
Chapter One Shalyen

When we got to the apartment I was taking Jasmine to she didn't want to go in. I knew that the apartment didn't look good but it would work for us. And by didn't look good I meant the outside of the apartment was pitch black and the shutters were closed and broken, the gate to the yard was broken off, the yard was full of weeds and overgrown grass in desperate need of water, and the front door squeaked. Jasmine looked at me and asked “Are you sure this is the place. It looks like an abandoned apartment” I knew she did not want to live here but that was the reason I wanted to live here. If we didn't want to be here nobody else would think that we would be here either. “This is the right place. It is an abandoned apartment but it’s ours now. Think Jasmine if we don't want to be here nobody will look here for us.” I wanted to laugh at her face; nose turned up and tongue stuck out.

      As I opened the door it made a very annoying squeak. I looked at Jasmine and she didn’t look very pleased with our run away house. When we stepped farther inside I couldn’t help but gasp. The last time I had been here the apartment had been covered with dust, old toys, books, cloths and an unused smell. Now it was spotless as if somebody had tried to clean it up. And by tried I mean had cleaned it up. There was nothing left on the floor and the old dusty smell had been replaced with a clean almost new house smell. I looked over at Jasmine to see her reaction and saw it was the same as mine. Her mouth was hanging open, eyes popped wide and when she finally recovered enough to speak all she said was “Holy shit”


“Sorry it’s a habit.”

“Yeah I know a habit that we both need to kick in the ass”

“Shaylen language.”

“Whoops.” We both had to laugh at this. There was a pause of in noice when we stopped laughing enough to breath. In the silence the steps of the stairs creaked and Jasmine and I almost jumped out of our skin. Neither of us were anywhere near the stairs.

“What the fuck was that” Jasmine had yelled.

“I have no idea!”

“I’m scared that was not one of us, neither one of us is anywhere near the stairs.” Jasmine really did sound scarred.

“Who are you?” It sounded like the stairs talked.

“Umm people who are you?” I needed to use sarcasm to keep my fear at bay.

“Yeah I know you are people I want to know what your names are and why you are here.” I could now tell that the mysterious voice was a guy.

“Okay my name is Shaylen and this is Jasmine and we are runaways and thought this was a good place to live.” I was trying really hard not to stare at him. He had on a t-shirt that fit around him really well. His arms were tanned and toned. His stomach was so toned it looked as if his shirt was ripping.

“Why don’t we just leave it can’t be that hard to find another place to live”

“No don’t worry about it. You can stay here but just stay out of my way. There is a whole top floor. It has bedrooms, bathrooms and a kitchen; there is also T.V. up there.” He sounded really annoyed that we were here.

“You know what if we’re that much of a problem then we’ll leave. But first I want to know what your name is and why you feel the need to be so rude. I came here a week ago and it was a disaster. I can deal with leaving you alone. So do tell.” I was really mad that he had the nerve to try and turn us away from a house that looked like it had been left to fall and crumble. “My name is Tyler.” His muscles rippled as he turned to leave.

He stopped to explained where everything we would need would be “Showers are on the 3rd floor 2nd room on the right, bathrooms 3rd 5th and 7th rooms on the right, kitchen is the 4th room on the right and the bedrooms are the 1st through 5th rooms on the left.” Tyler looked like he still didn't want us here but he was going to have to get used to it.

“Thank you now I will meet you upstairs Shaylen. ” Without another look Jasmine took off upstairs to the showers. I was about to follow her when Tyler stopped me and asked “Why are you here anyway? You dont look like you need to run away” I knew what he was getting at but I still didn’t like the fact that he was assuming that Jasmine and I didn’t have any supernatural powers. It sucked. There was this nagging in my head that I had known Tyler from somewhere. It was like I knew him before and we were picking up where we left off. “How about we just go upstairs so I can get something to eat.” Tyler turned and started walking up the stairs. I wonder if he felt anything like what I was feeling. We were walking up a spiral staircase and on each floor there were landings that lead off. Tyler led me off to the third landing. As we passed the bedrooms I found Jasmine asleep in the third bedroom.

Chapter Two Tyler

I found the run down old house about a year after I ran away. There was no way that anybody would find me here. The house was darker than anything I had seen before and the yard was so full of weeds I could hardly see the front door. The shutters were falling off and most of the windows were broken. I walked through the door and saw that there were broken toys and dusty books all over the floor and it smelled old and unused. It looked like when the owners left the house nobody bothered to clean it. There was so much stuff that was just left to be covered in dust. I cleaned for a week straight to get the house to be the way I wanted it to be. I turned on the power but not before I had painted the newly installed windows black.

I climbed up the stairs to the room that I had claimed as my bedroom and collapsed onto the bed. My eyes had just closed when I heard the door creak open. I left the door so that I would know whenever someone came in. I got up and silently walked down the stairs. As I got closer I could hear a conversation conversation. “A habit we both need to kick in the ass”

I tuned out there conversation as I walked down the stairs. I silently cursed myself as the stairs creaked under my feet. “What the fuck was that.”

“I have no idea!”

“I’m scared that was not one of us, neither one of us is anywhere near the stairs.” I could hear the fear in their voices. I decided to step out so they could see me.

“Who are you?” I asked

“Umm people who are you?”

I was really annoyed that after being here for only a week these girls had found me. There was a reason I wanted to be alone. I still hadn't learned how to control my change. Being a werewolf is harder than I could have ever imagined. I just wanted to be left alone. I let the thought that they could help flicker into my mind before I pushed it away. I hadn't really been paying attention until Shaylen said “You know what if we're that much of a problem then we'll leave but first I want to know what your name is and why you feel the need to be so rude? I came here a week ago and it was a disaster. I can deal with leaving you alone. So do tell.” They must have come earlier in the day than when I showed up. I knew I didn't have to be so rude. I had a feeling that I knew them from somewhere but I couldn't put my finger on when or where.

“Showers are on the 3rd floor 2nd room on the right, bathrooms 3rd 5th and 7th rooms on the right, kitchen is the 4th room on the right and the bedrooms are the 1st through 5th rooms on the left.” After I explained where everything was Jasmine took off upstairs. I wanted to stop Shaylen and I guess I did so I had to think of something to say to her. “Why are you here anyway. You don’t look like you need to run away?”

“How about we go upstairs and then maybe I will tell you why Jasmine and I needed to run away.” She knew I was talking about supernatural reasons.

“Okay then let’s go upstairs.” I held out my arm in a gesture for her to go first. It was like I was trying to make a good impression. I saw her notice the staircase, it was beautiful. I lead her off to the third landing. As we passed the bedrooms I watched Shaylen pause and look for Jasmine in the third bedroom for a moment.

Chapter Three Jasmine

I knew that Shaylen and Tyler were going to walk by the room that I was sleeping in so when I heard them on the steps I closed my eyes and pretended that I was asleep. I heard the pause in steps as Shaylen stopped to check and make sure that I was asleep. I knew she wouldn’t go with him if she thought that I was awake. I smiled at myself when I heard her take a couple more steps. I knew that she would be a little while so I decided that I would take a shower while she was gone. I didn’t know how I would deal with living with the two of them. I saw the look on their faces when I left. I never believed in love at first sight but they were starting to make me think about it. There was this sparkle in Shaylen’s eyes that I’ve only ever seen once before. She looks at Jordan like that. I was going to have to remind her about him when she came back from whatever she was doing with Tyler. I knew that I couldn’t let Shaylen hurt Jordan. Even if he wasn’t here she still wouldn’t want him to get hurt, not after the last time she hurt him.

I knew that Shaylen didn’t want to go to the party but I had made her go. She wanted to stay at home with Jordan but I needed my back up girl. We went to the store to get the dresses for the night. I looked at this really nice red dress that sparkled when I turned. I got Shaylen to wear this Knee long sky blue dress. It was a plain dress but the way it fit on her made me suck in my breath. I knew that she would turn some heads.

We showed up to the party in my old beat up jeep. I hopped down and waited for Shaylen to get out. She hopped down and looked at me. I could see the sadness in her face from not being able to be at home with Jordan.

“I just want to go back to my house so I can spend the night with Jordan and instead you're making me go to this stupid party in this dumb dress. Why do you do this to me?” I felt kinda bad that I had made her come but what was I supposed to do, I needed my right hand girl. I looked at her, I knew that she wanted to leave but I could also see that she didn't want to go home just yet. “Stay for a little bit then when you want to leave come and find me and we will leave.”

“Ok then lets go into that party.” I took her arm and together we walked into the house that the party was in. As soon as we walked in I saw too many heads turn to count. I looked at Shaylen and saw that she had noticed it as well.

Chapter Four Tyler

Chapter Four


I knew that I was going to let Shaylen get too close. That’s why I had made the choice to pack all my stuff up and let her and Jasmine have the house. I needed to leave before I hurt her. I had been up all night making this decision. I didn't know how to tell her so I had decided that I would just try to make her fear me so she would let me go.


I looked at the clock and realized that at some point in my thinking last night I had fallen asleep. I got up out of bed and started walking downstairs. I saw Jasmine sitting at the table. “How long have you been up?” I watched her jumped and then immediately apologized. “I’ve been up for a while. Trying to think and thought I’d let Shaylen sleep. She was up for a while after you dropped her off.” “Oh I hadn’t realized that I had kept her up so late. Sorry.”

There was something nice about noticing that Shaylen was still asleep when I walked by her room in the morning. She looked so peaceful that I never wanted to disturb her but she needed to get some food and I needed to tell her that I was leaving. I knocked on the door and I watched her stir.

There was fear in her eyes as I told her the story of why I needed to leave. I needed her to fear me that was the only way I knew to leave her. I had come to love her in a way. She made me think that there was a way I could live and not hurt her. She made me believe in fairy tale happiness. There was a type of glow I felt when I was with her. That’s why it broke my heart when I told her what I was. I was a monster I had ruined lives. I had killed people. She looked at me and asked “Did you like it? Do you like it? Do you like making people fear you? I don’t care that you different but I want to know if you like killing people.” I could not fathom the fact that she didn't care that me being a werewolf made me a monster.


Publication Date: 03-02-2014

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