It was an early Sunday morning. Shanelle was asleep in her queen sized bed. It was queit in the apartment everybody was sleep, well everybody exept Shanelle's little sister Kadee who was out and about in the kitchen raiding the cabinets for snack packs that Shanelle bought her every month. When she saw the box, she idmediatly reached for it, not knowing that three cans were about to fall out of the cabinet. When the cans fell out of the cabinet, she dropped the box which woke Shanelle out of her sleep and drew her to witness her sister's stunt. "Kadee, what'r you doing." She started picking up the cans. "I was reaching for the box when they fell, i'm sorry." Kadee's voice was soft and innocent. Shanelle turned to Kadee who was begining to cry. "It's ok Kade', just wake me up next time ok?" Kadee nodded. Shanelle looked at the wall clock. It was Eight fifteen. "Well, since your already woke, why don't you take a bath and get dressed." Shanelle scratch her head. "Then can I have a snack pack?" Kadee asked. Shanelle nodded. Kadee smiled showing her two front teeth and skipped to the bathroom, the sound of water running filled the apartment. Every sunday, Shanelle took Kadee to therapy for her behavoiral issues. "Ok, Im ready now, can I have a Snack please?" Kadee asked. She had put on her purple turtle neck with her matching tutu. "There on the counter kade'." Shanelle put her fur jacket on and got Kadee's black juacket from her closet. Kadee was on the couch eating her little debbi cake watching winx club. "Come on Kadee cut the TV off and put your jacket on." She told her. "No, I wanna watch it." Shanelle exhaled. "Come on Kadee, were already late." Kadee folded her arms. "No, I don't wanna go, they ask me stuff that I don't know." Kadee never liked therapy, they'd ask her questions about her family which was stupid because the only family she knew was Shanelle. "Kadee, sweetie please, the sooner we get this done the sooner we can get something to eat, I know your hungry." Kadee was silent for a moment. but the she turned around from the couch and looked at Shanelle. "You mean it?" Kadee asked. Shanelle nodded. Kadee got of the couch and put her jacket on, Shanelle tried to help her, but kadee shooed her away. "I can do it." Kadee protested as she buttoned her jacket.
In the car, things were different, Kadee was silent, and less defient than she regularly would be when they went to the therapist. she sat in her car seat kicking her feet back and forth, eating what was left of her cake. "Are we there yet?" she suddenly asked, breaking the silence tension. "Almost Kade'." The true reason Kadee was so silent, was beacause she knew Shanelle was gonna take her to eat after ward. "Shanelle." Kadee said. "Yeah Kadee." Shanelle Kept her eyes on the road. "I'm sorry for saying no to you." Kadee said. "It's alright Kadee." Shanelle knew Kadee was sincere, Even though she was only Four in a half, she meant well. Shanelle drove into the parking lot, raising Kadee's suspisions. "Are we here now?" Kadee asked stretching out of her car seat. "Yeah kadee, sit back." Shanelle ordered. Kadee obeyed. As Shanelle cut off the car, she got out of her seat and let Shanelle out of her seat. "Can you go in with me shanelle?" Kadee asked. Shanelle leaned over to Kadee as she opened the glass door. "Sure Kadee." Kadee didn't like when she went into the therapy office alone. They sat in the waiting room, Shanelle was reading a magazine while Kadee was coloring in a book. "Kadee Rice." the doctor said. Kadee stood up and took a hold of Shanelle's hand. The therapist's office was cold and smelled like vanilla. "Well hello Miss Rice, Haven't seen you in here for a while." The therapist said. Her blonde hair was up in a bun and her big framed glasses made her eyes look huge. Shanelle smiled "Nice to see you to Miss Grace." Grace smiled at her response. "And hello to you Kadee, my you've got so big." Kadee jumped in one of the chairs in front of the desk. "So did your eyes, there big too." Kadee examined Grace's Glasses. "There new, do you like them?" Kadee shook her head. "They made you eyes look this big." Kadee stretched out her arms. Grace laughed. "Kadee, be nice." Shanelle said. Aw its alright, she's not the first kid to come in here and say that." Grace took off her glasses. "So how you been Kadee?" Grace asked folding her ahnds on the desk. "I'm ok, I go to school soon to." Kadee had been asking Shanelle for weeks when she'd be able to start school. "Oh, thats nice, Are you excited?" Grace asked. Kadee nodded. "I had a cake today to." Kadee added. "Oh really, what kind was it?" Kadee started wiggling in her seat. "Shanelle told me that they were, um... little debbies." Kadee had a big smile on her face. "Oh, my daughter likes those too." Grace said. You have a daughter, whats her name, how old is she?" Kadee had a mouthful of questions. "Her name is Christina, she's six. heres a picture of her." Grace handed Kadee a picture of her daughter, she had pretty blue eyes and dark blonde hair. she was holding a dog in her arms. "Look Shanelle, she has a dog." Kadee was madly in love with the puppy in the picture. "I want one, can I have a puppy Shanelle?" Kadee asked. "Maybe, If you behave." Shanelle said. Kadee nodded and gave the picture back to Grace. The whole therapy session went on for two hours,Grace had a lot of questions, and Kadee had a lot of follow up questions. In all, the session was very quick.
"Well, it was nice talking to you Kadee." Grace said. Kadee and Shanelle were on there way out of the door. "Oh and Shanelle," Grace said. "Yes," Shanelle slowly walked over to the desk. "I won't be here for the next two weeks, my daughter's going into surgery on friday, so I will have to take off, is that alright?" Grace said. Shanelle froze for a second. "Um, I guess, but who's gonna be filling in for you?"
"Oh, just somebody from the third department upstairs." Shanelle nodded. "Thank you for understanding." Graze opened one of her drawers and pulled out a red heart taffy. "Kadee, would you like a treat?" She asked. Kadee came back into the room and took the taffy. "What do you say Kade'?" Shanelle said. Kadee took the candy out of her mouth. "Thank you." Kadee said. "Alright I'll see you two soon." Grace said as she watch them shut the door.
In the car, Shanelle had just put Kadee in her car seat, when all of a sudden her phone rang. She Looked at the caller ID. It was her friend Rachel, she was more like a sister to her. She answered the phone. "Yeah." she answered.
"Hey, watcha doin'?"
"Nothing really, I just came back from Kadee's Therapist."
"Aw, is she there with you?"
"Yeah, why?"
"Well were all at Linner's, Me Veronica, Shane, Jt, and Xavier."
"Oh really."
"Yeah, you should come to, and bring my little rice cake."
"Ok, fine, but we can't stay long."
"Alright, cool with me."
Rachel had hung up the phone.
It took Shanelle ten minutes to get to get to Linners, due to traffic.
Text: None
Images: None
Editing: Amani Boyd
Translation: Amani Boyd
Publication Date: 07-29-2012
All Rights Reserved