about that at all.





After the incident with that teacher and Matt, I stayed in my room most of the time.

It was Saturday and most people were out in the field playing while some people went home to meet their parents. I sighed. I was bored and I couldn't leave because I felt embarrased.

What I did to Matt was so mean. I let my anger control me and now he must think I'm some kind of mad freak. I looked up at the ceiling. Why does my life suck so much?There was a knock on my door. I sighed before opening it.

It was Dad with a cup of coffee. He smiled. 'How you feeling, Celia?'

I smiled. 'It's CeCe and I'm good.'

He looked at the floor. I knew he wanted to say something.

'What is it?' I said, letting him in. He sat down on my bed and i sat next to him.

'I'm sorry.' He said, looking at the cup of coffee in his hand.

I frowned. 'You don't need to-'

'I do.' He said, looking at me. 'I left you all these years and I don't understand why.. i just-'

I smiled. 'Dad, its fine. I thought i would be fine without you but i really need you.' I looked at him. 'We wil get through this, won't we?'

He nodded.We sat there for a while in a comfortable silence.'Celia, is everything okay here? There was some complaints.' He said.

I bit my lip. 'Yeah... don't worry about it.. it was nothing.' I said, hoping he would just not talk about it.

'Celia, i don't know whats going on but let me tell you one thing.'I looked at him.'If there is a problem, instead of avoiding it... face it.'

I smiled and nodded. He kissed me on the forehead and left.I sighed. His words kept on spinning in my head. Face the problem.I looked out the window and could see all the boys playing at the field.

Then I had the most amazing idea.I smiled before running to the drawer and getting out a paper and a pen.I bit my lip. Okay, I'm going to write a letter and leave it under Matt's pillow. This is a great idea! Why? Because I won't need to say anything about it face to face.

It was a great idea since everyone is at the field. I could sneak into his dorm and go to his room. I knew his door number was 21B because he told me a while back ago. He was sharing it with Finn. The problem was what was I going to write.I looked at the blank piece of paper.


After 10 minutes, i wrote everything that seemed to explain the incident that happened yesterday. I told dad that I was going to go help Miss Rain in the staff room. I know I shouldn't have lied but I can't really tell my dad that I'm going into the boy's empty dorm room, could i?

So i made my way to the dorm without getting caught from any teachers going past. When I got there, I checked to see if the dorm room was opened. When I knew it was, I crept in. The dorm was massive. There were 5 floors and on each floor there was massive corridors with doors on each side. I made my way to Matt's dorm. I kept quiet and stopped at every sound. But there wasn't much. I got to the door and put my ear on the wood to make sure there wasn't anyone there. Nothing.

I opened the door. I can't believe they don't lock their rooms. I mean, any guy could get in here.I sighed, seeing that no one was here. The room was small but it looked spacious for two boys. There was a window in the opposite wall. The window was in the middle and there was two beds on each side. One side of the room was tidy. I walked up to the desk that was near the tidy bed.

It had a frame of two little boys who looked exactly like Finn and Matt. They looked so happy. I smiled, looking at a boy who looked just like Matt. Matt looked so happy and carefree. This made him seem different from what he was now.

I sighed. There were a couple in the photo too. They were the couple i saw with Finn in the aeroplane. I smiled.

'What are you doing here?' I turned back to see Matt standing there, staring at me.

My eyes widened. Oh Shit.


'I asked you something, CeCe.' He said.

He looked angry. I looked down. What was I doing here again? I forgot. I put my hands in my pocket and I felt a paper. Then I remembered. I was supposed to give this paper to Matt to explain.I looked back at him. He was dirt on his forehead and shirt. He must have been playing football.

'I'm here because...' I said, trying not to seem weird. Matt raised an eyebrow.

'Go on..' He said, coming closer.

'I wanted to ask Finn something.' I blurted out.

He frowned.

'Erm, Finn told me to come here to help him with school work.. You know that he kind of struggles in Art and since I'm quite good at it, I thought why not help him?' I said, smiling.

Matt stared at me. He didn't look like he believed me at all.

I smiled,trying to act normal. 'Anyways, since he's not here. I'll come later.' I said.

I looked down as I made my way to the door.A hand quickly grabbed my arm. I looked to see Matt looking at me, softly.

'You're lying.' He said, softly.I took his hand away from me. 'I don't like getting touched.' I mumbled.

'Sorry.' He said, facing me. 'But just tell me the truth why you're here.'

'I told you the truth.' I said, angrily.He looked down, thinking. I rolled my eyes. I put my hand on door knob and opened it.

Matt quickly threw his hand at the door and closed it with a bang. I quickly looked back. He looked angry.I quickly went back and hit my back on the wooden door. He came closer and put his one hand on the door, near my head.

'I don't like being lied to.' He whispered.

'I wouldn't lie to you.' I said, trying not to get angry. 'I told you the truth and you can ask Finn if you want.'

I didn't really lie to be honest. Finn did need help but he didn't ask me to come here.I looked back at Matt. He was staring at me again. I hate it when he has that look. Like he's searching for something.

He came closer to my face. We were just inches away from eachother. I tried not to look at him but I couldn't help it. I looked at his face and then everything changed.I felt something in my heart. I don't know what. He looked so perfect. His beautiful eyes, his jawline and then his lips. Them lips that looked so... so... kissable.Then I did something, which I couldn't believe. I moved towards him and kissed him softly on the lips. It was a light kiss but it was enough for me to feel alive. I have kissed other guys before but this was the first time that it felt so right...I looked at him, waiting for him to get angry and explode. But no, he just stared at me. And if i wasn't mistaken, it was like he wanted it too. I quickly moved away from him and put my hand on the door knob, ready to go.

He put his hand on top of mine. I looked back at him. Before I could speak or say anything, he crashed his lips on mine.The kissed sent butterflies into my stomach. He put his hands on my waist to put me towards him. The kiss went faster and I could feel Matt getting hungrier for me. But I couldn't stop, I didn't want to. It was the first time I felt so alive for ages. I felt so loved. How could something so wrong feel so right?He deepened the kiss, making me feel dizzy with happiness.

Then I heard laughter. I quickly pushed Matt from his chest softly. I listened again. But Matt just started kissing me on my jawline and neck. It felt so good.Then I heard it again.

'Matt.' I whispered.He looked into my eyes. 'Yeah?'I smiled. He was so beautiful. 'I heard laughing from outside the door.

'We quickly both opened the door and looked out. There was boys coming in, laughing about the football match i think. They were at the corner so they couldn't see us. My eyes widened. Shit, I can't get caught. The boys will think I'm some kind of creep sneaking into a boy's dorm.

I quickly shut the door and looked at Matt.He was looking down, confused.

'Matt, you have to help me. I can't get caught!' I whispered harshly.

Matt sighed and put his hand through his hair.I could hear the laughter coming closer.

'Matt.' I said, pleading. 'If anyone knows I'm here, then they will think things which are not true.'

'Fine. I'll help you.'He said. I smiled.

'But one condition.' He said, looking at me straight in the eyes.

I rolled my eyes. 'Fine, what do you want?'He came closer to me, looking at my lips then my eyes.'I want to know the real reason you're here.'The laughter was so close.

'But I told you-'

Matt interrupted. 'Oh come on, CeCe, I wasn't born yesterday. You obviously knew that we were all outside in the field so you must have came for another reason.'

The laughter was just a few steps away. I could hear Finn now, talking about winning the match.

'Fine!' I said, giving up. I'll just tell him. He deserves to know. I just didn't want to get caught doing so.He smiled before getting my hand and taking me to the bathroom that was on the right side.

'Whats the plan?' I said. The bathroom was small but was amazing.

Matt came close and whispered. 'Just wait here and I'll try to get everyone out so you could go.' I nodded. He gave me an awkward smile before leaving me in the bathroom.

I sighed. I hope this goes like he said. I put my ear to the bathroom door to hear what was going on.'Hey Matt.' It was Finn. 'How come you came inside early?''Oh, erm, I just got bored.' Matt said. I could hear him close, which means he was right near the bathroom door.

I felt protected somehow.

'Okay, I'm going to have a shower now. I fell into the mud like 20 times.' Finn laughed.

My eyes widened.




This is it. I'm going to get caught when Finn comes into the bathroom and then he's going to think I'm weird and I'm going to lose him and this school will just be like any other school where people hate me and think I'm weird.I closed my eyes, preparing for what I'm going to say.

Then I heard Matt talking.'You can't go in there!' He said.

'Matt, look at me.. I need to have a shower.' Finn said.

'Just use another bathroom.' Matt said. He seemed nervous. Wow. 'The shower is erm... not working.'

The way Matt said it showed that he's never lied to Finn. He seemed so loyal to Finn.

'Oh.' Finn said. I sighed with relief. Matt lied to his best friend for me. I smiled.

'I'll go to Josh's shower.' I heard Finn say.I then heard the door close. I bit my lip as I came out of the bathroom. Finn was gone and Matt was sitting on the bed, busy in thought.

'Thanks Matt.' I said, smiling. He looked up at me.

'For what?'I sat next to him.

'For lying. I know that you've never lied to Finn and it must have been hard for you.'

He smiled lightly.That smile was contagious because I was smiling more.He got up and sighed.

'Right. Let's get you out of here.'

I nodded. 'But how? Isn't there gonna be people out the door?'

He opened the door and looked out. I could hear boy's everywhere shouting and making noises.He closed it and put his hand through his hair.


After a few minutes, Matt faced me. 'Okay this is what we do.' I looked at him and listened to everything he said.

He got a basket out of the wardrobe in his room. The basket was blue and half the size of Matt.I frowned.'Matt looked at me and smiled. 'You're going to have to get in here and I'll carry you out.'

I got up. 'What?' I half shouted. 'I can't do that!'

Matt put his head on a side, seeming confused. Even though this wasn't the right time, I couldn't help but see how amazing Matt looked. He was so fit and handsome and I don't think I've ever met anyone more handsome than him.'Look, it's easy.' Matt said. He lifted the top of the basket.

'All you have to do is get in here and I'll just take you to the laundry room which is out of the boy's dorm. No one will see you.'

I shook my head. 'Isn't there another away?' I looked at the basket. I could fit in there and it had wheels which means It won't be much work for Matt.

He shook his head.

I sighed.'If i prevents me from getting embarrased from the whole school, then okay.'

He took all the dirty clothes out of it and nodded.

'Okay, lets go.'I sighed again and put my legs into the basket. 'Are you sure you'll be able to drag this basket all the way to the corridor?'

'Yep.' He said, smiling. His smile was amazing. I couldn't help but look at them lips. Them lips that I kissed just a few minutes ago.I looked up at his eyes and saw that he was staring at my lips too.

'I guess we have a lot to talk about after this.' I said. I was talking about us kissing and why i was in his room. I studied his face to see if he understood what i meant. He nodded slowly.

'Yeah.' He did. I went inside the basket. He asked if i was comfortable and when he got my permission, he closed the basket.

I never knew when i woke up this morning that I would be carried out of a boy's dorm in basket which was pushed by a guy who i just kissed and maybe have feelings for. I don't think this day could get any worser.



We were sitting outside on the bench.

After coming out, or shall I say getting rolled, out of the boy’s dorm, Matt put the laundry basket in a random classroom and we just walked outside, both busy in thought.

It was awkward. The kiss, the random room visit, the basket incident. It was very awkward between us. We were both looking in front of us. There was a trees and trees and trees. Nothing special to be honest. But it looked like a massive forest was just there. Normally I would explore but I don’t know, for some reason I’ve changed.

After 5 minutes and 32 seconds (yes I was counting), I felt Matt’s eyes on me. I didn’t want to look at him. Not because it would be awkward but we were too close to each other and if I looked at him, I would end up getting lost in his eyes.

‘Hey.’ He said. I couldn’t help but look at him. He was staring at me. His face filled with concern and curiousness. Normally, I would never know what he’s feeling but since we were sitting so close, I kind of did. His eyes were still so mysterious. Blue. They were so blue. Bluer than I’ve ever seen them. It was weird. The feeling I was having right now. It was the same feeling when I kissed him and even after.

‘Firstly….’ He said, still staring at me. ‘You need to not bite your lip like that.’

I frowned. I was biting my lip? Damn, I didn’t even know. And even if I was, I don’t understand why he was annoyed by it.

‘Why?’ I said, feeling kind of annoyed.

‘Just…Just don’t.’ He said, staring at my lips.

I rolled my eyes. ‘That is so typical of you. Telling me not to do things. You know, you have no right to tell me what I can’t do.’

He was looking into my eyes now. And the feeling was back again. This weird feeling.

I quickly looked back at the trees.

‘Can we just talk about what happened and then go our separate ways?’ I said.

‘Okay.’ He said. It was obvious he was hurt but I couldn’t do anything. I was hurt too.

He stopped looking at me and looked back at the trees.

‘Why were you in my room?’ He said.

I sighed,’ because I’m stupid.’

‘Why? What did you do?’ He said.

I looked at him. He was still looking at the trees at the far end.

‘Because I was embarrassed about what happened yesterday. I shouldn’t have hurt you like that.’

He looked at me and smiled. ‘You thought I was hurt?’

I nodded.

He laughed lightly. ‘I wasn’t hurt. I was just confused.’

‘What?’ I said, confused now.

He put shuffled a bit so he was looking at me properly. ‘Well, i never knew you had an anger problem and when you did that-‘

‘You got scared? You thought I was going to hurt you?’

He smiled again. That beautiful smile. ‘No, of course not. It was just so…’

I waited.

‘Relatable, I guess.’ He put his hand through his hair. ‘Well, I do that a lot. Get angry at tiny things so it was good to meet someone who’s like me.’

I was speechless. This isn’t what I was expecting. I was expecting them to think im weird, or crazy… not.. relatable.

He looked into my eyes. ‘You don’t need to apologise for something that I do too.’

‘Doesn’t it annoy you?’ I whispered. I couldn’t trust my voice so I had to whisper.

‘No.’ He whispered back.

We looked at each other for a long time, trying to see through each other. I couldn’t but I knew he could see through me.

I looked down at my hands again. ‘So is that all? Nothing more to discuss? Right?

‘Yeah I guess.’ He said. I can still feel him looking at me and I couldn’t take it anymore.

‘I should go.’ I said. I got up to go but then Matt quickly grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards him. I gasped as he pushed me closer to him.

Instead of shouting at him or hitting him or trying to get off him, I just stared into his eyes.

I didn’t know what he was thinking but all I knew was that he was staring at my lips.

We were so close that our noses touched for a second.

‘Matt, what are you-‘

‘Kiss.’ He said.

My eyes widened.

He looked into my eyes again. ‘Er, I mean, we forgot to talk about the kiss we had.’

‘Yeah, that was weird.’ I whispered. He was still holding me so tightly.

‘Yeah but well, it was…something…right?’ He said, reading my face.

‘Well,’ I whispered. ‘It was something…’

He looked at me a little smile spreading on his face.

But I wasn’t finished. ‘I think its better if we both forget about it.’

His smile vanished.

I looked down. I didn’t want to see him hurt.  I didn’t want to feel pain. I just didn’t want to see him sad.

I quickly let go of his warm embrace and walked away. I wanted to look back. I wanted to do something but I know if I did, it would be obvious. It would be obvious that I really liked him.


Wow.. its been a while.. hasn't it?

i'm sorry. I was everywhere. Anyways, theres a chapter coming soon, i promise

hope you like this thought,

comment anything so i could message you for the next update

okay, well fave-comment-and-dontstopbeingawesome


It was awkward after last night. The few weeks after was just me avoiding Matt and Matt trying to talk to me. Whenever he did try to talk to me, I would just run to Finn which would make Matt not willing to talk. Avoiding Matt made me spend more time with Finn which was perfect.


It was never awkward or weird or crazy. It was just us being… us


.It was Friday night and we were in the games room playing snooker. ‘Hahaha, I told you I was awesome at this.’ Finn said. I stuck my tongue out to him.

‘Hey, I’m actually okay for a beginner.’I sat down on a chair.

It was only us two in the room.

It was 7pm and everyone was either doing their work or chores. We had homework and chores to do but Finn wanted to show me how to play snooker.

‘Okay, your turn.’ Finn said.I bit my lip as I looked at how I was going to put the ball In the hole.

I got the stick and positioned myself so the stick was near the ball, ready to be hit. ‘CeCe, you’re doing it wrong.’ Finn said. I frowned. Finn put his hand on my hand as he guided me to where the cue stick should be.


I felt a bit uncomfortable when he touched me but I didn’t want to say anything. I’ve already freaked one guy from this school. I didn’t want to freak another.


‘Hey, have you seen Finn?’ I asked Jack.


He shook his head and told me to try the Games room.

I sighed.

I needed help on my homework and I was trying to find where Finn was.


Where the hell is that guy? Okay, maybe I wasn’t finding Finn.

Maybe I’m finding CeCe because I want to talk to her.

And obviously, CeCe will be where Finn is.

They both have been together ever since CeCe and I had the incident a few weeks ago.I was walking down the hall, looking in every room to find them.

I didn’t mean to hurt CeCe and grab her by her wrist. I knew she didn’t like it but her body was telling me something else. Her body was telling me to never let go. And when she bit her lip, the feeling I had. Argh, the feeling was killing me. I didn’t know what it was but it felt amazing.

And every time I see her or see that beautiful smile of her, I forget that I have problems, I forget that I hate myself, I forget everything and just look at her.


I was near the Games room now. I heard some talking. I thought about what I was going to say to CeCe when I got rid of Finn. I walked in and I saw CeCe playing snooker. She was focusing on her pool ball. Finn was there too. Looking at what she was doing. She was holding the cue stick a bit weirdly.


‘CeCe, you’re doing it wrong.’ Finn said. I was about to say something when Finn put his hand on CeCe’s hand. I couldn’t say anything. I was angry. CeCe seemed to get a bit uncomfortable but she didn't say anything. She didn’t act like this when I touched her. Why did she let him touch her?


I was mad. So mad, I swear.

I wanted to break Finn’s hand. I’ve never felt like this. All I knew was that I was confused and sad and hurt and just the unhappiest I’ve been ever been.There was a vase near me. I got the vase and through it on the floor angrily.They both looked up and saw me. I just wanted to go there and punch Finn. How dare he? She's mine, only mine.But i stood there, with a blank face.

I was good at hiding my emotions, i've been doing it for years.


"Hey, Matt, whats up?" Finn said.Matt was staring at me.

I couldn't figure out what he was thinking but i sensed anger.

But why?And then i saw Finn's hand on mine and quickly moved and took a step back. Oh.'I just needed help on my homework.' Matt said. He sounded so... dead. 'Oh, okay. Hope you don't mind me going, CeCe?' Finn said.I gave a small smile and shook my head.

'No its fine.'He gave me a big smile.

'Come on.' He said to Matt.

Matt looked at him for a second and then looked at me again.

'One sec, I just need to get something.'

Matt nodded and went out the room.It was only us too. I looked at my hands.


I didn't want to look at his face and see the hurt look.Why was he hurt anyways? He didn't like me. I'm nothing to him. I looked down as i walked to the door.

I wanted to get out. I have to.As i walked passed him, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards him. The same thing he did before but this time, it hurt. I was close to his face.


I tried pulling me off him but he was too strong.

'Stop it! Let go of me!' I cried. But he just stared at me.

He then smiled harshly. 'Oh, CeCe. Its not fair.'

He laughed. 'Finn can touch you, but i can't?'I couldn't look at him.

I looked down, too scared. I was scared. Me? How?

'Please.' I said, tears flowing down my cheek.I looked at him.



He then looked into my eyes, and suddenly, his harsh expression changed. He looked terrified.He quickly let go of me. I was relieved as i touched my bruised wrist.

How dare he? He looked down and he went back slowly. 'What have i done?' He whispered.

He looked terrified and almost crazy.I didn't know what to do. I wanted to run away from him but at the same time, i wanted to hug him and tell him its okay. Whats wrong with me? Why do i feel sorry for him? He hurt me and I'm just acting like i'm the wrong here.

Before i could say anything or do anything, Matt ran out. I was too confused. I didn't understand but i wanted to.





I looked out the window where some boys were playing football.

I didn't understand what was going on but my eyes were fixed on one boy.


He was playing too with a straight face. Not even cheering when their team scored.


There was something about him that made me want to know more about him. Maybe because he's always been mysterious. Ever since i've met him, he's never talked about himself.

I remember he told me that my 'craziness' was relatable. That means, he must have gone through some shit that made him crazy too. And then it was so clear. I jumped with excitement.


I know what's wrong. He's missing his dad. That's why he got angry when i was close to Finn. He wanted to Finn to be by his side. I need to do something. Something that will help him feel better.


But first i had to talk to Matt's friends to find out more about his problem. I went down to where they were playing. I sat on the bench and watched the game. Who were Matt's friends? I have seen them but i can't remember which ones are the closest to him. Matt kicked the ball into the net which scored their team another goal.


A guy with ginger hair gave Matt a fist bump while smiling. Oh yeah, it was him. I think his name was Terry. I guess i should talk to him.


Finn was playing too. I waved when he saw me. Finn smiled brightly when he saw me and just walked toward me. No i don't think you understand, he just walked out of a game.


Matt watched him go and then saw me. I didn't look at him for long and he didn't look at me for long either.'Hey, what you doing here?' Finn said, getting a drink from the bench. 'I wanted to see you guys play.' I said. He took a seat next to me.'Hey, are you okay?' He said, looking at me with concern.


'You've been really quiet lately.''Yeah, of course.' I said, smiling. 'I'm just stressed with the exams coming up.''Finn, you're turn to be the goal keeper. Terry, have a time out.'


One of the teachers said. This was my chance to find out more about Matt. Terry sat a few benches away from me. While all the guys were busy playing the game, I went to Terry and sat next to him. I didn't sit too close because it would have been obvious that i was talking to him.


'Hey, you're awesome at playing footie, ya know.' I said, casually. He looked at me. 'Yeah, i know.' He then looked back at the game.


Was he angry at me? or just didn't want to talk to me?


'So, have you done Mrs Raymond's homework for Geography?' I asked, after a few minutes of silence.


'No.' He said, not even looking at me.


'Look are you mad at me?'He didn't say anything.


'Can I atleast know why?'


He didn't say anything again.


I looked back at the field.

Matt did another score.I looked at Terry.


'Is it because of Matt?' Terry quickly looked at me when i mentioned him. It was obvious that it was because of Matt.


'Look, can you tell me why? I need to know.' I said. I looked into his eyes.He looked down at the grass. It looked like he was making decision. To tell me or not.


'Oh come on.' I said, getting impatient. 'Did he say anything about me?'

Terry got up and walked away. I was going to admit defeat but i was too angry. I needed to know why Matt was so angry at me when i was with Finn. Or why he was saying all them things.


I quickly followed Terry, trying to call him but he wouldn't stop. He kept on walking. I'm sure everyone including Matt had their eyes on me when we left but i needed an answer.



Sorry, a bit of a confusing chapter but comment me if you're not sure about something.


I know its a small chapter but it'll be ending soon.

You should know that i make really good beginnings of stories but then the ending kinda gets confusing. but hopefully not for this book.


anyways, thanks for waiting for what seemed like years lol




I quickly gripped Terry's arm to make him stop. I faced him and showed him the tears that were in my eyes.

He had to understand how important it was for me to know.


'For Fuck's sake, tell me what is making you like this!' I screamed at him.He looked at me. 'Fine.'I sighed with relief. '

Matt, he..''Go on.' I said, feeling so impatient. 'He likes-'


'TERRY.' Matt came running to us, looking nervous as hell.



'Terry, its your turn to play.'Terry didn't look at Matt but he didn't even wait for a second and just left.


He likes what? What was Terry going to say?Matt looked at me. I quickly wiped the tears in my eyes. 'Damn it, this hayfever is getting worse.' I lied.


'What were you and Terry talking about?' Matt said. 'And why won't you look at me.'


'Nothing, i just-'


'You're freaked out about what i did before right?' He said. Before I could say no, he put his hand through his hair, looking really annoyed with himself.


'I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry. I don't know what happened to me.' He said, studying my face.


I looked down. 'its okay.'I gave him a small smile but he wasn't convinced that ive forgave him. 'I just...' I turned my back on him and looked at the trees across the field.




'Why what?' He said.'Why did you do that?'


He didn't answer.


So it must be because i was hanging around with Finn.


'Nevermind.' I said. I looked at him and gave him a small smile.

He was staring at me again.


I left because i didn't know what else to say. I could have told him that i knew the reason he was mad at me but that would'nt help.


As i was walking back, i spotted Finn. He was laughing with his friend. I was about to go when i remembered that i can't. If i hang around with Finn, Matt may feel left out.Instead of walking to him, i just walked back to the school.


I need to stay away from both Matt and Finn because I'm the one ruining their friendship.



Recap and Apology



Hey guys its been sooooo long since i have done an update and i am just really sorry. i have read your messages and comments and will start to be more strict with myself and complete my books. urgh please forgive me.


anyways, i will tell you what has been happening to help you remember if you read this book a while ago.



Cece moves to a new school where she makes friends with a friendly Finn and a mad Matt. The way Matt behaves when Cece is with Finn makes Cece assume that Matt is annoyed that she is taking Finn who is his bestfriend away from him. 


(you can skim a few chapters before this to help you understand better)



I peeped to check if I can see him. It been 2 weeks since i've been avoiding Finn and Matt. Has it been successful? Well can giraffes do the shuffle? Nope.


I knew i had to do this though. It all made sense, after all. Matt didn't like that I was with Finn all the time. I mean I would have done the same if my friend was hanging around with this random girl. Matt is an ok guy. The last thing i want to do is make him mad. Not because i'm scared he'll hurt me but because I know how it feels to have something taken away from me. It sucks. 


At the start it was okay, I was able to concentrate on my work which was something i never was able to do. My dad was proud of me but was worried I was just doing work all day and not having a break. Well I didn't want to. If i left my room or went somewhere, what if Finn came and said something. 

It started to get worse when I was in classes with Matt and he tried to talk to me and ask what's up. I could always feel Finn staring at me whenever I ignored them after class. He must be so confused. If only he understood why i was doing this. I don't want to come between him and Matt. 


So here I am, being cautious everywhere I go. 


He wasn't there. Okay lets go. I had my books in my shivering hands as I walked towards my last class. Wow, why does avoiding people make me so nervous? I've done this so much times in the past. Avoided people in school who would try to talk to me or those who hassled me. But when it's avoiding Matt, it feels weird. Like I really don't want to see his sad hurt face.  Oh, and also Finn of course. 


I was about to walk into my class when to guys came infront of my all of sudden.

I was about to shout because I was used to guys in this school being idiots and coming in my way.


"Hey!" I said, as my books dropped from the shock. I didn't even want to see who it was and just bent down to pick my books up. Just as i was about to pick my last one, one of the guys picked it up instead. 

I stood up and looked to see Finn and Matt staring at me with a frown.


My eyes widened. I didn't know what to do but snatch the book away from him and walk the opposite way.


As i was walking away I heard them following behind me. OKay okay okay this day is not going good.

How will I avoid them if their going to be following me ?


But i just kept walking feeling their eyes on me the whole time.

This was crazy. They not going to follow me for a long time right? 


How do you avoid a problem when that problem is following you? LITERALLY


 I thought walking while ignoring them will help them get the message that i didn't want to talk to them but  nope. I walked it outside to the fields but they were still behind me.


I sighed. 

I looked towards to them. Finn was staring at me, trying to figure me out. I didn't even want to know how Matt was looking at me but still my eyes dragged to his hurt face. He looked at me for a second, but then looked at the ground. I didn't know what he was thinking. 


I looked back at Finn and said, "What?" I tried to be as casual as possible, something I'm very good at. 


"What the hell Cece?" Finn said. I think it was the first time I heard him curse. 

He continued. "What's happened with you? You can't just ignore us and think that it'll be fine."


"I-" But he interrupted me.


"You know, I never knew you were someone who could just invite people into your life and push them away. I can't believe you."


I was about to say something. Anything to help him realise that I'm not like that. But for some reason, I couldn't. I just listened to him saying the absolute truth. I looked at Matt, he was looking at me and then looking at me Finn. He was thinking about something while listening. 


I had to say something.


"Okay!" I half-shouted. Finn stopped talking. 

"I'm sorry, okay?" I said. 

Finn shook his head. He didn't believe me. 


"Look, I need to pass this year and I can't distract myself."

"So you just completely stopped ignoring me?" Finn said. 


I didn't know what to say. I thought my excuse was enough for him to say okay but he made a good point.I didn't have to completely ignore him if I trying to concentrate on my studies."


I looked down. "I don't know what I'm doing." I said.


"Exactly." Finn said. I looked at him. He looked angry. He turned around and walked away.

I could have called him and explained to him but I couldn't. I felt like an awful friend. 


I looked at Matt. He was staring at me, trying to figure me out. I didn't know what to say to him so I just started walking away from him. 

He quickly came infront of me. 

"Okay, what happened?" He said. 

I was angry now. Didn't he understand why I was doing this. I was doing it for him but he was so confused. 

I didn't want to come between him and Finn. The way he got mad at me. It was obvious right?


"You wanted this to happen, right?" I said, a bit roughly. I don't know why I felt so weak when I'm with him. I just want this all to go away and it'll all be fine. 

He looked at me confused. "I don't understand."


"Look, why were you angry at me?" I said. "Because I was hanging around with Finn right?"

Matt looked down. So I was right. I was taking his best friend away from him.

He looked so tired. Like he hasn't been sleeping well. 

I felt weak again. "I won't go near him then." I whispered.

He looked up at me. "He's your friend. He's hurt that you just randomly stopped talking to him. it isn't right."

I sighed. " I know but you feel that I'm taking him away from you."


"Wait what-"


I interrupted him. I had to tell him and make him understand that i won't hurt him. "He's been your best friend all your life. I understand if you don't want me in the picture. I'm just coming in the way."


"Wait stop." Matt said shaking his head. He put his hand on my shoulder to stop me from blabbering. I felt weaker when he touched me. He was talking but i couldn't concentrate with his hand on my shoulder. He noticed and apologised. 


I looked back at him. "Cece." He smiled. 

"I don't think you're coming in the way at all."


" You don't?" I said, looking confused. 

He laughed. "You guys are my friends. I'm cool with it." 

I looked down, feeling like an idiot.




"Look you have nothing to worry about. You're a good person. I know you."

He said. "Come on, we'll go tell Finn it was just a misunderstanding." 

I nodded.

I guess avoiding problems was stupid as hell. 


We were walking it to the school.

"Wait." I said, as i stopped. He stopped too and looked at me.

"If you're ok with me hanging around with him, then why did you get mad when I was with Finn a few weeks ago? Remember? When I was playing pool with him, you got angry at me. There was was something up" 

I looked at him, demanding an answer. 

"You were really pissed off. But why?" 








"Look, I thought we were going to go to Finn and sort this out." Matt said, avoiding my question. 

I frowned. Is he serious? It was so obvious what he was trying to do.

Why can't he just tell me why he hated seeing me and Matt together? If it wasn't because of me stealing his friend, then what was the reason?


Matt was looking everywhere but not on at my face. This got me angry.

"Just spit it out." I said. 

He looked at me, eventually. He looked so tired and upset for some reason. Like i told him to tell me his biggest secret. 

"Okay, I'll tell you." He said. "But you're not going to like it."

This got me more curious. So it was something that I will be mad about?

"I don't care. I'd like to know." I said, trying not to get mad. Why do i get so mad when I'm with him?


"Well the thing is.." Matt, said, fidgeting with his jacket zipper. "I don't know what's been happening to me these days. Since you came here, everything has been different." 

I looked confused. Different? Like what? I wanted to say this but It looked like he was trying to explain it himself. I felt that if i interrupted, he will change his mind and not tell me. 

"It's just that when we kissed, I felt something." He said. 

My eyes widened. I, all of a sudden, felt uncomfortable. I can't believe this. He feels something?

Does he... you know.. ofcourse not Cece, how can he..


He looked at me, trying to study my face. 

"You- you felt some - something" I stuttered.

He pushed his hair back. "I don't know what it is but it feels so weird." He said. " I don't know how i'm exactly feeling but i know that its because of you."

"Me?" I said, still not understanding. 

He smiled. "Yeah, you."

I kept listening.

"Ever since I met you, you've changed me. I can't stop thinking about you, I can't do anything. These weeks that we didn't talk was weird as hell and I.."

He looked so tired and upset. I wanted to tell him its okay but his words were ringing in my head. He couldn't stop thinking about me?

"I don't know.." He said. "I guess i like you." He said. 

I didn't know what to say. I just stood there staring at him thinking if this was real or not. 


"Cece." He said. I was dazed out. How long was I dazed out for? it felt like minutes.

I looked at him.

"So?" He said. Wait, did he want me to confess back? But I couldn't. I don't know. I just-

My phone rang. I got it out of my bag and looked at Matt. He was still staring at me, i guess, waiting for an answer. 

"Hello?" I said, trying to sound normal eventhough I was freaking out inside.

"CeCe?" My dad said. He never called me so this was weird. I didn't even know he had my number. 

He continued when i confirmed it was me. "CeCe, well erm you're mother is here." He said. 

I sighed. Okay, its only 10am but this day is going to be long as ever. 



Publication Date: 10-03-2012

All Rights Reserved

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