


Bane of Heroes

Book#1                                                               By: Dwa-vi Deslouches



       “Xarus I believe we found it but the main force is still yet fighting.” Informed Varix “What do you wish to do?” Xarus looked back toward the walls taking in the scene. Four units of fifty men apiece were left to hold the walls and were engaged with two units of golems. The city, all in all, looked like a Neptunian temple complex boasting a large array of ocean themed buildings. The walls had a glittering magical wind-mesh type look to them and the source was obviously the large pointed building in the center of the town. The building where the eastern wind spirit was kept.


         The only reason Xarus and his men had breached the walls was a sneak attack in which the lower wind spirits carried them over the wall to help save their master. And now Xarus had a decision to make fight on and defeat medusa, or wait for backup and possibly let her escape.


         After taking a moment to decide Xarus replied, “We go into the lair, but first tell the men to dismount and mask both their scent and aura” Nodding Varix jogged back to where the men were resting in cover. The soldiers were settled in a fallen Tower sharpening weapons and tending to wounds.


         “The general says we’re to go after Medusa but first tether your mounts and complete a full mask. For you greens that’s, cover your scent and aura” Informed Varix. Looking out the door to his brother Xarus, Varix felt an overwhelming sense of pride. Xarus, being his older brother, had a head of locks, one for each battle won, and an impressive dragon plate suit of armor. His face was still young only hinting he was drawing near thirty-five years old, a stark contrast compared to the face of his three month old son.


         Varix himself was only about twenty three and had achieved the rank of captain at the second youngest age, bested only by his brother at the age of nineteen, on his twenty second birthday. He was shaven bald and wore no heavy armor. His only protection was in his craft as a master assassin. Wielding a wide array of weapons from a dagger to a crossbow he was an incredibly versatile opponent and so when he challenged the captain of his brothers unit it wasn’t long before he bested the man.


         Turning to face the soldiers Varix realized they were waiting for orders and gestured with a nod for his men to follow him. Meeting up with Xarus they continued into the city, on the hunt for Medusa.


         Crossing under a bridge they stopped to assess the path ahead of them. The street was barricaded about two blocks down but the barricade seemed largely abandoned but for five sentries to raise the alarm. Giving silent orders Xarus split his force in two, circling around the two blocks and hitting their opponents from the side. There was no battle only a quick massacre with but one noise. A sentry called out in pain for his comrades before dying on the pavement. Cleaning their blades the force didn’t notice the scaly green projectiles begin snapping at them from the sky. The first man to be struck called out before being pulled into the air. Two more were snapped up and one managed to cut the tentacle like bind from his waist before plummeting to his death on the streets below.


         In the sudden panic Varix instinctually dove toward his brother knocking him flat millimeters away from a tentacle.


         “Close call I owe you one less brother” grunted Varix as he rolled to his feet in cover. “Not now we must organize the men and retrieve the others” Replied Xarus gruffly. Jumping into the open Xarus then grabbed a rather large soldier and yelled something to him. The man drew in breath and bellowed “Form up on the general, shields up and unbuckled.” In response the men quickly built up around Xarus and Varix went about them unbuckling their shields. Once they were in a cohesive group Xarus called step and they made their way into the tower the attacks had stemmed from. Working their way up the stairs they encountered little resistance from kobolds other than the odd lightly armored sentry. Reaching the top floor the men built a shield wall and came around a curved half circle that protected the fires of the light tower from the wind.


         The sight they were met with was gruesome. A spinning ball of tentacles was engulfing a man shrieking in horror. The bones of their comrades lay bleach clean around her and only three men remained alive and unscathed.

         “We haven’t the time to waste advance with haste!” ordered Xarus. The men charged hacking and kicking at the beast until it released their men. Rounding on them it ceased spinning and showed it’s fanged maw. With grim determination Xarus faced the beast “Scylla face justice and you will be spared” He stated. The beast lunged and Varix stepped in front of him beheading it in one swift strike with his dagger.


         “That’s twice in one day I’ve saved your life brother.” Stated Varix happily “Another twenty years of this and I may be able to repay my debt to you.” Grimly Xarus nodded as he led his men toward a tall spiral in the center of the city.














Chapter 1



The Kahran Youth Battle School was a training ground for young warriors. The recruits in the vanguard program were to be the best of the best, becoming specialists and leaders. After second year graduation the recruits would go on to study at the Ten Schools Magical Academy.


     “Strike. Strike. Strike. Plant your feet and shatter the arm!” Ordered the drill sergeant to the recruits. A line of students struck wooden test dummies with short wooden clubs. The exercise was meant to build up muscles and aid in hand eye coordination by striking the dummies suspended by a noose so they swing when struck. Xzander, being a new recruit, already hated the pre-magic school for clerics. The instructors were burly soldiers whose sole task was to build up the initiates bodies and minds in rigorous and straining exercises. Every week any initiates who were not making enough progress would be cut from the group to try again the next year.


         For Xzander the classes were fairly easy. Being an athletic student he easily shattered the arm every time before pulling out the broken stump and replacing it with a new arm. His strength was matched only by two students, Jacob Saarzin and Malikay Rinkash. Some other students were managing the task in two or three strikes, but the average student either didn’t break the arm or it took them many strikes.


         “Stop. Drop your weapons and run to the dinning pavilion we set out from there in one hour!” ordered the Sergeant. The class broke away with the slower students quickly falling behind. Pulling ahead Xzander noted that he was faster than his two competitors. All of his extra running at night was paying off and he was ecstatic. After thirty minutes of steady running Xzander came into view of the dining pavilion. He jogged inside to the serving line and, being the first to get there, claimed the best meat and bread before sitting at the center table by himself and pulling out his travel bag. As the other students poured into the pavilion Xzander was already finished with his ground beef and was spreading silver-berry jam gingerly across his plate sized hunk of bread. Dropping herself next to him Karin greeted Xzander with her best smile. He smiled in turn before tucking into his meal with gusto.


         Stopping abruptly Xzander cut the bread in half turned to her and said “I promised I would share with you if I ever found some silver-berries” he offered, “Here try some”.

She shook her head politely and said “I’m sure you have more jam and I have my own bread I’ll just spread it fresh”. He nodded more assured and pulled out the jar.

         “Just be careful with it,” he warned, “If you have too much it’ll act like a nerve poison and you’ll be walking sideways for the rest of the day.” She nodded thinking to herself that it would be a welcome change from their daily grueling routine. Quickly the tables filled up and a few stragglers were left to pick out a table. Turning to see if there was anyone coming from the road Xzander jumped, caught off guard by a darkly dressed boy who ate silently next to him.

Leaning over to Karin he whispered, “How long has he been there?”

Before she could answer the boy said, “I’ve been here since around about when she arrived friend”. Startled Xzander turned to him and opened his mouth to speak. “I’m Enoch Spindlebroook but my friends call me, well nothing. I don’t really know anyone, but I do know you two. Karin Wildokin and Xzander Morinstar.” He interrupted. The two stared at the new arrival in stunned silence before Karin regained her composure and replied, “Who are you again ?”


         Staring at Karin for a long moment he replied in turn “One who seems to know too much. First year academy assassin.” She nodded not quite understanding.


         “So how do you know us?” Karin queried, “ I certainly don’t know you and Xzander here doesn’t really talk about me.” Enoch drew breath to reply being cut off by a large hand driving his face into the table. Bolting up Xzander faced the assailant ready for a fight.


         “Stay out of this Xzander!” Barked Malikay “I’ve been hunting for this one and if you get in the way you’ll receive the same” Karin realized the situation would soon come to a head as Malikay had brought his usual posse of cronies.


         “Malikay Rinkash meet Xzander Morinstar” mumbled Enoch through bloody lips. “I know who he is”, growled Xzander, and before anyone could react he sprang forward diving onto Malikay. Taking this opportunity Enoch exposed his two lead batons and dove between two of the boys who followed Malikay jabbing and swinging at them in a dangerous torrent of pain. The other three began to move to join the fight being stopped by Karin running between them arms spread wide. “Move, I wouldn’t want to hit a girl,” mocked the biggest of the three. Karin smiled coldly before jabbing him in the throat to crumple to the packed dirt of the dining pavilion.

         Wrestling Malikay to the ground Xzander pinned his left hand that had pulled a short dagger from his shirt. Subsequently he was caught off guard by the lightning jab his opponent threw and tumbled on the ground beside him. Now Malikay jumped on him pressing the blade down closer to his throat. Out of the corner of his eye Enoch spotted the grave situation but was in a hard spot himself, bobbing and weaving to avoid strikes. The other two boys after seeing their superior bested hesitated before charging in unison. Jumping up Karin wrapped her legs around one’s neck and snagged the other in an iron headlock tumbling to the ground holding both of them. On the ground Malikay was close to his objective. The knife just pressed on Xzander’s chin letting blood trickle down his neck.


         Suddenly Xzander felt a weight lift off of him as Malikay was hoisted bodily off of him cursing and spitting. Enoch jabbed hitting thin air as his two opponents were grabbed in crushing bear hugs and lifted off their feet. Unfortunately for Karin one of the two boys freed himself and gave her a sharp kick in the stomach before being knocked out by a gauntleted fist to the temple. She was then detached from her second victim and held in place. Everyone was silent with the exception of Malikay who still howled profanity.

         “Shut him up,” drawled a familiar voice “And someone give me a report.” All assembled shared a groan of exasperation as Jacob Saarzin, son of the academy’s director strolled into the pavilion like a prince into a seedy tavern. A tall boy in red and gold, Jacob’s troupe colors, jogged over to him and began his report. Jacob set his dissatisfied lazy gaze on the first years and shook his head in disappointment. “You first years were appointed to us for being some of the best and brightest of the Kahran union young. I guess we got the wrong group” he mocked sourly “how are we supposed to present this rabble in the graduation battle if you can’t even have enough discipline to govern yourselves. You’ll never make second year at this rate.” Xzander bristled under his assessment. Jacob and his friends were second years on their way to the magical academy finishing school for fighters as part of the military’s vanguard project. As a result they ruled over the first year like aristocrats over peasants, taking the choice supplies and land for themselves.


         “Who was the assailing party?” Jacob Queried. All eyes hit the ground, as the students were suddenly very interested in the rocks beneath their feet. Jacob scowled before nodding.


         “Fine then ten laps on the track for everyone” he ordered “forget your food and get a move on”. The assembled students all stared at him before he roared “Now!” Startled by the sudden noise the recruits set off back down the path to the training ground to start their run.


         After about two hours off dragging himself through the run Xzander finished gratefully at the dining pavilion. Dropping himself to the ground he groaned in appreciation of the break. spotting a pair of boots beside his face he stood back up. A boy stood with a bucket and some rags. He looked at Xzander with a bit of respect that was quickly dispelled and said, “Clean up this mess, Dishes stacked on the serving table and clean the tables.” Xzander nodded grimly before taking on the task, moving slowly in his exhaustion. By the time anyone else showed up he was putting the rags away and dropping down onto the newly cleaned seats. When about twenty students had gathered Jacob came strolling in with two of his closest men and boomed “This week is now a survival week, do what you want but no supplies will be coming in and we will be hunting you down. Avoid us and death and you get to have a meal with the second years in the barracks.” The assembled all seemed to forget their exhaustion and began stretching to run away.


         It was a tall boy who spoke up he asked “What of the others, the ones who haven’t gotten here yet?” Jacob gave them an evil smile and said, “They should have ran faster.” Then he touched a horn to his lips and blew it. After a moment of silence they heard the loud clanking of the beast gates and the roars of their inhabitants. Jacob stared at them his eyes observing hungrily before he said in a whisper “Begin”.


Chapter 2


       Karin, hearing the horn turned off the track and began climbing a tree.


         “Looks like nature girl’s lost a few of her coins if you catch my meaning” Mocked a black haired boy as he strolled with his friend. She bristled under the comment but continued her progress. At the top of the tree she stood and picked out the scents around her. When she adjusted to her surroundings she took the cloth that Xzander had given her and used it as a comparison to his scent. She then shut her eyes and tuned to the energies around her. When she was assured of her assessments in her mind she could see lines signifying scents, strongest being the darkest and so on, and her surroundings in dull gray pulsating with energy. Climbing her way back down she set off following Xzander’s scent into the woods.


         Enoch had been following Karin since the beginning of the run to help her if Malikay and his thugs tried to get revenge on Xzander through her. Now he was struggling to follow her through the dense woods without her noticing him stalk her. It was difficult going as she was so attuned to her surroundings. He was coming around a tree to follow her and couldn’t find her. Before he could react she dropped down on him from above pinning him to the ground in a headlock. Not knowing who had dropped onto him Enoch panicked striking the pressure points in in her arms with the deft touch of an expert. They fell limp at her sides as she staggered back in horror. He whipped around and cried aloud in alarm when he saw that it was her that had dropped down on him.


         “Why would you do that to someone?” he cried indignantly regaining his composure.

         She looked at him incredulously and retorted, “I could ask you the same question.” He put up both hands and approached her slowly. She held still but he could tell her muscles were taught in case she needed a hasty escape. He grabbed her right arm first pressing the pressure points between his thumbs and index finger. He then quickly moved to the left and repeated the process. As soon as he finished and Karin had feeling in both of her arms she punched him in the jaw with her right hand. He stumbled back and stared at her slack jawed.


         ‘That’ll teach you to stalk and immobilize me” She growled angrily.

         “No, that will teach me not to give you feeling in your right arm first next time” He muttered sourly. Karin went rigid with anger and stomped toward him stopping fist raised when he put his hands up in submission and mustered a taut smile.


         “I’ve actually been following you since the fight to make sure that you didn’t get jumped by Malikay and his thugs alone” Enoch confessed hastily adding, “Not that I wouldn’t have done the same for Xzander it’s just that he held his own…” his voice trailed off as Karin was again glaring at him.

         “I held my own just as well as him!” She stormed angrily.

         “Yes I- that’s what I was going to say” chuckled Enoch nervously. “At any rate I think we should go and find him I don’t know what’s going on but I think you do.” Said Enoch. She nodded still wary of veiled insults and began tracking the scent again.

         “I heard the beast gates open and a battle horn. Last time I heard that was survival week, and they let all the monsters loose on survival week. So we have to find Xzander and make sure he doesn’t get himself eaten ok?” The false perkiness of her explanation accentuated the grim undertones of her words and Enoch felt a darker side to this cheery girl. As they walked Enoch noted her long black hair and tan skin. He pondered what province she hailed from. The Kahran union was among the largest nations now and stretched across what was known as the Americas up until thirteen P.C (post creation) and Karin could have come from any one of the costal cities that made up the union. From her complexion he guessed she was from one of the southern provinces but, of course, he could be wrong.


         Karin stopped abruptly and Enoch being preoccupied bumped into her winning him a withering stare. She held her index finger to her lips and pointed to her ears. The message was clear, don’t talk and listen. The two crouched stock-still waiting and listening. Suddenly Karin sprang to the side nocking Enoch flat. Before he could protest a cow sized spider web flew overhead and slammed into a tree with a heavy thud. He drew a breath to talk and she covered his mouth eyes wide in fear. Using her fingers she counted down from three before pulling him up and running for cover.


         The second they came up Enoch spotted the creature. The Gargantuan Wood Stalker could only be described as a giant spider, boasting eight log thick legs and a green mottled scorpion tail. Its seven eyes were spaced in a ring around its head and the creature’s maw presented bone-crushing pincers. Enoch faintly heard Karin say something about acid when he spotted the projectile. A small fist sized web was flying toward him and at the last minute he drew his cape across his torso and bore the strike. The impact was like a bull slamming into his side as he turned and he was nocked off his feet by the shock. He quickly rolled out of his cape slashing the restraining strap from his torso and neck with a dagger realizing the stench of acid burn. Diving to the side he narrowly avoided another clump of acid web and rolled into a bush beside Karin.

         “Enoch we need to get out of the woods.” She urged frightfully “These things hunt in pairs and we don’t want to meet this things mate!” Enoch nodded and tried to stand. His whole world swam and his knees buckled under him. Quickly Enoch reached into a hidden pocket in his vest and pulled out two red vials. He silently cursed himself, as he had not labeled his tonics in his haste to be on time to the training grounds that day. One was a potion that cured any bite or non-magical poison and the other, a deadly poison. He smiled at the irony. Right now he held life and death and yet he was at the mercy of a bug. He laughed aloud and tipped back the contents of the vial in his left hand.


         Karin, looking over at Enoch saw him drink something. His eyes rolled back in his head and he was still. She fought back a sob that she had no idea where it had come from. She barely new this boy and now he slumped dead or close to it and she was to scared to move her legs. She saw him shudder violently falling on his side and writhing around before going still again. Karin began to steel herself and took a deep breath. A wet glob hit her shoulder. She didn’t have to turn to know but she did. Karin looked death in the eye. The Stalker hung suspended by a web above her from a strand and sat placidly not two inches from her face. She heard it hiss, a combat warning, and could not even whimper in fear. Just before those massive pincers crushed her skull six small blades thudded sickly into the creatures mouth and two of its front eyes. The creature screeched and recoiled viciously legs flailing in pain. Karin was numb and stood hearing nothing but her own heartbeat and the roar of blood in her veins. Then someone was grabbing her hand and they were running. She faintly registered the person as Enoch and she wondered how he was still alive and who had saved them from the Stalker.


         Enoch ran with her. He ran with this girl that he barely knew and was clinging on to her as he had his own sister. He would not fail her. This time was his chance to make amends, and he would not miss it. Enoch would not let Karin die.

Chapter 3


       Four lesser flame demons would not be a problem for Xzander, if he weren’t in the woods. The four creatures swirled around him shooting burst of flames and leaving small flames in their wakes. Xzander ducked and rolled and evaded as best he could but he was getting tired from the rigorous day and needed to draw the fight to a close. He feigned a dive to the left before hurtling a large rock at the closest demon. The kobold-like flame creature was caught unaware by the fist-sized rock and it slammed into his head with a sickening crunch. The other three were more wary as they came in for another pass. Xzander dove to the right of the largest one swinging his two twin blades in a circle around him. The first blade caught the creature high in the shoulder and as it fell from the pain it dropped into the arc of the second blade ending its cursed life. The last two were visibly shaken and blasted away in a flaming torrent when Xzander roared a battle charge.


         Immediately after the battle ended Xzander dropped down kneeling and prayed to fight his curse “Our father who art in heaven. Holy be thy name. I have killed, but let my sins be washed away as I have killed those who wished to do harm to one of your loyal subjects. Brother St. Michael I claimed these two kills in the name of you and my other brothers.” He concluded with a soft “Amen” before jogging to a clearing that housed a cave he could hide in. he heard a feminine scream coming from about that direction and his blood chilled. He knew that scream. It was Karin. Xzander ran.


         One moment he was running and the next he was sprawled across the ground by a creature flying into the clearing he had headed for. Leaping to his feet Xzander realized it was Enoch.


         “Where’s Karin?” Xzander asked urgently.

Enoch couldn’t meet his gaze he muttered “In the cave. I was trying to get her back from the Gargantuan Stalker.” Xzander felt his blood snap into ice and he almost dropped his sword. Karin was deathly afraid of Stalkers as they had slaughtered her entire city in the battle of Sword Haven. He charged in leaving Enoch to stumble along behind him. Barreling into the cave he sliced apart webs with staggering speed and power, moving along like a bullet through the air. In about ten minutes he reached a cavern and what he saw made his stomach churn.


         Eggs, webs, bones and spiders. Lots of spiders. The cavern was a den. A nest for beasts of unimaginable horror. The entire right wall was covered in eggs and web and the left wall had animal, monster and human carcasses. Dead ahead was Karin Sitting sobbing atop of what appeared to be a throne of bones. The stalkers ranged from part scorpions to porcupine needles. Without warning huge thick sickly sweet smelling webs slammed into the opening they had traveled through and the stone itself began corroding. Xzander growled in hatred of these demented creatures. He knew he was trapped.


         Enoch nearly fainted. He placed his left hand on the wall to steady him and his hand went through a sticky thick membrane into a jell like substance. His fingers brushed something spindly and he recoiled in shock and disgust when he looked over and realized his hand was in a stalker egg. He recoiled, turned, retched and was sick, violently doubling over beside Xzander. Slowly he picked himself up, head swimming, and tuned into what sounded like a conversation between Xzander and the spiders.


         “They serve me and only me,” a voice wheezed. The sound was like a blade being drawn across gravel and it made Enoch flinch. Xzander said something in phrayan, the language of most woodland creatures that roughly translated to “I know who you serve”. Enoch, gaining his composure took stock of the situation. Ten stalkers were in the room. Two of the stalkers were like the one he had encountered already. The other six were split between spindly-legged porcupine spines and green glowing fungus pouches. A humanoid creature stood beside the throne, his hands gently caressing a terrified Karin. His face was that of a wolf and his body resembled a bear. His features were gruesome with a severe burn down his right cheek and a dark slash across his left eye and muzzle. The creature’s eyes met Enoch’s and it smiled a garish smile muscles bunching up for a dive. The creature leapt.


         Xzander tackled the cursed wolf-man mid air slamming him to the ground. He drew his double blades and drew his arms up for a crushing strike but was yanked off of his target by a web on his back. Spinning he sliced the web and fell onto a second stalker’s head barely balancing on it. Enoch was jolted into action as his years of training kicked in. He pulled four smoke bombs from his waist pack on his lower back and threw them around to build up a cloud. He then pulled two black soul-steel daggers from a scabbard on his leg and moved to engage a scorpion-tailed stalker.


         The stalker bucked and twisted but Xzander held tight to the short hairs on its head. He let go when it was coming down from a buck and slammed his two blades into the top of the creature’s head and twisted them. The stalker shuddered violently and shrieked a deafening death call and its legs began curling up as the creature doubled up on itself. The other stalkers in the room suddenly went berserk. Enoch heard the shriek as he plunged his blades into his first target for the fortieth time in his smoke cloud and the creature, bleeding profusely, was falling back. Suddenly the stalkers were on him in numbers. Three stalkers engaged Xzander and two attacked Enoch leaving two to guard Karin and two to guard the eggs.


         Enoch tried to dodge but his left foot was stuck to the ground by a web, which, thank goodness, had no acid. In a panic he tried to cut through it before a spiked leg protruded from his chest. At first he felt nothing but the horror of the wound. The sensation came to Enoch as a hurricane of pain and his vision blurred. His head swam and his legs buckled. ‘This is what death is like huh?’ He thought bitterly ‘To survive the things I’ve lived through and die in a cave to a bunch of freaking spiders’. In the thinning smoke Xzander saw Enoch fall and Karin… well he didn’t know what was wrong with her. Her head was lolled and her eyes were open seeing nothing. ‘She might be unconscious or…’ Xzander thought and was overwhelmed by rage and sadness. Prior to hitting the ground Enoch saw a light before he blacked out.


         Xzander roared a bellow of anguish and every being in the room remained still and went silent. He was shaking violently and he knew it was coming on. This hadn’t happened to him in fourteen years. On his left arm Red inscriptions in Daemon scrawled themselves up his body and on his right blue letters scrawled themselves in Angelin moving toward his chest. His body was soon covered and his eyes began transformation. In his left eye his pupil formed a golden ring and in his right eye his pupil became snakelike. His vision went sharp, senses attuned and he felt magical energy flowing into him at levels he had never wielded before. “Prepare to die!” he growled, and lunged for the nearest opponent.

Chapter 4


Chris shook his head in dismay. Those idiots had gone into a stalker nest and now two minutes later there were strange noises coming from inside. He sighed ruefully and dropped from his treetop hideout and ran into the cave. When he reached the main chamber he was stopped by a large web barricade. Chris put his hands forward and shouted “ Chamejante”. The webs burst into flame and he ran into the cavern. He was momentarily stunned by the scene as a creature with gray wings, blue and red runes with horns was flying around killing the stalkers. He shook himself and grabbed the boy he spotted on the ground. Upon lifting him onto his back he felt thick blood staining his clothes. Obviously the wound was grave. Looking to the throne at the back of the room Chris noted a girl, seemingly paralyzed, sitting on the seat of bones. He short range teleported down the hall and laid the boy down before returning for the girl. Before he could touch her red inscribed fist lifted him from his feet. The creature locked his gaze with its mismatched eyes and he felt its probing glare penetrate his very soul. Then abruptly it dropped him and returned to its rampage. Slinking away he grabbed the girl and teleported to tend to her and the boy.


         All Xzander could hear was whispers. His mind was in turmoil and it manifested in his behavior. Xzander uncaringly slaughtered the stalkers and the wolf man before encountering a strange boy. He saw a faint glow coming off of the boy and let him go. Still Xzander didn’t know why. Looking around he surveyed his destruction with dizzy eyes while his markings and transformations receded. He soon felt his muscles go numb and he passed out in the cave.


         Chris stopped the boys bleeding and had given the girl a healing tonic to counter the paralyzing effects of a stalker porcupine quill. He was mentally and physically tired and slightly reluctant to leave the clearing near the cave though he knew that there were stalkers inside. After about two hours the girl regained consciousness rolling onto her side and groaning. Chris moved slowly so as not to startle her and touched her shoulder. She jumped away like she had been burned and landed crouched for another leap.


         “Hold on a second I’m a friend” Chris cooed calmly putting his hands up in a placating gesture “I helped you and your friend”. She took a second before calming down and inspecting him suspiciously. Finally she asked, “Who are you?” Chris nodded, happy that she was speaking to him, and answered, “My name is Christopher Palstine but my friends just call me Chris.” Karin nodded to herself and relaxed a little bit.


         “My name is Karin” She supplied “This guy is Enoch and I’m sure you met Xzander.” Chris gave her a puzzled look and she felt a cold numbness tingling at the base of her spine working its way up.


         “Who is Xzander?” Chris queried. The girl, Karin, took a moment to reply and Chris could tell she was on the verge of collapse again.


         “He’s a good friend of mine” she whispered, “He came in to get me”. The last words she spoke were almost imperceptible before she slumped over unconscious again. Chris frowned to himself. He had not seen another person in there. He had only seen monsters and destruction before pulling the two out. The boy muttering in his unconscious state interrupted Chris’s thoughts. He pulled a wooden flute from his cloak and played a soft woodland tune. As if answering his call a flock light blue birds with golden eyes settled in the trees around the three kids. Chris stopped playing and called to them saying, “Watch these two please I have something to attend to in that cave.” The birds made no movement of recognition but Chris entered the cave knowing they would follow his order.

         Inside the cave Xzander was just awaking from his unconsciousness. He sat up quickly and instantly regretted the decision. His vision swam and his throat and lungs felt like they were on fire. Nevertheless he held himself up and began surveying the damage to his own body first. He felt in his mouth that the fangs he had developed were still going down and that he the bumps on his back from the wings were still shrinking. His right arm was cold to the touch and his left was hot. Slowly he picked himself off of the ground and fought off the rolling waves of nausea that invited him back into a dreamless slumber. Xzander heard shuffling feet coming from behind him and turned around quickly to view his assailant. In his murky vision Xzander could make out only minor details. The figure wore all white and in his right hand he held a book. In his left he held a staff topped off with an Aquelian crystal sphere.


         Chris looked on smugly as Xzander peered at him in confusion. He said nothing but stood there relishing in his thoughts. I could kill him right now, kill him and have Michael promote me. Reluctantly dismissing those thoughts Chris walked over to Xzander and held him steady. Xzander recoiled slightly at the touch before feeling the warmth of healing magic spread from the contact to the rest of his body. Soon Xzander’s vision improved and he stood in slight shock before regaining himself.


         “Hello brother” Xzander said casually “What brings you here?” Chris eyed him coldly and ignored him. “I heard that Michael demoted you recently” Xzander commented with mock innocence “are you okay with that?” Chris took his hand off of Xzander’s shoulder and immediately Xzander felt his weariness flow over him again.


         “I can’t kill you but I don’t have to heal you either.” Chris whispered in a cold fury “and yes Archangel Michael demoted me to watcher”. Xzander stared at him and then burst into mocking laughter.


         “He demoted you?” Xzander asked incredulously “You who have always despised me for being nothing are now but an official form of nothing!” Chris seethed with this insult and the air in the cavern grew cold to the point that the stone was frosting. Xzander however appeared unaffected by the cold as a ring around him melted the ice and his breath was not even misted. For a long moment they stood there, the air charged with energy, before the room began to warm and Chris composed himself.


         “Do not mock me” Chris warned “For when your death is ordered I will be the one to carry out the mission.” Containing his own fury Xzander took a final poke at Chris’ pride.

         “I’m not inclined to believe that Michael would send one watcher after me but I do look forward to it.” Xzander cooed slyly before moving for the door. Immediately he regretted that decision. The world spun and he felt bile rising in his throat. He fought to keep his earlier lunch down and staggered over to lean on a wall. Chris laughed spitefully and turned on his heel for the cave exit.


         “Maybe I should tell that Milarian girl what you are” Chris mocked “ tell her that this whole time she’s had eyes for a half angel… and a half demon.”


Chapter 5


Karin woke again, feverish this time and covered in dirt. Her head was pounding as if under attack by a battering ram and her neck burned severely. She rolled from her position crawled a few feet away from Enoch and was violently ill. Shuddering she crawled back to Enoch and dropped onto her back. She lay still for a few seconds regaining her strength and composure before she sat up again. The sight that greeted her was garish. Her left arm was badly broken, bending in the wrong direction and swollen. Her ribs were bruised and she felt the warm tickle of blood on her left temple and the back of her head. Gasping at her arm wound she turned away and came to the understanding of why she had crawled. She couldn’t move one arm. Looking over at Enoch to get her mind off of the wound she noticed several different things about him. A long jagged scar ran across his now bare chest from his left shoulder down to near his naval. Other scars crisscrossed his body and burn marks were also evident in some places. A new addition to his collection a portion of his body was covered in green wrappings. The center of this wrapping was beginning to run burgundy with blood seeping through it and Karin began to panic. Blood ran from his mouth in a trickle forming a puddle beside him and his breathing was ragged and irregular. He has a punctured lung, Karin thought in a panic. Her breathing came more quickly now as she tried to think of what she could do in her state. She stared down at her arm and a plan formed quickly and out of desperation. Karin dragged herself to her feet and staggered over to a boulder in the clearing. She placed her good right hand on the rock and muttered a half prayer half incantation. Part of the rock appeared to melt before forming into two granite rods in her hand. She put them down and drew a deep breath before grabbing her own left arm and wrenching it forward. The arm snapped forward with a cracking sound before a popping sound. Karin cried out in pain crumbling to the ground and bursting into tears of agony. Her head swam and her mouth watered, she had never before experienced pain like this, not even when the magma bee swarm attacked her it was not this agonizing. Slowly she pulled herself from the oblivion of the pain. Karin lifted the rods from the ground and used her good arm to rip a piece of cloth from her cape. She lashed the rods onto her arm with the cloth before ripping two more and tying those into place as well. With her arm casted she staggered back to Enoch and assessed the situation. She removed the wrappings from his wound and recoiled at the sight. The wound was the size of a grown man’s fist and the edges were tinted purple, the veins turning green. Karin placed both hands on the wound, lifting her left arm using her right and placed them on the wound. The skin was sticky, clammy even, and icy cold around the wound. She chanted a songlike prayer in nymphilian and let her mind go blank. She closed her eyes and instantly a wave of dizziness hit her. When she opened her eyes she was standing in a town inside of a tree. Around her people walked purposefully in a wave to their various places. She looked down on herself and saw that her left arm was healed, along with her bruises and cuts. Inspecting her surroundings Karin noted the bright colors of the buildings. The ocean blues and the blood reds, the grassy greens and the harvest yellows. The people around her wore drab clothes with dull jewels and worn boots. Trying to get a better view of her surroundings and some information Karin slipped between people and weaved her way toward what appeared to be a three-story inn. Striding into the entrance she quickly took stock of the situation. The inn was dimly lit and the noise from outside had ceased entirely when she entered the building. Karin reopened the door to find nothing but empty streets and dilapidated buildings. The once brilliantly painted houses lying in a state of ruin and the cozy throng of people was lost, replaced by the desolate whispering of the winds through the dead roads.


         Karin closed the door and looked around. Stalls lined the walls of the inn and three bench tables took up space in the middle of the room. The innkeeper, wrapped in his cape and cowl, stood at the bar silently. To her right Karin could see a candle was lit and a man was sitting clutching his drink. She approached him and stood silently for a moment before addressing him.


         “Would you happen to know a man by the name of Enoch?” She asked briskly as she approached the figure. The man turned and Karin sighed a breath of relief. It was Enoch and he was seemingly unharmed. A fearful look filled his eyes and he whispered, “Don’t say my name it’s listening.” Karin looked around for a monster but spotted none before turning back to Enoch bewildered. He gave a slight nod to the bartender and motioned for Karin to sit next to him. Slowly fear began to creep up her spine as realization dawned on her. Karin knew what the bartender was.


         “Why didn’t I think of this of course there’s a reaper here” Mumbled Karin “you’re dying so it’s here to collect your soul”. Enoch stopped his movement so abruptly Karin had to sit down to avoid bumping into him. He sat down heavily and put his head in his hands.

         “I’m going to die,” He mumbled numbly. As soon as he completed the word “die” the bartender began to move, sliding across the wooden planks of the inn with ghostly silence.

         “We have to go. Now!” Karin yelled and yanked Enoch bodily from his seat. She placed both hands on the planks below her and began to chant the same prayer she had chanted before. The planks twisted and groaned as they obeyed her command and the entire inn shuddered.

         “Your time has come child,” the reaper rasped in a blood chilling whisper. Spurred by fear Karin pressed into the wood harder causing the stone to begin to follow her command. Slowly a trapdoor the size of a booth was forming beneath them. The reaper came to a rest beside Enoch and drew its scythe in agonizing slow. As the last few pieces of the door fell into place the reaper brought it’s scythe down. The door opened and the scythe whistled over Enoch’s head as he fell. A few strands of Karin’s long black hair were cut as she fell but she hardly noticed in her fear.


         “The day will come when there will be nowhere to run hero!” The creature wailed “And on that day your soul is mine.” This was the last thing Enoch heard before the world twisted and he passed out.

Chapter 6


Hobbling out of the cave entrance Xzander shielded his eyes from the bright of the sun as they adjusted. Chris had come out before him and was currently crouched beside Karin. Enoch was on his back in the clearing and Karin was leaned against a tree a few feet away. Xzander first inspected Enoch who was bandaged from his waist to his chest. The wrappings appeared to be mostly free of blood and the boy’s breathing was mostly normal. He then walked over to Karin and looked her over. She smiled back up at him and shooed an indignant Chris away.


         “So I see you’re not dead” Mocked Karin.

“Well, what can I say, I guess I’m a special person” Xzander replied coolly

         Chris snorted and said a bit bitterly “Yes very special indeed. More than you might care to know Karin.”

         Startled Karin looked from Chris to Xzander and started to say something before a groan from Enoch cut her off. The three moved to Enoch and watched him. Slowly he opened his eyes and looked up deliriously at Karin.


         “Salene?” Enoch smiled and whispered incredulously. The three looked concerned at him and Xzander touched his shoulder.


“Whose Salene?” Xzander asked. Slowly Enoch’s smile dissipated and the mad light in his eyes went flat. He looked over to Karin again and sighed before sitting up. His throat was burning and dry and he had a headache like… well like he had been beat down by giant spiders.


         “You should rest” Karin suggested before Enoch shook his head no.

“I need some water and my cloak” He replied softly. Chris nodded and set off to retrieve the cloak and his pack. Xzander looked at Karin’s left arm and noted the splint.

         “You okay Karin?” He asked. Karin nodded briskly and tried to think of their next move. “So how are you going to shoot a bow anymore?” Xzander asked. Startled by the question Karin stared at him before answering, “I can just use a dagger for now until I can get this healed.” Before Xzander could answer Enoch asked, “So how can I move right now. I’m fairly certain I got stabbed by a Stalker so I should be dead or close to it.” Karin looked at him glad to be on a subject other than her own injuries.


         “Woodland healing magic. I went into your subconscious and got you out so that nature could take over,” Karin informed, “I couldn’t have you resisting your own healing”. Xzander nodded and Enoch flinched slightly.

“So what did you see in my head?” Enoch asked tentatively.

         ‘That’s not how it works” Karin replied, “I can’t see your memories, only your thoughts.” Enoch nodded warily before turning back to Xzander and giving him a discreet nod.


         Turning briefly to Karin Xzander asked, “Could I have a second to talk to Enoch?” Nodding she pulled herself to her feet and moved over to her previous resting place. Once Karin had sat down Enoch looked Xzander straight in the eyes and asked “How are we still alive? That whole rescue was suicide. Was it that Chris guy who saved us?” Xzander held up his hands to slow Enoch before answering in a placating tone “Just a sec and I’ll tell you.” Xzander watched Chris stroll over leisurely and stop beside Karin depositing something in her hand before moving on and coming to a rest beside Enoch.

         “I got the water and what’s left of your cloak.” Chris announced holding up a jug and a bundle, “Do I get a prize now or are there still more items left in your scavenger hunt?” Enoch grinned crazily and reached greedily for his things. He drank the water in huge gulps gasping for air between drinks before settling back down and taking hold of his cloak. Rummaging through it he pulled out a purple-ish metal ball on a chain and threw it to the side. He then reached inside a pack that was strapped to his cloak and drew a pin, poking his thumb drawing a bead of blood. With the blood on his thumb he drew an inscription that was reminiscent of a crescent moon on the ball and threw it up into the air. As it descended it’s form began to change. The ball flashed a dark purple light before dissipating and leaving a large wolf in its place. Xzander and Chris recoiled from the wolf before relaxing as it lay next to Enoch.


         “He’s my pet shadow hound,” Enoch supplied “I’ve had him since…” his voice trailed off as he recalled some past tragedy before regaining himself and petting the dog softly. “He’s been mine since I was a little kid.” Xzander nodded his understanding before reaching out to touch the wolf.


         “Wait just a sec,” warned Enoch pulling the wolf’s head in close and whispering something in its ear. The wolf let out a low growl and examined Xzander for a few seconds before lying down. Enoch nodded and Xzander pet the wolf on the top of the head. Chris eyed the wolf before trotting over to Karin and sitting down.


         “It looks like we’ve got a little squad here” Enoch joked tensely “Now all we need is a girl with a cat and we can all have an arch nemesis.” Xzander glanced over at him with a confused look.


         “Dude I can tell that you and Chris have some bad blood,” Enoch explained “I don’t know why and I don’t care, just be sure we can trust him.” Xzander nodded and placed one hand on Enoch’s shoulder before helping him to his feet and moving with him, and the dog trailing behind them, to the tree where Karin and Chris were talking. Enoch sat against a rock beside the two and leaned slightly on his wolf. Xzander tapped Chris’ shoulder and motioned for him to follow. Obliging Chris stood flashed a smile and followed Xzander into the woods.


         Once out of the line of sight of the others Xzander spoke. “You need to leave,” he ordered forcefully. Chris laughed aloud and began to walk back toward the camp.


         “I mean now,” Xzander pressed, “You can’t be here and you know it.” Chris nodded with mock formality and gave a sly grin before turning away again. As he walked Chris unfurled two large doves wings from his cloak and launched himself into the air, flying away. When he was out of sight Xzander breathed a sigh of relief and began to trudge back to his makeshift camp deep in thought. When he reached the camp he thought, He may be gone, but he’ll be back.

Chapter 7


“So he said that he was going to go help another group?” Karin queried skeptically. Xzander bobbed his head in agreement as he industriously picked apples from the tree he had climbed.

“Makes sense” supplied Enoch “He seemed like the clergyman type.” Karin rolled her eyes and set back to work picking berries and mushrooms. Filling her pack with the last of her harvest Karin turned to Enoch.


         “Here sort these” Karin ordered.

Enoch chuckled slightly and grabbed the back saying “I’m glad to know that if I ever get hurt I can get some work from you as a botanist”. Sighing with exasperation Karin stood and stood beneath the tree Xzander was in.


         “How many apples do you have?” Asked Karin.

Taking a second to answer Xzander replied “About thirty. Is that enough?” he was answered with an unenthusiastic, yeah, and began climbing his way down the tree. Suddenly the sound of running feet came to them from the woods and from the sound of it the noise was headed directly for the apple tree. With a silent understanding the three quickly armed themselves and collected their valuables before waiting to encounter their opponent. As if the devil himself were chasing them three hooded figures exploded into the apple tree grove tackling Xzander and his friends to the ground. There was a short struggle before the most stocky built of the three shushed them and held his index finger to his lips. There followed a tense suspicious silence. As spontaneous as lightning a lion roared, not twenty feet away from the group, being answered by a multitude of other roars. Enoch went entirely still, blood freezing at the sound of the lions. The group sat for, what felt to Enoch like the longest minute of their lives, straining to hear the beasts before letting out a collective sigh of relief and separating themselves.


         All hell broke lose when Karin, who was the first to stand up, was tackled by a lion. With the reflexes of a cat (pun intended) Xzander dove into the lion’s ribs knocking it over and off of Karin. Rolling to his feet Xzander then drew his twin blades plunging them into the base of the creature’s neck. The lion let out a harsh bark, being cut off by the killing blow, before crumbling to the ground. Karin now enraged jumped to her feet cringing at the pain of her broken arm.


         “What the hell Xzander!” Stormed Karin “Why did you kill the lion?” Xzander quickly recovered from his bewilderment and realized his mistake.

         “Karin, I am so sorry” Xzander said “I know you don’t like it when I kill animals, but you were in danger.”

Scowling Karin replied, “You know I can handle animals. You didn’t have to kill it.” Xzander drew in breath to answer before one of the hooded figures shushed him. Looking around the group drew together in an outfacing circle, back to back. As if on cue lions, panthers, cheetahs and other big cats prowled out of the trees, entirely intent on Enoch and the three hooded people. Karin, after seeing the animals, relaxed a bit before walking calmly up to the nearest cat. The panther growled a low sound before bowing its head to Karin’s touch.


         “Cats love me” Karin explained “These ones won’t bother us anymore.” Karin made a low whistling sound and gave the panther one last pet before the animals stalked away in astonishing silence.


         “That was some spooky stuff” Enoch marveled tensely “I guess now all that’s left is to find out who these guys are.” The two smaller of the three people threw back their hoods and Enoch’s jaw dropped. There stood two girls who looked exactly the same. They both had brown hair, cropped short, and tan skin. Both of these girls, presumably sisters, had brown eyes and were strikingly beautiful.


         “Who are you calling guys?” They demanded in unison.

Stammering Enoch replied, “I, uh, my name is Enoch. I didn’t catch your names.” The two girls glared at him with cold eyes and the one on Enoch’s right retorted, “I don’t recall us giving them.” Enoch nodded vigorously to himself before extending his hand for a handshake. Both girls laughed aloud and Enoch stood staring and puzzled.


         “Their amazons” Explained the last of the hooded people. The boy threw back his hood to reveal lupine eyes and a fanged grin. Xzander recoiled in shock at the sight of this person. He quickly composed himself, but before he could get back to the matter at hand he wondered if this is what he looked like when he went berserk.


         Enoch on the other hand put on a serious face and stepped up to the boy. “I think I smell a wet dog” He commented. The boy turned to Enoch stared at him and then, after a few tense seconds, laughed aloud and embraced Enoch.


         “It’s been a while cousin” The boy whispered.

Enoch replied “Connor, obviously there’s something you don’t know.” Connor gave Enoch a puzzled look before pushing him away playfully and introducing himself and the two girls beside him. The names of the girls beside him were Dianna and Krystal.


         “So Enoch how do you know this guy?” Asked Karin.

Nodding excitedly Enoch replied, “He’s my cousin. Last I saw him he was riding home and I had a broken leg.” Xzander glanced at him quizzically being answered by a wry chuckle. “He didn’t break my leg. We were hunting sand sharks even though…” Enoch explained before faltering, “my dad told us not to.”


The two girls laugh and the one that Enoch believed was Krystal put a hand on Chris’s shoulder and said, “So this is the bonehead you hunted deadly beasts with?” Chris let out a deep booming laugh nodding and put a hand on Enoch’s back leading him a bit into the woods. Xzander and Karin began clearing away their camp and the two girls quickly joined to help them.


In the woods Enoch stopped and turned to Connor mumbling, “ You already know don’t you?” Connor nodded and put a hand on his shoulder. “You hate me now don’t you?” Enoch whined. Connor froze as if Enoch had slapped him and glared at him. Under Connor’s glare Enoch flinched away and felt a sliver of fear run through his mind. Slowly Connor’s glare crept into a grin and his pupils became catlike in shape. His features turned more etched and his posture more hunched. Stepping away from him Enoch noted fangs protruding from his mouth and a long green tongue.

“Gotcha!” The creature rasped before lunging at him. Enoch tensed for the impact that never came. Before tackling Enoch the creature was met mid-air by a red and black wolf and was quickly ripped to shreds. Suddenly Three people that looked exactly like Connor, Dianna and Krystal burst from the direction the wolf had come from.

“Freaking doppelgangers” grumbled the Connor look alike “Where’s your camp?”

“Over there. What the …” Enoch directed before being cut off by the trios abrupt sprint toward the camp. The four burst into the clearing to see the other two doppelgangers already dead. Xzander and Karin jumped back, weapons in hand.


         Putting up his hand in a placating gesture Connor began to explain the situation, “The doppelgangers have been posing as us to get away from some of our friends. We tracked them down.” Still looking confused Karin lowered her sword and complained, “What the hell. I haven’t gotten a break since the day started and now we have high class monsters in the academy.” Looking up Xzander noted that the sun was starting to drop and lifted his gear onto his back.

         “We should get to higher ground” Xzander suggested, “We can camp out on an outcropping a saw a while back.” The group grumbled their assent together and they set off behind Xzander. By the time they arrived and put together a small camp it was completely dark and they could her the students in the woods fighting the monsters that had been released. Around the fire the group shared jokes and stories before getting more serious. The first to speak was Enoch, and he told his story.


         “When I was eleven my cousin Connor here and his family had adopted me and my sister. One day we were out watching sprites work when his dad called us home. He was taking Connor on his first mission and they had to leave before dark. When Connor and his dad had left Salene, my sister, and I took care of the animals for a few hours. That night the camp was attacked by Centaurs. I didn’t know how to fight then and before I could react I was nearly dead and trampled. My sister, she suddenly just started shooting flames and lightning at them before they managed to catch her. I never saw her again and Connor’s mom died when they set the house on fire.” Enoch ended his story and shook his head.


         “No, she didn’t die.” Conner informed, “I saw her two years ago in the border push into the frostwind barrens. Radix the rat zodiac is holding her hostage to get my dad to tame hell hounds.” Enoch stared blank faced at him before walking to his tent and sleeping. The others soon followed suit and soon Xzander was the only one awake, thinking before he also drifted off to sleep.

Chapter 8


Karin heard the sound before anyone else. The group had woken up around mid-day and had planned and rested. The sound Karin heard was new to her it was a horn making a series of blasts. The message was clear, return to the barracks. The group gathered their gear and set off toward the dining pavilion in order to get their bearings. Along the way eerily enough they were met with the discomforting silence of a dead forest and their own wild imaginations. By the time they arrived at the dining pavilion the group spotted Chris helping a group of students along with two of the red and gold wearing second years. The group continued on to the barracks in silence until Xzander broke the ice.


         “This doesn’t make sense” He commented “why would we start survival week only to stop abruptly and return to the barracks?” The others shrugged and the one to answer was Connor.


“Maybe they accidentally let out creatures that were too strong for first years.” Xzander nodded yet still he was troubled, something about the situation was off.


         Upon reaching the barracks the noise was loud enough that the group had to yell to one another to be heard. Inside the complex weapons were being handed out units were being put together and the general working thrum of war time was buzzing throughout the area.


         Connor grabbed Enoch’s shoulder and yelled, “Looks like we’ve got a fight on our hands.” The group quickly joined the throng of people and were quickly equipped and headed to join their unit. The group was given padded leather armor and three smoke flares along with a pair of first aid kits and were added to a specialized unit. By the time they arrived at their unit’s rally point the Complex was mostly silent as the majority of the inhabitants were being briefed on the situation and their mission. Standing in this particular alcove were fifty students including Xzander and his party waiting for the orders of their commander.


         “My name is Leonardo Skydran, You will address me as sir or captain and I will be leading this unit in battle. The situation is as follows. The enemy right now is the Old Unitum Regime. The situation is grave and we seem to have no help until at least three days from now. As you may have learned in the earlier days of your stay at the academy the O.U.R. is a hostile nation under the rule of the badland grids and employ chiefly the use of destruction magic and the technology of old. A series of reports have come in verifying that they have not only breached the academy walls but are advancing to the ruined city on the Western border. We are unit one. The duty of this unit is to ambush them along with four other units from Viper platoon. The platoon leader is Lord Saarzin he will complete your briefing once we have moved out. Prepare your gear and Join the other units at the Western wall.” Commander Skydran gave the assembled students a crisp salute, mounted his brown battle horse and rode away. The unit then began to make their way to the wall in a disorderly group and when they were spotted by Lord Saarzin he scowled and looked down on them from his bleach white horse with black eyes.


         “What are you doing” Barked lord Saarzin “Have some pride for your nation. Form up in rows of five and march like soldiers!” The group hurriedly formed up and when Lord Saarzin was satisfied they set out of the barracks. Lord Saarzin and the five captains were mounted on various colored battle horses and the platoon itself marveled at the area around the west wall. The stillness of war was on the land and never before had they seen the land so dead. The group marched with agitation in silence and grim anticipation of their first true battle. Viper platoon marched for two hours before coming to the edge of the ruined city. Lord Saarzin called a halt and summoned his eagle familiar to scout ahead. The creature came back in ten minutes and Lord Saarzin nodded gravely.

“We have about an hour to be in position” He announced “ Unit one I want you as the vanguard wait until the enemy passes and attack them from the rear. Units two and four I want you to take up position in the tower toward the south. Units three and five I want you to wait in the old bath house on the north side. Now Soldiers fight with valor, honor and strength. Move out!” The platoon saluted in silence and split into groups to fulfill their missions. Skydran’s platoon moved forward and hunkered down in an abandoned coliseum. While they waited the group marveled at the ruined city. Most of the buildings were made of thick grey stones and many of the windows and doors were small or lower to the ground. Many of the buildings were partially destroyed or in great disrepair. Xzander also noted the commander. He wore a red and gold uniform with a red eagle emblem on his jet black cape. Speaking to the commander Xzander asked “what happened to the city?” The commander nodded gravely and walked to a window peering out.


         “Ten years ago this land was under the command of the dwarves. The Red mountains to the north are their home but small groups of them were not content living in mountains all of their lives. Over the years those discontented dwarves came to live here and founded the city. But four years ago trolls from the Soulwood bog invaded and the dwarves either perished or returned to their home in the mountains.” Xzander nodded but the commander signaled for silence. The group immediately tensed and prepared for the worst. The commander put an ear to the ground and listened intently before leaping to his feet and grabbing his gear.


“which of you is fastest?” He asked. Xzander raised his hand and saluted. The commander nodded and called him over. When he was alone with Xzander he began to speak urgently. “Listen to me carefully. Take two yellow flairs and signal danger on the spiral tower behind us. Once you’re finished return here and prepare for battle. Xzander took the items and raced away his heart beating slightly faster with adrenaline. He reached the tower and climbed his way to the top. When he finally came to the top floor he fired off two yellow flares. When he looked back down on the Coliseum he was in dismay. A troll had busted through the wall and a swarm of men came streaming through the gap. He turned to head back down the stairs and was faced with something strange. A man clad all in gold with spiky black hair stood with a gold two handed great sword encrusted with rubies and black diamonds held point down. He smirked and with one fluid movement hefted his blade and ran Xzander through. Xzander grunted in surprise, looked at him and felt his vision blur. Before he lost consciousness he felt the man kick him off of his sword and felt the wind rushing past his ears as he fell from the tower.

Chapter 9


Karin watched Xzander run off and grabbed her gear. She stood with Enoch, Connor, Dianna and Krystal as they prepared for battle. Quite suddenly the wall opposite of the tower Xzander went to exploded into a hailstorm of shrapnel and dust. Before the group could get themselves together a wave of men emerged from the dust and attacked. The battle quickly deteriorated into a hell of vicious battle and howls of pain. Captain Skydran was fighting viciously and calling out to rally the students. The battle was still not yet at it’s height and just as Karin began to believe they could win the battle. Suddenly out of the dust came a Troll holding a tree in one hand and a boy that Karin dimly remembered to be named Simon in the other. The beast threw Simon into the fight and with the tree in his other hand proceeded to bore a hole through the students defensive line. Karin and her friends fought on the left wing and after about twenty seconds of fighting they were already drenched with blood, both their and their enemies.


Suddenly a loud crashing sound was heard and a red cloud began to cover the sky tinting the ruined city with a blood shine. A blue and gold bolt of lightning struck the tower blasting it into boulder sized shards of shrapnel. Dust and shrapnel caused a thick fog to kick up and a strong wind set in blowing the debris into a whirlwind of grit. Out of the cloud a creature seemed to be blasted into the battle. It slammed into the troll forcing it to stumble back to avoid falling. The troll grabbed the creature in both hands and held it before bursting into flames. The flames burned so bright that Karin had to shield her face from being scorched. All in all it appeared to be humanoid with blue and red runes crawling back and forth across it’s skin. A second being burst from the smoke flying on angelic wings clad all in gold

Bringing a brilliant sword of gold inlaid with gems down on the first creature. A blinding golden blast pushed the combatants apart and all in one sudden burst the fighting redoubled in a battle twice as fierce as before.


         Xzander felt that he was losing control. He could feel the change into his second form begin to come and the burning agony that came with it. All he could do was watch as his body did whatever it had to do to survive. He felt himself being blasted back by a powerful magical attack and the impact of his body on something that seemed to be living. Slowly he felt his consciousness fading as his body launched itself into combat.


         The two creatures fought on the walls and in the sky above the coliseum. The ring of steel on steel could be heard all around as Karin and her classmates fought on. From both the right and the left the group spotted red flares from their ally’s defensive positions. The red flares signified emergency and it was quite obvious that the platoon as a whole had been caught un-prepared for the attack. The ruined city was being lost and Captain Skydran was signaling retreat while covering the students in a torrent of deadly blades. As the students fell back the enemy soldiers advanced in an organized line cutting down any stragglers and finishing off the wounded. As they reached the gate of the coliseum Karin and her group of friends held there covering the retreat with Captain Skydran.


         “You of all the students fought with the most vigor” He commended, “if we are to fall today then may the elders bless our souls.”


         In the skies up above Xzander and the strange man fought in a storm of blades and claws and fangs. The man easily kept pace with Xzander’s fastest moves and pressed on pushing Xzander even further into his berserk form. Dropping into the stands of the arena he hefted his sword onto his shoulder and smirked.


         “I suppose you really are an animal” he mocked, “Many have guessed that you would know who I am by now.” Xzander stood hunched over with the red runes slowly overcoming his blue and his breath coming faster. “I am King Midas boy” he sneered cruelly, “The likes of you have never bested me you abominable half demon!” Suddenly before Midas could react Xzander dashed toward him with the speed of the wind at his back. Reaching his opponent he grabbed him by the throat and threw him into the stands. The impact forced the breath from Midas who blasted through the seats and steps gouging huge chunks of stone from their ancient resting places. He rose slowly, enraged but mostly unhurt, spitting blood onto the crushed stones beside him.


         “Well I see you have more fire in you than I thought.” He grunted. Red and blue flames began to spark to life on and around Xzander and Midas looked on in stubborn determination. Charging at Xzander he was met by a jet of fire and dove to the side at the last moment. Bewildered he wondered why he could suddenly sense an immense magical presence rolling off of Xzander. He stood in grudging admiration and slowly he drew a second blade from a blue-ish rift in the air. This blade was silver adorned with skulls and demon blood crystals. Xzander being unarmed appeared to be an easy opponent and when Midas charged he sealed his fate. Before he was in blades range of Xzander Midas felt his feet begin to sink. Looking down he realized that he was being pulled down into the earth by skeletal hands and began to struggle to free himself. Slowly Xzander stalked forward accelerating the creeping of his red runes. Coming to a stop in front of Midas he lifted one of his clawed hands and stopped. Seeming to come back to himself he lowered his arm and spoke a few words of the old tongue of the post creation. The hands clawed at Midas dragging him into the earth cursing and spitting before the ground swallowed him and all was silent save for the sound of battle below.


         The gate was quickly lost and the platoon began to stream from their hiding places back onto the main road fighting hard to escape. A bridge lay a mile away from where they had defended and now the entirety of the group, or what was left of it, was rushing there to make a stand. About two blocks away the group heard them. The sound of barks and howls from hellhounds set the group running at their maximum speed and even then some of the slower students were tackled to the ground and devoured. Only half of the platoon at best made it to the other side of the bridge before forming into a defensive line. There the opposing force stopped on the other side of the bridge and formed up their ranks.


         “We cannot remain idle” informed Captain Skydran “There are other bridges and we have not the man power to hold even this one.” “With half of our numbers gone this platoon is no more than one-hundred-twenty-five strong and we may still have wounded” He continued. The captain drew breath for an order when he was interrupted by a running feet. A messenger came running to him out of breath and exhausted. By the looks of him he bore bad news.


         Looking the captain in the eye he spoke saying, “The general has been gravely wounded. His vanguard was decimated and he alone escaped with heavy wounds and heavy heart.” The captain gave his orders to his second lieutenant, the first had died, and ventured off to go tend to the general. On Karin’s part she was truly distressed. Xzander was missing and many of the students she had began to befriend were either dead or dying. The entire platoon waited stunned and silent. The only sounds to be heard were the gurgling of the river below the bridge, the drums of the enemy and the weeping of the survivors of the massacre.


         A thick fog rose from the river as night slid into the sky and soon the other side of the bridge was obscured by dark and mist. Out of this concoction of veils came a being hobbled and limping across the bridge. The students on watch bristled in alarm and prepared for a fight. The creature limped ever closer before falling to its knees and onto its face in front of the sentries. Karin the guard on shift peered down at the being and with an astonished look realized that the figure was in fact Enoch.


 I would appreciate feedback on my book this is actually only the beggining of this book and this is the heroes side of the story. this series comes in two mirror pieces, the good guys side and the bad guys side. Email me at,




Publication Date: 05-23-2016

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