
How is it possible for you to be in an average life, well not so average life, but it turns into a full blown fantasy sensation and you have no idea how that happens…I have the answer, try having to be me, Trinity Yearling.
“How is that possible, there is no such thing as vampires…there can’t be.”
“Trinity, will you calm down, my parents are already worried as it is. They don’t like shouting to the world that vampires exist.”
I stayed quiet until Devin came in with a water bottle full of a red liquid.
“What is that? Is that blood! Oh my gosh your drinking blood!”
“Yeah so what, we’re vampires you already know that, and besides I’ve gotten thirsty since I haven’t hunted in like two days.”
“Do you drink human blood? Do you attack humans?”
“No, calm down, my parents bring blood packets home from the hospital. You know like the blood bank.”
“So I don’t have to worry about you, you know, biting.”
“No. Just worry about Xavier and Puppet. They were turned the most recently. Well actually a hundred years back but to us that’s like a year in human time.”
“So that’s why Puppet was doing when she was hugging me…she was going to bite me!”
“No she wasn’t…she can restrain herself if she really wants to. Xavier is the one you kind of have to worry about. He was changed just about thirty years back. He found his way over here though.”
I thought about the questions that were going through my head. I picked up three and was going to get answers no matter what.
“Ok, I’ll ask you three questions…then I’ll calm down.”
“Fine, go for it.”
“Do you guys have special powers?”
“Well other than normal vampire stuff, super speed and strength, Puppet can make someone like her instantly. It’s a very weird but very alluring and when she wants something done she gets it done by forcing one of us to do it.
“I heard that!”
Puppet came into the room and sat down on the couch next to the one I was laying on.
“Then there’s Xavier who can talk through people’s minds. Xavier!”
Xavier came into the room and went by Tristian’s side.
“Can you show her your power?”
Hello Trinity…it’s so nice to have finally told someone our secret.
“Can I speak back or no?”
“No but I’m trying to work on that.”
Tristian let Xavier go back into the kitchen where Tristian’s parents were.
“Are they really your parents?”
“No, we are all kind of adopted but that’s what we say in school.”
“Anyways I have a special power too.”
This was going to be interesting because I liked Tristian now. I mean loved him if I had to say it aloud. But if his power included something that would freak me out I’d have to stop liking him and I really wouldn’t want to do that.
“What is it?”
“I can see understanding you are…”
“You don’t really have one do you?”
“Yes I do but in time I’ll tell you.”
I wasn’t much to put up a fight beside I had two questions still.
“How old are you…really?”
“I’m five hundred and sixty-nine.”
“You know it’s hotter to date and older woman but when you date one that’s not even half your age you should sign up for the playboy’s next master.”
“Oh excuse me.”
I laughed at his shocked expression. It was nice to joke when things around you were bad. That’s what I always did. Right then William and Sally, two normal names and normal looking people but I knew they weren’t, walked in and sat down staring at me.
“I’m sorry for calling the family pathetic. It wasn’t me I swear…but I do feel responsible. It just hurt so bad that every time I tried to deny the voice it would start to hurt worse to where I screamed. I never meant to…I never meant for this to happen.”
Sally tugged at William’s shirt and whispered into his ear. Tristian reached out and grabbed my hand. Puppet gave me a hug and halfway held on but watched what her parents were deciding. I watched, afraid that they would chose death…but maybe getting killed by two lovely vampires would be better than dying in bed around a bunch of mean nurses and maids. I guess my 3 months have already passed by in one day.
“Well it seems like there has to be a punishment in you finding out our secret.”
“Ok, that’s fair.”
“Your punishment is…”
I was nervous out of my mind. I could feel the princess be patient lesson slipping away. I wanted William to just spit it out but he waited for a second and finally continued.
“To be loved by vampires and not tell a single human our secret.”
I was so glad that I didn’t have to worry about anything that I ran over to them and gave them both a hug. Sally game a warm mother laugh and William smiled. It was the first time I actually felt like I belonged.
Puppet ran over to me and hugged me so tight I lost my breathe for a few seconds. Finally Puppet noticed I wasn’t moving and let me go.
“Sorry I forgot you’re still human.”
“Sorry I forgot you’re a vampire.”
She laughed and I did as well. After that Sally cooked dinner for me, even though I told her she shouldn’t and I could go buy me some. Sally was definitely the mother type. I walked into the kitchen and offered her help but she wouldn’t let me, said I was still a guest.
“Please, I never got to learn how to cook…I’d love to learn from someone who knows what they are doing from years and years of experience.”
“Fine, if it’s your wish to learn I will show you. Do you know how to crack and egg?”
“No, not really but I think I can try.”
“Well if you can crack an egg you are able to bake.”
We cooked my dinner and once I was finished I thanked her and said it was the best thing I have ever tasted, and it was! The lobster melted in my mouth, the sauce played with my taste buds, and the juice spilled over my lips. I went to reach for my napkin and Tristian stopped my hand.
“It’s wonderful the way you let you eat. Like a lion consuming it’s antelope, first for the main parts then savors what little else it has for the taste.”
“I hope you’re not calling me some kind of freak because that would make me mad.”
I stood up and he went right in front of me, an inch away and I felt the slightest touch of his nose and he bent down and licked the juice off the side of my mouth. When he came back up all I could do was stare at him in shock for a moment.
“That isn’t creepy at all.”
I put my dishes in the sink and washed them thoroughly. Sally came up behind me and said she’s do it so I gave them to her. Besides she can probably see how much it is clean better than I can.
“It might be creepy but it was an amazing gesture.”
“What? In vampire gestures.”
He laughed and I had to laugh too. The sound of vampires when I said it, rolled off my tongue like it was so easy. I walked into the living room and Puppet patted the seat next to her so I sat down in between her and Tristian.
“William can I ask you a question?”
William looked up from the laptop he was working on and signaled me to go on.
“How did I hear that voice? What was it? How did it know you were vampires?”
“Well first of all if you consider three questions just one, maybe that’s the reason.”
I laughed and he grinned. A joke to lessen up the mood, just like me.
“I think maybe your conscious made it up and your mind is in a hazy state at this moment because of your cough, and so you may of made it up.”
“But how did it know you were vampires?”
“That I do not know. Maybe you already thought we were vampires?”
“No, trust me, I was far from it.”
“Then I don’t really know, see your case is so different than most people even Tristian’s power can’t reach you.”
“And might I ask what that is?”
Tristian barely nudged me but I knew he wanted to elbow me. He just couldn’t because I was fragile like a soft white bunny in the hands of a panther.
“I don’t think he wants me to say.”
“Oh please, please…maybe if his power is not working on me it has something to do with why I’m hearing voices. And wow I just sounded totally crazy.”
Everyone laughed and Reese even smiled. I was surprised at myself for making a coven of vampires laugh, it excited me.
“Do you remember what the voice was saying?”
“I was running.”
Flashbacks from in the forest came back to me like a hard hit. One important piece at a time.
“Everyone had split up…probably because they had already made it to the rock.”
Devin smiled because he was the first, later on I found out.
“I was running for the first time, I was so ecstatic that I put my best effort into it.”
“And you did an amazing ¾ of a mile in less than 5 minutes. That’s great.”
I smiled at Tristian who was commenting me on my running.
“And then I heard the voice say my name and tell me to stop. It wanted me to stop running for some reason. And after awhile it just kept on and on about it, I got freaked out and screamed. When everyone came the voice, which sounded much like a man, got mad. It started calling you guys pathetic vampires and telling me to tell you guys that, then it was saying something, I couldn’t hear I couldn’t’ concentrate hard enough.”
I tried remembering what the voice was screaming to me but I couldn’t. It was like a blur of words and when I stopped focusing I let out a sigh.
“I can’t remember, sorry.”
“That’s alright maybe it will come back to you later on.”
“Hopefully not.”
Puppet let me sleep in her room that night and Sally tucked me in like a mother would do.
“Goodnight sweetie, see you in the morning.”
“Sally, how do you live in the sunlight?”
Sally kissed my forehead and replied,” The sun only hurts us a little, but we can withstand it.”
“Oh, well goodnight Sally.”
She was the best mother a person could have, and she was trying to be a mother to me. I finally have parents I am proud of, finally.
“Wake up!”
I awoke, instantly opening my eyelids like somebody was controlling me.
“Go down stairs to them!”
I walked down the stairs slowly and when I got to the bottom I stopped, saw that they were all sitting in the living room, and headed towards them.
“Tell them they’re pathetic leeches of the night and you are of the sun’s child!”
I tried to wake up from this state of unconsciousness but I was trapped in my own body and the voice was back. I tried to yell but when I opened my mouth all that came out was…
“Pathetic leeches of the night; I am the sun’s child!”
After that my body went limp and I felt myself fall into cold hard arms, Tristian’s.
“What the heck just happened, Trinity?”
I looked up at the vampires I had just called pathetic and shook my head in confusion. How was I supposed to explain this? They sat me down on the couch and it took me a second to figure out what had happened and how to say it.
“I heard someone say wake up so I awoke. Then someone said to go downstairs to them; I figured it meant you guys, and then it told me to say what I just said.”
“Wow that sounds like a bunch of crap!”
Reese came straight up to my face and demanded the truth, I didn’t want to make her mad so I told her it was the truth and I was sorry for what I had said.
“Maybe I just come with too many ties, I shouldn’t be here. Maybe it wants me locked away until I die. It sure sounds like it does.”
I watched everyone look down and I didn’t like this feeling of being left out. I wiped my eyes that tinged from how much I tried to hold back the tears.
“Maybe I should confront my doctor on this, he’s see if my disease could do all this and if it isn’t my disease well let’s just say my 3 months will be up sooner than you know it.”
I walked out the door and saw my Land Rover, they must have gotten it from my house, and I jumped inside. I wanted to go back in and say I’m sorry but I don’t have much time and I don’t want to spend it feeling like I’m a loony.
“I’m not crazy, he just wants me alone for my death ritual.”
They probably heard me but I didn’t hear my own self. Which scared me a lot when I got back to the house and they told me.
“You didn’t hear yourself?”
“No I had my mind set on going to the doctor and returning.”
“Trinity, darling, maybe we should bring in some of our friends. They’re professionals; they’ve been alive before any vampire we’ve known. If there was anything they could fix it.”
“Trinity, tell the pathetic vampires that you do not need help, you are invincible, and you don’t want to see the Night Council.”
There was the voice and it was telling me that over and over again until I would say it.
“My head, the voice, it hurts!”
Tristian and Puppet both looked at me and backed away. I felt like a weirdo in front of vampires, funny how that plays out.
“What is it saying, sweetie?”
“NO! I don’t think that!”
“Trinity, what is it saying? You have to tell us.”
I didn’t want to be mean but I needed to say it. Whatever this thing was, knew more about their kind than I’m sure about humans.
“I do not need help, I am invincible, and I don’t want to see the Night Council!”
They all turned quiet, was it possible the voice told me correctly, that when they told me about the other vampires…they were the Night Council? In that case I’m going to be asked more questions…and the questions hurt. Finally the voice died away and I let go of my head. I opened my eyes and William and Sally were shocked, which in case for vampires that meant it was very bad.
“I’m so sorry.”
“No, it is what we want, darling. We need to know, what it knows, in order to stop it.”
This time I knew what I was saying. It just wasn’t from me.
“You can’t stop it; he won’t stop until I leave the vampires and join him.”
Tristian scooped me up and my body went limp, I was so tired. I needed sleep…sleep would do me well. He wanted me to sleep so when daytime came, I’d be free for his taking, so…tired.
“Wake up, sleepy head, you are needed downstairs.”
At first I thought it was the voice so I trembled but when I heard breathing against my neck I opened my eyes. Puppet was bent over and I could see her eyes had turned red and her canines grew long and sharp.
“Puppet, what are you doing?”
Puppet moved back in a haste and she went back to normal.
“I’m so sorry, Trinity, I cannot control my actions sometimes. Forgive me?”
“Of course, but first I need to ask you a favor?”
“What is it?”
“You have to promise me before I tell you.”
Instantly Puppet jolted back and stood before the bed shaking her head.
“No I will not turn you; I could not see such a princess like that.”
She was shaking and I saw that it was terrible for her. Maybe that’s why she hid under fashion and a cheerleader attitude, because underneath she was so unhappy. Thoughts of it brought tears to my eyes, was this whole family suffering.
“Puppet, that’s not it, so please promise me?”
It took her a second to get back into her happy state, which I knew deep inside must have taken her a long time to create, and nodded her head.
“I want you to take me out into the forest, and run back to the house. Take me far out, but not past the rock. Don’t ask why, I just want to, ok?”
“Ok, but first you have to come down and meet our friends!”
She jerked me out of bed and ran down the halls, me dragging behind her.”
“Everyone this is Trinity, she is the new member of our family.”
Puppet pushed me out into a crowd of people that had taken place in their living room and kitchen. I looked at their wardrobe and each and every one of them was wearing this black cape that covered a black shirt and black pants. The girls were looking me up and down and the guys just stared at me. It was all too much, he wouldn’t have done this to me……what was I saying?
They all bowed and one guy walked up to me…he had a white shirt on rather than a black, he was probably the leader.
“Hello, my darling Trinity, I understand you have a problem. My council and I can see if we can do anything but it might be painful.”
“What do you mean by painful?”
Tristian came up behind me and put his hand on my shoulder.
“This is the only way we thought could work…please don’t be afraid.”
“What does he mean by painful? What will he do?”
The man reached out with his hand and gave me a smile. I watched as that smile turned from a regular human smile, to a vampire smile.
“My power is to rid all evil in someone’s mind, or erase memories.”
“And how do you do that?”
“I have to bite you, my dear.”
I jerked back my hand and shook my head viciously. So many vampires were surrounded by me that I gave up the struggle and when he went for my neck, all I did was try to remember the promise Puppet made to me…
“She burns!”
The vampire withdrew from my neck, where blood dripped slowly down. I could barely see in the mirror that I had lost all color. I was dead; I had to be to be this white.
“Council leader, what is it?”
It took the leader to wipe away my blood from his lips, and then he stood up straight and looked at everyone in the room…as if a magician had forgotten the trick to his magic and was appointing the crowd.
“She cannot be helped my close friends, Verne’s, her blood won’t let me into her brain. It burns with strength like I have never seen; you should quickly get rid of her. You are doing this creature…”
He pointed to me as if I was some monster, how dare he point at me. This overdramatic freak!
“A great deal if you kill her now.”
And with that he left, and the council followed after. The Verne’s family looked at me with unwilling eyes, they didn’t want to deal with this but they promised me they would help. I didn’t want this to worry them, which is why when he comes…I’ll be leaving.
“Puppet, that promise you gave me…I want to go now.”
“Um, sure Trinity, let’s go.”
They all wanted to come with us but I needed to be alone. Once we were ¾ a mile up I told her to run back and she did. Then with that I sat down and waited.
“I’m here.”
I heard the voice and tried not to think what was coming for me. It was like awaiting the grim reaper and I couldn’t move. I had to face him once and for all.
“I’m so close to you.”
I felt the cold air wind whip my face causing my locks to flow freely. With the brown sweater dress that puppet had gave me, I put the hood on to keep warm.
“I see you, my darling.”
I looked out in front of me and there before me stood a bear…no wait a wolf. It was so big and it was walking directly to me. Was that the voice I have been hearing? I started to back away.
“Don’t back away, my love, this is what I am.”
The wolf was inches away now and all of a sudden it started to morph into this other thing. Its tail was gone, its ear weren’t furry anymore and they went to the side of its head. The eyes turned small and normal. Soon enough it was a guy in front of me, and not any guy…it was Felix.
“How, how is it possible?”
“You didn’t think vampires are the only fantasy creature is this world did you?”
I backed up and was ready to call for help. Now that I knew what the voice was, I wanted it to go away.
“Come now, let’s go so I can change you into what you truly need to become…not a leech.”
“I am not going with you, I’m staying here!”
“Don’t you raise your voice at me!”
He went for my body but he wasn’t wuick enough. I jumped up and tried to run as fast as I could back to the house, luckily I knew how fair I could run and how fast but I knew he’d get me before I made it. I could already hear him changing back into the wolf and now his paws were stomping the ground as he ran towards me. There was only one way I was going to make it out alive, try to call for the Verne’s.
Yelling while running wasn’t so good because my cough started to edge its way back even though I had my pills. Also I was losing energy.
“HELP *cough cough! HELP!”
The wolf was catching up, or should I say Felix, I could feel the air whoosh on my legs. I was so frightened that I let out one big scream.
“HELP!*cough cough*”
That was when it all went to a blur. Before I knew it everyone in the Verne’s family was there and they did not look happy towards Felix. Tristian ran up and fought the wolf. Soon the others joined in except for Puppet who grabbed my hand and ran. It wasn’t long till we got to the house and she set me down on the couch.
“Trinity, can you hear me?”
I was shaking violently; I couldn’t see her, only a dark figure that had blurred in front of me. I heard her ask one more time and I closed my eyes. Soon I was sleeping.
“Darling are you awake?”
I fluttered my eyes and awoke to Sally who was padding my forehead down with a wet rag. I looked over at Tristian who was walking back in forth with his hand up to his mouth. Probably thinking to him, Puppet was asleep next to me. I guess she got so tired of watching. I put my blanket on her; the ground probably wasn’t that warm.
“Yes, I’m awake.”
“Good, we have been so worried of how you were doing. You slept for four hours straight.”
“I was tired from running. He was coming after me; I didn’t want to be like him. I don’t love him.”
“I know sweetie, I know.”
“There are such things as werewolves, I saw him…he was running after me. I tried so hard to call you guys. I was so scared.”
I started to whimper that turned into a cry. It was so scary to see something like that come after you, planning on you to love it and be like it. I tried to stop crying and finally managed.
“She shouldn’t have been left alone!”
Tristian was looking, at the now awake, Puppet. She sat up and shook off the sleepiness.
“Don’t blame her; I made her promise to me before she even knew what I was going to do.”
“She still could’ve stayed there.”
Puppet got up and I could see she was full of hatred at him for blaming this on her.
“Oh, I’m to blame! What about you! You’re the one that got her into this; she was normal and lived a regular life until you started to like her!”
“I am going to kill you for even thinking that!”
They both hit like two boulders, kicking and punching. William told them to get outside and deal with it and they did, they fought for a good ten minutes outside. I was nervous on what was happening so I tried to go stop it.
“I have to stop them!”
“No, sweetie, they have to deal with this on their own. It’s just like a regular fight for us vampires, when we do that. No one is going to get hurt, I promise.”
Right when she said that they came back in arms on the other’s shoulders. I smiled and ran over to them and hugged each tightly.
“You guys aren’t the reason I’m going to die, you’re the reason I want to live.”
They both stop and gave me a hug. Sally smiled and went to go cook me some dinner. It was nice to know that I didn’t have to worry about the voice now. They had told me that they took care of him and instantly I knew they had killed the foul beast.
“I have to go get the camera!”
Sally ran out and I looked over at Tristian.
“You guys appear on film?”
He laughed and I hugged them even more. I didn’t want to move, partly because Sally hadn’t taken the picture yet, and partly because it was nice to hug your best friend and boyfriend…I think he is anyways.
“Ok, say cheese.”
Of course no one did but we all smiled at the camera. When I got to look at the picture I asked if I could have a copy and of course Sally was on it right away.
“So, no more voices in my head…I was getting kind of used to it.”
Once again they laughed and I sat down on the couch. Now that that was over with, I knew what I wanted to do next. I was going to go to school for at least a week and then I’d be able to cross the third check off. Saying it was much easier because I had to do homework and study for tests and it was getting to be not so fun after two weeks went by.
“Today I’m crossing off my third mark!”
William and Sally looked at me as if I was the black sheep of the family. I took out my checklist and showed them.
“So you have best friend and boyfriend crossed off. Now you get to cross off school. What’s the next one?”
I looked up at William and decided to tell him. I might need some help when I confront my parents, since I haven’t been at the mansion since a whole month. That only made me think about the two months I still had to live.
“It’s to tell my parents what I thought of them leaving and not caring.”
Sally hugged me and her lips came to my ear.
“We would never leave you Trinity, you are like family.”
It was a whisper but it was loud and clear to me. They would be there to back me up.
“Thank you.”
William flashed a smile.
“We won’t let you slip away so easily, Trinity.”
“Sometimes I figured you guys were the ones slipping away.”


Publication Date: 11-24-2009

All Rights Reserved

I dedicate this book to my cousins, if it wasn't for you guys i'd be lost in a world with no fantasy

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