I dedicate this book to my goddess, my late mother, Mrs. Saroj Sinha. I dedicate this book to my elder mother, Aunty, late Mrs. Bina Sinha. I dedicate this book to every "mother."
Stress can destroy you. Stress can kill you. Stress can be the door of salvation. It all depends upon your look; how you are looking at your stress.
Absolute is the truth. Your existence, your life is a reality. Holy-Sin, Good-Bad, Positive-Negative, Plus-Minus everything is there in your life. Your life is a combination of all. That is why your life is absolute truth.
Accept your life as it is; there is no other way, you have to accept your life as it is. When you accept your life in awareness, as it is without any discrimination, you become powerful, complete; now accept mundane crisis, difficulties, stress as it is.
Become strong. Stay awakened. Mundane difficulties, stress is unavoidable. If you try to avoid your stress, if you try to ignore your stress using some exercises, using some stress release methods, temporally it might go; it will come back again. For a permanent stress release solution, does not try to get rid of your stress- staying awakened, through meditation; accept your stress as it is.
Stress is merely a source, an energy, which provokes you to do something. Your stress is merely indicating towards an answer of your miseries. In stress you become disturbed. And that disturbance opens many doors for you to release your stress, to get over your misery. Stress can destroy you. Stress can kill you. It all depends upon your look; how you are looking at your stress? Live through the entire body; reach each and every pore of your body. Keep floating with moments.
You are living through your mind, always thinking, planning something. When you will achieve something in your future, then you will live happily! When you earn enough money, when you secure your life, then you will live.
Your life is a goal, a purpose for you. You are living in your future; chasing your goal. You are living in an unknown place which is yet to come, which never comes. By the time you reach in your future, it becomes now! There are some questions, there are some answers for you, when you know the answer, when you unfold the mystery of the Universe then you will live. This is absurd. This is madness. You are living in your self created mad world- stress is natural.
Life is here, now is here, everything is here; except you- Stress is natural. You try to get rid of your stress; in vain. You start blaming God, your stars, your luck, your destiny. Stress is natural. Now the question arises, what to do? How to release stress? What is the method of stress release? And again, you start searching the method of stress release. Your pilgrimage starts. You start searching the method of your stress release, in your future. The future never comes. The future never exists. You are living here now. Life is here, now. Only you are not here, You are in your future.
You are eating, you are thinking, planning something. You are taking a bath, you are planning something. Something will happen in your future. You must set a goal. You must achieve something- stress is natural. When eating your food, enjoy the food. When taking a bath, stay there, enjoy the bath.
To find out, to know the remedy of your stress release- drop everything. Everything, your search for happiness, your search for your stress release, your ambition. your goal, your achievement, your future, your ego, your fear of insecurity- drop everything.
Become naked, drop everything. And the moment you drop everything, the moment you are absolutely naked- your living will start. You will start living a real life, stress free life. You will find the method of your stress release within you- stress is natural. Live through the entire body; reach each and every pore of your body. Keep floating with moments. Do this. And you will get the answer that why the stress can be a killer; and why the same stress can be the door of salvation.
Negative and positive energy of your body, you have to accept both. Both are surviving inside you. They are simply energy. It is you who have given them a name; positive energy and negative energy. It is always up to you, how you are taking it. Understand you first. Understand your entire body. Understand your need. Understand nature. Start sailing with the nature. Stay in tune with the Universe. This way you will understand your stress.
You might become confused, you might not understand this. If it sounds meaningless to you then you must learn meditation. Meditation is very strong. Meditation brings awareness to you. And once you are aware; there will be no more confusion for you. Stress will appear friendly to you. Why and how stress can become friends? You understand this first.
Stress is an energy, a source which provokes you to do something. Your stress is merely indicating you towards an answer of your misery. Negative energy can become positive energy. It depends upon you how you are handling it. Stress is always disturbing. Under stress you cannot perform your duty nicely. Under stress you are always agitated, angry, frustrated.
In an ugly mood you become a nuisance to everybody. People around you starts avoiding you. Your family starts ignoring you. This way your frustration increases. There are many examples that under heavy stress people commit suicide. These tragedies happen because of your ignorance. Understanding 'you' is important. Knowing 'you' is enlightenment. You need to enter your 'Super Conscious' state; float with moments.
Reaching your super conscious mind is so easy that it might appear insane to you. Enlightenment is the outcome of insanity. Every sane, simple things appear nonsense to you. reality appear mad to you. That is why in our past many saints, enlightened people, they all have appeared mad. Extreme insanity was; Jesus Christ was crucified. Reality appears enemy to you. That is why it is known as "bitter truth". Truth is sacred, your thought is bitter. Your way of understanding life is bitter; Wake up. Wake up and meet reality. You will find truth is beautiful, truth is not bitter. The day you understand this; stress will become friendly to you. Stress is a force; energy. Through meditation you can use this force, this energy to look at the root cause of your stress. When you use this energy to look at the root cause of your stress; you become powerful. Your power will transform your stress into a positive energy. his energy, in transforming it into a positive force; positive energy.
For example, instead of becoming restless, tortured; you can use this power to your benefit. Remember this, when you are using your meditative power you are transforming a negative energy into a positive energy; you accept both, your negative and positive energy. Do not create a division inside you.
God has created you as a whole., complete, compact; no division. Accept your stress as it is. The more you try to run away from your stress or the more you try to get rid of your stress you might get a temporary relief. But your stress won't go away; it will go and hide somewhere within you, and it will keep appearing. But, when you transfer your negative energy into a positive energy, this transformation will melt negative energy into a positive energy. it becomes your strength. Yes, transformation always gives birth to a new life.
This transformation is only possible when you are not creating any division inside you. Accept your life as it is. Whatsoever is coming to you, accept it. Stay like a sea. Accepting everything and yet- keeps floating.
Success the way I wish. Money the way I wish. Understand 'I'. This 'I' is important.
Deserve Success, desire comes later. Success brings happiness because, failure co-exist. Success is yours. Failure is yours. Success is
Publisher: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG
Text: Ashok Sinha
Images: Ashok Sinha
Cover: Ashok Sinha
Editing: Ashok Sinha
Proofreading: Ashok Sinha
Translation: Original English by Ashok Sinha
Layout: Ashok Sinha
Publication Date: 02-22-2018
ISBN: 978-3-7438-5767-4
All Rights Reserved
Have you ever witnessed the sacred explosion of life inside you? The Almighty has given you the most beautiful gift-your life. Why is this a beautiful gift? Because this is a complete gift. Your life consists of everything: holiness and sin, good and bad, happiness and sorrow, ugly and beautiful, justice and injustice, everything. Absolutely nothing is left outside. Everything is inside you. But you are not aware of this fact. Precisely, this is the reason why there is so much chaos, stress, and anxiety in your life. Peace and love keep evading you. Because of your own weaknesses. What to do? Wake up; you are sleeping. How do I wake up? Meditate. There are many techniques of meditation; choose one that suits you. Meditation opens many doors. Self-realization and self-control are a must. This power comes through meditation. Accept your life the way it is coming to you. Do not try to mold your life as per your convenience. Meditate.