

Amy's Point Of View.

8th grade. Fun. At least I have one person that i know will have my back. Jake. My best friend, he's the only thing i know 100% sure will always be in my life no matter what. My rock. My dorky, funny, skinny rock.

As i walked towards my new locker keeping my eyes out for Jake i walked right into this kid falling backwards right on my butt.

"Oww." I yelped as i landed wrong on my tailbone getting a shock all the way up my spine. I've never seen this boy before so he must be new, just moved here this summer. He was tall, tan and pretty built for a 8th grader. He just kept grinning all funny at me while he helped me stand up.

"Hey Amy. It's been a long summer." No it can't be Jake, can it really? This boy was so, wow. She hadn't seen Jake all summer though, he stayed with some of his family down south for the summer. But it was defiantly Jake's voice coming out of his mouth.

But, when did his voice get so deep. Maybe whispering late at night wasn't exactly better for their phone conversations. If i hadn't insisted it'd be cooler to stay up all night talking, i would have heard the change in his voice. It wasn't fair, he completely changed over summer. And she was still just little Amy, not tall, but short, not tan, but tons of freckles, and the same old voice for her.

"Jake, wow. You look, different." i couldn't help it, i just totally checked out my best friend, i mean how can i not? He is gorgeous!

"Yeah, well, i dunno Ames. I missed you." Even as he hugged me i watched all the other girls watch us, some with envy an others with pure hate. I'm going to lose him, ain't no doubt about it.

"I've missed you too, but i mean we have talked every night since you went down south and even last night." I tried to smile, but his smile was so much better than mine i just gave up. He outshines me now, so much.

"Yeah, but it's not the same as seeing each other. You look really great Ames, better than i remember." That smile, that smile is all i can think about. Wait a second, he said i look great. Wow, he really must have been out in the sun too long. I was still just Amy, i hadn't changed one bit at all.

"Really?" I can't even think straight. Jake thinks i look good. i hadn't hardly noticed when April came up and started trying to steal away Jake's attention.

And that was when it happened, April grabbed his hand and held it and he let her. He let her take his attention of me and onto her. He let her take him away from me that morning, away from our conversation. Jake tried, he really tried even called every night still, but April took up more and more of his time, until there wasn't any left for me at all.

8th grade. Fun. Without my best friend. Even more fun. 8th grade. The year i lost Jake out of my life, after April and him were 'official' he didn't even bother to stop and even talk to me anymore, not even a wave in the hallway. 8th grade, when i went from being good little Ames, to Amy, just Amy.

Chapter One

Jake's Point Of View.

I wasn't sure how much longer i would be able to stay awake just to listen to April go on and on about the cheer squad. Sure i loved that she made cheer captain, but i really didn't care about the rest. Like how she wanted to sync their schedules so that when i was done football practice, i would wait the extra 15 minutes before cheer lets out. I didn't care. I know that's bad or whatever, but i don't.

"Look, babe, i'm sorry. It's late as hell. I'm tired and coach wants me there early to talk to me and well babe it's our first day of school tomorrow. I want to get to bed." I lied only a little bit, coach had already told me why he wanted to talk to me and said i didn't need to actually come in early anymore. I made football captain, just like everybody said. I just wanted to get threw my first day of being a senior without falling asleep, was that really too much to ask?

"Oh, right, i forgot baby. Well, Tiffany will ride me into school then since you can't, even though i really wanted to ride with you since you were down south all summer, but it's ok. i just can't wait to see you..." God she was still talking. well, i don't see why i couldn't just let my eyes close just for a minute. They burn like hell. She won't even notice.


God, when did i fall asleep? i smacked the alarm and set my phone on the charge since it was dead because April wouldn't shut the hell up last night. I really don't even know why i'm still with her, i can barely stand ten minutes with her, but it's not like there were any other girls i was overly interested in, and April put out, so she wasn't all bad i guess.

Still in a sleep haze i managed to shower and dress in clothes that at least smelled clean. Grabbing my keys i just kind of stared at the empty kitchen. I can't remember the last time my mom actually cooked me the first day of school breakfast. Maybe she stopped the same year I brought April home, and got caught in my room. I still can remember the shock and hurt on her face when she registered what was going on and shut the door. She to this day acts like she never saw anything. Which was for the better, i don't want my mom seeing that every time she sees me and April together, which is exactly why i don't bring her here anymore.

As i drove to school i thought about when i met April. It was the first day of 8th grade and i was talking to Ames, well, Amy. April had been so rude just walking up and interrupting me right when I was going to tell Ames that i loved her. I had waited and waited to finally tell her, but Ames just let April pull me away from her. Eventually, i just gave up trying to be Amy's friend anymore, it would never be enough to just be her friend. I don't want to be her friend. I want to be her boyfriend. I waited 5 years to tell her, but she just didn't care. She let April wedge herself into Amy's spot, let her take over.

I just wish i could talk to her, god knows I've tried. We have had so many classes together and i even bribed a teacher once to make us partners for a project, but even then she kept to herself, acted like she didn't even know me at all. This was going to end though. Senior year was not going to be about me and April. It was going to be about me and Amy.

Amy's P.O.V.

First day of senior year. Why was i so nervous. It was just like every other first day of school. Only this is my last first day. Wow, it feels so final. Somehow i managed to sneak past my mom. I just didn't feel like seeing her cry over this being my last year in high school. I swear she was more hung up over it then i was.

I slid into my car glad to be out and away from my mom. When i finally made it to the school, the parking lot was almost full. Spotting an open space i went for it cutting off a couple cheerleaders in the process, but hey i got my spot. I couldn't remember if I had actually told my latest 'boyfriend' that it just wasn't what i thought and i just wasn't into it anymore or not. Don't get me wrong he was perfect. Just not perfect for me.

I never really dated any guy more than two weeks anyway, but never did any of them take more than a few kisses that's for damn sure. Wasn't any of these mere boys going to take from me what only a man that i loved should get. Not that i want to wait til marriage, i just want to at least be able to say i really do love him. Which is going to take a lifetime at the rate i was going. There was really pretty much only one boy in my grade i never once even dated for even a few hours.

Jake. I didn't even want to think about him though. I don't want to think of all the times we were forced together by a teacher from Freshman-Junior year. I'm simply not going to even start to think of all the times i was so tempted to talk to him during those classes, but thought better of it because he has April. Jake didn't need me anymore. If he did, he would have never let April come between us. And maybe, just maybe Jake and me might be together instead of the two of them.

Speak of the devil. April sneered at me as she walked up to Jake and planting a big one on him in front of the whole world. It was bordering nasty to tell the truth. I so did not need to see her shove her tongue down his throat. You would swear she lost something in his mouth the way she was gettin' at him. I have to admit i was a little more than surprised when Jake subtly, but smartly pulled away and pushed April to the side of him while talking to his friends as if she was gone completely.

Well, none of my business, they were they 'it' couple, they would work it out. They always do. Sighing i went to work on my locker and taking only a notebook and pencil to my homeroom with me.

After the second bell, the first thing i noticed was April, pulling a very tired Jake behind her. If they really were in my homeroom this was going to be such a long year.

Jake's P.O.V.

When April had tried to kiss me, it was way to much for so early in the morning, not to mention i was talking. I carefully tucked her back and away from me and continued talking while she looked completely pissed at me. Once the first bell rang my friends all scattered while i waited, knowing April wanted to yell and have it out before class. It was typical April.

"WHY THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT?! AND IN FRONT OF EVERYBODY! MIGHT AS WELL PUT MY BOYFRIEND DON'T WANT ME ON MY FOREHEAD!" Her yelling only made me more tired then i already was from her keeping me awake so late. I walked over to her slowly letting her breath. I took her in my arms.

"Sorry, babe. You know i want you. I missed you all summer." Like a good little boyfriend i kissed her and let her do whatever she wanted as she drained the last of my energy and dragged me into homeroom with her. The thing i hated most, i shared a homeroom with her.

As i let April drag me into the last two chairs in the back next to each other, i looked up briefly trying to see who all else i could talk to. That was when i met her eyes. Amy. She was in my homeroom. She looked so beautiful. I had never seen anything like her. Everything about her amazes me to no end. Her magnificent curls of blonde thick hair, which i had noticed over the years she straightened them about 85% of the time, she looked great to me either way. Her soft pale skin splattered with freckles that she always hated growing up, but i always loved. And her eyes. As April dragged me right past Amy's chair, i let our eyes connect if only for a brief second, but in that one second i got to really see her eyes for the first time since that terrible day in 8th grade.

Chapter Two

Jake's P.O.V.

I went threw my first four classes without even really registering anything or anyone around me. Didn't even listen as April rattled on about the people in her classes in between my classes. I just couldn't get Amy out of my head. She looks so great. It looked like she had gotten a little bit of sun over the summer. It suited her. Just like the blush the covered her cheeks all threw homeroom as i watched her. There was just something nagging me since i saw her. I can't believe i let April dig her claws into me so deep i didn't notice just how much Amy had changed. She was even more beautiful then when we were best friends.

I couldn't help the smile that covered my face as i walked to lunch, thinking of everything we ever did together. Just like staying up all night every night on the phone the summer before 8th grade. It was that that had really pushed me to want to tell her how i felt about her. Well and it helped that i had finally worked past my dork stage. Amy was always beautiful, i was always so scared that she would reject me, but it hadn't mattered, even when i came back and wasn't Jake the dork anymore, she didn't try to be anything, but my best friend. Even then she stopped being my friend all together.

"Thinking of me, aren't you?" I jumped as April snaked her arm around my waist smiling up at me. I knew she wanted a kiss, but i just looked at her instead. Why would she think i was thinking of her?

"Uhm, why do you ask?" I didn't think it'd be a great idea to tell her i was thinking of Amy, not her.

"Well, whenever you smile like that you tell me you're thinking of me baby." She pouted and i'm really not sure why but it kinda disgusted me a little bit. It took everything inside me to not grimace at her. As we stood in line getting our food i thought i could be silent long enough she would drop it. No luck there though. "So if you weren't thinking about me, what exactly were you thinking about?" April asked as we sat down at our usual table to eat. We were the first ones to sit down, so there was no way i could tell her to drop it because of our friends. She backed me into a corner.

"Just thinking of my first summer i went down south with my family. You know the summer before 8th grade." I picked at the food on my plate not looking over at her as she sat there silent. It was never good when April was silent, that just meant she was actually thinking really hard about what you said to her.

"Oh, really. Yeah the summer before 8th grade. That was the summer you came back to school and you were so hot. I just couldn't bare to see you standing there talking to little old Amy. You just looked so out of place standing with her." As April began to put down Amy, i felt the heat rush into my blood. How the hell could she say that about Amy? Little old Amy, what the hell did that mean? And i never looked more right then when i was with her. Amy was more beautiful and real than April would ever be.

Instead of starting a fight with her i just let it go, saving it for later, when people weren't around to listen in. I ate the rest of lunch without talking to anybody. Not that April tried talking to me again the rest of the lunch period. When i finished i simply got up threw away my trash and walked out. Damn if i cared April would be pissed. I was pissed. She had no right to even talk about Amy, she didn't know her. As a matter of fact, i remember when me and Amy used to make fun of her, just for the way she acted starting in 3rd grade all the way threw middle school.

I wasn't sure what i was going to do since i still had fifteen minutes easy until my next class, which was a free period anyway. I ended up sitting in the courtyard outside, alone. Which was fine by me, nobody to try and smile and joke with while i cooled down. That was when i saw Amy walking towards me. She didn't see me though, she had her face in a book. This made me smile and before i knew it she was sitting at the same bench as me not even noticing me since i stayed silent the whole time. Should i say something? Or should i wait for her to say something? Well, i'm not waiting, i've waited far to long to hear her voice again.

"Hey Ames."

Amy's P.O.V.

I had eaten my lunch in my car since i forgot it in the backseat and then made my way to the courtyard while reading my book. I still had so much time until my next class, especially since i had a free period after lunch. I figured i would just sit here the whole free period and read, i hadn't had the chance to read for myself since i had to catch up on my summer reading for my English class.

Not bothering to look up as i sat on the bench, it's needless to say that when Jake talked to me i was more than startled. When his amazingly smooth, but deep voice spoke to me, I jumped and dropped my book on the ground. Looking over at him i tried to get my heart to stop racing. It was useless. No point at all to even try, my heart wasn't only racing because he startled me. No it wasn't that simple. My heart wouldn't slow simply because i hadn't talked to Jake, have a real conversation alone with him since 8th grade.

"So, you're not going to talk to me, Ames?" He grinned at me, the same grin that made my heart turn since 3rd grade. I hadn't been called Ames since 8th grade. That nickname had died just as quick as our friendship.

"Don't call me that Jake." I hadn't exactly meant to snap at him, but it frustrated me that it hadn't even had any effect on him anyway. What did i have to do to piss him off just like i was? I can't exactly even remember why i hated him so much. Maybe it was just because i was in love with him back in 8th grade and he dropped me faster than a hot coal, all for April. Well they deserved each other.

"What, why? I've always called you Ames," He must have seen something cross my face because he raised his hands in front of him. "Sorry, just habit i guess. I miss you Amy." Maybe it was something about the way he said it, or the way he looked at me as he said, but i believed him. It felt so amazing to hear him say he missed me. I can't even describe the way the butterflies swarmed my stomach all at once or the way my heart seemed to flip over at his words.

"I know. I've missed you too Jake. It hasn't been the same without you." As he smiled at me i knew i said the right thing. I mean it was nothing but the truth, but i've held those words back from him for so long. Why would it be so right to say them now?

"Yeah, life kinda, pretty much, got boring without you." He scooted closer to me and put his arm over the back of bench and the blush rushed up my cheeks. I can't believe i was blushing over being close to him. He was just a guy. I've been close to plenty of guys in the past four years. Although i had never been in love with any of them the way i had been with Jake. So it's totally normal right?

"Yeah," I just couldn't seem to think of anything better to say. I mentally kicked myself knowing that this was bound to end now. He wouldn't have anything more to say to me, and i couldn't keep the conversation going for my life. "So, how are you and April doing?" Now i not only mentally kicked myself but added a few good punches in there as well. As soon as i said April's name he pulled back away from me and gave a short sort of laugh.

Jake's P.O.V.

I wanted to be close to her. When i got close i could smell lavender. And sweet flowers. It totally intoxicated me. I wanted to kiss her, i wanted to kiss Amy more than i had ever wanted anything else in my whole life. My heart was racing and the blood pumped hard threw my veins. But as soon as she asked about April, i couldn't help the irony. I simply forgot about April, there was only Amy right then. I backed away from her an pulled my arm back to my side again. I laughed at the situation simply because i never wanted April, April wanted me, and since i couldn't have Amy, i let her have me.

"We are just great, you know. It's yeah i dunno," i rubbed the back of my neck not wanting to know if she had a new boyfriend, even though i have already seen her walking the halls with plenty of guys over the past four years, but to hear about it was something else. I don't want to think about anybody kissing her but me. "So, how about you. Got a new boyfriend? What about that guy you dated at the end of school? Did it last? Tommy right?" I knew very well just who Tommy was and knew she dated him for a good three weeks. And was tortured because Tommy was on the football team with me. I heard all about what Amy did with him. Everything they did together. It made me sick the way Tommy had talked about her and i had even punched him one day for his mouth. But i also knew Amy had broken up with him a day before school let out, Tommy didn't say why, just that he couldn't believe he dated such a bitch.

"Well, yeah Tommy, that's right, the asswhole douche. Yeah no, that didn't work. You know he actually begged me to stay with him when i was breaking up with him. He said he loved me. I think he just wanted me to put out." my eyes almost popped out of my head when she said this. Tommy had said that they did have sex. Several times. How many other guys had talked shit about Amy?

"You mean you didn't..." I couldn't finish my sentence not knowing how to ask her if she had actually not had sex with Tommy, or any of the others. I almost didn't want to know.

"Ohh, god no. Not with Tommy, not with anybody. Despite what everybody says," She gave a small laugh and i let out the breath i was holding. "No, Jake, i'm a virgin. Don't worry. I am just very indecisive, if i can't choose a guy, why would i let anyone of them have it right?" Her face was such a bright red. I wasn't sure why she felt she could tell me any of this, maybe it was because we used to be so close. Whatever the reason, i'm more than glad she still trusted me. I turned back towards her letting myself get closer again. Inhaling her scent.

"Well, i mean i'm glad of course, i won't have to kick anybody's ass now." I tucked a stray curl behind her ear and stroked her cheek with my thumb. When she closed her eyes it sent my heart racing. Was this an ok to kiss her? She hadn't brushed my hand away. She even leaned into my hand just lightly, but i felt it. Her Skin is so soft. Her lips look even softer. I leaned in closer towards her and just before our lips met she opened her eyes. They seemed so much more green then i remembered. I let my hand skim down her throat and felt my heart match her pulse. With both of our hearts racing I went the rest of the way feeling her lips were softer then they looked.

Amy's P.O.V.

OHMYGOD! I'm kissing him. I'm actually kissing Jake. Sometime after he started the kiss his fingers tangled in my hair digging threw my curls as i tugged him closer to me. I felt his heart race just as fast as mine maybe even faster. It was a blessed thing we were in school other wise i would have made a very bad decision to get myself even closer to him.

Almost as if he heard what i was thinking he pulled me up and on his lap. Needing to breath i broke away from him as he kissed down my neck. I should stop him. He is dating April. God, April. I hate that girl to my very core and have since 3rd grade. It only went deeper after she stole my Jake from me. It still didn't make this anymore right. Only made it more wrong.

"Jake." His mouth covered mine again, i suppose it was my fault, i more moaned his name then sounded like i wanted him to stop. settling even closer to him now i felt my heart tugging me back and away from him. I had to stop. I had to leave and go. I just have to think of April. "Jake, god Jake, no. Stop." I pushed myself up and out of his grasp. At first he didn't let me go, but after looking at my face he just watched me pace in front of him. I didn't know what to say.

"I, I'm sorry Amy." He dropped his head in his hands and went silent. Why did he have to wait til now to kiss me? Why couldn't he kiss me back in 8th grade?

"No, sshhh. It's ok. I get it. It was a mistake ok. Really. Don't feel bad, i'm not going to tell anybody i promise. We both just got really worked up," I stopped pacing and looked at him as he tried standing up and walking over to me. I didn't want him to touch me again, i would melt. "No, don't get up. really i'm just going to go. No, worries though Jake, nobody but us will ever know about this ok?." With that i sped off towards the school running blindly threw the empty halls as the tears began to fill my eyes.

How, could i be so stupid? He had April, he would never leave April, especially not for me. I was just Amy, i wasn't head cheerleader or perfect. I was just me. I sat there in the stall for the rest of my free period crying my heart out. I felt weak and tired by the time i realized i had to go to my next class. I just hope i don't see Jake the rest of the day. It's bad enough i will have to see him every morning in homeroom. See him with April, happy, not even sparing me a second glance or thought. It was too much. i love him, no. I would just find myself a new 'toy'. That was exactly what i needed. It would help me get my mind off Jake and that kiss.

Chapter Three

Jake’s P.O.V.

It’s been almost two weeks since I kissed Amy. Two very long depressing two weeks. She hasn’t even tried to talk to me. I on the other hand have gone out of my way to try and talk to her. I almost had her talking to me, but of course April had to ruin it for me. I just wanted to tell Amy that I didn’t think for one second that it was a mistake that we had kissed. It wasn’t even close to a mistake. It was a wake up call if it was anything. I never had the same kind of reaction, not even close, with April.

With April it was always if I kissed her enough and well enough she’d put out, but with Amy, it was like all my senses exploded, I didn’t even think about having sex with her. Well, that’s a lie, I did, but not while I kissed her. While I was kissing her all I could even begin to comprehend was that it was Amy in my arms. My Amy. I’d dreamed of kissing her for years and I finally did it. I finally got the courage to take the plunge. And she still pushed me away. Even more than back in 8th grade.

Amy wouldn’t even look at me during homeroom, I had even over heard people talking about over hearing her asking to change homerooms. I’m not even going to lie, it pissed me off. I had to find a way to talk to her. I know I can’t after school, because of football practice, and then I have to drive April home. I mean really I didn’t have to drive her home, but she was still my girl and I couldn’t just leave her stranded could I? No, sadly. I was walking to my locker during my free period and I saw her leaving the girls bathroom. I took my sign from god and followed her.

“Amy, wait up.” I called after her but she only walked faster. Ok, now this was taking it too far. She couldn’t avoid me the rest of our lives. I ran up next to her an grabbed her wrist. “Amy, will you please stop. Talk to me please.” It literally killed me to see the hate mixed with pain and love on her face and in her eyes.

“I have nothing to say to you Jake. Let me go. I have things to do. I’m late.” She yanked her wrist out of my grasp, but when she tried to walk away I blocked her path with my arms. She was not getting away that easy. She was going to talk to me, I needed her to talk to me, explain to me why she was doing this to me. I needed her in my life.

“Amy, please, I just want to talk, please talk to me.” I pleaded with her and maybe she felt bad for me, but she slowly nodded her head and allowed me to take her hand and lead her down the hallway. I wanted to talk to her somewhere more private, where nobody could even by chance walk by and overhear us talking.

“Where are we going Jake?” She asked me impatiently, but she kept her hand in mine as I walked out to the parking lot. I kept quiet until we reached my car and she eyed me nervously and I only smiled and opened the door for her.

“Don’t worry, Amy, I’m not going to kidnap you. I just want to talk where nobody will hear what we are talking about. I hate eavesdroppers.” And I really don’t need April knowing what we were talking about. I will deal with April without the help from the gossip pool.

“Ok,” She got in and I closed the door behind her. After I climbed into the car I just looked at her. Something was different about her, off almost. It was her eyes. Her eyes were missing the light they usually held even when we were kids. “Well, are you going to talk, or just stare at me like an idiot?” I knew she meant it as a snappy comeback, but the smile lit her face after I shot her a crooked grin. I reached for her hand on her leg, but she pulled it away just in time and so I settled for her leg. I traced little patterns on her thigh as I thought of what exactly it was I wanted to say to her. I knew I wanted to talk to her, but as soon as I saw her, I couldn’t remember why.

“It wasn’t a mistake.” Was all I could come up with as I watched my fingers on her thigh. She stiffened and was really silent for a long time before she finally spoke.

Amy’s P.O.V.

I didn’t know what to say. It took him two weeks to tell me our kiss wasn’t actually a mistake. Well, I did kind of purposely avoid him. Still, he could have done what he just did sooner. I watched his fingers trace nonsense patterns on my thigh, giving me goose bumps.

“I dunno, I mean you’re with April. We should have never kissed.” He yanked his hand away from my leg so fast and then punched his steering wheel causing me to jump two inches off the seat. Jake looked so pissed, but I couldn’t lie to him, he was with April, still even now, and kissing was cheating on her.

“Fuck April ok. For just one minute forget her. I have been waiting since 3rd grade to kiss you Amy. Don’t even look at me like you never knew! I was in love with you Amy, I always was in love with you.” His hands shook as he took mine in his. Why was he telling me this, why now? After all this time? He’s with April. I can’t forget that. Not now, not until he left her, if he left her. I can’t just let him make me his puppet, the girl he goes to because he knows I won’t tell anybody. The girl on the side that he tells he loves and wants to be with more than anything, but it’s just not the right time to break up with his actual girlfriend. No, she wasn’t going to be that. Now or ever, not even for Jake.

“Jake, no. Stop. Shut up ok. You’re dating April and tell ask me to just forget her ok?! I can’t and won’t let go of the fact that as you’re sitting here telling me you love me, you are still dating her! Don’t act like I’m the fucking bad guy here ok?! You have a damn girlfriend. Why don’t you find me when you don’t ok?” With that I ripped my hands from his and reached for the door.

“Amy, please. I am going to leave her, today when I see her. Just tell me you love me too. I need to hear it.” It was something in his voice that made me stop trying to bolt from the car and look at him. He looked pathetic. Truly pathetic, I have never seen him like this in all the years we have known each other. I didn’t know what else to do, but to tell him.

“We both know you aren’t going to leave her Jake, if you wanted to leave her, you would already be gone,” I reached over and stroked his cheek giving in to the temptation and let my hand rest there. “But, I love you Jake. I have always loved you. There’s only you.” With that said I hopped out of his car and walked briskly back to the school. Back to my favorite stall in the ladies room and cried, maybe even harder then the first time I cried two weeks ago. It was like my heart was ripped in two. I could feel it. I didn’t want to, not now.

Jake’s P.O.V.

I couldn’t move. I felt numb. She was right. I have to prove it to her. I have to prove that I wanted to be with her. My Amy. I had to make her My Amy. I raced out of my car and to April’s locker, waiting for her to come to switch out her books. As soon as she was in my line of site I smiled. This was it. I was going to really do this. Amy was walking a little while behind April and when she locked eyes with me I smiled at her. That was all I could do for now to let her in on my secret.

I couldn’t breath when I saw it. Amy kissed him. She kissed him. Who was he? Why the fuck was she kissing him? After she pulled away from him, he smiled dorkishly at her and she looked at me and smiled. What the hell Amy, was all I could think. She just told me she loved me, now she was walking down the hall with the ass’s arm around her waist. Well, two can play at that game. When Amy stopped at her locker with her new lover boy April finally reached me.

“Hey baby,” Was all I let April get out before I crashed my mouth onto hers. April of course didn’t protest, but kissed me back passionately. I closed my eyes and tried my best to try and think April was Amy, but it just wasn’t working, April was so much more different than Amy. It was stupid I know to try and make her feel like I did, but hey I’m just a guy. I even went as far to back April up against the lockers behind us and pushing my whole body against her as she tangled her fingers in my hair. It was actually not that bad if I tried to keep thinking it was Amy against my body and not April. When I finally broke the kiss and April rested her head against my shoulder, catching her breath I looked over and saw that Amy’s mouth was hanging open, right before she turned her back on me and walked away. “Wow, baby, I’ve missed you. Yu haven’t kissed me like that in I don’t know how long. You wanna come over tonight after practice?” She was trying her best to seduce me, I knew it. I didn’t mind though, at least somebody wanted me when they said they did.

“Yeah babe, that sounds amazing, I’ve missed you, more than you know.” I leaned down and kissed her more softly, nipping her lip making her moan. I pulled away and smiled down at her. April was beautiful, in a cocky way, but she won’t ever be Amy, but since Amy obviously doesn’t want me, then hey I’m allowed to have fun to right? April smiled at me and I grabbed her ass as she walked away and she shot me a grin and wink over her shoulder. I could do this. I could be with April, even when I didn’t want to. I’ve been doing it for almost five years now. At least April didn’t play head games with me ever. She always tells me exactly how it is and exactly how she feels. April loves me and isn’t afraid to go after me, but Amy, I don’t even know where to start with that girl.

Chapter Four

Amy’s P.O.V.

It wasn’t exactly a good idea I knew, to kiss Sam in front of Jake, but he looked so smug when he smiled at me. I couldn’t stop myself. I got what I deserved when he kissed her. He was getting back at me I knew, just by the way he smiled at me when he was done shoving his tongue down her throat. What the hell ever though. He only made me feel like I was run over by a steam roller. No biggie at all right?

Sam followed me back to my house after school to hang out. I know exactly what Sam wanted when he asked to hang out. He wasn’t bout to get it, but a few good kisses couldn’t be avoided. As long as I could Jake out of my head long enough. He made me admit I was in love with him, only him and then he pulled that shit. I thought he wanted to be with me, really be with me. I’ve been wrong before though. Nothing new with that at all.

“So, your mom’s not home?” Sam asked as we walked threw the kitchen to go to the living room. It always frustrated me when guys asked that. It wouldn’t matter if she was home or not, he was not getting laid, but he obviously thought differently.

“No, she works the afternoon shift at the diner and graveyard shift at the hospital, she’s a nurse.” I always hated the fact my mom was never home at night with me, but she was always there when I woke up all smiles, like she slept like a baby, making me breakfast asking how my classes were going. I smiled thinking of how cheerful my mom was, always in a good mood. She didn’t need to work at the diner we had enough money from her working as a nurse, but she insisted that she liked working at the diner, that she loved the people. And the people loved her.

“Oh, well that’s perfect, at least I don’t have to worry about her walking in on us then.” I was about to correct him and say there wasn’t anything to walk in on, but he pulled me against him and kissed me. Sam was pretty good at that. The kissing. Not as good as Jake though. God, I need to stop thinking about him. Now. I tangled my fingers in Sam’s hair and he backed me up against the wall. I gasped and he trailed kisses down my neck. I tried to push him off me, but he wouldn’t budge, just pushed against me harder.

The only thing in my mind was panic, I couldn’t think straight. I kept pushing at him but he wouldn’t get off me and then I was pinned on the floor and he was strong. Too strong for me to shove him off. God, what was I going to do? He was going to do it, against my will. God, please help me, please don’t let him do this to me. Please God.

Jake’s P.O.V.

I dropped April off at her house, telling her my mom text me and I would be back as soon as I found out what she wanted, she was a little frustrated, but simply shrugged and shook her hips ten times harder then usual and I have to admit I was totally staring, nothing wrong with it though, she was my girlfriend. So why did I feel guilty? Of course my mom hadn’t really text me, I just didn’t want to be near April right that second.

I had been having this terrible feeling in the pit of my stomach and couldn’t figure out why. It just came out of nowhere. In the middle of football practice. I kept waiting all threw the rest of practice for something to happen, but nothing did. And when April was fine after her practice, I just didn’t understand why I felt like something bad was about to happen. Without even thinking I drove two streets over from April’s and pulled up in Amy’s driveway. I wasn’t sure what I was going to say to her, but I just felt like I had to be there. Something pulled me here.

When I heard the screams and the crying I panicked. I didn’t know what to do. When I heard it again, I realized it was Amy. Amy was screaming. I didn’t even hesitate another second going right in and saw Amy pinned down on the floor with that douche bag on her trying to rip away at the rest of her clothes. I tore my eyes away from Amy and yanked him off her and into the wall in a flash. I lost my whole head after that. I grabbed him when he tried to run away pinning him down on the rug.

“Oh, hell no, you ain’t getting away that easy!” I started punching him until he was knocked out and his face was pretty smashed. At least he wasn’t dead, just beat the hell up. Getting up off him, I kicked his ribs just to add a little more damage to him. I had forgotten all about Amy until I heard her whimpers and felt her arms around me. I turned around and faced her. Looking at her I saw that she was still scared, but not of me.

“God, Jake. Thank you. I couldn’t, I just couldn’t get him off me. He wouldn’t stop. God, he almost, if you hadn’t gotten here when you did, he would have taken it from me Jake. Thank you, god thank you.” When she began crying harder I pulled her tight to me and held her until she quieted down. I wasn’t sure how, but I might have just saved her life. I don’t know what I would of done if anything had happened to her.

“I should call the cops Ames,” I tried to pull her gently off me enough to get my phone, but she just pulled tighter to me. “don’t worry, I’m going not to leave you I just need to get my phone ok.” She allowed me to reach down and get my phone. The whole time I was on the phone with the cops Amy sat cradled in my lap as I stroked her hair and explained everything I knew to the authority. Even when the cops showed up to haul the ass wipe off to jail, Amy would not leave my lap, she gave her statement to the cops from right where she was. Nobody even once forced her to leave me. It was a smart thing too, I could just feel her breaking while I held her.

After they all left I held Amy a little longer before I spoke to her. “Do you want me to call your mom Ames?” I kept her close to me, but looked down at her face. She seemed better, a lot better than when the cops were there.

“No, I will tell her when she gets home in the morning, I don’t want to pull her from work just to watch me because she will think I’m unstable.” She was tracing patterns on my chest now. She was unstable though. I wasn’t about to tell her that though. And as I looked down at her I finally realized that her shirt was ripped exposing her whole chest and very sexy black lacy bra. I looked away before just looking would turn me on. I couldn’t get turned on right now. That would be totally fucked up.

“Ok, well, I mean you should change Ames, your uh shirt.” I couldn’t help it I looked back down when she did. I also saw the blush rise to her cheeks when she tried to cover her chest, I didn’t want her to feel like she should be embarrassed that I saw her though, I mean those cops yeah, but not me, never me. “No, I mean I don’t mind at all, but I want you to be comfortable.” I kissed her forehead and she slowly got up and out of my lap letting her shirt fall back open. It killed me to try and keep my eyes on her face, the bra made her chest look incredible.

“Will you stay with me tonight Jake? Please? I don’t want to be alone, not tonight.” She pulled me up towards her and I shuddered when I felt her boobs up against my chest as she held me. I don’t think I have ever been more aware of her chest as I was just then.

“Of course, I won’t go anywhere. I will stay right here. Sleep on the couch if you want.” She didn’t say anything, but kissed my cheek before going upstairs to change. God, being here alone all night with that vision of her chest was going to be hard, but she needed me. And fuck, April. I had to call April. After she picked up I tried to sound as normal as possible. “Hey. Turns out my mom needs me to stay home, watch Greg for her. Sorry babe. Maybe tomorrow though.” I honestly didn’t want April fighting with me not right now anyway. Maybe tomorrow though.

“Yeah ok Jake, whatever. Talk to you tomorrow.” She hung up. Oh well, I honestly could care less. Just one less thing to worry about. I powered my phone down just in case she tried calling back. Waiting for Amy I sat on the couch and stared at the ceiling. I didn’t feel like watching TV, it wouldn’t help anything, not with the fact that Amy was upstairs, changing. I couldn’t get the image of her from my mind. God, great. I pulled the throw pillow over my lap, just as Amy came walking downstairs. God, why must she torment me? She was wearing a tight tank, minus the bra since I could clearly see her nipples and some very sexy short pajama bottoms. She was going to drive me crazy and not even know it. I just tugged the pillow tighter on my lap willing myself to stop being turned on so bad, but it was no use.

Amy’s P.O.V.

I know it’s bad, but I wanted Jake. I mean I almost got raped, I should be totally not even want to have sex, but I did. I wanted Jake. I knew he wanted me too, I wasn’t stupid I felt it as soon as he started looking at my chest. I picked out my outfit very carefully, I knew if I dressed the right way, he would want to stop resisting. He would finally take what I held so close to me for him all these years. As I walked into the living room I knew it was killing him that I wore a tight tank with no bra and my short shorts. He just kind of hugged the pillow to his lap and I held back a grin as I sat down next to him. As we sat there in silence I scooted closer to him until I could just barely move and be brushing against him. I felt him tremble just slightly the first time his hand skimmed my skin.

Would I seriously have to just lay one on him to make him in the same mood and frame of mind that I was in? I looked over at him to see him watching me with a pained look in his eyes and I smiled at him. He tried to smile, but his eyes drifted back down to my chest without him even realizing it. I reached out and lifted his chin back up until he met my eyes. As soon as he saw the lust in my eyes I think he knew what I was all about. I leaned forward towards him and bit my lip. Would he really kiss me? After everything that happened? His eyes never left mine, even when I reached down and took the pillow away from his lap. He simply moved me to replace the pillow. Oh yes he was going to kiss me. This was going to be epic.

Jake’s P.O.V.

Was it wrong to kiss her? She just went threw hell, now she was practically throwing herself at me. I wanted her to be sure she really wanted me before I even kissed her so when she leaned forward again I stopped her even though it killed me.

“Are you sure Amy? About this I mean?” I was so scared she was going to say no, she wasn’t or that she changed her mind. But she stayed silent and lifted my face back to hers and kissed me long and hard.

“Yes, Jake. I’m positive. I want you Jake, I need you.” That was the last of my control as soon as she said those easy, simple words to me. I kissed her, and felt her fingers rake threw my hair causing the kiss to be deeper. I let my hands roam free first to her ass pulling her closer to me and then to her hips to keep her still as she started to rock. I didn’t want to do it here. It wasn’t where it should happen. Not her first time, and not their first time together.

“No, not here Amy.” She leaped up and off my lap the minute I spoke and smiled and winked at me as she took off up to her room. After watching her run I stood up slowly and just about ran so fast up the stairs I fell twice. When I finally reached the top she waiting for me in the doorway to her room. I didn’t even process how different her room was since the last time I saw it, all I could comprehend was watching her slowly slip her shorts off revealing very tiny sexy black lacy panties that would have matched the bra if she had kept it on. I closed the door behind me and made my way over to her gently lowering her down onto her bed. As I kissed her neck, I reached my hands up and under her tank top loving the way she trembled under me. She brought her own hands up and pushed me back as she tugged off hers then my shirt. As I settled back down atop her I felt her lightly trail her fingers all over my exposed chest and back, making me tremble just like she did. Even as I kissed her she reached down and undid my jeans and I wiggled as she tugged my down and off with her feet. We were both shaking now, with total and complete need. I looked down at her as she reached inside my boxers and grasped me, making me even more hard. I kissed her more deeply and with all I had in me as she rubbed me faster. I couldn’t take it much longer and I wanted her to that same point reaching down between her legs, swiftly removing her panties and gently, at first, rubbing her center. When she began to rock her hips against my hand I smiled and knew she was ready. Looking in her eyes making sure that she was really ready she smiled as she positioned me at her center. I started to slowly move forward not wanting to hurt her, and just barely had my tip in her when I heard it and I froze, we both froze.

Amy’s P.O.V.

When I felt like I absolutely was sure I was ready I smiled up at him and put him right at my center and waited. He was going slow I know for me. He didn’t want to hurt me. When he began achingly slow to enter me just barely even a little bit inside me he stopped and froze. And that was when I heard the footsteps on the stairs. OHMYGOD. In one swift movement I pushed Jake up and off me as I tossed him his clothes just as fast as he was putting them on and once he was dressed I reached for the first baggy shirt I could find and sweats and tossed the shorts and tank in my wash basket. When I looked over my room and was satisfied it looked normal, well normal except Jake being in the room with me that was I sat down next to him. He choose a spot as far away from my bed as he could get and had a text book in his hands. We both bent over it pretending smartly to be studying.

Just as my mom poked her head into my room I pretended to laugh at something Jake could have just said to me and turned and smiled at her.

Chapter Five

Amy’s P.O.V.

“Oh, Amy, I didn’t know you had company.” My mom smiled sweetly as she stepped the rest of the way into my room looking around and then back down to us. She had that all knowing look in her eyes, but I wouldn’t let her think that what almost happened, happened when it didn’t.

“Uhm , yeah you remember Jake?,” As I watched the emotions flicker across her face, finally happiness took over her whole face as Jake jumped up and my mom hugged him.

“Oh, my you have grown up so much, you are quite the handsome young man now Jake.” I blushed as my mom fawned over Jake and all Jake was smile. “Oh, will you stay for dinner Jake? I got the night off tonight and wanted cook something special for me and Amy, but you are more than welcome to stay too.” She took Jake by the arm as he shot me a ‘help me’ look and I just shrugged at him. Once they disappeared I took a deep breath. I can’t believe I just almost let Jake have my virginity. Jake was with April. This was bad, very bad. I couldn’t let him kiss me again, let alone, almost have sex with him. I walked downstairs to meet them in the kitchen, but stopped short when I heard them talking.

“She has missed you, you know. You were her rock Jake.” I blushed glad that she didn’t say that when I was around. She was right though and she only knew this because me and my mom were close. We shared everything, especially since my father had died when I was 5. It was hard on her more than me since I didn’t remember him, but I tried to help her by not pushing her away as most teens did their parents. My mom was pretty much my best friend, especially once Jake walked out of my life.

“I know, I’ve missed her too, more than I think she knows. I think about her all the time, I don’t know what to do.” Jake sighed and I could picture him as he said this to my mom, he would probably look lost and confused and amazingly adorable.

“You be her friend, Jake, just like you used to be, and you tell her how you feel about her. I could see it you know, when you two were up there, you guys are good together, you always have been.” I smiled to myself as I thought of just how true my mom’s words were. I tried to shake everything from me so they wouldn’t know I was listening before I walked into the kitchen all smiles.

Jake’s P.O.V.

Still thinking about what Amy’s mom had just said to me, I looked up as I watched Amy walk into the kitchen, with a bright smile on her face. As I watched her, a felt something, like a jab and I smiled at her. I love this girl. I always have. I don’t know how I let her get away from me for so long. All I had to do was tell her how I felt. I had to leave April and finally be with Amy, the way I have wanted to since 3rd grade. Seems silly to me that I would love Amy for so long. And what had almost happened up in her bedroom, had my heart racing so fast still, it hadn‘t slowed once since she kissed me. She down next to her mom and looked over at me, like she was waiting for something.

“You know what, I think I really should get back home, I am so sorry I can’t stay for dinner Mrs. Carter. I will see you in school tomorrow Ames.” I reached across the table and squeezed Amy’s hand and smiled at her mom before I got up and walked out. I’m sure Amy wanted some privacy when she told her mom about what happened and all I could think about was going to April’s and telling her how I felt, I couldn’t put it off any longer. I put it off for almost five years now. Five years way too long. I sped the couple blocks over to April’s house and ran up to her doorstep and banged hard until April answered.

“Thought you had to baby-sit for your mom?” She looked at me and I could tell she wanted to be pissed, but it soon left her face and she hugged me. April really was a special girl, but she just wasn’t for me. I can’t believe I let this go on for so long. It’s now or never. I took a deep breath as she let me in and we walked into her bedroom. We sat down on her bed and I turned to look at her.

“April, babe, we gotta talk.” A look of terror crossed her face after I said this and she immediately shook her head and pushed me back until I was laying down and she climbed on top of me. She kissed me hard trying to force my lips to part for her and try and make me forget everything but kissing her. Not tonight.

“No, baby, we don’t have to talk, you don’t have to say anything, just kiss me baby.” She tried again to kiss me but I didn’t kiss her back and she even went as far to try and reach down into my pants, that was when I pulled her off me. I pushed her back a safe distance as she pouted at me. She didn’t want to hear it I know, but I can’t just stay with her because she didn’t want it to end. It wasn’t fair to either of them.

“Really, April, no, I mean it. I can’t do this anymore. I can’t do us anymore,” I saw the tears start to fill her eyes and I looked away from her, she always knew crying undid me every time. “Please, don’t do that. It won’t change my mind, not this time. We can’t be together anymore. I can’t be with you. I don’t feel that way for you April. I am so sorry.” I reached over to her to wipe a tear off her cheek and was surprised to see the anger there in her eyes. She recoiled from my touch as if I had burned her and narrowed her eyes at me.

“There’s somebody else isn’t there? You hooked up with some slut in school didn’t you?” She reached her hand up and I caught it just in time before she could slap me. What the hell was she talking about?

“No, April, I didn’t hook up with anybody ok?,” Almost did, but didn’t in the end. We only kissed, but I wasn’t about to tell April this so she would hate Amy, since I planned to let the whole school know how I felt about Amy tomorrow when we walked into school together, if Amy would walk in with me that was. “And really if you want me to be honest April, there was only ever her for me. I didn’t realize that until now, it took me this long to see it, but there’s only her. I’m sorry.” Looking more and more angry April shot me a death glare and so I took that as my queue to get up and walk out and leave. I can’t believe I finally did it, I finally freed myself from April, now I could have Amy, really have Amy. I couldn’t keep the smile off my face as I drove home.

Amy’s P.O.V.

Having dinner with my mom was so nice for a change, I almost didn’t want to tell her about what had happened, or well almost happened if Jake hadn’t shown up. I have to though I know that much, before she hears of it from somebody else.

“Mom, something happened today, after school.” I wasn’t sure how to go on and I was glad when she put her hand on mine and smiled softly at me.

“I know what happened honey. The police called me, don’t you worry we don’t have to talk about it now, when you’re ready. I am just grateful Jake was there to save you. I am so sorry.” As tears welled up in my moms eyes I got up as she did and we hugged and cried together. I was so glad she wasn’t angry with me, it was just as much my fault for allowing Sam over here, even when I didn’t know him. It was stupid. And she was right I was lucky Jake came along. And god he must have thought I was such a slut with the way I threw myself at him, especially since he just got up and left as soon as I came into the kitchen. I helped my mom clean up and then went up to my room to do my homework and shower before I went to bed. It seemed as if nothing was quite making sense to me though, because no matter what I was doing, I kept replaying how I threw myself at Jake.

I felt like such a slut. I can’t believe I acted like that. Well, he didn’t have to worry, I wasn’t going to so much as kiss him anymore. It was so wrong, to think about wanting to kiss him. I’d be lucky if he even talked to me. I can’t talk to him though, not after tonight. I don’t think I even want to go to school tomorrow, but I can’t just skip because I don’t want to face Jake and see what he thought of me in his eyes. I didn’t want to see the accusations in his eyes. And god what if he felt guilty and told April? My life would really be over then because then April would tell the whole school and the whole school already thought I was slut, and then to throw myself at a boy that was clearly taken. Wow, how exactly did I ever get myself in this mess? As I fell asleep I made up my mind that I would go to school and ignore Jake and everybody else.

Jake’s P.O.V.

As soon as I woke up in the morning my thoughts were already racing. I showered and dressed as fast as I could tripping as I ran down the stairs and grabbed my car keys and jumping into my car. I couldn’t remember the last time I was so excited to get to school. All I could think about was seeing Amy and telling her I broke up with April. I couldn’t wait to tell her and then kiss her. In front of everyone and not caring who the hell saw us. I just felt so completely energized thinking of everything. I pulled into my usual spot and waited looking around for her car. I switched on the radio when I got bored sitting in silence and sang along when ‘Risque’ by Cute Is What We Aim For, came on.

I got birds in my ears
And a devil on my shoulder
And a phone to the other
And I can't get a hold of her
And what's a crush to do?
And what's a crush to do when he can't get through?

Medically speaking you're adorable
And from what I hear you're quite affordable
But I like them pricey
So exaggerate and t-t-t-t-t-t-trick me
Pretty please, just trick me
Pretty please

I got birds in my ears
And a devil on my shoulder
And a phone to the other
And I can't get a hold of her
And what's a crush to do?
And what's a crush to do when he can't get through?

I'm obsessed and stressed with this mess
I can't think of things
To write down, to type down
And these fingertips are moving faster than these lips
So you can only imagine how jealous my mouth is
So you can only imagine how jealous my mouth is

I got birds in my ears
And a devil on my shoulder
And a phone to the other
And I can't get a hold of her
And what's a crush to do?
What's a crush to do?

I got birds in my ears (I got birds in my ears)
And a devil on my shoulder (And a devil on my shoulder)
And what's a crush,
And what's a crush to do?

I'll turn on a dime, spin you 'round
So you can shine, shine right now
We'll even have a crowd
We'll make this purchase count

Medically speaking you're adorable
And from what I hear you're quite affordable
But I like them pricey
So exaggerate and t-t-t-t-t-t-trick me

I got birds in my ears (birds in my ears)
And a devil on my shoulder (devil on my shoulder)
And what's a crush to do?
What's a crush to do?

I got birds in my ears (I got birds in my ears)
And a devil on my shoulder (And a devil on my shoulder)
And what's a crush,
and what's a lush to do?

I got birds in my ears (I got birds in my ears)
And a devil on my shoulder (And a devil on my shoulder)
And what's a crush,
and what's a lush to do when he can't get through?

After the song finished I saw her car pull into the lot and I jumped up and out of my car and raced over to hers after she parked. When I knocked on her window she jumped then smiled hesitantly up at me and I smiled huge and bright back down at her. She climbed out of her car slowly, clutching her books to her chest.

“Hey Jake, about last night,” I cut her off before she could say anything else though, with a quick kiss. She stopped walking and looked up at me.

“I know, last was, wow, it was amazing Ames. Best night I’ve had in a long time, years even.” I smiled back down at her as she frowned. She couldn’t possibly have thought I didn’t enjoy myself, I mean sure we didn’t exactly get to finish what we had started. But it still made his top five list of best nights. All of them were with her.

“Jake, I asked you not to call me that.” She said sternly and I couldn’t help but laughing and then hugging her. She was so amazing, and beautiful and she looked great this morning, even though she straightened her curls out, she looked great.

“I know I know, I’m sorry babe.” I snaked my arm around her waist and when she tried to pull away from me I only held her even closer. I knew she was somewhat confused of course because I hadn’t told her yet that I left April. Right when we reached her locker, she pulled my arm off of her and she turned and looked at me.

“No, I’m sorry Jake, last night, last night should have never happened. I mean it just shouldn’t have, please, don’t make this harder for me. I don’t want you to talk to me Jake, just leave me alone, please.” She hadn’t even bothered to go into her locker, but just walked off. She left me there, dumbfounded. I was in shock. Complete shock. She hadn’t even let me tell her I left April. What did she mean last night should have never happened? I think last night was a miracle. It was amazing for me I guess it wasn’t for her. Why, was she doing this to me? Why is she constantly pulling me in and then tossing me back out again? I fucking love her and she could care less. I left April for her. I would tell her and maybe then after she knew that, she would change her mind. I can’t just leave her alone, no way, not anymore, I left her alone for four years. I watched her with other guys for four years and then last night, she chose me to be the only one to have her, to let me have her virginity and she says it shouldn’t have happened?! Hell no.

She has to choose, one way or the other.

Amy’s P.O.V.

It was harder than I thought to watch him stand there and listen to me tell him to leave me alone. I watched his face crumble and all the happiness leave his face. I hate that I was the one that did that to him. But like always he has April, he can go kiss her, he can go fuck her. I don’t care anymore. I’m so done. I walked into class and was startled to see April sitting there in the back with Tommy in Jake’s normal seat.

“Well, jeeze Amy, staring problem?” April snapped at me. Tommy laughed as he leaned over and kissed April long and hard on the mouth. Oh my god, did Jake know she was cheating on him? And god, with Tommy. Tommy was sort of like his best friend. He is going to be so hurt. But as I sat in my seat trying my best to ignore them Jake walked in. I watched his face as he looked back uninterestedly at April and Tommy. Then he sat down in the chair next to me.

“I broke up with her last night Amy. After I left your house, that was why I left like I did. I was trying to tell you that.” Before I knew what he was doing he leaned over and kissed me. He kissed me so hard and long I knew my lips would be swollen and maybe it was stupid, but I kissed him back even entwining my fingers in his hair making the kiss even more deep than it was. I shivered as he pulled away and smiled at me. He really left her. For me. I smiled at him as I blushed deep red. He grabbed my hand and laced our fingers together. It felt so amazing to hold his hand and not have to worry about April sitting just a few chairs away.

That is until April got over her initial shock of seeing Jake kiss me and marched over to of course give us both a piece of her mind. This was going to be epic I could already tell.

Chapter Six

Jake’s P.O.V.

It felt absolutely amazing as I kissed Amy in homeroom, I hadn’t meant to kiss her so rough, but I wanted to get her attention and make her kiss me back. When she finally did, god it was amazing, I can’t even describe it, it was just amazing. When I pulled away from her and saw her blush I smiled and laced our hands together and waited for the storm of April to come threw. I wasn’t stupid, even though she was back there sucking Tommy’s face off, she would still be pissed that I was already with somebody else. I smiled up at April as she stood in front of us, waiting.

“What the hell was that?” April yelled at me. I didn’t know who exactly she thought she was, but me and her were done, I think we have been done for a long time and I just finally took the incentive to do something about it.

“What do you mean what was that? I was kissing my girl, we are done April, I told you that last night.,” I noticed that I let my voice go just as high as hers and Amy shrunk down in her seat, looking like she just wanted to disappear. “And besides April, you already found somebody new, Tommy, so don’t even act like I’m a bad guy.” I spat the last words at her. I am not going to let her try and make me feel like I was in the wrong, because I’m not, she may think so, but I’m not.

“I knew you hooked up with a slut, didn’t know it was the school slut though, thought you were better than that Jake, I guess not.,” April stepped way over the line with that and she was really testing my patience now. “Hope your happy you little home wrecker, if it weren’t for you, I’d still have my boyfriend and I wouldn’t have to settle for fucking Tommy, which by the way he says I’m way more fun than you ever were skank.” That was it, I was passed pissed now. Wasn’t nobody going to talk to Amy like that especially not in front of me!

“You need to back the hell up April, first of all Amy, is anything but a slut, isn’t she Tommy?,” April turned back to look at Tommy and we watched as he lowered his head and muttered something under his breath. “and second of all, she is not a fucking home wrecker or slut or skank or whatever the hell else you are gonna say, she is Amy. She is the best damn person I know and you know what April? Even if she didn’t want to be with me, I would rather pine after her than be with you. You need to get that threw her head ok?” I sat back down in my seat I hadn’t even realized that I had stood up and I instantly relaxed as Amy grabbed my hand and smiled at me.

Amy’s P.O.V.

He defended me, when every other guy would have let it go, he defended me. And it meant the world and more to me I hope he could see that. I looked up at April, seeing she was at loss for words and she stomped her foot, yeah she actually did, and walked back to Tommy again.

“Thanks, Jake.” Was all I said, it was all I had to say I know to see that crooked smile directed to me. I don’t know how I got so lucky, to finally have the guy I have waited for, for so long.

“Hey, you would do the same for me, so it’s no problem, babe.” He kissed me again, this time in a just barely there kiss. He was right of course, if anybody ever bashed his name or even tried, I would do the same for him. He was Jake, my rock, my love.

“Yeah, yeah.” I waved my hand trying to sound as nonchalant as possible, but he grabbed the hand in the air and held it as he laughed, and I laughed with him.

“So, what does this mean Amy?” he asked as I looked down first at our joined hands and back up into his eyes. I didn’t know what it meant, I didn’t even know what I wanted it to mean. I wanted my best friend back, needed him back, but he was asking for so much more. He wanted my heart, was I really ready to give that to him though? It was too soon, way too soon, if I didn’t though, he would act differently, he wouldn’t kiss me anymore and that stung to think about. I loved the heat that coiled in my stomach when he kissed me. I didn’t know what I wanted.

“I dunno Jake,” He looked down at the floor and just looked completely dejected. “I mean I want to be with you, so much I have for such a long time.” He looked back up at me and smiled then. I knew that instant that I said the right words. Even if they hadn’t felt right in the moment. It was right, now.

“Well, that settles it then babe. I’m all yours. Only yours.” And he sealed it with a kiss.

Jake’s P.O.V.

All day threw school I couldn’t stop smiling even once. I couldn’t believe I finally had Amy. Amy was my girlfriend. Every chance I said I let the whole school know, kissing her in front of everybody, kissing her at lunch, I think honestly I showed her more affection in one school day then I showed April in four almost five years.

I think I even played better during practice after school, coach was happy anyway. When I was finally making my way over to Amy’s house after school I couldn’t stop shaking. I keep telling myself that it’s no different than going over house before. But it is different, she’s my girlfriend now, and her mom works all night. We would be completely alone. For hours. Shaking all those thoughts from my head, I walked up and rang her bell. When she answered the door she smiled at me and blushed a little bit, I wonder if she was thinking the same thing I just was?

“You could have just walked right in, you never used to knock.” She kissed me as I came in and I tried to let our lips linger but she pulled back. “I’m almost done my homework and I thought maybe I’d make chicken and salad for dinner if you want to stay.” She blushed again as I watched her let her hair fall over her face to try and hide it. I took her chin and lifted it until she looked at me.

“You’re beautiful Amy.” She reached up on her tip toes and kissed me lightly before once again pulling away from me. She twirled towards the table and I saw all her work laid out. She actually did her work? She really is so smart. I smiled crookedly at her as I sat across from her. I sat there in silence while she worked and getting bored I decided to switch chairs to the one next to her. She looked at me for one small second before turning back to her math homework. I leaned in and smelled her wonderful scent and couldn’t resist kissing her neck. She sighed and dropped her pencil and I smiled as I continued to kiss her neck. I reached over and began to slowly and lightly go up her leg. She sighed again, her breathing getting harder when she grabbed my hand and held it from going into her shorts.

“I can’t focus on math when you do that Jake.” She smiled at me and kissed me lightly, but before she could pull away I deepened this kiss a little more. And smiled when she let go of my hand to twist her fingers in my hair, I began the lazy pursuit back up her leg again feeling her tremble.

Amy’s P.O.V.

Jake was driving me absolutely insane. I was trying to focus on my math work, but I couldn’t help myself when he kissed me like this. I let go of everything else as he kept kissing me expertly. I twisted my fingers into his hair and made the kiss even deeper and felt his hand begin to creep up slowly again, at first I tried to pull a hand free and stop him, but when he felt my hesitation, he stopped and simply massaged my leg. I was so glad that he wasn’t going to get pushy with me, just shows that he must actually really love me. I couldn’t help the smile as I thought this and he stopped kissing me and looked at me puzzled.

“What?” he asked huskily, it seemed that his breathing was just as hard and uneven as mine was. I looked into his eyes and saw a mix of adoration and lust. Both made me blush very deeply. I bit my lip as I looked at him and shook my head, I didn’t have any words. I couldn’t find my voice. He leaned back in towards me.

“Wait,” I held a hand up and his lips met my palm. He pulled back and frowned at me. “I need to start the chicken, I’m hungry.” He laughed as my stomach growled in agreement. He bent over my homework and I went to cook dinner for us both.

Jake’s P.O.V.

I was looking over her work, seeing just how smart she was, it was flawless. Shaking my head I leaned back in the chair and looked at the ceiling. I had gotten an erection from simply kissing her, and touching her leg. God, the things this girl does to me. I so didn’t want Amy to see the very noticeable bulge in my jeans so I tried to clear my head as best I could before walking into the kitchen. It was no use though as I watched her season the chicken, starting it then starting on the salad with ease. It was the way she moved I’m sure, that drove me crazy. Swaying her hips slowly and sexily as she walked around the kitchen as she cooked. It sure didn’t help my little problem go away that’s for sure.

“You want to help? Or just watch?” She asked with a grin, I thought about this for a second, if I came to the other side of the island to help her she would no doubt see my issue downstairs, but if I watched, it’d only get worse. God I’d rather it get worse then have her see it.

“Nah, you look sexy from this angle, I think I will watch you babe.” I said smoothly with a wink and smile, pleased I had at least made her blush. When dinner was finally finished, we ate in silence, mostly because I was enjoying it too much to take time to talk. I helped her wash up all the dishes since my little buddy went dormant while I was eating thank god.

“So, what do you want to do?” She asked me as she dried her hands and then handed it to me to do the same. Amy had to know how dangerous that question was, at least asking me and the state my mind was still sorta in. I grinned evilly at her and she frowned.

“Well, there several odd things we could do and only one thing I want to do Ames.” I closed the distance between us in two short steps and pulled her close, staying only a few centimeter’s away from her lips. As her eyes shut automatically I smiled.

“What are you waiting for Jake? Kiss me damn it.” She growled and I laughed and did as she told me too. I kissed her not roughly, but not gentle either, her arms snaked around my neck and I pushed her up against the wall and pushed my whole body against her, shuddering.

When she moaned into my mouth I was done for, back up came my little buddy and her moans turned into a gasp. “Don’t look so surprised Amy babe. I want you.” At my words I grabbed her ass lifting her so she could feel just how much I wanted her and she locked her legs around my waist.

“God, Jake I want you, I want you so bad.” I could feel her trembling just as bad as I was. “But, not tonight, just not tonight I want to wait Jake. Please.” At first it stung, almost like she was rejecting me, but then I realized she was asking me for time, I can give her time. All the time she wanted, as long as I was her first she could have it all.

“Ok, babe. I can wait, you are so worth the wait.” She smiled and pulled me in for another deep kiss.

“I still want to kiss you though.” She said with a wink and smile as I moaned and kissed her again, it will kill me kissing her like this and then having no relief. I can do this though, I can totally do this. I let her slowly back to her feet and simply pulled her against me as I kissed her with less heat and more love. She was mine and only mine, I could wait a lifetime if that was what she wanted from me.

Chapter Seven

Amy’s P.O.V.

The days had seemed to go by in a blur for me. Parties I didn’t want to go to, football games I had to go to. And all because it was Jake’s life. That was who he had become in high school. It’s not me though. It never was me. I don’t party after a win or loss on the football field, I don’t even go to the football field if I can avoid it. I wasn’t too sure this was what I signed up for though. Yes, I wanted to be with Jake, more than anything, but I didn’t want to become something I hate.

“Hey, babe, party is tonight, what you gonna wear?” Jake whispered in my ear as I shut my locker door. By now I am pretty much used to the cold glares I got from girls when I was with Jake. It still bothered me, but I figured that it shouldn’t so I never let Jake know. I shrugged at his question. I was thinking about making up a reason I couldn’t go, but the only way to get out of it was to say I didn’t want to go and I just couldn’t do that to him.

“Uhm, I dunno yet.” I followed him out to his car and let him open the door for me. I hadn’t thought about it honestly. Like I said, I didn’t even like going in the first place, but it did feel good to be seen with Jake at the parties and to know Jake wanted to show me off to everyone. When he started the car and I could tell her was about to start a conversation I didn’t really want to talk about, I blasted the radio mouthing ‘I love this song’ to him. I sang along with Blink 182, my favorite song just about, What‘s My Age Again.

I took her out it was Friday night
I wore cologne to get the feeling right
We started making out and she took off my pants
But then I turned on the TV
And that's about the time that she walked away from me
Nobody likes you when you're 23
And are still more amused by TV shows
What the hell is ADD?
My friends say I should act my age
What's my age again?
What's my age again?
Then later on, on the drive home
I called her mom from a pay phone
I said I was the cops
And your husband's in jail
This state looks down on sodomy
And that's about the time that bitch hung up on me
Nobody likes you when your 23
And are still more amused by prank phone calls
What the hell is caller ID?
My friends say I should act my age
What's my age again?
What's my age again?
And that's about the time she walked away from me
Nobody likes you when your 23
And you still act like you're in Freshman year
What the hell is wrong with me?
My friends say I should act my age
What's my age again?
What's my age again?
That's about the time she broke up with me
No one should take themselves so seriously
With many years ahead to fall in line
Why would you wish that on me?
I never want to act my age
What's my age again?
What's my age again?

Jake’s P.O.V.

She was avoiding the party topic. I wasn’t stupid, I know she doesn’t like the parties, but I want her there, so bad. It was crazy just how bad I wanted her there, but maybe I should just let her stay home tonight, it’d be good for her. For us both, before she left me because I am kinda forcing it all on her way to fast.

I turned down the radio when we pulled into Amy’s driveway and faced her. She leaned in to kiss me as soon as I opened my mouth and smiled at her as I deepened the kiss. We still haven’t had sex, only had Amy teasing the hell out of me, but I swear I can wait, I can do it. I think. She smiled and pulled away, but before she could leave the car I grabbed her and pulled her back in.

“Amy, wait I just wanted to say that if you really don’t want to go, you don’t have to, it’s ok really.” Her eyes went wide and then she smiled at me, and my heart did the weird little pitter patter it seemed to always do when she smiled at me like that.

“Are you sure Jake? I mean, if you want me to go I can go really, honest I would go for you.” I smiled at her now and she rested her hand on my cheek and I leaned into it. She was amazing, probably the best person I have ever met in my whole life.

“Yeah, babe, I mean I want you there, but not if you don’t want to be, never if you don’t want to be, I love you, I don’t want you miserable or uncomfortable. But promise me you’ll think of me tonight?” She smiled and laughed and ran her fingers lightly threw my hair.

“If you promise to call me when you get home.” She knew I would, even when I was with her all day, or just left her house to go to mine, I called her. It was kinda maybe obsessive, but we had missed out on so much time, I wanted to make it up somehow.

“Always.” She kissed me and smiled at me one last time before going into her house. God I honestly wonder what I did to deserve her, I will never be good enough for her, now or ever, but I love her, so much.

Amy’s P.O.V.

I still couldn’t believe Jake actually said I didn’t have to go. He really was so amazing. And knew her so well that he knew the parties weren’t her thing, no matter her trying to cover it up. So I decided that while he got drunk with his buddies, I would treat myself. I pulled on one of his t shirts and got a half pint of chunky monkey ice cream and watched all my favorite shows, before I finally fell asleep.

Jake’s P.O.V.

“Mann, I don’t know how you do it.” A past very drunk Tommy said to me. I looked over at him and smiled. I wasn’t sober, but I wasn’t THAT drunk either. I laughed my ass off when Tommy busted his ass on the floor and just sat there like nothing happened at all. This was too good, sucked Amy was missing it though. I wonder what she is doing…

“Do what my good man?” I helped Tommy back up and let him lean half his weight on me as he stood.

“Stay with Amy, she’s a prude. You can’t tell me she gave it up to you. I dated her for three weeks, and she said she was celibate, so fuck you, I know she didn’t fuck you.” He stumbled and slurred his words, but I understood what he said and he kinda had a point. I mean me and Amy have been dating for what almost a month and a half now? And the girl still ain’t even let me feel her up barely anymore. It pretty much sucked ass. Maybe it’s the booze, but then again maybe it isn’t.

“I dunno man, I dunno. I think she is almost ready to though.” I thought of the way she had thrown herself at me the night I saved her from that Asswhole. She wanted to fuck me that night. Why didn’t she want to fuck me now? Not like I would think she was a slut. I’m dating her. Shit. Can’t get nothing from my own girlfriend. Who says she ‘loves’ me. If she loved me then she wouldn’t tease me like she does. She’d either put out or not work me up like she does.

Tommy walked away, well more like walked two steps away and fell then just went to sleep right where he was. I leaned my head back against the wall and shut my eyes. I had to stop drinking after this cup, my head was starting to spin and it’s so bad I could swear that I can feel Amy pressed up against me. I reached my arms out and circled around her waist not even bothering opening my eyes. She felt so familiar to me. Her soft subtle curves. Her soft, silky hair. And her soft, full lips. I couldn’t help the instant erection from Amy kissing me. It was the booze. Oh well.

I got greedy and pushed her up against the wall as I kissed her and heard her moan into my mouth. Amy pulled me closer and put my hands around onto her ass. God it turned me on even more with how assertive Amy was being, it was too much almost. I lifted her and her legs went up and around my waist and I pushed my hardness up against her which made her grip me tighter to get me closer. I smiled as I kept my eyes shut, since the light burned too much when I opened them. I kissed down her throat, making sure I left my mark.

She whispered something I couldn’t hear, but when I didn’t do whatever it was she had said she reached down and unzipped my jeans. God, this was really happening. I was going to fuck Amy, right here, right now. I felt bad only for a minute that I was going to take her virginity here, now at this smelly party, while I was so drunk I couldn’t open my eyes, but fuck it, I want her. Now.

I pushed her skirt higher as I let her guide me as I slowly lowered her onto my penis and moaned deep in my throat when I was finally all the way, deep inside her. She was gripping onto my shoulders and then it all happened so fast, I held her up against the wall with all my strength as I took her as fast and hard as I could. It had been so long since I had any type of sex other than my own hand. Way too long. It felt so good being inside of Amy. When she moaned and shook and then cried out my name, I felt it as she reached her climax and then fell over the cliff into ecstasy. It was maybe 30 seconds after her that I finished myself letting myself slack and use my whole body to keep her up so she didn’t fall. I finally left Amy’s soft, warm center.

“Oh, god Amy, that was amazing, I fucking love you.” I bent down to kiss her, but she stopped me and that’s when I opened my eyes and gasped.

“No, not Amy Romeo.” I couldn’t believe the face I was looking at, no, no ,no. Fuck no. I did not just do that. I did not just cheat on Amy, in a hallway at a party of all the people who talked shit the second your back was turned. Shit. “Don’t look so surprised. You’re not that drunk Jake. You never stopped wanting me and I heard that little nun Amy was neglecting you.” April looked up at me with a smug look on her face as she kissed my cheek and walked away swaying her hips and I just dropped to the floor.

I was screwed.

Amy’s P.O.V.

Jake never called. He always called. When I had woken up for the second time there was one missed call and a few texts though, but not from Jake, it was from April. What the hell did she want? I read the texts first.

‘thought ud wan 2 c wat ur ’man’ was ^ 2 ;) ’

The next was a picture. Of Jake. Having sex. With April. Oh, My, God. What an Asswhole! He had April pushed up against a wall and his eyes were shut but he was facing whoever it was taking the picture, so it was no mistaking him. And you could see April, with a look of pure ecstasy on her face as she held onto Jake. How could he? Why would he? That must have been why he said I didn’t have to go to the party. He wanted to hook up with April. Well, he could have her. Because the minute he even touched her a little bit at that party he lost me. He won’t ever have me again, not even to look at. It turned my stomach to think I was actually going to finally have sex with him this weekend.

Guess it wasn’t meant to be though. Before I let the tears come I listened to April’s Voice mail she left me.

“Hey there little Amy, just wanted to let you know what happens when you neglect your man for too long. Besides that he only felt bad for you, you were kinda like his charity case, he felt guilty for ditching you, but he never stopped wanting me, obviously. Have a great weekend, see you in homeroom Monday.” When it was over I threw my phone as hard as I could against the wall and ran to my room and let the tears fall until I was sure my pillow was soaked all the way threw and I fell asleep. Dreaming horrible dreams of Jake with April, even while we were together in the beginning.

Chapter Eight

Amy's P.O.V.

The days that passed seemed unreal. The heart tearing feeling was unbearable. All I keep seeing is that picture. That horific scene keeps itself front and center. Burned, it seems right onto my eyelids so I never get away from it. Jake seems almost unphased by the whole situation. I've watched him go threw at least three different girls in the past week. None them April.
I wasn't sure if that hurt or upset me more. Things just never seem to make any sense to me anymore. I want to talk to Jake but at the same time I can't even think about him without having the urge to cry. Speak of the devil and he shall apear as they always say. As I stood there and watched Jake walk towards my locker my heart sped faster and I could have sworn he would be able to hear it. I backed myself up against my locker and waited. When he finally reached me I took a deep breath.

Jake's P.O.V.
Walking over to Amy was probably the hardest thing I have done the past week or so. Well maybe hardest thing I've ever done if I'm honest. The simple fact that Amy didn't walk away from me made me smile. I tried not to but failed. There was just something in the way she watched me. She still cares about me. She probably still wants me. As I got close enough to Amy, I leaned up against a locker and watched her. My heart ached in my chest as I watched the pain an hurt in her face.
When I went to open my mouth she reached out and put a finger on my lips I won't lie it stopped me in my tracks. All I could even begin to think about is the feel of her finger. Then the feel of her finger tracing my lips. I sighed and closed my eyes while she continued until the hallway was empty.

Amy's P.O.V.

While I was tracing Jake's lips I lost my train of thought. All I want is to kiss him. Would I be bad to give in to the urge? Would I be wrong? I removed my finger and watched his eyes as he watched my lips get closer.

Jake's P.O.V.

Amy was going to kiss me, I watched her lean in so close and stop just shy of meeting my lips. I let my eyes stay on hers as I leaned the final inch and our lips met. Kissing her was the best feeling and this kiss reminded me so much of our first kiss on the bench only weeks ago.
It was like a match lit to gasoline. We have a bonfire between us. She pushed herself as close as she could get to me and I backed her against the locker and tangled my fingers in her hair. It was like nothing I could ever describe to anyone, the way she drove me to this animal like breaking point. I didn't know what I was doing anymore. I only knew this was Amy in my arms and I never wanted her to leave.

Amy's P.O.V.

I lost track of everything as we kissed. Somehow we ended up in a closet still attached and we ripping away at each others clothes until we were panting and staring into each others eyes naked. He licked his lips and began kissing my neck and I leaned my head back and sighed as he kissed my sweet spot. I felt him get himself positioned at my center as he picked me up and held me against the wall. He kissed me long and hard as if asking for my approval. There was no turning back now.

Jakes p.o.v.

Before I went inside Amy I lee myself breathe out and kiss her as hard an deep as I could. I can't ever remember wanting any other girl more than I wanted Amy. I was so hard now it was starting to hurt I pushed my tip inside her and stopped. I looked into her eyes and then took her mouth in a quick deep kiss as I plunged deep and hard inside of her. Muffling her scream I stopped as I waited for her to adjust to me. It didn't take me long to finish since she was so tight and hot. I fell against her as I emptied inside her and we both caught
our breathe. We got dressed in silence and before we parted she looked at me with pitty almost and left me there alone. I stared T the closed door after she was long gone. What exactly did all of this mean? And why did she leave?

Chapter nine


Publication Date: 08-28-2011

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