


     There we lay no insight or hope of tomorrow, just faith in right now. Happiness within the minutes, the moments of his eyes, smile, touch. It was there, right there and then as we were lain beneath the starlit skies, I knew, I knew I was in love not infatuation, not beneath a lust full spell, I knew it was real. I looked at him trying so very hard to not show the very over bearable presence of excitement. I wondered ‘Did he like me? Did he know I liked him? And if so could he, would he ever consider me as a choice?’ I was scared to even speak, scared it would've ruined this very so perfect moment.

       Soothing, assuring warmth came over me as his hand came gently on mine and intertwining our fingers together. I looked at him with a very, deep astonishment. He smile, touched my hair and kissed me on my forehead so sweet and gently. Like he knew just what to do how to have me on my toes questioning all the truth I once knew. My heart stopped and only resumed till after that slow, perfect moment ended. He looked intensely within my eyes, my heart and my soul I shied away feeling ashamed and incomplete thinking he would be able to see, feed off of my insecurity. He sat up, holding my hands and pulling me up also, he then asked me, “Do you know what I see when I look at you?”

I thought to myself ‘A girl who would never be able to live up to your worth, would never be pretty enough stylish enough, a girl inexistent in your perfect world, your world of fast cars, short skirts, high heels and blonde (Wow I feel like I described a show there fast cars we’re 15 we’re not even allowed to drive well I got caught up in the moment). A girl who isn’t anywhere secure and trusting within herself so how could she be with anyone else.’ Instead I answered very nervously, “Umm….No...what do you see?”

 He sat up pulling, me up, my eyes were caught in gaze ‘Oh he was soo perfect his brown eyes had gold flecks splashed all over in them I could see Mardi Gras in them all the colors, expressions, happiness and innocent bliss.’ I brought myself back to reality as his eyes caught mines. I turned my head watching my legs; I bit my lip as he began to speak. “Skye I see beauty beyond words, beyond knowledge when I look deeper I see a broken girl someone scared to trust, to love, I see someone different not caring about the status quo but breaking all expectations and precedents. Setting your own standards, what you believe is perfect for you….and I hope that somewhere down the line I could be the reason why you smile.” He spoke with such confidence, conviction. My cheeks were on fire, I felt light headed. ‘How was I going to respond to that…but wait he liked me right, or is he just being friendly, maybe this is a prank a set up, my birthday was coming up maybe my mom planned this…..but he did find I was beautiful or he just wants to have sex with me.’ How was I going to respond could I look at him, face him he would see right through me right through my, don’t give a shit façade.

      He raised my chin before even giving me, a chance to speak ‘Although I might’ve just stuttered getting nothing out.’ He kissed me ‘My first kiss by the most incredible hottest guy ever.’ I melted, he kissed me so soft and gentle ‘OMG this was it, I felt like I was under a spell everything was just forgotten, erased I only thought one thing knew one thing. I wanted more of whatever this crazy drug was and I was madly deeply, head over heels in love with Giovanni Affini. He pulled away ‘Nooo I wanted more!!!!’ He ran his finger down from eyes to my lips. His touch was something electrical, mystical something I wanted to belong to me; only me. He bit his lip watching me, just then a bright flash of light passed over our heads. It came back to me that’s what we were here for…a science project on the Meteors. I smiled, “Gio I think we just missed our meteor and half of our grade.”

      “I don’t really care for it I got something way better.” He smile grabbing my hand and playing with my fingers. ‘Gosh what was this boy doing to me!!!?’ “I just poured my heart out to you and you never did tell me…What do you think of me?” He said smiling looking straight at me, through me I felt naked…and cold. ‘I think you’re a God I’ve been lusting over you since you transferred to my shit hole of a school, your body is breaking the scale out of whatever number. Your brown curly hair looks so cloud like soft I just want to forget about everything around us and rush into you running my fingers through them. Your lips are just so pink, kissable and bitable. Your tan sun kissed skin is just soooo inviting, the thought of your body touching mine is enough to last the rest of my lonely cat filled life. Your touch sends shivers up my spine and wetness to my panties every time.’ Instead I said,” Umm…well…I like you which I think is obvious...but I’m sure you don’t have space in your life right now for me…I mean a boy like you, you’ve been in this school under a year and….well anyway I’m sure you have a girlfriend and I’m sure that I can’t say anything that would interest you or that you haven’t heard before.” I looked away he was perfect, I couldn’t even pretend I was anywhere near his standards.

      He raised my head to his; his eyes showed disgust ‘Finally he was seeing me how everyone did.’ “Are you mad? How could you say that!!! You don’t need to say anything to interest me you interest me; your presence consumes my every thought, being. You are….” Before he even finished his sentenced our lips were together, our tongues intertwined. It was intense, passionate like those scenes on those movies your mom would block your eyes from. He held me his hand on my waist and the other in my hair. ‘Whoo this was my chance I would finally get to feel those curls run my hand on his body!!!’ He bit my lip then resting me back down on the blanket, him on top of me kissing my neck, then my chin, my lips then gently he broke our heated tongue fight and kissed my forehead. I was breathless ‘Did that really just happened? Whoa it was awesome!!!!’ My body tingled all over from his soft touches. I smiled one night had changed my boring dull life into one of excitement, love and hunger for more. He held my hand, then began, “I truly have feelings for you, I want you to know, I need you in my life need you to be mine, I know I don’t really know you but I want to whether it’s as your friend or more I want to be in your life.” He blushed a little as he said or more. It was my choice ‘Duh I want you you’re soo sexy and caring’ but he was right we didn’t really know each other ‘I knew everything about him in a stalker sense’ but I didn’t really know him his likes and dislikes.

      “I want the same thing…yeah I think we should be friends first.” I smiled my cheeks still red. ‘Yup I had finally lost it be friends, friends with this blessed creature’ I wanted more…but I didn’t want to show it. He kissed my forehead and held my hand tighter like he didn’t want me to leave. 


      He walked me home his hand in mine, his burning gaze never leaving my face. We talked about small, silly, stuff. Because he said the small stuff makes up the memories the person, that you remember the small stuff, you yearn for the simple things when you don’t have the whole presence around anymore. So we talked about our family though my side was pretty boring. “I was born here I’m the only child my mom and dad has they’re separated now so I have two step brothers. But I always feel like an only child because I’m the only girl. I’m bi-racial so that’s kinda cool yeah I think that’s it.” I said, “What about you?”

      “Well I’m from Italy (‘Wow that wasn’t a shocker’). We moved here because my father is a business man and he wants to expand, so he decided to take America ‘by storm’. So we’re here now. It’s me my mother, father and Luca my brother, Nella my sister and our newest addition Antonio. But my family is huge when everyone gets together. Christmas, Thanksgiving, Birthdays are always…interesting. Italy is beautiful it is…. I don’t even know where to begin but it is maybe someday I’ll have the honor of showing you there.” He said so smoothly.

      Wow this boy was good how could we be just friends and again I’m so boring in comparison to that, but his baby brother is probably sooo cute just like a mini Gio aww. We reached my house; I prayed silently that my mother would be inside watching TV paying no mind to come outside or open the door of course I was wrong. She opened the door her face lit up, she began to open her mouth what was it with mother’s these days so chatty gosh. I shoved at her gently but firm saying “I’ll come inside soon mom” stressing on the mom and plastering a smile for emphasis. He waved at her saying goodnight thank god she understood me and didn’t take that as an invitation for a conversation. She just smiled and went inside. I knew she was probably plastered by the window though. So we exchanged numbers he promised to text me when he reached home. We hugged; thank God he didn’t go in for a kiss that would’ve been uncomfortable and disturbing to talk to my mother about. Then he kissed me gentle on my forehead and left.

      I came inside slowly in my own world just repeating the events of tonight his words, his touch, his kiss, damn him!! My mother interrupted my thoughts with her school girl squeals, “What was that? You didn’t tell me you were doing your science project with such, such…such a fine young man.” She looked upset while saying young she probably realized there that we were discussing a 15yr old and she was no longer young, poor her she got caught up sometimes.

      “He’s my friend. His name is Giovanni. Yes he is a fine young man, but if you don’t mind I’m tired science does that to a girl soo good night” I left her there disappointed, I love my mom and I would tell her but it didn’t feel right. It was kind of sacred, kind of for me alone to find happiness in at the moment. I went upstairs; I looked at myself in the mirror at all angles, sitting down, on my head. I got nada I didn’t look any different than I did yesterday but this thing was burning inside of me making me feel a way. Making me feel wanted, and wanted by Giovanni Affini, my word, things just got interesting. I wondered what school would be like now would we being friends, did that mean I had to be friends with his friends hmm that would be interesting. I took a bath every time my hand touched the places he held me I was left weak, butterflies slamming in my stomach. Hmm was this it, Love.

      I lay on my bed replaying all the moments, wanting so bad to be there once more. I looked at my phone and there it was One Message. I clicked it praying that it wasn’t an annoying relative or some other stupid thing.

Gio :) - Hi. I reached safe and sound. I was wondering if you were free tomorrow. (Hoping you are.)

Me- Hi. Whoo I was beginning to get worried :p. And yeah I’m free.

Gio  :)- Kay are you up for spending the day together or are you already getting tired of me :/

 Me- How could I :). I think you at least have like two days or something before that time reaches :p

Gio :)- Lol hoping that it never does :). So what time should I come for you?

Me- After one. What are we going to do?

Gio :)- Don’t worry you’re safe, it’s a surprise. And after one :( I wanted to spend the whole day with you not the afternoon :/

Me- Oh oh that’s really sad but its Saturday I get up in the afternoon :p ….Kay how about 12 :)

Gio :)- That’s nice that you went an hour up but I think we could do much better. How about 10 :)

Me- Are you crazy, how about 11. I think that’s reasonable :)

Gio :)- I don’t lets meet right in the middle 10:30 :D

I must say he was good damn the time was originally after 1. Now I had to get up early because I wanted to spend a lot of time with him too. Shoots I forgot I have a mother I have to ask to go places. And I just shut her down a while downstairs. Bleh I had to talk to her and she asks a lot of questions, the things I do for Giovanni Affini.

Me- Fine you win, you better make it worth my time :p

Gio:) - I think you know I would :)

      I went downstairs. “Umm mom I know I just blew you off a while ago and we have a better relationship than that and stuff. Also I was wondering if I could go out with Gio the boy from tonight tomorrow. I promise to tell you all the juicy details it was just a little weird to tell you everything right after it happened. I’m sorry.” I said trying my hardest to be cute and sorry. It worked though because she smiled back at me and said, “Sure I understand. You can go. I guess I was being kinda invasive so when you’re ready I’m here.”

      Gosh I love that woman! I felt kind of bad though but it still didn’t feel right to tell her. I hugged her and went back upstairs to text ‘My friend’.

Me- No, no I don’t hmm guess you’ll need to show me tomorrow ;)

Gio :) - :o Gasp are you flirting with me :3

Me- I think you know the answer after all you started it :p

Gosh I wanted him right now! He was so cute nope scratch that sexy nope that’s not enough I need a new word he’s so……Ahh I got nothing.

Gio :)- I did, so are we going to continue ;)

 Whoo this boy is trouble. But this conversation was leading to a total different road not the one of friends getting to know each other.

Me- Lol. Nope you know what let’s go back to getting to know each other after all we are friends :3

Gio -:) Wow you start me up only to shut me down, harsh. Kay what’s your favorite color, food? What do you spend your free time doing?

I spend my free time obsessing about him but he didn’t need to know.

Me- Kay umm…Pink but not the light pink the more intense shades. Umm…Hmm I like crustaceans but I don’t think I would say they’re my favorite. I like Italian food though. I would love to spend a year there after I finish school just eating and absorbing Italy. As for my free time it’s a secret maybe someday I’ll show you :p What about you?

Gio :)- You don’t have to wait until you finish school though. I can show you Italy right here and for the food you’re welcome to join me and my family anytime so you can get a traditional Italian meal :) and I would love to accompany you for that year ;). Umm I like purple; I can’t give a straight answer for food either. And I spend my free time reading yeah I know that’s a little geeky but I’m captivated by oceans so I just want to consume myself with all its knowledge. I don’t know how to explain it I’m just in awe by it all.

Wow that was so intriguing, different and he’s ashamed by it and I’m- I didn’t think it was possible but more head over heels for him. He has dreams, a vision he’s intellectual. Hmm something I didn’t know.

Me- Wow ‘geeky’ more like inspirational. I would love to hear about the beauty of oceans through your eyes :). But I think it’s time for me to go and sleep now after all I have to get up really early on a Saturday tomorrow. So Good Night Gio tonight was ….eye opening :)

Gio :)- Lol you’re leaving :( you better wake up on time. Bye :) I’ll miss you tonight was I don’t know…Amazing:). Sweet dreams Skye :*

      Hmm ‘Amazing’ he’s so I don’t even know how to explain it but he just leaves me wanting more, forgetting everything I once knew. And I barely knew him. I was in deep, because I was deeply in love with Giovanni Affini.


In case you didn’t know. The symbols are emoticons and lol means laugh out loud 


I woke up to the sun gently kissing up and down my face. Destroying my Saturday rest argh I hate the sun. I got up, pulled my blinds and once again begun drifting to the beautiful world of sleep. Where everything is to my desire and my desire is everything. Where the wildest dreams I’m scared to even whisper come true. Where there’s no sun shining in your face. Where I can say what I want. Love who my heart wills me too…Shit Shittt Shitt Ohhh Myy Fricking Shitting Word I forgot something big.

      I flew out of bed rushing straight for the bathroom. Shit why didn’t my alarm go off. Shit did I set one? Shit I wonder what the time is late for sure shit. Kay I’ll just lie and blame it on my mom. But I won’t call now I’ll wait till I’m done. Next thing he wants to come over after I call and see me getting ready no thank you. I’ll call when I’m done so whatever time he comes I’ll be ready. Yup that was the plan. I swear I didn’t know I had it in me to bathe that fast to resist the magical power of my shower mmhmm I’m that awesome. I knew for a fact though finding my clothes would be a totally different story. I’m indecisive past the point of recovery.

      I made my way over to the point of no return my closet. I opened it and I got nothing. So I decided to change strategies, I began to comb my hair and visualize what I’ll wear. But of course my hair was not one of compliance so it chose today to bitch. Argh. I swear if it wasn’t for the fact that my head was really big so I probably wouldn’t look that good without hair it would’ve been gone. I tried a bun I got nothing. I tried to braid it, it just didn’t look right. So I went YouTube bless the creator’s hearts. So I settled with a twist braid thing to the sides and left it out. Whoo finally. Still didn’t know what I was going to wear but I felt inspired if I could tame the moody bitch that is my hair I could find some clothes.

      So after an unaccountable number of outfits and a lot of ungodly swearing I found something. I was wearing a pink long sleeve shirt and black short skirt with my converse. Yup I’m a shoes and skirts girl. I looked in the mirror for the millionth time and I was proud to say I was pleased. So I checked the time it was 12:47 wow I was late and it was really close to the time I said we should go though. Imagine if the time was still one after all the drama of getting ready I would be leaving after 4. I picked up the phone and dialed away,” Umm Hi kay so I know you said 10:30 and it’s almost 1. But this wasn’t my fault I got up early and stuff but then my mother needed someone to go with her to drop her friend to the airport cause she would’ve been a mess. I tried explaining to her I had somewhere to be but she made me feel guilty after all she is my mother but we’re home now so you can come.” I rattled it off not even taking a breath in between.

      He laughed. Kay… not the response I was expecting I was officially confused. “Skye I’m downstairs with your mother we’ve been waiting on you really long now. I was worried when 11 came and you didn’t even call. Your mom said you would do this you know she was just telling me…” I cut off the phone and made my way downstairs maybe he was lying to get me to confess but nuh-uh innocent until proven guilty and as far as I was concerned the game wasn’t over. Shitt Shitty Mc Shit Shit he was really here. With the embarrassing woman I call my mom. Looking delectable as always. But damn I was caught. He laughed once again when he saw me damn that was hot. I rolled my eyes, “Come on let’s go.” Oh well you can’t win them all. I said bye to my mom and walked out not caring if he was behind or not. I just wanted to leave, damn can’t believe I got caught. Needless to say I was sore loser. He came out after a while the smirk still present on his face, wonder if I would ever hear the end of this.

      “So are you going to tell me how you managed to get up early and still leave your house minutes to 1.” He said the smirk still playing on his lips.

     “Well Mr. Knows It All I got up late.” I said, the annoyance falling of my tongue.

      “Right but your mom said you got up a little after 10, but you came downstairs minutes to 1. Seriously Skye I think that’s a new record.” He was clearly enjoying this. Wow I wasn’t even late all that stress I put on my precious over loaded brain and my moody hair.

     “Well I had trouble… (I didn’t want to admit that I was freaking out over something to wear and trying to fix my hair but I couldn’t even play like I didn’t care or wasn’t sure of myself with him it was like he saw straight through into my heart and my heart was unsure and overcompensating) finding something to wear and my hair has a mind of its own so yeah I’m sorry” I said truly sorry this time.

      “That’s no problem the trouble was worth it, you look really nice.” He said the smirk still playing his lips while intensely gazing me like he was looking straight into my heart again. After walking aimlessly just following his lead for five minutes I had enough. I needed to know where we going. “Umm where are we going?”

      “I honestly don’t know. I’m just killing time. I had something organized earlier but we can’t do it again the weather is not appropriate for it; maybe you’ll let me wake you up another Saturday morning. I’m just going where feels right. We could get to know each other.” He said smiling; I thought I knew everything about this boy but oh how I wrong. I also thought this was a sexy as it gets then that smile Whoa!!!! He had dimples. How is it that he could be so perfect it just was just unfair and he did it so…so in a way only Gio could so unassuming about it. I didn’t care though I would walk to the end town and back with this boy.

      I was smiling ear to ear right now I don’t know if it was because he was now holding my hand or what but I was happy. “That’s no problem but I think I know where we could go. It’s a really long walk though so how much time do we have? Oh and kill time till what where are we going?”

      “Don’t worry your safe with me. That’s okay we have time we can go whenever you’re ready. Just not now. Where do you have in mind though and when’s your birthday?” He said.

      “Don’t worry you’re safe,” I said a teasing smile on my lips “and the day I was born is the twelfth of February but I also celebrate my birthday on November the third and July the sixteenth. When’s yours?”

      “Wow three birthdays I don’t think you can just choose like that,” he laughed muttering soft but loud enough for me to hear that I was completely and undeniably crazy. I hit his arm playfully holding on for just a while stealing a feel on his muscle. Damnnn!!!! “My birthday feels lacking in comparison with yours though, alas I only have one day January the 26th.”

      “Yay you’re an Aquarius, yes I believe in astronomy we’re born by the stars and moons. It is said that...” I rambled on but stopped when he looked at me like I was crazy wow he was cute but a little slow it took him a while so I stopped on the astronomy he wasn’t awesome enough to handle it. “I have three birthdays because this level of awesome can’t be contained to one day and I really wanted to be a Scorpio.” I said it was the truth to a point.

      “Kay I’ll accept that but I don’t believe it. Wait did you eat?” He said looking truly concerned.

      “Umm nope I don’t eat in the morning. I’ll make up for it during lunch.”

      “It’s past lunch time though and you’ve been sleeping for how long you’ll make yourself sick.” He was sounding like an old man now.

      I smiled sweetly. “Well I’ve been living like this for as long as I’ve been in charge of taking care of myself. But the concern is appreciated anyways shush back to the questions. Are you happy in the U.S of A?”

“I don’t mean to sound ungrateful and harsh but no it is minute compared to the beauty and love you feel in Italy. Italy was built off the want no need to be more accepted, recognized not for themselves but for their family the people who would come after them. You just feel this kind of homely vibe in Italy. Love emanating from the people the food. The beauty crawling off the fine artistic built of Italy. I don’t know L'Italia non può essere spiegato solo visto e sentito.”

I was in awe I mean everyone knows Italy is beautiful there men are divine and their food heavenly. But the way he spoke it wasn’t just a want of mine to visit Italy but a need Italian is without a doubt the sexiest language that was ever spoken. I find French was to vuk, yuk and Pee-ear for my liking and Spanish sounded like gibberish carro come on really. But Italian sounded like a poem by the heart.

  “Well make me feel shitty about my country.” I said with a giggle. I held his hand so I could direct him to my place of solace.

“I didn’t mean to honestly and your country is quite known for a lot and enjoyed by many. Italy is just where my heart belongs but I have found something that caught my heart in the land of the free.” He smiled squeezing my hand.

I was blushing I bent my head trying to hide it of course. Just then a ball hit me in head. I wanted to cry but I tried to stay strong. He turned me towards him rubbed my head asking me if I were okay. No I was not those stupid boys hit me. Hit me very hard I might add. I told him I was fine I was trying to focus on something else but my throbbing forehead and my soon to develop headache. He picked up the ball the stupid boys came running over.

“We’re soo sorry. Jay didn’t mean to hit it so hard.” One of the boys said he was embarrassed by the whole situation so that made me feel better.

“It’s okay. Don’t worry I’m bad at it myself I understand.” I said just playing with him but I could’ve died at the look on his face. He was now red his mouth open to say something but nothing coming out. He was probably thinking of the world’s greatest string of curse words.

“I’m just playing not about the me being shit part that’s real but I’ve seen you guys playing before you’re okay.” He let out a breath and smiled at me. I haven’t really seen them played but whatever compliments make people feel good.

“Oh thanks think we’re better than okay though but whatever anyways we’re soo sorry.”

“It’s okay I’m a big girl. I’m Skye by the way this is Gio.”

He smiled shaking my hand.” Kyle. Yeah you go St. John right?”

This boy was stalking me. “Yup how did you know that?”

“Our school played yours last week. I saw you there.” He said smiling okay now for sure I knew they could really play.

“Oh yeah I remember now. Anyways nice meeting you we have to go though we’re late.” I smiled and walked away. Gio gave them their cursed ball then held my hand. I looked up and smiled at him remembering what we were just talking about.

“Well looks like you have an admirer.”

First I thought he was talking about him but the way he said it I knew what he was talking about well who I really found him to be quiet. But I don’t think it was like that though his friend hit me for crying out loud I think that deserved an apology and small talk.

“Oh really I always wanted one. I mean chocolate, notes and shit. Someone to watch my every movement and …” He cut me off by yes fricking kissing me and shoving his tongue down my throat. I was shocked yeah but that went out the window once my heart picked up on what was happening.

Well so much for being ‘friends’ the way we were kissing had no trace of friendliness it was heated. It wasn’t like it was the first night tender and sweet nuh uh it was sinful. He kissed me with a kind of hunger need for my body close to his, need for our lips together to tie this kind of bond. To make us one. Don’t get me wrong there was no complaints here but this kind of kiss belonged in private. Think I blushed just thinking about us in ‘private’.

I pulled away not offensively or anything but kind of like ‘WTF dude back up!’ but not offensively. He wasn’t even fazed by the whole attacking my tongue in public he just ran his hand through his hair the same blasted, shiver sending way. Hate that he makes me have no control of my body, my brain and heart around him.

“I like you. I really do unexplainably like you. I know you already. I don’t need to spend any more time with you to see who you are I’m already uncontrollably, stupidly in deep. I want you. I want you as mine. I want to be your one and only. The reason for stupid smiles on face. The reason for a glow of happiness. So give me a chance amore.”

Whoa I just stood there I was scared he didn’t know me how could he love me on purpose. Hell my dad was meant to love me and he chose not to. He’ll only get close and realize that I’m broken beyond repair. But come on that little declaration was sweet if his hand wasn’t on my lower back I think I would’ve fallen already. And amore whoo. I’m failing all my foreign language classes but I know what that meant. Cue the stupid smile that would remain forever. I want him in my life duhh he’s sexy. Really though he’s one of those people that you’re happy you’ve met but feel unworthy to have had the chance to meet. I don’t know but it’s amazing when I get to talk to him or he reads and essay for the class or poetry. It’s breath stealing, mind defying, heart capturing but leaves you feeling unworthy. I am unworthy.

“You don’t need to say these things Giovanni. You don’t know who I am, the things I do. What if after we get together you realize you’ve made a mistake? I don’t know if we should.” I was scared. I’m not really a nice person. If I could choose to be someone else I would I hate this girl. I don’t even know me I’m still struggling to find out. How could he.

We were approaching the forest now eeep we’re close. He held my hand and squeezed it. The insecurities rushing back.

“I remember when the school had that fire scare I remember seeing you so scared and worried. You were arguing with a teacher I swear you were ready to jump back in the school although we were on an alert for a fire. Then after I saw you with Alex all worry and panic gone. I kinda eavesdropped on your conversation not being freaky or anything but just worried I guessed and I heard you telling her that you remembered an essay she read to the class about one of her asthma attacks. And you were so scared because just the panic was enough to set off an asthma attack and you didn’t know where she was and the teacher was telling you to calm down that she probably fine and nearby but you couldn’t because you thought she was probably half dead in a class somewhere gasping for breath. I don’t even think I had ever seen you and Alex talking or spending time together but you picked up on that because you’re caring, considerate even when you don’t need to be.”

After he said that I was left speechless firstly this bitch has been stalking me and here I was thinking it was only me. I didn’t even remember that I was ready to go back in the school though burning or not. It wasn’t anything memorable I guess I just freaked out because it felt like Brian dying all again but this time I could’ve done something. Selfish really.

“I didn’t even remember that everyone thought it was Drew and Aaron who set the school on fire for hopes of a vacation. I think you’re really blowing the whole thing out of proportion though I just remembered and wanted to see if she was okay.” I shrugged my shoulders it was making me uncomfortable really to talk about thought I was over it but like everything else in life with Giovanni Affini he puts all my emotion on high. It just soars over anything comprehendible.

“You’re so sweet and you don’t even know it.” He then kissed my head and pulled me into him. I was full on blushing. Yes I will admit I’m one of those lonely kind of girls who sits down and reads books and movies and cry like a wuss and just pray and anticipate that moment when I’ll meet my own price charming. So to say that what had begin to happen wasn’t a dream come true and heart melting would be a true statement, this was so much more it was euphoric my heart always felt like it was going through an intense training session for the Olympics my belly felt like it was hosting world cup. It’s indescribable cause I don’t even know what I’m feeling most of the times.

I bumped him with my hip, “Thanks you’re not too bad yourself.” I smiled and went on my tippy toes to kiss him on his cheek. “How old is your brother?”

“He’s seven months. But he gives enough trouble for a toddler on steroids.”

“I bet he’s really cute.”

“Yeah but he’s three handfuls and I don’t even have to spend whole day with him. Hmm bless my mother’s heart. What about your family, give me some names and history?”

“Amen well my mom’s name is Leyla she’s 37. My poppa’s name is Kenneth he’s 40. My sister’s name is Cateleina she’s 15 my two step-brothers’ name are Simon and Sean they’re 10 -13 I don’t really know my step-mother’s name is Rose and I don’t care to know how old she is.” After I said that you could see like everyone else he was wondering how I had a sister my age he’d never heard about and if I had a twin.

“No I don’t have a twin, no she doesn’t live with me and yeah she’s 15. My father obviously didn’t care for vows made in the presence of God and respect for monogamy. So yup I have a sister my age different mother and she lives with my father.” We were getting closer thank god because I honestly don’t know how long I could it’s okay answers when I wanted to cry.

“I was actually calculating an age for your step-mother but I guess the sister thing would’ve popped in mind at sometime. So where are we going we’ve been walking for a really long time now.” He was just so sweet.

“No I’m not going to tell you but we’re really close I think it would tickle your fancy.” He just laughed we were getting into the dark part of the forest now all you could see were trees. You could hear the breeze soaring through the wind the heart beats and chirps of the bird. The water lazily trailing down the stones and hills.

      When I was in fifth grade after my parents got divorced and school was crap and it felt like everything was going in the complete opposite direction from where I wanted it to be. I was just tired all the time I mean school makes us all tired but this was different. I just walked, walked going nowhere but desperately needing to be somewhere to run away from it all. I stopped in this part of the forest and breathed for like the first time in weeks. I just looked around and realized how fast I was trying to go my heart, brain everything felt like it was on overload. I was drained and I was done making myself feel this way over people. It was my rebirth that was July the 16th .  Through running away from it all I found this place I don’t know exactly what it is, if it’s a river or a beach. It’s found in a part of the forest, in like a cave kinda thing. I remember the day I was just walking into the forest feeling like for the first time I could laugh, cry do whatever I like and not feel scared to be judged and criticized. Like I could be me.I would just come back and walk, sit, talk to myself. I got lost a couple of times but I found it. I thought it was a cave but something was glowing it seemed to be calling me, lighting a way to something, something more for me to find. So I went in the first thing I saw was the water it was green but at points where the light from the cave opening at the top would hit it, it would be the deepest blue. Seriously I was expecting a mermaid, vampire, werewolf something to appear and say that this land is the land of their ancestors cause it was so beautiful and pure. It was beyond beauty that humans should be allowed to admire. I felt unworthy but I also felt honored this place was beautiful and I had the privilege of enjoying that whenever I wanted.

 It gave a kinda Gio vibe thinking about it. We finally reached he probably thought that I was going and rape and kill him as he entered but as soon as he saw it all ire thoughts failed.

“Skye…do you know what this is..My God…”    

Author's Note

Hi :D I don't really know how the book is going like are people reading and waiting for me to update or is it like okay this is a nice story. If you do want to follow my book I will be very happy to tell you when I update and ask questions about what you would like to read. So just message me if you would like to be notified I don't bite only if your covered in chocolate ;)

Kay Nite Nite hugs and kisses hope only good comes your way :D


Text: Jael Goddard
Editing: Jael Godddard
Publication Date: 11-04-2013

All Rights Reserved

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