
The Word of God about the carved image and the sign of the cross

                        About the carved image and the sign of the cross


                                    Text selection from the Word of God[1] on this topic

                                                                        (Translated by I.A.)



«Then God said, „Let Us make humanity in Our image to resemble Us so that they may take charge of the fish of the sea, the birds in the sky, the livestock, all the earth, and all the crawling things on earth.”

God created humanity in God’s own image, in the divine image God created them, male and female God created them». (Gen: 1/26-27.)


«You must have no other gods before Me.

Do not make an idol for yourself - no form whatsoever - of anything in the sky above or on the earth below or in the waters under the earth.

Do not bow down to them or worship them, because I, the Lord your God, am a passionate God. I punish children for their parents’ sins even to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me.

But I am loyal and gracious to the thousandth generation of those who love Me and keep My commandments.» (Exodus: 20/3-6.)


«As I was watching, thrones were raised up. The ancient One took His seat. His clothes were white like snow; His hair was like a lamb’s wool. His throne was made of flame; its wheels were blazing fire».


«You must not cut off the hair on your forehead or clip the ends of your beard.

Do not cut your bodies for the dead or put marks on yourselves; I am the Lord». (Lev: 19/27-28.)


«For the term of the nazirite promise, no razor may be used on the head until the period of dedication to the Lord is fulfilled. The person is to be holy, letting his or her hair grow untrimmed. (Num: 6/5.)


«Now be careful not to drink wine or brandy or to eat anything that is ritually unclean,

Because you are pregnant and will give birth to a son. Don’t allow a razor to shave his head, because the boy is going to be a nazirite for God from birth. He’ll be the one who begins Israel’s rescue from the power of the Philistines.» (Jud. 13/4-5.)


«So Hanun took David’s servants, shaved them, cut off half their garments from their buttocks down, and sent them off.

When this was reported to David, he sent messengers to the men because they were completely ashamed. The king said, „Stay in Jericho until your beards have grown. Then you can come back.”» (1 Chron: 19/4-5.)



                                                1 – About the carved image


God speaks from the heavenly ones and God’s voice is heard, but let they who hear God’s word sit and make another book to the one who is Romania’s anointed on behalf of the Lord Sabaoth.

Peace from the Father, from the Son and from the Holy Spirit, peace to the king of Romania! Peace from the Mother of the Son of the heavenly Trinity, and peace for a heavenly feast from the rulers of the heavenly hosts, Michael and Gabriel! Peace and celebration in heaven and on earth, as it will come that the celebration of feasts from the ancestors will take their places, and it will come for the sons of the church to turn their faces back to their parents, and afterwards, the parents will turn their faces back to their sons. Romania, the first called among the nations, will be the first among the nations of the earth, as it was born at the same time with the Lord, Jesus Christ, and if it was born then, it was christened by the first called from the apostles, as the apostle Andrew came and baptized Romania even since it was in its swaddles, and Romania became Christian and Orthodox; from its birth it was Christian, and the Lord cannot forget its infancy and its first dress, and God cannot forget the ornaments which Romania was invested with, because under its holy land, all Romanian heaven cries out to the Lord and says: „Lord, how long until You redeem those that stay at the foundation of his holy nation?


And here is what tell the great of Romania, the good, the great and the saint, who keep Romania on their sacrifice and faith, which was the rock of the church of old. The first and the last kings and all the holy waivodes call out, they who are named together the holy heaven of Romania; they lift up prayers for Romania and look to see the small king coming and sitting, the anointed of this time, the one who will fulfill the victory and the glory of Romania. And here is what the forefather and the grandfather says: „The king of Romania shall have his appearance after Jesus Christ’s, as his good ancestors had the appearance of the fulfilled man, as written into the Scriptures. The king is God’s holy one, and his appearance and his face shall be after the one from of old, before which all the son of his kindred may bow down”. Amen.


The Word of God sits in counsel with you, king of Romania, for the holy heaven is looking and waiting to see the glory which will come from you in the name of the Lord. The word of God is making a heavenly book and is speaking with you, Michael of Romania. Your father and forefather wait to see your glory and power that were given to you, but the power of the Lord’s saint works by the image worn by the holy ancestors. Let your holy ornament (The hair and beard, r.n.) to clothe your face, for this holy law has great power. The great time is coming, for I work at it; I work according to My plane, and woe, the plans of the men are away from the plans of the Lord! I work by the word in Romania, and there will be no creature on the earth that will not bow down under this work that works out from the heaven upon Romania; and there will be no nation which will not sing your glory, which is from Me, for you will be a holy king, and who can stand against My plan?

Excerpt from the Word of God to King Michael, from 13-11-1992  (On Slideshare; on Issuu; from Google Drive)




There is a commandment among My commandments which says: «You shall not worship other gods besides Me»; it is, but this fulfillment is not understood, for here there is another significance through this work, that is, you shall not make any opportunity of anything or anyone to hide under this work with another work which comes from its outside; with deeds that come from its outside; with things foreign to the spirit of this work, so that you may not be blamed before the Lord of worshipping other gods, for this is what the evil spirit is trying to do, that is to blame you after the law, and the word that has come to Me today carries a heavy weight into it with Me.


I have set a heavenly law to the foundation from here, because I cannot stay otherwise among the people, but those that entered this garden cannot learn not to worship other gods. Oh, if you, Christian, gave birth to a child, and if you gave birth to him without law, if your child, you kindred and your house does not have Me, and if you came and touched this bath of resurrection and then go again and touch blood, that is not fulfillment, this means that you go out from Me again and worship something else, and you touch even with your heart the dead, and death which the dead stay in, and then you wish to come back and touch with God and with God’s place.

Oh, My loved shepherd, what are you looking for, son, into the world? Oh, how shall not have sheep without a shepherd? And what else should the sheep do if the shepherd seeks into the world? I look at you and see that you want to be with two flocks; that you are both with Christ’s flock and also with Caiaphas’s flock, and I said this: «Get out of the world, My people!». At least you should get out now because you can, My loved people, My loved shepherd. Get out, son, because I do not want to find you into the world and into its work. Get out from the world and do no longer eat with Annas and Caiaphas as well, for they are My crucifiers from that time and until now. I put you aside by this work from heaven. Get out child, at least now get out, and be good to God and to the law of the holiness. Oh, I also entered the temple but I did not stay stuck to Caiaphas. I entered to fulfill those that are written, but I did not get into their Synedrium. What are you looking for among those from the world? And why do you mix death over the life that you take from Me and after a clean order? Caiaphas will never change his robe, for here is what he does: he goes and gives the Christian over to the Praetorium, and look that Pilate and Herod are on friendly terms with each other as then. (It is about the rulers of the church and the political governors, r.n.). Be wise and see what you give to your right and to your left, for you need to have this work and its anointed ones on your right, and you have to understand this distinction. Behold, your children are not with Me. Do you believe that it is so? Those that are in the monasticism cannot be monks in this way, (monasticism in the church of world, r.n.) and you do not want, son, to listen to Me so that you may no longer work with them from the sides and to make plans with them without Me. They are not your God. I am your God and it is right to love Me with all your soul, with all your virtue and deed. Be faithful as it is not in this way that you should be a monk. St. Serafim of Sarov came of a wealthy family and was a noble in that time, and if he left for monasticism out of his love, he forsook greatness, relatives, city and kindred, for you are not a monk if you are still in the world, if you are still among your relatives. What did I tell you before? I spoke to you that I have hope in nothing but in monachism because it is clean and it is not from the world. It is so, My loved ones, and that is why I said: „I would like you have a life of a monk, so that I may have this kind of life before Me and that the Lord may have hope and work”. If the monasticism from before was so holy, so detached from the world and from the kinship, it was required even more from you, and behold, I have no hope left. I put this order here, and those from here left the body, the world and their relatives and they also left their will, so that I may have a hope left. Oh, it is a great thing that the Lord may have something like this in this time so dark, and look into all sides and understand to see the heaven and the earth at twilight and in torpidity. But look from the darkness and see this window of light, which stays in the middle of the darkness and which is not loved by the rulers of the world, for the thing of this garden is this window, and this is what I said that I work from the middle of this people: a breach in the wall of the darkness and let the light enter by this window! But the people are no longer used to the light, and the light gets into their way and they cannot receive it, because the time of the darkness was long, for there is no longer a life of a monk into this wilderness foreign to the light. I opened this window from heaven and the light is seen through it and the people get upset. The people that are rulers over the darkness get upset; they are angry with this light because they are no longer used to see and to stretch their hands to the light. They are angry and started a war against the light and its appearance into the midst of the people, but this light gets into their way and its window it getting wider over the darkness, as the darkness cannot overcome the light when it is shown from its heavenly heights; and if someone wants to read it, no one wants to leave and understand, because this is written: «Hearing they shall not hear and seeing they shall not see». But they will see, because the weather is blind to see and the dumb to speak and for those that are lame to walk, for wow to the sheep without a shepherd!

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Church Entrance of the Lord’s Mother, from 04-12-1992 (On Slideshare; on Issuu; on Google Drive)



I come and counsel you, My Jerusalem, people of sons born through this heavenly work, through the word spoken by God. (See the selection topic: Romania – The New Jerusalem – The New Canaan[2]”, r.n.) I come and teach you again to love the Lord your God and not to have other gods besides Me, well Jerusalem well. The Jerusalem from above is with you, son, and it fights side by side with you, because I revealed to it the people of the sons of God of this time.


You shall love your God and you shall not have other gods, New Israel. And what does it mean not to have other gods? And what does it mean to have other gods? Take your copybook from school and write down what the lesson of today means, and study it; moreover, write it down and get used to fulfill it upon you, so that you may not have other gods besides Me, well son of Israel. You should learn this lesson by heart and then you should consider it as eternal if you want to be My eternal people. But for this, Jerusalem, you shall no longer make any carved image, son, and you shall no longer take this name of the Lord your God in vain, this word that I have always planted in your land, to make it heaven, and to make you a haven, son, dull both in hearing and in doing. Not this way Israel, not so, sons, not so dull. Do not longer put Me off with fine words, as you have always put Me off with fine words, and your way leads nowhere if you do so if you take this name in vain, this word of godly work, work that means God.


Do not longer make idols for yourselves, sons, do no longer make them, as I counsel you that you should no longer make carved images or worship them. But you will say: What really does the Lord want to say to us?” Oh, you who are so foolish and little! Do you see, son, if you are not from heaven? The heavenly ones understand those unseen of My word. Come with the heaven, so that you may understand those that you do not see. Do no longer make a carved image for yourself to worship you, as that is why you do not love the Lord, your God, and that is why you have other gods, and that is why you worship other gods. Behold, I see those that are not seen in you, and I see how you ask: „What does the Lord want to say?” That is why you do not understand what I want to tell you; because you have a carved image, made by you, and you worship it, and I said: «You shall not make for yourselves an idol and you shall not bow down yourself to it». When I made the man, I made him perfect; of a sound mind, soul, spirit and body, after My image and after My likeness, and he made his own image by disobedience, and then he worshipped his carved image, which has no longer kept the likeness of My image, and the man has no longer been after My image and after My likeness.


Jerusalem, My child of today, My people! I enter into you and I make the man; the man from the beginning is being made in you, who had My image and My likeness, and that is why I come and counsel you, so that you may no longer damage what I have done, as Adam is being repaired through you, but you have no longer had another one after you to mend your carved image, if you will be found like that. (See the selection topic: „Resurrection of the dead[3]”, r.n.) Do no longer make for yourself another image and another idol, as today I have revealed to you a great mystery and no one on the earth understands My book like Me and like you. My book is from heaven. (See the selection topic: „About the Book of the Lamb - The Book of Life”, r.n.) My commandments that I put into it are from heaven; they are from the beginning and are not from Moses, but they are from the beginning. They are My image, Israel. If you want to understand what it means not to make a carved image for yourself, here, I tell you today from heaven what it means. It means to fulfill all My commandments from the beginning, as the one who does not fulfill them, that one cuts them down, that one carves his image and worships it, the carved and hacked image. Behold, some of you have not got your head anymore; some of you do not have your eyes anymore; some of you do have ears and legs anymore; some of you do no longer have obedience; others have chopped their faith; others have chopped their love and replaced them with hatred and contempt; others chopped the Lord off them and pasted the devil on them. Behold, Israel, what a carved image is, the image, which does no longer takes after the Lord, your God, the image, which you worship, and this means another god. I had not judged the man until the last moment, when I brought this godly commandment into a visible being, and when I declared it through the word on Moses, then the whole world was judged, sons.


The work of My word, which accompanies you, Israel, loved people, and arisen by My word. You were written about that you are to be born, to show Myself with you, son. (See the selection topic: „The coming in a visible way”, r.n.) And what are you doing? What are you really doing, My people? I have worked through you, those that are not visible; I have worked through you, through the sons who obeyed believing in those proclaimed by My word. And behold, next to My word also stays the invisible carved image, which does not look like those that I have made, as many in you, Israel, have worked many invisible things, and they are made and all will be seen. Behold, Israel, those that are not worked by Me over you, those made in secret by you are being prepared to be revealed, as those that are made by Me through you are also being prepared to be revealed. Those that are worked invisibly by you want to be shown now to blot you out of the Book of Life and to condemn you worse than Lucifer, who worked from himself and not from Me. (See the selection topic: „The antichrist and the apocalyptic beast[4]”, r.n.). I come and let you know about those that you do not see. Make up your mind and become My image and My likeness. Draw aside from before Me with your carved image and get at once your image after My image and My likeness to worship Me, Israel, and that you may not worship you. Do no longer worship you, son, as all that you want is to worship you, and all that I want is to worship Me.


You shall not kill your brother and then wash your hands, so that it may not be known; rather you shall bring to life the one that you killed, as I have power in you, but I also have power to rise to life and not to kill, for the resurrection is My image in you. Do not listen to the whisper of the serpent, which comes in you to make you violate the word of obedience, for if you do this, another one, next to you, will also die, as Adam died beside Eva too. Not so, Israel, and that is why I come to counsel you not to be a carved image any more, or worship it. Be wholly in your image and not carved, as who is carved after his will is a god for himself; that one worships another god. That is why I came to you not long ago and I told you: „Come, son, into My love! Come, Christian, come! Come into My love, as My love in you is Mine, and it is not yours, and your love in you is not Mine and rather it is yours, and it is a carved image, Israel”. I want you to get up, as I said to settle into My image, and so that we may put down those worked invisibly by you, and which are, and which want to stand and testify against you before Me and to get you out of this book. I have those of yours that are not seen before Me against you. What are we going to do with them? For the light comes over those, which are not seen. The heavens will perish and all the ghosts will perish, and I, the first Light, will be the light of those that are not seen, of those that have been worked out invisibly, as if I have worked invisibly, behold, you also have worked invisibly, so many works of yours and not of Mine.


I remind you of the gift that I gave you, Israel, the gift of the work of repentance. If you still have not worked within this gift from Me, make haste son, and run to demolish from before Me those that have been worked out by you in secret, and then you will see My face. That is why the one, who does not see My face, does not see it. The one takes delight in those that are worked out by him between Me and him, and the one, who does not do this, will be put to shame, both in heaven and on earth. Get hold of the first image, child from Israel, as I declared a commandment and I said: «You shall not make any idol for yourself to bow down before it». Worship Me and not you; serve Me and not you, if you want Me to be your Lord God, for if you serve to yourself, then it means that you are your own god. Do not even believe that I am the God of those with a carved image; you should not believe like the world, which has its carved image. I am the God of living ones, not of the dead. I am the Lord your God, living Israel, if you are alive and if you want to be alive and if you will rise after My whole image.

Excerpt from the Word of God to the Christian people, from 23-10-1994



He, who has many things on the earth, is a man with a heavy burden, a man full of worries, a man without time for God. You, My people, you have to work what I worked, but if you did not understand and if you did not listen, you did like the man, who gathers a heavy burden for himself and then he gets under it, takes it into his house and sleeps under it, and not even the sleep pleases him under his heaviness.


The man gathers wealth to have it as his god. The wealth of the man of today has become a god for the man. You should not boast about your wealth, Israel. However, you should boast about Me, as I want to be at home with you, for where I am, the judgment does not come; the judgment is not called forth, but you should not have something into your house, so that the judgment may be called forth. And you should not have a worldly thing into your house to call for its master, the master of this world, but rather you should gather yourselves together in groups, Israel, My people, so that I may know your camp and to be able to stay in it, as I made you, so that you may proceed from Sodom, son Israel. Instead of taking and having a thing from the world, you had better make it with your holy hand, and that the world may take from you a holy thing. But, I still have sons into My people, who make with their own hands things pleasant to the world, things asked by the world. Oh, sons, change your occupation and work out holy things, which have been put aside by the Christian man. You should work with your own hand the things that urge you to praying and holiness, My people. You should work brother for brother, so that My people may no longer take from the world a thing that is not blessed. Only those that are created by God are blessed, and only those that are pleased to God are written into the law of God. Let only the works and the occupations written in the law from heaven be for My people.


Oh, son Israel, I grow you up, son. I work to your growth. If you come under a burden gathered by your hand, you should know that you lose the thought from God. When I am not into your thoughts, children of Israel, the evil and hostile spirit finds the occasion to occupy your mind with its wills, with greed and its lusts, and if you taste of its wills, you lose the thought from your God. Without Me in your mind is as you would go alone on another way, without the Lord on the way. Without Me in your mind is another way.


Oh, Israel, when you do not have burdens, you are light and if you go to bed, you sleep and rest without any worry, and you are healthy and without worries. Embrace yourself with Me in your bed, and rest with Me in your mind, as this is what I told you: „Son, when you go to bed, you should sleep with the thought at your happiness, to My work with you”, and I am your happiness. I am your work too. My child, here is what I tell you: „If you are with Me into your mind, you get healed of any kind of sickness, of any kind of sufferance. I am all the comfort you need; I am the One Who can do everything. I, the One Who is able to do for you and not the man.


Oh, My people, you, who cannot give up the things that you like; you had better have Me as your wealth. Do you see son, that I got rid of the meanness that I found into your house for Me. You had Me stay on a worldly bed, on a sinful bed. You had Me sit at a high table; you had sit on a worldly throne, and I was hanging on your wall with My image multiplied for selling, dressed in red chlamys, as a sign of crucifixion, as a sign of slavery. (In the written icons, instead of being painted, and the Lord appears crucified or dressed in red purple, a garment received from Romans as a mockery, r.n.). I want to get you used to the holy things, but you should not take anything without blessing; you should not steal the craftsmanship without having a calling for the holy things, as the Israel people received them from Me through Moses. Help Me work with love on you, as if you also make Me bow to your petition now, you will back off and not grow up. Set yourself to a holy propriety, as you do not know what I ask you when I ask you this. This means to be pleased, to be a man without pretensions, without whims, without desires. The desires are for those who heap burdens on the earth. But you have everything you need from the earth, from the forest, from the sun, from the rain and from the air; My love gives you everything you need, and the Lords gives you, son. Do not longer make a sack with clothes for yourself, son, and rather have only one little bag with clothes, as the sack is too heavy on the way. The little bag is easy and no one steals it from under your head, and the thieves are not enticed by it.


I want you to be holy, My people, and I want to give you the halo of glory, as the man does not know what halo means. The man believes that he can make it with his pencil around his head. The halo means holy life, always with God on the way. The devil starts to put into the man’s mind that he has got the halo. Only the Holy God has the halo. The halo is the holiness lived by the man. But I scatter the walls of satan’s school from everywhere, as he cannot give the man what I have. He cannot take from Me, but only from him, and the halo is from God, and the Lord does not give it to the bodies without holiness, and the man sits down to various apparatuses to read his holiness, as though the holiness is measured by man.


A table has been spread in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, as Israel is blessed. Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God to the Christian people, from 05-11-1995



Sons, sons, there are two kinds of peoples on the earth: the human race and the Christian people. Sons, sons, there are two kinds of Christian peoples: the people after the Christian name, and the people after the deed of the Christian faith, as the faith in Jesus Christ is Jesus Christ Himself, living as a mirror into the Christian. The Christian name after the truth does not sell Christ; that one does not sell his brother, Christ’s brother, and that one does not judge God’s judgments. And this is so, as I am speaking with you and among you and into your midst, as Joseph who was sold did not tell it to his buyers that those that sold him were his brothers; he did not tell anything, and went with God, sold by his brothers. But he was a very dear man in his soul and inclined to God, and look, what great and unfathomable to the mind, the God’s wonders and judgments are! How had Joseph remained for such a long time in Egypt without forgetting the Lord? Behold, sons, how strong is the Christian after the Christian truth. But the Christian of today, no sooner does he come out on the way, and seeing the idols of the man, than he is deceived and delighted at once, (With those from the world, r.n.), and the Lord is forgotten by the Christian.


People, you should stay into your nest flying as I have counseled you, for the idols of today have a hidden work, son. And when you leave, put the cross around you, as the child Joseph did in the middle of Egypt, without being enchanted by any things from Egypt. That is why I prepared the teaching for you beforehand, for you saw that even the good brothers sold their brother, and I have exhorted you to be aware that the unknown man is a snare for the son of My people; he is a snare for you, son named into My people.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the Sunday of Adam’s expulsion from paradise, from 25-02-1996



Oh, My people, I am in a celebration with you and we honor the prophet Elijah and his prayer. The people were extremely hated before Me, and the prophet Elijah wanted to turn them with their face to Me, so that I may give beauty to the face of the people. I often sneak among you, My sons, and I come with the mysteries of My word, with the parables of the life, as I have a way through the middle of Israel. The man is greatly detested before Me, and no one takes a look into his mirror to see how ugly he is. Every man looks into the mirror, but he looks only to see how beautiful is, to see himself the most beautiful possible, but no one looks to see how ugly he is before Me. The man looks into the mirror to see how good he looks like with his gods, with his pleasures, with his kingdom, and the man does no longer serve the true God. Only false gods everywhere; only lying upon the man, and the prophet Elijah goes down on the earth and always demolishes the Baal’s altars, and Baal with his sons raises other altars and the smoke on their altars choke those from heaven and those from earth who are from heaven, and no one looks into the mirror any more to see how ugly he is before Me.


Israel, beautiful child, you should be beautiful, as that is why I call you beautiful child, to be beautiful before Me. I am the example of the New Man, Who came down from heaven, so that every man, who wants to be from heaven, may look at Me; the man, who wants to be as beautiful and clean as the heaven. I am your mirror, Israel, beautiful child, child adorned with the gifts of the Holy Spirit that came to you with Me. You should not look, beautiful child; you should look neither with your thought nor with your eyes to those dyed gods. You should not look for you spoil your beauty if you look; you spoil your looking and its sight if you do look; you spoil your godly nature that I have always have on you; you spoil it, if you look at the dyed time of today. You should be a clean child, a child refreshed by the Holy Spirit, and you should stay within the Holy Spirit, as no one stays any longer within the Holy Spirit before Me today.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the feast of the saint prophet Elijah, on 02-08-1996



But to you, Israel, I give you wisdom from above as an example of the kingdom of heavens, which calls out on the earth. The true wisdom in the man is this: the man has to deny himself and no longer be himself, but Christ should be instead. Hear Israel, what your Shepherd speaks! He, who wants to be with Me, should deny himself; he should deny himself even during the time of his prayer, as this is what I said: «I do not do My will, but My Father’s will, the will of the One, Who sent Me». Oh, let the man deny himself and then take up his cross and follow Me, as if he does not deny himself, he cannot follow Me. What does it mean, son, that the man should deny himself to have his way with Christ? Behold, I took up My cross and I follow My Father, after My Father’s will, not after My will. This is what it means for the man to deny himself. This is what I said: «I do not do My will, but the will of the One Who sent Me». He, who wants to follow Me, let him deny himself, and if he does not deny himself, he does not want to follow Me; he cannot be My will if he does not deny himself. Solomon spoke the word of the wisdom but he did not deny himself. He did not listen to God. He listened to himself, and he did not take up his cross to follow Me. This is with every man who worships himself, the idol, his carved image, his own self, sons. If Solomon had loved Me, He would have followed Me, he would have taken up his cross and would have loved Me if he followed Me, but he loved himself; he listened to his own self, and prayed to God to give him wisdom to judge his people.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the Synod of the Saints Archangels Michael and Gabriel, from 21-11-1996  (On Slideshare; on Issuu; on Google Drive)



The sower seeds the word. Sons from the garden keep your little fists open for Me to pour out and to seed over the earth, sons, sowers. Sow over Romania the word of God. Go as peace messengers into the midst of the multitudes and sow God among into the people. The people have their grace. Sow My grace in the people, so that they may understand the work of My word and that the people may eat bread from heaven, to eat My word so that I may be sown in the people with My grace, as it is not good for the man to be alone, alone without God. The people worship idols. The people are idols for themselves. The people make from themselves a carved image and worship themselves; they worship their own wills, their own conscience, as they do not love God with their mind and with their heart and with their virtue. Give them My grace to the people, sons, sowers. Give them My word, to make the man again, as I came to be with the man, to be word, as all are made by the word, by Me, the Word of the Father. I want to take the spirit of the world from the earth and to replace it with My Spirit; to put God’s Spirit on the earth, as behold, the world does not know to love you, My messengers into the world. Oh, if you were from the world, the world would love you, as everyone loves what belongs to him, but I love you because you are Mine, for everyone loves what belongs to him, and you love Me, as I am your love. The time comes for the people with human and earthly wisdom to follow you seven times seven, and they will sell out their possessions to buy My name from you and to bear it, so that they may have a name, as it is written in the Scripture which says: «Fall on us mountains and hide us from the Lord’s wrath!». But then you will not be able to witness that someone is Mine, but only the one that you will know that does My will into My name.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Saint Martyr Mina[5], from 24-11-1996  (On Slideshare; on Issuu; on Google Drive)




Oh, world without a way; oh, godless man, I come to judge you and to tell you to repent before Me, as the one, who repents by healing his sight, that one knows Me by this word that I come with to judge the living and the dead and to bring the man to life and for Me to appear in a great glory on the earth, as it is written into the Scriptures. (See the selection topic: „The Judgment[6]”, r.n.) But first, I want to come to wake the man up and to have him stand on watch, so that I may not come unknowingly with the glory of My coming, as the King of the heaven and the earth and of all that are seen and unseen by the man. (See the selection topic: „The glory of the Lord”, r.n.)


Oh, world, My crown of thorns, oh, world crucifying of God! Your deeds always crucify Me in you. Oh, when do you also crucify your own deeds, which you crucify Me with, the Son and the Word of God? World, world, when are going to deny your will? The man, who does his own will, cannot do God’s will. Oh, world, which pronounces prayers in the churches and say: „Our Father in heaven, may Your name be hallowed; may your kingdom come and may your will be done, as in heaven, so on earth; and forgive us our debts as we also forgive our debtors, and deliver us from the temptations of the evil one”. Oh, world, world, how shall I protect you when you do the will of the evil one, when you always lie to God saying that you do His will, and in fact you do only your own will? And behold, I will take you for a debtor, you man, who says and does not do My will, and you ask Me to protect and help you without giving Me anything of you.


Oh, world, which say that you keep the Passover fasting and you go to church full of the adornments of your pride! What kind of fasting do you keep, world that does not do My will? (See the selection topic: „About fasting and almsgiving[7]”, r.n.) You rouge and make yourself up and then walk that way only to entice the one like you. You put a carved idol on you and worship it, and you look into the mirror to see your carved image that you worship, and then you go to church and sing: „Our Father in heaven, may Your will be done, on the earth, as in heaven”. Oh, world, world, you should know that I will do My will on the earth. You should know that I will clean you of your gods and I will shout in your ear that I am God, and you will seek to put ember on your face and on your head and you will shout to die, but you will not die, for I will take the death from upon you, and you will be taken to be whitened and refined, so that you may perceive My will, My law from heaven on the earth. (See the selection topic: „The apocalyptic fire[8], r.n.)

Oh, world, world, God is calling you! Leave your will and take My will on you! Oh, world, My crown of thorns! Word, My sorrow and My venom!           You should know that I will renew you, as this is written. You should know, man without a path, that I will come into your way and I will call you out: «I am the way, the truth and the life!», and I will take you out of your wills and I will tell you: „Here is the way! Walk on it, you man without a way!”


Man, My lost work! I come from heaven as word and call you out, as I called Adam: «Man, where are you?» Oh, you cannot hide. Your nakedness gives you away and you cannot blame anyone.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the first Sunday of the Lent, of the Orthodoxy, from 16-03-1997



What can the man do? He can do nothing good. He also made a body, but the body is of no good, as the Spirit is the One Who gives life. I created the first man; I created him out of the dust and I gave him a living soul, and then I also gave him a spirit of life; for it is one thing to say soul, and it is another thing to say spirit of life. The man also made a body; he made it of iron, of stone, of dust, of gold, of bronze, of wood, but he could not give him a living spirit. The man also created a body, and called it god, and worshipped him. There have been some many rows of people who made a body without a soul and have dedicated it to the devils, as that which comes out of the body is body, and God is the Spirit Who gives life. The man could not give any living soul to the body, which was made by the hand of the man, but I gave a living soul to the body that I made and I called him man; I made him into My image and after My likeness, and after I created him, I called him man, but the man made by the hand of the man is called devil.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the forty saint martyrs from Sevasta, from 22-03-1997




The selection from the Word of God about the carved image since 1997 until today will be published immediately after the ending of translation, r.n.



                                                2 – About the sign of the cross



... Any work, which the Lord, Jesus Christ made, was made by the way of the holy cross. The devil does not stay in front of the cross, but rather he flees from it. Daniel, when God made every work on the earth, He started with the cross. Son, when God created His servant, that is Adam, the cross was hidden. Who made it? God, as nothing could have been done without the cross. He made it to be prophesied through the prophets. Daniel, My friends from creation and until the times that are ahead of you have also been created by way of the cross. God has been making His work until He comes into view with it.


… In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Sons, make the cross well, as the devil takes many crosses away from you, as you do not make them, as We make them. Make the cross: of the Father, is the forehead; of the Son, is the belly; of the Holy Spirit is the right shoulder, and amen, is the left shoulder. It has a great symbol. If you have not made the cross like that, it is not Mine; I do not recognize it.

Excerpt from the Word of God, from 13-06-1973



… Daniel, have a little more patience, as My man comes, the man of My country, (King Michael, r.n.), who left My country in great pain. So, I am going to lift him up, for he was humbled. Sons, when this man was on his chair, the little icon was everywhere; the cross was everywhere. But since he has no longer been, the cross has been abolished from everywhere. There are still some, here and there. You should know that in the time of the end, the cross will appear in the sky. Israel, do not be a people without the cross.


… Israel, son, in the war, which has been waged, only those escape, who have the cross at their window, or only the Christian, who has the cross on his neck. Many Christians have the cross on their neck, but they also have their loved girl into their pockets, in the picture, or they smoke.

Excerpt from the Word of God, from 30-08-1973


... There will come good times, sons. The one, who came to you, is also coming, and will put a padlock to drinking and he will punish the woman, who has a husband and loves another man. He is coming, son, he is coming, as it will flow honey and milk on the drinking fountain. He is coming when no one will work on Sunday in his fallow ground. He is coming and the cross will lie on the table and he will bow down before it. All the kings that are today will no longer be kings, and there will be one king, and he will give food and will take care of all the countries from margin to margin.

Excerpt from the Word of God, from 20-09-1973



… Everything is sanctified with the cross. The cross will be the sign of the judgment. When the cross will appear in the sky, you should know that you are in the end, and it is a great sign. It was shown to the kings Constantine and Helena. It has appeared many times in the sky, but no one has seen it, and now, it will appear in the sky as a sign that there will be a great heat with foams in the world. Let the Christians on the Romanian land raise the cross, the heavenly sign. Amen. Christians, where you see a fallen cross, be with a holy urge and raise the cross! The Christians on the earth are the people of the holy cross, and they should always hold on to their people. If one Christian sees a fallen cross, he should cry, as it is an offence between heaven and earth. Every Christian has the cross into his hand. My little children, keep away from the evil people by way of the cross. The evil people carry a knife with them, a dagger, a little bottle and cigarettes. The good people carry the cross with them and the praying book.

Excerpt from the Word of God, from 03-12-1973



… Holy cross, blessed, and holy image! Honor the cross! Where the cross is fallen you should raise it, as the crosses disappear from the earth, for it is an earthly peace, but it is a spiritual war. The Book of Revelation has been coming true, and you should know that if the cross has perished, this is the cross of the infants, as that of the fathers has been damaged by the infants.

Excerpt from the Word of God, from 29-03-1974



… Be careful with the cross, as the world distorts the cross. You should make the cross right: on the forehead, on the navel, on the right shoulder and on the left shoulder, as it is an outrageous sin to distort the sign of the cross.

Excerpt from the Word of God, from 24-05-1974



… Israel, take good care that a filthy image has replaced the cross and all the breath worships and welcomes it. (The coat - emblem - of the communism, to which the world cries: „Long live it”, r.n.).

Excerpt from the Word of God, from 26-07-1974



… Keep the secret, as he, who makes a holy cross or a holy prayer, for him it is a thing of great value, and it is a death danger before the enemies. You should be careful, as the time will come for you to be punished, both for the cross and for the prayer. (During the time of the communist dictatorship, r.n.).

Excerpt from the Word of God, from 27-11-1974


My children, make the holy cross not only when you pray. You will overcome with the cross. Make the cross where you go to sleep; make the cross on the walls, on the vessels, on the table, at the springs of water, on the paths, and call for the blessing, as where the cross is, the devils flees. Make the cross. Do not be people without the cross. The cross sanctifies the things; it sanctifies the bodies; it sanctifies your eyes. The cross is the staff, which destroys satan. The cross brings healing. You should make thousands and hundreds of holy crosses while praying, but not superficially. If you cannot do it with your hand on the way because you fear the people, I say that you should not be afraid of the people. Do not put the light under the bushel. Take care of your candles. Put the oil into the food. The oil brings health and many other good things.

Excerpt from the Word of God, from 06-02-1975



In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Yes, this is the cross, the bridge where you will be walking on. He, who does not make this cross, has no way to Me, between Me and him. This sign will soon appear in its glory. Amen.


I am the Alpha and the Omega. I have crossed the whole earth up and down, with everything that is clean, and I have cursed what is filthy. I am the Lord with a clean image. I walk on the earth and I meet the man and he does not see Me. I do not appear to him because he does not believe. I am the Alpha and the Omega, with the name of Jesus. I am the One, Who was crucified on the cross for you. I am, and I will soon appear in all My glory. Come, My little sheep, come a little bit early to My right side! This is how I will also call you when I appear. Come, as no one comes after Me to call you.

Excerpt from the Word of God, from 19-02-1975


I was sent to those of Mine, and I was crucified by them. I was sold for a small price. Did you hear, son? May the thrill from Me enter you; may the Spirit from Me enter you! Did you hear? I have not forsaken you, but you have forsaken Me. I did not deny and I received all for you. No one loves you as I loved you. I carried a heavy cross, but your cross is not as heavy as Mine, as your wrongdoing was on Mine, and My wrongdoing was not on yours. Yours is not heavy, but you are ashamed with it.

Excerpt from the Word of God, from 17-04-1975



… You know that I have been with you, that for thousands of times I have said that I am with you. When I spoke I put a beginning with a holy sign, and when I ended, I also ended with a holy sign, and I blessed you and I sealed you with the sign of the holy cross.

Excerpt from the Word of God, from 28-05-1975


… We still have another step to make and the cross will be put on your head. If you have the sign, nothing will touch you, but pray to God to have the sign on your head. Do not yield to your members; do not let the lusts overcome you!

Excerpt from the Word of God, from 01-06-1975



Oh, sons, I do no longer have any trust to make friends on the earth, because today one is a Christian and in a little while he is a pagan. He makes Me a liar and a robber. My little sheep, I came to you and not to turn you into unbelievers, but I came with a heavenly message, and I did not say: „You are obliged to follow Me”, but rather I said: „Take your cross and follow Me”. The cross is a clean life, without sins.


... I have always said: do not make prayers without incense, and I said: make cross.


... My little child, My little sheep, why are the crosses fallen and the name of the Lord is wiped out on them? Is there really not even a painter, not even a carpenter? My loved brother, this is the sign, which you will overcome with, and which you will win with. And the time is coming to hide from a dog and you will find shelter at the cross.

Excerpt from the Word of God, from 15-06-1975



This holy cross is the seal of the Holy Spirit. This seal, on the one sealed with it, will never be removed from his face, and on the judgment day it will appear on his face and you will not be able to hide this sign, because it is the sign which does miracles.


… My people, this word is God’s. Come back from your pleasures, as everything you do on the earth, you do only by pleasures. Write down this prophecy, as all the angels write it as a testimony. Did you forget that the man takes after God and that he is sealed by the Holy Spirit, and since the man has been created, there has not been the pleasure of today. This is written in the Revelation: a fierce beast with many heads, which touches and throws down all the stars in the sky, (The Christians, r.n.), and all will fall down. The pleasure does this. Keep in mind that the pleasure of today brings the judgment instantaneously.


… Fast. The Lord Jesus Christ obliged His people to fast, because in the time to come the fasting will save you. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday you should eat only for fasting, but dry fasting. (Without oil, r.n.).

Excerpt from the Word of God, from 09-10-1975



... Soon, the cross will be set in the sky. Every eye that will see it will shed bitter tears. The cross, like Me, is despised by the world.

Excerpt from the Word of God, from 13-11-1975



… When the Lord, Jesus Christ, went down into the hell, He stayed with His feet on the cross. That is why it is said that: the cross is the bridge. He took out from the hell, those that fell, through the cross. My little children, many of you are ashamed of the world to make this sign of the cross. If you are ashamed of the cross, you are ashamed of Me. My little children, this sign had not been made before the holy cross. This is the sign between the earth and the heaven, between the Old and the New. There has not been this sign in the old man, and many, when they saw it believed and passed from the old into the new. And many did not believe and remained with the old ones. And why do the old ones hate the new ones? The Lord Jesus did not get angry with the one, who did not believe in His coming. Son, those from the old believe in the Lord Jesus, but they do not believe in the things that He did and do not love the cross, but rather they consider it as an enemy of the Lord, Jesus, and hate it; they spit on it; they scoff at it; they slander it and this is what the Lord blames. These from the old, consider the Lord’s Mother a common woman and accuse her of fornication. You should distinguish those from among you and honor My Mother.


The cross is the bridge with which you will pass over every precipice. That is why I say to you: do not hate, so that you may not be accused; and do not even become friends with them, but rather distinguish yourselves as the darkness is distinguished from the light, as many passed and they even saw the Lord Jesus and the holy truth, and they have been deceived by those from the old, and have passed on to them. Some blame the priesthood; some blame the cross; some blame My Mother, others accuse you because you work on Saturday, and others still blame some other holy things.

Excerpt from the Word of God, from 23-02-1976


... It is heard from heaven, when the world hates and nicknames and threatens you, and God cries when He sees His people that does not keep silent and raises the sword against the wicked one. It is not the time to raise your sword any more. Your sword is praying, and your bullet is fasting, and your staff is the cross. Moses split the Red Sea in two with his staff and the people crossed it. Now the staff turned into a holy cross, and if you have faith, you are far above then Moses with his staff. Take a good look son, only to see. Take a good look at My word, which is toward you, as a war has been waged between evil people and My people, and I, the Son of God, I will be their commander. But not a war, as in the old times, as it is spoken today, falsifying the truth. It will not happen this way, and there will be a war without weapons and the evil ones will be destroyed by themselves. You should not take after the evil people and become friends with them, for you will perish.

Excerpt from the Word of God, from 15-04-1977



… Israel, you shall not take the name of God in vain, or one of His things. My little children, some say that this cross is not true and it is not sanctified, and they consider it as being cursed. You should keep away from this spoken thing. This holy cross had also been before the Lord Jesus, but it was not blessed, for the dead people were crucified on it by the lawgivers. But by this cross, the Lord, Jesus Christ, forgave any sin, and a tree with sweet fruits for everybody was built by it. This holy cross has power to take the man out of the pit, as it took Daniel out of the pit of lions, as it took out our and your fathers and forefathers.

Excerpt from the Word of God, from 09-05-1977



… You should know, children, that the sign of the cross before the Lord, Jesus Christ was a useless piece of wood, that is worthless, as it was prepared for the sinner to be condemned, but it was not sanctified, and it was hated by the world, because the guilt of the one who was going wrong was condemned on it. The piece of wood was cutting and thrown into the fire after the guilty one was condemned on it and after he died, but it was not known that it was prophesied that this piece of wood would be sanctified, and more, the One Who pronounced this prophecy was not believed.

Excerpt from the Word of God, from 31-08-1977



… The holy cross will appear before My coming, and it also appeared before wars. The godly signs appear through the cross. Many crosses have appeared during this year, but only one in a thousand has been seen.

Excerpt from the Word of God, from 20-09-1977



… The holy cross has brought freedom to faith. Since the war of the holy kings Constantine and Helena, the Christians have no longer been persecuted and there has been peace. But when the cross has no longer been honored and since the cross has no longer been saved, behold that the war for faith has started again. Carry the holy cross. Many carry it, but they do not carry the holy cross. The cross has to be sanctified by the deeds.

Excerpt from the Word of God, from 28-09-1977



Before My birth you were a pagan, as you did not have the law, and then the Lord, Jesus Christ came to give light and to strengthen the ancestral law, but there are persons who do not want to come to the new law; they simply do not want and live like in the old days. As if Moses had lived and still prophesied, he would have come and would have been refreshed into My work. Do you believe it? And then it would have been the same. Moses would have not been believed and he would have stayed there in his old time. Sons, the Lord tells you that those of then match one another, that is, they match the man of today, who is without the Spirit of God. They say that they are with Me, but do they not see well that God took them out by the holy cross and also took the sinners out of the hell? But these, from the old time, do not believe into the wood that was sanctified through Me, and consider it as an enemy to God. But do you see how they do not understand? I ask you: Do not be foolish, for God declared sufficiently well by the prophets, to learn to know the times that come. They do not want to know the Revelation. They say that the Lord comes, but they do not see the cross. They say that the Lord comes, but they do not love His Mother, and dishonor her.

Excerpt from the Word of God, from 07-01-1978



… Honor the cross. The cross is the Christian life. Not as it is during this time, for you bind the cross to your neck with a thread or a necklace and you say that you are spiritual, but you do no longer have life.

Excerpt from the Word of God, from 03-02-1978



… My loved people, you are to carry an axe instead of a cross; you will carry a hatchet instead of a cross; you will carry a sign on your head instead of a cross. (The sign of the communism, r.n.). And you should know that he, who forsakes his cross, will die; he will die once for all. Woe to the man who will be deprived of this sign!


… Someone said: „I do not believe that my daughter will not succeed. I do not believe that my son will not succeed. They are very intelligent!” It is not the science that lifts you to a degree, but only one single secret cross, and many have used great wealth for one single cross.

Excerpt from the Word of God, from 14-07-1978



Happy for thousand and thousand times is that Christian who believes and who listens to these words, as wherever he goes and wherever he travels the Lord is with him. Do not look with the body to see the spirit for the body has no power to see the spirit, but only when it is fulfilled what the Revelations says.


… Come to your senses for all are at the end. Nothing more is added. All have come to an end. Be ready for the Lord, Jesus Christ is knocking at the door. The Lord is speaking spiritually. It is not the beginning but the ending, for many will be worked out for this time being and many will be seen. Happy for thousand times he who did not see and believed, for the time has come for him to be paid for his spiritual faith; the time has come for him to be paid for his spiritual behavior; the time has come for each one to take his work from own things.


… Be careful, because as much as I speak, many holy words escape not getting into your hearts, God’s building. As the Father said to John, the Baptizer: «This is My beloved Son, that I am well pleased with», the same way it is said now: „This is the work of God, that He was pleased to give it to His people so that it may prepare itself for the heavenly kingdom”, as not all the faith is holy and known; not every faith leads you to God. The holy faith is only that which is sanctified by the Holy Spirit and by the holy cross.


… I ask the Christian women to be prude. When you get out of your bed in the morning, wash your eyes and make a canon, an unsettled, pray and sing and only afterwards put your hand on those you need in your courtyard and in the house. Do not value the sleep more than the Lord. Do not value your bodies more than your spirits. Teach your children not to ask you for food before worshiping and washing. Give the babies in diapers wafer and holy water.


… Son, here, they of today have plotted to leave only one church of a hundred; to leave only one monastery of a hundred. And they will take the holy relics and put into a museum and all their life on a cover, but they will not be able to do it. I say: let him who dare do this thing be cursed. It is a little more time and the friendship of the countries will be over. (The Communist countries from „The Socialist International”, r.n.). It is a great bustle, sons, on all earth. Not even ants bustle as this world bustles, and it is not in costumes; rather it is naked.

Excerpt from the Word of God, from 26-08-1978  (On Slideshare; on Issuu; on Google Drive)



… The Lord, Jesus Christ, did not despise the wood of the cross, and it has remained sanctified by the Blood of the Lord, Jesus Christ. And the spirit of Zacchaeus was sanctified by His word when Zacchaeus wanted to see Jesus.

Excerpt from the Word of God, from 11-09-1978



… A wind from west and north brought unclean spirits; it brought them by planes, by trucks, by trains and by all means of transport to destroy you in your country, in your house. Do you see what he did; the one who wanted to be master over Romania and a friend with many people? (Ceauşescu, r.n.). Behold, they will also come into your houses if you are not faithful. Your cross will bring them death and they will not be stuck to your house, and this cross will eat up the evil ones. You are asked: „Put away from your house everything that is being brought to your destruction, as everything will be destroyed”. Did you hear? Keep in mind these words. Do no longer lose your time with hoe; do no longer lose your time with your shovel, and do no longer lose your time with earthly things, and rather get busy with the spiritual food.

Excerpt from the Word of God, from 01-11-1978



There are all kinds of Christians on the earth, but the only flock is the one, which the Lord Jesus left on the earth, that one through the cross. Do not put the cross away, as He went down into the hell and took out His people from there, and you will become holy by it, son. The cross is the fiercest enemy of the evil spirits. The cross will put away satan from before your face. Yes, My little child, you should know that an army without cross will stand before you and it will judge you, and if you do not know the true faith and not have it, you should know that it will come a time to be very bad for you, (See the selection topic: The true church[9]”, r.n.) as you will be the footstool of the evil spirit. You will stand face to face with antichrist and the king will cry when he sees that antichrist deceived him. (See the selection topic: „The antichrist and the apocalyptic beast[10]”, r.n.)


... When the earth will be put on fire, My faithful ones will not be burned. (See the selection topic: „The apocalyptic fire[11], r.n.) There will remain no tree or house not to be demolished; nothing without being brought to pieces, not even as a finger; nothing without being reddened by fire, but only this home will remain.

Excerpt from the Word of God, from 12/19/1978.


… Be careful, as you will have the opportunity to see satan in the flesh and even to make war with him face to face, but know that the Lord Jesus will not leave you to be overcome. But it should not come into your mind that the power is yours, but rather only with the sign of the cross will you no longer see satan; but if you fight with haughtiness or with other kind of work besides Me, you should know that satan will bring you under his feet.

Excerpt from the Word of God, from 02-01-1979



… In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. And by this sign you should know God when He comes to you. This sign will be into the moon. This sign will be on the earth. This sign will be on your window. Over this sign no evil comes. Do not be ashamed of this sign. Remember it, son, when you suffer, or when you have trouble, but remember it with eager faith.


The cross is another weapon, which you will fight with, and the fire of your gun, which you will shoot with, will not be heard. Your enemy perishes at this cross, but you are to carry it; do not go with it into the sins, as the cross is discharged in the place of the sins. Do no serve the demon with your cross on your neck, but when you say: „Go away satan from before my face!” he will not leave, as the cross is defiled.


… Let the cross be as a weapon in your house, as a protector, as God. If you do not believe that the Lord, Jesus Christ is in this body, put the cross on its chest and you will see that the devil flees from the cross. Oh, My loved people, God cries out from heaven. I did not come to deceive anyone. Be faithful. Love the spiritual conduct and give up the worldly conduct.


… This body was taken away this night, when you were asleep, and it was taken to the places where the smokers are tormented, where the traitors are tormented and where the sellers are tormented, and they would like to say, as look, no one wants to come to light. The man borrows a fire from the evil spirit: „Can you give me a fire?” Where will you go when the fire that you borrowed from the demon will go off?


This body met the dwelling place of a priest who smoked. Woe, what terrible torments because he defiled the holy work! He leaves the holy altar and the holy service and he goes and smokes. The most valuable service will also leave him. He will lose it, son. That is why you can give loads of money, and you will not be healed of your illnesses, because the doctor has no more power to heal you. This gift was taken away from him through his sin. I am not against priesthood. God calls him to the light: leave the darkness and come to the light!

Excerpt from the Word of God, from 09-08-1979



… Sons, the best prayer is the prayer in the night time, when all and everything sleep. Put away your sleep and pray concerning what presses you on, not only from the book. You should pray for everything; you should also pray for the dead that have no one to pray for them, and for those that were shot, and for those that were hanged, and for those who were drowned, and for those who left without a candle.


… Christian, is it not something into your heart that makes you stumble? Have you not a thing into your house against Me? Have you not got other things against Me? Have you not got any hidden things into your heart? Son, do not serve the demon with the cross on your neck, and do not keep the cross into the darkness.

Excerpt from the Word of God, from 29-08-1979



My people, your weapon is My cross. My people, your glory is your faith in My work.

Excerpt from the Word of God, from 16-05-1980



… Arm yourselves with the weapons of the perfect fasting and with the akathist of the holy cross, and eat the Psaltery with your heart and with your soul burning, as these are double-edged weapons, which will cut to the left and to the right the snares of the adversary, who set himself to harvest the crop of the Lord.

Excerpt from the Word of God, from 16-04-1983



... Why can I no longer keep the earth? The man takes a wife and lives a little while with her and makes children with her and then he leaves her for another one. Oh, man, what did you get out of it? Your destruction. The woman goes to the little church; she goes to be seen by the world what is she clothed with. She goes and makes a twisted cross and fills up the file of satan, for the priest, who has to bring this to her knowledge, not even himself makes the right cross.


I said that the end of the age is with the wedding of the Lamb. (See the selection topic: „The Wedding of the Lamb”, r.n.) The Bridegroom is also the Judge. His bride is the little church with those who serve it and with all who served and loved it. All those from heaven wait for those from the earth, to come first at the table, and then to come in as well. At an earthly wedding you give money to sit at the table. At the heavenly table you need to be prepared, to be clean, so that I may clothe you with a fine garment. You will not leave from there; it is forever.

Excerpt from the Word of God, from 03-03-1988


… Sons, all the lovers of satan prepare themselves with all kinds of weapons, but the cross of the Lord, Jesus Christ, will be the weapon of victory.

Excerpt from the Word of God, from 27-04-1989



Peace and light and resurrection over My chosen one, over My Romania, as I will protect in her, her good and faithful people, and by this people I will proclaim My kingdom on the new earth, as I come to make new heavens and a new earth, as I, God, have spoken, and I will fulfill it in due time. Amen, amen, amen.


Behold, I put a gift from Me and power of protection and victory over this cross, which is worked out by clean hands and made at My commandment. Take it and wear it on your chest, as My power will work through it, and My blessing will appear through it. Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt from the Word of the Lord to Victor Stănculescu, from 22-01-1991 (On Slideshare; on Issuu; on Google Drive)


May the sign of the Son of the Man, who appeared in the sky into the midst of this heavenly dwelling, be blessed and surrounded and glorified by all heavenly host, and after this sign, the glory of the Lord will appear, and many nations will flow and come to see this heavenly glory. (See the selection topic: „The glory of the Lord”, r.n.)


            Let this day be a day of eternal testimony. Let it be a heavenly feast, the day of the ascension on this holy mountain of the cross, resurrecting and bringing of light from the Lord, Jesus Christ, Who will appear as it is written into the Scriptures. Behold, children, a Scripture that is fulfilled. Everything that was written in the scroll of this heavenly work comes true, but this scroll is sealed by God, and the Lamb of God will open the seals of this heavenly scroll, which is on the table of the Holy Trinity, for the time of your visitation comes, My loved ones. Romania is the country of the New Jerusalem, and behold the time of its visitation, and the Lord will come and will open up its springs, as this holy land is a heavenly mystery. (See the selection topic: Romania – The New Jerusalem – The New Canaan[12]”, r.n.)


Behold the heavenly news: write a holy day and a heavenly feast on the name of the day of the ascension of the sign of the cross of the Lord, Jesus Christ, on this height worked out by you, as you are the hand of the Holy Trinity, Which is at work, and let the feast of the synod of the rulers of the heavenly hosts also be celebrated on this day of celebration. Let it be brought an offering of service and of heavenly incense on the day of the synod of the saint archangels Michael and Gabriel, and at the same time with it, let it be celebrated the feast of the blessed cross, the light maker, which stays as a heavenly sign on this height, a forerunner sign of the glory which comes from God. Be on good terms with God, because there comes a cleansing on the earth, and a miracle from the Lord will be seen into the midst of these boundaries.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the day of the ascension of the holy cross over the church of the New Jerusalem, from 17-11-1991



Peace and blessing from the Lord of the Most Holy Trinity over this day, as we celebrate today the commemoration of the rulers of the hosts of those without a body, the archangels Michael and Gabriel, and we also celebrate, together with them, the ruler of Romania, God’s anointed one, Michael of Romania.


And behold, the God of the Most Holy Trinity establishes on this day, an eternal feast of celebration for the ascension of the holy and resurrection making cross, which was set during these days on this stone, which has come down from heaven, and the word became deed, and this new and heavenly establishment is from heaven and it is called the church of the New Jerusalem, which comes from heaven, from God. Amen.


May the cross, which was raised on this heavenly height, be blessed! (The Church of the New Jerusalem monastery, r.n.). May it be blessed, and may it be a spring of triple strength over Romania, which will appear in the days to come, as it is coming the cleansing of this elected earth for the day of the Lord!


Peace to you, to those who celebrate together with the heaven on this day, celebrated three times by you! May the service and the prayer, which were heard from you into heaven, be a well-pleased incense!


May this power, raised on the height, which is worked out by you, be peace and a threefold working blessing! Glory on the highest, from you, My loved witnesses, My dear children, as the hosts of the angels stay groups-groups and sing with you on this day.


Peace to you from the God of the Most Holy Trinity; and may this day be a day of everlasting feast! Amen, amen, amen.

The Word of God on the feat of the saint archangels Michael and Gabriel, on 21-11-1991



This is the day of remembrance of the laying of the stone of the altar of the Holy of Holies, for today we commemorate one year since the Holy Trinity, by heavenly word, established and blessed the place, where the descending manger stays to come into being, the manger of the testimony of the place of the descent of the word of God, which will be heard over the earth on the days to come. The Lord, Jesus Christ, is speaking His word on this day of holy feast. This is the stone of the new beginning of the New Jerusalem, which will rise over Romania, and which will come out of Romania, and which will cover, with a heavenly light, those who will come and bow to the work of salvation that the Son of God, the One born of the Father before the ages, will work, as He has to work during this time.


I am the Son of God, the One born of the Father of the heavenly Trinity, the One born before the ages, the One born as Light from the Light, and true God of true God, the One of the same Being with the Father, the One by Whom were made those that are seen and those that are not seen. I am the Son of the heavenly Trinity, Who came down from heaven, and Who become flesh into the belly of the prophesied Virgin through the word, to receive a body and to be both God and Man, and to be crucified into the name of the sins of the God’s creature, and further, to rise, after three days, into the name of the resurrection of God’s creature; three days, after the number of one, which is three times the people of God, from Adam and to the incarnation of the Son of the heavenly Trinity into the man. And again, I am the Son of the heavenly Trinity, Who came down from heaven to ascend again into heaven after My resurrection, to stand again on the right side of the Father, and then to come again to search the living and the dead, and then to bring with Me the endless kingdom. And behold, I am the Word of God, the life making One; I am the Word of the Holy Spirit, Who proceeds from the Father, and Who came down upon the prophets and apostles to become flesh and to come true by His power.


I am the head of the church consisting in a synod of apostles, as I gave some to be apostles into My name; and I also gave some to be prophets into their midst, so that My word may be in the synod of the apostolic church, which I arrived with, at this time of heavenly fulfillments, as here is the time proclaimed through the prophets, the one promised to be. And behold, the Lord is faithful in His promises, for it is the time that the eyes of the blind to be opened, so that the fulfillments prophesied beforehand may be seen.


Here is a beginning of the kingdom of the Lord, Jesus Christ, as in heaven, so on earth, as that is why I pronounced the word and I said that this would be called the Church of the ones, who do not die, and of the righteous ones, as in heaven, so on earth, and that is why I said to be a work of word and to be fulfillment and to be a praying of praise and a pleasant offering without an end, as in heaven, so on earth. As in heaven, for in heaven there is an ongoing offering of glory and praying; of glory for those from heaven, and of praying for those on the earth, and that is why the Lord allowed it to be here this way, so that this settlement may be called «as in heaven, so on earth, amen». But let this „amen”, be amen; as in heaven, so in the things established by God here. Amen.


May the feast of the laying of the foundation stone of the altar of the Holy of Holies of the New Jerusalem be blessed! However, Romania will be the New Jerusalem, the one that God chooses in this time, as this is written into the Scriptures: «I will choose Jerusalem once again». It is written, but this Scripture is not understood and the rulers of the church have searched in vain to write books over books to get the right to speak upon the multitudes which are burnt with thirst, for the thirst of the crowds cannot be quenched by anything and by anyone, but it rather can be quenched by the word of the Holy Spirit, Who comes from heaven into the clean places, into the clean hearts and poor in their spirit, as the Holy Spirit does not come any closer to those that are haughty in their spirit, to those who know the letter of the law, and those, if they want to serve the Holy Spirit, let them bow and become interpreters of the languages of the Holy Spirit, which come into being in those that are poor in their spirit. This is the order of God, the order of the Holy Spirit, from beginning to end, but God is without beginning and without end, and the Holy Spirit is in the Holy and inseparable Trinity, Which is called God.


The Holy Trinity looks at the priests and the scribes of this age. It looks to see what they did, for they abolished the order of the Son of God, established over the church, over the first church after the incarnation. The church gathered together and the word of God was into its midst, as I let prophets, and I said that the church was to be so, and not otherwise; (See the selection topic: The true church[13]”, r.n.) wholly and not with deficiencies of her body. And here is what the church reached to be! But who shall open her eyes to see that she is no longer with Me? Oh, let her receive those sent to her, and let her see her nakedness, and let the church be made out again, and let it be as in the beginning, and to wake up her first love; the first one, as it will be to walk in the mystery of the first establishment of My church. But I tell you that this walking was already seen, and behold, My loved ones, you are the sons of the first church, and I have reached with it to you, and you are the small ones, and the heaven has been waiting for you, My loved ones. Be strong and single-minded concerning the first things, as you have nothing to be afraid of those that were defiled by a spirit of haughtiness and vain glory, as here is what I will do: I will make a new thing, so that My first ones and all My tribes, which were first and which started first, may be seen and may have room into this new, and when this book will come out, it will be again the body of My church as I meant it to be. This book will come out, as worthy is the Lamb of God to take this book and to open its seal, so that its new beginning may be seen; the one then and the one now, as I have made a new beginning, a mysterious beginning, after the order of Melchizedek, and I placed a living roadside crucifix into this garden, so that it might be brought a threefold living and clean offering, as I am clean. (See the selection topic: „About the Book of the Lamb - The Book of Life”, r.n.)     


Blessed be the roadside crucifix, living and working of living offering and holy and clean, and blessed be the three anointed sons, who constitute this crucifix, working resurrection from the dead. Blessed be the crucifix of the three living hearts, which works a threefold power into the name of the heavenly powers. Let no one try to touch this crucifix to dash it to pieces, or to split it apart, as one like that will be crushed by it and taken away from it. No one should be afraid of those who try to fight against God, as with this stone I lifted up the living church and I prevailed with it over the gates of the hell, and by the living work of the three sons, working for a living crucifix of living and heavenly offering, I will take My creature out of death. Amen.


This settlement is worked out by heaven and no one of those who are on the earth is able to overcome it, as this is the symbol of the cross, to which these words are pronounced: into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Each of the three sons work into the name of this power, and all three together are the sign of the name of the cross of the Son of God, the sign that will appear before the coming of its Lord. And behold, the word was first, and then it came the work of the word, and then the sign, which is on the top of this stone, so that it might be seen and then believed, and then to be understood the mystery of God, which works into the midst of this boundaries, for the Lord did not raise the sign of His coming on this stone until He made them new first through this crucifix, working into the name of God’s mysteries, which will be worked in the days to come.


Mark down into the book of testimonies, all the signs that have worked from here over those who have stumbled, or have perished crushed by this stone, as these signs will come more and more to serve to the glory of this heavenly mystery.


This will be called the holy mountain of the time of the heavenly fullness, and it will come to be honored and praised much more than the mountain, which God spoke in, with His heavenly voice from the flame of fire, then when Moses had to go up and to bring down the words of the Lord to the Israel of that time. No one has gone up there, but only Moses did, and Moses remained the saint of God after that, and he came down to Israel and made Aaron priest over Israel, and Aaron obeyed Moses, as Moses came from God. And behold, now it will be much more than then, and I will work heavenly miracles, so that those who approach to come may know, and that everyone may know the mystery of this heavenly mountain, for this mountain is called: The Word of God, and this city will be called: „The Lord is There.”

Excerpt from the Word of God one year after the laying of the foundation stone of the Holy of Holies of the New Jerusalem, from 22-07-1992


God Word lets this work of peace over you and in His peace from you. The work of peace from you is My little bed, the one, which is warm and receiving of the heavenly words.


I am. I am in the word, as the Word is My name and I work over My garden established over you.


Behold, early on this Sunday, I am speaking again the word over the heavenly works, arisen from you. I declare a word of blessing and say: It is sanctified and blessed by My word, My sign placed by your little hands before the gate of the Lord. It is blessed the sign of the holy cross, which arose in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen, amen, amen.


May you, My blessed ones, be blessed! Behold, I let the word of My blessing over you for the sign of My embracing, which will stay before you inside of My manger, before My table with you. The sign of My embrace, by the embracing cross and by My glory through this work.


This is the place of holiness, the place of My glory. If it was so on the Mountain of Sinai for My coming down within laws from Moses, how much more it is today through the place of the coming down of My holiness and of My word, as I am the Word. You are the watchmen of My holiness and of the place of My coming down into the word, in a Gospel of heaven and earth, as the word of Jesus Christ is called Gospel, the word proclaimed by Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father of the heavenly Trinity. And the Gospel of His glory was spread, and it is still being spread to all the margins of the heaven, and then I will be a Bridegroom crowned with glory over My Romania, over the mountain of My coming down, and My glory will go from here and it will gather those, who will be the sons of the coming glory.

Excerpt from the Word of God to His chosen, Irineu, from 20-06-1993


The word of the Most Holy Trinity pronounces a heavenly speaking to you, again, as it is to be proclaimed the blessing over the heavenly work, made by God through you. It is a great joy in heaven and on the heavenly earth when I can speak to you. I have mercy on you, as I see your fight and your pains in the fight. It hurts Me badly, and I am with you in all your bitterness and I am fighting in you and we overcome, as I am the Victor. And behold, we overcame to go forward, being victorious over the pains plotted by the dark spirit of the wickedness that has a great moaning and burning for the place from you and for your work with Me.


But look, I am pronouncing the third blessing with you in this morning, for the third sign of the Son of God, a heavenly sign, which entered into the Holy of Holies of the New Jerusalem, and this sign will be working of miracles.


It is being blessed and sanctified the sign of the holy and full of victory cross of the Lord of the heavens. It is being blessed its placing into its heavenly dwelling. It is being blessed with the contentment of the heaven the working little hands of heavenly and new glory on the new earth.


May you be blessed, sons! May you be blessed without time by the Holy Trinity, Who is resting in you and over you! Receive heavenly power from the touching by the blessed cross. Take and overcome the hardships of the time. There is a little bit to be overcome, and the time, that is the age, will come to an end, and then we will be without time, as it was the establishment from the clean beginning. Be wise to understand the mystery of God, as woe to the superficial hearts, which do not make the necessary efforts to the work of the living faith in God, and which do not work with their faith together with the good fulfillment of the knowledge from God, together with the restraining from evil things, together with the patience in everything, together with the godliness that is pleased to every good people, and together with the brotherhood, without which there is no work, and together with the love, which comprises everything;  however, the one who cannot do this, is with the spirit of his perceiving and not with the spirit of the perceiving of the Holy Spirit; that one falls down like a blind man and does not take into consideration the forgiveness of his sins made in the time of his ignorance, and afterwards he goes back to his own things, with those of his spirit and crushes his election, so that he may hardly enter into the everlasting kingdom; hardly and with the endeavor of other people, who know to fight, fighting.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the forth Sunday after Whitsunday, from 27-06-1993



The selection from the Word of God about the sign of the cross since 1993 until today will be published immediately after the ending of translation, r.n.


You can also see the following thematic selections:


The apocalyptic trumpets;

Romania – The New Jerusalem – The New Canaan;

The apocalyptic fire;

What defiles a man, what enters or what comes out of him?;

Enoch and Elijah;

Resurrection of the dead;

As in the days of Noah;

The false prophet and the ecumenism;

The Judgment;

The dead hear My voice;

The rapture of the Church The antichrist and the apocalyptic beast

About the kingdom of God

The true church

The mystery of the man and woman

About fasting and almsgiving


The following thematic selections from God’s Word will be published immediately after translation:

This word is the river of life;

As lightning that comes from the east, so is the coming of the Lord;

The white apocalyptic horse;

The Book of the Lamb (The Book of Life);

The heaven – the throne, the earth – the footstool, the man deified;

About baptism;

The Kingdom of a thousand years;

The great tribulation;

The End of the world and the Day of the Lord;

The Lamb’s Wedding;

He comes the same way as he ascended: He comes with the clouds;

The changing of the holidays – renunciation of faith;

The sign of the Son of man;

The glory of the Lord;

The mystery of humankind salvation - the mystery of incorruptibility;

The coming in a visible way.


Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor).

You can see more documents containing the Word of God here:


The second coming of Jesus Christ:!0I9BmR4Q!LuvjAa2tlXZXTW54hq0nOA


The word of God in Romania:!0N8RlJrB!yTwbJPdKo1mIC4Ob1L-edg



Prophecies about New Jerusalem:



[1] God’s Word in „Holy Citadel New Jerusalem” monastery, Glodeni – Romania, redactor note.

[2] You can also see on:

[3] You can also see on:

[4] You can also see on:

[5] Or Menas; 285-309 A.D.

[6] You can also see on:

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[9]You can also see on:!4EF1US4R!vhg5QR1Qc82yxTW84Y2Q2EX6IrNeT3FA97Oqvlhpe4A

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[13]You can also see on:!4EF1US4R!vhg5QR1Qc82yxTW84Y2Q2EX6IrNeT3FA97Oqvlhpe4A


Publication Date: 02-28-2015

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