
Monster Exile: Episode 1 season 1

A bell rings and its time for class
A new girl walks in the room.
Mrs. matsumoto: good morning class. we have two new transfer students.
The girl leans against the board.
Mrs: matsumoto: please do tell us who you are.
The girl starts talking in English.
Students: Huh?
Huyu is sleeping.
The girl laughs then clears her throat.
Mrs. matsumoto sees huyu sleeping. she throws a book at him.
Huyu: I'm awake!
Everyone laughs at huyu.
Girl: I'm Emma Greyson. I'm from the United States, and thats all you need to know.
Mrs. matsumoto: nice to meet you emma.
Emma sighs and takes a seat in the back of the classroom.
Mrs. matsumoto: your seat is by the stupid student back there.
Emma: Oh great....
Huyu: hey! watch the stupid word!
Mrs. Matsumoto: shut up....huyu.
Huyu: whatever? mom....
Matsuo Kenpachi is in front of her.
Matsuo turns around in his seat.
Mrs. Matsumoto: its mrs. matsumoto. got it!
huyu: yes! sir i mean ma'am.
Matsuo: Nice to meet you, I'm Matsuo...
Emma: You better turn your face back around before I punch it there.
Matsuo turns back around quietly.
A girl with long blond piggy tails walks in.
The girl turns to the class.
Girl: I'm Himea tsukiyomi. I'm from tokyo. thats all i'm going to say.
She winks.
Matsuo: (thinks) Tokyo? Wow.
Mrs: matsumoto: okay your beside akiheme beside matsuo.
Himea walks and sits between matsuo and akiheme.
matsuo: Hi, I'm Matsuo. Nice to meet you, Himea.
Huyu: (thinks) AW! himea is sitting by matsuo and akiheme... no fair.
Himea: (cute voice) hi.... nice to meet you to matsua.
Matsuo smiles at her.
Huyu falls back to sleep.
Himea smiles back. she turns back to the front.
Matsuo: (thinks) Wow, she's so much better then the American behind me.
Matsuo turns around again.
Emma: What do you want?
Matsuo: ummmm...
Emma starts to cuss him out in English.
Mrs. Matsumoto: Ummm is that English Miss Greyson?
Emma: Yes, Mrs. Matsumoto.
Mrs Matsumoto walks to Emma's seat and grabs a ruler.
Himea pulls out a small book. she writes vampire. then she underlines it. she closes the book and puts it in her desk.
Mrs. Matsumoto starts to hit Emma with it.
Himea: okay........ can i ask a question.
Emma: Ah! What the hell are you doing?
Emma grabs Mrs. Matsumoto and flips her over her head and onto Huyu's desk.
Huyu: ummm... hi mom...
Mrs. Matsumoto: Go to the chairman's office now.
Emma: What the hell ever.
Emma walks to the Chairman's office.
Himea stands up and hits the desk with her hands.
Matsuo: ?????
Himea: that was so stupid mrs. matsumoto! she didn't say anything! its called defense.... i think.....
Mrs. Matsumoto climbs off the desk.
Himea crosses her arms.
Mrs. Matsumoto: Well, she is not allowed to speak English in a Japanese school. Also you are not allowed to promote violence.
Himea: (english) well. that is so stupid..... damn the rules its not fair to treat new students like this they have to be taught!
Mrs. Matsumoto grabs the ruler and hits Himea on the head with it.
Himea grabs the ruler and breaks it.
Himea throws it on the floor.
Mrs. Matsumoto: Okay, to the chairman's office too... an d anyone else who wants to leave can speak english and follow her.
Himea: now.... theres something you can do better, go find a ruler old lady......
Matsuo: Hmmmm....
Himea walks out the door and walks to the chairman's office.
Matsuo starts to try to say stuff in english.
Huyu: she burned you mom....
Mrs. Matsumoto: Shut up.
Huyu laughs.
Huyu: NO! you....
Aki shakes his head.
Matsuo cusses in English
Huyu stands up and flicks his mother in the head.
Mrs. Matsumoto: GO MATSUO!
Matsuo pumps his fist in the air and walks out of the room.
Huyu: ummm... I'm gonna have to go to.. because i put bugs in your car...
Huyu laughs in her face.
Aki has his foot out and trips mrs. matsumoto.
Aki: (thinks) opps... oh well more dention for me yay
Mrs: matsumoto: Aki! you did that on purpose go now!
Aki stands up, laughs, and walks with huyu to the chairman;s office.
Emma looks at the celing and laughs.
huyu is trying to catch a fly.
Aki stares at the floor and laughs.
Chairman: Okay, you all have done things to Mrs. Matsumoto. After talking to her, I have no choice but to move all of you to another class, and all of you are to serve detention after school.
Emma: Whoo hoo!!!
Emma laughs.
Huyu: aw no fair my mom is in that class...
Huyu: i like being mean to her.
Chairman: You all can keep quiet.
Emma starts to swear in English.
Himea covers emma's mouth.
Chairman glares at Emma.
Emma: Let me go! I'm gonna cuss him out!
Chairman: Two night of detention for the American.
Himea: no... you will get more punishment....
Emma: I don't care!
Himea: nevermind....
Chairman: That is all.
Himea has the small book out again. she writes things in the small book.
Huyu: watcha writing himea.
Mrs. Matsumoto: Okay, you all have done something horrible in each of your own ways. So now you're going to sit here quietly while I go and get groceries.
Himea: oh nothin.
Himea puts the book away.
Mrs. Matsumoto leaves.
Emma sighs and opens her backpack.
Huyu: yay! shes gone!
Emma looks in her back and fishes around for something.
Himea puts her feet up on a desk in front of her.
Himea leans back on the desk's seat.
Emma grabs a piece of paper and wads it up.
Emma reopens it and writes Bitch on it.
Emma throws it at the desk and laughs.
Aki stands up and takes a rinch and unscrews the chair apart.
huyu: what are you doing, aki?
Aki: i'm making the chiar go boom. when mrs. matsumoto sits on it.
Emma: Ah, nice one. Thats always fun to do.
Aki: yeah this isnt my first time......
Emma smiles.
Emma: Me either.
Aki hears mrs. matsumoto
Aki walks back to his seat and sits down.
Mrs Matsumoto walks in.
Aki goes asleep.
Mrs. matsumoto: I forgot my keys in my desk.
Mrs. mastsumoto opens a drawer and looks inside.
Mrs. Matsumoto: Maybe its a bottom one.
Mrs. Matsumoto sits down on the chair.
The chair falls apart.
Emma muffles a laugh with her arm.
Mrs. Matsumoto: hmmm thats weird....ok theres my keys.....Huyu, fix it while im gone.
Mrs Matsumoto leaves.
Emma starts to laugh.
Emma: I love doing that.
Himea stands up and streches. she sits back down.
Emma: or even watching that.
Matsuo: boring..hey emma...
Emma turns around.
Emma: What?
Himea: have you every tried putting a teacher favorite snack every where they go when their on a diet...
Matsuo: do you have a date to the dance.............
Emma: no.
Matsuo: Will you go
Himea: its fun. when you hear them scream then the chairman thinks their going nuts
Emma: no.
Aki smiles.
Matsuo: Oh..okay.
Emma turns back around.
Aki: i tried that but it didnt work, it was going all good. until huyu screamed aki loves chocolate cake.
Huyu: i told you i was sorry.
Aki: i served like a month of dentition.
Huyu: oh yeah...
Emma goes back to looking in her backpack.
Emma is shoulder deep in the backpack.
Himea pulls out the small book again and writes checks a box.
Himea puts the small book in her pocket.
matsuo: Whoa, how big is that backpack?
Emma: Not any bigger than your head.
Emma pulls out a baseball bat.
Huyu: i want to jump in that backpack...... can i emma?
Aki: say no... just say no
Emma: yeah sure.
Emma smiles evilly.
Huyu jumps in it.
Emma zips it shut.
Huyu is falling.
Emma puts it on her back then walks over to the window.
Huyu: what the heck? this backpack is non stop falling this thing is huge.
Emma swings the baseball bat and breaks the glass.
Huyu: wait! a kitty! why does the kitty have sharp teeth? wait thats a tiger.
Emma opens the backpack and shakes it out upside down.
Tiger growls at huyu.
Huyu falls out.
Huyu falls 8 stories
Huyu: its like a jungle in there.
Emma grabs the tiger and pulls it in the room.
Emma pets the tiger.
Aki: hows the possible?
Emma: Just magic.
Emma winks.
The bell rings.
Huyu is waiting outside.
Himea stands up.
Emma shoves the tiger back in the backpack and jumps out the window.
Aki: well see you guys tomorrow.
Emma lands on her feet and starts to run.
Himea: (cute voice) see ya...
himea walks outside.
matsuo: later!
Aki: wow two new girls and himea is hot.
Matsuo goes home.
Aki: emma is awesome.
Aki walks home.
Emma comes running back to Huyu.
Huyu: what?
Emma: Look in your pocket.
Huyu looks in his pocket.
There is a rattlesnake in his pocket.
Huyu: AH!
Huyu throws it at emma.
Emma: You took my pet rattlesnake.
Huyu runs away.
Emma grabs it and shoves it in her bag.
Emma laughs and walks slowly home.
Himea is walking down the sidewalk.
Himea sees a shadow moving fast.
she stops.
Himea: (thinks) what the? its probably my eyes.
Himea walks home.
Emma walks down the street.
Emma looks around to see if anyone is watching then dashes into a lot with an old abandoned house.
Emma looks around again and goes inside.
Emma sets her backpack down and lets her animals out.
The tiger stretches out and lays in the rug.
The rattlesnake slithers to a hole.
Emma smiles.
Emma: I guess, we're not really home, because no where's home but for now I guess we can call this home.
Emma sits down.
Emma pokes her head around the corner and walks on the sidewalk.
Himea is walking up the street to school. she sees a fast shadow again. she stops and huyu runs into her.
Emma sees Himea.
Himea falls to the ground.
Huyu: oh sorry himea.
Emma: Himea?
huyu helps himea up.
Emma catches up with them.
Emma waves.
Emma: Hi people.
Huyu: i thought i saw a shadow running after me so...
Himea: oh hi emma.
Himea: a shadow chasing you...... your the biggest idiot i know.
matsuo is walks behind Emma.
Huyu: not my falut... my mom dropped me on the head.
Himea: now that i can believe.
Emma stops, grabs his arm and flips him over her head on the ground in front of her.
matsuo: ow.
Himea: oh yeah....
Emma steps on his face and keeps on walking.
Himea pulls her hair ties out and swings her long blong hair.
Aki walks ovet o them.
huyu falls over with his mouth open.
Aki: nice hair himea.
Himea: thanks.....
Emma rolls her eyes and grabs Huyu's head.
Emma unzips her backpack and throws him in.
Himea puts her hair up in a bun.
Emma: here, kitty kitty, theres you a nice meal.
Aki: (thinks) and the hottness has be dumped in the trashcan.
Emma zips the bag up and puts it back on her back.
Himea: i got a stupid sciene projest today..... you guys know that cuz your in my class.
Aki: yeah.... we better go before the bell rings or we have to wash and clean the boys and girls bathroom.
Emma shivers.
Aki walks inside the school.
Himea walks behind him.
Emma jumps up into the window of the classroom and opens the bag.
Emma dumps Huyu on the floor and a tiger falls out too.
Emma: Whoops, get back in the bag, Lily...
emma shoves the tiger back in the bag.
Himea is being stared at in every direction, she hears boys and girls say shes cute or popular.
Himea: (thinks) its only been a day.....
The new teacher stares at Emma in amazement.
Teacher: ummm have a tiger in your bag?
Emma: yeah, whats it to you?
Teacher: nothing...who's that on the floor?
Emma: An idiot.
Teacher: Oh he must be Huyu!
Emma: yep.
Huyu: im mrs. matsumoto's son.... not to happy about that though.
Teacher: I'm Mr. Kuchiki!
Huyu jumps up.
Matsuo comes in and takes a seat.
Emma takes a seat too.
Himea: hi i'm himea the new transfer student from tokyo.
All the students stare at them.
Amber Foster (Aug 16 12:54 PM): Himea sits in the back corner by a boy that is sleeping.
Mr. Kuchiki: Nice to meet you.
Himea rolls her eyes.
Boy is snoring.
Emma reaches into her bag.
Emma: Where's my pencil?
Emma falls into her bag.
Emma: AH!
Boy snores louder.
Emma grabs the pencil and goes to a corner of the bag.
Emma grabs a ladder and starts to climb out.
Emma jumps out of the bag.
Emma puts her pencil o her desk and zips up the bag.
Kazuhiko snores louder.
Himea: (thinks) someone shut the snore master up.....
Emma turns around and looks at the snoring boy.
Emma looks to see if the teacher is watching and unzips her bag.
Emma shoves him in her bag and zips it back.
the boy beside kazuhiko: he did it again... the most popular boy in this school feel asleep again classic kazuhiko.....
Kazuhiko is still sleeping.
Emma throws a piece of meat in the bag on top of Kazuhiko and laughs.
Kazuhiko moves and the meat falls oof him.

Mr. Kuchiki: Okay...has anyone seen Kazuhiko?
Emma: no sir!
The tiger walks over to the meat and eats it.
Kazuhiko is still sleeping.
Kazuhiko hugs the tiger.
The tiger yawns and lays down on top of Kazuhiko.
Kazuhiko: dont go baby... this is our fun day...
Lily falls asleep.
Kazuhiko wakes up.
Kazuhiko: why did everything get dark?
Kazuhiko rolls out underneath lily.
Kazuhiko: oh a tiger.. that explains alot.
Lily moves and lays on top of him again.
Kazuhiko: seriously?
Lily purrs.
Emma opens the bag and peers inside.
Kazuhiko hits one of the tigers weak spots.
Lily yelps and rolls off.
Emma: haha... your stuck in here, with my tiger.
kazuhiko: i dont care.... i like tigers......
Kazuhiko: at least i dont have to be in the class room learning.
Kazuhiko" like.... ummmm.... you... who are you anyway?
Emma: I'm emma, gave me an idea....
Kazuhiko: this is gonna be good...
Emma leaves the bag open and throws a rock at the teacher.
Kazuhiko: wait what?
Mr. KUchiki falls over.
Emma laughs and jumps in the bag, shutting the flap behind her.
Kazuhiko: (thinks) dention... shes gonna blame it on me.....
Mr. Kuchiki: Who did this?
himea is staring outside.
Mr. Kuchiki: Aha! Your holding a rock Matsuo!
Huyu is writing the science problem down.
Matsuo: But, Mr. Kuchiki, we're all holding rocks. We're studying them...
Aki: it wasnt him... it was that weird nerd over there in that corner with that huge rock.
Mr. Kuchiki: So? Detention!
Matsuo: .....
Aki picks up a pebble.
Aki throws it at the teacher.
Mr. Kuchiki: Aki!
Aki winks at matsuo.
Mr. Kuchiki: Dentention!
Aki: what? like i said that weird kid.
Aki shrugs.
Mr. Kuchiki: sorry, Matsuo, it was Aki all along!
Weird kid stares at them hardcore.
Aki laughs.
Mr. Kuchiki goes back to teaching.
Aki: no actaulley it wasnt matsuo. but i threw the pebble and some one threw the rock.
Emma lands on her feet.
Kazuhiko: how the hell are we going to get out?
Emma: Good idea, I'll just hang out in the bag....
Emma: Hmmm oh yeah, when class is over, I have a ladder.
Kazuhiko rolls his eyes and looks around.
Lily runs over to Emma and knocks her down.
Lily purrs loudly.
Emma: Ah! Lily! Get off!!!
Lily gets off and runs off.
Emma: Oh yeah, when you leave check your pockets.
Kazuhiko checks his pockets.
Kazuhiko: nothing....
Emma: I said when you leave.
Kazuhiko: okay.... sheesh....
Emma: And if you keep on bothering'll be like Rick, over in the corner.
AKi smiles and throws a pebble at the teacher again but this time aki grabs his pencil a writes the problem down.
Mr. Kuchiki turns around.
Mr. kuchiki sees aki and matsuo working hard. he looks at the weird kid in the corner and sees that his not writing anything.
Mr. kuchiki: hey you! go to chairman's office!
the weird kid runs out the door.
Emma points to a corner and there's an old man there.
Emma: Thats Rick.
Kazuhiko: because we had a conversation doesnt make us best friends got it.
Emma: I know. Why would I want to be your friend?
Kazuhiko: anyway what happen to him? huh? why? i would be my friend.
Emma: He said something I didn't like so I left him down here.....he was only 21 when he came down here...... and plus, I would never be your friend, you stuck up dick.
Kazuhiko: i'm kidding....... actaulley... i'm really not that way..... i pretned... my friend is making me do a play with him so.... i have to act like the character....
Emma: hmm ....sure....
Kazuhiko: okay.... now can i get out of this bag? its kinda dark in here....
Kazuhiko shrugs.
Emma: Wait..two more seconds....
two seconds later the bell rings.
Kazuhiko checks his pockets.
Emma presses a button on the wall and a ladder appears.
Kazuhiko pulls out a rattlesnake and he lets it go.
Emma climbs up the ladder and steps out.
Emma sticks her head back in.
Kazuhiko climbs up behind emma.
Emma: I hope that was a great view from down there!!!!
Emma smiles mischeiviously.
Kazuhiko gets out of the bag.
Emma zips the bag back up and runs off before he can say anything.
Kazuhiko: I'm kazuhiko.... call me," kazu." for short but anyway call me anything.
Kazuhiko: well i got dention to attend to.
Emma blinks.
Emma: Me too.
Kazu: cool see you there.
Emma: yeah, whatever.
Emma walks off.
Kazu walks to dention.
Kazu sits beside himea.
Emma sits in the back, away from Kazu.
huyu opens a bag of chips.
Huyu: yum......
Huyu starts eating the chips.
Huyu: anyone want any.
Emma blinks.
Huyu: emma you look shocked whats wrong
Aki walks in.
Aki: yeah more dention.....
The weird kid stares at aki hardcore.
Emma: Why do I look shocked?
Aki ignores him and sits beside matsuo.
Emma: Oh yeah, I'm not!
Huyu: cuz you keep blinking everytime we do something.....
Emma: Will you shut up. People blink. And I blink more if I think somethings retarded.
Emma starts blinking fast at Huyu.
Aki: the dance is coming soon... asked anyone besides emma... or are you scared to ask hot girls or cute girls or emo girls or anykind of girl like himea.
Himea: what aki?
Aki: oh nothin.
Himea: oh ok.
Himea pulls her bun out and her long blond hiar is curly. she throws the hair tie in the trash can.
Emma grabs her backpack.
Huyu stares at himea.
Himea: what it was making me mad wearing that hair tie?
Huyu: oh ok...
Himea sits down.
Emma: If anyone needs me, I'm going down to my room.....yeah..I decoreated it since Kazu went in.....
Emma: it's weird....
Emma sticks her head in.
Emma jumps in th bag.
Kazu: yeah you dont wanna go down there... some weird crap down there.
There is the sounds of a cat yelping and punches.
huyu: i know.
Emma: ...I have a new couch though....
Huyu: SO MATSUO! you need a date for the dance..... i can help.
Emma replaces the couch. thanks.
Matsuo takes a glance at Huyu then jumps in the bag behind Emma.
AKi: the last time you helped i was stuck in a hole and matsuo was glued to the floor.
Amber Foster (Aug 16 1:35 PM): Huyu: oh yeah.....
Matsuo: Wow, its big in here....and furnished....what is that thing?
Emma: A tiger.
Matsuo: OH SHIT!
Matsuo jumps out of the bag.
Emma laughs.
Himea flips her long curly blonde hair out of her face.
Himea takes out the small book and writes somethings. she closes the small book and puts it back in her pocket.
Himea stands up and streches. matsuo runs into her. matsuo and himea falls to the floor.
Emma: HOLY SHIT!!!!
matsuo: Sorry..
Matsuo runs away.
Himea: its ok.....
Himea sighs and stands up.
Himea wipes the dirt off her.
Emma: Theres a freaking wolf down here!!!!
Kazu is eating sushi with a big dish of china's food.
Huyu: wow yummy.
matsuo: how does that not surprise us, Emma?
kazu throws food in the air and huyu catches it with his mouth.
The wolf jumps at Emma and she dodges it.
Himea's small book is under matsuo's desk. she feels in her pocket. she relizes its not in there. she looks around.
Himea sees it.
Himea looks at emma and the wolf. she slides and paases them she grabs the small book and stands up.
Himea wipes the dirt of her black skinny jeans.
Himea: (thinks) that was a piece of cake....
The wolf lunges at Emma and Emma doesn't move in time.
The wolf lands on top of Emma.
Emma yells and takes the baseball bat and beats the wolf.
Huyu grabs the wolf.
The wolf changes slowly.
Emma: huh?
The wolf turns into a human.
Emma: Holy shit.....
Huyu: i was about to say it was something...
Aki shrugs.
Girl: LET ME GO!
Emma: What the hell is going on?
The girl jumps out of his hand and runs towards Emma.
Emma hits her on the head with a baseball bat.
The girl passes out.
Huyu: emma....
Huyu: thats a werewolf i think.
Emma shrugs and throws ther girl in her bag.
Emma zips it shut and jumps out the window.
Huyu: emma?
Aki: great.... what a big helper?
Emma starts to run.
Emma dashes away.
Emma stops realizing that her tiger's in the bag.
Emma zips the bag open quickly.
Emma looks down and sees the wolf with Lily's dead corpse laying on the floor.
Emma zips the bag back and runs on.
Emma doesn't let a tear shed.
Himea sees the shadow again.
Himea stares at it.
it disappears.
Huyu: do you think that was a real werewolf?
Aki: do you think it was matsuo?
Matsuo: I'm standing right here.....
Aki: no im asking you if you think that was a werewolf.
Aki slaps his head.
Matsuo: umm well duh, a person turning into a wolf seems like a werewolf to me
huyu: yeah that explains it.
Himea is still staring where the shadow was. she isnt moving.
Matsuo: then again, ive never seen a werewolf before?
Huyu: me either but if i did i would keep it as a pet.
matsuo looks at Huyu weirdly.
Huyu: what?
matsuo: nothing..anyways I think we should find her....
matsuo runs out of the room and down the stairs, outside he follows her.
Himea isnt moving.
matsuo finds her in a park and she's clutching the bag to her chest.
Huyu follows matsuo.
matsuo: Are you okay?
Emma:...he killed Lily....
Matsuo: Your tiger?
Emma: DUH!
Huyu appears behind matsuo.
huyu is out of breath.
Emma: just go away will you...
Huyu is bending over.
Huyu: okay.... fine.
Matsuo: But why do you care so much?
Huyu runs back to school.
Matsuo: Only family?
Emma: Oh shit...i said...
Emma turns red and puts her hands covering her face.
matsuo: You don't have a family?
Emma doesn't let a tear shed still.
matsuo: Okay...well we're going to get rid of this bag....
Emma: NO!
Matsuo tries to grab the bag but Emma hit him on the head with the baseball bat.
Matsuo passes out and Emma runs away with the bag to her chest.
Emma runs back to the school and jumps in the window.
Emma: Does anyone know how to get the stupid werewolf out of my bag alive?
Himea is still not moving.
Huyu: nope but himea hasnt moved since you left.
Aki: maybe shes in shock or something.
Emma: Huh? Umm okay.... you know what, I'm going to do what I need to do...
Emma runs to the teacher's desk and grabs a lighter out of a drawer.
Emma sets the bag on fire and it turns to ashes.
huyu: no.... wait....
Huyu: nevermind....
Aki: wheres matsuo?
Emma: See you in hell bitch....oh yeah Matsuo...he's umm at the park....passed out.....
Aki: why? emma did you do something....?
Emma sweeps up the ashes and throws them away.
Emma: maybe....maybe not.
Aki: yeah you did... you probably knocked him out.
Emma: yeah.....your good.
Emma hides the baseball bat behind her back.
aki: what are you hding?
Emma: nothing.
Aki: okay whatever?
Matsou stumbles into the room.
Aki: matsuo
matsou: destroy it?
Emma: hmm yeah..
Matsou: cool
Matsou passes out again.
Aki: okay... himea is still not moving..
Aki waves his hands in her face but she doesnt move and her eyes dont even move.
Emma rolls her eyes.
Aki: shes like frozen.
Emma: long is detention going to last...I'm going home.
Emma jumps out the window and lands on the ground.
Aki: about until now.
the bells rings
Emma: (thinks) I don't have a home though....
Himea isnt moving.
Emma walks down the street slowly.
Aki: wake up matsuo! i need your help....
A girl runs down the hall.
Aki: what? who are you?
The girl grabs Matsou by the ankles and starts to drag him off.
Girl: hmm? I'm his sister, Pika.
Aki: oh hi pika. i'm aki. his best friend.
Aki: have fun with him.. he wont help me anyway.
Pika drags Matsou away.
Aki keeps waving his hands in himea's face.
Aki: ok im leaving.
Aki walks off.
Himea drops to the floor.
Himea rubs her head and walks down the street.
A minute passes and Emma jumps in the window.
Emma: Seriously...people are still here?
Himea stops and looks at the school.

Himea: (thinks) if they havent came home in 5 years do you think there gonna come home today....
Emma: seriously Kazu why are you here?
Himea walks back inside and hides in the bathroom until all the teachers leave and kazu walks outside.
Himea looks out the bathroom door.
Emma moves the desks together.
Himea: (thinks) what room has a place to relax?
Emma: Crap...Goodnight World....I guess this is home now...
himea walks in a room beside the room that emma;s in.
Emma tries to lay down on the desks.
Himea crawls in the big comforable chair.
Himea falls asleep.
Emma sits up.
Himea: (thinks) please come home soon mom and dad..... its been 5 years i'm turning 17.
Emma: Its so uncomfortable.
Emma gets up and walks over to the next room.
Emma: Himea?
Himea hears a voice.
Himea: emma?
Emma: What are you doing here?
Himea: what are you doing here?
Himea laughs.
Emma looks down.
Emma: well....I don't have a house..or a place to stay so I'm trying to find somewhere...
Himea: I'm here because i feel safe here than i do at home alone with no parents to love me or cheer me up... they've been gone for 5 years... i was only 11 when they disappeared.
Himea: so i've been alone for five years with no one to fed me i was onlky 11 but now im 16 i dont have to worry.
Emma: oh...well I don't have parents either... so I'm on my own...I got the tiger wild she was my friend....
Emma: My only true friend..she was like my family..and now she's dead...and I found the rattlesnake and it crawled in my all thats over...
High school ends for now, but we start again tomorrow.

Monster Exile: Episode 2

Himea gives emma clothes.
Himea changes into black skinny jeans again with tears in them, a corset black and white shirt, her hair is long curly, she puts a lil black and white hat on her head, puts on black earrings, puts on black eye liner, and puts on converse.
Emma: okay... to much black... are you emo?
Himea: no... i just like this outfit... thats all.
Emma: ok. i look to girly.
Emma walks out of the stall.
Himea claps.
Himea: you look pretty.
Emma: black and dark blue corset shirt, black skinny jeans, converse, earrings, and the cute dark blue mini hat.
Himea: whats wrong with it?
Emma: i like the mini hat and converse. the outfit makes me look pretty but this isnt what i wear.. what are people going to say?
Himea: that himea tsukiyomi and emma greyson are super hot chickas.
Emma and himea laugh.
school starts. the teachers arrive and some students.
Himea: ready?
Emma: yep.
Himea walks out of the bathrrom and emma follows.
Himea walks into Mr. kuchiki's class. emma follows. the boys stares at them. Aki, huyu, matsuo, and kazu are drooling on their desk.
Himea walks to her seat.
Kazu: himea..... you look amazing..... today....
Himea: thanks....
Matsuo: emma... you look pretty hot...
Emma flicks his head.
Emma: stop drooling newb....
Emma sits in her seat.
Himea stares out the window.
Mr. kuchiki: so you take and divide that into that. so you have to add. Ms. tsukiyomi... ms. tsukiyomi..... ms. tsukiyomi!
Kazu taps her shoulder.
Himea: yes! mr. kuchiki.
Mr.kuchiki: whats the awnser to this?
Himea: 105 sir....
Himea has a blury vision. then she shivers.
Mr. kuchiki: correct....
He goes on teaching.
Himea stares out the window again.
the bell rings.
Himea, huyu, emma, kazu, aki, and matsuo go to dention.
huyu: yay! my room...
Aki: your room.
Huyu: yeah this room is my room...
Aki: this isnt your room. this is just a new dention room.
Huyu: no i've been in this room 127 times.
Aki: wow you set the new 2011 record.
Huyu: seriously?
Aki: no....
Huyu: aw.....
Kazu: we should met up today.... to hang out..
Huyu: yeah i'm in... i dont want to go home to a crazy teacher lady.
Mrs. matsumoto: now you call me," teacher."
Huyu: AH! mom...
Mrs. matsumoto: shhh.... i wasnt here got it...
she runs off.
Huyu: okay...
Kazu: what about you aki?
Aki: nah.... I can meet up with you guys.
Himea: i have nothing to do.
Emma: i dont got any plains.
everyone looks at matsuo.
Matsuo: i-i will go but no staring like that its just creepy.
Everybody: okay.....
The bell rings.
They all walk to the shopping corner.
Himea: this place is so small but has the most awesome things ever.
Huyu: what about in tokyo?
Himea: oh yeah.... theres tall building, there are plenty statues of legends, and all kinds of things really....
huyu: sounds awesome.
Himea nods.
Huyu: okay me, aki, kuza, and matsuo are going that away.... you girls have fun.
Huyu drags them to a kurate, comic, books, and action stands.
There are girls running after a famous celebrity boy.
Huyu trips and is laying on the ground a girl is standing above huyu.
Huyu: (thinks) i see purple.....
The girl looks down.
Girl: ah! prevert! get him girls!
Huyu jumps up and runs.
Aki, kazu, matsuo run to.
The girls pick torches up out of the action stand and runs after them.
Aki looks behind and looks forward.
Aki: they have torches.
They lose the girls and almost run into himea and emma.
They stop.
they are breathing hard.
Himea: why are you out of breath?
Aki: A crowd of girls with torches was chasing us.
Himea: why?
Aki: because mr.idiot beside me desided to look up a girl's skirt.
Huyu: not my fault.... she was in the way.
Aki: of what!
Huyu: the view of the sky... duh!
Aki slaps his head hardcore.
Huyu: you have a red turckey on your head.
Aki shakes his head and puts his fist up and walks away.
Himea gigles and follow aki.
Everyone esle follows aki and himea.
Aki, huyu, matsuo, and kazu go home.
Himea and emma are walking up the street.
Himea sees the shadow again.
Himea: just leave me alone!
the shadow disappears.
Emma: himea?
Emma looks at her weirdly
Himea: oh its just a fly thats all....
Emma: okay...
they get back to school and they go to their sleeping places.
Emma: everyones probabky wondering what himea tsukiyomi is wearin next...
himea walks out of the stall.
Emma: A dark blue corset dress.....
Himea: yeah its to much isnt it....
Emma: no it looks pretty on you.
Himea: here.
She hands emma a white with black shring corset dress.
Emma: more girly things..
she changes and walks out of the stall.
Himea: yay! looks pretty on you... okay.. no more happy happy saying.. sheesh its hard being a happy girl.. i'm actaulley almosted emo....
Himea sighs.
Emma smiles.
They walk out of the bathroom door.
They walk in class and the teacher begins teaching.
Huyu: yesterday was fun... and himea your dress rocks my boat...
himea: okay..... aki... is that a comment?
Aki: to huyu... yeah yeah i think it is...
Kazu: umm... i know i just met some of you guys.... but my dad has this job offer in tokyo... so i have to leave today....
Huyu jumps out of his seat and runs over to kazu. he jumps on his desk and bends over.
Huyu: what?
Kazu: you heard me....
Huyu slips and falls off the desk. he lands on the floor on his face.
Huyu: ow... my precious face...
Aki: precious my butt....
Himea: so your leaving today...
Kazu: yeah in five minutes....
Huyu: what?
Mr. kuchiki walks in the room.
Kazu nods.
Kazu: bye....
everyone says bye.
Kazu leaves.
huyu: he was so young... why did he have to go?
Himea: his not dead huyu....
Huyu: oh okay...
huyu shrugs and starts eating chips.
Emma blinks.
A boy goes through the window. he lands in front of himea.
Himea looks down.
Himea: is he dead? hey huyu poke him with a stick.
huyu jumps out the window. he grabs a stick and pokes the boy.
the boy grabs the stick and breaks it in half.
Huyu: no! bob... he was so young.
Aki: you named a stick....
Huyu: yeah... bob....
the boy stands up and wipes the glass off.
Boy: sorry for just flying in...
huyu: you fly...
Boy: no.
Aki: his just on crack...
Boy: explains alot....
Aki: who are you?
Boy: I'm Benjirou takosuki.....
Aki: hi benji... can i call you that?
Benji: yeah....
Huyu: yay! i found a hole in the wall.
Benji: i'm okay.. thanks for asking...
Aki: sorry.... huyu is distracting....
Benji: i know....
Benji looks at himea weirdly.
Benji: have i seen you before....
Himea: no....I'm himea.
Benji: nice to meet you....
Himea nods.

Monster Exile: Episode 3

Emma: hey where'd you go Himea?
Emma walks down the empty hallway to the bathroom.
Emma walks in the bathroom.
Emma: Hey, Himea are you in here?
Himea: Yeah, I'll be out in a minute....
Himea opens the door and walks out in a red and black corset dress.
Emma: Nice, dark colors seem to compliment our skin tones don't they?
Himea: yeah, do you need clothes for today or do you already have something?
Emma: eh, yeah, I have something planned....
Emma steps into a stall and opens a bag.
Himea: I meant to ask you, is that another bag that is really big on the inside?
Emma: eh, its not as big, but its bigger than normal.
Emma: I mean its about the size of a regular bedroom....
Himea: hmm so we could put things in there?
Emma: yeah, actually if you want, I can get some furniture for it and we can use it as our bedroom instead of having to use the school like a house.
Himea: Really? That'd be awesome!
Emma: no problem..lets see we'll need two beds, a chest, a mirror,...oh the lsit goes on and on....okay well I'll have it ready by tomorrow...hopefully...but I won't be here tonight though, I have some, uh, work to do....
Himea:Ummm okay....what kind of work?
Emma: Thats a secret.
Emma comes out in a red, white, and blue corset shirt with white skinny jeans on.
Himea: whoa...way to show the US colors.
Emma: yeah, I know..Is it too girly?
Himea: No! Not at all! You look great! You could just as easily beat a kid up in this as you could before!
Emma: thanks.
The bell rings.
Emma: We better get to class.
Himea: Yeah.
Emma and Himea walk out of the bathroom.
Emma: Whoops, almost forgot!
Emma unties her long, black hair and it falls gently on her shoulders.
Himea: Nice.
Emma: yeah I know.
They walk into the classroom.
Huyu falls out of his seat when he sees them.
Matsuo starts to drool.
On her way to her seat, Emma slaps Matsuo's forhead.
Matsuo falls backwards and his head hits her desk.
Emma: get your head off my desk, noob.
Emma shoves his head forwards.
Aki stares at Himea.
Himea: What?
Aki: ummm...
Huyu runs ove rand stands in front of Aki.
Huyu: What he means to say is, you look hot today...
Emma slaps him out of the way.
Emma: shut up noob, he was talking to her.
Huyu: Ah!
Emma goes back and sits down.
Huyu stomps to his seat and sits down.
Aki: Well, you look nice today....
Himea: thanks...
Himea sits down.
A new teacher comes in.
Emma gasps.
Himea: What's the matter?
Emma: can't be...
The teacher writes his name on the board.
Teacher: My name is Mr. Greyson.
Emma ducks her head under her desk.
Mr. Greyson: Okay lets do roll, when I call your name stand up, say your name and something about yourself.
Emma gulps.
Mr. Greyson goes through the list.
Mr. Greyson: Emma, Greyson.
Mr Greyson looks up, surprised.
Emma stands up slowly, shaking violently.
Emma: My name
Emma trails off.
Himea: Emma greyson....
Emma: ...emma greyson and.....
Emma looks into Mr. Greyson's eyes.
Emma: Mr. Greyson is my brother.
Himea: What?
Aki: huh?
Mr. Greyson looks back into her eyes.
Mr. Greyson: I would like to see you after class today, Miss Emma.
Emma sits back down.
Himea: Do you want me to stay with you?
Emma: No, go ahead to lunch, I'll be there in a few minutes...
Himea: Okay...
Emma walks to the front of the class.
Emma: What do you want brother?
Mr. Greyson: I want to know why you left!
Mr. Greyson grabs her shoulders and shakes her.
Emma: Our parents left us, so I'm not going to spend eternity with a nut job who wants to marry me.
Mr. Greyson: But, Emma. Nick really, loved you.
Emma: Do you think I felt the same way?
Mr. Greyson: Oh, I get it. You did this on purpose. You knew Nick's family had lots of money and could save our lives if you married him. Thats why you ran away. YOU ARE STUPID AND STUBBORN!!
Mr. Greyson: Stop saying that, Emma. You would be alive and we all know it.
Emma: No, I know he killed Katherine.
Mr. Greyson: NO HE DIDN'T!
Emma: Anyways, he knew our secret and would've killed me. You know what family he's from.
Emma's blue eyes flash dangerously.
Mr. Greyson: You better pack.
Emma: Why?
Mr. Greyson: Because I'm taking you back there and you are going to marry him.
Emma: NO!
Emma bursts out the door and runs down the hallway.
High School ends for now, but starts again tomorrow.

Monster Exile: Episode 4

Emma and grabs her lunch.
Emma: Oh, come on. Where'd she go?
Emma: Himea? Where'd you go?
Himea is throwing grapes at matsuo.
Emma: Ah, I see you.
Himea looks to the left. she see Emma.
Emma runs over and sits beside her.
Emma: Sorry, my needed to talk with me...
Himea: sorry about that matsuo... you lost a bet... so i pumled you with grapes.
Matsuo: Oh thats okay, your'e so cute i don't mind.
Emma whacks matsuo in the head with her bag.
Emma unfolds her lunch.
Himea: okay.......
Emma: Rice....why did I make rice?
Emma: eh, oh well....
Emma makes rice balls.
Emma: yay! better!
Emma starts to eat.
Aki: wheres your lunch Himea?
Himea: oh i'm not hungry.
Emma: Ugg this is nasty...
Emma throws it back in her bag.
Emma: (thinks) you know what you want, but you can't have it....
Emma looks down.
Mr. Greyson's words ring in Emma's mind.
Himea looks disappointed.
Mr. Greyson walks in the room.
Mr. Greyson looks around and sees Emma.
Mr. greyson walks over.
Mr. Greyson: Time to go, Emma.
Emma: No!
Himea: time to go where?
Mr. Greyson: You know what I speak is the truth, come. You need to marry Nick.
Emma looks down and has her teeth clenched.
Himea: marry nick... whats going on?
Emma: Don't you understand what no means?
Himea stands up and looks at Mr. Greyson.
Emma jumps up and faces her brother.
Mr. Greyson: Come, little vam......
Himea: you cant make her if she doesnt want to.
Emma: Don't say the word.
Mr. greyson: actually i can, i have custody over her and yes i'll say it, vampire.
Emma screams and jumps at her brother.
Himea isnt moving. she falls over on the table.
Emma lands on top of him and pounds his head on the floor.
Himea is in a dark room
A door opens up.
Himea: whos there?
Dad: its me your dad. why are you here in the basement himea?
Himea: i fell asleep.
dad: okay... come up stairs.
they go upstairs.
he turns to himea and looksinto her eyes.
Dad: you will turn a boy today.... and then you will walk away.
Himea: i will turn a boy and walk away...
Himea walks outside and sees a boy.
Himea cuts her wrist and grabs the boy. she puts her hand to his mouth and he drinks it. she pulls away. then she snaps his neck. he falls over.
Himea walks away.
Himea wakes up.
Himea gasps for air.
Emma thrashes Mr. greyson against the cold linoleum.
Himea: no..noo..... i-i'm........
Mr. Greyson sticks his finger in her mouth and touches her gums above her canine tooth.
Emma bites his finger and without realizing what she did she draws blood.
Mr. greyson: see, you are a vampire, you have fangs,
Emma tastes his blood and throws him across the room.
Himea crawls under the table and she crawls in a ball. she holds her knees tightly.
Emma: NO!
Mr. greyson grabs her by the back of her corset dress and puts his lips on her neck.
Mr. Greyson: Don't make a move or I will bite your neck and you will be a full-vampire.
Himea: (thinks) i remember my dad made me turn a boy...... a lil boy that was my age....... where is he now? is he okay? his my servant. my servant.... I'm the....... i cant be...... i cant be....
Emma suddenly becomes like a rag doll.
Mr. Greyson carries Emma out of the room.
There is the sound of a struggle and Emma runs back into the room.
Emma has tears flying from her eyes.
Emma jumps to the window and breaks the glass.
The glass shatters.
Emma jumps out the window and runs down the street.
Amber Foster (Aug 16 6:31 PM): Himea is still huging her knee tightly. she begins to cry lightly.
Mr. greyson chases her and suddenly a boy is in the room.
The boy grabs his jacket.
Boy: Stop it, Will.
Mr. Greyson turns and looks at him.
Mr. greyson: Who are you, how do you know my name?
Boy: That's not important, just leave her alone or you'll pay.
Mr. greyson laughs.
The boy narrows his eyes and Mr. greyson yells.
Mr. greyson: AH! The pain!
Mr. Greyson runs away.
Emma hears that he isn't following her and comes back.
Emma jumps in the window.
Emma: Who are you?
Boy: I'm umm....well lets just say im your guardian....
Emma: Guardian?
Boy: Hmmm yeah, go with that...
Emma: okay, well why did you save my ass?
Boy: Because, I'm your guardian.
Emma slaps her forehead.
Emma: okay, we're not going to go anywhere with this are we?
Boy: Nope.
Emma narrows her eyes at him.
Emma: Okay, then. Well you can think that out in my bag.
Emma reaches to grab his hair but he moves.
The Boy laughs.
Boy: nice, but I'm busy.
Emma jumps at him.
Emma: No you're not stalker!
Emma tries to grab his brown hair.
The boy dodges.
Boy: Okay I'm busy so bye.
The boy disappears.
Emma: WAIT!
Emma: Asshole...he gets on my nerves....
Emma: And I just met him.
Emma looks at Himea.
Himea jumps out of underneath the table.
Himea: and scene.
Himea sits back down.
Emma: uh, I'm sorry........I know you're probably like grossed out about the vampire stuff.....hehe
Himea: so how'd i do? no not at all.
Emma: but.....its uh not real.....hehe
Emma looks at her boots.
Himea: probably acting like i was doing.....
Emma looks away and sits down.
Emma looks down at her arm.
Emma: oh great, glass..
Emma pulls the shard of glass out of her arm.
Himea hesitates.
Emma grabs a bandage out of her bag and wraps her arm up.
Himea sighs.
A dude with orange hair walks in.
Emma: Oh dear god why won't you leave me alone today.
Emma walks up to the dude and slaps him.
Dude: But why, know why I'm here.
Emma punches him in the face.
Emma drags him in the hallway.
Emma comes back in the room and Nick is following her.
Nick puts his back to the window and looks at her.
Emma: of all things you've learned from me you never learned this.
Nick: What?
Emma pushes nick out the window.
Emma: see you stupid vampire hunter.!!!
Emma looks back in at the people in the room.
Emma: umm i mean vampire hunter person...that thinks they're a vampire hunter
Himea smiles at matsuo and looks at emma and smiles.
Emma sits back down.
Emma looks at her feet.
Emma: okay I'm leaving school early.
Aki: (whispers in matsuo's ear) see.. she smiled at you.
Himea: Emma?
Matsuo: whatever man...
Aki: (whispers in his ear) then ask emma again until she say yes if u like her that much but u could i have a chance with himea... just saying....
matsuo rolls his eyes at Aki.
Emma: what, Himea?
Aki rolls his eyes at matsuo.
Himea: nothing... i gotta go.
Himea gets up and walks outside.
Emma: Okay whatever but I don't care what you tell the teacher, but I'm going into town.
Emma jumps out the window and lands outside.
Himea is holding her tears in.
Himea walksinto town.
Emma looks at the ground for a minute.
Emma shakes her head then sprints off into the town.
Emma runs to a park and finds a random tree.
Emma sits beside it and leans her back against it.
Emma looks up at the blue sky and sighs.
The boy appears beside her.
Emma: huh? What are you doing here?
Boy: Nothing. Just checking on you.
Emma: umm okay. can you please tell me your name?
Boy: do you really want to know?
Emma: yeah.
Boy: My name is Derek.
Emma: Okay.... Derek.
Emma looks at his face.
Emma: Have I seen you before?
Derek: Umm yeah, earlier today.
Emma: I mean before that, idiot.
Derek: No.
Emma:hmm okay....I could of sworn it though...
Emma looks back at the sky again.
Himea is walking slowly.
Emma looks back to Derek again but he's gone.
Himea looks around
Emma: Seriously!
Himea sees Emma.
Emma: Derek? Where'd you go?
Himea walks over to Emma.
Himea: Emma.....
Emma: oh, hi Himea....
Himea: hi... the sun is really burning my skin today....
Emma: yeah.....
Himea touches her arm and it burns her hand.
Emma: (thinks) this is awkward....
Himea: maybe its burning me to bad.
Himea: (thinks) this is awkward..... more awkward then what aki and matsuo was talking about....
Emma: I guess I need to say goodbye....
Himea: yeah i guess..........
himea sees the shadow again.
Himea: why dont you just leave me alone already?
Emma: What?
The shadow disappears.
Himea: sorry... the fly before keeps bothering me.. thats all.
Himea: (thinks) why is that shadow following me?
Emma: umm okay but I may be leaving...I may kick some retard ass or may marry all depends...
Himea: nick.....
Emma: yeah..nick...and my brother...well not marrying but if I kick nick's ass I'll kick his too...
Himea: yeah i know what you mean.....
Himea: well bye guess......
Emma: yeah..I guess..i may be back..or not I don't know....
Himea: okay... bye
Himea walk back to school.
Himea walks into school.
The bell rings.
Himea sees Huyu.
Huyu: next class is beginning so come on.
Himea walks to class with Huyu.
Mr. yamoto: hello himea........ where was you?
Himea: I had something to do.
Mr. yamoto: oh okay......
Himea walks to her seat. she doesn't even smile.
Aki: (whispers) dude whats wrong with Himea?
AKi looks at matsuo.
Matsuo: (whispers) How should I know, I was here all along!
Emma casually walks in the doors with blood on her hand.
Emma walks to her seat and sits down.
Aki: huh? yeah...... i know....
Aki looks at himean and he sees blood all over her. he looks away and looks back at her and shes normal.
Someone from across the room throws a rock and it hits Emma in the eye.
Emma doesn't move.
They throw another rock and it hits her other eye.
Emma looks over at them slowly.
Its Derek and he's frowning at her.
Emma looks back to the front of the classroom.
Aki: (whispers) hey matsuo i justed look at himea and she was covered in blood when i looked away and looked back at her. she was normal.
matsuo: (whispers) maybe you need to get your eyes checked dude....
Aki: (whispers) im not kidding....... she was really covered in blood.......
matsuo rolls his eyes.
Emma looks at Derik and throws the rock back at him.
Aki looks away.
The rock hits derik in the forehead and he falls backwards.
she lets go of her arm and looks at the board.
Derek walks over to Emma.
Teacher: Umm what are you doing Derek?
Derek grabs Emma's hand.
Aki: (whispers) dude...... himea is bleeding not kidding this time she made herself bleed.
matsuo: (whispers) Yeah okay whatever...
Himea looks down at her arm.
Emma looks up at Derek.
Himea: (whispers) oh my god.... I'm bleeding....
Derek: I'll explain later but for now, we need to run.
Himea: (whispers) matsuo...... do you have any towels?
Emma: Huh?
Matsuo: Huh? No..sorry...
Derek grabs Emma's hand and starts to run towards the window.
Emma: ahhhhh!!!!
Himea looks at her arm. she puts her hand over it. it heals but her hand is bloody.
Derek jumps out the window and pulls Emma with her.
Himea raises her other hand.
Two men walks in the classroom and run over to the window.
Mr.yamoto: what?
Himea: may i go to the......
Himea hides her bloody hand.
The men jump through the window after them.
Himea: going to the bathroom tanks!
Himea runs to the bathroom.
Derek drags Emma away.
Himea washes her hand before any vampire can notice who she is.
Himea walks behind the guys.
10 more men run in the room and jump out the window.
Himea: (thinks) I'm fast, quick, i can heal, i can kill, i can put people in trances, and i can do more than an ordinary vampire.
High school ends for now, but starts again tomorrow

Monster Exile: Episode 5

Lost this Episode but will redo it and update the book. :)


Monster Exile: Episode 6

Emma is being dragged along by Derik.
Emma: Who are they and why are they chasing us?
Derik: I said I'd explain later, but later might come sooner if you actually get up and run too....because you're getting heavy...
Emma: shut up...are they trying to kill us?
Derik: yeah..or capture us...
Emma: okay then...
Emma gets up and starts running.
Emma runs faster then Derik.
Derik: Hey wait!
Emma grabs his hand and soon Derik is being dragged around.
Emma: Its not time for us to die yet! I know it!
Emma runs until she loses them.
Emma hides in a building.
Derik: Holy Crap you run fast!
Emma: When my life depends on it I can do anything.
Derik smiles.
Emma catches her breath.
Derik: Okay so, whenever you were born...
Emma: Okay..before you give me the backstory please just tell me how you know me.
Derik: Thats a long story.
Emma: I've got all night.
Derik: I thought you'd say that.
Derik sighs and goes up on the roof.
Emma follows him.
Its night and the stars are out.
A full moon hangs in the sky.
Derik lays down on the roof and pats the ground beside him.
Emma lays beside him.
Derik: Up there in the stars is where every soul comes from.
Emma: So you mean every soul has a star?
Derik: Right. And when a soul is not in their body or in another form they go to their star and the star becomes whole.
Emma: I understand, I think.
Derik: Okay so every soul goes on its own journey to the body. Never does a soul meet with another soul. If they meet, a mark is left on the body as proof of existance. So when we were going to our bodies when we first were born, my soul and yours met. Now, do you have a mark on your body, like a birthmark?
Emma: yeah...
Emma lifts her pants leg on her jeans and shows him a blue scar in a swirling pattern.
Derik lifts his shirt and on his chest is a similar scar.
Emma's eyes widen.
Derik: It is said that whenever they meet, they are linked forever and they will protect each other's souls for eternity.
Emma: Thats why you said you were my guardian?
Derik: yes... but thats pretty much it...but when you were born you were born with the crystal heart which is a powerful weapon. It can kill anyone that tries to look into it, also it can heal the worst wounds, even bring dead people back to life.
Emma: And thats why the guys are after me.
Derik: Exactly.
Emma's eyes are filled up with tears.
Emma: Derik....I'm so sorry....
Derik: Why?
Emma: I have a power to see your past and....I saw that I've failed to protect you before...
Derik: Thats nothing you could have prevented.
Emma: I'm so sorry..Derik...your own mother....
Derik: was her..
Emma looks down.
Derik grabs her shoulders.
Derik: Just promise me you will leave me and run away if they ever get ahold of me.
Emma: I can't do that!
Derik: Just Promise Me!
Emma sighs then looks in his eyes.
Emma: I swear.
Derik: thank you.
Derik hugs Emma.

Monster Exile: Episode 7

Lost it so Have to redo it. Will update soon :) Thank you


Monster Exile: Episode 8

Wow. This one is to. So i'll redo 5, 7, and 8 as soon as possible :) or try to find them


Monster Exile: Episode 9

Emma comes out of the bathroom in a black and white mini corset dress with tall black boots that reach her knees.
Emma ties her hair up in two long pigtails and walks out of the bathroom.
She walks to the dance room and all the boys turn to see her.
The boy's mouthes drop open.
The girls send glares at Emma and slap the boys.
Emma just rolls her eyes and walks over beside Himea.
Himea: Hey Emma.
Emma: Hey. Is this too much?
Himea: No, you look good.
Emma: Thanks.
Emma walks over to a corner and sits in a chair.
Nick walks over and grabs her hand gently.
Emma: What do you want?
Nick: You look stunning.
Emma: ummm let go of my hand.
Nick: No thanks.
Emma tries to take her hand away and then looks down and sees a pair of handcuffs attached to her and Nick.
Nick grabs the key and swallows it.
Emma stands up.
Emma jumps up in the air and kicks Nick in the face, all in one motion.
Nick: ow.
Emma runs to the nearest classroom, dragging Nick along, on his butt.
Emma grabs a paperclip and straightens it out.
Emma puts it in the lock and works on it.
Nick: I love you, don't you know that?
Emma: I know it, and I try to stop it.
Nick kisses Emma on the lips.
Emma jerks back, unlocks the handcuffs and kicks him in the face.
Emma runs off.
Nick: Noooo! Don't go away!!!!
Emma runs back in the dance room and goes back to her corner.
Derik is there.
Derik: What took you so long to get here?
Emma: Nick problems.
Derik nods.
Derik: So are you ready? Do you have it?
Emma nods and pulls a silver blade out of her boot.
Derik nods and Emma puts it back.
Derik: Do you want to spend a few minutes here?
Emma: Are you just asking because You want to dance with Tessa or Himea?
Derik: Ah! NO! The only person I would dance with would be you.
Emma: Seriously?
Derik: Yeah.
Emma smiles.
Emma: Well then, lets dance!
Derik: What?
Emma: haha I knew it, you'd be embarassed by me.
Emma laughs.
Derik: No! I wouldn't!
Emma: Oh I was just joking with you, lets go.
Derik: Okay...
Derik's face is red.
Emma walks towards the door.
Himea: Where are you going?
Emma: Eh, we're leaving. Got some things we have to do.....I'll come back tonight...I have the room fixed up.
Himea: okay....
Emma runs out the door and Derik follows her.
A tall girl with red hair walks in the door.
Matsuo walks over to her.
Huyu: Holy shit she's hot.
Matsuo: hey, Haruhi, let me introduce you to my friends.
Haruhi: Okay...
Haruhi follows him halfway over there.
Haruhi sees the weird kid from Science class.
The weird kid sees her.
Haruhi: So hot....
Weird Kid: So hot.....
Haruhi and The weird kid go and dance, leaving Matsuo alone.
matsuo: Huh? Wha.....
Matsuo walks over to the group.
Aki: Hey whats the matter?
Matsuo: she stood me up for the weird kid.
Matsuo points at them as they dance.
Emma runs to an abandoned building and pulls her silver sword out.
A girl appears out of the shadows of a corner.
Girl: Come to kill me eh?
Emma: You bet.
Girl: Well okay then, prepare to die!
The girl changes into a red wolf.
The girl jumps at Emma.
Emma plunges the sword into the wolf's heart.
The wolf goes limp and Emma pulls her sword out.
The wolf falls on top of Emma.
Emma: Umm crap...where's Derik?
Derik steps out of the doorway and looks at her.
Derik: Right here.
Emma: Can you help me get this wolf off?
Derik: yeah..
Derik pulls the wolf off of her body and Emma rolls out from underneath it.
Emma brushes herself off.
Derik: What? What happened? What's the matter?
Derik: Oh.
Emma curses then reaches inside her bag.
Emma can't reach it then curses again in English.
Emma: Hold this.
Derik grabs the bag and Emma climbs in.
Emma goes to a chest and pulls a new blue and black corset dress out.
Derik peeks in.
Derik: Are you okay, down there?
Derik takes his head out and his face is red.
Emma dresses then jumps out of the bag.
Emma: pervert....
Emma closes the bag then unties her hair.
Her hair falls over her shoulders in a black waterfall of hair.
Emma flips her hair so that she can reach it all and grabs it.
She pulls it all together and braids it.
Derik: Seriously? We don't have time for this we need to be...
Emma: Don't rush me!
Derik: sorry...
High school ends for now, but starts again tomorrow.

Monster Exile: Episode 10


Text: Soon I will make the book of Monster exile but right now I'll be doing the episodes of them on my free time
Publication Date: 12-11-2011

All Rights Reserved

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