

"Nice for you to join us Clemel," Abraham greeted sardonically.
"Well, you know how it is these days, low on numbers," he explained.
"That's what this meeting was about!" Abe shouted. The light was already dim, and it seemed to go pitch black just as his temper rose. A beaten metal table was set before them all, with maps and numerous books scattered on top. The metal began to glow wear Abe's hands were gripping the edge, something everyone was used to. Alanus stood with his eyes slitted and his arms crossed. His emotions were completely under control, different from Abraham. Alanus, as the king, had seen everything, and this didn't even faze him. Alanus gave Abe a quick warning look, before speaking.
"As I was saying, we all need to look for potential. Mabel, weren't you saying that you had found a few girls?
"A few yes, with the blood from ancesters from just a few generations back," Mabel confirmed.
"There's a start. Clemel, I want you to go looking also. Try for the best blood lines," Alanus ordered.

Chapter 1)

I watched the black caps fly into the air as everyone cheered. I threw mine up just as high and watched the silvery tip shine in the sun. I didn’t wear the gold silk draped around my shoulders like the valedictorian did. I didn’t have an over-excited look on my face. I didn’t yell like everyone else. I just kept a secret smile to myself as I tried to blend with the other black robes. I grabbed at the evil heels that cut off the circulation to my feet and ripped them off. A wave of relief rolled through my mind and feet as my toes stretched in the grass. I spotted a wrought-iron bench under a birch tree, and I glided over to it and sat down. Setting the heels next to me, I sighed. Through the crowd my mother appeared, smiling at me.
"Avery, this is amazing!"
Her hands were shaking a bit, her hair frazzled. She was getting emotional again. Mother always had too much to worry about. Anxiety filled her, even when she'd sleep.
"Mom, try to calm down." I shook my head. I wasn't sure if this was good excitement or not.
"Well, Hun, I need to take off now, so I'll see you soon okay?"
"Where are you off to this time?" It always seemed like she was somewhere else. Time did not escape her.
"Well, I'm supposed to go talk to your doctor about how you have been having leg trouble. Then, I'm going to pick up a pizza for us later," she explained.
"Alright Mom, let me know how that goes," I said. She kissed my forehead and started walking over to her van. I watched Devin find his mom all alone and he embraced her.
"I'm so proud of you sweetie!," she told him.
"Thanks Mom. Is it cool if I go over to Avery's to celebrate?," he questioned in a pleading voice.
"That's fine with me, as long as Rosaline or someone’s there."
"Yea, Rosaline is almost always there," he confirmed. He gave her one last hug and waved goodbye. She smiled back at him as he walked over to me.
“Hey Ms. Beautiful Avery,” the voice next to me cooed.
“Hello Devin,” I looked at my beloved with stressed eyes.
“Something wrong?” His forehead creased and his eyes squinted a bit.
“Yea, I'm pretty worried about college. You know, the whole leaving my friends thing and moving on? Even though, I get to keep you", I informed with a smile.
“Well yes, but you can’t let that bother you so much. Relax and enjoy what is happening today! We are done with high school. DONE! We can move on now!"
“Aren’t you a little over optimistic?,” I said as I raised an eyebrow. People were bustling all around, with so much hugging. A few caps were lying on the ground still, because they didn't care to pick them up.
Under his breath, Devin breathed, “Kill joy”.
“Excuse me? What did you say?" both eyebrows had reached my hairline now.
“Nothing sweetie,” He laughed a little, and said “Oh come on babe.”
“Are you still coming over to hang out?” I asked.
“Well duh! Who do you take me for? A stick in the mud? Hmm? I am up for fun anytime. Unlike some people."
“Devin!” I berated. I rolled my eyes as I stood up and grasped my heels. Devin just stayed there trying not to laugh with an unmistakable smirk crowding his face. His wonderful brown locks swaying in his eyes. My dark brown hair sashayed around my face down to the small of my back as I walked towards my little yellow cobalt. My little car was pulled up by the curb. It wouldn’t look like much to any bystander, but to me it was my wonderful escape. To me it glowed under its dirty rims, and seemed to always make me smile. You may be thinking I’m a bit dramatic, but think what you like. That vehicle has enabled me to get away from problems whenever I please. Driving to me is calming; it lets me get my mind off things.
Devin walked up behind me and kissed my head. I blew air out of my nose in a small laugh. I grasped the car door handle, and tried to open the door. It was still locked.
“Oh, right. Hang on a sec Devin,” I sighed. I dug in my leather purse for my keys. Pressing the unlock button, a loud beep came from the car and the lights flashed. Finally, I opened the door and got inside. Devin jumped in beside me, and automatically reclined the seat.
“Must you always do that?” I asked.
“Well, no… but I like to be comfy…” his eyes were shifty, and then he laughed.
I sighed, “Oh whatever.”
I put the car in drive and pulled around the black truck that was parked in front of me.
“Oooo, that’s a nice truck!", Devin awed.
I rolled my eyes and kept on driving. My house was only a few blocks away, so it wasn’t long before I was pulling into the driveway. My parents had promised to celebrate once they got home. Neither of them minded if we hung out at my house because my grandma Roseline lived with us. They knew she’d keep an eye on us. My grandma was sweet, and always tried to do her best to help out. Climbing out of the car, I then smiled at our yellow house. With the windows trimmed in white, and the brown roof, it was quite homey. It even had a little white porch at the front door, and a flower garden that my grandma tended too. Daffodils, tulips, violets and many wild flowers grew like a forest around the outside of the house, leaving a sweet smell. My grandma was an amazing gardener. She knew just how to make everything look beautiful in its own way. She wasn’t to old looking herself. She’s 65, though her hair is still brown with just some gray in the front. She doesn’t look shriveled like some old women. No, the lines on her face remind me of an old kindness. She's always been an upbeat person.
I took a deep breath of the fragrance of the flowers in the air. I walked up the porch and opened the door. I stepped inside, noticing Rosaline asleep on the recliner with a book in her lap. Trying not to laugh, I clapped my hand over my mouth.
“Devin, she’s asleep again, so be quiet. OK?” I told him quietly.
“Yeah, yeah, sure” he said.
We walked into the kitchen and I pulled out the pitcher of tea in the fridge. I poured 2 glasses for us, and took a sip. “Mmm, I love Rosaline’s sugary tea.” Devin whispered. The ice cubes danced in the glass, making a crackling noise as they melted.
"She always makes it so rich," I agreed.
"So what movie do you want to watch?" he asked.
"Hmm...what are you in the mood for? Scary, funny, action?" I wondered.
"How about something scary? Because then I can have a good excuse for holding you tight the whole time if you're scared," Devin smiled as he said it.
"Sounds good to me," I laughed. So, we crawled onto the beige couch in front of the TV and popped in Van Helsing. I snuggled against Devin and pulled an old black cover over us. I looked up at him and kissed his cheek. Devin squeezed me and held me closer. His mocha brown eyes nudged mine, and his eyes smiled. Devin brushed his lips against mine, the way he always starts a kiss. I closed my eyes and kissed him deeply. His love overtook me, and I felt his hand in my hair. I cupped his cheek, pressing my lips in sync with his. Time sped up, without me noticing, and then thought to stop. I kissed a bit slower, eventually pulling away. His eyes immediately looked like a lost puppy's.
"Do you know what time it is?," I asked.
He checked his watch and said, "It's almost five."
"My parents will be here soon," I told him. I looked back at the screen and saw a man turning into a werewolf. And, just to be funny, I cringed against Devin.
"Awww!" Devin cooed. I looked up at him and smirked, giving away my plan. He just laughed and shook his head.
"Babe, I'm not complaining," he told me. I yawned, because I was getting sleepy being all warm under the cover. I let my eyelids fall shut and I fell asleep on Devin's shoulder. I felt someone nudge my arm and i squinted my eyes at the light. I realized I was the only one lying on the couch.
"Where's Devin?" I asked my mom.
She smiled and said, "He's in the kitchen eating pizza with your dad. We brought two Pizza Hut pizzas and a chocolate cake to celebrate your graduation. I'm so happy for you guys. You know? Now you can go to college and get out into the world. You have many years ahead of you, just right out that door. I'd like you to stay with your dad and I, but it is your choice. The rest of your life is your choice. Just make sure they are wise choices if possible. Are you planning on living in a dorm or an apartment?” she asked.
"I haven't decided yet," I yawned. I could see a bit of sadness cross her face. Maybe I should go to a college somewhere close, I thought to myself. For the millionth time, she is getting worked up. Apparently she decided on this odd speech, making a simple task like eating pizza awkward. We had went over these things almost everyday in the morning before I took off. It made my head hurt.
"Mom, are you OK?" I asked her in a sweet voice.
"Yes, Avery, I think I'll be OK...," she confirmed with a weak smile. I got up and hugged her tight.
"I'm sorry I grew up so fast, Mom," I told her.
"Avery, come get some pizza!," my dad called.
"Well, let's try and have a good time honey, OK?," my mom suggested. We walked into the kitchen and I noticed five left over crusts on Devin's plate.
"Jeez Devin! You are such a pig!," I teased.
"Oh yeah! I'M the pig...," he laughed.
"You are so mean!," I giggled. I plopped myself down in the chair next to him and grabbed a slice of pepperoni. I scarfed it in a few bites, because it turns out that I was starving.
"See, I was right!” he said. I just shook my head and got another piece. We all finished the pizza and moved onto the cake. It had chocolate fudge inside and I savored every bite. Somehow the conversations were actually normal, with mom not preaching again. She is one to talk, with how she got emancipated and lived with her boyfriend at age 17. I don't even bother to bring that up. Devin had to get on home and spend some time with his mom.
"See ya tomorrow Devin," I told him as I hugged him goodbye.
"Goodbye sweetie," he said and he gave me a quick kiss. I closed the door and went upstairs to my room. I flopped onto my bed and grabbed my journal that was set on my wooden nightstand. I flipped open the purple cover and turned to one of the empty pages.

Dear Diary,

I am a high school graduate as of today! We all celebrated at my house with pizza and cake. Devin was so sweet today. He did tease me a lot, but he always makes up for it. We have been together since sophomore year. I still remember the first time I saw him. I was going to my locker to set it up for the year. He ended up having a locker right next to mine. He made a bunch of jokes at how I was so neat and organized. I just teased him back for being so messy. He was so cute to me. He asked me out on just the second week of school. So, it's almost been three years! I wonder if we should rent an apartment together... It would be easier to afford if we split the payments, and we are both 18. I kinda want to ask him...Though, what if he gets weirded out or something? Well, we've been together for a while, my family has accepted him, and he loves me. So, he shouldn't feel smothered right? I'm just kinda afraid to rent an apartment by myself. Plus, who knows who I'd get stuck with if I stay in a dorm. What should I do? Maybe I should just come out and ask him... I know, I'll ask him to come on a date with me tomorrow and I'll be extra nice to him. Butter him up... Then he'd feel guilty if he didn't agree... That does sound kinda devious though. Hmm.... It IS a pretty good plan. Well, it's not like he's agreeing to anything bad.

Chapter 2)

"It is 6:30 in Jackson Mississippi and it looks like we'll be getting some rain tonight....," the announcer on the radio said. I turned off my alarm and rolled back over onto my pillow. I forgot to turn off my alarm now that it's summer. I still felt so tired, so I pulled the cover back over my head to shield my eyes from the sun.
The light was pouring in from my window, and I could still see it through the cover and my eyelids. I gave up and flung the cover off of me. Yawning, I stepped out of bed and almost stepped on my Husky, Blizzard.
"Blizzy! What are you doing sleeping right next to my bed? Why didn't you just jump up on the bed? You would have been warmer," I told her. She rolled over onto her back and she flicked her paws at me. Blizzy's tongue was sticking out, so I just shook my head and smirked. I trudged sleepily downstairs and went into the bathroom. I flicked on the light and stared at myself in the mirror. My eyes were bloodshot from sleeping. I splashed some water on my face, trying to wake up some more. My hair was frazzled so badly that the only way to repair it was to shower. So I got in, and I made sure I used a lot of conditioner. The water was so refreshing as it hit my face and warmed me up. I sighed and thought about seeing Devin today. I got out and wrapped myself up, then there was a knock on the door.
"Avery, are you in there?" my mom called.
"Yea, you can come in, I got a towel on," I replied. She came in and started brushing her hair.
"So, since it's Saturday, what do you want to do?" She asked and smiled at me.
"Well, I had a plan to go on a date with Devin. Like a celebration date for graduation, if that's OK," I said with a question in my voice.
"Yea, I think that'll be fine. I didn't have anything special planned. I guess then your dad and I could go on a date too," she said thoughtfully.
"That's a good idea Mom. Relaxation...," I agreed.
"I should probably put on something nice and tell your father," she told me. I smiled at her and started brushing my teeth. She left and went into the kitchen.
I put on my clothes and then started combing my hair. It looked much nicer now that it got some moisture. My watch said it was almost eight so I was sure that Devin was up by now and that I could call him. I picked up my cell phone and found him in my contacts. I listened to the ringing for some time until I finally heard something.
"H-hello..?," Devin said in a sleepy voice.
"You're not out of bed yet?," I questioned.
"Um... No? Should I be? It IS Saturday you know," he said in a smart alecy voice.
"Yes, Devin I KNOW what day it is. I'm not stupid. So, what are you going to do today?," I said trying to be nicer in the later sentence.
"Probably nothing," he said through a yawn.
"Oh, well, OK....," I said defeated.
"Sweetie, is something wrong?," he asked in a concerned.
"Kinda...," I replied in a little kid voice.
"Tell me babe if I did something. Please tell me. I did kinda snap at you,” he admitted.
"You didn't really do anything wrong... I'm just, disappointed," I explained.
"What is it?" he wondered.
I sighed into the phone, and told him, "Well, I wanted to go on a date with you today and have some fun. Though, you seem like you just want to lie around and sleep."
"Oooo sweetie! It's not like that! I just didn't know you wanted to do something. You should have just asked me. Why didn't you?" he asked.
I kinda giggled at how sweet he was being. "Well, I just didn't want to flat out ask you... you'd feel obligated...," I said. He sighed, and I could somehow hear the smile in his voice, "Oh yes, I am so mad now at you for forcing me into this. It's just all so sudden. I don't even know a knowledgeable response to this," he pretended to be furious.
"So.... can we go somewhere?," I kinda pleaded.
"Didn't you hear me? I am so upset with you...," he said then he burst out laughing. I laughed along with him. How can he turn a situation around like that so easily?
I guess that's how we've stayed together so long. He always keeps us laughing at each other.
"Where do you want to go?," I questioned in a funny tone.
"How about we walk out to the park, have lunch, then go to a movie? It seems pretty nice today." He said thoughtfully.
"That would be great. I did hear that it would rain tonight though. We should be able to get back before then I think. Are you too tired to be out all day?" I asked.
"No, I think I'll be OK. Though, I didn't get much sleep," Devin told me.
"Why did you stay up?" I said in a concerned voice.
"I didn't think I'd need to get up early, remember?" He said jokingly.
"Oh, right, sorry... So what time should I meet you?," I asked.
"I'll just pick you up in a little bit. Just give me some time to get ready," he explained.
"Alrighty, I'll see you then sweetie," I said agreeing with his plan.
"Bye Avery, I loooovvve you," Devin cooed.
"I love you too," I said sweetly. I pressed the end button on my cell and sat down in my black desk chair. I smiled, being excited about seeing him and going out on such a nice day. I really hope the rain doesn't come early, because otherwise we can't go to the park. I wonder where he wants to eat for our dinner. I hope it's somewhere nice. I went downstairs to the kitchen to get some breakfast. I smelled bacon and biscuits cooking on the stove. I sat down at the glass table and took a drink of the orange juice that was already poured. My mom brought over a plate with two strips of bacon and some biscuits with honey drizzled on them.
"Ooo! honey! Thanks Mom," I awed.
"Mmhmm. Your welcome," she said. Mom went over and got herself a plate and sat down across from me. The flowers in the middle of the table made it hard to see her.
"Where did the bouquet come from?" I asked.
"Oh, your father went to the florist this morning. I guess he’s in the same kinda mood as me," she said happily. They were a bunch of daisies and roses of many shades in a clear glass vase.
"That was sweet of him. With all these guys being so nice, you'd think it was Valentine's Day," I laughed.
"Yep, I'm surprised there doing anything when they are not obligated to," she smirked.
"Exactly, Devin has actually been really nice to me this morning," I agreed
"So, did you guys figure out what you are doing for your date?" Mom asked me.
"Yea, he’s going to pick me up soon and then were going to the park to walk around. For lunch, he is going to take me to a restaurant. Though I don't know where," I explained.
"That sounds like a good idea. It's very nice out today," she said. I forked a piece of biscuit and shoved it in my mouth. Then I heard a horn from outside.
I looked out the window and saw Devin's red truck. I smiled and said, "There he is now, bye Mom, thanks for the breakfast."
"No problem Avery," she assured. I went to the window and held up a finger to say I needed a minute. I went to put my black sandals on, and I grabbed my leather purse. I skipped outside and smiled at him being silly. Getting in the truck, I saw he was wearing the black collared shirt I gave him for his birthday.
"Sweetie, you're wearing the shirt I got you!" I exclaimed, giggling.
"Mhmm, I thought you'd like that," he said. I leaned over the seat and hugged him. He put the truck in drive and started down the road. It definitely wasn't raining yet, because there were white fluffy clouds in the sky and the sun was shining. I could see a breeze as the trees waved a bit. As we came to a stop sign, passing McDonald's, I saw Mark and Lawrence.
"Hey, look, your friends are over there," I told him.
"Oh yea, I see them. Let's go say hi real quick," he said, pulling into the McDonald's parking lot.
"Hey Devin!" Mark waved. The vehicle rolled to a halt and Devin climbed out onto the gravel to join his friends. Lawrence, wearing a leather jacket didn't say much because he was too busy smoking.
I got out and walked over next to Devin. I noticed that the dumpster by his truck was overflowing. I scrunched my nose and looked back at the ground. I decided pebbles were nicer to look at.
"What are you guys doing here?" Devin wondered.
"We're on our way to work, so we decided to meet up here for some breakfast," Mark explained.
Devin nodded his head and said, "Ah, I see. I was just about to take Avery out on a date." Devin of course didn't want to explain where we were going, because he probably would have been embarrassed a little. With it being romantic and all.
"That's cool man. Well we've had an interesting day. Me and Lawrence here talked to some hot chicks yesterday. And, I think we both got a date tonight with them. Isn't that awesome, man? Were gonna double, " Mark told Devin and gave him a creepy grin. Lawrence motioned Devin to come over. He whispered something to Devin then blew smoke out of his mouth, and I just raised my eyebrows. Devin said something back and then burst out laughing. Mark put an arm around Devin, and they both turned away from me. What the heck could he be telling Devin? They stayed over there for a while, giggling like school girls. They just had to take up my time with Devin. I walked back over to the truck and got in, slamming the door. Lawrence looked up at me and I saw him try to stifle a laugh. I frowned at him and turned the radio on. Cranking the sound up, I leaned back, closing my eyes Why do they think they can just shun me out? After a while, I heard someone get in next to me. I creaked open one eye and saw Devin staring at me. Shutting my eye, I turned towards the window, away from Devin.
"Oh come on! They were just telling me some jokes about those girls they met earlier!" He said in a pleading voice. I didn't acknowledge him at all, but I could feel his gaze on me every few seconds as he drove.
I sat back up, looking at him, I said, “I don't want this to ruin our whole day. Though, you did hurt my feelings by completely leaving me out."
"I know, and I'm sorry baby," Devin apologized.
"You say sorry a lot you know," I said.
"Yea, because I screw up so much. I just forget things," he told me. Sighing, I gave him a weak smile.
"Sweetie.... It's OK. I forgive you," I confirmed. I gave him a soft kiss on his cheek and he grinned. "So, what are we going to do at the park?" I questioned.
"Be together," is all he said. I just nodded my head at his simple statement. The truck pulled up into an angled spot in the parking lot. I could smell the freshly mowed grass. I inhaled and closed my eyes in relaxation. I saw a couple of dogs chasing each other by the stone fountain. I jumped out of the truck and stepped in a puddle. Running around to the other side, I surprised Devin with a big hug and a peck on the lips. He held me tight and I heard him breathe in deeply.
"Are you smelling my hair?" I giggled.
"Um... No!" he laughed. We then just walked out into the park and started on a trail. The one we picked would take us through the woods and past the lake. I stared up at the leaves and gave a relaxed sigh.
"Oh my goodness!" Devin exclaimed, staring at me with wide eyes. I ran a hand through my hair like a maniac, thinking there was a bug in it.
"There's nothing in your hair. That's not it."
"Well what then?" I questioned in a frightened tone.
"YOU... you, are relaxing!" he said with a smirk. I shoved him playfully and shook my head. Since we were having such a great time, I didn't want to tell him how I was feeling. My legs were killing me, and I knew that my knees were swollen. So, I just played along, trying to be happy.
"Shut up! You are so mean!" I laughed. He reached over, wrapping his arm around me, and pulled me close.
Devin kissed my head and said, "I love you so much sweetie. I don't know what I'd do without you." He looked at me as if he really meant it, and it made me smile.
The trail was starting to get cluttered with weeds and branches as we went on. I looked up at him and then gave him a quick kiss. Somehow, after that, all I saw was dirt. Turns out, the ground doesn’t taste that good.
"Avery! Are you alright?" Devin asked in a somewhat concerned voice.
"Rea lim el ight," I mumbled. He grabbed my arms and pulled me up.
"You are just so clumsy, I guess I'll have to carry you to the lake," Devin insisted. I fixed my hair and brushed off my clothes.
"Oh come on! I'm fine!" I told him.
"Maybe now, but what about next time? You could have sprained your ankle," he said. Sometimes, he's just so motherly. I sighed as he grabbed me and carried me like my legs were broken. I guess, in a way, it was romantic. He was trying to be anyway, so I might as well take advantage of it. My long hair fell over his arms and my feet dangled in the air.
I looked down the trail, and the lake was in sight. There were little waves washing up on the muddy sand from the wind. Rings were forming here and there in the water from fish swimming about, catching insects. A Weeping Willow swayed over the sand and into the lake. The shade from it was perfect, so he brought me over and we sat down in the dry grass just a few feet from the beach. I leaned back, lied on the grass, and gazed up at the willow's amazing shape. Devin fell back also and grasped my hand.
"It's beautiful here, So peaceful," Devin sighed.
"I agree, Um, Devin?"
"Yes babe?" he answered.
"I have a question... but, I don't want to weird you out or anything," I said sheepishly.
"Avery, what possibly could you say that would do that? We've been together so long!" he said.
I took a deep breath and said, "Well, you know how I've been trying to decide on my plans as to where to live?"
"Mhmm...," he agreed and smiled like he knew where this was going.
"I thought that we could stay together in an apartment, and split the rent. It would make things easier money wise. Plus, I don't have any friends that aren't going to live in a dorm. I don't want to live in one of those, because I might get stuck with a...," I rambled off but Devin shushed me.
"Sweetie, that would be perfect," he said looking right at me. He brushed my hair aside and stroked my cheek with his fingertips. "Why do you have to be so worried? How could I have turned that down? I just love you so much."
"I love you too.” I leaned over and hugged him the best I could manage while lying in the grass. We lied there for some time and just enjoyed the quiet atmosphere. We kissed a few times and he admitted he was tired, so we decided to head off to the restaurant. "I'm pretty excited now about us living together," I said as we were walking back down the trail.
"I am too, I'm just wondering what our parents will think of it," he said, thinking.
"What can they say?" I asked. "We are 18, we are adults legally."
"Well yes, but they'll worry I'll get you pregnant or something," he told me, frowning. My eyes widened at his statement, and I thought about it.
"We've been together a while though, and we've proved ourselves responsible. They can't control us forever," I said with a little frustration.
"I guess so. I really would like too. We'd get to fall asleep side by side every day. It'd be soo nice," he said thoughtfully. "I promise you I won't give our parents a reason to worry." I looked at him with big eyes and kissed him slow and sweet. I lied my head on his shoulder as I hugged him. After a while, we started walking again and finally got back to his truck. I climbed in and propped my feet up on the dash.
"If you can do it in my car, I can in yours," I said with a devious smile.
"Avery, Avery, Avery... Always got to get me back, don'tcha? Hmmm?" he asked.
"Yep, sure do!" I laughed. "So, where are we going?"
"You... Will just have to find out," he said. I crossed my arms and pretended to be all irritated. Devin just laughed. I saw a plaza with a few restaurants that he was driving towards. There was a Chinese buffet, a Logan's Steakhouse, and a Pizza Hut. I was hoping so badly we'd go to Logan's. As if he could read my mind, he pulled up in front of the steakhouse. "Will this be okay?" he asked.
"Yep, this place is my favorite," I said. I could already smell the fresh rolls inside. I heard the radio playing on some speakers around the outside as we walked along the sidewalk. Devin held open the tall wooden door for me as I stepped inside. There was a glossy dark wooden counter, with a giant barrel of peanuts next to it with a metal scoop on top. I smirked at all the peanuts, as I heard my feet crush some shells that were scattered on the floor when I walked to the counter. There was a waitress standing there, anticipating us.
"Hi! How are you today?" the waitress asked.
"We're good, thank you. Table in the corner for two?" Devin suggested to her.
"Yea, sure thing!" She said in her fake enthusiastic voice. She seemed tired, overworked. There were dark circles under her eyes, where her honey brown hair fell in wisps. She was pretty though, and her name tag said her name was Anilee.
We followed her to our table, the one Devin asked for. She lied out the menus, one on each side. The table was rectangular, and yet again made out of wood. The seats were made out of red pleather, and the backs were tall. I seated myself across from Devin. "What can I get you guys to drink?" Anilee asked.
"I'll have a water with a lemon, please," I told her.
"Alright, and you?" she questioned Devin.
"How about a Cherry Coke?" he said.
"Okay, I'll be back soon," she said. She wandered off, and I watched the way she walked. It was odd. She seemed to slink, and slide around the room without a sound. I blinked and looked away, still with a confused look on my face. Devin stared at me, concerned.
"Avery, what is it?" he asked.
"I don't really know, just something strange about our waitress," I tried to explain.
"Well, I could tell she seemed wiped," he shrugged.
"Yea, I don't know, never mind," I said.
"So what are you going to order?" Devin asked.
"I don't know, maybe an appetizer," I sighed. The thing was, whenever we went out to eat together, I never knew what to get. Devin usually figured it out for me, since he knows what I like. He's a lot less indecisive than me. I looked at him and pursed my lips, as if I was pondering it. Though I was really just waiting for him to help me.
"Are you having a hard time deciding again?" Devin mocked. I rolled my eyes, and noticed that the light coming in from the shades along the wall had gotten dimmer. I scrunched my eyebrows, wondering if it would rain. The forecast had said there could be a chance of a gloomy day.
"Did you notice how it seems to be getting darker outside?
"Yeah, I noticed when I saw you staring at something," he said, quirking an eyebrow.
"I was looking at the windows," I explained.
"Um..., yeah, and it is totally coincidental that there is a table of young guys in tight shirts in the same direction?" he laughed. I just gave him an annoyed stare as he chuckled. I looked back at the menu, skimming the side platters.
Devin finally caught his breath and asked, "You want some help?" That's what I've been waiting for.
"Um, sure," I said nonchalantly.
"How about we split one of these appetizer plates that has like 3 different kinds of sides on it?" he suggested.
"That sounds good, what should we get?" I questioned.
"There's hot wings, mashed potatoes, shrimp, onion rings, chicken strips, and fried mushrooms," he added.
"I'll pick the onion rings, and you pick the other two." I said.
"Alright, how about hot wings and shrimp?" he picked.
"Sure, now what for dessert?" I asked.
"You... must decide that sweetie" he said with a sly grin. What the heck is that about?
"Um...," I stammered and avoided his gaze by looking back at the menu. I've decided that Devin got a little too much sun. I thought this was quite funny, and I smirked to myself. I scanned the choices for something chocolaty. There was this delicious looking fudge cake with ice cream, so I pointed at it to show Devin.
"Hmmm," he pondered and nodded, still being creepy. It was like this dessert thing was a choice that would determine our fates. I waved at our waitress that we were ready. Anilee came back over, still pretending to be peppy, even though I knew something else was on her mind. She set down our drinks and looked at us expectantly. Devin ordered for us, and Anilee smiled before she took off. I took a deep breath, calming myself. "What is it sweetie?" he asked, concerned.
"I don't know, I just don't feel right. Maybe it's the weather," I suggested.
"Yea, it is getting pretty dreary out," he agreed.
"At least it's like that now, and not while we were at the park," I said, optimistically. Devin took a swig of his soda, looking at me at the same time with sad eyes. It was pretty cute. I laughed a little, and then stuck out a fake pouty lip.
"Sweetheart, you can't be sad on our date," he frowned.
"I'm sorry Devin. I've been having a fun time though," I told him. I started to hear the sound of water on the windows. Sure enough, the weatherman was right. I sighed, because the rain was bringing me down.
Our food came after my stomach growled at me for the fourth time. Everything was delicious, and I was still wondering during every bite what was so special about my dessert. The waitress took our empty plates, and Devin looked over at me with an expecting grin. I squinted my eyes at him as though I was getting aggravated. Anilee brought over my fudge cake, and it had sparklers stuck in it with "Congratulations!" written in white icing. She lit the sparklers and I smiled, because this was a nice surprise from Devin.
"Awww! This is so nice babe!," I exclaimed. He just kept on smiling, with his lips and his eyes. Anilee left us, while I watched as the sparklers fizzled out.
Devin clapped and said, "Your eyes looked so beautiful in the sparklers light." I leaned over the table, watching out for the cake, and kissed him. Devin pulled out the sparklers, and handed me a fork. The cake looked so perfect sitting there on the plate, I almost didn't want to eat it. My taste buds won over me though, and I took a bite. The combination of the ice cream, chocolate syrup, and the cake itself was amazing. I chewed extra slow, closing my eyes. "Let me guess, its a chocolate wonderland in your mouth?" He joked.
"Maybe...," I confessed.
"Can I have some....?" he asked.
"I'm not so sure," I said sarcastically. Devin grabbed a fork and got a piece on his fork. He slowly started to put it in his mouth, as if it was a huge deal. I quirked an eyebrow at him. He finally took a bite, and I stole his fork. I giggled and held it up in the air. Devin laughed, still with food in his mouth. He almost choked on the cake, and started coughing. Which, just made me laugh even more. It went on like that till the cake was finished. We just couldn't be mature for even one date. We left and jumped in the truck. My legs squeaked on the seats, because of the rain. My clothes were soaked, and my hair was frizzing out.
"So, what movie are we going to see?" Devin asked.
"Oh I don't know, let's figure it out once we get there," I suggested. We got to the theatre and decided to see something romantic. Devin bought me some gummy bears and popcorn. We got into the theatre, as pretty much the only ones there. We sat in the back, and I leaned my head on his shoulder. The movie went on for a while, making me sleepy. When it was over, it was actually starting to get late. I looked at the clock on my cell with the dim light reflecting onto my face. It was 5:00 already. We walked slowly out to the parking lot because I felt really tired even though it was still raining a little. Yawning, Devin started the engine. This of course, made me yawn as well, just like it always does.
"Well, I think I'm going to take a nap, if that's alright with you," I offered.
"Yea sure, sweetie," he allowed. So, I dozed off as Devin drove me home.

Chapter 3)
(Devin's perspective)

I woke up feeling water hitting my face and pain in every muscle of my body. My eyes were blurry, so I couldn't make out where I was. I rubbed my eyes, and felt blood on my fingertips. I gasped, and my eyes finally came into focus. I was in my truck, the glass was shattered, and I was in a ditch. Oh god no! This has to be a dream! I looked to my right, and saw Avery lying in the seat with cuts in her face. One of her legs was twisted a way it shouldn't be, and her face was covered in blood. My mind filled with shock, and I didn't know if I should touch her. I pulled my cell out of my pocket and dialed 911. I explained the situation, ordering an ambulance. As soon as I hung up, my eyes blurred again from tears. I couldn't even believe what was happening, and I didn't know if Avery was even still alive. After a while, the ambulance arrived. They checked to see if Avery still had a pulse, and then they loaded her onto a stretcher.
"Wait, is she going to be alright?" I asked in a shaking voice.
"Well, she's still alive. That's the good news," He explained. A nurse came over to me and started tending to my wounds. Then she told me to get into the ambulance with Avery. My brain went out of focus the whole ride to the hospital. My thoughts were screaming in my head, demeaning me. This was all my fault. I felt like bursting out and crying, but I just couldn't. Not now, not while people were around me. I had to be strong, I just had to get through this. I limped through the hospital as the nurse directed me to our room. Two other nurses wheeled Avery on her stretcher and carefully placed her on the bed. She was unconscious, with bruises, cuts, and a broken leg. We had gotten lucky. We both could have died in the accident. If I just hadn't fallen asleep at the wheel, we would both be at our homes by now. I used Avery's cell to call her parents, and her mom instantly started crying. They hung up on me, knowing it was my fault. A nurse came to take Avery for an x-ray on her leg, to see how much damage there really was. By then, Avery's parents, and my mom were there in the waiting room. I went out and hugged my mom. Her eyes were bloodshot from crying. She asked me some questions about how Avery was, then I went back into our room. I sat there on the hospital bed for about a half hour. I watched the black and white clock on the wall the whole time. I didn't even think about watching T.V., I didn't think hardly at all. When the nurse brought Avery back, she was in a wheel chair. Avery looked at me and smiled.
"Avery! You're awake!" I exclaimed. It felt like my heart had just stopped beating, because I had been so worried about her. I hadn't known when she'd be conscious again...
"Yes, sweetie. If you are careful, I'd like a hug," she suggested.
"Of course," I whispered. I gingerly put my arms around her, noticing all the tiny stitches on her face. The nurse helped her up on the bed and she lied down. The part of her leg that was sticking out of her gown was swollen and red. The nurse left, after asking if Avery wanted anything to eat. "Do you know?" I wondered.
"The nurse told me everything babe. I'm not mad at you or anything," she told me.
"Well you should be....," I stammered.
"I can't be mad at you. You know that," she said sweetly. I hung my head and stared at the floor, feeling shame. "Though, I was really shocked when I woke up, and everything hurt. I wished you would have told me you were so tired. I would have stayed awake, and none of this would have happened.
"I feel terrible....", I said weakly. I turned away, even though I heard her try to get my attention many times.
After a while, a doctor came in to set Avery's leg in a cast. He was pretty old, and any hair that was left was gray. He wore old style glasses with brass rims.
"Hello, my name is Dr. Fidelie. How are you?" He asked Avery.
"I'm sore, and I’m not unconscious anymore," she giggled.
"That's good, and you?" he looked at me.
"I'm doing just fine," I said through gritted teeth. The doctor looked through his papers quickly.
Avery scrunched her eyebrows together, looking confused.
"Well, I'm sure you both will know more very soon. Avery, I'm not going to set your cast just yet. I'm going to have a word with your parents. I'll be right back," the doctor excused himself.
He left the room, and when the door finally shut, I was startled. I looked over at Avery, and then at her legs. We didn't speak until Dr. Fidelie came back, and Avery's parents came too. "You see, Avery is in a very critical condition. Can I tell her, Mrs. White?" the Doctor questioned in a hushed tone. She nodded through tears. He looked over at Avery, and he let out a shallow breath. "Avery, I'm sorry, but you have bone cancer," Dr. Fidelie added. She covered her face with her hands and started murmuring something. "You are going to have to speak up honey, " he said.
"I always knew something was wrong...," she explained. Avery rolled over and covered her face with the white pillow. A thousand thoughts raced through my head, all negative suggestions about what could happen. "How much longer do I have?" Avery mumbled.
"Well, we will need to run more tests to see exactly how far along it is. Though, by what I've seen, I don't think you will recover. I apologize miss, " Dr. Fidelie said. Mrs. White turned around and buried her face in her husband’s shirt. He stroked her short blond hair and frowned. I slouched and stared at my black shoes. I didn't know what to say or do. I felt helpless. "The good news is that if you hadn't gotten that x-ray, we wouldn't even have known. So, if you hadn't been treated for much longer, it just would have gotten worse faster," the doctor confessed. Avery, lying there in her gown, looked pale and sickly. The hospital sheets against her skin were too good of a comparison. The whole scene was just gruesome. The rest of us, just standing there, with feelings of fright and melancholy. As I look back on this moment, I don't think I've ever felt so many terrible emotions at once. I felt hatred for myself, shame, depression, i was shocked, and frightened. I was on the edge of standing up and screaming to try to let it out. Though, I knew that I couldn't do that. I just couldn't believe that my love, the girl that I was planning on marrying, was going to die. She might have a while left, but I wasn't sure at the time. I wished that I could do something, anything that could help her. I left the room, feeling awkward with her family there. I walked through the rest of the hospital, dodging glances from nurses. It felt like they all knew, all knew that I had gotten Avery hurt. All of them knew that she was going to die. I finally came to the doors, and it was still pouring outside. It was so dark. I couldn't even see past the overhang where you let out patients. Since obviously I didn't have my truck, I texted my mom to come from inside so we could go.

We drove home in silence, not even the radio was on. Just the windshield wipers shoving the rain away. When we pulled into the driveway, I got out and went right inside. Feeling tears in my eyes again, I went into the bathroom. I heard my mom call from her room saying that she was turning in for the night. I flipped on the bright florescent lights, hurting my eyes. I looked at my pale face in the mirror. My eyes were bloodshot, and I had small band aids that the nurses must have put on me. I didn't even notice them before. They weren't important, nothing was important at that point, except for Avery. I just kept picturing her lying there on the hospital bed. My heart felt empty, I felt like a shell. The last few hours didn't even seem real. It was as if I had been watching a movie, or I was having a dream. I knew it couldn't be though, if it was, it'd be a nightmare.

I left the house, to walk the streets. I knew that I couldn't sleep anyway. It had stopped raining finally, but there were puddles everywhere. The streets were slick, and I was sure that soon my shoes would be soaked. There was a breeze, which made the hairs on my neck stand up. The trees were dark looking, and they moved in a creepy way. Silently swaying in the wind as though they had secrets. No one else was out, and all lights had been turned off, except the street lights. I thought of a lot of things, such as running away and leaving everything behind. My mind then seemed to be in a dormant state, only controlling my legs to keep walking. I started to go into the woods, where there was no light. It felt like the right thing to do at that moment, to be away from civilization. To be away from everyone. I wanted to spend time with Avery, but I didn't want to see her lying in the hospital. So, I just couldn't go back for a while. Trudging through the leaves and branches, I noticed a crouched person on the ground. He was wearing a dark cloak that drug, and covered his head. I was still a while away from him, but I was sure that he could hear me. I felt a spike of fear for a moment, then I relaxed, realizing that my life was practically over anyway. I still had my mother, and a few friends. Though, now that Avery was going to die, I knew that my life wouldn't ever be the same. It would never feel right to move on from that. Her parents weren't going to either, I was sure of it. So, if this suspicious man was planning on hurting me, I wasn't really worried. Then I thought, that me mysteriously disappearing would tear my mother apart, so I decided to be careful. I turned another way, hoping he wouldn't look up. As I just started to reach a point out of his sight, I closed my eyes in relief and blew out some air. I thought that he must have been sleeping, or just hadn't cared. I opened my eyes, and fell over in surprise. The man was looming over me.

Chapter 4)

I staggered back on my hands and tried to jump up to run, but I tripped on some roots of a nearby tree. He was right in front of me again, grabbing my arms and holding me to the ground. I knew that if I yelled that no one would help me, so I just glared at him. A few minutes passed, and he still hadn't done anything. What was he doing?
I am searching your thoughts," the man answered inside my head. I gasped, and I was dizzy all of a sudden.
"What do you want from me,?!" I yelled in his face. The man kept holding my arms tightly and sat me up. Moving his arms in a figure eight, a type of energy formed around my hands. They looked like hand cuffs made out of lightning.
"I want you to become a Shadrine," he said calmly.
"A what...???"
"Silence, I will explain. My name is Clemel, and I have been around for centuries. I am a Shadrine, as I want you to be. You see, Shadows are not just areas without light. They are beings without shape. They have wicked powers, but can only use them to a certain extent. That is why the Shadrines were created. The Shadows needed beings to fight for them. The Entities of Light have been at war with the Shadows, and winning. The light forces decided that they wanted to completely take over, that darkness wasn't important. They think that the world needs purity. Though, we aren't exactly evil, we just create balance. Us Shadrines are either created or born to help create that balance. We are not human, only partially. Lately our side has been low on numbers, and we have been sent out to find humans that are capable," Clemel said without a trace of emotion. I stared at him wide-eyed, trying to take this all in. I didn't understand why he was telling me these things, or why he wanted me to help.
"So...," I started, then he cut me off.
"You are destined to become one of us. You have Shadrine blood in you, making you strong enough to complete a transformation," Clemel finished.
"Who says I want to help, or become one of your kind?" I said bluntly.
"Oh, I'm sure you will want to. I'm sure Avery would want you to," he smirked.
"How??? Avery? You know her?" I spat.
"No, I don't know her. Though, your memories tell me much. I can just picture her lying there, in that hospital bed...," Clemel trailed off.
"Would you quit asking so many questions? I would explain if only you'd shut up," he grunted. "If you let me change you, I have the power to help her. Every Shadrine has different powers, and I happen to have healing as one of them," Clemel explained.
"So is messing with people's minds," I murmured.
"I didn't know you noticed," he said with sarcasm.
"So, you'll help her? She won't die?" I questioned with a Little gaining hope.
"She will, but not prematurely, as she would have. I don't have the power to grant her immortality. Though you will be immortal if I change you," he told me.
"What powers will I end up with?" I asked.
"That cannot be foretold, it will be something you will experience on your own," Clemel made clear. I looked at him with disbelieving eyes.
"How do I know you aren't just going to kill me?" I asked.
"So many questions.... That wouldn't make sense. I would have killed you already. Why would I explain this all to you?" He said with annoyance in his tone.
"If I let you change me, what is in it for you?" I questioned.
"Well, just a few tiny things. You know, the usual..... You will have to help us in battle when you are needed. Plus, you could die," Clemel joked.
"Um....," I didn't know what to say. Was Avery really worth this? I did almost kill her. I owe her, and she is my love. "Alright, I'll help you, if only you promise to help me," I agreed.
"You have my word. A Shadrine cannot break an oath. You will soon learn that," Clemel promised.
"What else will I have to learn?"
"I cannot reveal those secrets till you have finished your transformation. You will be taught everything in our fortress as soon as you change. Humans or ones in transformation aren't able to step foot there. So you must wait," he explained.
"Basically, you are going to change me, then leave me to figure out everything???" I asked, looking at him with judging eyes. This was all so hard to understand. I didn't even know this things existed. Now, I'm supposed to become one?
"Well, yes, until the transformation is complete. Then, I will find you again," he answered.
Clemel put his hand on my forehead, which was quite odd. I felt a tingling, like a small headache. Then there was a massive pain, and my vision went blurry. The trees above me looked like mush, and Clemel didn't look real anymore. He lifted his hand, though the pain stayed. He jumped up and vanished. I sat there, open-eyed. I didn't know what to do next. I was clueless. I thought about the past few days, how all this could happen so quickly. It was if I was living a different life. I tried to imagine Avery lying there in the hospital, and suddenly I was nauseous.

Apparently, I had passed out, and I didn't wake up for a few hours. Everything felt like a dream, but I knew it was real from the odd pain in my head. There was a burning pain on my right arm. I rolled up my sleeve, and sure enough, there was a burned insignia of something there. The cold air on the wound made it sting. I rolled my sleeve back down. I have been marked. I am a Shadrine. I will gain extreme power. I got up, staggering, to get back home.

Chapter 5)
As soon as I got home, I went in to check on my mother. she was sleeping, looking peaceful. I sat down on the edge of the bed, and she opened her eyes. She glared at me, then softened.
"You didn't tell me where you were going...." she acknowledged.
"I know, I'm sorry about that,” I apologized. She closed her eyes back, generally saying, that she was still tired.
I walked back to my room, to get on my laptop. I needed to research what was happening to me. I typed in the search bar, "Shadrins". "Did you mean Shadrines?" popped up at the top. I scrolled through, and not much looked very useful. I finally found a website on "World Myths or True Facts?" and it seemed promising. On the left there were different topics, I clicked on a topic called "The Shadow People".
A black insignia popped up at the top of the page, looking quite like the one on my arm. I rolled down my sleeve, and held it up to the screen to compare. They were similar, but mine was different. The words of Clemel popped back into my head about every Shadrine having different powers of their own. That must be why.... I read the whole article, and everything I read seemed like it matched pretty close to Clemel's story. It even stated the Shadrines have been at war with the Light Entities for a very long time. Clemel was real, it all was real. I wished it wasn't.

I stared at the screen for a while, wondering when my powers would start developing. I decided to call the hospital to talk to Avery. I was transferred over to her room, and then the phone started ringing.
"H-Hello???" a small voice said. It didn't sound like Avery, it sounded like a little kid.
"Is Avery there?" I asked.
"Yes, and this is her mother," her voice grew stronger as if embarrassed of her childish tone.
"This is Devin... can I talk to her?" I questioned softly. I felt bad that she must have been crying again. So, I tried to sound extra sensitive.
"Yea, sure Devin," she answered, now understanding.
"Hi Devin," Avery said with a spurt of happiness in her voice. Oh, how I longed to hear her voice. I tried not to picture the tubes and needles that she was probably hooked up to.
"How are ya doing?" I wondered.
"Better actually, and I found an odd note on my desk this morning. It said "Your Welcome -C"," Avery explained. CLEMEL! He must have already healed her... I didn't think he'd come through on that for a while, let alone within the next day. I was very grateful. She even said she was doing better.
"Oh wow, that's interesting. I'm glad your feeling better though," I told her sweetly.
"I'm really tired," she said through a yawn.
"Should I let you go?" I asked.
"Yea, I need to sleep. Come see me sometime soon?" She asked. I could practically picture the big eyes on her face begging me.
"I love you Ava," I told her.
"Love yoouuu," she replied. I hung up the phone and smiled. Maybe all this was worth it. I grabbed up a tennis ball and bounced it off the wall. It can back and stopped in mid-air. What the????..... It stayed there, and I stared at it wide-eyed. Then, it fell.
I threw it again, but it came back normally this time. Maybe one of my powers was moving objects with my mind? This is all so confusing. I felt exhausted all of a sudden, and I curled up in my bed.

I woke up at 4:00pm feeling really hungry. I walked into our little kitchen gazing around for something to eat. I opened the fridge, and there wasn't much in there. Just a few packs of old lunch meat in the top drawer. I went over to our basket of fruit to get an apple. I decided to try out my mystery power again. I picked up a Golden Delicious, threw it in the air, and stared intensely at it before I caught it. It stopped falling, floating right in front of my face. It was if I was watching a movie, and had hit pause.
The apple shined in the glow from the window. I kept my eyes on it, walking around it in a circle, trying to find the trick. I picked up another one, and threw it. It knocked into some decorations that started to fall, like the glass figures my mom collected. They instantly stopped moving before they even were a couple inches from their shelf. I stared for a couple minutes finally realizing, that I had the power to stop time. I stared at the apple again, which was a mistake, because everything fell to the ground. Glass splattered the floor as if it was liquid. I sighed, knowing I had to sweep it all up. Then, I thought for a minute, that maybe I could rewind time too. I made a counterclockwise motion with my hand instinctively, and everything flew back to its own place. Even the apples were back in their basket next to the shiny metal toaster.
My head started throbbing. It seemed like every time I used my powers, there was a side-effect. Does this mean I could rewind time back to before the crash? I bet I could with practice. Avery would still be sick, wouldn't she? None of that would make a difference. I grabbed a new apple and took a bite. The crunch seemed to break the extreme silence. I want to know what other kinds of things I can do.... I knew that Clemel had a few different powers, not just one. His all seemed to be associated with soul and mind. Could that be a coincidence? Maybe mine were all in a group too. I guess I'll just have to experiment.


She sprinted, gaining speed then lept, somewhat flying. Turning into what the humans couldn't see. The light was behind her, and her figure flashed back and forth. She was weakened, knowing that there were too many. They kept pace all silently laughing, loving what would soon happen. Their robes danced, in a blinding white. Faces couldn't be seen, their hoods concealed them. Blood stained their long sleeves, probably from the last kill. They picked the Shadrines off one by one when they were alone. It was their strategy. They feel superior, and that only they should exist. To them, they can keep the balance themselves,darkness is not needed. The Shadrine turned around and dark energy flew from her hands. It took away her focus, but two entities were shot down.
. They writhed on the ground from pain. It wasn't lethal, but they were wounded. She knew that her actions had just angered the other three that much more. One took off his hood, revealing his shimmering white hair. He became only light, making strong, fierce heat come from him. The Shadrine cursed, feeling herself burn. She spotted a cave off to the side of the ocean. They knew her intentions, so they all started firing lightning down toward the cave. Finally, she had found a completely dark area. The Light Entities could not follow her. She fell to the ground of the inside, panting. She could see perfectly, and some of her power came back to her."How could this have come to the Shadrines? Hiding out in caves? Afraid to move, or even do our part in our existence," she thought to herself. She didn't even know how many were left, or even if her King Alanus still ruled. Her clan had all been killed. Leona was the only one left. She was one of the strongest of her clan, which hints at her survival.
"Maybe there was someone out there that was strong enough to watch over and create new Shadrines," she wondered.
She knew that come nightfall, she needed to take off. Leona was going to search for others. It was the only way she would live.

Mabel walked in front of Alanus, thinking.
"I heard that Clemel has found a boy named Devin. Am I correct?" Mabel wondered.
"Yes, he's 18. Not that terrible of an age, but I wished for more experienced potential," Alanus answered. Mabel collapsed on one of the couches, sinking into the leather. The silk camisole that she wore glittered in the few rays of light from the window. A fireplace was just in front of the couch, just sitting there. It wasn't lit, it hardly ever was.
"What do you mean by experienced?" Mabel asked. She looked at him inquisitively.
"Some one older," Alanus explained. Mabel shook her black hair out of her eyes, and scrunched her nose.
"Don't you think that training them young is a good thing? I mean, you don't want some out of shape middle-aged man, do you?" she laughed.
Alanus sat on the arm the couch, crossing his legs. He looked out the window, trying not to let the light bother him. Mabel let the shadows envelope her, looking like a cloud of black smoke. Huge green slitted eyes appeared through the shadows. The eyes stared at Alanus, as if anticipating something.
"Mabel, why do you always have to use your powers immaturely?" he sighed. The smoke moved closer, right up next to him. "I will rip out those eyes of yours!" he threatened. A loud unsatisfied grunt came from the smoke, as it evaporated. There Mabel was, sitting with her arms crossed on the couch. Pouting, as if she was a little girl. "You do understand that every time you do that it weakens you? Now you are going to have to wait until you regain your strength," Alanus told her.
"I don't care... there's nothing going on right now. Plus, I'm so bored," she wined. The fireplace ignited, large flames bursting and curling over the sides of the bricks. The flames were a bright red, with blue mixed in at the bottom. Abe sauntered in chuckling, with a crooked grin on his face.
"Is that enough of a trick to help with your boredom, my dear?" Abe asked. Alanus glanced at the flames a moment, putting them out. Left at the base of the fireplace was some incenerated wood.
"Oh, come on lany!" she exclaimed.
"Don't call me that, it is disrespectful. Don't make me suspend both of your powers. I am not reluctant," he warned. Mabel cringed, and rubbed her scar on her arm. Her dark eyes shifted, knowing what it would feel like to be powerless once again. "That's what I thought," Alanus said.
"Has anyone seen Clemel?" Abraham questioned.
"I'm pretty sure that he's checking on the boy," Alanus answered.
I went outside, walking through the soft grass taking in the smell of summer. I started swinging on our tree swing, trying to be happy. It seemed that the world hadn't changed though all of these terrible things were happening. The world went on, no matter who died. The trees still grew beautifully, and the clouds still blew through the sky. It all made me feel like a single speck as if I was nothing in this world. Apparently to Clemel, I was something of great importance. Becoming one of him, fighting in a war I never knew existed. They must think that humans are incredibly oblivious. All these things go on around them, and they worry about if they'll have anything to watch on T.V. tonight. I guess I can't say much, because only recently have my eyes been opened. Now I'm wondering what other creatures exist. If everything I've ever heard of could be lingering right before my eyes. I bet to them, humans are the creatures that get in the way. They just destroy forests, kill animals, and pollute everything around us. I had an odd feeling that someone was watching me. My mind felt like it was being pried open, and I just rolled my eyes.
"Clemel, leave my thoughts alone," I sighed with frustration. He appeared as if from the air, right in front of me.
"That would ruin the fun," he said jokingly. He rolled his neck, cracking the vertebrae.
"You can't just go around digging in peoples brains," I snapped.
"Oh, I can do as I please. Just as you can manipulate the fabrics of time," Clemel hissed. I felt violated, because this guy knew everything about me without me even telling him.
"I would say that is a better power than yours," I raised my eyebrows at him. He took a seat in the grass, and I was glad my mother was gone for work. It would be odd if she saw a creepy looking man in a robe was sitting on our lawn talking to me.
"Now, Now, this isn't a competition. This is a war, and I am not your enemy. If you had the power I did, wouldn't you be interested in a Shadling's thoughts?" he teased.
"A Shadling?" I questioned with annoyance. Clemel had his usual scowl on his face, making me feel inferior. I'm sure he knew that it made me feel that way.
"That's what we call the new Shadrines. When you are just getting your powers, and your insignia still hurts on your arm. By the way, let me take a look at that," He explained with interest. I put my arm out, turning it to expose the burn. He pursed his lips, thinking about its meaning. "I've seen one similar to this in The Book of Shadows. That is a book for the history of Shadrines and their powers. It helps Shadlings learn to control their abilities faster. There was only one other controller of time that I can think of." I thought about that, gaining some confidence. Maybe that means I have a high scaled ability. I planted myself in the grass, looking up at the limbs of a tree.
"So, is it time to meet the other old people?"
Clemel waved his hand at me, as if shooing a fly. "You have not completed your transformation." He pretended not to notice my comment on his age, and closed his eyes. "Age entitles experience," he mumbled. I guess he did notice.

Avery's perspective

Had I been here a month? It seemed like I'd been here forever, and I couldn't take it much longer. I was tired of hospital food, and staring at the same channels on the T.V. mouted to the wall. Don't get me wrong, I love room service. They might bring it right to me, but it stopped tasting edible after the first few days. Other than being stuck here, I feel miraculously better. The doctors don't believe it, don't seem to understand that I've recovering.
They don't think it's possible after seeing me heading for my death bed. Well, take a look you "Gods of Medicine" as you think you all are. My legs don't hurt, the swelling is gone, and I can walk perfectly fine. A nurse even did the scheduled x-ray, and the cancer has receded remarkably. Those doctors must think I'm some kind of alien. They didn't treat me, so I shouldn't be getting better. Maybe it's just a work of God? Did any of them think of faith over science?

I miss Devin. I haven't heard from him in a while.

Chapter 6)

Today is the day. Clemel is going to take me with him to meet the others. I also get to start my training, to better my abilities. The mark on my arm is healed now. It looks just like a tattoo.


Publication Date: 06-23-2011

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