
An Obeisance








I dedicate this book to my Mother Late Mrs. Saroj Sinha. I dedicate this book to my elder Mother (Aunt) Late Mrs. Bina Sinha. I dedicate this book to mothers; all over the globe. I dedicate this book to the word 'Mother"...

Ashok Sinha

Stay Within Chapter 1

"Aham Brahmasmi- I am the infinite reality". Self is the Supreme.

The Almighty filled The Universe with destiny. And destiny created its own magic; inflicted different chaos, problems, in your life. Everybody has their own problems in such a way that nobody is capable of solving other's problems, share other's stress. You solve your problems. And to solve your problems first, you become strong. And to become strong the only mantra is- Self Talk.

Self talk is strength. Controlling mind is the key. Staying ageless amid adversity throughout one's life is unique bravery. Accepting the pain, inflicted by The Almighty, with a smile; is like setting an example for generations to come; is beautiful.

Accepting loneliness with grace, defeating tortured aloofness, making it her strength, with a gentle touch of self-talk, She left behind a glorious memory before her final sleep; moving into eternity.

An anecdote- Enduring pain without a break, severely wounded time and again. She kept smiling all the time without any complaint, always encouraging others to live life in its full swing. Sometimes talking to herself with a smile, she used to say in Hindi language- "Chal Re Man- Come on Psyche; let us move on"

Accepting the adversity, without the fear of aging, without the fear of being left alone, without the fear of loneliness, commanding one's psyche, one's self, one's mind asking them to move ahead "Chal Re Man- Come on psyche; let us move on" is not easy. I am a witness, I have seen her, I heard her saying so several times- I am her proud Son.

Neither lost, nor gained- just keep on sailing. Where to reach? Where to go? Stop worrying- keep moving in the eternity staying awakened. This will give you a power to conquer your adversity; this will give you the power to win over your fear of aging, being alone, loneliness.

Self talk is the door of understanding 'You'. Self talk happens; doing is not needed, it happens. Mostly this stage comes after a prolonged wounded life.

Remember, if you are not awakened, if you are not alert, this same self talk may become dangerous, and it might create madness in you.  

Remember, you are wounded by life itself- you are the doctor. Here, nobody is to be blamed, neither you nor your stars, nor, so called, your previous life's sin. I do not know the cause behind this misery. I am not sure either, that perhaps God is responsible. 

Being alone is bliss. 'Nirvana' is possible when you are alone. 

God's existence depends on behalf of 'You', on behalf of this existence. Hence, the word 'On behalf' is important. 

The base line of your survival is 'on behalf'. You are living your life on behalf of something; either it is your successful life or, it is your power, your status. If you hold power, then you will live happily. If you are rich then you will live your life happily. If you have a status in your society, if you are recognized everywhere with an awe then you will live happily. This is madness. This is the root cause of your worries, your stress, and fear of your loneliness. Your existence, your happiness, remedy of your fear, especially in old age, starts depending on other's, on some outside source.  

Today's lifestyle is such that everybody is busy, everybody has his/her own way of living their life. It is no body's fault. This continuous advancing era of the machine is such that one become extremely busy. He/She lives their life like a machine. They do not have time fore themselves; forget others. Old age schools are becoming popular. No body's fault, nobody's control.

Science, progress, growth, is needed. Otherwise, you will be living a dead suffocated life. Progress, growth carries its own minus points; you are living your life like a machine.

Now what to do" Age is coming fast. Fear of being left behind, all alone is natural. Now the glory has gone, days once you ruled are merely few memories now- What to do? 

This 'on behalf' has to vanish. This habit, depending 'on behalf' of something is weak. You depend on others for your peace, for your happiness. This is dangerous. Here the most sacred part of your existence 'Self', 'You' is gone. You are dependent.

This dependency on outside source has to go. How? Talk to you. Self talk is extremely beneficial. Self talk is very important in discovering self. When the self is discovered; this is like winning The Universe. What happens when self is discovered- in the old days the fear of loneliness is gone. Replaced with a unique sacred self belief, self confidence, an unbelievable, sort of divine power enters into you. 

Live your life as it is. The beginning and the end are a lonely process. When you came, you were alone, lonely. When you will go you will be alone, lonely. 

Once upon a time under the sky behind the clouds, loaded with an arm (Self realization) and a flute, dancing his way ahead, keeping a smile, engulfed in little fragrance, sailing with the wind, whispering to the Universe, accepting the life as it is, amid trees- there, lives an Ageless Wonder.

Untouched by age, untouched by envy and the anger, showing his self pampered chest without caring about road blocks; leaving it to the God. He just came out on the open street singing within a song, this song is his motive, this song is his life.

Neither losing, nor winning, neither wept nor laughed, kept marching on his way ahead, talking to the self, about the self, untouched by age, untouched by envy and the anger, accepting life as it is, accumulating little fragrance from the air, under the sky, behind the clouds, amid trees- there, lives an ageless wonder.

Jiffy ago life exploded inside you; You missed it. Float within, along with the moments and, the nectar of life may explode inside you. When this Sacred explosion explodes inside you, for God's sake, do not move into your future thinking, planning something, stay here. Stay with the divine explosion.

 Age is inevitable, it has to come. Here you are not alone, you are not lonely, here you have


Publisher: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Images: Ashok Sinha
Cover: Ashok Sinha
Editing: Ashok Sinha
Publication Date: 09-26-2018
ISBN: 978-3-7438-8201-0

All Rights Reserved

Accept inevitable with grace. Accept Life as it is; the way it is coming to you. Do not put hurdles, with your desired choices. Stay choice less and accept Life. While accepting your life as it is; stay a witness. Watch, staying awakened, the happenings in your life. Life is taking different shapes. Sometimes low, sometimes high; just watch, stay a witness. Though loneliness can occur to anybody, at any age. It is delicate, especially when you are aging, for old people. How to understand loneliness and stay fit and healthy all the time. How to face depression? How to control your mind? How meditation helps? What is the importance of meditation? How to meditate? And, on this glorious path of life- Let us explore together a little more, and more, and more...

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