The Word of God about the rapture (the abduction) of the Church (2)
(You can see the full document on: Calameo; on edocr; on Google Drive; on; on jumphare; on archive; on; on scribd; on mega; on mediafire; on dropbox, r.n.)
… Man will eat another man, lord will eat another lord, and they will chew as the cattle chew the grass! Do you believe this? Sons, that is why you are required: wash your feet to each other in order to be clean, to be able to be saved, for there will come a little ship to take you up from this earth and it will take you where are many spirits. And there you will stay and see with your eyes the destruction that will fall on the world, but the world will not see you. (See the selection topic: „The great tribulation”, r.n.) Beyond this world is good weather; however, beyond this. There will be one Shepherd and one flock following Him; however beyond this, not here, that is beyond this world.
Excerpt from the Word of God, from 03-02-1978
… My little children, on this trip I have been taking a beautiful walk. My little children, in a very little while we will see each other again. Go to sleep with the thought at the happiness that awaits for you. Go to sleep with the thought at the heavenly kingdom, at your relatives that wait for you, for no one waits for this day; it is like a train, sons. Do you believe that? And the train, goes on a little while and then will stop. And the car, too; it goes on a little while and then will stop. And the plane, too; in a little while will stop. And all the breath will stop. Do you see the world? Do you see this vineyard? It is now and there will no longer be, but it will be dry and bare. Do you see this human creature, how it eats, how it drinks and carouses and it does not think about its death? There is still a little bit and you will see it as pale with terror in its face as a pumpkin. Let he who has wisdom understand this. There will be no man with illness, for no one gets out of this illness, because there will no longer be doctors, there will no longer be priests, or alms-giving, and he will lie down like wax. The tallow will flow from it like wax and stink out the fields, it will stink out the lands, but you will no longer be, for the Lord’s hand will rapture you and lift you up above the earth so that you will not smell their stench. Come to your senses, for behold, everything is changing with every passing day. You will have brothers, you will have a mother, you will have sisters, who will leave you and you should pray so that their leave may not be to their destruction.
Excerpt from the Word of God, from 13-06-1978
… There is no priest, there is no prophet and there is not a prophecy that the gun might have not fired at. This moment in which you are, is the last one, when it is written that in the last times I will come back to you and will take the one who is mine to Me. I will separate the sheep from the goat; I will separate the lamb from the wicked sheep. Do not depart from Me, for the time is coming when the iron would be broken, the stone would be broken, the wood would be broken and you would not be broken if you are with Me.
Excerpt from the Word of God, from 11-09-1978.
… Listen, My people, listen to this teaching of God. Clear out your way, for the Master is coming to take you in His boat, as he took Noah, to pass you the Danube, which is deep, wide and mixed up with the blood of the martyrs.
Excerpt from the Word of God, from 10-02-1979.
… The wreath for the deeds no one has received it. The saints go and ask: “How long is it, Lord?” “Go to your places, for until those from the great tribulation do not come, we will not share the gifts.” This is what the Lord says: “You will be the one from the great tribulation, whom the heaven is waiting in state.
Excerpt from the Word of God, from 03-09-1980.
… My beloved ones, I am taking you in My boat and I am passing you to the dear bank and if you are well prepared, the boat does not shake; it floats smoothly, smoothly.
Keep in mind that the earth will burn and the Lord will gather you somewhere and you will only look with your little eyes, where no harm will touch you, and you will be the testimony for all.
Excerpt from the Word of God, from 17-12-1984.
… Your little eyes will see, when I will make the gathering, what will say those who were called first. Two will be in one house; I will take one and I will leave the other. When they see this it will be much mourning! This turned away back hurts Me very much, but they are not hurt because they turned their back to their well-being. However, those that I have will cry, and for them, too: “Lord, turn them back, too! Whip their back to feel the bitterness and that they may turn back in fear.”
Excerpt from the Word of God, from 01-05-1989
Well sons, that is why you are sick; you are sick because you have put on clothes that I do not know, because you have touched the things that I do not know, the things from the nations of the earth, and you have forgotten the holy things. I told Israel not to wear ornaments on his body, and he bedizened his house with empty ornaments, and it makes My Spirit tired when I stop in the house of My Christian. However, I started a holy foundation and holy and heavenly humility, and you should receive, well sons, the heavenly exhortation which I give you for Israel. Dress up with holiness and humility, you and your houses, you and your sons and put on a holy appearance, and do no longer work to trick yourself out, for it is not beautiful, well sons. Take out from you and that what is on you and in your houses and put away the empty glory. Your empty glory is not beautiful, sons; it is tiresome for the eye, for the soul and for My Spirit, Who dwells in you or near you. Work what I worked and how I worked through the world. Behold, that is why I have made My word come down so that this tent may take being where I am sitting in council with My people today (Ro-Emaus, Târgovişte, r.n.), to get you used to work at what I worked, to work heaven, sons, heaven on earth, and then to breathe it everywhere. Let us all have one will, one way, one table, one heavenly wealth, well sons, for there comes a time even sweeter if you are listening now for a few days. The time is coming to enter life, well sons. I always bring you this life that is coming, but Lot’s Sarah has got her likeness in you and she does not let you look at the time of joy that I bring with Me. You are destined not to see the evil, which comes over the world, as the prophet Jeremiah’s disciple did not see the fall of Jerusalem in the time of old. You are kept in My arms and at My bosom. Oh, and how many of you try to get away from My bosom!
Excerpt from the Word of God to the Christian people, from 21-08-1994
I am the Lord, the One Who fills the earth and heaven with the voice of My word, but who you Christian, hears Me? For no one has ears to hear, the world has no faith in the work of God, the one from the beginning and end, the one of the seven ages and more, and here, this prophecy of seven times was fulfilled and if it was fulfilled it was ended and I started from the beginning to place cleanness on earth, to place a new man on earth, the man born of the word. I do not place a made-man, but this time I place a man born by the word. I count again from the beginning, I only count a little, a little bit, and a bit and then I do not count any more, for the time will roll and it will not called time any more.
Well sons, since when has the time begun to be counted? Behold, I tell you a mystery today, that the time has been counted by man and its counting began after the man had been placed on the earth, after I had taken the man out of Eden, and after the man had received knowledge, father. The man was otherwise in Eden; not as he is now, sons, and the man in Eden is a great mystery. That is why I have always come and asked you, son of today, not to seek to know anything about those from the earth any longer, about those of the man, for the man was otherwise in Eden, and he did not know what the man on the earth knows. The man was created otherwise, not as he is now. And only after he became otherwise than he had been in Eden, only after that it came for the man to count, and he has been counting his time; he even counted his time in Eden, but after that, father, after he tasted from those that were forbidden, the man knew what God knew.
The time, you sons, has been counted starting with the getting of man out of Eden, and here, one is the law of paradise and other is the law of man on earth, and great mystery carries this stone on which you are placed by the word, and in your stone is carved, Verginica, My last trumpet. Verginica, it is your stone, and on this foundation it is written ‘ending’ over the time of man, sons. It is hard to understand as it is in heaven, even for you it is hard to understand, for you are still on the way and because I still continue My way to the visible coming. In heaven, you sons, it is not spoken the same way. For with the heaven there is another law; it is a law of heaven with the ones in heaven, who received their soul and body as in heaven. This mystery is difficult and deep, but we are on its way, sons, and we will reach its end and it will be discovered and the Scripture for the redemption of the bodies will be well-known, the Scripture one from Eden, eternal and unshakable, for the Eden is waiting the ones on the last, who have the key from God. Amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God, at the feast of the holy Virginia, from 14-12-1994.
My people, you may know, son, for today you are required to work well and not in any manner. You should know, son, for you need today great love to have God in you and to be clothed with God, for the time is coming for Me to set you a table through the word, for man will not need food any more on earth. The time is coming to do as Elijah did with the widow’s flour and oil, and you will be rich in oil and bread, for the world will get into the pay of the vanity and then it will also grow on earth heavenly wheat, holy wheat on holy ground. Make haste Israel, press on, Christian to that holy land which remains before Me with the new heaven above it and with My glory towards light, seven times brighter then now. Christian, I do not tell you fairy tales, and you do not think that I spread fairy tales to you, son. We have to redeem the earth and the dead on it, and all these will be worked out by the word, as in the beginning. In the beginning I made all by the word and so it is at the end, but in the end man will see all the glory of God, and the man, the one born from Me, will be far above of all love into My hand and he will play into My hand, for My hand will be a cradle of eternal love for the man, the one at the end, who listened to My word, so that he turned into a new man, after the likeness and image of God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. In My man, the one from the end, all My glory will rest and this glory will be seen by the man without God’s love (See the selection topic: „The glory of God”, r.n.)
Excerpt from the Word of God, at the feast of the holy kings Constantine and Hellene, from 03-06-1995. (On Calameo)
Israel, Israel, what does this mean, one body? Soon, you are to answer what this Scripture is about. He that is joined to a body of a prostitute is one flesh with her, as the Scripture says: «They both shall be one flesh». He, who is joined to Christ, is one body with Christ; you and Him, one body. My people, the first time is coming; not lusting is coming on the earth. The man that does not sin anymore is coming on the earth. Christ is coming, sons; He is coming. I am the Lord, Jesus Christ, and I became one flesh with you, My people. He that is one flesh with Me can no longer sin. He that is not one flesh with Me becomes one body with the sin. Elijah, the prophet, had no lusting in his body, and that is why he had so much power in word and deed. Israel, you should not look to get an answer from your body to save your soul from the condemnation of the sin. The body does not sin until its mind gives to it the conceiving of the sin in the body. Turn your mind into heaven to have God in it, son from the end, as all the heaven has to come down in you and on the earth through you. The heaven comes to an end too, as it is written, and it will come down upon you when its dwelling and waiting will come to an end; it will roll up like a scroll and it will be given to you son of God from the end. I come with the clouds as it is written. The clouds also come with Me, and they remain with Me upon you and in you. And why do the clouds also remain with you? So that you may have, son, something to take you into the invisible ones; to be taken, as I am, on the clouds and with the clouds. If I come, I come with everything I have; I come to take you with Me; I come for you to take Me with you and both to stand before the Father with this kingdom of new heaven and new earth as it was in the beginning. Who has ever heard that such a little accomplishment, which is within your reach to fulfill, may hinder you? And if you do not want to fulfill the entire preparation, who has ever lost what you are to lose, son called and elected to stand before Me on My coming? Be faithful Israel, as it is not enough if you are called and chosen. The faith perfects you; it makes you to be complete. Without it you do not do everything that is to be done. That is why I declared in your time: „So great a faith like yours has not been heard through the ages”. The one with a clean heart that cannot escape and wants to be with Me, I save him with My angels, but I leave the one that takes Me jokingly. «One will be taken, and the other will be left». Take a good look, that this prophecy is seen into My work. He that is left is the one that gives up My work, the skin that I gave you within this time. He that is taken is the one who goes with Me and with My word to the place where the heaven meets the earth in view of waiting for those who will finish their way well.
Go, Israel, go! Go with Me on the way, even if you do not see the way with your eyes, as the day is coming so that the world may see that you have My way under your steps. You do not have to see it. The unfaithful one has to see it! Elisha, the prophet, did not see with his eyes the heavenly host, ready for battle for him and for his escape, but Gehazi saw the chariots and the heavenly host; the disciple looked towards the Lord at Elisha’s request and believed into the word of Elisha’s faith.
The Lord, God of Israel, has spoken to His people. Amen, amen, amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Saint Elijah, the prophet, from 02-08-1995. (On Calameo)
The world says that it waits for the resurrection of the dead and the life of the age that is to be, but where does man think when he says something like that? I am coming to show the man to see what he says when he says this. I have always come to you, Romanian Israel, to speak from you the word over every man on earth, and I will come with the day when I will shake the heaven and the earth at My voice, which will speak from the clouds over every man as I speak over My little garden, over My Canaan, in which I become milk and honey from heaven on earth.
Excerpt from the Word of God on the first Sunday of the Lent, of the Orthodoxy, from 16-03-1997.
If gifts from God will flow over the entire earth, all and everywhere are partly taken and given. But with you, sons of the New Israel, I am the whole measure. I give you little by little and I become wholly with you for the opening of the Scriptures of My second coming on the earth with people. And when I am with My entire fullness poured out on the earth among you, those who receive Me as word from heaven, then everything that is written into the Scriptures have come true, so that it might be fulfilled jota by jota, and then I come visibly for the beginning of the visible eternity. And on that day there will be neither caves, and nor rocks of hiding for those who will try then to hide from the face of My coming, from the face of My day, a day of joy for those who have been waited for Me, and a day of wrath for all those that are not faithful. Then the false prophet and the beast in the hiding, the antichrist, who is hiding in God, as he says, the beast with seven heads and ten horns, which he deceived the world with, will have no room, and it will lie on the sand of the sea instead, as it is written about the house, which is built on sand, for My church is built on a stone foundation, and I am its rock, the Christ of the Father, with My life in the sons of My church.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the great saint martyr Gheorghe (Saint George), from 06-05-1998. (On Calameo)
Israel, Romanian Israel, let no sons of yours be in you that do not know how to believe in God, how to have God and how to bring God among the people. You are covered in a great mystery, My people. The day in which your bodies will be in glory and when you will be enshrouded by the glory, which comes from heaven, as the cloud of the Lord’s glory came over Me and enshrouded Me in the day of the ascension of My body in glory.
Oh, sons who overcame the world and the spirit of the world. It is written into the Scriptures that after the dead are resurrected, those alive will be taken up and all will be together with the Lord meeting each other. Those who overcame the world within their body will be taken up into the clouds and will meet the Lord in the air, and they will be forever with the Lord, with the new heaven and with the new earth and with the holy justice, which is coming with the Lord. Amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Lord’s ascension, from 28-05-1998. (On Calameo)
Woe to the man who spoils My words, and that one has as food the tree of death, the forbidden tree, the tree, which stops the man from walking on God’s way, and the man, subjected to death bears fruit. The man who bears man from the woman is a man that eats of the tree of death, as the first man did, losing the life of Eden, the life without sin. (See the selection topic: „The mystery of the man and of the woman”, r.n.) I said this to the man: «Of every tree of the heaven you may freely eat, but from this you shall not eat: for you will die when you eat». But the man ate and has no longer had eternal life from that moment on; and since then, the man that came out of the man has always been eating from the tree of death; and the man is a tree of death, the fruit of the forbidden tree, the tree, which God told the man about: «You shall not eat of it!». But I said to My apostles: «Not all know this mystery, but only those that it is given from God to know».
Oh, the man fled from the gift of the eternal life, and I came two thousand years to pay for him before My Father, so that I may give the man life if he wants it. But today the man flees from this gift likewise, as the man loves the fruit of the tree of death, the man loves the woman and does not love God. But who knows this? Who is to tell the people what they eat and what they feed on? Who is to tell them about the tree of life, which was let on earth from heaven, so that the man may come to resurrection and then to the tree of the eternal life? The resurrected man is the man who does no longer sin, receiving in him the angels. My word is an angel sent from heaven upon the people to let them know about My coming after two thousand years, after seven thousand years.
Oh, sons of the people, hear! My word of today is called the seventh angel into the Scriptures, I and My word. Oh, sons of My people, everything has come to an end! I fulfilled all My mystery written in the Scriptures. Everything has come to an end! I have nothing for you anymore. I sent all that I had to send for your coming back. I sent upon you the last calling, the voice of the seventh angel, My word of today, served by the angels. Hear what the Word said: everything has come to an end! Amen, amen, amen. I have sent from beginning to end everything that was written to for the man. And everything that I had to do for the man’s salvation came to an end. Now a reward for each deed is written into the Scriptures. Amen.
The false prophet, who arises from everywhere and proclaims peace between Me and the man, who goes on sinning, this false prophet is the reward for the deed of the man departed from God, as it is written in the Scriptures: «When they will speak peace, then My wrath will suddenly come and will catch everyone under it». The false prophet arose and posed as the reconciler between God and the man that sins on and on worshipping the idols of this age, which are: eating and drinking, marriage and given in marriage, and all that come out from these as the fruit of the tree of death. The false prophet poses oneself as God’s friend before the people, but I bring him to light and tell him that he is not My Friend, but rather he is My enemy like the first man, who overthrew My seat from him, so that he might seat and to eat from the forbidden tree, the tree of death, which killed the man. (See the selection topic: „The false prophet and the ecumenism”, r.n.)
Sons, prepare the way of My word; prepare the peace of My word upon you; prepare a dwelling of the Holy Spirit in you, to be forever in you. Amen, amen, amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the Synod of the saints archangels Michael and Gabriel, from 21-11-1998
The sequel of this document will soon be published, r.n.
(You can see the full document on: Calameo; on edocr; on Google Drive; on; on jumphare; on archive; on; on scribd; on mega; on mediafire; on dropbox, r.n.)
Publication Date: 04-07-2020
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