
Puppet took me down into the basement of the house as everyone upstairs were speaking of me and then I heard “them” arrive. It had only been a few weeks and yet I felt like I could not hear nor talk to anyone about this but Reese and Puppet…no my sisters…MY sisters…they told me I should for it wasn’t natural to not tell anyone. So about three days ago I had confessed, that the leader of the damn Night Council had loved me. No, it was more than that; he planned on making me his wife and turning me! But with everything going on I kind of just passed by like a leaf in the air as I studied all that took place after. I could feel it, my death, coming soon and wishing now wasn’t going to do anything so I tried to get as much fun as possible. Besides I only had two weeks left until I was as dead as gone. This, unfortunately for the others, wasn’t at all bad with me. I had found three out of the four things I wanted in life and with them I would treasure the memories that went with. Smiling, as Puppet held me close in her arms and whispered that everything was alight and that the Night Council will not get past her to me, I whispered back into her ear that I was happy.

“Puppet, can I tell you something?”

“Yes, anything.”

“Do I?”

My breath went short as the voices got a little louder and my name froze the air to ice as all settled down again and I turned back to Puppet.

“Do you what?”

“Do I…look helpless to you? Do I look weak?”

“You went against my will power, that’s amazing Trinity. So in my words you are far beyond compare to any human I have ever known. And I love you, you’re my sister.”

“But…but I’m not…I’m not like you Puppet. I’m different in so many ways. I can die from sickness I can eat food and I can feel the nature all around me but you guys…your all vampires. I’m different because I’m…”

“Human makes no difference to me, Trinity, you have blood and I have blood. Let us just be happy that we are safe and our blood remains in contact with our bodies.”

“I hate being human…”

It was a whisper but she had heard it and silenced immediately as if there was nothing to say about that but we both knew there was. She could turn me now and save me from the massacre that was about to take place up ahead, if the Night Council’s leader really wanted me, she would only place her fangs by my soft neck and pierce it as she would drink the humanity and suffering away replacing it with power and a new responsibility of being a newly turned…

“They are arguing.”

“About what?”

It was pointless to ask for I knew they were arguing over me, Tristian and Kendrew; aka the Night Council Leader, over me! Why would they fight or bicker over a human, someone who was destined by fate to never know the real world but to die so young? Why am I different? Why, Allen and Vickie, would you leave me in the middle of this? Why, my parents, would you do this?!

“Trinity, you know I would change you if I could.”

Puppet began to tear up and up above I heard Kendrew yelling at Tristian and what seemed to be fighting. It was so blurred that all I did was pay attention to Puppet and listen to her cries as she babbled on.

“But he wouldn’t let me, I want to save you, but he said…he said that…that…that he would. Tristian promised me he would turn you before you died and save you but he’s dying now and I can’t do anything but cry because I promised him, also, that I would not turn you and…and I’m so sorry because you’ll never see us and the last memory if you do get changed by that idiot Kendrew, will be of us dying!”

Her words struck me but I could only stare into space as suddenly Xavier’s words popped into my mind as he was speaking to me with his power.

He’s done fighting, Tristian held him off long enough for the Night Council to come to an agreement that no harsh measures will be made now. But they do want to see you Trinity…
I couldn’t answer him because his power was only one way but I knew if he sent me word it was alright with Sally and William. Puppet now eyed me as I told her the message and she replied with a swift jerk of my body and up the stairs we flew till we safely were outside and walked into the front door. It was so crazy, those next few minutes, because it turns out that not only the Night Council had lied but indeed they did come to take me and that’s exactly what Kendrew had planned. There were screams, I even saw Tristian rushing forward to reach for my hand as I tore away from the vampires’ strains and tried so hard to get to him, but Kendrew ordered the Night Council to hold off the family who I loved so much. But then to my next surprise I discovered my two weeks had gone up, and slowly, oh so slowly I felt the coughing edge and take over as if my humanity had erased from my empty body…

“She was so still, Kendrew, she won’t make it.”

“Tristian, shut up! She will! For she is far from anything I have ever seen and if it is true, if Puppet was truly beyond what the eye can see and she made it in time, then Trinity IS alive.”

“Puppet even said her vampire blood wasn’t making it in time to the heart, her human heart had already given out no thanks to your damn Night Council followers, I bet now you wished you would have left us alone!”

“I am truly sorry, Tristian, but just like you I have found her between those small holes in my sorrowful heart that actually filled with her innocence. She is a tough one, stronger than the forefathers of our race, but she is as small and delicate as a simple red rose that symbols us as peaceful.”

“Damn it Kendrew, do not even speak so kindly now! You know she doesn’t love you and I will stop at nothing to keep her far away from this race and all the secrets within it. Just please, no more soft spoken words, we are enemies now and will never be friends.”

“I hope dearly that that is just anger speaking for as a Night Council leader I do have the authority of a vampire’s death, even if it does mean nothing and only saddens my people. But don’t worry Tristian, for the sake of her waking up to a brighter day, I will not kill your family for interfering but instead have all of you come live with me and the Night Council in Venice. Italy would be a lovely place for her to start off as a newly turned wouldn’t it?”

I had been listening for thirty minutes but as they spoke of newly turned my body shook violently as I recalled what had happened before I…well…kind of died. The screams were coming from the Night Council as they had tried to keep…Puppet! She was killing them furiously and without a doubt! She was incredible and invincible, undeniably fast! Then…then…everything was changed. I was changed by her.


“She’s coming to her senses and I’m sure she won’t want to see you Kendrew.”

His voice was filled with hate and I heard Kendrew silently whisper he would leave tonight but be back to check on me and at that point he seemed almost like a child. As if Kendrew the Night Council Leader, was Kendrew the human boy who wishes only to be me. I shook now trying to get that thought out of my head as I awoke to Tristian’s face smiling sadly over my aching body.

“What happened?”

“You should have already known by now…”

“I mean…well yes…but Puppet she was so…fast!”

“No yelling, the aches will only get worse and luckily you even made it through the change even after ten minutes of death. It truly is a miracle.”

“You’re a miracle.”

Tristian scooped me up in his arms as we laid there, hearing ones heart not beating until I heard it start…he had changed into a human as what his power was able to do, and I nearly cried for not being able to do the exact same thing. Before I could say no more he led me back into the living room and my family, and a few members of the Night Council, were waiting for me. As I came to a halt I noticed Puppet, in the far corner of the room adjacent to me, trembling. The next thing I knew I was over at her side, my hands to stop her trembles as she looked up at me with detestation but not for me, but for herself.

“Puppet, you saved me.”

“No! Don’t say that!”

My shock was cheerless, even though I wanted to scream back she did no doubt, I couldn’t because I really wasn’t there after she came at me. Sally and William came up behind me, I could sense it with my vampire powers, but I still watched Puppet who was sobbing. Then as my parents placed their cold hands on my shoulders, I faced them with my reddened eyes, and nearly pounced at their throats. After that I could hear Devin and Xavier snarling like mad dogs then something escaped my mouth, it in return, was a snarl as well then everything settled down.

“I...I’m so sorry Sally…William…I don’t know what happened.”

“You’re thirsty, Trinity, you need to feed.”

William had asked Reese to take me to drink even though I wanted Tristian or Puppet, but rather than arguing, I set off into the woods with my sister in hunt for an animal. I was, indeed, unaware at the point that I was a vampire and that I was chasing a deer wanting…no…needing its blood. The very moment I pierced its skin with my fangs I moaned for the blood was to be relished.

“Reese, I…I know we haven’t been close in all but…”

“Be quiet, you cause nothing but pain! Ever since you came here, that’s all you cause, pain!”

My eyes blurred from the tears, while I went to Reese, as she had watched me from a distance in disgust.

“But I…”

“Puppet hates you. She now, as in forever, will always hate you. Do you know when a woman, or man, turns a human of the same sex they begin to hate each other? Did you even think she would, as she will and you as well, will try to kill one another? That there will only be one sister standing before me in the end and that Xavier or Tristian, the best men in the world, will be sorrowful for years till they get over their lost love one?! Did you think about that you worthless piece of crap?!”

That was when I held up a sharp blood covered bone from the carcass I had drank from, and with it in my hand, stabbed myself in the heart. Reese, full of horror, ran after me but as I fell to my knees I begged her to stay away and she did as she listened to my whining.

“I didn’t want to be a vampire! I was beginning to enjoy my illness and appreciate the fact I would die and go to heaven! That I would watch over this family and help you along the way because, face it Reese, I love everyone and even you! You and Puppet are my sisters, Xavier and Devin are my brothers…and Tristian is the love of my life! I would do anything to keep you safe even if that meant dying so that the damn Night Council won’t hurt you!”

Reese was about to run but as I pulled out the bone and my wounds healed, she stopped, only to see me rise from the fallen and jump into the trees. Now as I looked down at her, from each new tree I moved to, I could see she had no idea where my movements were. For a moment I would imagine that I was more rapidly moving then she was and therefore that’s why she couldn’t hear or notice me. It was an exhilaration and a complete chance to escape from this home I had fought so much to keep. But as I moved through the forest, away from the place, I knew I would be heading for the mansion and from there on to my real parents. To Vickie and Allen.

“Flight 28 to New York…”

I bound on the plane, knowing it would be hard for a six hour flight without blood, but I needed to see them and get over with it. As I turned to look down at my check list, noticing the bare spot next to confront parents, it gave me hope of seeing them for the first time…finally. Not to mention the vampire voice that came along which made me a bit older and elegant than how I was when human. Vickie, Allen, what if I had more family? It is true I never knew much of my family and all I was taught was to be quiet and not ask questions but when I get to them I will unload from all these past years’ questions and not give in till I fill complete once more. And of course they’re going to think I’m delusional and want to know how I have survived so long, but I won’t let vampire come across their mind, and just tell them if they wanted to know so bad they would’ve seen me. Yes, that is the more appropriate “lady like” way, as my grandmother would say. But guess what grandmother, I’m an adult, and I make my own decisions. In these past few months I’ve grown from a weak, childish, young girl to being a strong, independent, and not to mention vampire woman. That would knock her socks off!


The little boy next to me had taken his seat and tied his shoelaces that seemed like he had walked too much on. My vampire sight went crazy as I noticed all those little details that seemed out of place and wondered if the Verne’s saw me this way and how could they not go crazy about it? Oh, right, they loved me…yeah right.


“What’s your name? Mine is Theodore Fetter, and my mamma over here, her name is Shaniqua Fetter. My daddy is at work though and couldn’t make the trip.”

“Oh, my name is Trinity.”

“That’s a really cool name! So how old are you Trinity?”

Shaniqua laughed and silenced Theodore as he started to play his handheld game while eating pretzels they served on board. Then, as if the mother knew I was confused about everything going on, she patted my knee in a mother-to-daughter way.

“Everything happens for a reason, Trinity, and that’s just like what happened with Theodore and I have never looked back on that.”

“Yeah, momma loves me till the end of the world!”

“Yes, son, I do.”

She was a great mother, caring to her son as he would show her his “wicked moves” and announce “Victory!” It was almost too miserable to see but it was like I was in a trance as if watching the sunset once again and seeing its colors shine bright instead of the dull and darkness I have been feeling.

“You’re right, Shaniqua, and I think I’m going to go with that. Thank you.”

“No problem sweetie, in truth, we all need it once in awhile.”

“That we do.”

It was my final words on that plane, and as I exited, I could almost feel their blood entering mine as if to assure me that nothing would come again to hurt my heart. That I was safe and I could fight anything and anyone. But as I came to the hotel my parents were living in, slowly, I went up to their door and heard from inside some kind of noise…it was my mother laughing. Truly and happily laughing, my father as well! How could they be laughing at a time like this? How could they be laughing knowing their…well thinking their daughter was dying? Its inhumane, it’s wrong, it’s so many things my mind can’t just comprehend right now! And that’s why as I kicked the door open with a might so hard I hear Allen yell to get down and Vickie scream as if she was in danger.

“How could you laugh? How can you live with yourselves? Don’t you feel any emotions at all? You are horrible and terrible people!”

It took them a few seconds to finally see it was their daughter and Allen told Vickie to get up from the floors as they both sat down on the bed, as if this was any normal conversation. It made me angry but terrified that they weren’t at all scared of me for they couldn’t even see I was vampire.

“We know you’d come sooner or later.”

My father got up and put his brisk hand on my shoulder but I nudged it away furiously and he ignored it with a shrug while sitting down once again by my mom. Then as he did so my…Vickie spoke up.

“Honey, how are you?”

My very heart, still with thoughts, gave way as did my legs. I fell to the floor knowing that my parents had the upper hand now. But what more could I do? Because now, as I looked at each picture on the walls, I saw me. Everywhere in the room were pictures of me, whether it is while I was at the mansion or at the Verne’s house! My mumbling made this moment much worse but suddenly all I could think about was that they were watching me but how?

“You were such a smart girl; we knew you’d know sooner or later.”

I uttered a small “what?” in reply to my father’s voice but he didn’t answer. Instead my mother, wide eyed that I didn’t understand, walked over and put a hand on my shoulder.

“That, we, being your parents…have always watched you. That we know all about the world of supernatural. That we are indeed…”

She paused as I eyed her about to mutter “werewolf” and this time I knew what to do. Being a vampire wasn’t so bad, as I lashed out at them, seeing the way they changed into those horrible beasts and knowing they had sent Felix to take me back here so I could live with them like a mutt family. They even showed the sign of guilt once I yelled it out in their faces, while smashing the furniture into bits. If that wasn’t bad enough, now as a vampire, I would forever know that my parents were the opposing side. They were against me…I believe.

“How could you?!”

“Honey, your mother and I wanted to say it before but…it was so hard to. That’s why you have tuberculoses, because it travels in our genes. See each generation of our family have skipped to being werewolves. Your grandmother never got it but we did and well…you didn’t. See the pattern?”

“I’m not an imbecile, you foul dogs!”

“You will respect your father young lady!”

“How can I when he’s on all fours!”

For once in my entire life, I just stared into the distance. Thinking about Tristian and everyone else than focusing on the two werewolves that are my so called parents. Vickie went to Allen, helping him change back to human, then they both laid down on the floor about three feet away from me. We had probably spent an hour just screaming and banging into things and we were all exhausted.

“You…you know.”

“That you’re a vampire, yes, we know.”

“Why didn’t you come to me by yourselves instead of sending Felix.”

“Because if we did, you would hate us more. You would think after all this time staying with your dream family that we were coming to rid you of it. To rid you of the one thing in life you loved.”

“I would hate you…you’re right.”

Allen nodded as he got up to help me stand while Vickie just smiled in defeat at me. Now more than ever I wanted to be home with the Verne’s and to feel Sally’s warm hugs, to see the order that William provides, to love Tristian and hear him call me princess once again. That has all changed. I’m alone in this world now.

“So I suppose now that I am vampire, I will never be your daughter.”

Vickie cleared her throat as Allen was about to shake his head.

“Honey, you will always be our daughter. No matter where, what, who you are you will be. Nothing can change that. But no, you will never be able to visit us. To you, we are enemies, and to us, you are an enemy. So as of right now, you should leave, return to your family and we’ll all forget this. Don’t worry, we won’t tell on you with the other werewolves here to come after you. But next time, we’ll have to.”

“I understand. But mom…”


“I might’ve thought I hated you and dad all these years. But I think now I was just trying to hide from the thought that even when you were gone my whole life I have always…Well what I am trying to say is that I love you.”

“We love you too sweetheart.”

Vickie and Allen, smiling with tearful eyes, gave me a bear hug as we departed from one another. My eyes blurred but as I ran to the airport, I knew, it was time to face the facts and get my head straight. I had to go back to them; I had to show Puppet I really didn’t hate her and that I didn’t feel anything of hatred towards her. Then maybe, some possible way, we can live together even though it has never been done. My running was stopped short as I exited the building and there Puppet stood, arms crossed, teeth exposed.

“Puppet…what are you doing here?”

“You…or I…have to die. I’m sorry…but I have to.”

My eyes larger than normal were searching her for any movements that were quick enough to fight to. As Puppet stepped closer I realized my whole mind and heart wasn’t able to kill her, if we were to fight right now, I would surrender for the family…for her. But then in the back of my soul I felt this tug that seemed to pour the words “you have to survive” and I backed away into the hotel, clearly she couldn’t fight me in public.

“Trinity, don’t make me fight in front of people, I won’t be able to stop myself.”

“Go away, Puppet, I don’t want you to get hurt.”

“Neither I of you, but we have to end it before we both go insane and want the other’s blood spread.”

“Puppet, can’t we just stop. Maybe we can live in peace together, I mean, who has ever tried before? We can do this!”

“No, Trinity, we can’t.”

“I just found out my parents were werewolves, Puppet, werewolves! Just please, not here and now, I feel so alone…so lost in the world. I can’t spare to lose you right now.”

Her face sad with pity was nodding as she turned around on her heels.

“Tomorrow you will come home and only there shall it end where it all started. Do not hide from me, we are now bonded, I will be able to find you.”

“Trust me, by then, I’ll be homesick and miss my sister.”

“Let us not think of each other like sisters, anymore.”


“Because when we do fight, at least the other can say she didn’t kill her sister but a worthy opponent.”

Puppet ran off and I found myself circled by night, found little light in my path ahead. If I was to fight Puppet, who knows what would happen? We both had the same power didn’t we? I mean I haven’t even thought of using it. As I walked over to one of the homeless people standing on the side of the street, I asked him if I could do a magic trick where I would make him do something he would never do in his life. Perhaps act like an alien with a chicken bark. Or something of the sort, at least he agreed if I gave him money which I handed five dollars over for.

“Alright, woman, hurry up now I ain’t got all day.”

“Ok…just look into my eyes and empty your mind.”

He looked up into my eyes, his scraggly beard, and his leathery skin almost made me laugh because strangely it suited him very well. As I kept concentrating, finding nothing in return, I was about to explode. Then at last I gave up and thanked him for at least letting me try. Rallies were taking place all over New York, whether it was a political thing or perhaps some childish excuse to have fun, it didn’t matter though because all I heard was Puppet’s last words to me. At least…I wouldn’t have to say I killed my sister…but a worthy opponent. Maybe there was something there, within her, that wanted me back and couldn’t handle this as much as I couldn’t but as of right now only time could tell. I boarded a plane after the next few hours and ended up at the mansion instead of the Verne’s. I would go and give Olive and Lucie one last hug if I was to die tomorrow.

“Miss Trinity!”

“Oh, Lucie, stop fooling around that girl ain’t coming back.”

“Excuse me Olive, but I believe Lucie has got it right, I’m Trinity.”


Both ran up to me and gave me bear hugs and I laughed as they asked me all about where I had gone and then they shushed as they began to realize that my three months were basically up.

“Oh and guess what! I found a doctor in New York, don’t ask why I was there, and they healed my coughing. I’m through with tuberculoses! Now and forever!”

Even before I ended what was begin said they were jumping up and down with joy. I even did a few jumps myself, proud that the cough was gone and it could never get past my vampire genes, and I was as good as any other teenager out there who could do things that I wished to do all these years. Just a minor setback which was, I could never go out in daytime.

“Lucie, Olive, tell me what have the others been doing this whole time since I was gone I mean, you had no people to work for?”

“Well actually we did, your grandmother came over and she’s gone now but she said if we ever saw you to straighten your shoulders, you’d might have them loose like right now.”

“That’s grandma alright.”

We bellowed hearty laughs then sat down as we all caught up, me leaving out the vampire details and werewolves, and just telling them of how it was to be free. They, of course, were happy for me and smiling as I told them all of these great things I was able to feel and do. How it was like not to be trapped, while they told me everything that had been going on there. All of the maids and nurses, before my grandmother arrived, had fun each night although they missed me. Even though most of them treated me so rudely and mean, they were just doing it to not get attached for it would hurt if one day they checked on me and I was dead. I smiled and hugged Lucie and Olive once more before I stood up and bid them a farewell, saying I was to return to the Verne’s tomorrow and I should get rest now.

“Wake up Trinity, it’s getting dark and your still asleep.”

“Wake me up at six or whenever it is dark.”


“Just please, Lucie.”

“Alright miss.”

“Thank you…for everything.”

“And what about me?”

“Thank you for everything too Olive, now can I go back to sleep?”

They laughed and nodded as I turned once more over in the dark room, they had been there to make sure all was well, and I loved them for it. I fell asleep once more and this time I dreamt of Kendrew, he was walking down this long narrow path and on his right were his fellow Night Council members who were screaming something like “kill her” or “leave her for us” but then on his left it was happy and peaceful. And there, in the middle, was me with my arms wide open to him…I was seeing it from his eyes looking at me with my locks blowing in the winds and my gentle voice calling him…he was beckoned and he did go to me, embraced in my hug. He stayed there in my arms until finally I could feel this pain in my chest and he turned around to see that Tristian had shoved a knife into his stomach and was laughing so evilly that it scared me. Finally, to make it worse, Tristian came over to my side and then I saw myself kiss him on the lips hard and passionately while Kendrew lay there dying away.

“Wake up miss! It’s dark out!”

I jumped up and screamed but quickly quieted down as Lucie and Olive were watching me with worried eyes.

“Sorry, side effects were nightmares…guess I haven’t gotten over large spiders…”

They laughed and helped me chose an outfit then set me off in the direction of the Verne’s house. Well this will be fun. My truck, which I borrowed from the house, pulled up on the lot of the Verne’s and I could feel the tension in the air as I waited for a second, half expecting them to run out and give me hugs and kisses saying how much they missed me, half expecting Puppet to come out and kill me and while I was dying I would hear them say “such a pity.”While I walked slowly to the door, I could see and hear all of them inside, they had been waiting for me. I knocked on the door a couple of times and then heard Sally’s light footsteps come and unlock it.

“It’s nice of you to have joined us this evening, Trinity.”

“Sally, why are you talking like that…”

“Please hurry inside so we can get started.”


I headed inside, Sally close behind, and then came to an abrupt stop as I saw Puppet lying down on the floor bleeding to death. That was when the screams and panicking came; I rushed over to her side and cried as I tried to save her life, hearing the others talk quietly about me. Not once did Tristian say anything.

“Who…did this to her?!”

William came up beside me and put a reassuring hand on my shoulder, trying to calm me down but I wouldn’t have it.


They all turned to Tristian as he hung his head. I backed away in disbelief, muttering no over and over repeatedly.


“Trinity you don’t understand, she would’ve killed you.”

“How could you? That fight was between us!”

“She kept speaking of how she would slash your throat and then she said yesterday that you weren’t even her sister once she got back home. I thought she had…murdered you.”

“Clearly not! Your own sister! Your own blood sister!”

“I didn’t want to, Trinity, but you are the love of my life and how could I go through these years pretending she wasn’t a killer and didn’t murder you even though she didn’t she would have.”

“I don’t give a crap, she’s a person…she’s my best friend and I love her like a sister! I would’ve died today, happy that your family was back together but now…how could it ever be?”

Sally started to wail and Reese went off with her as she spied me over her dead sister’s body, frowning and filled with hatred towards me. Then I thought of something, as if that hatred was exactly what I needed in order to save Puppet.

“Give me the vampire handbook.”


“No, Tristian, bring it to me now!”

He hurried off and ran back to me, kneeling before his victim, before his sister. I leafed through the pages and came upon the page where I had learned about the dream and Kendrew, but now wasn’t the time and besides there was a new dream I wasn’t understanding now about him. As I came to page 116 I smiled in relief and read aloud to everybody in the room.

“Chapter 20, A Vampire’s Soul. If and when another vampire bitten by the same sex wishes to bring back the other then they must do the following without defiance. First the vampire will have to draw blood from themselves and the dead and join blood together. As the blood enters the other vampire, the dead, then shall rise again but in the process the vampire who had brought the dead back shall die almost entirely if not, they might have a 99.9% chance of turning back to human.”

“No, Trinity, I won’t lose you again!”

“I don’t care, Tristian, now move out of the way…”

Just then the door slammed open and Kendrew walked in, by himself for the first time. He looked down at me with a small hint of a smile filled with grief. I looked up in amazement but saddened as he bent down beside me, closer than Tristian.

“I shall do this…”

“No, Kendrew, this is for me to do…”

Right then he looked up into my eyes, gave me a brief kiss and smiled as he kissed my forehead.

“I did this to you. Now I’ll take it all back, I’ll take away the pain.”


It was already too late, her cut a piece of skin from his arm and as he dropped his arm on Puppet’s bleeding neck, which Tristian must’ve bit into, he winced in agony. Then slowly I saw the color drain from his face and the color in Puppet’s return. Before I knew it, Puppet was alive and well, smiling at me like she used to. This had really done it. She and I were back to being best friends. But then as Kendrew yelled in ache, I went over to him and lifted his body off the ground to where his torso was up and off the floor of blood.

“To think all my life all I ever wanted was a girl, like you Trinity. Then as I became obsessive over getting what I wanted, I hurt the one thing I needed the most in all of this…you. But when I heard that Puppet met you in New York, I knew she couldn’t have killed you then, because my love for you kept strong. As I hurried to the Verne’s I had heard from the Night Council that Tristian was mad with Puppet and that he would kill her before she had the chance to hurt you. I told them I was leaving to help but they wanted me back, I wouldn’t have it. Said I created this mess, I shall clean it up. That is why I sent you the dream, it was out of the ordinary but it was the only way I could get you to know something that was going on. I’m sorry I did this to you.”

Tears swelled in my eyes as I hugged the man whose life was slipping away each second. He would struggle a few times but I would keep him calm till he was silent and unmoving.

“Don’t say that, you didn’t know.”

“But I think I did. I just hope now you will forgive Tristian for his mistake because he honestly loves you Trinity, forever and always. Please do me one favor before I leave you on this starry night.”

“Promise me you’ll never be hurt again. Promise me you’ll be with Tristian and get over your argues about this fateful night, and live in harmony. Promise me you’ll smile tomorrow and not just because I made you but because it’s another day you are alive and well.”

“I promise.”

“Then I think now, I can go…thank you for seeing my better side. Trinity.”

He collapsed in my arms and I cried and screamed to the heavens, Puppet came over and pulled me off, holding me close. Then I felt another pair of arms grab me, they were Tristan’s, and I instantly fell into them without any defiance. Later on that night, as the house was now cleaned and we buried Kendrew’s body in the back, I laid there on the bed. Puppet and Tristian were beside me, seeming to be back to normal, and I turned over to them with a small smile.

“There is one thing you guys should know…”

“What is that?”

“When I was alone for those two days all I thought about was you two.”

Puppet came up and held me tight in her embrace as Tristian swept the hair from my face in a boyfriend/girlfriend way. Then they both sat back and looked at me, happily.

“We love you too, princess.”

And that was how it was throughout my life, love…love and never hatred. Even Reese had found a possible way to love me. We were, no doubt, the happiest vampire family there could ever…and will ever be.


Publication Date: 04-12-2010

All Rights Reserved

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