Once there was a boy. There wasn't anything special about him, he was physically average if slightly shorter than most boys his age, and if asked he'd humbly say that he thought he was okay looking, but probably not any woman's definition of her dream man. Mentally however, he was unlike any other boy his age. WHen they were out tracking frogs and playing tag, his mind wandered through worlds far different than our own, each with its own characters, tis own words, its own life. He loved these visions of worlds far from his own, but he never wrote them out, reasoning that they could be called for from his mind when needed.
As the years passed the stories stayed inside his mind, growing with each year even as he did. Now the only difference was that the stories were sweeping and epic, cities, planets, even creatures sprung into creation to fit into his worlds. His three favorite were Bram, the love stuck man whom no woman could love, Jacono the fantasy king of a desert kingdom and Adam,the lonely scientist trying to create life to fill the void in his own. Although they evolved, the stories remained in his head as he reasoned that they were always there ready for him to call on should he need to, and soon enough it came.
His teacher assigned a short story to be completed within the month. He nearly laughed at the idea! He had hundreds of stories in his mind, hundreds of ideas just waiting to be written, it would be simple to pick on and write it out. knowing this, he stalled, playing video games reading, hanging out with his friends and just avoiding writing all together, after all he
reasoned, he would only need a couple of days to finish the assignment. WHen he had but a week left, he finally sat at the computer.
THe first two pages flowed onto the screen like water, and then, suddenly it was like hitting a brick wall. The stories that had so easily come to mind vanished like smoke as he tried desperately to hang on to them. This was not writers block, this was the lack of ability to write! But how? The stories had always come so easily to mind, and distantly as he walked around, he found new ideas springing to life. But the story he had started remained far off and misty like a mirage.
He tried simply writing past the block, of writing out a new idea in the hopes that the old would resolve itself, but as with the first, after only a few hundred words, he found himself frozen. The characters he had envisioned turned murky, the stories he started clogging up behind the wall in his mind. The plot of his stories made no sense, the setting not right,
even the characters went through several revisions. Bram, his love struck hero turned into a miserable wreck of a vampire.
Jacono the once king turned into a loner wandering in a post apocolyptic world, and the less said about poor adam, the scientist, the better. For the next couple of days, he sat and stared at his computer, wondering what it was about this machine that turned the worlds in his head into meaningless mush. Then as he sat back and closed his eyes, he thought about the feelings he had when he had begun each story, and without looking began to type. only at the end of the day, his fingers tired, his hands aching, did he dare to look at the screen. It was finished? He read it over from beginning to end, only feeling a little worried when he realized it was missing something. But what? A resolution. Smiling now, as his fingers flew over the keys, he felt the wall break in his mind. He could almost see his characters resolving themselves.
Bram, the love struck man turned vampire was now the adoptive father of three boys whom mysterious things happened around. Jacono the king turned wandering loner changed into a dragon, and adam the scientist breathed life into his creations once more. His mind was once more open and free, the worlds withing unlocking for him to explore. All was right with the world, until he sat down again to write....
Publication Date: 01-01-2012
All Rights Reserved
To Anita, the best friend I ever had and whose heart I broke because I didn't feel I deserved her. Fogive me?