Two friends that they know each other since childhood, they grow up together, they are best friends, but they never talked much about their life, but one day… a serious discussion caused them to tell all about their life to each other, that caused them to become even more united than they were before. From that day they became inseparable and promised never fight again, never let no one hurt each other and never forget and leave each other. Patty learned with Marie the true meaning of a true friendship, with her, Patty known that can count always and share all with her, don’t had secrets between them, with Marie she was always herself, only her known her true I. But one day all change…
Chapter 1 – The Meet
Mark, the childhood friend of Marie, one day he see ones photos of Patty, some photos that Marie had saved in a drawer … Mark was in Marie house in a rainy day and while she made an coffee with milf for both, Mark looked her house, because long ago that he didn't come to her home so he looked around him and saw how the house was different, the walls had a different color… it seemed that everything was different in that house since when he was there in the last time, also was not surprising because the last time he was in her house was when she was 19 years old, now she have 20 years old… a year ago that he was not there. Marie live alone, her mom live in another far city but nevertheless she continues to worry much about her mother.
Mark was stirring in the furniture while waiting for her to return the kitchen, then he noticed that the secretary that she had the living room one of the drawers was not closed properly, so He approached to close the drawer but between the crack of the drawer ajar he noticed in a photos that were not indifferent to him, curious as he is, Mark decided to see these photos. When he opened the drawer, saw the Patty photos and some of them that she was with Marie, he looked at Patty with a twinkle in his eye that he never had before, without even knowing who she was he was completely in love, was love at first sight. In that moment, Marie enters in the living room finally with the coffee with milk freshly made and she brought some cookies for them to eat while drinking coffee. “here is the…” Suddenly she stopped and looked at Mark hands and saw that he was with photos of Patty in hands “what are you doing?” she asked a little mad, to see that he had been messing in her stuff “who is she?” Mark ignored the question of Marie, what he wanted to know was who was that beautiful girl who made him fall in love “she?” Marie turned to ask, she was a little in shock because she didn’t know what to feel… “yes, who is she? Is your friend?” he returned to insist showing the photos to Marie for her to see who he was talking about. Marie posed the board upon the table that she had in front of the sofa and with some fast she approached of him “yes, she is my friend” she abruptly withdrew the photos of his hands “she’s my
best friend” completed while returning to pack up the photos in the drawer and this time let it well closed.
Mark was surprised by her reaction but this time he just wanted to know things about Patty “really?” what’s her name? Tell me how you guys met? Tell me things about her” Marie stared at him “why you want to know so many things about her?” Mark smiled “because… she is beautiful, see her in the photos I can see in her expression that she is very kind and lovely, seems to have a great heart…” He paused to find the right words for what he wanted to say next because he had already noticed that for some reason Marie was not like anything all that curiosity “… I want to know her” Marie was upset with this sentence, but she knew well the friend that she have and the best was to answer to his questions, she sighed as if she were to gain the courage to answer “her name is Patty, she have 18 years old… we know each other since childhood, we grow up together. She is very kind with everyone, funny, pure… is very dear…” “Wait! You said that you grow up together?? I’m your friend since childhood, why I never saw her??” Mark interrupted her incredulously, as it was possible “well, you and me we met each other at 10 years old, we basically always been classmates and not very close, I know her since 2 years old, I never talked about her to you because never had opportunity” he still didn’t understand how it was possible “oh, I want to know her, you can present each other?” “well, actually…I can call her now for she come here” Mark at that time showed his magnificent smile, just to think that within minutes or an hour he would meet Patty he was very happy. He was so happy that when he saw Marie pick up the phone to call her Mark told her what he was feeling at that time and was basically what he wanted “I want to date her soon, she is stunning” Marie had already marked the first digit in the phone went off at the precise moment “what? What you said?” Mark lost his torn smile in that moment and only sketched a normal smile “hehe, yes… I think was love at the first sigh, she is… I don’t know how to tell you, but… I felt something…” She didn’t know what to say to him or do “well…. You can’t come to her side and tell that, she don’t know you… like that you just will scare her” Mark smiled “haha, don’t worry, I’m not naïve I know what I do” Maried looked at him, maybe was trying to see if she could trust him and if she did well to present them, but there she picked up the phone and called Patty, Mark finally drank the coffee with milk that Marie prepared and now that was cold but he didn’t care, in fact he didn’t feel because he was more interested in what she would say to her friend.
Patty was at home in her bedroom sitting in her bed watching her favorite serie when heard the phone ring, she looked at the phone and recognized the phone number of Marie, smiled and answered “hello?” “hello Patty, dear… it’s me” Patty was trying bully her so pretended not to recognize who was “I who? Who speaks? Why you’re calling me dear?” it’s me, Marie” “I don’t know no one with the name Marie”. In that moment, Marie realized that Patty was bullying her “ahhhhhh dear haha” Patty laugh “haha what happens Marie?” she put a serious face and looked at Mark before answering, he continued to eat and drink but was penetrated in the conversation, not connecting to what he were eating or drinking, “well…you want come to my house now?” Patty surprised by the invitation because was already 18:00 it was too late to go to her home “now?? It’s already getting late” “oh if you can’t it’s okay be for another day...” Mark nodded to Marie that for she insist with Patty, she yet hesitated but eventually tried to convince her “but Patty… comes just a little to my house, you don’t need stay here for one hour it’s just a little, come on” Patty was finding a strange insistence of her friend “but why?? Happened something?”
“no, I mean yes…you will see when you arrive, come on, come please” “okay, I’m coming muah” “nice bye bye” “bye bye”, they turned off their phones, Patty put on her shoes, grabbed her bag, put the phone inside, was brushing her hair, put liptick, grabbed the keys and left. In fact, Marie's house was not far away, within 45 minutes she got there, but if it took one hour to walk. In Marie's house, she had already told Mark that she was coming, now they just had to wait. Marie had lost her appetite and as Mark had finished she took the board into the kitchen and while Patty not come she went wash the little dishes.
After an hour, Marie and Mark was sitting down in the sofa when knocked at the door, Mark straightened up on the sofa, Marie looked at him, sighed and got up to go open the door “hi Patty” they gave a hug “hi!” said Patty that had seen Mark there in the sofa “enter” “oh” Patty entered and looked at Mark that didn’t take off his eyes of her and she lowered her head ashamed and start to blush, Marie came to the side of Patty and presented them "this is my friend Mark, we know each other since 10 years old, we were classmates. Mark this is Patty." In a low voice she told to Patty what had happened "he saw your pictures that were in the drawer and he wanted to meet you that's why I called you" "WHAT?" Patty started getting very nervous, Marie after all she decided to leave the two alone to talk "I'm going to the bathroom, Patty sit down .... you guys enjoy to know each other, I'll be right back "while Marie was walking she looked at Patty and made her an act like good luck.
Mark took the time to start talking with her “hello, you are Patty?” “yes” she was so nervous “you… have boyfriend?” Patty looked at him suddenly, she wanted to ask why but she would limited herself to answer in the questions “no, I don’t have” Mark get surprised “why? It’s something wrong?” “no, why?” “because one girl so pretty and sweet like you don’t have boyfriend it’s weird” “oh” Patty's heart was greatly accelerated “I…. Can I have a crush on you?” she get freeze when heard that words “ha? Crush on me?” “yes, by now…” She didn’t know what to say, she just looked into to see if Marie returned, but nothing, she would have to answer it “well….. you….can, but that doesn’t means me also” he showed again his bright smile, Patty saw that he have a beautiful smile and he is very direct, she like direct people, but not so direct like that… “you had sex before?” Patty get shocked with the audacity of him, was not starting quite fond of conversation, she had her gaze fixed on him “you’re mad? Sorry for had ask that” she decided answer to him “no, I’m not mad, just…don’t will answer at that” “oh hehehe sure, sorry” “it’s okay” she showed a smile “well, I will have to go walking to home because it’s late already and my mom is waiting me for dinner, Marie not returned yet… can you say this to her for me?” “sure, you live with your family?” “I love with my mom” Patty stood standing ready to go, but Mark still wanted one more thing “wait… I wanted ask your phone number for we still talk, can be?” “sure” Patty give to him her phone number, he put her phone number in his phone, in that moment entered Marie that didn’t had been to the bathroom but had fallen behind the wall and heard the whole conversation “I’m back” she said with an smile “so? You fallen in the bathroom floor?? I will go now” “oh, sorry if I had slow… now you go back?” “yes, it’s late already and my mom is waiting me for the dinner” “oh okay, see you tomorrow?” “sure, if I can’t see you, at least we talk online or by phone” Mark remember that he also have to go back to home so he took the opportunity to get away with her too “oh I remember now that I have to take the last bus, I have to go to home too, it’s late already. I go away with you Patty”
he looked at Patty showing a smile while Marie was still looking for both of them, then she decided to accompany them to the door.
On the street Mark and Patty went walk together, he was until the bus stop and her was in walk, but the way she was going to do would have to pass the bus stop so they were talking together, he was taking the opportunity to ask her more questions for example is she study yet or if she like someone else, Patty continued with her heart beating fast, she could not ask him questions, was too ashamed, therefore limited to respond to his questions. However, reached until the bus stop, Mark stayed there and she followed her way until home. When she got home, Patty went to dinner, the mom was waiting her already “daughter why so long?” I was already getting worried” “oh sorry, mom. I distract myself with the times” “okay, but don’t repeat this again, okay?” “ok” She kissed her mother and began dinner, during the dinner her mom noticed that she was weird “what happens Patty?” Patty stopped eat, looked at her mom and smiled “nothing, mom. I’m fine”. They continued to eat without another word, after dinner Patty went to her room when she looked at the phone and noticed that he had received two messages from Marie another one from Mark, Marie say sorry to her by the afternoon and said good night to her, Mark asked if she had arrive well to home, she replied to both messages, then she lay in bed thinking about Mark, she thought he is weird, was playboy, had a dazzling smile, but he was a good person and very direct and frank. After taking a relaxing shower she went sleep because she felt that conversation with Mark had let her exhausted. She closed her eyes, but could not sleep because she was thinking about Mark. Her heart beat fast when she thought of him, but she didn’t want to be in love, couldn’t.
In the next day, when Patty woke up the day was bright. The days passed and she was talking to Mark, increasingly more and more closer but she didn’t want to fall in love with him. The months passed and Marie was increasingly feeling more and more uncomfortable with the closeness between Patty and Mark, she didn’t want to lose her, and also because she was afraid that Mark hurt her friend. She wanted to do something that for they don’t start dating, but she didn’t because she knew that Patty didn’t want to fall in love and was not prepared. Patty always said to Marie that she didn’t like Mark, he was just a friend. But she knew that in deep down Patty was starting to like him, just didn’t want to admit it to herself or to Marie and also didn’t want Mark is aware of it.
Two months later, came time to Patty go traveling. Every year she used to spend the summer in the island of her grandparents, she loved the island, was small but it was nice, she just didn’t like the fact that she must meet with her cousins with whom she had never get along since childhood, but this year she had a feeling that would be different. Patty this year didn’t want go alone so she had already decided that she would invite Marie and Mark to go with her. She grabbed her phone and called Marie who was busy with her homeworks “hello?” “Marie, how are you?” Marie sighed “I’m okay, but… super tired with the works, it’s school and work is very stress!” “Oh, hmm… Marie I have an invite to do to you…” Marie dropped the pencil that she had in her hand curious to know what this invitation was that
Patty had to her “an invite?!” “Yes, I… as you know every summer I usually go to vacation to the island of my grandparents. I already have marked the passages for the next week…” Patty paused to look at her tickets and confirm which day would “I will go next week in Thursday… so this year I wanted that you come with me!” She was surprised because it was so sudden that invitation “Go with you?? Next week??... Patty you know that I have classes and I am working, I can’t leave so suddenly!” “I know, but I'm not asking you that you stay there with me during these two months… You can go just for one or two weeks…” Marie was thoughtful, there was nothing she wanted than to go with her, but she was worried about the classes and work “hmm… we do so, I will talk to my boss there at work and see if he relieve me for a week, if he agrees .... You can count on me for the trip” Patty cracked a ripped smile “nice, so I'm waiting of your answer… Would you could give me the answer today or tomorrow?” “Sure, I will talk now with my boss, okay?” “Okay, bye bye muah” “Love you Patty bye” both hung up the phone, Marie immediately called to her boss to ask him to let her leave and Patty called Mark to invite him also, he was playing on the computer when he heard the phone ring, when he looked and saw that was Patty his eyes shone with joy and hastened to attend for she don’t wait “Patty…” “hi, hmm…I… I have an invite to you…” Continuing with the dazzling smile in lips, Mark now it seemed he would burst with joy “invite? What invite? I don’t know what is but I accept” Patty blushed “haha, Mark… Don’t accept without knowing what it is... if now I told you for you shoot down from a rock, you were going?” Mark laugh and philanderer how he is answered without stuttering “sure, I would do anything for you” now she had the face completely red and decided to ignore what he had said, though her heart beat so fast that she could hardly hold the phone, she didn’t want feel anything for him “ok ok, but what I want to ask you is… that you come with me… for next week I will travel to the island of my grandparents, and this year I want that to be different, I don’t want to go alone with my mother… so I thought I'd invite you to go with me!” Mark was translucent, he wanted confirm that he was not dreaming “You want me to go with you traveling?” “hmm… yes!” “of course I will go with you… when you go?” “I will go next week in Thursday!” “Okay, I will now mark the passages to go with you” Patty smiled “ok… bye bye” “bye bye”. Patty had gained the courage to invite him, now it’s just wait that Marie and Mark confirm that they will go with her next week.
It wasn’t long until the phone rang, was a message from Marie, she said it was not easy to convince the boss to give her a week's vacation, but after much persisting he finally agreed, in other words, Patty could count with the company of the friend for the trip, in the message Marie also said that had already bought the tickets online. Shortly after she received a new message, this time was Mark to confirm that also had already bought the tickets as Marie he bought the tickets online for it to be faster. Patty was sure now that would be a different vacations, they would be reunite at the airport.
The days that have passed were of a big agitation both to Patty as to Marie and Mark, because the three were busy with preparations for the trip, between preparing the bag, clean the house and goodbyes… quickly reached Thursday, the three friends busy with a trip to the airport were entering for different taxis, would meet at the airport.
After an hour Patty arrives at the airport, but she noted that neither Mark nor Marie had not yet arrived, so she decided sit down and wait for them. It didn’t take much, a few minutes after Marie arrived, to see Patty, she screamed her name far, some people who were there around turned to see what had happened, in that time she noticed that she had screamed too loud. Patty smiled seeing that her friend was getting shy while walking in her direction, She stood upright and waited until Marie came to her continuing with a smile, meantime she had come to her side, they gave a hug “hi Marie, don’t be shy haha” she looked at Patty face, she know her very well “oh… haha! Well, there we go to the counter to put the bags?” “oh, hmm… Let's wait just a few more minutes okay?” Patty while said that she looked at input to see if Mark had already come, but in vain “wait?? Why?!” Marie was finding weird her reaction “hmm… because, you will see soon” Patty smiled at her as if she was plotting something, Marie looked at her face, perhaps to try to understand what she was plotting, but didn’t have to wait long, in that precise moment Patty saw Mark get into the airport and gave a slight smile, Marie followed her gaze and saw Mark, at first she thought he had come to say goodbye to them but then noticed he was carrying a bag also, she wasn’t to realize what was happening but she wasn’t like the situation “hey, Patty! What is he doing here?” “oh… I invited him also to come with us!” Patty said it with a smile unlike Marie seemed more furious “WHAT??!!” Meantime, Mark arrived at the side of Patty “hi” Patty responded with a hello too but Marie remained silent, he noticed that she was there and thought the same as before Marie had thought when she saw him “So Marie, you came to say goodbye to us?” say it with his smile, unlike Marie who was abrupt “NO! I will travel also with you!” Mark lost his smile “what?!” “Yeah!” Mark looked at Patty, she realized that she had forgotten to tell them that detail that they would go the three “hehe, yes… I invited Marie also. I invited both of you for we go the three together!” “why?!” asked both at the same time, without the smile, though Mark wasn’t scary face as Marie had now, Patty put a smile “well, I thought it would be fun to go three .... Don’t you think?” Mark returned to put his magnificent smile “yes, even the three together we can enjoy.” Patty with a smile nodded in agreement tone but Marie continued with the same face “Marie… you don’t agree with us?” she looked at both and decided ignore “well, we can now go put your bags there?” Mark and Patty looked at each other and both answered with a smile “sure”. Marie grabbed her bag and moved forward going ahead, Patty also took her bag and when prepared to walk towards the counter to go put the bag, Mark grabbed her arm slightly “wait! What happens with her? She doesn’t seem very happy to go traveling with us!” Patty looked at Marie and then to Mark “yeah… I don’t know what happens with her, but it seems that she gets so whenever you're around, but maybe it's just my imagination, because it makes no sense ... you are her friend!!” “yeah!” both didn’t know why Marie was to behave that way, it seemed as if she was jealous. They walked to the counter, confirmed their ticket and put their bags there to bring them to the plane. Then, the three headed to the banks and sat there waiting to call them to enter the plane. The trip to the island only took 20 minutes, the mother of Patty also go with them.
After an hour, they heard a voice from the speakers to call passengers who would travel to the island. They got up and walked until the plane, was sunny but a little wind, but wind was normal to be there on the track, climbed the stairs of the plane, came up and they walked to their seats, Marie and Mark wanted to sit next to Patty, but only one could get, because banks are only two places, so she had an idea, Marie sat on the inside by the window and Mark sat by her side, while Patty and her mother were on the bench beside them, but she wasn’t leaning against the window, so Patty was as if she were sitting
beside them. During the trip they were silent, 20 minutes after they arrived to the island, exited the plane and then had to wait until they bring the bags, while waiting Patty saw the grandmother who was waiting for them at the airport. After the bags arrive, they grabbed their bags and headed up to meet the grandmother of Patty that when she saw them hugged her daughter and granddaughter and also greeted Marie and Mark “how was the travel?” “was good!” they talked as they will walked out of the airport and there was a taxi driver parked the friend's grandmother Patty that would lead them to home. But suddenly remembered that they were many and the car only takes 4 people, but there were five people, then Mark was sitting in front while Marie grandmother, Patty and her mother were sitting at the back and had to push to fit everyone into the car. While the taxi driver drove them to the house, Patty's grandmother told that aunts and cousins of Patty were at home with his grandfather all waiting that they arrive. Patty was sure that the aunts and uncles were waiting while the cousins were only likely to accompany their parents.
Shortly after they arrived at the home of Patty's grandmother, she looked out the window to contemplate the house and noticed that her three cousins were sitting in outside to talk, at that moment she felt a nostalgia, deep breath and left the car, Marie placed her hand upon the shoulder of Patty as a sign of support. They left the car and took all the bags up, there were many stairs to reach the house upstairs. When they got up there were dragging bags and Patty's mother stopped half way through and spoke to his nephews, cousins of Patty, they answered her with half-words and a few smiles but not looked at Patty, expectoration one of her cousin who looked vaguely at her but didn’t talked to her. He was perhaps of the three the least bad, but by the influence of the other cousins he did what they said. Meantime, all entered into the house, Patty pass by her cousins without saying anything just looked back to confirm that Mark and Marie followed her. Entering was inside the grandfather of Patty sitting on the sofa watching TV as usual and next was the aunt Anne and sitting in chairs beside the desk that Patty's grandmother had in the living room were the other two aunts both with the name Mariah. They greeted her sister and Patty and also for courtesy greeted Marie and Mark. After, everyone went to the room to go put the bags. The room of the grandparents had two beds, one was of the grandparents and the other is where Patty and her mother will sleep, but the room has an attic that is also a room, Marie and Mark will get to sleep in the attic. Patty and her mother placed the bags on the bed and then Patty was holding the bags of Mark and Marie as they climbed the stairs to the attic, after she sent from down the bags to up that Mark was to hold the bags. Then Patty returned to her bag and opened it, took their slippers inside the bag to be more comfortable. Her mother did the same. In the attic, Marie and Mark arranged a corner to put the bags, she was tired of the travel so he decided to lie down in bed to rest a bit, Unlike Mark, who came down and Patty was still putting on her slippers “then you will rest of the trip?” “no, I will go outside to sit on the wall, you want come too Mark?” he smiled “sure” Patty found weird that Marie not lowered too “where is Marie?” “oh, she was tired from the travel so she lie down a little to rest” “oh, okay… let’s go?” she got out of bed and walked to the door, Mark followed. In the living room was much confusion were everyone talking at the same time, Patty went to side of her mother and told her that she would go sit in the wall outside with Mark “okay Patty, but be careful!” “okay” Patty looked at Mark and motioned him to follow her, when they go outside her cousins still sat near the door to talk and laugh, but when they saw the cousin and Mark and they shut up, they ignored and were sitting beside a little away from cousins Patty. At this time the cousins spoke
lowest as if they were curious and always looking for Mark and Patty, they were both sitting on the fence saying nothing perhaps by tension from the eyes of cousins of Patty, but he decided to break the silence “you like to be here?” “hmm… yes, except for certain people, but otherwise stand up well” “certain people?!” Patty made him nod en sense that these people were cousins “yes!” Mark realized what she was trying to say “oh!” Patty smiled at him and then closed her eyes to feel the breeze and the air of the island that she visits each year.
When she opened her eyes and looked at her side, she saw Mark was closer to her face as if he were to kiss her, she would move away but he put his hand over her hand and Patty stopped always under the eye of her cousins who were now silent and just stared at them. Mark was getting closer to her lips and they were about to kiss, but Patty heard a car stop in front of home, she looked back she couldn’t believe when she saw who had come from inside the taxi, were her old friends Aaron with 26 years old and Jiro had 28 years old, so long that she didn’t saw them. At that moment she took Mark's hand and jumped the fence with a ripped smile, running down the stairs and threw herself into the arms of Aaron because he was who was ahead, they gave a long hug and he gave her a kiss on the head, then she turned to Jiro and gave him a hug, he lifted her up in the air and twirled provoking laughter from both. Upstairs Mark watching them “who are them?!” he didn’t know who they were, but seemed to be very close to Patty, especially Aaron seemed to be more intimate than Jiro, he didn’t like it. Patty, Aaron and Jiro went up there, and she introduced them to Mark “those are my old friends, are very important to me and they are very close to me, are Aaron and Jiro. Guys this is Mark, my most new friend, he childhood friend of Marie. She is upstairs sleeping.” Aaron and Jiro greeted Mark with a smile “nice to meet you!” “same here” The faces of Mark and Aaron who were seemed to be in a battle inside, didn’t stop to look at each other, Jiro is realizing what was happening got a topic of conversation to change the environment "So this year you brought your friends?" “hmm… I just brought Marie and Mark!” Aaron without turning the cold eye of Mark questioned her without delay “why? I understand that you have brought Marie because she is your best friend, but this… Mark… why he came too?” Patty looked at them realizing that Mark wasn’t to like Aaron and vice versa “because… he is also my friend, that’s why I brought him” Both didn’t say anything else. In fact, Aaron has always liked Patty in secret, but now he was realizing that he had competition.
Jiro and Aaron entered to greet Patty's mother, advantage and greeted her uncles and aunts and also her grandparents. After they left, and were will talk with Patty, Mark was saying some things too but always with not good face to Aaron and this too. However evening came, the cousins, aunts and uncles are gone and also Aaron and Jiro were going home. Mark and Patty came into house because outside it was already falling cold. They sat in the chair in the living room while waiting for dinner. Within an hour dinner was ready, Patty went woke up Marie that was sound asleep and they went dinner. At dinner the conversation was lively, all spoke to each other and Patty took Marie to tell about Aaron and Jiro. The night was calm, everyone take a shower and went to sleep. There always go to bed early, there wasn’t much to do at night.
The next day, when Patty woke everybody had already woke up including Mark and Marie “good morning!” said everyone who were in the living room at that moment “good morning” replied Patty still half sleepy, Mark got up from his chair and walked in her direction “good morning sleepyhead!” and putting his arm wrapped Patty's shoulders, causing her shy, quickly she ran away from him “well, I will dress me and take breakfast because after lunch the three of us have much to do” with a smile and pointing to Marie and Mark, they were surprised “we have??!” “yes” she turned back to go to the bathroom. Marie noted that there was something that Patty had not counted to her, indeed she was right, Patty not told to her about what she and Mark had almost kissed yesterday, though Marie wasn’t like this closeness between them. She knew that Aaron liked Patty a long time, because she is very perceptive and can see people's feelings, she can read the minds of those who are closest to her. Then, as she didn’t want her friend was so close to Mark, decided to go to the room and see the phone on top of her bedside table, decided to seek the number of Aaron and develop a plan, but before she call him Marie decided to wait until Patty told them that what plans she had for them.
Marie was already in the living room when Patty returned from the bathroom ready now, just hadn’t taken breakfast yet “Patty… hmm… what plans that you have for after the lunch?” “oh, nothing special. Only will show you some of this parish after lunch." She smiled and kept driving up to the room to close the bag that was in disarray because she had been looking the clothes she wanted to wear and accessories. Meantime, Marie pretended to go to the bathroom but what she was doing was to call Aaron and tell him the plan of Patty and also offer him her plan. Marie's plan was very simple, Aaron just had to get in the middle of the relationship between Patty and Mark, cause they weren’t alone when Marie wasn’t around and prevent them develop any relationship, then the rest was with Marie, then she only had to remove Aaron also just continue as friends. The reason she was doing this was because Marie didn’t want to share Patty with anyone.
After lunch as arranged, Patty, Mark and Marie were walking and past few hours they found Aaron that had came up to meet them. The plan was to run as planned. Days after would be the party/festival in the parish.
The day of the festival arrives, there was great agitation to arrange themselves and put themselves beautiful for the party. Marie and Patty were in a long dress and make-up, Mark was a suit. Everyone was very elegant. As the party was over the house they were in walk. It was night, the party was full of beautiful lights, entertainment, stalls to buy things, the stage where artists would act. The grandparents and mother of Patty, Mark, Marie and Patty sat down stairs together with others who were also sitting there. Patty was tired of sitting there “you want drink or eat something?!” Mark took the opportunity to ask “I want a Coca-Cola” “me too” “can be a bottle of water and popcorn!” Patty went to get two Coca-Cola for Marie and Mark and popcorn and water for the grandparents and mother. As she walked, Patty looked around her to contemplate the party when she suddenly bumped into someone “sorry, sorry” “sorry, are you okay?” Patty looked at the person who had stumbled, was a tall, handsome, but looked
pale and had not slept long. Had a weird face “ I’m okay” “sorry I didn’t saw you” “no problem, I do apologize because I was distracted looking at…” he smiled and Patty also “I have to go, my friends and family are waiting me to take their drinks that I will get now” “oh, let me compensate you helping you to carry this” “no need!” “I insist” “hmm… okay!” When Patty was going to start walking top-heavy with the shoes and almost fell, earning was that this guy was around and held her arm so she would not fall, Patty noted that he had great strength, she had never before seen anyone with such force, his hand was cold, with one hand he managed to place her on foot, but then he dropped her as if he had regretted. They went get drinks and popcorn and then went back to Patty's friends with the company of this guy who made a point of helping to carry the drinks. On reaching the side of Marie and Mark, they looked at the boy as if they were frightened, in fact the boy was very weird. He began to feel uncomfortable with the looks of Mark and Marie “well, I will go now… By the way my name is Michael ... and your?” “oh, I’m Patty!” “nice to meet you” He stretched out his hand to greet her and she returned the gesture “nice to meet you too!” however Michael went away. They were at the party a few more hours, and then went home jaded.
The next day, was Mark, Patty and Marie outside when suddenly they saw a boy come, Patty recognized Michael “hello” he said with a smile, now that was day, she could see well his face and in fact his face was almost eerie, it was so pale “what are you doing here?! How do you know where my address is?!” he becomes clumsy “oh… yesterday I was going to go here when I saw up to you and your friends go here, so I figured that you live here" “oh…” Mark and Marie didn’t like him.
The days went by and Michael went every day to visit Patty's house there. Mark, Marie, Aaron and Jiro each time they saw him found him increasingly weird. Actually they didn’t like anything Michael, it was something that was different, it was as if he were not human...
Mark wanted to know who Michael was, how he always guessed always, why he was so weird, there were too many questions in the mind of Mark who had no answer. Then he went to find and confront Michael. He Don’t know where he was, but from the nothing like always Michael appeared “are you looking at me?” Mark turned disbelief, from where is that he had appeared? “yes… I need talk with you… where is that you hast appeared?!” Michael walked around of Mark “I was here!” “how?! I am trying fin… any way, what I need talk with you is… about Patty!” Michael smiled “ah yes? Why?” “because… what you want from her? Who are you? How do you know always everything? Why…” “hahaha, calm down. So many questions guy. I think you are confuse” “yes, and I need answers… Why do you speak as if you were much older than us? But actually you have 21 years old right?!” Michael did an air of one who had something to tell but would have to kill him if he told “be?” Mark was increasingly confused “why you talk in a different way when you’re with Patty? With her seems like you are very sweet and helpful, but when you talk to me or Marie, Aaron and Jiro you are… cold, Machiavellian…” “hahaha, really? What if I told you I'm in love with Patty?” Mark looked him in eyes “I don’t believe. When I look at you when you're with her, I don’t see love or passion in your eyes” Michael was
somewhat surprised that Mark is so insightful “well, you’re right in a way. I’m not in love with her, but you yes right?” “yes, that’s why I will do all to protect her, but we are not talking about me, we are talking about you!” “hahaha, tush tush, here is a brave young man, armed in knight. Very well, you want to know who I am right?” “of course!” “very well. My name is Michael…” “that I know…” “I have 1200 years old…” Mark was shocked with what he heard “you said… 1200… years old?!!” “exactly. One of the most respected of all vampires in the vampire clan. Pleased to meet young teenager and inexperienced compared to me, one of the most powerful vampires in the world hahaha… Do you still want to arm you a knight... Mark?” Mark was speechless “not funny… now tell me the truth!” “I told you already, you want a prove?” suddenly Michael disappeared “now you believe?” Mark looking back saw Michael, he now understand everything: Michael is a vampire. “Now you keep quiet about it or I will kill you. Not a word of it to Patty or to anybody.” “it’s true, what do you want from her?” Michael smiled Machiavellian “convert her” “convert her?!” “come one Mark, you need a draw? If a vampire says he wants to convert a human, what do you think that he refers? ... I want transform her in a vampire” Mark feels not good “NEVER. I will not let you go near her anymore.” “haha, you think she will believe you if you says that I am a vampire? For many people these creatures and vampires are only mythical creature, are not real. I almost bet that Patty is one of those people” Mark smiled “you’re wrong. Patty believe in mythical creature” Michael was now seriously and also surprised at the courage of the boy “"But if you tell to her you already know what happens to you" “no, you don’t know one of the strongest powers in the world that is able to overcome any evil, if it’s true…” “What power??!!” “The Love” “hahahahahaha, that’s ridiculous!” Mark smiled “no, it’s not. And you will have proof soon, because I will protect her from everything” “let’s see” Looked at each other as rivals and then Mark returned. When he gets home, the first thing he did was find Patty “I need talk with you!” Patty was scared, his face was who was in a panic “what happened?!” “Hear me, believe me, please. I have more than enough reasons to tell you this. Don’t return to speak or be alone with Michael. “Why?!” “Don’t ask me why, simply promise me…” "If you don’t tell me why I can’t do what you want" Mark was desperate and Michael was nearby and heard the whole conversation. Now plans have changed, he had to act as quickly as possible, and it would be tomorrow.
In the next day, Michael came to seek Patty now in order to realize his plan. Mark had just woken up, he saw Marie, Aaron and Jiro in outside but didn’t saw Patty “where is patty?!” left with Michael” “again!” Aaron and Marie told that with a face somewhat not satisfied “what? She left with him alone?!” the three were surprised reaction from Mark “yes!” “can’t be! They come out now?” Jiro answered “yes, almost 5 minutes” “let’s go, quick, they can’t be alone, let’s go together…” They weren’t to understand anything what he was saying “calm down, what happens?” asked Marie completely clueless “Michael is a vampire…” the three of them wasn’t believing “what?!” “yes, you have to believe me, was himself who told me, he have 1200 years old, is one of the vampires more strong in the world and he want transform Patty in vampire” the three laughed, although they don’t like Michael and find him weird also couldn’t believe he was a vampire “hahaha, you believed in him?! He was bullying you” said Marie yet laughing
“yes, in the beginning I also thought, but he gave me a prove that it’s true, he suddenly disappeared and when I looked back he was right there behind me” they become speechless, Aaron didn’t want believe “can’t be!” “can, I know we never got along together but this time we have to unite and fight seals, all to protect her. We can’t let him transform her” they agreed “of course not” “so let’s go!” and went fired running to find them, they saw that Michael and Patty were entering the bus, but for more that they run, they wouldn’t be able to take the bus, then caught a taxi and told to follow the bus.
When they arrived, they decided not to act there because would be too risky to expose him there, then decided to follow them. Michael was taking her to a neutral site where there were no persons, houses, it was just nature “what we are doing here?!” Patty asked while looked at around “it’s a surprise, let’s go” he drove her through the forest, the rivals who were now united to protect her still following them. When they reached the place that Michael wanted, he told Patty close her eyes and that's when he was preparing to attack her, when Mark came out of hiding “NO!” Patty and Michael looked at back, Patty wasn’t understand “Mark? What are you doing here?” then Aaron came out of hiding also “he is a vampire!” and then behind left Marie and Jiro “a vampire?! Come on, you are kidding?” Mark approached a bit “no, it’s true. Was him who told me and showed me” Patty looked at Michael, he thought there was no need to hide anymore “yes it’s true, I want transform you” Patty was scared and when would flee Michael grabbed her by the arm, Mark shouted by instinct “ATTACK!” suddenly Aaron, Marie, Jiro and Mark ran in the direction of Michael without afraid and willing fight for Patty “ridiculous, you think you can defeat me?!” “I told you before, the power of love is greater than all the powers” Michael laughed, Patty was now terrified seeing the struggle between the friends and Michael “be carefully, please…”.
After much struggle, Aaron and Marie were wounded in the arm but still didn’t give up, Mark grabbed a piece of wood sharp lying on the floor and ran towards Michael that when turned back, Mark jabbed him the piece of wood in the heart and Michael fell to the ground “how is possible?!” “I told you that love wins all” That said, Michael died, Patty ran into Mark's arms and hugged him, then still clinging to Mark looked at her friends with a smile of gratitude and they returned the gesture. Meantime they back to home.
Back to home, Marie finally realized that she was unfair to Mark, now she knows that he deserves her friend, now she had to have a conversation with Patty “Patty…I need talk with you…” “sure, say it” "I want to apologize for what I did..." “what you did?!” Marie was shy for what she had done and began to cry “I drew plans for you and Mark weren’t together, because I was selfish and only want you for myself and not share you with anyone ...” “why?!” “because… I realized that I love you more than BFF, but I know that you like Mark, and now I know he deserve you. Patty, don’t flee from happiness, don’t be afraid. I am sure that you will be happy with him. Go ahead” they smiled and Patty followed the advice of Marie… went to find Mark and when she found him, she hugged to him and said she finally was ready to be happy, why she was always running away from him was because she had suffered a lot in the past
and that’s why she was afraid to surrender to someone, but now she knows that what he feels for her is true, Mark has already proved that when he fought with a vampire risking his own life just to protect her. They kissed under the gaze of Marie, Aaron and Jiro who had arrived in the meantime.
Don’t be afraid to be happy, true friends may not be able to make you laugh everytime, but they will always be your friends, no matter what happens. The past can be unforgettable but it must better let it go, now look at ahead make your own happiness, your own choices.
Publication Date: 06-28-2012
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