
The Word of God about the coming with Enoch and Elijah (1)

The Word of God about the coming with Enoch and Elijah (1)


(You can see the full document on: Calameo; on edocr; on Google Drive; on; on jumphare; on archive; on authorstream; on scribd; on mediafire, r.n.)


«I was told, “You must prophesy again concerning many peoples, nations, languages, and kings.”» (Apocalypse: 10/11.)


«I will give power to My two witnesses, and they will prophesy for one thousand two hundred sixty days, clothed in sackcloth.”

They are the two olive trees[1] and the two lampstands who stand before the Lord[2] of the earth.

If anyone desires to harm them, fire comes out of their mouth and devours their enemies. Whoever desires to harm them will be killed in this way.

 They have the power to shut up the sky, so that it may not rain during the days of their prophecy. They also have power over the waters, to turn them into blood, and to strike the earth with every plague, as often as they desire.[3]

When they have finished their testimony, the beast that comes out of the abyss will attack them, overcome them, and kill them.

Their dead bodies will lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, and where their[4] Lord was crucified.

For three and a half days, people from tribes, languages, and nations will look at their dead bodies, and they will not allow their dead bodies to be laid in a tomb.

The people of the world rejoice over them and celebrate the event, exchanging gifts because these two prophets tormented the inhabitants of the earth.

After the three and a half days, the breath of life from God entered into them, and they stood up on their feet, and those who saw them were terrified.

Then I[5] heard a loud voice from heaven saying to them, “Come up here!” And they went up into heaven in the cloud as their enemies were watching.» (Apocalypse: 11/3-12.)


                                    Enoch and Elijah



            Selection of texts from God’s Word[6] upon this theme[7]



… Son, if I tell you that you are a believer, you hold fast and do not fall, and if I tell you that you are a sinner, you deny Me. Man wants to be praised. This is human’s nature; it wants to be exalted in the flesh for a moment. Lift yourselves up, but not here, children. Do not wish to be exalted now on earth, for the whole earth is full of muddy water and above the water there are thousands and thousands of little boats and in the boats are urchins and these urchins go to the west. They are musicians and singers and they have spread tables where they take their pleasure. Here, there is above a little boat and in the boat there is a prophetess and speaks. She enjoys it and makes fun and during the trip the boat overturns and the devil laughs. In addition to this muddy water there another water is forming. Over one bank there is a clear water and on the water’s edge there are two large trees, with their leaves resembling and those leaves light this clean water, and there are in the water thousands and thousands of little fish which travel on these rays and ask: „Is it still more?” And here there is a road, and on the road there passes a chariot with two white horses with their heads of fire and in the chariots there are two people. Who are these? Enoch and Elijah. They are prophets. The chariot goes eastwards. Little fishes became a people and ask, „How much is it until it is fulfilled?”  Here, on the left, there is a demolished city and through the rubble you can see dead people. In the right there is a new citadel and the people are dressed from top to bottom in white clothes, white as snow. No one that has not got white clothes can enter this citadel, for this citadel is guarded by soldiers and twelve angels, which have their censers, bowls and plates. Understand, for I give you this to understand them.


Here four little angels who have in their hand the four Gospels, and all make only one, and there the Emperor gets out of the gate, and the Emperor is full of blood and on His forehead He bears a name which cannot be written. The Emperor cries and says, «The kingdom belongs to the Lord!» I cannot tell you openly, sons. This Emperor went to war and took with Him the holy army. The army does not have clothes sprinkled with blood, but only the Emperor. Do you believe it? Consuming fire gets out of His eyes with which He will cleanse the whole sin from this earth. The Emperor is full of blood too and He is a Prophet too. Do you understand it? What is water? What are the little fishes? What are these words? The water is life which is lived in purity; little fishes are the people. What are the chariot and the prophets Enoch and Elijah? Which is the torn down city? (world church, red. note[8].) Which is the new citadel? (Church of God - New Jerusalem, r.n.) Do not trouble yourselves if you do not know!


Here, this is what Father says, “Son, let the earthly book and take the heavenly one. Woe to us, earth and sea, for the Lord wants to destroy you!”


Sons, if you had love as I want, you would have fly through the air.


In front of My vessel (Virginia, the trumpet of the Lord, r.n.) two people boasted that had gunpowder and that they would destroy it and then it would not lead the world astray, but you tell My vessel (through which the Lord speaks, r.n.) not to be afraid.


Sons, in My house of prayer, evil spirits walk together with you too. Do you believe?  I entered after you and hardly have I found you among the evil spirits. Do you believe? Woe to the ones who do not believe that evil spirits stand at the door! Here the priests too do not give people spiritual food necessary to My people. I do not tell you to hate the priests. Pray for them for the evil ones steal them too.

Excerpt from the Word of God, from 09-06-1958



My children, the table is set for you and the garment is ready for you. Do not look back, for you will turn into a salty rock. Do not think that you do not have board and house anymore, but look ahead to see God’s coming to you, for Elijah comes after Me, and he is not body but spirit. Leave your burdens down. Arm yourselves with the power of Christ. Straighten the ear to Me.


Peace to you, My children! Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God, from 01-05-1960 (On Calameo)



… God will give you a deep sleep when the destruction of the sinners will be decided, and He will choose a man who will come and punish even for a cigarette. There will come a man in the flesh like you. The Saint Elijah will come.

Excerpt from the Word of God, from 08-10-1972.



… I, the Lord, Jesus Christ, came down from the holy heaven on earth, not in body but in Spirit. This I, is not this body, (through which the Lord speaks, r.n.) but Spirit, and I float over the air and I speak through the Spirit. No one comes after Me, and at the coming of Lord, Jesus Christ, there will be very hard of those which have not been fulfilled, when I was with you.


Before the Lord, Jesus Christ, the prophets Enoch, Elijah and John come and will prepare My table. Not a food table but a judgment table.

Excerpt from the Word of God, from 06-05-1977



… There is little time with the little church, and ask from the good God not to deprive you of the little church, for neither shed will be broken if it has a good shepherd. The shepherd passed the holy law over for he did not look at the Gospel or Scripture, but he looked at the nature; for this nakedness is called “nature.” The one born of nature is from sins. The angels will come and will blow the trumpet and the prophet Elijah will come and make order on earth. Pray to be perfect Christians, for the Lord made order at your praying, made order at work and at many holy things, for if He did not make them you would have not been alive until now, and would have been dead. For this God preordained these things and if you always go ahead with these, you will be the island of God. If you obey, God wants to fulfill His plan at the end.

… Oh, sons, the city dwellers will go to the villages and to the mountains, as the news went that the cities will be destroyed. Wherever they go, sons, they will be destroyed. Even if they enter a rock stone they will be destroyed.

Excerpt from the Word of God, from 07-06-1977



My little children, heaven is crying for you and wait for you, but you are slow in coming. If you knew it, you would not tarry. Sons, sons, humble, sanctify, love one another and do not stay indifferent, for the Lord has prepared the boat of Elijah, Enoch and of Noah, the one of John and of all on earth who have been raised to the holy heaven. You do not know how you will get there, in body or in spirit. But I tell you, be prepared with everything.


… My children learn from the parable of Moses, for he was a stutterer and I made him speak the way he had to and how much he needed to. This is how far he went with his voice. I sent him, and I gave him courage and he went to Pharaoh to tell him My laws. I did a great work with him, very great. It is written and is read at the judgment.

Excerpt from the Word of God, from 11-05-1978 (On Calameo)


… As the Joel’s prophecy was fulfilled, of Habakkuk, of Elijah, all the prophecies in the book will be fulfilled. And here that Lord Jesus went down in Spirit and prophesied all that was remained. Be prepared to be one flock and one Shepherd, not in the earthly wealth, but in the spiritual wealth.


Oh, My people, I will come to you to show you My wound in the hand for if you had believed, you would have not joked and smiled and you would have not gone talking things of the world.

Excerpt from the Word of God, from 01-08-1979



… Children beware for I want to tell you something. St. Elijah comes to pay a visit on this earth and takes with him a little part of what he knows that is needed for the sting[9] and humiliation of those who have run away from God. Then I will see those which have not loved God.


The rock of Golgotha is sprinkled with innocent blood and is reinforced on the foundations and will never come down, and not even those who will stick to it shall fall down and perish forever.


Oh, how hard the cross is, sons! Now, almost to the top, all leave it and run away, just now when they are about to choose the joy. But it was heavy for the Lord too. He was falling under it, He rose and was carrying it to the top, and then He was spread on it. But for whom? For those who run away from Me?


Oh, sons, sons, do not run away from the cross, Christians, no matter how hard it might look to you.

Excerpt from the Word of God, from 28-11-1989



I could not prepare you as fear gripped you. They put you a trap. And this is what God has done! Now you see, and see that God is with you. God did not want the enemy to catch the innocent, the one that God loves, and the ungodly were caught instead. (The Red Beast, the apogee of the communist dictatorship of Ceausescu, r.n.)


The drizzle and the waves of enmity have not cleared well yet, but I smash and clear. I let you go to have the right to the word. I told you that I took as a helper the prophet Elijah, who brought Israel to Me in the time of Ahab. I brought him here too for help. The priesthood was led by the executioner of humankind, but now he waits for his judgment and punishment.


The judgment seat will be in Romania, which I am washing now. You will see with your eyes the truth and justice. (See the selection topic: „The fearful judgment”, r.n.)


… A little time here on earth, and then you will be in the holy heaven, that is on holy ground for it arrived and came out what you were asking and wanting. This prayer was uttered by My dear mother and through your little mouths, it was fulfilled, that Romania may be taken and shaken the satan’s dirt off and of the darkness which overtook it.


I have seen the traps set for My lovers to be caught in them, but I, the Lord, have stopped everyone’s step and given you word to stay obedient and to intensify your prayer, and behold, I have turned the wheel back so that those who dug the pit may fall into it.


… Romania, Romania, My holy and beloved country! What overwhelmed you! What tricked you! (The Security Service of the Communist regime, r.n.)


Be aware, for now there is a year threshold. Romania will become the New Jerusalem and you will see with your own eyes that God was and is with you. (See the selection topic: Romania – The New Jerusalem – The New Canaan”, r.n.)

Excerpt from the Word of God, from 25-12-1989 (Three days after the Revolution, r.n.)



It is a great celebration and in the middle of it there lies Verginica (Verginica - the diminutive to her real name: Virginia, r.n.) within the mantle of glory and celebrates with the saints the passing of seventy years from her coming among the people. Verginica’s coming is a great mystery, but the mystery of her coming among the heavenly saints is great, as that power for you has been since then a heavenly garment and a strength which you were dressed with, the ones who were found next to her when she entered the heavenly glory. Blessed are the Christians who have Verginica. Blessed are the ones who know well how to have her. She is standing next to the Mother of the Son of God. She has the passing of the nowadays days when those in the great tribulation (The persecution of the communist regime against the sons of God, r.n.) entered and enter the mystery of the heavenly kingdom worked on earth. (See the selection topic: „The great tribulation”, r.n.)


Blessed are those who have understood the mystery of this work of God, which was born from Verginica. I told you that she would be shown herself to those who know her, and her glory which she got from God will be seen, for her body was My obedient abode, and I would work with her more then with Moses in front of heavenly glory. She is accompanied in her work by Moses and Elijah, the same way as I was, but she has My dear Mother and the son given to her by Myself when I was on the cross, and everybody works in the time of Verginica, all saints and fathers, all the archangels and angels, all entered with Verginica the great celebration of Romania’s preparation, for that visible glory of the kingdom of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. (See the selection topic: „The glory of God”, r.n.) And the Master of the vineyard shall come and it will be a heavenly beauty and the blessings will be divided for each group, for each glory, and the seats will be set, but then the heavenly table will be spread, and the Lord will be working with heaven and will sit at the heavenly table together with those who have been working on the earth for the preparation of the wedding room and for the music which will be sung by choirs of angels above the new earth that rises from it and which will yield the fruit of that life without death of eternity.

Excerpt from the Word of God, on the Sunday of all saints, from 13-06-1993


To be continued.


(You can see the full document on: Calameo; on edocr; on Google Drive; on; on jumphare; on archive; on authorstream; on scribd; on mediafire, r.n.)


[1] Compare Zachariah 4

[2] TR reads “God”

[3] Like Moses and Aaron in Egypt (see also verse 8)

[4] TR reads “our”

[5] CT and TR read “they” instead of “I”

[6] God’s Word in Romania

[7] Translated by I.A.

[8] Redactor note

[9] Before the Romanian Revolution - in December 1989, r.n.




Publication Date: 05-21-2019

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