
Boy's School

Alison's pov



People have always told me that it wasn't good to always choose dare and to go along with them. I never believed them until now, now I'm sitting in the front office of Gregory High School. Hi, my name is Alison Rachelle Smith. I'm 17 and a junior at Clarence High School in Chadron, Ohio. Now I'm at the state's leading boy's school. 

"Well, Jason, it seems that everything is in order here. I hope you have a wonderful time here at Gregory. Now I do see that you have a limited time here, so make it count." "Thank you sir, I will be on my way if we are done here." The principal nodded and escorted me out of the office. I smiled to myself, I was actually in an all-boys school and I just broke the first rule here: no girls allowed. 

I wandered the halls aimlessly until I found my room, I entered and saw that my roommate wasn't there. His stuff sat neatly on the bed beside mine and I thought to myself, 'At least he's decent.'  I had just finished putting my stuff away when the door burst open. I whipped around and 3 guys were all staring at me. The tallest one questioned me, "Who are you?" 

"I'm Jason Smith." I shot back at him. "I-I'm Cash, this is Travis, and this midget here is Kyle." Cash said politely, fighting to keep his cool and stay calm. Damn, the guys here are so, so douchey. Then they turned and walked away, the only thought that popped into my head was 'Oh no! They know that something's up! They're gonna try and figure it out! And then, then I'll be screwed!'

Boys School ReWrite

Alison's POV


So I might not be the smartest person all of the time but having a 3.65 GPA doesn't mean squat when it comes to real life situations. Hi, I'm Alison. Right about now I'm talking to the assistant principle of some private school that's about 

Who's This

 Cash's pov



Travis, Kyle, and I slammed the door open and looked at the guy that was in Travis's room. He turned and glared at me, I spoke first, "Who are you?" "I'm Jason Smith, who are you?" He spat back at me. This guy has some serious anger issues man, he overreacted. He was acting like a mad girl. I had heard that we were getting a new student, but I didn't think he'd be so mad! Jeez, this kid must be from some huge city or something.

I told him who Travis, Kyle, and I were. I also called Kyle a midget, which isn't wrong since he's only 5'6 or something while the rest of us clear 6 foot easily. He nodded, but he seemed skeptical and looked like he had something to hide. I will find out, I know I will. 

Kicked Out of School

 Alison's pov



Today is the day! Today is the day that I reveal my true identity to my fellow students and classmates. I had my best friend Sarah help me move my stuff in the dead of night. I entered the locker room after P.E. and stood on the tallest bench, "Hey! Everybody!" Everyone turned to me so I started to speak, "Most of you may think I'm a dude..." "Are you transgender? Goddammit, this is just like the last one." I kinda felt offended that they would think that.

I pulled the dark wig off of my blonde hair and it tumbled down and across my face, cascading across my shoulders with a fluid motion. There was no noise, you could've heard a pin drop. No one was talking, yelling, or even moving. They might not have even been breathing! I hopped off of the bench and pointed to the door, "I'm just gonna go. Yeah." I placed the wig on the bench and started to walk down the hall. 

That's about the time that the herd of them all started to follow me out, they sounded like a herd of buffalo! I started to jog and then run as they started to catch up, I slid down the railing for the steps and landed on my feet at the office. "Well, see you later Dad! It was nice to see you again." My dad's jaw dropped, "Wow, I didn't see that coming...Bye, Alison." My mom got remarried after my biological dad left us and she ended up marrying Dan and then Dominic left to go and live with my real dad.

Then the boys reached the steps, I gave Sarah the sign to start the car and then ran outside with the boys at my heels. I sprinted as fast as I could to the car while they followed, I dove through the open window and into the Malibu while Sarah drove away. I sat on the window sill and made the peace sign, "Peace out Gregory!" They were all yelling things that were inaudible but there was one sentence that made it to my ears, "I will find you!" 

I turned to them and saw Cash Sterling at the front of the pack of them all. Sarah drove rip-ass fast to get back to Chadron and to leave all of this behind us.

A Girl Was Here

 Cash's pov



After she took off that awful wig, beautiful blonde hair surrounded her face. Her grey eyes seemed to pop with the blonde locks framing them, I knew he had been hiding something! I just hadn't thought that he would turn out to be a she...I really didn't see that coming. She just stood there holding that wig, unmoving. None of us moved, we were all frozen in place. 

She said something and then walked away, I hadn't heard what she had said. My mind was trying to comprehend what had just happened. I was the first to go after her, I wasn't just going to let her leave! I had to get answers to this crazy stunt! She ran down the hall and we all chased after her, I thought she had gotten outside already but I heard an angelic voice by the office. I thought I heard her say 'Dad,' but I wasn't sure. 

We took off down the steps but she was already gone and outside! She dove through a window and then said something along the lines of "Peace out Gregory." But I might've heard wrong. I yelled that I was going to find her and she turned back to us all, her blonde hair was whipping around her face as she tried to find who had said it. With her hair whipping about she looked so sexy!

We watched until we couldn't see them anymore and then we went inside, the principal was sitting at his desk. We went up to his desk, "Hey chief! We were wondering if you could tell us where Jason is from?" He shook his head, "No." We put our puppy-dog faces on, he could never say no to them, "No! You won't know where my daughter lives and that's final!" 

We all looked at each other and then left, we made plans on how to find out where she's from after he had left. He left an hour later and we sprang into action, we broke into his office. I turned the lights on and the walls were lined with pictures of 'Jason' and some other kids. I looked at the first picture, there was a blonde woman, our principal, an older boy who was holding 'Jason' in his arms and then the woman was holding a little girl in her arms. 

I took it off the hook and looked at the back, I read it aloud, "Bridget, Dan, Dominic, Ali, and Anna." Travis started to smile, "So now we know her name's Ali!" Personally, I didn't think that sounded right, but I was outnumbered. I nodded slightly and looked at some other pictures, I went through all of them before I got a clue to where she was from. It was a picture of Ali holding Anna when she was young, I looked in the corner of the picture and then I got the hint. "Chadron Jr. Flags Team." They all came over and we nodded, "Now, why don't we go and visit our special friend?" 

Uninvited Guests

 Alison's pov



It's been 2 weeks since I got back home from Gregory and I was enjoying the weekend with my friends, I was walking around with Sarah and Evangeline on the street where Sarah's crush lives. We were walking up the street again when there was a loud honk that made me jump, I turned and saw Phil. He's the bus driver that took us to games. The girls kept walking, "Does that say Gregory High School?" 

Sarah nodded, "Hey, bud, they comin for you." I grabbed my friends and started to run, Enie looked back again, "Isn't that where you went to school?" I nodded and ran faster, "Yes, this is what happens when you make friends! Promise me you'll never chase me down!" They laughed as we ran, the bus was right on our tails now, until we made a sharp right and onto the playground. I wasn't even breathing heavy, but my heart was racing. I know that if they really wanted to, they could catch me.

We watched them all pile out of the bus and start to look for us, I signaled for Sarah and Enie to be quiet as they started to walk close to us. We were starting to laugh when Cash, Travis, and Kyle stopped right in front of us. My heart started to pound in my chest again.



Cash's pov



We waited 2 weeks and then loaded up the bus and headed to Chadron. We were just cruising the streets until we saw these 3 girls walking past a huge house, we honked and they spun around after jumping. It was her, I would recognize that face anywhere. I had been daydreaming about her since she left, I couldn't get her out of my head at all! No matter how hard I tried.

We chased them down uuntil they ended up on this playground, we all got out and then the search was on. We were walking by a huge hill when Kyle suddenly stopped, "Travis, what was it like to have a chick in your room?" Kyle didn't even have to think, "I didn't know she was a chick, she acted like a dude. We ate pizza and watched games. Although, she did scream when there was a huge spider on the floor but it was fuckin huge and I screamed too."

Kyle spoke up again, "Well, she just got hotter." I couldn't stop what came out of my mouth after that, "Yes, because she needed that to be hot." Kyle and Travis both looked at me and then at each other and then they started to laugh. I hit them and tried to make them shut up but they just laughed harder and then they made fun of me. This is what happens when you express your feelings to your friends. 



Alison's pov



We sat there listening to their conversation, Sarah started to make kissy faces at me and I hit her leg. I felt myself start to blush a little bit, thank God it was dark in here, that would be awkward if they could see me. I kept wondering why they thought that I didn't like football. Who doesn't? Of course I like football! I also like volleyball, basketball, some wrestling, track and I absolutely love flags! But loving all these sports means that I'm in great shape, I have a 4-pack, btw.

They started to laugh so hard that they were almost rolling on the ground and I took the chance to tell my besties that I was going to go out there and try to make it home. I ran out silently and made it to the bushes and trees, I looked around. The only way to get to my house was to come out for just a second, I prepared myself and then jumped out. But of course they saw me! Great! Just fricking great! "There she is! GET HER!!" I turned around and a sea of tall, muscular football players was after me.

Escaped...Just Kidding

 Alison's pov



I could hear them getting closer as I dove into the bushes. I would never make it home without them finding out where I lived! I didn't know which was worse, getting caught or making it home but them knowing where I lived...I chose the chicken way out and climbed a tree to wait it out. They had to go home sometime, right? 

I was high into the canopy when I heard Cash's voice, "When we find her, we get her and we take her back. Understood?" I heard the murmurs of agreement as they tried to find me, my only hope would be to slide down and race past them without being seen. I could do that, maybe not the them not seeing part, but I could do it. I climbed down and then slid down a 2 inch think branch. 

I kneeled into the bushes to try and find a way out and started to make a plan, my thoughts were interupted as I got grabbed from behind. I yelped and then my mouth was covered, I tried to thrash away but this person was strong and seemed to know I would try it. But the person didn't think of my next move, I bit the hand that covered my mouth and screamed when it was gone, Enie and Sarah came out and started to run to me, "Ali!" 

The hand covered my mouth again, I tried to scream again but the hand muffled the scream. I tried to bite the hand again but then my side was poked and I started to laugh, "You're not gonna get away again." After he said that, I really wanted to prove him wrong. I brought my heel up as fast as I could and then I was dropped, I flipped over quickly and saw Cash on his knees in pain. 

As I got up to run, his hand shot out and grabbed my ankle and I was on the ground again. Cash crawled over to me and covered my mouth with tape, he grabbed my hands roughly and taped them together too. He yanked me up after him and pulled out his cell, "I've got her." He only hand one hand on my arm, I ripped it away and took off running back into the darkness of a shed where Sarah and Enie were waiting. 

They took the tape off and each hugged me, "God, you scared me!" I sighed, "That scared me too, don't worry." I almost stepped back out when Sarah pulled me back, "We can't leave, they're everywhere! They'll get us for sure!" I nodded, "Let's go to the top of the hill, we can scope from there to make the best plan of action." They nodded and we got up there without being seen, it kinda seemed like they had given up and decided to go home. But deep down, I had a feeling that something was going to go wrong. 

I never thought they would be up there, boy was I wrong...I stepped into the field a step and then I was shoved farther in, I saw Daren in front of me and jumped. I turned to run and instead ran into a toned chest, I looked up and Cash was smirking at me. He pulled me into his arms and covered my mouth with tape again, he tied my hands and feet together and set me by Sarah and Enie who were in the same state that I was. 

I licked the tape until it fell off, Cash came over to grab me to take me to the bus but I screamed as loud as I could. He jumped and so did the others, he tried to grab me again but I rolled out of the way and screamed again. He tried once more but I went the other way and still screamed. He tried one more time but instead of jumping, he hit me! 

It didn't hurt, but I pretended it did. Daren sighed and grabbed my arms, he yanked me up and started to carry me away, my girls screamed as loud as they could but that didn't stop him. He carried me bridal style and had Cash tape my mouth taped back up. He carried me onto the bus and put me in a seat by him, the rest of the guys filed in around us. 

Daren then took the tape from my mouth, "This is gonna hurt, sorry." He tore it the rest of the way, I winced in pain but then was fine. Everyone was staring at me, "What?! Have you never seen a girl before?!" They all turned away and then turned back to me, Daren helped me get untied, "You know, a name would be nice." I sighed, "You already know it if you came after me. You probably broke into my dad's office and looked at the pictures. Turning each and every one over until you finally found that family picture that my stepdad got before Dominic left for good." 

Cash started to talk, "Actually, I started with that one." I started to laugh, "Oh, so you never noticed the Chadron signs until you got to the flags picture or something?" He shrugged, "Basically, yeah." I sighed, "Why am I here? I have a life you know, what about my sister and mom?" Travis stood up and took Daren's spot, "Not anymore you don't, sorry chick." 


 Cash's pov



I can't believe I hit her! She was just so...UGH! She was so annoying and wouldn't let me touch her, I might've overreacted just a little bit though. She was probably one of those popular girls at her school and those 2 other girls weren't helping the situation at all and they wouldn't say her name! They were making it worse! I'm not quite sure what happened after we got her back in the bus, but I think she fell asleep. Daren carried her to a spare room that we have and then we left her for the night. 



Alison's pov


I woke up in a room, an unfamiliar room. I tried to remember what had happened last night, but I was just so tired and my brain wasn't working. And then I remembered being kidnapped and taken away from Sarah and Enie and the bus and they tried to get my name. I tried to open the door, but it was locked! From the outside even! That is so stupid!! Daren opened the door and it almost hit me, I jumped back with a squeak and he just looked at me.

"Come on." "I'm not going anywhere with you." "I'll give you a piggy-back ride.." I sighed, "Oh, alright. I'll go." I jumped on his back and we started to walk. He's so tall it was like I was a giant! I started to giggle when he started to run, the giggles that escaped my lips stopped when we got to the locker room. Everyone was looking at me like I was crazy! Which I'm not! Too much at least...

They all stopped talking and then Cash started to talk, "We all want to know why you came to an all boys school..." I shrugged, "Puh-lease, that's easy. I got paid 50 bucks for doing it by each of my friends." "Tell us your name then." I slid off of Daren's back and faced Cash, "How about not." I started to walk out when he lunged at me, I took off down the hall with him on my heels. 

I ran down the right hallway and was faced with 3 doors, I chose the one on the left and ran through it. I didn't even look through it but ran in anyways, I flicked the lights on and saw cleaning supplies and a door that led somewhere. I opened the door and light flooded in, it shined onto a shiny pole like thing. I looked at it closely and picked it up, "What is this?" I brought it outside and saw a colored flag on the top of the pole, "No way!" It was a flag! Awesome!!!




Cash's pov



Chicka wouldn't tell me her name! Dammit! I'm tired of being nice! I jumped after her but she was already gone, I took off after her. She went into a door but I don't know which one, I gave up and turned around. "I will find out about you girl, just you wait." 



Alison's pov



I found a flag! I love flags! I've been on the team since 7th grade and I have everything memorized! I stepped through the other doorway and was outside, there was an unconnected practice field seperated by a fence! Woah! That's legit! I started to twirl my flag around, doing 'Around the World' and 'Head Chopper'. I wasn't even paying attention, then I was on the ground. 

Cash was right above me, I squealed and tried to shove him away. He didn't budge, not even an inch. I couldn't get away, "What's your name, dammit!" I punched him in the face and then ran away, he chased after me with blood pouring from his nose. I turned left and onto the regular field, just as Travis threw a pass way to high for Daren to catch. I leaped for the sky and snagged it in my arms as it fell, I rolled on the ground and took off again. Cash was still too close for comfort, I ran faster and dropped the ball before hurdling the fence and running inside. Cash was still after me though, he wouldn't be able to get me.

Football Playin' Girl

 Daren's pov



We were practicing for our game on Friday and we were running the hardest play that we have, Travis threw the football high into the air but I couldn't reach it! Then out of nowhere, the girl from the bus runs from the other side of the fence and catches it in midair! She rolled on the ground and then she started running again, we tried to catch her but she was hellbent and going faster than all of us! She made it and then dropped the ball, we all stopped running after her except for Cash. He was chasing after her!!

We watched her jump the 5-foot fence and land without even a scratch, she ran inside and Cash was still after her. Travis started to point at Cash, "Did you see that?! That was awesome!" Then there was a loud scream following that, Cash came out with the girl in his arms. She was thrashing harder than ever, he tried to calm her down but then she bit down on his arm and wouldn't let go! It was hilarious! 

He let her down and she ran back over to us, "Well that was fun, wasn't it?" Travis looked back at Cash, "Dude! How did you do that?" She was breathing a bit heavy, "I do track, hurdles and jumping. And I do football and jump over people's heads." "There's no way you can do football too!" She laughed and pulled some of us aside, "Let's go people!" 

We talked about strategy that I didn't think was going to work but we did it anyways. We started with them having the ball but they fumbled and we got it, we set into position and she was quarterback against Cash who started to laugh. Then she stood up and walked right past him, they all looked confused, but didn't stop her. Then she took off running as they realized what was happening, she made the touchdown without trouble. 

She went up to Cash and jumped on his back, it looked like she kissed his cheek but then she jumped off and walked away. That was kinda awkward...


 Cash's pov



I got her name, Alison. What kind of name is that? Who names their kids that? I bet she gets laughed at at school or something...Alison. Really? That name is so old...But at least I got her name and I didn't have to beat it out of her. But she still might've gotten away, she fights back hard. 

Afterwards I grabbed Daren' shoulder, telling him I wanted to talk to him. We walked down the hall and he turned to me, "What did she want?" "She said that her name was Alison...Who names their kid Alison of all names?" Daren sent me a pointed look, "I think that's a beautiful name to match a beautiful girl." "Of course you would think that...I think it's ugly." I spat back at him.

Then I turned to keep yelling at him but he wasn't there, he was gone. He was at her room, oh no! The only thought that coursed through my mind was 'Oh shit!' Then he knocked and the door opened, he was talking to her and then she gasped loudly. She met eyes with me and they had the look of disappointment written all across them. She started down the hall towards me, there was no where to run! 

She stood on tip-toe and whispered in my ear, "I will ruin you. Just you wait, quarterback." I opened my mouth to respond but she was already crying and screaming at me, "How could you Cash? I trusted you! I thought you would be different! Daren take me home." She linked her arm with Daren's and walked down the hall angrily. She still had tears rolling down her cheeks and the rest of the guys had hate in their eyes but I hadn't done anything to her! But it still hurt knowing that she was crying because of me. Why should I care? I don't like people! I'm not a people person! 

I had the feeling like I wanted to kill Daren at the moment since she was all over him, is this feeling jealousy? Do other guys feel this? I don't like the feeling...



Alison's pov



I was watching Lord of the Rings when Daren knocked on my door, I could tell it was him because of the way that he knocked on my door. I opened it and greeted him with my normal greeting and then he told me something that almost broke my heart: Cash said that my name is ugly! Ugh, stupid Ali! Why should you care? You don't like him! Or do you...My mind was fighting with itself like usual when it came to these things.

I don't know who the hell he thinks he is, but I will show him how Alison Rachelle Smith does things around here. I walked up to him and he looked like he wanted to run...Good, that means I have him worried. I stood on tip-te and whispered in his ear, "I will ruin you. Just you wait, quarterback." His eyes went wide when I said that, he opened his mouth to speak but I cut him off with my fake tears. "How could you Cash! I trusted you! I thought you would be different! Daren take me home." I wailed. It was hard not to smile or laugh while yelling at him, but I managed to do it.

I fell into Daren who hugged me tightly, my fake tears stained his grey shirt an even darker grey with moisture. Cash's face dropped in shame. 'GOOD! HE DESERVES IT!!' I thought to myself. Daren grabbed my hand and walked me to his car. Daren started to drive back to Chadron, "Daren, please tell me that we can make time so I can see you and the guys again. Except Cash, he's a douchebag." Daren's eyes lit up and he smiled at me, "Of course we can Alison!" Then he spoke again, "Can I call you Ali or something? It takes to long to say Alison." 

I nodded, "Of course you can Dar! That's what most of my friends call me anyways." He smiled at me and then we just talked all the way home and exchanged numbers and then we were at my house. He leaned forward an kissed my cheek, I blushed bright red and got out of his car, waving as I walked to my door. I was wondering when I would be able to see the guys again...There's only a few days left till Halloween! Maybe we can get together then, but did I really want to see them?

Halloween Brings Friends Together...Sometimes

 Cash's pov



It's been about a week since Alison left the school for good, when she left I could feel my heart breaking. I don't understand why though, I mean she's just a girl. A girl that broke the number one rule at Gregory: no girls allowed. She's just a girl that managed to steal my heart right out from under me, even if she was dressed as a dude. I fell in love with her personality even when she was still a he. Alison Smith has stolen my heart in less than 3 weeks. I still don't get it, I barely know anything about her and I still feel like I'm in love.

I can't believe that I'm in love with a girl that I hardly know, I guess I'm going to have to change that. I'm gonna get the guys to help me and we're going to bring her back here, this is where she belongs. I told them about my plan and they all agreed, "I think we should, I miss her being here,"  Daren said. Of course he does! But I do too.



Alison's pov



Today's Halloween!! I'm so excited for the haunted house that we have after school, it's one of the only fun things that we do at our school. Everyone was called down to help with the house, everyone except for me. The loud speaker suddenly announced that Alison Smith was to report to the office as soon as possible. I jumped out of my seat so fast that it tipped over! I ran out of the classroom as if I was on fire! 

When I reached the office however, I saw that it was closed. Someone had tricked me. Wow, real cool. I turned around to go back to class but I was grabbed from behind and a cloth was placed on my face. I tried to fight back and stop them but my eyelids were getting heavy and I couldn't move. Then I started to fall as everything went black, but before I hit the ground, strong, familiar arms caught me. I couldn't open my eyes no matter how hard I tried, I thought I heard my name being called but I couldn't make sense of anything.



Cash's pov



I saw that the office was closed when I arrived at her school, it was very fancy. Everything was made of glass and looked very sleek, I knocked on the office door and it opened slowly. When the woman saw that someone was there she tried to close it quickly. But my foot was already in the door and it bounced back and hit her on the head! She fell to the floor unconcious, my bad, lady. I felt kinda bad but I ignored the feeling.

I moved her out of the way and went to the phone, dialing the number that made my voice broadcast across the whole school, I said that Alison Smith needed to report to the office ASAP. She came down the steps quickly and when she saw the closed door, she turned on her heel to walk back up the steps. I pulled her to me and forced her to sniff the choloroform, she tried to fight against it but it had already taken its toll and she was out. She fell right into my arms, just as I had planned it. One of her friends was yelling her name and came over to me, "Why do you have Ali? We need her help with a banner." 

I sighed, "She passed out, she almost fell, but I caught her." Her friend sighed in relief, "Oh, thank goodness you were here!" I held the cloth up, "You should smell this, it smells like roses!" Her friend grabbed it and inhaled deeply and then fell to the floor. How stupid can one person be? I told Daren to come and get her and then we started on our plan to make it seem like her friends were all dead. We poured the fake blood all over her stomach and over her friends.



Alison's pov



When I woke up I had a migraine from hell and I was covered in sticky stuff, I looked around and saw the haunted house around me. That's funny, I don't remember coming down here. I don't remember anything really. I looked around and saw Sarah and Enie laying facedown on the hardwood, I stood up to make sure they were okay. My arm started to throb and my stomach did too. I looked down and saw something dark covering my light grey t-shirt. 

I wiped at it with my fingers, the red of it catching the light. It was blood. Oh no! I hate blood! I went over to Sarah, she had no pulse and she had her back covered in blood. I looked over to Enie and saw a knife between her arm and her chest, she had been stabbed! Oh dear God! What's going on? Enie was in a pool of her own blood, if she survived that then I would be impressed, but that wasn't the point here. 

I dusted myself off and looked towards the door, I thought I saw a shadow pass by but I knew that I shouldn't follow it. But of course my curiosity got the best of me and I followed, "Hey! Come back! Who are you?" I couldn't find the person so I was on constant alert, watching everything surrounding me. I made my way through the school hallways, making sure I didn't make a sound. 

I was halfway through the 2nd floor when I heard a yell of pain, I jumped at the sudden sound. The yell made tingles go through my whole body, it was Cash. Cash was yelling in pain, I tried my hardest to ignore it but I couldn't and ended up running up the steps without much thought. Tiny arrows shot themselves at my ankles and legs, I dodged them all skillfullly. The cry of pain was much clearer now, it got louder and louder the closer I got to this box. I stepped on it and the wires and springs jumped out of it, it wouldn't be working anymore. 

Once it was destroyed, I heard another scream, but this time it was real. It was Anna. She was being held up in one of the rooms here, "Help me sissy! Sissy! Help!" I went to all of the rooms, they were all locked, all except one. I turned the handle and threw it open, Anna's plea was right in front of me, "Sissy!" There were 3 guys holding Anna, I stepped deeper into the room, "Let her go, NOW!!!" My voice had gotten deeper and gone down a few octives. 

The man tightened his grip on her arm, that's when I kinda lost it...I ran into him at full speed and with all the force I have. He dropped her when I hit his chest, I grabbed Anna just as she was about to fall. I pulled her to me and she hugged me tightly and wouldn't let go. I broke the window and screen and looked out, I could make it to the rope. I jumped with her in my arms and snatched the rope and slid down, I checked her for injuries, "Are you okay? What happened?" 

I picked her up and started to walk, Anna tensed as we passed the park, "Sissy, it was horrible! I was playing at the park with Danny and Jane when we saw 3 big guys in all black. They came close to us and Danny jumped up and stood in front of us, but they just threw him to the side and kept coming. I grabbed Jane's hand and they grabbed my arm and they started to pull me away. Jane was crying, but they just kept walking away!" 

I pulled her close and nodded, "They won't get you again, I promise. I won't let them get MY Anniebelle." She giggled and I smiled, "Sissy, why did they take me away?" She was serious, dead serious. "I don't know yet, Annie, but you don't have anything to worry about." I spun around in a big circle while she was still in my arms, her giggle filled the air with happiness. I looked at her as she smiled, she would always be my reason to fight and keep going no matter the circumstances.

How did She Escape From Me Again

 Cash's pov



It was almost time for Alison to wake up and we still needed to get her little sister. We followed her until she stopped at a park, she was playing with another little boy and girl. They looked so happy and then the guys and I stepped into their sight. They didn't notice us at first but Alison's sister saw us first, "Who are they?" The little boy slid down the slide, "I'll protect you both!" He stepped in front of them, but we just tossed him out of the way. But he was so cute! He would be good boyfriend material in the future.

I grabbed the girl but another girl ended up coming with us until we yanked her away and chloroformed her and she went down. We carried her inside and waited for Alison to wake up, we set up the cameras so we could see her coming upstairs, she was on the second floor when we started to play the tape of me in pain. Her head lifted a bit, she was looking for the source. 

Then she took off up the steps without much through, I felt like I had just won a prize! Then the girl started to wake up and cry for Alison, Alison broke the box and then heard her sister scream for real. She lost it, she searched every room before coming to ours. The door swung open quickly, she was standing there in her grey t-shirt and she was pissed. "Let my sister go!" It wasn't a yell or scream, it was a command. She looked so sexy!

But, it was also scary. I've never seen a girl act like this before. Then she ran at Tyler, ramming into his chest and knocking him over. Then she grabbed her sister before she fell to the floor, the girl cried and then the window broke. She swung through it and was gone. She held the little girl until she stopped crying and then started to ask questions. 

I couldn't quite make out the questions and answers being said, but I figured out one thing through the  whole thing. She would go through hell and back again for her little sister. Tyler brought me back to attention, "Well, what do we do now Cash? She outsmarted us and got her sister back. And she was a badass in all less than 10 minutes."

I sighed, "I don't know, Ty. We could just kidnap her again." Tyler shrugged, "Which one? Alison or Anna? Cuz if we choose Anna then we have to chase them down and kidnap her after they get inside and we don't know where they live." I nodded, "We'll follow them then. It can't be too hard." We ran down the hill and followed far behind them.

We saw Alison spinning Anna around, there was lots of giggling and laughing. Alison then sat Anna on the ground and held her hand, it was so cute! Then they entered a large, mansion-like house on the right side of the street.

Oh No! Anna!

 Alison's pov



It was midnight, I tossed and turned. No matter how hard I tried, I had a bad feeling that wouldn't go away. The feeling wasn't good, then I heard glass break and then an all-too-familiar scream. "Anna! I'm coming!!" I sprang out of my bed and ran across the hall that seemed to be 100 feet long now and into her room. "ANNA!" The pieces of her window littered the floor and made it impossible to go and look for her without hours of glass-removal from one's foot. 

I looked to her bed and saw that her sheets were rumpled and her pillow had a small indentation from her head on it. Her bunny was missing too, she must've grabbed it before they took her. It was the only thing she could grab though, the rest of her stuffed animals were across the room, she always slept with the yellow bunny that had a purple hat on. It's the bunny that I gave her for this most recent Easter.

I sat on her bed and I could feel tears that wanted to come out, but I wouldn't let them. I wouldn't give anybody the satisfaction of making me cry, I don't get mad. Okay, just kidding, I get really mad and I get really even. I plan on getting her back, and if my gut feeling is right, I know exactly who took her and exactly where she is. Better watch out, Gregory, here I come.



Cash's pov



We waited until it was close to midnight to get the girl. Everything was peaceful and all the lights were off in the house, I heard Alison's IPod playing some song on repeat. I heard something about a superhero over and over again, stupid. We broke her window with a brick and Anna screamed loudly, Tyler jumped in and covered her mouth and handed her back out to us. 

I heard Alison, "Anna! I'm coming!!" But she was too late. We handed the kid down the ladder with her mumbling against our hands the whole time, she kept trying to scream but she couldn't. She was freaking out with some stuffed bunny in her hands. We all loaded onto the bus with her resisting the whole time, her eyes weren't filled with fear really. She was just mad.

She scanned through all of us with her eyes, they landed on Daren, "Are you one of my sissy's friends?" He nodded, "Yeah." "Good, give me your phone." "Why?" "So I can draw. I want to draw, get a drawing app, now." Her voice was small but it was full of commands. Daren got a drawing app and she sat on the seat in front of me and started to draw, she drew a stick figure guy with blonde hair and drew an 'X' through his face and small 'X's' on his eyes.

Daren looked at the picture, "Who's that?" She pointed her thumb back at me, "Him, once my sissy's gets me back. She doesn't like him, she said he's, and I quote, 'The dumbest man alive and we live in a world with Johnny." I sat back in my seat, "Well that's great." She turned to me sharply, "Did I say you could speak?" This took me by surprise, "N-" She cut me off again, "Then don't speak." 

I stopped talking, she kept drawing happily. "Are we there yet? I'm hungry! Can you make me mac and cheese like Ali does?" Daren pointed at me, "He's the only one that can make mac and cheese." She gave me a disgusted look and wrinkled up her nose, "I'm not hungry anymore." She just kept talking, "Do all of you know my sister? Why does he smell like her perfume. I like her perfume, she lets me use it sometimes. It smells really good."

"I'm tired, Daren." Daren turned to her, "How do you know my name?" "Sissy showed me. She also showed me a picture of that other guy, said his name was something like money or whatever." "Cash?" "Yea, that's it, there it is." She looked at all of us, "Sissy was right about all of you." Then she hopped in the seat next to Daren and laid down. 

She fell asleep with that bunny, her blonde hair fell over her face and she looked so adorable. She looked like an angel fallen from Heaven when we stopped, Daren picked her up and took her to the same room where we put Alison. 

Where's My Sister

 Alison's pov



I got up at 3, I was going to get her back. I intended on getting Anna back before 4 in the morning, but I wasn't quite sure. I grabbed 2 horses, Buttercup and Avery. I rode over there and gave them each 2 apples before I entered the building. I used my old key and got in, I went to the hall where all the dorms were. I didn't know how to get her out here, then that song from 'Frozen' popped into my head.

Anna loves that song so much, "Do you want to build a snowman?" I kept my voice soft, nobody would be able to hear who's voice it was. I heard Anna jump up, "Come on! Let's go and play!" She was still quiet, she opened the door slowly so it didn't make a noise and ran into my arms. I put her down and took her hand, then the hall light flicked on, Cash  was standing in front of us with his arms crossed. "You're not going anywhere."

I threw Anna into my arms again and took off, all of the doors opened and they were after us. I took the shortcut that was closer to the horses, we got outside and I shoved Anna onto Buttercup and she took off. I jumped on Avery and we were righe behind Anna and Buttercup, my heart was racing and adreniline was pumping through my veins. 

I heard Cash cussing and yelling at everyone and they dove into the bushes, I had to laugh at their stupidity even. "How'd that work for you, Cash?" I was still laughing but I heard him cuss again, "Watch out, Alison, we can get you again." "You only wish. Bring it." Then I was gone with Anna.

Revenge is a Dish Best Served Cold

 Cash's pov



It was about 3:45 when I heard a door open, but I couldn't bring myself to be awakened since it was so nice to sleep. A bed would've been better, but I had to stop Anna and Alison from getting away from us, again. I heard a quiet line from a song and an even quieter response. The door to Anna's room opened and I knew who was here. I got up quietly and flicked the hall lights on. 

Alison had put Anna on the ground again, they jumped when the lights came on. "You aren't going anywhere." It was a command, but they dpn't ever listen to me anyways so what did it matter? They took off down the hall and the rest of the guys took off after them too, they did get out though. I didn't think they would be getting away until I saw the 2 horses waiting to be ridden.

There was a black Friesian and an Akhal-Teke standing there, there were nice looking horses, I had to admit. Anna was on the Friesian and Alison was on the Akhal-Teke. They took off once they were on, right into the wooded area. We went in after them, but we couldn't find them. Alison yelled something about how that went and I told her that I could get her back at any given time and she started to laugh. She told me to bring it.

Those are fighting words, I will get her back. I started to plot, Plan A would be to go during some of her practices and scare them. Plan B would be to wait until we play them during the regular school year for them. I had to wait to put Plan A into action, I had to make it seem like I forgot about her.

Flags and Football

 Cash's pov




It's been 2 months since I've seen Alison, I'm going to crash her practice today and then we'll see who has the upper hand. The guys and I are going to her school now and we're pulling into the bus-parking place. Gonna see her soon! So exciting!!




Alison's pov



It's been 2 months since I've seen any of the guys, I talk to Daren every once and a while, but I haven't seen any of them. I'm really starting to think that Cash was just kidding about getting me back, he so would've done it by now if he was planning on doing anything. It's the second official day of flags practice and I'm so happy and excited to be with my girls again!

"Hey, Ali, have you seen my flag anywhere? It's not in the locker room and I can't find it." Leave it to Enie to lose her flag. I shook my head while walking backwards, "Nah, I haven't seen it, but I'll keep an eye out for it."  She smiled at me, "Thanks, you're such a peach!" I turned to walk onto the field to say hi to my boys when I was on someone's shoulders.

I squealed when I was lifted up and then started to laugh and giggle as Tyler walked forward, "Have you seen Enie's flag, Ty?" "I haven't seen it Ali, we've been running drills all morning." "If you say so, Ty." I started to laugh a little bit, "Hey, we were working hard." I ruffled his hair, "More like hardly working." He poked my side and I almost fell off of his shoulders but he caught me in front of him, "See, you just can't stay away from me." I stuck my tongue out at him and he dropped me on the grass, "That's what happens when you're mean to me."

I kept laughing and then I caught a glimpse of a flag, someone was pointing at it. I tapped Tyler on the shoulder and pointed to the flag, "How did you get that up there, Ali? I swear, you are part frickin monkey." "Okay, I didn't do this one. I can't get up there." "Why should I believe you?" "Because I haven't been up there since 'Truth or Dare' and I fell from it."

We walked over to the pole and I saw it taped to the goal post, just great. But I saw spraypaint too, "Miss me Alison?" It was signed by Cash. Of course! I should've known. "Who's Cash?"  I looked up at him, "Cash is this douchebag that I met when I went to that all-boys school. He drugged all of you and made me fight my way through the stupid haunted house thing and then he kidnapped my sister. He wants me to go back but I've outsmarted everytime that he's tried to get me back."

 "He tried to kidnap Anna? This guy has no brains at all." "I know, he kidnapped Anna from her room." "They broke into your house? Who does that?" "Tell me about it! Anna still won't sleep in her room by herself because of it, it really freaked her out." I pulled him away from the pole and we walked back towards the center of the field hand-in-hand.

I was swallowed in hugs when we met the rest of the group. Tony rubbed my head, "How our favorite girl player?" I batted his hands away, "I'm your ONLY girl player, doofus." I jumped into his arms and Johnny started to whine, "Why do you get to hold her?" I jumped out of Tony's arms and went over to Johnny, hugging him and then taking his hands in mine.

"You have monster hands, has anyone told you that?" Johnny looked offended but then started to smile, "Yo have doll hands, has anyone ever told you that?" I started to laugh, "You! Everytime we hold hands!" He looked at the ground with pink cheeks, "But it's okay, Johnny, I still love you." His eyes perked up and he smiled his retarded smile, I hit his chest lightly, "Don't try that hard, sport." We were all laughing at him.

Then we saw people walking down the hill, I saw Daren at first, "Oh no, not now." Then I saw Cash and the rest of the team, they were walking like they owned the place, "That's just great!" Everyone turned to them, "Why are they here?" "I went to school with them, that's the boys school that I went to. My dad's the headmaster person so I chose there." Johnny's hand tightened on mine, "That Gregory High! The only team taht's actually beat us!!" 

I nodded and put my hands on Johnny's shoulders, "Calm down! They're just people! Johnny!" He turned to me, "What?" I turned to Tony, "Deal with him, I'll deal with them." Tony grabbed Johnny's arm and put his hands on his shoulders, "Pull yourself together man!!" Johnny stopped freaking out and stood by me again, I started to giggle a little bit. 

Cash stopped right in front of me, "You spend your time with these losers? Lame." I glared at Cash, "These 'losers' are the nicest people one would ever meet. And, they don't kidnap people's sisters in the middle of the night. Plus, I could never escape from them, they know me too well. They know how I think." Cash opened his mouth to speak but I turned to Johnny and pressed my lips to his. I heard Tony talking to someone, "I knew it, I so knew it, pay up, fool."

Cash's jaw dropped and Daren's eyes went wide. "Now, why are you here?" Cash couldn't even speak, Daren looked at me and narrowed his eyes at me. I narrowed mine back, then I widened my eyes and popped my neck back, giving myself a double chin. His eyes avoided mine and he looked away, Johnny snorted once and we all turned to him. Then we all started to laugh, my team did at least. Not Cash's team, but my team was all laughing and then Cash left. 




Cash's pov



 We started to walk down the hill and I saw almost all of their eyes go wide, I had to smile to myself. 
Look, they're scared of us." "Except the one person that you want to be scared of us, or at least of you." "Shut up, Tommy." He put his hands up in surrender, "Just saying, she's not scared." We were right in front of them, "You spend your time with these losers? Lame." Then she threw back how she couldn't get away from them like she did from me.

Then she kissed some dude, I was pissed? But she isn't my property so I can't get too mad, but I was still mad as hell. She should be doing that to me, not to that guy. The guy was just as surprised as the rest of us, her football team looked at them in shock, "I knew it. I so knew it, pay up, fool." Were Alison and this guy an item? It took all I had in me not to punch this guy's face in with my bare hands.

Done Playing Nice

 Alison's pov



We walked away first, we were tossing a football around. More like the boys were playing keep-away and I couldn't reach. I didn't have time to react when Cash grabbed Tony's head. He could snap his neck, very easily, Cash is very strong. I was mentally freaking out, what if he hurt Tony? Well then, I'd have an excuse to kill him and get away with it.

Then I started to think about the perfect murder, I already had plans and methods of perfection. Cash was talking to him and Tony was nodding, Tony walked away from him slowly and turned to me, he mouthed the word 'run' at me. I looked at him and he showed me a needle, I hate needles. 'Run,' I took off like a bullet, "Ali! Ali, what's going on?" Tony chased after me but I was faster than he was, then he cut me off, okay, I didn't think of that.

He grabbed me and covered my mouth, "Scream into my hand and then let your eyes droop and close. Just do it, he thinks I'm drugging you. Do it." I screamed loudly into his hand and then let my eyes feel heavy and close. I heard Johnny say something to Jason and then shit got real, Cash came over and lifted me into his arms. I could tell it was him because his steps were loud and his cologne smells something like that Calvin Klein one that smells amazing.

He took me in his arms and started to walk, my boys came after me but his boys stopped them and I cracked my eye open to see where we were. We were a few feet from the bus, I went completely limp and he almost dropped me. I put my legs down and slapped him across the face, "What the hell?" His hand was on his reddened cheek, "What? He didn't drug you?" 

"He told me to run and I did. He didn't drug me, haha, in your face." His face was confused and then hardened to a facial expression of anger, "The son of a bitch, he lied to me." I knew from one look at his face that he was pissed and when he gets mad, people get hurt. And I was the only one by him, I was gonna get hurt. I took a step back to the field and he grabbed my wrist tightly. 

His hands were on my shoulders and he started to push me backwards, I didn't know where he was leading me until I hit the side of the bus. His hands were on either side of my head, "Of course, it had to be you to come." "What do you mean?" He pulled his hands back and slammed them on either side of my head again, against the side of the bus.

The sound was loud and kinda scary, "You. You ruined me. Everything I ever worked for, down the drain, because of you." I shoved at his chest but he didn't move, not even an inch. "That's not going to work for you, Alison." "Cash, just let me go." "That's not going to happen." I tried to move him again but he didn't move, my heart was starting to race. I kept wondering what was going to happen to me, what if he hit me or something? 

While I was off thinking, he had stepped closer to me. "Cash, what are you doing? He didn't answer, "You better not-" I was cut off. His lips were on mine, my mind reacted on its own and I started to try and push him away. Then his lips were gone, "Go. Before I change my mind." I stood there, frozen for a minute before I actually left, I was fast-walking faster than I had ever before.

What Have I Done?

 Cash's pov



After her little show, I grabbed the closest kid to me. I held his head in my hands to show him how easy it would be to snap his neck and kill him. I gave the kid, Tony as they called him, a choice. He either had to drug Alison or I would kill him, the choice was very easy for him. I gave him a needle full of the stuff in tranquilizer darts and let him go. He moved the needle when he was walking and then she took off running, he cut her off and covered her mouth.

She let out a muffled scream and then her eyes started to droop and eventually they closed. The guys on her team started to wig out and tried to get to her but my guys stopped her guys and they were fighting. I took her from Tony and started to walk to the bus. She was out, or at least I thought she was. Then she got heavier and I almost dropped her, I could've held her full weight but I thought I was.

She put her legs on the ground and turned, then she slapped me! What just happened? I thought she was drugged?! Her slap didn't hurt, but it would leave a little mark and I put my hand up to my cheek. "What the hell?" She sounded kinda mad, but I was madder, "What?! He didn't drug you?!" "He told me to run so I did. He never drugged me, in your face." 

I got even madder, which I didn't think was possible, "The son of  a bitch, he lied to me." I was pissed, I was beyond mad and pissed combined. I felt the need to hurt something, to break something in half. I fought the urge down and then saw Ali take a step towards the field again, my hand shot out an grabbed her small wrist with an unforgiving strength. 

When I grabbed her, I saw her tense up. I then put my hands on her shoulders and started to walk her backwards until we got to the bus. I put my hands on either side of her head, "Of course, it just had to be you to come." After she came to the school, everything faded but her, I was in love with her but I didn't want to admit it..."What do you mean?" Of course she had to question everything.

I put my hands at my side and then I got mad all over again and I slammed them against the bus again. I had scared her, she jumped and kinda cowered. I had to explain to her that it was all her fault, which is better said then done. I'm not that guy, that feelings guy and feelis are a whole new territory for me. I have never been this strung over a girl, ever.

"You. You ruined me. Everything I ever worked for, down the drain. Because of you." She tried to shove me away, silly girl, "That's not going to work for you, Alison." "Cash, just let me go." "That's not going to happen." She tried to move me again, when will she understand that I'm stronger than her? She ended up just staring at my shirt, I took a step closer to her.

"Cash, what are you doing?" To be honest I didn't know. "You better not-" Then I was tired of her talking, I leaned down and pressed my lips to hers. Her lips were soft and smooth, I liked them being on mine. Then I pulled away, I couldn't let it go any farther. "Go. Before I change my mind." She stood there for a second and then she started to run. What in the world did I do? What have I done?

It's Been a While

 Cash's pov



 It's been a while since I've seen Alison, Daren goes to Chadron to see her with different teammates every few weeks. Ali refuses to see me at all, but what she doesn't realize, is that our teams have to play each other 2 or 3 times this season. I'm going to use those times to try and talk to her, maybe apologize for kissing her, I'm not quite sure yet, though. Tomorrow is the first time I'll have seen her in a while.




Alison's pov



It's been a few months since I've seen Cash, it feels like it's been a long, long while. I see Daren and 4 of the other guys every few weeks, which is really nice. Tomorrow I'll be playing in the first quarter and then I'll go shower and change into my flags uniform and then I'll perform. 




Cash's pov



We just parked the bus and started to walk onto the fields and I spotted her. She was the only one I was actually looking for though. Her blonde hair is what set her apart from the rest even though she was kind of hard to see her since she was surrounded by this huge group of boys from her team. She hasn't changed a bit though, except for longer hair. 

The tips of her hair are dyed red though, to match their school colors. Although I didn't see any silver in her hair, but she might've done the ends silver. She didn't seem to notice me, that angered me more than it should have. I yelled at the team to start warming up, and they all obeyed, all except Daren. Daren did the exact opposite and went over to their side of the field. 

 What the hell is he thinking? I saw her jump into his arms and hug him tightly and then kiss his cheek, her team was laughing at him as he tried to shake the blush that had crept onto his cheeks. She started to laugh then to which he responded by lifting her up and spinning her around, she stopped laughing and hit his chest when he put her down. He highfived all of her teammates and then waltzed back over like he owned the place.

"What the hell are you doing you rat bastard?" The rest of the team fell silent and ended up just staring at us, "I was giving my FRIEND a hug. Or is that against the rules now?" This idiot was challenging me, does he never learn? I rule this team with an iron fist. "Well, if you have so many 'friends' on the other team why don't you just go and join them. We don't need you anyways."

He glared at me and then looked at the rest of the guys, "Good, I don't need you to be great. I was hoping you would say that sooner." He stripped his jersey off and his pads, "Whatever." Then he walked over to their side of the field, what the actual fuck? What's his problem? That's my girl, he shouldn't be able to just go over there and get all of her attention!! 

He tapped her on the shoulder and I could see her questioning him, good, she had to ask him questions. He didn't just get to walk onto their team. But he did, she jumped into his arms and hugged him. Not acceptable. Not acceptable at all. I glared after him The next time that I saw Daren he was wearing one of their jerseys, isn't that some sort of illegal? I looked up to their team as they started to line up, her jersey said 'Smith' on the back and she was number 1.

By the time we were almost half-way through with the first quarter, we were losing by 12. I saw Elena with the ball, I was the only one that could get to her in time. I went after her, "2213!!" Elena turned and threw the ball at Daren and I couldn't stop. My speed was too great and I ended up plowing into her. She was so small that she flew a few feet before she landed with a loud thud. Daren raced past me and to her, "Hey, you alright?" I saw her move her head and then she sat up, "I'm okay, but I need to go. Tell coach to sub me out." Daren nodded and took off to their sideline.

I walked over to her and reached my hand down to her and I felt her small hand in mine, I pulled her up slowly and she shook my hand, "Thanks for helping me up." I watched her as she walked into the tunnel, we ended up winning the half by 6 points and then it was half-time. We usually go inside the tunnel, but we were told to go to our respectable sides.

The speakers all had the same voice coming out, "We have a very special surprise today for our football teams and all of our fans." I saw all of these girls coming out of the tunnel with bright orange shirts that had writing on them and black leggings. All of us guys couldn't stop watching them. They looked hot! They did this intricuite routine that had tosses and twirls and they were moving and it was all very confusing. 

Then a little boy ran down the steps with a mic in his hands, he handed it to Alison. "Hi everybody, most of you all know that we perform at every home game. Some of you are probably wondering why we aren't wearing our glittery uniforms. We have a very special surprise for one very special little girl, Christy, can you come out here?" 

A little girl came out onto the field and she had no hair, she ran out to Alison who kneeled down to her, "Christy, can you tell us what you just did a few days ago?" The little girl took the mic in her small hands, "I beat cancer!!" The whole crowd started to cheer and everyone was clapping, the little girl was smiling. Alison looked to the football team on her side, "Boys, can you go and get Christy her special surprise." 

The boys ran inside and came back out fighting over who got to take it to her, "I'll do it!" "No! I will!" Alison started to laugh, "Boys! All of you can bring it to her." They all started to smile as they came forward, they handed her an orange shirt, "Christy, we all want you to wear this for every home game." She nodded, "Okay." Then they handed her a small dress thing, "A little birdy told me that you wanted to be on the flgas team when you got older, and, we want you to come out on the field with us wearing this special uniform." She nodded, "Why?" 

Then they handed Christy a small flag, "Because now you're part of the team. You are out honorary team member and you get to come and perform with us at every home game that you want to." She started to jump up and down and hugged Alison, "Thank you!" Alison kissed her cheek, "Anytime, munchkin." Then she stood up, "Can you all give a round of applause for out newest member to the flags team?" 

Everyone started to clap and cheer again, a tall woman came down the steps and she was crying, "Thank you so much Ali." Alison patted her on the back, "We didn't do anything, it was actually the boy's idea, we just made it happen." The woman hugged all of the boys on Alison's team and took her daughter's hand and everyone started to clap again. She grabbed Daren's face in her hands and pressed her lips to his and then pulled away, winking at him.

Alison still had the mic, "Thank you all and I hoped the performance was good." Then she walked away with the little girl on her shoulders and Daren holding the stuff that they gave her. I watched her climb up the stairs and to the announcer's box, "Oh, and one more thing." Her voice was very clear, "Cash, now you know how it feels to be played, darling."

Dare Devil 101

(Alison's pov)

When I kissed Daren he was mad but when I went to the anouncer's box and said something about being played he was furious! I think I might've kinda pissed him off...Who knew that if you say stuff like that, people get mad? He started to walk over to the announcer's box, I think it's funny how he thinks that he scares me. He's just a big scaredy cat who uses his own insecurity to make others feel bad.

Hmph, he doesn't scare me one bit. The guy that was announcing was still up there and then the door slammed open loudly, I jumped at the sound a bit. He grabbed the announcer dude and threw him out of the box, then his attention was focused solely on me. Oh dear. He grabbed the collar of my shirt and slammed me against the wall, the breath was knocked out of me and I gasped for air only twice before it went back to normalish.

His eyes shown with hatred but I still didn't feel much fear, he brought his face down by mine. He was so close that I could practically taste his minty breath. "Revenge is a dish best served cold, Alison." He raised his hand to slap me but I caught it and looked up at him, I must've been smirking pretty hard because he was going to tell me to wipe the smirk off of my face or he would or something that he thought would be intimidating and then I ran through his legs, pulling him with me. 

He landed on his back with a loud thud and a groan, I smiled at him and he glared again, "Payback may be a bitch, Cash, but I'm worse." I stepped over Cash quickly and then he started to get up, I jumped onto the roof of the announcer's stand thing. The tin didn't bend with my weight! I ran across the roof and hopped onto the school rooves, I scurried acrosst hem with ease until I heard a yell. I stepped back a few paces and saw Cash's hand on the roof, he kept yelling.

His hand was starting to slip, any farther and he might fall. I honestly thought about not helping him up, but I'm too nice of a person and went to the edge, reaching my hand down so he could reach it with his other hand. He grabbed my forearm with his other hand and I watched the look on face go from one of being scared to a look of triumph. 

Then he yanked on my arm, I screamed as I toppled over the edge of the roof and into the air. Dammit! He had a foot on the ladder that was there, I forgot about the ladder. Shoot fire. I felt his arm around my waist and he brought me over to the ladder with him, "I must admit, Alison, I didn't think you'd fall for it." "Next time, I'll let you fall to your injury." "What?" "You heard me."

I heard Sarah's voice far away, she was calling my name but I couldn't get away. I don't think I'd want to, not for those reasons, but because it's about 10 feet from the ground. That's not too terribly far, but it's still scary. I was screwed, he wouldn't let me go and I would have to fight my way out of this one. I looked at the ground again, I tore away from him and fell. I landed on my feet, that was scary. I am never gonna do that again! I heard Cash yelling to Tyler and Kyle.

I ran around the building and ran right into a hard chest with a smack, it was Kyle! I whipped around and it was Tyler. Tyler was smirking at me with amusement thick in his eyes. I was basically trapped. Or at least they thought that...I saw a pipe hanging down and grabbed it. I pulled myself up with Tyler right behind me.

Going Back

 Alison's pov



Tyler and I were on the announcer's box roof, he smiled at me, "You're pretty strong, Alison." I smirked at him, "I'm stronger than I look." I glanced down, there was tin to slide on. Tyler was looking at me but he's not all that bright, I jumped onto the tin without any hesitation and slid down. Tyler came after me but he was slower, I managed to get back to my flag's team. 

Evangeline grabbed my hands, "I can't believe you did that! Cash looked soooooooo mad!" I nodded in agreement, "He was so pissed! He dangled me off of a roof! And then wanted his friends to take me away! Honestly, I won't be surprised if he cut the lights to try and get me again." 

Just as I said that, the lights went out. "That's just great." I still had Eenie's hand. I squeezed it so she would feel safe, and then she was gone! She was just gone! How was I going to find them all. I looked to the football field, I saw some of my team just laying there. "Johnny!" There was no answer, I got worried so I jumped the concrete wall and landed on the bleachers.

I ran down them, I jumped the concrete wall seperating the field from the bleachers. I slid on the grass at Johnny's side, I woke him up slowly. His eyes were out of focus but he would be okay, I was concentrating on Johnny and didn't even see Tyler standing there. He cleared his throat and that was how I knew that he was there, I looked up and saw him.

I jumped up and started to walk backwards, he caught up quite easily. He had me against the fence and it was barb-wire. I couldn't go back any farther. He was smirking something evil, he reached for me and I grabbed his wrist. He was so surprised that I was able to swing him around so he ran into the barbed wire fence. I was able to make my escape, I got to the gate that seperates the playground from the football field. 

There was a huge guy standing there scaring a small bunch of little kids. I recognized the guy immediately, it was Cash. I crept behind him and shoved him to the side, "Hey, get away from them!" He turned to me and smirked, "Ali, how nice to see you again." "Get away from them. Right now." He grabbed Anna from the group of kids, Anna tried to struggle away from him. 

"Put me down!" Cash tightened his grip on her shoulders and lifted her up. "Turn around, Alison." "Make me." He lifted Anna up like she weighed nothing, not that she weighs a lot when I lift her up. He pulled out a knife and held it out, "Turn around." I did what he said and turned around, "Hold your arms out in front of you." I did what he said, Anna was suddenly in my arms. 

I whipped around but he was gone. I rounded up the kids and took them to their parents and took Anna to Johnny so he could take her home. 





Cash's pov



I was going to take the kids somehwere when I heard her voice behind me. I turned and we were face-to-face. She was going to ruin everything. I thought Tyler had managed to get her but I guess she outsmarted him. I told her to turn around but of course she had to be stubborn, I held Anna up and she did as I said. I told her I was gonna throw her to Alison. I tossed Anna and she landed in Alison's arms. Alison hugged her and I 'disappeared'. 

I really just went behind the slide so she wouldn't see me, she took all of the kids to their parents. I slowly and silently crept behind her, I covered her mouth with my hand. I forced her small body to me, it was like she was made just for me. She mumbled a scream and some words but they were inaudible because of my hand. I was forcing her up the stairs when Tyler was in front of us. But it wasn't my Tyler, it was hers. 

Tyler jumped on me! He jumped on me! Who does that? He got my hands off of Alison and she took off, I got him off of me and rammed him into the rail. I ran down the stairs and turned onto the field, my Tyler was holding Alison in his arms. She was thrashing about but he had her. I saw Daren and Tony creeping up on him...Wait...Tony?! Really? We spared him so he would be on our side...I'm the reason that he's still alive!

Dominic's Back

 Cash's pov



Daren and Tony tackled Tyler and sent him sprawling across the ground, Alison rolled on the ground and was back and up on her feet. I saw Tyler whisper something to Tony who stood up and started after her, Alison started to speed up when she noticed Tony behind her. Tyler got up and started after Tony who was still after Alison. Blake went after both of them, he's the fastest player on our team. 

Plus he can tackle really well, but he should still be able to catch her. He almost had her but she could tell that something was up, she slid on the grass and let it carry her a few feet. She was back up and running but this time, Blake was closer than the last time. He grabbed the back of her flag's uniform and she stumbled backwards and right into his arms. 

She was screaming bloody murder as he lifted her into the air, I could hear his threat to her clearly, "Shut up before I make you." I didn't hear her response but I did see Tony heading over there to them. I walked closer and I could hear her, "Get away from me! Haven't you hurt me enough?" "Actually, Ali, I intend to make you forget there was ever anything good about me." 

She made a face, "Okay, okay, fine. Fine. Just remember, I make the rules here, not you." He went forward as if to hit her but she saw it coming and ducked and Tony's fist connected with Blake's chest. Blake released Alison and she went to the ground and got up. Blake was on the ground in pain and Tony was furious, "Aww, is somebody having a bad day?" 

Alison was using a baby voice that made Tony even more mad, he lunged for her but she stepped out of the way and he face-planted it into the grass. She laughed and then walked away from the scene, Tony got back up and ran after her. He picked her up at the stomach and squeezed her tightly. "Silly boy, that doesn't hurt me. I'm tougher than I look." 

He growled and put her back down, she stayed in front of him and lifted her foot up quickly. He hit the ground behind her, she laughed at him again and walked away. Johnny came up behind her and swept her into his arms. She giggled and wrapped her arms around his neck, I glared. I couldn't help but glare, that should be me and not him. 

The rest of her team came to her side and they started to talk and hug, a random person wearing all dark colors that was tall came and plucked her from the crowd. She squealed loudly and everybody turned around, the person had a deep voice, "Hello, children, I've come to take my sister back home." She fought out of his grip, "Listen, I'm already home. I plan to finish my education here. Random Person." 

She knew the person, there was no way in hell she would say something like that to an actual stranger. He had her out of everybody's reach, I jumped into him and his grasp on her faultered. She forced herself out of the grip that he had on her and turned to him, she pulled the mask off of his face. "Dominic. I knew it." Then she went down suddenly, Dominic scooped her up and walked away. We were all so schocked that we couldn't even stop him!


Publication Date: 02-05-2015

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