
Chapter 1
Beautiful, soft, and expressed melodies I played on my piano. The flowing songs going nonstop through my ears like a railroad track that never ended. I couldn't help but play for hours on my piano.
The gorgeous wood polish reflecting it's shine on me like a spotlight. It's like the piano and I were one when it came to playing. Every move I made was as swift as a humming bird.
Oh, the glorious and rich sounds it made. Each and every note had it's own special way of talking and being expressed on my piano. I couldn't help but have goosebumps. I played and swished and swayed along with the beautiful melody.
I closed my eyes. I can't even describe the feeling. The rich sounds that you hear, how great the notes sound combined together. When I play I create a whole new world in my head. A world where time means nothing, it's ageless. I'm in an old ballet studio. It's dark and abandoned, but I have the black piano there with me filling the studio with endless melodies. I memorized every beautiful song I want to know, and I just sit on the black, glistening bench and play non-stop. My own little heaven.
I came back to reality as my song ended and I smiled. I hear my mom call me. I get my backpack and run out of the piano room. She looks up as I come down the ancient stairs and says in her nasally voice, "School bus is here. Leave. Can't take any more of your crappy music."
"Whatever," I said and ran out the door towards the stop sign. No matter how low my self-esteem is, the one thing I'm sure about is piano. I know it's meant for me. Even if I don't play good, piano is me.
When I got onto the bus, I picked a seat at the very back. I stared out the window at my wooden, two-story house. It was very big. I mean huge. I love that house. It's so old and antique like. It could be a famous haunted mansion in a movie. It's so eerie. The rooms are huge and I love them. Especially the piano room. It's almost like my fantasy. It's the biggest room in the house. It's almost like a ballet studio. There's nothing in there except the piano and a bookcase at the very end of the wall. The floors are black, and the walls are old and peeling. Two big windows are right in front of my piano, so light streams in gently. The perfect getaway. I wish I was there right now.
I hate it on the bus. No one ever sits by me. They think I'm creepy just because I like to keep to myself. They shouldn't judge people. I'm not creepy, I just like to keep to myself. I heard someone walking towards my seat. I looked up to see who could possibly be coming towards me, and saw a guy I have never seen before. He seemed to be looking at me. I turned around and came face-to-face with the wall.
I mentally bopped myself on my forehead with my hand and turned back around. He could see I was confused, so he waved at me.
"Mind if I sit with you? There's no where else to sit," he smiled at me. I took in his deep emerald green eyes and his shaggy, chestnut hair. He had a white and blue plaid shirt paired with some jeans. He was very tall and lean, but had a strong build with a hint of a country accent. Gorgeous.
"Oh, no I don't mind," I smiled and then looked back out the window. Of course. That's why he sat by me, because there were no seats left. All right Erica get ready for the awkward silence, I told myself. I was no match for him. I dyed my hair a fiery red that is straight and past my shoulders. I wear my hair with a perfect poof at the top. My eyes are a gray but my eyelashes are full and long. I have an oval-shaped face but with medium full lips. Today I wore some gray skinny jeans and a colorful t-shirt with my jacket half zipped. The jacket is piano keys. Yep! I don't think he'll talk to me. He cleared his throat.
"My name is Josh," he said. "I'm new."
I turn towards him as he holds out his hand. That explains why he's talking to me now. "Oh that's cool. My name is Eric," I say without acknowledging his outstretched hand.
"So do you think you could show me around the school since I'm new?" he asked. His eyes were full of light.
I was surprised, thinking they would be full of dread or despair at having to talk to me.
I then noticed everyones eyes were on us. They stared at us as if we had shot a gun and told them we were going to jump them. Maybe hijack this bus or something. Is it really that shocking that someone's talking to me? Well, yeah I guess.
"Uh, yeah sure. Hmph," I smiled. Looks like somebody might finally like me. At least for a little bit anyway. Once he hears the rumors about me and sees how I act he's probably going to back off.
"Something wrong?" he asked. He looked worried like it was him or something.
"What? Oh no I just-" I stopped in mid-sentence and turned to look at the people who were staring our way. I then said very loudly, "There's just a bunch of nosy people on this bus!" I snapped. I turned back to Josh so I could finish telling him what I was going to say and saw that he was trying not to laugh.
"What?" I asked trying not to smile.
"Oh, nothing," he straightend his face to a more serious expression. "You were saying?"
I looked at him in disbelief. He still wants to hear me explain? And was he laughing at what I said? Alright, bring out the cameras. I recovered from my shock and then answered, "I just meant I'm surprised your talking to me." I sighed. Yeah a great thing to say.
"What do you mean?" he asked, obviously confused by my explanation.
"I don't know. Most people just don't talk to me. That's all," I said. Then I looked away to let this conversation drop. He seemed to get the point and we just sat there, waiting for the bus to get to school.
We got off the bus and I led him into the entrance then stopped. Ah, good old school. Don't want to be here today. I let everyone pass us since I would be helping him. No telling how long it would take. As we waited for everyone to pass us by, Josh gave me his schedule so I knew what classes he had. I scanned over it. Amazing. He had almost every single class I was in. The only one he wasn't in with me was social studies. Crazy.
"Okay so your first period is with me and that's French class. Let's go," I said.
Chapter 2
We walked through the halls and I stopped him right outside of the door. "Okay this is Mrs. Crascier. She's really sweet and teaches French really good."
Josh nodded and smiled. We entered the room and saw that almost everyone was in the classroom. Mrs. Crascier was writing some French words on the board. I took at seat as Josh went up to the teacher to ask where to sit. I looked around to see his choices. Let's see, there was one by me, and one behind me. Wow. I smiled, not that big of a surprise. Then my smile faded as I realized that he'd get to know me better, and when he did he probably wouldn't like me. Josh came over to the seat in front of me.
He turned around, then smiled and nodded in my direction, "Hello again."
I couldn't help giggling. At the sound of me doing so, heads turned our way. Big eyes darted back and forth between Josh and I. I could practically hear what these kids were thinking. "The new kid made Erica actually laugh. Weird...."
I stifled the rest of my giggle and looked down at my desk and started to draw on it. When I finished drawing I looked up to find Josh scanning over all my drawings on my desk I had made that year. He pointed at a particular drawing that was my favorite. It was a drawing of an eye. I had the iris just in rainbow colors and the eyelashes an intense black, in sharpie of course. The teacher got so used to me drawing on the desk that she didnt even stop me anymore. She said as long as I didn't draw anything profane or vulgour, she didn't care.
"I like that one," he pointed to the eye with a tear on the side. "It's different. An unusual thing to draw. Tell me about it. I'm curious," he looked at me waiting for an explanation.
I hesitated. This drawing kind of represented my whole life. Am I really going to tell someone who I just met on the first day, and a guy, all about what it means to me? Well I guess I could try, but if I see one sign of boredom or anything I'm shutting up.
I took a breath and then started, "This one's my favorite."
"Why?" he asked. He had a curious gleam in his eyes.
I was expecting this question so I said, "Well, it kind of feels like it represents my life, to me at least. Um, it's funny how this little symbol feels like it's part of my life. I guess it kind of gives me hope? That things will get better. See the tear on the side?" I pointed. He looked and nodded. So far so good..."It means that I've had a hard life, but I'm hoping it'll get better. The iris is different colors along with the neautral eyshadow. I like that because my world feels gray and dull right now, but I know that somewhere there's a life full of color. When everything maybe starts to get better, I think it will feel colorful and happy. This eye tells my whole story." I always hated thinking, especially talking, about this. I would always get teary. I turned away and quickly wiped the tear. Okay all good. I turned to Josh to see if I could read his expression. He looked right into my eyes.
"If you don't mind my asking, what do you mean you 'hope your life will get better?' What's wrong with your life?" he asked.
Wow. Bold one isn't he. No, no don't hold back Josh. "Well, my dad left my mom when he found out she was pregnant with me. He's selfish. Can you believe that, after he leaves my mom when he finds out she's pregnant, he tries to contact me years after? I mean-" I stopped. I was getting too carried away. I lowered my voice, "I mean nothing's the same anymore. As soon as I got old enough to understand what happened my mom stopped putting on a happy face for me. Now she mopes around all the time and sometimes sleeps till noon. I do all of the housework around there and put up with her crap at the same time. It's just hard to deal with, that's all. I don't even have anyone to talk about it with, except for you now, though. Listen I'm really sorry, this kind of got carried away."
"How old are you?" he asked.
Well I wasn't expecting that question at all. "I'm fifteen. You?"
"Sixteen," he said looking into my eyes, like he was trying to figure me out.
"Why didn't you take your car instead of the bus to school?"
"I'm repairing it. My truck is crap," since I didn't know what else to do, I just sat there nodding, grateful that he took the subject change.
He looked down and then back up. I'm pretty sure he didn't know he was batting his eyelashes. Talk about being starstruck. "You're different."
Oh great, he was going to back off sooner than I thought. He could probably tell that I was hurt and he said, "I mean in a good way. I like your perspectives; not like other people."
"Oh, well then thanks I guess..."
He nodded. "Do you wanna hang out sometime? Like maybe tonight?"
My mouth opened but nothing came out. Did this unbelievebly hot guy just ask me, the creepy girl, to "hang out" with him? A guy that I just met? And he expects me to agree?...Okay.
"Yes. Yeah that'd be great!" I smiled a little and he smiled back.
"Cool. Where do you want to meet?"
I looked down at my desk and back up at him. "Anywhere but my house," I smiled and he just looked at me.
"Okay, how about my house?"
I nodded and he turned around just as class was starting. My throat kept on threatening to close, so I sat there swallowing and hyperventaling.

Chapter 3
That night I was going to go over to Josh's house for dinner. I wouldn't call it a date or anything, but my mom sure did. She got all weirded out when I asked her if I could go.
"Hey mom."
"What do you want?" she asked. Her voice full of bitterness and hatred. I scowled.
"I just want to know if maybe I could go over to Josh's house at around five? He invited me over for dinner."
She looked at me and just stared. Then she started laughing. Not really laughing, more like cackling. Was it something I said?
"Wait, are you sure this Josh guy isn't a girl? What guy would ask you to go and eat dinner with him?"
I looked at my mom shocked and didn't say a word.
"Don't get me wrong baby girl, it's just that I know your not the most popular or prettiest girl around...." she trailed of and studied me. Slowly I turned around to go to my room.
Before I left, I said one thing, "I know you don't love me. That's okay though. I love you because you're still my mom, but I'm going. Things change mom, learn to except that." I trampled up the stairs hiding my tears, but before closing my door I looked back at her. I know she most likely won't remember this by tomorrow and that gave me more confidence to say that.
Her hand was over her mouth and her dark brown hair was in a tight bun. Lines creased her eyes with stress but her face was still young. Her pink lips were thin, but in a way, full. She was beautiful, but not when she acted like a....Well it rhymes with witch. I wasn't sorry for what I said to her. It was true. So with that, I slammed my door shut and started to get ready.

Chapter 4
Surprisingly, my mom actually offered to drive me over even though it was only a couple of blocks. I said yes and we hopped in the car. While in the car, the radio was turned down low and my mom hadn't said one word the whole ride over to Josh's house. Once we stopped by his driveway, I stalled a bit. I was nervous. So I unbuckled my seatbelt and smoothed out my hair, raking my fingers through my bangs. Then I twisted my hair a bit for some volume. I then smoothed out my red shirt to match my hair. The shirt cut off at the stomach, so I added a black undershirt. It was the nicest t-shirt I could find. I brushed some lint off my grey skinny jeans and looked at my lime green Converse. Hopefully his parents would approve of me.
Wait, this wasn't a date though. Just a one time thing, then it's over. Yeah, okay so nothing to worry about.
I looked at my mom. Her eyes were on the road ahead, just waiting for me to get out so she could leave. I opened the door and jumped out for her. No more stalling now. I grabbed the handle to shut the door, but her voice stopped me from doing so.
"I do love you, you know," she said. Her voice was for once, absolutely serious. And steady.
Slowly I turned to look at her. Her eyes were still on the road, but I knew she was waiting for me to do something. I knew my face betrayed nothing, but inside I was completely shocked. I couldn't comprehend what she had just said....What?
Not saying a word, I shut the door. She zoomed off and I was left standing there, trying to absorb the curveball she threw at me. Finally I worked up the nerve to move. I walked up to the door and knocked.
Josh opens the door to reveal an impressive house. It has red walls and seems very cozy feeling. Josh welcomed me in and commented on my outfit, "Very nice outfit." I could tell he was trying to make me feel more comfortable and I tried to gladly accept it.
"This was the nicest shirt I could find. I'm sorry," I smiled hoping that I was dressed okay.
"Trust me, my parents wouldn't care at all and besides you look great."
Thankful that I passed inspection, we went to the dinner table where he introduced me to his mom and dad. "Mom, Dad, this is Erica," he swung his hand towards me and I waved.
"Hi," I said. His mom smiled.
"Well aren't you a doll. Hello there. My name's Samantha. Glad you could make it for dinner," she was gorgeous. She had chestnut hair and an elegant figure. Instead of green eyes like her son, she had gorgeous, piercing light-blue eyes that were soft and filled with laughter. She was the kind of person that you loved immediatly.
"And my name is Richard. It's good to meet ya," he stuck his hand out and I shook it. His voice boomed around the house and the combination of Josh's parents was almost comical. His mom, small and skinny in stature compared to his stocky, big in stature father.
I smiled, and I could feel it was a real genuine smile. "It's really great to meet both of you. Thank you so much for letting me come."
They both smiled again and we all sat down for dinner. This is the first time I notice all the food and how hungry I sm. There was mashed patatoes, green beans, corn, chicken, salad, steak, and so much more. It was enough to feed an enitire army. This is amazing.
For the first time in my life, I felt like I actually belonged. His parents gladly welcomed me into his family and were the kindest they could ever be. I could tell that his mom and dad were very, very close. They loved each other so. I didn't even hear them argue once!
Josh had a very close relationship with his parents as well. He didn't have any siblings though. This was the kind of family I wanted. A close, and happy one.
We laughed and talked all through dinner and once we were done, I thanked them and even offered to help them clean up a little- not being a suck-up but out of gratitude and because they gave me everything I ever wanted in my whole life. To feel loved and be part of a family.
When I offered they said no and I thanked them a million times for everything. Josh came up to me and asked, "You want to go for a walk?"
"Hey mom! Erica and I are going for a walk."
His mom turned around from washing the dishes. "Okay then. Erica if you need a ride home, Josh will have no problem taking you home, okay?" I wonder if Josh told them about my home life.
I nodded and thanked her once again for everything. "You fixed your truck?" Josh led me out the door and we started to walk down the sidewalk.
He nodded. "Finally."
He lived at the very end of a cul-de-sac. Beyond the cul-de-sac was a grassy field and some woods. In the woods there was a trail, and that's where he took me. I didn't know what to think because woods kind of creep me out, but for some reason, I feel safe with him.
We walk in the cool, crisp air for a while in silence. He finally speaks up.
"I had a great time tonight. I'm glad you came. My parents really like you I can tell."
I looked at him. His head was down watching the trail as he walked and the moon was casting it's lunar beams down on us. The beams made his skin look flawless, iridescent. His eyes were beyond ravishing when he looked up to meet my gaze. I studied his jaw line, hard and masculine. Breaking my gaze away from his, I asked him a question.
"How do you know they liked me?"
He seemed to ponder this for just a moment and then said, "Well for one, they laughed a lot more when you were here," then sarcastically he added, "Oh and the fact that when you were cleaning up the table and we were in the kitchen my mom pulled me aside and said, 'I like that girl.'"
I laughed. "Okay then. Well, thank you so much for inviting me over. I had a really great time and your parents are amazing."
"Well thank you," he smiled. He rubbed his chin and then looked up at the moon. I looked at him again, his long neck and shaggy brown hair. Oh goodness, please don't tell me I'm falling for this guy. Please no. I just keep waiting for him to actually look at me and realize who I am, to run away.
"So you had a good time?"
"Are you kidding? I had the best time I've ever had. I got to feel like I was in a family!" I blurted that out before I could stop myself. I quickly looked down.
He stayed silent, looking back at the trail like I did. We kept walking on until the woods ended into the big, open field. We walked towards a lone tree. Just out in the open, so lonely. I decided that I loved that tree.
We got to the tree and sat down side by side with our backs against the wide tree trunk. We watched the grass billowing in the breeze. I looked at Josh playing with some grass in his hands. He had on his Levi jeans and a long, faded blue fitted shirt with the sleeves pushed up to his elbows. The fitted shirt definitely fitted him, very, very well. I had to stop myself. I barely just met this guy. I can't have my heart broken if I fall for him. I can't. I have enough crap to deal with at school.
I leaned my head back against the tree trunk and closed my eyes. Listining to the whispers of the wind and the billows of the grass. Letting the moonlight drench me. It was silent, but not so much as an awkward silence. It was a soothing, comfortable silence. Like our bodies and presences were getting to know each other. I'm glad we came out here. Especially with him, he helped me get away from hard things. He made me laugh and helped my mind ease. I am so thankful I met him.
After a bit I opened my eyes. I looked over at him to find him already looking at me. My breathing stopped and my heart hammered chaotically in my chest. I couldn't tear my eyes away from his, and right then, I knew I had fallen for him. I am so screwed.
Yet I couldn't help myself. He was utterly irresistible. Suddenly, he started to lean over. My eyes instantly closed and I felt the pressure of his sweet lips on mine. The scent of his sweet breath washed over me. His soft, full lips against mine. I never realized how much I had wanted this until now. I let myself fall completely headfirst, for him.
After a bit, we pulled away but kept our foreheads touching. He grabbed my hand.
"I've been wanting to do that since I first saw you," he batted his long eyelashes again, making me hold my breath.
I pulled my forehead away. "Why me?" I asked.
"What do you mean 'why you?'" he looked sincerely confused.
"Surely you've heard things about me at school."
He hesitated. He looked down at the grass and suddenly I got angry.
"Answer me! It's fine if you think they're true! Like I care, I've never cared before have I?" He opened his mouth to answer but I answered myself, "No!"
I whipped my hand away from his and turned away. I knew he heard the rumors. He would believe them like everyone else.
I felt his hand touch my back. "I never said I believed them. I'm not like them. Hey, look at me."
Slowly, I turned towards him and he swiped at a tear I didn't even know I had shed. He took my hand again. "I heard only some of the rumors but I know they're not true."
"Why me, though? Why me the freak? The one who has so many rumors circulating about them?" I asked. It's just unbelievable that such a glorious person could like me.
"Why you? Well for one, I wanted to get to know you. Even when I heard the rumors, because you know people. They'll just judge if they see something they don't like. Two, your gorgeous. I love that you're gorgeous and you don't even know it. Three, you're smart, funny, and as sweet as can be. I'm glad I got to know you.
"I know for sure that you're not a slut, you've never gotten pregnant, you don't smoke meth, and you've never gone to jail. I don't know why these people make up this crap but they obviously can't see what's underneath the outside of you. You're beautiful on the inside too."
I knew that he was being nice because there are much worse rumors than that. Still though, I almost dropped dead right there. He just called me gorgeous AND beautiful! Oh man, oh man. I've never heard anyone deny the rumors. Ever. They always choose to believe that it's true and go with the flow. I couldn't say anything, just stare into his eyes. The eyes I could never forget now.
"So, you need a ride home?"
I smiled. Yes. Yes I needed a ride home.
Chapter 5
I got home at nine and practically floated to my room. My mom was already asleep and surely wouldn't care that I was home or not. Then again her words that she haad said to me earlier, 'I do love you, you know,' were stuck in my head. Making me have second thoughts about her not caring about me. Maybe she did after all.
I shook my head, clearing everything so I could focus on what had happened this night. I touched my lips, imagining the pressure of his against mine. It felt wonderful. My first kiss ever, age fifteen.
I suddenly felt this wave of laughter come over me and I had to use a pillow to stifle the rest of the laughs. I didn't want to wake my mom.
Finally after the longest time of pondering that night, I fell asleep. The most peaceful and beautiful sleep I'd ever had.


I woke up the next day, completely ready to go to school. Crazy excited. It was friday and I was ready for the weekend, as well as Josh.
After breakfast, I put on a black shirt with the band "My Chemical Romance" on it and then my piano jacket. Then I put on my best jeans and fixed my hair down again. This time I scrunched it just right, so it had a hint of wave to it.
I had thirty minutes to play piano. This is my best time yet!
I raced out of my room and across the hall towards the piano room. Downstairs my mom called out to me.
"Stop running around up there. This house isn't exactly "up to date" you know."
I didn't respond to her. I usually hate anything that comes out of her mouth.
I open the door to the piano room and see the glorious, most magnificent piano there. My black, grand piano. Slowly I walked towards it. My most prized possession. I run my fingers over the black and white keys. The morning light danced through the two windows, which were side by side. I sat down on the bench. I loved what came next.
The gorgeous sounds it made were incredible when they echoed in this empty room. Nothing but the piano, me, and a bookcase. My hands started to move. I played my favorite song, "Nuvole Bianche" by Ludovico Enaudi. I closed my eyes as my hands took control and I went to my special place. The sounds echoed grandly throughout the whole room and, I could tell, the house.
When that song came to and end, I played my next favorite song. "Sur le Fil" by Yann Tiersen. Just simply beautiful. It ended and I looked at my watch. Oh gosh, I really hope I didn't miss this bus!
I ran downstairs, even though I was told not to run, and saw that my bus was waiting for all the kids to load on the bus stop. I heard my mom cackle on the couch, "Oh yeah, your bus is here."
I was furious but I wouldn't let it show. "Thank you mom. I'm going to go now. I love you even though you don't love me." I just knew that would bug her. She didn't want me to think that she hated me, I knew that now, because she actually doesn't. I smiled to myself but that was quickly gone when I heard a frustrated small scream come from her. I stopped in mid-step and looked back at her.
Oh she wants to argue about this huh? Alright. "Mom, no, you haven't. Ever since I got old enough to handle the truth you mope around all day and when you're not moping you're either drinking or sleeping. You think that's a good mom? Do you ever clean? NO! I do all the cleaning! Do you cook me dinner? NO! Do you help me with my problems? NO! You call me ugly and make fun of me just like the kids at school! You're mean to me just like them! Sometimes, I have to force myself to make myself love you because sometimes you just make it so impossible. You should see Josh's mom! She loves me and took care of me and she is always smiling and full of heart! She's beautiful on the inside and out because she actually has a heart and knows how to use it! You're never like that! You hurt me everyday and don't even care!" I am breathing hard after this rant, finally getting only half of the things I had wanted to say out.
She just stares at me. Then, the only thing she says is, "No one ever said you had to clean the house."
I scoff. Unbelievable. "Well, I guess I won't be cleaning the house anymore."
I turn but my bus is gone and I remember that Josh's truck is fixed. Praying that he hasn't left, I walk outside and call him for a lift.
We talked all the way until we got to school, Josh and I. We walked slowly down the long pathway towards the cage with teenagers overtaking it. Even though we had the same class together, we wanted as much time close to each other as we could. Huh, so I guess you could call us a thing now. Yeah, I like that.
Then I look up to see a jock - school quarterback - walking up to us. Brian, is his name and he's the biggest jerk I believe to exist on this earth. If all the jerks in the world battled to be the the Alpha Jerk, Brian would certaintly win.
"Aye, new kid. Whatcha doin' talking to that freak? Shoudln't be home in the kitchen? She's no fun. Why don't you hang out with us some time. Just forget about her. I got some hot chicks over here that are dying to check you out if you know what I mean," he did this cocky smile and elbowed Josh in the stomach playfully. Ugh, how I ever so despise cocky people. I looked over at the cheerleaders and some other jocks to see them waving at Josh. Oh gosh I knew this time would come.
Shockingly, Josh pulled his fist back and then sent it forward with a burst of energy. "You called my girlfriend a piece of crap. That's no way to treat a girl. She's beautiful. If only you would get to know her."
My eyes felt like they were about to pop out of my head as I took in the busted lip and a bloody nose. The jock tried to get up off the ground but was a little dazed.
"You know what?" Brian yelled, "Screw you man! We don't want you! You're nothing to us now! Screw you!"
Josh just shrugged and drapped his arm firmly around my shoulders. With that, we walked away to our classes. Leaving Brian cursing and yelling behind us, finally able to get off the ground.
We were finally out of hearing range of Brian and his foul mouth - wash it out with soap much?- when I opened my mouth to thank Josh.
"Thank you."
He just nodded and we continued on to French class.
"What's wrong?" I asked him.
"I'm pissed."
I didn't ask anymore questions. Wanting his anger to melt away, I stopped walking and locked my arms around his neck. I pressed my lips against his and he put his hands on my hips. His sweet scent washed over me. I took in a deep breath, loving every minute of it. Our lips moved together perfectly, just like it was meant to be.
No one was in the hall. Or so I thought until some teacher yelled at us.
"Hey! No PDA in the halls!"
We let go of each other and I rolled my eyes. He laughed and I could tell he was in a much better mood than before. Still, I yearned for more of his lips. The way he kissed softly, but intensly. So passionatly it made my knees weak.
The teacher stood there for a moment more, watching us to make sure we didn't show anymore PDA and then left. We finally made it to French class.

Chapter 6
Well school was about as boring as staring at my big toe. It passed as slowly as ever. Finally! After eight full hours, I was able to really hang out with Josh.


Publication Date: 02-25-2012

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