
Deareast Sweetheart:

Why do you keep coming to my life I don't know why, I am so mess up this days with so many
Christmas nostalgia, I want to make you proud but I keep falling down and getting up, I hope
you understand why all of this is happening. I wish you were here, Christmas is such a beautiful
season and I feel so lonely without you. Everytime I heart Doris Day you come back to me more
clear than ever. Today I feel so so much inside my heart, I feel like you are holding me tight
and I am resting my head on your shoulders, what a wonderful dream.

If I could a wish I would wish for you to come back so we can go to the park and hold hands, so you can carry my books and we can talk, just being side by side, knowing you are present, its all it matters, any how I feel you close and today I know you are here, you are cuddling me into
your arms, is then when I know that you are still my perfect one and that no matter how confuse I
get with my loneliness and all the things that go with it I know you are the ONE, that special one that comes once in a lifetime, the sweet kind of guy, so soft spoken and so tender. Kev, I need you now more than ever, please stay close, take me in your arms and lets cuddled up together to a Doris Day song, let me close my eyes and feel you forever love.

Today I realize how much I need you, how mcuh you mean to me as time goes by, life is not easy,
is hard for people as lonely as myself but when you are around is all easy, beautiful and joyful
because your soul is beautiful like when you were here that everybody said how sweet and honest
you were and how you got along with everyone, that in today's world is a gift. All I want to ask you is to let me dream with you, let me close my eyes and see you kissing me softly or having
fun at the beach, playing with our son or me baking those wonderful fluffy poundcakes, spending
Sunday together, going to church, fixing our home, being a couple in love. I just wish you were here always but specially this Christmas season, please be home for Christmas and stay a while around me giving me your warmth.

I love you forever;



Text: c2011
Publication Date: 12-19-2011

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