
“We love you princess always and forever more…” Those were the last words I ever heard for my boys. God I miss them so much!

My Caleb- medium brown hair, bright green eyes that held so much energy and excitement , a child at heart.

My Josh- black hair, crystal blue eyes that always had humor in their depths.

My Aidan – my twin brother, part of my soul, dark purple hair so dark it looked black, neon violet eyes that were always trusting and nice, kind of personality that you could tell anything to, spill out your soul and he would keep your secrets safe.

My Jesse- black hair, deep green eyes that always sparkled as he thought of new pranks to pull and jokes to share, so much hidden intelligence masked by his happy go lucky self.

My Zach- honey blonde hair with natural light brown lowlights, a mix between brown and yellow eyes so that they are a golden honey color. He was Mr. Perfect as we called him, always there to comfort you when you need it and keep you happy when you don’t.

They were all drop dead gorgeous. All had eight packs and were all Mr. Muscles. They were my best friends since birth always have been and always will be.

Joshy and Jesse were both BIG players. I was the only girl they cared about. Caleb was just to shy to date much. But he was such a sweetheart! Mr. Tall Dark and Mysterious (AKA Aiden) didn’t date either it was just he was waiting for the “one”, his mate. Zach dated just not as much as Josh or Jesse. I didn’t date, not because I didn’t want to it was because of these idiots were so dang over protective. The last boyfriend I had they scared him so bad he moved to a different country! I mean can you believe that. A freaking different COUNTRY! So therefore I didn’t date but I didn’t care I had my boys and they had me.

My name is Violet I look like Aidan but I’m a girl znd my hair goes to my waist and its really curly.

My boys left because of “Him”. “Him” being Christian. Because of him they left and haven’t come back yet. It’s been 6 months so far, the loneliest 6 months of my life.Christian is a vampire. (*GASP*) Yes you heard right a vampire, you don’t need hearing aids……yet. You see Christian wasn’t an ordinary vampire he was Prince Christian Heir to the vampire kingdom.

Well anyway Christian is in love with me. I turned him down because i didn’t like him and he was horrible to girls. Let’s say he took the news badly. He started to stalk me (*shivers*) and he was always calling me and texting me to go out with him. I had to get 3 different cellphones. Than he started demanding that I love him and wouldn’t admit it because of the boys.

So one night he kidnapped me and took me to a house. He said if he couldn’t have me than nobody would. That night I almost died twice. First Aidan could feel I was in trouble because he was my twin and came to save me. I f he didn’t get there when he did I know for a fact I would be dead. Christian didn’t like Aidan coming to ruin his plans so he almost killed Aidan.

I regret that I couldn’t save him and if the boys didn’t sow up right than than…I don’t know…I just don’t know what I would do.

The reason I said I almost died twice that night was because Aidan almost died. We all made a pact if one of us dies we all die together.

Christian ran off as soon as they boys arrived. 2 weeks after that happened the boys decided that they would track down Christian and kill him fro everything he put us through. I agreed because we wouldn’t get in trouble because werewolf’s killed vampires all the time. Like this one time…Okay back to werewolfs.

Well me and my boys are werewolfs. When I agreed I didn’t know that they would take this long o find him. I know they would leave but I miss them soo much. It doesn’t help that I had to move away and be in disguise . Remember what I said I looked like well as you can tell me and Aidan aren’t regular run of the mill werewolfs.

Our father was a werewolf and our mother a very very VERY powerful witch. I don’t know what element she controlled but I know she did control one. I just don’t know which one because she died when we were only 1 by no other than Christian. Aidan and me control an element. (can you guss which one? *hints the hair and eye color*) Well we control the power of love. I know not the best power but still very kool.

Our parents ruled the werewolf kingdom and so now Aidan and me do. All packs have their own Alpha but we have the final say in what there Alpha does or says. Like an overall Alpha. There is only one pack not under our control . Stubborn Idiots. There the Night pack.(Original right?! Note the sarcasm.) No really that’s the Alpha’s last name Night. I don’t know the first name because I never bothered to learn it. I havent’t even met the guy but he is really stubborn. I mean can’t he just swallow his pride and let us rule over them? I mean whats so hard in that?

Christian can’t find me because as I said im in disguise. Remember Witch here? So right now I look human. In this from my name is Alexis Indigo. I have long(middle back) medium brown hair, natural highlight/lowlights. Really dark deep blue eyes.

“Hey Lexi do you want skittles or m&m’s?” Mr roommate Samantha yells bringing me out of the past.

“SKITTLES!!” I yell back. I am seriously obsessed with skittles.

“Why do I even ask you always say skittles” Sami laughs.

I shrug my shoulders as she sits down next to me. We are having a girls night since for a couple of weeks her twin brother Samuel is coming to visit her so this is the last night we have to ourselves for a couple of weeks. I didn’t mind Sami’s brother coming I mean I grew up with 5 guys my whole life. I like more guys stuff than girl stuff. The funny thing was I was so used to living guys I was kinda surprised when my roommate was a girl.

I didn’t know how to act and talk around girls cause the only girls I have ever talked to were stuck up girl jealous of the fact that I had the 5 hottest guys as my bestfriends. The only girl I loved to hang out with was Secret a very famous Assasin. I know weird but she is one of my bestfriends beside the boys but I consider Samantha to be one to.

“Let’s watch Soul Surfer I heard its really good” I suggested.

“Yah sounds good” Sami replied. Halfway through the movie I pasted out.


I awoke to a happy Samantha talking to someone. Whoever she was talking to had the beautifulest voice I have ever heard. So not in the mood for company I got up and shut my bedroom door., locking it and went back to bed. This time I woke up to Samantha jumping on my bed.

“Wake up sleeping ugly my brothers been here for an hour and you my dear are being a bad host sleeping” She accused, wagging her finger at me while trying not to laugh.

I laughed at her choice in words getting up to go take a shower. I love showers that is where I can think alone. I left the hot water relax my muscles for a few more minutes before getting out.

I wrapped a towel around myself while I blow dried my hair. I looked in the mirror. I don’t look like me , I feel like an outsider I sighed.

I quickly dressed in some ripped dark blue skinny jeans ,a black tank top with a neon purple one over it, with a black hoody over my shirts ,some purple hightops, and no makeup. With one last look in the mirror I walked out of the bathroom. Time to meet Samantha’s Brother.

I walked out of my room to find handsomest man I ever seen in my life staring at me with his beautiful dark blue yes making me barley able to stand. His messy black hair that just barley reached his eyes. His eyes, Once I looked into them I felt there was only me and him.

“Mate, Mine” My wolf growled.

I just kept staring into his eyes unblinking. My brain couldn’t even process what my wolf said at the moment. I finally tore my eyes from his eyes to his lips. They look so kissable, I wonder what they are like to kiss? I was to absorbed by my thoughts of kissing him to hear Samantha speaking.

“Ok, fine don’t listen to me. I mean I was just trying to introduce you guys, you don’t have to go ignoring me.” Samanatha exclaimed.

I reluctantly stopped looking at the very and I mean very hot guy in front of me to look at Sami and knowledge what she was saying.

“Wait, What was that? I wasn’t paying attention”. I said looking down , feeling the heat rise up to my cheeks. I looked back up to see they unknown boy just smirking at me.

“As I was saying..” Sami looks right at me. “This is my twin brother Samuel.” Than she looks at her brother. “ And this is my bestfriend/ roommate Alexis.” She finishes.

I stare at him. He looks nothing and I mean nothing like his sister. Samantha has long curly blond hair and bright green that reminds me of Caleb’s. As Samuel has messy black hair and dark blue eyes that remind me of the ocean , mysterious , calm yet still dangerous. They must be fraternal twins as me and Aiden and me are identical twin beside the different genders.

Right than My phone starts playing New Boyfriend by Anna Margaret. That’s Percy’s Ringtone, We always sing that in front of him because we like to tease him being gay. He not though and it’s really funny to get him mad by saying that. I know, were evil but it’s still funny.

Actually he is two years older than us and is married to Annabeth and has a beautiful two year old daughter Elizabeth. Percy is my older cousin on dad’s side. Samantha and him immediately become the best of friends.

“I need a new boyfriend...” Samantha sang along to the phone.

I rolled my eyes at her but sang along as well.

“Aren’t you going to answer that?” Sami when she stopped singing

“I guess…” I sighed dramatically which made Samantha laugh. I answered the phone
Phone Conversation :P

Me: Heyy Girlfriend!

Percy: Since when was I a girl?!

Me: Since now.

Percy: Says who?

Me: Duh, me.

Percy: Your annoying let me talk to Samantha.

Me: I’m hurt Percy Seriously Hurt You don’t wanna talk to me, I thought you loved me? (Note the Sarcasm)

Percy: I do love you and I know your not hurt.

Me: I know.

Percy: Than why did you say it?

Me: Stop asking me questions I’m feeling claustrophobic!!!

Percy: Huh..What..Huh?

Me: You heard me.

Percy: Welll..ok.. Can I talk to Samantha now?

Me: Fine! You can talk to your precious Samantha!


Sami: Hey Girlfriend!

Percy: Really guys I’m not gay!

Me: Of couse your not…

Percy: I’m freaking married and have a kid!

Sami: But you are cheating on her with your gay
boyfriend named Rico.

Percy: Who the freak is Rico!?

Me: You tell us. Wait a minute ,Isn’t it that guy that works at the Starbucks across the street?

Sami: Yeppers!

Percy: Yeppers?

Me: Yeppers!

Percy: Okay….

Sami: Is little Percy Wierded out?

Percy: No need to baby talk to me I’m two years older than you.

Me: Heyy Percy can you spend the night tomorrow?

Sami: That was random.

Percy: Ya I think so inless Annabeth gets sick or Elizabeth brakes her arm….

Me: Enough Percy please just not talking So I’ll see you tomarrow?

Percy: Ya and Thaila is coming to I think.

Sami: KOOL!

Percy: I gotta go see ya later

Me and Sami: BYE GIRLFRIEND!!!

End Phone Conversation :P

I hung up the phone to see a very confused looking Samuel. What I didn’t get is that he looked angry. Wow I have a bi-polar mate…..

Wait a minute please say I didn’t just say the “M” word. Oh God I did! I have a mate? Aidan is going to KILL me and then kill Samuel. What am I saying? They all would help killing him, and have fun doing it!
Well that’s if they ever come back…

“Ok well let’s go to IHOP to get breakfast!” Sami said randomly.

“Sound’s good!” I said fake excited. I was so confused. Why would Samuel by mad is beyond me. Speaking of which is staring at me. His stare is creeping me out even though making my knees wobbly at the same time. I was so desperate to get him to stop staring at me so I said the first thing that came to mind.

“I want some damn pixie sticks!”

Samantha was staring at me like I was crazy while back up toward the door slowly with Samuel in tow. I probably was crazy but hey Samuel stopped staring at me all stalker-like now he like Sami is staring at me like I was crazy. I ignored the stares and walked confidently out the door and down the hall
“Are you guys coming or what?” to the ‘S’ twins (Yes I am calling them that.) who were still looking at the spot I was just standing at.

My yelling must have woke them up from there frozen figures because they started walking down the hall with me.

Once we got to IHOP I was jumping up and down literally. While the ‘S’ twins weren’t looking I snuck into a candy store on the way there and bought tons of pixie sticks and eat them when the ‘S’ twins weren’t looking. Mwahaha! I’m on a sugar rush! And a good thing to know is when I’m on a sugar rush it’s a very good idea to be nowhere near me. I go deadly crazy. I’m serious, you know it’s bad when even I admit it.

Samantha and Samuel went to order our breakfast while I ran and jumped on the table in the corner.

“Excuse me but we are sitting here.” The oldest of the people sitting at the table I jumped on said.

The guys was about mid forty’s with salt and pepper hair. He was here with what looked like his wife but these days you never know. She looked to be about early forty’s with salt speckled brown puffy hair.

“AHHHH! SPARKLING ALIEN GLITTERING FAIRY GAY VAMPIRE HYBRID ON HAPPY CRACK! AHH!” I yelled while pointing to the man and woman and jumping up and down on the table resulting with the plates filled with their food crashing onto their laps.

“HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” I was now cracking up laughing at their outraged expressions.

“I demand you get off the table and go away before I tell the manager Missy!” Said the woman.

Oh hell no. She did not just tell me what to do and threatening me no less!

“NO! You get out of here before I rip your heads with my freaking teeth you old lady! And you to you old man! How dare you threaten me? Me? I am the freaking queen of Narina! I can get my green monsters to eat you! Get outta my sight before I go all Assassin Ninja on your assess! Than get my sidekicks the awesome Smurf and Alien Ninja’s to help. And than I’ll get big bird to finish the job!” I shouted.

They got up and ran outta IHOP like the devil was on their tail making all their food (that was on their laps) fly off into the other customers. I think I scared them…

Right when they got out of the door Samantha and Samuel came over with our food. I plopped down in the seat next to the window looking out of it trying to act as if I didn’t just go all crazy ass psycho only a few seconds before and most likely do it again. Samuel slid into the seat next to me. Does God hate me? I’m sitting right by the world’s hottest man and trying not to kiss him is really hard. Especially when that guy is your mate. I know sad , sad , sniffle , sniffle. But somehow I think I’ll live. Only because there is a huge plate of pancakes in front of me. Yummy! I eat those pancakes in record time.

Samuel looked back to his usual self- well as usual as I’ve seen him. I’ve only known the guy for about an hour.

I’m not gonna bore you with the details of walking home. But I will tell you it included me jumping at random stangers and yelling, claiming them to be robots , aliens, smurfs, ants, even green curtains. And maybe kinda slapping the guys and telling them it’s just cause they are guys. Ya, I told you me on a sugar rush is never a good thing. But you never listen…

“La la la la la la la” I skipped in the hall singing.

I think Sami knew I was on a sugar rush because she stayed 10 feet away from me at all times and when she had to be close to me she hid behind Samuel. Poor Samuel, he is acting normal, thinking this was how I usually act. He was not been properly warned yet. I pity him, I really do.

I ran ahead of them and started jumping on my bed, laughing like a maniac the whole while.

“Stop jumping on your bed you’ll break it!” Samantha shrieked.

“ok” Than I ran past her into her room and started to jump on her bed before she could stop me. This time I was singing Keri Hilson’s ‘Pretty Girl Rock’.

“Get off my bed! You will break it!” She said dramatically. I was offended.

“ARE YOU CALLING ME FAT!?” I really wasn’t I was like super skinny and had a 6 pack – I’m a werewolf remember?


“AHHHH!” I yelled as I tackled her to the floor pinning her beneath me.

“Wanna repeat that?”

“Hmmm…let me think about it….yes I do. I was calling you fat, you hippo!” I glared hard at her for that comment even though the whole while she was struggling not to laugh.

“Remember payback is a bitch.” And with that I started tickling her to death. Samuel was standing there the whole time just watching with his mouth wide open –like a fishy!

“You might wanna close your mouth Captain Jack Sparrow’s dread locks might fly into it.” I stated matter of factly to him after Samantha begged for mercy saying she’ll get payback. Pshh whatever.


Publication Date: 07-30-2011

All Rights Reserved

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