
The codes
Written by Aliyo Momot
for hood vision.



The Hospital
A Hallucination & a Recall
An Observation
More Surprises!!
Amos set to work
The Belief and the Evidences
The Clone World Secrecy and Their Plot
Back from the Flashback
The Escape, a Miracle, a Confusion Again
The Advanced Clone World & the Research Documents
Amos Meets His Real Wife, Jennifer
The War - A dream?
Faith Builds Further, Life Goes On
Thought of God, A Happy Ending

. The Hospital

He looked up the bill board and all he could see was codes ........and There were letterings coming down the bill board. He adjusted his lens, but all that came out was still codes. He had looked down on his feet and there were the weared flips he had collected from the hospital. As he walked along, he had noticed a lot of people watching him. He tried taking a look at himself on the adjcent tainted mirror just opposite him. He came closer and got the shock of his life, he couldn’t really see his face and all he had seen was just a dried skeleton with blood dripping out. He was scared and had wanted to shout, but he held his cool. Then he took a look again and gradually he could see his face but with the dracular teeth. He turned around and found a group of kids laughing at him. He tried communicating with his hands but Gosh! what was wrong, they had continued laughing all the more.

As he slowly turned to the other side, he saw a car slowly coming towards him. He was frightened and immediately started to run, but after running some meters, he realised that he wasn’t being chased and he was broken with no strength anymore. He had heard the nurse talking of giving him more doses and he still felt lots of the effect.

Amos had been in the hospital for four years as he had been diagnosed with severe injuries in his brain caused by an accident. This had paralysed some parts of his body and had finally brought him mental sickness. The first year was quite challenging in the hospital. He was really sick and was not stability. He had walked for two years with crotches and this had been very difficult.

He tried to search through his memory, like trying to remember about his family, but it was difficult to regain those memories. He could only remember the scenes in the hospital. He took a step forward and everything was looking red before him. His sight was now getting darkened, as he stretched his hands trying to get hold of a pole by the side but couldn’t. He slowly fell by the pole, but could still hear everything at the back in his enviroment. He had heard a man telling them to call the ambulance. There was this jerk on him as he heard of the hospital, he knew he had to get up and leave immediately, but he was just too tired and weak to get back on his feet again.

Then within no time, there came the ambulance and it was like hell coming closer to him. He tried lifting one of his hands and waving, he cried out, telling them he didn’t want to go back to the hospital. It was too late, the ambulance personnel were already talking and then he once again drifted out of his consciousness slowly. Somewhere barely he could hear the personels as they discussed while the alarm blared on. He tried opening his eyes, but it felt heavy and couldn’t open nomore. He tried hard and opened his eyes a little but there was this little purplish light he could see which made him realise that he had been surrounded. The personnel asked if he was now okay and he had said he was fine. At this time, they were closer to the hospital and this was the university clinic where he was for some years. He looked into the eyes of one of the personnel and told him he hates the clinic. The personel was like wondering why he was saying that and he knew he had seen him in the psychiatrics before. He knew that they had really been good to him and while he was with strange behaviour and detesting the clinic. The personel looked at him and asked where he was from but he had refused to answer...only to shout it out after some minutes.....He was from India.

As they rolled him on, the thoughts of the hospital was still very fresh in his mind and flashing before his eyes. The serial medication and the call for injection made him panic. He took a breath and looked further and then knew he was being carried right back to the psychiatrics. He cried out loud but there was no response. He tried shouting, but he was kept in a strait jacket. He just kept crying and all the doctors and nurses were just laughing at him as he was being rolled into the clinic. He knew that it would be very serious this time around. His escape from the hospital had been really spectacular. He had woken up in the mid of the night and had slipped out of his room. He was so heavy because he was on his regular medications. He had gone straight to the security desk and the security personnel was asleep because of which he could collect the keys and slip out of the ward and the hospital eventually.

Amos cried as the nursing sister poured some medication in a fluid form into him. He knew that he will be that weak through the day. He did feel he was being used as a guinea pig for some of their medications and he knew how difficult it was to stay with the medications most of the times. As he gradually drifted to deep sleep with the medicine effect, he slowly shut his eyes tight and was asleep.

There were cables coiled all around him, shocking him as he woke up. He tried to get up, but was strapped to his bed. He pulled a little bit, but was dragging him self closer to the edge of the bed. He knew that a little movement will definitely pull the bed down. He looked at all the cables rattling around him. He tried to search for the starting point of the cables and as he looked further he saw that the cables were connected to his head. Now every little movement brought a different intonation in the pulse from his brain. He tried to concentrate but it was difficult, his nerve was like playing rhythm all over his body. He knew immediately he had to stop and let the machines work well. He was a little scared of what was being done to his brain and he wanted an explaination. He tried looking for the nurse downstairs but it was far from him.

. A Hallucination & a Recall

He closed his eyes again but there was this nerve pumping him back to activities. He was shaking but he could really control it and he knew that the nerve was taking control of him slowly. He had felt this once in the hospital, and had promised himself not to ever take the medication that was responsible for that. He had told the doctors about it and they had earlier promised him that they wouldn’t administer this medication for him again. He knew now that he was being punished and he looked up at the ceiling. There were codes all over the ceiling and they looked like they would drop down on him any moment. It was really difficult for him to describe this situation for himself. It was the rains of letter coming down straight at him his bed. He took a close look and it was as if the words were saying.......................
You will die soon.....We own you and you belong to us..........Are you scared? ......this is just the beginning......You are like our candy and we are happy to have you in our mouth.....hahhahhahahhhahhha

He was little bit scared as he had just heard a laughter. He tried crying but he then realised that he could neither really cry nor scream because he had a tube in his mouth. He had wondered what this tube was doing in his mouth. He reached for the lower edge of the tube and it was connected to a fluid pack. All confused, he suddenly saw a nurse opening the door and he quickly waved with his hand to ask what was happening. The nurse told him that he was placed on fluid because of his inability to co-ordinate his mouth properly to take his normal meal. She had told him that some hours back, while he was asleep there were salivas dropping from his mouth. He looked at her with hysteric thought on his mind wondering how and when it had all happened to him. He knew deep inside that the drugs might be responsible for it. He looked as the nurse walked out and was somewhat in pain that was going althrough him. He knew that it was better for him to die than stay in this pain, but the inner mind kept telling him, hold on!. He knew that this beautiful voice was from the Lord.

Don’t be afraid......We are with you .......Your End will be glorious and you will experience the total bliss when you have finished your work on earth.....You still have got a lot of work on earth......Be strong and be courageous.......

He had been cold inside as he had had all those letters raining on him previously. Now there were blessings in the words raining on him. He took a deep breath and looked at the transparent window by his side. There was someone he had seen before, a lady dressed in pink, he tried taking a look at her but her face seemed pigmented and odd..... He looked as she walked in, then there was this odd, scary scene that took him into deep depression. The face of the lady was peeling allover and as he looked at her, there was blood oozing from her mouth right onto the floor.

Amos, at this sight was so freighten that he was unable to even mutter a word. He just stared at her horrified and then to his dismay, she started getting closer. Then all of a sudden, there were terrible wombs coming from her mouth. He screamed, but couldn’t really scream. He reached for his sheets under him and tried to pull them up to cover himself up but he saw that the sheets were all blood-soaked. Now there was something like the raining of blood from the sheets. He dropped it immediately and closed his eyes. Very scared inside, he tried looking ahead and there was a gradual shift now as there seemed letters pouring on the face of that woman. He tried looking at the letters and there were like purple and pink rains. At this time the face of the lady became clear and now knew that she was none other than his wife......

He noticed something for the first time. He hadn’t really seen her for years now. He had just noticed her face. He had always seen a lady who had told him that she was his wife. She had really persuaded him, but he had kind of felt that she wasn’t really his wife. He looked at her and there was that old smile from her, which really wasn’t the same as that of his wife. Despite they looking the same, they had kind of different smiles. He had always thought of how he was being used and his future being destroyed because of his job with the national stem growth society. He did remember how it all had started.

He remembered when he was called into the office of the boss of the stem growth society and told that his reasearch had been accepted and there was now the bright possibility of cloning. They all had taken champagne and had given a toast. This became the beginning of his nighmares. The government had written to him in some days to submit all the information he had to the federal police and that he is suspected of selling his research to a foreign body. He had called his boss immediately, but he had kept himself out.

In a few days from then, there was police at his house early, at about 5.00 o’clock in the morning. They took him while still in his pyjamas and took him out. He had asked his wife to talk to the lawyer about it, but he remembered how he stayed for years without a lawyer.
He was carried to a very undisclosed location somewhere on the outskirts of the city. It was like a hospital and all he had seen there, were men dressed in White. Immediately he had known that it was a private stem cell institute. He could smell the stems and he knew they needed some informations. He knew that his cloning theory wasn’t really for cloning humans but for human organs and cells for curing cancers and other stem related sickness.

As he looked around, he could tell that this institute was for something different, because so were the stiff faces he saw around told him. He could tell they were not really happy about their jobs. He took a look as he walked on and he saw the face of a prominent biologist that was proclaimed dead some months ago. He had wanted to call his name but the biologist had walked away with his face turned against him. He tried looking backward but he couldn’t because of the strait jacket they had made him wear. They quickly took him into an office that really looked very different from the office he had seen in all his life. There was this one man he saw dressed in white that was difficult to seperate from his desk which was all white again. He smiled and waved him to sit down and told them to take the strait jacket off him. He then offered his hand and told him that he was there because of research on the stem cells. He informed him that the country did require them to start the human cloning and that it was an instruction by higher government authorities in terms of war or for some kind of instability aftermath. He had then told him that all of the scientists there, were either proclaimed sick to the public or dead and so that it kept them a 100 percent commited to the project.....

He had just nodded his head for every statement and everything the officer had said, as he knew that a refuse could kill him. He had promised himself from the onset of his research, not to include human cloning in it. Deep inside he had known there was just no way of escape, and he needed to compromise or lose all. He had seen such things in movies, but it was reality before him now. As they were taking him to his room, he had seen lots of people walking around with the same face and he had immediately known that they had started cloning. This was really bleeding in his heart, knowing that mankind is heading towards destruction. He had heard of the war of clones and had known from reports that some countries were planning to get millions of clones for the purpose of war......
His room was white all around. There was this picture on the wall that confused him and it was the picture of his mother. He was shocked and wondered how it got there. He looked to the right, there was also the picture of his wife.......He sat on the couch and felt kind of dizzy but suddenly noticed that it was a water couch and then he knew he was in the future of research.

His eyes caught a fruit bag kept on the table before him. The fruits looked quite real and good, but he was afraid to eat it. As he walked closer to take a look at the fruits, he noticed something very strange as the fruits were oozing out a bloody content. He reached out his hands to touch them, but suddenly the fruits started withering and then there was this kind of strayed light flashing althrough the appartment. He immediately tried to run out, but then came his favorite lovely classical song from Beethoven. As he looked around to see where the music was coming from, there was this disco kind of beamed light moving to the progression of the classical rhythm and then followed by a very hard drum and bass music that might have been produced in hell. The drums were all sounding evil and the bass moving according to his heart and then was a mix of both the classical and the drum and bass sound.

Amos knew that Drums and bass wasn’t his kind of music. When young he had liked some drum and bass and had some of them in his collections. As he tried to cover his ears with his hands, there was a burst of sound to make feel as if the room was bombed and then again a slow drum and bass with rhythm, mixed with bethoven which was really good. He then, decided to sit and listen to the music, but was really afraid of the couch.
As he continued listening to the sound, he knew that this sound was perfect and was really like from heaven. He suddenly again looked ahead and there were rains of words coming on the couch that stood out and they were.......
Drum and Bass from heaven..............get into the groove..........Relax

As he listened to the music, he had decided to try sitting on the couch and slowly sat down...... there was this floating feeling again this time but he wasn’t feeling dizzy. He sat down and was just about begining to relax when he started feeling painful cramps on his arm. As Amos looked down at his arm, he noticed a red little spot that proved he had been injected. Now he knew of all that was happening .....They had injected him and had made him unconscious.

He looked at the glass on the table and it was like dancing to the drum and bass. He looked left and saw a small kitchen at the far end of the little passage. He knew his hunger was growing and needed to find some food. As he had walked slowing towards the kitchen and gotten closer, everything had gotten clearer and better. He had opened the refridgerator and found there lots of food and fruits. The thought of getting poisoned was piercing his heart, but the demand of his hungry state was more powerfully dragging. He pulled the bannana out which was really cold and as he tasted it, there came an unquenchable thirst. So he rushed for the water in the refridgerator, opened a bottle and drank quickly from it which was all tasting vanilla, but it had helped.
All of a sudden, as if someone had read his mind, there came a beep from his door and a monitor fixed above his door displayed a picture of a guy standing outside. He could see that the man standing outside was holding some food and water in his hand. Amos quickly opened the door and let him in....Ahh!!! now he could see some food...some cooked food. He had started eating greedily, immediately after the man had left. The food had tasted so good, it was more a spanish meal and he could tell that it tasted like Paella.

As he was eating, all of a sudden the Television started working. The programmes were quite different from what he had been watching before and the names of the channels were also different. There was a channel about the human psychology that he tried going over to but was just there repeating. He tried switching off the television with the remote, but it was too difficult. He looked ahead through the transparent window, all he saw was white everywhere. He was lost wondering about it but then the noise of the television jerked him back.

Sometime later, when he saw through the window again, it was getting dark and he must have felt a little sleepy as he was dazed and tired, but just then heard a second beep. This time, it was his wife looking to come in. Actually this lady kind of looked like his wife but he could tell she wasn’t really her. He had in fact, noticed


Publisher: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Text: Aliyo Momot
Images: Aliyo Momot
Editing: aliyo momot
Translation: aliyo momot
Publication Date: 02-13-2013
ISBN: 978-3-7309-1117-4

All Rights Reserved

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