

Jessica’s P.O.V.

It couldn’t get much simpler in my mind. Sean and I have been together since 6th grade, and now we are seniors. We will get married in the little church outside the city and find the perfect house, and have two adorable children that have my thick curly dirty blonde hair and his magnetic green eyes. It will be absolutely perfect. I don’t know how it couldn’t be. Sean and I will be the high school sweethearts that get married and love each other forever, because our love can only get stronger after all this time together. I know him like nobody else and he’s knows me the same. There isn’t anything in the world we wouldn’t do for each other. And I just love him, only him. Forever perfection, with him.

Sean’s P.O.V.

It don't get more complicated in my mind. I have been with Jessica since 6th grade. We were each others first and I think I love her. I want to lover her, but it’s not that easy, not that simple in my eyes. I met this girl this summer. I don’t know how I kept it from Jessica, but I did. Sammy. She is amazing. She’s beautiful and funny and smart and she gets me. Really gets me in a way that Jessica never did and never will. Don’t get me wrong, Jessica is beyond gorgeous, and she’s funny and she’s no genius, but she’s not stupid. At least I didn’t think so. I have been hanging out with Sammy almost all summer, blowing Jessica off, saying I had to work or watch my kid brother. I just couldn’t break up with her. Not yet. Not during our senior year. But if I wait too long then I may never be able to get away and give it a chance with Sammy…


Jessica’s P.O.V.

These past couple weeks have been torture. It seems Sean’s working almost every night and the nights he isn’t working, he has to watch his brother Max. All I knew was that only seeing him at school was killing me. I would be lying if I said things haven’t been strained lately, but to my defense I have been adding more effort then he was. It was like he just stopped caring. I looked at our snapshot that was took earlier in the week. We were the senior years ‘It couple’, well nominated, but we made such an adorable couple, that I know we are going to win, no problem. I turned and looked at my best friend Joanna as she ran up to me in the hallway, almost tripping in her heels.

“Whoa now Jo, breathe. Now talk.” I said laughing at her attempt to catch her breath. Joanna was honestly the best friend I could ever ask for, we have been best friends since the first day in kindergarten when I shared my lunch with her since hers had spilled all over the floor. And since then we have always looked out for each other, thicker than blood some may say.

“I-saw-Sean-outside-,” she took another big gulp of air holding her hand to her chest. I opened my eyes wide at her. I was more worried about her current health than in whatever she had seen outside. I didn’t want to hear it. “holding-some-other-girl,” Another big gulp of air, finally catching her breath, she took me by the shoulders and made me look at her. “I mean it Jessi, he was holding her, and not in a way he would hold a friend either. I am so sorry.” I was in shock. There was no other words for it. I nodded at her and shut my locker. Jo tried to catch my hand, but I shook her off, heading outside to get air. Not prepared, to see what I saw.

Sean’s P.O.V.

“This is a big risk, don’t you think?” Sammy asked me as she looked around, trying to be quick to jump I knew, if Jessica came into her view. She was beautiful, Her long black silky hair and gorgeous electric blue eyes.

“Nah, you worry to much Sammy, I know Jessi, she is probably at her locker gossiping with Jo right now, come on, kiss me, I’ve missed you.” I ducked trying to catch her lips, but she twirled away just as fast and giggled. She was always teasing me, it never ended, but maybe that was why I liked her so much, because it was never a given thing, but she made me earn it. I liked the challenge, the chase almost.

“But Sean, somebody will see us I’m sure, and besides, you just kissed me last night when you dropped me off.” She tried to wiggle away when I caught her in my arms, but she failed and gave up putting her arms around my neck instead smiling up at me.

“I don’t care who sees, your beautiful, I’d be honored if you let somebody see me kiss such beauty,” Yes, I got her to blush, it lit up her fair skin so perfectly, making her near irresistible. “And that hardly counts, you barely let me touch your lips with mine, I wish you would really let me kiss you.” Before she could farther protest I caught her lips with mine and was glad she responded so perfectly. It was more or less our first real kiss and it was like magic. I was suddenly aware of every single part of her that was touching me, the way she smelled sweet cinnamon and apples and how extremely soft her lips felt on mine. In that one kiss I was undone.

Jessica’s P.O.V.

I sat there and watched as he kissed her. Sean kissed that shy girl Sammy. Sammy used to be one of her good friends, but once they hit middle school they each went their separate ways to different groups of friends. How could this be happening to me? This isn’t happening though, no I won’t let it. I will just forget I saw anything. I didn’t see anything after all. There was nothing to see here. I turned around and met Jo at the door way. She saw too, god no please Jo, I thought pleadingly, don’t.

“Jessi, baby, come here. I’m sorry. He was an ass anyway, at least now you can find a real man.” I shrugged her arm away from me and looked at her quizzically, there was no way in hell I was letting Sean go. No, no no. He was mine. Has been mine since 6th grade. And things are absolutely right together. Perfect. No, I was going to act normal, like I hadn’t seen anything at all and Jo was too. If she cared about me she would.

“Jo, are you ok? What’s there to be sorry about? Sean and I are going to make it as the senior class ’it couple’ isn’t it exciting. Maybe even prom king and queen. I just love him so much. We are perfect together don’t you think?” Jo stared back at me with question in her eyes and confusion on her face, but I couldn’t falter, not now. I had to convince Jo first, if I could convince her then I could convince everybody.

“Yeah, yeah perfect. Really perfect Jessi.” Jo muttered under breath and that was all it took for me, she at least partly believed me. Next stop the rest of the school. I had to place the perfect pretty little smile and be happy. Happy like my perfection was crumbling before my eyes.

Sean’s P.O.V.

After Sammy and I broke apart I smiled at her. She twirled just out my reach then winked and walked off to the school. I leaned back against the wall and sighed. I had to go in and see Jessica now. Had to kiss her. Had to hug her. Had to act like we were the perfect little ’it couple’. In a lot of ways we were, but in a lot more ways we weren’t.

I started off slowly to the school and ran into Jimmy, my best friend, he knew everything and loved that I was juggling two girls, finally was all he said.

“Hey man, what’s up? How are the girls?” He asked with a grin. We walked toward Jessica’s locker, out of habit really. I smirked at him as he winked at several girls in the hallway each one swooning over him. I didn’t get it, he was practically in love with Joanna, but never once tried to date her. ’Have to save my heart from disappointment’ was all he had said when I asked him about it.

“Damn dude, mind keeping it down, but Sammy’s amazing, and I haven’t really seen Jessi to much lately to know about her.” I said with a grimace. Of course it sounded bad, Jessica and I used to be inseparable. Doing everything together. Let me just say it got old kind of fast once we hit high school. He punched me lightly on the shoulder and let his eyes go wide as he looked at Jessica and Joanna standing at Jessica’s locker. Jessica was an image. She was in a tight black tank with a white mini skirt and her favorite silver heels, both the skirt and heels made her legs look amazing and her ass didn’t look half bad today either. I walked up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her neck. This was easy, not seeing her face. Once I did see her face though I caught my breath, maybe it was because I hadn’t really taken the time to really look at her lately. She didn’t wear make up, she never did, she didn’t need it, she was flawless. Her perfect hazel eyes, sun kissed skin, her thick curls framing her face and god her perfect full lips. She smiled big at me and kissed me full on the lips pulling me close up to her and I let her. I even kissed her back. It had been easy, several months since we had kissed like this. It sent heat automatically threw me. I pushed her up against the locker and smiled when she gasped, but didn’t push me away.

This was the Jessica I loved, the Jessica I didn’t want to hurt. After she had fully aroused me I pulled back slightly and smiled at her. She smiled back feeling just what she had done to me, pushing into her. When she pushed and grinded her hips all thoughts of Sammy flew from my mind, god it’d been so long since I’d slept with Jessica. I wanted her right now.

“Want to skip? Spend the day just us?” I whispered huskily into her ear. She blushed and shook her head yes and I smiled and kissed her hard grinding back on her as she did to me. God, I need to get out of here, before I had her right here in front of everyone. “I’ll go wait in my car baby.” I kissed her on last time as I walked out to car, leaving Jimmy, Jo and Jessica all standing there watching me walk away whistling.

Jessica’s P.O.V.

I hadn’t acted like that in such a long time, and obviously if I acted like that more he wouldn’t have strayed. Operation Perfection is now beginning. I smiled coyly as Jimmy walked away shaking his head and Joanna stared at me dumbly.

“What the hell Jessi?” She slammed her locker door shut and then I did the same with mine, and turned and smiled at her.

“No worries Jo, same drill as always, I’m sick. I need this Jo, ok? I need him. I love you.” I hugged her as she just watched me leave the building. I slowed my pace as I saw Sean’s car pull up to the curb and I swayed my hips just enough for him to stare. When his eyes came up to mine I smiled at him and climbed into his car.

“God, I’ve missed you Jessi. You don’t even know.” He leaned over and kissed me before he took off away from the curb. Yes I am winning him back already, Sammy didn’t stand a chance and she certainly was not going to ruin my happy ending now or ever. Sean is mine. Just a few more things and he would most defiantly be mine forever. He reached over and put him hand on my leg gently rubbing it and suddenly feeling frisky I grabbed it and put it just under the hem of my skirt and saw his eyes widen and the big grin on his face as he finished the journey the rest of the way.

Sean’s P.O.V.

God, I couldn’t get to my house fast enough. She usually made me keep my hands away from her while I was driving so this was defiantly new. It made me ache as I got her all hot and ready watching out of the corner of my eye. This freaking epic. I wonder what exactly brought all this on? Ah, shit I don’t care. I want her so bad. When we finally pulled up in front of my house I rushed over to her door to get her out of the car faster since her legs seemed to be a little wobbly which, I ain’t gonna lie, made me smile. I half carried her, half drug her up and into my room and she pushed me down on the bed getting on top of me. I let her take control and leaned back and enjoyed the ride as did everything I loved and so much more.

When we were both satisfied and all her energy was burnt out we laid there, me holding her playing with her curls while she tried so hard to stay awake. I couldn’t believe that I could ever want to fuck anybody else. She was amazing. How did I let myself forget that? As her breathing evened out I smiled and just as fast it left my face as another thought entered my head. How in the hell did I forget about Sammy? I wanted Sammy just as much as I did Jessica. I want to have her in the same way. Putty in my hands. But Jessica, god. I held Jessica tighter to me as I realized I couldn’t have them both. I had to choose and sadly while my head was leaning towards Jessica, my heart was leaning toward Sammy. I just didn’t know how to tell Jessica this, especially after what just happened.


Jessica’s P.O.V.

Even as I showered I couldn’t help but to feel guilty. I may or may not have just ruined his life. I know my plan didn’t work with the sex. He seemed even more distant when he gently woke me up asking if I wanted to shower. When I got out, I still felt dirty, extremely dirty. This really better let me keep perfection. I may loose him for a week or a month, but he’d come back. I’m sure of it.

I walked into his room in a towel and let it drop to the floor as he watched me cross the room to the bottom drawer of his dresser. He had started letting me keep clothes here in 10th grade, when his parent’s and mine finally let us spend the night together. We found it more and more convenient all the time. I could feel him watching me as I got dressed and turned around and smiled at him when I had a bra and underwear on. He smiled hesitantly and I decided to try at least one more time. Maybe he wanted control this time…

“So, what are you thinking right now?” I asked as I crossed the room and straddled him. I kissed his neck and felt him shiver and felt the instant boner as he reached for my ass. I smiled as I nuzzled his neck.

“I’m thinking that you fucking sexy as hell baby.” He growled as he sifted and I was under him. I smiled up at him and pulled him down to kiss me. I tried to lace my fingers in his hair, but he wasn’t having that, he pulled them up and pinned them above my head and I smiled. He smiled crookedly back and I cried out his name as he drove into me hard deep and fast. He bent to kiss and nip at my neck no doubt leaving his mark all over my neck. I was at my peak in no time as he only got faster and fell helplessly into ecstasy while he was still going. I trembled under him moaning louder as he brought me right back up into yet another peak and finally this time when I fell he fell with me and emptied everything he had inside of me and collapsed on top of me. I stroked his hair and back as he caught his breath and slowed his heart. When he rolled off of me he pulled me up and into the shower with him this time.

Sean’s P.O.V.

Maybe it was because I hadn’t had her in so long, but it seemed like this was the most we ever had sex in one day. Twice in my bed and now again in the shower. Her body was just to amazing to resist as she rubbed against me. I couldn’t help myself. I took everything she gave and more. Again and again losing myself in her. When we had actually calmed down and stopped jumping each other we had easily had sex half a dozen times. And I feel like I could still fuck her again. I sighed as she pulled on her jeans and she smiled coyly back at me. What was it about her? I wish I knew. That was the brilliant time my phone decided to ring.

“Hello?” I answered lazily. Smiling as Jessica sat down next to me and I put my arm around her pulling her closer. But I jumped up and away from her when I heard who was on the other line.

“You said you’d take me home Sean. Where are you?” Sammy. Shit. What was I going to tell her? That I just fucked my girlfriend I told her I was leaving for her and couldn’t give her a ride home now? Fuck, Fuck, Fuck.

“Uhm, hang on a second,” I smiled at Jessica as she unbuttoned her shirt slowly making me ache all over again and I held up one finger to her as she pouted. I closed the door behind me and tried really hard to focus on Sammy. “but yeah I’m so sorry. I had to leave. Come home for my mom, ask Jimmy to give you lift, tell him I said too because I can’t. And tell him I said to keep his hands to himself too.” I growled the last part knowing Jimmy wouldn’t be able to resist at least trying to get in her pants even though she was my girl. Well, my other girl anyway. Still mine though. I smiled as I heard her giggle on the other end of the line.

“Ok, baby. See you later?” She asked hopeful. I could hear it in her voice. I wanted to see her, needed to be near her and clear my head from being so intoxicated by Jessica.

“Yeah babe. I will call you when I’m on my way. Bye.” I hung up not waiting for her answer. I let my head drop down before I walked back into the bedroom with Jessica. Seeing her there jeans unbuttoned. Shirt hanging open laying on my bed made me lose it. And for what felt like the millionth time already today, I took her again. Letting myself explode and finally feel empty as we laid there in each others arms.

Jimmy’s P.O.V.

Of course as soon as Sammy asked me for a ride I agreed. I wanted to know more about her. Wanted to see just what it was about her that had Sean, my best friend, so damn hooked. At first I thought he was out right stupid as hell. For even thinking of wanting any other girl then Jessica, I mean she was hot as fuck, funny, cool, and smart and from he says amazing in bed. But it didn’t take me long to see what made Sean so head over heels for Sammy. She was perfect. Maybe not as hot or gorgeous as Jessica, or Joanna, but other than that she was perfect. For him anyway. Joanna was the girl for me. Just was waiting on the side for my chance.

“So, Sammy. Tell me, what are your intentions with my Sean?” I laughed as she blushed and smiled. I hit the spot, her one weakness. None of my usual flirts or charming ways made her flirt, but this, one small mention of Sean made her blush. God she had it bad for him. She was going to get her heart broken, I could already see it. No matter how things got between my boy and Jessica, he never left her, and I don’t think he will even now, especially since he’s fucking her brains out as we speak.

“Well, I dunno, I mean he said he is going to leave her. Do you think he really will? He’s been saying it for weeks now.” She turned away form me and looked out the window. Of course He’d been saying it for weeks. He’s putting it off. Trying to have the best of both worlds. He loved Jessica to death, but at the same time Sean had a big thing for Sammy. Sean just wanted to fuck her honestly. And I think that once he did, his fascination with her would end. He just needed to see that there were other girls besides Jessica, once he did though, I’m more than sure he will end back up with Jessica.

“I think so, just hang in there.” I said what she wanted to hear. What she needed to hear. As soon as I said it she relaxed immediately. As I pulled in front of her house she hugged me and I couldn’t help the guilty stab as she did.

“Thanks, Jimmy for the ride. See you at school.” With a wave she ran up to her door smiling.

Fuck, I’m a bad person. Helping my best friend who has a girl get another girl. God, karma, whoever is listening, I am so so sorry, but I can’t help it, I swear I will try harder next time. I pulled away from the curb and text Sean at the stop sign.

‘wat up mann ?’

I drove the five blocks over to my house and parked when I finally got a reply.

‘literally jus finished wit jessi, man she’s fkin incedible.’

I shook my head and couldn’t help the huge grin on my face. I wonder if Sammy will be fucking incredible to him too. Probably not. Just like I will never settle for any other girl other than Joanna. Never stopped me from being with other girls, just practice I keep telling myself, practice so I don’t fuck it up with her.

‘thts nice mann, Sammy wants u now, jus drpd her off hav funn’

I shook my head as I could literally see him jumping around trying to get to Sammy now as fast as possible. What in the hell was I going to do with him?

Sean’s P.O.V.

As soon as Jimmy sent me the last text I was telling Jessica I had to go to work. She pouted, but got dressed and kissed me when I dropped her off at her house. I couldn’t wait until I saw Sammy. I called her as soon as I couldn’t see Jessica’s house anymore. It went to her voicemail so I left her a message.

“Hey sexy, I’m on my way to your house, can’t wait to see you baby.” I smiled and shut my phone and powered it down so Jessica wouldn’t be able to reach me while I was with Sammy. As I pulled into her driveway I noticed both her parents cars were missing. I smiled even bigger and walked to her door. She let me in almost as soon as I knocked and she threw herself into my arms.

“God, I couldn’t wait to see you.” She kissed me and pulled me back into the house with her. I tried to lead her to her bedroom, but she stopped in the hallway pushing me up against the wall. This surprised me in more than one way, I never took her as an aggressive girl in bed. She just seemed so fragile. I picked her up and carried her into her bedroom. My heart raced as I thought of being with Sammy after waiting all summer for her.

But no matter how hard I tried I just couldn’t get it up. I wanted her, I wanted her so bad, but I couldn’t. I kept thinking of Jessica and the little bit that was up went down right away. I was getting pissed and gave up trying to have sex with her, and when she frowned at me I reached my hand down between her legs letting her get all the pleasure this time around.

I held her close to me as she cuddled herself close to me. I know I could have done better I could have had sex with her. I wouldn’t have had been with Jessica so much. Fuck. I need to talk to Jessica and soon. I can’t stay with her anymore. I think I am falling in love with Sammy. So hard and so fast. I played with her hair and she smiled up at me.

“I love you.” The words were out of my mouth before I could stop them and she smiled even wider leaning up and kissing me roughly before pulling back to look at me.

“I love you Sean.” She laid her head back down on my chest and I smiled. I would tell Jessica tomorrow when I saw her. I couldn’t go another day hiding how I felt about Sammy. Jessica would get over me, I know she will, she’s stronger than she looks. But I can’t live without Sammy. I need her in my life.

Joanna’s P.O.V.

“God, I love Sean so much Jo. I know he will come back to me, I know he will leave, but he will come back.” There was something off about the way Jessica was talking. I heard it perfectly, maybe because we have been best friends for so long, or maybe just because she sounded hysterical almost.

“God, what’d you do now Jessi? And don’t say nothing, because I can hear it in your voice.” I tried to keep my voice even and smooth, she won’t talk to me if it isn’t. My heart raced at the possibilities. She wouldn’t risk her future for some fucked up perfect ending would she? I really hope not.

“I just didn’t remind Sean about the condom, and well my shot needs to be renewed so I don’t know. Nothing maybe has happened, but then again we did have sex all day. He’s going to come back to me Jo, we will have everything I ever dreamed up. But shit I have to go, gotta help my mom with dinner and stuff. Love youu.” After Jessica hung up on me I sat there for a long time before I gathered my wits and called the only person who would know what to do.


Jimmy’s P.O.V

I have to say I was a little more than surprised when Joanna called me. I smiled and flipped my phone open as I flopped down on my bed.

“Why, hello Jo my beautiful.” Hearing her giggle on the other line I smiled. Yeah she wants me too, she’s told me but she don’t trust me. Can’t say that I blame her, but in my defense if I had her I wouldn’t need anybody else ever.

“Listen to me Jimmy, no flirting right now, Jessica is up to something and we need to help her and Sean before she ruins their lives.” She sounds so serious and I gotta say I sat up straight as soon as she said Jessica was up to something. That girl was clever, which was scary.

“What’s going on Jo?” she spoke in a hushed quick tone explaining to me everything, from Jessica knowing about Sammy to her trying to get pregnant to keep Sean. God, Jessica is fucking nuts, I am so glad I fell for Joanna!

“Oh. My. God. I have to warn him I have to Jo.” Even as I said this I heard her start to protest.

“No, Jimmy, you can’t say anything. Just try your damndest to get Sean either leave Jessica or stop having sex with her. I swear if she gets pregnant, she will hate herself.” I took a deep breath before I promised her I would keep my mouth shut. When we hung up I covered my face in my hands. Sean, my friend you are in some deep shit. Well, God, I guess this is when I do better like I promised huh?

Sean’s P.O.V.

Jimmy has defiantly been acting funny around me lately. Always whispering with Joanna. He wouldn’t keep them dating from me would he? Nahh, he’s been waiting way to long for her to not announce it to the whole school. I smiled as Jessica came up to me before last period.

“Hey baby.” But when she went to kiss me I ducked and she caught my forehead. I haven’t kissed her since I was with Sammy almost three weeks ago now. Haven’t kissed barely hugged and defiantly haven’t had sex. It just didn’t feel right anymore. But Jessica just kept pushing herself onto me and it finally pushed me over the edge.

“No, Jessi, stop I just can’t anymore ok. We can’t anymore. I don’t want to be with you ok? I found somebody else.” I caught her hands in mine when she tried to snake them around my neck.

“Wait, what, you’re not serious are you? Really?” Her whole face crumbled and her eyes filled with tears. But even as I watched her begin to cry I didn’t feel anything. It just wasn’t there. I loved Jessica once, but somehow when I met Sammy, I just didn’t anymore. I fell in love with Sammy, so fast and so hard. Even without sex. Sammy wanted to be with me and I didn’t want to lose her by making her wait any longer. I let Joanna take Jessica as I walked away looking for Sammy.

Sammy’s P.O.V.

Maybe I’m stupid for falling in love with Sean. He had Jessica, has always had Jessica. How can ever compete with her? She is gorgeous and popular. And then there’s me. I smiled thinking back to the day I met Sean. I was working in the local ice cream shop so I can save money during the summer, and then in walks Jessica dragging Sean behind her. He looked miserable, but she looked completely blissfully happy. I smiled at Sean as he came up to the counter as Jessica found a seat in the back.

“Hey, what can I get for you?” As I made the two ice cream shakes he ordered I was blushing the whole time as he watched me. He looked like I was the most interesting thing he ever saw. God, I hope he didn’t notice that zit by my chin, my mom said you couldn’t see it especially with the make up, but still maybe he saw it. Trying to tilt my head to hide the zit I handed his shakes to him and our hands lingered touching. It was like electric, just one touch sent shocks all threw my body and I knew he felt them too from the way he just kinda looked at me then our hands. It was amazing.

“Thanks, Sammy.” I blushed and he smiled crookedly at me as he walked away looking back at me one more time. After that he started to come in every day, most of the time by himself, he did bring his kid brother Max once though. He said it was a test because Max didn’t like anybody and if I could pass it then I must be a good person. And thank god by the time they left Max was practically in love with me.

I shook my head, shaking away the memory as Sean came running up to me in the hallway. Before I could even think about what was going on he was kissing me. I kissed him back of course allowing the tingling and electric shock run threw my body. When he pulled back from me I smiled and blushed so red, and even more red after I noticed everybody in the hallway staring and whispering quietly.

“Sean, what are you doing?” I whispered to him trying to hide my face and almost pretty much stuck my head in my locker once I got it open. He followed me of course and pulled me out of the locker and held me close to him.

“Well, Sammy, I want you to be my girlfriend, I mean if you’d give me the honor that is of course,” Jessica. Was the first and only thought going threw my head beside total humiliation because all these people were probably thinking the same thing. “And don’t even say what about Jessica, because there is no more Jessica, well I dumped her Sammy. I left Jessi so I could be with you, really be with you,” He tilted my chin up until I was looking into his eyes and his smile was contagious, it defiantly had me smiling huge. “I love you Sammy.” He kissed me again, this time sweet and gentle and the whispers got louder.

“I love you Sean.” I smiled as I let him take me in his arms while he addressed the whole hallway.

“Yes, this is my girlfriend, shows over, you can go now.” I giggled and hugged him harder and got lost in the moment as I processed that I was actually dating the guy of my dreams.

Jessica’s P.O.V.

He left me. That was it, he was just gone. He didn’t hold me when I cried, just handed me over like he was disgusted. And he didn’t come back. I even heard from Joanna that he made it official not even ten minutes after he dumped me. But I still love him, I don’t want anybody else, I don’t need anybody. I need a new plan though, I got my period two days ago. Guess God didn’t want that to happen right now. But I still want to think of something to do to get Sean back. He is mine has been mine since the 6th grade, I will not and can not let some stupid second rate shy loser come in and try and steal him away from me. I always win in the end, and that’s why I’m the best.

I marched over to Joanna at the end of the day and interrupted one of her little whisper sessions with Jimmy. She was always doing that anymore. She would tell me if they were dating though, she has been waiting for him to actually ask her out for way too long to not tell me. But none of that mattered to me right now, all that mattered was getting my man back where he belonged, next to me.

Joanna’s P.O.V.

The past couple weeks since all this stupid Jessica drama started, Jimmy and I have become so close it’s insane. We have even had people ask us if we were dating. So weird, but really I would love to have the chance to date him. I just needed my opening.

“So, what are you doing later?” When he asked me this, my heart raced twenty times faster and I blushed. God, he is finally going to ask me out, I squealed in my head. I smiled but just when I was going to give him an answer Jessica marched over to us.

“Jo, come on, I wanna go to the mall.” She practically drug me away from Jimmy and I frowned back at him as he smiled and shrugged. God I was so going to punch her for this.

“Jessi, come on, I was talking to Jimmy, I think he was actually going to ask me out.” I whined and she looked at me confused then shook her head and smiled.

“Well, then since he finally decided to step up then he can wait a little longer I miss my best friend, I need a hot new outfit or two to win Sean back.” God she was seriously fucked up in the head I swear. She needed to get over Sean and quick. I was just happy she wasn’t pregnant. That would have seriously killed both of them. I shook my head as I let her drag me to the car and listened to her prattle on about Sean this and Sean that, when I got a text message.

‘hey beautiful, can I cme c u l8r? Or does the queen hav u all night?’

It seemed silly that while my best friend was having her heart broken I gave up trying to care and was finding love on my own.

‘:) no u can def cme c me l8r I cnt wait 2 c u’

I never would have thought it would take our best friends breaking up for us to finally make a move.


And it was that simple. I would do whatever to ditch Jessica later to see Jimmy. Who knows maybe we can find her a new man to obsess over while we were shopping. Even though I highly doubted that. Jessica just really needed to learn how to accept Sean wasn’t into her anymore, she should feel lucky as hell they stayed together so long in the first place and not be hell bent on getting him back I mean we are only 17. And she really needed to see that before she wastes half her adult life fighting for something she will never get, at least not with Sean. Everybody saw it but her. And honestly that was pretty sad.



Text: Google image for cover.
Publication Date: 09-04-2011

All Rights Reserved

For the girls who just can't let go...

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