The girl opens her eyes and looks around. "Oh, baby girl." her aunt says. "You're awake."
A tear slips down the girls cheek.
"Everything will be okay. Your brother woke up a few days ago and he's going to take care of you. He promised." she says and touches the girl's cheek. "You don't have anything to worry about."
"They're gone." the girl whispers.
"Shh. Baby, it'll be okay. I promise. You and him are going to stay with me for awhile and everything will be fine."
The nurses and doctor come in and take the girls temp and blood. "She is going to have to stay here for the night, but she can go home tomorrow." the doctor tells her aunt then he leaves.
"You've been in a coma, baby." her aunt tells her quietly. "Your dad lost control of the car and got in a wreck. The car was totaled."
The girl frowns. "Mom and dad are gone," she states.
Her aunt nods. "I'm so sorry, baby."
Something flashes in the girls eyes and she looks out the window. A black bird rests on the snowy tree outside. "And Daniel is okay?" the girls asks in a whisper.
"He's perfectly fine. He's at my house sleeping. I'll call him in a bit to let him know you're awake." she stands up and kisses the girls forehead. "Everything is going to be okay."
Three months later
"Ame! You hungry?" my brother yells through my door.
I set down the picture of my parents and shake my head. "What did you make?" I ask opening my door.
He smiles and hugs me. "Lilly made tator tot cassoral for dinner." he says and lifts me up.
"Daniel, I dont..."
"Hush, Ame." he says and makes me go downstairs. We moved into a house about a month ago and his stupid best friend moved in and took mom's cook book and she makes food every night. Daniel tries once in awhile but he always forgets he's cooking and burns it.
Aunt Maria sits at the table with Grampa. I smile a faint smile and hug them both "Its good to see ya up and movin about, sweet pea!" Grmaps says and hands me a fifty dollar bill.
"Thank you," I smile another faint smile.
"And. And! Happy birthday, Amepoo!" Auntie Maria says and hands me a key.
I frown. "I don't want a car.."
She shakes her head. "It was your dad's baby before he had you. They had lots of adventures in it."
I put the key in my pocket. "Okay. I'll keep her." I whisper.
Gramps kisses my head after I sit next to him at the table. Daniel puts a plate in front of me and a fork. Then a glass of milk. "You've lost weight, sweet pea. Eat. Or I'll feed you like I used to when you were a lil baby." he says and I laugh weakly.
Daniel serves everyone and I stare at my food until I see the flash again. Its been happening since I woke up from the coma three months ago. It happens a second time. I stand up really fast and walk to the door. I slam it open and stare at the bird.
"What the hell, bird? Why the hell are you always around? GO AWAY!" I scream. "Leave me alone!" I fall to my knees. "I can't handle this..."
Someone pulls me up. Its gramps. "Why you screaming at the poor bird, little one?"
"My eyes flash," I cry. "And this stupid bird is always outside, watching. And it pisses me off and makes me sad! Shoot it!" I cry.
He picks me up and closes the door. "Calm down, honey. You're okay. Maybe it's your pop watchin over ya?"
I shake my head and he lays me on the couch. I grab the tiny square pillow and cry into it. He rubs my back.
"Hey," Daniel says, sitting on me.
"Get off me!" I scream at him and thrash around.
"No. Chill, baby sis. Wanna play some Modern Warfare?"
I shake my head, still crying. "Someone shoot that fucking bird. I want it gone!"
It becomes quiet. "Alright, baby girl." Gramps says. I look at him. He walks out. Daniel gets up and lifts me into his arms.
Then he walks outside to see Gramps grab a hand gun out of dad's old camero. "This was your daddy's gun. Now its yours, okay?" Gramps says then he points it to the bird and shoots.
I fall unconsious.
I wake up in my bed. Cold and sweaty. Somthing caws outside my window. I stand up, almost falling back over from the lightheadedness. I open the curtain and stare into the darkness. I finally see the stupid fucking black bird. I open the window. "Are you hungry, bird?"
It gave me a look then spoke. "Come with me..."
My breath got caught in my throat. "No. No." I close my window. "Birds are dumb. They can't talk. Shh. Just.. calm down, Ame. You just need to eat something." I laugh as if I'd lost myself. "Yeah." And now I'm talking to myself. I shut my mouth and walked out of my room. I knock on Daniel's door til he opens. "I need to eat food."
He nods and walks downstairs with me. "Anything you in the mood for, kiddo?"
"Dinner," I tell him.
He smiles. "Its three in the morning, baby girl." he says putting my bowl in front of me. He sits scross from me. "How you doin?"
"I was talking to myself!" I tell him. "I'm hysterical, Daniel. And I'm scared."
He stands up and walks around the table and hugs me tight. "I know. I'm here though, hon. I'll always be here for you, ok?"
I start crying again. He rubs my back.
"Hey, stop crying." he says tickling my sides.
I start giggling uncontrolably and backing away from him. "Okay. I won't cry anymore." I tell him.
"Good. Now eat your dinner, missy."
I sit down again and he sits in his spot across from me.
"Do you wanna go see a movie later on?" he asks. "We could go see Big Hero 6 like you wanted to." he suggests.
I nod my head and smile. "I would like that very much, brother." I say.
"Okay. Andy came by while you were sleeping." he says.
I take a bite. "I don't want to see him anymore." I say around my food.
He rests his chin on his hand. "I know. But he's worried about you. And you still haven't gone to school! You can't stay in that room forever, kiddo."
"I know. I'll go tomorrow." I say.
I nod my head and smile at him.
Monday I went to school. I told Daniel not to come with me. I drove dad's camero to school, parked it and went into the office. I asked for my schedual and went to my first class. Robbie smiled when I walked into first period. "Hey, girl. Nice to see you not so mopy." he says and hugs me.
He's gay. And he's been my best friend since we were ten. "I just needed to get out of my house. And Daniel was bitchen bout Andy." I tell him.
"Aww. Well, I missed you. And guess what!"
"I'm with Jake."
I squeal and hug him. "That's great, Rob!" I tell him.
Jake, meaning the ex quarterback for the football team. He quit the football team last year because of Robbie walking into the locker room and grabbing his ass and some other stupid shit. He's super hot.
"Oh. Happy birthday, doll face!" he says handing me a box. I put it in my bag.
"Thank you." I say and hug him. "I'll open it later."
When lunch rolled around, Robbie and I were sitting at our usual table. Jake put his tray down by Robbie and sat down. "Ooh. Looky, Jakey. Missy Ame is back."
Jake gives me a genuine smile and I put my hand on my chest. "Oh my freaking marshmellows. Is that even Jake? What the hell happened? Like what the hell is this, Robert?" I say.
"Isn't it cute?" he asks.
"No. Its fucking scary."
Rob shrugs. "You'll get used to it. And why are you freaking out on marshmelllows?"
"Oh. Hi, Jake! I'm glad you're making Rob happy." I say.
"Hi. I'm sorry about your parents." he says.
I wave it off. "Life is just beautiful that way," I tell him.
Rob gives me a look and I shrug.
"No way to get better if I'm always moping and crying about it."
"Yeah, but there is nothing beautiful about death." Robbie says.
"He was torn apart seeing you while you were in the hospital." Jake says.
My eyes flash again. I twirl around and stare at the bird. I turn back around. "Rob, you see that fucking bird out there?" I ask.
He nods. "What's wrong?" he asks.
"My eyes fucking flash, then that fucker appears. Saturday my gramps killed it, and I passed out. I woke up at like three in the morning and it was outside my window. I opened my window and asked if it was hungry or something. And it fucking talked! and then i started talking to myself."
"Aww. What did it say?" Rob asks.
"You believe this?" Jake asks.
Rob nods, eyes glued to me.
"It told me to go with it."
Rob throws his hands up. "Adventure Time!" he yells.
I put my hands over my eyes. "No. Kill it again!" I cry, eyes tearing up.
"Wait, did you pass out as soon as your gramps kill it?" he asks.
I nod.
"Uhm. No bueno, girly." he says. "Lets ditch school and follow it. Wanna come, Jakey?"
Jake shrugs. "Sure."
"No, Robbie." I whisper.
"Why not?"
"I'm scared. It talked. I couln't breathe." I whisper.
"Hey," Jake says and I look at him. "lets just see what it wants. And I'll be there to protect you two if something bad happens, alright?"
I slowly nod.
"You're so amazing, Jakey!" Rob says and kisses his cheek. Jake looks at him and smiles. A lot has changed since I've been gone...
We decided to leave after school. I told my brother that Rob and I were going on a road trip with his boyfriend. He told me to have fun and kissed my head and gave me a few hundred bucks. I wondered where he was getting all this money. He's been sitting around the house like the lazy butt hole he is. I left and went to get Robbie. He threw his bag in my trunk and told me how to get to Jake's house.
"Nice car," Jake tells me when he g ets into the back seat.
I wince. "Thanks. She was my dad's."
He nods and buckles his seat belt. I drive out to the beach and get out of my car. I open the trunk and grab out a heavy jacket and put it on. Then my eye flashes. The bird stands on top of my car. Robbie jumps out and so does Jake.
"Ame Mere, you must come with me, now." the bird booms.
Robbie looks at Jake and Jake looks at me and nods.
"Why?" I ask, voice strong.
"My master would like to see you!"
I don't know why, but I start giggling uncontrolably. I sober up and pull my hair up into a messy bun. "Do I have a choice?"
"No. And you have no reason to fear us. We will not harm you!"
I saluted the bird. "Yes, capin! Where we goin?" I ask.
"Washington." it says.
I groan and glare at Robbie. I groan and get back in my car. "You a stupid hoe." I tell him.
He laughs.
I punch the steering wheel and the horn honks, scaring the crap out of Rob. "How much mony you guys got?" I ask. "I only have about two hundered." I tell them.
Rob smiles. "Take me to the bank, driver!"
I roll my eyes then start my car again and drive to the bank. He goes in to the bank and comes back out with about a thousand dollars.
"Alright, good." I say. "You can pay for gas for my car."
He nods. "How much you got, Jake?" he asks.
"Ten bucks." Jake says.
Rob pouts. "Can I have it."
"Course, baby." he says and hands it to Robbie.
"Aww!" I coo. "Anyone know how to get to Washington?"
"Look it up on your smart.."
"It got destroyed in the crash." I cut Robbie off.
"What have you been texting me on?"
I pull out the little black ghetto phone Daniel gave me when I got out of the hospital. "We haven't had a lot of money to get a new one." I say.
He nods. "Okay. Jakey, can we use yours?" he asks.
Jake hands Robbie his smart phone. "why can't you use yours?" Jake asks.
"How am I spose to text you.... Just kidding. Uh. I dunno."
I laugh and take the phone from Robbie. I type in Washington State into the gps app and put it on the dashboard. I pull out of the bank parking lot and turn the stereo up. Come and get your Love blared through the speakers. Mom and dad's song. Instead of changing it, I let it play, and started singing it with Rob and Jake.
I listened to my dad's whole CD he made for my mom a year ago. And a CD he made for me.
"So, Andy totally tripped when he was looking for you yesterday, Ame boo." Robbie tells me awhile later.
"Oh ya? I could care less about that douch bag." I whisper.
He frowns. "What happened between you two? You two were all lovey dovey in the beginning and now.."
"People change, Rob." I tell him.
"Yeah. I know that. But you were in love with him."
I pull into a 711 parking lot and go to the gas thing. "And I got into a car wreck. Did he care? Did he come see me? No! He didn't fucking care. I lost my parents. Did he care? No. He was always trying to get me out of my home when I needed to be there. I'd lose myself everytime I left."
"Honey, he did come see you. He ran out when he saw you like that. He lost it. He banged up his hands and knees really bad."
I shake my head.
"You're so stubborn. Call him now!" he yells, smiling.
"No. I don't have his number nor do I want to!"
He dials a number on his phone then hands me the phone. I shake my head. He puts it on speaker. "Whats up, Rob?" Andy says.
"You're girlfriend is being a total drama queen. Do you wanna come on a road trip with us?"
"Where are you guys going?" he asks.
I bite my lip and look at Jake.
Jake frowns. "Robbie, you're gonna make her cry! Hang up the phone now!" Jake snaps.
"No. This is for her own good." Rob says. "We're following a bird to Washington. Do you.."
Someone taps on the window and I look at my window and pout. "He was following us," I whisper. I get out and walk away and into 711. I grab a few burritos and heat them up then pay for gas and the buritos. I set three on the top of the camero then open one and start eating and fill up the gas tank.
Robbie is talking to jake and Andy when I get in. I throw a burrito at Robbie. Then hand one to Jake. I look at Andy through the reir view mirror. " Are you hungry?"
He shakes his head. I give the other one to Jake then turn my car back on and continue eating my burrito. I pull out of the parking lot and drive down the road.
"Fuck. I'm thirsty." I say and turn the radio up.
"Why didn't you get anything to drink, silly?" Andy asks.
I glare out the window. "Cause I was only hungry at the time." I snap.
"Chill out, girl!" Rob says.
I glare harder.
"Ame, you're gonna get wrinkles." Jake teases.
"I am not!" I say, relaxing a bit.
"If you glare any harder, you will."
I smile and turn the radio up louder.
"Are you okay?" Daniel asks.
"Mhm. I'm fine. Andy is with us now," I say.
"I'm sorry, kiddo. Tell him to hit the road. He don't need to be there with you."
"Robbie gets mad everytime I do and tells Andy not to."
"Ah shit. I'm sorry, sis. Want me to come take care of it? WHere are you going anyway? I'm a horrible leagal guardian. Not even asking where you're going! I'm so sorry!"
I giggle a little bit. "We're going to Washington." I tell him.
"Oh. Well as your brother I say thats all fine and dandy but mom and dad wouldn't.."
"I know, Danny. But, I.. I just need to do this. It'll get better if I do." I tell him.
I can almost hear him grinding his teeth and then he groans. "Well, I cant say no if it'll help you get better. So I hope you have fun. But remeber to get some sleep and I finally got enough money for a new phone!"
I smile. "Don't worry bout the phone, bro. Buy some weed and smoke it with that girl."
"For re..." He stops. "I can't do that. You're getting a new phone. End of story."
"I wasn't arguing. I was just suggesting."
"Ha. Ha. Hey, make sure to text me everyday and get some sleep and eat food. "I'll send some money to Uncle Bri Bri's mansion for you. So stop by there on your way. It should be there tomorrow. Ok?"
"Okay. Thankies, bro!" I say.
"And remeber, take showers. Because you don't want to smell bad for hot guys in Washington."
I giggle uncontrolably. "Oh. My. God. That was great. I love you, Daniel."
"I love you too, kid. Be safe. And smile more."
"Will do. Talk to you later."
"See you later, Ame."
"Peace, Dannay boy!" I hang up.
The black bird lands next to me. "You have three men traveling with you." it says.
"One of them is unwanted by me." I tell it.
"Shall I get rid of it for you?" it asks.
I laugh. "It? And no. I'm just mad at him at the moment."
It nods.
"Why do I have to go with you?" I ask.
"Mastr would like to see you."
"And why can you talk? Birds are spose to be retarded."
It pecks my arms. "I am not a normal bird. And my name is Baruk."
"Owe! You little shit. Nice name though."
"We must keep going." Baruk says and flies off.
"Screw you, bird!" I yell. "i'm going to sit here and soak up the fucking sun!" I scream.
The boys get out of my car.
"What?" I ask. "He pecked my arm. And we have to go to my uncle's place."
"Uncle who?" Andy asks.
"Synyster Gates," I tell them.
"Aww. Yay!" Robbie yells.
"There she is!" Uncle Brian picks me up and spins me around.
I squeal and he sets me down. "Hi!" I say and we do our handshake. "Whats going on?"
"Chillin. Like villains!" he yells and I sit down by Jimmy.
Brian's wife, michelle puts some money in my bra. My dad was lucky enough to marry Synyster Gate's sister when he accidentally got her pregnant with my brother.
"Can we stay here tonight?" I ask stretching. "I'm so tired."
"Of coarse you can, kid." Brian says.
"The Rev is sleeping on my couch at the moment, but you can sleep in my spare room. And these boys can sleep, uhm... On the floor."
I giggle. "Thanks."
Awhile later, uncle Brian takes me to taco bell and we get dinner for just the two of us because he felt like Aunt Michelle could feed the rest of them on her own and that he needed quality time with his neice. He wears sunglasses and his famous fedora.
"So, are you feeling better?" he asks.
I shake my head. "Not really. But getting out of there really helped."
He smiles at me. "Well, next time I go on tour, I'll fly you up here so you can go with us." he says.
When Daniel and I were younger, he would have mom and dad bring us up to his place so we could go on tour with them. It was really fun. And kinda funny. "Cool." I say and take a bite of my taco.
"What are you obssesed with these days, kid? I can't even figure out what to get you for your birthday. You've got a pretty nice car, cool clothes, and.. You need a phone, don't you?"
I shake my head. "Danny says he has the money to buy one now. I like Basshunter and anime." i say.
He smiles. "Okay. What's basshunter?" he asks.
"Look it up, foool!" I say.
He chuckles. "Okay, kid."
I wake up screaming. Jimmy and Matt burst through the door and make me sit up. Uncle Brian comes in and so does his wife. "What's wrong?" he asks and they all hug me.
I sob quietly on Jimmy's shoulder. My eye flashes and more tears slip from my eyes. Robbie stands in the doorway.
"Daniel said that she was having nightmares." Andy says.
Uncle Brian shakes his head. "You miss your moma and dad?"
I hug myself really tight and try to steady my breathing. "I sorry," I whisper.
"Don't be sorry," Uncle Brian says.
I hug Jimmy. He rubs my back.
"Go back to sleep, honey. We'll stay with you," Michelle says.
I nod and lean against Jimmy and close my eyes.
When I wake up again, everyone is sleeping around me. I giggle and wake up Jimmy. He smiles. "Sleep good?"
I nod and get up and run out of the room. He follows me down to the kitchen.
"What do you want to eat?" he asks then yawns.
"Coffee and muffins." I say.
He nods. "Coffee sounds pretty good right now." he says tiredly and makes some coffee.
I take the cup of coffeee from him and take a sip.
"So, what's been going on that you won't tell your uncle?" he asks.
"I'm following a bird to Washington." I tell him.
He gives me a look. "Explain."
"When I woke up from the coma auntie was talking to me and I got this flash in my eyes and I looked out the window and there was a stupid bird and then it wouldn't go away, Gramps killed it and I fainted and when I woke up again I heard it squak and then I looked out the window and it was there and it fucking talked."
He nods. "are you going crazy?"
I shrug. "I don't know. But I'm just going to follow it and then maybe it'll leave me alone. His name is Baruk."
He nods. "Okay kiddo." he says.
Uncle Brian gave me a Basshunter CD and a Death Note sweater that had Ryuk, the shinigami, on it. I thanked him a billion times before we left. We're almost to washington now. Just a state away. We're in Oregon. I'm just following the bird now.
"I'm kinda scared." Robbie says.
I glare at him. "Well, we should have stayed in Maine, huh?" I say.
He nods. I'm not scared anymore. I'm just nervous. I'm nervous about what we'll find and what'll happen when we get there. I pull into a gas station and look at the time. I drove all night again. I got out of the car and so did Andy.
"Will you go pay for gas for me please?" I ask.
He nods. "Do you want me to drive?" he asks.
I shake my head and he goes into the store. Jake gets out of the car and stretches. "Hey, Ame, you look really tired. I can drive if you want?" he says.
I shake my head again. "I'm okay. But I'm shunning Robbie to the back seat. So.. make him get in the back. You can be my friend now."
He chuckles. "He's sleeping though."
"So? Wake him up."
He shakes his head. "He's to cute."
"Oh man." I say and Andy walks out. I put gas in my car then grab some clothes out of the trunk and go to the bathroom. I wash my face and hair in the sink then put a sweater on and a pair of black ripped up skinnies and my shoes back on. I go back to my trunk and spray vanilla purfume on me then put deoderent on my pits.
Jake must have went to change also. I sit in my car and wait. Andy goes to change after Jake does.
When I start driving again, I turn the music up really loud, waking up Rob and making him very angry with me. I smirk at him and he glares.
We arrive in Port Angelas, Washington at 10:54. We stop at a diner to get something for breakfest. "You doing okay, Ame?" Daniel asks when he answers.
"Uhm hum." I mumble tiredly.
"Where are you?"
"Port Angelas." I tell him.
"Are you having fun?" he asks.
"Okay. I'm gonna go back to sleep now, ok?"
"Love you. Goodnight, brother."
"You too, kiddo."
I hang up and eat some of my pancakes.
"Where are you kids from?" the waitress comes back.
"Maine," Robbie says.
She smiles. "And you kids drove all the way here?" she asks.
Andy nods.
"How come?"
"We were feeling adventurous." Jake says.
"Ah. Okay."
She walks away. "You know what," I say. "I'm freaking tired and my face feels really really nice." I say feeling my face.
"You want my coffee?" Robbie asks.
I nod and take his cup. I drink it slowly then pull my legs up to my chest and lean against the wall and yawn, closing my eyes.
I doze off until Robbie wakes me up again. I sigh and get up. He hugs me.
I start driving again and the bird leads us to a forest awhile out. Baruk lands on a tree. I set my head on the wheel and close my eyes.
"Ame, I think it wants us to follow it." Rob says.
"It can suck my cock." I tell him.
He laughs then gets out of my car. He opens my door and someone picks me up out of it. Jake.
"Okay. Okay." I mumble. "I'll walk!"
Jake chuckles and sets me down.
"Follow me this way," the bird tells us.
I hold onto Robbie's arm so I don't fall and go to sleep. The bird leads us on a trail through the trees and Jake ends up giving me a piggy back ride because I could hardly stay awake.
"Amelia," a deep voice says that I don't recognize. I open my eyes and lift my head off Jake's shoulder. "You are finally here, my princess."
I stare at the guy. He's pale and so beautiful.. no wait. He's sexy. He has black eyes and amazing cheekbones and his lips. Oh my god. He wears all black. And a long black coat that you see bad guys wear in the movies. Jake puts me down and Baruk lands on his arm.
Rob looks at me. I go and stand between Rob and Jake. "You are so beautiful," the man says.
I blink. "Are you talking to me?" I ask, tiredly.
He smirks. "Who else would I call beautiful, princess?"
"Who are you?" I ask.
"I am Jev." he announces.
"Uh huh. So. You're hot and all and I feel like you were worth comeing all the way from Maine to see, but why the hell am I here?" I ask.
He gets up from his tree stump. "Come here," he orders.
I do. Jake follows resting his hand on my shoulder. I used to hate Jake for being a Jock, but now that he's gay and dating my best friend, he is the sweetest person ever!
Jev takes my hand. "Your father has passed, has he not?"
I look at him shocked and then I put up a wall. I harden my features. "Yeah, so?" I ask harshly.
"Your grandfather gave up his kingmenship when you woke up from oblivion." He says.
"What? I'm so confused." I say and put my hand over my right eye.
"Perhaps you would like to rest awhile?" he asks.
I nod. "That would be fantastic."
He smiles at me. "Baruk, go kick Pier out of the cabin. We have guests."
"Yes, master." Baruk flys off.
"Come with me, princess. You can rest at my home." he says.
"Ame," Jake says.
"Oh. Huh?" I ask.
"Should you be trusting this creep? He could be trying to kidnap you."
"I don't think so. He has a talking birdy." I say. "And besides. You have big muscles. You.." I lean onto Jake and close my eyes. "I'm just tired." I whisper.
I wake up leaning against Robbie. I yawn and look at Jake and Andy. "How was your nap?" Jake asks.
I smile. "Fantastic. I had a dream and there was this really sexy guy in it. But you guys were there also.." I look around. "Where are we?" I ask.
"At the sexy guy's house. And his name is Jev."
The memory hits me like a bullet. "Ohh ya. And he called me princess and held my hand. I wanna go home. Fun trip eh? Lets go."
"You gotta stay, babe." Andy says.
"Don't call me that, Andy." I say a headache forming in my temples.
"What is your problem.."
I shake my head and hold my hands over my ears then I look at Baruk. I take my hands and hold my arm out to him He flys and rests on my arm. "Where is Jev?" I ask.
"On a hunt." he says.
I nod and a red hair guy walks in. "Before you say anything, Baruk, Jev sent me back to entertain his guests and he would like you to escort Miss. Ginger home."
Baruk flies out and I sigh then lean against Robbie more. The guy holds his hand out for me to take and I take it. He pulls me up and begins dancing with me and humming a tune. "You are Jordan The Great's granddaughter." he says.
I stop. "So?"
"You're a princess."
"So I'm told." I say.
He smiles. "Dance with me, princess."
We begin dancing.
"I'm horribly sorry about your parents, princess. I was so sad when I found out that..." he stops.
"Don't mention it," I mutter. "Have you heard of Basshunter?" I ask.
He tilts his head to the side. "I don't believe I have. What does he hunt?" Pier asks.
I giggle. "Nothing. He's just the hottest musician you'll ever know." I say and he chuckles.
"I absolutely love our princess, Jev!" Pier coos.
Jev hands me a glass of water. "Good. You would be banished if you didn't." Jev says. "Did you sleep well?" he asks me.
I nod and chug down the water. "Thank you," I say.
He takes the glass back to the kitchen then comes back out and sits down. "Are you alright?" Pier asks him.
Jev waves him off.
"Brother.." Pier says walking over to him.
"I'm fine, Pier. Don't worry your little head over me, ok?" Pier glares then nods. "Princess, would you join me on a walk?"
I hesitate and look at my best friend. He walks over to me and sits next to me, resting his forehead on mine. "You need to do this, Amelia." he tells me. "Go against everything your momma has told you. You need to hear what he has to say."
I sigh. "I suppose. But.."
"No. No buts. Buts are nasty smelling."
I laugh and pull away from his face. "Oh god. I agree!"
He smiles. "And don't worry about if Jev is going to hurt you or not. He won't. Pier won't let him."
"I'm not going to hurt her." Jev says, tiredly.
I hug Rob before getting up. "Ugh. I feel discusting." I say and slouch.
Jev smiles at me and loops his arm through mine. We walk out and he walks me through a path. "Your grandfather was right, you are quite beautiful." he tells me.
I smile. "Yeah. He's magnificent, isn't he?"
"Yes." he says.
Jev leads me back to my car. I sit in the driver's seat for a minute. I look in the glove box and then I pop the trunk. I get out and open the trunk all the way and pull out my bag. "Any water near by?" I ask him.
"Yeah." Baruk lands on a tree nearby.
"Master, there is a wolf pack nearby." he says.
Jev looks at me then back at Baruk. "Tell Pier to deal with it" he says.
"Yes, master." Baruk flies back.
"Why'd you have your bird come get me?" I ask as we walk on another path.
"I was busy. Your grandfather came to me as soon as he found out you and your family were hurt and told me he wouldn't do it anymore."
I frown. "I'm sorry."
He looks at me and shakes his head. "Princess, you have no reason to be sorry."
I press my hand to my temple. "Yes. It's my fault." I whisper.
He stops and I stop and look at him. "No. It is not."
I feel tears in my eyes. "You weren't there so how would you know?" I yell.
He sighs.
"I kissed his cheek and he turned to look at me and.."
Jev pulls me into his arms. "Shut up, Princess." he tells me. "It is not your fault."
I inhale Jev's scent. He smells like earth and rain. My grandfather often smelt like this when I was younger, but my dad showed him the wonders of Axe body spray and Axe body wash and he smelt like gross male evilness.
"Are you alright?" he asks.
I nod and step away. "Thank you."
He smiles at me then leads me the rest of the way to a pond of water. "It isn't dirty," he says and sits on a stone.
I drop my bag and pull my sweater off then grab out my shampoo and conditioner then I dunk my head into the water. I shiver at the coldness. I flip my hair back and scrub it with my shampoo then dunk my head back into the pond. I do the same with my conditioner.
I grab a pair of shorts and look at Jev. He smiles. "What, princess?"
I glare at him. "I'm going to change."
"Say no more." he turns around and I unbutton my pants and wiggle out of them Then I pull my shorts on. I pull off my soaked tank and put on a clean dry one then I use a dirty shirt and wash most of my body. Then I pull on a pair of sweats and I put a long sleeved shirt on.
"I'm done," I say and start brushing through my hair.
He turns around.
"And I want to hear what the fuck is going on, so go. Now." I say.
He frowns. "Are you cold?" he asks.
I shrug. He stands up and takes off his coat and gives it to me. I smile and thank him then put it on. Its very warm.
He sits back on his rock and looks at the sky.
"Your grandfather was a king, the king of this world to be exact..."
"Woah, woah. Slow down. What?"
He chuckles. "I'm sorry. I haven't ever had to explain this to any of the royalty before." I pull my knees to my chest and look at him, like I would when my gramps would tell me and Daniel a bed time story. "Long ago, before the humans came to be and before we even came to be, there were the dinoaurs and.."
"Beautiful terridactles and the fish crawled onto land and turned into my monkey brother and then my monkey brother turned into the first human ever!"
He smiles. "Exactly, although, he wasn't human. He was folk."
I frown. I read a book in eighth grade called Indeliable. It was a good book and all the things that weren't human were called folk.
"He decided that we would come into existence and rule this planet. But a few miles over there was another fish that walked onto land and turned into Robbie's monkey brother and his monkey brother turned into a human. And that happened a couple times and they repopulated."
I laugh.
"Are you believing any of this?"
I hug my legs tighter. "I started believing when your stupid bird talked to me."
He chuckles. "You don't like Baruk?"
I shake my head. "He pecked my arm and left a bruise."
He walks over to me and sits next to me. "Let me see?"
I pull the sleeve of his jacket up and show him. He takes my arm and smiles at me then he kisses my arm He freaking kissed my arm.
He holds my arm to his chest. "I'm sorry he did that."
I smile. "Its okay," I say stupidly. "So I'm still confused on why I'm here?"
He nods. "You will become our queen when you are ready. And as long as you want, you can stay young and beautiful forever."
I sigh. "Why didn't gramps stay young and pretty?" I ask.
"Its a choice." he says. "He wanted to have a family and die with your grandmother."
I nod. "He is a sentimental man." I say smiling.
"What about you?" I ask him.
"I must stay alive. For I am the one who is needed to guid the king or queen." he says.
I smile. "Aww. So I get to see a lot of you?" I ask.
He nods. "As much as you want, my princess. I'm here under your command. Take it easy on Pier though."
"Pier is sweet." I say.
"I know. Come on, we must get back before dark. And you should call your brother."
"Wait!" I say, suddenly remebering my brother. "Why didn't you call for him?"
"He wasn't ready mentally," he says, getting up and grabbing my stuff. "Come on." he says. I get up and follow him back to his log cabin.
Jev lets us stay at his place. Daniel calls me around eight aclock. "Gramps bought you a few things to hang in your room to help you get into a brighter place."
"Tell Gramps I know his secret." I say, smiling.
"You wanna talk to him? He's still here? I wanna know this secret."
"Yes, let me talk to the old man." I say.
"Hey, sweet pea." Gramps says.
"Hello, Mr King of the world!" I say.
"Ame, where the hell are you, baby girl?"
"I met Jev and Pier and I'm in Washington." I say.
"Oh, baby. I'm so proud of you!" he says. I smile and Jev walks out of the kitchen. "Jev better be prepared for your little rocker ass."
I laugh. "Wow. Yes. Hip hop baby rattles." I say.
He chuckles. "Rap bottles." he says back.
"Of coarse. Tell Daniel I'm okay and I'll be home in a couple weeks."
"Will do, my princess." he says.
"Gramps!" I whine.
"Yes, sweet pea?"
"I'm Ame."
"I know you're Ame, sweet pea. But you're also the princess!"
I pout. "Are you going to tell Daniel?" I ask.
"Of coarse. He has a right to know. Your daddy knew and your auntie."
"Yes. Indeed. I love you."
"And I love you,"
I hang up and slip my phone inside my bra. Robbie sits on my tummy. I groan. "Come on, Rob. You're so fat!" I cry and try pushing him off.
"I am not! You've just lost a lot of weight!"
Pier walks through the door. Robbie gets up and runs over to Pier. "Oh, honey, let me take care of you!" he tells him. Pier smiles at Robbie. "Ame, will you help me?"
I glare and sit up. "Of coarse, I will help Pier, not you."
Jake laughs. Pier sits next to me and Jev looks at me. "I can take over.." he starts.
I shake my head. "I want to be a nurse. I know what I'm doing." I say.
"Oooh. A nurse. What's that?"
I smile. "A lady who helps the sexy medical people help sick people." Rob tells him. I take off my tank top and tie it around Pier's elbow.
"Don't move that," I say and walk into Jev's kitchen. I get a cup and go to my bag. I grab the first aid kit and walk back to Pier. I pour some paroxide in the cup. I look at Jake. "Sweetie, can I barrow your shirt? You can model for Robbie. He obviously wants to see some."
Jake bites his lip and Robbie claps.
"Come on! I'm in my bra!" I yell playfully. Jake blushes and takes his shirt off. "Yum!" I catch his shirt and put it under Pier's arm.
"You should see my brother with no shirt on," Pier says.
"He's hot and ripped. Lucky me!" I say smiling. I glance at Jev. He smiles at me. "Come hold his hand." I order then kiss Pier's cheek. "You'll be okay, sweetie, but this is going to burn.But it'll clean it so yeah."
Pier nods.
"Press play walk away, i'm your laptop DJ." Robbie sings then kisses my head then he goes to Jake and drops on top of him. Jake being already asleep doesn't notice my bestfriend plop on him. Robbie kisses his right peck then smiles at me then closes his eyes. Jev helps me up.
"You will sleep in my bed tonight, alright, princess?" he asks.
"I'm fine out here," I tell him.
He smiles. "I won't be sleeping in there with you. So go head."
"I'm not afraid of that." I say. "Its your bed."
"You both go sleep together!" Robbie commands. "She's scared of the dark anyway."
Jev looks at me. I nod and take his hand. He leads me to his room. "Thank you," he says and I close the door. He walks over to the window and shuts it.
"What for?" I ask.
"Helping my brother."
I smile. "Sure." I say. "Thank you also." I say and sit on his bed and jump a little bit.
He sits next to me. "What for?" he asks smiling.
I look up at him. "For getting me away from home."
He hugs me. "You made Jordan shoot Baruk."
I cough. "Fuck. I'm sorry."
He laughs. "It's alright. He understands."
I smile.
He takes my wrist and slips a black band on it. "If you ever feel unsafe or afraid, just call and I'll be there, ok?" he says.
I yawn and nods my head. "Okay." I whisper leaning against him. "I'm gonna pretend I'm cool and resist everything." I tell him.
"What?" he asks.
"You." I whisper and close my eyes.
"Me? What about me? Ame?"
I giggle. "I won't fall for you, Jev."
He says something but I don't catch what he says cause I fall asleep.
When I get home, Daniel is passed out on the couch. His best friend, I forgot her name is sitting in the recliner watching spongebob. "Welcome home, Ame." she says.
I smile. "Thank you," I say.
"You feeling better?" she asks.
I nod. "Very much so."
She smiles. "Your brother will be glad. Yo Danny! Wake up, you lazy bitch!" she yells.
I sit on the back of the couch and Daniel lifts his head and looks at me. Then he gets on his knees and hugs me. "You're smiling. You're smiling that beautiful smile and I love it! Ame! I'm glad you're back! I missed you so much." He holds my head and I laugh.
"I missed you too, big oaf."
"Natalie, I need to talk to my sister." Daniel says.
She nods and gets up and kisses my head. "Glad your back." she says then goes out the front door.
"So you're a princess?" he asks.
I bite my lip and nod. "Jev is going to help me and then I'll become queen when Gramps decides I'm ready." I tell him.
"You be careful, little girl!" he tells me and hugs me again.
"But.. OMG!"
"OMG what?" he asks smiling.
"He's so hot!" I tell him.
"You get a pic?" he asks.
I nod. "Robbie took tons of pictures. He'll send them to me when I get a new phone." I say.
Daniel gets up and goes into the kitchen then returns with a box. "Happy birthday since you like left and I missed it!"
I giggle and take the bok. I open it and squeal and jump up and hug him. "Thank you! Thank you! tHank you!" I say.
He laughs and kisses my head. "Anything for my little sister." he says. He got me an iPhone 5c. I sit on the couch and program the phone. Then I call Robbie.
"He got you what?!?!" Robbie yells excitedly.
"YEah." I giggle. "Send me those pictures!"
"I will." he says. "So, I already miss being at his house."
"I know. Me too. His bed is so comfortable."
Daniel gives me a weird look and I smile at him. He smiles back.
"Did he try anything?"
I yawn. "No. All he did was accidentally knee my ass." I say quietly.
He laughs. "Oh wow."
I laugh a weak laugh.
"Tired?" he asks.
"Go to bed, best fran."
"Kay kay." I say and hang up and hug my brother. "Thank you."
He nods. "Sweet dreams, sis."
I nod and walk upstairs to my room.
I go to school on Friday. I meet Robbie at my locker and he smiles. "Evangillion is on tomorrow night. Shall I come over with food?"
I smile and nod. "Hell yeah."
"You look cute." he says looking me over. "Got a date or trying to impress?"
I nod my head. "I'm trying to impress myself," I say and put my Chemestry book in my locker.
Robbie rubs my back. "Well, good. You look absolutely beautifuly amazing." he says.
I smile and shut my locker. "That's what Daniel and Pier said."
"Pier?" he asks.
I smile. "He came to give me flowers today."
"Aww! Thats so cute! Oh my god! I'm gonna cry!"
I laugh and pat his head. "You're silly, Robbie."
We start walking to History class and Jake runs up behind us. "Hi, babe." he says and kisses Robbie's cheek.
"Hey. Did you oversleep?" Robbie asks.
Jake nods and we start walking again.
"I'm going to Ame's house tomorrow to watch Evangillion. Wanna come?" Robbie asks.
"I can't. My mom needs help throwing a suprise party for my dad." he says.
"Oh," Robbie says disapointed.
"I'm sorry."
"We're hanging out tonight then, Jake." Robbie says and walks away fast.
Jake looks at me. "Why is he so.."
I smile. "He loves you. Thats why."
Jake sighs. "I know."
"He just wants your undivided attention."
Jake smiles at me and walks after Robbie. I walk into History and sit at my desk. I put my headphones on and plug the thing into my phone and play music.
Andy walks in and sits in the desk next to me. He pushes my headphones to my neck and smiles. "Whats up?" I ask.
"You look cute."
"Thanks." He goes silent.
I don't like Andy. I used to love him. But I dislike him now. "Uh. Ame, are we done?"
I nod.
"Would you care if I went out with.."
"Fuck off. Go die in a hole. You fucking cunt."
He sighs. "Why?"
"Because you're a dick and you don't deserve anyone."
"What the hell did I do?" he asks.
"Nothing. Leave me alone before I punch you."
"No. You know what, come with me now." He grabs my arm and pulls me out of the class room. He takes me out to his truck and makes me get in the passenger side and he gets into the drivers side. "Talk to me."
I cross my arms and glare at my knees. I stop glaring. "Jev," I whisper.
Someone opens the car door and pulls me out. "Stay away from her, boy." Jev snaps and slams the door shut. He walks me off school grounds and looks at my arm. "Are you ok, princess?" he asks.
I nod.
"What happened?" he asks.
"I went to class and waited for Robbie cause he got mad at Jake and walked off and he wanted to talk and asked if he could date another girl and that's just not ok and then he grabbed me and pulled me out to his car."I say.
He frowns.
"But I'm okay." I say.
"No. You're not. I'm gonna stay until you get out of school, ok?"
I shake my head. "You don't have to."
"Do you feel threatened, princess?"
I shake my head.
"Then what? Don't lie!"
I pout. "I'm kinda scared." I whisper.
He sighs. "I need to know these things, princess. It is my job to keep you safe." he says.
"Okay. I'm sorry."
He laughs. "Don't be sorry. Come on. You need to get to school. I won't be far away."
After school, Jev is waiting by my car. "Did you have a good day?" he asks.
"Yeah. My chemistry teacher gave us cookies and fudge." I say and unlock the door. He gets in and unlocks my side for me when I get over there. I get in and start my car.
"No problems?"
I shake my head.
"Good. Where are you going now?" he asks.
"Just to the beach." I say pulling out my phone. I send a text to Daniel telling him where I'll be then I put it under my leg.
He nods. "I will accompany you." he says.
"You don't..."
"If I feel like you're safe, I will leave you alone."
I nod and start my car. I turn on the stereo and pull out of thr school parking lot. "Your brother brought my flowers this morning." I tell him.
He smiles. "He wasn't supposed to leave."
I look in my reir view mirror and frown. "Why not?" I ask.
"He is still weak,"
I smile. "He's sweet."
"Indeed." he says and I pull onto the freeway.
When we get to the beach, we get out of my car I leave the music running and pop the trunk. I go to my trunk and grab my jacket and pull it on. I grab sweats and pull them on over my shorts.
"Cold?" he asks.
I nod and hug myself.
He shrugs off his coat and offers it to me. "You're going to get cold." i tell him.
"Do not worry about my well being, princess. You're the only one that matters."
I smile. "Who said that?"
He smirks. "Me. And your grandfather would like for me to take care of you."
I take his coat and put it on. "Thank you," I say.
I grab a blanket from the back seat and lay it in front of my car. I sit on it and pat the space beside me.
"Sit. The sun is going to set in a few hours." I say.
Jev sits next to me and I pull my hair into a pony tail. "What's your favorite color?" I ask and pull the box of cookies Daniel bought me last night out of my bag and offer him one. He takes one and looks at it.
Then he looks at me. "Green."
"Why?" I ask.
"Because your eyes are pretty." he tells me and takes a bite of the cookie.
I giggle. "My eyes are ugly."
"No, princess." he says. "They're beautiful."
I smile.
"What is your favorite color?" he asks.
"Uhh. Purple." I say.
"Why?" he asks.
I shrug. "Its gorgous."
He smiles.
Andy walks over to us and punches Jev in the face. "What the fuck, Andy?" I scream and stand up.
"I want this creep away from you!" he yells in my face.
I glare at him. "I want you out of my life. Forever. Don't come near me ever again. If you do, I will kill you." I say quietly.
"No, Ame." he says. "You love me. and I love you!"
"Really?" I ask crossing my arms. "Just go away. I hate you. Get out of here."
He grabs me by the shoulders. "I told you to stay away from her!" Jev yells and grabs Andy and throws him on the ground. He pulls a knife out of his boot and goes to stab Andy.
"Stop," I say. "Don't."
Jev stands up straight and puts his knife back in his boot. I walk over to Andy and he looks at me.
"Please go away, Andy." I say. "Go or I'll call Daniel."
He sighs and stands up and leaves. I sigh. I look at Jev's face and frown. "Are you ok?" I ask and touch below his eye.
He winces. "Of coarse, Princess." he says. A jeep pulls into the beach and Robbie jumps out and runs over to me.
"Oh god. Someone did get hurt, Jakey!" Robbie says. Jake jogs over to us and looks me over.
"Ame's fine. What happened to him?"
I fall to my knees and begin crying. I feel someone hug me. Then all three of them are hugging me.
"Its okay, sweetie." Robbie says and I stop crying. "Andy just can't understand that you're hurting and he thinks everything is about him. And look, Jev is fine."
"His eye is swelling," I say quietly.
"But he's fine!" Jake says and he pulls me into standing position. He shakes my shoulders. "Get ahold of yourself women!" he yells and I giggle.
I wipe my eyes on my hands and Robbie smiles. "You look pretty bad ass, bae." he says.
I smile and sniffle. "I thought you guys were going to hang out." I say and stand by Jev.
"We were when we realized Andy was a dangerous bitch and we had to come save you." Robbie says.
I shake my head.
"She really didn't need to be saved." Jev says and smiles at me.
"Aww, Jev! When did you get here?" Robbie asks.
I giggle. "This morning."
I shake my head. "Are you guys gonna hang out? I have to get a picture of the sunset for photography." I say.
"Yes. We are gonna hang out. did you get a new stereo in your car?" robbie asks.
I nod. "My brother's friend got it for me." I say.
"The lady that lives with you?"
I shake my head. "The dude he used to get stoned with." I say.
"Oh." I sit on my blanket.
"We're gonna run to my house and get proper beach stuff, Ame." Robbie says then runs to Jake's jeep. Jake smiles at me.
"See ya in a bit." he says then walks to his car.
Jev sits by me again. I touch below his eye again then lean forward and kiss his eye. "I'm sorry, Jev." I say.
He smiles and puts his hand on my cheek. "You have no reason to be sorry, princess. Your past is my past."
I lift the corners of my mouth. "Is your past mine too?" I ask.
He grabs my chin. "If you would like to burden my past I cannot deny you." he says.
I bite my lip and hug him.
"Welcome home, Amelia!" Misty says as Jev and I walk through the front door. "And welcome, friend of Amelia's."
Misty looks Jev up and down and smiles. I glare at her and grab Jev's hand. Daniel walks out of the kitchen and hugs me. "Did you get the picture? Gramps.. Who's this?" Daniel says.
I smile. "This is my friend. Jev."
Daniel shakes Jev's hand and Jev smiles at him.
"The dude from the pictures! Come on, Gramps has something for you."
I nod and put my stuff on the couch then take Jev's hand again and bring him into the kitchen. I let go of Jev's hand and jump into Uncle Brian's arms. "There she is!" he yells and spins me in a circle.
"Its like a family reunion! They all just showed up!" Daniel says holding his head.
I giggle and walk back over to Jev. Gramps smiles at me. "Hello, my darling Ame. And Jev."
"Is this guy your new beau, Ame?" Matt asks.
I bite my lip. "Indeed he is," Gramps says.
I look at Jev and he smiles.
"Well, hello!" Uncle Jimmy says and walks over to me and hugs me tightly. "You cannot have the baby. She is mine!"
Jev chuckles. I struggle out of Jimmy's grip then I get onto the table and put my hands on my hips. "Okay. I'm the king here. What are you all doing here?"
"Suprise!" Aunt Maria yells and I smile. "Its a late birthday party!"
"And you're a lady. Not a man." Gramps says.
"Oh. Oh. look at that! I grew man parts!" I say and he laughs.
"Oh, sweet pea, you're so cute."
I look at Jev. He smiles at me. I jump off the table and walk over to him. "Kiss his cheek, Ame!" Michelle says. "I want a picture!"
I look at Uncle Brian and Aunt Michelle. I sigh and look up at Jev. He looks down at me. I reach up on my tippy toes and kiss his cheek.
"Aww. So cute." Uncle Brian coos.
"So. Its friday night? What are we going to do?"
Zacky smiles at me and Gramps gets up and goes to the counter where there are a few bags. "Fancy whine for the birthday girl."
I smile. "So we're getting drunk?"
"Yes. We are." Daniel says. "What you told mom you wanted to do for your eighteenth birthday."
I sigh and put my head down. "I wanted to do it with her. Not all of you." I whisper, tears filling my eyes.
Uncle Brian lifts my chin. "Don't start crying now, baby girl. You can get drunk with me. The next best thing."
I feel Jev rest his hand on my back. "Okay. Where the hell is my best friend?" I ask.
"Right here, bae!" Robbie says walking into the kitchen with Jake.
"I wanna get drunk with Robbie and Uncle Brian and Uncle Jimmy and Jakey Poo and Jev can be there too and the other three and Daniel." I say.
"What am I not good enough for you?" Aunt Maria asks.
I smile. "Of coarse. But it looks like you've already had enough to drink."
Gramps smiles. "I'll drive her home. Have fun, sweet pea." he says and kisses my head. "I love you."
"I love you too, old man." I say.
He hands me a fifty and glances at Jev then escorts his daughter out. "Okay. To the living room!" Daniel yells.
I take Jev's hand. "I'll be right back!" I announce then lead Jev up to my room. "I'm sorry." I say and turn my light on.
"Don't appologize, princess." he says.
I smile. "Do you wanna stay and get drunk?" I ask.
"I must get back to my brother. But I hope you have fun." he says and hugs me.
I start to take off his coat when he pulls it back onto my shoulders. Then he leans down and presses his lips to mine. "You can keep it. Sweet dreams, princess."
I bite my lip then giggle and hug him. "Thank you," I say stupidly.
He kisses my cheek and nods.
When we go back downstairs, I say goodbye to Jev then sit in the recliner. "He's a pretty person." Uncle Brian says.
I giggle. "Right?"
Robbie puts a CD into the surround system my brother bought a few weeks ago and plays S3RL. "We got a lot more than what Gramps got. But don't tell him that." Daniel says.
"How much more?"
"Well, Auntie Michelle thought it was necisarry to get this," Uncle Brian says and holds up and big bottle of Rum.
"Rum with no coke?" I ask.
"Oh. I got the coke, kid." Zacky says.
I smile. "And Val sent this for you." Uncle Matt says and gives me a bottle of whipped cream vodka.
I giggle. "Oh wow. Tell her I love her and she is absolutely awesome!"
"What are we even listening to?" Daniel asks.
"Ame's playlist." Robbie says.
"Ame, what is this?" Daniel asks.
"Uh. Press Play Walk Away by S3RL." I say.
"You're so weird." Uncle Brian says.
I smirk.
"Yes. She is indeed. But isn't that why we love her?" Michelle says and I smile.
I wake up in my bed with Robbie. "Jev kissed me last night," I whisper.
He opens his eyes. "Good. You two are so cute."
I shrug. Around three in the afternoon, I take a shower and get dressed then curl my hair. Then I go to the kitchen and get some coffee. "Good morning, darling." Uncle Brian says.
"Good afternoon." I say smiling.
"How did you sleep?"
"With a Robbie." I say and we laugh.
"I didn't know Rob was gay though."
I nod. "He has been since he was like twelve." I say.
"And you didn't tell me?" he asks.
"Slipped my mind." I murmmure, sipping my coffee.
He puts his hand over his eyes. "Your mom used to do that to me all the time." he says.
I smile. "I know."
"I'm glad you're getting better."
I nod. Around six, Robbie and I go to the store to get snacks for the movie night we are going to have. When we get to the store and after walking around doing nothing but pushing the cart really fast and riding on it, I see Jev leaning against the refridgerator area.
Robbie smiles at me. "i'm going to go get Xtra Cheddar fishy crackers!" he sings then walks off. I push the cart over to Jev and smile.
"What are you doing tonight?" he asks.
"Watching Evangelion with Robin." I say.
He smiles.
"What are you doing tonight?"
He tucks some hair behind my ear. "Taking Pier to see his mom."
"Aww." I say.
He nods. "I just came to check up on you. Are you doing ok, princess?"
"Ame is fine," I say smiling.
He presses his lips to my forehead. "Good," he whispers.
"Oh my gosh! Aren't you cold?" I ask. "Its freezing in this store. Here!" I take off his coat and put it around his shoulders.
"No, princess. You need it more than.."
Robbie returns with a big container of Fish crackers. "Rob will share with me," I say.
"Can you hang out, Jev?" Rob asks.
Jev smirks. "For a bit."
"Ohh. Good. You can push me in the cart!" Robbie says and laughs.
Jev smiles.
"I get to push the cart!" I say in a childish voice.
Robbie smiles at me.
"Ooh. Lets get stuff for tacos then magestically make tacos and sing its raining tacos and throw them at your brother!" RObbie says.
I giggle. "Such a waste of my favroate food." I say.
I take Jev's hand and let Robbie push the cart around for a little bit. "You have something to do tomorrow morning. So be up when I come to get you."
"What do I have to do?"
"A baby is being born," he tells me.
"Aww. How cute." I say smiling.
"This baby needs to be introduced to his/her new ruler. So you will allow it to drink your blood.."
"Woah! What? No bueno, Mister Pornstar!" I say.
He frowns and Robbie nudges me.
I glare. "I'm poisoned." I mutter.
"What?" Rob asks, angrily. "What the hell are you talking about, Amelia?"
I sigh. "I'm on so many despression pills.."
Robbie smacks my cheek. "Shut the hell up, Amelia. You are not poisoned. You're the purest of them all. I don't want you to say that ever again." He walks away.
Jev stops walking and pulls me back into his arms. "You're perfect, princess."
Robbie and I went back to my house and I appologized and he said it was okay so we started making tacos. Robbie wouldn't talk to me and I started to feel tired so I sit in the chair at the table. Robbie looks at me and purses his lips. "You ok?" he asks.
I shrug and put my head down.
"Hey," he says and I feel his hand on my back. "i'm sorry."
I wave him off. I sit up straight, feeling it hard to breathe leaning on the table like that. But I still cant catch my breath.
"What's wrong, Ame?" Robbie asks.
I put my right hand on my rib feeling a pain.
"Daniel!" Robbie yells and makes me look at him. "Ame.."
I feel the chair being pulled away from the table and Daniel is picking me up and taking me to the bathroom. He makes me sit on the sink and tells Robbie to make sure I don't pass out or fall off the sink. I choke and begin couging.
Daniel grabs my pills and grabs. "Misty!" Daniel yells. "Misty!" he screams.
"Get me a cup. Hurry! Ame's gonna pass out!"
Misty runs in with a cup and she fills it up. Daniel shoves the pill in my mouth and dumps some water in after it then massages my throat. I swallow and Daniel rubs my back and looks at me with worry on his face.
"You forget about the.."
"OH right!" Daniel grabs the inhaler out of the box and shakes it. Then puts it to my mouth. "Breathe in, baby girl."
He pushes on the thing and I choke again. He does it again and I can breathe a bit better. "You good, sis?" he asks.
I hold one thumb up and put my hands on the sides of the sink and put my head down. Uncle Brian walks in. "What just happened?" He pushed my head up making me look at him. "You okay, baby girl?" he asks.
I feel to weak to move so I fall forward on his chest. "She's going to get really tired but she needs to stay up until the medicine kicks in." Daniel says.
"What's wrong?"
"Asthma and pains." Daniel says. "She did this a lot when she got out of the hospital."
Uncle Brian rubs my back. "I'm gonna stay here for awhile with you guys." he says.
"I can take care of her, Brian." Daniel says.
"I know you can, kid. But I'm worried."
"Aunt Maria.."
I hug Uncle Brian and whine in pain. "I'm staying, Daniel."
"Ame," Robbie says.
I look at him. He smiles. "Sorry," I whisper.
"Its all good, sweetie. I'll call you later?"
He goes and Uncle Brian picks me up and I groan. He takes me up to my room and lays me on my bed. Then takes my shoes off and puts my purple blanket over me. Then he brings the chair over by my bed and smiles at me.
"I'm sorry I wasn't there when you woke up," he says.
I shake my head. "Its ok."
He shakes his head. "I had to go on tour." I nod. "What hurts?"
"My lungs and ribs and my side."
He strokes my hair.
"I understand, uncle." I whisper. "You couldn't stay because of tour. But mom.. she was pretty mutualated, heh?"
He sighs.
"I understand. I don't want to see Daniel like that."
He puts his hand over his eyes. "I'm being strong. You lost more than I did, sweetheart."
"But I understand." I say, tears slipping out of my eyes without my permission.
"Ame.." He sounded angry until he takes his hand off his eyes and looks at me. "Sweetie, don't cry. You're.."
I shake my head. "I understand. I'm ok."
He sighs and kisses my head. "Go to sleep, kiddo."
I put my hand up and grab his hand and look at it. "I will never be afraid again, Brian." I say. "And I will keep on fighting til the end." I whisper.
"Good." I feel him kiss my forehead and then I doze off.
I wake up in slightly more pain than last night. Jev sits on my bed. "What's the matter, princess?" he asks. He helps me sit up.
"Nothing. I'm fine. Just sore." I murmmure. "Can I take a shower and stuff?"
"Of coarse, princess." he says.
I get up and walk out the door. I walk downstairs to the bathroom and turn the shower on. I got in and did the routine slowly so I wouldn't slip or fall or anything. When I got out I grab my pills and take them upstairs. Jev is spinning in my chair when I walk in. He stops then smirks at me.
"Quite undressed, princess." he says.
I smile. "Quite my room," I say and he chuckles.
Then he turns around and doesn't turn back around until I finish dressing. Then he says, "Change into something formal, princess." he says.
I glare. "Then you're going to help me because my muscles fucking hurt." I snap.
He holds his hands up. "Very well,"
"I don't even have anything formal." I mutter, angrily.
He grabs me and turns me around and kisses me softly. He pulls back and I smile.
"Calm down, princess. I have brought you something."
I giggle and he smiles at me, a beautiful smile that brightens up his black eyes.
He sits me on my bed then tells me to close my eyes then a about a minute later he tells me to open them. I do and smile at the long dress that is sure to make me look like a fat elephant.
"Ame, are you awake, sweetie?" Brian asks knocking on the door.
"I'm coming in." he announces then walks in. He stops and looks at me. "Just because you.."
"Its okay. He's taking me somewhere fun." I say. "And told me that I needed something formal to wear." I say.
Uncle Brian nods. "Okay. Well, don't be.."
I nod. "I know." I say.
"Are you feeling better?" he asks.
Jev looks at him, confused then at me. "Yeah. Yeah. I'm good. Just a bit sore."
He looks at my pill box. "We're gonna go get taco bell for lunch." he says.
I smile. "Sweet." I get up and hug him. "Please go bug Aunt Michelle. This is really important to me."
He nods. "Okay. But no.."
I sigh and push him out. "I know! I love you, dear uncle."
He chukles and tells me he loves me also. I close my door. "I appreciate it and everything but I can't pull something like that off." I say.
Jev sets it on the bed then walks over to me. "Please, princess. Pretty please with cherries on top." he says putting his hands together and getting on his knees.
Oh my gosh. I can't wait to tell RObbie about this. I giggle and he smiles up at me.
I wrinkle my nose and playfully punch myself in the stomach then sit down in front of him and groan. "Fine!" I say.
After he helps me into the stupid dress I yell for Aunt Michelle. She walks in with a two glasses of wine. She hands one to me and winks at Jev. "She's a jewel, isn't she?"
He smiles. "Indeed."
"What is up, sweetie? That dress is beautiful on you! I'm guessing you need shoes?" she asks.
I nod. "No pointy or closed toe ones."
She nods. "Alright. I will be right back." She walks out and I take a sip of the wine and offer it to Jev. He takes a drink. She returns a minute later with black stilletoes and she sits in front of my mirror. I slip them on and practice walking in them. "May I do your hair?" she asks.
"Sure," I mutter.
"Where are you guys going?" she asks.
I shrug. Jev looks at me and I shake my head slightly. "Somewhere formal," he says and I giggle. Aunt Michelle laughs also and then makes me sit where she was and she straightens my hair then pulls it back and ties it in a pony tail. She brushes my bangs to the side and glares at the hair that is to short to be pulls into anything.
I smile at her. "Thank you, darling." I say.
She kisses my face then leaves. I put some make up on then look at Jev. "Ready?" he asks.
I nod. He holds out his arm and I take it. "Close your eyes, princess."
I do and then I feel the cold bite my skin. I start shivering. "Open. Here." He gives me his coat and I put it on and look at the woods around me. It looks kind of beautiful.
Jev makes me take his arm again and he smiles at me. "Just a short walk."
I nod feeling my pills kick in. We begin walking.
"A young couple of lightning folk. They're having their first baby which you will deliver. Cut your hand with the dagger I gave you and let the baby drink. Not to much, but not to little."
I feel my chest tighten. "Why does the baby have to drink my blood?" I ask.
"So that you become connected. It's your first real step to becoming the queen. Your grandfather thought it was absurd. He didn't want to do it, but he told me that he felt nice that he was connected to something."
I nod and smile. "I'm going to be greater than him. But I don't even know how to deliver a baby."
He squeezes my hand. "I will be there." he says and stops and I see a little house kind of like Jev's but bigger and white. His is brown.
He goes and knocks. A man opens the door.
"The princess is here. Please make a path and bow to her as she passes you." Jev steps to the side and smiles at me and I walk forward.
I walk inside and look around. Three folk kneel around me. Two women and one man. The old women lifts her head and gasps. "Such beauty." she murmmures.
I walk over to her and make her stand. "Don't strain yourself, hon." I say.
She smiles at me and Jev nods at me in approval. "You may rise," Jev says.
I smile at the old women and she takes my hands and kisses both of them. "I am Marge," she says. "This is my daughter Mary and my son in law Peter."
I hug the daughter and shake the man's hand. A little boy runs into the room and stops and gasps. "Mommy!" the little boy giggls and walks over to me. "Is it the princess?" he asks.
"It is, Ginta." Mary says.
"Hello, miss princess! I am very happy to meet you and you are very pretty! May I have a hug?" he asks.
I look at Jev and he nods. I bend my knees and hug the little boy. "I am very happy to meet you too, Ginta." I say and he giggles and runs to his mom.
"Thank you for coming, princess." Peter says.
"She is new at this so forgive her of her innocence." Jev says. "This is her first major task as a princess."
Marge smiles at me. "She is very lovely."
I smile back. "Mom!" someone yells. I look at Jev.
Marge grabs my hand. "Come come," she orders.
Jev frowns and follows. A young girl with a pregnant belly lays on a bed and I look at Jev, worridly. He stand in the corner of the room, hands crossed. "You're ok," he mouths to me.
"The princess is here, baby." Marge says to the girl.
I smile at the girl.
She smiles a weak smile. "I'm Annie." she says.
I felt like breaking down. But then I remembered something. "Jev," I murmmure feeling lightheaded already.
"Catch me. I'm about to faint."
He walks over to me in three strides. He holds me steady. "Whats wrong?"
"You took me out before I could eat." I whisper and fall against him.
"What is wrong?" Marge asks.
"She needs to eat something." Jev says and makes me stand up.
"Come then, princess. Mary, stay with Annie for awhile."
Mary nods and Marge leads me to the kitchen. She sits me down and gets me something to eat. She puts a bowl in front of me and smiles.
I eat it and thank her. "Why did you need to eat so suddenly?"
I look at Jev. "I was in a car accident. I take pills." I say hoping that will sum it up.
"Ah. I'm sorry, princess."
I wave it off. Then we go back to the room. Jev smiles at me and puts his head down. Peter sits on her right, Ginta is patting her belly coaxing the baby out and Mary is on her left. Come on little baby, come on. I keep thinking. Maybe being a princess isn't my thing. The baby's head begins to show.
"I see the head," I tell them. "Push!" I encourage.
She does and the baby comes out a few minutes later. Peter cuts the umilical cord and Jev hands me my dagger while Marge and Mary start cleaning up. "Any special place to cut?" I ask.
"Wrist will do," he says.
"Uhm. Anywhere else? I don't need my brother thinking I'm suicidal."
"Princess," he scolds. "I will kiss it better. Do it."
Marge laughs quietly. I cut my wrist and squeak quietly then Jev hands the baby to me. I hold my wrist over her mouth and the blood pours into her mouth. Jev tells me when to stop. The baby opens her eyes and looks at me. I smile at the small thing and then hand her to Mary. Marge escorts me out of the room and cleans the wound.
Afterwards, Jev kneels by me and licks up some blood that escaped and kisses my wrist better. The wound closes up and the scar goes away. "Quite delicious, princess." he says and I smile, shaking my head.
Annie, Mary, Peter, and Ginta come out. The baby in Annie's arms. Ginta runs over to me and Jev puts him on my lap.
"Ame. I'm Ame." I say, slightly annoyed with being called princess.
"Princess Ame?" Ginta asks.
"Heh?" I ask.
"Will you come back and visit?" he asks.
"Of coarse she will," Jev says and I wrinkle up my nose at him.
Marge laughs at us.
He smiles at me and takes the baby. "Such a cute being." he says.
"Baby," I correct him. "Such a cute baby."
He smiles. "Your grandfather would have called it a being."
"I am not Gramps. I am Amelia."
He smiles and Ginta laughs. "Yeah, Mister Jev, she is Princess Amelia!"
I giggle and hug Ginta. "I will come back and visit." I say.
"Hop down now, Ginta. The princess needs to hold your cousin." Marge says.
Ginta jumps down and Jev hands me the baby. "What is her name?" I ask.
"You must name the child," Jev says.
"What? Why?" I ask and kiss the baby's forehead.
"It is your job, as the princess to name the baby that comes into this world by your hands." Marge says.
I bite my lip. "That doesn't make sense." I whisper.
"Human customs are not very good. Without someone to help, they name their children weird names that get them made fun of by their classmates. With the order that we have, every name is unique." Jev says.
"Jev is pretty unique." I say.
"So is Amelia. Your grandfather chose it."
I smile. "I know. I want this one to be called Ame. With an E. Not a Y."
"What is the reasoning?" Jev asks, a smile in his voice.
"She looks like an Ame. And I think its appropriate that this child be called Ame. She is absolutely adorable." I look at Peter and Annie.
They smile at me. "Thank you, princess."
"Princess Ame," Jev corrects them.
"Thank you, princess Amelia!" Ginta says and I giggle.
"You are very welcome, Ginta. Would you like to hold her?" I ask.
"Yes!" Ginta says and Marge sits him in a chair and gives him a blanket. "Thank you, grams." he says. I stand up and hand the baby to Ginta. Then I kneel in front of him and make sure he supports her head and everything else.
I let him hold her for about five minutes while Jev talks to Annie and Peter about me. Then I smile at Ginta and take her and give her to her mom.
"Thank you," She says.
I nod and put my hand on Ame's little head and then walk over to Jev. "We must be going now," Jev says. "We hope your baby is well and your lives." he says. They bow their heads and Jev leads me out. He takes me to his place and I call Daniel and tell him I am in Washington and he tells me to be back by tomorrow morning. Then Jev has me go into his room and he kisses me then tells me to lay down and get some rest.
I do. I sleep most of the day away.
"Good morning, princess." Pier says when I walk out.
Baruk is sitting on Jev's shoulder and Jev is watching something on the tv. "Morning." I say. "He's a pirate." I say.
Pier chuckles. "Thirsty?" he asks.
I nod my head. He gets me a glass of water. "Thank you, Pier." I say.
Jev turns the tv off and gets up. Baruk flies off his shoulder. "Master," Baruk says.
"I will deal with it."
"He wants the princess. He won't be happy if you go without her." Baruk says.
Jev looks at me and smiles. "Sleep well?" I nod. "Good. Pier, grab your gun. Get the princess some new clothes to wear. We're leaving in ten minutes."
"What's going on?" I ask.
Jev opens a door and pulls out a sword. He sets it on the table and then looks at me. "We have a slight problem. Nothing to freak out over, but.."
Baruk lands on his shoulder again. "You're a pirate," I say.
Jev chuckles. Pier returns with a pair of black skinny jeans and a black shirt. And a pair of combat boots. "Do you need help, princess?" Jev asks.
"Uh. I think I can manage," I say and take the clothes. I go into Jev's room and take the dress off and sit on the floor.
"Jev!" I yell.
"I need a bra, an undershirt, and socks!"
"Uh. Ok." he says.
My phone buzzes on the nightstand. I grab it.
Robbie: Where you at? With Jev?"
Someone knocks on the door. I stand up and open it a little bit and look at Jev. He hands me a bra, a grey undershirt, and.. "Socks!" I say smiling then I close the door. I get dressed and look through Jev's stuff for a brush. I find one and brush through my hair. Then I walk out.
Then I remember RObbie's text. Me: Yeah. I'll be home tomorrow."
I slip my phone in my pocket and Jev fastens the sword to my side then puts my dagger in my boot. I feel his hand slide on my butt. I squeak and push him away from me. "Perv!"
He shakes his head and puts his hands up. "I was putting something in your pocket! I swear!"
Pier laughs. "He wasn't trying to feel you up, princess."
I sigh and shake my head.
We leave and go to Europe with Jev's magical powers. And he leads us through an open feild then into the forest for awhile then we come onto an abandoned street. A teenage boy sits in the middle of it.
"I brought the princess, Gueuk." Jev says.
Pier stands straigh, grabbing for his gun. "Stay calm, princess." Pier whispers in my ear.
The boy looks at me. "He looks sad," I say and walk forward.
"Princess, stop.."
"No." I say and walk over to the boy. I make him stand up. I smile. He smiles back.
I feel Pier grab me around the weist and pulls me back. I screech and grab his hair and pull it until he lets me go. The boy looks angry. And he suddenly turns into a big fat grotesct creature.
"Pier, take the princess and run."
I feel Pier take my hand and start pulling. I yank my hand from his grip. "Stop. You both need to stop!" I scream.
Jev stops walking toward the creature and looks at me. "What? Princess, go!"
"No. The kid was fine until Pier did that. I can handle myself." I say.
Jev walks over to me. "We will let yo handle this then." he says.
"Thank you." I look at the creture who lets out a sickly cry and charges forward. "STOP!" I scream. The screature stops and screeches, its sickly gross arms holding where it's ears would be. "Think about what you are doing, boy!"
The creature calms down and the creature returns into the boy. "I'm sorry, princess." he whispers.
I sigh and walk over to him and put my hand on his head. "Keep your temper in check." I say and hug the boy.
Jev takes me back to his place afterwards. He turns the tv on and smiles then turns it off. "Your grandfather is on the line, Ame." Jev says.
I stand by Jev and he turns the tv on. Gramps smiles at me. "You're doing so well, baby. I've heard rumors. Rather good rumors."
I smile. "Well good. Tell me?" I ask.
"I got a call from Marge and she told me that you were the most beautiful girl she had ever seen and you're incrediably sweet. And you named her newest grandbaby after yourself?"
I giggle. "Not after myself. My name is Amelia. Her name is Ame.
He laughs. "I'm so proud of you, sweet pea. You met Josh The Temper Tantrum?"
I look at Jev. He nods. "Guess so."
"She handled him very well."
"What happened?"
"She walked over to him with no fear and made him stand before her, but I pulled her back out of fear for her life and he got mad and she got mad at me. Then she screamed at him. He went into submission and he calmed down." Pier explains. "Hello, Grand Jordan!"
"Hello, Pier."
I suddenly feel giddy inside. "I feel like Shinji from Evangelion." I say and giggle.
Gramps smiles at me. "Who is Shinji and what is Evangelion?"
"Shinji is a badass dude that gets into an Eva and just fights Angels that aren't angels they're like mean things that are trying to kill the human race. And he triggers the end of the world." I say.
Gramps laughs. "You will show me this Evangelion."
I pout. "You wouldn't like it," I say.
"Why not?" he asks.
"Japanease Cartoon." I say.
"I will watch it. It sounds promising." he says.
I feel like a little girl again. "For realsies?" I ask cutely.
I squeal in excitement. "I can't wait!"
He smiles. "Oh. Maria is pregnant." he says and puts his thumb up.
"Good for her," I say. "That's fantastic!" I say
"I love you, sweet pea." he says.
"I love you too, Gramps." I say and Jev nods to him and Pier smiles widely and he clicks off.
I sit on the couch and make guns out of my fingers.
"What are we going to do?" I ask.
"We could go out," Pier says excitedly.
"Where?" I ask smiling.
"A club just for the folk." he says smiling.
"No, Pier. The princess isn't..."
"I wanna go, Jev." I whine. "Your house is so boring. There's not half naked Robbies or Jakes." I say.
"I can get half naked," Jev winks at me.
"Uh huh. But then I would have to attack you because you've kissed the forbiddeness!"
He laughs at me.
"You've been kissing the princess?" Pier asks.
Jev smirks.
"Does she taste yummy?"
Jev looks at me. "Define 'yummy', brother."
"Of coarse I taste yummy. I wear strawberry lip gloss." I say.
"Ooh! I wanna taste!" Pier says and I giggle.
"No, Pier." Jev snaps.
Pier smiles. "Come on, princess, lets leave Mr. Grumpy here and go have fun without him."
"The princess has school in the morning."
I shake my head. "Christmas break starts tomorrow." I say.
"Okay. Well, doesn't your brother want you home in the morning."
"Well, he'll understand." I say.
"See, Jev. He'll understand. Come on!"
Jev looks over to Baruk.
"Everything is in check, Master Jev. Go have fun."
"Alright, fine." Jev says.
After changing into something acceptable for a club, we leave and go to California. Jev keeps ahold of my hand as we bypass the folk. Who are gaping and/or looking at me in awe. We get to the front where the big buff bouncer is and he looks shocked for a second.
"Welcome, princess." he stutters, bowing his head.
Pier smiles at me. Jev takes my hand again and we enter the club. Clolorful lights and stuff. A bar. A dj. Jev lets Pier lead me to the bar.
The bartender walks over to us. A tall buff guy. I pull out my phone and snap a pic and send it to Robbie. Then return my phone to my pocket. "What can I get ya, sexy?" the bartender asks me.
"Rum'N'Coke," Pier says. "For both of us. This is the princess."
The bartender smirks at me and gets our drinks. "So the famous lady graces us with her presence. Welcome, princess." he says.
"Take a drink, Ame." Pier says.
I look at Jev. "You take a drink first," I order.
He sips it. "All good, princess." he says handing it to me. I sip it. Feeling it burn my throat.
Pier chuckles. "You okay?"
I nod. "Yep."
Jev smirks at me. "Want some shots, princess?" he asks.
I shake my head. "Uh uh."
I feel someone bump into me and spill their drink all over the back of me. Jev grabs the girl and gets her in a head lock. "Don't touch the princess without her permission, you drunk idiot!" he snaps.
The girl whines until Jev lets go. "I'm sorry, princess," she slurrs then walks away.
"Would you like to leave?" Jev asks.
I sip my drink and shake my head. "Although, a new shirt would be nice. But your jacket.." I say smiling.
He smirks and hands me the coat. I head to the bathroom and take off my white teashirt and pull his jacket on. Then I use the buttons on the sides to button it so it covers my boobs but exposes my belly button.
Jev takes my shirt from me when I return to the bar. "Cute," he says.
I smile and sit on my stool.
"Katar wants to ask you a few.. questions." Jev says.
"You're the princess, and you don't have to answer if you deem his question not worth your time." Pier says.
I nod. "Okay. Sure."
I look at the bartender. He smiles softly at me. "Why did your grandfather suddenly quit?"
"His son died," I say bluntly.
Katar nods. "How?"
I sigh feeling slightly shaky. "Uhm.."
"Car wreck." Jev says and rests his hand on my back.
A few drinks later, Jev and I are making out against a wall while Pier dances with a blond chick. Obviously trying to get lucky. Jev pulls back and I smirk at him. "I want some pizza," I say.
He chuckles then looks at Pier. "Lets go get some," he suggests.
I nod. He leads me out and to the outside. We walk a long time, I make him carry me when I decided my legs were broken and I didn't want to walk.
He sits me in a booth at the pizza place and then goes to order pizza. When he comes back he smiles at me.
"You know," I slurr. "I know what you want, pervy perverton."
He tilts his head slightly. "Did you really just call me a pervy perverton?" he asks.
I smile and nod. "All boys are."
"I'm not a boy, princess." he says, smirking at me.
"Blah! Blah! Blah! You all have one thing in common, and you think with that little guy all the time instead of your rational brain!"
He doesn't stop smirking at me and it makes me mad. But I don't feel very mad about it. Atleast, not at him. "Maybe, we don't have a real brain?" he suggests.
I nod. "I know right? Like, all you men wanna do is fuck and not care about my feelings." I slam my hand onto the table. "You never ever stop and think about how I would feel if you just slept with that chick or anything. It's just go go go."
Jev drops the smile and reaches over the table and puts his hand on my face. "What's wrong?"
I shake my head and close my eyes. "But you won't hurt me. I won't let you." I whisper. "I'll hurt you first."
I got right in my bed when Jev brought me home yesterday and I haven't gotten out since. I told everyone to leave me alone. I get up from my bed and stretch my muscles, feeling gross. I grab a towel and some clothes then run downstairs and open the door. Uncle Brian is peeing.
I scream and close the door. "I'm sorry!" I yell.
I sit on the floor until he comes out. "You okay?" he asks sitting next to me.
He offers me a cigerette then I laugh.
"Hey, you're eighteen now. Take one."
I think about it. And I do it. Becase I'm an eighteen yearold now and I have the right to smoke. He lights it for me then lights his own. I take a tiny puff off it then choke.
Brian pats my back and chuckles. "You ok?"
I nod and smile. "Wanna hang out today?" I ask.
"Of coarse." he says smiling.
I give the smoke to him then crawl into the bathroom and get into the shower. After my shower I sit on the floor in my towel and call Pier. "Hello, darling." he says.
"Hey. What's Jev doin?"
"Sleepin. Why?"
"I dunnnooo. Do you wanna hang out with me and my uncle?" I ask.
"Of coarse, princess!" he says. "What are we doing?"
"Taco bell and probably going to the arcade." I say.
"How old is your uncle?"
I giggle. "Thirty something."
"Why are we going to an arcade then?" he asks and laughs.
"Because I am eighteen. And I would like to go to the arcade!"
He chuckles. "Okay. I will be there soon."
"Kk!" I hang up and put my phone on the closed toilet. I get leave my dirty clothes in the bathroom and run up to my room in my towel and get dressed.
"Ame!" Daniel yells. "You left a mess!"
I frown. "No I didn't!" I say and pull my shirt over my head. I run back down the stairs and into the bathroom. My brother is in his underwear, turning the shower on. I pick up my stuff and glare at the clean clothes that I left in the bathroom.
"You're so silly, Ame." he says, laughing at me.
"And you're stupid." I mutter.
He laughs again. "I don't forget I left clean clothes in the bathroom."
"Oh shut up!" I yell and run back up to my room. I throw my clothes on the floor and put some make up on and brush through my hair.
I sit on my bed and call Robbie. "Hello, princess Yuki." he answers.
"Hi!" I yell.
"Hello! Why are we yelling?"
"I dunno." I giggle. "What are you doing today?"
"Jake is taking me on a picnic." he says.
"Aww. Cute." I say.
"Did you wanna hang out today?"
"Nah." I say.
"Daniel said you wouldn't get out of bed. And you were being a brat. What's wrong?" he asks.
I smile. "I went to a club with Pier and Jev and I got drunk." I say.
"I bet you guys kissed!" Robbie yells.
"That's top secret Robinhood."
"YOU DID!" he yells. "Awwwwww! I'm coming over tomorrow!" he yells.
I giggle. "Why are we yelling now?" I ask.
"Cause you're soooo adorable, Ame Poo."
I smile. "Well, thanks you." I say.
After we get off the phone, Pier shows up. I run downstairs and into the kitchen. Then out into the living room and change the channel to sponegbob. Misty glares at me "STOP TALKING!" I yell and go to the kitchen and watch spongebob through the gap in the wall. Pier sits next to me.
"Quite energetic." he says.
I smile and nod. "Today is the day to be a bitch!" I say smiling at him.
"I totally agree with you, Ame." Uncle Brian says walking in.
Pier smiles. "Totally."
"This guy is coming with us, Brian." I say.
"And who is this guy?' he asks smiling.
Uncle Brian grabs a beer out of the fridge. "Any relation to your boyfriend?" he asks me.
"Indeed!" I say smilng. "They're brothers."
Pier leans toward me. "Boyfriend?" he whispers.
"Shhh." I whisper and keep smiling.
"Okay." Brian says.
Someone changes the channel. I turn back and glare at Daniel. "Change it back!" I yell.
He shakes his head. "No, sis."
I pout and make a cute sad face at him.
"Ugh! Fine!" he changes it back to Spongebob and I smile.
We went to get lunch at taco bell, then we went to the arcade. Aunt Michelle called Uncle Brian and told him he had to go home so now its just me and Pier. We walk out of the arcade and out to the beach. "Jev is worried about you," he says and brushes his hand through his bright red hair.
I wince. "Why?" I mumble.
He shrugs. "He's been so jittery and uptight. Look. Baruk is around."
I groan. "I know." I say. "My eyes always flash when he's around."
He smiles. "Jev'll be here soon."
I sigh.
He smirks at me. "Oh my god. You guys have the same smirk!" I yell and start running. I hear him laughing and I look back for a second and then I run into someone. That someone just happens to be my Jev. We both fall on the ground and I curse at the pain in my head.
Then I get up and run past him. "Princess!" he yells.
"Sorry! Gotta... uhm. Lose weight!"
Pier appears in front of me and he grabs me before I can dodge around him. I try to get out of his grasp, but i just end up out of breath and ready for a nap. "You musnt run, princess." He turns me around to an angry Jev.
"What's your problem?" he asks.
I fall limp against Pier. "I want everyone to leave me alone." I say. "I want my mom. And my dad." I start crying.
Jev pulls me out of Pier's grasp and hugs me to him. "I know." he whispers.
Publication Date: 12-23-2014
All Rights Reserved