This is the salvation mystery of human kind – the mystery of incorruptibility[1]!
Selections from the Word of God[2] on this topic[3]
... My children, many judge My temple, many do not make much of My temple, but the strangers from far away will come, My child, and they will read on your face that this temple belongs to God, as on each brick it is written: „The Lord, Jesus Christ”.
… Come to Me, Christians! Come to Me, son, for God has called you now and He wants you to have no end in your way, for when I created Adam, I made him not to have an end in all his way, but he sinned and died.
Excerpt from the Word of God, from 21-07-1965.
If I succeed in doing this with you, I will make this land a heaven for you; the eternal life will be on it; you will be the sons of heavenly Eden. Subject yourselves to the heavenly will, My sons. Oh, hear Me, you, New Jerusalem! What say you, will you go without sin? Make no mistakes, My son, in order to be able to succeed with you, to give you the Orthodox-Christian country in use.
Excerpt from God’s Word, from 07-01-1966 (On Slideshare; on Issuu; on Google Drive)
… Truly I say to you that many of you will not receive death, but with your body you will receive God.
Excerpt from God’s Word, from 10-03-1971
Be perfect! The time is coming to send you to lay your hands on the one that is lying in his bed, and he will get up; and to pray for the blind ones and they will be healed, so that they may see the power of prayer. The time is coming for you to go to the prisoner concentration camp and to lay your hands on the lock and it will break open. The time is coming, My child, when everyone among the Christians will do their job.
Excerpt from the Word of God, from 19-01-1975
… Our shelter will be here, on Earth. This land shall be My people’s garden and I shall make it heaven, adorned with trees, angel music and birds. This land shall be heaven, but God will clean it, as it is written. Be prepared for the end, in order not to burn with garbage, as all the sinner will perish. (See the selection topic: „The apocalyptic fire[4]”, r.n.)
Excerpt from God’s Word, from 17-07-1975
… Many of you will not see death, and many, during that time, when the Lord will show with His glory, will be on their back, asleep in the house. And then it will be called out: «Hosanna, the Son of God!». (See the selection topic: „The glory of the Lord”, r.n.)
Excerpt from God’s Word, from 26-08-1978 (On Slideshare; on Issuu; on Google Drive)
… The Lord Jesus did not predestinate you to die, but rather to meet the Lord, when He comes with His heaven.
Excerpt from the Word of God, from 08-02-1979
... Behold, my children, a new word, as the beginning from you is new. I told you that we make a new thing, a new people, a heavenly and an imperishable people. My loved ones, we make a new church, an everlasting church, a beginning of everlasting and imperishable church. Amen. (See the selection topic: „The true church[5]”, r.n.)
A heavenly and sweet word is coming down with the heavenly love for the loved one that is loved and waited by the entire heaven, for the one that loves God, for the one, who is called and chosen and faithful, for he is faithful. A word of adornment and incorruptible life comes down; a clothing, a word of heavenly mystery. The Lord, Jesus Christ, tells me to bring His word to you, to this loved of ours, for he is ours, sons.
− Be careful again, My loved one, My loved child. Those that are written in the book are being fulfilled, those written for this time. Behold, it buds; behold a new thing; I come to fulfill it. Be careful, for we will work a new thing, a New Jerusalem, a new and eternal life. Amen.
My loved one, the mystery of incorruptibility is great, and this mystery has to be worked out by us; it has to be established on the earth, for we will make new heavens and new earth, and the Lord will come down into the midst of this heavenly Jerusalem and will establish those that are written into the book. I brought the tree of life; I brought the apple of life, to be worked and to be put into the middle of the heavenly Jerusalem, for the heavenly one will come down to the earthly one, and there will be only one, a heavenly Jerusalem on the earth; on the earth, for the earth will be cleansed; it will be renewed and it will be new.
I have come to you to put you into this new beginning, to be from heaven, for if you are from heaven, you will know yourself whether you are from heaven, and you will work, My loved one, and the Lord will be seen, and the mystery of incorruptibility will be worked on the earth, and the church will triumph and will be clothed with celebration. Be attentive and loving, for I want to feed you with the bread of life, as I know that this bread of life has to be. No one understands this anymore; no one is afraid anymore; no one inherits the bread of life to have power of living. No one sees this power anymore; it is not seen worked out anymore, for there is no power of life in those who say that they work the bread of life, and behold, it is not seen any resurrection from Me through those who say that they work the bread of life. I am the bread of life, but today, as then, all crucify Me. The teachers of the law of that time brought sacrifice and worshipped God, but when God came to them, oh, they murdered Him. They murdered the Life, well My loved one. The teachers of the law give Me only nails and pain today too, and then they say that they serve Me and they also say that they work the bread of life. Only pains and crucifixion, My loved one.
Be attentive with love, for I want you to eat from this beginning of new thing. Do no longer eat at the table with Annas and Caiaphas, do not longer eat with Judas. (Teaching from the world church, r.n.) Eat with Me, My loved one; eat with Me every day. Never go without Me, and you will be from heaven. I came here; I came down here with My kingdom, and I made here a beginning of new heaven on the earth, a beginning of incorruptibility. (See the selection topic: „About the kingdom of God[6]”, r.n.) Eat with Me, My dear, for I have come down at this table with all My love, with all My power, and with all My life. Clothe yourself with a heavenly life, My loved one, as I will crown you to sit on My chair, on the chair of My church, to be an example for My church.
My dear, those old things will soon pass away, and I will make a people of heavenly bodies, clothed in incorruptibility. This mystery, which is not perceived by today, not waited by anyone; this angelic condition that I want to perfect on the earth and with which I will make the world to wonder at the sight of this heavenly living on the earth, on a new earth, oh, it is this mystery of incorruptibility, this heavenly condition that I want to establish on the earth. Behold, My loved one, God’s mystery. This is the mystery of humankind’s salvation. We will strengthen this new beginning, and will enlarge then the tent of this heavenly Jerusalem, and then it will come for the Lord to announce His kingdom, as the trumpet will sound and resound, for that is why I strengthen this beginning. (See the selection topic: „The apocalyptic trumpets[7]”, r.n.) And I will make Myself known in those that I was well pleased with, as the new man will rise on the earth, and We will make an incorruptible people, an eternal nation, and the world will see this wonder and will rise and enter into among those that are eternal; and it will be sanctified, and the number of God’s people will increase and this will be the wonder of the wonders, for there will no longer be death, and rather it will be the apple tree of life; there will no longer be night for the Lord will be the light.
Oh, blessed will be the one who cleanses the garment of his life, as that one will have dominion over the life; that one will not jump over the gate, and he will enter through the door in the citadel of God, into the eternal haven, for the people will come together to see this glory, and the new heaven and the new earth will be and will remain forever, and God’s people will last forever, and there will be happiness and comfort over Jerusalem.
My loved child, be full of love, be full and faith, for My faith will be poured out like a river over the sons of obedience. All things go for glory, as Romania is the glory of God; it is the country of brightness; it is the queen over the nations, and it is blessed, loved and chosen, for this is written, that the Lord will choose Jerusalem again. Romania is the loved citadel and I will bring back its king, for he is from God. And you will have the holy duty to make him be heavenly and incorruptible, he and his entire house, and to teach him from Me, and he will listen to you in all his ways, and he will reign in Me, as this is written. (See the selection topic: „Romania – The New Jerusalem – The New Canaan[8]”, r.n.)
Excerpt from the Word of God to his chosen, Irineu, from 22-10-1990
Behold, the heaven joins with the earth to work together. Behold, the earth rises up to heaven, and behold, there are made new heavens and new earth, where the peace and heavenly truth will live together. You cannot be earth any longer, My people; you cannot be a perishable body any longer, for look, I have come to make you heavenly, as this is what God said, that you will be a heavenly people, with heavenly bodies, and the entire world will see this heavenly condition and will be drawn to it.
Oh, look what a task you have from God, My people, as the Lord makes with you a beginning of heavenly and angelic condition, and He establishes the beginning of His kingdom on you.
Excerpt from the sound trumpeting of the holy Virginia over the Christians in the town of Gheboieni, from 07-11-1990
I have come to tell you now: „Get up in order to understand what happens with you, My people, for you will soon be a new miracle and you will come into that condition of happiness and will never die”. Oh, why was it so hard for you to understand the mysteries of God? It is nothing left without God telling you. Behold, now you will have to rise quickly and to enter into wisdom, for God will go with you to the peoples, to breathe over this world, so that it may come to life. Behold, the days of resurrection that are written that will come, for these dead people will soon hear the voice of these words, and these dead people will come to life and will celebrate the days of resurrection of this age. (See the selection topic: „Resurrection of the dead[9]”, r.n.)
Excerpt from the Trumpeting of the Holy Virginia over the nuns of the Christian people, living in the monastery of Nămăieşti, from 15-11-1990
Behold, We will set the stone of testimony of My word, which worked and works until the end of the fullness of its mystery, and we will write on this stone the new name of the citadel of the New Jerusalem, which will appear from this stone, and out of which rivers of living water will flow, and on their riverbeds We will plant trees and the leaves of their trees will never wither, and their fruits will never come to an end, for new fruits will ripen every month, as the trees will receive water from this rock, and the tribes of the earth will eat of the fruits of the trees, and they will be healed by these leaves. Amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God to His chosen Irineu, from 04-06-1991
Here, I tell you a new mystery, for those who believed in Me so far, those who testified Me in front of the kings and of the world rulers, who were serving foreign gods; those have suffered martyrdom in their body and reached to the right hand of heavenly Bridegroom. But those from now, who belong to the work for the end of the wickedness and the one for the new beginning, these are martyrs in spirit and sigh in spirit and suffer for all creature. Here, now the world is rejoicing in its spirit, and the children, the bearers of God, sigh in the Spirit of God, but that Scripture is also written and says that, «All nations will mourn, and you will rejoice then». And «When you see those that are to come over the world, rejoice, for your redemption is approaching».
My child let your sadness not worry you. Do not get frightened, not even if the world spirit presses upon you, for it presses, you need to know that it presses. Bear the weight and carry it with joy and with patience, for there is a little time so that we may become like them and then to win them over to Jesus Christ, Who wants to complete His loose body of His creature, and here, the Lord helps you, for the Lord cannot be seen without the body now. Do not grieve over your power and do not let yourself under sadness, over the power of your heart, for there is no temptation to overcome your power, and if it comes, God comes towards you and gives you a hand and gets you out of it. It is the time of martyrdom in spirit and this martyrdom in the spirit is much more valuable for God. Here, you know that it is written, «Do not be afraid of those who kill the body and are not able afterwards to do anything, but be afraid of those who can kill the spirit, for this would be the second death». That is why the reward is higher for those who are martyrs in the spirit. The reward is high and comes from God, and the Lord will redeem through these the blood of those cut and killed for the testimony of Jesus Christ, for through these, who are martyrs in the spirit, the martyrs in the body will rise and will get the reward of their faith. It is written this way, «At the present trumpet the dead will rise incorruptible, and the living, who will be, will be changed», and shall enter the rest of the glory, seen by all God’s creature, and then the joy will be full. There is still a little while, beloved child, frail child, a little while, and there will be a sweet and eternal condition, and this will be the reward for the sons of the New Jerusalem and they will sing together, those in heaven and those on earth, the song of victory.
Excerpt from the word of God to His chosen Irineu, from 21-07-1991
Oh, people with a holy name, I have had so much patience with you! I nourished you with so much patience and I had patience while teaching you, so that you may know the lesson of the kingdom of the heavens, son, and to start with you the visible kingdom of the heavens, My kingdom in your spirit and body, a people with a holy name and with a heavenly election, as I remember again: it is not you that chose Me but rather I chose you, children of My people, and I chose you to make you accustomed to have a godly nature, as the nature of My body was.
I am the New Man, the First created Man, born of the Father before the ages, and I made the man after the image and likeness of God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and since I made two of one, I worked as in heaven, and this is how We made two bodies out of one. We did not work as the work of the man and of the man’s body nature does. And then, I am the Man born of man, that is of the Virgin who gave Me birth from the Holy Spirit, and this is God’s work, and it is not like the work of the man, and, again, the work of the man is not like the work of God, and that is why the man needs a work of repentance all the time of his perishable body, until this body will be clothed with the work of incorruptibility through the reparation which comes from God. But I tell you that the Lord has already come with a work of reparation of the corruptibility that comes from the fleshly man.
The man is born out of sins, and I did not deliver a blessing for the sin, as it could not be that way, but I blessed the man, who being born of man, sought the Lord, following Him. (See the selection topic: „The mystery of the man and woman”[10], r.n.) And now, I want to finish what I still have to work and to repair over the man through you, people of My grace. Do not let Me without hands and legs on your land, on your field, as I want to give life without death to your field, and then to bless this work for its completion. You are the people from the end of My work. Do not take after the man who drags out sickness, for the Lord is coming; He comes and heals what is still left not resurrected, and the prophecy of the life without death comes into view, the prophecy for the redemption of the bodies, sons, as at the new birth of the world, when the first belly will work again, many creatures will rise to be tormented within their bodies, as many creatures from those that were taken of left; they went without life, without heaven, without God, and that one will receive a body for tormenting, and the torment will not be finished until the last penny is paid, the last debt. But I work sons, I work and I work again for the relieving of My creature and My people does no longer know what God does. And behold, those from above will appear, that is the Jerusalem from above, those who left with a living life, and who are alive for their returning to the Lord. The Jerusalem from above will appear, which is the mother of those who are faithful, of those who are called, chosen and faithful, and this mother will confess her sons, well children of the New Jerusalem, made by the word from above.
I have come to forgive you, My loved people, and I want to forgive the sins of the creature through you and through your word, as I promised that all that will be released on earth will be released in heaven as well. This work is received by the Lord, from the work of those who are called, chosen and faithful in the time of the end. Amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God, on the feast of the first martyr and archdeacon, Stephen, from 09-01-1994
I have always exhorted you not to take care at your body anymore, and to take care of the body for the Holy Spirit, for it is written that your body, Christian, is the temple of the Holy Spirit. And it is also written in the Scriptures that you, My Christian, are not yours and that your bodies which you stay in, have to be the dwellings of the Holy Spirit. Even if you want to say that Abraham or Elijah or David or the apostles ate milk and meat and butter, you should no longer say so from now on, and rather think well what you say and search well what you mean for them, for the heaven and for the age to come now, which is being prepared by you, Israel of the last obedience. With you it is something else. You should fulfill what they did not fulfill, what it remained to be fulfilled for the returning to Eden, where the death shall be cast out and when all the unfulfillment of those by you shall be forgiven through you, for you fulfill what remained to be fulfilled. Do not be led astray with the Holy Scriptures that you keep into your front, and be careful that the Holy Scripture is the Holy Spirit; it is not flesh and nature, even if urges are found in it for those without the order of the holiness, without the power of the God’s love. It is in it the law for the people, so that the people may be led up to the holiness condition, but God’s sons raise above the law, so that they may pass to the holy condition from the beginning.
In the time of the apostles, a time that left us with orders and work upon the church in the Scripture; take a good look that the disobedient church of that time received the order by the apostles, after the condition of the church, but this does not mean that you should do the same, you who are obedient, as those who did not listen and for whom there were written orders by the apostles. What are you doing when you read the book about young widows that Paul exhorted to marry? And why did the apostle Paul want these to get married after their husbands’ death? Because he did not want them to commit fornication without law, Christian, for they did not choose the clean life in Christ, and they had to remain under the law, as on that time, neither the Jews and nor the apostles, understood enough that the law could not have the man for Christ. The apostles understood it, but they could not sufficiently perceive with the new ones upon the old ones, so suddenly, for there was callousness; and the Jews that came to become Christian and who were used to the law, could not understand it. But you, Israel of today, you should understand that My labor is coming to an end and I need to have a people like the holy heaven. This way, and do not stagger for I ask you to be like the holy heaven, as the Jerusalem from above is, the Jerusalem through the grace, and which won by grace the Jerusalem from above, as it was proclaimed the promise upon Abraham.
Listen to My voice, Israel; listen to My counsel, Israel, for you are chosen for holiness; you are not after the flesh; you are chosen for those which are to be above the flesh, son. Do not take after those in My people who did not want to fulfill those that were prophesied even from the time of Verginica’s body. I told you today that it was the most beautiful and holiest Passover and the holiest day of the resurrection in your life with Me, Israel. I speak of those which did not give up those that are established for this time being, from now on and until My coming in the clouds, Christian. (See the selection topic: „He comes the same way as He ascended: He comes with the clouds”, r.n.). Now it remains to see what I should do with those that spat on the requested establishment for the time which we reached at with the ages of the heavens. I, the Lord, will remember of those who have the name declared by the heaven by this prophecy, and I will search into the flesh and stone, and I will shake up every house of the Christians which have the witness of this prophecy, and I will put the question: „Why did you leave the Lord, you house of Israel, in order to worship the idols of your body and of the evil age?” (See the selection topic: „About the graven image and the sign of the cross[11]”, r.n.)
I will turn with their faces to Me, those who heard from the Lord and spat on the words brought by Me to be fulfilled, for I brought them to be lived in you, children of this prophecy.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s resurrection, on 01-05-1994
I would like to know your ways, Israel; to know the ways of your soul, to see where to put you; to the right or to the left. I would like you to choose, but I would like to be on My right, to come to the right of My glory and not to take after the counsel of your free will, so that you may be My slave, if you do not listen to your Master. I teach you the way of life, the way from the beginning, when the death was not born yet. This way comes from Me to you; it comes with resurrection, but be careful and choose, as resurrection means one thing, and death means another thing. Behold, the people of the earth spoiled the clean teaching of the life and mixed it with the deeds of the death, and you do no longer have to learn from the lesson of life. That is why I always come down as a word from heaven and come with it to you, and I ask you to choose life, as I need to have a people through whom to condemn death. The bodies should reign together with the souls too, as it is written into the Scriptures the lesson for the redemption of the bodies, but I need to have a beginning of this work of the redemption of the bodies.
Seek, Israel, to understand your mission and to work from the end to the beginning, as behold, I made you to stay in My work, and you should not oppose, as I pay you if I hired you. But I also pay you if you do not stay into My work. I pay you with the reward of disobedience if you do not listen to Me to stay and work as God says. Do you get upset with Me because I chose you? Do not get upset, Israel; do not get upset that I loved you and I chose you; but you do not realize how you should be, to let your will into My hand. Maybe you want Me to help you to believe in My work. With what shall I help you, Israel? But I helped you, son, as My work has been testifying for two thousand years, for seven thousand years, and it is written in the Scriptures about this time of today, and it is written that I will work by the word before Me; it is written about the time of the holiness, which will come before Me in the clouds. It is written that not everyone will die before My appearance, and some will only change for incorruptibility to welcome the resurrection of those that are asleep in the Lord, and then to be taken away into glory got the welcome of Jesus Christ. But what do you say that the change into incorruptibility means? That is why I asked for your hearts; to put My helm and My love into them, and for you to grow fond of the work of the incorruptibility of the body; the work of clothing in body incorruptibility. This is the shirt that I brought to you from My Father, to find you in it, My loved people, and to shroud you into incorruptibility and that your soul may inherit into your body, as it will come that the bodies what carry you to be heavenly in the day of their incorruptibility utterance. The heavenly wisdom is not hard, but give Me your heart, My child, and let Me be your father, if you call Me so! Oh, if you say „Our Father that are in heaven”, then let Me be your Father, children, if you call Me so, as I do not want to dwell in heavens, but rather I want to reign and work into your hearts. It is for this that I made the heavens and the earth; I made them for the man, as My work can be called man, Christian; and you should understand this, as I created everything for the man; to put him into My creation of heaven and earth. If you want to see My tabernacle over you, Israel, look and you will see it above you, decorated and within a glory of godly creation, with light and ornaments.
Excerpt from the Word of God on the second Sunday after the Resurrection, of the St. apostle Thomas, from 08-05-1994 (On Slideshare; on Issuu; on Google Drive)
Behold, Israel, the time is coming to make a new and strong dwelling into your midst, in order to have you on the earth, and for the man of the earth to see the face of God’s work over those with a law and over those without a law; over those with a law of My people, and over those without My law in My people, and My people will learn and work and then will have the heavenly law that I left for work, and the one that is not clean in obedience and faith and in the work of his hand and heart will not enter under this tabernacle of godly word. The fastidious one will be filled with shame then and will suffer shame, which comes from the work of his presumption and will no longer take the mystery of repentance and humiliation in vain, for God had great mercy on this people, and great is this mystery that he may be forgiven seventy times seven. This is the work of spirit humiliation: when you go wrong against your brother you should to go and ask him for forgiveness; to see your fault and to repair the love for your brother and to love him. This repentance is the kind of love that makes you love your neighbor more than yourself, or at least as much as you love yourself.
The godly man does not stay with burdens in his soul and rather goes and throws them away; he goes to his brother and asks him for help, and he asks him for forgiveness and support from God, that is from his brother, for it is bad of the man that after he is born in sins and lives in them, to die in sins as well; it is hard, extremely hard, but the pagan man does not know what God means. It is still harder for the one who says that he is Christian, that he heard something about repentance. It is hard for such a man, who was forgiven seventy times seven, and still dies in sins. Such as this is more pitiful than any sinful man who does not know God. It is a wonderful thing for the man to eat of the Body and Blood of the Lord, but it is a severe sin for the man to come near this godly mercy not repented.
Well sons, My word is holy and asks holiness from you. My Body and Blood are holy. Be also holy, for I cannot call you My sons otherwise, and I call you thieves. The priest speaks at the holy service, and the liturgy is holy, but it is the Lord who speaks to you, sons, and the Lord’s service is holy too. For behold, I have come to you on the earth and you did not know Me, and the one, who did not know Me, cannot also know Me now, for I have taken now the body which was My dwelling and shelter, and if then, when you had before you the body which I sheltered in, you could not know Me, then now you do not even have as much mind as then, Christian. If you did not have mind then, now you have less mind than then, for now I speak from above, from the clouds, from the wind, from the air and by the angels; now My dwelling was taken from among you if you did not know Me. But let your little children know Me in order to redeem My lost time with you, Israel from the end, which has been as stiff-necked as the Israel of old that saw the fire and the cloud before it and still denied Me. And you had My dwelling into your midst, and likewise, you denied Me as that one.
I, the Son of God, am an example for you, Israel, as I was God only for Israel then, and today I am God only for you, for I am not God for the world. The world has its own god; it has the prince of the world, and you have Me. I am the Lord, your God, but you should not take after the sons of the world, Christian; you should not take after the son of Sodom, and rather you should take after Me in your living, and for you to be as I was, gentle and humble in heart; to be My brother and to be a people of the sons of the Father; to be a people of God, a people of brothers of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
My people, behold, you should take after Me, and what do you say about this mystery? I do not defile My Father with anything, and I resemble Him, not the world, My people. My little coat resembles My Father’s; and My conduct the same; and My service the same, and My Father asks you to take after Me, as no one will be like you, Israel, if you take after Me. I want to have you as brother, and to be alive in your body, as I am, and never die with your body, so that you may never die, you that were chosen now for immortality. But if you do not take after Me, you will die, son. I have loved you and asked My Father that you may never die, neither with your body and nor with your spirit, My people given to Me by My Father, but this cannot be done without you deserving it, without you taking after Me.
I am the example that My Father gave you to look at and to take after My image and likeness, for I was also tempted in everything except sin, Israel, My people of today, and you should live likewise. How comes that? Well, I was the smallest, the most humble, the most humiliated, and the most despised among the people, as Father such as these loves. Put Me in front of you and see what you do from now one, for the one that was crucified on the cross does no longer have his own will. The one who crucified his body and the will of his body is alive in the Holy Spirit; he is like Me and does miracles in body; he raises the dead, heals of passions and saves from death many of those who look at My brother who takes after Me in the world. Stay like that, crucified, until the resurrection, as I also stayed, and you should not do otherwise. You should not take your hand out from the nails, neither your legs, nor your body, for if you take your body out from the nails, you will die, and you will no longer live within Me and My Father. This is what I told Adam too; I told him that if he did not listen, he would die and no longer live, but he did not believe and let himself be deceived. You should no longer let yourself deceived, for you saw what happened to Adam, if he stood up by disobedience. Stand like this with Me until My coming on the clouds, when I will be perfect in My appearance and when all will see Me in glory, both the living and the dead, and the heaven and the earth, and all that are seen and unseen, My people. (See the selection topic: „The coming in a visible way”, r.n.)
Well sons, be clean and receive godly nature in your body, to take after Me. I said that you shall no longer die, and I speak truly, but learn the lesson of life and do no longer give to death any opportunity among you. Be the sons of life and cleanness. Some of you do not know this lesson well, but I have the sons of My garden, for I put the law of holiness and of cleanness at the foundation of this garden. What will you do My people, when I, the Lord, will open the gates of My garden to pass through this filter? For in that day, these gates will be alive and they will need no one to prove those that are good and not good in My people. What will you do, Christian, who says that you are My son? What will you do if you are not and you will not be found as My son? There is still one moment, and these gates will be lifted up and they will do great miracles. But I prophesy you even from now to prepare to enter, and let your deed and thought be holy and your shirt clean, son, as your testing stone was lowered on the earth, and on that they the one with a holy life and the one with a dirty life before Me will be proved out.
Excerpt from the Word of God at Birth Feast of Saint John, the Baptizer, from 07-07-1994
You should be one spirit with Me, to be able to stay into you, child from Israel, to have a dwelling in you, son, and to strengthen you in your dwelling, in your body, in My temple in you. May all things perish son, but only you not perish, for you will bring everything into incorruptibility, you will bring them all to their first place, for I am in the work with you, and behold, I make the man again. This work is God’s kingdom; it is the place and the time where the man is being made, the man from heaven, worked out by My word, by the work of My word. And the day of rest comes then, and Romania will be a day of rest for Me and for you; Romania will be the day of the Lord. (See the selection topic: „The end of the world and the Day of the Lord”, r.n.)
Blessed be the land of Romania, and the heaven of Romania, and its heavenly body. Blessed be the day of Romania’s resurrection. Blessed be the work of My word over Romania. May you be blessed, My people Israel, by which everything is being make during this time, and those that are being made, are made invisibly, so that they may be seen worked out in the time of seeing of those that are not seen.
I bless you with health of spirit and body. Repent of your past sins and do no longer look to them and do no longer come down from heaven, My people, as the woe is coming and you are weak and not faithful. Let Me keep you into My hand, for I do not want to lose you. And you do not want it otherwise too. Do not be afraid, and remember Me in the time of fear, and I will be with you and you will not perish, Israel. The time for the fulfilling of the prophecies is coming, and you shall not do like those of Nineveh, for I sent Jonah and the city repented, and after a while it pondered that I, the Lord, was lying, if the city did not perish, and they indulged again in revelries and pleasures, and then I gave that city over to perishing. Not so, Israel; hold on to Me, son. Do not listen to the whispers outside My work, and stay inside and pull the door behind and be perfect and clean and holy. Your holiness is the fulfillment of those prophesied by now. Your holiness, Israel, will work the path for the fulfillments of the incorruptible age, and the flesh will speak then and confess you, the one who are waited, as it is written that the nature waits for the revealing of the sons of God.
May you be blessed, My son Israel, and stay around the candle, with the cup of oil, with the clean candle and with a living heart of faith and peace! I will be with My glory above you, and the people of the sons of God will be revealed to you. Amen, amen, amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God to the Christian people, from 16-10-1994
I am the Lord, the One Who fills the earth and heaven with the voice of My word, but who you Christian, hears Me? For no one has ears to hear, the world has no faith in the work of God, the one from the beginning and end, the one of the seven ages and more, and here, this prophecy of seven times was fulfilled and if it was fulfilled it was ended and I started from the beginning to place cleanness on earth, to place a new man on earth, the man born of the word. I do not place a made-man, but this time I place a man born by the word. I count again from the beginning, I only count a little, a little bit, and a bit and then I do not count any more, for the time will roll and it will not called time any more.
Well sons, since when has the time begun to be counted? Behold, I tell you a mystery today, that the time has been counted by man and its counting began after the man had been placed on the earth, after I had taken the man out of Eden, and after the man had received knowledge, father. The man was otherwise in Eden; not as he is now, sons, and the man in Eden is a great mystery. That is why I have always come and asked you, son of today, not to seek to know anything about those from the earth any longer, about those of the man, for the man was otherwise in Eden, and he did not know what the man on the earth knows. The man was created otherwise, not as he is now. And only after he became otherwise than he had been in Eden, only after that it came for the man to count, and he has been counting his time; he even counted his time in Eden, but after that, sons, after he tasted from those that were forbidden, the man knew what God knew.
The time, you sons, has been counted starting with the getting of man out of Eden, and here, one is the law of paradise and other is the law of man on earth, and great mystery carries this stone on which you are placed by the word, and in your stone is carved, Verginica, My last trumpet. (See the selection topic: „The apocalyptic trumpets[12]”, r.n.) Verginica, it is your stone, and on this foundation it is written ‘ending’ over the time of man, sons. It is hard to understand as it is in heaven, even for you it is hard to understand, for you are still on the way and because I still continue My way to the visible coming. In heaven, you sons, it is not spoken the same way. For with the heaven there is another law; it is a law of heaven with the ones in heaven, who received their soul and body as in heaven. This mystery is difficult and deep, but we are on its way, sons, and we will reach its end and it will be discovered and the Scripture for the redemption of the bodies will be well-known, the Scripture one from Eden, eternal and unshakable, for the Eden is waiting the ones on the last, who have the key from God. Amen.
Behold, the time by now has spun and its spinning came to an end, for you, sons, are called a new beginning in heaven, as it was the promise in the Scriptures about the New Passover that the Lord establishes in His kingdom, as here is a heavenly kingdom. The heavenly kingdom means there where all eat the Lord’s Passover. Youth without old age and life without death is there where every day the Lord’s Passover is eaten with holiness. This mystery is awful for the evil spirit of life without death, as the life without death is the Lord, Jesus Christ, without end in the man. And be careful, My children, to look well resurrected through this everlasting Passover of the celebration of the Lamb of God, as you overcame by the Blood of God’s Lamb. You should not be from the earth, for the mystery that comprises you is great. You are the sign of God through the times, and take this sign to all the margins, for the Lord’s judgment is written by God to all the margins. Amen. (See the selection topic: „The sign of the Son of Man”, r.n.)
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Holy Virginia, from 14-12-1994
I want to breed this holy people of the Romanian people, through you, son, the chosen New Jerusalem. We will work quickly, son, to fulfill everything that is to be fulfilled for My great and clear appearance in the fleshly eyes, which will be changed at My appearance. There is still a little bit of time and we have to work at a tidy pace what is still left to be worked, to release the great glory that will remain forever over My chosen people. Be from heaven, as I gave you birth by My word. Be spiritual, for those that are fleshly will take on the coat of incorruptibility, and all will stand before My glory.
Come, My blessed ones, to a feast of new Passover, and may your meeting with the heaven be blessed! May all and everything be blessed to you and may the word of blessing be blessed! Amen, amen, amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Lord’s Entrance into Jerusalem. The Palm Sunday, from 16-04-1995
I promised you, My child Israel that I would come to you to write into this book about the lying of the wisdom which comes from the man; to write into the book that the man without God is a spiritless man and is given as a loan to the evil spirit willingly, as it happened with the man from the beginning, who passed over the Spirit of God in order to be greater, and then all shook from their places; all that God created shook. But it is written into the Scriptures My word which says: «I will shake the heavens and the earth once more», as I, Israel, have to put back to their places those that were shaken, and the putting back of those shaken will be felt. I spoke by the mouth of My apostle in My garden which declares upon you the word coming down from heaven, I spoke by his little mouth before you, and I spoke by the Holy Spirit, by a speech of the Holy Spirit; I spoke that the greatest miracle that I did by this work coming down from heaven is the miracle of the new man, who lives according to God’s word, who moves within the word declared by God, who receives God’s image and likeness by the word and by living according to the word, the same way I made the man from the beginning. The same way you too, My child that are born by My word, which came down from heaven to you. Here is a birth from above, a birth by the word. Oh, what a miracle I worked out in you, Israel! That is why I kneaded this wok and this people, so that I may give birth in him sons from above, as I was. I was born by the word from the heaven. How sons, how by the word?
Excerpt from the Word of God of the Saints Kings Constantine and Hellene, from 03-06-1995 (On Slideshare; on Issuu; on Google Drive)
Loved people, write son upon the tablet and bind about your neck the word of testimony which stands today at the foundation of the living church. The crucifixion that I ask you today is not the passion, son, and do not sell this glory given to you by Me on money, riches or on a woman’s body. I have always welcomed you with a new and warm exhortation and here is what I tell you: grow your heart, thought and love young, and do not depart from this glory until My visible glory, for I will give you the incorruptibility of body and spirit, for it is written in the Scriptures that the bodies have to reign together with the spirit. Read from the Scriptures the lesson of redemption of the bodies and flesh which groans after the redemption through you people, My tool from the end of My work. Come Christian to have dinner with Me, come! How are you to come? Come My people, not for passion, come with small and great, so that I may break Myself and sit at the table with you, for a new Passover. My new Passover in man is the man who does no longer sin after he unites with My Body and My Blood for repentance and cleanness. This means a new and eternal Passover, dinner and eternal Emmaus, and God rested and seen in man and by man.
My people keep after the sons of My garden to teach you always what love is, lest you fail when you say that you love. Teach yourself what love is, what not passion is. Teach yourself with Me in you; teach yourself forever with Me, for I started the ending of the world, and I started it with you. I have become one with you: body and spirit. I give you My body to be like Me and one with Me, and to rest in you. Son, give Me your body too, for I have also given to you Mine. Give it to Me to make it imperishable, as I worked with Enoch, Elijah and John. Give Me your body to celebrate in you, My people, with My son. Since Adam tricked me by disobedience I have not rested in man, but the time of God’s word has come and today is that time, as it is written: «Today if you hear My voice, do not harden your hearts», and again it is written: «Blessed are those who hear My voice and fulfill it».
Excerpt from God’s word at the four-year feast from the laying of the foundation’s stone of the Holy of Holies of the New Jerusalem, on 22-07-1995.
Behold, sons, the world will be born again; the world will be renewed as it is written. The world will receive its first appearance, the one from its beginning. The visible world will be included in the one that is invisible, so that the invisible one may be seen into the visible one, the world created by God and not by man. The man that was born of the man got into the earth again and will come out of the earth as in the beginning, at God’s word, at the work of God’s hands. (See selection topic: „Resurrection of the dead[13]”, r.n.) The man will be made out again from the earth. Every man that knew God will get up in an immortal body and will stand before God. God’s man will come back into Eden. It is written into the Scriptures about the new birth of the world, about the renewal of the world. You shall not stagger My people, as the fact that you are today in the body, that you are today with God and that you have got a skin from God, is a great work from God through you. I will put you face to face with Elijah, the prophet, as the beginning is joining with the end; the first ones are joined to the last ones, and we all will be one body. Amen. (See selection topic: „Enoch and Elijah[14]”, r.n.)
Israel, Israel, what does this mean, one body? Soon, you are to answer what this Scripture is about. He that is joined to a body of a prostitute is one flesh with her, as the Scripture says: «They both shall be one flesh». He, who is joined to Christ, is one body with Christ; you and Him, one body. My people, the first time is coming; not lusting is coming on the earth. The man that does not sin anymore is coming on the earth. Christ is coming, sons; He is coming. I am the Lord, Jesus Christ, and I became one flesh with you, My people. He that is one flesh with Me can no longer sin. He that is not one flesh with Me becomes one body with the sin. Elijah, the prophet, had no lusting in his body, and that is why he had so much power in word and deed. Israel, you should not look to get an answer from your body to save your soul from the condemnation of the sin. The body does not sin until its mind gives to it the conceiving of the sin in the body. Turn your mind into heaven to have God in it, son from the end, as all the heaven has to come down in you and on the earth through you. The heaven comes to an end too, as it is written, and it will come down upon you when its dwelling and waiting will come to an end; it will roll up like a scroll and it will be given to you son of God from the end. I come with the clouds as it is written. The clouds also come with Me, and they remain with Me upon you and in you. And why do the clouds also remain with you? So that you may have, son, something to take you into the invisible ones; to be taken, as I am, on the clouds and with the clouds. If I come, I come with everything I have; I come to take you with Me; I come for you to take Me with you and both to stand before the Father with this kingdom of new heaven and new earth as it was in the beginning. Who has ever heard that such a little accomplishment, which is within your reach to fulfill, may hinder you? And if you do not want to fulfill the entire preparation, who has ever lost what you are to lose, son called and elected to stand before Me on My coming? Be faithful Israel, as it is not enough if you are called and chosen. The faith perfects you; it makes you to be complete. Without it you do not do everything that is to be done. That is why I declared in your time: „So great a faith like yours has not been heard through the ages”. The one with a clean heart that cannot escape and wants to be with Me, I save him with My angels, but I leave the one that takes Me jokingly. «One will be taken, and the other will be left». (See selection topic: „The rapture of the Church[15]”, r.n.) Take a good look, that this prophecy is seen into My work. He that is left is the one that gives up My work, the skin that I gave you within this time. He that is taken is the one who goes with Me and with My word to the place where the heaven meets the earth in view of waiting for those who will finish their way well.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Saint Elijah, the prophet, from 02-08-1995 (On Slideshare; on Issuu; on Google Drive)
Sons from the garden of My word, behold, sons, I speak with Israel. It is a godly celebration; it is the feast of the transfiguration of the Lord of Israel. I left the testimony of My face for the glory of the three witnesses chosen from My apostles of that time.
Peace to you, Israel, for you will receive the Lord’s victory from the end, as I will show My peace with you to the world. You are My messenger into the world, and that is why I made you and I called you the Lord’s people.
Oh, Israel, Israel, what do you say, son? Did I have that glory only in that day of old? Oh, son Israel, I have always had that glory, always, all the time of My body, but it was under the cover of the shelter of the sightless man. It is written that the man cannot see My glory and stay alive. What does this Scripture mean, son? This word is spiritual, as God had to become man in order to be able to appear to the man, so that God might make the man, and first I made the man divine through the word, and after that I appeared before the man. Behold, what a beautiful mystery, what a godly mystery, Israel, My people!
Oh, Israel, Israel, what a great mystery accompanies you, son, and you still lose your time for those that are not true, son Israel, as only I am true; I and My works among the people. The works of the man are not true. The works of the man who is not of a godly nature are not true, as the man who is not of a godly nature is not a true man. The true man is the godly man, and the Mystery of My word accompanies you, Israel, man, who is made divine by your God. I commanded you long ago to open your eyes to see My glory, which accompanies you. Listen to My commandment with the sight of your mind’s sight, at least, to see My glory and to believe in it, for it comes with you. You should see, son Israel, how many heavenly soldiers, how many heavenly spirits go with you from place to place, from night to day, and from day to night. I commanded you to open your eyes and to see, but if you believe into My glory which accompanies you, and if you feel it with your heart and with your mind, you are more blessed, you are a thousand times more blessed then all who saw the glory of My face. I often left My glory to be seen so that I may urge the man to repentance. Adam heard My walking through the garden of Eden and believed that it was I. He heard My voice; he heard My pace and walking through the garden. This is what I wanted to behave with the man, to the most of his power, for My glory was without words in its greatness, in its power. That is why it is good for Me to live in man and to glorify Myself in him and from him, as this is how I wanted to show My work, but the mind of the man is very weak and the man does not change his mind. But you, My people, you should not stay with the man’s mind, and rather you should change it to know to understand My glory in you. The greatest glory of God in man was eternity and virginity that the created man by God had. And if the man lost his virginity, God’s cleanness in him, then he lost his eternity as well. But I want to redeem the man and to give him back the gifts from the beginning, and I have been working for two thousand years, and I want to finish the work of the redemption of the man.
Change your mind, My people, for you are My beginning from the end, which I go with to the beginning to repair with you all the way of the man, so that the man may not have his own way, but I to be the way of the man, and the man to be My eternal road. Amen.
Israel, Israel, the blessed name on earth and in heaven! You should not be dust, son Israel. You should be spirit and word, My child, as if the man was nothing but dust, I should have not died like the man. But the man had remained dust for such a long time after he lost the heaven by disobedience! That is why I had to die like a man. But for you, My people, I do no longer want to die, and rather I want to rise in you, and for you to be spirit, as you should not be dust, Israel, My new man. The new man arose on the earth; he arose from the dust. Here is why I told you, My people, to eat a new Passover; that is why, so that you may be the new man, of spirit and not of dust, for the dust goes to dust. Israel, Israel, let us draw the dust to the spirit and let us make spirit of it, as I made it in the beginning and I gave it a spirit of eternal life, but however, it went to dust.
Israel, Israel, may you have not dust on you, not even as much as a needle point, for you are the new man that eats the new Passover; a new man and a clean Passover, worked out by clean hands and bodies.
Do no longer receive Passover from the hand of the priest who has a woman, Israel, for you are the man of the new Passover. Do no longer go back to dust, son, for I predestined you a life without death, but stay for supper of new Passover and a new man. I still have a little time and I break from the fruit tree and give you to take from the garden, but the hand that reaches out to take will be spirit, not dust. Do no longer stay in the dust, Israel. Clothe yourself with the work of the Holy Spirit and become word, son, as the apostle Paul did, for he waits for you to give him your shirt too for the new and everlasting Passover. You are the example of the brave Prâslea[16]. You are the little one who has the golden apple, kept and not stolen by the thieves. You should be awake, Israel, child from the end, for the apple must be watched, and it will come for you to eat of it with the King of the heaven and of the earth, with the visible King, with Me, your Lord, My people, with Me at the table, in a visible glory. The sons of the dust are not the sons of the new Passover, for they reach out their hand of dust when they want to take from the table and the sons of dust make God into dust; they make Me into dust, the same with their dust, and the sons of dust do not become spirit, and the sons of the earth do not change their face and their hearts.
Sons, I still give you protecting angels, to work by keeping and watching, and you should work with Me those that are to be worked. I give you health, sons, and I heal you of everything that hurts you, so that you may no longer be hurt. May you be hurt of the coming out of the end of God’s work with you, and may you work with peace and godliness in you. I want that the people may see in you a godly man, the waited man. You are My country without boundaries, My country of sanctified people that I have as My inheritance.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Lord’s Transfiguration, from 19-08-1995
I have come into your midst, My people, with the Virgin, My mother, I have come with a feast of birth. In the beginning, God took the woman out of the man and in the end He took the man out of the woman, as male and female, means man. I will come and give birth from heaven to every man who will understand the mystery of the birth from above for the eternal life. (See the selection topic: „The mystery of the man and woman”, r.n.) I will come visibly, Israel, My people, as it is written about this coming. (See the selection topic: „The coming in a visible way”, r.n.) The seven ages were sealed, as God counted to seven in the beginning as well. I will appear with the eternal age, which began between heaven and earth, for I do this work with you, My people, and then we will have the harvest, and at the table of the new age, we will eat imperishable food for the incorruptibility of body and spirit. Amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Birth of the Lord’s Mother, from 21-09-1995 (On Slideshare; on Issuu; on Google Drive)
My people listen to My voice! I am the Word of God. Amen, amen, amen. I speak from heavens again and I protect My speaking upon the earth and I spread the news of the return of the Son of God to all the margins of the heaven and the earth. I am coming the second time to the people from near My Father. I came two thousand years as an infant through the Virgin and I announced the kingdom of the heavens on the earth, for the Word became flesh. And since the time from the Scripture has passed, here, I come with the tens of thousands of saints, carried on a throne by cherubim and by seraphim and by archangels. I come the second time, as it is written, but I do not come as a baby, rather I come as word, as My body became word. I am the Word that said to be light and it was light. I am the Word of God, the One Who said to be heaven and earth and it was so. I am the One of one being with the Father, through Whom everything was made. Blessed are those who prepare My visible glory at My word, as I come from the Father, and I come through Romania, as My Father gave it to Me at My birth. I was an infant, and she also was an infant. I become the Bridegroom, and she, was the bride born of God, of God’s word. I was announced to her as her Bridegroom and she let herself be wooed and loved since her infancy, since her youth. (See the selection topic: „The Wedding of the Lamb”, r.n.)
Excerpt from the Word of God at the Synod of the Saints Archangels Michael and Gabriel, from 21-11-1995 (On Slideshare; on Issuu; on Google Drive)
… I have nothing dearer than you, My people, as you have been waiting for seven thousand years for Me to fulfill with you the last promises proclaimed to you; the new heaven, the new earth, and the new man after My image and after My likeness, so that God’s hidden and mysterious wisdom may appear, son; the one that I ordained before the ages to My glory and yours, faithful child from the end. (See the selection topic: „The heaven – the throne, the earth – the footstool: the man deified”, r.n.) I have always come to you, so that I may keep you in My arms, to comfort you, to strengthen your faith into My wisdom, as the fear of God places you into the mystery of the wisdom from heaven on earth. Oh, only big words I bring into being by My word, and the spiritual ones understand them, son. The natural man does not understand the things of the Spirit of God, but the spiritual one understands the mysterious wisdom of God.
I long after the spiritual man in you, son, My people, as the great day is coming when all will be clothed within incorruptibility. That is why I have been speaking for such a long time into your midst and I have always urged you into a spirit of repentance, as the one who has come to Me and started his way through repentance, that one is alive and spiritual with his heart and body. He, who confesses his sins as sins, takes them off and dresses spiritually within the love of Christ and into Christ’s love; that one makes peace between him and Christ, and by the Body and Blood of Christ, is being born of Christ to an everlasting spiritual life, as so it is: first it comes what is natural and then it comes what is spiritual. It is so because the man wanted it, not because God wanted it, and now I have to make a man out of man, to turn the natural man into a spiritual man, born of Me, of My Body and Blood. Do you see My people, what the work of repentance is? Do you see how it is and how it should be placed into the man? Let the earthly and natural man hear, let him hear, son, to get up for his becoming spiritual and let him draw on My right side and eat My word until My coming.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Assumption, from 28-08-1996 (On Slideshare; on Issuu; on Google Drive)
Romania, you sing My birth, and the heaven sings your birth. We are being born to each other, My love; I for you and you for Me, and we both will be one body. I do not speak only to My people. I speak with you, Romania country, for I have announced that countless multitudes will come and drink of the spring of My word, and My well runs over and becomes a river, (See the selection topic: „This word is the river of life”, r.n.) and the river grows high and becomes an ocean and it comprises the whole earth, so that I can make it earth again, coming out of the water of My word and born of the heaven, for he, who is not born from above, does not become My kingdom. The little angels of My birth sing to Me My birth above you, for it is a feast of My birth. The angels sing; they sing to the One, Who was born two thousand years ago. The little angels sing a new carol of the new age, for they see that the days of the new birth of the world have come, and the world is being renewed with My word, which gives birth to a new man. I, the One born of the Virgin two thousand years ago among the people, am being born today in the manger of My word into your midst, country Romania. I am being born as word, as a mysterious Shepherd, Who shepherds the nations of the earth with an iron staff, with a mysterious word, which is not seen, but its voice is heard, as the lightning is heard after its light.
Oh, how mysterious is the mystery of My word, which today is being born in you, Romania country! Like the lighting, which comes from the East and appears in the West, (Published also on the Internet, r.n.) is My mystery, and no one can crush it, as this is My coming, and who can prevail against My coming? I am being born and come like the lightning. The lightning appears and hides, and its rumble comes after it and then its voice is heard, but the lightning, which gives birth to its rumble, is no longer seen; it hides and it remains its voice which is heard; the lightning and its voice; the Lord and His word; and then the light and its voice. Amen.
I am the Light of the world, Which appeared two thousand years ago, and its word is being born out of its voice. I am the light before the light; I am the light from the time of the light and I am the light after the light. I am the mystery of the Father on the earth with the people, as when the fullness of time came, My Father sent Me as Light into the world, born of the Virgin to redeem the people from under the law and so that the people may receive the adoption, and to those who become sons, the Father sends them the Spirit of His Son, Who cries: «Father!». The Son of the Father cries to the Father from the sons. The Spirit of the Son of God cries from the sons: «Father!». The Spirit intercedes for the sons with groanings, which cannot be uttered.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Nativity (the Lord’s Birth), from 07-01-1997
Man, come back home! Come back to the house of your soul; come back to Me, as I breathed spirit of My Spirit, when I created the man in the beginning, and I made him after My likeness and into My image, as everything that the Father created, He created through Me. He created the man through Me, and it was through Me that He gave him birth, as I was born of the Father through the Virgin and I became Man on the earth, a Man from heaven among the people, and I told the people: «He, who is not born of the heaven, cannot inherit the everlasting life of God». And how can a man be born of the heaven, Jerusalem of My word from heaven? How can someone be born of the heaven? Oh, when I created the man into My image, I breathed over him My Spirit of life and I gave him the soul as a gift, to be a living creature, and then the created man fell by disobedience; he fell down by haughtiness, but I, like a Creator, left his soul as a gift, so that this gift may go to the end of the time through the man, and in the end to call the man into account for My gift left into the man born of the man; to call him into account for his soul. And after five thousand years since the creation of the man, I came down from the Father, and during the sixth thousand years I was born a Man from heaven, a Man from the Father, through the Virgin, to repair the mystery of the birth which I would have liked to put it from the beginning over the man created by Me and to whom I told after I crated him: «Be fruitful, multiply and fill the earth». (See the selection topic: „The mystery of the man and woman”[17], r.n.) I came down from the Father two thousand years ago and I declared upon the people: «He, who is not born of above, of the heaven, cannot inherit the everlasting life».
How can a man be born of above, of the heaven? Oh, My people, what a pain on Me, as the man on the earth said that he fulfills this Scripture. I said: «He, who is not born of water and of Spirit, cannot inherit the kingdom of heavens». Oh, what authority this true Scripture had in My beginning of two thousand years, and what little truth it has today for those who say that they fulfill it! My people, My Christian people, he, who is born of water and Spirit, is alive and makes the deeds of the eternal life, and it is known that he is born of heaven, from above. What is the birth from water and Spirit? Who can be born of water and Spirit? Behold, I speak to you, Jerusalem of My word, so that the man may hear what I speak on the earth, as you are the one who makes Me come down from the Father to be among the people, faithful son. Who can be born of water and Spirit? What comes before this birth? My preaching, the preaching about Me, the crucified One and the One raised for the salvation of the man, and then the faith and the deeds of the faith; these come first, and then the water of baptism comes after them over the faithful man, the baptism into My name, and then the Holy Spirit, Who seals My work in the man who is born from above. He, who is born of water and Spirit, that one has My work in him, and he is My disciple, and he has the work of a disciple, who gives birth to disciples out of Me to the faith of those who come near to believe and to fulfill the life of the faith in the man, who is deified among the people. Who can be born of water and Spirit? The one who seeks God with a holy faith, with a holy hope and with a holy love; that one is the one, who receives the birth from above, of water and Spirit, through My disciples, in whom I am to the end of the age as I said.
Oh, what a pain on Me, for the man on the earth, who sits over the people into My name, says that he fulfills this Scripture and that he gives the man a heavenly birth, a birth from above, from water and Spirit. When I look at the world, baptized by the man into My name with water and Holy Spirit, when I see it, the creeps on the cross and the mourning seize Me; the creeps of My crucifixion seize Me. And as those who called themselves brothers, cast Me away and killed Me from among the people to fulfill, they were saying, God’s law, the same way and afterwards, those who say that they are God’s servants upon the people, do not put Me into the people, for it is a great wonder before Me to see the man that is born from above, from water and Spirit.
I look upon the people to see those that are born of the water and Spirit at the word proclaimed by the priests from the world. Oh, the church from the world does not resemble the church of Jesus Christ. My church is something else than what the man of this age understands. You are My church, My Christian people, you are, son, you are. You live as a Christian; you fulfill those that I commanded upon the church. You are a faithful child, My people, and you bowed down to My announcement worked by the word coming from above on the clouds, and you were baptized by the baptismal of the faith and you were full of the Holy Spirit, Whom I have always been sending you, making Him coming down upon you. You take after Me, Jerusalem, for I have raised you up and made after My own image and likeness, so that I may have relatives on the earth and to have where to go when I come to the people to call them out; to have a house of guests, for I come as a guest from heaven on earth, to bring resurrection through the word upon the people, and to give birth to people from above.
I come to you, My people of sons; My people of disciples. I come to you to kiss your sons. My mouth kisses your heart and forehead, son, Jerusalem. My word is My mouth, for I am alive; I am body and soul, and I am alive in My coming to you, for I am the God of the living ones; I am the God of those that belong to the living One forevermore.
Man, I am the One Who I am, and I am alive. I was crucified by God’s servants and I rose from crucifixion and I am alive. And if I am alive, My Father gave Me all the power in heaven and on earth, and I can give you birth from above, from heaven, you man without the life from above. I come towards you and tell you to be born again from above, man.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Lord’s Resurrection, from 27-04-1997.
Oh, blessed is the man whom God rebukes and teaches from His law. Amen, amen, I say to you: the one who believes in Me will never die and rather will have eternal life. The one who dies, the one who does not have eternal life, does not believe in Me, and believes in his own self and does as he wants, as Adam did. But I want to make a great miracle with you, My people. I want to make a new birth of the world. I want to fulfill with you and through you this Scripture of the renewal of the world, and that is why I work in you the gift of faith and love of God, and of obedience and holiness, My people, as I have only you alive among the people. The one who believes in Me, is alive and believes. The dead one is the one who does not believe in Me, and behold, no one believes like you in My word of yesterday and today. You are waited by those that are alive in heaven and by those that are dead on earth. You are My tool that I fulfill My Scriptures of My second coming with, to make a new heaven and a new earth, and peace and righteous on them, and those that are not faithful will see you as a tool in My hand.
Excerpt from the Word of God on the sixth Sunday after Passover, of the blind man, from 01-06-1997
I came the second time from the Father. Man, I came to you as it is written into the Scriptures that I will come. I become the word upon you to work through the word, as in the beginning I also worked by the word. In the beginning I made the man from the word, clay, water and Spirit, and now I want to make him from the word and human flesh, from the flesh born of the man. I want to make a godly man from the man. I want to make a heaven from the man. I want to make a resting day from the man, for Me to rest in him. My day of rest at the beginning was in man. I rested only a day and I have not been able to rest since then as the man fell from the heaven, and I remained alone. I have been alone since seven thousand years, for the man fell from the heaven, and I want to make from the earth heaven, and from the man God’s kingdom on the earth. I want to be with the man. I want to be in the man. The lost man, I want to find the one lost from the heaven. The heaven is full of eternity and the heaven is in Me, and I am in the Father. I went to prepare a place so that they may be where I am, and I want to draw all of them to the Father. That is why I come as a word on the earth, and the people of the church put Me away from their churches and do not let Me draw the man to the everlasting life; they do not let Me come with the kingdom of the heavens on the earth; they do not let Me. (See the selection topic: „The true church[18]”, r.n.)
Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Lord’s Ascension, from 05-06-1997 ***
I want, My people, to reveal from your midst this heavenly mystery of the comfort of the Holy Spirit over many, the mystery of the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, Whom the entire world needs, even if the world does not know what it needs when it looks for comfort. I want, My people, to make you into My light into the world, a visible light, which does good to the people without a holy way; a light to comfort the man, to call the man, to help him and to adopt him and the man to receive power from it to become a son of God by faith and by love and by My love, for I am the good One, the One Who suffered to redeem the man that got lost from My heavenly arm. I want you, My loved people, to be the mystery of the comfort that I prepared for those who love Me and do not know how to have Me alive and true in them. I want son, to save the world from the corruptibility and to give it the incorruptibility instead and to give it the everlasting life. I want to make it want these everlasting gifts and I want to have you as the fruit of My love and the mystery of the comfort.
Excerpt from the Word of God to the Christian people, from 14-09-1997
You, My people, you should be able to make Me visible to people near you. You should be My strong path, as the time of your prayer has to burn the place that you stay on, when you pray to God. I teach you a fresh work. I teach you, and I teach you again, for without a perfect teacher you cannot be a perfect disciple. I teach you to pray like Me, My people. The time of prayer is the need to love God, to heal Him of the sadness that you are doing to him, to pray to Him to be forever your God, to Him to comfort you according to His likeness. The time of prayer is your need to give Him all of your thoughts and to fill with the clean Spirit of God. I want mercy not offerings. Seek, My people, to have mercy on Me, as I have mercy on you without you telling Me. He, who has mercy on God, has everything he needs and has nothing more to ask from God; he has nothing more to give to God. I do not need anything from you, My people but mercy, son. I sigh with the kingdom of the heavens on My arms and I do not find mercy for it. I am the King and I have everything, and I do not need any offerings, but I need people that work together with Me, so that I may end My word of the establishing of the new heaven and new earth on the earth with the people.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the saint martyr Dimitrie, the myrrh giver, from 08-11-1997
I declare a word out of the middle of the Romanian people. The Lord, Jesus Christ, goes with a new word over all the nations on the earth. I, the Lord, the One born of the Father before the ages, and of the Virgin, two thousand years ago, and as word now from Romania, at the end of the Scriptures for My coming, I, the Lord, Jesus Christ, call out over the earth to all the margins: get up, you Gentiles of the earth and of all the human kind and come to the river of live which flows from heaven into the midst of the Romanian people! Come and receive live, word of holy and eternal life! I am the Word before the coming of My body on the earth the second time with the people. Get up above your bodies and escape from the fire of the wrath, which comes from heaven over all the bodies, which do not have the heaven within them. The heaven means holiness and Paradise into the man’s house, into the man’s body. The Lord calls you to a sweet life, to honey and milk, to a new heaven and to a new land over the earth. Come and receive teaching which gives you everlasting life! Come, for the dead rise and will rise, and those that are alive will be changed for immortality. The voice of the seventh angel sounds to bring together under My glory those that are elected by faith and by holiness and by choice food, food from heaven for a new heaven and a new land over the earth. Amen, amen, amen.
Let countless nations come and be baptized into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and into the name of this work of word from heaven, the word which comes like the lightning from heaven and crosses from one margin of the heaven to another. Let every man wake up: Romanian, Jew, Hellene, barbarian, Scythian or slave, and let them come to eternal life. My word is eternal life. I am the eternal life, and I come with it after this word; I come to give it to those that are faithful to My word, which raises the man from death to life.
Come as well, Jewish people, for I came two thousand years ago and I was crucified for your redemption from under the sin, and behold, I died for the nations of the earth, not for you. This is what you wanted with Me and with you, but I did not take back My promises for you. Come and become one with Me, for behold, I came and I come the second time, and I will show you the marks of the nails and the nails which left your seal on My body, Who came from God and from the Virgin, a Man among men. You sold Me to death on money, and since now you have been staying crushed under the punishment of the money that you loved more than the One Who loved you and was your God. I was and I am the Son of the Father Sabaoth, the crucified and resurrected Son by crucifixion, and the truth of My resurrection stays sold by you on money even now. But the nations of the earth saw what you did to God, and they believed in Me, not in you. Behold, I come as I promised when I left to go back to My place, at the right side of My Father and yours, Israel of the body. Come to the feast of My word and take with you from My table and come to faith and call yourself My son by faith, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, through water, through spirit and through blood. Amen, amen, amen.
And you, Romanian people, get up to receive My glory, which comes over to you at your faith. Get up through the people of My word, which was born into your midst, for I bring a commandment from heaven over you: get up to life and be faithful! Get up and clothe yourself for My coming! Amen, amen, amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God, six years from the consecration of the Holy of Holies of the New Jerusalem, from 12-12-1997
The selection from the Word of God about the sign of the cross since 1993 until today will be published immediately after the ending of translation, r.n.
You can also see the following thematic selections:
Romania – The New Jerusalem – The New Canaan;
What defiles a man, what enters or what comes out of him?;
The false prophet and the ecumenism;
The rapture of the Church The antichrist and the apocalyptic beast
The mystery of the man and woman
About the carved image and the sign of the cross
The following thematic selections from God’s Word will be published immediately after translation:
This word is the river of life;
As lightning that comes from the east, so is the coming of the Lord;
The white apocalyptic horse;
The Book of the Lamb (The Book of Life);
The heaven – the throne, the earth – the footstool, the man deified;
About baptism;
The Kingdom of a thousand years;
The great tribulation;
The End of the world and the Day of the Lord;
The Lamb’s Wedding;
He comes the same way as he ascended: He comes with the clouds;
The changing of the holidays – renunciation of faith;
The sign of the Son of man;
The glory of the Lord;
The coming in a visible way.
Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor).
You can see more documents containing the Word of God here:
The second coming of Jesus Christ:!0I9BmR4Q!LuvjAa2tlXZXTW54hq0nOA
The word of God in Romania:!0N8RlJrB!yTwbJPdKo1mIC4Ob1L-edg
Prophecies about New Jerusalem:
[1] In Romanian: „nestricăciune” = also non-perishable; incorruption; immortality, tr.note.
[2] God’s Word in Romania, redactor note.
[3] Translated by I.A., r.n.
[4] You can also see on:
[5]You can also see on:!4EF1US4R!vhg5QR1Qc82yxTW84Y2Q2EX6IrNeT3FA97Oqvlhpe4A
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[16] See: Prâslea the Brave and the Golden Apples ( ), r.n.
[17] You can also see on:!AN8ggIiZ!AAss33OU6Izfhc_7GKmET4Hy4dpIxHPV8mS7DicAhzs
[18]You can also see on:!4EF1US4R!vhg5QR1Qc82yxTW84Y2Q2EX6IrNeT3FA97Oqvlhpe4A
Publication Date: 03-21-2015
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