His name is Chihiro Kitagawa and he tugged at the bindings which held him fast to the cruciform platform. All around came the chitinous rasping of tiny claws emanating from the thousand or so Scorpions who shared this pit with him. He had been assured by his captors their poison glands had been removed, this he hoped because he had already been stung a few times. He cursed himself for a fool, having listened to that drunken scoundrel Lord Kingsley Pugh who had led him into this trap. Above him swung a scything blade which dropped ever lower if he struggled against his bindings. He tried to ignore the scurrying things that creeped and crawled about his person, using his breathing to calm himself. Chihiro examined his surroundings, what he could see in the darkness. Above him, beyond the blade, the pit was sealed by a stone plug with only a window sized opening in which he could see the starry night sky. One of the cowboys who had abducted him was standing over the opening, he unbuttoned his pants and urinated into the hole.
"That should keep the critters off ya a while longer," he said and walked off laughing. A year ago Chihiro had come to America looking for his teachers son, who was wanted for the murder of a fellow Ninja of the Iga Kansetzu Ryu clan member. Sygo Takagi had left a clear trail behind him leading Chihiro to the town of Red Bluff. He had happened upon Lord Kingsley Pugh, a drunken foul mouthed English man, who claimed he knew the whereabouts of Sygo Takagi-his quarry. Chihiro had trusted him and they traveled to a canyon some miles outside Red Bluff. Sygo was indeed there, he hit Chihiro with a sleep dart and here he found himself in this pit of death.
It had been some time since he had come round when he heard a noise from above, it sounded like wood hitting flesh, a face appeared at the opening. It was the pudgy reddened face of Kingsley.
"Cheerio, I am so sorry dear fellow," he said, "I had no idea they was going to do this to you, he said he only wanted to scare you away." His voice was slurred and raspy from his constant whiskey and laudanum abuse.
"You going to get me out or bore me with one of your stories."
"My, that is gratitude damn your eyes, I think I may leave you to rot by God."
"Okay, see you."
"Don't be like that dear boy, I shall have you out in a trifle."
"Watch for the Scorpions and the blade."
"Scorpions, scorpions," panic flitted across his face.
"It is okay they are not poisonous, just look out for the blade."
A rope dropped down from the opening and Kingsley's rear end shuffled into view, gripping the rope for dear life as he slowly descended.
"This is no pissing place for a nephew of the Queen," he grumbled.
Shortly he was down among the scorpions feet dancing like he was on a hot tin roof.Kneeling down next to the cruciform platform he produced a Bowie knife and freed Chihiro from his bonds. He grabbed Kingsley by the throat, pushing him away as the blade slammed down into the platform.
"Give me one good reason why I should not kill you now?" His face was up against Kingsley who whimpered.
"C, ca, can't breath my boy."
Chihiro shoved Kingsley to the floor of the pit, he screamed and jumped to his feet.
"I came back for you when I found out what happened, come let us not tarry in this place any longer, I have your clothes above."
Chihiro looked up at the opening fifteen feet above. He took the knife from Kingsley then vaulted up through the hole and landing in a ukemi role, coming to his feet he scanned the area. The pit was in a small Forrest clearing on the side of a valley, he could make out, in the light given off by two flaming torches either side of the pit, a body on the ground nearby. He crossed over to it and using the knife, slit his throat from ear to ear. He turned back to the pit to see Kingsley emerge from the hole puffing and panting. He lay on his back and pointed to a pile of clothes and a pack next to the pit.
Quickly Chihiro dressed, he had affected the American way of dressing soon after his arrival except for a pair of Tabi boots and a red Obi which held his Ninja-To, Chihiro was pleasantly surprised to find all his weapons with the clothes. A trail led from the clearing into the Forrest, he led Kingsley down it. A gibbous moon hung low in the sky, illuminating their way down the side of the valley.
"I thought about going to get the Sheriff, then I remembered he is on the pay roll of the Savio gang," Kingsley said, puffing along behind him, "The Long Riders they call them selves, the baddest bunch of desperado's this side of Tombstone, or so I am reliably informed by their leader Dan Savio."
The trail led down a tree lined slope, they both walked along, pushing branches out of their way, Chihiro wished he could have left Kingsley behind, but Kingsley had saved his life so like it or not he was obligated to him. He stopped and turned to Kingsley.
"If it is my curse to be saddled with you then please be quiet,"he said, Kingsley raised his hands and bowed slightly, "Now do you know where Sygo is now?" Kingsley just stared at him, "Well!"
"You told me to be quiet, I mean…"
"Just tell me."
"He is at the Shamrock canyon with the others, they are planning some kind of raid."
"Then that is where we must go."
"We, oh no , I have done my bloody duty for King and Fannie Addams," Kingsley declared, "I am going to find a nice saloon and some sweet meat." He went to push past Chihiro who grabbed him by the shoulder.
"No you are going to stay with me," Chihiro whispered dangerously, he was not ready to trust him yet so despite obligation he wanted Kingsley where he could see him.
"Anyway how did you get mixed up with these Long Riders." Chihiro started back down the trail.
"They find me useful for certain activities where a bit of decorum and style is needed." Kingsley did not elaborate and Chihiro did not ask.
They were coming to the end of the trail, voices could be heard and the smell of a campfire wafted in on the night breeze. Chihiro held up his hand and dropped to a crouch, Kingsley copied him.
"It is the McCain brothers, there are four of them, Savio left them here to guard the pit, "Kingsley whispered, "They are supposed to dispose of your body once you are dead."
Chihiro looked up at the trees all around them then like a cat he launched himself up one of the trunks, shinning up till he disappeared into the dark. Kingsley looked up but could not see anything.
Seconds later Chihiro reappeared with a birds egg in his hand.
"Cheerio, this is not the time for eating," Kingsley said as he watched him make a hole in the egg then suck out its contents. He took a small bag from his pack and emptied some powder into the egg. One of the disciplines he had learned was the art of Ka-Ton-Jitsu, using powders and fire to distract or blind.
"Stay here till you hear me whistle, and do not make a sound."
Chihiro moved off the trail and stealthily made his way through the trees. Soon he was at the foot of the hill, hiding behind the trunk of a tree. In front of him sat four cowboys, they had a good sized campfire going. A bottle of gut rot whiskey is being passed between them, off to their left they had tethered their horses, at least he and Kingsley would not have to walk from this place. Looking up he saw a thick branch stretched out over the campsite. Silently Chihiro climbed the trunk and shinned out over the branch till he was above them. Drawing his Ninja-To, the razor sharp blade of the Ninja, shorter than the blades of the Samurai but just as lethal. He hurled the egg bomb down into the fire where it exploded, throwing burning embers and blinding smoke into the faces of the McCain brothers. They all jumped to their feet, screaming, as the smoke burned their eyes. Chihiro dropped into their midst, and in four scything movements of his sword, the brothers lay dead; minus various body parts. He performed the Chiburi to remove the brothers blood then with a flourish, he sheathed his sword. The air smelled of fire and blood now mingling with the smells of the forest. He whistled and shortly Kingsley appeared carrying his pack. He looked at the four bodies and grimaced, his face took on a greenish tinge and Chihiro thought he was going to be sick, but Kingsley managed to hold himself.
"Ugh is this the way every one is killed in the Japans, death grinned horrible a ghastly smile,to hear. His famine should be filled," he looked from the bodies to Chihiro,"Paradise Lost, John Milton, looks like these boys lost their paradise and are now burning in hell."
They saddled the horses and rode furiously into the night.
Dawn was breaking when they reached Shamrock canyon, so named after two Irish brothers discovered the first gold seam in the area, the brothers establised the first gold mine. Now played out it was abandoned some years ago. They pulled up shy of the head of the canyon.
Turning in his saddle, Chihiro asked, "What is the set up in there, how many men?"
"When they are not out and about doing dark deeds, there is usually about forty of the Long Riders in there," Kingsley replied," Savio places a few men up in the canyon walls to look out for the various posses that sometimes come after them, now with your friend Syco or whatever his name is a few traps have been set."
Chihiro thought for a moment,"You are going to be my Genin and I your Chunin, they do not know of your betrayal yet," Chihiro said to a confused looking Kingsley,"Go in and see what is happening, how many are there and any other information you can gather."
Kingsley gulped, "I couldn't, they would see my treachery in an instant."
"Pugh you have told me many a tale of your daring and bravery in service to your British Empire, now put your money where your mouth is as our American friends say."He added,"You are braver than you think."
Kingsley took a small flask from inside his red velvet jacket and took a swig, "Purely medicinal."
He kicked his heels into the horses flanks and headed towards the canyon. As he rode off he started to sing.
"Down in the valley the valley so low, hang your head over, let the wind blow…" his voice faded as he headed into the canyon.
Chihiro moved into a stand of trees nearby to await Kingsley's return.
An hour later a distinctly wobbling in the saddle Kingsley returned. Chihiro rode out to meet him, the Englishman's face was redder and more bloated than when he entered the canyon.
"Ah dear Sheerio there you are," he looked at Chihiro through glazed eyes, "Sorry for my unsightly state of hin ebrehation, I had to partake of the hospitality of the house you see."
"Never mind, what did you find out."
"Uh, oh yes, " he took a deep breath and burped loudly, "Thass better, there was only two of the men in camp, Savio and the others, he has fifty men with him, including your quarry; have gone into Red Bluff."
Kingsley wobbled in the saddle and for a moment he looked like he was going to slide off his horse .
"Well, did you find out what they are up to?"
"Oh yes they are going to attack a train carrying twenty five thousand dollars in gold bullion."
Chihiro felt his quest nearly at an end, to Red Bluff they would ride and he would deal with Sygo once and for all, he knew that there was no chance Sygo would return willingly, a fight to the death was in his future, his or Sygo's, who had a reputation as a formidable foe.
"Come on lets go, and do not slip off your horse."
"I will have you know I am the best rider England,"he said and under his breath,"Bloody peasant, I was riding horses while you were still bathing in rice fields."
Red bluff was fifteen miles from the canyon and they mad it after two hours of hard riding, only stopping three times for Kingsley to be sick and once for Chihiro to dump the drunk lord into a ice cold stream to sober him up.
They hitched their horses at a stable at the edge of town and stepped out onto main street.
"How are we going to find this Syco?"
"You can always spot a wolf in a flock of sheep," Chihiro said.
"Is that a proverb from the Japans?" Kingsley asked,"In this situation I prefer, never approach a bull from the front, a horse from the rear and a fool from any direction, you sir are the fool."
Chihiro looked at him,"You think so?"
"Indeed my boy, the odds are against you, a gang of no doubt drunken Long Riders waits for you." He brushed down his jacket and ran a his fingers through his hair, " I know you may be good with that pig sticker but they have guns and you can not out run a bullet."
"Well it is good I have you to watch my back yes?"
Kingsley laughed, "You are brave or a damn fool, either way gets you dead."
They looked along main street to the train station at the other end, it was filled with a mixture of drunken cowboys and mine workers, plus the more sober elements of town folk going about their daily business. Red Bluff had a deadly reputation in this part of the country, only the deadly and dangerous attempted to make a living here. The only women who frequented the town being the whores who frequented the brothels, or the partners of ruthless gunmen who were just as deadly as their male counterparts.
"The train will not arrive until eight tonight, so what shall we do till then?"
"You my English friend go do what you do best, drink with the devil, but not too much, and wait for my signal."
"What will it be?"
"You will know it, when the signal comes, get to the station and warn the train some how."
Kingsley walked off down main-street rubbing his hands with glee at the thought of the drink he would partake in.
Chihiro looked up at the ball of fire hanging like a swollen golden orb in the sky and preyed to his ancestors to give him the strength to see his quest through. He melted into the deep shadows of the barn and sat in seiza position behind some hay bales. Forming the hand positions of the Kuji Kiri, the nine hands cutting, he began to prepare his mind and body for the trial ahead. Going from Rin, the position for strength in mind and body through to Zen, enlightenment, his mind drifted back to Japan and his master the teacher Za To Chi, he was a Shingon Mikkyo priest and thirty sixth grandmaster in a direct line from the founder of their clan Mako Hatsumi. They had been walking in the cherry tree orchard near the village just before his journey began. Pausing next to a stream his teacher turned to him, his serene wizened face hid a deadly ability that was wondrous to behold in one so old.
"Why are you strong Kitagawa san?" Za To Chi asked as he stooped to pick up a hand full of blossoms, he was eighty years old but still sprightly.
"I am strong because I have been weak Sensei."
"And why are you fearless?" he dropped the cherry blossoms into the stream.
"Because I have been afraid." Chihiro watched the blossoms sail away.
"Why is it that you are wise?"
"I am wise because I have been foolish."
"You answer well young Kitagawa San, when you first began your journey in the ways of Ninpo you could not answer those questions."
"I was just a sapling Sensei and needed to grow, to learn, to experience."
"That you did, you have turned into one of my best pupils, and now you have to go after a brother," he said, "He has been seduced by money and power, all illusions, he has violated our code."
"I will bring back your son Sensei,"Chihiro said.
"I have no son anymore," for just a second a look of sadness passed over his face, "you are my instrument of justice, only one penalty stands for this violation, death." They stood under the falling cherry blossoms and silently watched the sun go down.
It was dusk outside the barn, long shadows enveloped the town and its denizens who pursued their nightly business unaware hell was about to be unleashed in their little town. Chihiro began his preparations for war. He strapped his Ninja-to to his back then from his pack, fixed a pair of shukos to his wrists, these were hand claws which remained flat against his palm till activated; turning his hands into the claws of a tiger. He strapped a bandoleer round his chest which contained throwing knives. Next he hung a short chain, the Kusari Fundo, with weights at each end, to his Obi. He secured a Tanto to a sheaf inside his duster. Finally he blackened his hands and face from the mud on the stable floor. Chihiro was ready to do battle and let the gaijins God have mercy on any one who gets in his way.
Chihiro stepped out of the stable door and silently trotted over to the side of the building next to the stable, it was a two story clapboard affair, moving off his rear foot he sprang halfway up the wall, activating his Shukos, the metal claws dug into the wood securing him there. Hand over hand like a human spider he climbed to the flat roof. Chihiro crawled to the opposite side and looked down into the darkened alleyway. Two men with rifles leaned against the wall at the mouth of the alley, casually scanning the street. Chihiro silently dropped down behind them, drawing his Tanto and with two swift movements he severed their jugular veins, blood spurted in twin crimson arcs, writing the tale of their death on the alley wall. He scaled the next building and swiftly crossed to the next alley. He heard a squeal from the rear of the building, moving to the edge he gazed down to see four Long Riders dragging a young woman across the rough ground by her hair, they laughed as she kicked and screamed. Wasting no time, Chihiro swooped down among them, using Taijitsu, only his hands and feet dispatched these outlaws, breaking the neck of the first with a swift twist he moved to the second who had sensed something wrong and had drew his gun. Chihiro grabbed his gun hand forcing it up before placing a push kick into his armpit then reversing his stance launching the man over his shoulder before snapping his neck with a solid strike. The third died choking on his own blood from a punch to his throat and the fourth who was still holding the girls hair, died where he stood from a twisting kick to his temple, scrambling his brain sending him on his way to hell.
The girl scrambled away from him, terrified that more harm would come to her.
"It is okay, I will not harm you."
"Thank you sir, who are you?"
"Do you know where the leader of the Long Riders is?"
"Yes he is at the Cormorant saloon by the train station with some of his boys and that strange man with the cruel eyes," She climbed to her feet and tidied her dress.
"There is an English man in town Lord Kingsley Pugh, do you know him?"
"Yes he is a drunk but always kind to me, pays well too."
"Go to him and tell him Cheerio said it is time, do you understand?"
"I do, and thank you again," and with that she disappeared down the alley.
Now he knew their location it was time to settle this. He took to the roofs again, over the next half hour death toured the rooftops of Red Bluff as Chihiro dispatched Long rider sentries and snipers, like a ghost he flitted from roof to roof till twenty five men lay dead. He positioned himself opposite the Cormorant, listening to the raucous sounds of the saloon, in his hand he held the severed head of one of the Long Riders. Hopefully the girl had informed Kingsley and he had made his way to the station to halt the train and warn them.
A man stepped out of the bat wing doors of the saloon and lit up a cigar. Chihiro threw the severed head into the street, it landed and rolled to the board walk next to the saloon, its deadened eyes staring up at the man. The reaction was immediate, he threw up his hands and stumbled back through the doors. Chihiro walked out into the middle of the street, drawing his Ninja-To. Several men rushed out through the doors, weapons drawn. Chihiro dispatched them with deftly placed throwing knives. There was a pause of several seconds with nothing happening then a fusillade of shots blasted out of the door way, Chihiro dived and rolled away. A tingle ran up his spine from his Hara, his stomach. It was his Haragei at work, the sense that warned of impending danger close by. He came to his feet and there not ten feet away stood Sygo, he was dressed all in black and wearing a tengu mask, the forest demon. Chihiro though it was fitting, the mask was designed to intimidate, it failed where Chihiro was concerned.
"He is mine, every one stand off!" Sygo shouted. The few people that had been watching the events unfold quickly vanished off the street. An eerie silence descended as the two Ninjas eyed each other. Chihiro narrowed his eyes and watched as Sygo dropped back into stance, his sword held by his right side.
"You have come along way brother, my father is a fool, sending you to your death."
"We do not have to do this, you can come back with me, face the council."
"I would surely die, what profit in that?"
"What happened to you that you have forgot our ways?"
Sygo laughed harshly,"They are the old ways Chihiro, belonging to a past that is dead and buried, you could join me"
"I do not think so."
Chihiro launched himself at Sygo with blistering speed. Their blades clashed with the ring of forged steel, silvery blue sparks flew into the air; circling each other trying to gage the others next move. They came together again in a ballet of clashing steel, using the ghost steps of Tai-sabaki to avoid being cut. Each was as skilled as the other, never giving any quarter, back and forth they fought, spinning, slashing, stabbing;like two whirling dervish's from an opium soaked nightmare. A group of Long riders, including their leader Dan Savio, emerged from the saloon to watch the spectacle. It seemed they had forgotten their reason for being there that night, and so remained unaware of the squad of U.S Cavalry approaching from the station.
The two Ninja spun through the air, blades seeking an opening but finding none. They landed and immediately Chihiro flipped over Sygo striking down to his head as he landed, Sygo blocked the strike and spun aiming for Chihiros mid section but missed as he dodged back. A cloud of blinding powder flew from Sygo's hand, Chihiro dropped to one knee rubbing his eyes.
The squad of cavalry halted when they saw the two men fighting, Savio's men spied them and opened fire, the soldiers dived for what ever cover they could find; returning fire. The Long Riders retreated into the saloon and the Soldiers made their way forward.
Chihiro back flipped away from Sygo, hearing the gunfire and hoped no bullet found Sygo. A sharp pain as Sygo's blade found him, blossomed along his arm and he heard Sygo laugh.
"Your done Chihiro, I can taste your blood and feel my victory!"
"Yes beaten dog."
"Shut the fuck up!" Chihiro had centered himself and extended his Haragei to feel Sygo's spirit, Chihiro was just a blur as he sprang forward, spun and took a surprised Sygo's head from his shoulders. Blood spurted into the air, his body did not realize it was dead and so for a moment remained standing, useless muscles spasming, seconds later it collapsed onto the street, the dust turning red all around it.
Chihiro turned from the headless corpse of Sygo just as the Soldiers stormed the saloon, the sounds of a furious battle could be heard from inside. He performed the Chiburi and sheathed his sword. The troop commander approached him.
"That is the darnedest thing I ever witnessed Mister," he took off his cap as he looked down on Sygo's corpse.
"Kingsley got word to you then?"
"Don't know no Kingsley," the troop commander said, "A man was arrested in Pine Rock he let drop about the raid on our train, that is why we are here." He walked away to join his men,shaking his head.
Chihiro heard his name called, he turned to see Lord Kingsley Pugh stagger out of a Saloon a couple of doors away. On his arm was the girl he had saved earlier.
"Why haven't you given the signal yet dear boy?" he said just before he stumbled over Sygo's body, "Oh I see you started with out me."
The girl looked apologetically to Chihiro, "I tried to tell him but he just kept right on a drinking."
He shrugged and walked off into the night, his work done. It would be a long time before Red Bluff would forget the night the Eastern Fury, as he came to be known, walked their streets. Lord Kingsley Pugh told the tale to any one who would listen, how he helped defeat a hundred, sometimes a thousand bandits and brigands, all depending on how much whiskey he had drunk. Sometimes at night the towns folk swore they heard the whistle of his blade, or may be it was just the wind.
Text: Andrew Scorah
Images: Andrew Scorah
Publication Date: 03-17-2012
All Rights Reserved